Graphic - Crayon Evangelist
Graphic - Crayon Evangelist
Graphic Standards Ever ything you’ve ever wanted to know about the Crayon Evangelist brand. C O N T E N T S Introduction Crayon Evangelist® Logo Specifications Logo Rules at a Glance One Logo per Surface Rule Logo Representation: Color Logo Representation: Black and White Logo Usage Spacing Guidelines Incorrect Usage of the Crayon Evangelist Color Logo Crayon Evangelist Logo Colors Color Accuracy Logo Reproduction Screens of Crayon Evangelist colors Crayon Evangelist Fonts Primary Fonts Secondary Fonts Co-branding on Product Packaging Samples of the Crayon Evangelist “Look and Feel” Summary For questions or more information regarding the Crayon Evangelist brand, please contact the Crayon Evangelist brand identity manager at 508.644.3079, or via email at [email protected] I N T R O D U C T I O N t h e b r a n d Crayon Evangelist’s identity is an essential part of the business strategic position in the market. The distinctive brand enables the business to rise above the noise level in the creative universe. What differentiates Crayon Evangelist’s identity is a carefully orchestrated blend of high impact visual and written communications. The corporate name, tag line, logo, color palette and other graphic elements communicate the fresh, innovative and energetic spirit that characterizes the Crayon Evangelist®. Ultimately, the brand articulates the essence of Crayon Evangelist’s corporate self-image: fun with an intriguing sophistication. Because it has such a significant impact on the way the brand is perceived in the marketplace, the Crayon Evangelist brand is attached to every thing created-from print and digital media. Quite simply, every time the Crayon Evangelist name appears on something, it contributes to the audience’s perception of the business. To ensure consistency, the Crayon Evangelist ask that these branding guidelines be precisely followed. A brand is an impression. Your careful adherence to the standards in this manual will enable the Crayon Evangelist to make the same powerful impression every time. L O G O At the heart of the Crayon Evangelist brand is the Evangelist’s logo and typography standard. Consistent, accurate use of the Crayon Evangelist logo and adherence to a unified branding identification system helps ensure the effectiveness of the brand. The following specifications detail the proper use of the Crayon Evangelist logo, approved typographic font families and key information on color logo reproduction. Be certain that you review this entire section prior to developing materials that use the Crayon Evangelist logo(s). The Crayon Evangelist logo was custom drawn for the business, and not intended to be redrawn or reproduced from this document. Electronic artwork is available for your use. Please contact the Crayon Evangelist identity manager for a digital file. Logo Rules at a Glance One Logo Per Surface Rule • Use only the logo colors specified in this booklet. To maximize impact and fully optimize • The logo should always appear alone, not with, or as a part of another logo or the Crayon Evangelist® presence in all communications, place only one logo on each page. Use of more than one logo • Symbol or enclosed in another graphic. • The logo is intended for business use only. per page diminishes the overall effect. A page is defined as the front or the entire inside spread of a brochure or a single Web page. • Request Crayon Evangelist approval on all co-branded material. • When the Crayon Evangelist name is part of the text in a sentence, it must be typed, not used as a graphic element. • When typed it should appear with the ® and be followed by the Inc. Example: Crayon Evangelist®, Inc. • Use the logo as it appears in the samples without stretching or otherwise distorting it. Avoid using drop shadows and outlines. • The logo cannot be positioned on an angle. • The ® symbol should not be added to the logo as it has been added already. Only add the ® to the name as it typed out in a sentence. Example: Crayon Evangelist®, Inc. L O G O R E P R E S E N T A T I O N Logo Representation - Color There are two versions of the Crayon Evangelist® color logo. 1) The two-color version with tag line: Logo Usage To determine which logo to use in a given situation, refer to the list below. Logo with Tag Line: • Used on Crayon Evangelist authored documents 2) The two-color version without tag line: • Used as the primary company insignia Logo without Tag Line: • Use when the tag line is unreadable due to small size • Use when “Preacher of the Creative” is used as a graphic element on the same page Logo Representation – Black and White 1) The black and white logo for use on white or light backgrounds: • Used in co-branded media where Crayon Evangelist takes an endorsement role • Use on hard and soft packaging that contains Crayon Evangelist creative work 2) The black and white logo for use on black or dark backgrounds: I N C O R R E C T U S A G E Incorrect Usage of the Crayon Evangelist Color Logo The examples below show incorrect color usage of the Crayon Evangelist logo. For any other situations not covered in the examples below, please contact the Crayon Evangelist brand identity manager for more details. Unacceptable usages are: Spacing Guidelines To maintain the clean, crisp Crayon Evangelist® image, allow adequate space around the Crayon Evangelist logo. At a minimum, this space should be half the height of the entire logo. However, the preferred area of isolation around the logo is the height of the 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Do Do Do Do Do Do Do not not not not not not not attempt to recreate the logo by typesetting any portion. allow the logo to become distorted. violate the logo area of isolation. reproduce the logo on an overly busy background. grayscale the logo to indicate color locations. scan the logo or allow poor quality reproduction. reproduce the logo smaller than the minimum size. entire logo, as shown below. This area must be kept clear of any text, design 1) 2) elements, page edges or folds. C R AYO N TM 1/2” 1/2” E V A N G E L I S T 3) 1/2” 1/2” 4) Department Name 1/2” 6) 1/2” 5) 6) 1/2” 1/2” C O L O R Crayon Evangelist® Logo Colors The examples in the Logo Representation – Color section represent the official Crayon Evangelist logos. The logos must not be reproduced in any other colors. To maximize brand recognition, use the color logo whenever possible. The colors represented on this page should not be used for color matching purposes. Please consult a current edition of the Pantone® Color Formula Guide, or contact the Crayon Evangelist brand identity manager for coated and uncoated color chips. Logo Representation The Crayon Evangelist logo was Color Accuracy custom drawn for the business, and not Color is one of the most compelling features of the Crayon Evangelist logo. A great deal of analysis went into the selection of colors and it is critical that there always be an accurate representation. Crayon Evangelist’s primary logo colors are Crayon Evangelist Blue (PMS) and Crayon Evangelist Orange (PMS). PMS 295 PMS 143 Pro c e s s Black Color Reproduction of the Logo Listed below are several ways Crayon Evangelist’s logo colors can be reproduced. In print, he logo should always be printed as a “spot color.” Spot colors are specially formulated from a color system such as the Pantone® matching System. They ensure accuracy in the printing process, and provide the best representation of Crayon Evangelist’s brand identity. • Spot Colors • RGB Values • Color Values for the internet and On-Screen Presentations • 4-color Process (CMYK) For limited use only. Call the Crayon Evangelist brand identity manager for approval prior to use. intended to be redrawn or reproduced from this document. Contact the Crayon Evangelist brand identity manager for more information regarding logo reproduction. C O L O R R E P R O D U C T I O N The following chart features the four most common ways the Crayon Evangelist® logo is likely to be reproduced. CE Blue CE Orange CE Black Pantone Colors PMS 295 PMS 143 PMS Process Black RGB Values when 4-color process is not an option Red = 0 Green = 46 Blue= 99 Red = 235 Green = 173 Blue= 20 Red = 43 Green = 41 Blue= 38 Internet & Optical Screen Values HTML=002E63 Color Reproduction The colors represented in this manual should not be used for color matching purposes. Contact the brand identity manager for more information regarding HTML=EBAD14 HTML=000000 reproduction. 4-Color Process (CMYK) Cyan = 100 Magenta = 56 Yellow= 0 Black= 34 Cyan = 0 Cyan = 0 Magenta = 30.5 Magenta = 0 Yellow= 83 Yellow= 0 Black= 0 Black= 100 Screens of Crayon Evangelist Colors To augment the primary Crayon Evangelist color palette, it is acceptable to use screens of the three primary colors. Screens should never be reproduced from this document. 100 % PMS 295 100 % PMS 143 100 % PMS Black 90% 90% 90% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 70% 60% 60% 60% 50% 50% 50% 40% 40% 40% 30% 30% 30% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 10% T Y P E Crayon Evangelist® Primary Fonts Crayon Evangelist’s official primary font is Folio Bold BT. It is a sans serif font that contributes to the brand’s creative look and feel.Folio Bold BT is used for both headlines and subheads. Folio Bold BT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$&!:;., Crayon Evangelist Secondary Fonts “Preacher of the Creative” is used often as a graphic element. EXPLAIN HOW IT IS USED HERE. This graphical treatment has become part of the brand. The tagline may or may not always be seen with the logo together. For more details please consult with the brand In cases where a second font is needed for added visual impact, use Folio Medium BT and Folio Light BT. Keeping all typography in the same font family preserves the simple elegance of the Crayon Evangelist brand. Folio Medium BT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$&!:;., Folio Light BT ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890$&!:;., The one exception to the font rule is in some web applications where Arial (PC) and Helvetica (Mac) may be used. Co-branding on Product packaging & in Text Part of Crayon Evangelist’s marketing efforts are co-branded with customers. To ensure that Crayon Evangelist is properly credited as an essential contributor to the product or program, the ingredient logo must appear on all of the customer’s products and on all Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), Note that the minimum size should be at least 70 percent of the size of the customer logo. For samples or more information regarding Crayon Evangelist co-branding, contact the Crayon Evangelist identity manager. manager. L O O K & F E E L The Crayon Evangelist® “Look and Feel” Kimberly Kay Railsback is proud to be the Crayon Evangelist, “Preacher of the Creative”. She seeks to reinforce the spirit of this exciting brand in everything that incorporates the Crayon Evangelist name. Each design should reflect the fresh, energetic personality in a clear and concise manner. She highly recommends using the following sample collateral pieces as a guideline for developing materials with Crayon Evangelist’s distinctive look and feel. c l i e nt 59 NARROWS ROAD • ASSONET BAY SHORES MA 02702 • P: 508-644-3079 • F: 508-644-3172 • E: [email protected] • W: client: Reebok® International Ltd., ( is a Massachusettsbased corporation that, organized back on July 26, 1979, global company engaged primarily in the design and marketing of sports and fitness products. The company is best known for its athletic footwear and apparel, Footwear Catalog Cover however Reebok is also involved with the design and marketing of casual footwear and apparel for non-athletic “casual” use. While Reebok's products, including footwear, are designed for use in a variety of sports and fitness categories, the company also markets lifestyle footwear under the “Reebok Classic” brand. The company’s products also include footwear and apparel for children sold under both the “Reebok” and “Weebok” brands. challenge: Reebok needed designs for several covers and divider pages for its 1999 catalogs. The catalogs were for Reebok’s footwear, licensing/college, women’s, kid’s, men’s apparel and accessory product lines. The company wanted a fresh approach, in order to break away from its past, more traditional concepts – yet, Reebok did not have new product prototypes ready for the catalogs. For design purposes, the company provided color palettes, its corporate logo and tagline: “Creating Possibilities One Athlete at a Time.” Deadline was in three weeks. Sample Spreads solution: Given the very tight parameters for the project, the Crayon Evangelist® proposed a typographical solution for each cover design. For all five catalog covers, the design developed was energetic to reflect the lifestyle of Reebok’s athletic clientele. The Crayon Evangelist incorporated each catalog’s topic and date into the layout design. This design and concept was well received by Reebok. With this design direction approved, the Crayon Evangelist then approached the divider pages for each catalog, again leveraging the typographical solution. The dividers for each catalog were handled differently, as some instances worked best on one page, while others received an entire spread, depending on how the pages fit in the catalog. The Crayon Evangelist pulled the applicable design through to other sections, bringing consistency to the book, whether it focused on women’s, men’s or kid’s product lines, lending a unique touch to sections such as the introduction and table of contents. Divider Pages K I M B E R LY K A Y R A I L S B A C K 59 NARROWS ROAD A S S O N E T B AY S H O R E S MASSACHUSETTS 02702 59 NARROWS ROAD A S S O N E T B AY S H O R E S MASSACHUSETTS 02702 C R A YO N E V A N G E L I S T P: C: F: W: E: 508.644.3079 508.846.5555 508.644.3128 [email protected] C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N C R A YO N E V A N G E L I S T PRINT & WEB DESIGN T H A N K YO U for understanding the importance of the Crayon Evangelist’s graphic s t a n d a rd g u i d e l i n e s . Wi t h y o u r h e l p , t h e C r a y o n E v a n g e l i s t ® c a n p ro m o t e a c c u r a t e , c o n s i s t e n t re g i s t e re d t r a d e m a r k u s a g e i n a l l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s and maximize the Crayon Evangelist’s brand impact i n t h e m a r ke t p l a c e . Copyright 2005,, Crayon Evangelist, Inc. Crayon Evangelist, the Crayon Evangelist tag line and all Crayon Evangelist logos are registered trademarks of Crayon Evangelist,® Inc. Fo r q u e s t i o n s o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n re g a r d i n g t h e C r a y o n E v a n g e l i s t b r a n d , p l e a s e c o n t a c t t h e C r a y o n E v a n g e l i s t b r a n d m a n a g e r a t 5 0 8 - 6 4 4 -3 0 7 9, or via email at [email protected]