Main Magnitudes of Change
Main Magnitudes of Change
Regulated Business of Electricity in Moldo 11 years of positive evolution Silvia Radu President RED Unión Fenosa Moldova Content 1. General Framework 2. Main Magnitudes of Change 3. Foreseeing the future with responsibility 1.General Framework General Framework Merger gasNatural + Union Fenosa ● Gas Distribution Lider ● Third energy company in Spain ● Forth LNG operator in Atlantic ● Present in gas sector ● Lider in gaz-energie transformation ● International presence 2010 Presence 25 countries Personel 20.000 emploees Cilents 20,7 mln Installed Capacity 15.600 MW EBITDA €4 817 mln Total assets €45 634 mln 2009 General Framework Spania Integrated energy business Puerto Rico a ană 254 MW Portugalia Gas and energy Franţa Gas as Belgia c stribution MW CCC1 Gas emala Gas ragua Gas distr. a Rica Electricity Distr Luxemburg dstr. Italia distr Moldova hidro Egipt má LNG distr. W hidro Oman LNG mbia d energy distr. Australia Eolic ble ntina str. Brazilia Gas distr. Maroc Kenia Gas transport 112 MW Angola Integrated business Africa de Sud Coal General Framework Country Background Population: 4.320.748 Surface: (km2) – 33.843 Ethnical groups: 78,2 % Moldavians/Roumanian; 8,4% Ukrainians; 5,8% Russians; 4,4% Gagauz; 1,9% Bulgarians, others 1,3%. Religion: Moldova is a state without official religion, even if more than 70% of the population is ascribed to Russian Orthodox Church. The rest of the population is Catholic, Protestant (4%) and Pentecostal groups. GNP per capita: 1.251 $ Increase GNP: 7 % Ratio of unemployment: 5.1% Curency: Leu (MDL): 16,5 MDL/€ Separatist disputes in Transnistria region: Transnistria with a population of 350.000 citizens de jure is a part of the Republic of Moldova, but de facto it has a separate government with its curency, army and border, that declared its independence in 1990. There is dislocated the Russian Army nr.17, as well as there is the major concentration of the country’s industry. Trans Gagausia General Framework Sector Structure Government Parliament Ministry of Economy National Agency of Competition NAER (Regulator) System Operator Generation/Trade CET-1 54 MW Energocom SA (seller) CET-2 240 MW MGRES (Transnistria) 2.520 MW CET-NORD 28,4 MW Sugar Factory 74 MW CHP-Costesti 16 MW CHP-Dubăsari 48 MW Others independ Moldelectrica (transport) Distribution RED UNION FENOSA 70% RED Nord (20%) RED Nord-Vest (10%) . Customers Customers General Framework Infrastructure of the Sector The Moldavian electric system operates CHP-2 240 MW HPPCostesti 16 MW synchronously with Ukrainian one CHP-1 66 MW CHP-Nord 24 MW MGRES 2520 MW Interconnections Ukraine: 14 lines of 110 kV and 7 of 330 kV Romania: 3 lines of 110 kV and 1 of 400 kV New projects of interconnection : 400 kV Balti – Suceava (Romania) 330 kV Balti – DnHPP2 (Ukraine) 330 kV Balti – Straseni 2 330 kV Balti – Ribnita 330 kV Straseni - Chisinau untry installed capacity 3008 MW - available 1326 MW of which more than 70% is imported from Transnist with a possibility to receive 150MW from Ukraine and 250MW from Romania (in island) General Framework General information company Moldova Number of Customers: 815.562 Energy Sales (GWh): 2.366 Tension levels: 0,4-110kV Population GNF (millions): 2,3 Air Lines (km): 31.236 Cable Lines (km): 2.979 Transforming Centers (n): 7.476 Transforming Centers (MVA): 1.919 State 30% Gas Natural Fen 70% he enterprise has two licenses (distribution and commercialization) and is the gratest investor of the country distributing 2/3 of the Moldavian territory excepting Transnistria, in the North two public electric enterprises operate General Framework hronology relevant landmarks 2001 EBRD enters in the shareholding with 18,6% February of 2000 Privatization of 3 electricity distribution enterprises 2006 The State certifies the accomplishment of compulsory investments 2002 Credit EBRD and IFC of 40 mln $ 2009 New Loan Agreement on 30 mln USD with EBRD and IFC 2008 Merger of 3 electricity distribution enterprises 2011 EBRD outgoing Gas Natural Fenosa – 100% of the shares 2009 - 2010 Obtaining of Quality Certificate 9001:2000 Obtaining of Quality Certificate 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 2. Main Magnitudes of Change Main Magnitudes of Change AIDI SAIDI(h) 5000 4500 4710 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1480 1000 500 268 18,1 15,7 16,7 20,3 16 11,7 11,4 0 1999* 2000* 2000‐2003* 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 •1999-2003 represents the total number of hours of customers’ forced disconnection according to graphic of tensions limitation 2004 – 2010 represents SAIDI (annual average time of customers’ disconection) he implementation of a new Operation Center of the Network, with SCADA system and installation of Telecontrol quipments, as well as the investments contributed to improve the quality of the supply of the electric power to the ustomers. In 1999 the disconnections constituted 196 days per year Main Magnitudes of Change Collection / Losses / Efficiency customers /employee Collection (%) Losses % 699 2010 40,0 - 59.7% 35,0 +27,9% 30,0 25,0 20,0 15,0 80,5 87,9 97,5 97,0 98,3 101,8 97,6 99,8 98,9 99,3 100,3 10,0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 34,0 29,3 29,0 23,4 21,4 16,9 16,9 15,4 14,0 13,9 5,0 Cobro % 000 34,5 0,0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 243 customers / employee Relevant increase of Collection %, considering that cash collection was at the level of 26% in 2000 and the other 54% was barter, and accumulated balance debt at the biguining of 2000 being of 12 mln USD. Personnel training, new management sistems, meter changes, outsoursing and total reorganisation of the enerprise has increased work efficiency and the number customers attended by an employee increases by 185% More than 1000 employees made training courses abroad, nowadays there are dedicated more than 100 hours / employe of training per year Main Magnitudes of Change The implementation of a new Operation Center of the Network, with SCADA system and installation of Telecontrol equipments, as well as the investments contributed to improve the quality of the supply of the electric power to the customers and imroove the work efficiency Main Magnitudes of Change EBITDA Evolution EBITDA (Thousands Lei) 425.000 375.000 325.000 275.000 225.000 175.000 125.000 75.000 25.000 ‐25.000 ‐75.000 ‐125.000 447.7 - 51.2 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 * 2008 first year of tariff deviations accounting The sales has increased by more than 3 times, because of collection % increase and losses reduction as well as increase of customer consumption Increase of EBITDA due to Margin increase and a good management of reduction of Operation Costs Main Magnitudes of Cahnge Operational Costs Operation Expenses (Thousands Lei) Operation Net Unitary Expenses (Lei/MWh) 135% 500.000 Inflation 450.000 400.000 350.000 43% 300.000 + 135% 310 210 110 10 250.000 200.000 Gastos operativos unitar 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 150.000 Costs Dec 100.000 2000 2001 2002 2003 Gastos operativos netos 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 - 8% 2010 Gastos Operativos Netos aplicado Inflacion The good management of total operational costs allowed to diminish the effect of the inflation (47% vs 135%), equivalent to an economy of 184 MM Lei (11,5 mln Euro) Gastos operativos unitarios Gastos operativos unitarios aplicado inflación The reduction of operational costs, together with the losse % reduction made that the unitary cost per an invoiced KW being reduced by 8% (vs inflation increase by 135%). Main Magnitudes of Change nvestments Tax paiment Budget contribution 200 180 172 Total 1.28 billion lei 160 168 140 120 105 100 123 129 97 86 80 60 114 59 54 40 20 millions lei 0 2000 The investment reaches more than 180 mln$USD, 160 mln in the tariff of wich 70% of the investments made were in the electric infrastructure (43% in Distribution and 27 % in Elements of Energy Control) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 With a contribution to the state budget of more than 1,28 billion lei that is more than 110 mlns $ USD RED Unión Fenosa has invested by more than 76% of total investments made by the distribution companies of the cou all together CSR Stakeholders SOCIETY AUTHORITIES Corporate Social Responsibility SHAREHODRES EMPLOEES MASS MEDIA CSR Projects Signing of Trade agreements: 9 2.3 mln USD of social benefits for employees 9Labour Security 9Salaries has increased by 186% raining and Development: aining Plan in Moldova CUF – Training Plan in Spain/abroad 9 9 9 100.000 total hours of training/year 80 - 100 hours of training/year for each employee 80% of employees studded abroad Agreements with Universitie Moldova 9Youth employment (50 probation contracts per year) 9Modern Energy Laboratory at the Technical University CSR Projects Suppliers of goods and services to our company 284 284 00 - 2002 516516 2010 - 2011 Encourage of new business development in the energy sector Special programs to support education on all levels Promotion of press freedom, journalists training workshops Cofounders of UN Global Compact Employment of disabled workers Collaboration with NGOs CSR Projects Yearly Solidarity Day Project: Î 102.000 Euros Î opening the first secondary school In Moldova for blind children Environment Protection Campaigns for electrocution prevention: Î collaboration with NGOs actions in schools and 250 kinder gardens 3500 children/year 5-6 years old Energy Efficiency Plan ÎCenter for Energy Efficiency ÎCustomer Website ÎBuilding Energy Passports ÎEquipment standards Îaprox. 55.000 trees planted; Î12 hectares of parks cleaned by employees ÎPublic Campaigns 3. Foreseeing the Future with responsibility Foreseeing the future Business Plan Energy Energy Sales Sales 2010 - 2014 2.366GWh 2.366GWh -- 2.677GWh 2.677GWh Customers Customers 815.582 815.582 -- 848.589 848.589 SAIDI SAIDI 11.38 11.38 hh -- 88 hh Efficiency Efficiency 13.68% 13.68% -- 12% 12% Accumulated Accumulated investments investments 2010-14: 2010-14: 1.166 1.166 bln.Lei bln.Lei A D Foreseeing the future Market liberalisation I FASE – January 1st 2013 Non domestic customers II FASE – January 1st 2015 Domestic customers Functional Functional separation separation Legal Legal separation separation Assets Assets separation separation Foreseeing the future Thank you! Hvala! Take care BE ENERGY EFFICIENT !