August 2016 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
August 2016 - Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Knight Line Newsletter Knights of Columbus Council #6413 and Assembly #2781 Portland, Texas August 2016 In service to One - In service to all “MEETING REMINDERS” OFFICER’S COUNCIL #6413 MEETING Thursday 4th RE Bldg. Conference Room 7:30 p.m. MONTHLY COUNCIL #6413 MEETING 4TH DEGREE ASSEMBLY #2781 MEETING Thursday 11th Thursday 18th RE Bldg. Conference Room OLMC Parish Hall Meal 7:30 p.m. Meeting 8:15 p.m. Meal 7:00 p.m. Meeting 8:00 p.m. KocF members are invited and encouraged to attend these meetings. You’ll find out what’s going on in our council and assembly and you will be able to take an active part by expressing your views and opinions on the issues. Grand Knights Comments Knights Chaplain's Message Brother Knights: Brother Knights, In my remarks last month, my first as your Msgr. Mark Chamberlin is on vacation as we publish this newsletter. Grand Knight, I mentioned that the In his absence, we take the opportunity to repeat our article of our selection of Service Program directors was July 2014 newsletter wherein in the July edition of Columbia, forthcoming. Our Order emphasizes that Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori had an article on structure and people are vital to success, “Who Matters Most?” His commentary began with the question a n d p r o v i d e s p e c i fic g u i d a n c e f o r “What would your answer be if a reporter on the street would ask, structuring council activity. The Service “Who matters most in your life?” He states that many of us would Program Organizational Chart shows two answer the same way: “God matters most.” But he asks, “Amid our major directorates under the Grand Knight, busy lives, do we make room for God each day through daily prayer i.e, (1) a membership director who oversees recruitment, retention, and and by striving to live the faith we profess? He emphasizes that insurance promotion, and (2) a program director who provides the membership in the Knights is meant to help men progress in making leadership for six “Surge…with Service” categories, each assigned to a God first priority. Our founder, Father McGivney “knew that men director. Thank you to all the Brother Knights who stepped up to lead would have a greater opportunity to put God first if they engaged in these important council activities, as follows: works of charity and experienced fraternity with other men who are Membership Director………………Beto Martinez (361)537-8973 Program Director(DGK)…………Mario Solis (361)438-3600 Church Director…………………….Michael Tressider (361)643-5684 Community Director…………….….Jerry Santellan (361)534-9087 Council Director……co-shared by Leo Farias (361)815-7749 Greg Young (361)290-8313 Family Director……………………Bill Reeves (361)643-6314 Culture of Life Director………..…Butch Rowe (361)288-0602 Youth Director……………..……….Benny Polasek (361)441-4044 striving to take their faith seriously.” Following this precept, doesn’t that provide us the inner strength to love the Church and our families more deeply? Brother Knights, his was a message worth repeating. Message submitted by our council in Father’s absence…… OLMC KofC 2016-2017 Installation of Officers There is room in these activity areas for committeemen to help plan and execute. I invite you to select an activity of your choice, call the director, and say “I would like to help. Count me in.” Your Brother in Christ, Ervey Martinez DiVivat Jesus!! Viva Cristo Rey! Meet our new KofC Officers. You’ll be surprised as to who they are! Continued on PG 5 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 3 Thursday Friday 4 Saturday 5 Officer's Meeting RE bldg. 7:30 p.m. Birthdays! DonaldBrauner-70 JamesHatch-55 27 8 3 49 10 5 11 6 Council Meeting Meal 7:15 p.m. Meeting 8:15 p.m. OLMC Parish Hall 12 7 16 PatrickSumbera-80 813 Venerable MichaelMcGivney 14 9 KC Breakfast Team “D” Butch Rowe 9:30 a.m. 15 10 17 12 16 11 Exemplification: 1st Degree OLMC OLMC Parish Hall 6:30 p.m. 11 HarryAllen-63 TimothyThorn-38 21 16 KC BBQ chicken & sausage sale Team “B” Daniel Estrada 23 28 30 RommelDaclan-53 VictorGuevara-62 17 22 MaVhewPerales-22 24 29 RodolfoLopez-54 31 CarlosGonzales-64 RojelioLucio-53 GilbertHinojosa-73 JosephBurke-78 JoseFarias-77 RalphMelendez-56 NathanCortez-39 18 23 AaronRomero-35 25 30 19 24 ReynaldoChavez-54 26 31 KevinVrooman-29 Page 2 18 13 4th Degree Assembly Meeting 7:00 p.m. OLMC Parish Hall ArturoCantu-59 20 25 27 19 14 EusebioMunoz-68 CyrilPiazza-62 20 15 KC Vigil Practice 5:30 p.m. Mass 6 p.m. Ladies Night Out RaymondHinojosa-56 21 26 DusWnWiatrek-41 28 22 27 BobbyRodriguez-49 29 AUGUST 2016 CALENDAR EVENTS: Prayer to Mary Queen of the Knights Our Lady, Queen of the Knights, bless all the activities of our order. Keep us true to the pledge to extend the kingship of thy Divine Son on earth. Through Thine intercession, win for us the grace ever to exemplify in our public and private lives, the virtues, which should characterize those specially dedicated to the service of the heavenly court. Make us always aware that as your Knights we are constantly observed, our faith judged and our order appreciated. Accept O Mary, this renewed pledge of fealty and devotion of thy servants, the Knights MONTHLY MEETING (Thurs. 11th) Brother Knights, since our July meeting was an Open Meeting, featuring the installation of officers, our August meeting is a closed regular meeting. Grand Knight Ervey Martinez has appointed Service Program Directors for the year and will be briefly discussing program areas of interest and expectations. Make an effort to attend. Members, please invite your spouses/families for a delicious pre-meeting meal and fellowship starting at 7:15 p.m. Planned meal features Italian Cuisine. Our thanks to our ladies who continue to bring the yummy desserts. Invite a prospective candidate. Regular meeting at 8:15 p.m. Michael J. McGivney (Fri. 12th) Born to Irish immigrants in Waterbury, Connecticut, on August 12, 1852. The eldest of 13 children (seven of whom survived to adulthood), he studied for the priesthood and was ordained on Dec. 22, 1877, and was assigned to St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, where he founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882. By his holy life, exemplary virtue, piety and priestly character, he was recognized by many as “a saint in the making.” He was also a priest of great vision and foresight who anticipated the Second Vatican’s Council proclamation of the “Universal Call to Holiness” by empowering laypersons to take leadership positions. Never robust in health, Father Michael McGivney fell sick with pneumonia in January 1890 while serving as pastor of St. Thomas Church in Thomaston, Conn. After months of attempted “cures” and laboring to carry on his pastoral duties, he died on Aug. 14, two days past his 38th birthday. His funeral in his home parish in Waterbury was attended by throngs of faithful who recognized his virtue and sanctity. Through the Knights, Father McGivney sought to form Catholic men into good spouses and fathers. He has become known as Apostle to the Young and Defender of Christian Family Life. He saw strong families as the foundation of his parish, of the Church and of society at large. He was convinced that the Catholic layman had a unique role in influencing society and promoting the values found in what Pope John Paul II has since named the Culture of Life and the Civilization of Love. The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan. PRAYER FOR THE SICK: KEEP IN PRAYER Holy Mary of God, pray for Fr. Jerry Zurovetz St. Mary Magdalene, pray for Joe Posas St. Paul, pray for Gilbert Hinojosa Dear Jesus, Devine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to You in this time of illness. O dearest Comforter of the Troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with Your entle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our worries in your hands. We ask that You restore Your servant to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge Your holy will and know that whatsoever You do, You do for the love of us. Amen. Page 3 OurGuaranteesSetUsApart Knights of Columbus life insurance offers something precious few other financial products can – guarantees. As long as you pay your premiums, the policy proceeds will be there for your beneficiaries should something happen to you. That’s peace of mind, and that’s what we offer with every product in our portfolio. We guarantee the cash value in your whole life policies will be there. We guarantee the rates on your term insurance. We guarantee our retirement products will provide a stream of income when you need it. On top of those product guarantees, I guarantee that I will offer professional, high-quality service that you would expect from our organization. Our Order is among the highest rated life insurers in North America. AM Best has rated the Knights of Columbus “A++, Superior” for 39 consecutive years. It’s a testament to our track record for excellence and security. Joseph Hernandez General KofC Agent I would suggest that a principal reason that we were able to achieve those accolades is (361)537-770 [email protected] because we remain steadfastly committed to the vision of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney by providing life insurance by brother Knights for brother Knights. That commitment is an essential core value of the Knights of Columbus, and our core values permeate all levels of our organization. We pledge to serve our brother Knights, and their families, according to our Golden Rule: “In all my professional relationships, I pledge myself to the following rule of conduct: I shall, in light of all conditions surrounding those I serve, render that service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself.” Let’s talk soon to discuss how our products can bring that peace of mind to you and your family. The Knights of Columbus Insurance program operates solely for members and their families, relies on council-agent teamwork for its success, and provides the financial backbone for all of the Order’s good works. WHAT IS MEANT BY KNIGHTS IN ACTION? The Knights of Columbus and its local councils carries out the widest range of charitable and fraternal programs that focus on Faith, Community, Family, and Fellowship. Annually, Knights volunteer more than 68 million hours and donate more than $143 million to charitable causes. Just a few examples include supplying free wheelchairs for the disabled, supplying prayer books to soldiers overseas, conducting educational programs on substance abuse, supporting pro-life causes, the Keep Christ in Christmas awareness campaign, and a range of educational and athletics programs for local youth. Page 4 AUGUST 2016 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Thursday July 14th marked the installation of officers for the new year at Council 6413. The ceremony was conducted under the direction of District Deputy Humberto “Beto” Martinez. The symbolic ceremony was followed by a Night of Celebration with family and friends. The evening served a twofold purpose: to recognize and encourage the new Council Officers and also to show our appreciation to our volunteer members who in some way, big or small, and have contributed to the success of the Council during the past year. The Knights of Columbus are Catholic gentlemen committed to the exemplification of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism, and Defense of the Priesthood. DiVivat Jesus!! View all Council Event pictures and more on: OLMC Flicker: OLMC Facebook: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Portland, TX Page 5 AUGUST 2016 CALENDAR EVENTS: August Calendar events contd. from pg. 4 KNIGHT'S CHOIR AND VIGIL MASS (Sat. 13th) The KofC choir will be singing at the Saturday evening (6:00 p.m.) Mass. Practice at the Daily Chapel at 5:30 p.m. After Mass all are invited to re-group for Ladies Night Out at after Mass at Bakery Cafe, 434 S. Commerce (across from HEB), Aransas Pass. BYOB allowed! KofC BREAKFAST (Sun. 14th) Parish hall after 8:30 a.m. mass. Butch Rowe (361)288-0602 [email protected] Team “D”: Team consist of: Ram Ochoa, Larry Luehring, Trey Boone, Benny Mumme, Adrian Saldivar, Paul Steen, Ray Chavez, Dan King and Ervey Martinez. Team, it is very important that we all support our cooking team. If for any reason you can not help out, as a courtesy please let your Cooking Team Lead know! FIRST DEGREE CEREMONY (Tues. 16th) At Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish Hall. Registration at 6:30 p.m. The Portland Degree Team regularly administers the First Degree monthly on. Help our council continue to grow by recruiting. Submit completed Form 100 (application) at our regular monthly meeting for consideration.Invite your Catholic relative, friend, or acquaintance to join. Membership is open to Catholic men, 18 years or older, who are practical Catholics. CHICKEN & SAUSAGE SALE (Sun. 17th 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses) The monthly BBQ chicken and sausage is being offered at 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. noon. Cost: 1/2 chicken $4.00, whole chicken $8.00, sausage $6.00 per link. Team “B” Daniel Estrada (361)563-4579 [email protected] Team consist of: Scott Grote, Thomas Sutherland, Joe Ortega, George Garcia, Lionel Longoria, Loyd Miller, Wesley Ring, Al Arguijo and Eddie Rojas. Team, it is very important that we all support our cooking team. If for any reason you can not help out, as a courtesy please let your Cooking Team Lead know! KofC BLOOD REPORT Congratulations! At your recent blood drive on behalf of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish a total of 23 successful blood donations. This is the equivalent of 69 lives saved (remember, each whole blood donation has the ability to save up to three lives). On behalf of the Coastal Bend Blood Center, patients and hospitals across the Coastal Bend, thank you for all of the time and effort you put into making this blood drive a success. Council sponsors the blood drives every other month for the benefit of members, families, and any parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel who may face a situation of needing blood. Our next Blood Drive will be in October. Our thanks to all the faithful donors. Please Welcome our newest Knight Robert Kyle Robert is our newest KofC member! Robert has been a lifetime parishioner at OLMC. Robert, your fellow brother Knights give you a warm welcome to our ministry! Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to any practicing Catholic man in union with the Holy See who is not less than 18 years of age. A practicing Catholic is one who lives up to the Commandments of God and the Precepts of the Catholic Church. Please contact any OLMC Knight or call Grand Knight Ervey Martinez (361)876-6673 to sign up. We’re looking for a few good men! Page 6 “Knight” for Hunters GUN RAFFLE September 29th, 2016 at 7p.m. 50 GUNS TOTAL AND ONLY 4,000 TICKETS TO BE SOLD DONATION: $20.00 NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. PRIZE MUST BE CLAIMED WITHIN 90 DAYS. ALL STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS APPLY. WINNERS MUST PASS FEDERAL BACKGROUND CHECK. ALL GUNS CAN BE TRADED AT COST. DINNER WILL BE SERVED AT DRAWING LOCATION: 3901 VIOLET, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX. 78410 GUNS PROVIDED BY: The Sharp Shooter 5515 Stapels, Corpus Christi, TX 78411 Page 7 KofC2016TEAMS Holidays KofC2017TEAMS Monthly Cooking Team Assignments Brother Knight’s, please review the monthly 2016-2017 yearly calendars for your planning purpose(s). If you are a “Team Lead” and you change with someone, it is your responsibility for the month you have been assigned in ensuring your event is covered. If you are on a cooking team and will be unable to help cook, as a courtesy please let the Team Lead” know! Swapping assigned day(s) requires prior approval from Grand Knight or Deputy Grand Knight. PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR COOKING TEAM!! Page 8 AUGUST BIRTHDAYS Name: Birthday - Age: 1st - 55 5th - 70 6th - 80 8th - 78 10th - 73 12th - 64 12th - 53 13th - 68 13th - 62 14th - 63 14th - 38 15th - 53 15th - 62 16th - 77 16th - 56 17th - 39 18th - 59 19th - 56 22th - 22 23nd - 35 24rd - 54 26th - 41 27th - 49 29th - 54 31st - 29 James Hatch Donald Brauner Patrick Sumbera Joseph Burke Gilbert Hinojosa Carlos Gonzales Rojelio Lucio Eusebio Munoz Cyril Piazza li Harry Allen Timothy Patrick Thorn Rommel Daclan Victor Guevara Jose Farias Ralael Melendez Nathan Cortez Arturo Cantu Raymond Hinojosa Matthew Perales Aaron Romero Reynaldo Chavez Dustin Wiatrek Bobby Rodriguez Rodlfo Lopez Kevin Vrooman "Brother Knights" Birthday Prayer: Thank you, God, for giving me another year of life. Thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending me cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to you. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take, for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you. Amen RESOURCEFUL LINKS RELATED TO THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Corpus Christi “Area Chapter” Knights of Columbus: Corpus Christi Area Chapter Knights of Columbus “Flicker”: Knights of Columbus Texas Sate Council: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Flicker: Our Lady of Mount Carmel Facebook: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church, Portland, TX KNIGHT LINE SUBMISSION: We want to hear from you! Please submit your input to the Knight Line Newsletter. Please send to [email protected] no later than the 20th of the month. Requirements for submitting pictures: -All pictures “MUST” be at least 1MB or larger in file size. -Pictures must be be related to Knights of Columbus event(s). -A caption of the picture being submitted must be included. -Only exception to cell phone pictures is, if your cell phone takes pictures in HD of 1MB or larger. Page 9 Page 10 OLMC Knights of Columbus Msgr. Mark Chamberlin Council No. 6413 1008 Austin Portland, TX. 78374 AFFIX STAMP HERE Return Service Requested Scan with your smart phone to visit OLMC Council #6413 Website COUNCIL/CONTACT INFORMATION Physical Address / Mailing Address: 1008 Austin Portland, TX 78374 COUNCIL OFFICERS Email: [email protected] Regular Officer Meetings: 1st Thursday of the month at 7:15 p.m. OLMC Religious Ed building. Regular Business Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the month at 8:15 p.m. OLMC parish hall. Newsletter Editor: Ervey Martinez: [email protected] Assistant Editors: Al Saathoff: [email protected] Leo Farias: [email protected] Grand Knight ………………Ervey Martinez Deputy Grand Knight ……..Mario Solis Chaplain ……………………Msgr. Mark Chamberlin Chancellor ………………… David Krebs Recorder ……………….…..Daniel Estrada Treasure …………………... Donald Warner Financial Secretary ………. Alvin Saathoff Advocate ………………….. William Reeves Warden ……………………. Dalton Choiniere Faithful Friar…………..……Greg Young Inside Guard ……………… Al Arguijo Outside Guard ……………. Eddie Rojas Trustee for 1 year ………... Mathew Perales Trustee for 2 years …….….Edward Garcia Trustee for 3 years …….….Thomas Sutherland Lecture ……………………..Kyle Nohavitza Page 11