storrington ps code of behaviour


storrington ps code of behaviour
Respect, responsibility, civility and academic excellence are promoted so that all members of the school community will feel safe, comfortable
and accepted. This code of behaviour sets out the standards of behaviour which are expected of all members of the school community in order to
create a positive climate in the school. All members of the school community should expect to be treated with respect and dignity. The Code of
Behaviour applies to all members while at school, at a school-related activity or in other circumstances where engaging in the activity will have
an impact on the school climate.
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Respect *
Members of the school community are expected to be polite, courteous, and caring. They will value themselves and others. They will treat all
people with dignity and uphold their rights. They will protect property, our environment, and the world around us.
Expected Behaviour
respect the rights of self and others
respect differences in people, their ideas and their opinions
respect all members of the school community, especially persons in positions of authority
respect and treat others fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, religion, gender, sexual
orientation, age or disability
exhibit acceptable and appropriate behaviour at school, on the bus and at school-related functions
use acceptable and appropriate language
Responsible Citizenship
All members of the school community are expected to be responsible for their thoughts, words, and actions and will be accountable for their
choices. Students will share and cooperate with others to make the school and community better places to learn and live.
Expected Behaviour
demonstrate honesty and integrity
make reasonable and responsible decisions
represent the school positively and appropriately in all activities, both in and out of the school
demonstrate a willingness to resolve conflict in a peaceful and responsible manner and seek assistance, from a staff member, when
take appropriate measures to help those in need
refrain from using profanity, in any circumstance
show proper care and regard for school property, the property of others and the environment
Academic Excellence
All members of the school community are expected to demonstrate initiative, perseverance, and pride in doing one's best.
Expected Behaviour
Each student is expected to maintain good work habits by:
• completing all homework, assignments, and projects, as directed by the required deadline
• using school agendas, which are signed nightly
• making up missed work in a timely manner
• coming to class prepared and ready to participate (with the necessary books, pens, calculators, gym wear etc., as appropriate)
• participating actively and positively in class
• producing work which reflects one's best efforts
• maintaining regular attendance
• submitting work which represents his/her best efforts and academic honesty
All members of the school community have the right to be safe and to feel safe in their school community.
Unacceptable behaviours that interfere with student safety and learning cannot be tolerated and may include:
• engaging in bullying behaviours (persistent harassment)
• use of the internet without a signed internet agreement form or proper supervision
• use of the internet to bully, intimidate or threaten
• engage in harassment/abuse/assault - physical, verbal, sexual or psychological
• possession of, or being under the influence of, drugs or alcohol
• theft
• possession of any weapon, or object deemed to be a weapon
• deliberately engaging in hurtful behaviour motivated by anger, bias, or dislike
• vandalism
Progressive discipline is a whole school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, support and consequences that include opportunities
for reinforcing positive behaviour while helping students make good choices. While the focus is on a corrective and supportive approach, the
frequency, severity and type of behaviour will determine the consequence.
Mitigating and other factors will be taken into consideration prior to assigning a consequence. When inappropriate behaviour occurs, a range of
interventions, supports, and consequences that are developmentally appropriate, and include opportunities for students to learn from their
mistakes, will be used with a focus on improving behaviour.
Range of possible consequences include, but are not limited to, reminder, warning, discussion, time out, detention, remedial assignment, informal
and formal conference with administrator, teacher and student, parent involvement, restoration, loss of extra curricular privileges, restitution,
involvement of outside resources, suspension, expulsion, referral to police.
We have read the above Code of Behaviour and understand its contents.
Student Signature
Parent Signature