PDF version – Project description Majdanpek
PDF version – Project description Majdanpek
Strengthening of local land management in Serbia Majdanpek – Tourism development “Rajko’s cave and Ski resort” Last update March 2014 Quality improvement for the process of elaboration of a Detailed Regulation Plan Impact Assessment (SEIA), prior to the elaboration of the draft for the Detailed Regulation Plan for the site. The pilot project in the Municipality of Majdanpek, implemented from 2011 to 2012 in close cooperation between AMBERO/ICON and local stakeholders from different institutions of the public administration, accompanied the process of the elaboration of a new Detailed Regulation Plan. The intention of the introduction of new instruments and approaches into the planning procedure was to show how the procedure and the final plan can be improved in its quality, regarding social, economic and ecological sustainability. Revitalisation of potentials for touristic development The new Detailed Regulation Plan was elaborated to regulate the touristic redevelopment in the area of “Rajkovo Cave and Ski Resort". Though the natural attractions have a lot of potential to raise increased interest for their touristic use, the touristic infrastructure was neglected and no longer suitable for the successful marketing of the area. In order to enhance the success of the envisaged future rehabilitation of the site, the pilot project supported the elaboration of a feasibility study based on an urban design concept and a Strategic Environmental Winter at the lake Veliki Zaton Part of the urban design concept at the lake Veliki Zaton Early participation and transparency Early stakeholder involvement and citizen participation ensured the transparency of the process, as well as the acceptance of the envisaged development. The urban development and design concept carefully analyses capacities and restrictions of the location, proposing a feasible and locally supported solution for future land use in the area. It further ensures the touristic development of the area, respecting and protecting its natural environment, understanding it as the basis for its success. The environmental sustainability of the development concept was verified in a Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment. Through the development of a Feasibility Study, prior to the development of the Plan, investment and maintenance costs, as well as expected revenues are estimated in order to verify the economic feasibility of the project. Since the whole process of elaboration of the draft for the new Detailed Regulation Plan was accompanied by continuous informing of the public and active participation of local stakeholders and citizens, the pilot project in Majdanpek serves as an outstanding example for including participation methods into communal planning procedures, as well as increasing their transparency. During the early stage of the Detailed Regulation Plan and the SEIA, for the first time in Serbia, a SPEAK OUT was organized, which involved school children, interested citizens, representatives of the local government institutions. The experiences made in the Municipality of Majdanpek were included as an example in the “Guide for Participation in Urban Development Planning”, published as a jointly elaborated product by the GIZ project and its partners. Organization of a Children’s drawing contest about the future of the site The Detailed Regulation Plan for the area was adopted by the city council in April of 2013. Citizens’ participation for the elaboration of the urban design concept This project assisted by the German Government is being carried out by the consortium of AMBERO Consulting and ICON Institute on behalf of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH AMBERO Consulting Belgrade- Representative Office, Kralja Milana 23/6, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; [email protected]
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