meeting - UA Local 488
meeting - UA Local 488
UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN AND APPRENTICES OF THE PLUMBING & PIPEFITTING INDUSTRY OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA UA Local Union 488 / since 1904 January 2013 Issue LARRY MATYCHUK Business Manager/Financial Secretary I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday season and took the opportunity to spend some quality time with those that mean the most to you. In this fast paced environment we work in, it is easy to lose sight of what may be most important and we need to remember to re-focus from time to time. During 2012, we saw a recovery in job opportunities over the previous two (2) years and were reminded of how fragile a resource based economy can be. As such, we saw a growing demand for manpower in the maintenance sector of our industry; a trend that is projected to continue until maintenance hours worked will surpass construction hours by the year 2020. A pleasant surprise was the tremendous amount of pipeline facilities work on pumping stations and tank farms that was secured along with the greatest amount of mainline pipeline work ever awarded to signatory union contractors. Our shops and yards will continue to be active as IOL Kearl and Conoco Surmont are scheduled to move directly into the next phases of their projects as the current phases come on line. Later this year, we will see activity on the next phase of CNRL, the Shell Quest Project, and the Redwater Refinery along with sustainable projects work at Syncrude and Suncor. While the work picture for 2013 continues to look promising, we must be aware of issues that impact our interests and position ourselves to effectively influence government and industry decisions. The business section of the December 18th, 2012 edition of The Globe and Mail contains an excellent article on the low prices being paid for Canadian crude oil (Western Canadian Select). As of that date, Western Canadian Select was $47.20 per barrel while West Texas Intermediate was $87.20 and Brent Crude was $109.62 per barrel (all measured in US dollars). The article goes on to explain that this is due to a lack of pipeline capacity to move Alberta crude to markets creating a backlog of product. The information contained in this article makes it clear that it is definitely in our best interest to support the building of additional pipeline capacity if we want to see continued development of the Alberta oil industry. Other examples of issues requiring our attention are legislative ones such as the federal Bill C-377, which was passed in parliament prior to Christmas, and possible revisions to the labour code on the provincial scene. Most of these items are issues brought forward by MERIT and those with similar anti-union agendas. Those agendas will continue and we must do a better job of protecting our own interests. That will require changing the historical way in which we have expressed ourselves publicly and to governments. MERIT is a political entity. They do not risk capital, as contractors do. They do not supply qualified workers or provide training, as unions do. They do not build anything. They lobby - and they do it well! If we are to counter their initiatives, we must do it by being involved at every level of government and industry decision making. Continued on page 2 meeting EDMONTON General Membership Meeting Date Saturday, January 26th, 2013 Time 9:00 AM Place Norman Darbyshire Dispatch Hall 16214 - 118 Avenue this issue Business Reports 1-6 Refrigeration Representative Report 6 Training Coordinator Report 7 Plumbing Representative Report 7 Assistant Training Coordinator Report 8 Safety Officer Report 8 Dues Department Notice 9 Health, Welfare & Pension Report 9 Health & Safety Report 11 Long Service Awards Banquet Notice 13 Nomination/Election Notice (ELECTION COMMITTEE) 13 Nomination Notice (UA CANADIAN CONFERENCE) 14 Mail Bag 15 World Water Park - Family Night Out 16 Business Manager’s Report Continued… With that in mind, Local 488 has engaged a professional government communications firm to assist us in getting our views and concerns to the tables where decisions are made. In addition, I will be talking to our Political Action Committee to discuss ways in which they can engage the membership and afford you, the member, an opportunity to participate in a meaningful way. Politics is not for everyone but, many of our members are already actively engaged with political parties and many more would like to be if the right opportunities were presented. In many cases, coordinating our efforts is all that is required. This will be one of our goals in 2013. UA Local 488 is not an organization in isolation. It is an organization of members who work hard, pay taxes, and build our communities. We have proven that, as an organization, we can be responsible leaders. We must now solidify our resolve to be heard where it counts - not in parking lots, pubs, and cafes but in boardrooms, the media, and at the grassroots of every decision making process. I thank each and every member for your support, your diligence, and your commitment to our great organization, and wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year. TOM BAILEY Business Agent Season’s Greetings and wishing the members all the best in the New Year. I would like to take this opportunity to wish Brother Lee Adkins all the best in his retirement. Lee has served the membership well for many years and has been a steadying influence on me for the past four years we have worked together. I will miss the “Father-Lee” advice that I sought on many occasions. Enjoy your retirement Brother; you deserve it. As well, I would like to wish speedy recoveries to Bill Johnston and Dan Herbers, who both have some time out for illness. This New Year will bring about some changes to our structure with some areas of responsibility changing and the adding of a business representative to help with the amount of work we have forecasted. By the next newsletter we should be able to inform all of the changes. Phase 1 of Kearl is in its final stages with many members volunteering to work through the Christmas and New Year’s break to try and help that project meet it dates. Phase 1 will just blend into Phase 2 as the year unfolds. Husky Sunrise will be hiring in the New Year as well and should take on another 50 members. Syncrude has a two year Fine Tailings Recovery project awarded to KBR, which will start with mod yard work and onsite in late spring. With these projects, maintenance and shutdowns at various sites, we expect to be very busy. Shutdown season will likely require travel card/permit help if projected numbers are realized. Sometimes the industry over estimates the requirements, but looking forward there is no doubt we need to grow our membership in future if we are to provide manpower, especially during shutdown seasons. In closing, I would like to express my thanks to all the staff of Local 488, who make the day to day operation of this organization, seem routine. Between the Education Department, the Health and Welfare Department, and the 488 Staff, they are a wonderful group of people who serve the membership as we do, only behind the scenes and not seen by the members. Many thanks go to all the Job Stewards who have volunteered over the year. It is a tough job! We would like a list of names of those who wish to take the Steward course, so we can proceed with setting up a date for that. Please contact the Education department for more information on this excellent opportunity! ATTENTION MEMBERS... It is very important for you to notify the office when you have a change of address. Keep in mind... the tax season is here and we will be mailing important tax documents! You can submit a change of address online at our website. You may also contact either the Union OR Health & Welfare to notify us of any address changes. (Apprentices should contact the Education Department) (under ‘forms’) Edmonton Office: 780.452.7080 Fort McMurray Office: 780.791.6488 Health & Welfare: 780.452.1331 Education: 780.488.1266 Thank you for your cooperation! 2 LEE ADKINS Business Agent/Assistant Business Manager Commercial/Institutional/Service Sectors I know that I stated in the last Pipeline that it would be my last report, but I still had something to say, so this will be the last one for sure! I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year! May 2013 be the best ever! I will leave you all with one parting thought… Please take every opportunity to advance your training and education! The time has come when our single trade tickets are no longer enough. Plumbers get your Steam tickets; Steamfitters, I would urge you to get your Plumbing Tickets. We need more first class Gas Fitters; we need more ticketed Riggers. The industry wants Foremen and General Foremen to have ICCS tickets. Local 488 has the advantage in this area as we have on-site training facilities at our Pipe Trades College; However, YOU as members, must take advantage of these facilities! Take the time between jobs to train yourselves to be the best you can be - more employment opportunities will exist for members who avail themselves of some of the advanced training offered! In closing, I would like to once again say Thank You, and Goodbye! BARRY PRUDEN Business Agent/Assistant Business Manager Industrial/Fabrication Sectors I would like to wish all our Members and their families all the best in the New Year. I would also like to thank our Job Stewards and the Staff of all divisions of Local 488 for all the help they have given to our membership. It is paramount that I acknowledge and thank Brother Lee Adkins for the guidance he has given me over the past seven years that I have served as Business Agent and while I was out in the field prior to that. I did not always like the answers he gave to my questions; however, after examination, I usually conceded to his greater wisdom and recognized that his experience and loyalty to the Local meant that his advice was always what was best for the membership in any given situation. Lee has mentored all of the new Business Agents over the last decade and he will be sorely missed by us. Thank You, Lee, and I wish you the best in your retirement. It amazes me how many members pay no attention to their dues status; Dues are your “lifeline” for membership. Getting expelled for non-payment, or even going into bad standing, can affect you and your family in significant ways: • • • • • $50.00 reinstatement fee (if in bad standing); Loss of Health & Welfare Benefits - this means NO COVERAGE for 1 to 2 months or more, depending on when you pay the re-instatement fee; Lost job opportunities; you cannot be dispatched until you are caught up on dues; Unable to apply for Life Membership as you must be a member in good standing for three years prior to application; Ineligible to vote - you must be a member in good standing for a minimum of one year to vote, be eligible to stand for a Committee position or convention delegate; If you wish to run for an Officers’ position, you must be a member in good standing for two years; It is very important that you keep track of your dues ensuring that you see dues deductions on your pay stubs each month will mean that you do not have to deal with the issues mentioned above! This is especially important when you sign the out of work board and plan to leave the country on an extended vacation or trip. Please ensure your out-of-work dues are paid up before you go. Many members have commented on seeing a job posting on the Canadian Job Bank which would appear to advertise for 50 Steamfitter/Pipefitter positions at Jacobs in the Fort McMurray area. It states that interested applicants should apply by email to Jacobs. This job posting has generated comments and concerns from across Canada, some of which have been posted to the Canadian UA members’ site. The reality of this situation is that Jacobs is just doing what other employers (KBR, PCL, Fluor, Bantrel and others) have done in the past. In order for Contractors to make an application to bring in TFWs (Temporary Foreign Workers), the companies must first attempt to fill their manpower needs with Canadian workers. In order to do this they must advertise well in advance of the actual work being available. This is a legal requirement of HRDC/Immigration that Canadian employers must fulfill before TFWs can be brought into the country. If the members who posted the negative comments had actually read the whole page, they would have seen the ‘$43.77/hour + Benefits as per Collective Agreement’ statement. Jacobs has signed Collective Bargaining Agreements with UA Local Union 488 for Industrial, Fabrication and Maintenance work in northern Alberta and has been a signatory contractor for a long time. Please bear this in mind: when you see a number of calls going unfilled, you must understand that these positions have been made available and offered to Albertan and Canadian workers first, whether they are Travellers or Permits. Only once these companies have not had their manpower needs met by Canadians, are they able to begin the process of bringing in TFW’s. I hope that this provides some clarity for those members who had concerns. In future, please do not hesitate to contact your Local office or Business Agent in these matters. We always work in best interest of our membership and are well aware of the processes required to staff job sites; we are happy to answer questions and clear up any misunderstandings. 3 KELLY TWA Business Agent Hello again, Brothers and Sisters! Christmas holidays are over and all the students are back at school. The following is an update on what’s happening in my area: SUNCOR MAIN - took over most of the work that Aqua was doing at the East Tank Farm. They will be hiring around 50 Pipe Fitters/Welders for night-shift and the same for day-shift. Calls will begin in January and February. The camp is the new Hudson camp which is located beside Voyageur, just five minutes from the East Tank Farm. Flights for this job will be available from all over Canada. AQUA, CONPAC, & MELLOY - are bidding on work and hope to have more people on-site in the new year also. CARBER, RSL, & TEAM - will be hiring for the spring turn-around. FMR - is on-site doing maintenance work with a couple of small crews. GUTHRIE - has members at Main and Voyageur, performing maintenance work and hopes to get more winterization (Steam tracing) project work in the new year. JACOBS - will be hiring in January and February for pre shut-down work. Turnaround will start in late March/ early April. KBR - will also be hiring members in the new year for pre shut-down work and their Turnaround starts in the middle of March. AECON/LOCKERBIE LAIRD, NORCAN, & TRACER - have small crews on site doing instrumentation work. TRANSFIELD - has around 200 members on site performing maintenance and project work. They will have a part in the spring Turnaround and is expected to start in the middle of April. They also hope to get more project work. A big thank you to Paul Taylor, who has taken over the Job Steward duties at Suncor. SUNCOR FIREBAG CIMS - is bidding on work and hopes to have people on site sometime in late January or February. I do not have any details on the shifts yet, but it will be a fly in/out job. TRANSFIELD - still has the maintenance contract and they are bidding on project work for the new year. They are working the 14 on/14 off, fly in/out shift. HUSKY SUNRISE BLACK & MACDONALD - has 50 members on site now and is going to be hiring another 50 or so. This is a 14 on/7 off, fly in/out, PLA project. The camp is Husky Sunrise on site; I hear the food is good and you have your own washroom facilities! In closing, I’d like to thank a friend, Brother, and mentor; Lee Adkins has been there whenever I needed advice or help with many different issues, ranging from being a Business Agent to being a father. Congratulations on your Retirement Lee! I know that you and Jayne will have lots do in your ‘golden years’. DAN HERBERS Business Agent Hopefully everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season with their Families and Friends and is all looking forward to a prosperous New Year. I myself lucked out, recently surviving a heart attack with only four stints and four days in hospital. I feel very well now, and want to thank everyone for their support and best wishes. Looking to the New Year, we are going to be very busy with shut-downs. Shell and Suncor Refineries have major shut-downs planned for spring and fall of this year, in addition to a multitude of small outages all throughout the area. Construction will be picking up by mid-spring, with Shell Quest starting up and the Sturgeon/Redwater Refinery beginning the underground phase of construction. Mod Yards and Shops will continue to be busy well into the future with more projects coming on line. Take care of each other and be safe! Search ‘United Association Local 488’ and let us know what you think! We are open to suggestions on how to improve our social media communications. 4 ROBERT TAYLOR Business Agent Hello Brothers and Sisters. I will begin by wishing all good health and prosperity in this New Year. With several new projects scheduled to begin this year, this local should have plenty of job opportunities for our membership. We will need to recruit new journeymen and apprentices to fill open calls once things get going. There are excellent opportunities to work in one of the trades that are represented by the UA and secure for themselves a decent standard of living with good wages, health benefits, pension, training and other things that enhance the quality of living for them and their families. There are groups in Canada and the USA and other countries that are actively working against unions, trying to reduce the gains working people have made over the last 50 years or so. Thousands of lobbyists in the US have been effectively chipping away at these rights working people have won through their unions, progressive politicians, academics, those who have advocated for a better quality of life and help create the middle class. The middle class is in retreat, people are working more and earning less. ‘Right to Work’ law is now in effect in 24 states which prevents unions from effectively organizing or representing workers concerns wages, benefits, pensions, safety, health regulations, etc. Right to Work states statistically have lower wages, pensions and benefits. The main effort of investment is to maximize return. This can be done easier in areas where there is little oversight or scrutiny by government, that are not required to pay fair wages, benefits, not encumbered by health and safety regulations or union contracts. These ideas are finding advocacy here in Canada, as shown by the recent passing of Bill C-377 by the Federal Conservative Government and supported by the Merit Contractors Association. Called the ‘Union Transparency Bill’ where unions have to set up web sites and show all transactions over $5,000.00 including health and pension trust funds etc. Another right-wing Tory insider MP, Pierre Poilievre elected in 2004 at age 24 and since living off the public purse wants ‘right to work laws’ in Canada. He strongly supported Bill C-377 calling for ‘more union openness’. Strange, as he is a member of the most secretive government in the history of Canada. He calls right to work laws ‘workers freedom’. A senior Ontario MLA is of the opinion that taking away the power of unions will result in higher wages because more companies will relocate to Ontario. It hasn’t seemed to bring higher wages to Alabama or other southern Right to Work states. As members of this local we must become more politically aware of issues that will affect us like Bill C-377, of supporting politicians and parties interested in our well-being. Unions are one of the checks and balances in maintaining a free and democratic society establishing benchmarks in wages and conditions which benefit all working people both union and non-union. We have a vested interest in the success of the companies who employ us. Our wages and benefits are determined by a free market system and in turn are spent supporting this same market with both consumption and taxation. Some of the programs we take for granted, the 40 hour work week, unemployment insurance, pension, healthcare, and safety standards, were first advocated by unions and their leading thinkers nearly a hundred years ago. Workers built Canada and unions were there to lead them. We must be on guard against those who could reduce us to wage slaves and the conditions that go with it. Now a report on my assigned areas: CONOCO PHILLIPS-SURMONT Over 300 members on site. After a slow hiring period from September to November PCL has started to hire in late December 2012 and will be hiring until peak manpower later in 2013. Working under a SPNA Agreement, a 14 on and 7 off shift with flights home to most places in Canada and locations in the US is in place. Great camp facilities are located on site. This site will take plumbers, sprinkler fitters or other trades represented by the UA allowing them to work towards their Steamfitter certification. When signing on they must either sign up to a steamfitter apprenticeship or show proof of already being registered or that they have qualified to challenge the journeyman exam. They will then be paid the Alberta Journeyman rate; otherwise, failure to produce these required proofs will result in being paid 1st year apprentice rate. Information can be obtained at dispatch or from the Business Agent. Completion at this site is scheduled for late 2014. DEVON PET./JACKFISH SITE Most of the work is completed by Lockerbie and Hole but still has a few members on site. ETHANOL PLAN/HAIRY HILL Chemco still has a crew on site mostly doing Instrumentation. ENBRIDGE PUMPING STATIONS Lynton, Kehew, Elk Point and Vermillion: BFI completed mechanical work on all sites in November 2012. Enbridge/Hardisty: Comstock has 10 UA personnel on site. Work to be completed in early January 2013. Pumping Stations/Conklin area: Aecon-Somerville has three smaller sites in this area. Hiring should start in January. Enbridge has several pumping stations upcoming but not much to report at this time. FORESTBURG/PRENTISS/LLOYDMINSTER Nothing to report at this time. FORT MCMURRAY SHOPS Cessco & Guthrie: not much activity. Clearwater Fabrication: Still picking up work, 20 plus UA employees. 5 ROBERT TAYLOR’s Business Agent Report Continued… NEXEN/LONG LAKE Jacobs: Has 50-60 members on site; Transfield: Has 60 plus members on site; Team: Has approximately 15 members on site; Melloy: Has 25 members on site and should be hiring more in January. Conpac: Has approximately 30 members on site for work installing flow lines to two well pads. The work should continue till spring. They will hire 40 plus more fitters and welders including rig welders in January. The work will be done with a Special Needs Agreement, (SPNA) with similar pay conditions as Kearl or Surmont. There are no flights. Work will be done on a 10 and 4 cycle with a travel and rotations allowance, paid per completed cycle or approximately $600.00 (every 2 weeks). Some conditions apply so ask dispatch for details or see your Business Agent. NOVA/JOFFRE Aecon has approximately 35-40 UA members on site; they may hire a few more in January 2012. Work will be ongoing until spring 2013. Nova plans to start an $800 to $900 million dollar expansion in 2013. Hopefully, UA Contractors will be awarded this work. Thanks to all our members for supporting this local, the UA and working people. See you at the next meeting. BRIAN HEARN Refrigeration Representative Welcome to 2013 Brothers and Sisters! I would like to start my report with congratulating Brother Lee Adkins on his retirement and wish him and his wife all the best in their future endeavors. Members should have received their Refrigeration Meeting notice for January 2013 in Edmonton and Calgary prior to this newsletter. Included in the mail out was information from Larry Matychuk - Business Manager/Financial Secretary and the Election Committee regarding the Pension Trustee’s terms and nominations. Please read all of this information carefully and contact me via email at: [email protected] if you have any questions. Regarding the future of mail-in ballots; this will continue to be a Local 488 policy intended to allow all members in the refrigeration sector the ability to exercise their right to vote. The number of members now working in the northern part of Alberta warrants this long overdue change on how we do business. Contractors in the Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray) areas are increasingly placing job requests for refrigeration mechanics as the work load increases. With a continuing preference put on mechanics that have Class A gas tickets, I encourage all our members to upgrade their education in all aspects of our trade so we can fill the anticipated future demands. Alberta Refrigeration Industry Benefit and Pension Plan updated booklets are available in the Health and Welfare Along with the plan changes, this information is also located on the website at office at Local 488. or RETIREMENTS ABEL ABUGAUCH ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 29 YEARS KEN AMES ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 6 YEARS R. WALTER ARTHUR ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 14 YEARS JOHN BIZUK ~ JANUARY 1, 2013 ~ 35 YEARS LOUIS BREAU ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 22 YEARS SAY CHAN ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 6 YEARS ROBERT DOXTATER ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 12 YEARS KENNETH FACETTE ~ JANUARY 1, 2013 ~ 35 YEARS CARSON FRANKLYN ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 34 YEARS RAJENDRA GANPATT ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 21 YEARS LAWRENCE HAGEN ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 38 YEARS THOMAS HUBLER ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 42 YEARS YEHYA ISMAEIL ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 8 YEARS KENNETH KELMAN ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 15 YEARS PETER LAKE ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 12 YEARS JOHN LEWANDOWSKI ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 9 YEARS LEO MATHON ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 32 YEARS ALFRED STAVERT ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 14 YEARS BARRY MCVEIGH ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 41 YEARS JOHN MORASH ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 12 YEARS DWAYNE NORTHEY ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 35 YEARS DESMOND O’NEILL ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 24 YEARS DAVID OLSON ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 37 YEARS KEVIN PINHORN ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 35 YEARS FRED PROCYCHYN ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 24 YEARS STANTON RUSSELL ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 22 YEARS FERN SHANK ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 45 YEARS CHES SMITH ~ JANUARY 1, 2013 ~ 15 YEARS JAMES P MACLEAN ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 38 YEARS CARL TATARIN ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 37 YEARS TREVOR THOMPSON ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 21 YEARS TREVOR ULRY ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 30 YEARS HUGO URLACHER ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 12 YEARS RUPERT WELLINGTON ~ DECEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 30 YEARS CLIFFORD WILKINSON ~ NOVEMBER 1, 2012 ~ 30 YEARS GERRY B. WILSON ~ OCTOBER 1, 2012 ~ 30 YEARS On behalf of the Officers and members of UA Local Union 488, we wish good health and success for the future to those members who have recently retired. 6 BILL WILSON Training Coordinator EPT - Education Deptartment Another Pipeline means another season. I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas with family and friends. May all of you have Health, Hope and Happiness in 2013. We are exploring the possibility of partnering with one of our School Boards in Edmonton. I started working on this in September and after some going back and forth we have a protocol arrangement with Edmonton Public Schools. Edmonton Pipe Trades and Local Union 488 will be involved with the start-up of a new Welding Shop at ME Lazerte High School. This is a brand new shop that has over 170 students waiting to utilize the facility. We also are looking at replacing old equipment at Jasper Place Composite High, Harry Ainlay High School and LY Cairns School. In our agreement we will have access to the welding students to promote the Trades. We will have a job fair in the schools for the graduating students. The great thing about this agreement is that we will be talking to students from grade 10 to grade 12 and hopefully after 3 years they will seek employment with UA local 488. In the agreement we are allowed to have banners in the schools with the UA and the Alberta Pipe Trades College symbols on them. In total this year, the enrollment in welding in the 4 schools is just under 500. Our own young people need to have an opportunity to get into the workforce and to know what’s available to them when they graduate. Apprenticeship enrollment in our College is good; it is far exceeding our expectations. The Apprenticeship classes starting on January 14th are all full. The classes starting on March 11th still have seats available for Plumber and Welder, Steam is full. The classes starting on May 13th have seats available for Plumber and Steamfitter (2), Welder is full. There are many of our Apprentices asking about adding the next level of Apprenticeship classes at the College. The answer is that we are working towards adding 3rd year Steamfitter Pipe Fitter class. We will add one year at a time based on the numbers of students and our success rate in the eyes of Alberta Industry Training. It’s looking like the ICCS (Industrial Construction Crew Supervisor) is going to be adopted by the clients. So please sign up for the UA Foreman’s course. It is the prerequisite course before you write. There are other prerequisites you will need so check with education or log on to to find out. Alberta Pipe Trades College has been set up as a Test Center for the CSA Rigging Certification and the CSA Medical Certification. Both courses are just about finished and we will be doing Beta testing in the New Year. Beta testing is to make sure that the tests are valid and correspond to the material presented. STEVE ENNIS Business Representative Greetings Brothers and Sisters I hope you have had an enjoyable Christmas Season and were able to spend some quality time with family & friends. Briefly touching on the end of 2012… I would first like to say a big Thank-you to all the Commercial Plumbers who made it out to the Special Called meeting in November with short notice. Brothers and sisters showed up in large numbers and the meeting was informative for both the members in attendance and the Business Representatives; your concerns were heard. The path forward to securing more work in the Commercial plumbing sector is rolling out; our signatory contractors have been looking at work not traditionally done by our members, and by using the Commercial enabling agreement they are able to bid more competitively on these projects. The CLRA and United Association Local Union 488 have agreed to an understanding respecting appropriate wage rates for a Journeyman having a ticket in a UA discipline other than the one they were dispatched for. Basically, this appeals to Plumbers/Sprinklerfitters who would like to become dual ticketed as Steamfitter/Pipefitters. This understanding spells out how the wage rate and process will work. Further information can be obtained on our website: Plumbers/Sprinklerfitters should take advantage of this as there will be manpower needs in the Industrial sector Steamfitting/Pipefitting for some time to come. With the start of 2013 upon us, we see a bright job forecast for the membership of Local 488. That being said it is up to every one of us to provide the contractors with 100% everyday! We must consistently show that we are the best skilled, most productive, and safest on the projects. By living up to the Standard for Excellence we will gain back lost market share and show why UA tradespeople are the best. In closing, I look forward to the months ahead and connecting with you brothers and sisters on the jobsites. I would like to thank all the Job Stewards for the tireless work they do on behalf of the members. Please take some time to visit UA Local Union 488’s Facebook page. On the search bar in Facebook put: United Association Local 488 See you all at the next meeting: January 26, 2013. 7 DOUG DORY Safety Officer Hello Brothers and Sisters, Safety New Year's Resolution: We must all live by the motto - “What you have done is not as important as what you are about to do.” The future is what drives us ... and the opportunities seized and accomplishments made good are the measures of our success. All of us in the working world must practice the following: • • • We must care about the lives of working men & women. We must know the value of safety and health. We must possess the ambition to make a difference. Saving lives and preventing injuries and illnesses must be a paramount and strategic part of the way we do business in the upcoming year and in all the years to follow. Emphasis on workplace safety and health has been improving for over a century and much of the progress has been realized since the Occupational Safety and Health Act, or OSHA, came into being over 30 years ago. The good news is occupational injuries and illnesses keep declining but the reality is - too many workers are still going home hurt or sick, and in Alberta in 2011, 123 (written before the end of 2012) did not go home at all. We must all work to drive the fatality statistics into the ground. We must all refresh and renew our own central commitment to the value of safety and health, and we need to show that commitment so that everyone believes in the value and ultimately realizes the value in safety and health. To be successful, we must demonstrate leadership in advancing safety and health - beyond the traditional regulatory approach. Safety and health endeavors and commitments add value - to your workplace... to your life. The value for businesses makes sense: focusing on safety and health programs is the right thing to do; it saves money and adds value to the organization which equals more work. Getting hurt or sick is not just physically painful. On-the-job injuries and illnesses can significantly reduce income, increase stress and hinder a full family life. The message is simple, yet the implications are profound. Everyone must acknowledge and understand this - if we want to drive occupational injuries, illnesses, and deaths down: Zero is the perfect number. Let’s all strive to begin the new year with a renewed enthusiasm for not only our personal safety and health but for the safety and health of all our coworkers. If each of you can prevent just one injury, by showing you care, by watching out for unsafe acts or conditions, just multiply that by the many thousands of workers and see what a difference can be made in the decline in injury statistics. Statistics are just numbers, caring affects people’s lives, caring about safety and health endeavors makes a BIG difference. ROD MCKAY Assistant Training Coordinator EPT - Education Deptartment HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL . I hope 2013 is an excellent year for all of you and your loved ones. 2012 was a good year for your Education Department and the Alberta Pipe Trades College (APTC) was busier than we were in 2011. We anticipate that the 2013 season will be busier than ever with a great selection of courses offered. The feedback from our students has been very positive. The class size and instructor availability is mentioned in the most positive context, along with the ample parking! APTC is pleased to have PicaDeli Sub now opened on the 3rd floor. The food is good and freshly prepared. All members are invited to stop by for a coffee or a bite to eat. I will take this time to remind all apprentices to keep an eye on our web page. APTC will be booking apprentice classes in the spring-late April/early May. Apprentices, by booking early you have a much better chance of getting the dates that you prefer rather than having to pick up the left over spaces. Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment. Alberta Pipe Trades College will be offering a one week course on planning, scheduling, and estimating in late February (Feb 25-Mar 1). All Journeymen wanting to register are asked to call Leanna at 780-482-9529; the cost is $150.00. This is an important announcement for all apprentices. Local 516 (Surrey B.C.) are hosting the annual Western Apprentice Competition. Any UA 488 apprentices interested in competing are asked to email Rod McKay at [email protected] . Apprentices that have shown strong theory, practical, attendance, and a good attitude, will be selected to represent UA 488 at the competition. The dates are April 9 thru 12, 2013. On the lighter side: One Sunday morning, Satan appeared before a small town congregation. Everyone started screaming and running for the front door of the church, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away. Soon, everyone was gone, except for an elderly pipefitter who sat calmly. Satan walked up to him and said, "Don't you know who I am?" The fitter replied, “Yep, sure do.” Satan asked, “Aren't you going to run?” “No!”… Perturbed, Satan asked, “Why aren't you afraid of me?” The pipefitter calmly replied, “Been married to your sister for over 40 years.” 8 RICK MCATEER Edmonton Pipe Industry - Executive Administrator NOTICE TO ALL PLAN MEMBERS OF THE EDMONTON PIPE INDUSTRY BENEFIT PLANS RE: BENEFIT IMPROVEMENT Dear Plan Member, On behalf of The Board of Trustees I am pleased to advise you of the following benefit improvement: Effective with eligible dental services rendered on or after January 1, 2013, the annual maximum dental benefit has been increased from $2,500 per person per calendar year to $2,750 per person per calendar year. This benefit improvement is for all active, retired and disabled members as well as widows of former members. Should you have any questions with regard to the above, please contact the Administration Office. POLITICAL ACTION & EDUCATION Committee We have all just come through a very active political year. There were various elections throughout the country and the province. There was the passing of some anti-union legislation by the Harper Government in Ottawa besides all the other political happenings in the country and the province. The labour movement throughout Canada, the Province of Alberta, Local Union 488 and the Local Union 488 Political Action Committee spent a good part of 2012 trying to persuade the Harper Government against implementing the anti-union legislation known as Bill C-377. Many members of Local Union 488 sent emails, letters and met with their members of parliament (MP) in attempting to have this bill withdrawn or voted against. Even with all the considerable opposition, the Harper Government voted to adopt the legislation known as Bill C-377. It is now at the senate waiting for its approval. We will have to see what the next moves are by the various labour organizations. Bill C-377 could be appealed as it contains section that may be against an individual’s privacy and may also be classed as undemocratic. Whatever the situation, Local Union 488's Political Action & Education Committee (PAEC) is ready to commence any participation in whatever campaign is necessary to prevent the final implementation of this unnecessary and anti-union legislation. Politics in the Province of Alberta have also been very active. We had a Provincial Election that was quite interesting and the results were also interesting. The party leading in the polls until almost Election Day, did not win the election but became the official opposition. The topics of Health Care, Education, issues affecting seniors and taxes and Finance were on the governments agenda. The Government dealt with a number of issues during, before and after the 'Fall Sitting' of the Legislature. Some of the issues were rather easy to deal with while other became extremely difficult. One of the issues the PAEC became involved with was letting the government know that seniors’ issues needed more attention. The quality of the meals served in seniors lodges and the costs for seniors in the respective lodges and nursing homes were issues that the PAEC and other organizations brought to the attention of the Government. The Government actually listened to our concerns and did actually alleviate some of the problems and did not proceed with other proposed changes. There are other issues yet to be dealt with by the Government and that will probably begin to happen during the spring sitting of the Alberta Legislature. On the Civic scene there will be elections for position of Mayor, Councillors and School Board throughout Alberta in October of 2013. This maybe the opportunity to elect Councillors, particularly in the City of Edmonton, that support the concept of a ‘Fair Wage Claus’ being implemented in the City of Edmonton By-Laws. Such a clause would certainly help the Building Trades Unions have a fair chance at obtaining some of the construction and maintenance work in this City. The debate about the new arena still continues. The Political Action & Education Committee (PAC) would like to wish all the members and their families a very good and healthy new year. Respectfully submitted, Jack Hubler Bill Wilson Carl Wilson Peter Gardner Stu MacLeod Sean Johnston DUES DEPARTMENT NOTICE ~ UNION DUES INCOME TAX RECEIPTS Once again we wish to inform ALL MEMBERS receiving Income Tax receipts that our fiscal year runs from… FEBRUARY 1, 2012 to JANUARY 31, 2013. This means that all union dues from the contractors or money you paid within that time frame only will make up your ‘2012’ Income Tax receipt. Any money that was paid in January 2012 was already reported on your ‘2011’ Income Tax Receipt. We thank you in advance for your understanding of this matter. 9 EXECUTIVE BOARD ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE The Executive Board had a busy year in 2012. There was an increase in the numbers of members who were charged with working nonunion. Several members were required to appear before the Board to explain their conduct with regards to both Local 488 Bylaw & Working Rule violations, and UA Standard for Excellence issues. Brother and Sisters, the Executive Board would like to encourage all members to be mindful of the Standards expected of a UA Tradesperson, both in the field and while engaging in business at the Union offices. Copies of both the UA Standard for Excellence and the Local 488 Bylaws & Working Rules are available to anyone who may want to review them. The Entertainment Committee would like to thank all Members and the RMA Volunteers who assisted at this year’s Children’s Christmas Party. A good time was had by all who attended! Any gifts not picked up on the day of the event were donated to charity. Your Entertainment Committee has planned a Ski trip to Lake Louise in February. Spots are still available on the bus; please check our Facebook page (United Association Local 488) for more details! The Committee has also once again booked the WEM World Waterpark for a Friends & Family event. This will occur on February 9, 2013. Tickets are $5 each and are available at the Dispatch Cashier wicket. CASH ONLY please. Our Annual Banquet & Awards presentation will take place on March 23, 2013. This year’s event will take place at the Ramada Inn on Kingsway Avenue, in Edmonton. Those members eligible for Service Awards will be notified by mail in February. Awards for 25 to 45 year members will be handed out in the afternoon, and awards for the 50 to 60 year members will be presented in the evening. The Executive Board met 12 times in 2012 to deal with both the regular business of the Union and issues such as cancelled apprenticeships. In addition, there were 9 separate Trial Board dates held to deal with the above mentioned issues. 66 members were required to appear before the Trial Board to answer to their conduct. We cordially invite all members to attend, even if you are not receiving an award. Tickets are available for purchase by all Members, at the Local office until March 9, 2013. Please refer to the information page in this newsletter for more details. We look forward to seeing you there! The members of the Executive Board extend their best wishes to all members and their families and many happy returns for a prosperous and successful 2013. SUPPLEMENTARY BENEFIT TRUST FUND Trustees: Ivan Penny Bill Wilson Hank Blakely Eric Adams Robert Taylor This report is being submitted on behalf of the Supplementary Benefit Trust Fund Board of Trustees. Please refer to the following revised Bylaws that the Board of Trustees have discussed and approved; THE ‘300 HOUR’ RULE No member shall be eligible for Supplementary Benefit Trust Fund benefits unless that member has had a minimum of three hundred (300) hours of contributions remitted on his/her behalf by a contributory employer within twenty-four (24) months of the date of application to the Supplementary Trust Fund Benefit Plan. Exception to the ‘300 Hour Rule’ includes the following: 6. A member may still be eligible if they do not have enough hours (minimum 300) providing they have at least ten (10) years active membership in good standing with the UA. The above noted exception may be reviewed by the Board of Trustees if the individual member has been found to be consistently working against the Local Union’s Bylaws and Working Rules regarding abuse of ‘trade related’ work. The Committee extends best wishes to all members and their families in the New Year. BULLOCK, Robert M. September 12, 2012 HUGHES, Ivor October 31, 2012 OLIVER, Duncan December 6, 2012 VOTH, Terry December 17, 2012 BURTON, Kenneth November 24, 2012 LOWE, Evans December 20, 2012 SHORT, Malcolm November 11, 2012 WIELGAN, Daniel November 4, 2012 FOSTER, Percy November 30, 2012 MARTIN, Ricky November 29, 2012 SWAN, Doug November 18, 2012 WOYWITKA, Mike November 6, 2012 From the staff and members of the Local, our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of our Brothers and Sisters who have recently passed away. Their commitment and support of UA Local Union #488 will not be forgotten. 10 HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE RESPECTFUL WORKPLACE The Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 488 recognizes its responsibility to build and maintain a diverse respectful workplace, where all members enjoy an environment in which the dignity and self-respect of every person is valued and which is free of offensive remarks, material or behaviour. We recognize that workplace conflicts and disrespectful behaviour can jeopardize an individual’s dignity, self-esteem and wellbeing and possibly undermine work relationships, friendships and productivity. A truly respectful workplace requires the cooperation and support from each and every member in the organization. Everyone has a responsibility to set a positive example and behave in a manner, which will not offend, embarrass or humiliate others, whether deliberate or unintentional. The principle of fair and respectful treatment is a fundamental one that the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 488 commits to uphold for its members. This same commitment must come from our members, who are personally responsible at all times for their behaviour and conduct. Together we can ensure that every individual is treated respectfully and courteously. Every member can expect to be treated respectfully in the workplace. Every member has the responsibility to refrain from participating in behaviour that is, or could be perceived to be disrespectful in nature. PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS LOCAL UNION 488 IS PROUD TO BE FRIENDS OF ST JOHN AMBULANCE St. John Ambulance is a self-funded, professional, non-profit organization with more than 100 years of experience caring for Albertans. Training with St John Ambulance puts your money back into your community. Over 1,000 nationally-certified instructors provide consistent, quality First Aid training across the province. St. John volunteers also provide over 70,000 hours of service annually in First Aid services and other community support. St. John has a proud tradition of setting high standards for the instruction of its First Aid classes. With St. John Ambulance you receive: • • • • • • • • Valuable training that enables you to provide First Aid in a medical emergency Convenience - more than 3,000 courses are scheduled annually in our 7 training centers across the province Choice of location for instruction - our location or yours (available for groups) Instruction consistent with national standards Value - quality courses at competitive prices Opportunity to take all levels of First Aid training - from Emergency First Aid (beginner) to Instructor Certification Program and EMR (advanced) One stop shopping - safety courses like TDG, WHMIS and H2S Alive are also available A guarantee that your personal and corporate information is confidential In addition, St. John’s • • • • • • • • Offers the widest range of high quality First Aid programs, products and services of any health and safety training company in Alberta Seven training center’s conveniently located throughout Alberta (See website) Customization of courses to meet your specific needs upon request St. John Ambulance maintains a national database where reports can be generated for you upon request providing up to date qualification information and history on your employees. Has the largest number of professional, experienced instructors in Alberta (1000) Is an accredited agency with Alberta Workplace Health & Safety and is COR certified Guarantees that programs comply with all government guidelines and regulations Is a standing member of the Joint First Aid Training Standards Board of Alberta Respectfully submitted, Andy Gruber Alan Hansen Rodney Carlson UNION MEMBERS • Union Members will receive a 15% discount off of St. John Ambulance published public rates on Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR and AED, Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED and Standard First Aid Recertification courses. • Union Members booking into First Aid training will need to register and pay for the cost of their own training. They will need to provide St. John Ambulance a special code in order to receive the discount. The code is Local 488 (Members). • Union Employees registering for St. John Ambulance public classes will receive a 15% discount off of St. John Ambulance published public rates on Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR and AED, Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED and Standard First Aid Recertification courses. Should the Union wish to be invoiced directly a company registration form will be required to be signed and submitted. FAMILY MEMBERS • Immediate family members to the union members will receive 10% off of St. John Ambulance published public rates on Emergency First Aid with Level A CPR and AED, Standard First Aid with Level C CPR and AED, Standard Recertification, First Aid in Child Care and Babysitter classes. Family members are to provide the code Local 488 (Family) upon registering in order to receive the discount. Costs to be covered by the individual upon registration. Bob MacDonald Kenneth Nolan Tom Bailey Doug Dory 11 RMA 3rd 9th 17th 23rd CALENDAR and UPCOMING EVENTS JANUARY 2013 CRIB RMA GENERAL MEETING/LUNCH CRIB MAYFIELD DINNER THEATRE “The Buddy Holly Story” Brunch Time Show Doors: 10:00 AM Show: 12:00 PM COST: $35.00 PER PERSON CUT-OFF: JANUARY 7, 2013 FEBRUARY 2013 6th RMA GENERAL MEETING/LUNCH 7th CRIB 10th-13th BUS TRIP TO MOOSE JAW, SK Temple Gardens Mineral Spa & Casino Will need birthdates and other information as requested. Includes: bus, accommodations, and some casino and meal coupons COST: $235.00 PER PERSON CUT-OFF: JANUARY 11, 2013 MARCH 2013 6th RMA GENERAL MEETING/LUNCH 7th CRIB 17th DEVON DINNER AND SHOW A Comedy titled: “This must be the Place” Doors: 11:30 AM Brunch: NOON Show: 1:00 PM COST: $25.00 PER PERSON CUT-OFF: MARCH 4, 2013 21st CRIB MAYFIELD DINNER THEATRE (Edmonton, AB) “The Buddy Holly Story” ~ Brunch Time Show January 23rd, 2013 ~ Doors: 10:00 AM ~ Show: 12:00 PM Name(s): Address: Postal Code: Number of People: Fees enclosed @ $35.00/person: CUT-OFF DATE: JANUARY 7, 2013 or until Sold Out TEMPLE GARDENS MINERAL SPA & CASINO (Moose Jaw, SK) Trip includes bus, accommodations, and some casino/food coupons Will need Birthdates and other information as requested. Pick-Ups: The Union or Sands Motor Inn February 10th - 13th, 2013 Name(s): Address: Postal Code: Number of People: (based on double occupancy) Name(s): Address: Postal Code: Phone #: Number of People: Fees enclosed @ $25.00/person: CUT-OFF DATE: MARCH 4, 2013 or until Sold Out TELUS WORLD OF SCIENCE (TWOS) April 16th, 2013 ~ Lunch: 11:45 AM (Mayfield Inn) ~ 2 Shows: 2:00 PM & 3:00 PM Name(s): Address: Postal Code: Phone #: Number of People: Fees enclosed @ $25.00/person: CUT-OFF DATE: APRIL 4, 2013 or until Sold Out As many of our trips & events have a maximum number of participants, we will require that you register EARLY with fees payable at time of registration. Please make cheques payable to: LU 488 Retired Members Association 12 Fees enclosed @ $235.00/person: DEVON DINNER THEATRE (Devon, AB) A Comedy titled: This Must Be The Place March 17th, 2013 ~ Doors: 11:30 AM ~ Brunch: 12:00 PM ~ Show: 1:00 PM PLEASE NOTE: Forward Form and Fees to: (780) 452-7080 Phone #: CUT-OFF DATE: JANUARY 11, 2013 or until Sold Out APRIL 2013 3rd RMA GENERAL MEETING/LUNCH 4th CRIB 16th TELUS WORLD OF SCIENCE (TWOS) Lunch: 11:45 AM at Mayfield Restaurant 2 Shows: 2:00 PM & 3:00 PM COST: $25.00 PER PERSON CUT-OFF: APRIL 4, 2013 18th CRIB Phone #: Shelley Klassen, RMA Liaison UA Local Union #488 16214 - 118 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5V 1M6 RMA SOCIAL COMMITTEE CONTACTS Jack Hubler 780-466-6310 Jim Homeniuk 780-476-0768 Leon Husereau 780-458-5072 Oskar Nerenberg 780-465-2011 Saturday, March 23, 2013 Ramada Conference Centre 11834 Kingsway Avenue, Edmonton, AB AWARDS (25 - 45 YEARS) @ 3:00 PM COCKTAILS @ 6:00 PM BUFFET DINNER @ 7:00 PM AWARDS (50+ YEARS) @ 8:00 PM DANCE @ 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM � LIVE MUSIC � Tickets are $45.00 per person (CHEQUE OR CASH ONLY) TH TICKETS AVAILABLE UNTIL MARCH 9 , 2013 At the Edmonton Local Union Office 16214 - 118 Avenue Main Floor Please ask for Ingrid at the Main Reception Come for all or just the Dinner and Dance Award Recipients should arrive prior to 2:30 PM for Registration. NOTICE OF NOMINATION AND ELECTION OF THE LOCAL 488 ELECTION COMMITTEE AT THE JANUARY 26, 2013 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AS PER LOCAL UNION 488 BY-LAWS AND WORKING RULES ARTICLE XXXVIII Four (4) Journeymen members will be nominated and elected for the Three (3) Year Term of February 1, 2013 to January 31, 2016 In order to run, a member must have dues paid for January 2013, by noon, (12:00 January 25, 2013 and be in good standing. PM), This important Committee ensures that our Organization maintains a permanent standing Committee for the conducting of all UA Local Union 488 nominations, elections, and/or ratification votes that may be required. Desmond JJ Francis, Al Mathison, Dave Olechow, Dave Campbell and Deb Hooper 13 NOTICE OF NOMINATION FOR UA CANADIAN CONFERENCE DELEGATES AT THE JANUARY 26, 2013 GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Nine (9) Journeyman members will be elected to attend the UA CANADIAN CONFERENCE ~ ST. JOHN’S, NEWFOUNDLAND ~ JULY 24 - 25, 2013 The UA Canadian Conference is held bi-yearly to discuss the business of the UA in Canada and to make and vote on resolutions that will govern the operations of Canadian Locals. Future programs and strategies for the UA in Canada will also be presented at this important conference. In order to run, a member must be a Journeyman and have dues paid or sufficient credit for January 2013, by noon, (12:00 PM), January 25, 2013 and be a member in good standing for one (1) year (prior to January 1, 2013). Balloting/Election will take place at the Annual Meeting, Saturday, March 30, 2013. In the event of a tie, a run-off election will take place at this same meeting. In the event that an elected Delegate cannot attend this Conference, alternates will be chosen from the ballot list in order of votes received. It will be the elected Delegates’ and Alternates’, responsibility to ensure he/she remains in good standing up to and including the month of the conference. Election Committee: Desmond (JJ) Francis, Al Mathison, Dave Olechow, Dave Campbell, and Deb Hooper RMA REPORT Retired Members Association 2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President: John P. (Jack) Hubler Vice President: Brian Filax Treasurer: Jim Homeniuk Members at Large: Oskar Nerenberg Marv Kowalchuk Secretary: Marge Barnes Leon Husereau Mel Brenneis Dave Francis The RMA Social Committee as always continues to be busy organizing and setting up all the interesting and enjoyable events and trips for the members. As well, the RMA continues to keep the Coffee Counter functioning, as well as the Visiting Committee, Crib Tournament and looking after the Vending Machines and the garden. The Golf Club and Dinner Club continues to provide some excellent opportunities for those who wish to participate and want to see old colleagues and meet new friends. All retired members and their spouses are invited to attend the Retired Members Association events including Lunch and the General Meetings held in the Norman Darbyshire Dispatch Hall on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding July and August. Lunches commence at 12:00 PM with the meeting following at 1:00 PM. All Widows of deceased retired members, all widowers if they are retired members or single retired members are invited to bring one guest to all the events at the price outlined in the ‘Pipeline’. All events are advertised in the ‘Pipeline’ newsletter which includes dates, prices and locations. All retired members and their spouses as well as those others outlined in this report, are encouraged to participate in the RMA activities where you will meet with friends and colleagues. EFFECTIVE JANUARY 11, 2013… QUALITY CONTROL COUNCIL OF CANADA- PRAIRIE REGION IS MOVING 10250 - 176 Street Edmonton, AB T5S 1J4 Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Phone: (780) 488-3455 Fax: (780) 488-3485 14 488 MAIL BOX Glenn Tardiff (L), V.P. Field Operations Alex Nikitin (R), Project Supervisor (Suncor Edmonton Refinery) Edmonton Exchanger has been awarded the 2012 Suncor President’s Operational Excellence Award for Personal and Process Safety – Contractor Individual/Team Category. The award was earned through the exemplary hard work and dedication of Edmonton Exchanger’s staff and supervision at the Suncor Edmonton Refinery, led by project supervisor Alex Nikitin. Edmonton Exchanger would like to acknowledge all of the building trades that it has had the pleasure of working with for their commitment in creating a high standard for worker safety. “We are so proud of our employees and our on-site management team lead by Alex Nikitin for their continued dedication and commitment to worker safety which is required to win an award such as this. What an accomplishment! Congratulations on a job well done!” “To win an award like this is truly an honor, working safely is a core value of Edmonton Exchanger and to be recognized for an excellent safety record is very rewarding and speaks to the dedication and commitment of the entire Edmonton Exchanger team. Congratulations to all!” Glenn Tardiff, V.P. Field Operations (Mark Kostiuk Employee Volunteer) (Vance Mathison Employee Rep) (Stephanie Perilli Rep Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation) (John Cooper Employee Volunteer) (Howard Perkins Trustee & Shop Manager) KBR’s Fabrication Facility in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada have not only been welding and fabricating piping spools... The men and woman working on the tools at our Fabshop have been raising funds and awareness about the Stollery Children’s Hospital. KBR’s Fabrication Facility employs one hundred fifty people that share a common believe that children are our future and need a chance to grow up healthy and strong. This year we have surpassed last year’s effort by raising $11,495 which is a gain of $635 over 2011. What is The Stollery Children’s Hospital, you may ask? Quite simply the Stollery Children’s Hospital is a hospital for kids. Over 150,000 children and youth from across Western Canada receive treatment at the Stollery. The Stollery has the largest catchment area than any other children's hospital in Canada... 1.7 million children in this geographic area. The Stollery is a world-class facility and has a reputation for using the latest cutting edge technology, and hiring the best health care professionals in the world. The Stollery Children’s Hospital would not be so highly recognized or possible without the ongoing support from community donations. It is because of community support, that the Stollery has become, and continues to be, a centre of excellence in Canada. PCL FABRICATION FACILITY FOOD BANK DONATIONS UA Local Union 488 craft personnel and PCL Staff at the PCL Fabrication Facility worked together to collect 6969 lbs of food for the Leduc Food Bank. Great effort by very generous people! CONGRATULATIONS ON A SPECTACULAR JOB!! Back row L-R: Jeremy Humniski, Josh Dykes, Dan MacKenzie, Sergio Cruces, Matt Bishai, Charlie Woolcox Kneeling L-R: Shyloh Bartlett, Jason Adams, Jason Boyd, Chris Peddle, Lucas Budinski, Levon Seward Goalie: Nolan Pascos CONGRATULATIONS ON WINNING YOUR DIVISION!! 15 LOCAL 488 OFFICERS President Stu MacLeod Vice President Ivan Penny Business Manager/Financial Secretary Larry Matychuk Treasurer Hank Blakely Recording Secretary Brian Filax Inside Guard Thane Falkner Business Agents Lee Adkins, Barry Pruden, Bill Johnston, Dan Herbers, Kelly Twa, Tom Baliey, Robert Taylor th Saturday, February 9 , 2013 TIME 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM COST $5.00 per ticket (no limit) CASH ONLY Free use of tubes Free use of life jackets TICKETS ON SALE NOW Alberta & NWT Building Construction Trades Council Eric Adams, A. (Jimbo) Brown, Dave Campbell, Jack Hubler, Bill Johnston, Rob Rankin, Desmond (JJ) Francis, James (Jim) Sharp, Kelly Twa, Carl (Flip) Wilson, Alberta Refrigeration Health/Welfare & Pension Trustees Larry Matychuk, Julius Hajdu, Bryan Rooney, Marcel Alain Benevolent Fund Committee Andy Heron, Shelley Klassen, Stu MacLeod, Rod, McKay, Barry Pruden, Glen Sargent Edmonton Pipe Trades Fraternal and Building Society Tom Bailey, Dave Campbell, Clark Cruickshank, George Elliot Andy Herbert, Jack Hubler, Ivan Penny, Robert Taylor Education Trust Fund Trustees Tom Bailey, Bill Johnston (CASH ONLY) Election Committee (UA Local 488) Tickets will be available in the Dispatch Hall during regular hours. Tickets must be purchased in advance and are not available at the Waterpark. Desmond (JJ) Francis, Al Mathison, Dave Olechow, Dave Campbell, & Deb Hooper SUBMISSIONS: Examining Board Please submit contributions on a CD accompanied with a hard-copy, Attention: Pipeline Newsletter Editor or e-mail requests to [email protected]. Contributions are invited from officers and members of UA Local Union 488. PLEASE NOTE: Articles, statements or other materials published are not to be construed as the opinion or policy of the Union or this paper. Entertainment Committee A (Jimbo) Brown, Irene Herbert, Pauline Lavallee, Leanna Nelson, Mike Todd, Dwight York Dave Johnston, Brian Hearn, Bob MacDonald, Scott Bamford, Derrick Gilbert Executive Board Carl J. Wilson, Clark Cruickshank, Rob Rankin, Rod McKay Finance Committee Jack Hubler, Cal Ploof, Shane Doidge *printed by ABC Press Health & Safety Committee FOR EASIER CONNECTION, CALL EACH DEPARTMENT DIRECTLY! Edmonton Office ~ Phone: (780) 452-7080 (press 5) // Fax: (780) 452-1291 Health & Welfare & Pension Trustees Tom Bailey, Rod Carlson, Andy Gruber, Allan Hansen, Bob MacDonald, Kenneth Nolan Lee Adkins, Barry Pruden, Robert Taylor Fort McMurray Office ~ Phone: (780) 791-6488 // Fax: (780) 790-9393 Joint Conference Board Health & Welfare Office ~ Phone: (780) 452-1331 // Fax: (780) 487-4063 Clark Cruickshank, Andy Gruber, Andy Herbert, Kenneth Nolan, Glen Sargent, Carl (Flip) Wilson EPT - Education Office ~ Phone: (780) 488-1266 // Fax: (780) 482-9520 Welding Shop ~ Phone: (780) 451-6880 // Fax: (780) 454-6040 Edmonton Dispatch Tape ~ Phone: (780) 451-3620 • call tape after 4:30 PM (View available Job Calls on-line! ) Edmonton Office ~ 16214 - 118 Avenue • Edmonton, AB • T5V 1M6 Fort McMurray Office ~ 9703A Franklin Avenue (AT THE BACK) • Fort McMurray, AB • T9H 2K1 EPT - Education Office ~ 16120 – 118 Avenue • Edmonton, AB • T5V 1C6 Edmonton Welding Shop ~ 16107 - 121A Avenue • Edmonton, AB • T5V 1H1 16 LOCAL 488 COMMITTEES Political Action & Education Committee Pete Gardner, Jack Hubler, Stu MacLeod, Bill Wilson, Carl (Flip) Wilson, Sean Johnston Retired Members Association Jack Hubler, Marjorie Barnes, Gerard Tieulie, Oskar Nerenberg, Brian Filax, Leon Husereau, Mel Brenneis, Marv Kowalchuk Supplementary Benefit Trust Fund Eric Adams, Hank Blakely, Ivan Penny, Robert Taylor, Bill Wilson Welders Advisory Committee Carl (Flip) Wilson, Jimbo Brown, John Thalen, Bob Johnston Miles Paquette, Mike Wipf, Ken Ross, Hamed Ibrahim