Volunteers are the Recipe for Success!


Volunteers are the Recipe for Success!
Winter/Spring 2015
Vol 19 Issue 2
Volunteers are the Recipe for Success!
To have success in cooking, you must
have the right ingredients. It takes a pinch
of this, a dash of that and voila…your
finished product. A successful volunteer
program is much like a recipe…it takes
a pinch, a dash and a cup of multiple
items to create something everyone will
enjoy. The Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for
Children (TSRHC) Volunteer Program is
just that. It is a program that brings many
different people from all walks of life
together for a common purpose- to serve
the patients and families of the hospital.
Our volunteers are the ingredients to the
operation of this hospital. Without our
volunteers, our hospital would not be
complete. You can’t make a recipe work if
you don’t have a key ingredient.
On Saturday, April 11, over 250
volunteers came together to receive
awards and listen to a program by Dr.
Tony Herring, Chief of Staff Emeritus. We
had over 390 volunteer receive honors
in both hours and years. In 2014, our
volunteers dedicated over 90,000 hours
to this hospital and the monetary value
behind that is priceless. The loyalty and
dedication of our volunteers is shown
daily throughout the year, but at our
annual volunteer awards and appreciation
lunch, you really see how big an impact
our volunteers really do make.
Dr. Tony Herring, Chief of Staff Emeritus, speaks to the volunteers about our patients having
“No Limits”. Dr. Herring’s presentation captured the minds and hearts of many volunteers
reminding them that TSRHC is truly a special place. We are grateful for the medical staff that
continue to make a difference in the lives of our patients.
New this year was the addition of a
medical program. Dr. Tony Herring gave
a fantastic presentation that was called
“No Limits”. He informed the volunteers
about how the hospital goes beyond just
the medical treatment of the child. He
let the volunteers know the importance
of how the hospital provides summer
camps for our patients to attend and
a winter ski trip for amputee patients.
These experiences teach our patients to
go beyond their physical challenges and
capture life in new ways. Feedback from
many volunteers stated that this program
inspired them and opened their eyes to
new areas about the hospital they were
unfamiliar with. We look forward to
having a new medical program next year
and save the date for April 9, 2016!
In This Issue:
Volunteer Executive Committee Profiles
New Orthopaedics Department Photos
Photos from the Volunteer Awards and Appreciation Lunch
Samson Wiener and Paul Taylor, D.D.S. Trailrider Award Winners
Page 3
Page 6
Page 8 & 9
Page 10
Volunteer Executive
Stephen Apple
President-Elect & Bazaar
Karen Apple
Nancy Morris
Richard Gonzalez
Our April meeting was a wonderful celebration of our volunteer spirit,
recognizing the hours and years of service that we give to the hospital,
recapping the fundraising efforts that enable the Wish List purchases, and
engaging us with patient histories that highlight the reason we are here and
why we keep coming. Don’t we love the comical poses in the slide show,
cheering our new and old friends as they are recognized, and watching the
kids grow in Dr. Herring’s stories?
We are a different kind of hospital, and we’re all proud of that. As volunteers,
we are in 61 of 63 departments.
• We greet everyone with a smile. If someone asks for directions or just
looks lost, we take them where they need to be.
• We assist the staff in the clinics and work with them to provide a seamless
experience for our patient families.
• We respectfully offer to carry trays in the cafeteria and arrange seating
for families, when parents need a helping hand.
Past President
Ken Hill
• We craft beautiful items for sale, we give tours, we deliver mail, we work
special events, and we pop the best popcorn in the metroplex.
Orientations and Tours
Angela Reding
We have a culture among our volunteers. We know if we see another red
coat in the cafeteria we just sit down and introduce ourselves. We have
our Tuesday evening group, our Thursday morning breakfast buddies, and
our Wednesday lunch bunch. We are everywhere in this hospital, and as
volunteers we are a big part of “giving children back their childhood.”
Volunteer Activities
Luann Jones
Special Events Chair
John Mungioli
As we look forward to the coming year I am reminded of an old saying, “the
more things change, the more they stay the same.” I like to keep an eye on
the future, as we anticipate growth and change within the hospital. At the
same time, there are some things that we can preserve: our commitment to
the hospital’s mission, our cheerful smiles and our willingness to help. All for
the children and their families.
Junior League Liaison
Kara Halbert
Carson Doss
Volunteer Newsletter Staff
Carol Clarke
Shayla Berrios
Ashley Agnew
Ellie Fanning
Stephen Apple
Volunteer Executive Committee
2015-16 Volunteer Executive Committee
Stephen Apple, President
1) Why you chose TSRHC to Volunteer: I am a Scottish
Rite Mason, so I knew about the hospital’s mission
and the importance of volunteers.
2) Fun Fact: I drove a school bus route when I turned 16
and my favorite cartoon character is Foghorn Leghorn.
3) Favorite Food: North Carolina style pork BBQ
Karen Apple, President-Elect and Bazaar Chair
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: I knew about
the hospital and took a tour. I chose to volunteer here
because it’s clear that volunteers make a difference
and are valued by the hospital staff.
2) Fun Fact: I collect McDonald’s place mats from every
country I visit. I met and worked with Nanette Fabray
in my first job (not acting or singing!).
3) Favorite Food: Chocolate
Nancy Morris, Secretary
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: I toured the
hospital for the first time after my husband was
capped a TSRHC Mason on a Saturday. No children
were present that day, no smell of popcorn, but the
tour and the beauty of the hospital captured my heart.
2) Fun Fact: I collect Coca-Cola memorabilia. I love
Nascar and visiting other tracks. I love RV-ing.
3) Favorite Food: Tex/Mex and Hot Wings
Richard Gonzalez, Treasurer
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: My story with
TSRHC begins with the 2008 Dallas White Marathon.
I was running in the half marathon and when I went
to pick up my packet at the Expo, I walked by the
TSRHC booth and picked up a volunteer packet. Being
a volunteer at TSRHC has been one of the best things
I have ever done in my life.
2) Fun Fact: I am a Dallas Cowboy Flag Runner.
3) Favorite Food: Mexican food
Ken Hill, Past President
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: My
daughter Gina was a patient of Dr. Luke
Waites and was diagnosed with autism
and learning differences. TSHRC would
not accept my payment for the service
(well duh!). That, along with the love
shown to us at the hospital, created a
passion to give back. Little did I know
that I would continue to “get” a lot more
than I could ever “give.”
2) Fun Fact: I am a vegetarian, I guess….cows eat grass and I
eat cows.
3) Favorite Food: Anything that crawls from the bottom of the
swamp into a boiling pot.
Luann Jones, Volunteer Activities Chair
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: I
love to volunteer at TSRHC because of
my son Andrew! He was losing his ability
to walk and after 7 years and 13 doctors,
we found our angel in Dr. Delgado. I
consider it an honor to be able to
volunteer in Dr. D’s clinic on Wednesday
2) Fun Fact: I get up every morning at 5:45
a.m. and walk 2 miles.
3) Favorite Food: Five Guys Hamburgers and their yummy fries!
John Mungioli, Special Events Chair
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: My
brother was volunteering here- he loved
it, and encouraged me to sign up. Just as
I did the majority of my childhood, I felt
it was necessary to copy my big brother!
2) Fun Fact: I have run 6 marathons and I
Angela Reding, Recruitment, Orientation & Tours
like to eat rattlesnake.
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: I love working 3) Favorite Food: If my mom reads this,
with kids and thought I would try a new place. I fell in
her pasta. For everyone else, sautéed
love with the hospital and enjoy doing crafts with the
broccoli with olive oil.
kids. The hospital has given me more than I have given
2) Fun fact: Love to try out new restaurants that have
Carson Doss, Historian
been on Food Network when I travel.
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer:
3) Favorite Food: Mexican and Italian
Being a part (although a very small
part) of an organization that has a
caring historical culture of demanding,
Kara Halbert, Junior League Liaison
expecting and obtaining their vision and
mission- making a child’s life better!
1) Why you chose TSRHC to volunteer: TSRHC has a
special place in my heart because I was a patient here 2) Fun Fact: Jumped out of a plane to go
as a child. The volunteers always brought me such joy
sky-diving at 60 years of age; repelled
and peace and I hope that I can pass that love on.
off of a 17-story building at 66 years of age-even though I
am totally and completely terrified and afraid of heights!
2) Fun Fact: I love to cook using my memaw’s recipes.
3) Favorite food: Breakfast sausage sandwich from Jack-in3) Favorite food: Watermelon
Bike Rodeo & Child Safety Day
April 25, 2015
On Saturday, April 25, 2015, the Rotary
Club of Dallas partnered with TSRHC
to host the 14th annual Rotary Club of
Dallas Bike Rodeo & Child Safety Day.
Over 300 patients and children from
the Dallas community had the chance
to learn about safety in a fun, family
environment. Bike Rodeo is free of
charge to all participants who ride
their bikes on the course laid out on
the Maple parking lot. Other eagerly
anticipated activities are visits by the
fire engines from Dallas Fire and Rescue
and the landing of a CareFlite helicopter.
Volunteers look forward to this
event every year where they pop
popcorn, paint faces and assist with
many other activities. In addition to
hospital volunteers, mother/daughter
teams from National Charity League,
Boy Scouts, Dallas Association of
Young Lawyers and other community
volunteers lend a hand to ensure that
the event runs smoothly.
Sound fun?
Visit with Pedro
Rodriguez in Volunteer Services who
coordinates Bike Rodeo volunteers.
Helping at Bike Rodeo works up an appetite and the hospital always makes sure
volunteers are well fed. Volunteers Richard Gonzales and Martha Lawless, on right,
anticipate a delicious hamburger hot off the grill.
TSRHC volunteers Sharon Nicholson, on left
and Nikki Weiss, join community volunteer
Kristen Knauf at the bingo table.
Mother daughter TSRHC volunteers Luann
and Erin Jones, L to R, make sure the
hospital’s signature popcorn is ready for busy
bikers and their families.
Tartan Golf Classic – May 11, 2015
Volunteers who play golf, and others who just enjoy being
outdoors, join the hospital staff every year at the Tartan Golf
Classic, an annual golf tournament held at Brook Hollow Golf
Club. The event has raised more than $5.6 million for the children
Volunteer Nancy Morris watches
for hole-in-ones!
of TSRHC. This was the 29th year for the all day tournament,
which luckily was held on one of our few sunny, dry days in
the last few weeks. Volunteers serve as parking assistants, pop
popcorn, hole monitors, spotters and other jobs.
Staff Meg Boyd, Stacey Copeland and Rachel
Trippet take a break near the club house.
Mike and Dianna Sorrells are one of many
husband and wife teams who volunteered at the
tournament. They also serve as regular volunteers
every week in the hospital’s outpatient clinics.
High School Volunteers Make a Difference
Junior volunteers also give their
time during the school year
Townview Juniors
pose at the popcorn
stand, a favorite
volunteer job. L to
R: Yareli Gurrola,
Sandra Rodriguez,
Isabella Reyna,
Shaira Guerrero and
Cinthia Almanza.
Junior volunteers in striped uniforms are a common
sight at TSRHC during the summer. Less familiar,
but just as important, are the 24 teens whose high
schools partner with TSRHC so they can volunteer
or intern weekly during the school year. Ursuline
Academy of Dallas, DISD’s Yvonne A. Ewell Townview
Center Magnet, Notre Dame School, Jesuit College
Preparatory School and Lake Highlands High School
select the participating students and allow for their
community service time during the school day.
L to R: Townview
Seniors Jessica
Medina, Mildred
White, Magnolia
Chavez (with phone),
Diana Perez and
Cris Puga at the
Family Surgery
Waiting Area.
The partnerships are a win-win arrangement for
TSRHC, the schools and the students. The hospital
benefits from the Juniors’ help with many tasks,
the schools provide a chance for students to learn
“service for others” and students gain job skills
and, often, develop a lifetime passion for altruism.
To Cris Puga, a Townview Senior, his service means
much more. He said, “TSRHC is more than a place
where I intern. It is where I see smiling faces and
joy in children.” Townview Junior Shaira Guerrero
observed, “Everyone gets along. There is a happy
vibe so different from a regular hospital.”
L to R: Jesuit
students Zach
Mendiola, Collin
Buechel and Byron
Song take a break
in Allan Shivers
Park. Not pictured:
Andrew Murphy.
These students volunteer in many areas and ways:
tutoring in the schoolroom, taking the art and game
cart throughout the clinic waiting rooms, making
popcorn, helping behind the scenes with mailings
and filing, sorting toys in Child Life and much more.
Grace Wedding, Lake Highlands High School senior
and aspiring nurse, interned through her school’s
Professional Internship Program, a new partnership
this spring. She was struck by one young patient,
beaming with joy despite being in a hospital, who ran
to her, took her hand and asked her name.
Ursuline volunteers
pose with the art
cart in the outpatient
clinics. L to R:
Kristin Daly, Kendall
Jackson, Jenna Buys
and Katie McHugh.
Many of these juniors learn that working with a
passion at a hospital that makes such a difference in
children’s lives doesn’t feel like work at all. Townview
junior Cinthia Almanza and Notre Dame student
Rebekah Clark, echoing many of their fellow students,
said, “Volunteering at TSRHC is so much fun!”
Notre Dame students
and faculty job coach
Jana Rebone fold towels
in the Laundry.
L to R: Chelsea Waits,
Jana, Rebekah Clark,
Tim Burns and Danielle
Reed. Not pictured:
Matthew Kwasniak.
Department Opens
Doors to New Home
When the Orthopaedics department moved into their
bright and beautiful new location on the second floor
of the C building in January, volunteer Renée Clark
was there to help. The spacious offices overlook the
serene Reverchon Park. Phyllis Cuesta, Administrative
Director of Orthopaedics says that the staff loves the
convenience of having all doctors in one location. The
offices house the orthopedists, including the hand
specialists, fellows, residents and administrative staff.
Orthopaedic staff Phillis Green, on right, and other staff at the main
entrance to their new offices on the second floor of the C building.
Renée enjoys the warm and comfortable new surroundings while
she assists the department with preparing their doctors’ notes for
mailing. Phillis Green, Administrative Assistant to Chief of Staff
Dan Sucato, describes Renée as wonderful and hard-working.
Phillis says, “Accuracy with these letters, which are sent to the
patients’ referring physician, is critical. Renée takes great care that
each mailing is perfect.” The entire Orthopaedic team welcome
all of you to stop by to see their new offices if you missed the
February open house.
Renée Clark
assists Chief of
Staff Dr. Dan
Sucato and the
department staff
every Friday.
Farm and Ranch Day 2015
Goes Under Cover
Horses, Chickens and Pigs… Oh My!
Threatening rain may have moved
the 17th annual Farm and Ranch
Day into the TSRHC garage on
Saturday, May 9, but all the fun,
hands-on activities continued
as always. Started by the Texas
Agricultural Extension Service to
celebrate Texas agriculture, the day
offered miniature horses, Norman,
the potbellied trick-performing
pig, a catch and release catfish
pool, cowboys, country and
western dancing, popcorn, hot
dogs, snow cones and much more.
Almost 100 volunteers made sure
that all activities went smoothly
and the Dallas Police horse patrol
ensured that everyone was safe.
L to R: Kim Stevens, Sharron Vance and Lisa
Prideaux check in Farm and Ranch Day volunteers.
L to R: Staff Pedro
Rodriguez and
volunteers Roxana
Macias and Cinthia
Almanza hand out
TSRHC bandanas
at 2015 Farm and
Ranch Day.
Community volunteer from the National Charity
League on left paints a pretty design for Matilda,
daughter of staff Sarah Lassen.
Wednesday, June 10 9 am - 3 pm
Thursday, June 11 9 am - 3 pm
Friday, June 12
9 am - 2 pm
TSRHC Atrium
All items available at this event are donated.
Please consider donating your favorite item or one of the following best-sellers:
• 4th of July and Patriotic Decorations • Texas & Summer Themed Items • Handmade Toys
• Bird Feeders • Seasonal Wreaths • Floral Arrangements • Kitchen Accessories • Baby Gifts
• Quilts • Wood Crafts
• Homemade Jams • Jellies • Pies • Cakes • Pickles • Bread • Cookies • Candy • Snack Mixes
THE DATE! November 12, 13, 14, & 16
featuring a
Suggested • Antiques • Celebrity-Autographed Items • Art Objects • Fine Jewelry
donations include: • Restaurant Gift Certificates • Event Tickets • Travel Packages
Please send your donations to:
All proceeds benefit the patients
and the families served by
Volunteer Services
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children
2222 Welborn Street
Dallas, TX 75219
Phone: (214) 559-7825
Volunteer Awards and
Appreciation Lunch
Saturday April 11, 2015
2500 Hours of Service
5000 Hours of Service
President and CEO, Bob Walker, joins Volunteer President Ken
Hill, in congratulating volunteers who have reached 2,500 hours.
L to R: Bob Walker, President and CEO, Wanda Catarino, Sally
Webb, Kaye Blonkvist and Volunteer President Ken Hill.
Three cheers to 5,000 hours! Congratulations to volunteers who
reached this incredible milestone. Joining them are, L to R: Bob
Walker, President and CEO, volunteers Bart Huemmer, Lenard
Davis, Kathy Hall and Volunteer President, Ken Hill.
7500 Hours of Service
10,000 Hours of Service
Very proud of our volunteers who accomplished 7,500 hours! We
are honored by their gift of time and appreciate their service to the
hospital. Celebrating their accomplishment are L to R: Bob Walker,
President and CEO, volunteers Laura Gwinn, Joe Maddox and
Volunteer President Ken Hill.
90’s club member Wren Worley is joined by Bob Walker, President
and CEO and Volunteer President, Ken Hill to honor Wren with
receiving 10,000 hours! Wren is an outpatient clinic volunteer who
has been volunteering with the hospital since 1997. Thank you Wren
for you loyal support to the patients of TSRHC!
List of Award Winners
75 Hours
Aisha Cooper
Alejandra Ramirez
Amanda Pinkston
Angelyn Cheatham
Anil Reddy
Anita Shiwach
Arianna Dean
Armelia Adams
Arnold Segal
Barbara Gordon
Brandon Powell
Brittani Boukather
Caitlin Olmstead
Caroline Jones
Carolyn Wright
Catrin Pedersen
Cheryl Hibbitts
Daniel Stanton
Darryl Vicente
David Neal
David Taylor
Dennis Simpson
Diane Watts
Elizabeth Raccasi
Evelyn Nemec
Hannah Petersen
Harvey McCall
Hazel Gatewood
Heather McGhee
Hecnis Cuadrado
Jack Strobel
1,000 Hours
Bob Jernigan
Brandon Green
Chris Barto
D’Anna Heber
David Axley
David Diehl
David Rutledge
David Snodgrass
Glenn Little
Ida Lou Hackbirth
Linda Cox
Linda Patston
Marcia Ellis
Marjorie Ehrmann
Jackie Novotnak
Jacob Hardin
James Ward
Jana Rebone
Jane Sego
Jasmine Nguyen
Jean Flynn
Jenna Nash
Joesph Wolf
John Giambalvo
Jorawar Virk
Joseph Goh
Jourdan Neustadt
Julie Evatt
June Mills
Mona Jackson
Morgan Warfield
Paul Wachsman
Penny Hawkins
Robert King
Ron Knoll
Sara Landry
Scott Latham
Stuart Lieberman
Vianey Mansoori
2,500 Hours
Donald Oginsky
Jon Poort
Kaye Blonkvist
Sally Webb
Terry Hovey
Wanda Catarino
5,000 Hours
Bart Huemmer
Jim Allums
Kathy Hall
Lenard Davis
7,500 Hours
Barbara McElmon Joe Maddox
Laura Gwinn
10,000 Hours
Wren Worley
15 Years of Service
20 Years of Service
Celebrating 15 years serving the patients of TSRHC! Joining Bob Walker,
President and CEO and Volunteer President, Ken Hill are L to R: Virginia
Gregory, Carmen Reza, Ronnie Painter, Martha Lawless, Charlsie
Bynum, Jack Fancher, Julie Kayem, Bradley McDonald, Kay Turner and
Sharyn Bledsoe.
Such a great honor to celebrate 20 years! We are very grateful
for their leadership and time serving the hospital. Bob Walker,
President and CEO joins Volunteer President, Ken Hill in
celebrating L to R: Kay Thiessen, Byron Ostrom, Harold Willis
and Kirk Couch.
25 Years of Service
30 Years of Service
Time is a gift and for over 25 years, we have a great group of volunteers
who have been dedicated to the mission of this hospital. We are proud of
their commitment and we are very thankful for their service. Bob Walker,
President and CEO, joins L to R: Gloria Wheelan, Madeleine Meals, Sandra
Schroeder, Faye Morgan and Joni Dudley. Volunteer President Ken Hill
congratulates the group.
What an incredible honor for volunteer Nora Betancourt! She
has been volunteering for 30 years! Nora has been a loyal
and dedicated volunteer in the hospital’s sewing room. She is
very talented and does her volunteer job every week at 110%.
Thank you Nora for you dedication and love to the hospital.
We congratulate you! Bob Walker, President and CEO and
Volunteer President Ken Hill join Nora.
List of Award Winners (cont.)
5 Years
Amanda Klein
Amy Kirkpatrick
Carolyn Buckner
David Snodgrass
Denise Cummings
Edwin Kirkpatrick
Emily Interrante
Esperanza Mendoza
Glenn Little
Grace Evans
Jacob Adkins
Jordan Hiemstra
Kari Doyle
Laura Smith
Lenard Davis
Linda Cox
Linda Shibata
Lisa Mills
Matthew Evatt
Melvin Pearl
Mona Jackson
Morgan Warfield
Pency Edel
Penny Hawkins
Rebecca Brogan
Rita Compton
Rori Shaw
Sara Landry
Sarah Hunter
Sarah Pochyla
Thomas Dorsaneo
Thomas Gallagher
Trishla Jain
Victoria Valtierra
7 Years
Amy Ananian
Angela Reding
Anne DeBlank
Bert Erhmann Carson Doss
Christopher Hefner
David Axley
Donald Oginsky
Elizabeth O’Brien
Jane Cox
Jeannette Jury
Jennie Rhodes
Jourdan Neustadt
LaShelia Williams
Leon King, III
Marijo Thornhill
Marjorie Ehrmann
Marlene Dibrell
Mary Duda
Megan Inman
Melani Guerra
Paula Garrett
Stuart Lieberman
10 Years
Betty McCarty
Bill Bond
Bob Ingebritson
Carol Myers
Darden McGlothlin
Derek Rohde
Elizabeth Farren
Elizabeth Snodgres
Elroy Lehmann
Gene Stephens
George Scragg
Helen Klinkerman
Kathy Steuck
Linda Clifton
Mary Ann Russell
Mayra Claudio
Melissa Slovak
Mike Sorrells
Miles Hutchinson
Pat McGlothlin
Rosalinda Campos
15 Years
Bradley McDonald
Brian Ball
Carmen Reza
Charlsie Bynum
Chris Barto
Jack Fancher
Julie Kayem
Kay Turner
Kirk Knott
Marilyn August
Martha Lawless
Ronnie Painter
Sharon Bledsoe
Virginia Gregory
20 Years
Byron Ostrom
Harold Willis
Kay Thiessen
Kirk Couch
25 Years
Faye Morgan
Gloria Wheelan
Joni Dudley
Madeleine Meals
Sandra Schroeder
30 Years
Barbara McElmon
Nora Betancourt
The 2015 Samson
Wiener Volunteer
of the Year
Kirk Couch
Started volunteering: August 1994
Total Number of Years: 20
Total Number of Hours: 2,244
Kirk is outgoing, personable, responsible
and always brings a smile to your face.
Kirk participates on a consistent basis at
many special events.
• Been a holiday elf during the Christmas
tree decoration party
• Helps with the Holiday Popcorn Project
• Volunteers every year at Farm and
Ranch Day
• Helps every year at the annual bazaars
• Has served on the Volunteer Executive
• Goes above and beyond even when
they are not asked
Samson Wiener award winner Kirk Couch and his family and friends. L to R: Meg
Boyd, Ron Jackson, Marianne Huerter, Brent Montrose, Rob Cogswell and Bob Walker.
On the front row, Ann Couch congratulates her brother Kirk for this award!
Kirk has been instrumental in organizing the Camp Joint Adventure send-off for
our Juvenile Arthritis patients for 5 years. Leadership at this event would not be
as successful, or as well organized. There are over 100 kids that attend this camp
annually and Kirk is there to provide a sense of ease to their families as they send
their child off, sometimes for the first time, for a week long get-a-way. We are so
proud of you Kirk! Congrats!
The 2015 Paul Taylor, D.D.S., Trailrider
Audrey Merolla
Started volunteering: March 1991
Total Number of Years: 24
Total Number of Hours: 4,304
Audrey served as Volunteer Executive
Committee President in 1994 and was
the Bazaar Chair in 1995. She is a reliable
tour guide, responding anytime she is
requested. She makes volunteering a family
affair. Her husband, son and daughter-inlaw participated in many special events.
After the death of her husband, she has
continued to be supportive of the hospital
and has kept on walking with a smile. She
has served on FORE! the Kids Committee
since 1995. She served as Honorary Chair
in 2013. Her strongest talents include her
ability to relate to people, even people she
has never met. She is cheerful, friendly and
absolutely loves the hospital. She shares
her love and passion for the hospital with
those around her. You are the best Audrey!
Congrats Audrey! Joining Audrey are staff L to R: Rachel Trippet, Louanne Weeks,
volunteer Audrey Merolla, Meg Boyd and Mark Bateman.
Volunteers & Roses
Sales spread love and
gratitude through hospital
Volunteers play cupid each year for
Valentine’s Day, selling, arranging and
delivering long-stemmed red roses.
Pictured is volunteer Kathy Hall making a
delivery to a lucky hospital staff member.
Enjoy sales? Let Diana Latham in Volunteer
Services know if you would like to help with
one of these special sales, held several times
throughout the year.
On April 22, volunteers Judy Robbins, on left, Terry Hovey and Sharyn Bledsoe sold
and prepared vases of beautiful roses outside the gift shop for delivery to hard-working
TSRHC staff on Administrative Professionals Day. Sales from these spring events totaled
$4,710 this year.
Did you know? Fun Facts about TSRHC!
Spotlight on the The Gift Shop
Did you know that the purpose of the gift shop is to provide
a peaceful, pleasant experience aided by friendly volunteers?
The first gift shop for the hospital opened in 1979 and was
located behind the current popcorn stand.
Facts about the TSRHC Gift Shop:
• The number one sales category is TSRHC logo merchandise
• 23,000 stuffed animals were sold in 2014
• We are currently in our 3rd location in the hospital- our
new location opened in April 2013
• One TSRHC staff member is in charge
of the entire operation of the shop
• 35 Volunteers- day and evening; help
run the gift shop Monday- Friday
• There are 2700 inventory items and
in 2014, 190,000 individual items
were sold.
• 23,000 pieces of candy were sold in
• Annual average sales are between
• The Gift Shop brings in a net profit
of about $90,000- about a 45% net
profit! (proceeds from the Gift Shop
help fund the Volunteer Wish List
All Stars
May 11-June 17
6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Monday - Basketball
JUNE 8 - Dallas
JUNE 16 - McKinney
JULY 13 - Trophy Club
12:30 - 5:00 pm
Volunteer Contact - Pedro Rodriguez
(214) 559-7825
Volunteer Contact - Louanne Weeks
(214) 559-7825
[email protected]
[email protected]
Summer Bazaar June 10-12
Volunteer or Donate Baked Goods/Crafts
Diana Latham • (214) 559-7825 • [email protected]
Character Breakfast June 27
Children meet-and-greet with their
favorite characters!
Tickets - https://community.tsrhc.org/crayonclubbreakfast
Please visit tsrhc.org for additional
Summer Colors
July 30
Camp Joint Adventure
Tickets - tsrhc.org (214) 559-7825
July 27-31
Counselors needed!
Contact - Dana Dempsey
(214) 559-7615 • [email protected]
Dallas Sporting Clay Shoot
August 23
Junior Book Sale July 13-17
Volunteer Contact - Pedro Rodriguez
(214) 559-7825
Donate your books!
[email protected]
Contact - Jennifer Brooks
or register to participate at
(214) 559-7825 • [email protected]
event details and our online event calendar
Coming Attraction: Drive-in movie night at TSRHC!
On Thursday evening, June 4, at 7:30 p.m, Chambers Park will be transformed into a
drive-in movie theater. The Tuesday evening volunteers have planned an old-fashioned
drive-in movie night on the lawn. Thursday evening volunteers will escort patients to
the Chambers Park “drive-in movie”, complete with popcorn, drinks and wooden cars
made by students at Booker T. Washington for the Performing and Visual Arts.
June 4th * 7:30 pm
Chambers Park
Watch a movie under the stars in uniquely designed and built
wooden cars (courtesy of the students of Booker T. Washington)!
Children will sit in the cars and watch a movie on a projection
screen like in the good ol’ days of drive-in movies!
Popcorn and drinks included at this free event!
Tuesday evening volunteers get in the movie night spirit! Pictured L to R: Leslie Nickel, Enrique
Limon, Thy Hoang, Jordan Hiemstra, John Mungioli, Chris Baken and Brittani Boukather.
f fa
F r ee event open to TSRHC
Child Life Volunteers
help healing with fun
Volunteering in the hospital’s Child Life playroom is always a much sought after job for those
volunteers wanting to work one-on-one with our patients. Volunteers play games and create
crafts with patients, bring therapy dogs to cheer them, stock bookshelves, deliver activities to
rooms and keep the playroom neat and clean. The playroom is always a favorite with inpatients
as a place to have fun while they heal. Child Life staff Paige Legan, who coordinates the Child
Life volunteers, says “Our volunteers are so important
to the playroom. We couldn’t do without them!”
Current Child Life volunteers are: Barb Gordon, Millie
Pullen, Eve Phelan, Kaitlin Shaddock, Lana Dodgen,
Linda Cox, Katie Hoag, Donna Kopa, Peaches Eipper,
Liz Raccassi, James Reid, Patti Underbrink, Caitlin
Olmstead, Megan Ekedahl, Etidal Elbanna, Sydney
Clark, Danielle Beaubouef-Emory, Linda Herrscher,
Diane Huffine, Pam Walt, Ela Zalo and Micki Jenkins.
Volunteer Linda Cox helps
patient Alexis prepare a
“pretend” meal in the Child
Life playroom.
Volunteers Donna
Kopa, left, and Katie
Hoag keep patient
Sami company while
she paints in the
Volunteer Linda Herrscher holds Elvis,
a Tibetan Spaniel, while he visits with
patient Mary, her sister Jurnee and
mom Janae of Houston.
A note from Past-President Ken Hill
It’s time to say goodbye as President. Thanks for
allowing me to serve. I was proud to represent
you. It isn’t “vain” pride, rather; it is passion born
from being associated with a self-LESS group of
volunteers serving a wonderful hospital.
My passion was created when my daughter was
examined and diagnosed through Dr. Luke Waites
some years ago. The hospital provided diagnosis
and counseling. My offer to pay was refused. My
good looks didn’t pay the bill. Gina was determined
to be autistic with development disorders. Like
many of our patients she faces challenges, but she
isn’t “handicapped.” “She sees life from a different
perspective. She regularly teaches me about “life.”
Guess what, “life” isn’t about money or material
My heart was recently touched by the wonderfully
pure spirit of one of our patients. No mention
of name or gender; no violation of HIPPA. This
patient faces real challenges………but the patient is
NOT “smile challenged.” When paid the least, little
bit of attention a smile covers the entire face of
this young person. But wait! It isn’t just a “smile.”
It is a wonderfully, EXPLOSIVE, ALL CONSUMING
smile which radiates outward and grabs anyone in
the same room. It is a window straight to the soul.
Past- President Ken Hill participates in the annual American Subcontractors
Association Poker Run, that benefits TSRHC. Thank you Ken for representing
the hospital!
I’m grateful for the passion created within me,
and indeed in all of us by the TSRHC mission to
provide world class treatment without expecting
payment in return. Though TSRHC must adapt and
make reasonable changes, the mission remains
unchanged to this day………and it always will. I’m
I’ll leave you with this: “If you want to touch
the past, touch a rock. If you want to touch the
present, touch a flower. If you want to touch the
future, touch a life.” (author unknown)
Cheers, and Laissez les bons temps rouler ! ( Let
the good times Roll! )
Ken Hill
Thank you Ken Hill for an incredible year as President! We appreciate your
leadership and dedication to the patients of TSRHC. Thank you for making an
impact in everything you do.
January - April
Volunteer Events
June 7
June 8
June 10-12
June 11
June 15
June 16
June 27
July 13-17
July 13
July 30
August 29
Autos in the Park
KidSwing Dallas
Summer Bazaar
Katy Trail 5k
Junior Volunteers begin
KidSwing McKinney
Character Breakfast
Junior Book Sale
KidSwing Trophy Club
Summer Colors
Dallas Sporting Clay Shoot
Please visit www.tsrhc.org or
www.facebook.com/TSRHCvolunteers for a current
listing of upcoming events benefiting TSRHC
New Volunteers
Volunteer Hours
Number of Tours
Guests on Tours
Did you miss the 2015
Volunteer Awards
Celebration April 11th?
If you were to receive an award for
75 hours or years of service, stop by
Volunteer Services to pick up your
pin (75 hours) or bar (years).