catálogo de periódicos on-line do curso de gestão
catálogo de periódicos on-line do curso de gestão
CATÁLOGO DE PERIÓDICOS ON-LINE DO CURSO DE GESTÃO AMBIENTAL MOSSORÓ-RN 2014 Belchior de Oliveira Rocha Reitor José Ribamar Silva de Oliveira Pró-Reitor de Ensino Jailton Barbosa dos Santos Diretor Geral Hélio Henrique Cunha Pinheiro Diretor Acadêmico Francisco Bento das Chagas Guerra Diretor Administrativo Maria Alexandra Ribeiro Pinto da Costa Coordenadora de Apoio Acadêmico Dagmá Rego de Queiroz Pedagogo Michele Asley Alencar Lima Coordenadora do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gestão Ambiental Wagner Lopes Torquato Coordenador de Pesquisa Geraldo Máximo da Silva Coordenador de Extensão Glaudênia Alves de Noura Psicóloga Elvira Fernandes de Araújo Oliveira Coordenadora da Biblioteca Thiago Viterbo dos Santos de Oliveira Bibliotecário ACE : Architecture, City and Environment Arquitectura, Ciudad y Entorno es el nombre elegido para nombrar a esta publicación. Con esas tres palabras quisimos reflejar el espíritu abierto de la Revista dedicada al estudio, desde la más amplia de las perspectivas, del hábitat humano, tanto en su vertiente macro como micro, tanto en su acepción más tecnológica como social. Palabras que además tienen la bondad de resumirse en el mismo acrónimo con independencia de que estén en lengua castellana, catalana o inglesa. De esta forma pusimos a disposición de las ricas investigaciones arquitectónicas, urbanísticas y territoriales, una ventana para abordar la difusión de las diferentes disciplinas que se encargan de su desarrollo. ACE es, por tanto, una revista propia para la discusión en la frontera de las disciplinas del conocimiento, abierta a nuevos enfoques de estudio, y sobre todo, una alternativa especialmente diseñada a difundir los resultados en las lenguas que nos resultan familiares y que, sin olvidar la capacidad universal de difusión del inglés, debemos potenciar. La Revista ACE se publica cuatrimestralmente y es un Open Access Journal, y por tanto, su acceso y consulta es gratuito, de manera que su existencia y continuidad sólo puede explicarse gracias al esfuerzo del Centro de Política de Suelo y Valoraciones (CPSV) de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC), así como de todas las personas colaboradoras externas que se encargan de la difusión de la revista, fungen como evaluadoras externas de los artículos o son corresponsales en los diferentes países en los que nos encontramos presentes. La Revista es impulsada por la Red homónima formada, además de la UPC, por la Universidad de Guadalajara (México) y la del Bio Bio (Chile). La sección principal de la Revista está dedicada a dar difusión a trabajos científicos, si bien está acompañada por una sección destinada a contener los resúmenes de tesis de máster y tesinas, y otra más sobre notas técnicas. Regularmente la Revista publica números monográficos cuyos contenidos y diseño es encomendado a editores invitados especialistas de reconocido prestigio en las materias abordadas Advances in Applied Biodiversity Science 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000020468 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. BioOne Complete BioOne Complete is BioOne's aggregation of more than 180 high quality, subscribed and open-access titles focused in the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences. For subscribing libaries, BioOne Complete offers a cost-effective, curated collection of independently-published journals. Nearly three-quarters of the aggregation's titles are ranked by Thomson Reuters' Journal Citation Reports, and 45% are available online exclusively through BioOne participation. For its nonprofit publishing participants—societies, associations, museums, research institutions, and university presses—the BioOne aggregation offers a dynamic platform, cohort affiliation, and, for subscribed participants, an ancillary annual revenue stream from aggregated sales. Since 2001, BioOne has returned over 27 million dollars to its nonprofit publishers, helping them remain financially sustainable and editorially independent. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene In 2013, BioOne launched a new open-access scientific journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. Operated in collaboration with Dartmouth College Library and other institutional affiliates, Elementa publishes original research reporting on new knowledge of the Earth’s physical, chemical, and biological systems; interactions between human and natural systems; and steps that can be taken to mitigate and adapt to global change. Elementa reports on fundamental advancements in research organized initially into six knowledge domains, embracing the concept that basic knowledge can foster sustainable solutions for society.Elementa is published on an open-access, public-good basis—available freely and immediately to the world. Learn more at Advances in environmental biology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000366485 O Academic OneFile é a fonte mais importante de artigos com texto completo, revisados por especialistas, das principais revistas e fontes de referência mundiais. Com uma ampla cobertura em ciências físicas, tecnologia, medicina, ciências sociais, artes, teologia, literatura e outros assuntos, o Academic OneFile é confiável e abrangente. Com milhões de artigos disponíveis com texto completo em PDF e em HTML, sem restrições, os pesquisadores podem encontrar informações precisas rapidamente. Inclui cobertura para texto completo do New York Times desde 1995. Atualizado diariamente. Agraarteadus 56646013036 Agraarteadus aktsepteerib teadustöid nii kohalikul kui ka rahvusvahelisel tasandil kõigis põllumajandusteaduse valdkonda- des (sealhulgas: metsamajandus, taimeteadus, looduskaitse, keskkonnateadus, veterinaarmeditsiin, inseneriteadus). Ajakiri hindab kõrgelt multidistsiplinaarseid uurimusi. Ajakirjale pakuvad erilist huvi teemad, mille uurimine on suunatud jätkusuutlik- kuse probleemide lahendamiseks ning teadustööd, mille tulemused aitavad maaelu juhtida tasakaalukalt ja targalt. Oodatud on kaastööd, mis aitavad mõista biotehniliste süsteemide mitmekesisuse probleeme. Eesti teadlastelt ootame emakeelseid artikleid, et säilitada ja kaasajastada eestikeelset põllumajandusteaduse terminoloogiat Agro@mbiente On-line 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000059122 A Revista Agroambiente On-line (ISSN 1982-8470 online) é publicada pela Universidade Federal de Roraima desde 2007. Os artigos nela publicados estão indexados nas seguintes bases: CAB International, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); LATINDEX, EBSCO Publishing, EMBRAPA, SUMARIOS e Periódicos da CAPES. Conceito Qualis: B1-Planejamento Urbano e Regional/Demografia; B3 Ciências Agrárias I; B3 - Ciências Ambientais; B3 - Interdisciplinar; B4 Biodiversidade; B4 - Engenharias I; B4 - Geografia; B5 - Engenharias II; B5 - Ciência de Alimentos. Air, Soil and Water Research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000716626 Covers all areas of research into soil, air and water, including physical, chemical, biochemical and biological, analysis, microbiology, chemicals and pollution, consequences for plants and crops, soil hydrology, changes and consequences of change, social issues, and more Alternatives ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928468055 Journal covering all business and public institution usage of arbitration and dispute resolution (ADR), including model ADR agreements and selected conference proceedings. Alternatives Journal ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928620291 An independent, nonprofit magazine focusing on Canadian environmental issues. The publication is the official journal of the Environmental Studies Association of Canada. Contributors are students, scholars, professionals, and activists concerned with the environment, including its social and political dimensions. Issues are theme-based and include refereed feature articles, news reports, commentaries, and reviews. Academic and professional interests. Ambięncia ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000525852 A Revista Ambiência, com periodicidade quadrimestral, tem por objetivo divulgar artigos científicos, revisão bibliográfica (convite), notas técnicas (convite) e relato de caso(s) nas áreas de ciências agrárias e ambientais. Ambiente e Educação : Revista de Educação Ambiental ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000808304 Revista Eletrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental (EA). Esta revista, em língua portuguesa, constitui-se em um espaço tradicional para a divulgação da produção nacional e internacional na área. Ambiente & sociedade 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42732768004 Ambiente & Sociedade is a quarterly publication of the National Association of Graduate Courses and Research in Environment and Society – ANPPAS, that contributes with the area of knowledge that articulates the interface between Environment and Society, within an interdisciplinary approach. Ambio ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925454934 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. American-Eurasian journal of sustainable agriculture 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000366488 American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture(AEJSA) is published by American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI PUBLISHER), Jordan. AEJSA is an international scientific journal edited and published by AENSI Publications, Jordan. AEJSA exists to publish results of research in the area of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Papers are welcomed from both developed and developing countries describing original investigations of interest to those engaged in scientific research and the practice of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The material should not have been previously published elsewhere. Review articles on a particularly hot subject may be suggested to the Editor-in-Chief. Book reviews, news of international meetings and activities, letters to the editors and editorial notes will be also published at the editors' discretion. The average time between submission and final decision is 30 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 32 days. American journal of environmental sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000018798 American Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international peer reviewed journal, presents original research articles, reviews, and letters in all areas of environmental studies and environmental sciences. Anatolian studies 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 92357265726 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Annual review of energy and the environment 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25595542 Original critical reviews of the significant primary literature and current developments in energy and the environment. Annual review of environment and resources 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 56646018252 Since 1932, Annual Reviews has offered comprehensive, timely collections of critical reviews written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for 46 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences including Economics. Annual Reviews is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide the worldwide scientific community with a useful and intelligent synthesis of the primary research literature for a broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Annual Reviews publications are among the most highly citedin scientific literature as indexed by the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® (JCR). Each year, Annual Reviews critically reviews the most significant primary research literature to guide researchers to the principal contributions of their field and help them keep up to date in their area of research. Each article is its own search engine, providing a gateway to the essential primary research literature referenced within each topic. Online Access is included with personal print subscriptions. Institutions may purchase online or print access to single volumes, though many institutions subscribe to online collections of journals. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000695590 Provides multidisciplinary coverage of soil science, including studies of the physical, chemical, biochemical, and biological properties of soil, innovations in soil analysis, and the development of statistical tools. Applied ecology and environmental research 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000022928 The Journal publishes original research papers and review articles. Researchers from all countries are invited to publish pure or applied ecological, environmental or multidisciplinary agro-ecological research of international interest on its pages. The focus is on topics such as: biodiversity and ecosystem research community and global ecology evolutionary and population biology climate change impact assessment landscape ecology and conservation biology multidisciplinary agro-ecological and environmental research biometrics or biomathemethics in environmental science ecological and sustainable agriculture natural resource management ecological monitoring and modeling statistics and modeling in epidemiology. The Journal publishes theoretical papers as well as application-oriented contributions and practical case studies. There is no bias with regard to taxon or geographical area. Purely descriptive papers (like taxonomic lists) will not be accepted for publication Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975946727499 Ceased. Covers fundamentals, methods & results pertaining to protection, management & conservation of wealth of species & varieties in the animal & plant worlds, the biocoenoses formed by them, & their natural & anthropogenic conditions of existence. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925461128 Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology is a repository of significant, peer-reviewed articles describing original experimental or theoretical research work on the scientific aspects of contaminants in the environment. It provides a place for the publication of detailed, definitive and credible reports concerning advances and discoveries in the fields of air, water, and soil contamination and pollution, human health aspects, and in disciplines concerned with the introduction, presence, and effects of deleterious substances in the total environment. Papers accepted for publication in the Archives deal with aspects of environmental contaminants, including those that lie in the domains of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, agricultural, air, water, and soil chemistry. The Editor-in-Chief is Daniel R. Doerge, National Center for Toxicological Research, Paron, AR USA. Archives of environmental & occupational health ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000238981 Journal providing objective documentation of the effects of environmental agents on human health. Topics include health significance of toxic waste, new energy technology, industrial processes and the environmental causation of neurobiological dysfunction, birth defects, cancer, and chronic degenerative diseases. Arquivos de Zoologia ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977731117 É um periódico tradicional na área de Zoologia no Brasil. Tem por objetivo publicar trabalhos científicos originais nas áreas de sistemática, paleontologia, biologia evolutiva, ecologia, taxonomia, anatomia, comportamento, morfologia funcional, ontogênese, estudos da fauna e biogeografia. Publicação oficial do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP) possui periodicidade semestral e está indexado nas principais obras de referência. Asia-Pacific review ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925276529 Analyzes global political, economic, security, energy & environmental issues with specific emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region. Asian Journal of Biodiversity ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000173781 Provides information on new discoveries in species diversity, ecological diversity, genetic diversity and biodiversity education in Asia. Ateliê geográfico ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000808821 A revista Ateliê Geográfico tem o propósito de pensar geograficamente os lugares do mundo e os tempos dos lugares. É uma publicação quadrimestral do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia do Instituto de Estudos Socioambientais (IESA) da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). A revista está classificada, de acordo com a atual avaliação da CAPES, como QUALIS B1 (WebQualis). Atmospheric environment Atmospheric Environment is the international journal for scientists and researchers in different disciplines interested in air pollution and itssocietal impacts. The journal publishes papers on the consequences of natural and human-induced perturbations to the earth's atmospheres, including processes involving chemistry and physics of the atmosphere as well as subjects related to human health, welfare, climate change, and environmental policy. Atmospheric Environment publishes original research and review articles, special issues, supplements, and New Directions columns. Papers should be novel and results based and present scientific methods involving atmospheric observations, modeling, and analysis extending from local to global scales. Australian Forestry ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110976725599420 Provides information that covers all aspects of forest science and forest management. Australian geographic ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975955581214 Journal covering Australian geography, wildlife, and achievements in science and industry. Australian journal of ecology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925515516 Devoted to reports of ecological research and critical reviews of methodology based on work of Australasian origin. Australian journal of environmental education ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984076157 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Bay nature ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111027699923000 Explores the natural world of the San Francisco Bay Area; its creatures, wild places, neighborhood secrets and natural history. BioCycle 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 21386886 Articles, review articles and commentary on various aspects of composting and recycling, landfills, biosolids, farm composting. Bioremediation journal ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506071803 Publishes current, original laboratory & field research in bioremediation, the use of biological & supporting physical treatments to treat contaminated soil & groundwater. Bioresource technology Bioresource Technology publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short communications on the fundamentals, applications and management of bioresource technology. The journal's aim is to advance and disseminate knowledge in all treatment, the related areas bioenergy,biotransformations of biomass, biological and bioresource systems andtechnologies associated with conversion or production. waste analysis, BioResources ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000281035 Devoted to the science and engineering of lignocellulosic materials, chemicals, and thier applications for new uses and new capabilities. Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506072153 Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement" publie des articles originaux, des notes de recherche, des articles de synthèse, des résumés de livres et de thèses ainsi que des comptes rendus de colloques dans les domaines des sciences et productions végétales et animales, des sciences forestières, des sciences du sol et de la terre, du génie rural, de l'environnement, des bioindustries, de l'agroalimentaire, de la sociologie et de l'économie. Biotechnology advances ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925535079 Biotechnology Advances is a review journal which considers all aspects of the multidisciplinary field. The scope includes biotechnology principles and applications in industry, agriculture, medicine, environmental concerns and regulatory issues. Authoritative articles on current developments and future trends in biotechnology are empathized. Submissions of appropriate manuscripts are invited. A wide audience of scientists, engineers and others is addressed: students, instructors, researchers, practitioners, managers, governments and related stakeholders. Special issues are published on selections of presentations at recent relevant conferences as arranged with the organizations. Bioterrorism watch ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111056644983256 Provides up-to-date information on research, diagnosis, treatment, preparedness and response on the subject of bioterrorism. Biotropica ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925385121 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. BMC ecology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111000136906070 Provides research articles in environmental, population and behavioral ecology of various plants, animals, and microbes. For those employed in or interested in the field of ecology. Boletim Campineiro de Geografia ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=9870000000000779 Publicação científica de periodicidade quadrimestral vinculada à Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros - Seção Campinas. Boletim de botânica ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042725172034 A revista destina-se à publicação de pesquisas científicas originais em qualquer campo da Botânica, realizadas por pesquisadores brasileiros ou estrangeiros. Boletim do Laboratório de Hidrobiologia ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042730668598 Publicação do Departamento de Oceanografia e Limnologia da UFMA. Missão: Divulgar trabalhos científicos originais na área de Biologia Aquática e ciências correlatas, bem como a publicação de artigos gerados pelo Programa de PósGraduação Sustentabilidade de Ecossistemas Aquáticos. Boletim Técnico da Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=3520000000000057 Neste web-site, você encontra informações sobre o Boletim Técnico da Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo. O Boletim é um periódico semestral, distribuído na forma impressa para instituições de ensino e de pesquisa. A elaboração e a organização do Boletim Técnico da FATEC-SP são feitas por professores desta instituição, os quais o utilizam como meio de difundir o resultado de suas pesquisas. Assim, as publicações se referem apenas a trabalhos de professores, pesquisadores e alunos das FATECs. Boston College environmental affairs law review ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=960238476080 Scholarly articles and comments on a broad range of environmental issues by experts in law, politics, sciences and economics. Bulletin OEPP ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977741439 Wiley is the international scientific, technical, medical, and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies. Wiley publishes nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and 1,500+ new books annually in print and online, as well as databases, major reference works and laboratory protocols. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977278136 The Early Career Ecologist Section, ESA’s newest section, is dedicated to supporting this sizeable demographic of the Society in the transitional period of their professional development (i.e. from student through the first few years of permanent full-time employment). Topics of interest include the job search process, tenure and promotion, securing research funding, course development, fulfilling service responsibilities, and work-life balance, among many others. Membership is open to all and activities are aimed toward all ecologists who self-identify as “early career” regardless of their career trajectory. Titles may include, but are not limited to, postdoctoral researchers, assistant professors, lecturers/instructors, adjunct faculty members, and employees of government, non-profit, advocacy, university, and industrial entities. Bulletin of the New Jersey Academy of Science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978966548744 Provides original papers and reviews in any field of science. Bulletin - Southern California Academy of Sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506069087 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. Cadernos de ecologia aquática ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000564788 A revista eletrônica Cadernos de Ecologia Aquática é uma publicação semestral da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. Sua finalidade é divulgar o conhecimento gerado na área de ecologia aquática (marinha, estuarina e água-doce), fornecendo informações à comunidade científica, aos professores e alunos, servindo de recurso didático e fonte de pesquisas escolares. A revista eletrônica combina a facilidade de acesso com a qualidade gráfica e o custo baixo, viabilizando a divulgação de experiências em ecologia aquática, que se traduzem na forma de atividades, trabalhos, artigos, ensaios, revisões bibliográficas, etc, segundo seus objetivos. A variedade de temas propostos e desenvolvidos também é resultado da existência de uma área portuária e de um pólo pesqueiro na região, que proporcionam uma rica fonte de assuntos muitos dos quais relacionados com a gestão dos recursos ambientais e pesqueiros. California agriculture ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928476158 Provides information on research, reviews and news from the University of California and its Agriculture and Natural Resources division. Carbon and Climate Law Review ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000385475 Publishes articles related to the evolving carbon market, and legal policy recommendations with articles on legal aspects of carbon trading and other dimension of greenhouse gas regulation. Challenges ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2940000000000792 Provides a forum for presenting research proposals and discussing open problems. Chemical hazards in industry ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978978552119 With over 49,000 members and a knowledge business that spans the globe, we are the UK’s professional body for chemical scientists, supporting and representing our members and bringing together chemical scientists from all over the world. A not-for-profit organisation with a heritage that spans 170 years, we have an ambitious international vision for the future. Around the world, we invest in educating future generations of scientists. We raise and maintain standards. We partner with industry and academia, promoting collaboration and innovation. We advise governments on policy. And we promote the talent, information and ideas that lead to great advances in science. In a complex and changing world, chemistry and the chemical sciences are essential. They are vital in our everyday lives and will be vital in helping the world respond to some of its biggest challenges.We are committed to promoting, supporting and celebrating inclusion and diversity. We understand that the success of our community depends on our ability to nurture the talent of the best people regardless of who they are or their background.We’re working to shape the future of the chemical sciences – for the benefit of science and humanity. China population, resources & environment China Population, Resources and Environment pays attention to theme of the time, investigates sustainable development strategy, carries forward concept innovation, and mainly publishes the latest research achievements ofsustainable development theory and practice, public policy, etc. The content includes important theory and practical issues on social and economicdevelopment in sustainable development. The academic papers with excellent thought, theoretical basis, demonstration, practical operation and clear standpoint are preferred. Clean water report ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977277144 Reports news and information of particular interest to wastewater treatment plant operators, equipment manufacturers, consulting engineers, and government regulators. Coverage includes drinking water and sewer systems, lakes, rivers and streams, coastal protection, tributaries and bays. Provides current information on water-related legislation, regulation, and litigation originating from federal, state, and local agencies and legislatures. Climate & Development ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000723472 Provides information on the links between climate change and development. Composites technology review 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42744517040 Journal of Composites Technology and Research provides a forum for the presentation, discussion and dissemination of information on composite materials and their response to the environments in which they are used, especially the engineering and technology of their application to components and structures. Provides a means of communication for researchers, developers, producers, users, suppliers, and professional organizations concerned with composite materials. The editorial scope includes full-length technical articles, technical notes (Composites Review), preliminary technical communications (Research Briefs), articles and announcements (World of Composites), book reviews, letters, and discussions of previously published work. All papers peer-reviewed. Compost science & utilization 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25600681 Provides a multidisciplinary forum to communicate the findings of researchers in agricultural engineering, biomass utilization, civil engineering, crops forestry, horticultural science, microbiology, plant pathology and other disciplines. Computers, environment and urban systems Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research onurban systems, systems of cities, and built and natural environments , that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics. Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation. Contributions emphasizing the development and enhancement of computer-based technologies for the analysis and modeling, policy formulation, planning, and management of environmental and urban systems that enhance sustainable futures are especially sought. The journal also encourages research on the modalities through which information and other computer-based technologies mold environmental and urban systems. Audience: Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers. CONNECT UNESCO UNEP ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION NEWSLETTER ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018055627 Contains articles, field reports, news and information concerning environmental education throughout the world. Conservation matters ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110997393590010 Periodical covering environmental issues. Conservation & Society ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000033795 Covers the advancement of the theory and practice of conservation. Topics include both natural and social sciences and covers basic and applied research in areas including but not restricted to political ecology, human-wildlife conflicts, decentralised conservation, conservation policy, ecosystem structure and functioning, systematics, community and species ecology, behavioural ecology, landscape ecology, restoration ecology and conservation biology. Crop science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925393356 Crop Science, published bimonthly since 1961, is the official publication of the Crop Science Society of America (CSSA). Crop Science is prepared by an editorial board consisting of an editor and editor-in-chief, technical editors, associate editors, publications director and managing editor, and the executive vice president Culture & agriculture ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042730805344 The Culture and Agriculture Section of the AAA aims to develop the study and understanding of agrarian systems from a holistic, social science perspective, and to link academics and practitioners concerned with agrarian issues, agricultural development, and agricultural systems through dissemination of scientific research, encouragement of effective instruction, and to encourage application of knowledge to public policy. The American Anthropological Association (AAA), the primary professional society of anthropologists in the United States since its founding in 1902, is the world's largest professional organization of individuals interested in anthropology. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability The Current Opinion journals were developed out of the recognition that it is increasingly difficult for specialists to keep up to date with the expanding volume of information published in their subject. In Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, we help the reader by providing in a systematic manner: 1. The views of experts on current advances in environmental sustainability in a clear and readable form. 2. Evaluations of the most interesting papers, annotated by experts, from the great wealth of original publications. Dang dai Zhongguo yan jiu ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042748378318 Focus is on current issues in contemporary China; includes articles on politics, economics, business, law, sociology, culture, international relations, environmental protection, modern history and humanities. Deep-sea research. Part B, Oceanographic literature review Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers is devoted to the publication of the results of original scientific research, including theoretical work of evident oceanographic applicability; and the solution of instrumental or methodological problems with evidence of successful use. The journal is distinguished by its interdisciplinary nature and its breadth, covering the geological, physical, chemical and biological aspects of theocean and its boundaries with the sea floor and the atmosphere. Democracy & nature ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925276515 Provides a comprehensive forum for dialogue on the relationship between democracy & nature. Duke environmental law & policy forum ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984444417 A semiannual scholarly journal covering environmental law and policy, containing articles and comments submitted by noted scholars and practitioners as well as notes submitted by students. Scholarship is focused on both the legal and policy analyses of environmental issues. E ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=962824977184 A consumer magazine publishing news, information and commentary on environmental issues. Content includes international and domestic environmental news, feature articles, and a guide to green living. Addresses such subjects as recycling, food safety, air and water quality, toxic health threats, and the effects of human population growth. Reviews of books and films are included. EARSeL eProceedings ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000021477 EARSeL eProceedings is the Open Access Remote Sensing Journal published by the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories. The journal is devoted to refereed scientific publications in all fields of Earth observation and remote sensing: Land use and land cover, geology, forestry, ice and snow; Atmosphere, ocean and coastal zones; Urban areas; developing countries; New methods: hyperspectral, active/passive, 3-D; Data fusion, time-series analysis; Environmental risks and hazards. Earth focus ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000290123 Focus is on the world's climate changes. Earth Island Journal ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018217004 Features articles on the preservation of the worl.'s living resources, including rain forests, native cultures, and marine animals. The editorial aim of the magazine is to heighten awareness of the threats posed to the biological and cultural diversity of the Earth. Offers critical assessments of the impacts of technology as well as proposals for constructive change. Includes book reviews and profiles of figures in the environmental movement. Earth surface processes and landforms ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925492908 The Journal of the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) , formerly the British Geomorphological Research Group (BGRG), is the professional organisation for British geomorphologists and provides a community and services for those involved in teaching or research in geomorphology, both in the UK and overseas. The BSG promotes the field of geomorphology, encouraging interests in: earth surface processes, and the erosion, deposition and formation of landforms and sediments. Foci include the physical geography of our river, valley, glacier, mountain, hill, slope, coast, desert and estuary environments; alongside responses to Holocene, Pleistocene or Quaternary environmental change. The BSG webpages outline the societies activities, and includes details of: forthcoming meetings, conferences and field excursions; publications (the Geophemera newsletter and this journal); research funding; educational resources for schools; and membership details. Earthwatch ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018360392 Informs on the bulk of this year's research program into five areas of critical interest: physical sciences, protecting ecosystems, protecting specific species, human cultures and sustainable development and resource management; for EarthCorps members. Ecological applications 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25593483 Ecological Applications, published eight times per year, contains ecological research and discussion papers that have specific relevance to environmental management and policy. Full text is available here for all issues since 1997. See Subscriptions tab for more access information. Ecological economics The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the study and management of nature's household (ecology) and humankind's household(economics). This integration is necessary because conceptual and professional isolation have led to economic and environmental policies which are mutually destructive rather than reinforcing in the long term. The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open. Ecological engineering The journal is meant for ecologists who, because of their research interests or occupation, are involved in designing, monitoring, or constructingecosystems. It is meant to serve as a bridge between ecologists and engineers, as ecotechnology is not wholly defined by either field. The journal will be read and contributed to by applied ecologists, environmental scientists and managers and regulators, natural resource specialists (e.g. foresters, fish and wildlife specialists), environmental and civil engineers, agroecologists, and landscape planners and designers. The journal is also for engineers who, as a result of training and/or experience in biological and/or ecological sciences, are involved in designing and building ecosystems. The journal is of particular interest to practising environmental managers due to its multidisciplinary approach to practical problems and opportunities. Ecological indicators The ultimate the monitoring aim of Ecological andassessment of Indicators ecological is and to integrate environmental indicators withmanagement practices. The journal provides a forum for the discussion of the applied scientific development and review of traditional indicator approaches as well as for theoretical, modelling and quantitative applications such as index development. Research into the following areas will be published. • All aspects of ecological and environmental indicators and indices. • New indicators, and new approaches and methods for indicator development, testing and use. • Development and modelling of indices, e.g. application of indicator suites across multiple scales and resources. • Analysis and research of resource, system- and scale-specific indicators. • Methods for integration of social and other valuation metrics for the production of scientifically rigorous and politically-relevant assessments using indicator-based monitoring and assessment programs. • How research indicators can be transformed into direct application for management purposes. • Broader assessment objectives and methods, e.g. biodiversity, biological integrity, and sustainability, through the use of indicators. • Resource-specific indicators such as landscape, agroecosystems, forests, wetlands, etc. Ecological modelling The journal is concerned with the use of mathematical models andsystems analysis for the description of ecological processes and for thesustainable management of resources. Human activity and well-being are dependent on and integrated with the functioning of ecosystems and the services they provide. We aim to understand these basic ecosystem functions using mathematical and conceptual modelling, systems analysis, thermodynamics, computer simulations, and ecological theory. This leads to a preference for process-based models embedded in theory with explicit causative agents as opposed to strictly statistical or correlative descriptions. These modelling methods can be applied to a wide spectrum of issues ranging from basic ecology to human ecology to socio-ecological systems. The journal welcomes research articles, short communications, review articles, letters to the editor, book reviews, and other communications. The journal also supports the activities of the International Society of Ecological Modelling (ISEM). Ecological Processes 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000021669 This page includes information about the aims and scope of Ecological Processes, editorial policies, open access and article-processing charges, the peer review process and other information. For details of how to prepare and submit a manuscript through the online submission system, please see the instructions for authors. Ecological restoration ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111056645947104 The journal is a forum for people interested in all areas of ecological restoration. It features the technical and biological aspects of restoring landscapes, as well as emerging professional issues, the role of education, evolving theories of post-modern humans and their environment, land-use policy, the science of collaboration, and more. The quarterly publication offers peer-reviewed feature articles, short notes, and book reviews as well as abstracts of pertinent work published elsewhere. Ecology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925395414 Ecology, the leading international journal in its field, publishes articles that report and interpret the results of original scientific research in basic and applied ecology. Full text is available here for all issues since 1997. See Subscriptions tab for more access information. Ecology and society ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111075393551000 Ecology and Society is an electronic, peer-reviewed, multi-disciplinary journal devoted to the rapid dissemination of current research. Manuscript submission, peer review, and publication are all handled on the Internet. Software developed for the journal automates all clerical steps during peer review, facilitates a double-blind peer review process, and allows authors and editors to follow the progress of peer review on the Internet. As articles are accepted, they are published in an "Issue in Progress." At four month intervals the Issue-in-Progress is declared a New Issue, and subscribers receive the Table of Contents of the issue via email. Our turn-around time (submission to publication) averages around 350 days. Ecology law quarterly ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925455958 Covers a range of environmental law topics. Ecopolítica ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=9870000000000781 A revista eletrônica Ecopolítica, do projeto temático FAPESP "Ecopolítica: governamentalidade planetária, novas institucionalizações e resistências na sociedade de controle", é um espaço de problematização da biopolítica - regulação e regulamentação da vida da população na sociedade disciplinar - com as novas e inacabadas tecnologias de poder compreendidas nesse projeto como ecopolítica - governo da vida do planeta na sociedade de controle. Com periodicidade quadrimestral, a revista apresenta artigos originais, entrevistas, vídeos, imagens e resenhas a respeito do atual investimento em políticas de preservação e conservação do meio ambiente, da ampliação dos direitos em escala transterritorial, do redimensionamento das políticas de segurança e da contemporânea expansão da penalização a céu aberto. Ecos ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018101743 A bimonthly scholarly journal that publishes research and issues of sustainability in the environment, industry and community. Focused on Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. Écoscience ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925612988 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. Ecosystem health ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925605796 Ceased. Aims to establish goal of healthy ecosystems as essential to the future of humanity, examine the influence of ecosystem health on human population health, demonstrate how good practice can help prevent degradation & promote healing of Earth's e. Ecotheology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984352009 Contains theological reflections on ecological issues. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety focuses on integrated mechanistic research related to short- and long-term pathways and interactions of substances and chemical mixtures in environmental systems and subsystems on their bioavailability, and assimilation in organisms, as well as biological responses of these organisms, and damage mechanisms (endocrine disruption, genotoxicity); and on their subsequent fate in the environment, food chain, including humans. Novel technologies, techniques, and methods such as biomarkers, biosensors and bioanalytical systems, bioremediation methods, QSARs and QSPRs, advanced high performance computational methods, models, and their applications in obtaining and processing interdisciplinary ecotoxicological information are also addressed in the journal. We welcome the applied outcome of complex ecotoxicological research such as developing the science-based Environmental Quality Criteria (EQC), standard toxicity tests, techniques, and methods for ecotoxicological evaluation of the environment, as well as developing ecotoxicologically proven methods and technologies for prevention, interception, and remediation of human-induced damage to ecosystems. Emphasis is placed on ecological animal models rather than laboratory based rodent studies; The above scope of the journal is aimed at providing science-based tools for sustainably managing the environment through risk assessment, risk characterization, risk prediction, and risk management. The journal publishes regular research articles, and review articles. Electronic journal of environmental, agricultural and food chemistry 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000017442 Publishes research results dealing with the chemistry and biochemistry of agriculture and food. The topics included are on Food Chemistry, Environmental Science and Agronomy, and Agricultural Chemistry. Enciclopédia biosfera ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000808413 A revista ENCICLOPÉDIA BIOSFERA é um periódico de caráter semestral, publicado pelo Centro Científico Conhecer, direcionado à divulgação de pesquisas e estudos que possam contribuir para o conhecimento acadêmico. Energy and environmental management ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984448753 Professional magazine covering energy and environmental management for building owners, facility managers and others in the industry. Energy & environment Energy and Environment is an interdisciplinary journal aimed at natural scientists, technologists and the international social science and policy communities covering the direct and indirect environmental impacts of energy acquisition, transport, production and use. A particular objective is to cover the social, economic and political dimensions of such issues at local, national and international level. The technological and scientific aspects of energy and environment questions including energy conservation, and the interaction of energy forms and systems with the physical environment, are covered, including the relationship of such questions to wider economic and socio-political issues. Papers covering energy related aspects of wider environmental questions are included, such as the use of fuel wood and continuing impacts of de-forestation. Energy & environmental science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000393137 Scientific publisher of biology, biophysics, chemical science, materials, medicinal drug discovery and physics high-impact journals and books. Energy exploration & exploitation ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION provides up-to-date, informative reviews and original articles on important issues in the exploration, exploitation, use and economics of the world’s energy resources. Readers are able to keep abreast of advances and activities in many disciplines covering the full range of the energy industries. Contributions cover: • crude and heavy oils, oil sands, shale oils and natural gas. • coal and coal conversion to liquid and gas products. • nuclear fuels, electricity and renewable energies. • exploration and exploitation of fossil fuels and uranium. • resource development, case histories of new fields, opportunities and prospects. • reviews of energy company activities. • environmental impact of exploration, development and use, together with waste management. •periodical reviews of major energy topics. • short communications, conference reports and literature reviews. Engenharia sanitária e ambiental ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042728077316 The first edition of the "Sanitary Engineering Journal" was edited by the Brazilian Section of the Associação Interamericana de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental AIDIS, (Inter-American Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering), in June 1962, with the objective of updating the technical culture of professionals in the field of sanitary and environmental engineering. The Brazilian Section of AIDIS develops and transforms itself into the Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES the (Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering), in June 1966, maintaining continuity with the Edition of the "Sanitary Engineering Journal". Over the years, the format of the publication went through some changes and in 1996 it began to be called "Revista Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental" with an exclusive content of articles of a technical and scientific nature. Its abbreviated title is Eng. Sanit. Ambient., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips. Environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925397461 A scholarly journal featuring peer-reviewed articles on development and the environment. Features in-depth reviews of policy reports, sustainable development indicators, and guides to further information. Environment and behavior Environment and Behavior (EAB) examines relationships between human behavior and the natural and built environment. Diverse research topics include environmental experiences (e.g., restorativeness, place attachment/identity, environmental perception/cognition); environmental outcomes (e.g., pro-environmental behaviors such as recycling; health-supportive environments; design preferences); and processes linking environments and behaviors that support or thwart human wellbeing.This journal is a member of theCommittee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Environment and development economics ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925343774 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Environment and urbanization Environment and Urbanization aims to provide an effective means for the exchange of research findings, ideas and information in the fields of human settlements and environment among researchers, activists and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in low- and middle-income nations and between these and researchers, international agency staff, students and teachers in high-income nations. E&U is one of the world`s most highly ranked environmental and urban studies journals. Environment and Urbanization ASIA Environment and Urbanization ASIA aims to engage civil society, non-governmental organizations, researchers, academics, and policy-makers in thinking and writing about Asia's urban and environmental issues and to improve and strengthen the knowledge base on the different facets of environment and urbanization, with cases and ground-level realities. Environment international Environment International covers all disciplines engaged in the field ofenvironmental research. It seeks to quantify the impact of contaminantsin the human environment, and to address human impacts on the natural environment itself. We recognize that scientific issues related to environmental health and human welfare are inherently interdisciplinary and, therefore, we welcome articles that cover the entire spectrum of sources, pathways, sinks and interactions between environmental pollutants, whether chemical, biological or physical. The primary criteria for publication are scientific quality and environmental significance. Environmental Action ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963017900393 Features highlight the work of Environmental Action, the environmental movement across the US, in-depth coverage of new ties with non-traditional allies, legislative updates, how to get involved in campaigns. Environmental biosafety research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111057004872070 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Environmental Development Environmental Development is a transdisciplinary journal for the publication and discussion of peer reviewed, original research on emerging issues and solutions for environmental and ecological problems, and the development of policies for environmental management within the framework of sustainable growth. Environmental Development places special emphasis on the practice and policy implications of research in relation to natural resource management, environmental feedbacks and global change. It also creates a forum for transnational communication, discussion and global action. Environmental Development is devoted to promoting the interaction between natural, social and behavioral sciences, to stimulate comparative, transnational and transboundary research and to close the gap between fundamental research and the knowledge and applications in innovative management and policy practices. Environmental Development particularly encourages policy makers, young researchers and scientists from developing countries to submit their original research, reviews, communications and commentaries. The journal is open to Thematic Issues addressing exciting topics, as long as these consist of very coherent and high-quality contributions. Environmental Engineering ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=958480273020 Official magazine of the Society of Environmental Engineers. Provides information concerning the field of environmental engineering. Environmental & engineering geoscience GeoScienceWorld is pleased to announce the world's first nonprofit, multi-publisher eBooks platform dedicated to the study of the earth sciences. Launched in June 2014, the GeoScienceWorld eBook Collections will contain over 1,050 titles from many of the world's most prestigious earth science publishers. The GSW eBook Collections offer: Powerful cross-search feature with facets that allows users to search across eBooks, 46 journals on the GSW platform, and GeoRef (coming soon) records. Recommendation and sharing tools to help users discover relevant content. Flexible access models for organizations and individuals. Mobile compatible eBook reader. Downloadable, DRM-free PDF chapters. MARC records for each title (coming soon). Librarian Center to manage accounts, access usage data, and IP access. Environmental engineering science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925609909 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. is a leading company in the Scientific, Technical, and Medical knowledge and information industry. We are known for authoritative international publications in cutting-edge basic and translational biomedical research, with expanding scope in engineering, business, environment, and legal publications. These publications play an active and important role in advancing critical research and facilitating collaboration throughout the world in academia, industry, and government, and are also highly respected resources for legislators, policy makers, and educators. Environmental Evidence ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000140894 Environmental Evidence facilitates rapid publication of systematic reviews and evidence syntheses on the effectiveness of environmental management interventions and on the impact of human activities on the environment. Environmental hazards ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000025853 Provides information on the human and policy dimensions of environmental hazards. Environmental history his/about.html This interdisciplinary journal addresses issues relating to human interactions with the natural world over time, and includes insights from history, geography, anthropology, the natural sciences, and many other disciplines. Environmental impact assessment review Environmental Impact Assessment Review is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal serving a global audience of practitioners, policy-makers and academics. This audience assesses the environmental impact of policy,projects, processes and products and makes decisions based upon these assessments. Innovative EIA theory and practice - that is the focus of this journal. Papers should present innovation, they should be topical and of course coherent. A focus on theory and practice means we are focused on concepts, methods, techniques, approaches and systems. Environmental innovation and societal transitions The journal offers a platform for reporting studies of innovations andsocio-economic transitions to enhance an environmentally sustainable economy and thus solve structural resource scarcity and environmental problems, notably related to fossil energy use and climate change. This involves attention for technological, organizational, economic, institutional and political innovations as well as economywide and sector changes, such as in the areas of energy, transport, agriculture and water management. The journal aims to tackle the most difficult questions, dealing with social, economic, behavioral-psychological and political barriers and opportunities as well as their complex interaction. The journal is multidisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, and invites contributions from a broad range of disciplines within the social, environmental and innovation sciences. Environmental law ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975507367556 A journal reporting on environmental concerns that are of interest to the legal community for the academic and professional audience. Environmental law review ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042728083724 Discussion of current & developing ideas in environmental law. Dialogue between leading edge practitioners & academics in the fields of environmental law, environmental management & business. Environmental modelling & software Environmental Modelling & Software publishes contributions, in the form of research articles, reviews and short communications, on recent advances inenvironmental modelling and/or software. The aim is to improve our capacity to represent, understand, predict or manage the behaviour ofenvironmental systems at all practical scales, and to communicate those improvements to a wide scientific and professional audience. Environmental pollution Environmental Pollution is an international journal that seeks to publish papers that report results from original, novel research that addresses significant environmental pollution issues and problems and contribute new knowledge to science. The editors welcome high quality papers where the pollutants are clearly defined and measured and can be directly related to biological, ecological, and human health effects. This includes air, water, and soil pollution and climate change. New techniques for the study and measurement of pollutants are also encouraged. Papers, such as meta analyses, that report findings from re-examination and interpretation of existing data are welcome Modeling papers are also welcome Critical review papers are also of interest as are letters to the editor. The editors do not wish to publish papers that describe results from routine surveys and monitoring programs that are primarily of local interest. Descriptions of well-known pollutants, such as legacy pollutants, in yet another location are not of interest. Papers about sewage, waste and wastewater treatment and management, agronomy, remediation, biomonitoring, bioremediation and phytoremediation are not acceptable. Environmental Practice ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984569531 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Environmental research Environmental Research publishes original reports describing studies of the adverse effects of environmental agents on humans and animals. The principal aim of the journal is to assess the impact of chemicals and microbiological pollutants on human health. Both in vivo and in vitro studies, focused on defining the etiology of environmentally induced illness and to increase understanding of the mechanisms by which environmental agents cause disease, are especially welcome. Investigations on the effects of global warming/climate change on the environment and public health, as well as those focused on the effects of anthropogenic activities on climate change are also of particular interest. Environmental research letters ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000238123 Environmental Research Letters covers all of environmental science, providing a coherent and integrated approach including research articles, perspectives and editorials. Environmental science & policy Environmental Science & Policy promotes communication among government, business and industry, academia, and non-governmental organisations who are instrumental in the solution of environmental problems. It also seeks to advance interdisciplinary research of policy relevance on environmental issues such as climate change,biodiversity, environmental pollution and wastes, renewable and nonrenewable natural resources, sustainability, and the interactions among these issues. The journal emphasises the linkages between these environmental issues and social and economic issues such as production, transport, consumption, growth, demographic changes, well-being, and health. However, the subject coverage will not be restricted to these issues and the introduction of new dimensions will be encouraged. Environmental science & technology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 21342157 Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T) is an authoritative source of information for professionals in a wide range of environmental disciplines. The journal combines magazine and research sections and is published both in print and online. Environmental Sciences Europe ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000070716 ESEU is an international journal, focusing primarily on Europe, with a broad scope covering all aspects of environmental sciences, including the main topic regulation. Environmental software Environmental Modelling & Software publishes contributions, in the form of research articles, reviews and short communications, on recent advances inenvironmental modelling and/or software. The aim is to improve our capacity to represent, understand, predict or manage the behaviour ofenvironmental systems at all practical scales, and to communicate those improvements to a wide scientific and professional audience. Environmental toxicology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25625315 The journal publishes in the areas of toxicity and toxicology of environmental pollutants in air, dust, sediment, soil and water, and natural toxins in the environment.Of particular interest are: Toxic or biologically disruptive impacts of anthropogenic chemicals such as pharmaceuticals, industrial organics, agricultural chemicals, and by-products such as chlorinated compounds from water disinfection and waste incineration; Natural toxins and their impacts; Biotransformation and metabolism of toxigenic compounds, food chains for toxin accumulation or biodegradation; Assays of toxicity, endocrine disruption, mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, ecosystem impact and health hazard; Environmental and public health risk assessment, environmental guidelines, environmental policy for toxicants. Environmental toxicology and chemistry ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925533027 The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) publishes two journals:Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (ET&C) and Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management (IEAM). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is dedicated to furthering scientific knowledge and disseminating information on environmental toxicology and chemistry, including the application of these sciences to risk assessment. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management focuses on the application of science in environmental decision-making, regulation, and management, including aspects of policy and law, and the development of scientifically sound approaches to environmental problem solving. Together, these journals provide a forum for professionals in academia, business, government, and other segments of society involved in the use, protection, and management of the environment for the enhancement of ecological health and human welfare. Environmental toxicology and pharmacology Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology publishes the results of studies concerning toxic and pharmacological effects of (human and veterinary) drugs and of environmental contaminants in animals and man. Areas of special interest are: molecular mechanisms of toxicity, biotransformation and toxicokinetics (including toxicokinetic modelling), molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms explainingdifferences in sensitivity between species and individuals, the characterisation of pathophysiological models and mechanisms involved in the development of effects and the identification of biological markersthat can be used to study exposure and effects in man and animals. In addition to full length papers, short communications, full-length reviews and mini-reviews, Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology will publish in depth assessments of special problem areas. The latter publications may exceed the length of a full length paper three to fourfold. A basic requirement is that the assessments are made under the auspices of international groups of leading experts in the fields concerned. The information examined may either consist of data that were already published, or of new data that were obtained within the framework of collaborative research programmes. Provision is also made for the acceptance of minireviews on (classes of) compounds, toxicities or mechanisms, debating recent advances in rapidly developing fields that fall within the scope of the journal. Environments ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975507367618 Scholarly, professional journal covering environmental, social and economic change. EPA Journal ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=960238603231 Articles on national and global environmental perspectives, Environmental Protection Agency news, legislation, commentary, projects for the classroom and personnel notes. Estonian Journal of Ecology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000392995 Covers all fields of ecology, including biotic and abiotic environment, interactions between human and natural systems across temporal and spatial scales, in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, past and future changes in the environmental quality, and sustainable use of natural resources. Estuaries ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925477507 Estuaries and Coasts is the journal of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation. It publishes original research on the hydrodynamics, hydrology, (geo)chemistry, geology, biology and their interactions in marine waters influenced by connectivity to land. The journal's geographic scope includes coastal watersheds, tidal rivers, estuaries, lagoons, inland seas, wetlands, and near-shore coastal waters from polar to equatorial latitudes. The Editors encourage submissions that present novel approaches, findings or concepts of general interest to better understand the functioning and structure of coastal systems and will interest the journal's increasingly international readership. Submissions that are primarily descriptive, strongly place based, or report on development of models or new methods without detailing their applications fall outside the scope of the journal. Ethics, policy & environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2320000000015322 Environmental Policy; Environmental Ethics. European journal of mineral processing and environmental protection ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111079933055004 Devoted to innovation & developments in mineral processing, extractive metallurgy & environmental protection. European journal of pharmacology section pharmacology. Environmental toxicology and The European Journal of Pharmacology publishes research papers covering all aspects of experimental pharmacology with focus on the mechanism of action of chemicals in biological systems. Evolution 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25398493 BioOne is a nonprofit publisher that aims to make scientific research more accessible through a growing portfolio of products including its full-text aggregation,BioOne Complete™, and open-access journal, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene™. Established in 1999 by five founding organizations —the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS), the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), The University of Kansas, the Greater Western Library Alliance (GWLA), and Allen Press, Inc.—BioOne serves a community of over 140 society and institutional publishers, 4,000 accessing institutions, and millions of researchers worldwide. Extensão Rural ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=9870000000000739 O periódico Extensão Rural é uma publicação científica desde 1993, periodicidade trimestral, do Departamento de Educação Agrícola e Extensão Rural (DEAER) do Centro de Ciências Rurais (CCR) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) destinada à publicação de trabalhos inéditos, na forma de artigos científicos e revisões bibliográficas, relacionados às áreas: i) Desenvolvimento Rural, ii) Economia e Administração Rural, iii) Sociologia e Antropologia Rural, iv) Extensão e Comunicação Rural, v) Sustentabilidade no Espaço Rural, vi) Saúde e Trabalho no Meio Rural. Tem como público alvo pesquisadores, acadêmicos e agentes de extensão rural, bem como realizar a difusão dos seus trabalhos à sociedade. Field & stream ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110997393592022 A consumer magazine covering hunting and fishing. Contains articles on topics ranging from animal life and habits, environmental concerns, hunting themes, and book and product reviews. Food and agricultural immunology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925255160 Presents original immunological research with food, agricultural, environmental, & veterinary applications on research exploiting antibodies & the immune response with food & agricultural application. Frontiers in ecology and the environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042728167666 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, issued 10 times per year, consists of peerreviewed, synthetic review articles on all aspects of ecology, the environment, and related disciplines, as well as short, high-impact research communications of broad interdisciplinary appeal. Additional features include breaking news (domestic and international), multi-author debates, editorials, special columns, and a letters section. Gaea : Journal of Geoscience ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=3370000000000227 Gæa – Journal of Geoscience é uma publicação semestral de acesso irrestrito que publica artigos científicos originais e inéditos em todas as áreas das geociências e suas aplicações. A submissão de manuscritos é gratuita e por demanda espontânea, e a seleção dos artigos é feita a partir da recomendação de avaliadores ad-hoc, escolhidos entre os pares da comunidade geocientífica nacional e internacional. Geochemistry GEEA focuses on mineral exploration using geochemistry; related fields also covered include geoanalysis, the development of methods and techniques used to analyse geochemical materials such as rocks, soils, sediments, waters and vegetation, and environmental issues associated with mining and source apportionment. The journal is well known for its special issues on hot topics, the current one being the application of portable X-ray fluorescence in the geosciences. Geographical Journal ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925401562 A world centre for geographers and geographical learning, the RGS-IBG is dedicated to the development and promotion of knowledge together with its application to the challenges facing society and the environment. The RGS-IBG was founded in 1830 for the advancement of geographical science and has been among the most active of the learned societies ever since. As the largest geographical society in Europe, and one of the largest in the world, the RGS-IBG operates at regional, national and international scales, supporting research, education and training, and the wider public understanding and enjoyment of geography. Georgia Journal of Science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977285222 A quarterly refereed journal publishing scientific research in all areas of science. The first issue publishes abstracts of papers presented at the Annual Meeting of the Georgia Academy of Science; subsequent issues publish scientific research. Géotechnique ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925401580 Established in 1948, Géotechnique is the world's premier geotechnics journal, publishing research of the highest quality on all aspects of geotechnical engineering. Géotechnique provides access to rigorously refereed, current, innovative and authoritative research and practical papers, across the fields of soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology and environmental geotechnics. To submit to this journal is free. Papers appear Ahead of Print (below) as soon as they are ready to be published. Ahead of print articles are fully citable using the DOI system. Global and planetary change The objective of the journal Global and Planetary Change is to achieve a multidisciplinary view of the causes, processes and limits of variability in planetary change. The journal focuses on the record of change in earth history and the analysis and prediction of recent and future changes. Topics include, but are not limited to, changes in the chemical composition of the oceans and atmosphere, climate change, sea level variations, human geography, global geophysics and tectonics, global ecology and biogeography. Global change biology. Bioenergy ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000579881 GCB Bioenergy is an international journal publishing original research papers, review articles and commentaries that promote understanding of the interface between biological and environmental sciences and the production of fuels directly from plants, algae and waste. The scope of the journal extends to areas outside of biology to policy forum, socioeconomic analyses, technoeconomic analyses and systems analysis. Papers do not need a global change component for consideration for publication, it is viewed as implicit that most bioenergy will be beneficial in avoiding at least a part of the fossil fuel energy that would otherwise be used. Global ecology and biogeography ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506072241 Global Ecology and Biogeography focuses on the emerging field of macroecology: the study of broad, consistent patterns in the ecological characteristics of organisms and ecosystems. The journal emphasizes studies that address general ecological hypotheses, explored and tested using data of broad geographic, taxonomic, or temporal scope. A variety of approaches are represented: empirical studies documenting ecological and biogeographic patterns, theoretical studies that explore the causes of those patterns, applied studies of impacts of anthropogenic influences, as well as methodological studies of the tools used to study these problems. Recent work published in Global Ecology and Biogeography has included topics such as broad-scale patterns of biodiversity, ecosystem responses to global climate change, historical and evolutionary biogeography, remote sensing of ecosystem properties, species abundance and species range patterns, and statistical methodologies. The journal was established in 1991 and is published in 6 issues a year. Global Ecology and Biogeography is published as part of a single subscription package with its sister journals Journal of Biogeography, and Diversity and Distributions. Together these journals provide comprehensive coverage of the fields of biogeography, ecology and biodiversity. The editors may decide to transfer material between the journals where this is deemed most suitable. All papers submitted to the journals are subject to peer review. Global Environmental Change Global Environmental Change is a peer-reviewed international journal publishing high quality, theoretically and empirically rigorous articles, which advance knowledge about the human and policy dimensions of global environmental change. The journal interprets global environmental change to mean the outcome of processes that are manifest in localities, but with consequences at multiple spatial, temporal and sociopolitical scales. The journal is interested in articles which have a significant social science component. These include articles that address the social drivers or consequences of environmental change, or social and policy processes that seek to address problems of environmental change. Topics include, but are not restricted to, the drivers, consequences and management of changes in: biodiversity and ecosystem services, climate, coasts, food systems, land use and land cover, oceans, urban areas, and water resources. Global Environmental Change Report ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111006469448804 A monthly newsletter that covers developments around the world relating to climate change and reports on scientific, governmental, and industrial developments. Covers topics such as global warming, acid rain, deforestation, biodiversity, and sustainable development. For academic, professional, and general audiences. Global environmental politics ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110985717554763 Global Environmental Politics examines the relationship between global political forces and environmental change, with particular attention given to the implications of localglobal interactions for environmental management as well as the implications of environmental change for world politics. Contributions to the journal come from across the disciplines including political science, international relations, sociology, history, human geography, public policy, science and technology studies, environmental ethics, law, economics, and environmental science. Greener management international ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018208978 Journal covering environmental issues as they affect organizations worldwide. Ground water ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925402604 The National Ground Water Association is the premier organization for anyone associated with the groundwater industry. We bring together experienced and respected groundwater geologists and hydrologists, engineers, groundwater contractors, manufacturers and suppliers of groundwater-related products and services. The core purpose of the association is to provide guidance to members, government representatives and the public for sound scientific, economic, and beneficial development, protection, and management of the world's groundwater resources. Since its inception in 1948, the NGWA has grown to represent 12,000 professionals. The organization serves members through innovative education, skills training, knowledge networking and information. This is accomplished by providing first-rate, nationally recognized publications, strategic lobbying, industry research and educational and networking opportunities through educational courses and the popular annual convention. Habitat ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975955581178 A magazine devoted to achieving a healthy environment for all Australians. Reports on Australian environmental issues, including conservation and ecologically sustainable alternatives to current industry and consumer practices. This is the membership publication of the Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF). Hemisphere ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978979119037 Hemisphere articles offer insightful analysis of current events & issues involving Latin America & the Caribbean. Himalayan journal of sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000238170 HJS focuses on biodiversity, natural resource management, ecology and environment, and other fields related to Himalayan conservation and development. Holocene The Holocene is a high impact, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to fundamental scientific research at the interface between the long Quaternary record and the natural and human-induced environmental processes operating at the Earth's surface today. The Holocene emphasizes environmental change over the last ca 11 500 years. Holos Environment 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000489718 A Holos Environment é aberta à publicação de trabalhos científicos originais que contribuam para desenvolvimento das ciências ambientais, na forma de artigos, “short communications”, “book reviews”. A revista destaca-se por possuir caráter interdisciplinar e visa atender a temática ambiental sob uma visão holística. Sendo assim, seu público alvo é constituído por pesquisadores envolvidos com as ciências ambientais tais como: biólogos, ecólogos, geólogos, físicos, agrônomos e engenheiros. A seleção dos artigos é feita por um corpo editorial de alto padrão científico. A Revista Holos Environment é um periódico com classificação QUALIS Nacional e Internacional. HVAC & R research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925606825 Offers comprehensive reporting of archival research in the fields of environmental control for the built environment. It also covers cooling technologies for a wide range of applications and related processes and concepts, including underlying thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. Hydrological processes ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925551357 Hydrological Processes is an international journal devoted to the publication of original scientific and technical papers in hydrology. The objective of these communications is to improve our understanding of hydrological processes. The scope of the journal encompasses disciplines focussing on the physical, biogeochemical, mathematical and methodological aspects of hydrological processes together with research on instrumentation and techniques. The journal also publishes several issues annually, which relate to themes emergent from conferences, hydrological science societies and key research topics identified by editorial board members. All papers for HPshould be prepared in accordance with the notes for contributors . Ibis ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925405690 The British Ornithologists Union (BOU) was founded in 1858 by Prof. Alfred Newton FRS, and is one of the worlds oldest and most respected ornithological societies. With a membership of around 2,000 worldwide, the BOU aims to promote ornithology within the scientific and birdwatching communities, in Britain and around the world. This is largely achieved by the publication of its quarterly international journal, Ibis (1859-), the BOUs international journal of avian science, one of the worlds leading ornithological journals featuring work at the cutting edge of our understanding of our world's birdlife. The BOU also has an active programme of meetings, seminars and conferences at which birdwatchers and other ornithologists can learn more about the work being undertaken around the world. This often includes research projects that have received financial assistance from the BOUs ongoing programme of Ornithological Research Grants which also include student sponsorship. Part of the BOU Library is housed at the Linnean Society, whilst copies of exchange journals, books reviewed in Ibis and offprints are held as part of the Alexander Library in the Zoological Department of the University of Oxford. The BOUs Records Committee maintains the official list of birds recorded in Britain. Indian Journal of Scientific Research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000121819 Covers recent discoveries in structural and functional principles of scientific research. Publishes selected original research articles, reviews, short communication and book reviews in the fields of botany, zoology, chemistry, physics, mathmatics, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, enviornmental sciences, natural sciences, technological sciences and any other branch of related sciences. Ingenieria de recursos naturales Y del ambiente ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000547555 La Revista hace un llamado a la comunidad academico-cientifica nacional e internacional para la presentacion de articulos sobre trabajos de desarrollo tecnologico y/o cientifico en areas que incluyen, pero no limitan, Recursos Naturales y del Ambiente que permita establecer vinculos entre autores,editores y lectores. INRA Sciences Sociales ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000320343 Provides information in the fields of social sciences, agriculture & food and environment. Instrumentation science & technology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925604773 Contains papers dealing with instrument design innovations and applications in the areas of chemistry, biotechnology, and environmental science. Interacções ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000238958 A revista «Interacções» publica artigos inéditos sobre cultura e ciência perspectivadas na sua relação com a educação. Pretende constituir um espaço privilegiado de interacção entre diferentes áreas de conhecimento e diferentes correntes de opinião. Trata-se de uma revista em formato electrónico de acesso livre, organizada sequencialmente por Número e que é publicada três vezes por ano. Cada número, coordenado por Editores convidados pela Direcção da revista, centra-se num tema distinto e pode incluir: a) trabalhos de investigação; b) reflexões críticas sobre políticas culturais, científicas e/ou educativas; c) revisões críticas de literatura; d) reflexões críticas sobre inovações educativas e experiências pedagógicas; e) comentários críticos sobre artigos publicados na própria revista. Os textos podem ser apresentados em português (de Portugal ou do Brasil), espanhol, inglês ou francês. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928564516 Features papers dealing with science and human affairs which aim to set contemporary and historical developments in science and technology in their wider cultural context. International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925523738 The journal welcomes manuscripts that substantially contribute to the understanding of the complex mechanical behaviour of geomaterials (soils, rocks, concrete, ice, snow, and powders), through innovative experimental techniques, and/or through the development of novel numerical or hybrid experimental/numerical modelling concepts in geomechanics. Topics of interest include instabilities and localization, interface and surface phenomena, fracture and failure, multi-physics and other time-dependent phenomena, micromechanics and multi-scale methods, and inverse analysis and stochastic methods. The illustration of the proposed methods and techniques to engineering problems is encouraged. However, manuscripts dealing with applications of existing methods, or proposing incremental improvements to existing methods – in particular marginal extensions of existing analytical solutions or numerical methods – will not be considered for review. The journal publishes full-length papers, which must be less than 20 journal pages in length, and short communications, which can be at most 6 journal pages. Two-part papers will not be considered for review. International Journal of Academic Research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000042147 Publishing peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology. International journal of applied environmental sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000394224 Publishes original research papers on main aspects of environmental sciences, such as environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology geoscience and environmental physics. Subjects include basic and applied research on atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments pollution control and abatement technology, conservation of natural resources, environmental health study and toxicology, environmental quality assessment, environmental standards and criteria. International journal of climatology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925561594 The International Journal of Climatology aims to span the well established but rapidly growing field of climatology, through the publication of research papers, short communications, major reviews of progress and reviews of new books and reports in the area of climate science. The Journal’s main role is to stimulate and report research in climatology, from the expansive fields of the atmospheric, biophysical, engineering and social sciences. Coverage includes: Climate system science Local to global scale climate observations and modelling Seasonal to interannual climate prediction Climatic variability and climate change Synoptic, dynamic and urban climatology, hydroclimatology, human bioclimatology, ecoclimatology, dendroclimatology, palaeoclimatology, marine climatology and atmosphere-ocean interactions Application of climatological knowledge to environmental assessment and management and economic production Climate and society interactions As guidance to prospective contributors, it is expected that submissions will contribute significantly to the International literature, even if the focus is regional. Manuscripts should cite the extant and relevant international literature, should clearly state what the wider contribution is (e.g. a novel discovery, application of a new technique or methodology, application of an existing methodology to a new problem), and should discuss the importance of the work in the international context. The International Journal of Climatology accepts OnlineOpen articles. OnlineOpen is available to authors of primary research articles who wish to make their article available to nonsubscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires grantees to archive the final version of their article. With OnlineOpen, the author, the author's funding agency, or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made available to nonsubscribers upon publication via Wiley Online Library, as well as deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. International Journal of Ecology & Development ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000289848 A publication of well-written original research articles, and studies that describe the latest research and developments in ecology and development. International Journal of Energy and Environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000019640 Aims to provide a complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the fields of energy and environment. International journal of mathematical and computational forestry & naturalresource sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000702047 The mission of MCFNS is to publish peer-reviewed basic and applied research in Mathematical and Computational Forestry and Natural-Resource Sciences. This research can include theoretical solutions, proofs, derivations, software developments, and simulations, in forest management, growth and yield modeling, and other natural resource related studies. Journal items will be published collectively as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents biannually on the 30th of March and September of each year. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology International Journal of Mining Science and Technology is an English-language journal. Previously entitled Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, it was founded in 1990 and publishes original and forefront research papers and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of mining sciences and technologies. Papers to be published will be peer-reviewed and edited by authorities in those fields. • International Journal of Mining Science and Technology welcomes article submissions dealing with • Mining Engineering • Safety Technology and Engineering • Mineral Processing • Coalfield Geology • Geotechnical Engineering The journal has been indexed and/or abstracted by Ei Compendex, Abstracts Journal (Russian), Chemical Abstract, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Coal Abstracts. International journal of phytoremediation ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984569979 Devoted to the publication of current laboratory & field research describing the use of plant systems to remediate contaminated environments. International journal of sustainable energy ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111054316638014 Covers biomass, wave generators and wave power. Examines experimental, theoretical, and applied results concerning science and engineering of solar energy. International journal of technology management & sustainable development ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111053608909022 Features original and research-based papers addressing policy issues arising from the relationship between technology and development. International research in geographical and environmental education ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925274472 Contains research studies in geographical and environmental education; promotes an expanded international interest in research in geographical and environmental education; provides a forum for the critique of research studies, etc. International review for environmental strategies ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000221636 Aimed at disseminating strategiclly oriented environmental research to the world. Priority may be given to issues of special concern to the Asia-Pacific region. International review of hydrobiology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925624272 As human populations grow across the planet, water security, biodiversity loss and the loss of aquatic ecosystem services take on ever increasing priority for policy makers. International Review of Hydrobiology brings together in one forum fundamental and problem-oriented research on the challenges facing marine and freshwater biology in an economically changing world. Interdisciplinary in nature, articles cover all aspects of aquatic ecosystems, ranging from headwater streams to the ocean and biodiversity studies to ecosystem functioning, modeling approaches including GIS and resource management, with special emphasis on the link between marine and freshwater environments. The editors expressly welcome research on baseline data. The knowledge-driven papers will interest researchers, while the problem-driven articles will be of particular interest to policy makers. The overarching aim of the journal is to translate science into policy, allowing us to understand global systems yet act on a regional scale. International Review of Hydrobiology publishes original articles, reviews, short communications, and methods papers. Readership Hydrologists, limnologists, ecologists, oceanographers, biologists, geographers, all specialists concerned with aquatic ecosystems and the environment. Keywords marine hydrobiology, freshwater, hydrobiology, biochemistry of aquatic organisms, physiology of aquatic organisms, genetics of aquatic organisms, limnology, aquatic ecosystems, stream, river, lake, tidal water The interpreter ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042748370874 Covers natural and cultural heritage. IOP conference series. Earth and environmental science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000366094 The open access IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES) provides a fast, versatile and cost-effective proceedings publication service. Iranian Journal of Health and Environment 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000120784 Covers all aspects of the interactions between the environment and human health. The Island arc 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25587331 Island Arc is published on behalf of the Geological Society of Japan, in association with the Japan Association for Quaternary Research,the Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences, the Palaeontological Society of Japan and the Society of Resource Geology. ISRN Toxicology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000120787 Covers research in all areas of toxicology and includes clinicial studies. Journal for nature conservation The Journal for Nature Conservation deals with the application of science in the concepts, methods and techniques for nature conservation. This international and interdisciplinary journal offers a forum for the communication of modern approaches to nature conservation. It aims to provide both scientists and practitioners in conservation theory, policy and management with comprehensive and applicable information. In particular, the journal encourages cooperation between scientists and practitioners, including the integration of biodiversity issues with social and economic concepts. Therefore, review and research papers, conceptual, technical and methodological papers, as well as short communications are welcomed from a wide range of disciplines. This might include theoretical ecology, landscape ecology, restoration ecology, ecological modeling, ecological economics, ecosystem services, population genetics, land-use planning, conservation biology, wildlife management, environmental planning, monitoring, policy making and environmental education. The key criteria are that all submissions are focused on nature conservation and contribute relevant knowledge of general interest to the wider conservation community. Journal for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000278707 Contains theological reflections on ecological issues. Journal of agricultural economics 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25410803 The Agricultural Economics Society (AES), founded in 1926, is one of the world’s leading associations of professional and academic agricultural economists. It is a learned society and a company limited by guarantee. It promotes the study and teaching of all disciplines relevant to the agricultural, food and related industries, and to rural society and environment. These disciplines include economics, statistics, marketing, business management, politics, history and sociology. Journal of analytical toxicology bout.html The Journal of Analytical Toxicology (JAT) is an international toxicology journal devoted to the timely dissemination of scientific communications concerning potentially toxic substances and drug identification, isolation, and quantitation. Since its inception in 1977, the Journal of Analytical Toxicology has striven to present state-of-the-art techniques used in toxicology labs. The peer-review process provided by the distinguished members of the Editorial Advisory Board ensures the high-quality and integrity of articles published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology. Timely presentation of the latest toxicology developments is ensured through Technical Notes, Case Reports, and Letters to the Editor. The articles published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology describe the chemical analysis of prescription drugs, drugs of abuse, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, industrial chemicals, and environmental toxins. JAT also contains information about known and recently identified poisons. Journal of applied ecology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25410813 A British Ecological Society journal, the Journal of Applied Ecology publishes novel papers that apply ecological concepts, theories, models and methods to the management of biological resources in their widest sense. Journal of applied science & environmental management ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111072801422002 The journal publishes original research findings and occasional interpretative reviews on the toxic effects in plants, animals or humans of natural or synthetic chemical occurring in the human environment. In addition, studies relating to food, water, and other consumer products, papers on industrial and agricultural chemical and pharmaceuticals are encouraged. Furthermore, new areas such as safety evaluation of petroleum exploration, novel food manufacture and biotechnologically derived products and inter-relationship between environmental contamination and toxicology are welcomed. Studies addressing the physiological, anatomical biochemical or pathological changes produced by specific substances, techniques for assessing potential toxicity, including toxic phenomena, and all aspects of in-vivo toxicology will be covered. In other words, papers from health, science, engineering and social science will be considered provided the tests and reporting meet current standards of adequacy. Journal of applied sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000018811 Covers topics in applied sciences, including chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, etc. Journal of bioscience and bioengineering The Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering is a research journal publishing original full-length research papers, short research papers (notes), reviews, and Letters to the Editor. The Journal is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerning fermentation technology, biochemical engineering, food technology and microbiology. Journal of Bryology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925525791 Concerned with the wider aspects of bryology, such as the role of bryophytes in human affairs, and the lives of notable bryologists. Journal of ecological anthropology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42723525434 Provides a forum for exploration of the interface between humans and their sociocultural and biophysical environments. Journal of Environmental and Public Health ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000750843 Journal of Environmental and Public Health is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of environmental and public health. Journal of Environmental and Public Health currently has an acceptance rate of 28%. The average time between submission and final decision is 63 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 41 days. Journal of environmental economics and management The Journal of Environmental Economics and Management publishestheoretical and empirical papers devoted to specific natural resourceand environmental issues. To warrant publication in JEEM papers should address new empirical findings that are of interest to a broader audience, theoretical analyses explaining new phenomena or puzzles, or development of theoretical or empirical methods likely being useful for further research. The Journal of environmental education ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF- 8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928529978 Provides information on recent research in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Details how best to present environmental issues and how to evaluate programs already in place for primary through university level and adult students. Includes new analyses of the instruction, theory, methods, and practices of environmental communication and education in peer-reviewed articles. Journal of environmental engineering and landscape management ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000018673 Provides information on pollution control and mitigation technologies, waste management, zero-waste technologies, physical and technological environmental impacts, control and reduction technologies, nuclear hydrophysics and radioactive pollution, environmental ethics, and environmental law and management. Journal of environmental & engineering geophysics xhtml The JEEG welcomes the submission of manuscripts documenting new geophysical developments within the charter of the EEGS. These can include articles that review recent developments in a specific area, new geophysical methods, instruments or signal processing techniques or novel case studies. For manuscripts to be considered for publication, they must represent an advancement of the state-of-the-art in geophysics. Journal of Environmental Health Research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000277711 The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is a registered charity and the professional voice for environmental health. We set standards, accredit courses and qualifications for theeducation of members and EHPs. We provide information, evidence and policy advice to local and national government, environmental and public health practitioners in the public and private sectors. As an Awarding Organisation, we provide over 60 certification qualification programmes which include food safety, health and safety, first aid, fire safety and environmental protection through a through a global network of over 10,000 registered trainers and training centres. We support our trainers and centres with events and training materials to ensure our qualifications are delivered to the highest standard. As a campaigning organisation, we aim to promote improvements in environmental and public health policy. We are based in the UK with offices in London, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also operate in the USA, United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong. The trading arm of the CIEH is a wholly owned trading subsidiary which is charged with promoting the mission of the CIEH through trading activities. The profits are gift-aided to the CIEH to support the charitable objectives. Conferences, seminars and a comprehensive range of public health publications are organised by this side of the CIEH. The CIEH also supports and runs the Institute of Food Safety, Integrity & Protection (IFSIP), which is a new membership organisation connecting all those who work to keep food safe, honest and healthy. It is built around sharing knowledge and insight to promote high standards of professional practice and new ways of working. It operates under the CIEH’s charitable objectives. Journal of Environmental Law out.html Condensing essential information into just three issues a year, the Journal of Environmental Law has become an authoritative source of informed analysis for all those who have any dealings in this vital field of legal study. It exists primarily for academics and legal practitioners, but should also prove accessible for all other groups concerned with the environment, from scientists to planners. The journal offers major articles on a wide variety of topics, refereed and written to the highest standards, providing innovative and authoritative appraisals of current and emerging concepts, policies, and practice. Journal of environmental management The Journal of Environmental Management is a journal for the publication of peer reviewed, original research for all aspects of management and the managed use of the environment, both natural and man-made. Critical review articles are also welcome; submission of these is strongly encouraged. As governments and the general public become more keenly aware of the critical issues arising from man's use of his environment, this journal provides a forum for the discussion of environmental problems around the world and for the presentation of management results. It is aimed not only at the environmental manager, but at anyone concerned with thesustainable use of environmental resources. Journal of environmental psychology The Journal of Environmental Psychology serves individuals in a wide range of disciplines who have an interest in the scientific study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their physical surroundings (including built and natural environments, the use and abuse of nature and natural resources, and sustainability-related behavior). The journal publishes internationally contributed empirical studies and reviews of research on these topics that include new insights. As an important forum for the field, the journal reflects the scientific development and maturation of environmental psychology. Contributions on theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of human-environment interactions are welcome, along with innovative or interdisciplinary approaches that have a psychological emphasis. Journal of environmental science and health. Part B. Pesticides, food contaminants, and agricultural wastes ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925520661 Focuses on analytical techniques or improvements on existing methods applicable to residues of pesticides, food contaminants (natural and additive), and other chemical contaminants, and their metabolites in the ecosphere. Journal of Environmental Sciences The Journal of Environmental Sciences is an international journal started in 1989. The journal is devoted to publish original, peer-reviewed research papers on main aspects of environmental sciences, such as environmental chemistry, environmental biology, ecology, geosciences and environmental physics. Appropriate subjects include basic and applied research on atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments, pollution control and abatement technology, conservation of natural resources, environmental health and toxicology. Announcements of international environmental science meetings and other recent information are also included. Journal of exposure analysis and environmental epidemiology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25594514 Concerned with measurement practices and methods, modelling, human activity patterns, biological markers, and new and emerging areas of exposure measurement. Journal of exposure science and environmental epidemiology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000209926 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (JESEE), a peerreviewed publication, is published six times a year. The journal publishes research important to exposure assessment for toxic substances, environmental epidemiology that includes a strong exposure analysis component and related disciplines that advance the exposure assessment process. JESEE also publishes original research presenting significant advances in exposure analysis such as measurements, modeling, instrumentation, and questionnaires; mechanisms of exposure via pathways that lead to routes of exposure; development of molecular biomarkers of exposure, health effects, and susceptibility; genomic, proteomic, and metabonomics approaches and studies that assess exposure in the context of health effects; studies on chemical, biological, and physical principles required to analyze human exposure from single and multiple media and routes; occupational exposure studies that enhance the understanding of environmental exposure; and, population-based studies of exposure to toxic substances. Types of work considered are original research; feature articles on emerging issues significant to exposure analysis and assessment; and, reviews on subjects of importance to exposure assessment Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000000529 Focus and Scope The Journal of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing - JHRS is a monthly journal of scientific publications, which beginning in 2011. It is dedicated to disclosing information about integrative data between hyperspectral imaging and remote sensing methods to improve the knowledge about vegetation, soil and water in tropical environments. Technical-scientific articles, reviews of scientific literature and notes to be published in JHRS must be original, unpublished and relevant to the hyperspectral remote sensing. Journal of industrial ecology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963017732154 The International Society for Industrial Ecology promotes industrial ecology as a way of finding innovative solutions to complicated environmental problems, and facilitates communication among scientists, engineers, policymakers, managers and advocates who are interested in how environmental concerns and economic activities can be better integrated. The mission of the ISIE is to promote the use of industrial ecology in research, education, policy, community development, and industrial practices. Journal of natural history 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25254129 Contains original research & reviews in systematics & evolutionary & interactive biology. Journal of Photonics for Energy 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000717190 The Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE) covers fundamental and applied research areas focused on the applications of photonics for renewable energy harvesting, conversion, storage, distribution, monitoring, consumption, and efficient usage. The journal of physical chemistry. A ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925608887 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (Isolated Molecules, Clusters, Radicals, and Ions; Environmental Chemistry, Geochemistry, and Astrochemistry; Theory) publishes studies on kinetics and dynamics; spectroscopy, photochemistry, and excited states; environmental and atmospheric chemistry, aerosol processes, geochemistry, and astrochemistry; and molecular structure, quantum chemistry, and general theory. Journal of physiological anthropology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000221387 Provides information on evaluating physiological adaptations to modern living environments. Journal of plant nutrition ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925488822 Focuses on new findings exploring the influence of currently known essential and nonessential elements on plant physiology and growth. Journal of property tax assessment & administration ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978984253026 Articles for professionals interested in assessment administration, property tax policy, and appraisal. Journal of Rare Earths The Journal of Rare Earths reports studies on the 17 rare earth elements. It is a unique English-language learned journal that publishes works on various aspects of basic theory and applied science in the field of rare earths (RE). The journal accepts original high-quality original research papers and review articles with inventive content, and complete experimental data. It represents high academic standards and new progress in the RE field. Due to the advantage of abundant RE resourcesof China, the research on RE develops very actively, and papers on the latest progress in this field emerge every year. It is not only an important resource in which technicians publish and obtain their latest research results on RE, but also an important way of reflecting the updated progress in RE research field. The Journal of Rare Earths covers all research and application of RE rare earths including spectroscopy, luminescence and phosphors, rare earth catalysis, magnetism and magnetic materials, advanced rare earth materials, RE chemistry & hydrometallurgy, RE metallography & pyrometallurgy, RE new materials, RE solid state physics & solid state chemistry, rare earth applications, RE analysis & test, RE geology & ore dressing, etc. Journal of Research Practice ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000033866 Journal of Research Practice (JRP) is a quality-conscious peer-reviewed journal, published online by Athabasca University Press (AU Press), Canada, in the openaccess mode. The journal charges no subscription or pay-per-view fees to readers and no submission or publication fees to authors. It follows a rigorous editorial process to ensure quality and relevance of what it publishes. It also offers outstanding editorial support to authors. JRP already has a good track record and reaches a wide audience of readers worldwide. Aims & Scope. The journal aims to develop our understanding of research as a type of practice, and to assist both research practitioners and research theorists to share their experiences with and ideas about research, so as to extend and enhance that practice in multiple domains. Journal of Scientific Research ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000745983 Covers physical, mathematical, chemical & biological sciences. Journal of sustainable development ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000436955 Journal of Sustainable Development (JSD) is an international, double-blind peerreviewed, open-access journal published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education. JSD carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of Environment, Economic and Society with Sustainability. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. Journal of sustainable tourism ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925274455 Provides insight into the complex and rapidly evolving world of sustainable tourism; provides an informed, critical but constructive review of approaches which seek to balance the requirements of tourism and its host communities and habitats. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=962824990215 A peer-reviewed journal covering air pollution control and hazardous waste management. Coverage includes hazardous waste, environmental systems, pollutant modeling, air pollution, and chemical engineering. Of interest to environmental professionals who are responsible for the specification, installation, maintenance, and design of instrumentation and equipment used to monitor, analyze, collect, control, and dispose of air pollutants and wastes. Professional interest. Journal of the IEST ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=962824991217 Contains technical articles & reports on the researching, simulating, testing & teaching of environmental sciences. The Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=958480263813 Includes many types of contributions from disciplines represented by the sections of the Academy & includes formal research papers, reviews, & commentaries on topics of interest to the scientific community. Journal of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978978374427 Journal covering science and technology. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=958480262808 Provides research articles, information about the Academy, budget information, minutes of executive committee meetings, abstracts of papers presented at the annual meeting and at meetings of the collegiate division, and a list of new members. Journal of thermal stresses ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925266259 Emphasis is placed on following new developments in thermoelasticity, thermoplasticity, & theory & applications of thermal stresses. Journal of Toxicology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000435952 Journal of Toxicology is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of toxicology. Journal of Toxicology currently has an acceptance rate of 20%. The average time between submission and final decision is 41 days and the average time between acceptance and final publication is 39 days. Journal of trace and microprobe techniques ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925534062 Covers all aspects of trace and microprobe analysis techniques, methods, and applications. Journal of wildlife rehabilitation ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954928616239 Provides reliable, relevant and useful information for wildlife rehabilitators and others involved in the care, treatment and conservation of wildlife. Laboratory hazards bulletin ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978978378101 With over 49,000 members and a knowledge business that spans the globe, we are the UK’s professional body for chemical scientists, supporting and representing our members and bringing together chemical scientists from all over the world. A not-forprofit organisation with a heritage that spans 170 years, we have an ambitious international vision for the future. Around the world, we invest in educating future generations of scientists. We raise and maintain standards. We partner with industry and academia, promoting collaboration and innovation. We advise governments on policy. And we promote the talent, information and ideas that lead to great advances in science. In a complex and changing world, chemistry and the chemical sciences are essential. They are vital in our everyday lives and will be vital in helping the world respond to some of its biggest challenges. We are committed to promoting, supporting and celebrating inclusion and diversity. We understand that the success of our community depends on our ability to nurture the talent of the best people regardless of who they are or their background. We’re working to shape the future of the chemical sciences – for the benefit of science and humanity. Land Economics ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954921350299 Land Economics is dedicated to the study of land use, natural resources, public utilities, housing, and urban land issues. Established in 1925 by the renowned economist and founder of the American Economic Association, Richard T. Ely, at the University of Wisconsin, Land Economics has consistently published innovative, conceptual, and empirical research of direct relevance to economists. Each issue brings the latest results in international applied research on such topics as transportation, energy, urban and rural land use, housing, environmental quality, public utilities, and natural resources. Land Use Policy See also Elsevier's Geography, Planning and Development portal. Land Use Policy is an international and interdisciplinary journal concerned with the social, economic, political, legal, physical and planning aspects ofurban and rural land use. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information from the diverse range of disciplines and interest groups which must be combined to formulate effective land use policies. The journal examines issues in geography, agriculture, forestry, irrigation, environmental conservation, housing, urban development and transport in both developed and developing countries through major refereed articles and shorter viewpoint pieces. Land Use Policy aims to provide policy guidance to governments and planners and it is also a valuable teaching resource. Landscape planning Landscape and Urban Planning is an international journal aimed at advancing conceptual, scientific, and applied understandings of landscapein order to promote sustainable solutions for landscape change. Landscapes are visible and integrative social-ecological systems with variable spatial and temporal dimensions. They have expressive aesthetic, natural, and cultural qualities that are perceived and valued by people in multiple ways and invite actions resulting in landscape change. Landscapes are increasingly urban in nature and ecologically and culturally sensitive to changes at local through global scales. Multiple disciplines and perspectives are required to understand landscapes and align social and ecological values to ensure the sustainability of landscapes. The journal is based on the premise that landscape science linked to planning anddesign can provide mutually supportive outcomes for people and nature. Landscape science brings landscape ecology and urban ecologytogether with other disciplines and cross-disciplinary fields to identify patterns and understand social-ecological processes influencing landscape change. Landscape planning brings landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, landscape and ecological engineering, and other practice-oriented fields to bear in processes for identifying problems and analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating desirable alternatives for landscape change. Landscape design brings plans, designs, management prescriptions, policies and other activities and form-giving products to bear in effecting landscape change. The implementation of landscape planning and design also generates new patterns of evidence and hypotheses for further research, providing an integral link with landscape science and encouraging transdisciplinary collaborations to build robust knowledge and problem solving capacity. Law, environment & development journal 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000222824 The Law, Environment and Development Journal (LEAD Journal) is a peer-reviewed academic publication based in New Delhi and London and jointly managed by the School of Law of the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) – University of London and the International Environmental Law Research Centre (IELRC). Living Reviews in Landscape Research 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000328900 Publishes review articles that summarize and evaluate the state of the art as well as future needs in the interdisciplinary domains of landscape research. Local environment 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25277558 An international refereed journal which focuses on local environmental and sustainable policy, politics and action. Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 75589362452 Contains papers on research into the physiology of marine and freshwater animals. Covers all fields of physiology as well as behavioral and neurobiological matters. Marine biology research 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000021342 Presents original research on all aspects of marine biology and ecology, specifically concentrating on Nordic and North Atlantic organisms and their environment. Michigan academician 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 38908544 Provides information on research projects in various Michigan college and universities. Microbiome 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000000337 The central purpose of Microbiome is to unite investigators conducting microbiome research in environmental, agricultural, and biomedical arenas. Topics broadly addressing the study of microbial communities, such as, microbial surveys, bioinformatics, meta-omics approaches and community/host interaction modeling will be considered for publication. Through this collection of literatureMicrobiome hopes to integrate researchers with common scientific objectives across a broad cross-section of sub-disciplines within microbial ecology. Minerals & energy 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78977744911 Emphasizes new developments in mineral production & utilization. Modern applied science 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000390665 Modern Applied Science (MAS) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, openaccess journal, published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education. It publishes original research, applied, and educational articles in all areas of applied science. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original works that are not under review in any other journals. The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: Agriculture, Biological Engineering and Application, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Applied Physics and Engineering, Applied Chemistry and Materials Sciences, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Computer and Information Sciences and Application, Energy, Environmental Science and Engineering, Mechanics, Metrology, Military Science, Space Science, Sports Science, Ergonomics, Health Sciences, Fisheries science, Food Science, Forestry and all the fields related to applied science. National parks 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 24945120 A journal that focuses solely on national parks in the United States. Articles explore efforts to protect and properly manage America's national parks. Natural resources & environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506071029 An academic and professional journal for those who practice or teach environmental law. Covers the latest developments in the fields of natural resources, energy, and environmental law. Published by the Environment, Energy, and Resources Section of the American Bar Association (ABA). Nature and Conservation ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2670000000417266 Nature and Conservation, evolução da Revista Nordestina de Ecoturismo (RNEcotur), é uma publicação científica internacional em língua portuguesa, espanhola ou inglesa, que tem por objetivo promover discussões, disseminar ideias e divulgar resultados de pesquisas (com enfoques locais, nacionais e internacionais) relacionados à conservação da natureza, estudos sobre biodiversidade, educação ambiental e ecoturismo. A revista Nature and Conservation (ISSN 2318-2881) é avaliada pelo QUALIS-CAPES 2013 com a nota B5 em Engenharias I, B5 em Geografia, B5 em Interdisciplinar, B5 em Biodiversidade, B5 em Geociências, B5 em Ciências Ambientais, B5 em Ciências Agrárias I, e C em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais. Além disto é indexada, ou seja, incluída nas seguintes bases de dados: Academic Journals Database, BASE, CAB Direct, CLASE, DOAJ, DRJI, EBSCO Fonte Acadêmica, Google Acadêmico, Latindex, Periódicos CAPES, Livre - Portal do Conhecimento Nuclear, Publicações de Turismo, esearch 4 Life (OARE), WorldCat. A revista recebe trabalhos de caráter científico, filosófico e/ou técnico nas seções artigos (originais ou de revisão), resenhas, e anais (resumos), tendo como principal públicoalvo estudantes, professores e pesquisadores em geral que atuem nas áreas relacionadas aos eixos temáticos da Nature and Conservation. Esta revista é uma publicação da Sustenere Publishing Co. através da parceria com a Escola Superior de Sustentabilidade. Nature communications 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000000075 Nature Communications is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes high-quality research from all areas of the natural sciences and has an Impact Factor of 10.742 according to the 2013 Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (Thomson Reuters, 2014). Papers published by the journal represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field. Natureza & conservação 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000325034 Natureza & Conservação (Brazilian Journal for Nature Conservation) is a peerreviewed scientific journal devoted to improving theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of conservation science. Until 2009, the journal was edited by the Fundação “O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza”. From 2010 on, it became an official scientific journal of the new Brazilian Association for Ecological Science and Conservation (Associação Brasileira de Ciência Ecológica e Conservação - ABECO), with substantial support from the Boticário Foundation. The main goal of Natureza & Conservação is to communicate new research and conceptual advances in conservation science to different actors of society, including researchers, conservationists, technical officers and decision makers. Scientific papers should focus on new conceptual or methodological developments with practical implications, and case studies will be considered only if referred to more general contexts. OIDA international journal of sustainable development ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=2550000000029075 Covers research in both social and applied sciences. Oikos 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25430319 Oikos publishes original and innovative research on all aspects of ecology, defined as organism-environment interactions at various spatiotemporal scales, so including macroecology and evolutionary ecology. Emphasis is on theoretical and empirical work aimed at generalization and synthesis across taxa, systems and ecological disciplines. Papers can contribute to new developments in ecology by reporting novel theory or critical empirical results, and "synthesis" can include developing new theory, tests of general hypotheses, or bringing together established or emerging areas of ecology. Confirming or extending the established literature, by for example showing results that are novel for a new taxon, or purely applied research, is given low priority. Oil Spill Intelligence Report ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978978735423 Provides coverage of oil spills worldwide, contingency planning, cleanup & control equipment, scientific research, prevention efforts, international treaties, conferences & courses, training & drills, spill legislation & litigation, & publicatio Ozone: science & engineering 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25489837 Focuses on the technologies of ozone. Pacific ecologist 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 88196399358 Provides information on ecology and climate change. Particle and fibre toxicology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 90329096040 Features reports on new hypotheses, current scientific data, and reviews concerning the toxicological effects of particles and fibres. Periodiko Epistīmīs & Technologias ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000277684 Covers a variety of topics in Science and Technology. Pertanika journal of science & technology ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978979776877 Publishes articles related to the field of bioinformatics, bioscience, biotechnology, chemistry, computer science, ecology, engineering, mathematics and statistics, and other related fields of study. Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000000524 Pesquisa em Educação Ambiental trata-se de um periódico semestral e inter institucional, envolvendo pesquisadores de três instituições universitárias do Estado de São Paulo, quais sejam: a Universidade Federal de S.Carlos - UFSCar (Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Recursos Naturais e Pós-Graduação em Educação), a Universidade Estadual Paulista – Rio Claro - UNESP (Grupode Pesquisa “A temática ambiental e o processo educativo” do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação do Instituto de Biociências) e a Universidade de São Paulo - USP (Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Formação do Educador-LAIFE da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto). Pesticidas 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42752513376 A Revista divulga trabalhos técnico-científicos inéditos (não-publicados ou submetidos a outro periódico), resultantes de pesquisa e revisões bibliográficas na área de agrotóxicos e seus resíduos, ecotoxicologia e meio ambiente. São aceitos originais em português, inglês e espanhol, que atendam as disposições normativas abaixo. As opiniões emitidas nos artigos são de exclusiva responsabilidade dos autores. A Revista se reserva o direito de adaptar os originais para manter a homogeneidade da publicação, respeitando sempre o estilo do autor. A Pesticidas: revista de ecotoxicologia e meio ambiente está indexada no Chemical Abstract, no CAB Abstract e na base de dados de Literatura Periódica em Ciências Agrárias (PERI). Philosophy and geography 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 75946727587 Aims to publish philosophical work on the environment. Photogrammetric Record 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25433402 The Photogrammetric Record is published on behalf of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPSoc). This new society was formed through the merger of the former Remote Sensing Society and Photogrammetric Society. Further information about the society is available from. Phyllomedusa ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=1000000000379263 PHYLLOMEDUSA publishes original research articles, short communications and review papers concerning the whole field of Herpetology. PHYLLOMEDUSA also maintains sections for Book Reviews. Manuscripts will be considered on condition that they have not been published elsewhere or are not under consideration for publication, in whole or in part, in another journal or book. Publication inPHYLLOMEDUSA, including color pictures, is free of charge. All manuscripts are subject to peer review. This process averages 90 days. Authors receive pdf proofs before publication and 30 reprints free of charge. Full-text pdf versions of all articles are available for free download in this homepage. POLÊM!CA : Revista Eletrônica ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=9870000000000762 POLÊM!CA é uma revista eletrônica trimestral, interdisciplinar, editada pelo LABORE, Laboratório de Estudos Contemporâneos/UERJ. Nossa proposta é promover o debate acadêmico de questões atuais e controversas. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78979596253 Publishes original papers & critical reviews concerning the vast field of environmental studies. Pollution engineering 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 21356394 A monthly trade magazine for environmental professionals and consultants working in manufacturing, utilities, water and wastewater treatment facilities, and in other government agencies. Covers air and water quality and waste management, and provides industry news, technological and product developments, regulatory updates, and other information of interest in the field. Pós ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=991042731889698 A revista Pós foi criada como um canal de comunicação mais ampla desta comunidade científica, tanto em âmbito nacional quanto internacional, assim como para os pesquisadores das diversas áreas acadêmicas que se relacionam com o universo da arquitetura e da cidade, com o intuito de registrar a memória do pensamento arquitetônico, de fazer circular de maneira ágil os resultados das pesquisas e de manter o debate o mais atualizado possível. Prehospital and disaster medicine 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78979121699 In line with the commitment of Cambridge University Press to advance learning, knowledge and research worldwide, the Press currently publishes over 300 peerreviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible worldwide in print and online. The continued expansion of our journals list is being mirrored by a programme of long-term investment in our journals business so that our continued commitment to the academic community, and in particular our society partners and customers, can be fulfilled both now and into the foreseeable future. As well as those journals owned by the Press itself, we publish on behalf of over 100 learned and professional societies and we work closely with our partners to ensure the optimum success of each journal. Delivery of journal content via the internet has led to new markets opening up across the world. These include libraries operating together as consortia, and institutions in the developing world becoming able to access journals for the first time. Cambridge is active in all these markets and works with many organizations to bring journals to research institutions across the globe. From North America to Sub-Saharan Africa, the dedication of Cambridge University Press to advancing knowledge is visible within our journals, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 75506072191 Publishes primary research and review papers on biology and ecology. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110975506069259 A journal dedicated to promote scientific research and the diffusion of scientific informatio. It encourages communication and cooperation among scientists and improves education in the sciences. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B, Natural Sciences ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=110978977287598 Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences is a peer-reviewed journal in English publishing papers that describe the results of original theoretical or experimental research of importance and interest to diverse groups of researchers, as well as reviews and short communications. The journal also publishes information on events pertaining to science life. Coverage includes: biological sciences, medical sciences, environmental sciences, geography, geology, forestry, agriculture, mathematics. Quality of Life: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Food Science, Environmental Science & Public Health 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000156077 Covers the science and technology of food, public health engineering, sanitary inspection and control, environmental and public health. Quarterly journal of engineering geology and hydrogeology Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology is owned by the Geological Society of London and published by the Geological Society Publishing House. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology & Hydrogeology (QJEGH) is an established international journal featuring papers on geology as applied to civil engineering mining practice and water resources. Papers are invited from, and about, all areas of the world on engineering geology and hydrogeology topics. This includes but is not limited to: applied geophysics, engineering geomorphology, environmental geology, hydrogeology, groundwater quality, contaminated land, waste management, land use planning, geotechnics, rock mechanics, geomaterials and geological hazards. The journal publishes the prestigious Glossop and Ineson lectures, research papers, case histories, review articles, technical notes, photographic features, thematic sets, discussion papers, editorial opinion and book reviews. Quebracho 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000328916 El objetivo de Quebracho es difundir trabajos científicos, notas técnicas y comunicaciones referidos a temas de interés en las Ciencias Forestales y cuyo ámbito geográfico sea, en orden de prioridad: el Parque Chaqueño Seco, Argentina, América Latina y el Mundo. Se invita a los investigadores forestales a publicar en Quebracho. Las contribuciones serán sometidos a un sistema de arbitraje que consiste en el examen de las mismas por dos referentes como mínimo, quienes juzgarán su aptitud para ser publicadas y harán sugerencias u observaciones en caso de revisión. Los jueces son investigadores de reconocida trayectoria en diferentes centros de la República Argentina, América y Europa. Rangifer 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000398004 is the world's only scientific journal dealing exclusively with biology and management of arctic and northern ungulates, reindeer and caribou in particular. Rangifer publishes original research papers, review articles and brief communications in all themes and fields related to the animal reindeer/caribou and reindeer husbandry as culture and industry, and also papers on other northern ungulates. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Official Journal of theInternational Society for Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, reports the concepts and problems involved with the generation, evaluation, and interpretation of experimental animal and human data in the larger perspective of the societal considerations of protecting human health and the environment. The journal is devoted to reports of significant developments, public opinion, scientific data, and ideas that bridge the gap between scientific information and the legal aspects of toxicologicaland pharmacological regulations. The journal presents articles concerned with regulatory decisions and with the interpretation of scientific knowledge as influencing regulatory decisions. It is addressed to an International readership of scientists, program managers, research directors, attorneys, and business professionals Research & exploration (Earthwatch Institute) 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 00826669008 Provides results & opinions directly from scientists on subjects ranging from endangered species to acid rain. Research Journal of Agricultural Science 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000033960 Peer-reviewed coverage of research includes original papers and current devleopments in the areas of agriculture, biology and environmental sciences. Resource 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 75507367728 A monthly publication for members of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) that focuses on trends in sustainable technology for the agriculture industry. Presents short, broad interest articles highlighting engineering progress in agriculture, food, biotechnology, aquaculture, forestry, machinery, and soil and water. Includes ASABE member news, an events calendar, and employment opportunities. Review of European Community and international environmental law 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 17646102 The Review of European Comparative & International Environmental Law (RECIEL) is an international journal that contains articles on a broad range of topics in environmental law and policy. RECIEL bridges both academic and professional spheres by providing scholars, legal practitioners, policy makers, students and any other interested persons with information on developments in international, European Community and comparative environmental law and policy. Revista acadêmica: ciências agrárias e ambientais 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000489627 A Revista Acadêmica: Ciências Agrárias e Ambientais é uma publicação da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, com tiragem de 500 exemplares e acesso online por meio do link: Atuante desde 2003, divulga pesquisas e estudos na área de Ciência Animal (Veterinária, Zootecnia, Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos de Origem Animal). Possui periodicidade trimestral, seguindo as diretrizes da CAPES e dos indexadores, e tem como finalidade publicar artigos científicos de pesquisa original, notas técnicas e, sob convite, artigos de revisão. Para isso, adota o processo de revisão chamado peer review, no qual membros do Conselho Editorial e da comunidade científica especializada se dispõem a avaliar o manuscrito, em sistema duplo de revisão anônima blind review, ou seja, tanto os nomes dos pareceristas quanto os dos autores permanecem em sigilo. As opiniões emitidas pelos autores dos trabalhos são de sua exclusiva responsabilidade, bem como as garantias de que as pesquisas científicas envolvendo animais foram apreciadas e aprovadas por Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O título abreviado da revista é Rev. Acad., Agrár. Ambient. e deve ser utilizado em bibliografias, referências, notas de rodapé e legendas bibliográficas. Revista ambiente & água 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000289622 Publicar artigos científicos originais que contribuam para ampliar o conhecimento na área interdisciplinar relacionada a Ciências Ambientais e Recursos Hídricos. Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000083160 A Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo (RBEcotur) é uma publicação eletrônica quadrimestral produzida pela Sociedade Brasileira de Ecoturismo (SBEcotur), sendo expressão do esforço dos profissionais nela envolvidos: editores e outros colaboradores. Criada em 2008, seus volumes são editados exclusivamente na formatação eletrônica on line (SEER). Em suas edições trimestrais, com recebimento de manuscritos em fluxo contínuo, publica artigos inéditos de caráter científico, em português, espanhol e inglês, com o objetivo de atender diferentes profissionais diante dos vários contextos de estudos e pesquisas em Ecoturismo e atividades afins, contribuindo para a difusão, diálogo e intercâmbio de conhecimentos teóricos ou aplicados, bem como para a formação de redes. Propõem-se a promover um amplo debate entre o poder público e privado, as operadoras, as agências, ONGs e instituições de ensino e pesquisa, principalmente no que tange a aplicação do planejamento e manejo do Ecoturismo voltado a práticas de mínimo impacto. A transferência e troca desses conhecimentos são de suma importância para que a análise e a prevenção dos impactos do Ecoturismo e atividades afins se constituam em ferramenta imprescindível para dar subsídio à manutenção das práticas de preservação e ao planejamento estratégico de atividades de lazer, interpretativas da natureza e de Educação Ambiental, ligadas à conservação dos recursos naturais. São os seguintes os eixos temáticos da Revista: Eixo 1. Ecoturismo e Educação Ambiental. Eixo 2. Planejamento e Gestão do Ecoturismo. Eixo 3. Manejo e conservação dos recursos naturais através do turismo sustentável. Eixo 4. Ensino, pesquisa e extensão em Ecoturismo no Brasil. Eixo 5. Ecoturismo de base comunitária. O Ecoturismo é uma prática que precisa ser mais bem estudada e compreendida pois, apesar de já ser praticado há mais de cem anos (desde a criação dos primeiros parques nacionais no mundo: Yellowstone e Yosemite), só nos últimos anos do século XX se configurou como um fenômeno crescente e economicamente significativo. Embora os seus princípios e diretrizes estejam claramente estabelecidos e pareçam conceitualmente compreendidos pelos profissionais da área, na prática, o Ecoturismo carece ainda de uma visão estratégica, que promova seu desenvolvimento em nível nacional e internacional. Esta afirmação é especialmente verdadeira quando são analisados os projetos de desenvolvimento em implementação no Brasil e as dificuldades no planejamento e obtenção de resultados referentes aos compromissos com a Sustentabilidade. A demanda por aprofundamento no debate sobre Ecoturismo seria melhor trabalhada no seio de um coletivo científico que tivesse no seu escopo a preocupação com os atores envolvidos tais como: empresários, cientistas, praticantes, guias, governos, etc. Assim sendo, durante o VIº Congresso Nacional de Ecoturismo (VIº Conecotur) realizado na cidade de Itatiaia, estado do Rio de Janeiro, em 2007, foi proposta a criação da Sociedade Brasileira de Ecoturismo, com a formatação de um periódico que escoasse a produção científica dos atores envolvidos na questão. Uma comissão de acadêmicos foi votada e aprovada, representando todas as grandes regiões geográficas brasileiras, atores de governo e universidades, com o fim de fundar essa sociedade e seu periódico no VIIº Conecotur a se realizar em 2009, no estado do Espírito Santo. Desse modo, essa comissão vem promovendo debates e ações para viabilizar o que foi aprovado na plenária do VIº Conecotur. A edição eletrônica da Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo (RBEcotur) vem coroar esse imenso esforço, O Instituto Physis Cultura & Ambiente, de São Paulo, hospeda “pro-tempore” a RBEcotur, conforme outra decisão aprovada na mesma plenária. Assim, convidamos todos os pesquisadores e produtores de conhecimento em Ecoturismo e áreas afins a somar seus esforços aos nossos, divulgando suas ideias nas edições da Revista Brasileira de Ecoturismo. Revista de Estudos Ambientais ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=3520000000000070 Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Ambiental da Universidade Regional de Blumenau (PPGEA/FURB). Revista Eletrônica do Mestrado em Educação Ambiental: REMEA 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000489691 Revista Eletrônica do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental (EA). Esta revista, em língua portuguesa, constitui-se em um espaço tradicional para a divulgação da produção nacional e internacional na área. REVISTA FORESTAL LATINOAMERICANA 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78966561512 Compendio de articulos sobre los principales avances cientificos, tecnicos e industriales que se realizan en America Latina en el sector forestal. Revista forestal venezolana 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 92357338876 La Revista Forestal Venezolana fundada en 1958, publica investigaciones de alta calidad en todos los aspectos de las Ciencias Forestales y Ambientales. Los tópicos que se incluyen son: Génesis de Suelos, Suelos Forestales, Fisiología Vegetal, Patología Forestal, Entomología, Anatomía de la Madera, Ecofisiología, Viveros, Plantaciones, Genética y Mejoramiento Forestal, Manejo de Cuencas y Tecnología de la Madera. Es una publicación periódica de carácter científico, semestral, indizada y arbitrada. Sarsia 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25442619 Presents original research on all aspects of marine biology and ecology, specifically concentrating on Nordic and North Atlantic organisms and their environment. Science - Future of Lithuania 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000009735 Provides information on electronics and electrical engineering, transport engineering, civil engineering and environmental protection engineering. Science of the total environment 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25457007 Science of the Total Environment is an international journal for publication of original research on the total environment, which theatmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, andanthroposphere. includes Science & spirit 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42732664012 Explores how science and religion can work together to address the vital issues of our time. Life's complexities can weigh heavy on the spirit. Looking at them through the lenses of both science and religion offers insight neither discipline provides alone. Scientific American reports 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000319729 Explores opportunities for economic and environmental progress. Scientific Reports 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000000245 Scientific Reports is an online, open access journal from the publishers of Nature. We publish scientifically valid primary research from all areas of the natural and clinical sciences. Our Editorial Board of active researchers manage the peer review of your manuscript, ensuring that the process is efficient, constructive and fair. An internal publishing team works with the Editorial Board and authors to ensure manuscripts are rapidly processed for publication. All accepted papers will be published on payment of an article-processing charge. Scitech book news 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78978735439 A quarterly journal containing reviews of scientific and technical books of interest to libraries, professionals, and other serious book buyers. Seismological research letters The bimonthly Seismological Research Letters serves as a general forum for informal communication among seismologists, as well as between seismologists and those nonspecialists interested in seismology and related disciplines. The contents of SRL include contributed articles on topics of broad seismological interest, opinion pieces on current seismological topics, News and Notes about seismology in the U.S. and internationally, Transitions notes about seismologists, special earthquake reports, and letters to the editor. Sierra 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 28538138 Articles on conservation, energy, outdoor recreation and environmental concerns of Sierra Club members and others. Soil & sediment contamination 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 85646834874 Concerned with the technical, regulatory, & legal challenges of contaminated soils. Soil & water conservation news 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 18054623 A publication of the Soil Conservation Service aimed at generating interest of teachers and students in the environment, agricultural curriculums, diversity and natural resources. Southeast review of Asian studies 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78978557381 Covers the study of modern Asia-Pacific, including include finance, trade, environment, human resources development, best practices in government, fisheries, tourism, education and women's studies to name a few. Studies on neotropical fauna and environment ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=954925480598 Aims at zoologists and ecologists interested in faunistic and ecological aspects of South America. Covers the ecology, systematics and distribution of the neotropical fauna. Synthesis/regeneration 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 39128839 Publication covering political and environmental issues. Tecno-lógica 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000809279 Revista do Departamento de Química e Física, Departamento de Engenharias, Arquitetura e Ciências Agrárias, do Mestrado em Tecnologia Ambiental e Mestrado em Sistemas e Processos Industriais da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. TecnoLógica é B4 no Qualis CAPES. Transactions of the Missouri Academy of Science 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78984249020 Presents papers on topics including agriculture, atmospheric sciences, biology, chemistry, computer science, conservation, economics, engineering, entomology, exercise, physiology, forensics, geography, geology, gerontology, and herpetology. Transportation research. Part D, Transport and environment Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment publishes original research on the environmental impacts of transportation, policyresponses to those impacts, and their implications for the design, planning, and management of transportation systems. It covers all aspects of the interaction between transportation and the environment. For example, it includes papers ranging in their coverage from the local and immediate effects of transportation networks on the environments of specific geographical areas, to the widest global implications of natural resource depletion and atmospheric pollution. Trends 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 42723615818 Provides current developments and news of interest to environmental, energy, and resources lawyers. Tropicultura 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78984075949 Tropicultura publishes original articles, research and synthesis notes, book and thesis summaries as well as reviews of films and videos relative to all aspects of rural development: plant and animal production, veterinary science, forestry science, soil science, rural engineering, environmental sciences, bio-industry, agro-food science, sociology and economy. The journal is published with the aid of the "Région Bruxelles - Capitale" by Agri-Overseas in order to establish common-interest professional relationships between people working on overseas rural development. Agri-Overseas is composed of both individual members and members of the following Belgian Institutions: the four faculties of agronomy (Gembloux - GxABT, Ghent - UGent, Leuven - KULeuven and Louvain-La-Neuve - UCL), the two faculties of veterinary medecine (Ghent - UGent and Liège - ULG), the Department of Production and Animal Health of the Institute of Tropical Medecine in Antwerp - IMTA, the inter-faculty section of agronomy of the "Université libre de Bruxelles" (Brussels -ULB), the "Facultés universitaires de Notre Dame de la Paix" (Namur - FUNDP), the "Département des Sciences et Gestion de l'Environnement de l'Université de Liège" (Arlon - DSGE ULg), the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGD) and the Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences (KAOW - ARSOM). Tropicultura is published four times per year. The volume 1 corresponds to the year 1983. Turkish journal of agriculture & forestry 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78979122837 Research articles, short communications & review articles in various fields of agriculture & forestry at both national & international levels. Turkish journal of engineering & environmental sciences 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78978557595 Significant research results in all areas of engineering except earth sciences, & electrical & electronics engineering. U.S. News Digital Weekly 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 000000096596 Provides in-depth perspective and news analysis. UCLA journal of environmental law & policy 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 75507367622 Provides coverage and analysis of the field of law. Ultrastructural pathology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 25255141 Devoted entirely to diagnostic ultrastructural pathology. Water & environment international 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78984443899 Provides a vital new interface between the water & environment industry. WE international 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78978384641 Explores women's relationsships with their various environments. Includes articles, reviews & notes on women's work, organizations, event's & publications. Web Ecology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 91350912012 Publishes papers from all fields of ecology within a broad European context; provides a forum to communicate results of experimental, theoretical as well as descriptive studies of general interest to an international audience. Whole earth review ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.88- 2004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=963018145837 Provides an eclectic and uncompromising forum free from serving the needs of outside advertisers. Women & Environments International Magazine ver=Z39.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ d=111037303883040 Explores women's relationsships with their various environments. Includes articles, reviews & notes on women's work, organizations, event's & publications. The World factbook 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78977562195 Demography; Political Geography. World Watch 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 24970166 Covers developments in population growth, climate change, species extinction, and the rise of new forms of human behavior and government. For academic and general audiences. Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 80865608952 Covers environmental issues which influence the religions of the world. Yearbook - Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers 9.88-2004&url_ctx_fmt=infofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_enc=info:ofi/enc:UTF8&ctx_ver=Z39.882004&rfr_id=info:sid/ 78978958344 Scholarly journal of papers from the annual meeting of the society, which was formed to foster geographic education and research on Latin America.