Social Best Places to Work eCompanyStore
Social Best Places to Work eCompanyStore
Social Best Places to Work eCompanyStore Employee benefits and time off help retention and motivation efforts at this Georgia company. Time off and food: Those are the true keys to attracting and retaining great employees, believes Craig Callaway, CEO of eCompanyStore (asi/185782), a 130-person distributor firm based in Alpharetta, GA. “There’s only so much money you can pay people,” says Callaway, on a day in June when the company held an employee Bake-Off. “What you can really give them that makes the difference is free time to spend with their families.” So, eCompanyStore awards all employees with 21-day mandatory sabbaticals every five years. That’s in addition to any regular vacation time they’re entitled to. “I want people to take the kind of trip they’d never take in a regular week’s vacation, whether it’s going on a mission trip or tracking down a long-lost second cousin. We want people to do life-changing stuff and come back revitalized.” 96 Customer: ASI Job: CNS_Aug2014 Best_Places_Aug14.indd 96 AUGUST 2014 | COUNSELOR Input Filename: P0096_S_CNS_Aug2014.pdf Output Filename: 096_95_14608_CNS_Aug2014.pdf 7/9/14 4:51 PM