the impact of headphones and earphones on hearing
the impact of headphones and earphones on hearing
THE IMPACT OF HEADPHONES AND EARPHONES ON HEARING OF USERS Pavel Obdržálek, Martin Rod Gymnázium Christiana Dopplera, Praha, ÈR Assumption Long term incorrect earphone usage can cause permanent hearing damage. (1) Theory 1.Insertion of the earphones into the ear canal changes excitation conditions. 2.Transfer function of the ear canal changes: resonance peaks are shifted. 3.Subjective volume level settings causes overexcitation and consecutively permanent damage of hair cells. Measurement 1.Subjective measurement methods on humans (audiograms - audibility threshold and subjective changes caused by devices) 2.Objective measurement methods using artificial head (frequency analysis) (All tests performed with headphones as well as earphones) Tested devices Headphones: Bayer, k.55, Koss MV1(1), Koss UR-15C, Philips SHP1900(2), Sennheiser Earphones: Koss earbuds, Creative MX(3), Nokia, noname (1) selected as reference (2) (3) selected for testing (2) (3) Fig. 1: Audiogram - subjective measurement Fig. 2: Frequency characteristics of reference headphones Fig. 3: Frequency characteristics of tested headphones Fig. 4: Frequency characteristics of tested earphones Results 1. Headphones: Resonance shift is negligible. 2. Earphones: Frequency response between subjective and objective measurements correlates except of the 600-3000 Hz range where the measured difference increased up to almost 25 dB. Wrong interpretation of the earphones characteristics and their misuse may lead to the damage of ear apparatus and cause partial hearing loss. Fig. 5: Subjective and objective measurement of headphones and earphones in comparison to reference headphones Project supervisor: Ing. František Rund Ph.D. (FEE CTU Prague) This work was part of the “Cesta k vìdì” (Route to Science) project supported by OPPA / ESF