Trinity Times New - June 2005
Trinity Times New - June 2005
Trinity Times Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 1 Asbury Park, NJ February 2008 Where healing is provided, hope is proclamined and God’s unconditional love is practiced. Sunday Worship in February Praying Together and Staying Together (Also Wednesday Mass at 6:30 PM) Feb 3: Last Sunday after the Epiphany 8 AM 10 AM 10 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM 11:35 AM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel Holy Eucharist in the Church with with Trinity Choir singing. Assistant Rector preaching. Primary Sunday School (k-3rd) Sunday School for Middlers & Seniors Adult forum: Believing in the Best Sellers Chili-Cook off! Feb 10: 1st Sunday in Lent 8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel 8:45 AM Adult forum: Lent 101 10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church. The Rector preaching. 10 AM Primary Sunday School 11:10 AM Sunday School for Middlers & Seniors 11:40 AM Gym-time Feb 17: 2nd Sunday in Lent 8 AM 10 AM 10 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM 11:40 AM 4 PM 4:30 PM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel Holy Eucharist in the Church with the Welcoming of New Members Primary Sunday School Sunday School for Middlers & Seniors Adult forum: Spirituality of Early Church Fathers and Mothers Gym-time Mary Jo Read Recital Series Evensong - Combined choirs! See P.5 Feb 24: 4th Sunday in Lent 8 AM 10 AM 10 AM 11:10 AM 11:35 AM 11:40 AM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel Holy Eucharist in the Church. Rector preaching. Primary Sunday School Sunday School for Middlers & Seniors Adult forum: Spirituality of Early Church Fathers and Mothers Gym-time Lenten Study Series Four Tuesday Evenings At Four Area Churches Beginning February, 12th See page 4 “We will recount to generations to come the praise worthy deeds and the power of the Lord and the wonderful works he has done.” -- Psalm 78:1-6 Have you heard the saying, “the family that prays together stays together?” The phrase is a bit over simplistic, as often such sound bites are, however, it does contain truth. The truth that if a couple or family desires a relationship that is not only emotionally and physically healthy, but spiritually as well, they must be intentional about setting time aside to pray together. Whether one’s family consists of a husband and wife, partners, or your closest friends, the act of prayer always calls us beyond ourselves as we offer our prayers for one another and with one another. Sadly, even the most spiritually devout couples may not end up spending the rest of their lives together. But surely not to include the habit of prayer in our relationships is to close off a source of strength and divine healing that when practiced regularly can often provide insight and clarity. The same is certainly true for a congregation. Single, partnered, married, with children or without, we are drawn together as a parish family. As with all families, you don’t get to pick your relatives! We are drawn together not as a club, but as the body of Christ. The spiritual health of our parish family rests upon our praying for and with one another. With that recently, now that our staff has grown to the size of needing a weekly staff meeting, we have been intentional in making sure we begin each time we meet in prayer, praying specifically for each one of you in our parish. The same is true at our vestry meetings; we seek to ground our work in the Spirit. My prayer and desire is that each and every group and gathering at Trinity begins and ends with prayer. See also page 3 for information about the new Trinity prayer group. This group gathers twice a month specifically to pray for our parish family. If praying as a couple, family or group is new, perhaps simply start by what the Psalmist suggests (quoted above) by stating that for which you are thankful. Try it for the season of Lent. In doing so, your spiritual health will not only grow, but watch how it impacts your whole person and that of your relationships. Grace & peace, Fr. David+ Ash Wednesday, February 6 7-9 AM 12:05 PM 6:30 PM Imposition of ashes Holy Eucharist (said) with the Imposition of Ashes Holy Eucharist with Music and the Imposition of Ashes Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 2 The Deacon’s Corner Dear Friends in Christ, As we come to the beginning of another Lent, I find myself once again turning to my treasury of Lenten devotionals. These Lenten devotionals have been a way of helping me focus, through the Forty Days of Lent, on what God's unconditional love has done for me and for all human kind in Christ Jesus by becoming "truly human." As I read the opening devotion for Ash Wednesday, I found these words of scripture and the following meditation. I hope they will in some way be a guide for you through your Lenten journey. Yet even now, says the Lord, return to me with all your heart........ -Jl 2:12 "Another Lent, another forty days, another invitation, "Return to me." I have made so many returns through so many yesterdays but this if TODAY this is NEW. Today is for new planting - for new growth of mind, of heart, of soul, of love. The ashes on my forehead mark me a penitent--a busy active penitent, planting a little deeper, nourishing more faithfully, confident of a fuller growth after forty days. Lord, help me to forget my yesterdays: my lack of perseverance, my halfhearted resolves. You ask for all my heart, today I begin to give it to you. Receive it with love---after forty days." May this Lent be a time of returning to our Lord with all our hearts! May you have a bless filled Lent, Deacon Gail On Saturday afternoon, January 26th, we celebrated the life and mourned the death of parishioner Gene Fabry. Gene and his partner Joe became members of Trinity in 2005. They had been together over fifteen years and exchanged their vows in a ceremony in our chapel just over a year ago. Gene was retired from the Post Office. He volunteered almost every Tuesday and Wednsday morning for the past two yeas as an office volunteer. He will be deeply missed and his death leaves our lives a little dimmer but has certainly made heaven brighter. May Gene’s soul and the souls of all the departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Women’s Night Out Friday, February 15, 7 PM submitted by Jean DeVitto Come join us on Friday February 15th for Ladies Night as we celebrate National Bird Feeding Month! Our hosts, Loni and Joanie, have a wonderful evening planned, including making dinner for our feathery friends!! Please bring your favorite food (main, side, salad and/or dessert) to share. It will be an evening of friends of a feather flocking together!!! Please feel welcome to bring new friends and known friends to celebrate with us! A great THANK YOU to our January hosts Louise, Kay and Peggy for a wonderful January evening. There were 39 of us that shared dinner and heart warming stories! If you have further questions please contact Jean DeVitto (732502-9495) or Murphy Judge (732-361-3155) Hope you can join us on the 15th! The Trinity Pantry Food of the Month is: SOUP This item is especially requested. However, all non-perishable food items accepted. Take a few extra items to the checkout counter and then place them in the basket in the narthex on Sundays. Email Newsletter Supplement Visit our parish web site to sign up to receive email updates to ministries and programs. Full 12 Month Parish Event Calendar available on our website. Deadline for submissions for Trinity Times is the 15th of the previous month. Send your information via email to: [email protected]. Note: All submissions are subject to space and editing. Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 3 Music at Trinity From the Director of Music, Diane Caruso “It’s Lent already?!” Yep. Lent starts early this year, because Easter comes early this year. Musically and liturgically, things change a little: Alleluias disappear, bells traditionally are not rung, the organ may be a little subdued by comparison. But every Sunday in Lent still celebrates the resurrection: the joy we feel at that need not be subdued. Even though the Lenten season is to reflect on the fact that we are not perfect, we still rejoice that God has come to be with us, loves us, and redeems us. But the music may occasionally also mirror that reflective and for some, more introspective time. Our Easter Alleluias and bells will ring out with all the more joy after these holy forty days. Thank you. Many of you have heard and commented on our lovely new chimes, heard during the Psalms the last few weeks. I am pleased to announce that they are a gift to the parish from Carol Ryan and Elsa Fuentes, given in memory of their parents. Thank you, Carol and Elsa, for this wonderful and generous gift! February Evensong Welcomes England to Trinity. Well, we can’t all get to England, but it’s nice to know that England can come here! On February 16 and 17 Trinity will welcome Ms. Katherine Dienes-Williams, who has just been appointed the Principal Organist and Master of the Choristers at Guildford Cathedral in England. She is the first woman ever appointed to the Above: senior music position at an English Cathedral. She will Ms. Katherine work with our choirs over the weekend, and on Sunday, Dienes-Williams February 17, our choirs will sing the office of Evensong under her direction. We are thrilled to have her come – her Our choristers practicing on work with our choirs will raise them to new heights! Thursday afternoon. Not only are we welcoming Katherine Deines-Williams the weekend of Feb. Photo from Asbury Park Press. 16/17, but we will also be collaborating with the choirs of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Manasquan, NJ. Mr. Ned Perwo, one of our Chorister piano teachers is their director. Their choirs will come and work together with ours jointly while Katherine is here. Then they will join with us for Evensong at 4:30 PM on February 17. Don’t miss it! Mary Jo Read Recital Series Welcomes Soprano Karen Whitney. Sunday, February 17 at 4:00 PM Ms. Whitney received a Bachelor of Music Education degree (piano concentration) from Temple University, Philadelphia, PA and a Master of Science Degree from Drexel University. Ms. Whitney has sung in programs at Philadelphia’s Afro-American Historical and Cultural Museum and has worked with jazz pianist and composer, Dave Burrell in the premiere of his jazz opera, Windward Passages. She has appeared with Opera North, Mozart and Friends Opera Festival, Bel Canto Lyric Opera and the Pennsylvania Opera Theatre. Karen Whitney is a Music Specialist at the Free Library of Philadelphia and Visiting Artist at Smith College, Northampton, MA. Right: A picture of the church during the repair and restoration of the floors. See full report on page 3. Thank you for your understanding during the work. I didn’t do it. Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 4 Stumbling blocks, body parts, bad genes, and the Devil: Biblical images for the causes of human sin and evil. A Lenten Study: 4Tuesdays 4Churches 4Learning Why do people sin? Where does the impulse to sin come from? Together we will explore some of the images the Gospel writers use to help us understand the complexity of human sinfulness. In each session we will spend time both looking at a passage from the Gospel of Matthew that gives us and insight into the nature of sin and also discussing how our own experiences impact our understanding of sin and evil. 6:30 - 8 PM • Soup & Salad dinner provided Feb 12: Trinity Church (Episcopal), 503 Asbury Ave., Asbury Pk Feb 19: Redeemer Church (Lutheran), 3531Rt. 33, Neptune Feb 26: First United Methodist Church, 1st Ave., Asbury Park March 4: St. Augustine’s Church (Episcopal), Prospect & Atlantic Aves, Asbury Park For Adults and Youth (3rd-12th graders) We’ll enjoy a meal provided by the host parish, then adults will be lead in discussion by PhD candidate Judy Stack-Nelson, while children & youth have their own learning time. We’ll come back together for a short, closing worship concluding around 8 PM. No sign up required. All Welcome. Speaker: Judy Stack-Nelson. Mrs. Stack-Nelson is currently completing a PhD in New Testament at Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, writing a dissertation on the use of metaphor in images for sin and evil in the Gospel of Matthew. She has taught courses in New Testament and Bible at Princeton Seminary, Princeton University, and in many congregational settings. Before beginning doctoral work, she worked as a writer, editor, and small group leadership trainer for Church Innovations, St. Paul, Minnesota. Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 5 Trinity Prayer List The most up-to-date list is printed each week in our Sunday insert. Please keep the following members and friends of Trinity in your prayers this month. John Tarpey Michael Stefan James Mazzarisi Bill Forbes Aurora Ismaili Brea Pendergast & Family Denise Mantell Gavin McGrath Elizabeth Minyard Matthew McCormick Joseph Carney Don Wagenhals Lyn Wagenhals Eliot Kramer Shirley Carle Sally Swearinger Jacqueline Clifton (serving in Iraq) Will Galligan Scott Klein (serving in Iraq) John DeVitto Gene Fabry Beryl Holder Amanda Hutchison John Vandenbos Howard Smith Thomas Lacey Dan Burrowes Nina Nelson Ed King Dee Burrowes Renee Tanay Agnes Asfour Bud Conklin Yvonne Ruhaut Jennifer Nanzi Cliff Somers Sergio Paredes Phil Hoffman Morgan Pritchet Ned Thompson Daniel Rosales Hernandez Alexandra Pronkin Brian Schar Mary Pronkin Tom Hines (serving in Afghanistan) Danny Liotti Arda Henderiks Susan Abatemarco Anne Vozar Eva Sipos Rachel Kevin Helen Brown Elsa Fuentes If you would like to be added to the prayer list or would like to add someone else (please get their permission first), call Murphy Judge at 732-361-3155 (before 8pm please), or email her at [email protected] by the Tuesday before you would like the name to appear in the bulletin. ames will remain on the prayer list for 4 weeks. A Tremendous Thank You! Trinity’s antiquated phone system is being updated thanks to a donation of a new “used” system by Ron Wolner and Joe Massaro, owners of the CDS Computer Data Source, a local data storage company that provides services for companies all over the world.Thank you Ron & Joe. I hope you will remember their company should you ever find that you or the company you work for ever needs such services. Parishioner Bryan McCarthy facilitated this genereous gift. It will mean that we will now have phones in the nursery, food pantry and in the vesting room, where Deacon Gail has her office. It also means we will all have easier access to voicemail. Currently we cannot transfer people into voice. We must hang up and ask them to call back. What a blessing this will be! Trinity Prayer Group The Trinity Prayer Group, a new group, is now meeting to pray corporately twice a month for our church and it's people and ministries. Next meetings are Feb 13 & 27 after the Wednesday night mass. Everyone is encouraged and welcome the spirit will lead and we will grow in prayer together. For information call Joanie McCoy (732-780-3111) or Dawn Majorie (732-295-0653) or email [email protected]. We are asking folks to make a commitment for a month at a time. There is a covenant to be signed and a simple structure that allows people the opportunity to make this a part of their personal prayer life for a reasonable block of time. One is welcome to take as many months as they feel they are able. You can look at copy of the covenant ahead of time via our parish website. Trinity Church Players Submitted by Lacey Folta and Elsa Fuentes We are exploring the possibility of starting up a Trinity theater group, or “restarting” as some of our members will remember Trinity did have one years ago. We have some ideas about a show. But, we are still exploring. Right now we are seeing what interest there may be. We are looking for singers, dancers, stage crew, and anyone looking for a great time! If you are interested speak to Lacey Folta (908-614-1425) or Elsa Fuentes732-216-6875. Not sure who they are? Have one of the ushers point them out to you on Sunday or send an email to [email protected] Church Floors Repaired and Refinished submitted by Michael Parent By the time you read this, our beautiful wood floors should have been repaired and refinished. Among other things, this project means we are beyond the risk of steam leaks and water damage from erupting pipes and radiators. It also represents the culmination of years of hard work determining how to address the heating needs of our church. It means we can open up formerly compromised space at the back of the church. The process entailed removal and storage of pews (interestingly one of the larger components of the job), covering of organ pipes, shrinking the main altar platform somewhat, replacement of warped and rotted hardwood, sanding, staining, and finishing. It also involved finishing the new HVAC ducts in the floor. Our insurance company is covering the majority of the floor restoration project given that most damage was caused by steam and water eruptions. The work was performed by Gorsegner Brothers of Atlantic Highlands – probably the best firm in the area for this kind of work. Thank you for your patience and understanding over time as we have grappled with these projects. We think the result of this work is going to be quite beautiful and a great blessing to the entire Trinity family, present and future. Trinity Times Feb ALL Edited 2/1/08 11:27 AM Page 6 Visit or write us: 503 Asbury Ave. A.P., NJ 07712 (3 blocks from the beach) The Rev. David Stout, Rector, [email protected] The Rev. SusanOsborne-Mott, Assistant Rector, [email protected] The Rev. Deacon Gail Bennett, Assistant for Pastoral Care, [email protected] Jill Osis, Parish Administrator, [email protected] Mrs. Diane Caruso, Director of Music, [email protected] Rachel Farrell, Sexton, [email protected] Clergy at Trinity who voluneer their services: The Rev. Tom Conway, Assisting Priest, [email protected] The Rev. Bill Forbes, Assisting Ecumencial Pastor, [email protected] The Rev. Tom Pivinski, Chorister Chaplain, [email protected] The Rev. Mary Frances Schjonberg, Assisting Priest, [email protected] Office phone & email: 732-775-5084 /[email protected] Prayer request: [email protected] • Web: Sunday Adult Forums in Lent Lent 101 - NOTE TIME CHANGE TO BETWEEN SERVICES Sunday, Feb 10 -- Adult Forum, 8:45 AM - 9:30 AM. No sign up required. If Christianity is about hope, resurrection and new life, why does Lent seem so opposite? Why do some people give up something? Why are the altar hangings purple? What do the ashes smudged on our foreheads mean? Mo. Susan leads a discussion on the meaning of this 40 day season we call Lent. Worship at Trinity We seek to provide powerful, joyful and Spirit-filled worship that is reverent, warm and inviting, with uplifting music and preaching that relates to today’s questions. Sundays: 8 AM Holy Eucharist in the Chapel Simple, traditional service 10 AM Holy Eucharist in the Church Joyous music with choir & hymns Nursery & Sunday School at 11:10 4:30 PM Evensong (Next one on Feb 17) Evensong is preceded by the 4 PM. Mary Jo Read Recital series Wednesdays: 6:30 PM Holy Eucharist in the Round. Spirituality of Early Church Fathers and Mothers Sundays, Feb 17, 24, and March 9 Adult Forum, 11:30 AM-12: 15 PM A study of the spirituality of the Desert Fathers, Augustine and Teresa of Avila. We will examine Mission Trip to Mexico Information Gathering. the disciplines of solitude, prayer, Sunday, Feb 10 -- 11:30 AM - 12:15 PM Excat details of trip still being worked out. simplicity, meditation and service We welcome friend of our parish, Dana Catherine, long time resident of as they relate to our modern lives. Guanajuato. She will give us an overview of the trip which will take place Series led by Dell O’Hara, Dean of from Aug 5-9. Three of our days will be spent doing community service for Liberal Arts & Science and the Good Shepherd Orphanage and Battered Women’s Shelter. But, we will Professor of History at Nyack also schedule plenty of free time to visit galleries, museums in colonial College. No sign up required. Guanajuato, silver mining capitol of old Spain, nestled in the Sierra Madre Mountains in the center of Mexico. d l o S t u O