Preisliste Runderneuerte EM
Preisliste Runderneuerte EM
„Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014“ Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014 1 Brutto Preisliste excl. Karkasse RMH */** L3 E3 Größe 15.5 x25 17.5 x25 20,5 x25 23.5 x25 Deep 23.5 x25 Standart 26.5 x25 29.5 x25 € 730,890,1050,1560,1430,2060,2625,- RMLD D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 Profil 30mm 32mm 32mm 39mm 34mm 38mm 40mm RF MINE D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 Größe 600/65x25 21.00 x25 30/65 x29 30/65 x29 775/65x29 800/65x29 35/65 x33 35/65 x33 33.25 x35 € 2610,2625,4680,5000,4680,4875,6050,6250,5625,- Profil 44mm 57mm 53mm Größe € 1650,20.5 x25 Neu 20.5 x25 Recaflex 2250,2125,23,5 x25 23,5 x25 Recaflex 3000,3280,26.5 x25 26.5 x25 Recaflex 3875,29.5 x25 Recaflex 3650,29.5 x25 Recaflex 4625,29.5 x29 Recaflex 4610,29.5 x29 Recaflex 5000,5625,35/65x33 35/65x33 Recaflex 6250,- D2 Profil 88mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 90mm 65mm Profil 43mm D2 Profil Größe 15.5 x25 15.5 x25 17.5 x25 17.5 x25 20.5 x25 20.5 x25 23.5 x25 23.5 x25 26,5 x25 26,5 x25 29,5 x25 29,5 x25 29.5 x29 29.5 x29 71mm 49mm 80mm 58mm 80mm 65mm 90mm 58mm 100mm 78mm 90mm RF MS D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 Größe 15.5 x25 15.5 x25 17.5 x25 17.5 x25 20.5 x25 20.5 x25 23.5 x25 23.5 x25 26,5 x25 26,5 x25 29,5 x25 29,5 x25 29.5 x29 29.5 x29 RF MINE D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 € 1000,1250,1310,1590,1650,2250,2375,3000,3280,3875,3650,4625,4610,5000,- Profil 37mm D2 Profil 60mm 38mm 62mm 43mm 71mm 49mm 80mm 53mm 80mm € 1000,1250,1310,1590,1650,2250,2375,3000,3280,3875,3650,4625,4610,5000,- Profil 37mm D2 Profil 60mm 38mm 62mm 43mm 71mm 49mm 80mm 53mm 80mm 58mm 100mm 58mm 100mm RF MS D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 Größe 600/65x25 21.00 x25 30/65 x29 30/65 x29 775/65x29 800/65x29 35/65 x33 35/65 x33 33.25 x35 € 2610,2625,4680,5000,4680,4875,6050,6250,5625,- D2 Profil 44mm 57mm 53mm Profil 88mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 90mm 65mm 58mm 100mm 58mm Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014 100mm 2 Brutto Preisliste excl. Karkasse RF LISSE D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 Größe 15.5 x25 15.5 x25 17.5 x25 17.5 x25 20.5 x25 20.5 x25 23.5 x25 23.5 x25 26,5 x25 26,5 x25 29,5 x25 29,5 x25 29.5 x29 29.5 x29 € 1000,1250,1310,1590,1650,2250,2375,3000,3280,3875,3650,4625,4610,5000,- Profil 37mm 60mm 38mm 62mm 43mm 71mm 49mm 80mm 53mm 80mm 650/65x25 25/65 x25 750/65x25 30/65 x25 705/70x25 Größe 600/65x25 21.00 x25 30/65 x29 30/65 x29 775/65x29 800/65x29 35/65 x33 35/65 x33 33.25 x35 € 2610,2625,4680,5000,4680,4875,6050,6250,5625,- Profil 44mm 57mm 53mm RMADN */** L3 E3 D2 Profil 88mm Größe 23.5 x25 26.5 x25 29.5 x25 € 1675,2235,2625,- Profil 38mm 41mm 44mm 53mm 53mm 61mm 90mm 65mm 58mm 100mm 58mm 100mm RMAD 65 */** L3 E3 € 2100,2100,2625,2625,2625,- D2 Profil RF LISSE D1/D2 * L4 L5 D1 RMDT ** E4 Profil 40mm 40mm 43mm 43mm 43mm € 18.00x33 2375,21.00x33 Recaflex 3625,24.00x35 4550,- RM KS ** E4 Profil 52mm 54mm 62mm Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014 16.00x25 18.00x25 18.00x33 € 1375,1975,2625,- Profil 32mm 38mm 55mm 3 Brutto Preisliste excl. Karkasse RMLT DN/D1 */** DN E3 E4 Größe 850/65x25 775/65x29 800/65x29 875/65x29 33.5 x33 37.5 x33 29.5 x35 37.5 x39 40.5/75x39 € 3750,4680,4875,5625,6375,7875,4875,Anfrage Anfrage Profil 14.00x24 14.00x25 16.00x25 385/95x24 385/95x25 445/95x25 970,970,1100,970,970,1100,- 18.00x25 18.00x33 € 2060,2625,- Profil 38mm 55mm 27.00x49 31/80x49 31/90x49 € Anfrage Anfrage Anfrage - Profil 70mm 70mm 70mm 47mm 47mm 45mm 50mm 49mm RMGC *** HRO € D1 Profil 47 mm 53 mm 53 mm 51 mm RM RLS ** E4 RM RL ** E4 RMGC *** INDUSTRIE Profil 22mm 22mm 25mm 22mm 22mm 25mm 14.00x24 14.00x25 16.00x25 385/95x24 385/95x25 445/95x25 € 1050,1050,1100,1050,1050,1100,- RM WINTER */** Profil 22mm 22mm 25mm 22mm 22mm 25mm Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014 Größe 15.5 x25 17.5 x25 20,5 x25 23.5 x25 € 975,1060,1435,2085,- Profil 26mm 28mm 32mm 35mm 4 Netto Preisliste Karkasse Radlader & Grader Muldenkipper Industrie 13.00R24 80,- 16.00R25 100,- 14.00R20 60,- 14.00R24 100,- 18.00R25 250,- 12.00R24 80,- 15.5 R25 100,- D2 150,- 21.00R25 300,- 14.00R24 100,- 17.5 R25 100,- D2 150,- 20.5 R25 150,- 14.00R25 100,- 20.5 R25 100,- D2 200,- 23.5 R25 250,- 16.00R25 100,- 23.5 R25 200,- D2 300,- 26.5 R25 300,- 18.00R25 250,- 26.5 R25 250,- D2 300,- 29.5 R25 350,- 18.00R33 300,- 29.5 R25 300,- D2 350,- 25/65R25 200,- 21.00R33 350,- 650/55R25 200,- 650/65R25 200,- 22/65R25 200,- 625/70R25 200,- 550/65R25 200,- 750/65R25 300,- 555/70R25 200,- 705/70R25 300,- 600/65R25 200,- 18.00R33 300,- 850/65R25 300,- 21.00R33 350,- 26.5 R29 350,- 21.00R35 400,- 29.5 R29 350,- D2 400,- 24.00R35 450,- 30/65R29 350,- D2 400,- 27.00R49 Anfrage 775/65R29 400,- 30.00R51 Anfrage 800/65R29 400,- 33.00R51 Anfrage 875/65R29 450,- 36.00R51 Anfrage 33.25R29 500,- 35/65R33 500,- 33.50R33 500,- 37.50R33 600,- 45/65R45 Anfrage D2 500,Preisblatt gültig ab 01-01-2014 - Bruttopreis pro Stück in Euro excl. MwSt ab 2 Stück L ieferung frei Haus Bei Lieferung von runderneuerten Reifen incl. Karkasse, verpflichtet sich der Abnehmer zur Rückgabe der runderneuerungsfähigen Karkassen an Recamax Reifen GmbH RECAMAX BIETET 5 JAHRE GARANTIE Runderneuerte Reifen für Baumaschinen Brutto Preisliste Ausgabe 2014 5
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