Leeds Joint Care Management Service
Leeds Joint Care Management Service
Contact details Joint Care Management Teams across Leeds West 0113 378 3224 / 0113 378 3232 South 0113 378 2721 North 0113 295 4701 Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm Saturday and Sunday 9am – 5pm Bank holidays 9am – 5pm Help us get it right If you have a complaint, concern, comment or compliment, please let us know by speaking to a member of our staff. We learn from your feedback and use the information to improve and develop our services. If you would like to talk to someone outside the service contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 0113 220 8585, Monday to Friday 9.30am to 4.30pm or email [email protected] NHS 111 For urgent medical help that isn’t a 999 emergency Carers Centre 6-8 The Headrow Leeds, LS1 6PP 0113 246 8338 Adult Social Care 0113 222 4401 LCH Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) 0113 220 8585 Your Care Manager is: Contact number: This leaflet can be made available in larger print, as an audiotape or in other languages on request. © Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust, June 2015 ref: 1391 Leeds Joint Care Management Service Information for service users and their families What is Joint Care Management? • A partnership between Leeds What do we do? • We will assess your health and social care needs Community Healthcare NHS Trust (LCH) and Leeds Adult Social Care (Leeds City Council) • We will work with you and your family to plan the services you need and where you need them • A care management service for adults • We will co-ordinate your care services • We will review services to make sure you over 65 years with complex health and social care needs • A care management service for adults of all ages who have been identified as eligible for NHS Continuing Care funding (we can give you a leaflet that explains this) Referrals to Joint Care Management • Referrals to the service are made by any health or social care professional involved in your care are getting the right care When may you need a Joint Care Manager? • If you are in hospital and need a high level of support when you are discharged • If you are a patient in the Community Who are Joint Care Managers? • We are professionals with health or social care backgrounds • We are care managers with a wealth of experience in all aspects of health care and adult social care Intermediate Care Unit or South Leeds Independence Centre and need support when you are discharged • If you are at home but at risk of being admitted to hospital or a care home when you don’t need to be • If you are in a Community Intermediate Care bed or at home with services to help you with personal care from Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and need ongoing care • If you are eligible for NHS Continuing Care funding Our Commitment to you... • We will provide a prompt response to all referrals • We will offer you an assessment that is personal to you • We will identify services which will make you as independent as possible • We will involve you and respect your views when planning your care
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