Fall - Berryville Main Street
Berryville Main Street Fall 2015 NEW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - SUE ROSS EDITORS NOTE: As most of you know, we said farewell to Luanne Carey this summer as she decided to pursue personal interests. We will miss her but she will continue do the work of Berryville Main Street in a volunteer capacity. It didn’t take us long to find someone who is very familiar with Berryville, its people and its businesses. May I introduce Sue Ross. Calendar of Events: 9/11............Music in the Park Local Flavor Robin Braithwaithe & Robert Friedensen 9/12...........Berryville Yard Sale 9/12............Berryville Treasures, Grand Re-opening Open House Home Again, Home Again By Sue Ross 9/12............Fire House Gallery, Opening "For the Love of Wood,” 6:00-8:00 p.m. t is a pleasure and an honor to be the Executive Director of Berryville Main Street once more. Having been away for several years pursuing other interests, it is a joy to reconnect with my town and all of the hardworking business owners and town leaders that make this such a wonderful place to live. 9/18............Music in the Park Local Flavor Bill Johnston -Songs from Slavery to Civil Rights Since resuming this position at the beginning of August, I have been busy building membership and planning a couple of upcoming fun events: 10/24..........Fire House Gallery, Opening October 4th will see the return of the Berryville’s downtown “Progressive Dinner”. This dinner will start at 5:00 for a cocktail and appetizers at Camino Real, dinner at Focaccia, and dessert at The Boyd’s Nest. Tickets are $40.00 each and seating is limited. 10/25..........Downtown Walking Historic Ghost Tours I 10/4 ............Berryville’s downtown “Progressive Dinner 10/23..........Downtown Walking Historic Ghost Tours “Opus Oaks Adult Student Art Show,” 5:00-7:00 p.m. On Friday, Oct 23rd and Sunday, Oct. 25th Berryville Main Street will be introducing our first Downtown Walking Historic Ghost Tours. Tours will be led by period themed guides from Old Town Ghost Tours in Winchester. Two tours will be offered. The 7:00-8:30 pm tour will be a family friendly tour mixed with history and ghost stories of some of the haunted businesses in Berryville, as well as the graveyard at our Episcopal church. This tour is $15.00 for adults and $10 for children under 8 yrs. The 9:00-11:00 pm tour is also family friendly, but along with history, will also include information for everyone interested in paranormal techniques and equipment. Tours will be $18.00 for adults and $10.00 for children under 8. Tours are limited to 25. Everyone who signs up will also receive coupons for local restaurants. (Continued on back) 11/8 ............$1500 GIVEAWAY begins 12/10..........$1500 GIVEAWAY ends Yuletide Weekend in Berryville 12/4 ............Christmas Tree Lighting Rose Hill Park. Clarke County Community Band concert Barns of Rose Hill 12/5............Christmas Parade 12/6............Blue Ridge Studio for the Performing Arts Winter Program – 1:00 PM – Barns of Rose Hill Clarke County High School Choral Program – 3:00 PM – Barns of Rose Hill www.berryvillemainstreet.org 2 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Membership News A special thanks for your continued support of Berryville Main Street… Returning Members Eleanore Kobetz Boyd’s Nest Restaurant and Catering Camino Real Social Graces Berryville Family Chiropractic New Members Berryville Treasures Nature’s Alternative Massage Hill High Bakery Adams and Jones, P.L.C Century 21 - New Valley Realty Clarke Haven Financial Services Hip and Humble Interiors Jane's Lunch ANNUAL $1500 GIVEAWAY By Sherry Craig EACH HOLIDAY SEASON BERRYVILLE BUSINESSES COME TOGETHER TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY! N ov. 8 – Dec. 10 marks another exciting promotion sponsored by Berryville Merchants and Berryville Main Street! Each year many businesses come together to promote the ANNUAL $1500 GIVEAWAY! Yes, you got it – we will actually be giving away $1500 in cold cash and Berryville Bucks to 11 lucky winners right before Christmas! One person will be the grand prize winner & will receive $250 in cash and $250 in Berryville Bucks. Ten other people will receive $50 in cash & $50 in Berryville Bucks! Winners in the past have all appreciated the extra cash/bucks just prior to the holidays. To enter, visit any participating business ( no purchase required, must be 18 years of age or older). When you purchase something, you are entitled to extra entries based on the amount of purchase. The more businesses you visit during the holidays, the more entries you will have in the drawing. The drawing will be held on Dec. 11! By joining the holiday festivities in Berryville this year, YOU could be one of the 11 lucky winners! www.berryvillemainstreet.org 3 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Happenings at Barns of Rose Hill. Take a look at coming Events… L ots of happening …. Sunday September 27 – Saturday October 10 - The Barns of Rose Hill in Berryville, VA will be exhibiting art work by Chinese children from the 2008 3rd Cross-Straits Children’s Art Competition, on loan from the global health education and humanitarian organization, Project Hope, Millwood, Va. There will be an Opening Reception on Sunday, September 27 from 3:00 – 5:00 pm in the Lower Gallery of the Barns. Rich Rumsey, Vice President, Development & Communications for Project Hope, will open the ceremonies with a brief talk at 3:30 pm. There will be a performance by the cast from the Winchester Little Theatre’s Children’s production of Mulan, Jr. at 3:45 pm. The public is cordially invited. Ongoing at the Barns of Rose Hill: Student Art Show & Teddy Bear Exhibit Parking Meter Contest: W hile the meters take a vacation for the holiday season, what better time to show off your decorating skills? Businesses, families, friends, neighborhoods, clubs and schools get together & come up with some great ideas to mark the season! Show us your special flair for holiday fun! Decorations can be put up starting Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 26th, And must be completed by Tuesday December 1st. Registration per meter is $5.00 - Meters will be assigned by Berryville Main Street. Decorations MUST BE REMOVED by Tuesday December 30th – please contact Berryville Main Street for an application. Light Up the Town - In MEMORY or HONOR of your Friends or Family B erryville Main Street will be lighting up the trees on Main Street again this year. Signs will be placed at the base of each tree. When you donate $10.00 in Memory or Honor of your loved ones to Berryville Main Street their name will be placed on the sign. You are encouraged to take a stroll down Main Street and look at the names when the trees are lit. These signs will be in place during the holiday season and will allow everyone to remember your loved ones during this special time of the year. Just fill out and drop off or mail with your payment to: Berryville Main Street, 23 East Main Street, Berryville, VA 22611 For more information call 540-955-4001 or email [email protected] Ladies start your spring wardrobe NOW! Tuesday - SaturdaY, 10-5 20 East Main Street 540-955-8155 www.berryvillemainstreet.org 4 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members FRANKFORD FARM “Sightings and Such from the South” (Boyce, Waterloo, White Post that is..) White Post Restorations – by: Crystal Lacey-Thompson T he business began in 1940 as a farm machinery repair shop by my husband’s great grandfather. He also owned a feed store in the village. Billy Thompson II took over the business at the age of 18 when his father passed. Antique cars were his passion and hobby, so he began restoring them for himself. Word traveled and soon the business evolved from farm machinery repair to exclusively antique car restoration. Billy built a reputation for excellence that has allowed the business to endure through economic and personal hardships. The pursuit of excellence and impeccable attention to detail are the cornerstone of our daily operations. Billy Thompson II passed away in 2011. His son, W.R. Thompson III, and grandson, Billy Thompson IV, are currently running the business. Both “grew up” in the business and started as technicians before moving into management. W.R. has been in the business for over 40 years and Billy has been professionally involved for nearly 15 years. W.R.’s wife Laura previously worked here for many years as the Secretary. I joined the business in 2013 to handle all of the administrative affairs. In August, White Post Celebrated 75, was a nod to the festivals that Billy Thompson II began in the late 80’s. The celebrations were huge and attracted hundreds of thousands of people. These festivals originally began as a way to increase publicity for White Post and Clarke County, as well as raise money to maintain White Post Village. As we work and live in White Post Village, we do everything we can to support the needs of the community. W.R. and his wife, Laura, live next door to the shop, and my husband (Billy IV) and I live ½ mile away. I also grew up in White Post and my family still resides here as well. We love it here and are always willing to do what we can to help. The anniversary celebration is as much about us and the collector car industry, as it is about supporting the Clarke County Historical Association and the White Post Village Association. www.berryvillemainstreet.org 5 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Downtown Space Available 22-B E. MAIN ST. 1500 sq. ft. $1500./mo. (2nd floor) 703-928-0431 Jerry Johnson 13 E. MAIN ST. 2400 sq. ft.//$2300/mo. 540-323-0732 Chip Schutte DOOR #8 AT REAR OF OLD BATTLETOWN HOTEL BLDG. (Turret room) 400 sq. ft./$400/mo. (heat Included) 540-323-0732 Chip Schutte 5 SOUTH CHURCH ST. 336 sq. ft. $650/mo. 540-662-0323 John Scully 1 WEST MAIN ST. 1500 sq.ft. $1500/mo. 540-662-0323 John Scully 8B CHALMERS CT Approximately 1000 Sq. ft. 90% renovated, well lit parking. Lease terms to be discussed. 540-539-1775 Clark Fortney [email protected] 206 FIRST ST. 56,000 sq. ft. Concrete former apple storage. Ideal for heavy iron work, carpentry, sculpture. All uses /offers considered. You are limited only by your own imagination 610-390-6612 Giel Millner Berryville Yard Sale Coming to Town The Downtown Berryville Yard Sales will be held on Saturday Sept 12, 2015. The rain date will be Saturday Sept 19th . Each year the Berryville Merchants and Berryville Main Street sponsor the yard sales. They are held to bring several thousand people to the downtown area to see what Berryville has to offer and also generate additional funds to help support downtown projects and Berryville Main Street. BOARD MEMBERS Jerry Johnson, President, Economic Restructuring Susi Bailey, Treasurer Tricia James, Budget and Finance Committee Kathy Pierson, Promotions Committee Jay Arnold, Merchants Committee Sherry Craig, Merchants Committee Lockett Van Voorhis, Design Committee Christina Kraybill Promotions Committee Kim Patterson Promotions Committee Sue Ross Berryville Main Street Director Amy Barley Fire House Gallery Director Hip and Humble on the Move! To Berryville that is… O riginally located in Strasburg, Hip and Humble Interiors design studio specializes in antique and architectural salvage furniture and decorative items for your home. Our passion is repurposing architectural salvage into contemporary furniture designs. We're only limited by the salvage we find (we find a lot!) and our endless imagination. As of August 30th they will be opening their doors at 401 East Main Street. The historic Aylor Mill, built in the early 1900’s offer them infinite possibilities. The factory showrooms and salvage warehouses will all be located there. This building is 19,000 sq. ft. of AWESOME!! Join them in September. Their hours will be by chance or appointment. Just give them a call!! Their first weekend sales will be October 2-3 from 10am - 7pm. “Milling” around is encouraged! Contact 540-327-5669 or [email protected] www.berryvillemainstreet.org 6 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members & Happenings Gallery News in·spired adjective: Extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse. in'spī( )rd/ The House is on Fire! U nder new management, the Gallery is smoking with changes (warm colors on the walls, new items, new artists) while maintaining the original purpose of the retail space—supporting local artists and artisans by offering a location to display and sell their creations, and encouraging economic development in Berryville and Clarke County. Together with the fresh look, Director Amy Barley is adding a Local Goods Nook, which will hold such items as honey from Falling Bark Farm (more to come), Local beef sticks from Smith Meadows, and local apples. There are plans to add other items soon (look for local wines!). We’ve instituted a Thursday Lunchbox Jam Session each week from 12:00-1:00 p.m. Barley says, “We hope to make the Gallery a part of the lives of local citizens, and encourage tourism by using the space not only as a gallery and shop, but also as a venue for smallscale musical and other arts events.” Check out the Fire House Gallery Facebook page for what’s next! FHG's Amy Barley wants to thank Peggy Duvall and Berryville True Value for their support in designing color schemes and discounting paint for our new walls. Tremendous thanks also to our painting volunteers! The Gallery is planning now for the holiday season and will have extended hours, specially crafted items for gifts (both small and large), and artist demonstrations in the weeks before Christmas. Once again, visit our Facebook page and Website: firehousegalleryva.com for the latest Gallery news and goings on. We’re on fire. Huge appreciation to Local Wood for its sponsorship of our September show “For the Love of Wood.” www.berryvillemainstreet.org 7 News from Berryville Main Street And Its Members Invitational Exhibition in October Opus Oaks’ Adult Student Art Class: October 24-November 7. Opening 5:00-7:00 p.m. 10/24 I n an effort to encourage and support our local artists (and the most famous art teacher for many miles!) Fire House Gallery has invited the students of Opus Oaks’ Adult Art Class to display and sell their art in October and November. For this show the adult students will be showing their art work in acrylic and oil painting, fused glass, watercolor painting, and sculpture. A number of these emerging artists have been taking classes at Opus Oaks for many years and we are delighted to have their work in our newly dynamic space. Ms. Bowman-Harlow points out that the art classes are a time for the artists to develop art skills each week, while they share their experience and ideas with their peers. Several of the featured artists haves shown their art work in area shows, and participate in arts organizations such as the Blandy Sketch Group, Shenandoah Arts Council, and of course our very own Fire House Gallery. All are invited to the Fire House Gallery to meet the artists at our openings on September 12, 6 p.m. (For the Love of Wood), and October 24, 5 p.m. (Opus Oaks). Free and opening to the public. www.berryvillemainstreet.org (Home Again, Home Again continued from page 1) It is also not too late to begin thinking of your holiday design for our annual Parking Meter Contest! All businesses, families, sports, civic and church groups are welcome to participate! Designs must be rain and wind proof, and fit over the new double meters which will soon be replacing the old ones. The price is $5.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members. Decorations can be put up starting Thanksgiving Day and completed by December 1st. Judging will be done by the Architectural Review Board. Winners will be announced at the Christmas Tree Lighting Friday, December 4 in Rose Hill Park. Also, join in Berryville’s Yuletide Weekend with the Christmas Parade at 12:00 at Saturday, December 5th, and many holiday activities to be held at the Barns of Rose Hill. For information and to sign up for these events, please call Berryville Main Street at 955-4001. VOLUNTEERISM “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” ~Dr. Seuss We have lofty goals for 2015 – We need you !! Berryville Main Street is only as good as our volunteers!! If you have a talent, skill, or contact, and are interested in making a difference in the community, please let us know! Specifically we are looking for persons to help with our core committees: Organization • Promotion • Design • Economic Restructuring Reach out to the Berryville Main Street office or a Board Member for details. Newsletter Gone Digital You can now sign up to receive the newsletter digitally https://tinyletter.com/berryvillemainstreet www.facebook.com/pages/ Berryville-Main-Street/130130599002 Editor: Kathy Pierson Contributors: Julie Ashby, Sheryl Craig and Crystal Lacey-Thompson 23 E. Main Street • P.O. Box 372 • Berryville, VA 22611 Phone 540 955-4001 • Fax 540 955-0909 [email protected] • www.berryvillemainstreet.org Newsletter is published by Berryville Main Street and issued four times a year —December, March, June, and September. Its purpose is to provide news about people and events in and around the historic district; promote local business; and raise awareness about the many ways a vibrant downtown contributes to a community’s quality of life. Berryville Main Street is a 501(c)3 organization and part of Virginia Main Street since 1992. The Main Street program was launched in 1985 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation to encourage growth and revitalization of commercial districts in towns across the United States.
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