Spring - Guide to Georgia


Spring - Guide to Georgia
Fairs & Festivals
Spring 2012
Beautiful Blue Ridge, Georgia
Volume 52
Number 1
March/April/May 2012
Metro Atlanta Events . . . . . . . . .4-7
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-10
Memorial Day Weekend Events . .11
Entertainment Venues . . . . . .12-13
Theatre Directory . . . . . . . . . .14-15
Georgia Events . . . . . . . . . . . .16-28
Garden & Nature Events . . . . .29-30
he Dawn of a New Day, shown on the
cover, is an original oil painting by
Marsha Savage. The painting shows the
Aska Road area in Blue Ridge, Georgia.
This painting hangs in the office of the
Georgia Speaker of the House, David
Ralston. Marsha Savage paints mostly landscapes, using pastels, oils, and acrylics. The
inspiration for her art, she says, comes from
a love of nature and outdoor activity. She
enjoys plein air painting and also teaches
classes and workshops. Marsha’s art can be
seen at Wrapsody in Blue and the Blue
Ridge Mountains Art Assn. in Blue Ridge,
the Frameworks Gallery in Marietta, and at
www.marshasavage.com. E-mail Marsha at
[email protected] or phone 770926-3623. See the Blue Ridge article on
page 11 and the ad on page 31.
The GUIDE TO GEORGIA, founded in 1960, is the
premiere publication for information on activities and
entertainment in Georgia. Four issues are published each
year, and the magazines are distributed in all 11 Georgia
Welcome Centers, in local visitor bureaus, in hotels, and
numerous other outlets as well as to subscribers.
Subscription is $10 per year. Contents are copyrighted and
may not be reproduced without permission.
Tues.-Sat.: 10:00am-4:30pm
Sun.-Mon.: 12:30-4:30pm
Closed: New Year's,
Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving,
and Christmas
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
GTG 2012
801 Nebula Rd., Manchester, GA 31816
Phone 706-846-2620
E-mail [email protected]
Patty Proctor . . . . . . . . .Publisher/Editor
Hayley Yawn . . . . . .Publisher’s Assistant
Debi Richardson . . . . . . .Graphics Editor
803-259-1990, [email protected]
Sandy Springs – A Diverse Place to Visit
Sandy Springs, only 15 miles north of Atlanta,
offers not only metropolitan amenities but also many
outdoor retreats and one-of-a-kind venues.
ArtSSpring in Sandy Springs will be a month-long
celebration of the arts, from April 13-May 13, featuring
art, music, drama, poetry, gardens, dining, dancing,
and more. This city-wide celebration will highlight the
talents and creative skills of residents and will be held
in the city’s galleries, schools, theatres, restaurants,
and parks. www.artsandysprings.org.
The U.S.A CRITS Finals and the Global Imports
Sandy Springs Cycling Challenge will be May 6. The Metric Century Ride will begin at 8:30am,
the CRITS Series races at 9am, and the awards presentation at 5:30pm. Paired with the bike
races, the inaugural Sandy Springs Food and Wine Classic culinary event will provide samples
of food and drinks from 30 of Sandy Springs’ fine restaurants. For information, visit www.sandy
springschallenge.org. Visitors can enjoy a special CRITS rate at one of the Sandy Springs
hotels. Call Sandy Springs Hospitality & Tourism at 770-206-1445.
On exhibit at Heritage Sandy Springs through July 25 is Convincing the Nation. Thirty
posters, historical artwork, archival material, and artifacts tell the story of the U.S. government’s
efforts to capture people’s attention during World War II as it sought public support and a cooperative home-front willing to put the needs of the nation before their own. Also of interest is the
Anne Frank Exhibit at the Parkside Shopping Center.
For information, go to www.visitsandysprings.org or call toll-free 866-511-7742. The Sandy
Springs Welcome Center is in the Parkside Shopping Center at 5920 Roswell Rd.
Snellville Days Festival
The City of Snellville will host the 39th
annual Snellville Days on Saturday, May 5, from
10am-6pm and Sunday, May 6, from 12pm-5pm.
Admission will be free.
The Snellville Days parade will start
Saturday at 9:30am in downtown Snellville.
Afterwards, head to T. W. Briscoe Park for two
fun-filled days. There will be over 200 vendors, plenty of food, and a kids’ field jam-packed with
rides and games. There will be a Community Stage with continuous entertainment all day
Saturday and Sunday. Soul Purpose will be performing on stage early in the afternoon on
Saturday and The Neons on Sunday. Wildlife
Wendy with her tropical birds and Masters of
the Chainsaw will present three shows a day
Mar. 1, Apr. 5, May 3 – First Thursday Art
for both days.
Walk, Downtown Atlanta. 404-658-1877.
For information, visit www.snellvilledays.
Mar. 2-May 25 – Martinis & IMAX, Fernbank
com or phone 770-985-3535.
Museum, Fridays, 5:30-10pm. 404-929-6300.
Mar. 8-Apr. 8 – Atlanta Fair, Turner Field.
975 West Peachtree Street at 10th Street
Mar. 16, Apr. 20, May 18 – Friday Jazz, High
Museum of Art, 5-10pm. 404-733-high.
Mar. 31-Apr. 7,14,21,28, May 5,12,19,26All-suite hotel;
31 – Lasershow, Stone Mt. Park. 770-498-5690.
Apr. 3-May 31 – Music at Noon, Centennial
Olympic Pk., Tues. & Thurs., 12-1pm. 404-223-4412.
Apr. 4-May 30 – Wednesday WindDown,
Centennial Olympic Pk., 5:30-8pm. 404-223-4412.
Apr. 14-June 3 – Georgia Renaissance
Festival, Fairburn, Sat. & Sun. 770-964-8575.
Located two blocks from I-75/85,
Apr. 19, May 17 – Alive After Five, Roswell
next to Midtown MARTA station.
Historic District. 770-640-3253.
404-876-5003 / 800-642-3629
Apr. 21-May 13 – Decorator Show House, Knollwww.regencysuites.com
wood Estate, 3351 Woodhaven Dr. 404-733-4864.
4 GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
All Spring Events
Smyrna Spring Jonquil Festival
The Spring Jonquil Festival will be held April 28-29 in
downtown Smyrna on the Village Green next to Market
Village and will feature over 175 handmade arts and crafts
booths, festival foods, and children’s activities. There will be
live music and puppet shows as well as local entertainment
on the stage in front of the library.
There will be a variety of fine arts in the Featured
Artists’ Market. Other artisans from all over the S.E. will be
selling handmade crafts, clothing, furniture, jewelry, and more. There will be festival foods; a
children’s area with inflatables, puppets, and other activities; and entertainment featuring
acoustic music throughout the event.
The Jonquil Jog, a 5K Run/Walk, will be Saturday at 8am at City Hall. There will be a Tot Trot,
Fun Run, and Fitness Walk. Registration is at 7am. Register at www.active.com.
Festival hours will be Saturday 10-6 and Sunday noon-5. Admission will be free. Take I-75 to
Exit 260; go west 3 miles; turn left onto Atlanta Road; festival will be one mile on right. For
information, call 770-434-6600 or visit www.SmyrnaCity.com.
4 – Keith & Kristyn Getty Concert,
Mountain Park First Baptist. 770-921-1452.
9-11 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta Expo
Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
10-11 – Eastman Gun & Knife Show, Cobb
Civic Center, Marietta. 229-424-4555.
10-11 – Georgia Symphony Orchestra &
Chorus, Kennesaw State Univ. 770-423-6650.
10-18 – Great American Cover-Up Quilt
Show, Bulloch Hall, Roswell. 770-992-1731.
10-25 – Phoenix Flies–Citywide Celebration of Living Landmarks. 404-688-3353.
12 – St. Patrick’s Festival, Underground
Atlanta. 404-523-2311.
17 – 130th St. Patrick’s Day Parade, downtown. 678-754-5834.
17-18 – Six Flags Over Georgia Opening
Weekend. 770-948-9290.
18 – Best of Sweet Auburn Revue, Auburn
Avenue, 4-7pm. 404-681-4667.
23-24 – Civil War Symposium, Kennesaw
State University. 678-797-2551.
23-25 – California Suite, Art Place, Marietta.
24 – New Horizon Band, Riverside Park,
Roswell, 5-7pm. 770-569-9746.
25 – Michael O’Neal Chamber Singers,
Alpharetta Presby. Church, 3pm. 770-594-7974.
27 – Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Marcus Jewish Community Center. 678-812-4005.
29 – Michael O’Neal Chamber Singers,
Peachtree Presby. Church, 7:30pm. 770-594-7974.
31 – Stone Mountain Village Bluegrass
Roots Music & Arts Festival. 770-498-2097.
31-Apr. 1 – Gun & Knife Show, Cobb Civic
Center, Marietta. 563-927-8176.
31-Apr. 1 – Caboose Days, Southeastern
Railway Museum, Duluth. 770-476-2013.
Spring Fling
(Rain or Shine)
Enjoy an evening in the Julian Knight Park with dinner
and gospel music from Southern Vision under the trees
5K Run •Kiddie Parade •Grand Parade •Fine Art
Arts & Crafts •Car & Truck Show •Photography Show
Cook-Off •Lawn Mower Races •Home Run Derby
Entertainment •Farmers’ Market •Carnival Rides
Free Admission & Parking • Family Oriented
Handicap Accessible
Info message 478-847-5301
Saturday, April 21
Largest Indoor Yard Sale in
Southeast Georgia featuring
over 100 vendors!
(912) 383-0277
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Southeastern Railway Museum in Duluth
“Georgia’s Official Transportation History Museum”
has over 90 pieces of retired railway rolling stock: trains
from the 1920’s and 1950’s including vintage steam and
diesel locomotives, passenger and private cars, WWII
troop kitchen, railway post office car, wooden freight
cars, baggage cars, cabooses, and maintenance of way
equipment. The museum is home to buses from
MARTA’s historic fleet and predecessor systems.
The railway museum is open Fridays and Saturdays 10-5 in March and Thursdays, Fridays,
and Saturdays 10-5 in April and May. With ad on page 9 one free train ride with each paid
admission. Located at 3595 Peachtree Rd. 770-476-2013. www.srmduluth.org.
Caboose Days on Mar. 31-Apr. 1 will offer temporary caboose tattoos, a caboose hunt, food,
a kids’ craft corner, and a layout by the Jr. Model RR Club. National Train Day on May 5 will mark
143 years of coast to coast service by rail.
14-15 – Alpharetta Arts Streetfest, Downtown. 678-297-6078.
1 – Chicago Symphony Orchestra Brass
14-15 – Festival on Ponce, Parks on Ponce
Quintet, Kennesaw State Univ. 770-423-6650.
de Leon Avenue. 404-845-0793.
7 – Tea with Beatrix Potter, Barrington Hall,
19-22 – Lemonade Days, Brook Run Park,
Roswell, 1-3pm. 678-639-7500.
Dunwoody. 678-244-9800.
8 – 68th Annual Easter Sunrise Service,
20-22 – Atlanta Dogwood Festival, PiedStone Mountain Park, 7am. 770-498-5690.
mont Park. 404-876-4024.
12-15 – Marietta’s Great Locomotive
20-22 – Georgia Trust Spring Ramble,
Chase Weekend, Park Square. 770-429-1115.
Roswell. 404-881-9980.
13-15 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta
20-22 – Sweetwater 420 Festival, Candler
Expo Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
Park. 404-643-1233.
13-May 13 – ArtSSpring in Sandy Springs,
20-22 – Druid Hills Home & Garden Tour
various venues. 866-511-7742.
& Artist Market. 404-525-tour.
14-15 – Acworth Art Festival. 800-451-3480.
21-22 – Big Shanty Festival, Downtown
Kennesaw. 770-424-8274.
26-29 – Frontier Days – Georgia Between
the Wars, Stone Mountain Park. 770-498-5690.
27-29 – Inman Park Festival & Tour of
Homes. 404-577-4212.
28-29 – Spring Jonquil Festival, Village
Green, Smyrna. 770-434-6600.
29 – Taste of Marietta. 800-835-0445.
5 6
The fun starts at 9:30am in downtown
Snellville for our annual parade.
Following the parade come to T.W. Briscoe
Park for free admission to two days of fun
for the whole family; including
200 vendors, food, and a kids area.
There will be continuous live entertainment
both days on our Community Stage
with performances by
“Soul Purpose” and “The Neons”.
We also have
“Wildlife Wendy & Her Tropical Birds”
and the “Masters of the Chainsaw”
performing both days.
www.snellvilledays.com •770-985-3535
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Scott Antique Market in Atlanta
The Scott Antique Market at the Atlanta Expo Centers – the
world’s largest monthly indoor antique show – features two buildings stocked full of pretty much every antique imaginable. With
366,000 square feet and over 3,300 booths, it’s almost impossible
to leave without finding exactly what you’re looking for, according
to the show’s organizers. All things antique wind up at the Scott
Antique Market – antique furniture, vintage hardware, rare art,
stunning glassware, heirloom silver, incredible jewelry, and more.
The Scott Antique Market always takes place the second
weekend of every month at the Atlanta Expo Centers which straddle I-285 at Exit 55. Parking is
free; admission is $5; and a complimentary shuttle goes between both buildings.
Upcoming Spring shows will be March 9-11, April 13-15, May 11-13, and June 8-10. For a
complete list of show dates and more information on Scott Antique Markets, call 740-569-2800
or visit www.scottantiquemarket.com.
12-13 – Colors Festival of Arts, Historic
Roswell Square. 770-640-3253.
1-13 – ARTSSpring, various locations in
12-13 – Dunwoody Arts Festival, DunSandy Springs. 866-511-7742.
woody Farmhouse. 678-244-9800.
5 – Down Home Derby, North Fulton
13 – Free Concert by the Spring, Heritage
County Equestrian Venue. 770-992-4339.
Sandy Springs, 7-8:30pm. 404-851-9111.
5 – Roswell Riverside Park Concert, 7-9 p.m.
16 – Wind Down Wednesday Concert, Heri770-640-3253.
Sandy Springs, 6:30-8pm. 404-851-9111.
5 – National Train Day, Southeastern Rail19 – Jason Aldean & Luke Bryan, Aaron’s
way Museum, Duluth. 770-476-2013.
Amphitheatre at Lakewood. 404-627-9704.
5-6 – Snellville Days Festival, Briscoe Park.
5-6 – May-Retta Daze Arts & Crafts
8-10 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta Expo
Festival. 770-794-5601.
Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
6 – Michael O’Neal Singers/Let My People
Go! Roswell UMC, 3pm. 770-594-7974.
10 – Taste of Alpharetta, Downtown,
5-10pm. 678-297-6000.
11 – Open House at Sandy Springs Hospitality & Tourism Welcome Ctr. 770-206-1446.
11-13 – Scott Antique Market, Atlanta
Expo Center. 740-569-2800 or 404-361-2000.
11-13 – Sweet Auburn Springfest. 404681-4667.
The City of
April 28 & 29
Saturday, 10-6 &
Sunday, 12-5
• Arts & Crafts Festival
with over 175 booths
• Food
• Live Entertainment
• Children’s Area
and the
Jonquil City Jog
April 28th
5K Run/Walk begins 8 a.m., Saturday
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Sporting Events
War Days in Old Clinton
War Days at Old Clinton will be held May 5-6 when
re-enactors recreate the Battles of Sunshine Church
and Griswoldville during Sherman’s 1864 March to
the Sea. Tents will spring up, blue and gray soldiers
will gather, and the rattle of musketry and the thunder
of cannons will shake windows in old homes.
The McCarthy-Pope House (1809), the oldest house in Clinton, will be open for tour and furnished in the war era by the Ladies of the Confederacy. Miss Annie’s Store will display war relics
and weapons, a prize-winning exhibit of Griswold pistol parts, a finished Griswold pistol, a
Burnside carbine, and authentic Confederate currency. The Old Clinton Historic District, listed in
the National Register of Historic Places, will offer self-guided walking tours.
Saturday will conclude at 8:05pm with the 16th Ga., Co. G, Jackson Rifles, CSA conducting
a memorial service in the Old Clinton Cemetery to honor Clinton’s Confederate dead.
Gates will open at 9am. Admission will be $5/adults; $3/students 18 and under; free/kids
under 6. The Memorial Service will be free. Phone 478-986-6383 or 478-986-1123.
Battle of Resaca Reenactment in Gordon County
Smell the powder, see the smoke, and hear the thunder
of battle at the 148th Anniversary of the Battle of Resaca
on May 19-20. Relive the first major Battle of the Atlanta
Campaign, a reenactment held on 600 acres of the original
1864 battlefield. Reenactment battles will take place
Saturday and Sunday at 2pm.
Visit 1864 period Confederate and Federal military
camps complete with infantry, artillery, and cavalry. Stop by
the period civilian refugee camp, shop Sutler Row for period wares and a yard sale offering used
reenactment clothing, and listen to period music. There will be a cavalry competition, period
dance with music by the 8th Regimental Band, living history
exhibits, a ladies’ tea with guest speaker, food and beverages
for sale, a Memorial Service at the Resaca Confederate
Home Schedule
Cemetery on Saturday at 10am, and a non-denominational
church service on Sunday at 10am at the Social Tent.
Apr. 13-15 . . . . . . . .BREWERS
Resaca is 70 miles north of Atlanta. Admission is $5/adults
Apr. 16-18 . . . . . . . . . . .METS
and $2/children 12 & under. For information, visit www.georgia
Apr. 27-30 . . . . . . . . .PIRATES
division.org or phone 800May 1-3 . . . . . . . . . . .PHILLIES
887-3811 or 706-625-3200.
May 14-15 . . . . . . . . . . .REDS
For lodging info, visit www.
May 16-17 . . . . . . . .MARLINS
Home Schedules
Mar. 9 . . . . . . . . . .KNOXVILLE
Mar. 17 . . . . . . . .COLUMBUS
Apr. 12-15 . . . . .SAVANNAH
Mar. 23 . . . . . . . . .KNOXVILLE
Apr. 16-18 . . . .CHARLESTON
Apr. 24-27 . . . .KANNAPOLIS
Home Schedule
Apr. 28-30 . . .HAGERSTOWN
May 10-13 . . . . .GREENVILLE
Mar. 16 . . . . . . . . . .WIZARDS
Mar. 19 . . . . . . . . . . . .CELTICS
May 14-16 . . . . . . . . . .ROME
Mar. 9 . . . .MISS. RIVERKINGS
Mar. 21 . . . . . . . . .CAVALIERS
May 24-27 . . . . .SAVANNAH
Mar. 10 . . . . . . . . . .AUGUSTA
Mar. 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NETS
Mar. 24 . . . . . . . . . .AUGUSTA
Mar. 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JAZZ
Mar. 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . .BULLS
Mar. 30 . . . . . . . . . . . .KNICKS
Apr. 12-14 . . . .CHARLESTON
Apr. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .BOBCATS
Apr. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . .PISTONS
Apr. 16-18 . . . . .SAVANNAH
Mar. 4 . . . . . . . . . . .TRENTON
Apr. 15 . . . . . . . . . .RAPTORS
Apr. 24-27 . . .HAGERSTOWN
Mar. 10 . . . . . . . .CINCINNATI
Apr. 18 . . . . . . . . . . .PISTONS
Apr. 28-30 . . . .KANNAPOLIS
Mar. 11 . . . . . . . .GREENVILLE
Apr. 20 . . . . . . . . . . . .CELTICS
May 10-13 . . . . . . .ASHEVILLE
Mar. 14 . . . . . . . .CINCINNATI
Apr. 22 . . . . . . . . . . . .KNICKS
May 21-23 . . . . . . .AUGUSTA
Mar. 16 . . . . . . . .CINCINNATI
Apr. 24 . . . . . . .L.A. CLIPPERS
May 24-27 . . . . . . .ASHEVILLE
Mar. 17 . . . . . . . .GREENVILLE
Apr. 26 . . . . . . . .MAVERICKS
8 GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Sporting Events
National Civil War Naval Museum at Port Columbus
Explore naval operations for the North and South through displays of uniforms, artillery,
firearms, personal effects, flags, murals, a timeline exhibit, ships and ship replicas, and a battle
simulator theater. Open Tues.-Sat. 10am-4:30pm,
Sun.-Mon. 12:30-4:30pm. Closed New Year’s,
Easter Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. See
coupon in ad on page 3. 1002 Victory Drive,
Columbus. 706-327-9798. www.portcolumbus.org.
In Honor of St. Patrick’s Day, Paddy Goes to
Sea on March 17 will focus on the part played by
Irish Immigrants and Irish Americans in the Navies
of the American Civil War. Scheduled for 1-4pm,
the program will include the theatre, interpretive tour, and museum tour.
RiverBlast! on April 14-15 will include Union and Confederate sailors and marines and will
feature weapons demonstrations, cannon firings, skirmishes, reenactments, and scenes from a
sailor’s daily life. This is Port Columbus’ largest living history event and draws reenactors from
around the country.
Mar. 17 . . . . . . . . . . Chain Buster Mt. Bike Race
Ga. Int’l. Horse Pk., Conyers, 678-758-7206
Apr. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full Moon Bike Ride
Foster St. Pk., Fargo, 912-637-5274
Apr. 15. . . . . . . . . . . Best Dam Ride Ever (58M)
Thurmond Dam, Clarks Hill, 706-855-2024
Apr. 20-22 . . . . . . . BRAG Spring Tune-Up Ride
Heritage Park, Madison, 770-498-5153
Apr. 22. . . . . . . . . . . . Cross Country Mt. Biking
Ga. Int’l. Horse Park., Conyers, 352-9279
Apr. 26-29 . . Clocktower Classic Handycycling
Race, Rome, 800-444-1834
Apr. 27-28 . . . . . . Twilight Criterium & Festival
Downtown Athens, 706-549-6632
Apr. 29. . . . . . . Roswell Criterium Bicycle Race
May 5 . . . . Dirty Spokes 6hr/9hr Mt. Bike Race
Ft. Yargto, Winder, 770-867-3489
May 8 . . . . . USA CRITS Finals & Global BMW
Sandy Springs Cycling Challenge, 866-511-7742
May 20 . . . . . . Tour de Cure (10M, 66M, 103M)
Albany, 404-320-7100
Mar. 15, Apr. 14 . . . . . . . . . . .Nature Trail Rides
FDR St. Pk., Pine Mountain, 706-628-7463
Mar. 17 . . . . . . .St. Pat’s Day Trail Ride, Pebble
Hill Plantation, 10am-1pm, 229-227-5384
Mar. 24 . . . . . . . . . .Poker Ride/Scavenger Hunt
Stephens Pk., Crawfordville, 770-466-4430
Apr. 13 . . . . . . .Rodeo, Kingsland, 912-673-8199
Apr. 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Atlanta Steeplechase
Kingston Downs, 404-237-7436
Mar. 10, Apr. 14, May 12 . . . . Fly Fishing Clinics
Panola Mt., Stockbridge, 770-389-7801
Mar. 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Flies & Fly Water
Smithgall Woods, Helen, 706-878-3087
Mar. 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trout Tournament
Helen, 706-878-1908
Conyers, 888-860-4224, www.conyersga.com
Mar. 3-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .S.E. Hunter/Jumper Series
Mar. 10-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fox Classics
Apr. 7-8 . . . . . . .Atlanta Dressage Southern I & II
Braselton, 800-849-race, www.roadatlanta.com
Mar. 9-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NASA
Mar. 16-18 & May 19-20 . . . . . . . SCCA National
Apr. 20-22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AMA Big Kahuna
Atlanta Motor Speedway . . . . . . . . . . . Hampton
770-946-4211, atlantamotorspeedway.com
Atlanta Dragway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commerce
770-682-3782, www.atlantadragway.com
Oglethorpe Speedway Park . . . . . . . . . . . Pooler
912-964-8200, www.ospracing.net
Silver Dollar Raceway . . . . . . . . . . . . Reynolds
478-847-4414, www.silverdollarraceway.com
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Sporting Events
Ocmulgee Wild Hog Festival in Abbeville
See real wild hogs taken from the Ocmulgee Swamp during the 21st annual Ocmulgee Wild
Hog Festival in Abbeville on Saturday, May 12. Among the events will be an exciting Hog-Dog
Baying contest and a Children’s pig chase.
Browse through over 100 arts and crafts booths and over
30 food booths. Enjoy all kinds of good music and other
entertainment including line dancing, clogging, bands, and
singing. There will be kiddie rides, ponies, an Antique Tractor
Show, and a Poker Run. Gates will open at 9am, and admission will be $2 for all ages.
Abbeville, the Wild Hog Capital of Georgia, is located 30
miles east of Cordele at the intersection of US 280 and 129.
From I-75 take exit 101. Phone 229-467-2144 for information on arts & crafts or 229-467-2107
for information on dog baying. The website is www.hogfestival.com.
Mar. 7-9 . . . . . . . . Ga. H.S. State Championship
Gwinnett Ctr., Duluth, 800-224-6422
Mar. 8-11 . . . . . . . . . . . ACC Men’s Tournament
Philips Arena, Atlanta, 404-878-3000
Mar. 22-25 . . . . NCAA Regional Championship
Ga. World Congress Ctr., Atlanta, 404-223-4000
Harlem Globetrotters
Mar. 1 . . . . . . Albany Civic Center, 229-317-7217
Mar. 13. . . Columbus Civic Center, 706-494-8330
Mar. 15 . . . Savannah Civic Center, 800-351-7469
Mar. 16. . . . . . . Augusta Complex, 706-722-3521
Mar. 17 . . . Philips Arena, Atlanta, 404-878-3000
Mar. 18 . . . Gwinnett Ctr., Duluth, 800-224-6422
Mar. 3 . . Sandy Springs, 5K, 10K, 770-206-1446
Mar. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kite Rally
Florence Marina St. Pk., Omaha, 229-838-4706
Mar. 9 . . . . . . . . . . Army v. West Point Football
Ft. Benning, Columbus, 2pm, 706-545-3328
Mar. 10 . . . . . . Basic Land Navigation, Smithgall
Woods, Helen, 10am, 706-878-3087
Mar. 10-11 . . . . . . . . . . Spartan Race Sprint GA
Ga. Int’l. Horse Park, Conyers, 888-860-4224
Mar. 15-19. . . . . . . . St. Patrick’s Day Skydiving
Celebration, Fitzgerald, 478-256-2562
Mar. 22-24. . . . . . . . . . International Boat Show
Trade Center, Savannah, 864-250-9713
Mar. 24 . . . . SEC Women’s Gymnastics Champ
Gwinnett Ctr., Duluth, 800-224-6422
Mar. 25-26 . . . . . . . Trackrock Trials Motorcycle
Event, Blairsville, 706-745-2420
Mar. 30-Apr. 1 . . . . . . . Hammer-In at Trackrock
Campground, Blairsville, 706-745-2420
Apr. 14 . . . . . . . Paddlin’, Peddlin’, Pickin’, New
Echota River Alliance, Calhoun, 800-887-3811
Apr. 14. . . . . . Blue Ridge Mountain Adventure
Race (run, paddle, bike), 800-899-6867
Apr. 14 . . . Women for the Woods, Buck Shoals
State Park, Cleveland, 706-878-3087
Apr. 20 . . . . Wild Game Dinner/Entertainment
Cane Mill Plantation, Albany, 229-639-2650
Apr. 30. . . . Savannah River Spring Classic, Port
Wentworth, Houlihan Boat Dock, 912-965-1999
May 19. . . . Reverse Spring Triathlon (run, bike,
swim), Ft. Benning, Columbus, 800-999-1613
May 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Disc Golf Invitational
Ft. Yargo State Park, Winder, 678-963-8891
Relive the Old Days at
April 21 & 22
and Oct.
20 & 21
Experience the Museum of Aviation
4th Largest Aviation Museum
in the U.S., Free Admission
Apr. 1-7 . . . . . . . . . . . Masters Golf Tournament
Augusta Nat’l. Golf Club, 800-726-0243
Affordable Hotel Rooms
Apr. 16-22 . . . . Liberty Mutual Legends of Golf
105 Restaurants
Savannah Harbor Club, 877-savannah
1200 Seat Civic Center
Apr. 30-May 6 . . . . Stadion Classic Nationwide
Conference & Meeting Spaces
Tournament, UGA, Athens, 800-653-0603
I-75 Exits 144 & 146
May 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . Easter Seals Tournament
888-288-WRGA • www.wrga.gov
Bull Creek Course, Columbus, 706-660-1144
10 GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Arts in the Park in Blue Ridge
The 36th Annual Arts in the Park Festival in Blue Ridge
on May 26-27 will feature 175+ booths of juried fine art and
handmade crafts, artists’ demonstrations, a Southern
Appalachian Artist’s Guild Exhibit, an Artist-In-Residence
exhibit by Estelle Schwarz & Janet Smith, great food, and
great music. Some of the finest artists in the Southeast will
be exhibiting paintings, photography, jewelry, glass, pottery,
woodworking, sculpture, folk art, basketry, and metal work.
The festival will be held under the oaks in the beautiful
City Park in historic Downtown Blue Ridge in the North
Georgia Mountains. Hours will be Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm. Admission will be $5
with children admitted free.
The Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Assn., producer of the festival, boasts 600+ artist members,
is one of the largest art galleries in the North Georgia Mountains, and is housed in the historic
Courthouse. Located only 90 minutes north of Atlanta, Blue Ridge offers shops, galleries,
restaurants, community theater, Scenic Railway, Swan Drive-In Theater, and national forests with
outdoor activities.
For more information, phone 706-632AY
2144, e-mail [email protected], or
25-27 – HELEN – Memorial Day Blast, Unicoi
visit at www.blueridgearts.net. For area inforState Park. 800-573-9659.
mation, visit www.blueridgemountains.com or
26 – ATLANTA – 4th Saturday Family Fun Day,
call 706-632-5680.
Centennial Olympic Pk., 12-4pm. 404-223-4412.
27 – MORELAND – Memorial Day Ceremony,
26 – CARTERSVILLE – Mountain Music, Red
2pm. 770-254-2627.
Top Mountain State Park, 8pm. 770-975-4226.
28 – COLUMBUS – Memorial Day Dedication
26 – HELEN – Bavarianfest, Festhalle. 706Ceremony, Nat’l. Infantry Museum, 10am. 706878-1908. Visiting Artist; Concert at 8pm, Unicoi
State Park. 800-573-9659.
28 – ROSWELL – Roswell Remembers
26 – RICHMOND HILL – Confederate Soldier
Memorial Day Celebration. 770-640-3253.
Program, Fort McAllister. 912-727-2339.
28 – SENOIA – Memorial Day Celebration.
26 – ROSWELL – Antique Appraisal, Smith
Plantation, 11am. 770-641-3978.
28 – SMYRNA – Memorial Day at 20th Cen26 – SAUTEE – Pig Out BBQ Benefit for Fire
tury Veterans Memorial, 10am. 770-640-3253.
Dept., Art Center, 11am-4pm. 706-878-3300.
30 – ALBANY – Fairmount United Memorial
26-27 – BLAIRSVILLE – Arts & Crafts
Day Festival. 866-750-0840.
Festival, Downtown. 706-994-4837.
26-27 – BLUE RIDGE – Arts in the Park
Festival. 706-632-5680.
• Athletic Games
26-27 – DECATUR – Arts Festival, Down• Workshops
town. 404-371-9583.
• Scottish Dance
26-27 – LUMPKIN – Creek Indian Wars of
• Live Music
1836, Westville Village. 888-733-1850.
• Great Food
• Clan Gatherings
Memorial Day Weekend. 770-498-5690.
• Kid Stuff
26-28 – SAVANNAH – Colonial Georgia’s
• Genealogy Tent
Military Operations, Wormsloe. 912-353-3023.
• Live Demos
26-28 – WARM SPRINGS – Swim Historic
• Animals
Pools, FDR’s Little White House. 706-655-5870.
• and more . . .
The greatest
achievements are those
CatCh the exCitement
meeks Park June 9 & 10
two hours north of atlanta
that benefit others.
FriDaY, June 8
To be the greatest, be a servant.
M A T T H E W 2 3 : 1 1 TLB
Ceilidh Reception & Kilted Golf Classic
Honor Books, Inc., Tulsa, OK
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
404-658-7159, www.atlantaciviccenter.com
Mar. 3
Atlanta Blues Festival
Mar. 17
Royal Comedy Tour
Apr. 21
DST Star Cinema
Atlanta, 770-989-5095, www.cobbgalleria.com
Mar. 4
Georgia Bridal Show
Mar. 9-11
American Craft Council Show
Mar. 17-18
Model Train Show
Mar. 23-25
Atlanta Spring Home Show
Mar. 6
Mar. 8
Mar. 16
Mar. 24
Apr. 13
May 22-23
Elton John & Band
Augusta Symphony/Michael Jackson Music
Don Williams
Steve Harvey
Godsmack & Staind
Lady Antebellum
Atlanta, 404-872-5338, www.callanwolde.org
Mar. 25
Callanwolde Concert Band
Mar. 25
Silent Movie/live organ music
Apr. 14
Callanwolde Dance Ensemble
May 4-6
Spring Pottery Sale
Atlanta, 404-223-2227, www.chastainseries.com
May 21
Paul Simon
May 27-28
James Taylor & Band
Athens, 800-918-6393, www.classiccenter.com
Mar. 24
Fiddler on the Roof
Apr. 1
Dancing with the Athens Stars
Apr. 7
Athens Symphony Orchestra
May 11-12
Athens Symphony Orchestra
Atlanta, 770-916-2800, www.cobbenergycentre.com
Mar. 3,6,9,11 Atlanta Opera: Golden Ticket
Mar. 16
Jeanne Robertson
Mar. 17
Ralphie May
Mar. 23-25
Atlanta Ballet: Man in Black
Mar. 27
Mar. 29-Apr. 1 Young Frankenstein
Apr. 4
Chaka Khan
Apr. 11
Kevin James
Apr. 13
Fresh Beat Band
Apr. 14
Josh Turner
Apr. 28-May 6 Atlanta Opera: Don Giovanni
May 9
Bonnie Raitt
May 12
May 13-14
Evening with Yanni
May 17
Trace Adkins
May 19
Imagination Movers
Atlanta, 404-894-9600, www.ferstcenter.gatech.edu
Mar. 3
Guitarist Earl Klugh
Mar. 16
Mar. 31
Jake Shimabukuro, ukulele
Apr. 13
Michael Miles
Apr. 14
Claire Lynch Band
Apr. 14
Apr. 15
Dailey & Vincent
Atlanta, 404-881-2100, www.foxtheatre.org
Mar. 1
Diana Ross
Mar. 3
Salim Sulaiman
Mar. 4
Soweto Gospel
Mar. 5
Aretha Franklin
Mar. 8
Trey Songz/Big Sean
Mar. 10
Experience Hendrix
Mar. 13-18
Billy Elliott
Mar. 24
Moody Blues
Apr. 3
Moscow Festival Ballet
Apr. 19
Dove Awards
Apr. 21
Human Nature
Apr. 24-29
Les Miserables
May 22-June 10
Jersey Boys
Perry, 478-988-8000, www.perryga.com
Mar. 11
Wedding Extravaganza
Mar. 20-25
Good Sam RV Rally
Mar. 24-Apr. 1 Tykes, Tots, Teens Consignment
Mar. 30-31
Home & Garden Show
Mar. 30-31
Middle Georgia Koi Show & Sale
Apr. 28-29
Eastman Gun Shows
Macon, 478-301-5460, www.thegrandmacon.com
Mar. 4
Romeo & Juliet
Mar. 6
Little Engine That Could
Mar. 9
Ballet Folklorico de Colombia
Mar. 20-21
Fiddler on the Roof
Mar. 23-24
Girls Night–the Musical
Apr. 7, 9
Damn Yankees
Apr. 19
One Night of Queen
Duluth, 800-224-6422, www.gwinnettcenter.com
Mar. 3
Gwinnett Ballet: Cinderella
Mar. 8-10
Sewing & Quilt Expo
Mar. 9-11
Southern Ballet: Pirates
Mar. 16-18
N.E. Atlanta Ballet: Sleeping Beauty
Mar. 28-Apr. 1 Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove
Apr. 10
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Apr. 14-15
Atlanta Chinese Ballet
Apr. 20-22
Applause Talent
Apr. 28
Lulu Bash/Daddy Yankee
May 15
Masterworks: Grand Night for Moms
May 18, 20
N.E. Atlanta Ballet: Beauty & the Beast
Calhoun, 706-629-2599, www.harrisartscenter.com
Mar. 3
Chamber Players of South
Mar. 18-26
Mar. 22-25
Calhoun Little Theatre: Radio Gals
Apr. 21
Glory to Gospel Competition
Augusta, 706-722-8341, www.imperialtheatre.com
Mar. 16
Augusta Ballet: Ballet Hispanico
Mar. 17
Livingston Taylor
Mar. 18
Ralphie May
Mar. 20-23
Menopause the Musical
Mar. 31
Jack & the Beanstalk
Apr. 12
Tim O’Shields
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Entertainment Venues in Georgia
Marietta, 770-528-8490, www.cobbcountyga.gov
Mar. 3
Chubby Checker
Mar. 16
Jay & the Americans
Mar. 31
Coasters, Platters, Marvelettes
Larry Gatlin
Apr. 14
770-594-6232, www.roswellgov.com
Mar. 18
Georgia Brass Band
Mar. 25
Justin Towns Earle/Joe McGuinness
Savannah, 912-525-5050, www.lucastheatre.com
Thru Mar. 3
Spring Awakening
Mar. 9
Menopause the Musical
Apr. 21, May 19 Savannah Philharmonic
Madison, 877-233-0598, www.mmcc-arts.org
Evening with Mr. Jefferson & Mr. Madison
Mar. 5-6
Mar. 18
Livingston Taylor
Mar. 22
Taste of Madison
Atlanta, 404-878-3000, www.philipsarena.com
Mar. 4
Romeo Santos
Mar. 18
Bruce Springsteen
Apr. 19
Van Halen
Apr. 23
May 2
Atlanta, 404-252-5233, www.punchline.com
Mar. 1-3
Jeremy Hotz
Mar. 8-10
Tom Rhodes
Mar. 22-24
Greg Fitzsimmons
Mar. 30-31
Jon Reep
Apr. 5-8
Sugar Sammy
Atlanta, 404-413-9tix, www.rialtocenter.org
Mar. 3
One Sunday Morning
Mar. 10
Trey McIntyre Project (dance)
Mar. 17
Spanish Harlem Orchestra
Mar. 24
Anoushka Shankar
Mar. 31
Cedric Watson/Bijou Creole/Feufollet
Apr. 13-15 GSU Opera Theatre/Symphony
Apr. 20
Dave Douglas, Jazz
Apr. 21
Idan Raichel/Vieux Farka Toure Quartet
Apr. 22
Lost Son
Apr. 28
Poncho Sanchez/Terence Blanchard
May 12
Spiritist Symposium
Atlanta, 404-727-5050, www.arts.emory.edu
Mar. 2
Pianist Christopher O’Riley
Apr. 6
Dawn Upshaw, Soprano
Apr. 12
Australian Chamber Orchestra
Morrow, 678-466-4200, www.spiveyhall.org
Mar. 4
Pianist Yefim Bronfman
Mar. 10
Anonymous 4
Mar. 24
Guitarist Sharon Isbin
Mar. 25
Pianist Ursula Oppens
Apr. 14
Charles Castronovo, Tenor
Apr. 15
Beijing Guitar Duo
Apr. 21
Brentano String Quartet
Apr. 28
Organist Steven Wooddell
Apr. 29
Pianist Angela Hewitt
May 19
Organist Gillian Weir
Marietta, 770-293-0080, www.earlsmithstrand.org
Mar. 1-4
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Mar. 9
Blair Crimmins & Hookers
Mar. 10
Jazz on the Square
Mar. 23-25
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Apr. 13-14
Movie The General
Apr. 20-May 6 Light in the Piazza
May 20
Silent Movie The Eagle (Valentino)
Atlanta, 404-733-5010, www.vzwamp.com
Apr. 6, 8
Passion City Church: Good Friday Service
Apr. 29
Tom Petty/Heartbreakers/Regina Spektor
May 4
May 6
Project 961 Cinco Party
1st Annual
Columbus, 706-256-3612, www.rivercenter.org
Mar. 4
Vienna Boys Choir
Mar. 6-7 Menopause the Musical
Mar. 22-23 Fiddler on the Roof
Mar. 27
Kevin Hart
Mar. 31
Carmina & Copland
Apr. 12
Say Goodnight Gracie
Apr. 15
The Knights
Apr. 21
Columbus Symph. Orch./ Violinist Tai Murray
Apr. 24-25 South Pacific
Apr. 28
Ron White
May 4
Gary Krinsky: Toying with Science
May 15-16 Mamma Mia!
706-878-3300, www.snca.org
Mar. 12
Francine Reed
Mar. 17
Dede Vogt/Caroline Arkin
May 19
Folklife Festival
Apr. 21-22 Broadway Style Revue
800-351-7469, www.savannahcivic.com
Mar. 12
Pink Floyd Experience
Mar. 15
Carrigbyrne Pike Choir
Mar. 23
Royal Comedy Tour
Apr. 4
Alison Krauss & Union Station
Apr. 10
Daniel Tosh
Apr. 13
Josh Turner
May 4
Trace Adkins
May 5
Straight No Chaser
April 27 & 28
FRIDAY 6:30-10:30 P.M.
Barbecue Competition
Street Dance • Live Entertainment
Fashion Runway Event
Food & Drink Vendors
8:30 a.m. Benefit Bicycle Ride
Arts & Crafts Vendors
Live Entertainment • Kid Zones
Amazing Race • BBQ Contest Winners
e-mail [email protected]
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
directory P
Sandy Springs, 770-241-1905, www.act3productions.org
Mar. 16-25
Beauty and the Beast
Apr. 27-May 6
Steel Magnolias
Lawrenceville, 678-226-6222, www.auroratheatre.com
Mar. 15-Apr. 8 Bonnie & Clyde
May 3-27
Fox on the Fairway
Atlanta, 404-584-2211, www.agathas.com
Thru Apr. 8
Apr. 19-July 25
America’s Got Murder
706,632-9223, www.blueridgecommunitytheater.com
Mar. 1-18
Tom, Dick, & Harry
Mar. 31
Concert: Cox, Lorkovic, Mal
Apr. 5-22
A Murder Is Announced
May 10-27
Atlanta, 404-733-5000, www.alliancetheatre.org
Mar. 9-Apr. 8
I Just Stopped By to See the Man
Thru Mar. 11
Wizard of Oz
Apr. 5-May 13
Ghost Brothers of Darkland County
678-371-3079, www.act1thater.com
Mar. 2-25
The New Kid on the Block
Stone Mountain, 770-469-1105, www.artstation.org
Apr. 12-15
Tip Tap Two
Atlanta, 404-873-3391, www.puppet.org
Thru Mar. 11 Space!
Mar. 8-Apr. 1 Adventures of Little Noodle
Apr. 5-May 27 Peter Pan
706-226-6618, www.daltonlittletheatre.com
Mar. 22-31
Diary of Ann Frank
May 10-18
Daughters of the Lone Star State
THEATRE 706-793-8552, www.fortgordon.com
706-548-3854, www.townandgownplayers.org
Apr. 13-22
Apr. 27-29
Thru Mar. 10
May 11-26
Marietta, 404-377-9948, www.atlantalyrictheatre.com
Thru Mar. 4
Ain’t Misbehavin’
Apr. 20-May 6
Light in the Piazza
404-733-4900, www.atlantasymphony.org
Classical Concerts: Mar. 1,2,4,8,10,22,23,24
Apr. 12,14,16,19,20,21,26,27,28
May 10,11,12,17,18,19,20,24,25,26
Pops Concerts:
Mar. 16-17; May 4-5
Jazz Concert
Mar. 3
Family Concert: Apr. 29
Children of Eden
Game Show
678-717-3624, www.gainesvilletheatrealliance.org
April 10-21
Importance of Being Earnest
Roswell, 770-641-1260, www.get.org
Thru Mar. 11 The Foreigner
Apr. 12-29
Johnny Cash Musical Show
Clarkesville, 706-839-1315, www.habershamtheater.org
Mar. 2-10
Lend Me a Tenor
Apr. 13-21
A Month of Sundays
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
directory P
Tales from the Altamaha in Lyons
Tales from the Altamaha is a Georgia folk-life play drawn
from the writings of a local attorney, Colonel T. Ross Sharpe,
who was born and raised on the banks of the Altamaha River.
His stories bring to life colorful characters from the past, the
regional settlers of a five-county radius. The plays are
performed at the Blue Marquee Theater, 121 N. State St.,
Downtown Lyons.
Since 2005, Tales from the Altamaha has taken its audience on a journey through the magic of the dramatic arts to
experience a story of lives, loves, losses, and just plain ol’ gossip. Lyons Better Hometown
selects a different set of stories each year and creates a brand new experience on the stage.
The 2012 production, Front Porches, Rocking Chairs, & Sweet Tea, will be performed April 1221. Ticket prices range from $10-$20; group rates are available. Reserve your tickets by calling
912-526-6445 or visit www.talesfromthealtamaha.com for more information.
St. Simons Island, 912-638-0338, theislandplayers.com
Mar. 9-25
Don’t Mention My Name
May 11-27
1940’s Radio Hour
Colquitt, 229-758-5450, www.swampgravy.com
Solid Ground
Apr. 8-16
478-471-play, www.maconlittletheatre.org
Apr. 6-15
May 18-27
Dixie Swim Club
Lyons, 912-526-6445, www.talesfromthealtamaha.com
Apr. 12-21 Front Porches, Rocking Chairs, & Sweet Tea
Jasper, 770-547-1096, www.taterpatchplayers.org
Apr. 21
Evening with Marc Unger
Apr. 4-May 19 The Foreigner
Griffin, 770-229-9916, www.mainstreetplayers.org
Apr. 12-22
Titanic the Musical
Atlanta, 404-874-5299, www.shakespearetavern.com
Mar. 1-Apr. 1 Merry Wives of Windsor
Apr. 5-29
Much Ado About Nothing
May 3-27
Canterbury Tales
Conyers, 678-374-3224, www.thenewdepotplayers.com
Mar. 1-11
Glass Menagerie
Apr. 26-May 6 ‘Til Beth Do Us Part
770-683-6282, www.newnantheatre.org
Mar. 15-25 Joseph & Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Apr. 19-29
Les Liaisons Dangereuses
May 10-20
Epic Proportions
Marietta, 678-744-next, www.nextstagetheatre.net
Mar. 23-Apr. 8 Jesus Christ Superstar
478-987-5354, www.perryplayers.org
Mar. 1-4
Sex Please, We’re Sixty!
May 4-13
The Odd Couple
770-387-2610, www.pumphouseplayers.com
Mar. 23-31
It’s All in the Timing
May 11-19
Frankenstein Summer
706-324-5714, www.springeroperahouse.org
Mar. 1-17
Damn Yankees
Mar. 23-31
Amazing Grace
Apr. 12-21
I Tweeted on My iPad
May 3-19
Tuna Does Vegas
Fairburn, 770-969-0956, www.stgplays.com
Apr. 26-May 13
Funny Thing Happened on
the Way to the Forum
770-396-1726, www.stagedoorplayers.net
Mar. 16-Apr. 8
Same Time, Next Year
May 18-June 10
Lend Me a Tenor
229-439-7193, www.theatrealbany.com
Apr. 12-22
229-247-8243, www.theatreguildvaldosta.com
Mar. 23-Apr. 1 Seussical, the Musical, Jr.
May 17-26
Caught in the Net
Marietta, 770-422-8369, www.theatreinthesquare.com
Thru Mar. 10
Red Letter Jesus
Mar. 7-Apr. 8
Flyin’ West
Apr. 25-May 27
Tuna Does Vegas
478-746-9485, www.theatremacon.com
Apr. 6-21
Titanic the Musical
May 18-26
The Odd Couple
Apr. 26-May 6
Purlie Victorious
April 28 & 29
SATURDAY 10 A.M. - 6 P.M.
SUNDAY 11 A.M. - 5 P.M.
•Juried Arts & Crafts •Food
•Entertainment •Children’s Activities
•S.E. Reptile Rescue •Puppet Show
– No Pets Please –
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA 15
Enjoy Spring in Georgia –f
Spring Events in McDuffie County
Fitzgerald Wild Chicken Festival
Photo courtesy Ga. Dept. of Economic Dev.
The 19th Annual Blind Willie McTell Blues Festival will be held on May 19. There’s nothing
better than a day spent in the South listening to some Blues. It just whisks people away to a
slower time. Noted as one of the top small cultural
events in the Southeast, the Blind Willie McTell Blues
Festival will celebrate its 19th Anniversary this year
and will offer a uniquely southern day of great music.
Thomson’s annual Car Show at the Depot will be
April 28. The car show draws hundreds of people to
downtown Thomson to view dozens of antique and
collectible autos, cars, and trucks. Trophies and prize
money will be awarded to those declared winners in
different categories of the car/truck show.
The first Saturday in May will mark the Dearing
Mayfest, which has something for everyone. Share in the fun, shopping, food, and entertainment.
The day will start with the parade at 9am and a variety of entertainment throughout the day.
For information, phone 706-597-1000 or visit www.exploremcduffiecounty.com.
Monthly Events in Georgia
Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4 – BRUNSWICK – First
Friday, Downtown, 5-8pm. 912-265-4032.
Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4 – PERRY – First Friday,
7:30pm. 478-987-1234.
Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4 – THOMASVILLE –
First Friday, Downtown, 5-9pm. 229-227-7020.
Mar. 2, Apr. 6, May 4 – VALDOSTA – First
Friday, Downtown, 6:30-9:30pm. 229-242-2600.
Mar. 2-May 26 – WOODBINE – Opry,
Fridays & Saturdays, 7-10pm. 912-576-3027.
Mar. 2-May 30 – BLAIRSVILLE – Misty Mt. RR
Tours, Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat., 2pm. 706-745-9819.
Mar. 8, Apr. 12, May 10 – BLAIRSVILLE –
Shape Note Singing, Courthouse, 6:30pm. 706745-5493.
Mar. 9-May 19 – AMERICUS – SAM Shortline Excursion Train. Call for dates. 877-ga-rails.
Mar. 11, Apr. 15-May 27 – AUGUSTA – Candlelight Jazz, Riverwalk, Sun., 7pm. 706-495-6238.
Mar. 17-May 23 – BLUE RIDGE – Blue Ridge
Scenic Railway. Call for dates. 877-413-8724 or
Mar. 18, Apr. 15, May 13 – THOMASVILLE
– Concerts, Thomas Univ., 4pm. 229-227-6964.
Mar. 23, May 18 – THOMASVILLE – Fridays
at Noon Concerts, Thomas Univ. 229-227-6964.
Mar. 23, Apr. 13, May 11 – LUMPKIN –
Craft Day, Westville Village. 888-733-1850.
Mar. 24, Apr. 28, May 19 – SAUTEE – Contra Dance/Potluck Dinner, 6:30pm. 706-878-3300.
Mar. 26, Apr. 29, May 27 – JEKYLL ISLAND
– Dinner Dance, J. I. Club Hotel. 912-635-5155.
Mar. 27, Apr. 17, May 15 – BRUNSWICK –
Rhythm on the River, Queen Square. 912-265-4032.
Apr. 4 & 11 – DOUGLAS – Munch & Music,
Emma Ward Park, 12-1pm. 229-314-0310
Apr. 7, May 5 – BLAIRSVILLE – Cruise-In on
the Square, 4-8pm. 706-994-6643.
The exotic and beautiful Burmese chickens are a familiar part of the downtown
Fitzgerald scene. Resembling fighting game
chickens, they sport brilliant orange and
yellow ruffs and gleaming black tail feathers.
The Burmese chickens were released in Ben
Hill County in the 1960’s by the Georgia
Department of Natural Resources as an additional game bird but somehow made their
way to downtown Fitzgerald. There they have
a love-hate relationship with residents, some
of whom buy seed and feed them while
others chase them out of gardens with a
broom! The chickens wake up folks, create
minor traffic problems, and, some claim, even
keep the bugs away.
In celebration of these chickens,
Fitzgerald will hold its annual Wild Chicken
Festival on Saturday, March 17, in the historic
downtown with arts & crafts, food, fun, and
more. There will be a pancake breakfast at
6am, a 5K Wild Chicken Sprint at 8am, a
chicken crowing contest at noon, a wing eating contest at 2pm, a group chicken dance at
4pm, and entertainment all day. For information, visit www.fitzgeraldga.org or phone 800386-4642 or e-mail [email protected].
16 GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
from Coast to Mountains!
Mayfling Arts & Crafts Festival in Griffin
The Great Griffin Mayfling will celebrate its 29th year of fine arts
and crafts, food by local vendors, entertainment, children’s activities,
and more in City Park on April 28-29. The Mayfling is a juried show of
fine arts and crafts with prizes awarded in both categories.
Applications are available at the Griffin-Spalding Chamber of
Commerce at 770-228-8200 or www.griffinchamber.com.
Griffin’s City Park will come alive with activity on Saturday, April
28, from 10am-6pm. The annual Chess Tournament and Texas
Hold’em will be held in the Community Center at the Park, and entertainment will be presented in the main pavilion.
The Southeastern Reptile Rescue, as seen on Animal Planet, will
have a display of live snakes and other reptiles on both days with seminars on these animals
presented by Jason Clark. A puppet show will also be held on Saturday. Festival hours on
Sunday will be from 11am-5pm.
Dairy Festival in Eatonton
The 53rd Annual Putnam County Dairy Festival will be held
in Eatonton on Saturday, June 2. Activities will begin at 8am
with the 34th annual 10K Torture Trail Road Race & One Mile
Fun Run. (706-485-9941). A parade at 10am will feature the
Queen of the Dairy Festival and her court, Junior Miss Putnam
County and her court, floats, antique cars, Shriners, dignitaries, clowns, and horses. A program at 11am will recognize
the Putnam County Dairy Farm Family of the year. The festival
pays tribute to the county’s dairy industry and is held on the streets surrounding the courthouse.
An Arts and Crafts Fair will be open from 9am-5pm and will feature arts, crafts, food, and
children’s activities. The Pilot Club will sell BBQ and stew from 11am-1:30pm. Free ice cream
and milk along with an educational dairy exhibit will be provided on the Square, and entertainment featuring local artists will be held there from 12:30-4pm.
For booth space, contact Yvonne Harrell at 706-485-8112; Charlotte Green at 706-473-0336;
or e-mail [email protected]. For information about the festival or an application to participate, visit www.pceatonton.org/dairy.
1 – GRIFFIN – Griffin Choral Arts: Gloria!
Griffin Auditorium, 7:30pm. 770-229-6400.
1-3 – CONYERS – Tykes, Tots, Teens Consignment Sale, Ga. Int’l. Horse Pk. 888-860-4224.
1-4 – SAVANNAH – Skidaway Island Antiques
Show/Sale, St. Peter’s Episcopal. 912-598-7242.
2 – HELEN – Taste of the Town, Unicoi Lodge,
6:30pm. 706-865-5356.
2-3 – THOMASTON – Oklahoma! at R. E. Lee
Auditorium. 706-647-1605.
3 – DOUGLAS – Wiregrass Arts/Children’s
Art Festivals, Central Square Com. 912-384-5978.
3 – EVANS – Georgia Guitar Quartet, Hardin
Arts Center, 7:30pm. 706-826-4705.
3 – MONTEITH – Collard Greens Festival,
Promised Land Farm. 912-224-1199.
3 – RICHMOND HILL – 50th Anniversary
Birthday Bash/Picnic in Gregory Pk. 912-756-2676.
3 – WAYCROSS – Azalea Festival, St.
Joseph’s Catholic Church. 912-283-3744.
Come step back in time
at the
the Battle of Resaca
May 19–20
Relive history, see the smoke,
smell the gunpowder and hear
the thunder of battle. Held on
the original 1864 Resaca
Battlefield. Just an hour north of
Atlanta, off I-75 and Exit 320.
www.georgiadivision.org • 800-887-3811
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Blessing of the Fleet Festival in Darien
The 44th annual Blessing of the Fleet Festival will be held in historic Darien April 20-22. The
festival kicks-off Friday at 5pm with arts and crafts and food including sweet Georgia Shrimp. The
Waterfront Park stage will come alive at 7pm with a concert by country performer BlackHawk.
Saturday events will include a street parade with U.S.
military and Scottish color guards at 10am, 5K Darien
River run/walk at 8am, continuous live entertainment,
Kids’ Zone, classic car show at 11am, and a performance
by Sensational Sounds of Motown at 7pm. Art in the Park,
a juried fine art show in Vernon Square, will host the soulful jazz of Michael Huett on Saturday and Sunday along
with a fine selection of paintings, photography, sculpture,
jewelry, and textiles. Sunday’s entertainment on the
Waterfront Park stage will feature a religious rock concert at 11am.
The Shrimp Boat Marine Parade beginning Sunday at 2pm will be followed by the blessing
ceremony overseen by representatives of the Darien-McIntosh Ministerial Association. An
awards ceremony will follow at 4pm.
Admission on Friday and Saturday will be $5/13 & up and free/12 & under with paying adult.
There will be no admission charge on Sunday. For information, phone 912-437-2683, visit
www.blessingofthefleet.com, or e-mail [email protected].
Baxley Tree Fest
The 22nd annual Baxley Tree Fest will be held April
13-14 in Downtown Baxley. Pre-festival fun will begin with
the annual Tree-Tography Contest, Tree Fest Fun Run and
5K, and a Cake Bake Competition. Festivities will begin
Friday, April 13, with the official Tree Fest T-shirt day; t-shirts
can be purchased for $10 each.
On Friday night at 6pm (admission $2/person), boogie
down at the annual Street Dance featuring live entertainment by the Swingin’ Medallions, great food, a kids’ fun zone, and arts and crafts vendors.
On Saturday, April 14, festivities will
include something for everyone: a pancake
breakfast, car/motorcycle/antique tractor
show, all day local entertainment, arts and
crafts, great food, a Kids Fun Zone, and
more. Vendors are welcome.
For information or an application to participate in the event, contact Paula Tanner at
912-367-7731, [email protected],
or visit www.baxley.org.
5 – JEKYLL ISLAND – Luncheon & Fashion
Show, Morgan Center, noon. 912-635-9112.
8 – GRIFFIN – Carpe Diem String Quartet,
Griffin Auditorium. 770-229-6400.
8-11 – CARTERSVILLE – Southeastern Cowboy Gathering, Booth Museum. 770-387-1300.
9 – SAVANNAH – Greening of Forsyth Park
Fountain. 912-234-4804.
9-10 – BARNESVILLE – Oklahoma! at Lamar
Performing Arts Center. 706-647-1605.
9-11 – JEKYLL – Art Festival, Goodyear Cottage. Arts/Antiques, Morgan Ctr. 912-635-2400.
9-11 – PERRY TO JEKYLL – Peaches to the
Beaches Yard Sale. 912-375-5035.
9-18 – ELBERTON – A Few Good Men, Elbert
Theatre. 706-283-1049.
10 – ALBANY – Keith Sweat/Manhattans/TK
Soul, Civic Center, 7pm. 229-317-7217.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Blairsville Scottish Festival & Highland Games
The Blairsville Scottish Festival & Highland Games on June 9 & 10 at Meeks Park will celebrate Scottish heritage by showcasing Scottish foods, athletics, music, and dance. Festival hours
will be 8am-5pm with an opening ceremony Saturday at noon, a
worship service followed by Kirkin’ of the Tartans Sunday at 9am, and
a closing ceremony Sunday at 3pm.
The Kilted Golf Tournament and Ceilidh Reception with buffet
dinner and entertainment will be held June 8. There will be a genealogy tent; musical workshops; children’s activities; Border Collie,
Gordon Setter, and Falconry demonstrations; exhibit of Scottish
Highland Cattle; Flying Hawkes Ax Throwing; and reenactments by
Clann Nan Con. The Highland Games will include traditional contests,
and athletes must wear kilts to compete.
Entertainment will be presented by the Oatcakes, Hooligans,
Colin Grant-Adams, Tres de Solei, solo pipers Jacob and Joshua
Craig, Royal Scottish Country Dance Society, and Glencoe School of
Scottish Highland Dance. Playing the pipes and drums will be the
Atholl Highlanders, Alhambra Highlanders, Chattahoochee Celtics,
Appalachian St. Andrews, John Mor MacIntosh, and North Atlanta bands.
Admission will be $10/day or $15/two days with children 12 & under free. For information, call
706-745-5789 or 877-745-5789 or visit www.BlairsvilleScottishFestival.com.
Ball Ground Heritage Days Festival
The Ball Ground Heritage Days Festival will be held
May 19-20 in the heart of the city. The two day event will
feature arts and crafts, good food, children’s activities,
and entertainment.
The festivities will begin Saturday at 10am with a
parade through downtown featuring floats, antique cars,
Shriners, ball teams, and more. A $1.98 Beauty Contest
will be held Saturday at 5:30pm, and dancing in the park will begin at 3pm on Saturday. Festival
hours will be Saturday from 11am-6pm and
Sunday from 11am-4pm. On Saturday, entertainment will be provided by Atlanta’s very
own Soul Purpose, an 11 piece Blues &
Motown band with a 4 piece horn section.
To reach Ball Ground take I-575N to exit
27. For information, phone 678-315-4411 or
visit www.ballgroundheritagedays.com.
10 – AUGUSTA – Augusta Symphony
Kitchen Tour. 706-826-4705.
10 – PERRY – Perry Idol Finale, The River,
6pm. 478-987-1234.
10 – SAVANNAH – Tara Feis Irish
Celebration, Emmet Park. 912-651-6417.
10 – TYBEE ISLAND – Irish Heritage
Celebration Parade, 3pm. 912-786-5444.
10-11 – FORSYTH – Forsythia Festival,
Downtown. 888-642-4628.
10-11 – THOMASVILLE – Cheesemaking
101 at Sweet Grass Dairy. 229-227-0752.
10-11 – VALDOSTA – Valdosta-Lowndes
Azalea Festival, Drexel Park. 229-269-9381.
11 – CARTERSVILLE – N.W. Georgia Bridal
Expo, Brown Conference Center. 770-606-5763.
12-14 – JEKYLL ISLAND – South Wings FlyIn, Airport. 877-4jekyll.
14-15 – PERRY – Dogwood Festival. 478988-1234.
March 31, 2012
Cleveland, GA
(Reservations Required 706-865-2171)
Easter Parade in Downtown Cleveland
Egg Hunt with 25,000 eggs
Cabbage Patch Kid
Easter Bonnet Contest
9am-5p.m Arts, Crafts & Children’s Activities
All at Babyland General Hospital
300 N.O.K. Drive, Cleveland, GA
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Georgia Strawberry Festival in Reynolds
With an emphasis on fitness, “It will be a Berry Fit Time for the 14th Annual Georgia
Strawberry Festival” on April 27-28 in Reynolds, located approximately 22 miles west of I-75 at
the intersection of GA 96 and GA 128. Admission and parking will be free. For information,
phone 478-847-5301 or visit www.ga-strawberry.org.
The fun will begin Friday evening in the park with a BBQ
pork dinner, hot dogs, hamburgers, strawberry shortcake,
children’s activities, and performances in the park gazebo by
the gospel group, Southern Vision, from Valley, AL.
Saturday’s events will begin with a 5K run at 8am, Home
Run Derby at 9:30am, a Children’s Parade at 10am with all
youth invited to participate, and the Grand Parade with antique
and classic cars, trucks, bands, and more. There will be over
100 artists and craftsmen from around the S.E., a car and
truck show, vintage jukebox spinning records in the gazebo, farmers’ market, strawberries for
sale, food, entertainment by area talent all day, carnival rides, old book sale, photography
contest, local artists’ exhibit, the Georgia Strawberry Cook-Off at the Flint Energies Headquarters Building at 1pm (with samples), and the Lawn Mower Races at 5pm. Admission and
parking will be free; the event is handicap accessible.
Georgia’s Peach Blossom Trail
Find peach trees in bloom from mid-February
through the first of April somewhere along Georgia’s
Peach Blossom Trail which runs along US 41-341,
parallel to I-75, and offers north/south travelers in the
center of the state an alternative to the traffic and
congestion of the interstate.
For almost six weeks peach blossoms transform
the rolling plains into a sea of pink and white. The majority of blooms can be found in Peach (Fort
Valley & Byron) and Crawford (Roberta) Counties, but blooms are viewable in limited areas in
most of the counties along the trail. Generally the farther south you are, the earlier the blooming
season. Also the varieties of fruit determine the blooming times. Mother Nature has the final say
as she dictates the minimum of chill hours (temperature below 40-45 degrees), abundant sun,
and warm temperature before blooming begins.
Beginning in May, peaches will be available at packing facilities, roadside stands, and
markets. Producing almost 85% of the peaches in Georgia are the counties along the Peach
Blossom Trail: Clayton, Henry, Lamar, Spalding, Crawford, Monroe, Peach, and Houston. They
all have attractions from stately antebellum mansions in Clayton to the Atlanta Speedway in
Henry, the Museum of Aviation in Houston, and Massee Lane Gardens in Peach. For more information visit www.peachblossomtrail.com or
phone 888-288-9742.
Wild Chicken
March 17
All Day Events include, but not limited to . . .
Family Fun •Chicken Shows at the Coop
Children’s Activities •Great Food
Pancake Breakfast (6 a.m.) •5K Sprint
1 mi. Fun Run •Pine Wood Derby Race
Miss Wild Chicken Pageants
Souvenirs •Wing Eating Contest
Entertainment Throughout the Day
800-386-4642 • www.fitzgeraldga.org
16 – CONYERS – World’s Fastest Growing St.
Patrick’s Day Parade, Olde Town, 4:30pm. 770602-2606.
16 – FITZGERALD – Bushmen Street Dance,
White Swan Lot, 7pm. 229-426-5035.
16-17 – DILLARD – Top of Georgia Bluegrass
Jamboree, Dillard House. 706-746-2690.
16-25 – MACON – International Cherry
Blossom Festival. 478-751-7429.
17 – ALBANY – Chicken Wing Fest,
Fairgrounds, 11am. 229-869-0364.
17 – AUGUSTA – Augusta Symphony
Orchestra, 1st Baptist. 706-826-4705.
17 – CARTERSVILLE – Etowah Indian
Mounds Artifact ID Day. 770-387-3747.
17 – CLEVELAND – St. Patrick’s Celebration,
BabyLand General Hospital. 706-865-2171.
17 – COLUMBUS – Paddy Goes to Sea, Port
Columbus Civil War Naval Museum. 706-327-9798.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Magical Easter Eggstravaganza in Cleveland
The 24th Annual Cabbage Patch Kids Easter Eggstravaganza will be held Saturday, March
31, on 650 acres in the Northeast Georgia Mountains.
The ‘Kids™ are anticipating a chance to find a family
to make their own. The hospital staff will have a day of
activities planned for you and the ‘Kids in their 70,000 sq.
foot, antebellum home. There will be breakfast with the
Easter Bunny (reservations required at 706-865-2171), an
arts and crafts festival, dancing with Cabbage Patch Kid
costume characters, hourly prize drawings, a free Easter
Egg hunt with 25,000 eggs on the grounds of BabyLand
General Hospital, and an Easter Parade through the town square in Cleveland at 11am.
Be creative and enter the Cabbage Patch Kid’s Easter Bonnet contest at 3pm. Make a little
Easter Bonnet for your Cabbage Patch Kid. The adoptable babies, whose roots stem from the
arts, understand the energy, excitement, and satisfaction of creating something for those you
love. There will be one category for children and one for adults with judging by those attending.
Babyland General Hospital is only an hour’s drive from Atlanta and is located in N.E. Ga. at 300
NOK Dr. in Cleveland. For information, call 1-800-392-8279 or visit www.whitecountychamber.org.
17 – FITZGERALD – Wild Chicken Festival,
Downtown. 800-386-4642.
17 – HAMPTON – Yellow Pollen Street
Festival, Downtown. 770-897-0520.
17 – KINGSLAND – Car, Truck, Motorcycle,
Tractor Show, Downtown. 912-729-5613.
17 – SAVANNAH – 188th St. Patrick’s Day
Parade, 10:15am. 912-233-8404.
Christ Church Tour of Homes & Gdns. 912-222-5686.
17-18 – DUBLIN – St. Patrick’s Festival,
Downtown. 478-272-5766.
17-18 – COLUMBUS – Thunder in the Valley
Air Show, Airport. 706-393-3000.
17-18 – LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN – Shamrock City, Rock City Gardens. 706-820-2531.
17-18 – MOULTRIE – Calico Spring Arts &
Crafts Show, Spence Field. 229-985-1968.
17-18 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Invitational
Arts & Crafts Show, Pier Village. 912-262-0628.
18 – COLUMBUS – Ultimate Bridal Expo,
River Mill Center. 706-576-6252.
18 – WOODBINE – Jazz’n Arts on the Satilla
Riverwalk. 912-576-1162.
19-Apr. 18 – SAVANNAH – Spring Steam
Days, Roundhouse Museum. 912-651-6840.
20 – BRUNSWICK – Christ Church 57th
Annual Tour of Homes. 912-265-0620.
22-Apr. 19 – SAVANNAH – Music Festival,
Downtown. 912-234-3378.
23-25 – LESLIE – Antique Dogwood Festival,
Downtown. 229-928-6059.
24 – ADEL – Spring Celebration, Reed
Bingham State Park, 12-3pm. 229-896-3551.
24 – APPLING – Cavestone Pottery Making,
Mistletoe State Park, 10am. 706-541-0321.
24 – DARIEN – Scottish Heritage Day
Encampment, Ft. King George. 912-437-4770.
24 – OGLETHORPE – Turkey Day Festival.
24 – SHELLMAN BLUFF – St. Patrick’s Day
Celebration. 912-437-6671.
24-25 – ASHBURN – Fire Ant Festival,
Downtown. 229-567-9696.
24-25 – CONYERS – 31st Annual Cherry Blossom Festival, Ga. Int’l Horse Park. 770-602-2606.
30 – BRUNSWICK – Highwaymen: Tribute
to Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings,
Historic Ritz Theatre. 912-262-6934.
30-31 – WASHINGTON – WashingtonWilkes Spring Tour of Homes. 706-678-2013.
30-Apr. 1 – WINDER – Colonial Market
Faire, Fort Yargo State Park. 770-867-3489.
31 – BAINBRIDGE – Lake Seminole Festival,
Spring Creek Park Resort. 229-254-0152.
31 – BLAKELY – Peanut Proud Festival. 229723-2802.
31 – CLEVELAND – Magical Easter Eggstravaganza, Babyland General. 800-392-8279.
31 – DAHLONEGA – Yahoola Spring
Powwow, Findley Ride. 706-864-3513.
31 – OMAHA – Festival By the Lake, Florence
Marina State Park. 229-838-4706.
Taken from the swamps of the
The Wild Hog Capital of Georgia - ABBEVILLE
Admission $2 • LIONS PARK • I-75 Exit 101
30 miles East of Cordele on Hwy. 280
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival Near Warner Robins
The Semi-Annual Mossy Creek Barnyard Festival between Warner
Robins and Perry on April 21-22 will welcome visitors with whiffs of
barbecue and other delicious foods, sounds of fiddles, and original and
creative arts and crafts in and amongst the old homestead buildings
and throughout the terraced woods. The amphitheater in Dogwood
Hollow will feature bluegrass bands, gospel quartets, and dance teams.
Over 40 old-timers will resurrect pioneer ways: dipping candles, carving
decoys and knobbits, building fishing rods, weaving chairseats with
cornshucks, making baskets, building dulcimers and brooms, tatting,
cutting silhouettes, tinsmithing, and more. Children’s activities will
include storytelling, farm animals, hayrides, horseback rides, and a
The semi-annual festival is always the third weekend in April (unless
Easter falls then) and the third weekend in October. Festival hours will be 10am-5pm. Admission
will be $5/adults and $1/children; parking will be free. No pets allowed. Located six miles from
I-75 off Exit 144 to Lake Joy Road. For more information, phone 478-922-8265 or 888-288-wrga
or visit www.mossycreekfestival.com or www.warnerrobinsga.gov.
Georgia JugFest in Knoxville
Middle Georgia will celebrate its folk pottery traditions
May 17-19 in Knoxville, Crawford County, at the
combined Georgia JugFest and Old Knoxville Days.
For more than 100 years pottery was a big part of the
area’s economy. Now it is a collectible craft, folk art, and
history. A three day antique and vintage pottery exhibit
will open May 17, and the community wood-fired kiln will
be fired up around noon on May 16 with the sale of the
fired pottery on Saturday morning, May 19. Pottery artists included in the kiln firing will be Shelby
West, Charlie West, John Cofer, Ronnie Payne, Lily West and Lyla West.
Friday events will include a pottery Lunch and Learn focusing on pottery from Crawford
County and Middle Georgia (reservations needed); a pottery ID with regional experts ($2 per
item); a quilting display from 5-7pm; and the Peaches, Peanuts, and Beef amateur cook-off.
The main event on May 19 will feature the pottery exhibit, handcraft vendors, quilting display,
benefit pottery auction, kiln sale, antique tractor show, lawn mower races, historic skills demonstrations, Children’s Funfest, student art exhibit, historic building tours, and live entertainment by
local talent. Parking will be free. Visit www.georgiajugfestival.com or call 478-836-3825.
31 – SAUTEE – Fashion Show/Luncheon, Nacoochee Valley Guest House, 12pm. 706-892-1033.
31 – TIFTON – Arts in Black Festival,
Fulwood Park. 229-556-7408.
31-Apr. 1 – PERRY – Home & Garden Show,
Georgia National Fairgrounds. 478-988-8344.
5-7 – ST. GEORGE – Cherokee of Georgia
Council Spring Pow Wow. 904-669-6416.
6-7 – WAYCROSS – Swampfest. 912-283-2112.
7 – ATHENS – International Streetfest,
Downtown. 800-653-0603.
7 – BOSTON – Spring Fling, Auction, &
Cook-Off. 229-224-6201.
7 – CUMMING – Taste of Forsyth,
Fairgrounds, 11am-6pm. 770-781-3491.
7 – JONESBORO – Taste of Clayton,
Downtown. 800-662-7829.
7 – METTER – Another Bloomin’ Festival.
7-8 – THOMASTON – Smoke on the Water
BBQ/Bluegrass Fest, Bickley’s Lake. 706-647-9686.
8 – WARM SPRINGS – Easter Egg Hunt/Roll,
FDR’s Little White House, 10am. 706-655-5870.
12 – WARM SPRINGS – 67th Commemorative,
FDR’s Little White House, 11am. 706-655-5870.
13-14 – BAXLEY – Baxley Tree Fest,
Downtown. 912-367-7731.
13-14 – MOUNTAIN CITY – Foxfire Living
History Days, Foxfire Museum. 706-782-4812.
13-15 – ALBANY – Native American
Cultural Festival, Chehaw. 229-430-5275.
14 – CARTERSVILLE – Etowah Mounds by
Torchlight/Native Tools,Weapons. 770-387-3747.
14 – FOLKSTON – Annual Rail Watch Day,
Downtown. 912-496-2536.
14 – PLAINS – Classic Car Show. 229-824-5373.
14 – ST. SIMONS ISLAND – Art & Sol Art
Festival, Pier Village. 912-638-8770.
14 – TALLAPOOSA – Dogwood Arts &
Crafts Fair, Downtown. 770-630-8946.
14 – TIFTON – Folk Life Festival, Fiddlers Jamboree, & Quilt Show, Agrirama. 229-391-5200.
14 – WARWICK – National Grits Festival,
Town Square. 229-869-5550.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Conyers Cherry Blossom Festival
The Conyers Cherry Blossom Festival will celebrate
31 years of fun, family, and tradition at the Georgia International Horse Park (GIHP) on March 24-25 from 10am5pm. This contemporary art festival will feature 300 art
and craft booths; a variety of food booths; a large, interactive children’s area with over 30,000 square feet of
rides, games, and activities; and multiple stages with
enter tainment by diverse cultures, local bands, karate
demonstrations, and clogging groups. Cultural performances will include Matsuri Daiko USA presenting the Japanese art form of drum dancing and
Senseio Bu Kai featuring traditional Japanese dance.
Join the festival’s “Pink Out” by wearing pink and green. Secret judges will be looking for the
best-dressed individuals and best-decorated strollers and wagons; prizes will be awarded. Also,
join the GIHP Facebook page to win “blossom bucks” to spend during the event.
Get your pink on all month with the Miss Conyers Cherry Blossom Scholarship Pageant, the
Walk with Angels (8M), and the Cherry Blossom Croquet and Golf Tournaments.
Festival admission will be free with a $5 parking fee per vehicle. For information, phone 770602-2606 or 1-800-CONYERS or visit www.conyerscherryblossomfest.com.
14-15 – BOWMAN – Big Iron Crank-Up
Festival, Bowman Park. 706-245-5432.
14-15 – COLUMBUS – RiverBlast! at Port Columbus Civil War Naval Museum. 706-327-9798.
14-15 – DAHLONEGA – Bear on the Square
Festival, Downtown. 706-864-3711.
14-15 – DAWSONVILLE – Spring Wildflower Festival, Amicalola St. Pk. 706-265-6278.
14-15 – PERRY – Dogwood Festival. 478987-1234.
14-15 – WARM SPRINGS – FDR Days &
Spring Fling, Downtown. 800-337-1927.
14-22 – MACON – Fired Works: Regional
Ceramics Exhibit/Sale. 478-743-6940.
17 – GRIFFIN – Bill Dean Concert, Auditorium. 770-228-3229.
18-22 – EATONTON – Antebellum Trail
Pilgrimage. 706-485-7701.
19 – ALBANY – Bid for Bachelor/Bachelorettes;
Music/Food. Stonebridge Club. 229-317-6558.
19 – FITZGERALD – Third Thursday/Jonni
Snyder, Carnegie Center. 229-426-5035.
1-9, 2012
For more information on the 2012 Festival visit
www.worldslargestpeachcobbler.com or phone 478-420-0072
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Southland Jubilee in Greensboro
Celebrate Greene County’s rich and varied cultural history at the
14th annual Southland Jubilee on Saturday, April 21, from 9am to
5pm in downtown Greensboro. Admission will be free.
Southland Jubilee will have something for everyone: continuous
live entertainment, juried arts and crafts vendors, heritage crafters
and demonstrations, antique tractors, living history interpreters, a
children’s activity area, agricultural exhibits, a classic car show, and
festival foods. Last year’s event drew a crowd of people from across
Georgia and the Southeast.
Greensboro is located east of Atlanta off I-20 at the Lake Oconee
exit #130. Lodging is available at local hotels, bed and breakfasts,
and campgrounds. For more information, call 706-453-7674, or visit
Spring Fling Indoor Yard Sale & More in Douglas
The “Spring Fling” Gigantic Indoor Yard Sale in Douglas
will be held on Saturday, April 21 at Central Square Complex.
This indoor yard sale is one of the biggest of its kind in
Southeast Georgia and will offer items varying from yard sale
to leather goods to jewelry to cosmetics to books and even
home décor. All of the bargains will be under one roof. Both
exhibit halls at Central Square Complex will be utilized by
approximately 100 vendors who have a desire to turn their
used, unwanted home and miscellaneous items into cash.
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!” stated the
show’s director. So find your treasure in Douglas during the Spring Fling event.
This event will take place rain or shine. The Spring Fling Indoor Yard Sale & More will open
to the public on Saturday, April 7, from 7am-3pm. Admission will be $1.00. Central Square
Complex is located at 200 South Madison Avenue in Douglas. For more details, call 912-3830277, visit www.cityofdouglas. com, or email [email protected].
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Georgia Peach Festival in Fort Valley & Byron
The 26th annual Georgia Peach Festival will get underway Friday, June 1, in Byron and come
to a close Saturday, June 9, in Fort Valley. The first official event of the festival will be the
Historical Society Luncheon at the Byron United
Methodist Church Friday, June 1, at noon. The festival
will continue Saturday in Byron with an evening concert, kids activities, and fireworks at North Peach Park.
The festival will move to Fort Valley Tuesday, June
5, with Spaghetti and Jazz at the Austin Theater from
5:30-8pm and Khoury’s Walk for Health in the Historic
District Wednesday at 7am.
Saturday, June 9, “The Big Day” will feature the
Kiwanis Club pancake breakfast, the Peach Parade through downtown at 10am, the Historical
Society Luncheon at McArthur Saxson House, arts and crafts, music, food, kids’ activities, water
slides, inflatable play, free tours of Lane Southern Orchards, the World’s Largest Peach Cobbler
served at 2pm at the Courthouse, a free concert at 8pm, and a fireworks finale.
For more information, visit www.worldslargestpeachcobbler.com or call 478-420-0072.
19 – NEWNAN – Taste of Newnan, Square,
5-8pm. 770-254-2627.
19-22 – ANDERSONVILLE – S.E. Electric
Flight Festival. 229-924-9505.
19-22 – VIDALIA – Vidalia Onion Festival.
20-21 – HELEN – Corvair Club, Helen
Festhalle. 706-878-1908.
20-21 – SAVANNAH – NOGS Tour of
Hidden Gardens. 912-961-4805.
20-21 – TIFTON – Going Hog Wild Car &
Truck Show, Conference Ctr. 229-386-3416.
20-22 – DARIEN – Blessing of the Fleet
Festival, Downtown. 912-437-2683.
21 – BLUE RIDGE – Taste of Blue Ridge. 706632-5224.
21 – COLQUITT – Mayhaw Festival. 229758-2400.
21 – CONYERS – Taste of Conyers and Car
Show. 770-602-2606.
21 – DOUGLAS – Spring Fling Gigantic Indoor Yard
Sale, Central Sq. Complex, 7am-3pm. 912-383-0277.
21 – GREENSBORO – Southland Jubilee,
Downtown. 706-453-7674.
21 – HARTWELL – Antique Boat Festival,
Hartwell Marina. 706-376-5441.
21 – JASPER – Artfest, Dntwn. 706-692-1164.
21 – RICEBORO – Gathering at Geechee
Kunda. 912-884-4440.
21 – SAUTEE – Taste of Sautee, Sautee
Village. 706-878-0144.
21 – ST. MARYS – Willie Mae Glover Praise in
the Park Celebration, Downtown. 800-433-0225.
21-22 – ADAIRSVILLE – Antiques & Arts.
21-22 – CARTERSVILLE – Homestead Springtime, Red Top Mt. St. Pk. Allatoona Pass 150th Anniversary of Great Locomotive Chase. 770-975-4226.
21-22 – DAHLONEGA – Bear on the Square
Mountain Festival. 706-864-3513.
21-22 – HAWKINSVILLE – Harness Festival,
Bennett Harness Training Center. 478-783-1717.
21-22 – JASPER – ArtFest. 706-692-1164.
21-22 – WARNER ROBINS – Mossy Creek
Barnyard Festival. 888-288-9742 or 478-922-8265.
21-22 – WASHINGTON – Spring Music
Festival, Downtown. 706-318-8190.
21-22 – WATKINSVILLE – Southworks
Artist Market, OCAF. 706-769-4565.
22 – KINGSTON – 148th Confederate Memorial Day Service, Baptist Church. 770-382-1747.
23 – FITZGERALD – Confederate Memorial
Day, Jeff Davis State Park. 229-769-4565.
26-28 – THOMASVILLE – Rose Show &
Festival, Downtown. 229-228-7977.
26-28 – LUMPKIKN – Westville’s Spring
Days Festival. 888-733-1850.
Marine Parade • Classic Car Show
Art In The Park • Street Parade
Arts & Crafts • Music • Food
View Event Schedule & Times at:
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Daylily Festival in Gray
The Gray Station Better Hometown 9th Annual Daylily Festival will be held June 1-2 in the Pecan Orchard at
Gray Elementary School, 273 Railroad St. The festival on
Friday from 6-9pm will feature a 5K road race, 1M fun
run, live entertainment, food, and more.
Saturday events from 9am-5pm will include over 100
arts and crafts vendors, continuous live entertainment,
food, horseshoe tournament, children’s activities, pony rides, Teddy Bear walk for children at
11am, and plenty of daylilies. An open car/truck/motorcycle show will be conducted by the Jones
County Cruisers and a golf tournament co-sponsored with the Jones County/Gray Chamber of
Commerce (478-986-1123). Vendor applications are on the website.
The Master Gardeners and Garden Clubs have planted daylilies at the schools and other
places in the city and county including the library and the railroad track in honor of the City of
Gray being named the Daylily Capitol of Georgia. There will be daylilies to admire and purchase
at the festival and a Daylily Flower Show on Saturday in the Gray Elementary gym.
Admission will be $1 for all persons over 6 years old. For more information, e-mail
[email protected], phone 478-986-5199, or visit www.gsbht.com.
28 – AUGUSTA – Augusta Symphony
Orchestra, 1st Baptist. 706-826-4705.
26-29 – CARTERSVILLE – N. Ga. Flintknap28 – CARTERSVILLE – Civil War Comes
pers/Primitive Arts Festival. 770-304-8760.
Alive, Booth Museum. 770-387-1300.
27-28 – CALHOUN – BBQ, Boogie, & Blues.
28 – CONYERS – Elks Aidmore Music
Festival, Georgia Int’l. Horse Pk. 888-860-4224.
27-28 – MACON – Pan African Festival,
28 – FITZGERALD – Big Bart Concert & Silent
Downtown. 478-743-8544.
Movie Zorro, Grand Theatre, 7pm. 229-426-5033.
27-28 – REYNOLDS – Georgia Strawberry
28 – GAINESVILLE – Spring Chicken Festival,
Festival, Downtown. 478-847-5301.
Downtown. 770-531-1102.
27-28 – WOODBINE – Crawfish Festival,
28 – GROVETOWN – Heritage Festival. 706Downtown. 912-576-3211.
27-29 – SAVANNAH – Fine Arts on the
28 – HELEN – Wurstfest. 706-878-1908.
River Festival: Mercer on the River. 912-234-0295.
28 – LOCUST GROVE – L.G. Day. 770-957-5043.
28 – MADISON – Madison Fest, Dntn. 800709-7406. EquiFest, Morgan Ag-Ctr. 800-709-7406.
28 – McDONOUGH – Classic & Open Car
Show. 770-898-0311.
28 – MORELAND – Heritage Day. 770-2542627.
28 – PORT WENTWORTH – Stand Up for
America Day, Cantyre Grounds. 912-966-7428.
28 – ROME – Rome Symphony Orchestra,
7:30pm. 706-291-7967.
28 – THOMSON – Car Show at the Depot.
28-29 – CLAYTON – Celebrate Clayton,
Downtown. 706-212-0241.
28-29 – GRIFFIN – Mayfling Arts & Crafts
Festival, City Park. 770-228-8200.
28-29 – PEACHTREE CITY – WWII Heritage
Days, Falcon Field Airport. 678-216-0282.
An Ocean
28-29 – WARNER ROBINS – Robins AFB
of Pink
Air Show. 478-929-1111.
30 – GRAY – Music Under Stars/Matt Pippin,
and White
Fairgrounds, 7pm. 478-986-5199.
30-May 8 – MACON – Georgia State Fair,
Central City Park. 478-746-7184.
through March
Take the Road Less Traveled!
and Fresh Peaches
May through August
3 – GRIFFIN – Earth Songs, First UMC,
7:30pm. 770-468-3072.
3-6 – HELEN – Georgia Mountain Birdfest,
Unicoi State Park. 800-573-9659.
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
1st Annual “BBQ, Boogie, & Blues” in Calhoun
Mohawk will present the 1st Annual “BBQ, Boogie, & Blues” in Calhoun April 27-28. The
Kansas City BBQ Society (KCBS) has sanctioned this event, and Governor Nathan Deal has
declared it a state barbecue competition. The event will be held over a two day period and will
replace the annual “More than a Taste of Calhoun.”
On Friday evening, April 27, beginning at 6:30pm,
as the contestants are preparing their barbecue, there
will be other events including a street dance with live
entertainment on Court Street, a fashion runway event
to benefit the American Cancer Society, and food and
drink vendors set up downtown until 10:30pm. On
Saturday, April 28, at 8:30am, a bicycle ride to benefit
the Alzheimer’s Association will originate at the Depot.
Throughout the day, there will be arts and craft vendors, continuous live music, kid zones, an
amazing race, and the results of the KCBS and Backyard BBQ contests.
For information, visit www.ExploreGordonCounty.com or phone 800-887-3811 or e-mail
[email protected].
3-7 – SAVANNAH – Tall Ships Challenge,
River Street. 877-savannah.
4-5 – MADISON – Madison in May Spring
Tour of Homes. 706-342-4743.
4-6 – AUGUSTA – Sound of Music, Augusta
Players, 706-826-4704.
4-6 – BLUE RIDGE – Plein Aire Event, Art
Center. 800-899-6867.
4-6 – GRIFFIN – Griffin Ballet’s Little
Mermaid, Auditorium. 770-228-1306.
5 – BYRON – Ballet of Byron, North Peach
Recreation Park. 478-954-4592.
5 – CONYERS – Fashion Show/Luncheon, Presbyterian Church, 11:30am. 770-602-2606. Derby
Day, Ga. Int’l. Horse Pk., 2pm. 404-350-7778.
5 – DEERING – Mayfest Arts & Crafts
Festival. 706-597-1000.
5 – SAVANNAH – Scottish Games, Bethesda
Home. 912-233-6017.
5 – SUMMERVILLE – Finster Fest, Dowdy
Park, Downtown. 423-619-8154.
5 – THOMASVILLE – Kentucky Derby Party,
Pebble Hill Plantation, 5pm. 229-226-6016.
5 – WARM SPRINGS – Happy Birthday FDR’s
Little White House (80 years). 706-655-5870.
5-6 – CLINTON – War Days in Old Clinton
(Near Gray, GA) 478-986-6383 or 478-986-1123.
5-6 – DAWSONVILLE – Spring Fling Festival,
Middle School/Bowen Arts Ctr. 706-265-6278.
5-6 – GAY – Cotton Pickin’ Fair. 800-5386814. Shady Days in Gay. 706-977-8548.
12 – ABBEVILLE – Ocmulgee Wild Hog
Festival. 229-467-2144 or 229-467-2107.
12 – ALBANY – Albany Symphony,
Municipal Auditorium, 7:30pm. 229-430-8933.
12 – CALHOUN – 50th Anniversary of New
Echota Historic Site. 706-624-1321.
12 – PAVO – Peacock Day Fest. 229-224-1758.
13 – BRUNSWICK – Our Lady of Fatima
Processional/Blessing of Fleet. 912-265-4032.
17-19 – KNOXVILLE – Georgia Jugfest. 478836-3825.
18 – CONYERS – Covington-Conyers Choral
Guild Concert, Rockdale Aud., 8pm. 770-761-0474.
53rd Annual
Putnam County
Dairy Festival
May 5 & 6 • Old Clinton
Arts & Crafts of the Era
Suttler’s Row • Demonstrations • Food
Self-Guided Tours Available • Guided Tours By Appointment
Old Clinton is located 12 miles N.E. of Macon
and 11/2 miles S.W. of Gray, just off Hwy. 129
June 2
Road Races • Parade
Arts & Crafts Fair
Speakers • BBQ
Entertainment • Food
Free Ice Cream & Milk
Rides & Games
Sponsored by the Pilot Club of Eatonton, GA, Inc.
www.pceatonton.org/dairy or
e-mail [email protected]
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA
Sea Island -St. Simons Island Tour of Homes
The 59th annual tour of Sea Island and St. Simons Island homes and gardens will be held
Saturday, March 17. Visitors can view stylish interiors and diverse architectural elements of
private homes between 10am-5pm. Also on the tour will
be the Wesley Memorial Gardens and Musgrove
Plantation with its beautiful art collection and archaeological treasures. The Episcopal Churchwomen of Christ
Church, Frederica sponsor this yearly spring event,
which is the major fundraising drive for the year and benefits area charities for women and children in need.
Tour headquarters will be at the Parish House,
adjacent to Christ Church, Frederica on St. Simons Island
where visitors will enjoy beautiful music while sampling tea
sandwiches, cookies, and refreshments. The Christ Church Cookbook will be available for sale on
tour day at the church and at the transportation hub on Gascoigne Bluff. This collection of recipes
compiled by the Churchwomen of Christ Church, Frederica includes a history of the church and
beautiful color photographs of the intricate stained glass windows in the historic church.
Advance tour tickets purchased online or at local outlets are $40; tickets purchased on the day
of the tour will be $45. For information, visit www.christchurchtourofhomes.org or call 912-222-5686.
18 – TYBEE ISLAND – Beach Bum Parade.
18-19 – HELEN – VW Audi Show, Helendorf
River Inn. 706-878-2271.
19 – McDONOUGH – Geranium Festival,
19 – THOMSON – Blind Willie McTell Blues
Festival. 706-597-1000.
19-20 – BALL GROUND – Heritage Days
Festival, Downtown. 678-315-4411.
19-20 – CALHOUN – Battle of Resaca
Reenactment. 800-887-3811.
19-20 – DAHLONEGA – Mountain Flower
Fine Art Festival. 706-864-3513.
20 – CALHOUN – Concert in Park/American
Flyers, Downtown. 800-887-3811.
20 – COLUMBUS – Arts in the Park, Lakebottom Park. 706-327-9533.
26-27 – BLUE RIDGE – Arts in the Park
Festival. 706-632-5680.
29 – ST. SIMONS – Phil Morrison Trio/
Michael Hulett, Lighthouse, 7pm. 912-262-6934.
31-June 2 – HELEN – Helen to the Atlantic
Hot Air Balloon Race. 706-878-2271.
1-2 – BYRON – Georgia Peach Festival. 478420-0072.
1-2 – GRAY – Gray Station Better Hometown
Daylily Festival. 478-986-5199.
2 – EATONTON – Putnam County Dairy
Festival, downtown. 706-473-0336.
5 – FORT VALLEY – Spaghetti & Jazz, Austin
Theater, 5:30-8pm. 478-420-0072.
5-9 – FORT VALLEY – Georgia Peach Festival.
9-10 – BLAIRSVILLE – Scottish Festival &
Highland Games, Meeks Park. 877-745-5789.
May 19
Knoxville, Crawford County
Pottery Exhibit •Sales •Auction
Handcraft Sales •Demonstrations
Antique Tractors •Lawn Mower Races
Early Events May 17 & 18
for the love of mud . . .
www.gajugfest.com •478-836-3825
20 miles west of Macon
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
Garden and Nature Events
Tour of Hidden Gardens in Savannah
Spring will put on its best show during the 37th Annual NOGS Tour of Hidden Gardens which
will be held in Savannah on April 20-21. Discover the secrets of ten private gardens located
underneath a majestic canopy of centuries old oak trees.
The gardens are selected each year for excellence of
design, historical interest, architectural features, and
overall beauty. The gates will be opened daily from
10am-4pm during this highly anticipated tour.
A trip to Savannah must include a visit to one of the
many historical mansions on her fabled squares.
Accordingly, the parlors of the historic Green Meldrim
House will become the venue for a Southern Tea. During
the hours between 2 and 4pm, tour participants may
enjoy the garden, relax on the porches, and absorb the beauty of the home’s Gothic Revival
architecture. Refreshing iced tea, delicious savories, and entertainment will be provided.
For information, phone 912-961-4805 or visit www.gardenclubofsavannah.org.
Throughout Spring
Mar. 1-Apr. 30 – Atlanta Blooms & Garden
Gate Exhibit, Atlanta Botanical Garden.
Mar. 10, 24, Apr. 7,21, May 5,19 – Wildlife
Shows, Fort Yargo St. Pk., Winder. 678-963-8891
Mar. 8-9, Apr. 6-7, May 4-5 – Full Moon
Hike, Tallulah Gorge State Park. 706-754-7981.
Mar. 17,18, Apr. 8,14,15 – Beekeeping,
State Botanical Garden.
Mar. 27, Apr. 7 – Spring Wildflowers, State
Botanical Garden.
3-4 – Orchid Market, Atlanta Bot. Garden.
3-4 – Home & Garden Show, Trade Center,
Columbus. 706-576-6252.
9-11 – Orchid Show, Atlanta Bot. Garden.
10 – Ashantilly Center Scottish Heritage Days.
17 – Christ Church Tour of Homes &
Gardens, St. Simons & Sea Island. 912-222-5686.
17 – Georgia Daffodil Society Blooms,
Chattahoochee Nature Center.
17 – Old-Timey Plant Sale, Birdsong Nature
Center, 9am-1pm.
17 – Lake Oconee Builders Assn. Home &
Garden Show, Greensboro. 706-999-1591.
22-25 – Savannah Tour of Homes &
Gardens. 877-728-2622.
23-24 – 91st Annual Standard Flower
Show, Thomasville. 866-577-3600.
24 – Spring Garden Festival, Bamboo
Master Gardeners of Central Georgia
Coastal Gardens.
31 – Ashantilly Center Silent Auction &
Dinner in the Gardens.
31-Apr. 1 – Perry Home & Garden Show,
Georgia National Fairgrounds. 478-988-8344.
1-15 – Azalea Days at Callaway Gardens.
7 – Heirloom Seed Swap, State Bot. Garden.
7 – Bluebirds & Bluegrass Festival, Dauset
Trails Nature Center, Jackson. 770-775-6798.
13 – Atlanta Symphony Orchestra,
Callaway Gardens Beach.
13-14 – Plant Sale, Chatt. Nature Center.
14 – Plant Sale, State Botanical Garden.
14-15 – Chattahoochee Herb Society Sale,
Atlanta Botanical Garden.
20-21 – Savannah NOGS Tour of Hidden
Gardens. 912-961-4805.
21 – Piedmont Gardeners’ Garden Tour,
Athens. 706-548-5760.
27-28 – Savannah Garden Expo, Roundhouse Railroad Museum. 912-236-4795.
27-29 – Sacred Heart Cultural Center
Garden Festival, Augusta. 706-826-4700.
28 – A Garden Faire at Bulloch Hall, Roswell.
28 – Roaming Through Rome’s Gardens.
28 – Blairsville Garden Club Plant Sale,
Farmers Market. 877-745-5789.
Sat., 9-6
Sun., 10-5
Home & Garden
Ask the Master Gardener • Georgia Artist Butler Brown
Plants • Garden Accessories • Home Décor • Children’s Activities
Georgia National Fairgrounds & Agricenter • Perr y
I-75 @ Exit 135 • 478-988-8344 • www.mgcg.org
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA 29
Garden and Nature Events
Spring Home and Garden Show in Perry
Join the Master Gardeners of Central Georgia at their annual Spring Home and Garden
Show on Saturday, March 31, and Sunday, April 1, at the Georgia National Fairground &
Agricenter in Perry. The show will feature home landscape and gardening demonstrations; “Ask the Master
Gardener” staffed by knowledgeable Master Gardener
Extension volunteers; S.E. vendors offering a wide variety of plants, garden accessories, home and garden
services, and home décor items; an art show and sale by
Georgia artist Butler Brown; and free supervised educational activities for children while parents shop.
Show hours will be Saturday, March 31, from 9am6pm and Sunday, April 1, from 10am-5pm. Admission
will be $5 with children under 12 free. For information, visit www.mgcg.org or call 478-988-8344.
From I-75 take Exit 135 East; parking will be free and near the entrance to the McGill Building.
The Spring Home & Garden Show is sponsored by the Master Gardeners of Central GA and
the UGA Cooperative Extension. Proceeds help fund Jr. Master Gardener programs in public
schools, educational programs for home owners, community projects in Middle GA, and the
Macon Museum of Arts & Sciences Native Plant Garden.
3-31 – Tea in the Garden at Davenport
House, Savannah, Thurs. & Fri. 912-236-8097.
4-6 – Savannah Rose Festival, Botanical
Garden. 912-355-3883.
5 – Gemstones/Pearls Jewelry Design,
Callaway Gardens.
5-6 – Wings of Flight, Amicalola Falls State
Park, Dawsonville. 706-265-1969.
12 – Wetland Plants, State Botanical Garden.
12 – Rockin’ at the River Benefit for
Chattahoochee Nature Center.
12 – International Migratory Bird Day,
Reed Bingham State Park, Adel. 229-896-3551.
19 – Spring Garden Gate Tour, Newnan.
22-25 – Plant Fair & Sale, Callaway Gardens.
Garden & Nature Centers in Georgia
Ashantilly Center, Darien . . . . . . . . . . . .912-437-4473
Atlanta Botanical Garden . . . . . . . . . . .404-876-5859
Bamboo/Coastal Gdns., Savannah . . .912-921-5460
Barrington Hall, Roswell . . . . . . . . . . . .770-640-3855
Birdsong Nature Ctr., Thomasville . . . .800-953-bird
Callaway Gardens, Pine Mt. . . . . . . . . .800-Callaway
Chattahoochee Nat. Ctr., Roswell . . . . .770-992-2055
Columbus Botanical Garden . . . . . . . .706-327-8400
Elachee Nature Center, Gainesville . . .770-535-1976
Flint RiverQuarium, Albany . . . . . . . . . .229-639-2650
GSU Botanical Gdn., Statesboro . . . . .912-871-1149
Hills & Dales Estate, LaGrange . . . . . .706-882-3242
Massee Lane, Fort Valley . . . . . . . . . . . .478-967-2358
Oakland Island, Savannah . . . . . . . . . . .912-898-3980
Oxbow Meadows, Columbus . . . . . . . .706-687-4090
Smithgall Woods, Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . .706-878-3087
State Botanical Garden, Athens . . . . . .706-542-1244
Tybee Island Marine Center . . . . . . . . .912-786-5917
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Advance Tickets $40
Tour Day Tickets $45
For additional information call 912-222-5686
Purchase tickets online
GUIDE TO GEORGIA / www.guidetogeorgia.com / March / April / May 2012
March / April / May 2012 / www.guidetogeorgia.com / GUIDE TO GEORGIA