1 - Heritage Avon Lake
1 - Heritage Avon Lake
.. .... .... . .. . ... . ..... .. . THE PRESS. FEBRUARY 21, 2007 . 5 Abracadabra: club hopes 'Magic' will reach out and grab donations AVON -By' Rebecca TUrrTlan ' On Marc;h 10, magic 'will be in till! nir. The, day marks the' Avon Junior Women·s Club bi-annual fundroiscr cvent--March Magic. According. to the ,Avon Juniot Women's Club Web site. the group was '''founded in September 1994 to bring together )'oung \\'omcn in Avon to work toward continuing to'improve the com~ munily through charitable work and contributions. The women strive to Former lire chief. dies in Valentine's . OilY snowstorm AVON·lAJ.<E By LorI E. SIMtaj Former Avon" LakO· Fire Chiuf Gary F,yfogle died Feb. 14 while sboveling snow at his homo. Tho longtime member of. tho fire department joined tho force in 1969 and was promoted to lieutonnnt in: 1975 bororu being' named fire chief in 1985; ," , , , ' 'Current chief Bill Morris worked with Fryfoglo when Fryfoglo wao; licu~ lenant mId chier. '!Hc was Q very meticulous person 'and ron tho,· department . hy lhe book." , Morris said. SUII, wilen Morris lost his' , motber-in~lnw . und Jothcr in n 10-day period. Fryfogle, was sympulhutic. Morrissnid il nElS not 'yet been dclennilled if Fryfogle 'tho fonner chief improve th~ 'cultur~l: CI\'IC, economic and d social develop'mcnt of AVO:1. In. a clition. the group, contrihutes to the, ~c:iaI. intellectual' ilnd care!.!r nrowth of Its members through speake,rs and programs:' " Dan'" Vile. of Avon. is, a Go-chair or ~larch Magic and tr~asurcr of Ihl! women's club, ' "This is, by for. our biggest event (of the year)." Vile said HO\",;evcr~' magh: isn't Hm, anI\' thing' the women dabble in when it comes 10 the community, The ,women, also get,' invoh.·cd by putting on lea parties at nursing homes, donating food to LoveA-Stray, and donating 10 CRS, for example, Ulle said. ' , This year's magicnl fundmiseTwill be held at LnCentre in Westlake from 7 p.m.-midnight. TIckets are 575 each, and a portion will be 10.'( deductible. Magician Rick Smith Jr., of Strongsville"will be the main entertainment for the cvuning. "lIe's been un Jny Lena,' David Lt!tlerman, and Ellen DuGcnert!s talk shows,'" Ulle said. ' , , Alon~ with ,making' guest. appmlrnnces on national talk shows .. Smith also holds the Guinness World Record for distance' playIng card 'throwing: His rucord-brenking throw was ,216 feet 4 inches. which toppud the prc\;ious record h'{ more than 15 feet. The record' "The money· goes, toward a good was scl' at the Chn:cland Com'oentian' Clluse." VUe said. "And all the bencficio.. Center in 2U02.'For more infonn..tion ori ries arc froin Avon or Lorain County.":' Smith's ilh.isionist skHJs., visit Monev raised from the event will htlp:llrkk.":;rnilhjr.(:om. ,ben~fit the A\'on JuniorWomen's Club SmilhwiH perform strolling magic scholarship fund,' which includes a throughout the ~\'cning, along with an ,51,000 scholarship for a non·troditional illusionist 5hO\,;, Ulle said, female student and a 5:00 schoinrship "He's going to cut people in half," for a graduating female senior from Ulle added with oJ'laugh. ' Avon High School, Smith won't be the only (mtcrtaio,", "The rest of the money roisedwill be ment for the, enning. Guesls will (lIsa divided among loenl non-profit organi· have the opportunity to dance the night, ' zations including Blessing House. The away with the Dlthat will be pro\'ided. Leukemia & Lymphoma Sociely Team,in Entertainment isn't the only thing Trilining:' Northern Ohio Chapter, guesls' will be providec,l ,during March Matthe\,"s ,Lending Library, Love-AMagic. Food and libations will be plenti~ Stra); nnd the Boys & Girls Clubs of ful with n r.arving station. pasta station ,Lorain County. , and mashcd potnlo har along with an , This is the second time the Avon open bur, 'Vornen's Junior Club h'ns hostedMar:ch , Thee\'ellt wiH offer up a night of Magic., The 2005 March Magic event dUlnce ,to its guests' with the opportuni- '\,'as held at Red Tail Country· Club in ty to win items siJch as access to a l,im~ Avon, and tickets sold out with room for ousine for six hours~ tickets to the opera, o'nly 200, Ullo said~ skiing, food. jcwelry, sports (wcnts. Great "Wc're hoping to have 300 people," Lukcs Thealcr tickets. personal training, Ulle said of this year~s expectations. ' ' dog'grooming' and more during lhe silunt The· 20U5 event raised S20,OOO.' nnd auction, UBe said the club is "hoping to top "A lot of the vendors'nre from Avon:' that:' Ulle said, For more information about. the , There \\dll also hc n martini rome at event, call Ulle at 937-41'38, For tickets; ,the m'ent, which will include n night on' scnd request. including ,payment, to Ihe town pncknge,A SO/50 rofne will be ,Dawn Vile, Avon Junior Women·s Club, held os well, according to Ulle. P.O. Dox 131; Avon 44011 by Feb. 28. a a hod 0 heart oLlnck. "Wu' got a call thure wm; n man down nIid whon 'we got' thero. 'we'rernjzcd it was, Gary,"Mcrris said. Morris said EMS trucks were rospondi'ng to cnlls'lIccompwliod by a pickup "truck with 0 snowplow attached,to help' the emergency vehicles through the blizz..1.rtJ. whit;h stnrte4 the aftcrnoon of Feb, n. , "Wcrospondl'd wilh a ronr-person unit (in tho EMS vehiclu) unci one mun in.tho plow,:' Morris,said.· ..Therewns 110.pulsc'und no rospirolion, Wo're slill unsure of the' ClIuse," ' After retiring, Fryfoglu, 61, ,kupl husy Witil nil unusunl hobby: collucting hot rods nnd purfomw,ncu cors, Ho wurked nnd, managed tho now-closed CScM Strout Pert'onnWlce in Avon, The 1963 ALHS grad. mnin~ tOin'cd:o·' collection of' vehiclos. indu.din'g"28, ,cars, nn'd n dozen motorcycles, In .1990. his 1937 Chevrolet coupe. on display at tho DetroilAuloroma.. won tho show's "Outstanding Competition," , .'Ho onco worked port~Ume8s a ·IJOlicti' officer, in Shornel~ La,ke. ,Morris, extendod hiS, condo~ l~nces to the former chiers family, his wHo Glorio, !Ion Williom of Shuffield Loke and daughter Cynthin Smilh of Cloveland. "Our' sympathies go out ,to the family," Morris snld. "Wo will try ot his memorial'servicu,to show tho rospoct he dUf;orvotl. Hn wns much too yuung'to go l.hut way:','. Fry,foglo'g Wife, ,Gln,fln:. SOld Gary "certainly. enjoyed hfe. Memorial service .. A memorinl sorvice will bo held for Fryrogl e on Feb. 27 at the Avon Lake Urliled Church of CI,lriSt" Vi:;itoli~n will bo 'ul "p,m. \\'I,th n lllemorlUl sorvice h,nmucliotely· rollowlllEf 'ot 7 p.m. -~._., .... -:J'r-,. . /.... . II."J f"S~L's;iU'" Ll .ttsli'h1ws ,(:. '1,i • " [(.r~:L/l!1rL~L~' ~Id tllli'llt.·~' ;,~t "h.,JL~,rI1, Slj("klL~~'~ MissiL,,, ,J.~l·IJI'.:diL'I1 mat'$ it."d/ (11 'Stlllll.-· i" .~t'~·rll rilll"" klli,,',,' JI... It'Mld tit.;, l;ll/l f 1• • Sllrin'stic'lk.1 ,"II/tlr! emJ ."ll/i.1 crlt/t.""hll1$/"p. 111"I'rl'(;!ll.i..· \ \ • Our .f.Jn'lil!f f..~'ltllri,t!1 2.5' illt/h,UIII,/ ~./h'/l'r,I"III,'" i,., /i"~·J It·itl. 11 1/I'~1 ..· I . 1 l I {f' { .. / . . ,./ fill" jlln/l.':; /III!'." 1/':.' ,s",\'dlllll.' Sti.'·!·/,'1/ '111'/ tll,nll/ FII,' .I~I;",~i;liill!/.,:;,'J~ ,tI'I.-'r "'.tL·,~rs ll/ .. !/l""lll, s"ri,,!1_", ~EDLAK" IERIORS ~ FINE HUME FURNISHINGS -+-+0-2-+8-2-+2-+ ;-l. ~H10 S,'llllli R'ljll '{';".•. , ll,oI'. \J.O \\",.,J.. hi. l/;; ,II :-:.,1 I),~ \Il ~1 .. "" ~ ......·,l1.lLI"t..";,,,.,. ",'1 1"1\11" 1111.1\·1:1.:) \,'1111,1;"; 1'1 1 ,.\\11.1 ::. E\,\lII.Y ...'\\,SEIl::I:-\'I..T 11 /../.7' \ ,{ 1l \ l < ,'{ 1 , ,'"' .,.;i! ~,ki ]i 6 The PRESS In QflJijiii AVON. AVON , , , '. ,I ', , ,, \ , \ ~ " , '' \ ;1 \\' \ February 21. ' ,.. '" \ '~ II ,' . "; , ,\ .. \ \ " 'd· l, Let it sno·w: ..so·there's ·snowschool again Lost Wednesday., children; teenagers nnd adults aliko waited in anxious anticipation for .tho most mon· urn ental nows of the year. They sot SENIOR with ,their eyes glued to tho television and ears prossed to, tho radio, craving MOMENTS confinnation for an event so rare it hadn't happene~',in years.,' 'By Nicolo' Frie Avon Lake was having a snow day. , M05:t shocking of all, however, it was not the first of this year: nor would ,j( be the lost. Mother Nature, perhaps have 'take'n' her 'u'p on ,that offer, making up, for the calm beginning. of , because, I found myself sitting in winter that we experienced (or maybe school on only Tuesday and .Friday of just pHying.oach Avon Lake kid who lost week, watched· ey~ry school in, tho slale 000 thing I've discovered ,is that, except their own scroll past on' the 6 snow dnys lack the magic thuy had o'clock news), dumped enough of tho when I wns younger, As kids, our parw white stuff on us to givo us four snow ents couldn'l get us ou't of bed on' a doys in two wooks, .' . ,. ' school. morning-but ,lell us' about Q "But wait, there's more'" she said. snow day the night before and \\"e,were "Ihave'o flpecial offer for aU Avon Lake up at the crack of dawn; begging them High School students. Call now and I'll , lo help us' pUl on 'our snowsuits. throw in a free malfunctioning: water (Attention 'parents: I'm sensing n new pipe-guaranteed to provide you with tactic for getting ,your children roady' on extra day off!" Well. someono must Cor scl~f)ol-:th~ Snow Dny Fake-O';1t,' if W!~E~fl~~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~ •.. ~ :::I:. I- '• .. ~ _ Established 1951 Iq,' (Dick) I-I~mmer, Sr. (1922-1989) I'Il"/i~It:r: H. KenneUt Douthit III CaltmI MaIUISrr: Janet I- Sanner Nru'$ Editor: Lori Eo Swit.J·1 ~pQrllt ulill1l':' Malth~w Thomlnu!l 1',0; DOl( 300 ,-158 Lear, Road, Avo~ l..1ke, 011 44012 1'//(111(': (440) ,93,3.5100 • Tax: (440) 9303-7904 Sul'ltcriptiIJIl: 1..sB8-86()..217i E-Mail: [email protected] ,'Wl'l'$,ilc: www.bright.nt·V.. th~pr.. c""-'._~~~ Modem Day FIJUtllltor. ,nit PRESS l!l It newsp"pcr or Gl·.,er,ll Cil'>:ulo1ljon In ., Lorlt~n,Coun~y'; Copyright 20074) , .~ ·~I o:·i ~" ~ Neither min oo'r snow Dor...oh,' who are we'kidding. The 'Blizzard' of'Ui e\'en WORD kept the postal carriers away. Not Utat 1 can blame them.' When I PLAY looked out my doorlnst- \Vednesduj', I had no idea where the front porch. Uwbushes , By Lori E Switaj or the :2.foot high Halloween ,decoration directlv at )[email protected]. ~ :~,<= still languishing from last October were. Editor A little more: , ,::>};'i;(~: How could 1 expect the mail cnrriers 10 loriswitaj@gmailcom, 'RcJdors \'I.'ill be seeing periodic new.s.:.~":;i· fiod oo\,onu·s moil slot? stories nnd columns from our studenL;;1~ For -those of uS'dumb enough to he 'on right back in ,your driveways; kL>cp on intern Nicole Frie. D' senior ,trying. tri~~(i the roads Feb. 13; and I am ,counting c.xpet.1ing. escape Avon Lake High School this June "-'';,,y " rnj'self as one of the dumb 'ones, \·ou know Instead. ,I think mostrosidents and '(\\'oather pcnnilting. of,course)~ NicClI.e>~~j~1 \\'hall'mean \\'!len I could onl\' describe is also looking for feotures nnd st()rie~ t()<t~J the town as. CI"'~py. Not creepy, as in creep- business owners owo a lip of their hats to the cities o service and' emergency c'o\'er. Ideas con be sent to "press,:,,~,i:F~·." ing along (which any ctIr on the rood was workers who really did nn 'outstanding [email protected], aUn: Nicole, or by;f~j doing), hUI r.n.>epyas in ghost 10wn·l-<lon't· job in tim 'face of what ,can only be called phone ot933-5100,' x. 106. ':""';~::j};-' n.'Cog~izo.the-stn.>et creepy. Slipping along miserable conditions. All things considA little less:. " ,.,' ,,~,: ":~\,<;;\EiL'Clnc BOlllu\'ord in near-whiteoHI condiered, streets were, passable ina roason-' Readers may see n ltttle less.of Beth",/~, tions: it occurred 10 me the street was tolally,unrccogni7.nblo. It was a, twilight-zono able'time and residents showed tho' Mlady thesu,dn)'s also. Beth has joined)::~:. needed restraint for not !?cUing heated the staff fun timo; but, is DOW tho lead :',~J1,;" moment, will) nnry n Ii\'ingsoul in sight, and only 0, torrent of snowflakos· \isible over a situation that was roaUy out of reporter'moking' editorial decisions' for~<[; unyonc's control. Nice job, overall. the North Ridgeville Press, also printed_:~;:;tc from my two-whl.'Cldrivo Sebring., And although ,I, expect this week's out of our offices, ' :_::.~·::'.;.:':',:'·:,r~~~-: . The'moment was broken when, of oil ' tJungs.,a Dominoes pizza car whizzed,hy, weather, kookiness and 40 plus' degree' Welcome to 1996: , ,";J:'>~r" undou~ledly bringing dinner lo a family temperatures will eradicate most oftha ,True; ,trueo ThcPress now has vqic,e;:'i:~;:'J too temfied to, forngeforJood outside their white stuff by the lime this paper prints mail on'd I am now an extension. If you _;,~: home, (although some flooding may,bo on its feel the' nee;d to 113~,ve a confidenUot:-~. The next day, os we' will reCoil for 'way), it's still ,v'orth acknowledging the comment or two after hours, I can be~,,~'t{-<years, most of us wera shut in. with noth~ good neighbors nnd good citizens step· reached at 933-5100, ext. 107, -':" '~<:,:4: '" ing to do but marvel at tho hugo quantities ping up to help those (especially the' CongratulaUons:.,. "': ;,;:;;.:~;:;~~.::~;.j :' of snow Ulat weron't going anywhere. ' elderly) rendered helpless in the snow" Finally, congratulations nrc' due :to:·::,,".'.".~ At .least not for awhile. Eventually os storm. fonner,Press Editor Mike Fe~·arri andhis~,,>~-,:.'~~ , the day' wore on, snow plows showed 'up, 'Having said 'tbat~ 'hero's Q few wife .Theresa on the birth of their flfSf;,:;:~·,,".',;; pushing and piling snow, For thoso of )'OU updates from The P~ss front:' child. baby boy Luke Forrari, bomIQSl:;,:"~'\": ~~ expecting a couple of snide 'comments Almost back: Sheffield Lake and Vil- month., Mother, son ond Mike oro,uIL,~t:.'> toge' reporter John Edwards is horrierocov- ' doing woll, , ' .' "'-,0 .,::~;~:~~. aoout the evil plows pushing tho: snow Roadihloc \ • SHEFi=IELD lLAK:= cring from surgery. Yes. there's been •. 'slight absence of Sheffield. nc~s. We ':~ expect to have John b3c~ nl,~~ kcy~-,:~~d: soon nnd nskfor )'ourpnhcncc.ld nlso,lilai "-AI' to ask fOf'your news stories. Sheffield Lake.,:~li: und Villoge residents with nows tips nn~;:~~ ideas nrc \'.. c!co~e. to ge~d them to, me ,=:7t} ,I , LA~<;:E • SHEr,:;;=;C=i..D Moving along after a week of being adrift EDITORIAL '. i \ pYj!iJjj!fij)wJ 2007:~ Rcbt.-cea Turm..' " John EDITORIAL Edward,STAFF Joe Ostric.l Iklh Mlody . DMWamke 'Rachclllo17.al'pfd C)'nthi.l &hustcr·E.lkin Ed Kelly ADVERTISING SALES Julit! C.lrlcr Linda I h.'It1U1l"r TtlOi Mu!ogru\'t~ ART DEPARTMENT ' Tr.1C\' Lt~" Millt'r Mar)' N.1\'c ADMINISTRATION n,ub Kuhler ' M.lf)· Ro~ DEADLINES , NEWS ITEMS: ThUrsdoly-4 p.m. ADVERTISING:' Friday - Noon CLASSIFlEDS: Monday - 3 p.m, GARA~E SALE ADS:, Monday _ 3 p.m, 4DOf.'S 1Il1t mdud" SI,m,1I adl....rtisillK sectioml, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. _. filii. . . , .. ,I'/Ill"": 1.888.346.6603 . ' fax:' 1·888.346-5770 ,,,. E-Mail: alpcJass@dcey~.r.om , . . . 1M PRESS utiw n:yc:ltd , "CTCU~ nultrbls ~. recycle unused Il3'per "'lsll!. .... ... cf our . In.:hl! Pftld\lClWln'~P"NTlDWlTHI publaoon and WI: SOY INK TIlt PfiESS u:es trrtitrIrrertal)' 1rierd1 $lPf1nk1n~~fADljflM:iabolL ~ OII'lnklNJ'~tllbGffDllru" IIIlgetl. but tIl1's aunallIrict tI pq to tJVlrclllUtlrlgllt~ & . ~~~H -'~%~-:i (->'~ F 7 THE PRESS;FE8RUARY 21, 2007 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PRESS Letters to the Editor policy Points. to The Press encourages Letters 'the, Editor. The 'Press will 'no, longer publish "'?~me, WitJlheld b~v roquest~ letters. l"'hIle The Press uill accept' 'handwritten. and typed,'Jettc~. we 'prefer letters that are sent l:ia e-mail. or placed, on -a ' disk/CD ,to ensure ,accuracy;', ,,' , . In ',general. LetterS to the' Editor should not. exceed' ,200 words and ,should be timely. .Lettersexceedirig -ZOO'.WJros may be edited to,pt, nith~ out consultaUon.' "Thank vou"lettcrs should be" kept 'as' brief as~possible. ~"':. Please ',address:,letfers, to: lhep. ress@brig~t.net. HancJwrUten or .typed. letters- may be mailed to: ,The . II o ~o=; o r-'=c--.. .. .P'~ss.'R.O.,Box 300, Avon Lake 44012 of dropped off 01 our office 01158 Lear,Road, 'A~on'Lake. Afterhaurs. please use the mail s!ot'on the door. "No/etters Ivill be publishpd ....ith'out· verification of. outl.or. Please :,include ~ 'name .. ol}d:. ,daytime.' teIe",: phone,number withyC?ur correspon. .d~n~,!.·',;;<'···"·" ".'- . " , .' , 0,' ;,:'''' . Greatly appreciated -To the Editor: I wDuJdJike ,to thank the' Avon PoJice' Deporlment .and fire depart. m~nt 'for their quick response in 0 family emergency~ They did 0 terrific job w~en ,they ca~e ;to our house to help my SOD. Derryl. EveD though it was too late to save Darryl; I appreci· - ate the '. efforts of the, emergency ser· ViCP.D to try tosove him. '~,My t,wo' othe~. sons"Dnrrc!?- and 'Christopher. ore doing so "much to help me, during ,this , 4iffi~ult ,time: '. they!ve bee:i:so,good t,o mo;:- , ',Cerol Lndikos , Avon Join The Press' reader response team , Intcrested in sharing }·our'o'pinion about local issues? The Pres..; is look~ ing lor members 01 the community to join our reader' response team. All responses wi// be kept confidential unless a, reader speCifies olllfm,7se. Readers wilJ be periodical/y asked their opinions on timely issues lacing lh,cir city., Ques~ions wi// be issued via problem we can solve outselves. Lost year, more than' 20 percent of the traf,:, ficcrashes, in Avon occurred in' the corridor of the SR 83 and 1-90 interchange. If you add in the numbers for theSR 611 interchange, the percentage increuses to over 30 percent. More than 43 percent 'of all traffic crashes, which occur in Avon, hOPP,E"1l during the morning and' afternoon, rush hours. Our traffic congestion is not related to, commercinl growth in the area. as some would lead you to boHeve. Our traffic congestion is moro' Interchange Is .safety' Issue -'rolated to residants of 'Avon';' Avon Lako and North RidgoviHe travelling , 'To'tho.EdHor.,,"':' ' to and from w,ork.'Thc vast majority of ~: ~.;: llim'writing this lelter in regard to ,."appare·nt. efforts, to delay or prevent our treme crashes, also occur during construction of nninterchango on 1·90 the week when people are'commuting at NagelRond; It' has been stated by , to and from work, not on the weekend members of NOACA that a stud)' must· when people. would traditionally' be be dono· to 'determine the economic shopping' at retail establishments. ,. impo'ct~of'the' ·interchange., The ,nrs~ WhilecompiHng this staUstic, o~r responded to two crashes 10 and foremost, consideration shouldbe , officors the area of the SR 83' interchange. One for the safety~of"thomotoringpublic 'of the crashes wos 00 injury occident that travels ,t~r.ough the region. ~he where a vehiclo nipped over. , interchonge, is needed to reduco eXist· The traffic congestion in this area ing trafficonSR83 nndSR 011.1£ you 'is' olready,he'ro~ The need {o~ on add,i.' look' at tho, NOACA Web, site at tionol interchange.is' to deal with, thtl .NOACA.org, they list Ihe 20 mosl traffic that already exists. Avon nl!eds, 'dangerous'locations for traffic crashes NOACA to approve the intorchango al .in ,-Lorain County.-Or those 20 loco· Nogel Rood .. This interchango wlll 'tions, fouf are In ,'Avon. All four are greatly reduce tho trernc at the SR 83 'n'round the,intorchangesof SR 83 and interchangu.Mayor Smith hos devol, Sit 611. Anyone who drives, through ,oped 0 pion. to c~nstruct thu inter,the'se. orcas during morning and afto:chango with olmost no puhllc funds. noon rush hours will ob~orve ,trufflc Avon no.ods NOACAto ,look ot tho delay-s nnd bock ups. It is not um:ornproblem as, II mattur of public sof?ty. man to see trarnc backed up on 1-90 sofety for the rosidents lind molc,nsls '\vestbound at' tho SR ,03 exit romp. orthe region thuycloim to roprtJsont. Cars are"'frequently bocked up onto Politics and torritorial bUllies hovo no tho;interstato crouting u very dangor. place In mattors of public safoty or, .' OUB ond doadly situation. Tho bock up ,concern. Stop'ping the .into~change is caused by motorists uxiting 1-90 at will anly, increase tho ,se\·onty ond 'sucho rote thot theintcrsoctioll oC,SR lImount of troffic,crashos in tIm arua of 83 cannot' handle t40 volume of traf~ SR 83 tIS trarnc volumo conllnuos to fie'Over tho years, many, road~....oy incroase. , ,'lInprovemcnts'have been mndo to SR Paul T. Romond 8~i to help alleviate tho, proble?l: Avon Chief of Police Tho~;o roadway improvemonts. ",lulu nec~ssory, will never fix tho foct, that lhe existing interchango olano cannol . I . odlo tho amount of traffie. -Tho Stay on t~e offensive. . '0. To tho Editor: incroasod troffie . ha~ rll~t1 lid' 0 ,Ill ,nn I wnlehml PruRideut BlI~h, todoy on nlnrming, amount, o.f trarnc crD~h.o~ CNN. I wus so proud of him! causing countless Inlur!cs, loss of bfu , , 1 hc1iovo President Bush's ideas of nnd proporty. , , I Ono of the mninfunctiol1sof! 10, 'kiJopln~ and incrcnsing the troops in Avon Polico Dopartntcnt is~!o prO\'I~O tho Middle Enst and klwping tho torrori'sls ddunding themscl\'os o,\'crsclIs, f . tho safotv, o:f the motorlUg puhllc is tho bust way' to kcep tho ,homuland '::'d work wiih englnoers to find, wnys The mon und, women 111 thu sur~o reduco troffic, crashe~. If yOll sludy snfe. vice dusef\'o rcSPUl:t and ,honor rrO!n traffic crashes and thutr CRUSOS- you overy Illun. wontan nnd dllld In' often seo' thut thoy oro predictuble find ~, . ~ vontohle. The, cily of. Avon' h?~ , Anwl'ica. Bush' is offenngwerk In b~:n working 'on' reducing (:rn~hes 111 ,thePresidllllt r-.tiddle, Eust' to kutlp thl\ mon out tho orea of I~9U and SR U3 ror mony yonrs. Unrortunotoly, this lsnol n of thn Tnlibnn. I hopo hu does thu a .e-mail and· wi//- be used to gauge the communities· opinions on matters laCing tIJeircity. Individual.r; interested in joining the, reader response tebm can send an email to [email protected] u·ith ,"Reader R'Jsponse in' the subject line. PIeose 'specify ,what cit}· you reside in. H AVON ...• ·.·,i' -Stuck in' the snow_.Due to ,the :; weather .the meeting for, the Avon> Heritage DuC"t Tape' Fcstivalhas. been': rescheduled to Feb; 27' at' 6 p.a:n-:: .,t~: the ~Avoll Library., Please ,join ,.the::~' meeting if you are interested. j~.'·vol.;~: unteering~ . .' .,- '--;':,:> ~Don't-'forget~ •.The 2nd:,';Annuaf, Rockin', for_Rehay' fundraiser~will, be,: held March3from 6:',11. p.nL:at~The';;' 'Fountain,Bleau.Parry Cente(at'~63S}J - Miller Road in Avon Lake~The'ctist,iS'.;: 'S30 per perSon~"'hichindudes'a'b~2 ret dinner 'and all,beverages~:,To:p~:~, chase tickets. contact DeU~n l£wis:r . at. 937·9772. .'._ .' _';:>.:) , .,' -Everybody, cut.•. Footioose.\'The~.; play.will be 'performed at Avo~High}: , School at 7 p,m. March 2 ant! 3aridat:;.: . 2' p.m. on' March.4~ Tickets- ar.e,.~:,t:af}.:. adults ,.' and . 55. for: students,~'and~'t seniors. Tickets are 52 ch~aper~Wftb~ prcsale., call 9~171,io,bu)'.:a'~~r:~~?f -AI, "Bubba~' Bnker'has'.'ded.u.,~d.* Feb~28Gene~·Hick~,~~':~~DaY~~. Bubba·s .'_ Q;: y;orld .' ~ Fam()U$' ]larbfl:U.e;~ and. :.Cater!ng ~,Io,ca~ ~on'~;S~~~~;;Jir=:: Ayon~ .The,entire day, wUl.'be'deYotectf, :.. to th~'acco,m~1ishmen~orl:lickUSO~f :': a)ongtime 'n:~ldenforAYun'Wtio,~~ some thing' in Am~rica's'o~n, t~ keep, j":; in.du~ed~, i~~~:~,e'~iO':~~~,Jfan'of~ American m'en out oftho TnJiban also. ::',:Fam,t::·~~i:,~!?n~~f'~ilY~~,UilJl; ~~i~~ 1 have heard many people say,how 1 a\PrOd.ilma~on.:":8round;~fj'~ President Clinton saved Americo by , ;'.".,:'~U:n~~.d : ' p .01." ~~:~;'t~~~~)"or:mer,;)ri~ni~;;' working on intermil' economics. lIod .1, of. the .' Browns ~as 'WeIl.':,1l1e ;:event: . turning. the deficit to zero. However, since Presiden~t Clinton did not fight the terrorists, he' allowed the enemi~s to prepare to attock America. I believe SenatQr'Hiliary Cli:tton is preparing ,~.,,<·,',·Starf.'~!;JOoking ,;now,••to,;'.rcseN¢r to follow in,his footsteps. ,: 'th~ :reD-~odeleCt.; Henry Ford :~sijl!n1i Las.t night (Ft:lb. 14) ,on Lorry. King ~~: th.e.Pto.~~s· Folger:, t:lam~." l~r~,!fDm~ Live. Rudv GuJiani announced that he '.-',in VetcfamPnrk.'The room:,complt:te.. ;: will 'run for presldcnt. Amorica tl0t!s ';.:. wi th',be,nIJrjru ny, n:!nn,lshed:f]Oors·an.d:7j ,have a chance for, a future! ~'~dc~or.'ls:tlilfperrcCt:sctting:for;~t,e7~ Adrian l..indon chi~nl; Fjrst.Co,J!1ml:lnions.- ~dua.,~~~~·. Sheffield. Township . parties; baby~a~d,?:-idal sh.ow~':'S ~~d;;~. reunions;,For.':·,rat~.: and' .,avn.dab*ty.i:;' , Snow-riffle information,' ~:co,~tactPat McDonald i: To the Editor: '. at '933-2555 ',Tht refinished historicaL: Our hots off to 'the Avon Lnko'Ser. home sits o.~ the'shor~so~,LakC!,Eri~:;" vice Department for the outslanding " -Coing "soft:.~.Iooks; lik,e,',.thc:~I).il.?::~'~ job they did during' the Valentino's bl~ry:, barricade,.~~Jght.~e.g~ttidg..a,::: Doysnow, storm. especially since this ,~ofter makeover.:; Council: pommen.ts 1 was a blowing and ~rifLlng snow. arc leading .to':~·~~.finite' ~emo~~_?r~· Nice job folks! " , the Concrete barTIers; ,now: III placcJll:/ , Jim and Jayne Hcr~vik lieu' of soft."brcaka~y~ba,!i.ers,t~ar:,~, Avon Lexe :will provide aCccSs·only,~o:emerg~ncy:;,. '; vehiclcs~' A . final' ino~io.':l,:is,~in" ~~;;;;, :',works. .' ;,~~<::!,;,(\'::;,;;>".;.'::..:'':.: ,";::h~';-i<;' Perfect cup of tea· "": .'.::.As far as diefce:can sce.••J,ce ct?~S To tho Editor: , ~r~d I;Jke Erie n1a~~,s'forapre.tty,plc~; I ,would liko. to rccognlzu u 'won- ' ture. Wc'renot',sure .how-'.'ong.tJu:. derful group of, Red Hot Lodlt!s who long stretches, 'oficc:':~.i!I.: la~t,~e~o,!,_.> ento.rloined 75 quests fit It Royal Tcu held during' ono .of, our coldest doys this new turn of":~~th,~r,c~~~~T,e!~,,:; the photo op; "..,;,....., ·':'::'>''':'':-':'''.";"~'f::,'' yet.On Thursday, Fob. 'IS, the Rc d 11. at ,:' -Budgetlng.•.Avo.n ln~c is' putting ', ', its'fil)ishingt(n~c1Jcs 0ll the 2OD~ bUd':",; Mamns set up e delightful English teo get: ,Not ..'too"~any .".c,hangcs·' a,re;,' fit tho Lake House. The featured ontercxpccted,.bu~.,,watch ,The," Press Jor,~a:~ tainers. woro lWo ladies called the, detailed aC"count· ,once .the,: bUdget, IS "Hvrbal Thealrics." The Ion "Jas approved.': .,:.";,,:.,,.,,::,~:,;~.>:;:'~, ..',,- ~: absolutelv decadent with, lavish trnys ~ Undecided•. ~sevcral. ':r.andldat~s-. of homemado, fingar. sandwiches '. '~re,:remajnhig ·non-committal.'.ol1.'~ ladell 'with fruits and cheeses and whcther.they~iU agai~ ror,offic~.; ass'ortcd spreads; Next,. assortud swoet . tr~ats wure passed, so divino oven the ',-;"'C·.. ,'.'J_._, Queon of England would 'love be,en impressed. All tho tables .wuro deco, fated' with tho' theme of levondor. , It was such a treat to enjoy n warm ".-Who·s .,' that, -- man.:;1--:'.Shcffi,eld!, cup of tea'while tho snow pilod high , rcp~rter'· John",: Edwa,rds,.,"rec.~v~ring '\ outside tho windows. comfortably, ',~ after,· open '.:, heart :,' Arter sampling tho fines.t foods.n surgery, .is' sporting a new ,look; Fo~:, Avon Leku. tho guest were thrilled to tile first time sincc'1969, John"s,race? rec;oi\'o the IJoor prizes, doo;alcd by i,s now clean 'shaven. ,'" ,,"", .;',:,: . ::\ local businesses 'nnd mumbers. Theso -Thatagain..•Shcffield VUlage,js:' ladies put forth 1I great offort to ens~Jro questioning why Lorain is .requesting:' this would be a l11oOlorctblu Ol:CnSIOIl to' form ,a Joint Economic Oevclop-': , in the mldcllu of n whIter ,hllzzard mcnt District. UEDD) 'with" the . city: .'. 'hlest. Tho. Red lint ~tctllHiS should 'luke Said Mayor Ondcrcin:"I:don't k~ow. thoir' culillnf\! skills ,to. the ,Fooell'V if it's a good thing or a bad.thing•.~; ',::, network: mo'·e ovor Pouln Denn ond -Ray K1ing'Shiro....has ,agreed ,10 : Rn'dHlel 'HIt\'! I 'was \'ery'il\s[lircd hy serve another ,term onSheffi,cld Vil~' tho lohmts of lito A\'onLoku·s Red Hot lagc's planning commission." KlIng·, Mnlllits nnd hope thuy contlnuu unjoy· shiro was' unanimouslyrcappointcd .~ 'ing Iifu's simple pleasures. ', ilt areccl1t council meeting.:' ' Jltno Nordl1lt!yor A\'on Lakl' Scnier Coordinu,lor !ifSff~~~«~~~)tI;~~~·~. IS" ; run. ........ iSHEFf"IEWWE// .SHEFFIELDYJi.lAGE::c· t • ~ I •,• ,•I Scholarship for grad will honor longtime PTA le~d:er. ..;:~;-~ 10 THE PRESS. FEBRUARY 21. ~OD7 •• ·,•, AVON LAKE , By Lori Eo Swit"3j Lake Shore Wemen's Club' prc'sidcnt Jane Hendershot had· thi!', to say a.bout' Lindo Ellis' Potts: "She 'was Mrs. PTA." sho said, of· Polts. who was also n former mum. ber-, of the 'Women's' Club. . . Potls was 64 when she died Ocl 4. '2006. She had undergone two liver transplants, but remained activo in . . '11 b d was a famil\' deCiSion Includmg daugh::' loent activities. including the fnmlly. Tht; WlOncr \\"1. e ~nnouncc '.' Ka" pinto of Indiana. Dr2·: .:'\.\"on' Lake Garden Club~ the ntthlJ'dub s Mil): 91ullchcon. . . ' terst hc;l~otts, of Tennessee' and -s~ii:: i~ l1 Prt.-sb).tctiun Women. ""'hcro chlldn: In Grc.~ b" ", . 'ci, ',;'~' .,. , dshe b · b Potts. d' t •\...·tho raised • .." three - 10 m'en'thm"''' Chrl~ Potts 0 r'I' J" Ie tgan. - ",:). was a past prcsldcIJt. nn te ,t C IS rtc. :\<.15 In ~,I'>', - ..il\, daughter. Gretchen receivcd:.at· Avon Lake PrcsuytcnnnChurch. Hendershot. said. . ' _. , -h j.-' h' ,from lho Lilke SnorB,>'", 'whew shu was n Jeaclm. "Sh~ ~nthu hhrary gift shop for s~ u .l~ 19 Q 2 "ThoIDllS saidi ::.' l'lerhusband. Thomas Potts, venrs:·she'said.' , ,\\nmens - UI~ .- ,', d h' C':'!:. and othcr famih' members. me - Thc' popular IibrarJshop featured "'This (scholu;--hlp) I~ a goo _ I tngo~~: S ,rcnllhnlmring- Linoa. as well as edualtionalmuscum.likeitcmsfor$tlle. ki~s.'\'Ve d~c~dcd to dona.te a s~,ol~?y keeping ulini her desire to heIp' ,'before it dosedse\'cral years bock and shl.p foIlo\nn o the memonaJth~ervh~r":'~ , was sta'rted by Polls in 1993. _ ' Students can apply ~o~ ,e, sc -~~/ students'. Last week the Potts 'famil\'~ in conjunctiun with the - Potts ",'osolso a fanner president of ship. nswell as h"'o Udd,ltlon,n! scbol~~t Lake - Shore Women's Club. the Luke Shore Women's Clu1;J. ships. the Lake Shore, \~omen s Chlb);s~ ~~~:1i g announced a newS1.00ocollege "She was ,1Iudleart a~dsoul of the offer.lOg:, by ,c?mplehn ,n ~onuno~~, :;..b~, scholarship available to n, graduating ,dub for se\'f!ral years pnor to her pre~ a~phcationo'\Jmlo?te at the A"OD ~;:, :,:5.3: Avon Lake High School senior. " . ' moture death:' Hendershot said. " ; High ,School.' gU.ldn~ce ,dcpnrlfn.BIl~i :,:;.r~ TIle schotarship is.'o . girt from; the Thomas 'PollS said thc scholo~hip Dendt~nc ,for;oppllcotions 15 ~fnrch~~~:~~,~~~ db" ,,:'i~ ~_----.:..._---_.-:_ _....:..-_----....,.---,,-------:-,-::,~--::::-;-~~-----+ ,", track. goes beyond football~ home 'press box~ new sloroge building. teers," Urbinsaid. ,': .: .',:;. ,'>~~~' STADIUM, from Page' hopes-nnd plans-for O,C ambitious 52.8 million privntelyflinded projl.>cl Tho stidl.'ShO\,.. noted the difference ootween the football'senson's first game. " when the gross field W65 a' playable surface, and, 10 weeks Inter, when on n' rainY Senior Night, the field. turned' into' muddy mess. , It wasu'ljust thefooLballtcnm that \vns n, affected. Thefol1owingdnythegirl's'vnrsi~ ty soccer team had to move their distnCt final gnmeto Rocky River. using 'Magni~ ficot's field since their home, turf, \\IUS unplayable. The stadium, proiecL organizers 'noted that reno\'nling tho field, start. ing with replacing the grass field with ali aJl~purpose artificial turf athletic 'fic.ldnnd 'an' cight.lnnu all-\-vcather AWARDS, from page ,. appennmce were.' above· aveNge." The judges said UtO 'specinl, sports edition had "good coverage." . The 'paper cnmcd first place in its division for advertising. }udgus wuro par~' ticulurly ~mprcsscd with 0 full·pnge Peter & Co. Jewelers nd~ , " ~Goodstopping power throughout:' judges wrote. "Peter and Co. Jewelers uses good focus" nico and,simple." ' ~nm stadium is used by for 'more than new concession st'1fid~ visitor concussions The group is also, nc:ccpting, iD~lciI:td-Ci just fOotbalt·· Ptims s.nid. 'There's soccer. and reslrooms nndaddilional home f'Cllt~ donations,: such as n constructi~n comp:r~,,(';~ trock. band competitions and sports ing and booster's pi1\-ilioll. oy to offer excavation sa:vii::cs and build":'j~t camps:' ' T h e project's backers said 'there is a ing supplies. Votunteers, are also, needed ' Tho field is also the sHc for the annual pecking order ,r~r ,renovations. and ·lh~ for ~t writing. o\'I;mt plnnning; markct-., ::A ' .' Relay for Ufe. potentinl time frome for the project. ing.,gInphic dl,osign, rundralsing. donation,;':'TJ. Cairns' not(.'<1 Avon Lake, is missing out "\Vo'd like to getthe tlcld (at n cost csti· solicitation ond othcrodm.inistrotive.legal ':!'1;' on significanlic\'enue from theinnbility to mate of SG5o.ooo·saoo.oool'flI"Sl and the and financial services. '. ':i< host playoff gnml,'S. ' , , " lind. thcn the Concessions/restramDs and PiU'ties intcrested in donating' aUfsisn: ;;1 JefT Shneid spoke at the pn..>senlnlion. the rest,", Cairns said. up for a conlributionlevel, ranging from <j ,discussing the constrnctionaspect of the Project backer'Dan Urbin said an 5250 to "Founders Club (S20,OOO or o·f,' projt.>cl, April 1 deadlino had heen selto raise more)," althollgh' no donation \-\111' be "TIle women's bathroom ni.UI become funds ~q ha\'e atlenst the field ,completturned O\\'llY· ' the men's, and a new women's restroOm cd this year. Urbin and Cairns said the ' The, 'slideshow.prcscnted Feb. 15' is ' \vill be built," Schneid said. group would complete' the project in postodon thc Avon LnkeGommunity StD":' Saying one ofL~e most fn.'Quent ques.: stagcs if necessary.,nnd if the April 1 dium ,Foundation's ,.yeh site. lions the group is asked is whnthnppens'lo deadline passed. a completion daterif' w",,·w.almemorialslndiumprojed.com., the landmark caboose where tickets are foil season. 200a would be sel ' , Questions, can be directed to project sold, Schneid said the cohoose wuuld slay, The group was not necessarily'socking volunteers at (440) 323-3337. The faun do,at the entrance.', ' " moneyatlhe presentation. tion's' co--chairs oro Urbin nnd Dave Other,'mnjor changes includu a new "We are' looking, for bodies. volun~ DlugO£ . , /3 '-t A story· on the percgrin'u foleonwos ,hendline Writing. foro subriUssion othcu'd':' In the features category, n .two-part lines thot included ~Bus gnrog~ mascot is equntly interostingand weJl·written, ,series .'titled ,"Joey's Journey" by Julie feline fme," "Lions Club envisions dear: with' a clever-, lend 'and:' multiple , Short nnda fenture on peregrinc fal· ,futuro" and' ','Division' of WildliIe:bullds ,.,_"." sources." - -,' cons nesting at the power. plant by Lori The 'Fress earned its; :first 'Hooper' love nest cn po\'o-er plant...' . --; :;'."i'-:"'~':'~.<' ':<,:~! E. Swilnj carned the peper first.plnco The newly-olceted Gov.' Ted Strick~'.l',:~ a\vnrd in the ne,ws category, taking third honors. Innd spoke at the associDtion~sluncheon~..., :,.!: pIneo for its' ovemll coverage. "The -two-part story on· tho, rt.>covery Judges' comments included. "Tho' e~seDtinlly giving mem~ersoftho media .:',e', process for Lbo toen who suffered major Press hod extonsive coverogoof 'major- a heads·up on .lrorispoi1alioh-frorects:.~:"· brain. damage was weH' done." judges that could be jeopa;dized by an oyerina.,~Y· issues sprinkled with' interesting feasaid., "The end or tho story made the , flated, underfunded trm.sporlDtion'llud~.';~~ tures., The news was timely and written ,~aderwant to read the second' installget that showsn'd'3ficit or more than 0\' ,in a thorough' manner. G:ood writing.·.. mont 10 find out whether,the story would ~illion dollars in the next eigbtyears;:,~:,:~ , The p?per also, took. sceo~d ptace in be tr~u:mphant, trngic or something elsc. Root Surface· Decay on the Rise the mo:;t reliable fluOne of the most devastating adult bacteria that Co1uses toolh' decay can is fruoride:'and delivery is .Immediately after a denIal problems today is Roor hide from the brush ,and floss. This oride professional ,cleaning. 'This is Cavities. Root, surfaces are seven can result in gradual, painless loss of because a natural biofilm cavers' the times' softer than enamel' and all the bane that ,supports teelh, expos-- teeth in just a few hours after'a pro-, ing the root surfaces to decay wtH~re adults are' siJsceptibl~ to root cavi~ fessional cleaning. Today, fast acting tics. Repairing root decay is very it is difficult, to clean and remove high strenglh f1uoriCJe foams can be plaque. Recent research shows near-, unreliable and prone 10 recurring applied in. only' 60 seconds after problems '. and nerve sensitivilY· Iy half ,of adults over age 65 are Adults have a tendency la, have f(;lund 10 have root-cavities. The only ,adult cleanings. The new brands are 'deepergum pockets in which the and best prevention far root cavities pleasant, t~sting and ine~pensive.) ~gIas Volers DDS. The PRESS... Sponsors This mek. COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE ~.t the Old Fire Howe , .Saturday, .Feb. 24, 2007 t 8:30AM-! PM t> .WAlK-INSWEUXlME .. I,• I .,I i ; .•••. : •, !"I ,',. , " -'•... I for lIppoinuncnc all 1.866,644,5433 Each donation can save up to four local lives. -,,-_. LifeShare Our state of the art rehabilitation center will get you back on . your feet quickly and in styleT " " 'Main Street Care Ccnterh pro~d to offer a comp~ens. ive rdu.bilitation-p'rot>r.tm dedi ed ' th 'gh ual' f dJ '\hi h ~-,. CIt '0 promotlng e .' • d L:......d· • h I est q It)' 0 W ness WI nan atnlosp ere of the finest hospitality. 0.ff'edn ,'aCcommodations with enhanced pri'v.acv features and on-site therapy •. ~,g u:ac:.~_~ ~Iv.ate an SU.ilU; Call fj • r.' • . .. ' gym. Its C2SUY mlSt.ilKCn lor a five Star hotd' . . ' .10 ' cl u <Iing evenings ,-. and,-' • ,or ,:"ore Information or to arrange: a personal visit. ' 'We are 3v.aHabl e: anytime. weekends. ~~obo~1o~r M~ns~OWNE'. CENTER Co min un i tYCamp us cor-ver-i¢ pr.,·s«rry reservoliOr- pro»r.,....· . (440) 930-2454 . . 200 Communitybrive· Avon Lake. Ohio 44012 , mn':5KO'r' ,. \'V\'1tw.sprengerretirc:menr.com ;'joint£~tltrt"brtu.'t'nt'KOIJFB'ljMm~ltdS'" r rt,1/grr'R' rltrrmmt. Crntm I ••• •• '. :.' ~'..!'. ... " .' • ·• • • •• • • •• • • , I -- .••• ':£ j , ,~ ···· •• • •• ! , • • •• • \ I ·: . f. I' : :' St Joseph and A'iOn lake students make,crafts together: ,","-:' ' . ' ~ ' '. •• •• •• • ,•l ':• i, ~ •t •, ... f '; .. "AVONI,AKE BOARD OF'MUNICIPAL UnunES ',,",'.' I t ' ~" SEEKS BOARD MEMBER If! : """1h8"Avon Lake Board of Muni'cipal Utilities is seeking a candidate to fill an unexpired fOUf (4) year term } '. .)}:, ;~ndino '12131/07. The: candi~ate selected will be "expected to seek election in this November's genom! 'election. ' . ~ ~.·.t Sible:forthe policies, and operations of the City's :Wato'r'.,Treatment Plant. Water Pollution Control ~Ce;'terl.W3ter Distribution, System ,and Sewer ,Collection System. 'Z'l.~;lt requires attendance at two (2) meetings on the ';,st and 3rd Mondays of each month. st&rting 7:00 I'M. 'These meetings are open.to the public. , f',:"'The Board is accepting resumes from interested Avon lake citizens until March :7,2007 and resumes ·'~Y.'oither be mailodto or dropped off .at tho Lake, Municipal Utilities offico' at 201 MIller Road ,In ,Avon Lake. ' " --',"-:-' Should there be any questions, please feel free to .call John Knieppor. Chief Utilities Executive, at 933" it f f'; E"~: 1" Avo," Measure the Minutes 'that Count , ' , " Life Is aboutthose special moments that you never forget. an If the time comes that you're facing emergency. you don't want to rose precious moments in an ER waiting room" The Avon Emergency, Care' Genter offers high quality'emergency care,with excellent overall patient visit times; 'Get the treatment yoLi need and the compassion you deserve. so you can get back to the minutes t~at count. (440) 934 8300 "",' '0 "" Q,)'MlIstate. -~ ....,.,""'" ".# ~,' , ~ 'I' " f " - ..-. ',"'~ 'V,Emergenc,Y Care Center www.emh-healthcare.org ' ~ EMH Avon ' j I • :: i \' I 1997 Healthway Drive lAvon. Ohio 4401 1 1(440) 988·6660 5393 Detroit Rd SheUield Village LeeKellingCaltstate.com 11 l~ .: ., .:, . ·, , , ,EMH Rt~glonal Healthcare, System 'Is a proud sponst1r of the American Heart Ar.sociatlon's "Go Red for Women" initiative. LEE C. KELLING . ll " at 6226. . ~.:: -.' Boar:J of Municipal UtiliHes members are raspon- '·:,,·1"'.).-· :..... l .., ., . , ; •• I ' ' ','. February 21, 2007 12 The PRESS' HONOR ROLLS McNaJJy, Ch'istine Mngo, Nata!i!: Neiger, Zachary Ogden., Morgan Oster, Jeffery Pierce, &uti Ramadug'J. Kristen Schlader, Maureen Schlather, Stefani SimKov:ch. Teague $irr,onc:ic; Ka0a Sinisca!ch~ Frederic'TtJlkinglon, Ti~r Vic:k, Andre-o,v Vl&hat>er AVON HIGH, SCHOOL A1en~er l'auld1el~ Ninth grade High Honor Roll Honor ~oll , ' Rachel Allen, MerlSsa Barrett, ~'Ssa Baliancelt,. Mackenzie Bctkheitnt!f, Lauren i3Ji~um,· Cra9Berger, Brittany BroWr~ Micha==l Car~ Evan KosWin BojOvit:, Mer~a Bruno. CassandraCur:is, Amy Durisek, Harjot Gill, Launa Greer, ~1Sn. Kohler. Katherine Kraus. Sara!' Larson. Brandun Masin, , Davidson. Timothy DeVor, Jason Faraj: La:.nen. Ghlil<. Kasey Gilder, .lana HaddlJ. John 'H<mison, Ashley Horvalh, Andrew Jennings.; Cassandra Courtney Moor£~ Michae,1 MOiales, Caitlin Roney,' Erin Schneider, Jennifer Jense~ Rebecca Keller, Hba Khaya~ Johannes Klinke, Gina Lardornita. Smola, Chelsea Slepr;huk. ' ' , , Megan La:-son. Taylor Lehmann, Brittany Loper, Brittany Loo-ert, MeJissa Honor Roll Martis, JllS1in Masin, Megan· McCaJ~ Colin· Mt.Cauley, Christ;an McEntee::Claire Adams. Thomas Ambrose. Undsay Aston; JU! tin Clay, Joshua Conrad, McDonald. 'Jamie Meiser, Amanda Mirth, JiI!ian Monda; ~:ary Mullins, ,Christopher John DeChan~ Megan Deely, O"Y C2fTlers, Jake Disch; Nicho~1S Naymik"Christina Paskert. Andrea Ramey, Kierra ScttL Zackery Rya"l Galili;, Emil'j Gnagy, Edward Hejnal,MichaeI H)I'ning, tnaJan~ Samuel Jennings, Julia Kupcienski, Paul Kover. Sara Utdegaard. Aasia l.akhM~ Julia , 5hago\'ac, Mdlael Shepherd, Daniel Smith, Adam Sfanczyk;Julie Wagner, ,l.ar<I..wed Lawn""", PatoJck Lea:y. Toffany Legor~ Allison Le~h1y. Kelsey Jennifer w~ Amanda Zagorsl.j, Nicole Ziska Merit R o l l , " , ~ Morgan; 'Erica Nagy" JOshua Piette, Chelsea, Aztlk.: Max Poyle. Jacob Kayla Akei>; Daniel" _er, I3ri:Jnna Biggs. Joseph Cacha!; Jacqueline ~ KhnstJn' Sing~ Monica S"gh. Thomas S",;u-. Rose StanlOewic1, Cannan, Tlallis 'CaMon, Joshua Oay, Michael Conle)'. Dlelsea. Cort. John Jason Susfar, Rachael TO>'lin, I.st>anno< i Young MorJt Roll '. , ' . D",enport. Nathan 00Ang~is, San> Unsoy F.liOr,.wnos Ginerl, Kyle Gran\ ~Ie 6<ogo<y, KnstJn Hog"" SI....n I""", Niroe Johanson. Trphanie Jacob Bender" At'arn Bevins,' KB.lelin Banko, T~lli Brouse," Kendra Kah~ Sl.epf.en· Kariotakis, .Julie Knapp, Allison Koehler, Andrew CanterbUly, Sarah Collins, Dustin Cranford, AUson, Cseh, Saia Curtan, Kopel""'ki, NicllIo La,.,I1~ Mad"" ""'on" McAlisiof, John McGe<VOy, Bradley,DeAngelis, .Jacob DeSmit~Ashrey Ehman. Erin Entinghe, Andrea Matthew Me<1Ifer' Hannah MonDng. Katlin Muoko, HoI~ Nicola. Lea Orien\ Grmovsek, Carissa Haney, Brittany Ha~d, Britt3n)' Johnson. Undsay LaUlon O'Shea. Samanlha Pau~ Kyle Reif«hnoider, ~100 Roberts. Amanda Koehler, David lee, Marlene.Michelip\·Nicholas Nalton. Emily Nowak, Ropas, Lo<en· SoIestak. Oo,n Siena. Samantha Steiger, Slephen Szuhy, James Schuster,· Ml~issa Schwartz,: Sam~ntha Sho,)k, Ashley Smith, Darius l11a]>pson, Roberto Too... Mal)' Ta,oo~ Kevin Tr&Ce'Cody Uhas, Matthew Tm~ f\nd.-ew Turkington"Bcinnle VanthOOl~ Connor Violand, Holly WIsey, T""" 'Mntrodo. Adam ZOiJanlC • Zacha!)' vreat5ch, Brittany Young ., ' Cosln. !" eon""" \\..... Donn" ""'i1 .• Tenth grade ., . lWelfth grade High Honor Roll , High Hanor Roll' . Celeste AIvOrez, Thomas 8rndy, Dana Cart", Jo<onrJ Durbol< Ryan Groen. AM Aljune, 01<Isea _milo Alex 8I.d1klMd>,Sanjay 8urlhan, Amanda Griff~ CJajre HuUer, IVfse JllbIonski, Kalr~ JoilrlsoI\ Matthew Koc!\ Busl1eJ-8etano0lJrl, Karen Demanne, Kath'J'll M\lrco, En'k Engle. Kirsten MR1er Jaster,' Kate Moffa~ l.ogan Riley, Lauten Robertson, Jennifer Megan Fox. Sarnh Grant\on, Mallhew Heff"""", ChnstJna Herbst. Jen~fer Shim0la. KimbOr1oo Trosk~ Erin Tucker, MaIOI)' I'kbor , •.Laraway, Melanie Lazu;F'oorva' Liinay'e;:VtLlliam Lo:nnce, Jasmine, Honor RoD ,. ' " Mal1OU':helu\ Erica Math." Eric MeI~"o, Emily MK:hef<h, Ulldsey Moffa\ , Erik Andersl?n.' Alexandra Bouijon, Phnip 8rua, Alexa crosby, Jennifer l .Colin Momn, David OIach.,\nna Payn~ Malll>!WOuladaAj~ 1]1k!hay,:.SlI1lh Oo!cini, Samantha Ferral~ SharonFoch\ Katt" GaIan\ t. Ram3dugu"Jaynl Rasmussen, Chr,istI~~Sl)rtJllter, Maxwen, Bimpson. NOla Tarnnjot Gi~lJariel Gio<gis, Cho'oaJOsoph. NitoIol(a,er, Sarnh Long. .•".. 'Sko!ko, KailIyn Thomas.I<l~clynyan.~.~ IIl!Io, k.'<!rO\\'Wmrnor Chelsea ~tWy, Lauion Malone, Christopher Me<ahar, Kim Nelson; M<hoI" ~. . Honor Roll .. ' ,:';,.' , ..... ':\.~y" ':. . . A.t!Iins; M::heIlo Pony, Jason Ouisonbony. Linda Robot... Joana Santos. . " Nolan Andorsky, Derek B~ A"!l"'·se;;;ns. Sa'ilh .Char1lor, Timothy 1h<imas· SIHalhOr, Kariiayn Schruodei, Laura Schwartz. Ashley 5t Joh~ .;_ ~:~ l<aitJin Den~ Madttmie ObljlQr;.Jalme Drennan, Naiasha·Endrei, Andrew ;Tr<idy,Jessica Wllrich, 8lyan \"Mimer; Brian, WlSITlef, Charlotte , ·SIcphan" Fifolt.l.ngan I't;rnas, Gatrell Gronowski, Maioo. Hasens1au~ . " Young. Micl1aeJ Zilka ' . . . , , Ama!xfa Hendorsoo, KaitJin Hopkins; Horl>!rt Kassler, Katherine Ko.:ar, John Merit Roll" " ' KrebS. KevinL~ Matlhe wlo-Jan, KaiUin Maloney, Jacob Mi t:herlCh, Julia .Ernily Anderson; Yo...n Bohr. MichaeIBo,... Mallhow Brod, Carcl Brown. M_~ Ryan Mooib""". Stephanie Naymi~ Kai1Iin I~od<, Ryan Scott Busby, Cody Curtis. Sarnh Dln'is, .AUison lJickson, Ashley DurluklMch, 01lOurk~ Spencer F\,p;~ Lelgha F\!ny, Rachel Piolraroia. Kath"'ine Romig. Christine Dunegan, Jordan. Endre~ AshleV Harrcl~' Amanda HilL Heven Xlomat3 Rolger, Emery Rowe. Samantha Sd1mid~ Hannah Seighrnan, HOfner; Andrew Johnson, Sean Kilroy, Robert LaRosa, Timothy Lev.icki, RaySamantt;a Srpulsl<i, Ryan .sm. t/;1. Erik Stump. Alexandor Tabar, Slt~la Tnmesis, 'mond, Lopez. Pelor Mon!ek!ona, Thcrasa Pubal, I.eah Ouintarla, Matthew Relx>cca Tesmer, 'Jody 'vYagnt '1', MaJ)' Welly.r~ Wolchko Ream, Erirn Repas. Undsey Riemannn, Ashley Rumme~ Sleven Schaler, Merit Ro''-~c .,'.,. , Timothy SC1wartz, 'Duncan Simpson, Donovan Singh, Benjamin Strang. .lJirissI: Agorl; AT";" A"""" Aonbor /3oavon;, Joseph Cas~ Eric Den>alin~ Jacob 'Nearsch, Katherine Whalen, Emily Yaggie ·EnN1Y.[}.filippo, Kathioon Ou"~",, Ashley Geiger, Faith Goins. :Yier Gran\ ljIeL;Guthrie, Sarah Hagerty, Gina ~inchdiffe, Kara· Huffman.. Matthew ,.Joseph,· ~non, Kackley, Zcdlary ~eoncdy, Matthew KieSSIi,1g. Kailey - K"lStIer, Bnttany'KnoI~ Taryo Lehmann. Kalhryn McOon\le!l, Groce Miller. R&:helObral, Lynden. Ody, Se~ma ONcns.,Noah Pensinger, Jacob Rader, ,""""PenzvaIto, Kevin Reisdorff"Megan Repa!"JoshuaRossO, Christopher ROllO, louis Runge, Nolan Sain~ Nichola'i Stlvagn~ Genayra Santiago, Stephanie Swann; Albert To:nechko. CO!)' Vargo, AJldrew Ventura. 3arah Jar.e Websbor, Lauren YC"Jng. Samantha Zarnpall~ MathewZiJlmann ' Eleventh grade ' High Honor Roll . Allison BoI~ Eric Caruso, Megha.l CYctic, AJ~ndra Fine, Marissa Gefdes.: Casandra Gcd!cs, ,Al,exandra ~a1d~ Tyler Jl\Vin,Chelsey 'Judge. Caitlin Napl.esMarcoRental.ctlm .Plan your ,Florida' vacation now & stay in our weekly or montMy . rentaillocations. ' GREAT LOWRJ\TESAVAllABLE! 'CaUlrene aI4411-777-096Hodayl - AVON'-.AKE HIGH SCHOOL Ninth. grade· High Honor Roll. .. ' Robe.1 Nodrid\ Undsey Nod<. Robocc' NrMltnY.Bonjamin oConnor, Zarho.'Y O'Connor, Tyler f1na. 'JOnathan Cuintero. Brandon Reyes. B~ Rooors, Kayla Sands, Daniel 5clmoider, Je"ica Schuster, Molly Sosnowsk( JoShua Spimak,. Sydney Stalk, Vaoria 5irick. Trent Thompson. Michael limar, Mict1ael Troncoso, NicholaS Trzedak.l(yte Wlite. Nldff:'N 'Msler. .' Honor'Roll ' . Kelsey Aiello, April Andersson.: Erin Ban,~, David Bogdas,. Michelle Bottln~ Lauren Bruss. Nicole Chiricosta, Julianne Deroma, Nicholas DillS, .Chandler Faludy. A~JSSa Femald.·· flyan Flynn,' Burke Gabri;~ Chelsea Gerhan, sara Glasure, 'Jenna Goedde, lan, Grosel, Jacob Hastings, rlailee Houston. Jacob Janicek. •:elsey Kitchen, Sara Leka!t, Eric Ler1oir, Mladenka Under, KatelynMackie, Karl Mariner, Stephen Marink:w,'Jordan Marke~ Madison Maxwel~ Kyle McNamara, Brandon Mod<. McKenna Palmieri, Lindsey Pawlowski. Paul Prendergas~, Rachel Roby, Brittany SasaI<. John Schenkelberg, I ~atthew Scott, Pratishth;:, Singh, Gregory St'?phens, Kelsey.Stewart, AIH::on Va.1Peeren.A1exander Williams, Dan)etre Willls. ,~ , Merit Roll ' , , ",1 .. Tenth grade High Honor Roll Jes~lca AlfJen; 'Jess!ca Ansell, Madeline Bauer, :3y(lnl Becker, Emily Bilas, Nicholas Brill, Hannah Busch. David Cars)n, JosephChirico. Thomas Coy, Lauren deChant, Elizabeth Dixon, Kaylec Donegan, Jessica Easterly, J~ke Ede:sleln, Ian Flin~ Krls·.en Frisch, Joseph Gioffre, Sarah Guarino, Maureen Hende,r'ion, Mic~ael '':ierrilko, SEE HONOR ROLLS, PAGE 13 ~~~.' ;;'\"i~~ '<;'~ ~. ;;;int p~i~,~ ,~~ l' . / . f $f There's a specialist for every pain at The Center for . Call (440) OrthopediC~' 329-2800 to make an appointment Robert M. Zanotti, M.D. Specializing In arlhroscopic surgery and spons medicine with an'phasls on shoUlder surgery In ;;.ddilion to goneral ort· .o,n d. en II ,f'I~ IC surge',\,- , ' . , • Board ce~ified in Orthopedics bythe'Amerlcan Board of . Drthopedrc Surgery , ., Irylern~hlp and resld~,nCY co'mpleled at the University of MiChigan' • M.D. from the University 'of Pennsylvania ., Memberships: American Academy of Orthopodl S· Ohl0 S M' . . .c urgeons" U J t~te edJcal Association, Lorain County Medical SocJety n ~erslty of Michigan Orthopedic Society " • 'Completed a.Sports MedicinelArthoscop; Fellow~tiiP 3t the SO,uthern California OrthO~edic Institute . :~\~at~f,daYFebruCiry 24, 2007 !C~rn~~:t~1\~PI9ht.•••.,lrISh Heritage Club ·h\\!;':'·'''':'''i"i'';:'.$2~per. person , . ' . ClmtaclSteve, MeyerJortlckelS at 933-3995 , , Anthony Aem~ Cara Amato. Priya Bhiman~ Matthew Bickertoo,.Grace Brunner, Hunter Chem~.Adam Ciarrone,' Spem:er Clark, Anthony Conti. Logan Cris~ Jessica Dawe, Elalns Dennis, J\udra Facinen~ ,Joshua Felker, Cody Goeb~ Shelby Green, Kelsey Har,'lillon, Ryan Hecht Eric He[be~t, Brianna Heschel, Scott Hyland,' Kab.e Kopp; Taylor Kuhar, Lauren LeDuc. Alyssa, Lekas, Matthew Unlt~ Kevin llszka. Michael Mansocrus, Sean ,Maley, Amber Mauer,· Eric ,.,'ie[cusny, David.MilIer. Adam Mills, Brent Mittelstaedt, KaiUyn Mullen', 'Andrew ,Otts; ,Erica Pnmel~ Bridget Patlen,· Jeffrey Rauch, Rebecca ,Robertso~,Craig Shaffer, 'Jacob Smith. Cameron ~ Sorenson, Bntndon Spitzer, Drew Slutson, Matthew S...ihtik, Emily.Tarter, Ryan Toati!, Sleph~n Ute!)', Tanl'~ Urias. Wanessa VelJozo. Ian Webb, Megan Webller:, Miranda Weed. .' i~'" II, " James Adams. Michael Alr.en, Alexandll Alonso, Mat'J1E;w Ashton. ~ Balesole, ,Catherine Clmse; Victoria Copenhaver, ,Enka Csalary, ~nc 0)\00010. Spenre: OoIoza\ Paul lJj<z1"" "k( Annali,. Dzwonczyi< Patrick EngIind. Mark Rnnegan, ,Hannah Frie Ian Gallagher,Carollne Hecker, Stepl.en Heine, Emma Hl~ Emily Hudso!~ Amanda ~ussey, Alison Ken':1)', Jen~1oi Lombardi Marta LukacO'oic. Bridg 'I L)'l/15, Michael Magyar; Morg~ Maloney. Both Marti~ Stephan" Mauer, "achel M~~ Chris1ine Majer, Brent Mllbaugh, Amanda Miller; Tara Molina, Tracy Mcor,Kcvin Morissette. The Centor ~or Orthopedics 5001·Transportatlon Drive Shelli,eld Village, OH 44054 Additional officr.s In Avon and Oborlln . }. 0 ~ ~§ . ~~ ~~tt,nal Healthcare . System . www.~'rr.j,-hoolthc(lro.org THE PRESS, FEBRUARY 21, 2007 13 Hono'r Roll Reilly, Bales.' Jetf Bernard Adam ,Bollinger. Jessica Bumwor'.h. Jared Carpenter. Ke!1y Cramer. Kathleefl Curtin. Sarah Dark~ 81sa Dennis. Rachael Diellnger, Kasey Hahn. .Brian Hathawa,.. T/rer Jeske, Sara."J Keane. EliZabeth Lancione, Grac~ Maltbie, Ke-.m McNutt, Grace Miller, Emir/ Mohr, Kyle MlJrway" Co:e Musia~ Erin O'Donnell Daniel Ohlemacher, Susan Souhrada /JJex Thurn, Ethan Vesllng. 'Jordan Wagner, Kalli' V.'akefleld.' Ryan \\~:cox, Jessica Wilczak, Adnei'lne YennL 1\;';':,> " For the week of l,fAvon High School, Middle, I.\Heritage, East and Village :~1hl.rrs:'AM & AHS: Oven-baked 880 chicken, :'iL:'>'-~' cheesy ,macaron~ biscuit seasoned .~~,.,:::: .'-: ~l, apple,,PIZZa, d1ees~urg~r" , , 1 chidren, sandWIch, frerydl fnes, dl.ld<cn ..':'J~..":>', tenders,?9g saIa~,bUlld a ~dW1c:h, ',k..; saIad, chkken caesar, vegg.. plale, pasta I ,~~{, salad, fruit; milk , I,';:":'~SV: Saambled "!1g~ bacon, hash :'&:>.,' ., :",..:" browns. OJ., muffin, mdk ,,'I;"", 'M1 & AliS: Gnlled cl1eese, lomalo soup, "':", ' ':Crack""" kosher dil~ lIanan cl1;cken and I :;~::',~': 'd'1e<>-Se wrap, pizza, cheeseburger, - ':chicken,sandMch, french fries, buffalo I' chkken Sandwich, vegg;e salad, build a I. '" sandwich, salad, chicken cae5af, veggie • -: :'; plate, Ca/lfomia blend, fruit milk· " I'. " .AEHSV: Beefy ravioli, garHc breadstick, I:~, >';:, M1 green& AliS: beans, apple sauce, milk !','Moo: Macl10 nachos w;1h Mexican I::: 'meat sauce, white rice,' southwest bP..ans, J,:';,:, ,t ,::'. orange, pizza bt.ltger. pizza, cheeseburger, :t I~::?>:,~d .id<en sandwich, ~ch fries, Bosco " ,I >:',:: sticks, Sanle Fe wrap, build a sandwich, I\>.:~:·:,.: ~SaIad, chicken caesar, veggie plate, ~.<~;~,r.i::': buttered rom, fruit, milk ,;1,» :, ,AEHSV: Pizza burger, oven fries, p<'acl1 I'" .. ',: mannara, tossed salad, fru~ grand~lam, i~~::" ':':~ pizza, cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, 1~:,~':';':'~~" frenm fries, dlid<en tenders,tuna: , , i'/:·;/.:croiss3n~~u~jdasandw1f;h,~ad,chjc;i<en it " ,. , ,"r, ..it,. ;,' , ,r' ,; has;l d' ,': .>" caesar, veggle plate, gr~n beai".s, fruit" 1"" "milk, '-', .' ; ' ,i .' ,:':AEHSV:Chir:ken"'Jrrito,lelluceand [i ·,;,.")rimatO; cOm. ch,n1edpineapple;mUk' , -,Wed:, M1 & AliS: Ch<l<en,llrushelfa przza, "i,,~:toSSed salad with ranch, apple, p;zza, ~~··,:t, cheesebUrger. 'chicken sandvlidt, frendl ",2,;:,,~":Iii<i~- mozzarella s1id<s, lfallan hoag;e, I~.~~:; f '!sa1 d, .' ress,lng, rul. k' j "k I I, a coo Ie, mIl, ' Sheffield & Sheffield Lake City Schools " Daily alternative meal at the elementary and middle school: Peanut butter andjelly sandwich, chips, fru~ cheese, milk, ' Thurs:Filled Bosco sticks, buttered corn~ diced pear~ milk ' Fii: Hamburger tlrl a bun, potato chips, fruit icy: milk ",' , " Mail: Macaroni and cheese, bread and butter, carrots, peaches, milk • I i:::;~·:~(·btJild asarietMch, 'salad, chicken caesar, ll.-t;;\:':' ~;:,veggie plate, hash !yO\'ms, fruit, milk I;:~~"~'~.'AEHSY:, Oleese pllZ3, tossed salad, Merit Roll Eric Baker, Miranda B3.mhart, Bridgette Seal Nathan Berner. 8ise Beyer, Sarah Boucherie, Andrew Caibol1c, Chase Chernock. /JJcxander ,Clapp. Nicholas D'AmICO, Tia Dannemiller, EnricO DiGiandomenico, Ryan Fo.<, Souhail Francis" Bridget, Grecn, Dana Hall,' Julie Hardgrove, Thomas HcchL Eric Heinen" Alysse He.'lderson, David Henderson, Christopher Herrick, Eric HilL Tyler Hud~n, Jessica Hutchison, Kevin Hyland, Ka!1 Johnson, Richard Knilans, Benjamin Kovach,' Erin Kovar, Malloy. Christopher MatQOl.!ra~i; Emily Mites, NCholas Malkin, ,Chr~tan 'Mansel~ Amanda Maurer, Mallhew Mench, Emily Miles, Rebecca, Nea!on, ,Christopher ~',: .. , NOvotny" Shanen NovotT':)', Patriclc O'C0 fllClf• Ryan' ;,= Orl;nsk( Sara OIls, Mol~ -<Ii Anne Fbters, 8riII,:, ~m;Ps. Jacob Reynolds, BraIanyRifvo,J"'l' RoU" Matthew Rot~ Adam Rusnak Stephen Sasa1<; Jo<dan Scharfeld, Erik Schullz, Mkl>a~ Sheai~ Kffl;n ShUey, • Catherine Smith, Christine Smith, Brian Stephens,Aline Slorer, ~Dlelie TrOVwi?ridgc, CaiUin Turchik. " , Tues: Pepp<'ron; pizza, green beans pears, mUk , Wed: Ch,cken nuggets, bread and buller, sweel ;;'&~~1h,~rS:~@~:,~ or ~uffed sh~lIs,.;.. mini salad, :,.~~>=J:;:;-':';;':";''';;;;'~~.: ,'__ ,_ .... peas, apple cnsp, ~Iik :&?;'d:;\~::,;'.~'\," . , i' ~~~~,;~~~~~ ~~ea~n,p'i~e~:ts,e~~k [I :,.:,::'~.',',': :' cup, animal aackers.- milk-,~' ,':, '.' !t~1 ~.J~es:',ft!'A.& AHS: ChickenJl31TT!esan. spaghettI t':::4'ft:.~pjce'~ ,milk'" " , ,'::A\;oil'L2ikEi High School, " Ja:ealWood, K-,6 i., ". " " Merit Roll Ke.in Mansnerus. Melissa Martin, Ju!;e t.:1aynard, Tyler Samantha Andolsen. Sara.~ BaJrles.Atiel Bcr.der, McOure,Jennifer Mushe, Kasey Olson, Corey Ouellette,' Oaylon Blanke."lShip. Sata.\ Ch<>..ah, u,c;I;e Cislo, Robert JameS Parker. Kathleen Paukst. Caitfin, Paul Julie Clayton. Joseph Coyne. Ml~ Crist, Ra:hel Curtis, Carly Peacock. Andrew 'Rudnik. Alexandra Russo, Lauren Dalg!eish, Miche"e O<n'te. Robin Dielerich, Carly FISher. Schneid, Katherine Schneider, Mallory Schneider,' Patnck P.esher, Ore-,\' Gerhart. Jacob Gibson, Rebcq:a , Michael Schneider, JeHrey Setbin, Ract>el Shuki, Kurt ~uggenbil!et,' Ashle-I Hackett. Kelsey Hampe, Melissa Sicker, Cathryn' Simmelink. Dan;e!le Spaelzel. ~ Hayton. Angelrque Irizarry. Sao-ah Johnson, Emily Kundtz. Spitzer, David Spring. Rachel'SuWn, Jennife:- Tavolier. w'arisa Ladlkos. Katherine larger-t, Anthony Luca. Johnathan Tetepak. Daniel Uptmor. Gregory Uszak, Ronal.; Makadla, Stacie McDermolt. Concen Mdnlost\ KaJton Walsh, M<hael Weber, ' Sean'McVaney. Rachael Mears. Eric Mihalik. Zad1ary Twelfth grade Murray.' Jererne Neujahr, Th~ore Olencia, MrtdleU High Honor Roll Otts.Allexa Potts, Laura RICkey, Tyler Rosmarin, NiChOlas Sarah AIoo1SO, Colin Atherton'. Kyle Bates, Adam Beach, Siko. Muldi &nkowsk~ Th?mas Sku99en. Claire Stofer, Kelsey 8l2ck. Alexis Brent. Travis ,Crist., Lauren Dobbs, Corey Turk, 'Adam VanLuit, M~rc:edez Vertalo, 8rel1~ Anli>:>ny {)om;ngUel; E"Olyn Duskey, Katelyn, ••her, Wagner. Joseph Fli-dridl, NicoleFrie, Can Gallagher, Ryan Eleventh grade Galloway. Heather G1:r'lie, Matthew Gross, Laura Feb, 22-28, 2007 High Honor Roll , Housley, Nikki Justice, Beth Karpinsld; ~.argaret Keis, bar,low-lal dress;ng. asstd. fruil jUice, I Katherine Adams. 6r}"Ce AJurovic. Anthony BartolOfta. Christy Lead< Kyle Unneman, Sarah LjOOS, Megan ' mHk ' ' , , ' 1 , Bnan Bernard.' Adam Bommer. Stephanie Carpenter. Matthews, Patnck ,Maxwel~ Ryan 'McNamara, Lrwd: Shells with meat sauce, mini salad 1 Timothy Daniels, Benjamin Doughl!)', Bryan Emery. Kelly Christopher Meyer, Emma Moormar\ Uluren Novolny, Emery, Patrick Finnegan. Nicole Haas. Samantha Hams, bar,low-fal dressing. asstd' fruit milk 1 Brian O'Connor,' Andrew OUiJnnen. Jessica Phelps. K-6:,Taco supreme salad, saIsa. shredded 1 , Matthe\y Heves/, Jeffrey Ickes. Michael Joyce. Thomas Keith Rankin, Michael Ravis, Matthew Rehker,' Ste-.-en Kuzniar, Rebecca Lightfoot. Timothy Magyar. Megan cheese, sou~ cream, raw onioris.lettuce 1 Roberts.,Stacy Sauppe. Uliian Shepherd, Lauren Snyder, Micsak. Brian Mielcusny,Andrea Nicholson. Arden 'and tomato, fruit choice, milk 1 Jasen Soko~ Michael Sopko; Cassandra Tetorakis. Nyikes, Daniel.'Oulc:alt,Sean Oxley, Lauren Perhala. ,Fri: ALHS: Toasled cheese sandwich, soup, : Jennifer Torok', Carrie TrickeL' Sarah Wagner, Elisa Da-Jid Ackett, Samantha' Rieger, Jeffrey, Russ, Ryan 'M1iteman. Erica Wreser. ' ' ~ters, sweet pickles, fruit jUice ,bar, 1 Scherer, Taylor, Schmidt, Madeline Shanko" G.regory I Honor Roll Simecek. Steven Smecek, Dominic Stnppol~ Cora Uwd: Grilled mE!P-Se sandwich, soup, 1 kathleen /JJlen, Thomas A1shouse, Kevin Barnes, Drew grapes, cake with Irosling, milk I 'Virga Becker, Benjamin Bester, Almp' 8u:ghard, Matthew Honor Roll , ' K-6: Grilled cl1eese sandwich, soup, ' 1 Rad1e1 JlJIgood; Fey10n Armbre<h\ Usa ~ Oana Carissimi, Christine Chiricosta. Margaret Coniatn, Megan grapes, cake with frosting, milk 1 Cooney. Kris1:en Cunningham, Scott Davey, Matthew' Barnes, Jessica Began, Sle'.en Benedict, Alana Mon: AlHS: Pizza wedge Of asstd. iandwicl1cs, I DeChant. Amy Oed<elman, Clare, Oycrkowskl, Bi1ancin~ Amber Blankenship. Joseph Bouslan~ Jamie soup, crackers, applesauce, milk I Christopher Erwin, Kelsey FaJudy. Morgan FilzgereId, 8us~ Rober1 Chriss, Dom~~ Con~ Brillarry [)e,'l', Lrwd: FooUong. oven-baked flies,' orange 1 Nicolas RrrnenL Ashley Forbes, Janelle Gabrie~ Courtney Flynn, Jcroan Many. Kandra Grass, Jurranne Gresh, Jacque!;ne Keane. L)'1dsey Kendera, Rad>aef slices, mocolate cake with frosting. milk 1 NidloIasGame1!ia. Melanie Grass, Heather Grisafo, K-6: FooUon!J, three-bean bake, taler lots, Lemke, Christian Mansel~ N<oIe Mel!, Anthony M<e~ Ni'cholas Guarino, 'Christophe'rGuenther" Michael Undsey MOigan. John Nordmeyer, Mackenzie Palmer, Haddad, Nicholas Hammon, Michael Henn, Gina Hoose, Tues: ~S~~kpicy,chicken on a bun, JlJHson Polle;ger, Jason Rickey, 8U:rbeth 5d1ae1ler; Nicholas Huber, Matthew Hutcherson, Joseph JaniCek, Lauren Schafer, Cory Sharid<, Cory Shimoloens,', browns, cher:y crisp" cheese sticks with Lauren Jaworski, Sarah ,Karpinski, Brianne Kennv. Plakhyal Singh, Maria Smartt, Anna 51 Cyr, LYnn Switaj , Amanda Kilgore, Maria Klesta, Courtney Keeth, Daniel ~, u~~~,en patty on a bun,lettuce and Stephanie We~, Brandon 'Mlile, Hannah WlS~.Jtl Krajdk. Erin Laraway, KaUe Lupica, Kaitlin Mack, Jacob , , lomalo, assId. fruil juice, rire krispie . ,Market Geolf,rcy Maurer, Jessalyn Mayer, Ryan" Merit RoU, " , ',' , McGaughey"Andrea McMuldren, Susanne Milter, Alyssa treats. milk' Kyle Andersson.Tlmolhy Bennett. Sha:Yna Benning, Molnar, Matthew ~udry, Kayl.eigh Netzler, Andrew elgin, Mic:helle Berg, Jeremy Berner; Alex Beny, Ashl;e Bodnar, Amanda Panciolo, Jena' Parker, Joseph Prendelgasl Brian Bottin~ CandaO!, Buller, Emily &lafka" Ian ' ,Diana Race,' Jacquenne Radford, Nicole Reyes, Joel Coughlin, Matthew Oieleman, Christophe'f' DOlezal, Wed: ALHS: Cheeseburger on a bun or sizzle I' , Roby, Shane Rogers, Ryan Romes Undsay &horreld. Pal,rick Donnelly. Brian DriscoU, Steven DunT\ TImothy ~~~o~~~:ail.ed fries, lettuce and 1 Surti Schuller, Kelsey Smitl\ Kevin SmiU\ Kaitlyn Sparks, England. Kara FaI!ot\ Shannon Fmley, Sarah Red<, Lrwd Pe ai' " bean f 'I 1 'Allison SraiL Ryan Spitzer, Curtis Strick. Samantha Stuart, Sarah Ford, Kurt Friesner, Emily Hoban, Christina James., , salad~ mil~on pIzza green s" rul 1 James Swan, Alexa."jIjria Sloes, Andrew Tarter, Andrew Mchael Knapp, Ryan Landm~ ,,,",,,,,nder Lemke. K-6: Pizza, mini salad, bar, lOW-fat I, Thayer A1exand~rTrzeciak. Rad1e!e WesUake. Sean Under, Margaret M3ckie, ~'Makadia. -Justin ,~ . _ .". WESTSHOI~E PRIl\o1ARY CARE ,7fePt/1Iv &~e1/neM-~" , Atl d.ffi/illtioll of 51. )01"" Wes' 51,0-" Hospillli ,-u.;estshore ;)rimary Care Heall" &- , 'Wd/llm Cttlk,. ,• wekom'es John, Sanderson, DO, to its Avon ofAce. . ,. • Dr. Sanderson received his mcdic"ldegree:JtTex:Js 'College of Ostcop,,'t1~ic ~1cdicine,He,c~m"leted his \ \ I internship In Osteopathic f\lcdicine:lt the ~nlversity ;."",-:-.: Hosplt:JI's Rkhnlond Heights Hospilal and hi.. ~ Sci,~nce ami Nnturc • '"Arts and Crofts • Dmma ~ Cornputctsnnd Tcdmolllj..''l • Liternturc nrid'L·m~unJ.:e • 'Special Vlsltor~ , • Music and Moveincnt '., '~Sp()rts I1ntl Games • CookinA , ',~r> Goddard moor ; 1-0" EAIllY ClllWIlOOV 01\"I:lOCMlNl" residency in 'Pedl"tric'i at the CI~vcland Clinic., Dr. Sanderson's medical specl:lltics include behilvloral ' ">- -,~ I -I' II .'. ,\,' "I, , ~ediatrics,'a.. well as gen'eral pediatrics. He Is currently John Sanderson; DO Pediatric.. pursuing his ~1,,)stcrs Degree in t\-ledi~al1nformiltks.. ' wh'ich,is, t~1e study of computer utilization to improve the qU:Jlity of medical c.:a~e, \ ,,','I I. 'i 'I .;-.," "' ; For,:J1l o:ippoinlll1e'nt. please, c:JII .... O·93.. ~8810, 'I., ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS I, I, i", " , ,"" " ~, ~ "r NOTEBOOK· Women's Club scholarships Scholarships AVON The Luke'Shore \Vanum's C!uhof A\'on Lake' will' award 51.000 scholarships to Iwo 'Avoll L::Iku lJigh ,School seniors.' An additional 51.000 SC1lOlnrship proviuud by the fmnih' of Linda' Polts. a past president, of tho uike Shore \Vamell's Club. ,win be lI\\'urdcd, to' a 2{iOi ALHS senior. The ,seIL'Ction will be based upon scholastic ability. character. financiul need; work cxperi. once. uxtrncurriculnr/communitv' service and ncceptnnceillio on accredited college or univcrsity. Applications tirc ovailable at the Avon Lake High School GUidanc;c Office; Applications must· be c~mpletl!d and rutunlcd by ~-Iurch 12. Tho,\Vomcll's Cluh uf 1\\',0(1 Luke is 110\\; AMS parent/teacher . conferences rescheduled on to.'lnrch 7 nnd 8 ot Knol1\\'ood Se;hool ' ani\'. Regislrnlion hours will be from 911 3.m.. 1':3 p.m.'nnd on ~'13rch 8. 6-8 p.m. 'Children must he, 5 )"cars old by Aug. 1., Contact ~nollwo;od at 94.9-4 2 34 for detailed requuement mfol"mallon. accepting upplicntions from A\'on Lake 111111u or Cemulo grmhmting sl!l1io~ for Iwo gcncr.J1 scholarships nnd the Courtney K. 1\V0I1 Middle School paroni/teacher Wochter r-,'lelUorinl Sdl0larship. The gen· Conferences originolly scheduled for l-:'cb. ural scholarships will bu awarded, to two 15 havo been postponed. Tho conferunce.<; students based 011 grudc.'i. eXlrn·curricular LORAIN COUNTY nro now scheduled for March 1 (with nil acti\'ities. communit\' in\'ol\'ement. finan· scheduled conferences . remaining, tim some). If pnronls need to change Ull! timos. ' , dol need an'd work uxperiuncu. The' Court-, Nurse Aide Training .. nuy K. Wachler 1\.lcmoriul Scholarship will please contact Mrs; Bun::h at 934-3800. Lcce's nurso' aid training course be uwarded to oill! student bn.<;ed on merit. has openings ,in its sessions slarling ·Avon East conferences demollslniled school spirit. concenl for East pllfUntlllmchcr: confcrum:no; Feb. 26 a'nd March 19 ot LCCC's others. os well os' the ability to, moti\'ute nrc scheduled for ~'Inrch I'and 7. Call their Leorning Center ot the'St; Joseph (ltJwrs. This scholarship is open 10 Nntion,omen ot 937~6015 after' 9:30 a.m. 'to , 01 Honor Society nieinbers onl~" Applicn~ Community ,Cenlorin 'Lorain. This schedule n conforence. course ,is open to ,anyone who hns,a lions for IllCSO scholarships nrc amilnble in High. school scholarships GED or high'schooldipJomo. It will the Avon Lake High School guidance office The Avon Luke Kiwanis Club hove Kindergarten screening provide .hal1ds-ol1' experience thnt or by contacting tho, Women's, Club at scholarships Qvailable 10 high· school , Kindergarten screening will occur qn , may help students decide ifnursing is womens.dulNYynhoo.com. Deadline for nil seniorS. 'high school gmduates· or UtOs!! April 25-30 'nnd Mav 1..2 for child:cn for' them. Students who successfully tho'scholarships is Murch 15.'Applicntiolls who Imvc. complelcdo GED progrnm. who will be' 5 yonrso,ld by Aug.' 1. Call comple~o this course, will oarn' five Applicants must, bo residents' of Avon Avon Vii loge School office nt' 934·5124 , can, be tUnled into tho high school guidcollege credits nnd be eligible to toke ance office or by moil'to \VCAL.'P.O. Box Luke. The deadlino' for submissions is to'sign up. ' the' nurse aide state certification lesL 66., Avon Lake 44012. For more infonna- , Morch 31. Applications oro available ot the Interested 'students can register , tion or questions. call J08li at 933:'2516 or Avon ·Lnke High school guidance office. or e-mail \[email protected]. AVON lAKE e-mail' [email protected] or cull, · an}·time ,with an adviser in the Connections Center. located in the. LCCC Kindergarten registration fronk at 934·7381. Ll;'arning Center in Lorain. Studonts The Avon Lake Schools will hold Jack 'n' JUI Nursery School must bo fingerprinted and have an Registrations am now being accepted at kindorgarten 'registration as follows: SHEFFIELD immunizations updnte and physical Jack 'n' Jill Nursery, School for' their ' Edeview Elementary on Murch 7: Redbefore the closs begins. For moro VILLAGE/LAKE preschool closses. A few openingS remain, wood Elomentwy on Murch 13,: Eastview information, call, (440) 233-7240 or in their 2007-08 School ,year classes [or 3 Elementary on Mnrch 14: Westview Elc-visit www.lorainccc.edu/learning year aIds. ColI Debbie at Avon Lake United mentnry on Murch 15. Pick up & registro- . Kindergarten registration Kindergarten registriltion will,bo held ,center. tiqn packet at nny ofthese schools. Church of Christ at 933'7946.. Avon LiBRARY NEWS , 37485 Harvest Or., Avon. 934-4743 .. Step-Up Club to download books to ri MP3 player and computer from NetLibrary. 'group will discuss "Any' Bilter Thing," by ,Monicn 'Wood.' Copies of tho, book oro available,· at ,the library. New members 'nre welcome. For more information, call tho library at 9344743. AVON PUBLIC LIBRARY . . Kindergartners, first. ondsecorid'< :'graders are invited to' attend, Step-Up .: Club.on Feb. 21 at 6 p.m. Tbe free pro- . "'gram feutures·stories.. ac~ivities an~ ·AVON LAKE cro~;·Pre~registroUonis required. PUBLIC LIBRARY Afternoon book club ,~l::'<The nftern'oon adult book discussion 32649 Electrlc8lvd., Avon Lake- .:, gro~ii:,~ilI.meet JfO? 27 a12:3o.p.m. Tho .. ,::9=3=3:,.:-8::..:.'2::.8:;:.._~-.-~ ,.--,.--~_, ", grt?up~c~m di!'lcuSS "Will in the World," by Stephen .Greenblau. Copies of tho Downloadable books ':.. book:8ie. available, at the Jibrary.' New, demonstration ' mombEirS aro welcome. " Thousands ofuudiobooks'oro nv'ail. Evening book discussion . ahl. directly from th. Avon Lake Public group" ':~ :., . ' , L i b r a r y Web sito. Como to the library on .. Theovoriing,od'Jlt book 'discussion Fob; 22 ot 7 p;m. aso ropresentative 'grou~'.~m.'meet March, 7, ot 7 p.m. The from Recorded Books demonstrates how DOMONKAS PUBLIC · E··mall basir;:s program·. . LIBRARY Come to a free 'e.mnil basics program, · Ms'reh 6 ot '10 o~m. at tho library. Learn the basics of e-mn~l;'setHng up nne·mnif . account. replying: oml,~ fonvarding attachments. Hands:'on .".pJ;ac;.ice i~ , include:d. Pre·regislrn:lion i~ ,r~quired by' calling the !ibrClry. ',... 4; 1 25 ~. Lake Road. Sheffield Lake 94'9:'7410 Adult book discussion group , "" Dleet Feb. 26 at 7 p.m','Thegroup.. will discuss "Shaker, Run," by Karen Harper. Copies, oftha book ore available ,at the Iihrary. New members are wel.como.~ . The adult b,ook discussion gro~p wiIJ < Looking for state.of~the·art Dentistry. and compassionate care?· ; Digital X-Rays Drill·free D,nl!,lry • Purified Water Cerec Equipment _ Single visit CItlV'M and inlay JOHN S. PYKE III, D.D.S;, INC 33399 Walker Rd., Suite 0 .. Avon Lake 440-933-2549 • 0 .:. """"".'.'.Y'·') 'I.:. ~t;il~;~~ . ..., .;: ~~"":.".;e " r1alie sure yourpefs photo ·Is In 'he:spe:dal se:dlon of our.HaY!Hh Issue: ... . Mail your pet's mug shot to: . Pet Page, P.O. Box 300, Avon Lake, OH 44012 . Drop off M-I'; 9-5 at 158 Lear Road in Avon Lake or e-mail photosandtextto:[email protected]. In 50 word~ or less, include your name. your pel's name. pet'~ favorite toy, special,tricks or anythIng '~15e you \vciuld like our readers to kl1ow~ PUOTO & INfll)RHJlTfON DEJlDlINE: Jlprll 21, 2001 ; Original photos' can be picked up ~tlS8 .lear Road 'lfter May 9. 2006. Questions? Call Mary or Barb at 933-5lI 0,O. Exhibt~)rs: . . , • World Anill1al Foulldation, Eric County Soil & \Vater Wc~tc"! ~~scr".c Land Conservancy OhIO 01\'ISI0I1 ofNatuml Resourc~s Firclnnd.o; Lund Cons~r'\'ancy Ohio Environmental Council ,Kccllluulcr.f Kuyuking & Canoc:ing;,~i Da\'c's Uait &Tncklc ,.>, Lorain County ~~(lmniunity Coilcb;.c'{?' Erie Cuunty Hcalth Dcpartment', ",)' 16. THE PRESS, FEBRUARY 21.2007 BULLETIN· BOARD ~tthe TrucNoith Cultural Arts Center. ,On March 2. Kolbleen Bo~l. l' p.m. in' the GuIlery recital oren AVON . . . . . . soprano. and Christopher Ellicott. classical guitor. WIll Blood d r i v e . · Holy Trinity School wiJI hold 0 hlood drive-on Feb. 27 from '2:30-7 p . m . ' ' March Magic The Avon Junior' Women's Club' (AIWC) 'will host "March Magic," an ovent featuring n silent auction. raffles. food. drincing. a 'magician and' more,' to, raise money for their schoJarship fund and non-profit organizations. The event will be held ,on 'March 10 at LaCentro inWestlnke. TIckFls nre $75 each. a portion of , which -is tax deductible. Send ticket requesls nnd pnyrnent.. to Dawn Dlle. Avon Junior Women's Club. P.O. Box 131. Avon 44011 by Feb; 28. Proceeds from' the Babysitting Basics course . A Babysitting Basics course will be held on March 3 and 10 from 9:30 a.m..;.1 p.m. at llH~ Avon Lake Public Librory. The class is taught· by, the Red Gross. C:0ur~e cost is 535. which includes a textbook and first BId kit. Call the Red Cress at (440) 324-2929 for more information. ' Psychic fair event will benefit Blessing House. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Team. in Training:, Northern Ohio Chapter. Matthew's Lending Libra.ry. Love·A-Strny and Boys & Girls Clubs of Lorain County. . 'Footloose' musical . , perform. The concerts are free of charge ond Op?" to the p'u~lic. but donations will, be accepted., BrlUg a lunch. relax and enjoy all or: part of the concert. Coli 933-17i1 for mort! details. . The, Avon Lake, Arobic:n Goffee Shop' will host. a ps)'chic fair on March 3 from' noon to 7 p.m. Call Jano at 933-7566 for more infonnation., Breakfast with the Easter Bunny . The Avon, Ln~e Parks and Recreation Departmcnt , . Avon' High School 'will, present "Footloose," a and American Legion Post 211, :wiH co-hosl Avon broadway musical on Mnrch2 and 3, at '7 p.m. and Lake's 8lb AnnuaJ Easter Celebration.' Children 2-8 MarCh 4 at 2 p.m. TIckets are $7 Jar adults and $5' for ,years Can come for t\ continental breakfast. pictures students and seniors. TIckots aro $2 less, with prosaic, with the Easter 81.moy, nn Easter craft. entertaimnent purchase. Call 934·6171 to buy a ticket,., , and man)'. many raffie priz;cs. courtesy of local Gponsors.. The event is March 31' at the American Legion e:lood pressure event A hee blood presSure evont will be hold ,nt'Christian ' Hal1. There wiII be two seatings:' 9 and 11 a.m. Hnritage Assembly of God Church on March 4' from. Reservations are required. CaB the par~ and fecreati0 ll department'llt 930-4130 to regist,or for this free event. 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call (440) 233·'1083 for, details. Euchre tournament.· . Junior AChievement help needed .. Providence'Church will host afnm euchre tourna· , . Volunteers to teach Junior Achieyement classes nrc mont on March 10 at 7 p.m. Two-person teams are ' needed. pllrticularly at Red~vood ond Westview Elementary Schools. The time 'commitment rongus needed to sign·up'. Thore will be curds. sntlcks. door from 'five to eight 30-45 min'ute sessions. All materillis. , prizos and'awards for .wirinem. The ,ovont is fre,s and lessons and Dctivities Dro provided in n classroom kit. apenlo anyone. Thoro will nlso be a learn,er·s,lounge. Schedules nrc fiexiblu bel\veon the volunteer and Register by March 3. Visit www.providcnccchurch.us ,teacher. Coli Marny Havas ot(440) 323..5344 or e-m'oil ior more information or call (440) 377·0110. her [email protected] for morc'information. Recreation programs.· . .. , . Tho ,Avon Recreation Department is now offering , nn~ :wgistoring several recreation programs, for I;.he sprmK and summer sensons.Some of them include' :,,' youlb ,volleyball. Fun SCience. Kidzart. Safety :rown -',(lnd1ht T-ball just to nome a few. Additional programs WilLbl) fo~coming: If interestod in finding out about these"'imd any oLbers, check www.cilyofavolI.com or visiLtl1.e parks and, recreation department nt35001 Schwn;rtz Road. ' '. " ~# . -,' ,•"• P n, II ,I II ":;.,~;,, H ,/ ,i ,i . ... .•'.'. ... i> Ii "; . • • .... " II I~ :t 11 "., ~ • I •• Ii.I II .,., t t I I II ,I • t. " , n.. · I )", .. ' , ' , . ' Noontime Concert Series . TrueNorth will hold a "Noontimo ConClOrt Serios" every Fridoy during tho 'month, of March. The program will bbgin Morch 2 and run through March 30. Various musician~',wjlJ perform classical ~usicfrom 12:15 to will highlighl child p~en?cr safety ~D Feb, 23 fmm 8~0,'jc:: 10 9:30·o.m. at.the EducationaI'ServlC8 Center.ofLomID..::t/-' Counly.18B5 Lake Ave.. Elyria. .. . <:.',~ International Writers AssocIation meeting. :i.':" On Feb. 24' ot nool1; lba International Writers?,::":::;O: Association will meet at the Lorain Public Librmy. Robert.:::".. Mooro will 'discuss, podcnsting' and other technologies',~:/\" available in communication. All are welcome. Call Hilaire:~,'·; Tnvenner at (440) 288-()416 for detni~ . S:~5! Women's dub,meeting . ".;,'~'\::':: , Bny Village Junior 'Women's Club' wiII huve::their:/.ii general meeting nnd he~ a psychic/clairvoyant speaker on: ':<,~ Fcb., 26 'at Um Community ,Holjse at 7:30 p'.m.Tho BaY:,::::,i Village Junior Women's Club is a non-profit orgnnizntion,~;::.j that provides service to UtC general' communitylll1d' pro.:.;:'::'~::;"\ motossocial fellowship among its members. ,For member~l''::!; ship information. contact Lorelei Suchrstedt at (440) 8,35-':~~,~ OU08 or visit.www.ba).juniors:com... . ' ',',::,,:l;~:;:i '~l~ "-"'CHURCHNEWS. .• " '"I... " , ' " , .. ' ,'" Hyitlnfiist arid Fiesta Dinner . . . .'.' Chrisi)"'!h.eroil Chwt:h wWhosl e Hymnfesl and FlBsta·pitmer on ~eb; 25,ot 4, p.m. Tho congregation ..wiil. part.idpoto 'in'singing. The senior. boll and junior choirs Will, provide spodal 'music.'A dinner will·.,bc . held ,immEdiately following the singing. TIr.kelet for the, ::'event,aro,S"?Jor adults, 52.50 forchildran'and 515, por fnmi1y. Pror.eods will benofit tho youth group's summor .'m1ssic:m,~p':':'.-:':,:<:";' ','--'" '.':,.':, ' ',... .... ~ cI"InancialciaSs . ';fc:::,~iSt,~vangeliccnl Luthurnn Church will offur orientation tei Duv,o Ramsey's. Financial Poaco, University ';'pn' MarCh'!' iIIId B. 017p.m;· Tltis 13-wook progmm ;iJddresstisOlI orciiS offmnnciollifo.lt be'Sins Men:h 22. :For maio lnfonnnUon,cellGDlC1l 01933-5101. '." . '.... '< ~ • •.• J .. " , . . . . , ," . .... -. Community Health Partners Joins .Anthem Senior Advantage Network & Anthem Medicare Preferred . ~.. (Effective la,lI/ary I, 2007) ~~ COMMUNITY" . .. . .Health Partners '\'"-{, . The Lorain County Safe Community Coalition Meeting'::::G . Lake Public Library on Feb. 28. ,Appointments will begin 01 £' n.m. A complete vascular screening packago, including the stroke/carotid nrtury.abdominnl aortic aneurysm, and ankl£! brochiul indox (hardening of the arturies) is $109., Sign up.foro complete vascular pack.' ugu for $:129. For more information about the 'screeniugs ,or tl") schedulo a'n appointment. caB (800) 697~' 9721 or visit wwwJifelinuscro'ening.com. Pre-registra, ' tion is rocluircd.' / ..I..", , Child passenger safety A Lifo Lino screening uvoilt will be held at tho,Avon I'i l.i I WORTH .NOTING'-·' ,;.~ ;:;:::;~: . ~ I, Join the Erie Shore Art L?ague and fellow artistPo.l:,~·}·~; ez'eck as she talks about st8med glass. Pat works p8rt~~'::Si time in n local stained glass stu~io. She will sb8l'3 hor:·,:;:~::~ art. 'especially, "hot· gloss:', which ,she learncdat.>:;(,: Cleveland State. Join the group; on Feb., 21,from/:. ',;, , 7-9 p.m.' at the ~hemeld Lake Community, Ccntcr~ ".';,:.:t;', '. Tho rmxt meoting of tho Avon Lako Democrats will be on. Ft!b. 27' at 7, p~m., at tho Old Firehouse. Come. bring n' friend and keep tho momentum for chooge ,going. Fm further information or questions, contact , Davo Bruening. 933-0911. or JO~I1' Sekulic III 933-9000; Lifeline screening .' . • /;N Erie Shore Art League meeting Brovo tho coJd for a ono-of-a-kind uvonl, fuaturing , l1nliquu and· vintago furnishin'gs. architoctural items ,and embollishments for the home and garden. The show' wiJJ be hold' ot the Folger Home" 32770 Lake Rond, on Feb; 24 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cnll 930-2190 ~ for more inforInalion; , ":, >;' i ..... A child immunizalion clinic,\~iI1 be held,Feb. 21: ",,~, from 4:30·6:30 p.m. 01 UAW Loi;al 2000 Hall. 3151,';:., Abbe Road. Co1l244.3~lBror delmls. . ' ••.. ' Avor~l..AKE' 10 II II I" . Child immunlzationclinic Trunk ShoW at the Folger Home ,I . . , The Henry Ford Room. in the Folger House .. is avail~ able for rentals. It·s tho. perfect selling for ~lechism SHEFAELDLAKENILU>.GE· . . Avon L,ake Democrats meeting. i' )1 __. Folger House rentals. ·rsl communiOll celebrations. gra~uation par·' nlS fi eve. . . I h· . d ties. baby showers. bnda s o\.. ·ers.,reuD1on~ an more. . :' Contact Pat McDon~Id at 933·25.55 for detwls. Anthem.~11 -, THE PRESS. FEBRUARY 21. 2007 17 -ENlOR .Simple Tips for Making a Home Senior-Friendly . . .' . phone in or ncar the bath/shower in "ase of a fall. To avoid burning yourself, add anti-scald devices or turn or Savvy ,Tips: 'For ,more information' on seniOr home modification tips, ,including \Vh~re to find products and ,conlradors to' install thenl, 'visit \V\v..v.homemoc!s.rirg. Also see 'vV\vw.aarp.orglfamilies and click on "'Home Design." down the water ,healer to warm 120 degrees. And Dear Savvy Senior, don't forget a nightlight for those middle-of4he-night , Can you give me some tips tO'make our house . trips to the bathrpom. .. mor~ senior.friendly. My \vife and I are in our 70~s and don't have much of a budget for big projects . Kilchen Send yOur senior Questions [0: SavvY Senror, P.O. (nor do we want ,the constructicn mess)" but we 'This is another roem that can cause a lot of physical , fJox,5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit ,\V\vw.savvysewou/dUke to. do what, we can to stay in our house stresses on the body. Some correctable areas include: nior.org. jim Miller is a regular contributor to the NBC asfong as possible. . o ~ighting: Brighten up your countertops with easy-to-' Today Show and author of "The. Savvy Senior" book. Home Bodies ,"st~1I under"Glbinet task lighting. . Dear Home o Cabinets: Replace cabinet and drawer knobs with DThere' are 'lots of things you can do to make y~ur shaped handles. They're morecomfortJble to grasp .hoC11e ~fer and easier to live in as you age - and you for those with. arthritis. And replace cabinet shelves don't nave,tospend:C1 fortune doing it. Here are some ~ith sliding~ pull-out shelves - this lets you access simple tips to consider. '. .. Items much easier. Household Tips o Appliances: If you're in the market for new appli. A home that's perfectly convenient for people in their ances, ch~ose a refrigerator-freezer' with side-by-s'ide door,s, so everything you usc regularly can be placed . 50's and 60's can actually become an obstacle in their .70'5 and 80's. Th,.first tip in making your home more , at rnld-shelf range. Dishwashers with a drawer design Administration.onAi;inl~www.~Q3.iQ\~' are easier to load and unload. And have it installed " senior-friendly is to simply eliminate dUller - one of the National Aging Information <:Cnter \'\1'\'1\\' ;loa,goY/liili.&-.' '~'" ',' . best sOlutions i~ preventing accidentalfalls. Also be sure on a raised ,'platform ,to eliminate :bending over• ,,·,to inov~lamp, extension and telephone cords out of Niltiona11nstituteon Aging Wriw'nia Oih.,gm: Stoves that open from the side a~e easier to get into ,. pathways and remove any throw rugs that slide or tape because you don't have to lean over a hot door. And Eldcrcnn~ Locator,l-800-6?7.,.1116, \\.m~eJd ..tg1rr.£QY MRP ww\~';iar~:.,,·'.;" ;" a, countertop microwave is also' easier to reach' m,d ;.,' the.mdown. Another good tip is to .add lighting everysafer verslJS one above the stove. . . , Fir~t GOY for $f>.niors W\lM:..eiijorP,coy'i;"'where.S~niDrsneed twice as. much light to see dearly' SocialSccurit}· Admifl:istrcnion,':" ;assomeon,ei~their40.'s. Full-spectrum bulbs are a good . o Extras: Install.a peg .board with hooks for pots, pans 1-800m2-1213i>i~i '.. ?nd utersils that's easy to get to, as opposed to bend': o/?tion: !><!Cause t!)~ can reduCe .glare. ·Also consider Medicarc'1-800,.633-422? Yl)Yw.mOOiqrc' gOy: .','. 109 over . to retrieve them from lower, cabin'ets.· And : .' replacing round doorknobs with. levers, and light switq,Department 'of Vctcrnn; Afli.tirs wW'w.W gov get a "'reacher'" (18 to 36 inchesJ,to reach items on " es'with iJIumimiting rocker switches~ They're easier to , ·>1'r.~4l"<",~,',,:,,: :'~ '.~,/:.<;~: ". , i;.. 'usefor those\lIitharihiitis; And to beller.accommodate'· _high shelves. .' '.. ' ALZHE/MI'R ··c ., •.•.. ."" , ' '. ,-~ ... ,,~":j, .,>~~,~,,;.'.>~."'.~-I::;):: >"wlieelchairsor walkers you can easill' widen your doorA:Jzhdmer's:Assoc!a.tion .sQ<J::272~3900 ,Mialz Qci'1!<': :':'"WWs (Mio inches) witli' inexpensive offset door hinges.. Outside , Alzhcim::r's, 1Jjscase Educatio'n:lbd Rc(ecr3I center;;!''': ,'Ws also wise to have handrails installed in hallways and. . Install motion sensor lights outside the front and back 800-438:4380 ~ki~ .......•.•. :;, <,wherever stepsare present . .' . . doers and driveway so'you're neVer in the dark.. Put a \': Bathroom, . ..' . .. " .) ARTHI!ITI~','i;:}~',':< small table or shelf outside the entraoce .to hold pack" Artlui~ .Foundnti0Il mYJ'~ qi:dlriij; On:' <' .<·"More home accidents happen in the b,throem than ages while you unlock the door (remote control door iT·anyotherroom. Some solutions in,lude: American Academy of ()rtI¥:.pcdi2.sLlisoo"" ..'. locks arc also available at moderate prices), And for .:- .:.-'" . 1-:800-824-2.~~3, ""","':uaos:pcc+":-;.;·";-': '. :' .,."'>:0 Bath/shower: Add non-skld mats both inside andout- walker or wheelchair users, there are easy,to-install add.';,Nat~o~31 !nsti:ut~of Arthrl~s;iin~NMuSCUJ«):Sk~et.,j a~~r . ·side,the bath/shower to reduce chances of slipping on ramps Jor the front steps and mini ramps to go OVer ,<:.,.S~l1 DlSC~~.1t1formalion:CJcarjnr,hou,sc _ :-"," ,,':,:: "', and falling.lnst211 grab bars for additional support . high entrance thresholds. .... . . . , '.'YW1V niblC?vlriiilm(:::(.i~ ..:c:...", .. ,.. ' (they come in all styles and colors). And consider get.ting a. hand-held, flexible shower head and a '. ·bath/shower·chair for bathing comfort and safety. • ,Sink: If you': have arthritis or .limited hand strength, .. replacinglwistkriobs with lever handle faucets <:an •... make big difference: '0; Toilet: . If ,'you .have problems with leg strength or' balance, adding a raised toilet scat .extender (it adds two to four inches) and grab bars . next to the toilet will make gelling up and down a lot, easier. ' Other tips: Install a water-resistant, wall·mounted . a ,•• GuEST SPEAKER SII< Lyom from Hom. O~ Angds, spc:cialists in moving coordination.' \VilJ sJure her apertisc ' 32730 Walker Road, E-1 ~penlftg .gOOn.•• on the following ,topics: . THURSDAY, FE8RUARY22 Just In time for the Holidays! Gftting lOur Housr Ri.,dy ~o Sf//' gt.CPattlcf2'g COay TUESDAY, MARCH "It is not DowflJi:;i~ig; It is Righlsizing" 8@teIt , Both presentations will be held at '-Hot Cross Buns -Easter Bread .-Chick & Bunny. Cookies-Bunny Cakes '" ~' . '. ~1't..·_'II" ',t" • -' ,,'i:", ," and move coordination expenses. Limits' apply. 'srI'LV.l..t-\.KY j~i AA '"'- . ST. MARY 01' THE WOODS OF-THE-V{OODS 35755 Detroit Rd, in Avon 35755 Deeroi, Rd.~ Avon. OH 4401 t . • ,- S,. .1"_ stmary..ofthrn'oods.com ~f.lry,.j,h,.ll-rwb ill!",,,,,,,.,.,1 bJ,/v F~J",imlll SilUr1I,/C1o,,.lIl" mlJ /,,,,,,,,£,',,,t/,,. fi'fflit, "fF~~ri~4" GJ"'''IJt''iti~ .. ~- --, " ' : "'.',: ",' """""1"":-' :,' " "--, :' ';--:""'['1'" "'." :.'. '.:-., :',~' 1",A:·:','. '.' ...... ,'. ~" '~,,:;' ',\.:,'/", "~,.;", :';::'-":~l;' Att~ndees receive a vou~'t.:r toward ofganiution \\'\V\..... ,@ ·'-,1/0-' • • ' ""',.~ ".'" ", '.,1 ": '.I.-l' "1: ,["."... ~·-" ,"" ;:,".,·,~,J":.·t.l.~ '(- :"j .. ',1'.;, ",,' .... ,','" :,' ! l •• Please 'register for one of these pro~;r;tmsby ~Jing (440) 937-6869 o~ roll-free (866) 209-6869. 13 -Shamrock C~okies-Irjsh Soda Bread -and much more! '. , ,, .. Lmub wiD be served at 1J:45a.m. jO/lQwed by tbe presC1I/,atio.1. ,<; .. ':,~,';"~" .... '''';' ... , .,."•... :: 1-,.,,_ ,, I ".,\• ,,• ......,, , ,,, I . ! ,• ,, I . 18 7HE PRESS. FEBRUARY 21. 2007 .OSITUARIES Gardens. A'\'on. , Memorials mil\' be fonmrded to the Americnn Red Cross. Blood .sen·ices Campaign. P.D.Box '95456. Washington D.C. 20090-6456: , Survi\'ors include he'r dilllghters. Lynn Lasser' ",f Trenton. N.J•• and Pam Strock ofEphratu. Po.; a sister. 01,:",1 HO)'\\'ood of El)Tin: a stepdaughter. Ann Schoenbeck. d, Lnkc. pied suddenly nt'his residence on Fcb.5.·2007. Troy. Mich.: stepsons. 'Robert Weiler, of Tr.:ll:erse, Cit.'~ , Survivors include, his best' friend. Connnu Gindroz; , Mich.• nnd Stephen' Pulis of Kat)'. Te:'(as: 1hrt.'C stepgranc.., 11 cousins: imd mnny friends. ' Children: nnd·two step great-grandchildren.,. Armngements were handled bv DW8\ne R.: Spen~ , She'w'O..... prccedL>diIl denlh by herhushands.,Geo'ge Funerul Home. Canal Winchester. ,Pulis and Robert Weiler: a sister. Lois Carson-Kovacs: _, nd JohnP. Roebuck ' her parents. William and Edilh Allaback. , ' John Paul Roebuck. 69. of Loillin. dil.'C1 Feb. 10. 2007. at Dicken Funeml Home. Elyri<;t. handled arrangem~ntS. New Life Iiospice CenterfolJo\\ing no extended i1Jncss.' L,terinenl was al Ne\\1own Cemeter\'. Ne\\10wn; Po. He wus anAir Force veteran. serving during the Korean Memorinlcontributions lOa\' be-made to the Second Conflict., ' , , ' Har'\'cst Food Dank.· c/o FirSt Congregational United Survivors' include his ,wife. Katherine: a, daughler~ OJurch of duist. 330 Second Stiect. El vria 44035 or to a Michele,Knnaris ofMiddlp.burg Heights: a gmndson:brothers Bernard.Roebuck oCPanna and Gene Roebuck of Avon; Frank P•. Folino , ' Fronk P. Folino. 63; of Carroll' and fonnerlv of A,'oo .. and numerous nieces nnd nephews. , ' He was preceded in death by his parents. Bro\\nie and Stella Roebur:L Schwnrtz,~ Spence~ Bo)'c'r '& Cool Home For Funerals. Lorain. handled arrn.ngements. Inlerment was, at Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery. Rittman: ' Memorial contributions rimy be made to New Life Hospice. rio Community Hcallh Partners Foundation. 3700 Kotbe Road. Lorain 44053·9905. ' Scott K. Klleper 'Scott 1<. Kccper;34. 'ofEI}TIa; dhl'd Feb. 10~ 2007. at St. Joln1. \V~t Shorn Hospital in Westlake foHowing a long illness. " Sun'ivoI'S include' his mother.Kuron Keeper of Elyria: father. Kenneth Keeper ofEljTIa: stepson ZudtnIy Silsby of Avon. Lake; broth<;!r. Chad. Keeper of Oregon. Ohio:' and maternal gmndfa~er. Louis Takacs ofl-Inines City. Fla. He was' preceded in death by a son. Hunter Scott Keeper: fTI'ltemnl grnndmoUlCr. DOrOU1Y Tnkncs: and 'paternal gmndparcnts. En\'in and Delores KL'Uper. ' , Bauer-Luubenthcl ,Funerol Home. Elyria. ho.ndled arrangements. Intennent was at Ridgehill Memorial Park. Amherst nvp. ' . ,'Memorial'contribulionsmny be made,to the John T. ;Quey Special Immunology Unit' at University Hospitals. "11100 Euclid Avenue. Clevulnnd 44106. or to ,www.firstigivi.Pg.com/rocing4scott. n Web site created by ~s broUmr ". ,to niiso monoy for AIDS research in Scott's nmne. i Keith A. Rayman " :i<eiUt A. ~ymond.86.,died Fcb.' 12, 2007 at Avon Oaks -". " ~~~;~: ;:,~o:~ ~oiCe; .Roger T. McCafferty· ~ WilHam B.' Walli. 63. of Elyria: died Feb. 12. 2007. suddenlyat home. , . Survivors include'his'wife. Carol].: daughters Lisn Atkinson o£Tampa. Flo.• and Abbie Ware ofPorUnnd. Ore.: a son. MiChael Ware of Elyria: stepson Norman Alfano of Strongs'\'ilIe: stepdaughter. Maria Cooper of EI)'lia: four 'grandchildren: a brother. Da\'id Ware ofOJiCllgO.lll.: and , a sister. Linda Ware Smilh of Avon. ' He \'\'as preceded in death b\' his father. Earl Wnro:his , mother. Margaret \Voro Knhliff; nod a stepgrnnddaughter. Reichlin Roberls Funeral Home. Elvria. hondled arrnngcments. Intennont' was at 'Brookd-nte Cemcterv. , Elvria. . , • Memorial contributions rnnv be made to the American ' Heart Association. " - Darlene D. Snurr Da;lcnc 0, [nee Millerf Snurr., 55. of Sheffield ,Lnke. die,d Feb. 12. 2007. at St.John, \Vcst Shore Hospital. Westlakc•. following·u sudden illncss. Sun'ivors include her husband of.34 years. Gordon'E.: daughters Jill Snurt of Sheffield Lnke nndSuzu!'ule 'Perez of.' Avon Lake: three· grandchildren;. three sisters. Ami Daillis of Pu.-.ta Gorda~ Fla.• Don nn Komlosy of Sheffield Lake~ nod Michelle Miller of Dem·cr. Colo.: and a brother. Dale ~1illc~,of Ke)' Lnrgo~ Fla; o',,', • She,. was' preceded in dcnth by her futher. Theodore ,Nelson. and, her mother. Esther Miller. Busch Funeral Honle,' ·Avon 'Lnke. arrangements. Intennent \Vas at' Resthaven .. Roger ,T. McCafferty. ,73. of Sheffield Lake. died Feb. 13'. 2007. at his.residence. ' He was a Navv veteran. Survivors include his daughters Lou Alma Greele\' of Farmington. N.H;. Colleen Picciolto'of Audubon. Pa.• and MeUssa Ul1teil of Phoenix. Ariz.:,:. a son. 'Patrick McCafferty of ,Cleveland: brother' Bruce McCafferty of Granon; and four grandchil- ' dren. . __'G Ho' was preceded in' death by· his wife Do;ris"';:A McCllfferty: and daughters. Kathleen and Karen :'~7: McCafferty. " . ' o'o' ,.',: </~ Bauer.Laubenthal,Funeral Home. Elyria. handled • arrang~ments. ' " Memorial 'contributions may be mnde Alcohol ics ;Anonymous. Sobryn Q. Patterson .. . . '.' , Bobl)'n Q. (nee Quail)Palterson. &6. arAvan Lnkennd o'. '.' fonnedy of Avon. died Feb. 14. 2007. at Brodley, Bay ::~-;;; Healtll Center. Bay Village; following a lengthy illness., _~ ,.,-~:; Survh~ors' include her daughter. Lynn Watkins of .::-~., N,orth· RidgcviUe: three grand~hildren; ,and ",four'_~:,: great.grondchildren. " " ' o ' o ' o'o' '; o'" ,.:.;:::;'~: She was preceded in death by her husband of48 years, . William Edward Patterson: a grnnddaughter:nnd ~~prirenL<;.I-lenry George and LaRue Quail. o ' ; , '.~ •• ' .~" Dusch Funerol Homo. A\·on. handled rimmgmnents.,,: Inlcnnenl'wllS at ,RestllD\'en Ivicmorj' Gardens. Avon. ., " Memorial contributions rna)' be rnade to tho AmcricaIl~::-~' Cancer Society or the Americnn Heart Associaticin.·;'~.::: ;", o";' Judith L. Goetz JudiUl L. "Grannie", Goetz. 'of Crofton; ·died.':"·' Feb. 14,_,2007. at her home. . "..' {~ , .' .... ,~ .' Sun'ivors, include: her daughter. 'Kimbcrly'Gootz, .of,· Gronon: :sons ,Charles Goetz of LouisvUle;·ToXlW. and" ' Michuel Goetz ofAvon Lnke;.eightgrnndchildiOn: wdoDe' groot-grandchild. , ..',..' " 0 ," ~ ., .. ", ;Nursing Home. . , ' . , ·Ho}'·ll5 n VO,teron oftha Anny'durlng WWn. . ,SUfVi~ors,. include sons Dale, of Lo·min, Dar}'l of ~We<~!ngton and ,'penn ,of Lorain:. daughtors Arlene.; eWorcest~r,.of·Avon Lnke.-Vicky MarlInon or Silver ,Lnlm. '~S~~<~art()n :of Milford ond Kelly Anderson of,A\'on ;Lake;.nsister. Jane lvInger, of Sacramento. OIlif.; 17 grand. children: nnd 14 greal-grandchildren. .. .He-wns' preceded in'~ death. by _hig wife of 63 years. ,FIC?rcnce; his parents. Frank ,and Hattie Raymond; his bother.Wayne Raymond; and two grnndsons. --:" MnndJoy.VOlroVSky Funerol Homo' handled nrmngo- .. <moDts.:." -", ' ' "-,: '.'. Memorial contributions may be to Avon Oaks Nursing Home. ,37800 .French Creek Rond. Avon 44011 or, tho ·:Americnn Cancer Society, 10501 Euclid Ave•• Cleveland' ,44106, Jean L. Weiler . Jenn L. (nee Al1abnck) Weiler, 84. or Sheffield Villoge. died ~c_b. ,12. 2p07. ~l SpeciallY Hospital of Lornin. DIRECTORY OF LOCAL CHURCHES Avon Lake Prlnllng 227 M.ller Road 1-eOO·231-1431 I,von Lake' 933·2800 CENTRAL BAPTIST CH~RCH Bay Village Napa Auio PartS Co. 927311-W. (hIatt -- . -. " I 1;,'-' , • I:' ~ Ii. " J J " 11 •I t I:, • H' : 'J:' • ::." :.. ."", -,." " ~,. i, ' ,. j ST. MARY OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION The PRESS, 26.10 Sioney Ridge Road Call 440.933-5100 Busch Funeral and , Crumatory Services 32000 Dclroil Rd., Ayon 163 Avon Belden. AL 933-3202 Edward Jonos Bob BroOks. Investments 33382 Walker Rd~ SIc. H To Adntrtfse Your BuSIness In the church directory Cat! 440.933·5100 i ' '::':./ 4rtsel15 Automotive ,,:, I • t -. • t", ,,' H"~ I M ,t49 Lcar Road, ' Avon lake .D30-AUTO AVON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 37711 Detroit Road Avon _ _ _440-934-5 t21 INTERNATIONAL CHURCH OF THE KINGOOM OF GOD FIRST 8APTlST CHURCH 32818 Walker Rd. ,.145 Shcflicld Lake' , 38665 French Cwek Road A~n Lake _'_' 440-258·9393 Avon _"_ _"_440-934·6060. Avon Lake _"_.44()"933-6240 www.avonlakcpc.org 33601 DeltOiI Road Avon 440·937·5363 AVON BAPTIST CHURCH LAKE SHORE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 33119 Electric BIvtl. 2575 Stoney Ridge Road . ' Avon 440-934-6252 PROVIDENCE CHURCH 35295 Detroit, Road 440'937-5001 ' Avon ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH AVON LAKE· 32929 Lake Road. Avori la~e __440-933-3152 ,321 Lear Road Avon Lake.. ". 440-933-9524 36465 Che'ster Rd. Avon _.___440-934·5Ui8 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 32607 Electric Blvd. Avon Lake, .... 440-933-8828 ' CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 91~o Row!c~ 516 Avon B*:,lden, A.on La~c 5290 French Creek Sheffield _._ _ 440-934~4293 , 590 Avon Belden Rd.-' "'~. "::,.~ Avon Lako 933-3253" ,." /- "'.. ~ 1878 Abbo! Road SheUield ____440-934-4227 UNITEO CHURCH OF CHRIST Tom·.Country P:ace Catering'.; 3430 Stoney Ridge Rd."-:':, Avon 934·4553 .'";;..- 2280 North Abbe Road _ _44D-93H3992 LAKE 8REEZE CHURCH OF THE 8RETHREN OPEN ARMS CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 1430 Lnke Bleele Road Shefflcld ":".. _"4~0-g4g~j888 --,_"':'_~_ _A4cr821,~6990 . 36363 t)etrool Rd. 440"934·8CX>O A-.orl Sisson'. Flowers & Glfti:"',':f SAINT TIORESA CATHOLIC· CHURCH. CHURCH OF GOD, SHEFAELD-THECHURCH LOVE IS 8UILDING ~onclk Funo,al Homo 3e;~~C:~~,~\~i~ See·Thru Window Chanh1g eo;. lei Us Make Voor Panes Spatkltt , 933-29ge ,.: . , NEW HAVEN BAPTIST SHEFFIELD/SL· ~'~.ff \ .. ". 8, 4792 Oster Road Shelficld _ _._440-949-?620 S~l!fflc!d 32747 Lake Road tWOfl Lake .... 440-933·6263 Ray's Auto '& Truck' s.rvic8~' HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH ' ANCHORED IN CHRIST 715,Hsr,tls.Road Sheffield Lakl!·;.,,440-94g.7744 landings Animal Hospital I 1.1"We"1I'I'lId,"-m/Mll Hom...d11,,« 10% at ou' comn"SSoOn to I 01. Dona!d R. . t1J,J·?I.IB YOUR chanr. Cal! us lor de!alls 440·93 ·TEAM (83?6) _440-949~63~B 603 Sunset &. Rlchelieu ,Sheffield Lake _44o-94g~5171 ''" , Plnehavon GreenhouSe'·,~;: 39424 Detroit Road '-\:. '~,:" Avon, OhiCl 44011 !:l34-5948' 633 Harris Road 3280.1, Electric Blvd. Avon Lake __' 4,40-933-3241 SAINT THOMAS THE APOSTLE CATHOUC CHURCH HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH 37445 Delroit ~oad Avon _ _ _ 440-934~511O, 4, I 0 Lear Road Avon Lake .. ,', 440-933-3777 Avon _ _ _ ~44o-933·8730 Lake _440-933·5238 A~on CHRISTIAN HERITAGE ASSEM8LY OF GOD NEW COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 30080 Chl!sll!f Rd, , PRES8YTERIAN CHURCH 32340 Electric B~Jd. HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH' AVON CHURCH OF GOO Avon Lake 440-930-4897 /r I FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 Garden Drive Avon '_ _ _ 44o-934~4710 , ST. CLEMENT OF ORCHID MACEDONIA ORTHODDX CHURCH AVON LAKE 8APT1ST CHURCH Detzel's Garage' 32094 Detrolt Road Avon,937-S261 , Dr. Mark D. Gould· Podiatrist 37730 Walker Road AvOn Lake 933·4O,2t' ·Iii' ! Avon __"_ _ 440-934-4212 To Ad~ertIstt Your Bu'slness , In the church dlroc:tory l 36785 DetroitRoad 440-937-9150 Avon 8ay Vlllnge 871-338'2 158 LClll Rd./ P.O. BCllt 300 AVQn Lake 933·5100 :;,: ,t " , AVON Shc,uleld MuniCip:li Complex .. Paint &: Papor Placo 32i4& W,'1!kcr Road Avon Lake 933·311' I ,i ... ~'~j -' I , ,'~": "0' I "t.• ,.,.:'1,., ' .' '.' .. " . t I~:'" ,., " , 'j' ' 0 ..... ' j ) .... " ' •• ~'. 20 './ ;' -,- OUNTRY • ••• LIVIN , i , ,• I ) I .,•\ ,,I j 1• ! ~- . I ,• • •• •• • --.....------ ~.',.'O<~'''''_~_ ,." ., ·, ... "tj', • " \': "I' ' ", " '.~ ~: "I\l> Built with the uncompromising standards that have been' synonymous with Kopf Builde,rsfor over 40 years, these luxury condominiums~fferexceptional amenities and FOUR spacious designs to choose from. ~, " ,;I ""I,I .> ,t "I 'I "I "," ,;1 ',;' <', >., 1',1 'iJ " 'j', " '" '",j t,'" j >, , ., .,,,"I,; 'I; " " "' I, ,, ,• ·••• "", ,J I'ft '. 440-396-7960 rl I I .. '"" I BUILDERS J~ , Located in Avon L.ake Take 1-90 to SR 83 to Walker Road. Travel west on Walker Road and turn north on M,l,Ier Road , • The PRESS 21 Febru...). 21; 2007 SPORTSCHAlTER Snow daze 01; Nothing 'wreaks havoc n' hus\' sports schedulu like n sno\\"sloml. . Last wcek's'sloml hlew in nnd blew up much' uf what wa<; supposed 10 hll\'c gone, 011 ,last WtJ'ck sporLo;-wisc, The hnstysche~ulillg and n.'SChcdulingrnndc.whnt was supposed to be a busy wook tnlo nsports frcc-for....,llthis past weekend. ' Not thot Tuesday's carl" departure, and ' Wednesday's ,d.1y off wo's n tolnl \llCation for Ine. There were phone co:!ls to make and slories to be writ-' ten...in,' betwcl!n' episodes of Days, of, Our Livus, and Matt Thornicr'oft Oprah of COllr.;:?, , Bul such is I:rl!~ &ck to' sports. Weeks like tho last olle nro \,',hal make me glad that I'm not an ,nlhlulic din."Ctor. It's hard to falhorn the amount cif phone colis nnd calendar chcckinc; , required to resdlCdulo even onc ovenl Jet illono two or thmc. My pen ,cop is . tipped to looll ADs Tom Bnronu' of ·A,,·on'Lnkc. Erich Frombach of 'Avon nnd Dick Kerschbnum of llrook..<;idu for all the hard \'\;ork 11mv had to do lost week nndfo'r 'putting ,up \vilh my phone tails nnd l....mnils. ' Hickerson party FdIO\\; Glu\'eio1lUl Browns nlumntls At "Uuh!J;.··'nilJ...tJr has Jm:l'lwd Feb,,2M Glmt! Ilkkt~r",oll' MVP f)av ,ut hi's rcs(uui'iJnt. UuLba's Q World F'linou'i Darbt.>cuu und G1tedll~ located on SR83 in A v o n . " " The ,entire day will be du\·'oted to tliu,,'occomplislununl<; of lfickerson. 0 longtimo resident of Avon who' was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fomo'this month. Avon Mayor Jim Smith will wad n' p~oclamQlion around 6 p:lI1, EXPl~ct to scu'formcr members of 11m lJroWIlS as well. 1110 event is 'upon to tho puhlk, Annual Roesky tourney· tips off Saturday ''This is' till' firth vcar (h'lt WC'Vl! had AvoN. LAKE tI~c privilege ofu,;lng tilt! Avoll Lake High SdlUOI facilities fur ,this c\·enl.La~el1t SUill. "Evcry yl!ar ultendecs from olhcr r.UlIllllllllilit·s an: wowl!d ilt the qualil,Y of 11m' fm:i1ily. <:IS w;II'L" lim fact that wc're ablt~ to u!Oc thc IlIgh school for our evcnt. We're, rcal1~· grateful for Ihe coopcrulion thut wu'vu rcl:ei\·cd from cilV recreation direclor Lisa Adams. and , ali" of the oflidals involvcd with lhe school s'i..sh!m. From superintendent Boh'St:oit. to ,uthh!tic, director Tom Barone und director of facilities Mike Us;r.uk, 10 \'l1rSily basketball' coaches Am'v' r...tam:o and Eric Smith. OVen'one has been very slipportivc of our program ' and this 10urimml!I1t." t\fl\'oiw who \\;anl,s to'Sl!f....l! as 0 \'01· untee; (:nn still do so by culting' Mary Kll)' Schneider at 933-4706, or Laurie Coml!r at 933-32»5. By Matt Thornicroft Tlw SI. 'ma~ph lli'Jh ROl~$ky CYO luvilntiollOiI Bask.'lhilll Tournallwl1t relllrn~ for, 'n '32m1 sea~oll Ilt~ginJlillg this Salurday .lIId t:onlinuing ov'er Ihl: nexl fe\\" \\'eekcmls throilgh finals, day on Mn~h10. ' This year's competitiOIi. which will toke place,al A\·on Lake High' School, will fealure'm·er 1.000 parlicipants on 85 toams playing II tOlnl of 116 games. Eventha.onnual' cheerleading competi· ' lion receH:cd 0 boost with' 28 teams competing in three'different divisions. '"Our tournament has created, an enduring legacv -as one 'of 'the bust C"l!lltsof ilS kind in Norlheast Ohio.:' tOllrnumenl direi::to:" lohn Largent 'Said. "Thnt's a It!stnment 10 Ihe liternllv hundreds of voluntl!l.~rs who help to make Ihe entire, lournament go so smoothl),. Whelher it·s our coadws. our conces· sian workcrs, ollr,'mlmission staff. our patron committee. or olhers, ploying equally significant roles. _this tournllment works hcr.nusclhl! \'olunteer~ han~ a passion forourCYO programund SllP~ porting the youth of uur p<lrish.lnOlJdilion; Iho tournnmrll1t is really, a' big socialc\'enl.,11 provides u lerrific oppor,unity' for our volunteers ~ and spcctn~ tors as wc11·to mtJtll people. lI1ake new friends an~ renu\'\' old ucquaintances:' ThOligh host 51. Joseph, has 0 fair shure ofleall1s enlnred.lhern will be 11 (eul11S from Avon Hoi\' TritiitvnnrJ 1\';0 f:u:npI.Mng fOl' Avon Sl.' ~1i1r\'. SI.' Rnpllllel uf Bay Yillngn i,-i1IIU1ve'sc\;en' IBUIlIS represllnled. , ,Whilu tlwre will bu'plenlv bfhashl, baH. there will he other events guing on forpnrticipants 'and Ions induding Iho annunl .free Ihrow' (Foh, 24. 25 and Murch 3) and 3-point (to.farch 3) comJlu~ P St. Joseph Bob Roesky C'IO TournamE"nt. Schedule titians. \V1o.1JIfWMMS rudio personolity r-.lark "Munch". Bishop will emcee Ihis year's'dlCcrleading comp(;lilion (sched,uled for Feb. 24). The anntml 51. Joseph CYO Alumni Come wi1~ ,11I'ke plm:e Murch 4. ' 1kkolswillulso he sold for the annuaI, SU/Sf} rarne_ Last yeor's wil1lwr \volkm!m\'i1Y wilh morc 'ihnll $2.20U. The tournamentfinnls will takl! plncl! March 10. The nnnimi nwtlnlscer· cmony I!' sr.hedllh!d 10 hegin at G p~m. Ctr 'immedinlely foIlO\,.. ing Ihe nlh~grilde hoysWhite Division dwmpionship gallle.'Trophies,,~·illbc'pr'!..t·ntl!d fer the ,lop ,three .teams in e'ldl division,,' Indi\'iduol mvnrds will al"o be !.!ii,'t'H to chllnlpioorhip tmlm, rncmhor~. ~II!-Iour'Illlnwni t!!llm stlle,ctions. sjJurt~nlilnship I1ward winners nlHl Ihe lop two finishers in lim rree~throw and '3~point computi· lions. ' , Five Shoremenmove on to Mentor Boys basketball tourney tix. Do slIre to buy )·our Iickels pn~'Slllo at your load high school athletic olnco if yotl pIon on allel1ding II gomi!. Adult prt.-snle tickels nre' $6.' Studenl lickets oro 54, ,Local high SdlOOls earn' cosh hock onl)' on LIm pro~'1It}tickets Ihey sell; not tim tickelt;: sold nl the gule. , ·And finally... ,', I would Iiku to lake Ihis opportuni~ ty tothnnk Press sportswritor' Joe Ostricn; news editor Lori Swilnj. Press graphic designers ,Mary Nuve ,lind Trucy Lee Miller, general mnnager Janet Sanner nnd the mnn\'·othe~ who pitched in 10 help,The Pross luke firsl plaeo in Sports. Cov'eruge· and sl.'Colld .ptocoin Dest Sports Specilll Edition lit lhis yunt's Ohio NewspaliHr ~s.'.ocinlion's Osman C. Hooper Show. ll1nnk.~ 0150 to aU our renders who helped with )'our award-winning slory idoa'; and well-meaning critiques. Tho Pwss won o\Vords in six mtegorlos in 011 at. the show. Tho results wern announcud tim ammul DNA convention hold last weuk. pres.'ith'[email protected] ot presstbomicroO@ltot~ail.co~,':,:'"' '. Elder, Dare to head,· Eagle football, boys soccer teams AVON By Matt Thornlcroft ' ~_... _~_._-----~-~--~_.:- Good. luck Gruskiewicz . Avon lligh School girls cross cOlintry and tmck coach '(hrn Gnlskiewicz is \\:orking 10" ttlll1li~v for tlmOIYlllpic' mamlhon Iriah;, Tim cmnpelilivu disInncc nmIlt1r., who cmnpeillfl ,in Ilw Houslon Mlimthon Insl fall; is u mmllbur'or CI USA Tmck (1lltlFiuld nthlelic dm'ulopment prognllll; , . , '"II WIIS 0 lot of fun~" Gnlskicwicz said. "They pnid for your holel. hasp 1tuJit)'. Thu)' tronled you liku you \"cm on Illite athlete. I'm flOping to nllll'l littlo fastc'r. Tim trials slandard is 2:·~i for WOII1Un." Tickets: $2 for adliNs; $1 for students and Golden Buckeye Cardholders • Feb. 24: Sixteen first-roUl"~. games, (ree,·throw competition, cheerleading competilion " • Feb. 25: Twenty-tWo first-round games, I_throw corupet~ion . • March 2: Seven first and second-round games . • March· 3: Twenty-four second-round games, 3,point· competition, free-throw championship ... • March 4: Twenty-two second and third: rourd games, St Joseph CYO Alumni . Game .. . • March 10: Twenty-eight championship, thirdpplace and .consolation games, awcirdsceremony , t.;':' ~:, Forl11er Purr)' lIigh 'School' football l:n:ICh l\liku Elder nnd ux-E1yrio High School $oc:cer conch Chris Dom htl\'~ bc.'cn sl!ll!clt!d 10 I<lk., U\'llr thu OP11l1 foolballllnd hoys SOCCI!r v;u:mll:ii:s lit A\'on High Schoo!.' ' 11m 'two c;(J,lu:lws' eonlrm:ls' \\'(1rH MJIlh!d bdorn Ihc 1\\10n Local Schools Board or I~(hll:nnon la~1 night fo'r 'Conuul Ilpprtlvul. ,." Elder led lusl ,"uur's Pt!ITV I)irnlt!s 10 n 9· 3 m·nrallrun,rrl tilal indudl.:d a 5·2 JIlurk in the Chng,ritl Vulley COllf'~rcllc.;e. Thl.! Pimtes qUlllifil1t:1 fur tilt! Division IV phJ\'olr<; nnd heat f\.fnssillon 'Iilslnw 24·(j in ·,lIm first round, find lost 10 uventunl !Olale cJllllnpion Youngslown Curdinul Moonl.!\' ·n·n in Um ft1gionul semifinals.. • Elder holds· n 5U·23 wcord in seven' seasons us II ,I.wud football cooch.' His C'.areer rl~:ord II1cltules plnyoff oppeor· ' IlIlco;:;in 2tH)2 Ulul 2006, hoth wilh Porrv. Ifn WIIS "'oted Lllku Colliltv Conch oruiu Yellr in IhrL'u of his five se"asons ,wilh UlO Pirntl.'s. , A gmduote· of ,Motint Union Colll.'gu Elder played foolhult forUm Purplu Rnjdl.'~ nnd WIIS n thrt.'t~\'CIlr starter nnd a tl!llm' C'.nptnin in 1!JH2. , Dore piloted last ye,ar'A 'Elyria Pioncur~ lu an 8·5·3 o\'(Jfnll record (2-4 in the Pioneer 'Conference). E1)'rla. mnked fourth in the Rocky Rivur district. opl!nud tho playoffs with n 1..Q win o"'or A\'on Lake and lost Wosllake :l·0 In tho dislrict semifinals. [email protected]' pn:.. . Britt Phillips (obove) is one of fIVe Shoremen who· advance to this weekend's Mentor Division I district mee', Phillips beat Lakewood's Justin Smith for third at lasl Saturday's Southview sectional meet. Press photo - Pro Photography .. .. painls, Elytin (15U) was fourth): Only one ShafCmen wrt.'$ller \,\'us lillie By Mott Thornlcroft 10 IHh'unce to tho championship ~und, juniur Mnrk TonulImk. Ret::ord·selling oUt::Ot1l11S 1U'l! mom unen , lolllunek impro,'ud, to 2n-4 over Iht! weekend UnOI' losing 10 SI, Edwmd sopho, Ihan 1101 the result 01" ll..'t:otll.setling l!Jfort. more Andrew Gusher vill pinfull (1:27) in , Durul1ding Di\'isiu 11 slnhl dtmnpioll 81. 11m l:hllltlpiollshil' malch lit ·135 pOUlJ(ls., Edward made no dotlht 'oholll who stllni.ls to hI.! 11m tenmlu huallilhis wt10kmltl'j.; dis. , II was II sOlid' wl."lkenu O\·'!rull for trid lournament a: Munlur, The cagle'i' 'lbllHlIlt!k, who unflwd 'the lop sj~d in his \\'uighl class, Tomanek dru\\' un opening' won dtlllupionships i:l 1:1 uf the '14 weight round hytJ lind pinnl!d (1:1») Lo'1kc\\'ood's dusscs en roult· 10 1I1eir :l1st-slmighl set;nnmnnn Pomposelli in Ihu fillartl!rfinnis. liollal l:hilll1l)i'JIIShi'~1 TIll! unly wrcs'th1r lIn defeated E1\'fill 'freshmun Chnsu' that didn't \.,,'in al1 OI..'lri~hl chmnpionship bounced hack 10 ,claim Ihird plw.:e.. As ll, Chun:hill 9~2 in the smnilinals ,to qualify for his tillu lIl11h:h, ' rU'iull. all 14 Engles ttl Ivnm:e to tho !\.tentor "11's gwal compuwd to lust· year," districls, , , Tomnl1uk snid. "I, look Ihird last' vear, Tht!mnrksels' n 1.'lnlu record for huHComing in I knew whnt J had to do." vidual c1ullnpiolls. Tile Englt!s' :15B,5 team The Shoff,lmml 'finishl!d sixth in tilt! poinlssel another rcc:)fd us woll, Amherst, wus tho onlv Imtll1 to conte doso with 163 SEE SHOFIEMEN, PAGE 23 Jloints, Southview fitlishi!d third'with 1fi2 AVON LAKE 22 THE; PRE;SS. FEBRUARY 21. 2007 Eagles win; Shoregals, Cards eliminated Magnificat readies for Districts AVON/AvONlAKE By Matt Thomlcroft Minus' ono of its kcv Contributors for the Feb.', 11 sectional meet. the MagnifiC3t gymnastics, Icmrt,' went out and did what it docs besl..win. The perennial slate meet qualifiers nd..nnced to this Saturday's Division 1di...• triet championships at 'Vest Gmuga High School ''1iilh n first place score, of 136.55. Their first scdionnt meet tiUc in foltr seasons, the Blue Streaks canu..d it after l.>dging out Wadsworth by .435 of n point. , "\VC had n great sectional meet," hen~ conch Joc Gum said.,"\Vc were missing (A\'on, Lake resident) junior' J:Celsey' Roddy. Tho rest of !1m team stepped up. Our goal is to get to the state meet. ~ Reddy, .forced out of. the lineup with a 'staph infL'CIion. ,spent tho weekend supporting I1t!f teammates from the sideline. TIlOugh unable to help hcrtp.am on' the scoreboard.. she continues 10 contribule any way sho can. "Losing her is n 'hig blow." Gura said. ':"Sho's'the heart nndsoul of our learn." Junior Knyln Kmiecik led the, team ' ,with n 36.600 all·around score aud \\'on an individual ~ectional championship in 1l1B procl.'Ss, Fellow'Blue Slreaks,Coleen Ago~no and Elisabeth Sullivan }llacod sixth and ninth in thenll-nround. n.>SPL'C:' th'olv, and ad\ilna..-d a..; indh·iduals. The team working to build 011 their sectional ~uccess with the goal of placing in one of four stale 'qualifying spots 01 Lhis \'I."L'Ckend·s \ Vl.>st Geauga distrid. One. of the toughest district meets in, the slate. 16 of the last .18 state champions 'luml come out of, that district. MagnifirAlt owns' 10 of those titles. Un..'CksvilleDroad"'ew Heights High Scl1001 has won the olltcr six. ' , Should the Bees puU it off this, year. till!)' will Ix..come only the second Io.'lm other 1l1a11 }\'lngnifiGat to win four-eonsecutivc state titles. :t isa feat'the Dlue , Streaks ha\'o pulle9 oft twice. _ Down' n gymnast., the ,Streaks, will 'lean on some of tJwir YOlmger gymnasts to carr)' the load,. Bul gh'en lvlngnificnfs tradition, whocver is called lIpon will,bo up to'the tn.<;k. , ,'" "BCCllu~ we have such a great tradi· tion. the}··...egrOwn up ,\\;Ul champions." Gum said. '''They're, used to that that if thev enviromncnL Thc\' work hard nod pUlin the effort. they rench thai goal." pn..>ssthomicroft€holmuil,com is realize .. can .. Gruskiewicz takes over LadyEagles AVON ~ Track and Field By Matt ThomJcroft 'A familiar face has slepped tIp to replace longtim'J Avon 'girls lrnck' and field coach Jim'Reynolds. 'Torn.' .Gruskicwicz ,will replace Rcynu!ill.; who retired Dfter loslsCQSon fol· 10wi!Jg 20.Jcors'on.the job and 30 as '0 \ conch in the'Avon school district ~ruskicwicz. tile Eoglus' cross ('.OUl1lry coach the,'past-(Wo yours, f>he coached A\'on Ulko High School':; girls trock nnd . field tea.'111ast \'C3r~'- , -,' "I'm axcitod<liJout it." Gm.skiowir:z. teacher Redwood E1emcn,lmy School in Avon LoJai~ said. ,~·ltwllSn·t an easy dcci~' a at sion for me to letw'e A\·on Lake. but it ".\'05 somel.hing I nl.>eded to do for ,the con~i5' tency,of the team., WllFJn, tho position opened up it \\'as D position I hod to toke. ,l,know the timing wasn't tim bost." Gruskicwicz,a, decorated. runner hl,rsclf. has spent the, IQ~t two season~ working' to build, up, Avon High School's cross, country team. Taking ovur 11m irnckprogrnm will IIlso help in rcCrtliling runnurs for cross country jn 'the full und track 'athJettls ,in tJw spring. prcssthurnicroft6'hotmnil.com Salll~Craigo·to coachShoregals » By Matt Thomleroft Longtimo fans afAvan' Lake gids lrock " - remember with 'fondness .lho fents of ;'Shorcgals alumna Yvonne Saul.cmigo. Tho ~von Ll1ku Sports I-Inll of Fame utJllele. is bock. 1l11~ timo as tho no\\' girls trod wld flold coach., ' ' "t think it will bo exciting." Snul.cml~o said. "'1've 'always' wanted to do this. I coached at Nordonia as a girls m;sistant right aftur lion collL-ogo. Now that my kid... huve nil grown up; it is sOnlething.J·m uble to do." Saul.cmigo replacHs Tom GnaskiewiC?.. who stepped oown' nnrlier, this winter ,to tuke ovor lhe' hood girls trnck position at ' , Avon High School.,,' With tho shirt of the f>OOf>on n litltu o'o'ur II . month owa)', she's more, than ready to get storted. '1110 Showgols, ha...e won four SouUm'eslem Conference dlampionships , Qvor tho last five SC<:lsons. UL<;t ,)'oor's trom .District Girls Basketball AVON Gymnastics . Track and Field .The Avon Eagtes move on in Dh1sion II ' !'edional lournament play, after a 67-52 will o\;er Warrcns\ille I:tei~hts on ~~onday ronge jumper. LizSeiboll fn~ throw lied it up. Kalie Kilbane put the Shon-gals back .night. .. " , " up 30-2& not' long after thaL. ,.' Katie Maloney~s 27 points po\nm~d the The two teams ~,lllgged it out from that Eagles 10 the 15-point vidory over th';) point on. Though 1110 Shon.ogals were able TIgm:s., KnHe, Denl and Jamie I\IeL<;er finto force tumo\·1..'1'S on defeI15e. they couldished 'with lo~poinL" ,apiL'cc.Christina n't pulthu ball in the basket. The Demons' I Icrhsl added eight points~ Erica Repas.md outscored 1l1e Shon.>gals 5-1 Ihe rest of the , Ali'llnldi chi,ppL'ti in with six-poinlscnch. WO"',on a field goal and thn.>e foul shots., The \"k10ry sets lip a sectional champiShoregal Snrah ,Lyons, fouled' Amelia onship that nill ,mark 'lhe third. ml.'Cting Serrot willl nine sL'<..-onds h.. n down ~2~31 helwL'Cn the Eagles'and Firclnnds Falcons. to help give A\/on Lake a chance to wm on ~dJO defeated Olmsled Fall~ ,55-50. This tlle last· possession. Serrtlt made. the. first \"(!ar's series betwcen Avon nnd th(~ and missed tho' sL'COnd. TIle Shon.-gals Falcons is tied at 1-1. , grabbed, the 'ccbound. hut t;ouldn't get 'a,' The t\\'o teams will tip olT'Saturday shot ofT before time expired.. . • nftcmoonat3p.m.at.SL Joseph Acndcmy~ Pielch finished the game ,wJth mne The wil-m~r admnccs to the March 1 dispoinL<;, Kilbim~ and Ke!sey Black. both trict'semifionls. ,scored eight pomts. A!cxIS Drent fin.lshed Shoregals fall to Demons willI thml.' points. Cm Gallagher chipped, , 'An offensive displn~.. it wns not. hut the jn with h\'U poinL<;. ' Westlake Demons made Ule shoL.; it nl.ocd, 'A\'On Lnku ends the year, with 0 12.-9 cd tv eliritinat~ the' A\'on Lake Shorcgo.ls. o~'emll n.>eord. • 33-31, from tllC Dh'ision J sl.>ctional.aistrict Cardinals eliminated. . tournament in Medina. TheL'Jdy Cardinals basketball senson A 4.:0 lend by A"on Lde early, itl the came to on cnd \vith Jast Saturdni~ 59-28 first quarter proved to be the . largest lend loss·to-the'to~sccdedRocky River Pirates the Shorcgnls enjoyed in· the game. A\'on nt the SL Joseph Acndomy Division D secLake struggled from· t!le 'ield (11·of-33) tional tournament.. ' nnd the fn.'C-throw line ('·...(-18). Brookside entered .thc ·sccond,'qutirThe Demons, rode the hal hand, of terdown' ju~t13-10 to the Pirates, who Drooko Henderson. who finished with, 18 hovo lost just two games all season.'points. for most of lhee'r'ening; EightRockY River extended their lead to 27straight by, Henderson helped givf;! 18 athalfiimc'ond blew tho gamo open Wcsllnk.e'o,12-8lead midway through tho will1 a 20-;4 third quarter. , second quarter. Tho Shorcgnls'mllied back to'lie.tJle gamo n118·18 carly in tho third , 'Jodi l.)'ons, ond Terry Urig ,led, the 'Cardinals with'eight points apieco. Qlssio qllDrter~ butWostlakn jumped nllfmd' by Griffiths und Ali Gendron boUl finished five (2i·22) with n 9-4 ron. with four. 'Julie Cnmpo and Bria Skol~icJd Undnunlcd. '11;0 Shorcgals responded both scored 1wo poinl... ' , go up 28-27, with ngain \\'itJl, 'n 6'() run ,Tho Cardinals finish the )·ear.3~17.,. 5:391efi in llw gamu on Katie Pietch's long- to .Area·.swimmersfall.at districts 'AVON/AvON LAKE The)' gU\'tl it 0 good shot. butllm 'eight' , Im:nl high school swimmers'gun'ning for a berth 'in this woekend's state, champi- , onships weren't able to advance. ,Avon's Louis Rungonnd girls learn members Kirston MiHer·Jaster. Marissa Gerdes, Enimn Gerdes and Duna O1rter joined Avon Lake swimlol1l11 members Logan Crist. Anthony Dominguez ond . . Swimming and Diving Paige' Prousse in last'wockend's '_ district championships - at' ,Cleveland State Uni\'er'silw MiIler:juster. Mnrissn 'Gerdes; ~~a Gerdes and Dana Omcr placed in the top. 16 in the 200 freestyle relay with;atime of 1:50.95. Cardinals sweep pastVASJ placed fourth. A statu fiuuJisl un' thu 3,200 and O.4(JO·' metcr ,relay teams during hor own plAying days. Snul-Grnigo hopes 10 shop'a the team mound tho rein)' c\'lml... A major koy ,10 Um Shomgals' SliCCl.'SS. thenbility to field slrong 'mlay teams helps build depth in otJ1(1'.' e"ents. ' " , "It \\'iII definitely be n 'lot' of fUIl:~ Saul· Cruigo said. "I'm stepping into n great situa· lion., Thoro's just n posilj"o cullum' with trod in A\'on Lake." , prcsslbDrnicrDfir(Yhotmail.c:om , SHEFFIELD VILLAGE 1b:::........ . The Brookside Cardinals won se\'en out of sevort points ag~insl Villa ,\ngcll1·S1. Josoph in GCIDL intordh'islonol hundir.np competitiol1.ovcr the weekend. ' Freshmen Anron' Lunn and nnid . I d' M oslers nlOIS 10 • rcspectiYely.11 nnd four pinsoYur their averages., Sonior ,11· · · ~ .Bowling ""!' _ John Bonar openod tho malch with· a, 2 02 gamu., , Tho ,Cardinals pIny nt n'uckoyo Lonns this Saturday, ngairist John Marsholl for tho first of their, final two matches of tho season. ~~~ J . , J>1. t. "1 ... I ~' ~~. Lakeland Eye (are ' . Cleveland Clinic Dr. Scott H. Seipel. Dr. Julie Hill Dr. David DelPrincipe .~ Dr. Molly Leschel' I:uo d.rills. circuits,' clfclJo & " ~trcrigth trnlnlng , , , N,xt Session StUb r~b.rary 27 . Puppies. Puppies Pupplesl Call Competitive Edge lor more details We Will have 3 litters of puppies available for adcption the 930-2272 [email protected] request an adoption application. ~ GEl THEED(iE .at (ompetitive Edge : 3rd and 4lh week of FebrlL1ry,P1ease contact Oiane at , Fof IUrlhof dela~s on our upcomht" ttYents and ft.ilabl" pets" ~SCl wi$Il our new IiWIbar:e: WWWJove-a1tray.petflnder.eomcrI;llD933'2014. II your Dog Of cat isloat. plNso rl'POrl kist pel 1'0 yo'Jr local Polrce D!!pt. DONAnONS are gre.tr, approd.ted and Tn DeductIblel DI)'Ocig Foc-d. DIY and Can Cal Food. 8if1ach, Dog Treat. and Doo Top P1!l. TlUitt, & , er.a1o•. Don.lfans tin bel dropped'off .t Classic In The landings, 445 A'o'On Belden Rd. PH' 440"933.3155• .. 1m."e, SpG:cializing In Family Eye CarG:1 THE PREss, FEBRUAFrf 21. 2007 Panthers defeat Amherst 2-1 in OT; ShoremeneHrninated AVON/AvoN .l.AKE ioss to' the Trinity Trojans. Thl! Sharemen mllied Elyria Catholic bL'gun ' from being down 7-2al onl! their quest to Columbus in point. A thrue:-goal. oilL'the slate playoffs with n assist, night ,hy Tom Coy and thrilling 2-1 o\'crtime ,,"ic, n two-gool. Iwo-lL<;'..o.isl l!lfort tory at Brooklyn against n , b\' !\Ikhacl ,Dillon wcn~n't griUy Amherst.team. , c;lough' to, o\oen:uinl! the The Panthers threw Trojans' lead. everything ,they could at A"on Lake's Scali Amherst goalie Adam Shilffl!T ,also scored 'fOi the King in th~ first two peri~ Shorornf?n. 'Tyler Goodwin ods. oUl-shooting them 28~ lamed n poiir of assists: 9 'officially. though bench ~' Hunter Cherrii. Coru\" chart.s had it 34-4. Onl), a . L_-1t..&._ _"' .,-:o..J Shimolocns. Paul Ryan Soucek, goal gol by ,Avon Lake's'Tom Coy net- Dnzko\\'ski. Cod" GriffitJJ King. Amherst: tied, the mld, Makz Galati· nlso fingame at one ,with ,a latc tedahattrickjna7~6play ished will} assi$. , powerpJuy goal in the off loss to, Trinit>',: The Sharemen, end lite third period. , ' Stm...c;on 14-13·1 O\·crall.' It look 4:35 into ovor~ EC falls to US in Baron Cup time for Richie Baker to corrol, a pass a't It onlv took 38' sl.."t.'OndS for' the Elvria center iCc and sprint down theright side Catholic hockey team 'lo pick up its first. boards into the Amherst zone. As he wus 'l.'\'er \;:in in Baron Cup play. , , running out of ice. he rined 0 pass to, The fifih.seeded Panthers.. who had Mark Haszto. who was cCJming dowll'the 'quaIifi.ed for tIm Baron Cup jus.t one, other middle. Hnszto's denection landed in tirr.o ,in _their 12-year hqckey, history. th the Comet'net. finallY ending a,game. ' defeated the fourth-sl.?eded Lake Catholic "It WDS Haszto's 35th gool and Bokel's 5.() on Feb. 7 and improved to 25-4 OVer49lli assisL BrodMooro stopped 24 0 25 all. ' shots•.again makiog seveml stellar saves Mark ,Haszto put ~ up 1-0 offan assist to keep Ee in the game in the third perifrom Neal 'Jones just 38 seconds into ,the Pnnlheis'next game is to.night contesL' It was Haszto's 33rd. goal of the '. season. a team best. Nineteen seconds Jaler.Jarrod Thomas took a lD-footsnapper against NorlhOlmst,ed. Thero' arc ~ve Avon pJay~rs on tho EC roster., scmors and caught Le's goalie offguard. 'ghing EC Greg' Hanson and Tom Corrigan:.sophcr a 2-0 lead before a minute was played. mores Chris Andrews, Matt Fielding and GoaJie Bmd Moore was outstanding for the Panthers. tUrning aside nino first period Mike Freeh. .Sharemen falrto Trinity shots from tho Cougars.l=d Thomas 1101The Avon Lako hockey season came to ted his second goal of the game for EC at the On ~brupt'end last Fridriy night after. a 7..(j 5:18 mark of the second period on a coss 0 ~d·.Tho 0 ' SCHEDULE fron) Darian Thomas. In the, final miuuh.! or the St.'Conu period. RichiH Buker put ECup 4-:i}.:'~\Ocn·s Chris Andrews preuy feedor' Spencer ~tilll!r cJo~d out the scoring. Moore 3gain pn:noed unbeatable in nn int~1I5e 'period. sm;ng,]l Cougar shots,' mam' from inside llJ.k"Ct. take Catholic kept' some pressure, on EC ~hroughollt Uw third period. but still' couldn't gel past Moore. As ~\'ernl shots wcro fired from the slot area. M'"l)re Ollm,I.r continued to 'steer them aside. ending WiUl 31 san'S for his seventh,shutout~ 5.() moer LC. Avon's Chris Andrews', prelty fl.'t..>d to Spencer Miller doscd out the scar· ing. EC fired 27 shot.. on Le. Moore played tough against Univcrsity School. saving 33 of40 sholson Feb. B, but his heroics were not enough' as the Pantllers l'e1l2·1 to the Preppers. It was Um firsl time EC had reached the semifinals in the Baron Cup t.ounmment ever. The,Panthers scored first \'\-'hen Hac;zfo fired a shot into the Jeft upper comer of the net. just inside the post'with 7.7 scc- , onds left. in the first period. The sL'COn~ period saw whatever moment~in· the, Panthers possessed fade,away rapidly. US finally got by ~1oon! nt the S:}8 mark. ef the second period when Joo. Kuslner hed the game. With· 2:07 lun, in the sl.'COnd period Josh R\'der put one past Moore on a goaJ;"ollth scrnmblo to givo US ~ 2-1 load. US 9utshot EC 40-24 for tho gamo. Moore proved perhaps his hcsl.back-Iobackgam.,s of tho scason making 69.of71 . ,possibl~ sav~5 in the,1\\"o Baron Cup, I, games. . . Thursday,· Feb. 22, 2007 Girts Basketball 6p.rn;AlHS'@O-ISectionalChampionshipIF NECESSA.tN (Medina) 'Friday, Feb. 23, 2007 Boys Basketball 7:30 p.m.:A.I-lS@Midview 7;30 pm..: Westlake@ALHS 7:30 ~ Lake, Ridge @ BHS Wrestling 4 p.1n.: ALHS@[H District (Mentor) TBA:AHSlBHS@O-IJDistrict(Ontario) Saturday~ Feb. 24, 2007 Girls Basketball, . ' 3 p.m.: AHS@ 0-'11 Sectional Championship ,IF NECESSARY (StJoseph Academy) , Wrestrlt'.g " ' TEA: AlHS@ 0-1 Dislrkt (Mentor) TBA:[email protected].(Ontafio) . Tuesday, Feb. 27,2007 Boys BasketOOJl ' 6 p.rro..: BHS ,vs. Max H~}'es;D~II"SediOl"laJ Semifinal {WeslJake} Wednesday, Feb. 28,,2007 .' Boys Basketball 6 p.m.: ALHS 'vs. SoiJthview; O~I Sediollal Semifinal (Mld'o'iew) 8 p.m.: AHS vs. Holy, Name;, D-U· Sectional Semifinal (Westlake) , . Thursday, March 1,2007 Girls Basketball 8 p.m.: AHS @0-11 D;,tnct Semifinal IF NEC- . ESSARY (SlJoseph Academy) 8 ~m.:ALHS @D-IID;,trielSemifinalIFNEe§SSARY(Medina) ":'.: • Eagles'iSchoch, Cards' Pritt silrvive.lfighland sectional .tllJON/SHEFRELD VILlAGE By Matt Pawlikovd<l. , Not only did 'O~tad FnUsadvnnce to ' tho. Dh'ision .U Ontario District wrestling'-Championships ,in 'great shape. tbeBulJdogs defendod their titIe OgalIlSt somfJ :sbingentcompetition ot' the·rocent':'.scctional meet., which was hold at HigWondHigh School this past wookond. ,,, The>Bulldogs finished with an impresSive -219.5 poin~. Fnifview was second wilh 205.'poinls. Fuirview~s .£elJaw West Shorn Conference rival Rocky RiveT was sixth with 97 points. 1118 Avon Engles placed seventh with 80.5 points followed by eighth-plaeo Day SHOREMEN, 23 ~ Wrestling (74.5). Brookside ,ended' the tournament 13th i.vith 26 points. , ' , ' , It' was a tough day for Avon. as the Eagles advanced just. one wrestler out,of Highland. in Lee Schodl. ' . Jake SaJadonis' (103).. 'Nick DiFmncosco (119). Max Saladoni, (152). Bill Buck (160) Darned fifth-pia"" ollornate spots. Duke Long (112) and Bryan Wunmer'(1tJ9.) ended the day with sixthplace finishes. . ' TIle Brookside Cardinals 0150 advllDced one wrestler. Miko Pritt. ot 112 pounds. Anthony Parrotta· finisllCd'in SixtIl plnce. off 2007 racing season with. Catch a Leprechaun. By Matt Thomlcroft The 2007 NCN Radng saries begins March .; in' Avon Lake with tho eighth nnnual C"llch 0 Lcprcchaun 30K. 15K and 5K .mns, presented by Wonder Machine Servieeslnc. , Tho Nuxt Generation Child DCl'olopmcnt Conter and GolfGcl&\VaY oro joining together' to host the race at The Landings shopping center in 'Avon Lako. Registrntion is at 6 a.m. The starting hom will sound at 7 a.m. . ,. TIm Cntch a Leprechaun funs provide a ,variety ofruns for avnriety ofrunners. Fast and nat courses make them cosy runs, for' bl.."ginriers."he longer distances make for a good tuno~up for, athleles trnining for upcoming spring mamthons., , Post-race refreshments wnJ be senred. Participants enn register online for the' Catch a, Leprechaun or futuro rocrs at www.ncnmcing,com or by colling NCN Fitness at 366-0645. Volunteers are wei· como and ilro still, needod, Course mops am also available online, .,' The series resumes April 15 witldhe annual Buzzard DuathlonIBiatbJon 'and 3. mile run at 'the, CleveIand Mctroparks Hiric.kley ReservatioD.followed n. wee~ later bvthe snndy'RidgeH11f Marathon and 5K at' Lorain' Gounty. Communitj' . ,'"t,"_ .:., i~~'., CoUege on Aprl122. 2007 HeN Rat RaceSerfes {L'i" Registration info. dates and times are 'available at ,WffNJlcnracing.CDm oraH440) 356-0545. \:-i.~'r,'" March 4: leprechaun 30Kl15K15K ' _ April 15: Buuard DuathlonlBiaUIW3.mile April 22: Sandy Ridge Half Marathc:rl5K April 29: One Step 5K1Mile Walk/Fun Run May. 13: Columbia Infine Skale Marathon June 17: Willoughby Uons OuathIon!Bia~'?nl5K 'June 24: Park2Park Half Ma:athonl5K . July 1: Columbia' lo-Mile RunlSkat~:. ,July 8:'Summer Triathlon/Ouathlon ~ ',' July 22: HunlingtonSprintTriathlonlDuathion A1Jgo 5: Findley lake SprinVlntL Tria1rlon Aug. 26: lorain SprinVlntLTriathlon'., Sept 8: Findley lake TrialhlonlDuathlon Sepl23: Ughthouse2~ghthouseHalf Marath~ NovoA: Inland Trail Marathon/Half Marathon [email protected] ~-----'--......- .. from pago 21 team s~dings, in what was a difficult tournament. 'Tomenek joins four other wrestlers· who will mako tho trip to Montor. Senior- Dritt Phillips (29-9) roboundm.l.'lftur' 0 tedmjcUJ fall (1&-1) loss to SL Edword'sDan Gonsor in the 'semifi· , .. nals and took third with a 5-4 victory m'er Lakewood's Justin SntltIl. ' Sharemen seniors Orinn DrisColl (1139) and Glen Longwell (215) nnd juniorBlnke Jurdollek (112) advuncml with fourth.pllll.'U ,finl.shl.'S. Junior Andrew 1hrter (125). senior Alex Heier (140) ond' junior Den Kovach unrriOl.l:· alternote spots with fifth.placl.l awolros. 'Junior DlInny Urhin' (l31l) and sophomore Pat Flesher (205) plnL-ml sixth. ,. "You nlwuvs hopo for mom, 110 d(~lIhl." Avon take lu';nd coach KCIl WI.~H\'ur Sllid. "This is, n vcry tOllgh sectiOllul. prohalJly . tho toponuin thu St1.l1l1." , Lost \...i..·ek's incloment weuther foreed, , tho 'dosure of' nil.' afternoon ucl!\'ilit!s TIHlsdav ,nigI11. 'School wtts· Ollt .~II day WedilCsday, Thursday. the dny hUID,;? the first,iuiuld. ,Was'ono of only two nVllIlnhlu "doys during tIle' wuuk. , "Wo wunt IOIJlcpnru' 1110 wrt!sllers nl,l, \\'L'UkIQllg Dnd. it didn't work.oul, Ihnl wny. , Wcnvor m1id. , , prcs1'ith~rnjcronU'h(Jtmllll.cmn NeN series kicks ~.----r.- BOB ALLEN INSURANCE AGENGj INC. Since 1952' ~"""".----.",=..,.,.",,......,,., NoLices for private We've got (all c,tccpt non-profit) you sports camps/clinics will be placed in this column. The camp/clinic information and a . fee of 525.00 (for up to 100 wOIxls) are dne a minimnm of .l week In advance of Ihe desired pnblication date. To reserve space in this colnmn, please conlact Barb at 933-5100. l\lollday-Fl'ida~:. .I p.lIl. - D p.m. coverCld!" . 933·5223 ·.-800·683·7305 • . 33399 Walke' Rd •."8" Avon Lake ..!!!f~ --L __......._ ... ,_~rl.:J.!'2.:....,~_._ _~eh IfIO.... .."...__.... "' 1 ao._~ :_-----~---~ .~. __ _... .. .. _-~-_."~~._~._._~._ __ . THE PRESS, FEBRUARY 21, 2007 25 SPORTS SPOT . , Editcr's Nate: Sports Sf?Ot sUb~iss,?ns ar.e due before 4: pm.,on ltje , alllf wash provided.:You·n~ invit~ 10 br'ing a~' spiritS and' snacks.' Races ' re'gislra'tion at the Avon lake High School Corr.mons .Fe~. ,22 fr~m , 6:30-9 p.m. First·year players must, ~ring a ,co~y of t~~lr birth ce~fi-, Thursday before the desired publicalidn date Only items from communio/. begin al 8 pm Horses are availa.":<le at a cost 01$ 15. Call Roger a1934and non-profit groups and organ~tions will be acrepted. All items 5131 10 reserve your hOlse. Corporale tabies 3l'e ava'lable lor S175 and ,cate. Boys'or girls ages 14 and older mteresled m umptnng should sign will rpn on a space:-avaJlable basis. E-mail to include 8 tickets {one lable~ ad.'Crhsement in ~he program. free sponsor- up al registration. A S151ate fee will be added to all registrations after Feb. 22. Cost is $40 for bO]S3nd girls T-ball (age 5); $55 for ,boys pressthomlcroft@hotmaiLcorn Fax items to 933-7904, mail to P.O. Box ship of a horse. and recognihon throughout the evening. Also offered is the rookie (age G), boys coach pilCh (ages 7~8) mrd girls ponytail softball aoo.Avon Lake 44012 ordrop them off at our offICe at 158 Lear Road , Eagle Sponsorship, whim costs, S550 and includes an of ,the above,' plus a (ages 6-7);$65 for gillsS·10 softbal~ 11-12 softball, boys 9-10 basein Avon Lake. horse in 1he final rare For more lnformahon or 10 receIVe a registratlOl1, please call Margo Joseph at 934-5131 or ?oJ';! Baker aI937-9554. ' ball and boys 11-12 bas~b~lJ;,$75for girls 1,3-1~ soltbaJl; sao for Learwood track information boys 13-t 4 baseball and boys 15·1 B baseball The Leary;ood tra~ and field team releas~d, important dales and · Special Olympics volunteers times' to remember. The ,team will meet Feb. 26, 2:45-3:15 p.m~ Volunleers and supporters are· neededfol the 2007 Spedal learwood auditorium to pass out medicaVcontacl information and dis· Olympics North Sedion Basketball Tournament al the Lorain County cuss pr~season conditioning with entire team. Marth 5 from ,2:45-4:15 Community College Ewing Aclivities Ce'nler Feb. 23-25. ContaCt pm, at Learwood .track is the first 'day ,01 tondi!ioning. Conditioning will LCCe's Siudeni Ule OWce at (800) 995-5222 (ed 4747) m log on 10 begin on (his dale and will continue for the re:>t of the week (Mondaj w'NW.1or<iinccc:.edl.l!ro. Volunteers are needed to serve as· scoreboard Friday). Tea.rn will condition Monday-Friday of the next week as,well operators, garriebookke~pers,' announcers, music operators, fans, signs Please dress for the weather. Marcl15, hom 7-7:30 'p.m~ at Lear.... ood and vocalists or instrumentalists to sing or play the Nat,lonal A~them. auditorium is Parent Information Night to go over the season and answer Girls golf clinics any parenVathlele ques.tions. March 19, trom 2:45-4:t5 p.m~ at the The Ohio Girls Golf ~undatjon spring golt clinics. for gilts ages 8Learwood trad< is the firs.t day' of pradice. Practice will begin on this' 18 will take place April 7,' 14.21 and 28 at West Pines in Avon. Each date and 'will continue for the entirety of our season Practice will run of the, dinics featules experienced LPGA and PGA Gall Prolessionals ' .Monday-Friday throughout, the season. Dress, for the w~ather. who work closely to provide the best learning erwironment ~long with Avon soccer registration an excellent sludenVteacher ratio. Girls who participate iil these group The Avon Soccer League Association (ASLA) is accepting regis- , lessons WI!! have an opportunity to continue wOlking 'on their sk;~~:; tration for the Spring' !1007 season Registration is open to all children through private lessons, partially funded by the Foun~alion. For clinic ages. 3'and older by August 1',2006. The deadline for the recreation, registration" download a,regi!.tration forf!! at www.oggf.org, pick up a league registration is Feb. 28. VISit the Avon, Soa:er website for online form at one 01 the' clinic sites. or 'contact OGGF EJcecutive Diredor registration: www.avonsparts.org/svccerorcaIiJeanieRadchffr..at. Judd Stephenson, (440) 871-4638 or [email protected] 937-1842 for more informatio~ Cost is $15 per chnic,$50 lor ,all four. The signup deadline is March 20. s'!OO Avoll health screenings , SwcetbriarWomen's Golf League .. TheAvcn Recreation Department Avon SoniOi Cenler and St John The lB·hole Sweetbri3l' Women's Golf League is looking for new West Shore Hospital are spans'oring several heallh screenings for Avon members. League play;. ,at Sweetbriar G6lf·Coursein 'Avon lake eVery and.surrounding area residents. Topics. include a lalk on cardiac stents, , Tuesday morning beginning May 1through Sept 25. Me~bership is $35. 3 Heartsaver CPR class, bone density screening and more. For specifThe league's annual spring kickoH luncheon is April, 24. Women golfers ic dates and times. visit www.cilyofavoncom and click on eilher winter of all a::les are welcOme. Please contact Barb at (440) 333-1281. or spring recreatj~n progr!:ims; , Party Hearty time Avon recreation programs . · . The AL A1hlelc.Boosters' annual Party Hearty '~ill take place Feb. 24 The Avon, Recreation Department Is now offering and registering • flam 7 pm-midnight at the Irish Heritage Club on SR 83 in Avon lake. Cost several recreation programs for the spring and summer seasons. Some 15 ~25 per person. BYOa Contact Sieve Me'f';I's at 933-~995 for tickets. of them Include youth volleybal~ Fun ~ience" Kidzart, Safety Town and Tribetickllts for sale Tut T·baJl, 'just to name ,3 few. Additional programs will be forthcor:1i~g. The Avori Lake Shoremen baseb3l1 team is.selling ,tickets 10 the I{interested in finding out about these a.1dany others, check the CIty Aprij 29 Cleveland Indians game against Baltimore, (~:O5 start). Tickets website at W'....w.dtyolavon.com nrvisit the parks and recreation depart· can be purchased at Avon Lake Little League registration at the ALHS ment at 3500,1 ,Sd1w2rt.z Road in,Avon.·. " ' Commons Feb. 22 from 6:30-9 pm. Kids who signup for ALbaseball Night at the Racp.5 .. ' . ,wi:l be offered a discounlC':! ticke~ The Avon AIhleUc Boosters' 'A N"ghl allhe Races' Voill take place al AL Little league slgnups Tom's Country Place March ~1. Proceeds benefit Avon athletes in gradES The Avon Lake Youth Baseball F~deration will hold,its fil"1al dsy ~f , 7-12. Doo<s open el6 pm A buffet d;n""r Voin be seMl<l at 630 pm Beer Looking for quality, affordable dental care? Are you ~omed it's been too long- since you've seen a dentist? WESTLAKE AREA ~ l . ...... ..A:; .. .... .... DavidJ. LClSalvia DDS. Inc. ~ SUoseph's fifth grade girls basketball team won the. SL Christopher CiO tournament with ascore of 22-15 and had a perfect record of 4-0. The team also placed second in the SL M"'Y/SL Jude CiO tournamenL Theleam is, front row (loR): Sarah Cote, Roisin Gibbons, l.aa Bastulli Back. row: Courtney Rogers, Emily, Nicholas, Heidi Danckers, Lauren Bakaitis. The team is coached by l<itty Danckers ,and Blake Rogers.., ··.·Relationships· ' Depend on us ·for great rates on your money. Plus ·the service only a community bank can provide. 6-month CD/IRA ·Stop by any of our convenient office locations or call us for details.. IhcJomeslown Professional'Bldg. , 26600 Detroil rd. Suite 230 I w(,osllake. Ohio 440-f'71-:8588 ·Call.1-440-989-3348 .. www.drdcvecores.com " ," ·limi' 2 per family . ~~~~t~~~;f!~"~[:(~,·~8,<:'~Ia'S,«~r~9n:{~;---';Il 1:1: Convenlence••We:n see,YOU i":,meshately end fIX your problem nowl .:.;,; ":l, Feor Don:t worry ~'oiJr wor~ WIll be,<;lone comfortcbly. ,'. , t',3: TIme Your lime is voluobie - no wOlllngl " ' , ." \'4, Money We moke it .offordoble ond help you WIth your Insurance. . f:~,.;;:.. 5. Promise Our war!< Is guoro~'.e:~d~9!~L. ._~,' ,_.,", .•' '_, ..0 • . , - .,•• " j ... ,.,='J;::.::._.,-":"~",.,-",,,, _.. ~ , 6-month CD/IRA General D~nlisl Providing Fomily &. Cosrnol1c Scryfces New Patlenfs Welcome! .Emergenc ies Welcome! . FREE...your choice! . Professional Whitening or $50 Gift Certificate' to Crocker Park with new patient exam & x-rays ' , We Reward " r-- Fifth-graders win. St. Chris.tourney lNB checking 'cu$tomcrs. $10,000 or more new ftJnds. ·or 1-800-860-1007 www.4lnb.com 6-mcmth CD/IRA 51130~~.·· WB' checking customers. S10,000 or morc neo.... funds. lNB customc~ 5 yrs. or morc, , Mnu.'ll ~ft('"I..gf' Yit-lds IAPY)' a"-curatt,· It' 01 ft'bru,lry 10. 2007. Olf~ subjl!'l:t to thangt! without t>ol;(t'. Sub\tantial pelt... lly for ...rlr ' withdrawal\. Mmimum CD opt:'ning b,)1"nc:t' I, ' , S1.00'l.IRA minimum is SSOO ' . ,,, ,, ,, • February 21, 26 The PRESS ~007 Don't underestimate your ability to bMildretirement savings. , Many of YOlJr fellow Americans just don't think they are capable of building a reasonable amount pf' savings (or their retirement yeilfS. Should, you he equally gloomy? Not if you save and invest early and often. ,'" ' more than 5121,000 after 30 year;" ,E~en,after.}:?u 'pil~' taxes on youn"lithdrawals, you II stdl have a SIZable sum. . ' , . ' 'nl ' , T;Jke advantage ,of your employer,s ret'hrc":Ic , plan. ,lfyour employer offers a 401(k) or 0.1 er til.X- Jusr.how pessimistic-are people about building th~i~ nelworlhl Considp.f, these findings from a recent survey .sponsored by the Consumer FedcraliC?n of AmeriCa and the Financial Planning Association: -Only26 percent.of the 'adults surveyed think will need t~ reacn your goals. Try to visui'lize the they could accumulate $200,000 ill net, worth in , t y p e of retirement lifestyle you'll want. 'A'ill you their lifetime. . eAwhopping 21 percent of Ih~se' surveyed ~aid, travel? Volunteer? Open your own small business? A winning the lottery would be the most practical strat- qualified financial professional ,can' help, you set a egy to accumulate several hundred thousand dollars. general "price tag" on your goals and show you In looking at these figures, two things' jump' out: about how much you will. need to save each The' first group 'may be overly pessirnistic-andthe year··and what sort cf investment return you will second group is totally unrealistic. In fact, a person's need to achieve-to meet your objectives. 'chanc~s of winning huge ,in'the,'P,Owerball are about Put time'on your side. The earlier you' slart saving 1 in 120 million, give or take a few hundred thou- a'nd investing, the better your chances of building the sand. So, if you are doubtful that ,you'll accumulate resou~ces you'll need to enjoy a comfortable retire(!nough money to retire; and you can't count on the ,menl. You might be :)urprised at how much youcan louery, what can you do to improve your savings out- accumulate overtime. For example, if you can aff':lrd It)okl Here are a Jew suggestions: , , ' to put away $100 a month in atax-deferred investM Set some,goals~'Youwill find it easier to invest for ment (such, as a traditional IRA) that earned 'a hypo: your re~irement if you know how much money you thetical 7 percent a 'year, you would accumulate advantaged retirement plan, take. full advan~ilge of !t. Every tim£: you gel a raise"try to !n~ease your a~nual contributions. At the very minimum, c~mtrrbu~e enough to earn your employer'S match, If. one IS offered. . " , ". ' ' Avoid 'heavy debt burdens. Debt IS one of the biggest threats to your ability 10, accumulate the money YClu'lIneed,for retirement.. Ever~ ?ollar you use to payoff a high-interest credit cara IS a. ?oll~r that could be ,used (or investing. ,Of course" It s not ea,sy for many of us to make ends 'meet these days, but do whatever you can to live within your,.means and avoid racking up a huge deb~, load that Will take you years to payoff. '" , .. By following these.suggestions, you should gam confidence, over, time, in your ability to increase your net worth to levels thai once see'med unimagin M' able to you. And you can .save, money on t~ose, lottery tickets, too. , ' 'This is a paid advertisement by Bob 'Brooks of Edward jO'1es. 'l'be cause and the effect of our falUngrealestate market 'Nationally speaKing, t'he real ~stale market is ~ach year since about 1995 in' the areas mentioned', experiencing an um.·sual adjuslment these days. 'above, we'do not have that significant'app'redation to Unusual" because in the past, sales deClined 'due· to fall back on during these times of falling prices., .' . e!tr.er high interest rates or economic slowdown's. A, large part of, the over-supply. of, hom~s in our, Neither of those factors exists right now or has existed market ~as come from another form 'of "speculation: ovenhe past'two' years, so what has -caused the current Many families have purchased a new home during the housin'g dilemma? , past two years before they sold their present, horne.Thi~ , Ope·ofthe biggest.reasons why.home prices rose to ' has caused much of the ,excess inventory ,in the s'uchCl£tificiaUY high levels was because of a (renlied, marketplace. Then, as more and more sellers have been degree'.'of investor· speculation. "Flippers" would buy unable to sell, they have reduced the listing price and , and the,:\ sell homes jus,t for a short-term, gain. They even placed both: their 'new and old homes, on the were'able to do this because of the rapid rise in hous- 'and appreciation' if th(>~' purchased 'before 2003. A' market, thus becoming direct competitors to the ing' priceS:primadly in highly desirable relocation areas price reduction of to or I!Ven 15 percent is unlikely to builders from whom they just purchased. . ' such as' California, Arizpna and F~orida. The, truly nega:' ,erase.those ,gains but, ~H1 s.ignificantly increase:buyer , ,I want 10 disp'ela major falsehood that is misleading ',tiveef(ect that this activity had was to add to these acceptability.,' many sellers throughout our marketplace. The "LJmber already highly inflating areas ,additional "flipper" 'Realistic pricing by sellers will encourage more sales of existing home sales in, 2006 'was lhe Same a~ in 'demand resulting in' an excessive inventory of homes. It of existing homes ,and discourage the sale of the higher 2005. There'will not be any increase in the num~erof is reported that 30 percent of all the 'homes built in priced new homes. As safes of existing homes happen buyers in 2007 as compared to 2006. The imbalance of Phoenix in 2005 were sold ,to speculators. Builders and builders build fewer'homes, inventories will drop. sellersto buyers will continue. I( you "vant proof of this:' overbuilt'for the "real" demand. Prices began dropping As inventories drop, home price:swill begin climbing' and how a solution will come a,?out, please contact the·';<,;"·?<~~i , because of oversupply. . again but at a more reasonable rate this time. KodgerTeam (or ~ complete and comp~lIing ,an?lysis o~,:t.~tl~j. $cllers· are beginning to, realize that although ,they Locally, our market is in an c'ntirely different silua- , our c~rr~nt mark~t.. ' ' , .~".:,::ij:h:' cannot achieve the very inflated' prices of '2005, they tion. Since we have never had the "exceptional gains" ThiS IS a paid advertisement by, Ken Kodge,. or ',~~J~.~:,'f:;}' have none-the-Iess enjoyed sUbst~ntial gains in equity i~ housing v~lues of 10 percent to 15 percent r,ealized REIMAX Homeward Bound. .. . . _;;',:,:;'~; , ' .:<.~~: Calling the Kodger TeaTIf1. - Fulfillingyour Goals -. ~ ,--"".....- - - - -............--, ./ ...... ,,;.., . -:,:W ...';:It~,...k'~ ,;~;~ ;"~J~I ., :<~ " :'~:::'·:::~:~t~ , ..... \,'~ .;'.[~ Ken I¥. Loh: Kodger Free Factual Marlcet Ar.'alvsisl . Put Our Experience To Work for Youl .' .":~ ;~.,nl:. "Tt~,' :);t;', ~.,.·~rA A~. .'. " ,., ~; ',-" I; \ ,., Cozy I'ilnl:h w,'nwt I\1"dJws & rooIl UIlQIX> rllefl:If' 2 M bill ReI: 1m wll'>f!l bat rllu!l.drybsm: ISI34.900 j' / ; AvonLake Office ''The Landings" Hundreds More PicturesAt RF.Dlllr~('HomewardBound U d 'T". . £.trh "lIIrl" Ind~poondl"ntly owned'" "P'l""lffl Available 24{7 - 440~933-8326 www.n..oger~earn.comln our business YOU are #1 . The Northern Ohio Re ion of RE/MAX sold 34,756 homes in 2006. .:..... ' ...." . ",~" :._:. a~SS, F1I'si lloor-eilsy Upd.lted ha~ bath & Kit wleahn~ barl2 wallr.·rns' Scteened porch! SBB.OOO,_~=="", :.~":: ;, .. ~~.:.'t:r .. ~_.:;,'.. ::" ':'\~.:\".: .... , . ::.'., /. :~;.f,j; ':,.~~ t:~, '~.:, "),0;1 ::~ ".Jj:~~ -.;j! '_ ..... ~ "':~J :,~~: "'I.." TH£PR£S'S'FEBRUAR(:i2~'~'~20~O~7~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p~fi~ , ,, 'Factory Girl' attempts to be the 'it' indiefilm 28 ", , ,, ,, ;"" ,, ,, {JJ::w~~~:jlfi'iti:Jj5jJaiJalitiDitl:tlla~fiiJti~rxlJctit~tJlJ&il[lfiti:DliiL~fi _~ \' By Joe Ostrica ~_ Forl!st Whitnkur,' {"Last King ofScotlnnd". DC!':l Actor}, Hulen 'r...1irren' {'~Thl! Queen. Best Adr.es~) 'Setting the film in the hip ,world of And\' I "":'1' ".'- ,. and thc,two supporting oelors from "Drc[lmg.irl~·· \"'arhat's "Foctory~ of artists. thu new 1l100"je "Foc(I::ddie rVhlrph\" ilnd Jennifer Hudson) do not WIl1 111 \"'1. , tory Girl" docs not quito nchicv~ what it sets out 10 :"·,·~·,-i-=.-~+..::.......,--+,_~~ I ...", :..J~~:~their respect iVc categories. it "'ill dflfinitely be ~ bi~ do. The most interesting clements of the film is the ,upsel.' , ,,-,, ,costing 'with familiar faces,sprinkled throughout tilt! The one. big,monuml thutwill, hU\'t:! the most sus- , ;"~. I , film. soma of which are unique choices. but, as a bio pense will, be for the big prize. the, Best 'P,icture , flick. the ,movie just misses the mark. Factory Girl award. "The Queen" and "Lellers from lwo Jima" i , '\. .. Sienna Miller. best known as,boingporlrnyed as will nollw in' the mix. but)t appears to be on intera diva snob in 'tho tabloids or the beautiful Bril that Rtln~ing,1irne:1 hour. 27 min. osting three-way' race between "Babel." "The , .', Jude Low cheated on,stars as Edie ,Sedgwick, a 'Rated: R . Depnrted.~· and "Litlle Mi.ss Sunshine." . •• Grode: L.+ ' With ",The D~parted" hkely to land dIrcctor MarwealLhy pnrty girl 'who drops out of collcgo in, the , , mid-60's and heads 10 New York City. With hopes of tin Scorsesc his first Oscar. not to montion being the , being accepted into the ultra,. only big hit at the box office among the five nomi• hip artist misfits of the era" couple of more scenes with neos. it has D good shot'. The general pubpc scams to •• Sedgwick meets Andy Warhol them. like it best too. according to soveral onhne polls., I (played by Guy Pearce 'of ,As' a romance blossoms ' "Babel." with it·s international cost and social I • "L.A. Confidential"', between Sedg'....ick and Dylan. and political message is the kind of"important.. I \ Pearce joins along list of Warhol becomes jealous and message~ film Oscar voters love to reward., hU,t by • • actors to haye played Warhol, Sedgwick realizes she \vas just ri grossing under 530,million; the film was not seen or · ; including ,David Dowie prop 'and tool to get his films supported much, by the goneral, public:. Sometimes· .c"Basquiat'" and Crispin made and his projccts financed. Oscar likes to re'\'ord a critically hailed film that,is. ~, Glover' ("The Doors"). and SedgWick. who, hils dark secrets al!;o' popular ,with .the public (i.e. "Forrest Gump...• with' u 'gre.nt. makeup job, of abuse growing up. goes into a "Titanic':' "Gladiator." etc)., ' - . .;. looks like the real deal. He ' downwardspirnJ with drugs and But "Sunshine" may be up forrin upset. Mode for ,• plays WarhoI during the Hmo bankruptcy ,tuking ovcrher,life. under 510 mi,llion.the film was a sleeper hit. gross- _..~, • ,, the artist wason lhe rise. It·s only then thnt ,wu begin to ing neurly $60 million in becoming ,a ,true l:rowd. ~>J, After meeting Sedgwick, he see Miller given the ,chance to pleaser. U's nlso a showcase for an acllng ensemble.;'''-o.f • becomesfoscinatcd with the display what she can do as'an arid after lost year's big acting e'nsemble "Crnsh":':~:r beauty and' realizes she actress. But these ure moments pulled off onc the biggest upsets in the Best Pic-,"'~"::'~' \'iQuld be a good subject' for we've, seen dozens, of ,times ture, raco in Ofll:ar history. the octing brunch Uhe :;,<~7 his artsy/underground films. ,hefore. porformud just oswell higgoslon'e, i~ ~hc Academy) may Joan towards ~his;.:;;~~~· , Of coursc,' working, with and ,better by several other film. Boing releose on DVD bnck in D~cembor,soall".\:~. Warhol and hi:s cohorts meRns actresses over the, yenrs. voters can, ctltch it definitoly did not hurt il's..~~:~' ,a lifo ~r :;ex. drugsnnd eXCCSf. If only Miller was given more chances either. . " .. ' ..,,~.-}: Sedgwick ,becomes t1ddicted scenes (0 show whilt sho could ' It should be interesting to see, how 'it~1l ,pla:y'5'::>})~~ with the "rumo" sho roceives Sie~na, Miller starS as Edie Sedgwick-'in do,throughout, thefilm and olher out. Expect a ton ()f media covera~o on lho Oscars~"::'~l~: ,nmong tho VVluh'ol disciples IlFactory Girl: characters wore more devol· the, nuxtcouplo of weeks. The bis. ovent will air aD ~~~;:~~ 'while 'shu' gets hooked on oped. mtlybe "Factory Girl" ABent 8 p.m. this Sunday. ' -,,>,;~/-t"(, <',. \~p'oed.Dnd eventually horoin. 'Whilo becomi'ng would he sornothing '. enamored with the artist. but never in n ,romantk worth ctlring nbout . .-, 'w'uy, shu 0150 he comes the main source of income Ruther. it feels like ":"W~lrhol relies on to contlnue mnkinghis art. fomiliar grounrl wilhout :'.::.:l'.Surprisingly~tho 0:10 por~on thul points out Ihul' l!l1ylhinn n,uw to orror. i:slu!.is beingllxploitud by Wnrholis lIul 'rising Oscar watch: :po,al/prophol folk singer Bob Oylnn. With the Academy i'::Iiaydon Christensen. [omous for playing tho .yotIng Annkin 'Skywalkcr in' ~heJust two' "Star' Awards ,tnking plnce this S,undny. the Oscors have' Wars" prequels is uninteresting choice to play the soomed to lost tiny sus~ Y~lIng Dylan and docs a ,good job. ponsellfter tho cOlll1tlos~ Othor'rumili'ar focos appearing in 'Iho film other awards shuws thill' includo Jimmy Fullon.Menn 8m'uri ("American have laken placo in tho Bcolltv") 'ond Shllwn J-Intu~y ("In und Out.", "The pnsttwo months'. No sur~ Cooler"). It see'ms like they wero' just casted uecause Greg Kinnear from, ' Brad Pitt in 'Babel" , prises should occur in thuy uro f"miliar rDeOS. They're not given vory much 'little Miss Sunshine" Ihe lIf:thlM, categories. If to do and it would hove hoen interesting to sou'n . ,,, ,,, , factory' Girl I , , ··, , ~~~::;~~======:;--===::--=~==-::::::::::-:-~j .. ,, • •• 0: ,: , "'" ';', ~ ..., .••.., ''I';. ~ ..... """"'-J......:;)""", (-'", ", f'J· ', " ' '..' ' , 'ffj;' ',;'4 , v'. ~':- <,J THE LODGE Jcr SAWMIll CREEK RESORT SanduskY/IIIuron 011 800·729·6455 Mt:ntlon Code Wlu.."tl 'l'otakln • 1tt..'Scnation." ' 1.0,,·4 , . : & Graphics ••• [, 440-930-SIGN (7446) Weekdays Marth 27·29 ••• ,' .•.•5:00 PM ',10;OOPM Apn13·4 '" ."'" ., ''''','' , •.5'00 PM ~ 10.00PM ApnJ5 (School Geta.....3y Day) "" ,',.,. ,'"."""""" .10:00/>..'-1<· 10:00PM WeekdayS ApliI9·1,3ISpring 8rllJ~ ."_,,.,..... ' .1UlOAM>IO,OOp,A All FRI. SAT, SUt4 '" ...•.•... ,1100 AM • !0:00PM ·Q.OSED,Ot4 MOIIDAY. MARCIl 26 AND APRil 2 ' Visl! partlclpallng Pizza Hullocntrons and purchase a 2 UIl!f or Pepsi producl and recelYe S2.OO dIscount 011 ql!flen'll admIssion Discount saYings aYallable 1\ . ~., MIWlROOK ..... ",..... l.~ ai G[H[IW. ADMISSiON ••••••••••Slt ,CHILDREN UNDER II"' S16 ~[HIORS 60 AND Dvuf ••.•••••.$9 IFRtE MONDA", FRIDA'" CHILDREN THR[E AND UNDER ARE rREE ~1:'tP\oIll([ ro~ fU~ t>:ruIlS. POOjl~·t>lS.\~"""W",,-, BU., DISCOUNT llCllflS AT MARC'SORMA FOR JUST S16 -'- ;. ~1..': ' >:':: :".:','. ".1'. -' ..' 32 THE PRESS, FEBRUARY 21. 2007 ' 1 45 ~:~t IIF.:i:.45;--~~~:n::'rt-""'I AVON, North Ridgeville , 2BDRM.' good condlUon older , dup1dC. StD\"e. Rdrlgerdtor_ No Smokln,ll_ S580/month plus gas & electric. I :rear lease imd~tyde~1t reqUired. . 3BDRM ranch $650lmonth . 52 Commercial Space For Rent Avon Lake 440-937-5784 Avon DOd.. S95G'rronth plus 'Ceposilh.s1~I~es. 216-469-0245 Bc.onutiful3DDRM. family room Ihifl.l; room. dining room. Quiet stftotot.· Eudlt'nt LlChoob.. HIJIje :rnnl. 2-clr garnse; Bnclcporth $1.225 monthly 440-327-6749 Ou.!STED FAUS mnch 3BDRMf1.59TH. new driww<l:y'on 1 acm olland. Quiet neighborhood: $1075fmolllh plus security wfopllon to buy. ,garage, Btlpllances. Immediate 0CCIJI)llr1t')'. Pets OK. 285 Dellwood. S8SQImonItl.440-242-5025 . , ' AVON lAKE. 32551 Laka Road. ~. mler localion, ,Iako·vlaw access, 3BDRMI2BTH. appliances; 1l?-cat garage. $100G'm0n1h. 440-933-7065 ' AVON LAKE3BORM, new Interlorde- cor and e.terior landseaplng. NO PETSSNO SMOKING. S900/monlh. 44O-r0:>00B6 AVON LAKE dupla~ 3BORM.11vlng room. balh. kltche:v'k!lchee, separate utility room. garage, gas !'Iell.I/hot water tonk; whole house alt. No pels. S69OfmonIh+$S60 5ecttrity. " ' 440-933-9965 ot 440-937~1 AVON lAKE. Rent to Chm. AD newf 480RMlJ8TH, UI bll.semenl. 2\o!rocaf attached garage. 33394 Chalham. S189'"~ 440-454-2002 www.H;rmrr>Q!l~OrNoDe:a1!Xl!.1l ~15/monlh all, utilities ~d includeS , appliances. Call 440-967-6550 VERl\DUON LAKEFnONr 55 Lake Eric bench Fcneed)"lU"'d • so~o pet'J OK Cnll «0-967-4497 or sales group. Vermilion: S. Shore 440-933-2263 LoduCoiI:iOn. retil'eml'flt program. 5ec:tiOD 8 approved. I30.-auly New upscale Salon opening in A WESnAKE Beautiful updated sollt1oveI. 4080 Porter Road. 4BDRtN.2Bo TH. 1,99Osq.n... 2~ attaehod gcruge, }i-aero lenced·ln corner 101. Pels noootl8blo. './'. SpadoWt Single WESTLAKE Bmnd new 2DDRM/2.5BTH loft. Upecale amenities AvaiJable May 2007 $2,400'monlh' ' ,44~·1..fJ514 52 COmmercial Spbce For Renl $360 ,__" ,. Double $450 ·-':;;BoleOny \\ith IUvemew ~._~., ,NC.DiningRoom 44ll-323-0914 ' Office or retaJl New one !'tory bu1ldln~ , 2000 $CtFt. ' Will sub-divide: O\\"J1er \\1ll pro\ll.de tenant bul1dout. CROCKERPAKK un. Avon 1600sq.fl ·l'Omoncrcial spacc. Excellcnt location. Brick and block blrllding. Well insulated. professionallifc:. ' I'kmt: call Ci1rW.lnu .it 4-W-26J.S081 , or Fax nsume to 440-617·9473 Jj;s Vacation prope. rty For Renl ~o Help Wanted Administrative Assistant I Westlake metnt'distributor looking for full·time Ilcceptionlst I Administrnth'c N!slstnnt In srnnll. frUIt paced sales office. MWlt. hn.\~ strong' rompU!.er and typing skills along wilh , exCf.·llent customer scn;ce. l\1·F 9;OOA,\I-7:30PM. tl~. C\REGJ"ER NEEDED ~fOfremalebt1l'oeerJ 18.J5~ftn or age ror l125-)TlIJ"old ranale Ytllh Cerebnal Pilhy. fulJll';vt time. C\·m1n~' and weel..mth. MIN be ~Ie 10 lin and tr.lIL,fer. Mult prefurm tl:dly Ih·'ni: :k:ti.. il~ MIl'oI have CIII" too \"3llot lrod.) and be I'oillini: II' 1I'C. nocl~lUlId dl«k tnmll.>ll-.ry. ''1m\t' (nil l.uuO! 4.$lJ..J56-074K Ilr ~).M5_1605 CHIl.DCARE provider lor atterschool Cllre fOt' 8 and 10 year old in my AIIOn homo. Must MVO own lransportatlon. CaII440031~18 CrTY OF t~ORTH RIDGEVILlE 1 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS The North Aidgevme CIVil SolVlco CommiS31on announcos enlry levol e.arrinatJons lor: PAmOLM.~NCLASS ·C M StarTing 5aIary - $48.984.00 Apphcation Foe· ~5.00 216-521-2346 MINIMUM OUAUFICAnONS' , ., Frontage on Route 83 Avon Lake -Flexible Lease Terms • Build-out Negotiable (440) 567-2653 (440) 933-6908 Ask (or Kathy Bettridge 1.=~~~~11~:=r~~nts el5ectiOn 124.4t ollhe Ohio Ravlsed Code and any applicablo ordinaoco 01 the Oty ol North Ridgeville. Ohio. 2.· High .sthool graduate or BQuivalont. 3. U.S. Citizen. , . ' 4. Must be able 10 pnss a physICaJ 09'lrty ,tosl and ¥f"ilM elCDmlnatton• WRnTEN EXAMINATION SCHEDULED: TUESDAY. APRIL 3, 2007 CHECK-IN6:3a P.M. NORTH RIDGEVIlle itr tnhullnj:. filll1ll. t>rllUl1l1lnj:. coonlm:d· Inll. and ll>Ulmptrdn,femn~ eaU,. fll' mili:lrily Ytilh the <Li~··ll d:ry l'!'Crdliull\ tlf:l h"meu"nc:r a~ ·iatltln. nuinte. nURl.:eI~lln~lrllcliun ilnoJ \hotthand a rlu'. MU';I he lIble IU,'olowl iooet>cn. tJllnll\' hoI Lllo.C' Jm~:11\""', C"mf"nal>le \I-Jlh ·eonllllunic:Jli.. n~ \·101 cdL fa\ t>r c·mail. 1'1I1~. laClful. I'ml'e"iun:ll. In~:ll. tk~nWhle.and .... '1'111\(' 10 ICllal ;u.d ,·...f1tJoJeuliai mane"'.' , l'tc\luu.. 'lA:.·c'o\fol, om..... e\p.-nenCl' :lIl1lllli\U1h.:l'\I mal f1lllgltJ..p'C'l' J'1l:fem'd. MU'1 I't' a J'!"llh .. leam rla\CT. \It>tl "idUll eli:>i., uf emlllnanoJ nnJ 1~1\'l' "V !\·/io•..,nalil.)· Cdlelll rrlclTllt,.... ~. ~lu~1 ""1I"ft· h. lu.... " hud.J:"lUnd , FII\ ehl"l:kldru,:: It'"lL n.... lIml,; unl~ AS,\I'lIr II, Fchnulry ZIt. ZlNI1 Fu\.: 1..w"'JJ7.~52 ,\llcnllulll 1""'IX·rt,' :\lulIIlJ:,·r wannt1.caan. EDUCATION CENTER Applicatlons m.r!lI be made on the regular appllCBtion lorm, oblalned at Norlh Ridgeville City Hilll,. 7307 Avon Belden Road, Norlh Ridgeville. Ohio. Monday - Friday, 8:30AM.• 11A.M and t2:3OP.M 10 3:00P.M., b&g!nnlng MONOAY, MARCH 5. 2007, M applICationS musl be relurned 10 North ~idg(Ndlo City Hall 110 talor Ihan 3:00 P M FRIDAV. MARCH 16; 2007 and musl be accompanled Wllillhe $25 '" 1o,'ONEV ORDE,R ONLVI AGIUTY TEST SCHEDULED: SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007 CHECK·IN 8:30 A.M. f~ORTH R~DGEVlUE CITY HALL Jamea P. Vost, Chairman , City 01 North Ridgeville Clvlf Scrvlee Commission Equal Oppor1unlfy Employer LCM LlJan SIS(l t(l ~ Gill T~rri .uo-~9-9J3S "·",,,,".pampen·clchd'.bWten~ ..rrick I\1o.int.cWmce I Repair Technician p~ ulne (25 hrBl.....~>ek) 7:30nm-4:00pm <J;Iexible hound Mill.....rii;hl, toolmnker-mnchine ,repmr, mnchining lPlheDricW!port Mill drill press, light rileet.ricuJ: common !!Cn5e. Sena resume to: ' ee61~341:)' Drivers. A1'CI you geltlng 8. pavln· crnase?, Roehl drtvers havel.Pmc1IcaI Route and lop 10 PIr{. Up to $3.000 sIgn-on bonus; Studanls and 0'0 Welcome. Closs A roquired. C811 TO"', dayl1-8T7-n4-5J13. ....--,GoRoehl.com. . cf~~~~,~ Mcll.valne Trucking' needs drivers. :"-.'~'. -COLA, 2 yrs e.p. Average $900 a . , weelI: from Ohio Valley to east Coast ... ~~uW~~~7.7.:~ M.~ A~..i!'t.nnt needed f!!!:~·:i~ .':,"'1 Weortlake Family P'radice H:;~i~~::~;~- .~,.-{~,~. icala\Si~tant t1u1 plays well wtth . 0IhcB. Must ha\"e ability to orga- !'~':'~ niu: and cClmplete ",uk in a timc'" ." ..::.'.:~ I)' manner an~ POS!ieSS cx~lI~t 'I \-abal and Vtnlten commwuC3Uoo skills. What "'e ofTer: A competiti\"C wage. heoIth benefits. great doctors, stdf, and r patia:nts. You can't posslbl ask ,... tor-more., Ir )·00 an: Interested In th1s opportunity, ptease (ax your rt:SUUJe with pay hlsIory to: Andn'a S. DrlscoI~ PnlctJce Managa- 440-248-0841 or anullio • ,[email protected] ::'~~.CDt.-A ...,3mo.. COU440-537-4686 . Full hcn{'filJl. ,\"In,Ohl" " A rmrr·timt' fIIl,ilion l.f :6 hou~ I'Cr ""....l. fin' hlluNi rer tJiI\'. IIJ:UlI,\f\l. ):{lllI'M, Monday.FrlJIIY in II rl1~1 raced. pruh:Mlonal bu~lnl:~~ urn,·.. I, u\·aililhle ftl:'llPl'licUlll "htl ha.\ the ful· l(l""in~ cre.lcnllilk Ewdl.. nl urne... •·ummunkilliun ~",,11~ Quullnnltloill'l' Illdode pn.fideney III filln!!. 1L1I~"'erin~ lI1ulti-hne 1-111"1<". ur· j1nni/:lll\on. e"ml'otcr (Word. I~:\ed. I'u"erl'nlnl. ACTI eU'll'mer !>('I'\·ic... rnlllli'Ll,lin~.:>ilelltJil1~ I" tklail~. llhil· Ill. \u...l moJet'lude~I!>'. I~'ring. <.Ij(. reoonar Drlver.1 Act Nowl 21 CL-A Drivers Needed. ·36-43cpmlS1.20pm -SO Fax Resume to AmU:'IiISTlL\TIVJ.:As.."iISTAN'r 1'nr1.TIIllt' _ 2li h.,o" Iw:r \lftk Ilt"n",1'o n..r', A\.·.odullun Drlven - Now Incroased Pay SC8Ie. "'Home WfM:Ikends'lncenti¥e Bonus Pro;;ram -lale Model TmcIors 'Pnld Vacallons. Holidays and Personal Days ·HouIth. DemaI, Vision & U1e Insurance after 30 days -401K 'Paid CompuIer Miles plus ~ 'No NYC or Hazmat 'Open Door Polley Drivers Are OUr ...1 Priority. Wannemacher Tt1JCk Unos Is a lamily orient· ed. cmrIer loca1ed In Uma. Ohio. call 8000731-3025 x13 or apply online: USA Truck 1 Con:aet Hugh or Doris toillroe 800-426-2550 lor lree brod1ure. Or ~ as CU" wobsIte www.beslfJslWlg.cx:m. DrIver: Ellm up to 40c per rrile and gol homo time. NlMJ( !ravel more than eleven hours lrom homel One year OTR requlrnd. BOD-201-47B2. North Ridgeville OffIce;, Full or part canadian Rshlng CabIns For ; ",.,t. DrIver: Don't Jusl Start your camer, SIll.r1 It Right! Companysponsored Cot. trllining In 3 weeks. Must be 21. Have COL? TuITion Illirnburseme'lll CAST. 866-917-2778., BOOKKEEPER . Walleyps. Jumbo perch. northerns. year~ Drlvers • PtrIII1CnlUeI $1.000 SIan On lot c.pert9nced om. Detkol4d"& , Regional Avaltabb A30. Owner Opor~ &torS; T earns & COL gmds.. WflIalme. 440-364-7033 L ' \'00 , is currcaJy hiring experienced full und pari time hnIrst}11sb with clientele. We lItC all about aatering ttl )'our clients in D rdox.cd and fun c:mironment. A gre:at orporIunilY for' a polished and C1thusia.\tie styli\! 10 my,..rove the qualifY of hi~ or her WESTLAKE $'''''''''''''''' . ',;, . ELY1UA " ,.. ;... Affordable r.art 4<!{)'B92-9660 440-315-6127 . Informallon and an Appoirrtment. Equal Houalng OpportunIty Beauticiim tin. \tf position for busy WcsU.ike 5ol]oo. Paid \·ac.ation. paid , 216-6764)685 , Detention Qfflr.er: $17.32,~O.69 per hour 10 start. Phoenix. Art.."Of\a. Maricopa County ~tfs OffICe. EweePeni =~= ....--.gom3gnum.com: LOOkinG for Ill11bitious and eulhusi.:Jstlc Sl}·list for full or 2BDRM/l.5BTII To"mhome Full anti p:ut time Residentio1 nod comnl..n:iaI F!re t1nd ....'alerdnm~ Tinnit.wale Hire. Experil!nee pn-fem.'Cl.l'lust hn\"e own ll'tlmportntion. Cnll bcl:l'o'reu 12:00pm4:00pm l't·F Drlver-' Owner Operalors Needed. ·.AII dispatch miles paid, loaded & err>pty plusluBl~ on loaded & J.35O sq.fL' BEACHPARK TOWER. carol Duflk!ld at 44O-93J.2233lor Send ft!lume to: Hnmmnn's &kery 1607 S1. Rt. GO, N Vennition. OH44089 Shclfie1d & Avon area. SEctJlUTY SPECIAL $350 Heat. and water Free ever Cake decorating, , Borders ·E\U';l1ncOl:n:;~~ 440-248-3481 ToU free 86&462·1211 OTA can 9"3t you!! 545.000.. a experience belpful Id~ f~r docto~.lnsuran:c~ VERMILION TOWNHOUSE Looki~ for mon: control? bu.~ineM )'00 C:m c:njoy West sId... ' ' Heallh InsuranCelDen1al. 30 mornhs ot younger tractors- And much much more... 866-346-4639. Only 4 mos, OTA e_porienc:e required. Owner Cps: 800-437-5907. Part rime HOUSE I OFFICE SPACE E:'(pc:rlenc~ Drlver-I...ook Wblrt 4 Monltls Cutten! Bakerr. Help For Renr FI\~ days per week benelits, No e.perienctl necessary. «0-734-2424 OffIce Space , .. J'ampcrt'd Old' IJU!iiDC5!li offen )'00 "uk I fotmily b3laDa: . • Satisfaction from a Part tlUle Contact 602-307-5245. 877-352-6276. ....--.ncso.org. 400 vacardos. 2BORW1.5BTH. CIA. utility 100m, pallO; stove. fl'!frigeralor. dsposal. HoJat and wall'r supplied, SoacurlIV teQtlired. SEJc:Ilon 8 approvod. 440-179-1927 440-212-8200 Is now 1lIldna applications lotlt:l Waltfng SNichpark , oYotlt Is an award winning arIordabie eoinrrunIt, fOr thos8 Age 62 and and those wtC1 MobIlity tnolPClrmonts. P1BllS8 call" ReUree's welcome. part time,drlvers. frt'V standing office wnrehoUl-C.' building Ytith O"erhend door. Approximate!;.' 1500 Nt.ft Great loaation, plentr. ofparkirog.. $1200 plus utilities. 27269 Center Ridge Rond 440081100758 2500 Sq. Ft. 3BDRJI,I/2*BTII with prhllltc snn~· Avon Lake Villag" On The Green 440-933-8247 WESrLAKE IBORM upmtment , . $4W1month Heat and app1.ian~,included.· Pool and Gnmges 44Q..93()..7500 ext. 202 Auto Parts Store Looking for A\;nilnbie'hnmcdinwh; Vennilion AVON LAKE 3-4 Bedroom. 1.5 Baths, • Up 10 SOOO p€lr 'Mlell; 440-327-1490 ' 1300-2600 foq.' ft, , vr_a~_~~_1 1:..80_,_ _ Clcuni.ng Person ATTENTlON-WiLL TRAIN. • 18 part,1ud limo positionS. • Rapid ad\-ancemenl - No e_pcrierco necessary Good Locution COnnm.ient Pnrk..ir.g -=3963 440-934-9444 330..f3Sg.G741 OFFICE OR. RE'I'AIL Avon , . Quiet ~ CLEANERS company seck..~ saIl.:!> n-ps fOT IL~ nt'w m:~llnne In ""CSt suburbs of CIe\~fLutaln. Full benefits. Call 800-673-2531 or Fax resume to Rt. 8.1 ] Wanted A\\Olnl \\1nnJ~ direct mall RcWI Space NORTli RIDGEVILLE 48DRPM!8TH rardi. 2-ear ga'age: Help Help Wanted Advertl:ilDg Sales Up to 27005q.ft. Sire Frontage. Great \'isibilit:r. Idb"l 10000tion Good'trnOI.. 00:-". 440-537-4686. lao MY GYM - WESTLAKE DlrrctWOI'!...-I Tet.r.bn" Eoth1lYastk. ouq;oing'and dediCated bKli\"idu:a1 with j;oOO communicallon '~1d11i. and. genlline ~ of children. <f n~~nrn~~' , ,puns nod m~ a plus. , Please email your rc:wme with c:clVCI' letter telling us why you would like 10"; be! put of our team 10 ' - m:nommlro@,aolc.'um . or, cllJl4W-479-6476 - 1.. - ._W.; ~; ;~,; :fetJ; .· _..;.11 80 _. p..ut ti~ f1.:.\iblc houri. BlCLUa-'Il e!ll'(riencc ~fmt't1. Hip, , Sd1uoI Sl~.. \\~lronJl: tu appl}' For 'mono Inr~nnatiOn aall' Shippin~ and Rl'ttMnJ.:, Wureho~ .\."'Sl<rulltt Travel The USA For Pay! Use your pick up 10 deliver "new- RV's nalioov,1de. MotoolOmQS too! Get paid 10 see the country. ' \"tww.hortnxttranspor1.com I Child 83 1 ;,;;;,;Care~..;... L... Oe<Ul drh·ing,tl.'I.'uru. o.."fl!..'11dablc. E1ectrical:tnd C".trpL'11try ~k.ilb, . helpful. MlX:h3nicall}' ioclin...-d. Willingtoworko\'~imc.,' , Drug Frre wurJ,;place. J Transler Dii~", ":eoo,40 COL Oass A Or B Drive,s to- Translor Motor Homes. Str.llatlt Tnr-lts. Tractors. and Buses. YeN ~ound Wont. 1-000;501·3783. SERVEJl."i A~O GRJI.J.I'EIl",U:'i , ~1-.tl6~~.!2llr Appl}'1n JX'NIQ b"h'",u Kan>-2p'lI. 26SS5 Cmltr ~ k ....d;. w......U:U.e W~~~ed 80 , North RJdgC\1lte home ~0-871..()758 Meals tncluded ,References 'av-... Uablc 440-327-0824 Du)"Cnre Prm.-idcr l."h.ild ClI~ prmidt'd in my A\"Un l.nkc !Iom~. Mon-Fri. Am' 11J.,"l" ch.ildnm. Smoke & I\-t r~ en\':imnm..nt. M ...' tli" & Snuc:k... providld C~ter;~~~'A~:futl;e' Call 44G-3774834 Wanted To Buy I BUYuora 1RAJNS. 440-934-6311 TEACHERS DAY CARE Full TimeIPart Time Financial services 1_158 __ WARNING- Don't Buy a' Ho~ unt,l, yoo read:ht5 FREE REPORT. Call ,- 140 Business Opportunities Investor Prolec1'on Hotlme at 800-788·119410 learn 11 the Invest· fT1(!nt is ProPorly nogJS10rnd and If ltle seller Is properly hcensed. (Th.s notoco is ~ IXJblIC.service ol T~ Press) All cash Candy Roule. Do you 'lam S800 in a day? Your O'M1local candy roule. Includes 3D Machines and Cn."IC1y. AlIlorS9.995, 1-888-744-4625, REACH 2 M1WON NEWSPAPER READERS , W'lh 1 ad placement tor only S29S.oo. HaIlO your ad in OhIO'S , best comrt1Uf1rty news.papefS. Call the Classified Dopar1men1 elt HIP..8-346-66D3 Of email to alpdasSOdc:cye.com ' Unlellllh youf"I'!<If. Ec.-n full-time In· come working pail-lime. Skyrocltel your income, F,oo girl,lo review. lo"~: 937·274-2020. 143 aw· Building Supplies Duilding SaIe.-FeWMarch delivery Of deposfl nolds till Spring. 25'.40')(12' $4,1300. 40'1I:60'x16' $12.800. Front end optional. Rear end Induried. Many olhers. Plonoer.".aoo· 60:'';422. 'position.; fOlso' ovaUa~le. Experience prere~ Benefits available. . Call44Q-871-0877 www.pioneersteel.com. saWmill. 'rOm only $2.990.00 Coilven your Logs fo Valuable umber wilh your own Norwoc:<f por1a.b1o band sawmill. Log skldders also available. www.flOl..lV..)Odindus1r1es.com-Free Informallon; 1-800-S78-1~63l ext. , Topdrlwr mllda 561.t60 In 2006 running li::r Ohio region. Home most weel;endsl 401kl Blue Cross/Blue'; stlleldl 1 Year orR required, Hp.u1· land Express 1·800-441·4953. ,:' ~.heartlandaxpress.eom;;',., ,d Child .. ····Care . 132 Income Tax .services Income Tax services -",. :<7.;: :;;:;';'C7C';;;;;{';:;'~/ ~d~·:z:,21~~ ~.!.'l f.~1 ~ ~l ~';"~" "" m "J ~'-".j ~ ~ l.;!. F' l-"'~'~ Cor:venienlly loraleo::l ncar Avon INCOME TAX PR~PARATION Comn.ons! OoJa!ily tall preparabon at Direct Electronic Filing P.:tperless a-file DepoSit included. Umited hours. CaU Lortlel Business Management at 440-937-4110 to'schPdule {t.. ... ~~jla A~~8~rr.~i~]g~2 I~~44~O~'3~":~J~.~~N~6~r'~":~~~~:H;.I(~~:'.~'d;.)~~;;;~.n;.P;p~o~)n~,m~e~n;t;;;ll'~?' ~?... IirE!garv Shannan i.t.;.• .~ ;.) l. Ple::~;;'~llor ~ 'ipRivlD.E~; ~ Your Services J- " ~ " Carlisle Bookkeeping Seryice Call ·1-888- "c.. ':' 5" ·QuickBooks. Pro A. dvisor ·Full Service Payroll <High Quality 3t a Fair Cost II 6~~~~~ lAS Duect INCOME TAXRETUHNS ,'i' IRS ] 0 PI ace ":.'j Enrolled Agent E.flle 440-748-3624 ,,:::=44O::-=83::3=-91::8=:::7:-"1 AUTHORIZED ..~ ",'::::':'=: =~ ~~n !;:" & EDWARD J. STEPNICKA, EA. CPA Experienced! Reasonable Rates Personable year roUnd :JOO.N. USED POLE BARN. 4S'WIC63'L. 11'HIghJf4S'Wldl'l, airplane hangar. door on overhead ralls on one and. You take down In March/AprIl. , 216-269-8733 \-\: = = nJ ,~}.:':J ~ . . ./i"l 1-8n~9284002. CaUnow 440-933-750S ;~j5=:=~~.;~", - money dawn - $6S.00'momh. No payments untH Spring. FREE estlmale. Mixed hardwoods Delivery only , - Dry Wall Repairs - Steools by Airbrush ' Income Tax services. . . In·,-astlQ:l.le bC'10!9}ou invest C3l1 ~ • Painting - Favx Finishes Free Esllmates 44()-933·2066 44()-87HJ506 Ohio D'VlSlon 01 SCCunl~S BEFORE purchas.ing an irlvesti'nent. C:l11 the [)i.. Firewood INTERIOR· EXTERIOR " ~~~: 198 RENAISSANCE RESTORATIONS f!U1U",- or atlke.' ,11IUroU~h~ COI1,.I~tcnt_ BomJet1 :lI1t1lnsurro, BUCKEYE VINVL SIding & WindOw bIow-out ~.ale. All credit sa:epled. No Infant, Infant Wnlkers, Toddlers. 3's, 4'8 and' School.age.. 0J>eninJ<& closin . .;~;.;'ea.;.;rv.;.;r~;.;~__g _1I1':'_1B5= = =se': :'p;,;a:~: ; .r~ ;,;~: :.;-_.;.;_ .g ~.,.JI HOUSEWORK. ETC. 888·200-'4356 Ed_ " 002 24/7. www.getyourrepo,t,notlbuy. MB 8029'J403J-BR. ,VISIon'S CHILDCARE lnm)' THE PRESS. FE5RUARY 21. 2007 33 139 Kim Fullon (440) 225-3247 '3 4 6 -6 603 Visit Us Online at w\Vw.cnrlislcbookkecping.net SJ.5OOIOBO. can 440-937·5289 Avon. 00. .. Do you offer Child Care ., .·Services? ·'S tl ~ ~ . . Ids going back .••. fo school? Need childcare? Placo )'ou,ud ill our Child Curu Directory for only Trudy's Place $17.95 per illch and much o\'er 25,000 Itnnics,' Our Child Cure 135 General services Directory publisll£ls thn 1st Wodncsdf.lY of car.h month in tllll i\vmi,LlIko 1-Blm.34G·0003. or wwwJakclotecom.com (lIlIllil: ~!•... """ [email protected]!·cOlII SamJllo'.~II(}II''' 1lC'/~il' ~ We can sell your car, KathY's Child Care MOl1·Fri ~l1-GPIl1 10.yrs'o~.R{(cf. Avuil. 6~~~S&UP Cnll .. . boat. 'collectibles, baseball cards, etc. on eBay. Give us a ,call to discuss' YOLlr needs, 000-000-0000· General services Call 440·G67-4540 ~~ 51~ O~~ G' - i : $ i ' l Full Lire Reading und Tumt Curd Itl'udmj.t "I$'+l~lJ o~ .... Reading By Sop~ia . ; 'ft·'IIo; Juur 11l1'~t. IIn'st'lIl 8.: rulun' , Horn I:lrtt1J tll help with prubll'ItlS I un'. :\lllrrlllJ.tl' • Uushws'i - t'tt·. \IIItLudlllJ,:I.i Prh'nfl' ..'\: Cunndcnthtl , 440-930-5464 Also available all types 01 Parties, -Basic Domattiny -Ear Cleaning -Ear Hair Romoval RoasoMblo Rales LAKE TELECOM 44Q-9J3.Sn1/BOO:522-5771 ~ 9 ~~":orl~ m aSai"Sun,:" 9 a.m. ·11 p.m. .ppalnlm,annl Call lor Call for ona '1rw question orever .Friends 440-926-3231 . Pet Care Cenler & H05pitlll "'Vhere Pets Come ta Have FUll!" Spaciolls rUIIS, 'Giallt breed & VIP suites, FUll Dillillg,& Flllitivities Ohio's Finest Lodging· Dog and Kitty Styling Hydrotherapy & Massage· Obedience & AgilityTraining Puppy Preschool· Enrolling cule K'9's now! Daycare M·F 36469 Roule 303. Grallon w,,'W.forevelfriends el.com .•;;0.'... .!oiI', .• ..~" • ..... . -!"t- " :~: ~. ',:.~:.: ., ~ .', . ~ .~ ~ Cllirnm CAlm I ~. 30660 Bnu.llcy. North Olmsted We lelho!", "'hen you can·t tKo. . f -No'its Clipped o( CondItioning. Shampoos .PS ·Anal Gland Reloaso .:.....- .C.tlDice CuI tlml DOK lJolin/illg, A"t'llIIeI 440-777-4560 Giaom includes' -Clipping TELEPHONE SYSTEMS 5.3las, Adc:Itllons ' Movos & Ch..1ng~ New,'Usec1 EqUipment Available SCrvico on Mosl Major Bro.nds ResIdential Wiring North Ridgm·iIIu Press.· If you would IikjJ to lJo listed, In this Dirl!dory; call °V· 440·277-4777 BUSINESS & RESIDENTIAL .Press. W!;lSI Lifo (lnu ·'f #,..\.\~C'f\'SIIlI HAIR "OFF" THE DOG C!rtJfld Dog Gl'IIClD1r Cnt:tlf c".tl offers tend"". 'S~C'(\hll'd :;: Cllnog v,S", 10' your Pet in your home .:t .....hen you ":'''0 to 00 l1waV. We en" 01so provide IranSlJOrlllloon to and :;; . hom the Vl!'l and groomtl. ",hen YOU.'S. n~ us I~ ".10, 1"0' fully Irtilurl'd ' 9 p'oltl~s,.=tVUI I9COmnmnd,td cafe """15 pet 'D your home wh,le you , D.~:&D(";~I~~:~~';·' 1:"".lurt<d un 1!'1.,\bll.,ln.. HI).fIJ5·12<4lJ W"'ll 00 In.. ,!" wnf'n oJ ;.r i ' .~~ "fOeti us r-:=-';;;":-:TI-':--'-':=I~ ''IN Fami V .11 i Sitters Vi " lII!rPet Call ,Gall 440·668 a 3159 ~ We provide lOVing porsonol ~ In-homo pet coro. • Vacations ded f - Daily Dog Walking, & ~ - Puppy Pottie Breaks Insured • Let our la'!1ily take care ofyours... www.FamllyPcISlltcrs.com .. .' A 295. Annuul F1cn Market GnnlJ.:cSnJc !':urth Crest Equestrian Center' Satun!.ay. :\1arclJ 3rt! Doon;. open at LADIES ICE SKATES New. size 9 ~O_ 4~(}'9-1~59 9:00A.\f-3:30P~t in dn.-s."-U/.'t!'. G11\ n'rtili=t"" .\\·uilahtl·. 310 CalJ 440-933-1654 ' (iARAGE SAl.£' AU~ Sporting Goods I'f!1 Sitl~ng. SUppIiflS . .~ SPOICI'S COu.EGTIBLES Hooked on Cards Whulcsulc Warehou....c CALL ANYTIME RidJ;'"\ilk' Pn-<... W(">of lift'• .mJ the Vamilit'll11lO;>l"J.oum;L! _'M'<'t'. Ad, Itl1N: tor prt'paitl. We' 1II,'l.'\'f'I. \,Lo;.\. ~l.Nt'f'ClM1. Anrrlum E.p~ " Jl'ff"'wo.:d, dltTl., or I",,~ .1nkT " 5(MMI SANDUSKY :\fotl·Fri IO;lID·5pm. 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COLLECTIBLES Call the. classified department at 1-888~346-6603 for more information Iblll hI nI _ it Wpcl-! ~e ~~~. 1»1.0- ' : ; ' "l{ Charles Liptak Construction 440"9"'-"''4'6 .,., ,. ., or 440-258-7136 4403271"68 - "Y 'Burl~:~~U~~~I~~~:~~I~~~~~g&'~~6~epalr , ·Wood Burning Stoves 'Shelvlng ·Basement Repairs & Anlshln9 ·Room Additions -Garages & Sheds 'FencE'S & Hot Tubs'Siding & Soffits-Roofing Repair 'Palntlng ·Exterlor Malnten'lnce -General Clean-up ' ,eeks 440-934·4716 '1'5." '"7,r4.-~ ....'\10: FREE ESTIMATES MD~ ·-Ijuilders inc. , General Contractors ;. Builders ~ Rernodekrs • ROOFINGS • • GARAGES • • DIUVEWAYS· • • POLE.BARNS • . • PATIOS • MARK DUDZIAK BATHS • KITCHENS WiNDOW REPIACEMENT ROOM ADDITIONS HOUSE ERECTION VINYL SIDING AVON. OHIO . .!nsumd·2Syea".,po,'en,.. DAYSJEVENlNGSfNEEKENOS §jY· , t:,,'l1' Call . ooo-ooo-oooo'i .,' GARRETT-DUBER PAINTII"G INC. Quality Painting, Slail,'ling ~- JnteriorlExte,rioL_,~ Power Washing. 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