Evangelism StrategyMessage v0.7


Evangelism StrategyMessage v0.7
Developing an Evangelis.c Culture Who comes to mind when you think of an evangelist? What if heaven’s perspec:ve of an evangelist is not … What if heaven’s perspec:ve of an evangelist is … So who is the evangelist and what do they do? •  We are passionate about making Jesus known •  We are courageous, we love to take risk •  We have love and compassion for people •  We have a passion so see Jesus get what he paid for, his glorious inheritance •  We have a passion to equip and ac:vate •  We love to help others learn to evangelise •  We are ini.ators, mobilisers and mo:vators •  We seek to be happy, friendly, kind, joyful, fun people •  We want to be people who are good to be around •  We put Jesus on display •  We teach, equip and ac.vate all the saints to be evangelis:c by nature •  We help develop a supernatural lifestyle for every believer •  We create an evangelis.c slip stream for others, so it is enjoyable, aArac:ve and easy •  We model heaven’s view of the evangelist •  We break the mould of any nega.ve stereotypes about evangelists and evangelism •  We bring faith for non-­‐Chris.ans to encounter God and be saved “Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of people.” Jesus Friend Of Sinners Eastgate Evangelists