Caterpillar Performance Handbook
Caterpillar Performance Handbook
TIRES Caterpillar Performance Handbook ® Edition 44 800.437.4228 © 2014 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. TIRES CONTENTS SELECTION, APPLICATION, MAINTENANCE Selection, Application, Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . 32-1 Tire Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-2 Bias Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-2 Radial Ply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-3 Tire Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-3 Tire Size Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-3 Code Identification for Off-Highway Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-4 Manufacturers’ Designations – Firestone, Goodyear/Dunlop, Bridgestone, Michelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-5 Titan, Triangle, Eurotire, Yokohama . . . . . . . .32-10 Nokian, Belshina, Pirelli, Double Coin . . . . . 32-13 Radial Tire Identification: Michelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-15 Goodyear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-16 Bridgestone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-17 Ton-Kilometer Per Hour Rating System . . . . . . 32-18 Tire Drive-Away Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . .32-19 TKPH Ratings – Goodyear Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-20 – Bridgestone Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-31 – Michelin Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-39 – Triangle Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-50 – Eurotire Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-52 ISO Load Index Speed Symbol – Michelin Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-47 Tire and Rim Association Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . 32-53 Tire Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-53 Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-55 Standard Cold Inflation Pressures . . . . . . . . . 32-56 Liquid Ballasting Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32-74 Proper tire selection, application and maintenance continue to be the most important factors in earthmoving economics. Wheel tractors, loaders, scrapers, trucks, motor graders, etc. are earthmoving equipment whose productivity and payload unit cost may depend more on tire performance than any other factor. Off-the-road tires must operate under a wide variety of conditions ranging from dry “potato dirt” through wet severe shot rock. Speed conditions vary from less than 1 mph average to 72 km/h (45 mph). Gradients may vary from 75% favorable to 30% adverse. Climatic conditions, operator skills, maintenance practices, etc. all may have a profound effect on tire life and unit costs. Although one specific tire construction may be acceptable in a variety of applications, no one tire can meet all requirements on any one machine and perhaps not even one job. The many differences in tire requirements on earthmoving machines have resulted in a wide variety of tread and casing designs being made available. The optimum tire selection for a specific machine on a given job should be a joint decision between the user and tire supplier. Several tire manufacturers have technical and application representatives in the field for proper guidance in tire selection. When job conditions change, it may be desirable to select a different tire configuration to meet the new requirements. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 1 32-1 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Tire Construction ● Bias Ply TIRE CONSTRUCTION The pneumatic tire is essentially a flexible pressure vessel utilizing structural members (nylon, steel cable, etc.) to contain the hoop tension resulting from the inflation pressure. Rubber is utilized as a protective coating and sealant over the structural members and makes up the tread pattern which provides the wearing medium at the ground interface. The following brief explanation of the various tire constructions will assist you in selecting tires for your specific application. Two distinct tire constructions approved on all Cat® machines are the BIAS PLY and RADIAL PLY tires. Radial tires are designated by an “R” while a “-” represents a Bias constructed tire. For example, a 45/65-45 tire would be of Bias construction and a 45/65R45 would be of Radial construction. The following is a brief explanation of the principal features of these two constructions. Bias Ply 1. Beads – The tire beads consist of steel wirebundles (3 or 4 in larger tires) which are forced laterally by tire inflation pressure to wedge the tire firmly on the rim’s tapered bead seat. The nylon plies tie into the bead bundles. The forces inherent in the tire are transmitted from the rim through the bead bundles into the nylon. 2. Body plies – Layers of rubber-cushioned nylon cord comprise the tire casing. Alternating plies of cord cross the tread centerline at an angle (bias). The term “ply rating” is an index of tire strength and not the actual number of tire plies. 32-2 Bias Ply Construction 3. Breakers or tread plies – These, if used, are confined to the tire’s tread area and are intended to improve casing strength and provide additional protection to the body plies. Some “work” tires employ steel breakers or belts to further protect the casing. 4. Sidewalls – These are the protective rubber layers covering the body plies in the sidewall. 5. Tread – The wearing part of the tire that contacts the ground. It transmits the machine weight to the ground and provides traction and flotation. 6. Inner liner – This is the sealing medium that retains the air and, combined with the “O” ring seal and rim base, eliminates the need for inner tubes and flaps. 7. Tubes and flaps (not shown) – Required if the tire is not of tubeless construction with an inner liner. 8. Undertread – Protective rubber cushion lying between tread and body ply. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 2 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tire Construction ● Radial Ply Tire Types Tire Size Nomenclature Radial Ply Tires TIRE TYPES Off-the-road tires are classified by application in one of the following three categories: 1. Transport tire – For earthmoving machines that transport material such as trucks and wheel tractors. 2. Work tire – Normally applied to slow moving earthmoving machines such as graders and loaders. 3. Load and carry – Wheel loaders engaged in transporting as well as digging. TIRE SIZE NOMENCLATURE Radial Ply Construction 1. Beads – A single bead bundle of steel cables or steel strip (spiraled like a clock spring) comprise the bead at each rim interface. 2. Radial casing – This consists of a single layer or ply of steel cables laid archwise (on the radian) bead to bead. 3. Belts – Several layers or plies of steel cable form the belts which underlie the tread area around the tire circumference. The cable in each belt crosses the tread centerline at an angle with the angle being reversed from the preceding belt. 4. Sidewalls. 5. Tread. 6. Undertread – Protective rubber cushion lying between tread and steel belts. Bias and Radial Tire Advantages Bias Radial Tread Life X Heat Resistance X Cut Resistance — Tread Cut Resistance — Side Wall X X Traction 1. A wide base tire has a section height to section width ratio in the range of 0.83. As an example, a 29.5-25 tire has an approximate cross section width of 749 mm (29.5") (first number) and a rim diameter of 635 mm (25") (second number). 2. A conventional tire has a section height to section width ratio in the range of 0.96. As an example, a 24.00R35 tire has an approximate cross section width of 610 mm (24") (first number) and a rim diameter of 889 mm (35") (second number). 3. A low profile tire has a section height to section width ratio in the range of 0.65. As an example, a 45/65-45 tire has an approximate cross section width of 1143 mm (45") (first number), a 65% aspect ratio designated as 65 (second number), and a rim diameter of 1143 mm (45") (third number). If designated 45/65 R39, then the R denotes radial construction. When comparing a wide base tire to a standard base tire, a larger first number on a wide base tire with the same rim diameter does not mean the wide base is larger in overall diameter. For example, the 18.00-25 conventional tire is larger in diameter than the 20.5-25 wide base tire. The 18.00-25 is comparable in overall diameter to the 23.5-25 wide base tire. X X Fuel Economy X Repairability X Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 3 32 X Flotation Stability X Tire size nomenclature is derived from the approximate cross section width and rim diameter typically in the format of Tire Width, Aspect Ratio, and Rim Diameter (example: 45/65-45). Available tire types include: 32-3 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Off-Highway Tire Identification Codes The sub-categories are designated by numerals, as follows: Code Identification Tire cross-section D R H S W H S = = = = = Tire Overall Diameter Nominal Rim Diameter Tire Section Height Tire Section Width Tire Width (includes ornamental ribs) = Aspect Ratio CODE IDENTIFICATION FOR OFF-HIGHWAY TIRES The tire industry has adopted a code identification system to be used for off-the-road tires. This identification system will reduce the confusion caused by the trade names for each type of tire offered by each tire manufacturer. The industry code identification is divided into six main categories by types of service as follows: C — Compactor Service E — Earthmover Service G — Grader Service L — Loader and Dozer Service LS — Log-Skidder Service F — Industrial R — Agricultural Tractor I — Agricultural Implement 32-4 Compactor C-1 Smooth C-2 Grooved Earthmover E-1 Rib E-2 Traction E-3 Rock E-4 Rock Deep Tread E-7 Flotation Grader G-1 Rib G-2 Traction G-3 Rock G-4 Rock Deep Tread Loader and Dozer L-2 Traction L-3 Rock L-4 Rock Deep Tread L-5 Rock Extra Deep Tread L-3S Smooth L-4S Smooth Deep Tread L-5S Smooth Extra Deep Tread L-5/L-5S Half Tread Extra Deep Log-Skidders LS-1 Regular Tread LS-2 Intermediate Tread LS-3 Deep Tread HF-4 Extra Deep Tread Industrial F-3 Traction Tread Agricultural Tractor R-1 Regular Tread R-3 Shallow Tread R-4 Industrial Tractor Agricultural Implement I-3 Tractor Tread % Tread Depth 100 100 100 100 100 150 80 100 100 100 150 100 100 150 250 100 150 250 250 100 125 150 250 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 4 12/20/13 9:14 AM Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type C-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) C-2 Traction (Regular) FIRESTONE GOODYEAR/ DUNLOP* Compactor SMC-1A BRIDGESTONE RR Tires MICHELIN X LISSE COMPACTEUR AL2 Earthmover E-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) HRR-1A XDR-1A E-2 Traction (Regular) SGG LD (E2/L2) Custom HI-MILLER (CHM) MC-1A RL-2F (E2/G2) SG Lug SGL-2A SGL E/L-2A (E2/G2/L2) VFT VGT VHB VHS VKT (E2/G2/L2) VSB X-CRANE AT XGC XMH S XR B (E2/E3) XR C4 (E2/E3) XSNOPLUS 170E XTLA (E2/G2/L2) XVC E-3 Rock (Regular) E67 SRG LD AT-2A (E3/L3) GP-2B (E3/G3/L3) GP-3D (E3/L3) HRL-3A (E3/L3) HRL-3B HRL-3C HRL-3F HRL D/L-3A (E3/G3/L3) HRL E/L-3A (E3/G3/L3) RL-2+ (E3/G3/L3) RL-3 RL-3+ RL-3F (E3/L3) RL-3J (E3/L3) RT-3A+ RT-3B (E3/L3) SHRL (E3/L3) SHRL 8 TL-3A+ (E3/L3) UMS D/L-3A (E3/L3) UMS-3A (E3/L3) WRL-3A (E3/L3) RL (E3/G3/L3) VEL VL2 (E3/L3) VLT VMT VRD VRF VRL WL XAD 65-1 XADN XDM C4 XDR S XK A (L3 for 25" Rim) XMS XR B/XRC4 (E2/E3) X-STRADDLE X-TRACTION S XTS *Dunlop brand indicator. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 5 32-5 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code E-4 Tread Type Rock (Deep Tread) FIRESTONE SRG DT GOODYEAR/ DUNLOP* Earthmover BRIDGESTONE GP-4B GP-4C (E4/L4) GP-4D (E4/L4) HRL-4A HRL-4B MRL-4B MRL-4D MRL-4F NRL D/L-4A (E4/L4) RL-4 RL-4A RL-4B RL-4F RL-4C RL-4H RL-4H II RL-4J RL-4J II RL-4L RL-4M+ RT-4A RT-4A+ ELS2 L317 RLS (E4/L4) VELS VLTS (E4/L4) VMTP VMTS (E4/G4) VRDP VREP VRLS VRPS VRQP VSNT (E4/L4) VZTP VZTS SCP2 VSJ E-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) E-7 Flotation EAW-7A SAW-7A SHY-7A SRB-7A SRB-7B G-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) AWG-1A RBG-1A SMG-1A G-2 Traction (Regular) G-3 Rock (Regular) G-4 Rock (Deep Tread) G-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) HRL D/L-5A Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) SMO D/L-5A (G5S/L5S) SMO D/L-5B (G5S/L5S) MICHELIN X® SUPER TERRAIN AD XDM™ B XDR™ XDR™2 XDT™ X-HAUL® XKD1™ X-Quarry®/X-Quarry® S XRS™ X-TRACTION™ Grader G-5S SGG RB (G2/L2) SRG DT RB AS-3A (G2/L3) ASG-2A RL-2F (E2/G2) SG-2B SGG-2A SGG-2A SG SGL D/L-2A (G2/L2) SGL E/L-2A (E2/G2/L2) SP-T9* (G2/L2) FG (G2/L2) VKT (E2/G2/L2) VSW (G2/L2) VUT (G2/L2) XGLA2™ (G2/L2) XSNOPLUS® M&S (G2/L2) XTLA™ (E2/G2/L2) GP-2B (E3/G3/L3) HRL E/L-3A (E3/G3/L3) RKG-3A RKG-3C RL-2+ (E3/G3/L3) RL (E3/G3/L3) XR™ A (G3/L3) SGG-4B *Dunlop brand indicator. 32-6 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 6 12/20/13 9:14 AM Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type GOODYEAR/ FIRESTONE DUNLOP* Loader and Dozer BRIDGESTONE Tires MICHELIN L-2 Traction (Regular) SGG LD (E2/L2) SGG RB (G2/L2) E91* E91-2* SGL D/L-2A (G2/L2) SGL E/L-2A (E2/G2/L2) SP-T9* (G2/L2) FG (G2/L2) VKT (E2/G2/L2) VSW (G2/L2) VUT (G2/L2) XF™ XGLA2™ (G2/L2) XSNOPLUS® M&S (G2/L2) XTLA™ (E2/G2/L2) L-3 Rock (Regular) SRG LD AS-3A (G2/L3) AT-2A (E3/L3) ELV-3A (I3/L3) GP-2B (E3/G3 /L3) GP-3D (E3/L3) HRL D/L-3A (G3/L3) HRL D/L-3B HRL D/L-3C HRL E/L-3A (E3/G3/L3) HRL-3A (E3/L3) RL-2+ (E3/G3/L3) RL-3F (E3/L3) RL-3J (E3/L3) RT-3B (E3/L3) SHRL (E3/L3) SHRL D/L TL-3A+ (E3/L3) UMS D/L-3A (E3/L3) UMS-3A (E3/L3) WRL-3A (E3/L3) RL (E3/G3/L3) VCH VJT VL2 (E3/L3) VTS STABIL'X® X STACKER™ STABIL'X® XZM™ 2 STABIL'X® XZM™ STABIL'X® XZSL® XHA™ XHA™ 2 XK® A (E3 for 24" Rim) XLD® L3 XR™ A (G3/L3) XRDN™ A L-4 Rock (Deep Tread) DLDT SRG DT LD AMS D/L-4/15C AMS-4/5A DMS D/L-4/15C DRL-4/15C GP-4C (E4/L4) GP-4D (E4/L4) HRL D/L-4/15C HRL D/L-4A HRL D/L-4B HRL D/L-4G NDL D/L-4/15C NRL D/L-4/15C NRL D/L-4A (E4/L4) NRL D/L-4D RL-4D RL-4K SHRL XT D/L NL RLS (E4/L4) VCHD VCHS VLTS (E4/L4) VSNL VSNT (E4/L4) XLD® D1 32 *Dunlop brand indicator. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 7 32-7 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type GOODYEAR/ FIRESTONE DUNLOP* Loader and Dozer L-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) DLSDT SDT LD Duraforce MH AMS D/L-5/15C AMS D/L-5/8H AMS D/L-5/9A AMS-5/11F AMS-5/15C AMS-5/8F DMS D/L-5/15C DRL D/L-5A HRL D/L-5A (G5/L5) HRL D/L-5B HRL D/L-5C NDL D/L-5/15C NRL D/L-5/15C NRL D/L-5A RL-5K RT-5C SXT D/L SXT LDR L-3S Smooth (Regular) PLTD Industrial RL-3S (Smooth) SMO D/L-3A (Smooth) L-4S Smooth (Deep Tread) PLTD PLTD UMS NSM D/L-4B SMO D/L-4A SMO D/L-4B SMO-4B L-5S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) PTLD Industrial PTLD UMS DLPT NSM D/L-5B RL-5S SM-5A SMO D/L-5A (G5S/L5S) SMO D/L-5B (G5S/L5S) SMO D/L-5C SMO D/L-5D SMO-5A SMO-5B SMO-5C SMO-5D L-6S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) DuraWaste L-5/L-5S Rock/Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) HTLD BRIDGESTONE MICHELIN DL VSDL VSDT X MINE® D2 XLD® D2 STMS VSMS XSM® D2+ *Dunlop brand indicator. 32-8 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 8 12/20/13 9:14 AM Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type FIRESTONE Soil Compactor R-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) Field and Road Performer 85 Radial 23 Radial 9100 Radial All Traction Super All Traction Super All Traction II Traction Field and Road R-3 Rock (Regular) All Non-Skid Tractor Farm Service DIA Turf and Field GOODYEAR/ DUNLOP* BRIDGESTONE Tires MICHELIN SFT105 Log Skidder LS-1 LS-2 Intermediate LS-3 Deep HF-4 Extra Deep Forestry Special CRC Forestry Special Severe Service TGS Backhoe Loader F-3 Industrial Multiple-Rib Industrial Special I-3 Traction All Traction Utility Power Implement Super Traction Loader I-4 Industrial R-4 Drive Wheel, Industrial Tractor SS Regular MCS Regular All Traction Utility Laborer Industrial Sure Grip IT510 IT525 SG Lug YS2 XM27™ XM47™ XMCL™ Skid Steer IT323 LS SGL SGL SS High Speed Crane *Dunlop brand indicator. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 9 32-9 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type TITAN TRIANGLE Compactor EUROTIRE YOKOHAMA C-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) C-2 Traction (Regular) Y69 (C1/I4/L4S/L5S) E-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) E-2 Traction (Regular) TGD2 (E2/L2) TB515 (E2/G2/L2) TB536 (E2/G2/L2) TB586 TM518 (E2/L2) TL508 (E2/L2) E-3 Rock (Regular) 007 MFT (E3/E4) CM100 Grizz 1000 LCM MXL (E3/L3) ND LCM ND LCM MCS SL 100 STL2+ STL3 Super Rigger XG-3 TB516 (E3/L3) TB526 TB598 (E3/L3) TL528 (E3/L3) TL559 TL568+ U-11 U-12 RB31 (E3/L3) RL31 (E3/L3) RT31 (E3/L3) Y529 Y565 Y67 (E3/G3/I3/L3) E-4 Rock (Deep Tread) 007 MFT (E3/E4) CH 150 (E4/L4) CM 150 DTE4 DTH4 ND Super LCM Quarry Special CM 150 Super LCM TB516S TB526S TB598S TL558S DR004 LR004 (E4/L4) ETRAC ETRAC ADT EROCK U-11 U-12 U-14 RB41 RB42 RL42 RL45 (E4/L4) RT41 (E4/L4) Y522 (E4/L4) Y523 (E4/I4) Y523R/U Y530 Y567 E-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) E-7 Flotation Earthmover Y41 Super Sand Flotation Y103 (E2/G2/L2) Y65 Grader G-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) G-2 Traction (Regular) G-3 Rock (Regular) G-4 Rock (Deep Tread) G-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) G-5S 32-10 Grader HD (G2/L2) TB515 (E2/G2/L2) HD 2000 II TB536 (E2/G2/L2) Loader Grader III (G2/L2) LSW G8L Super Grader (G2/L2) TG2 TGL2 (G2/L2) TGS2 RT21 Y103 (E2/G2/L2) Y25 Y67 (E3/G3/I3/L3) Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 10 12/20/13 9:14 AM Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type TITAN Loader and Dozer TRIANGLE EUROTIRE Tires YOKOHAMA L-2 Traction (Regular) Grader HD (G2/L2) Lift Rigger II Loader Dozer II Loader Grader III (G2/L2) Super Grader (G2/L2) TGD2 (E2/L2) TGL2 (G2/L2) TB515 (E2/G2/L2) TB536 (E2/G2/L2) TM518 (E2/L2) TL508 (E2/L2) L-3 Rock (Regular) LCM LD 100 MXL (E3/L3) ND LCM STL2+ (E3/L3) STL3 (E3/L3) Super Rigger (E3/L3) TB516 (E3/L3) TB598 (E3/L3) TL528 (E3/L3) L-4 Rock (Deep Tread) CH 150 (E4/L4) CM 150 LD 150 LS 150 Super LCM L-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) LD 250 LD 250 Belted TL535S+ TL538S+ TL559S+ Super Smooth TSMS Y69 (C1/I4/L4S/L5S) Y69K (L4S/L5S) Y69U (L4S/L5S) TSMS+ Y69 (C1/I4/L4S/L5S) Y69K (L4S/L5S) Y69U (L4S/L5S) L-3S Smooth (Regular) L-4S Smooth (Deep Tread) L-5S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) LD 250 Super Smooth LD 250 Super Smooth Belted LD 250 Super Smooth UGM Super Smooth Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) L-6S L-5/L-5S Rock/Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) R-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) R-3 Rock (Regular) Y103 (E2/G2/L3) F220 RB31 (E3/L3) RL31 (E3/L3) RT31 (E3/L3) Y526K Y575 Y67 (E3/G3/I3/L3) LR004 (E4/L4) RL45 (E4/L4) RT41 (E4/L4) Y522 (E4/L4) Y545 Y67E ETRAC WL U-54 Y524 Y524Z Y525 LD 250 Half-Trac LD250 Half-Trac Belted Soil Compactor Log Skidder 32 LS-1 LS-2 Intermediate LS-3 Deep HF-4 Extra Deep Goodyear Logger Lug III Goodyear Logger Lug III HD Goodyear Logger Lug III Flotation Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 11 32-11 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type TITAN Backhoe Loader F-3 Industrial Multiple-Rib Contractor Goodyear Laborer Goodyear Multi Rib Industrial Front Tractor I-3 Traction Contractor Contractor II Goodyear Sure Grip Implement Goodyear Sure Grip Lug Grizz LSW G2E TI422 I-4 Industrial R-4 Drive Wheel, Industrial Tractor SS Regular MCS Regular TRIANGLE EUROTIRE YOKOHAMA Y532 Y543 Y67 (E3/G3/I3/L3) Y69PS Y92 RL43 RR41 Y523 (E4/I4) Y69 (C1/I4/L4S/L5S) Goodyear IT510 Goodyear IT515 HS Goodyear IT520 Goodyear IT525 Goodyear IT530 Goodyear IT610 Grizz LSWG99F Industrial Contractor Industrial Sure Grip Industrial Tractor Industrial Tractor Lug Industrial Tractor Lug II Skid Steer High Speed Crane 32-12 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 12 12/20/13 9:14 AM Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type C-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) C-2 Traction (Regular) E-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) E-2 Traction (Regular) E-3 Rock (Regular) Mine E-3 E-4 Rock (Deep Tread) Armor Gard Mine Industrial Mine Nordman Mine E-4 E-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) E-7 Flotation G-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) G-2 Traction (Regular) F-92A (E2/E3/G2/L2) FBEL-247-1 (G2/L2) F-120 NOKIAN BELSHINA Compactor PIRELLI Tires DOUBLE COIN Earthmover F-92A (E2/E3/G2/L2) FBEL-199 BEL-6 (E3/L3) BEL-51A BEL-160 F-92A (E2/E3/G2/L2) VF-76BM VF-166AM BEL-102 BEL-112 BEL-153 BEL-156 BEL-162 BEL-170 BEL-172 BEL-174 BEL-180 BEL-182 FBEL-150 FT-115 FT-116AM2 FT-117 REM-15 (E2/L2) RM94 RM95 RM99 RM100 REM-2 (E3/L3) REM-10 (E3/L3) RM95 RM99 REM-9 REM-11 PN12 (G2/L2) PN14 (G2/L2) REM-1 Grader G-3 Rock (Regular) G-4 Rock (Deep Tread) G-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) G-5S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 13 32-13 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Manufacturer’s Designation Tire and Rim Assoc. Code Tread Type NOKIAN BELSHINA Loader and Dozer PIRELLI DOUBLE COIN L-2 Traction (Regular) Forest Rider F-92A (E2/E3/G2/L2) GRS FBEL-247-1 (G2/L2) Loader Grip Loader Grip 2 TRI Steel TRI Backhoe TRI 2 80/75/70/65 Series TRI 2 Extreme TRI 2 Extreme Steel PN12 (G2/L2) PN14 (G2/L2) REM-15 L-3 Rock (Regular) Loader Grip 3 BEL-6 (E3/L3) BEL 26.42.38 BEL 32.48.75 F-170 RM94 RM99 RM100 REM-2 (E3/L3) REM-15 (E3/L3) L-4 Rock (Deep Tread) Armor Gard FBEL-5 FBEL-283 L-5 Rock (Extra-Deep Tread) PN12 (G2/L2) PN14 (G2/L2) REM-12 REM-18 REM-19 L-3S Smooth (Regular) L-4S Smooth (Deep Tread) L-5S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) Mine L-5S Mine King L-5S Nordman Mine L-5S L-6S Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) L-5/L-5S Rock/Smooth (Extra-Deep Tread) R-1 Ribbed (Smooth Surfaces) R-3 Rock (Regular) Mine L-3S BEL-10M Soil Compactor BEL-111 Log Skidder LS-1 LS-2 Intermediate LS-3 Deep HF-4 Extra Deep Forest King TRS LS-2 TRS LS-2 SF Excavator Backhoe Loader F-3 Industrial Multiple-Rib I-3 Traction I-4 Industrial R-4 Drive Wheel, Industrial Tractor SS Regular REM-6 Skid Steer REM-3 High Speed Crane MCS 32-14 Regular REM-8 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 14 12/20/13 9:14 AM Radial Tire Identification ● Michelin RADIAL TIRE IDENTIFICATION Code Identification for Michelin Tires All Michelin earthmover tires are radial construction, designated by the “X” marking. They contain a single steel radial ply with a series of steel belts placed around the tire’s circumference which reinforce and stabilize the tread. Following are the tread designs currently available from Michelin with the different internal constructions depending on the application. Type A4 Particularly resistant to cuts, tread tearing and abrasion on very rough surfaces. Type A Particularly resistant to cuts, tread tearing and abrasion at average speeds which are higher than those for A4 (above). Type B4 Compromise solution between abrasion resistance and average speed on rough surfaces (available in sizes 49 inch rim diameter and above). Type B Higher resistance to internal heat generation on surfaces which are not particularly rough. Type C4 For running on long cycles at high speeds on well maintained roads. Type C Very high resistance to high average speeds on long cycles run on well maintained roads. Tires The current combinations of tread patterns, construction, and tread depths offered, and primary TRA codes are: Tread Design XDM™ XDM™ XDR™ XDR™ S XDR™2 XDT™ XK® XKD1™ XLD® D2 XMINE® D2 XMS™ XRDN™ XR™ XR™ XTLA™ X-TRACTION™ Tread Compounds A B4 B C4 C X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X A4 Primary TRA Code(s) E-3 E-4 E-4 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-3/L-3 E-4 L-5 L-5 E-3 L-3 G-3/L-3 E-2/E-3 E-2/G-2/L-2 E-4 Since Michelin radial tires contain a single steel casing ply, they utilize the industry method of designating radial tire strength in terms of “stars.” Their system consists of a one star, two star, and three star rating as an indication of the tire’s carrying capacity. The one star is the lightest construction, generally used on work and slow moving transport machines. Two star tires are used on most medium and high speed transport machines. Three star construction provides the greatest carrying capacity for a given size and is only available in small standard base tires. This combination of tread designs and types of construction provides a range of radial tires which cover most earthmoving applications. We recommend that in applying steel radial tires to your machines you provide all site condition data to the tire manufacturer. Obtain their recommendations as to which tire will provide the most economical operation. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 15 32 32-15 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Radial Tire Identification ● Goodyear Code Identification for Goodyear Radial Tires All Goodyear steel radial earthmover tires have been designated Unisteel followed by a three or four digit alpha-numeric code that identifies the particular tread. For example, for a RL-2+, RL stands for Rock Lug and indicates that the upper sidewall has rock protection. The number in the code corresponds to the tire industry identification system (2-traction, 3-rock, etc). The fourth digit, if any, is used to designate tread design differences for the same basic tread type. Following are the radial tread designs currently available from Goodyear with the compound and construction types depending on the application. Compound Description Heat Resistant Standard Abrasion Resistant Ultra Abrasion Resistant Compound Code 2 4 6 Construction Description Standard Heavy Duty Extra Heavy Duty Steel Breakers Heavy Undertread Low Angle Belts Construction Code S H HW J U SL Tread Design AT-2A GP-2B GP-3D GP-4B GP-4B AT GP-4C GP-4D RL-2+ RL-2F RL-3 RL-3+ RL-3A RL-3F RL-3J RL-4 RL-4A RL-4B RL-4C RL-4F RL-4H RL-4H II RL-4J RL-4J II RL-4K RL-4M+ RL-5K RM-4A+ RT-3A+ RT-3B RT-4A RT-4A+ TL-3A+ Tread Compounds 2S 4S 6S X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Primary TRA Code(s) E-3/L-3 E-3/G-3/L-3 E-3/L-3 E-4 E-4/G-4 E-4/G-4/L-4 E-4/L-4 E-3/G-3/L-3 E-2/G-2/L-2 E-3 E-3 E-3 E-3/L-3 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 E-4 L-4 E-4 L-5 E-4 E-3 L-3 E-4 E-4 E-3/L-3 A star rating system instead of the ply rating system indicates the casing strength of radial tires. These symbols indicate the recommended inflation for a particular tire load. Following the star rating code is Goodyear’s Custom Compound and Construction code. For a tire designated “2S” the 2 indicates a heat resistant compound and the S indicates standard construction. The higher the number the greater the abrasion and cut resistance with a corresponding lower TKPH/TMPH rating. 32-16 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 16 12/20/13 9:14 AM Radial Tire Identification ● Bridgestone Code Identification for Bridgestone Radial Tires The Bridgestone steel radial earthmover has been designated as V-Steel. Following are the radial tread designs currently available from Bridgestone with the compound and construction types depending on the application. Bridgestone Compound and Structure Codes 1A Standard 2A Cut-Resistant 2V Special Cut Resistant (Steel Breaker) 2Z Special Cut Resistant (Side Steel Breaker) 3A Heat-Resistant E Earthmover G Grader D Loader and Dozer S Logging Tread Design VEL VELS VELSL VFT VHS VJT VKT VLT VLTS VMT VMTP VMTS VRDP VREP VRF VRL VRLS VRPS VRQP VSB VSDL VSDT VSMS VSNL VSNT VSW VTS VUT VZTP VZTS X X X X X X X Primary TRA Code(s) E-3 E-4 E-4 E-2 E-2 E-3/L-3 E-2/G-2/L-2 E-3/L-3 E-4/L-4 E-3/L-3 X X X X X X E-4 E-4/G-4 X X X E-4 X X X X X X X X X X E-4 E-3 E-3 E-4 X X X E-4 Tread Compounds Tread Name V-Steel E-Lug V-Steel E-Lug S V-Steel E-Lug S V-Steel F-Traction V-Steel H-Service V-Steel J-Traction V-Steel K-Traction V-Steel L-Traction V-Steel L-Traction S V-Steel M-Traction V-Steel M-Traction Premium V-Steel M-Traction S V-Steel Rock Deep Premium V-Steel Rock E-Premium V-Steel Rock Fast V-Steel R-Lug V-Steel R-Lug S V-Steel Rock Premium Service V-Steel Rock Quarry Premium V-Steel S-Block V-Steel D-Lug V-Steel Super Deep Traction V-Steel Smooth Tread-MS V-Steel N-Lug V-Steel N-Traction V-Steel Snow Wedge V-Steel TractionStability V-Steel Ultra Traction V-Steel Z-Traction Premium V-Steel Z-Traction S 1A X X 2A X X X X X X 2V 3A X X X X X X X X E-4 E-2 L-5 X L-5 X X X X X L-5S L-4 E-4/L-4 G-2/L-2 X X X X X X The casing strength, i.e., load carrying capacity of tire is indicated by star rating system; 1-star, 2-star and 3-star. Bridgestone’s Off-the-Road tires are designed and produced to meet the commonly accepted international standards, those set by the TRA (Tire and Rim Association) in the U.S.A., by the ETRTO (European Tire and Rim Technical Organization) in Europe and/or by the JATMA (Japan Automobile Tire Manufacturers’ Association) in Japan. Where differences exist between the TRA, ETRTO and JATMA standards, Bridgestone selects the most appropriate. Code Identification for Eurotire Radial and Bias Tires Eurotire manufactures a range of bias-ply and radial tires for use on mining equipment. Eurotire steel radial tires are designated with an “EU.” The following are the radial tread designs currently available from Eurotire with the compound and construction types for a variety of applications. Compound Description Heat Resistant Intermediate Abrasion Resistant Compound Code H S A Compound Code Tread Design EUROK EUTRAK H X – S X X A X X TRA Code(s) E4 E3, E4, L4 Eurotire radial tires are marked with a star rating system to indicate casing strength. Eurotire manufactures 2 star radial tires. It is important to understand the specific usage and operating conditions of your job site so that the most appropriate tire choice can be determined. Eurotire representatives can help you make the most informed decision regarding tire choice, including weighing the benefits of radial vs. bias, selecting between different tread designs and compounds and providing service solutions to best suit your specific needs. 32 L-3 G-2/L-2 X X E-4 E-4 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 17 Tires 32-17 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Ton-Kilometer Per Hour Rating System TON-KILOMETER PER HOUR (TKPH) Tire selection and machine operating practices have, in some cases, become the critical factors in the over-all success of earthmoving ventures. One of the most serious problems occur when tires are operated at temperatures above their capabilities. Separation and related failures occur. To help you avoid temperature related failures, Caterpillar has been instrumental in developing the TonKilometer Per Hour (TKPH), also known as Ton-Mile Per Hour (TMPH), method of rating tires. The formula to convert a TKPH rating to a TMPH rating is: TMPH = TKPH × 0.685 Heat and Tire Failure Tire manufacturing requires heat in the vulcanizing process converting crude rubber and additives into a homogeneous compound. The heat required is typically above 132° C (270° F). A tire also generates heat as it rolls and flexes. Heat generated faster than it can be radiated into the atmosphere gradually builds within the tire and reaches maximum level at the outermost ply or belt. Over time, enough heat can develop from overflexing to actually reverse the vulcanizing process or “revert” the rubber causing ply separation and tire failure. Only a brief time at reversion temperature initiates the failure. Experience shows that few pure heat separation cases occur. Most so-called heat separations are in tires operating below the reversion level. As a tire’s operating temperature increases the rubber and textiles within significantly lose strength. The tire becomes more susceptible to failures from cornering, braking, impact, cut through, fatigue and heat separation. If operating tires at higher temperatures is absolutely necessary, it is essential the machines be operated to reduce the probability of premature tire failure. No hard cornering without superelevation, no panic braking, etc. The TKPH formula was developed to predict tire temperature buildup. The system is a method of rating tires in proportion to the amount of work they can do from a temperature standpoint. It utilizes the product of load × speed to derive an index of the tire temperature buildup. Even at or below a tire’s TKPH, failures may be initiated by overstressing the tires. 32-18 It is possible by using a needle type pyrometer to measure temperature at any desired point within the tire casing. However, the instrumentation and the technique does not lend itself to general field use. The greatest difficulty is locating the thickest (therefore the hottest) tread bar in any given tire using giant calipers. The tire must then be drilled along the centerline of this bar from shoulder to shoulder at 52 mm (2") intervals. These 3.18 mm (1/8") diameter holes extend down through the tread and undertread to the topmost reinforcement. This procedure is fully described under SAE Recommended practice J1015. The TKPH rating system as given in this SAE specification is approved by most tire manufacturers. Michelin, in addition to providing TKPH ratings has developed their own speed/load carrying rating system and we recommend that Michelin be consulted where high tire temperatures are a concern. Heat generation in a specific tire at recommended pressure depends on three factors: ● the weight the tire is carrying (flex per revolution), ● the speed the tire is traveling over the ground (flexures over a period of time), and ● the air temperature surrounding the tire (ambient temperature) and road surface temperature. Once a tire manufacturer has determined a tire’s temperature characteristics and expressed them in TKPH, the above listed specific job conditions can be used to determine any tire’s maximum work capacity. These conditions provide on site ability to predict and avoid costly tire separations. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 18 12/20/13 9:14 AM Ton-Kilometer Per Hour Rating System Tire Drive-Away Recommendations Ton-Kilometer-Per-Hour Rating System The tire TKPH can be matched to the site TKPH as well as compared with TKPH values of different makes and types of tires. TKPH Job Rate Average Tire Load × Average Speed for the shift Average Tire Load “Empty” tire load + “loaded” tire load 2 Average Speed Round trip distance in kilometers × number of trips Total Hours (in the shift) For excessive haul length (32 kilometers or more) consult your tire representative for modification to the TKPH value. To use in the United States Customary System, change kilometers to miles and use short tons. It should be noted that prolonged operation at high casing temperatures can fatigue the nylon at the flex points in the sidewalls. The following are the most recent TKPH ratings as made available by Goodyear, Michelin and Bridgestone, and are subject to change on their part at any time. Other tire manufacturers’ TKPH ratings will be included in future handbook editions when and if made available. For latest TKPH ratings, consult specific tire manufacturer at time of machine and/or tire purchase. Tires Load-and-Carry TKPH The wheel loader, when used in load-and-carry applications, may encounter temperature problems similar to those normally associated only with tires on scrapers, trucks and wagons. Do not place the vehicle in load-andcarry applications without first consulting the tire manufacturer, or obtaining maximum load and speed ratings and pressure recommendations from the tire manufacturer. Conventional and Radial Steel Cord Tire Options Tire options now provide types to operate in conditions ranging from rock and abrasive materials, to jobs with high speed hauls in good materials. The best tire type can be different for the drive tires than for other tires on the same machine. TKPH should be calculated for all tires. TIRE DRIVE-AWAY RECOMMENDATIONS Heat separation can be a problem during machine delivery and moving machines from one job to another. Whenever roading earthmoving machines, check your supplier for the tire manufacturer’s recommended speed limitations on the specific tires involved. Some tire manufacturers also recommend that vehicles equipped with extra tread depth or special compounded tires should not be roaded without their specific approval. Our tests support this recommendation, especially for L-3, L-4, E-4 and L-5 tires. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 19 32-19 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design AT-2A Custom Code AT-3A 2S 4S 6S 14.00R20 TKPH — — — 16.00R20 TKPH — — — 16.00R21 TKPH — — — 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH GP-2B 2S 4S 6S — — — RL-3 2S 4S 6S — — — 2S 4S RL-3+ 6S 2S 4S 115 RL-3A 6S 14.00R25 TKPH — — — 16.00R25 TKPH — — — 85 70 18.00R25 TKPH 155 115 95 18.00R33 TKPH 180 135 110 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 245 185 145 24.00R35 TKPH 300 230 180 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 32-20 375 280 450 375 — 2S 4S RL-3J 6S 2S 4S 6S — 375 310 185 620 480 290 685 515 375 525 450 270 785 600 355 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 20 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Goodyear Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design GP-4B Custom Code 2S 14.00R20 TKPH 16.00R20 TKPH 16.00R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 4S GP-4C 6S 18.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 370 285 215 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 490 370 260 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH GT-4B 2S 4S 6S — — — 2S 4S RL-4 6S RL-4A 6S 2S 4S RL-4B 6S 2S 4S RL-4C 2S 4S 6S 125 95 75 130 100 80 150 115 90 155 120 90 2S 6S 205 160 127 — 260 200 155 — — 270 205 160 260 — 360 275 210 425 335 — — — — — 350 270 210 375 290 225 470 360 250 550 415 265 32 785 600 355 865 660 390 615 460 295 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 21 4S 32-21 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design RL-4F Custom Code 2S 14.00R20 TKPH 16.00R20 TKPH 16.00R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 4S 18.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 140 105 RL-4H 6S 85 2S 4S 155 120 RL-4HII 6S 2S 4S RL-4J 6S 90 RL-4JII 2S 4S 6S 75 55 — 85 65 — 85 65 — 130 100 — 155 120 90 2S 4S RL-4K 6S 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 200 150 120 215 165 130 215 165 130 215 165 130 24.00R35 TKPH 245 185 145 270 205 160 270 205 160 270 205 160 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 345 265 200 30.00R51 TKPH 450 340 205 410 310 185 33.00R51 TKPH 470 360 250 470 360 250 520 395 270 36.00R51 TKPH 565 490 300 515 445 270 37.00R57 TKPH 655 490 315 550 410 245 620 480 290 40.00R57 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 32-22 RL-4L 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S — — — — — — — — — 215 165 130 320 245 190 375 300 180 375 300 180 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 22 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Goodyear Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design RL-4M+ Custom Code 2S 14.00R20 TKPH 16.00R20 TKPH 16.00R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 4S E-5 RM-4A+ 6S 2S 4S RT-4A 6S 2S 160 410 320 250 540 410 290 540 410 285 770 590 350 770 590 350 4S 125 RT-4A+ 6S 2S 4S RL-5K 6S 2S 4S 6S — — — 94 275 210 165 410 320 250 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 23 32-23 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design AT-2A Custom Code 2S 4S 15.5R25 TKPH 17.5R25 TKPH 130 20.5R25 TKPH 75 GP-2B 6S 65 GP-3D 2S 4S 6S — — — 135 105 2S 4S RL-2+ 6S 2S RL-3 4S 6S 95 100 75 — 150 115 105 120 90 — 23.5R25 TKPH 175 135 115 175 135 115 135 100 — 26.5R25 TKPH 195 155 130 155 115 — 29.5R25 TKPH 235 185 155 185 140 — 29.5R29 TKPH 210 160 — 33.25R29 TKPH 33.25R35 TKPH 37.25R35 TKPH 37.5R39 TKPH 2S — — — 210 — RT-3A Custom Code 2S — 4S RL-3J 6S 210 — — 2S 4S 6S 85 — — — 230 — — 260 — — 295 — E-4 RT-3A+ TL-3A+ GP-4B GP-4B AT GP-4C GP-4D GT-4A 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 15.5R25 TKPH 17.5R25 TKPH 100 75 — 20.5R25 TKPH 120 90 — 23.5R25 TKPH 135 100 — 26.5R25 TKPH 155 115 — 147 109 91 29.5R25 TKPH 185 145 125 165 130 105 29.5R29 TKPH 33.25R29 TKPH 285 220 — 33.25R35 TKPH 37.25R35 TKPH 37.5R39 TKPH 32-24 — E-3 Tread Design 6S 185 — Industry Code 4S RL-3F — — — — — — — — 135 104 90 — — — — — — — — — — — — 170 135 115 — — — — Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 24 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Goodyear Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — 95 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design AS-3A Custom Code 2S 385/95R24 TKPH 385/95R25 TKPH 445/95R25 TKPH — 4S — GP-2B 6S — 2S 4S — — 6S — — — — — — — TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — 90 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design RL-4B Custom Code 46/90R57 TKPH RM-4A+ 32 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 910 690 410 980 750 440 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 25 32-25 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — 80 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-1 E-2 Tread Design HRR-1A SP-T9 Custom Code E-3 E-4 GP-2B 2S 4S 6S 4S 6S TKPH — — — TKPH — — — 525/80R25 TKPH — — — 605/80R25 TKPH — — — 53/80R63 TKPH 59/80R63 1200 — TKPH 1500 — TKPH 395/80R25 445/80R25 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S — — — — — — RM-4A+ 2S 335/80R18 2S RM-3A 2S 4S 6S — 1070 — — — 1300 — — TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — 75 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design GP-2B Custom Code 40.5/75R39 32-26 TKPH RT-3A+ 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 400 305 240 375 290 220 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 26 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Goodyear Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR RADIAL PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design AT-2A Custom Code 555/65R25 TKPH GP-3D 2S 4S 6S 195 — — 2S E-4 RL-2+ 4S 6S 66 RL-3F 2S 4S 6S 155 115 75 TL-3A+ 2S 4S 6S — 125 — GP-4D 2S 4S 6S — — — 2S 4S 6S 600/65R25 TKPH 132 99 650/65R25 TKPH 144 108 73 750/65R25 TKPH 162 120 78 775/65R29 TKPH 169 125 105 800/65R29 TKPH 169 125 105 875/65R29 TKPH 185 150 121 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 27 32-27 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR BIAS PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-1 Tread Design HRR-1A Custom Code 2S GP-2B 6S TKPH — — — TKPH — — — TKPH — — — TKPH — — — 16.00-24 TKPH — — — 14.00-25 TKPH 16.00-25 TKPH 125 90 — 18.00-25 TKPH 145 100 — 21.00-25 TKPH 9.00-16 TKPH 16.00-16 TKPH 12.00-20 14.00-20 16.00-20 TKPH 12.00-24 14.00-24 2S — 4S — 6S WRL-3A 4S TKPH 6S HRL-3A 2S 9.00-15 4S E-3 — — 50 — — 70 — 125 90 — — — — — 18.00-33 TKPH 150 110 21.00-35 TKPH 200 145 — 24.00-35 TKPH — 175 — 21.00-49 TKPH 24.00-49 TKPH 27.00-49 TKPH 30.00-51 TKPH 33.00-51 TKPH 36.00-51 TKPH 32-28 2S 4S 6S — — — — — — Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 28 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Goodyear Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR BIAS PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design HRL-4B Custom Code 2S 4S E-7 HRL-4D 6S 2S 4S MRL-4B 6S 2S 4S MRL-4D 6S 2S 4S PVG-7A 6S 2S 2S 4S 6S 9.00-15 TKPH — — — 9.00-16 TKPH — — — 16.00-16 TKPH — — — 12.00-20 TKPH 14.00-20 TKPH — — — 16.00-20 TKPH — — — 12.00-24 TKPH 14.00-24 TKPH 16.00-24 TKPH 14.00-25 TKPH 16.00-25 TKPH 90 65 — 18.00-25 TKPH — 80 — — 160 — 21.00-25 TKPH — 185 — 18.00-33 TKPH — — 100 85 74 — — 21.00-35 TKPH 180 130 110 — 115 — 24.00-35 TKPH — 160 — — 140 — 21.00-49 TKPH — 160 — — 165 — 24.00-49 TKPH — 190 165 27.00-49 TKPH 310 235 175 30.00-51 TKPH — 265 — 33.00-51 TKPH 395 300 — 36.00-51 TKPH 465 335 — 450 — — — 245 — — 325 — 234 175 — — 190 — 4S SRB-7A — 6S — 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 29 32-29 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Goodyear Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR BIAS PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design SGL E/L-2A Custom Code 20.5-25 E-3 HRL E/L-3A HRL-3A HRL-3F 2S 4S SHRL 6S 2S 4S SHRL8 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S 2S 4S 6S TKPH — — — — — — — 65 — 6S — — — — — — — 70 — — 90 — — 115 — — 115 — — 110 — 175 125 — 175 125 — — — — 2S 4S 6S 23.5-25 TKPH 26.5-25 TKPH 29.5-25 TKPH 26.5-29 TKPH 29.5-29 TKPH 33.5-33 TKPH — 160 — — 170 — 37.5-33 TKPH — 210 — — 220 — 33.25-35 TKPH — 160 — — — — 37.25-35 TKPH — 210 — — 220 — 29.5-35 TKPH 37.5-39 TKPH — 225 — — 145 — — 160 — — 240 — TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. GOODYEAR BIAS PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design NRL D/L-4A Custom Code 35/65-33 32-30 TKPH 2S 4S 6S 115 95 75 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 30 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Bridgestone Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design VFT Custom Code 3A 11.00R20 TKPH 12.00R20 TKPH 16.00R20 TKPH 12R22.5 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 1A E-3 VHS 2A 3A 1A VKT 3A 1A VSB 2A 2A — — VEL VMT 3A 1A 2A — — — 307 263 213 351 284 524 448 753 644 3A 1A VRL 2A 3A 1A 2A 307 263 213 351 284 524 448 753 644 — 183 328 804 281 183 227 562 455 688 557 328 804 281 227 445 562 688 557 1171 1001 521 521 1065 897 1209 1018 837 — 32 1407 1185 974 1739 1463 1204 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 31 32-31 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Bridgestone Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design L317 Custom Code — 11.00R20 TKPH 188 12.00R20 TKPH 208 16.00R20 TKPH VELS 3A 1A VELSL 2A 2A 85 136 119 91 85 136 119 TKPH 188 TKPH 177 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 146 112 18.00R25 TKPH 179 144 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 3A 1A 2A VRDP 1A 12R22.5 1A VMTS 3A 12.00R24 3A VMTP 3A 1A 2A 600 513 415 807 679 558 1117 940 773 136 246 91 123 244 209 169 287 246 199 211 170 267 229 185 281 227 — — — 328 281 227 293 237 383 328 265 453 388 314 388 314 489 418 338 24.00R49 TKPH 492 421 341 552 361 575 492 398 27.00R49 TKPH 600 513 415 636 544 440 702 600 486 30.00R51 TKPH 717 603 496 33.00R51 TKPH 807 679 558 855 700 591 36.00R51 TKPH 927 781 642 37.00R57 TKPH 1003 845 694 1148 40.00R57 TKPH 1117 940 773 1330 1050 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 32 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Bridgestone Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design VREP Custom Code — 11.00R20 TKPH 12.00R20 TKPH 16.00R20 TKPH 12R22.5 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 13.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 16.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH VRLS 3A 1A E-7 VRPS 2A 3A 1A VRQP 2A 2ALS VZTS 3A 1A VSJ 2A — — 85 85 146 112 246 211 170 — 21.00R33 TKPH 281 227 21.00R35 TKPH 328 281 227 24.00R35 TKPH 453 388 314 24.00R49 TKPH 492 421 341 27.00R49 TKPH 600 513 415 30.00R51 TKPH 717 603 496 33.00R51 TKPH 807 679 558 36.00R51 TKPH 927 781 642 37.00R57 TKPH 1003 845 694 40.00R57 TKPH 1117 940 773 — 122 207 32 — — — 1003 845 694 1117 940 773 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 33 32-33 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Bridgestone Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design VKT Custom Code 3A E-3 VJT 1A 2A TKPH 166 129 — 23.5R25 TKPH 263 205 248 26.5R25 TKPH 29.5R25 TKPH 15.5R25 TKPH 17.5R25 TKPH 20.5R25 1A VLT 2A 1A VMT 2A 95 420 E-4 1A VRL 2A 1A 2A VLTS VSNT 2A 2A — — 190 190 — 248 190 161 312 257 293 220 220 293 220 186 165 376 310 354 266 266 354 266 225 220 29.5R29 TKPH 401 330 33.25R29 TKPH 494 407 37.5R33 TKPH 648 29.5R35 TKPH 33.25R35 TKPH 37.25R35 TKPH 37.5R39 TKPH 232 476 349 435 319 380 441 720 644 530 569 417 696 472 346 563 413 608 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-34 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 34 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Bridgestone Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 95 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design VFT Custom Code 385/95R24 TKPH 385/95R25 TKPH 505/95R25 TKPH E-3 VKT VSB 1A 2A 1A 2A 2A 141 106 141 106 179 239 193 239 193 VEL 1A 2A 224 181 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 90 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-4 32 Tread Design VELS Custom Code VRDP 3A 1A 2A 21/90R33 TKPH 246 211 170 31/90R49 TKPH 618 528 427 42/90R57 TKPH 46/90R57 TKPH 1150 968 796 50/90R57 TKPH 1278 1092 884 3A 1A VRLS 2A 1033 870 715 1150 968 796 VRPS 3A 1A 2A 246 211 170 618 528 427 VZTP 3A 1A 2A 2ALS 585 1150 968 796 — — — 1278 1092 884 — — — NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 35 32-35 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Bridgestone Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 80 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design VKT Custom Code 335/80R20 TKPH 365/80R20 TKPH 445/80R25 TKPH 525/80R25 TKPH 53/80R63 TKPH 55/80R63 TKPH 59/80R63 TKPH E-3 VJT 3A 1A 2A 1A 232 206 160 VLT 2A 2A 149 149 VMT 1A 144 VRD 2A 3A VRF 1A 3A 1A — — — — 144 194 194 149 — — NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 80 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design VLTS Custom Code 2A 335/80R20 TKPH 365/80R20 TKPH 445/80R25 TKPH VRDP 3A 1A VRLS VRPS 2A 3A 1A 2A 3A 1A 2A 1512 1233 1045 — — — — — 525/80R25 TKPH 53/80R63 TKPH 126 1408 1150 974 55/80R63 TKPH 1643 1341 1137 59/80R63 TKPH * * * *Consult Bridgestone Representative. NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-36 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 36 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Bridgestone Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 75 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design VLT Custom Code 40.5/75R39 TKPH VRL 1A 2A 3A 1A 2A 682 500 765 675 495 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE RADIAL PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design VKT VLT VTS VLTS VSNT Custom Code 2A 2A — 2A 2A E-3 E-4 32 25/65R25 TKPH 30/65R25 TKPH 162 550/65R25 TKPH 600/65R25 TKPH 650/65R25 TKPH 750/65R25 TKPH 775/65R29 TKPH — 875/65R29 TKPH — 35/65R33 TKPH 225 195 — — — — 195 250 NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 37 32-37 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Bridgestone Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not to Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. BRIDGESTONE BIAS PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design E-4 RL Custom Code 1A 2A 9.00-20 TKPH 10.00-20 TKPH — — 11.00-20 TKPH — — 12.00-20 TKPH — — 14.00-20 TKPH 12.00-24 TKPH — — E-7 WL ELS2 RLS SCP2 — IDU 2A — — — 14.00-24 TKPH — — — 16.00-25 TKPH — — — — — 18.00-25 TKPH — — 18.00-33 TKPH — — 21.00-35 TKPH — NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. BRIDGESTONE BIAS PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design RL Custom Code 1A 2A E-4 VL2 RLS — 2A 20.5-25 TKPH — 23.5-25 TKPH — — 26.5-25 TKPH — — 29.5-25 TKPH — — 37.25-35 TKPH — — NOTE: For cycle lengths of 5 km (3 miles) or less (round trip), multiply the TKPH value in this table by 1.12. Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-38 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 38 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Michelin Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design Custom Code 16.00R20 TKPH 24R20.5 TKPH 24R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH XHM XL — B E-3 XMH XSNO+ — — XV XZL C — XDC C4 B XDM B4 C XK C4 B A — — — — — 232 — 187 284 237 436 740 1090 33.00R51 TKPH 1395 1209 1054 36.00R51 TKPH 1480 1369 1258 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 1920 1776 1632 1584 1440 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 39 32-39 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Michelin Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design Custom Code 16.00R20 TKPH 24R20.5 TKPH 24R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 24.00R35 TKPH 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH E-4 XR B XZH X-TRACTION S B — B XDM B XDR B4 C C4 B B4 A 119 305 763 837 1018 848 453 384 567 480 643 536 744 620 888 740 1272 1145 1018 848 1440 1296 1152 960 392 496 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-40 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 40 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Michelin Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design XDR+ Custom Code C TKPH 102 84 TKPH 164 24R20.5 TKPH 24R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 16.00R25 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH B4 C C4 B B4 A B A XH D1 A4 TKPH B XDT A 16.00R20 C4 XDR2 A4 222 262 21.00R35 TKPH 348 TKPH 444 326 226 24.00R49 TKPH 654 480 392 930 682 27.00R49 TKPH TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH 1440 1296 1152 960 567 480 837 744 620 1272 1145 1018 848 1440 1296 1152 960 392 163 133 157 24.00R35 30.00R51 B 209 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 41 32-41 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Michelin Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design E-7 XK D1 X—HAUL X—HAUL S X—QUARRY X—QUARRY S Custom Code A 16.00R20 TKPH 24R20.5 TKPH 24R21 TKPH 12.00R24 TKPH 14.00R24 TKPH 14.00R25 TKPH 16.00R25 TKPH 18.00R25 TKPH 21.00R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 21.00R35 TKPH 209 24.00R35 TKPH 385 24.00R49 TKPH 27.00R49 TKPH 30.00R51 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 36.00R51 TKPH 37.00R57 TKPH 40.00R57 TKPH — — — — X—TRACTION B B4 A4 X—TRACTION S C B XS — — 84 93 133 — — 262 166 218 280 280 122 355 207 281 370 654 567 281 392 763 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-42 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 42 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Michelin Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design Custom Code 17.5R25 TKPH XG XL C B — E-3 E-4 E-7 XSNO+ XADN XTS XADT XRS X-SUPER TERRAIN — — — — B — XS — — 20.5R25 TKPH 23.5R25 TKPH — — — — — — 26.5R25 TKPH — 29.5R25 TKPH 29.5R29 TKPH 348 33.25R29 TKPH 429 29.5R35 TKPH 371 37.25R35 TKPH 540 37.5R39 TKPH — — — — — — 415 453 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 43 32-43 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Michelin Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 95 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design Custom Code 385/95R24 TKPH 385/95R25 TKPH 445/95R25 TKPH 505/95R25 TKPH XL S XSNO+ XV B — — C — — — — — 284 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 90 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-4 Tread Design XDR Custom Code 50/90R57 TKPH C4 B B4 1747 1498 1248 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-44 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 44 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● TKPH Rating Michelin Tires Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 80 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design XL Custom Code 395/80R25 B E-3 E-4 XDR S C4 XMP B — TKPH XDR XDR2 C4 B B4 1072 A C4 B B4 1837 1574 1312 2218 1901 1584 A 180 525/80R25 TKPH 50/80R57 TKPH — 1394 1286 53/80R63 TKPH 1837 1574 1312 56/80R63 TKPH 2765 2458 2150 1843 1536 59/80R63 TKPH 2535 2218 2218 1901 1584 1267 1267 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 75 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design XMS Custom Code 40.5/75R39 TKPH 32 B A 766 500 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 45 32-45 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Michelin Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Less than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 E-4 E-7 Tread Design XAD 65 XTXL XS — — — Custom Code 525/65R20.5 TKPH 650/65R25 TKPH — — — 750/65R25 TKPH 850/65R25 TKPH — 775/65R29 TKPH — 875/65R29 TKPH — 35/65R33 TKPH 250 NOTE: Consult Michelin for TKPH rating on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). Additional tread compounds are available to meet specific TKPH. 32-46 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 46 12/20/13 9:14 AM ISO Load Index Speed Symbol ● Michelin Tires Tires ISO LOAD INDEX SPEED SYMBOL AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Greater than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E—2 E—7 Tread Design XL XV XZL XS Custom Code B C — — 16.00R20 173G 24R20.5 176F 24R21 16.00R25 176G 177E 18.00R25 186E — ISO LOAD INDEX SPEED SYMBOL AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Greater than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E—2 E—3 Tread Design XL XADN XADT X-SUPER TERRAIN XS Custom Code B — — — — 177B 177B 20.5R25 E—4 E—7 23.5R25 188E 185B* 185B 26.5R25 195E 193B* 193B 200E* 200B 29.5R25 196E *Speed option available via special field request. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 47 32-47 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires ISO Load Index Speed Symbol ● Michelin Tires ISO LOAD INDEX SPEED SYMBOL AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Greater than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY – 95 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design XL S XSNO+ XV Custom Code B — — C 170E 170E 170E 170E 385/95R24 385/95R25 445/95R25 177E 505/95R25 183E ISO LOAD INDEX SPEED SYMBOL AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Greater than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 80 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-2 E-3 Tread Design XL XMP Custom Code B 395/80R25 525/80R25 32-48 — 165E 179E Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 48 12/20/13 9:14 AM ISO Load Index Speed Symbol ● Michelin Tires Tires ISO LOAD INDEX SPEED SYMBOL AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Cycles Greater than 5 km (3 miles) Round Trip Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. MICHELIN RADIAL PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 E-7 Tread Design XAD 65 XS Custom Code — 525/65R20.5 — 173F 650/65R25 180B 750/65R25 190B 850/65R25 196B 775/65R29 195B 875/65R29 203B 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 49 32-49 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Triangle Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38º C (100º F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not To Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. TRIANGLE RADIAL PLY — CONVENTIONAL SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design Custom Code 14.00R24 E-3 TB536 TB586 T3 T2 T1 TKPH — — — — — — T3 T2 E-4 TB526 T1 T3 — T2 — TB516S T1 — TB526S T3 T2 T1 — — — — — — — — — T3 T2 TL558S T1 14.00R25 TKPH — — — 16.00R25 TKPH — — — 18.00R25 TKPH — — — 18.00R33 TKPH 270 190 160 21.00R33 TKPH 300 230 190 21.00R35 TKPH — — — 24.00R35 TKPH 390 350 280 T3 T2 T1 — — — — — — TKPH RATINGS AT 38º C (100º F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not To Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. TRIANGLE RADIAL PLY — WIDE BASE SIZES Industry Code E-2 Tread Design Custom Code TB515 E-3 TM518 T2 T1 TL528 T3 T2 T1 — — — — — — T3 T2 T1 TKPH — — — 20.5R25 TKPH — — — 23.5R25 TKPH 260 200 170 230 170 145 230 190 150 26.5R25 TKPH 240 190 155 29.5R25 TKPH 290 230 180 29.5R29 TKPH 33.25R29 TKPH — — T3 T2 E-4 TL559 17.5R25 32-50 T3 TB516 T1 TL568+ T3 T2 T1 — — — T3 T2 TB598S T1 T3 T2 T1 185 135 115 195 150 125 225 175 135 — — — — Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 50 12/20/13 9:14 AM TKPH Rating Tires ● Triangle Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38º C (100º F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not To Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. TRIANGLE RADIAL PLY — 65 SERIES SIZES Industry Code E-3 Tread Design TB598 Custom Code T3 T2 T1 250 190 130 750/65R25 TKPH 775/65R29 TKPH — — — 875/65R29 TKPH 360 285 230 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 51 32-51 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires TKPH Rating ● Eurotire Tires TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not To Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. EUROTIRE RADIAL PLY Industry Code E-4 Tread Design DR004 EROCK ETRAC 29.5R25 TKPH 18.00R33 TKPH 21.00R33 TKPH 240 24.00R35 TKPH 357 27.00R49 TKPH 33.00R51 TKPH 192 ETRAC ADT LR004 225 225 192 512 660 660 NOTE: Consult Eurotire for TKPH ratings on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). TKPH RATINGS AT 38° C (100° F) AMBIENT TEMPERATURE For Haul Lengths of 32 km (20 miles) or Less One Way Maximum Speed Not To Exceed 48 km (30 miles) per Hour Because of the variance between specific tires it is recommended that at the time of purchase you check with your tire supplier for the manufacturer’s specific TKPH ratings for the tires purchased. EUROTIRE BIAS PLY Industry Code Tread Design E-3 U-11 E-4 U-12 U-11 24.00-35 TKPH 27.00-49 TKPH 33.00-51 TKPH 36/90-51 TKPH 37.00-57 TKPH 635 40.00-57 TKPH 685 46/90-57 TKPH U-12 U-14 263 385 580 511 511 520 910 695 NOTE: Consult Eurotire for TKPH ratings on haul cycles greater than 5 km (3 miles). 32-52 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 52 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tire and Rim Association Ratings Tire Selection TIRE AND RIM ASSOCIATION RATINGS While the TKPH Rating System provides a method to determine the tire’s work capacity, Tire and Rim Association Ratings provide a guide for evaluating a tire’s structural capacity. These two rating systems should be used in conjunction to evaluate tire performance. TIRE SELECTION Selecting the optimum tire for a given application is particularly critical for earthmoving. The machines have the capability to outperform the tires and, unless proper practices are observed, very costly premature tire failures can occur. Job conditions vary greatly throughout the world, as well as within any given job site, and selecting the optimum tire requires careful consideration of all factors involved. In general, the tire manufacturer should be consulted before making the selection for any given application. In some cases, the tire manufacturer can fabricate tires specifically tailored for a given job site. For those applications where wear is extremely slow, especially as a result of only occasional operation throughout the year, the cheapest lightweight tire needs to be given strong consideration. As job conditions become severe, the following factors should be evaluated in selecting a tire: Transport or Load-and-carry — ● TKPH (primary consideration) ● Minimum approved star/ply rating or greater ● Largest optional size ● Thickest tread commensurate with TKPH ● Most cut resistant tread commensurate with TKPH ● Belted construction Grader — ● Tire load rating suitable for maximum equipped machine weight (See Tire Load Worksheet on next page) ● Application specific tire (snow, construction, road maintenance, mining, general purpose, all season) ● Bias or radial based on initial cost, puncture resistance, rolling resistance, life to retread/repair Loader or Dozer — ● Minimum approved ply rating or greater ● Largest optional size ● Thickest tread ● Thickest available undertread ● Buttressed shoulder ● Most cut resistant tread ● Belted construction ● Lowest aspect ratio All tires should be operated at the tire manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressure for a given application. Inflation pressure should be checked every working day with an accurate gauge. This gauge should be checked against a known standard such as a dead weight tester at least once a month. Excess loads may result from factors such as varying material density, field modifications to equipment, mud accumulation, load transfer, etc. Only under these conditions may the actual in service tire load exceed the rated machine load. When excess loads are encountered, cold inflation pressures must be increased to compensate for higher loads. Increase tire inflation pressure 2% for each 1% increase in load. Bias Ply Radial Ply Maximum Excess Load Pressure 15% 30% 7% 14% The above loads will result in reduced tire performance and must be approved by the tire manufacturer. The use of chains is difficult to justify except under a few conditions. Chains are very costly and heavy, and require more maintenance than most operations can provide. On some models sufficient clearance does not exist for chains with all tire combinations. Extensive modifications may be required if chains are needed for the job. Foam filling tires is normally not recommended due to high cost and lack of local filling facilities. Its use should be confined to loader and dozer applications where penetrations occur almost daily. If foam is used be sure to adhere to recommended equivalent pressures of nitrogen and use highest available ply rating. Consult tire manufacturer for specific warranty concerns. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 53 Tires 32 32-53 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Tire Selection Tire Load Worksheet (Motor Graders) Tire positions (top view) Tire #1 Tire #2 Tire #5 Rear Tandem Tire #3 Front Axle Tire #4 Forward direction of machine motion Tire #6 A Machine information: Base operating weight (kg) (1a) = Rear operating weight (%) (2a) = Front operating weight (%) (3a) = B Tire loads: Weight on rear tire before attachments (kg) Weight on front tire before attachments (kg) (1b) = (1a) × (2a) / 4 = (2b) = (1a) × (3a) / 2 = (Tires # 1, 2, 3, 4) (Tires # 5, 6) C Attachment information (reference Caterpillar Price List): Attachment Type Ripper Push Block Front blade (any type) Mid-Mount Scarifier Snow Wing Tires affected 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 5, 6 5, 6 1, 2, 3, 4 6 3, 4 Attachment #1 Attachment weight distribution 25% per tire 50% per tire 62% per tire 40% per tire 5% per tire 34% per tire 55% per tire Attachment weight (kg) (1c) = Attachment type: Tire positions affected (see chart) Attachment weight distribution per tire (see chart) (2c) = Attachment weight per tire (kg) = (1c) × (2c) (3c) = Attachment #2 Tire #2 Tire #3 Tire #1 Tire #2 Tire #3 Tire #4 Tire #5 Tire #6 Tire #1 Tire #2 Tire #3 Tire #4 Tire #5 Tire #6 Tire #1 Tire #2 Tire #3 Tire #4 Tire #5 Tire #6 Attachment weight (kg) (4c) = Attachment type: Tire positions affected (see chart) Attachment weight distribution per tire (see chart) (5c) = Attachment weight per tire (kg) = (4c) × (5c) (6c) = Attachment #3 Tire #1 Tire #4 Tire #5 Tire #6 Attachment weight (kg) (7c) = Attachment type: Tire positions affected (see chart) Attachment weight distribution per tire (see chart) (8c) = Attachment weight per tire (kg) = (7c) × (8c) (9c) = NOTE: Repeat for additional attachments if needed. D Sum of attachment weights and Total weight per tire (kg) (1d) = (3c) + (6c) + (9c) = (2d) = (1d) + [(1b) or (2b)] = E Controlling tire weight = maximum value from (2d) (1e) = kg F Summary – Choose a tire with a rated load capacity equal to or greater than the controlling tire weight = Tire rating > (1f) – Attachments may cause the maximum weight per tire to exceed tire capacity. In these cases the tire supplier should be consulted. – Contact your tire supplier for machine specific inflation pressures to ensure compensation for different tire loads. 32-54 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 54 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tire Selection ● Guide Tires TIRE SELECTION GUIDE Road or Ground Material Condition Silt and clay: – Good varying to poor – No rock – High rolling – High moisture content resistance Haul Trucks and Wheel Tractor-Scrapers E-2 (Traction) Treads Wheel Tractors or Wheel Loaders L-2 (Traction) Graders* G-2 (Traction) Silt and clay: – Some rock – Variable moisture content – Good varying to poor E-3 (Rock) E-2 (Traction) L-3/L-4/L-5 (Rock) L-2 (Traction) G-3/G-4 (Rock) G-2 (Traction) Silt/clay/gravel/sand: – Low moisture content – Excellent to good – Firm surface E-3/E-4 (Rock) L-3/L-4/L-5 (Rock) G-3/G-4 (Rock) L-3/L-4/L-5 (Rock) Silt/clay/gravel/sand: – Poor – High moisture content – Rutted – Pot holes E-3/E-4 (Rock) L-3/L-4/L-5 (Rock) G-3/G-4 (Rock) L-3/L-4/L-5 (Rock) Blasted rock Hard surface, rough E-4 (Rock) L-5 (Rock) L-5S (Smooth) G4 (Rock) L-4/L-5 (Rock) Sand: – Very low silt/clay content Good to fair surface E-3 (Rock) E-7 (Flotation) L-3 (Rock) L-3S (Smooth) G-3 (Rock) Low pressure *NOTE: In some cases, an L type tire is appropriate for use on a Grader application, consult your tire supplier for proper tire selection. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 55 32-55 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Skidders — Bias Ply RECOMMENDED MOUNTING LUBRICANTS FROM SUPPLIERS The following table documents tire supplier recommendations for Tire Mounting Compounds. Tire Mounting Compounds Tire-Slick Michelin “Tigre 80” Grease REMA Tiptop Fuchs Silkolene IZY-SEEL TIRE SUPPLIER RECOMMENDED COLD INFLATION PRESSURES Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. STANDARD COLD INFLATION PRESSURES SKIDDERS — Bias Ply Model Tire Size Ply Rating Inflation Pressure Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 525C 30.5L-32 20 170 25 170 25 535C 30.5L-32 26 170 25 170 25 545C DH35.5LB32 20 170 25 170 25 DH35.5LB32 24 170 25 170 25 The following tables present commonly found Caterpillar and the tire suppliers’ recommended cold inflation pressures for tires on Cat machines. For inflation pressures of tire suppliers not listed please obtain them directly from the respected supplier. The inflation pressure is based on a ready-to-work vehicle weight, rated payload, and average operating conditions. Pressures for each application may need to be varied from those shown and should always be obtained from your tire supplier. Pressures for all tires apply to rib, traction, rock, deep tread, and super deep tread tires. NOTE: Caterpillar recommends using dry nitrogen (N 2) gas for both tire inflation and pressure adjustments on all current and past production machines. EXCAVATORS For complete tire data and inflation pressures, see the Excavator section in this handbook. 32-56 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 56 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Skid Steer Loaders — Bias and Bias Belted Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. SKID STEER LOADERS — Bias and Bias Belted Inflation Pressure Model 216B3 226B3 236D 242D 246D 262D 272D 272D XHP Tire Size Ply Rating 7-15 6 10-16.5 6 10-16.5 8 31x15.5-15 8 7-15 6 10-16.5 6 10-16.5 8 31x15.5-15 8 10-16.5 6 10-16.5 8 10-16.5 10 12-16.5 10 10-16.5 6 10-16.5 8 10-16.5 10 12-16.5 Galaxy Beefy Baby Cat Premium Conventional kPa kPa psi 415 60 310 45 415 60 310 45 345 345 psi 50 50 Cat XD (Extreme Duty) kPa psi 345 50 410 60 310 45 310 44.95 345 50 410 60 10 310 45 310 44.95 12-16.5 10 310 45 310 45 12-16.5 14 12-16.5 10 310 45 310 45 12-16.5 14 12-16.5 10 310 45 310 45 310 45 12-16.5 14 345 50 345 50 14-17.5 14 415 60 415 60 14-17.5 14 415 60 415 60 345 Goodyear SGLSS kPa psi 240 35 240 35 240 35 240 35 Goodyear UGL kPa psi 310 45 310 45 50 345 50 345 50 345 50 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 57 32-57 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Telehandlers Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. TELEHANDLERS Model Tire Size TH220B TH336 TH406 TH337 TH407 TH417 TH514 TL642 TL963 TL642C TL943C TL1055 TL1255 Inflation Pressure kPa psi 15.5/80-24 17.5LR24xM27 15.5-25 SGL-2A 13.00-24 SGG-2ATL 16 12 12 12 250 310 410 370 36 45 59 54 13.00-24 Cat 440/70R24xM37 (17.5R24) 550/70R24xM37 (19.5LR24) 15.5-25 SGL-2A 15.5-25 Cat 15.5R25 XHA 12x16.5 14x17.5 15.5/80-24 TR01 15.5/80-24 SGL-2A 400/80-24-400 460/70R24 15.5-25 SGL 15.5/80-24 TR01 15.5/80-24 SGL-2A 400/80-24-400 440/80-24-350 460/70R24 500/70R24 15.5-25 SGL 14.00-24 TG02 14.00-24 SGG-2A 13.00-24 13.00R24 15.5-25 15.5R24 370/75-28 13.00x24 15.5-25 370/75-28 14.00-24 14.00R24 17.5-25 17.5R25 12 Radial Radial 12 12 Radial 12 10 14 16 — Radial 8, 12 14 16 — — Radial Radial 8, 12 16 16 12 ★ 12 ★ 14 12 12 14 12 ★ 12 450 350 350 320 400 400 551 482 410 400 400 420 400 410 400 400 350 420 300 400 425 525 448 482 448 482 524 448 400 524 448 482 448 65 51 51 46 58 58 80 70 59 58 58 61 58 59 58 58 51 61 44 58 62 76 65 70 65 70 76 65 58 76 65 70 65 ★ 16 12 12 16 482 524 448 448 524 70 76 65 65 76 TH330B TH255 Ply Rating TL1055C TL1255C 400/75-28 14.00-24 17.5-25 400/75-28 NOTE: See machine OMM for operating pressures. 32-58 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 58 12/20/13 9:14 AM Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Backhoe Loaders (Front/Rear) Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. BACKHOE LOADERS (Front) Model Tire Size Ply/Speed Symbol Inflation Pressure kPa psi 416E/F, 420F, 422F 11L-16 12 PLY 441 64 416E/F, 420F 12-16.5 10 PLY 448 65 416E/F, 420F, 430F 12.5/80-18 12 PLY/10 PLY 276/310 54/45 422F, 428F, 432F 12.5/80-18 10 PLY/14 PLY 317/372 416E/F, 420F, 422F, 428F, 430F, 432F 340/80R18 428F, 432F 340/80R20 144 A8 372 54 428F, 432F 340/80-18 12 PLY 345 50 428F, 432F 340/80-20 10 PLY 317 47 450E/F 15-19.5 12 PLY 414 60 46/54 143 B/143 A8/136 A8/134 A8 400/345/317/317 58/50/46/46 BACKHOE LOADERS (Rear) Model Tire Size Ply/Speed Symbol Inflation Pressure kPa 416E/F, 420F, 430F 19.5L-24 416E/F, 420F, 430F psi 12 PLY 234 34 500/70R24 157 B/164 A8 317/331 46/48 416E/F, 420F, 430F, 450E/F 21L-24 16 PLY/18 PLY 276/310 40/45 422F, 428F, 432F 16.9-28 12 PLY 262 38 422F, 428F, 432F, 434F, 444F 440/80R28 156 A8 282 41 428F, 432F 18.4-26 12 PLY 248 36 428F, 432F 480/80-26 12 PLY 282 41 428F, 432F 480/80R26 160 A8 282 41 428F, 432F, 434F, 444F 440/80-28 12 PLY 282 41 434F 440/80R24 161 A8/154 A8 324/317 47/46 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 59 32-59 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Paving Products — Bias Ply and Radial Pneumatic Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. PAVING PRODUCTS — Bias Ply and Radial Pneumatic Tires Model Tire Size Ply Rating Inflation Pressure1, 2, 3 kPa psi WHEEL ASPHALT PAVERS AP500E/BG500E 17.5R25 * 448 65 AP600D/BG600D 16.00-24 12 345 50 445/95R25 ** 551 80 18.00-25 16 379 55 445/95R25 ** 586 85 23.1-26 8 110 16 23.1-26 8 110 16 23.1-26 8 110 16 CP64 23.1-26 12 165 24 CS64 23.1-26 8 110 16 23.1-26 12 165 24 23.1-26 8 110 16 AP1000E/BG1000E VIBRATORY SOIL COMPACTORS CP44 CS44 CP54 CP54B CS54 CS54 XT CS54B CP56 CP56B CS56 CS56B CP68B CS68B CP74 CP74B CS74 23.1-26 8 110 16 23.1-26 12 165 24 CP76 23.1-26 12 165 24 CS76 23.1-26 12 165 24 CS76 XT 23.1-26 12 165 24 8.50/90x15 6 350 51 7.50x15 12 760 110 14/70x20 20 760 110 CS74B CS78B PNEUMATIC ROLLERS PS150C PS360C 1 Inflation pressures are maximum rated tire pressures. 2 Pressure varies with application for Pneumatic Tire Compactors (PS). 3 Consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. 32-60 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 60 12/20/13 9:14 AM Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Motor Graders — Bias Ply Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. MOTOR GRADERS — Bias Ply* Model 120M/M2/M3 140M/M2/M3 160M/M2/M3 12M/M2/M3 14M/M3 16M/M3 24M/M3 Tire Size 13.00-24 14.00-24 14.00-24 17.5-25 17.5-25 14.00-24 14.00-24 17.5-25 17.5-25 14.00-24 14.00-24 17.5-25 17.5-25 13.00-24 14.00-24 14.00-24 15.5-25 17.5-25 17.5-25 16.00-24 20.5-25 20.5-25 18.00-25 23.5-25 23.5-25 29.5-29 Ply Rating 12 12 16 12 16 12 16 12 16 12 16 12 16 12 12 16 12 12 16 16 16 20 16 16 20 28 Goodyear Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 228 33 324 47 200 29 303 44 248 36 352 51 228 33 324 47 248 36 372 54 248 36 352 33 25 324 324 47 47 172 25 303 44 25 276 Triangle Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 152 22 200 29 207 30 241 35 152 22 172 25 207 30 241 35 200 29 290 42 207 30 276 40 200 29 255 37 207 30 276 40 207 30 276 40 241 207 35 30 310 276 45 40 172 25 290 42 207 207 30 30 241 241 35 35 172 25 255 37 207 241 30 35 310 379 45 55 207 207 30 30 241 276 35 40 345 50 379 55 51 228 172 172 Inflation Pressure Bridgestone/Firestone Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 241 35 310 45 207 30 276 40 40 *Refer to Tire Load Worksheet to determine proper ply rating. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 61 32-61 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Motor Graders — Radial Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. MOTOR GRADERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size Strength Rating Michelin Front kPa 120M/M2/M3 13.00R24 psi Goodyear Rear kPa psi Front kPa psi Bridgestone Rear kPa psi ★ 14.00R24 ★ 15.5R25 ★ 241 35 345 50 276 40 372 54 Not Approved Front Titan Rear kPa psi kPa psi 276 40 379 55 241 35 359 52 241 35 310 45 17.5R25 ★ 207 30 276 40 228 33 303 44 207 30 241 35 140M/M2/M3 14.00R24 ★ 276 40 345 50 303 44 372 54 241 35 345 50 17.5R25 ★ 207 30 276 40 248 36 303 44 221 32 290 42 160M/M2/M3 14.00R24 ★ 276 40 345 50 324 47 427 62 241 35 359 52 17.5R25 ★ 207 30 276 40 248 36 352 51 241 35 310 45 13.00R24 ★ 276 40 379 55 12M/M2/M3 Not Approved 14.00R24 ★ 207 30 310 45 303 44 372 54 262 38 359 52 17.5R25 ★ 207 30 241 35 248 36 303 44 207 30 290 42 Front kPa psi Rear kPa psi 16.00R24 ★ 310 45 345 50 248 36 427 62 207 30 359 52 20.5R25 ★ 207 30 310 45 248 36 324 47 207 30 310 45 207 30 310 45 16M/M3 23.5R25 ★, ★★ 207 30 310 45 172 25 324 47 207 30 290 42 207 30 310 45 24M/M3 29.5R29 ★, ★★ 310 45 379 55 324 47 476 69 345 50 414 60 14M/M3 NOTE: These are general inflation pressures. For applications such as slope and ditching service, the inflation pressures should be increased by 100 kPa (15 psi) with NO increase in carrying capacity. Any extreme conditions should be referred to your local tire supplier OR representative for recommended on pressures, sizes, patterns, and compounds for specific application. The recommended inflation pressures provided are a starting point for the machine shown. 32-62 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 62 12/20/13 9:14 AM Standard Cold Inflation Pressures — Bias and Radial Ply Tires ● Wheel Tractor-Scrapers Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. WHEEL TRACTOR-SCRAPERS — Bias Ply Inflation Pressure Goodyear Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front kPa Bridgestone/Firestone Rear psi kPa Front psi Rear Titan Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 621H 33.25-29 26, 32, 38 379 55 379 55 414 60 345 50 623H 33.25-29 26, 32, 38 379 55 379 55 414 60 345 50 627H 33.25-29 26, 32, 38 379 55 379 55 414 60 414 60 631G 37.25-35 36, 42 427 62 372 54 448 65 448 65 637G 37.25-35 36, 42 448 65 427 62 448 65 448 65 657G 37.5-39 52 WHEEL TRACTOR-SCRAPERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front kPa 621H 623H 627H 29.5R29 ★★ 33.25R29 ★★ 29.5R29 ★★ 33.25R29 ★★ 29.5R29 ★★ 33.25R29 ★★ psi Goodyear Rear kPa Front psi kPa psi Bridgestone Rear kPa Front psi Rear kPa psi kPa 517 75 517 psi 75 65 448 65 448 65 414 60 448 517 75 517 75 448 65 414 60 448 65 448 65 517 75 517 75 483 70 483 70 448 65 448 65 631G 37.25R35 ★★ 552 80 483 70 476 69 427 62 552 80 552 80 637G 37.25R35 ★★ 552 80 503 73 524 76 476 69 552 80 552 80 657G 40.5/75R39 ★★ 600 87 524 76 572 83 572 83 621 90 621 90 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 63 32-63 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Articulated Trucks — Radial Ply ● Mining & Off-Highway Trucks — Bias Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. ARTICULATED TRUCKS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size Ply Rating Michelin Front Goodyear Center Rear psi kPa Front kPa psi kPa psi 400 58 325 47.1 325 47.1 725C 23.5R25 ★★ 730C 23.5R25 ★★ 450 65.3 425 61.6 425 61.6 750/65R25 ★★ 290 42.1 360 52.2 360 52.2 730C EJ 735B 26.5R25 ★★ 448 65 414 60 414 60 740B 29.5R25 ★★ 414 60 414 60 414 60 740B EJ 29.5R25 ★★ 345 50 414 60 414 60 Bridgestone Center Rear Front Center psi kPa Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 483 70 448 65 448 65 427 62 400 58 400 58 448 65 427 62 427 62 372 54 503 73 476 69 ARTICULATED TRUCKS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size Titan Ply Rating Front Yokohama Center Rear Front Center Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 735B 26.5R25 ★★ 552 80 483 70 483 70 517 75 483 70 483 70 740B 29.5R25 ★★ 483 70 448 65 448 65 483 70 448 65 448 65 740B EJ 29.5R25 ★★ 483 70 448 65 448 65 MINING & OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS – BIAS PLY Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size Ply Rating Goodyear Front Bridgestone Rear Front Eurotire Rear Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 572 83 572 83 621 90 621 90 700 102 700 102 773E* 24.00-35 42, 48 773G* 24.00-35 42, 48 621 90 621 90 700 102 700 102 775G* 24.00-35 42, 48 621 90 621 90 725 105 725 105 777D* 27.00-49 48 621 90 621 90 725 105 725 105 777G* 27.00-49 48 621 90 621 90 725 105 725 105 785D 33.00-51 58 725 105 725 105 793D/F 40.00-57 68 715 104 715 104 572 83 572 83 *Choosing Bias Ply tires may require reduction in payload or speed. Consult factory for specific details. 32-64 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 64 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Mining & Off-Highway Trucks — Radial Ply Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. MINING & OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front Goodyear Rear Front Bridgestone Rear Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 116 800 116 770G 18.00R33 ★★, ★★★ 752 109 752 109 800 116 800 116 800 772G 21.00R33 ★★ 703 102 703 102 703 102 703 102 703 102 703 102 773E 24.00R35 ★★ 572 83 572 83 627 91 627 91 689 100 689 100 773G 24.00R35 ★★ 703 102 703 102 689 100 689 100 775G 24.00R35 ★★ 724 105 724 105 689 100 689 100 777D 27.00R49 ★★ 648 94 703 102 703 102 710 103 703 102 703 102 777G 27.00R49 ★★ 689 100 689 100 703 102 731 106 703 102 703 102 785D 33.00R51 ★★ 724 105 724 105 800 116 800 116 724 105 724 105 789D 37.00R57 ★★ 627 91 627 91 758 110 758 110 40.00R57 ★★ 552 80 552 80 40.00R571 ★★ 724 105 724 105 724 105 724 105 46/90R571 ★★ 793 115 793 115 50/80R572 ★★ 46/90R57 ★★ 50/80R57 ★★ 56/80R63 ★★ 59/80R63 ★★ 59/80R63 ★★ 793D/F MT4400D AC 795F 797F 621 90 621 724 105 724 105 745 108 765 111 90 Consult Bridgestone Consult Michelin 655 95 621 90 Not Approved 689 100 689 Not Approved 703 100 102 703 Not Approved 102 703 102 703 102 724 105 724 105 1 For both 793 D and F Series. Used on 813 mm (32") rim standard life wheel station only, not approved for use on 737 mm (29") rim or extended life wheel station. 2 For 793 F Series only. Used on 813 mm (32") rim with wide extended life wheel station. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 65 32-65 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Mining & Off-Highway Trucks — Radial Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. MINING & OFF-HIGHWAY TRUCKS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Titan Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front Triangle Rear Front Eurotire Rear Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi 793 115 827 120 800 116 800 116 800 116 800 116 770G 18.00R33 ★★, ★★★ 772G 21.00R33 ★★ 700 102 700 102 700 102 700 102 773E 24.00R35 ★★ 689 100 621 90 700 102 700 102 700 102 700 102 773G 24.00R35 ★★ 689 100 689 100 700 102 700 102 700 102 700 102 775G 24.00R35 ★★ 758 110 724 105 720 104 720 104 725 105 720 104 777D 27.00R49 ★★ 724 105 724 105 725 105 725 105 777G 27.00R49 ★★ 724 105 724 105 725 105 725 105 785D 33.00R51 ★★ 725 105 725 105 789D 37.00R57 ★★ 725 105 725 105 40.00R57 ★★ 40.00R571 ★★ 800 116 750 109 46/90R571 ★★ 750 109 750 109 50/80R572 ★★ 46/90R57 ★★ 50/80R57 ★★ 56/80R63 ★★ 59/80R63 ★★ 59/80R63 ★★ 793D/F MT4400D AC 795F 797F 1 For both 793 D and F Series. Used on 813 mm (32") rim standard life wheel station only, not approved for use on 737 mm (29") rim or extended life wheel station. 2 For 793 F Series only. Used on 813 mm (32") rim with wide extended life wheel station. 32-66 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 66 12/20/13 9:14 AM Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Loaders — Bias and Bias Belted Tires ● Wheel Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. WHEEL LOADERS — Bias and Bias Belted Inflation Pressure Goodyear Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front kPa 904H 914G 924H 924Hz 928Hz 930H 938H 950H/K 12-16.5 10 33-15.5x16.5 12 Rear psi kPa Front psi Rear kPa psi kPa psi 240 35 175 25 12 240 35 210 30 17.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 240 35 210 30 17.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 380 55 275 40 20.5-25 12 250 36 210 30 275 40 210 30 17.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 380 55 275 40 20.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 275 40 210 30 17.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 380 55 275 40 20.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 275 40 210 30 23.1-26 14 17.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 380 55 275 40 20.5-25 12 400 58 300 44 275 40 210 30 23.1-26 14 20.5-25 16 352 51 248 36 345 50 207 30 20.5-25 20 372 54 248 36 345 50 207 30 23.5-25 16, 20, 24 379 55 241 35 352 51 207 30 414 60 241 35 379 55 241 35 58 276 40 414 60 276 40 40 23.5-25 725/70-25 16 16, 20 Titan Front 15.5-25 725/70-25 962H/K Bridgestone/Firestone 16 Rear kPa psi kPa psi 345 50 241 35 379 55 241 35 60 966H/K/M 26.5-25 20, 24, 26 400 972H/K/M 26.5-25 20, 24, 26 448 65 303 44 448 65 276 980H/K 29.5-25 22, 28 427 62 276 40 586 85 379 55 988H/K* 35/65-33 36, 42 627 91 427 62 655 95 414 60 689 100 414 42 552 80 352 51 586 85 414 60 724 105 414 60 627 91 427 62 724 105 483 70 827 120 724 105 724 105 483 70 600 87 400 58 990H 41.25/70-39 992K 45/65-45 46, 58 993K 50/65-51 62 994H/K** 52/80-57 68 53.5/85-57 76 724 105 483 70 58/85-57 84 724 105 483 70 32 **Goodyear recommended 600/400 kPa (87/58 psi) front/rear pressures for standard machine and 627/427 kPa (91/62 psi) for high-lift machine. **Goodyear recommended 600/400 kPa (87/58 psi) front/rear pressures for standard and high lift machine, 703/503 kPa (102/73 psi) for extended high lift machine, and 772/572 kPa (112/83 psi) for super high lift machine. Bridgestone/Firestone inflation pressure for Giant loader tires (992K and above) are in reference to applications without chains. For use with chains please consult your Bridgestone/Firestone representative. For pressures not listed, consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 67 32-67 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Wheel Loaders — Radial Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. WHEEL LOADERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model Tire Size 906H 405/70R18 335/80R18 340/80R18 908H 375/75R20 914G 17.5R25 924H 17.5R25 20.5R25 550/65R25 924Hz 17.5R25 20.5R25 928Hz 17.5R25 20.5R25 600/65R25 930H 17.5R25 20.5R25 938H 20.5R25 550/65R25 650/65R25 950H/K 23.5R25* 650/65R25 750/65R25 962H/K 23.5R25 750/65R25 966H/K/M 26.5R25* 750/65R25 775/65R29 972H/K/M 26.5R25** 750/65R25 775/65R29 980H/K 29.5R25*** 875/65R29 988H/K 35/65R33 35/65R33 875/65R33**** 990H 45/65R39 992K 45/65R45 993K 50/65R51 994H/K 55/80R57 55.5/80R57 60/80R57 58/80R63 Front Ply Rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★, ★★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ Goodyear Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 345 345 345 275 275 50 50 50 40 40 345 345 345 210 210 50 50 50 30 30 450 310 380 275 275 345 275 379 414 414 448 380 345 448 345 414 345 65 45 55 40 40 50 40 55 60 60 65 55 50 65 50 60 50 275 240 275 210 210 210 210 276 310 310 241 210 310 241 207 241 241 40 35 40 30 30 30 30 40 45 45 35 30 45 35 30 35 35 414 448 60 65 276 345 40 50 517 552 586 655 75 80 85 95 276 310 448 448 40 45 65 65 586 621 586 621 85 90 85 90 345 414 490 448 50 60 71 65 Rear kPa psi kPa psi 350 51 250 36 300 44 225 33 300 44 225 33 450 65 305 44 476 69 303 44 476 69 303 44 476 69 303 44 427 524 62 76 276 324 40 47 448 552 448 600 65 80 65 87 303 352 303 400 44 51 44 58 627 552 655 91 80 95 427 352 503 62 51 73 ****Goodyear recommended 448/303 kPa (65/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 950H, 950K, and 966H. ****Goodyear recommended 476/303 kPa (69/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 972H and 503/303 kPa (73/44 psi) for 972K. ****Goodyear recommended 503/303 kPa (73/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 988H and 524/324 kPa (76/47 psi) for 980K. ****Goodyear recommended 627/427 kPa (91/62 psi) front/rear pressures for 988H/988K standard and high lift machine and 800/600 kPa (116/87 psi) for 988H Logger and Block Handler machine. Bridgestone inflation pressure for Giant loader tires (992K and above) are in reference to applications without chains. For use with chains please consult your Bridgestone representative. 32-68 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 68 12/20/13 9:14 AM Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Wheel Loaders — Radial Ply Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. WHEEL LOADERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Bridgestone Model 906H Tire Size 405/70R18 335/80R18 340/80R18 908H 375/75R20 914G 17.5R25 924H 17.5R25 20.5R25 550/65R25 924Hz 17.5R25 20.5R25 928Hz 17.5R25 20.5R25 600/65R25 930H 17.5R25 20.5R25 938H 20.5R25 550/65R25 650/65R25 950H/K 23.5R25* 650/65R25 750/65R25 962H/K 23.5R25 750/65R25 966H/K/M 26.5R25* 750/65R25 775/65R29 972H/K/M 26.5R25** 750/65R25 775/65R29 980H/K 29.5R25*** 875/65R29 988H/K 35/65R33 35/65R33 875/65R33**** 990H 45/65R39 992K 45/65R45 993K 50/65R51 994H/K 55/80R57 55.5/80R57 60/80R57 58/80R63 Front Ply Rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★★ ★, ★★ ★, ★★ ★, ★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ Titan Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 415 415 415 60 60 60 275 310 275 40 45 40 415 415 60 60 310 275 45 40 415 60 310 45 415 310 60 45 310 210 275 379 40 55 414 379 414 414 483 483 448 483 483 586 517 655 689 Rear kPa psi kPa psi 45 30 241 35 241 35 175 241 25 35 483 70 379 55 60 55 60 60 70 70 65 70 70 85 75 95 100 276 241 276 276 345 345 276 345 345 379 379 414 524 40 35 40 40 50 50 40 50 50 55 55 60 76 552 80 379 55 448 65 414 60 483 70 414 60 621 90 448 65 758 110 483 70 621 724 724 90 105 105 483 483 483 70 70 70 793 793 115 115 517 517 75 75 724 105 483 70 758 110 552 80 32 ****Goodyear recommended 448/303 kPa (65/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 950H, 950K, and 966H. ****Goodyear recommended 476/303 kPa (69/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 972H and 503/303 kPa (73/44 psi) for 972K. ****Goodyear recommended 503/303 kPa (73/44 psi) front/rear pressures for 988H and 524/324 kPa (76/47 psi) for 980K. ****Goodyear recommended 627/427 kPa (91/62 psi) front/rear pressures for 988H/988K standard and high lift machine and 800/600 kPa (116/87 psi) for 988H Logger and Block Handler machine. Bridgestone inflation pressure for Giant loader tires (992K and above) are in reference to applications without chains. For use with chains please consult your Bridgestone representative. Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 69 32-69 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Log Loaders — Bias and Bias Belted ● Log Loaders — Radial Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. LOG LOADERS — Bias and Bias Belted Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size IT14G 924H Versalink™ Goodyear Strength Index 15.5-25 12 17.5-25 12 17.5-25 12 20.5-25 12 Bridgestone/Firestone Front Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 352 51 248 36 kPa Rear psi kPa psi Consult Bridgestone/Firestone 930H Versalink 20.5-25 12 938H 20.5-25 16, 20 400 58 276 40 310 45 207 30 950H 23.5-25 20 372 54 276 40 345 50 207 30 966H 26.5-25 20, 26 448 65 276 40 414 60 276 40 980H 29.5-25 28 427 62 276 40 586 85 379 55 988K 35/65-33 42 655 95 414 60 990H 41.25/70-39 42 Consult Goodyear Consult Bridgestone/Firestone NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Log Loader pressures. NOTE: Pressures for “Log Loaders” are not approved because general application of machine exceeds tire load limit. LOG LOADERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Model Tire Size IT14G 924H 930H 938H Front Goodyear Rear kPa psi kPa psi Front kPa psi Bridgestone Rear kPa psi Front Eurotire Rear kPa psi kPa psi 345 50 276 40 ★ 414 60 276 40 17.5R25 ★ 345 50 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 17.5R25 ★ 414 60 207 30 427 62 276 40 345 50 276 40 20.5R25 ★ 310 45 207 30 324 47 228 33 345 50 276 40 550/65R25 ★ 310 45 207 30 324 47 228 33 414 60 310 45 20.5R25 ★ 379 55 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 650/65R25 ★ 310 45 207 30 414 60 310 45 20.5R25 ★ 414 60 276 40 550/65R25 ★ 414 60 241 35 600/65R25 ★ 30 23.5R25 650/65R25 750/65R25 966H Michelin 15.5R25 650/65R25 950H Strength Index 26.5R25 750/65R25 ★ 345 50 207 ★, ★★ 450 65 276 40 ★ 345 50 241 35 ★ 276 40 207 30 ★, ★★ 414 60 276 40 ★ 414 60 276 40 517 75 276 40 980H 29.5R25 ★, ★★ 988K 35/65R33 ★★ 990H 45/65R39 ★, ★★ Consult Michelin 448 65 303 44 310 45 207 30 476 69 303 44 345 50 207 30 448 65 303 44 414 60 276 40 503 73 303 44 586 85 379 55 800 116 600 87 655 95 414 60 Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 585 85 380 55 Consult Bridgestone NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Log Loader pressures. NOTE: Pressures for “Log Loaders” are not approved because general application of machine exceeds tire load limit. 32-70 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 70 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Integrated Toolcarriers — Bias and Bias Belted ● Integrated Toolcarriers — Radial Ply Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. INTEGRATED TOOLCARRIERS — Bias and Bias Belted Inflation Pressure Goodyear Model IT14G 924H Versalink Tire Size Front Ply Rating Bridgestone/Firestone Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 45 207 30 15.5-25 12 310 17.5-25 12 276 40 172 25 17.5-25 12 310 45 241 35 20.5-25 12 276 40 207 30 kPa Rear psi kPa psi Consult Bridgestone/Firestone 930H Versalink 20.5-25 12 276 40 207 30 IT38H 20.5-25 16, 20 400 58 276 40 379 55 276 40 IT62H 23.5-25 16 372 54 248 36 345 50 207 30 NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Integrated Toolcarrier pressures. INTEGRATED TOOLCARRIERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front Goodyear Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi kPa psi Bridgestone Rear kPa Front psi Rear kPa psi kPa psi 345 50 276 40 15.5R25 ★ 276 40 207 30 17.5R25 ★ 241 35 207 30 414 60 310 45 207 30 310 45 17.5R25 ★ 345 50 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 20.5R25 ★ 310 45 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 550/65R25 ★ 276 40 207 30 414 60 310 45 17.5R25 ★ 345 50 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 20.5R25 ★ 276 40 207 30 414 60 310 45 345 50 276 40 550/65R25 ★ 414 60 310 45 600/65R25 ★ IT38H 20.5R25 IT62H 23.5R25 IT14G 924H 930H 310 45 207 30 ★ 276 40 207 30 427 62 276 40 448 65 241 35 ★ 345 50 241 35 427 62 276 40 345 50 207 30 NOTE: Contact your tire supplier to obtain or confirm proper Integrated Toolcarrier pressures. 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 71 32-71 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Standard Cold Inflation Pressures ● Wheel Dozers — Bias and Radial Ply Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. WHEEL DOZERS — Bias Ply Inflation Pressure Goodyear Model Tire Size Front Ply Rating kPa Bridgestone/Firestone Rear psi kPa Front psi kPa Titan Rear psi kPa Front psi 814F2 18.00-25 23.5-25 12, 20 248 36 228 33 824H 29.5-25 22, 28 248 36 248 36 276 40 276 40 834K 35/65-33 24, 30, 42 324 47 324 47 345 50 345 50 844H 41.25/70-39 34, 42 303 44 303 44 517 75 517 75 854K 45/65-45 46, 50, 58 427 62 276 40 655 95 414 60 Rear kPa psi kPa psi 379 55 414 60 483 70 414 60 12 WHEEL DOZERS — Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model 814F2 824H 834K Tire Size Ply Rating Front Goodyear Rear kPa psi kPa psi 379 55 379 55 Front kPa psi Bridgestone Rear kPa psi Front kPa psi Titan Rear kPa psi 23.5R25 ★ 26.5R25 ★ 310 45 310 45 29.5R25 ★ 276 40 241 35 400 58 303 44 345 50 345 50 ★★ 310 45 276 40 400 58 303 44 345 50 345 50 35/65R33 ★, ★★ 345 50 345 50 345 50 345 50 875/65R33 ★★ 400 58 400 58 844H 45/65R39 854K 45/65R45 (1150/65R45) 32-72 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 72 ★ 379 55 379 55 400 58 400 58 552 80 414 60 ★, ★★ 379 55 310 45 448 65 448 65 427 62 427 62 Front Rear kPa psi kPa psi 448 65 414 60 483 70 414 60 12/20/13 9:14 AM ● Standard Cold Inflation Pressures Hard Rock Underground Mining — Bias and Radial Ply Tires Optimal pressures may vary depending on specific applications and working conditions. Always consult your local tire supplier for operating pressures. HARD ROCK UNDERGROUND MINING — Bias and Radial Ply Inflation Pressure Michelin Model Tire Size Ply Rating Front Goodyear Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 691 100 622 90 Bridgestone Rear Front kPa psi kPa psi 552 80 448 65 552 80 448 65 552 80 448 65 690 100 552 80 650 94 650 94 Rear kPa psi kPa psi 650 94 480 70 650 94 450 65 650 94 450 65 650 94 450 65 650 94 450 65 LOAD-HAUL-DUMP LOADERS R1300G R1600H R1700G R2900G R3000H 17.5R25 ★★ 17.5-25 20 18.0R25 ★★ 18.0-25 28 26.5R25 ★★ 26.5-25 32 29.5R29 ★★ 29.5-29 34, 40 35/65R33 ★★ 875/65R33 ★ 691 622 622 100 90 90 518 415 415 75 60 60 ARTICULATED TRUCKS AD30 26.5R25 ★, ★★ 415 60 553 80 517 75 448 65 650 94 650 94 AD45B 29.5R29 ★★ 449 65 518 75 517 75 517 75 650 94 650 94 AD55 35/65R33 ★, ★★ 656 95 656 95 650 94 650 94 AD60 35/65R33 ★, ★★ 650 94 650 94 32 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 73 32-73 12/20/13 9:14 AM Tires Liquid Ballasting Table ● 75% Fillage BIAS PLY TIRES Weight Increase Per Tire Tire Size RADIAL PLY TIRES Mixing Proportions CaCl Weight Increase Per Tire Water Mixing Proportions CaCl Water kg lb kg lb L gal kg lb kg lb L 13.00-24TG 188 414 55 122 132 35 185 407 57 125 128 gal 34 14.00-24TG 215 475 63 140 151 40 256 565 79 173 179 47 15.5-25 192 423 56 125 136 36 224 493 69 151 155 41 16.00-24TG 333 735 98 217 234 62 355 783 109 240 246 65 17.5-25 262 577 77 170 185 49 311 686 95 210 216 57 18.00-25 454 1002 134 296 322 85 502 1107 154 340 348 92 18.4-34 417 919 123 272 295 78 — — — — — — 20.5-25 405 892 119 263 284 75 448 987 137 303 310 82 23.1-26 522 1151 154 340 367 97 — — — — — — 23.5-25 585 1291 173 382 412 109 633 1396 194 428 439 116 24.5-32 703 1549 207 458 496 131 — — — — — — 26.5-25 758 1671 224 494 533 141 841 1853 258 568 583 154 26.5-29 752 1658 222 490 530 140 928 2045 284 627 644 170 28L-26 709 1563 209 462 500 132 — — — — — — 29.5-25 970 2139 286 632 685 181 1073 2368 328 723 745 197 29.5-29 1050 2315 310 684 738 195 1190 2623 365 804 825 218 29.5-35 1159 2556 344 758 821 217 1286 2835 394 869 892 236 30.5L-32 874 1928 258 570 617 163 — — — — — — 33.25-35 1485 3275 439 968 1048 277 1592 3508 487 1074 1105 292 390 37.25-35 1712 3775 505 1115 1211 320 2128 4692 653 1439 1476 38-39 1870 4123 552 1218 1317 348 — — — — — — 35/65-33 1339 2953 396 873 942 249 1430 3152 438 967 992 262 402 40/65-39 2077 4580 614 1353 1465 387 2194 4836 673 1483 1522 41.25/70-39 1897 4183 561 1236 1336 353 — — — — — — 45/65-45 2548 5617 753 1659 1794 474 — — — — — — NOTE: Ballast weight for bias ply tires from Goodyear data, radial ply weights from Michelin data. Contact your tire supplier for additional information. Under abnormal tire wear conditions, ballasting of rear tires may be desirable. Ballasting of front tires also should only be done where extremely rapid tire wear rates are encountered. Excessive weight will reduce machine performance. NOTE: Fillage beyond 75% of tire enclosed volume is not recommended. With liquid ballasting, inflation pressure must be checked at least once per day. NOTE: 1.6 kg (31⁄2 lb) Calcium Chloride per gallon water. Solution weighs 4.6 kg (10.15 lb) per gallon. NOTE: Total machine mass including all attachments in operating condition, all reservoirs at full capacity and ballasted tires must not exceed certification mass listed on the ROPS certification label. NOTE: Special air to water valves are required for liquid filled tires. 32-74 Edition 44 PHB-Sec32-14.indd 74 12/20/13 9:14 AM
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