TEPSA Summer Conference


TEPSA Summer Conference
TEPSA Summer Conference
June 12-14, 2013 | Austin Renaissance Hotel
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Real Classrooms. Real Results.
4/19/13 12:56 PM
Tuesday, June 11
1pm Golf Tournament
3-7pm Registration
4-7pm Bookstore hosted by NAESP & Scholastic Book Fairs
Wednesday, June 12
7am-5:30pm Registration
7am-7:30pm Shuttle
8-11am Master Classes/eAcademy Cohort 3 Finale
8am-6pm Bookstore hosted by NAESP & Scholastic Book Fairs
9:30am-5:30pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:30-10:15am Visit Exhibit Hall
10am-4pm Technology Help Desk
10:15-11:15am Sessions
11:15am-1pm Lunch/Visit Exhibit Hall
Opening General Session: Stephen Peters
1-2:30pm 2:45-3:45pm Sessions
3:15-4:15pm Sessions
4:15-5:30pm Exhibits Extravaganza
5:30-7pm Awards Celebration
Thursday, June 13
7:30am-5pm Registration
7am-6pm Shuttle
Legislative Update/Sessions
Bookstore hosted by NAESP & Scholastic Book Fairs
8:30-9:30am Sessions
8:30am-3:30pm Exhibit Hall Open
9:30-10am Visit Exhibit Hall
Second General Session: Todd Whitaker
10-11:30am 10am-4pm Technology Help Desk
11:30am-1pm Lunch/Visit Exhibit Hall
12:30-1pm 1-2pmSessions
Friday, June 14
7:30am-Noon Registration
7am-12:30pm Shuttle
8-9am Sessions/Middle Level Networking Breakfast
10:30am-Noon Third General Session: Genevieve Piturro
Summer Conference Mobile Website
Scan QR code or visit http://bit.ly/tepsa13 to view
schedule, rate sessions, access handouts and more!
Wireless access is provided in all conference areas.
Access code: tepsa13
Follow @TEPSAtalk and use hashtag #tepsa13 for
conference tweets.
Connect with peers on TEPSA’s Facebook page.
Scan the QR Code above for link.
Smile! Participants authorize TEPSA to use photos
taken during the conference for use in TEPSA
print and digital promotions.
Table of Contents
Advertiser Index......................................................65
Annual Membership Information.........................29
Austin Map/Driving Directions............................58-59
Awards Celebration and Program........................6, 7
Book Signings..........................................................5
Bookstore: NAESP & Scholastic Book Fairs..........5, 41
Conference Registration.........................................5
CPE Form and Principal Standards......................62
District Assistant Principals of the Year..............10
District TEPSANs of the Year...............................11
eAcademy Cohort 3 Grand Finale........................6
Exhibit Hall General Information.........................5
Exhibit Hall Listing.................................................43-56
Exhibit Hall Maps...................................................41-42
Exhibits Extravaganza..............................................5, 6, 41
Free Museum Admission........................................6
General Sessions......................................................14-15
H-E-B Excellence in Education Principal............9
Hotels and Parking..................................................58-59
Leaders ‘R’ Us/Student Council Workshops ......5
Legislative Update...................................................6
Live Learning Center..............................................5, 32
Lost and Found........................................................5
Master Classes..........................................................6
Meet-App..................................................................5, 6, 30
Middle Level Networking Breakfast.....................6
National Assistant Principal of the Year for Texas....9
National Distinguished Principal and Finalists....8
Notes Space...............................................................60
Passport to Prizes.....................................................5, 6, 30
QR Code...................................................................3, 5
Renaissance Map.....................................................Back Cover
Room Capacity........................................................5
Sandi Borden Tribute to Texas Children Award...9
Sessions At-A-Glance.............................................34-39
Session Descriptions...............................................16-30
Session Handouts....................................................5
Session Strands........................................................16
Shuttle.......................................................................5, 60
Student Council Excellence Awards.....................13-14
Technology Help Desk...........................................5
TEPSA 2013-2014 Learning Calendar.................32
TEPSA Information Central..................................5
TEPSA Leadership..................................................4
TEPSA Partners.......................................................38
TEPSA Staff..............................................................4
TEPSA State Presidents..........................................66
TEPSANs At-Large.................................................9
Texas Schools of Character....................................12
WiFi and Social Media............................................3, 5
Executive Committee
Serving Texas PreK-8 School Leaders
Formed in 1917, the Texas Elementary
Principals and Supervisors Association
is a diverse, supportive community of
5,900 professional leaders, learning
with and from each other, committed to
providing quality education for all Texas
elementary and middle school students.
Scot Clayton
An affiliate of the National Association of
Elementary School Principals (NAESP),
TEPSA is divided into 20 districts each
led by a District President. These regions
have geographic boundaries similar to
the Regional Service Centers. TEPSA
operates through four Standing Committees: Advocacy; Membership, Marketing
and Public Relations; Programs and Services; and Special Committee on Elections.
Eddie Damian
Sandi Borden
Executive Director
Joni Carlson
Director of Conventions
Cecilia Cortez de Magallanes
Publications Coordinator
Harley Eckhart
Executive Director-Elect
Ann Hopkins
Membership/Standing Committees
Kirsten Hund
Associate Executive Director
for Instruction
Anita Jiles
Marketing & Communications Director
Ken Jones
Trae Kendrick, Ed.D.
Chief Learning Officer
Elizabeth Kernan
Office Manager
Callie Low
Director of Governance and Exhibits
Kristina Mora
Events, Exhibits & Governance Assistant
Louis Silvas
501 East 10th St, Austin, TX 78701
512-478-5268; 800-252-3621
Fax: 512-478-1502
TEPSA Summer Conference
Stacy Bennett
Mary Johnston, Ed.D. Belinda Neal, Ed.D.
First Vice President Second Vice President
Sharon Wright
Mark Terry
NAESP Representative NAESP President
Sandi Borden
Executive Director
TEPSA District Presidents
TEPSA districts coincide with regional education service center boundaries.
Pat Viera Sharyland (1)
Shelly Mayer Fort Worth (11)
Galen Hoffstadt Corpus Christi (2) Brenda Hight Killeen (12)
Pam Weathersby Calhoun County (3) Duane Trujillo New Braunfels (13)
Lorie Morris Pasadena (4)
Cyndi Smith Abilene (14)
Dianne Timberlake Hardin-Jefferson (5) Michael Cofresi Bangs (15)
Natalie Jones Bellville (6)
Reagan Oles Claude (16)
David Sauer Mineola (7)
Greg Brown Plainview (17)
Kathie Thompson Mount Vernon (8) Sharla Butler Midland (18)
Clarisa Richie Wichita Falls (9)
Michelle Aubé-Barton Socorro (19)
Bryan McLain Coppell (10)
Veronica Arteaga, Ph.D. Northside (20)
Standing Committe Chairs and Vice Chairs
Glen Teal
Advocacy Chair, Lubbock
am Mitchell
Advocacy Vice Chair, Coppell
Matt Kimball Membership, Marketing & PR Chair, Frisco
Manuel Gonzales
Programs & Services Chair, Frisco
Eliseo Rodriguez
Programs & Services Vice Chair, Edgewood
Victorius Eugenio Special Committee on Elections, Fort Worth
Mitzi McAfee
Nominating Committee Chair, Galveston
Andra Penny, Ph.D. Nominating Committee Vice Chair, Coppell
Standing Committe Members
Gabriel Ademek, Yoakum; Cheri Braden, San Angelo; Jim Calvin, Fort Worth
Christian School; Nayeli Carriaga, Pharr-San Juan-Alamo; Stacy Davis, Frenship;
Kathy Dodge-Clay, Ed.D., Northside; Yvette East, Houston Heights Learning
Academy; Peggy Elliott, Sweetwater; Renee Elmore, Paris; Libby Flores, San Benito;
Tonya Garza, Lamar; Vernessa Gentry, Longview; Gary Henry, Spring Branch;
Shauna Hittle, Tyler; Cordell Jones, Ed.D., Alamo Heights; Sam Kelley, Denton;
Mike Manchee, Amarillo; Shelly Mayer, Fort Worth; Trish McKeel, Carroll; Lisa
McLaughlin, Deer Park; Karen Meadors, Sharyland; Ana Murray, Smithville;
Patricia Nelson, Port Aransas; Pat Page, Wichita Falls; Ben Perez, Lamar; Lauri
Schroeder, Comal; Lana Smith, Livingston; Curtis Stahnke, Comanche; Shaunté
Stewart, La Vega; Dianne Timberlake, Hardin-Jefferson; Nancy Tovar, El Paso;
Gabriel Trujillo, Duncanville
General Information
Book Signings
Wednesday: 11:15am: Marcia Tate
2:30pm: Stephen Peters
Thursday: 11:30am: Todd Whitaker
2pm: Barbara Blackburn
2:45pm: Donalyn Miller
Bookstore Hosted by NAESP &
Scholastic Book Fairs
Purchase your summer must-reads:
Tuesday | 4-7pm
Wednesday | 8am-6pm
Thursday | 8am-5pm
Conference Registration
Wednesday | 7am-5:30pm
Thursday | 7am-5pm
Friday | 7:30am-Noon
A badge is required for admission
to all events. Fees:
• Members - $354
• Nonmembers - $593
•Family members who are not
practicing administrators - $25
• Superintendents - Complimentary
Master Classes Fees (includes book)
• Members - $149
• Nonmembers - $209
Awards Celebration
• $40/per guest
Exhibit Hall
Rio Grande Exhibit Hall and Atrium
Wednesday | 9:30am-5:30pm
Thursday | 8:30am-3:30pm
More than 200 companies showcase
their products and services. Don’t
forget to play the Passports to Prizes
game (see next column). See pages
16-30 sessions marked E. Exhibitor
listing on pages 43-56.
Exhibits Extravaganza
Rio Grande Exhibit Hall and Atrium
Wednesday | 4:15-5:30pm
Prizes! Snacks! Photobooth and
more in the Exhibit Hall and
Atrium! See pages 6 and 30.
Messages and Lost & Found
Visit the conference mobile website
for messages and updates. Check
TEPSA registration for lost items.
Leaders ‘R’ Us/Student Council
Meet Project Director Carolyn
Solomon and learn more.
Live Learning Center
Access Summer Conference content
at http://bit.ly/tepsallc. See page 32.
Discover and share apps. See page 6.
Pajama Program
Forgot to bring a new pair of pajamas or a book to donate to the local
Pajama Program? Purchase a book
from the new Scholastic Book Fair
and donate at the register! If you
brought a donation, please drop it
off at the TEPSA Information
Central Booth in the Atrium.
Passport to Prizes
Rio Grande Exhibit Hall and Atrium
Wednesday | 4:15pm
Visit and collect verification stamps
from at least 10 participating companies listed on the card. Drop the
card in the tumbler at the end of
Row 100 in the Exhibit Hall. Drawing and prize announcements will
take place in Row 300 on Wednesday afternoon during the Exhibits
Extravaganza (see pages 6 and 30).
QR Code
Scan code to access conference mobile website.
To scan for first time:
1. Download free
i-nigma app or other QR Code
reader from the App Store for your
2. Open app. Hold your phone camera up to code. Center code in the
red guidelines on the screen.
3. You will be directed to mobile
website. Stop by the Technology Help
Desk in the Atrium for assistance.
Room Capacity
Except for Master Classes, sessions
fill on a first-come, first-served basis.
To comply with fire regulations,
please respect “Room Full” signs and
seek an alternate session. Standing or
sitting on the floor is not an option;
you must be seated in a chair in order to remain in rooms. Note: Many
sessions will be available in the Live
Learning Center (look for sessions
marked R).
Session Handouts
Handouts are the sole responsibility
of presenters. Available handouts
can be accessed during the conference at http://bit.ly/tepsa13 and at
www.tepsa.org after the conference.
Shuttle Bus Service
Complimentary shuttles between the
Renaissance and TEPSA block hotels,
as well as designated additional parking areas, are available WednesdayFriday. TEPSA is not responsible for
any damages or loss of property that
may occur in parking areas. Please
hide valuables and lock vehicle doors.
Schedules are located in each hotel
lobby. See routes on page 60.
Wednesday | 7am-7:30pm
Thursday | 7am-6pm
Friday | 7am-12:30pm
Technology Help Desk
Atrium (across from the Aqua Bar)
Wednesday & Thursday | 10am-4pm
Get help with all your tech issues
and questions.
TEPSA Information Central Booth
Purchase TEPSA products, pick up
information on all things TEPSA,
and drop off your Pajama Program
WiFi and Social Media
Wireless access is provided in all conference areas. Access code: tepsa13.
Use hashtag #tepsa13 for conference
tweets; follow TEPSA @TEPSAtalk.
Connect with peers on TEPSA’s Facebook page. Scan QR Code for link.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Master Classes
Special Events
Separate fee applies. Book included
with each session.
• Members - $149
• Nonmembers - $209
8-11am | eAcademy Cohort 3 Grand Finale | San Saba
Wednesday | 8-11am
1A. Empower Your Leadership Team
Room: San Marcos
Christian Rauch, Senior Instructor,
Quantum Learning
Book: Quantum Success: 8 Key
Catalysts to Shift Your Energy into
Dynamic Focus by Bobbie DePorter
1B. Rethinking Teacher Evaluation
and Appraisal
Room: San Antonio
Kim Marshall, Education Expert
and Writer, The Marshall Memo
Book: Rethinking Teacher Evaluation
& Supervision 2nd Edition (2013) by
Kim Marshall
1C. Worksheets Don’t Grow Dendrites
Room: Wedgwood
Marcia Tate, Author and Educational
Consultant, Developing Minds, Inc.
Book: Worksheets Don’t Grow
Dendrites by Marcia Tate
1D. STAAR 3DX: 2013 Elementary
Room: Ballroom B
Ervin Knezek, Founder and Chief
Education Officer, lead4ward
Book: STAAR 3DX by Ervin Knezek
1E. Synergistics: Creating a
Dynamic Campus Culture
Room: Pecos
Kathy Dodge-Clay, Principal,
Northside ISD
Book: Synergistics by Kathy DodgeClay and Mark Lukert
1F. Shift into High Gear:
Provide Options that Work
Room: Sabine
Billy Snow, Area Superintendent,
Mansfield ISD
Book: Mindset by Carol Dweck
TEPSA Summer Conference
Limited to eAcademy Cohort 3 participants.
Bring your fully charged iPad and come prepared to learn and have fun with
two Texas tech chicks. You’ve learned all those fabulous apps, now Helen
Mowers and Anna Adam will talk about 21st century workflow including
how to use apps to increase your efficiency and productivity. You’ll leave with
ideas for navigating walkthroughs, designing and disseminating professional
development, and addressing administrivia.
4:15-5:30pm | Exhibits Extravaganza | Rio Grande Exhibit Hall and Atrium
After a full day of learning, enjoy snacks, mingle, play the Passport to Prizes
game and take a fun photobooth shot during the Exhibits Extravaganza in
the Exhibit Hall and Atrium. You could win a free registration to the 2014
Summer Conference and a two-night stay at the Austin Renaissance Hotel!
After prizes are announced (Exhibit Hall Row 300), join your peers in
recognizing excellence in school leadership at the Awards Celebration.
5:30-7pm | Awards Celebration | Grand Ballroom
Admission is included in conference registration. Guest tickets may be purchased by
5pm Wednesday at the registration desk for $40/person.
All conference attendees welcome! Celebrate the principalship at this casual,
tropical-themed reception featuring hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar. We’ve expanded the awards program to recognize a diverse group of outstanding school
leaders. See Awards Celebration program on page 7.
8-9am | Legislative Update | Ballroom A
Executive Director-Elect Harley Eckhart shares critical information and highlights from the 83rd Texas Legislative Session.
12:30-1pm | Meet-App | Ballroom B
Join Trae Kendrick, TEPSA’s Chief Learning Officer, to discover new apps
and share some of your favorites. Leave with great new tools to make your
busy life a little easier.
8am | Middle Level Networking Breakfast | Banderas Restaurant
Mark Terry, Carroll ISD, hosts this gathering for middle level school leaders.
Free Museum Admission
The Blanton Museum of Art, located at MLK and Congress in the heart of
Austin, offers free admission and 10% off in the Museum Shop to all TEPSA
Summer Conference attendees. Simply show your badge at the museum’s
admissions desk to enter for free! Visit http://blantonmuseum.org.
Awards Celebration Program
Wednesday | 5:30-7pm | Grand Ballroom
Scot Clayton, TEPSA President
Recognition Sandi Borden, TEPSA Executive Director
Pam Mitchell, 2012 National Distinguished Principal
Gabe Trujillo, 2009 National Distinguished Principal
Recognition of Honorees
Student Council Excellence Awards
H-E-B Excellence in Education Elementary Principal
State and National Schools of Character
TEPSA District Assistant Principals of the Year
National Assistant Principal of the Year for Texas
TEPSANs of the Year
TEPSANs At-Large
National Distinguished Principal Finalists
Texas National Distinguished Principal
Thank you partners for your support of the TEPSA Awards Celebration!
TEPSA Summer Conference
Texas National Distinguished Principal
The National Distinguished Principal program promotes PreK-8 educational excellence and focuses on the fundamental
importance of the school principal. The program honors principals who exhibit extraordinary leadership, commitment to their
students and staff, service to their communities and contributions to the profession, including their professional associations.
Cristi Parsons
Hallsville ISD
“Cristi Parsons is an outstanding leader who positively impacts the
lives of both students and teachers...She fully understands the impact
teachers make on the lives of students and has committed herself to
being a catalyst who drives positive change and continual improvement on the campus she serves.”
-Paula Rogers, Deputy Superintendent, Hallsville ISD
National Distinguished Principal Finalists
Maureen Adams
Killeen ISD
Rosa Chavez-Avedician
Socorro ISD
Jackie Gorena
Irving ISD
Alma Guzman
Georgetown ISD
Anna Koenig
Frisco ISD
Mary Longloy, Ph.D.
North East ISD
Susannah O’Bara
Denton ISD
Gloria Price
Alief ISD
Jaimie Smith
Birdville ISD
Dolores Treviño
Brazosport ISD
Texas’ NDP program is sponsored by TEPSA. The award is supported by Mentoring Minds.
TEPSA Summer Conference
National Assistant Principal of
the Year for Texas
Recognizing excellence in leadership, the National
Assistant Principal of the Year is produced in partnership with the National Association of Elementary
School Principals (NAESP).
Lindsey Lesniewski
Pasadena ISD
“Lindsey is a gift to the
world of education. She is
truly an amazing assistant
-Wendy Wiseburn, Principal, Frazier Elementary
The Texas’ National Assistant Principal of the Year
award is supported by Horace Mann.
H-E-B Excellence in
Education Principal
The H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards celebrate
public school professionals whose leadership and
dedication inspire a love of learning in all students.
Mike Walker
Houston ISD
In partnership with
Sandi Borden Tribute to
Texas Children Award
The Tribute to Texas Children recognizes an individual(s),
company or institution for outstanding service to Texas
education. In recognition of Executive Director Sandi
Borden’s long-standing dedication to Texas children, school
leaders and elementary education, and her 27 years of
service, the Executive Committee elected to rename this
award the Sandi Borden Tribute to Texas Children.
Judge F. Scott McCown
Director, Center for Public Policy
Called “the voice of the voiceless”
and “the conscience” of Texas politics
by Texas Monthly, F. Scott McCown
has long been an advocate for improving the economic
and social conditions of low- to moderate-income Texas
children and their families. As an expert on school finance
and child welfare, Scott’s steady refrain of equality for all
students has echoed throughout courtrooms and the halls
of the Capitol for more than two decades. From 19902002 he consistently ruled in favor of creating an equitable
school system for all Texas children as he presided as state
district judge over the school finance cases.
Past Honorees
2012: Representative Scott Hochberg and Northside ISD
Superintendent John Folks
2011: Susan Kellner
2009: Senator Judith Zaffirini and Representative Diane
2008: Mike Moses
2007: Carolyn Boyle
2006: H-E-B, Bill Ratliff and Sandi Borden
TEPSANs At-Large
The TEPSAN At-Large award recognizes TEPSA leaders who have given tremendous amounts of time and talent to TEPSA
and to the profession.
Pat Gilbert
Paris ISD
A TEPSA member since 1991, Pat
is the principal of Aikin Elementary in Paris ISD. She has 42 years
experience as an educator. Pat has
served as a TEPSA District President and Standing
Committee Chair and is a former National Distinguished Principal nominee.
Mitzi McAfee
Galveston ISD
A TEPSA member since 1997, Mitzi
has previously served as a TEPSA state
and district officer, including a term as
state president. Mitzi, a longtime educator, is the TIF Grant Coordinator in Galveston ISD and
current Chair of TEPSA’s Nomininating Committee.
TEPSA Summer Conference
District Assistant Principals of the Year
The TEPSA District Assistant Principal of the Year awards recognize assistant principals for their commitment to
student learning as evidenced by exceptional school leadership.
Carmen Ramos
San Benito CISD
District 1
Kurt Adams
Corpus Christi ISD
District 2
Landon Zamykal
Victoria ISD
District 3
Lindsey Lesniewski
Pasadena ISD
District 4
Amanda Hoffman
Bridge City ISD
District 5
Shannon Williams
Huntsville ISD
District 6
Susan Finch
Lindale ISD
District 7
Kristi Callihan
Paris ISD
District 8
Lori Heskett
Wichita Falls ISD
District 9
Jodi Davis
Frisco ISD
District 10
Nakita Brewer
Fort Worth ISD
District 11
Lynne Brock
Killeen ISD
District 12
Alisa Niemeyer
La Grange ISD
District 13
RaDonna Burleson
Cisco ISD
District 14
Tara Byrd-Flora
San Angelo ISD
District 15
Jerry Ulibarri
Canyon ISD
District 16
Barbara Elliott
Lubbock ISD
District 17
Becky Phillips
Ector County ISD
District 18
Cain Castillo
Clint ISD
District 19
Kelly Mantle
Northside ISD
District 20
TEPSA Summer Conference
District TEPSANS of the Year
The District TEPSANs of the Year award recognizes members for outstanding dedication and service to TEPSA.
Lou Ann Sarachene
McAllen ISD
District 1
Jim Brannigan
Odem-Edroy ISD
District 2
Dianne Juroske
Industrial ISD
District 3
Lorie Morris
Pasadena ISD
District 4
Dianne Timberlake
Hardin-Jefferson ISD
District 5
Natalie Jones
Bellville ISD
District 6
David Sauer
Mineola ISD
District 7
Renee Elmore
Paris ISD
District 8
Gail Anderson
Wichita Falls ISD
District 9
Katiuska Herrador
Irving ISD
District 10
Shelly Mayer
Fort Worth ISD
District 11
Brenda Hight
Killeen ISD
District 12
Duane Trujillo
New Braunfels ISD
District 13
Andy Blessing
Abilene ISD
District 14
Michael Cofresi
Bangs ISD
District 15
Reagan Oles
Claude ISD
District 16
Greg Brown
Plainview ISD
District 17
Blake Andrews
Iraan-Sheffield ISD
District 18
Leslie Thomas
Socorro ISD
District 19
Veronica Arteaga, Ph.D.
Northside ISD
District 20
TEPSA Summer Conference
Texas Schools of Character
Developed by the Character Education Partnership (CEP), the State Schools of
Character (SSOC) award recognizes schools and districts that have developed an
outstanding character education initiative.
State and National Schools of Character
Kelly Mooney
Kimmie Etheredge
State Schools of Character
Mida Milligan, Ed.D.
Ron Myers, Ph.D.
TEPSA Summer Conference
2011-2012 Student Council Excellence Awards
The American Student Council Association, in conjunction with NAESP, recognizes student councils across the
nation for making a difference in their schools and communities.
The numbers in parenthesis are the numbers of years the school has received the award.
Ann Whitney Elementary (2)
Hamilton ISD
Principal: Jennifer Zschiesche
Advisor: Jennifer Whitehead
Beasley Elementary (1)
Lamar Consolidated ISD
Principal: Doris Goates
Advisors: LeAnn Pelley,
Jocelyn Payne
Bee Cave Elementary (1)
Lake Travis ISD
Principal: Janie Braxdale
Advisors: Kelly Bender,
Kristi Nordstrom
Bledsoe Elementary (2)
Frisco ISD
Principal: Beverly Woodson
Advisors: Aurora DeSantiago, Leah Douthit, Tanya
Buda Elementary (1)
Principal: Charla Salmeron
Advisors: Deniese Harvey,
Cynthia Farest
Camey Elementary (1)
Lewisville ISD
Principal: Livia Callahan
Advisors: Laura Norton,
Keri Alvarez, Rebecca Story
Dickinson Elementary (3)
Lamar Consolidated ISD
Principal: Karen Mumphord
Advisors: Janet Marlow,
Kathryn Reaves, Laura Bates
Donna Wernecke Elementary (3)
Sharyland ISD
Principal: Karen Meadors
Advisor: Cindy Liljedahl
E. C. Mason (1)
Alvin ISD
Principal: Fulvia Shaw
Advisors: Heather Villaloboz, Mandy Allison, Jennifer
Elaine Schlather Intermediate (1)
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal ISD
Principal: Marie Riley
Advisors: Carolyn McClain,
Katie Masteller, Joel Cunningham, Paula Helm
Eubanks Intermediate (2)
Carroll ISD
Principal: Mark Terry
Advisors: Katie Bonnette,
Lisa Gilbert
Fanny Finch Elementary (2)
McKinney ISD
Principal: Becki Huffman
Advisor: Jacquelin Shepherd
Carnahan Elementary (1)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Lisa Turner
Advisors: Melisa Martinez,
Kimberly Shea
Fields Store Elementary (3)
Waller ISD
Principal: Claudia Mordecai
Advisors: Todd Nesloney,
Leisha Alexander
Carson Elementary (2)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Vickie Tschirhart
Advisors: Candice Esquivel,
Steven Dilling, Cindy Craven
Flores Elementary (1)
Uvalde CISD
Principal: Joshua King
Advisors: Jamie Foutz,
Andrea Williams, Jessica
Cedar Valley Elementary (4)
Killeen ISD
Principal: Janice Peronto
Advisors: Brandi Carroll,
Alisha Graham
Cesar Chavez Elementary (1)
Little Elm ISD
Principal: John Lowman
Advisor: Susan Leising
D. McRae Elementary (1)
Fort Worth ISD
Principal: Kendall Miller
Advisors: Patricia Garcia,
Eunice Granados
Forester Elementary (2)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Jeffrey Davenport
Advisors: Pauline Cornforth,
Betsy Aguilar, Jennifer
Eskew, Rita Salcedo, Lucille
Gomez, Naomi Flores
Giddings Intermediate (1)
Giddings ISD
Advisors: Julie Parker,
Dawn Biar
Hedgcoxe Elementary (5)
Plano ISD
Principal: Kristi Graham
Advisor: Vickie Grayson
Henry Steubing Elementary (4)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Beverly Pantuso
Advisor: Anna Marie Dyas
James Bay Elementary (1)
Clear Creek ISD
Principal: Erin Tite
Advisors: Sharon Driscoll,
Kelly Boultinghouse, Laura
Jan Schiff Elementary (1)
Fort Bend ISD
Principal: Mary Brewster
Advisors: Tiffany Agina,
Ashley Rahaman, Cherie
Jo Ann Ford Elementary (2)
Georgetown ISD
Principal: Jennifer Mauldin
Advisor: Vanessa Aguillon
Kay Granger Elementary (1)
Northwest ISD
Principal: Kimmie Etheredge
Advisors: Aimee Andrews,
Joanna Espinoza
Knowlton Elementary (3)
Northside ISD
Principal: Gilbert Rios
Advisor: Jamal Hasty
McClure Elementary (1)
McKinney ISD
Principal: Melanie Raleeh
Advisors: Krisi Stokan, Kim
Meyer Elementary (2)
Lamar Consolidated ISD
Principal: Lisa McKey
Advisors: Judy Fang, Linda
Mockingbird Elementary (1)
Coppell ISD
Principal: Pam Mitchell
Advisor: Lauri McKay
Monroe May Elementary (2)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Sandra Bonnett
Advisors: Linsay Humphrey,
Gabriela Muzquiz
Natha Howell Elementary (1)
Fort Worth ISD
Principal: Monica Granados
Advisor: Stella Herrera
Newport Elementary (2)
Crosby ISD
Principal: Christy Covan
Advisors: Gayla Haas, Kim
Nolanville Elementary (8)
Killeen ISD
Principal: Gabriela Morgan
Advisor: Lupe Brabo
Lake Pointe Elementary (1)
Lake Travis ISD
Principal: Heidi Gudelman
Advisor: Janet Bales
O’Connor Magnet Elementary (1),
Victoria ISD
Principal: Jill Lau
Advisors: James Garcia,
Pam Trenck
Leon Sablatura Middle School
(2), Pearland ISD
Principal: Lisa Nixon
Advisors: Lauren Hobbs,
Carolyn Gleitz
Plum Creek Elementary (2)
Lockhart ISD
Principal: Evangelina Orta
Advisors: Veronica Hernandez, Abigail Brown
Leon Springs Elementary (2)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Kathy Dodge-Clay
Advisors: Taelor Brown
Connie Landry, Amy
Shipman, Joy Ulcak
Popham Elementary (3)
Del Valle ISD
Principal: Joyce Bannerot
Advisor: Deborah Martinez
Malvern Elementary (1)
McKinney ISD
Principal: Sandra Barber
Advisors: Elizabeth Knott,
Karen Manicom, Pamela
Randolph Elementary (3)
Randolph Field ISD
Principal: Allana Hemenway
Advisors: Heather Jost,
Allison Harley
Listing continued on page 14.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Student Council Excellence Awards Continued
Raul Fernandez Elementary (1)
Northside ISD, San Antonio
Principal: Michella Wheat
Advisors: Maxine Bratton,
Valerie Adame
Red Sands Elementary (1)
Clint ISD
Principal: Michael Mackeben
Advisor: Michelle Morales
Reuben Johnson Elementary (3)
McKinney ISD
Principal: Suzy Woodard
Advisors: Marie Hayes, Michael Dey
Richard Cavazos Elementary (1)
Killeen ISD
Principal: Joseph Gullekson
Advisors: Lynda Roberts, Cheryl
White, Patricia Dickinson
Royalwood Elementary (1)
Sheldon ISD
Principal: Kristi Amarantos
Advisor: Heather Fingleman
Ruben Chavira Elementary (2)
San Felipe Del Rio CISD
Principal: Sandra Hernandez
Advisors: Patricia Benavidez,
Noemi Quintero, Marta E.
Galindo, Rubi Martinez, Luisa
Zaragoza, Cindy Martinez, Nancy
Dela Rosa, Crystal Cardenas,
Veronica Arredondo, Judy
San Felipe Memorial Middle (1)
San Felipe-Del Rio CISD
Principal: Pablo Ramos, Jr.
Advisors: Belma Fernandez,
Melissa Limon, Delia Vallejo,
Valerie Cardenas, Liliana Sandoval
Schorlemmer Elementary (1)
Victoria ISD
Principal: Lynn Guerra
Advisors: Kelly Gabrysch, Ticia
Wertman, Yolando Medrano
Serene Hills Elementary (1)
Lake Travis ISD
Principal: Allison Cobb
Advisors: Christina Paci,
Colleen Hite
Shields Magnet Elementary (2)
Victoria ISD
Principal: Armando Villareal
Advisors: Celia Mendoza, Leticia
Cantu, Martha Ramos
Stafford Elementary (1)
Stafford Municipal School District
Principal: Benterah Martin
Advisor: Linda Mankin
First General Session
1-2:30pm | Grand Ballroom
Terrell Elementary (1)
Fort Worth ISD
Principal: Raven Brown
Advisors: Camille Henderson,
Toyshell Jackson
The Meadows Elementary (2)
DeSoto ISD
Principal: Teresa Angeles
Advisors: Linda Marshall,
Kelvin Bradford
Tom Hicks Elementary (1)
Lewisville ISD
Principal: Curtis Martin
Advisors: Brooke Stenson,
Jenny Rowley, Mike Zaleski
Turlington Elementary (1)
Waller ISD
Principal: Mindy Peper
Advisor: Monica Wilson
Valley Creek Elementary (2)
McKinney ISD
Principal: Amber Epperson
Advisors: Maren Hall, Sarah
W. B. Travis Elementary (1)
Mercedes ISD
Principal: Pearl Guerrero
Advisors: Diana Sosa, Ernestina
Roque, Guadalupe Guerrero
Wakefield Elementary (2)
Sherman ISD
Principal: Tammy Hutchins
Advisors: Priscilla Shaner,
Melody Peters
West Columbia Elementary (1)
Columbia-Brazoria ISD
Principal: Katie Humbird
Advisors: Nicole Thrasher,
Michelle Lara
Young Women’s Academy (2)
Fort Worth ISD
Principal: Mia Hall
Advisor: Samantha Keaton
Capture and Inspire All Learners
Stephen Peters, CEO/President, The Peters Group
Learn how to ensure that all students have an
opportunity to learn and take their rightful place in the
world. Peters is founder of a nationally recognized
program which provides options for thousands of
at-risk students throughout the country.
Scot Clayton
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance
Belinda Neal
Introductions and Recognitions
Scot Clayton
Commissioner of Education Michael L. Williams
Sandi Borden Tribute to Texas Children
Award Presentation
Scot Clayton
Speaker Introduction
Trey Hund and Ethan Vacula*
Keynote Address
Stephen Peters
Stephen Peters will sign copies of his book in the
NAESP Bookstore at 2:30pm.
Thank you
for sponsoring
Stephen Peters
*Trey and Ethan are fifth-graders at
Elsa England Elementary in Round Rock ISD.
Their principal is Jana Stowe, and their assistant
principal is Katrina Bailey.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Second General Session
Third General Session
10-11:30am | Grand Ballroom
10:30am-Noon | Grand Ballroom
Have You Shifted Your Monkey Today?
Advancing Literacy Through Love...and a
Bedtime Story
Todd Whitaker, Ph.D., Professor and Author
One of the nation’s leading authorities on staff
motivation, teacher leadership, and principal
effectiveness Whitaker shares insight from his latest book,
Shifting the Monkey. Discover how to
reinvigorate your staff and transform your organization.
Genevieve Piturro, Founder/Executive Director,
The Pajama Program
Learn how a small gesture lead to Piturro’s life purpose and
inspired her to create the Pajama Program which has provided
more than 2 million books and pajamas to America’s neediest
children—many of whom are waiting or hoping for adoption.
Scot Clayton
Scot Clayton
Recognition of Texas’
National Distinguised Principal
Mary Johnston
Transition of Officers
Scot Clayton
Speaker Introduction
Abigail de la Rosa and Adrie Niemeyer*
Keynote Address
Todd Whitaker
Todd Whitaker will sign copies of his book in the
NAESP Bookstore at 11:30am.
Installation of Officers
Marjetta Spriggs
Speaker Introduction
Brayden and Britton Bennett*
Keynote Address
Genevieve Piturro
Thank you
Furniture & Equipment for
Thank you
for sponsoring
Todd Whitaker
• Dozens of
to 18"
in a
*Abigail is a third-grader
is achairs
rainbow of colors
Hermes Elementary in La Grange ISD. Their principal is
Adjustable height desks and tables
Stacy Eilers, and •their
assistant principal is Alisa Niemeyer.
• Lockers and tote-tray storage units
• Teaching easels and art centers
• Hundreds of other products
For more information on Virco products,
call us today at 800-813-4150 or visit
for sponsoring Genevieve Piturro
Please drop off donations to the local Pajama Program at
the TEPSA Information Central booth in the Atrium.
*Brayden is a sixth-grader at Huntsville Intermediate in
ZUMAprincipal is Ivan Velasco, and his assistant
Huntsville ISD.10”His
principals are Kerri Thorp and Trey Watson. Britton is a
second-grader at Samuel W. Houston Elementary in
Huntsville ISD. His principal is Stacy Bennett, and his
assistant principal is Susan Cryer.
Ref# 07058
TEPSA Summer Conference
Session Strands
Read session descriptions, pages 6-30.
Advanced Leaders
Sessions marked A are geared to veteran leaders who
continue to hone their skills.
Assessment and Accountability
All things assessment and accountability are noted A2.
Beginning Administrator
Sessions targeted to new and aspiring administrators
are marked B.
Sessions noted E shine the spotlight on educational
products and services offered by partners and
Featured Speaker
Education experts share indepth learning during
sessions marked .
The latest education law updates are provided during
sessions coded L.
Middle Level
Sessions with a special focus on grades 4-8 are noted
with an M.
Recorded for Live Learning Center
Look for the R for sessions that will be recorded and
available in the Live Learning Center after the conference. Access to the Live Learning Center is free
for conference attendees.
State Update/Texas Education Agency (TEA)
The latest updates on a variety of issues from TEA
and other state agencies are noted S.
Discover new tools and brush up on your tech skills.
Look for sessions marked T.
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
2A. Teaching Social Skills for Success!
Brazos | Curriculum Planning | A
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the capacity to
recognize and manage emotions, solve problems effectively, and establish positive relationships with others.
These competencies are essential for all students and for
the future workforce. Similar to the way students learn
all other academic skills, they must learn, practice, and
apply SEL skills by engaging in positive activities in and
out of the classroom. Learn how to effectively begin an
SEL program for your campus or district!
Melissa Chavez, Executive Director, UT Elementary
Charter School; [email protected]
2B. Nikki’s Work-It Classroom Management System
Bosque | Curriculum Planning | E
Nikki’s Work-It is an inexpensive, easily implemented,
classroom management system that will help raise state
accountability ratings by maximizing student/teacher
on-task time, drastically lower student office referrals
for minor infractions, and reduce administration stress
levels to allow for your school’s greater success.
Nikki Bitzer, Nikki’s Work-It; [email protected]
Visit Teacher TidBitz/Nikki’s Work-It in the Exhibit Hall, booth #612.
2C. STAAR Success in One Year!
Concho | Curriculum Planning | E
Learn from a principal how the Forde-Ferrier Mastery
Learning Program has helped students and teachers at his
campus through the development of new instructional
strategies and student intervention plans designed to
address the rigor and depth needed to master the TEKS.
Campuses using these plans, based on critical thinking
strategies, have experienced high levels of success on
STAAR in the very first year of implementation. One attendee will win a special prize courtesy of Forde-Ferrier.
Cody Miller, Principal, Southwest ISD
Visit Forde Ferrier in the Exhibit Hall, booths # 309, 311, 313, 315.
2D. HEARTsmart Relationships:
Connecting the Classroom to Home in a CLICK!
Frio | Organizational Leadership | E
Using the acronym HEART, we offer a principle-based
framework to create a campuswide culture of positive behavior. Our interactive technology is used by teachers and
students to nurture relationships, and communicate individual behavior celebrations and/or concerns to parents
at home all in the same day. This technology also allows
teachers and administrators the benefit of collecting data
concerning positive behavior on their campus.
Stephanie Elkins, 806 Technologies;
[email protected]
Visit 806 Technologies in Atrium 13.
2E. Leading Instructional Change Through PBL
Nueces | Instructional Leadership
Learn how to lead instructional change through project-based learning. Understand strategies for effective
planning and implementation of the PBL instructional
model. Explore a variety of PreK-5 PBL projects and
discuss technology tools and applications that can be
seamlessly integrated for facilitators and learners.
Cynthia Arterbery, Principal; Lorie Squalls, Assistant Principal; April Owen, Katie Kennedy, Teachers, Coppell ISD;
[email protected]
2F. 1:1 iPad Initiative - Lessons Learned
Trinity A | Instructional Leadership | T
We’ll share lessons learned during our 1:1 iPad implementation. Discover some of the obstacles we did not
even realize were present, and some of the great surprises that came from this new endeavor.
Shannon McClure, Assistant Principal, Eanes ISD; Chad
Teague and Jessica Brown; [email protected]
2G. The Bullying Stops Here!
Trinity B | Campus Culture
Explore one school’s proactive approach to face bullying issues head-on through modern mediums such as
music, dance, morale boosting, and social awareness.
Learn innovative strategies and techniques to transform
any campus. Discover how this group of teachers and
students have come together as a collective unit and let
their communities know that the bullying stops here!
Kimberly Conyers, Principal; Tiffany Smith, Special
Programs Coordinator, Plemons-Stinnett-Phillips CISD;
[email protected]
3A. Patterns Emerge: Now That You Know, What Do You Do?
Ballroom A | Curriculum Planning | R
We now have two years of STAAR data and patterns are
emerging. Explore those patterns, changes in the rules,
and tools such as quintiles and SE reports to focus your
leadership. Leave with a yearlong leadership framework.
Ervin Knezek, Founder and Chief Education Officer,
lead4ward; [email protected]
3B. BYOD Successfully? Srsly!
Brazos | Organizational Leadership | TR
Many schools are adventuring into the land of Bring
Your Own Device, where the use of mobile devices allows us to engage students, embark on new learning,
and energize classrooms. Engage with implementation
strategies for using iOS and other mobile devices for all
grade levels and curriculum areas. Discover leadership
considerations, instructional best practices, and classroom management strategies. Be prepared to embrace
mobile devices already in the hands of students and turn
them into learning on the go!
Helen Mowers, 21st Century Learning Specialist, and Anna
Adam, Campus Instructional Technologist, Killeen ISD;
[email protected]
3C. Using Technology to Transform Classroom Instruction
and Increase Student Achievement
Bosque | Instructional Leadership | E
Learn how research-based instruction, strategic first-language support, detailed reports and more are impacting
the academic success of students. Transform instruction,
increase student achievement and get students excited
about language and literacy. Imagine, learning made easy!
Tammy Rogers, Imagine Learning; [email protected]
Visit Imagine Learning in the Exhibit Hall, booth #418.
3D. Conscious Discipline: Creating the School Family
Frio | Campus Culture | BR
Learn the tenets of conscious discipline including composure, encouragement, assertiveness, choices, positive
intent, empathy, and consequences. Examine your own
practice and begin reframing how we communicate and
model appropriate behavior with children. Practice the
skills of using two positive choices and noticing, as well
as establishing classroom routines and rituals.
Scott Wille, Child Development Center Director; Gail
Davis, Center Coordinator, Del Valle ISD and Maria
Nevarez-Solis, Instructional Coordinator, Houston ISD;
[email protected]
3E. Raising Readers
Guadalupe | Curriculum Planning | E
Raising a reader is not a simple task, but it is one of the
most important tasks we have as educators and parents.
Discover ideas for communicating with parents regarding
kindergarten readiness and take a proactive approach to
helping parents raise readers in every home in our nation.
Anne Lee, VP of Program Development; Marsha Thauwald,
Education Consultant, Scholastic Book Fairs; Lariza Liner,
Principal, Irving ISD; [email protected]
Visit Scholatic Book Fairs in the Atrium Bookstore.
TEPSA Summer Conference
2:45-3:45pm Continued
3F. Build a Strong Creative Collaborative
Culture Within Your School
San Marcos | Campus Culture | AR
Truly successful schools incorporate collaboration at
many levels: among students; among faculty; between
educators, parents and students; and between the school
and the broader community. Learn how to assess and
develop a strong creative collaborative culture.
3I. Are Your 5th Graders Science Stars?
San Saba | Curriculum Planning | E
Are you looking for an interactive and engaging way
to prepare your 5th graders for STAAR? These daily
interactive white board flip charts use critical thinking
questioning and visual representations to cover all the
3rd-5th grade tested TEKS including the science processes, tools, and lab safety.
3G. TEA Talks the New Math TEKS: Tips and Tools for K-8
Pecos | Curriculum Planning | S
Explore resources clarifying what stayed, moved and is new
to each grade level in the new math TEKS. Discover free
resources to support your teachers as we transition including a gap analysis and opportunities in the time preceding
implementation, activities and videos on the Project Share
Gateway, and PD face-to-face and online modules.
3J. Teaching to Your Students’ Brains…Secrets You
Should Know!
Glass Oaks | Organizational Leadership | R
The key to great instruction and classroom management is
understanding the student brain and becoming masterful
at teaching to its natural learning system. Acquire a toolkit
of proven brain-based teaching and learning techniques
and the why behind them in order to create a dramatic
shift in student engagement and learning in your school.
Andrea Luna, Teacher; Kimberly Buskirk, Fine Arts
Specialist, Pasadena ISD; Barb Reinke, Crayola Education
Marketing Manager Central Region, Crayola;
[email protected]
Sharon Benson, Director, Mathematics Solutions; Shelley
Bolen-Abbott, Education Specialist, Region 4 ESC; Jo Ann
Bilderback, Math/Science Content Specialist, Texas Education Agency; [email protected]
3H. Raise the Rigor: Getting the Skinny on Fat Questioning!
Trinity B | Curriculum Planning | MR
Help teachers connect the SE to a lesson with greater
depth and complexity. Learn how the level of questioning in a lesson can raise the rigor. Explore different ways
to collect data and create meaningful lessons for students while aligning with state expectations.
Jeanne Hinerman, Teacher, and Courtney Ridlehuber,
Teacher, Mansfield ISD; [email protected]
Help us go green! Rate sessions during
the conference at http://bit.ly/tepsa13.
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
Angela Helms, Star Point Learning;
[email protected]
Visit Star Point Learning in the Exhibit Hall, booth #720.
Christian Rauch, Senior Instructor, Quantum Learning;
[email protected]
4A. Assessment: How Do We Know They’re Learning?
Ballroom B | Instructional Leadership | 
It stands to reason that if students are not learning the
way we are teaching them, then we must teach them the
way they learn! Discover a variety of ways to determine
if teaching strategies are making a difference in student
achievement in your classroom. Gain knowledge about
traditional and more authentic forms of assessment
since both forms should be included in a student’s overall portfolio that highlights their learning.
Marcia Tate, Speaker and Author, Developing Minds;
[email protected]
4B. Data-Driven Instruction
Wedgwood | Human Resources | 
The effective use of during-the-year assessment data is one
of the most powerful tools for improving teaching and
closing the achievement gap. But many schools are implementing formative/interim/periodic/benchmark assessments in ways that are not effective. Learn to analyze the
key variables, draw a distinction between on-the-spot and
interim assessments, and how each can be implemented.
The interaction of teacher teams and school leaders in the
data-driven process will also be discussed.
Kim Marshall, Education Expert and Writer, The Marshall
Memo; [email protected]
4C. We’re Full of It...Character, That Is!
Concho | Values and Ethics | R
Learn to use the Character Education Partnership’s 11
Principles of Character as a framework to create a State
School of Character. If you already have an outstanding character education program, find out how to get
recognized. Lessons learned as well as ideas and pointers
about how best to complete the application for the State
Schools of Character Award will be shared.
Pam Mitchell, Principal, Coppell ISD; Kimmie Etheredge,
Principal, Northwest ISD; [email protected]
4D. Leading Change: Getting in Front of It
Nueces | Organizational Leadership
Change is constant! Knowing how to effectively guide
your school through change is critical. Determine how
to create broad-based action within your organization.
Plan to create and celebrate short-term wins. Learn ways
to anchor the change within the culture.
Brian Brandt, Mentoring Minds; [email protected]
4E. Shift Happens: Transition from Traditional Grading
Policy to Standards-Based Grading Practice
San Antonio | Campus Culture | A2 R
This campus case study provides insight, experiences, data and direction for school leaders exploring
Standards-Based Grading in their schools. Mabank ISD
began transition from traditional grading practices in
2009 towards Standards-Based Grading practices in an
effort to better align student grades, formative feedback,
summative assessment, and standardized assessment.
Darin Jolly, Principal; Barbie Bolin, Associate Principal;
Amy Teague, Assistant Principal, Mabank ISD;
[email protected]
4F. Student Success with Texas SUCCESS
Sabine | Curriculum Planning | MR
Learn about two free interactive electronic resources
available through Texas SUCCESS (Istation Reading
and Think Through Math) that will support student
growth in the critical SSI areas of reading and math.
Discuss best practices for implementation of these electronic resources in your classrooms. Texas SUCCESS,
part of the Project Share initiative, is state funded and
free for public school students in grades 3-8.
Leslie Barrett, Specialist, Region 13 ESC;
[email protected]
4G. Upgrade Day: Reteach and Enrich While Students Up
Their Grades in the Process!
Trinity A | Instructional Leadership | R
Explore the possibilities through one campus’ innovative ideas that will decrease teacher “overload” of lesson
plans, reteaching, RtI documentation, intervention,
tutoring, and much more! Discover strategies that can
maximize the school day by using data and reteach
lessons that are effective, but not overwhelming. Learn
techniques that help students master skills and “up their
grades” at the same time!
Kenda Willingham, Principal; Angela Stovall, Assistant
Principal; Teresa Nash, Classroom Teacher, Garland ISD;
[email protected]
Legislative Update from the 83rd Session
Ballroom A | Values and Ethics | 
TEPSA Executive Director-Elect Harley Eckhart shares
critical information from the 83rd Texas Legislative Session. Find out what bills passed that will affect education
and what changes are heading your way.
5A. SHIFT Gears, MOVE Forward:
PLCs in Small Schools? YES You Can!
Bosque | Campus Culture | A2 R
A school year is truly a journey taken in PLC world.
Learn how to reach your destination: student success.
Small schools have particular challenges to create and
maintain a PLC, but it can be done. Discover how students
and staff can arrive at the desired destination: STAAR
ready. Find new ways to shift your campus into gear!
Amanda Jackson, Principal; Tammy McWilliams, Principal; Janina Savala, Assistant Principal, Crockett County
CCSD; [email protected]
5B. Action Science:
It’s Not What You Teach, But How You Teach It!
Concho | Curriculum Planning | E
Put research-based practices to work in your school to
improve current teaching practices and create mindson learning environments. Deepen understanding and
improve content retention with strategies and activities
that promote critical thinking. Leave with ideas to create
meaningful, extraordinary science activities that teach
content through the science process TEKS. A class set of
Motivation Science will be given away during the session!
Karen Lane, Science Specialist, Mentoring Minds
Visit Mentoring Minds in Atrium 22, Foyer 3, 4 and in the
Exhibit Hall, booths #200-203, 300.
TEPSA Summer Conference
8-9am Continued
5C. Take the Problem out of Problem Solving for
Students and Teachers
Guadalupe | Curriculum Planning | E
Experience and walk through the new Process Standards
from the revised new TEKS and discover strategies and
ideas to take the problem out of problem solving situations that students may encounter on the new STAAR
assessment. Acquire strategies, hands-on and print
resources, and visual models for implementing the new
Process Standards for problem solving. Learn how the
new Process Standards stress the importance of strong
problem-solving and reasoning abilities to develop conceptual understanding.
Sam Armstrong, Pearson; [email protected]
Visit Pearson in the Exhibit Hall, booths #501, 600.
5D. iLearn...iBelieve...weSucceed
San Marcos | Instructional Leadership | TR
iLearn...iBelieve...weSucceed with instructional technology in the elementary classroom! Learn how to integrate
instructional technology into the curriculum utilizing
1:1 iPads in the classroom and lead by example by flipping staff development! Leave inspired to implement
instructional technology on your campus.
Holly Grubbs, Principal; Michelle Borden, Teacher; Katy
Coffey, Teacher, Mesquite ISD; [email protected]
5E. Igniting Young Minds through Optimum Learning
Pecos | Campus Culture | MR
Imagine a school environment that supports exploring, taking risks, problem solving, creating, and communicating as a part of a student’s every day learning
experience. Discover how you can shift the mindset of a
campus and help develop teachers to become a culture
of learners who utilize technology integration, provide
student choice in learning and implement the importance of career pathways for future learners.
Angie Brooks Applegate, Principal; Shannon Edwards, Assistant Principal, Coppell ISD; [email protected]
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
5F. Policy Matters! A Primer for Principals
Trinity B | Organizational Leadership | R
Learn to take the mystery out of policy from a former
principal who now works for TASB as a policy consultant. Investigate important legal and local policy requirements that the job demands daily. Walk away with
a better understanding of how policy affects your job
and tools to make life as an administrator less hectic.
Tammy Jordan, Policy Consultant, Texas Association of
School Boards; [email protected]
6A. Rigor for Students with Special Needs
Wedgwood | Curriculum Planning | R
Are your students with special needs struggling with
more rigorous standards? Are your teachers looking for
strategies to support students with learning disabilities?
Discover key instructional strategies to support your students with special needs in a climate of increased rigor.
Barbara Blackburn, Education Author and Consultant;
Blackburn Consulting Group; [email protected]
6B. Texas Student Data System:
What’s the Latest and How to Get Involved
Brazos | Curriculum Planning | S
The Texas Student Data System (TSDS) is currently live in
limited production release for several districts and TEA has
engaged with LEAs across the state of Texas to join an early
adoption program. Designed to transform and reduce burden during the data entry and analysis experience, TSDS
will soon be available for every educator, providing timely,
actionable data to improve student achievement. Get an
update on progress, preview the current work, learn how
you can get involved and prepare for TSDS.
Robert Durón, Deputy Commissioner of Finance and Administrations; Melody Parrish, Director - Statewide Education Data System; Sharon Gaston, Texas Education Agency;
[email protected]
6C. Leadership Synergy:
Conquering Confusion through Collaboration
Frio | Campus Culture | AR
Learn the importance of valuing and rewarding collaborative team efforts as we shift our thinking from
individual motivation and awards to successful group
thinking and collaboration.
Todd Kunders, Principal, Killeen ISD; Troy Galow, Deputy
Superintendent, Pflugerville ISD; Craig Hammonds, Director, Principal Program, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor;
[email protected]
6D. The Power of the Booktalk:
Creating a Schoolwide Reading Culture
Nueces | Instructional Leadership | E
Book choice is extremely important to students as they
develop into critical and engaged readers. Book talks
introduce and entice even reluctant readers to try new fiction and nonfiction books! Learn to incorporate book talks
and book trailers into your annual independent reading
plans and watch your students’ excitement for reading
grow when they share book talks with each other, and truly
become members of a schoolwide reading culture.
Marsha Thauwald, Education Consultant, Scholastic
Book Fairs; Elizabeth Hostin, Principal, Mansfield ISD;
Becca Bell, Director of General Education, Region 12 ESC;
[email protected]
Visit Scholastic Book Fairs in the Atrium Bookstore.
6E. Documentation Dos and Don’ts
San Antonio | Values and Ethics | LR
Get an overview of the most important issues to remember for employee documentation from a legal perspective. Review timelines, processes and content that
should and should not be a part of employee evaluation.
Kevin Lungwitz, Attorney, Lungwitz and Lungwitz, PC;
[email protected]
6F. You Can’t Do It All
Sabine | Instructional Leadership | BR
So you are a new administrator? Learn instructional
leader best practices and strategies. Walk away feeling
confident in taking the reins of your new campus, making
every decision based on clear, concise, targeted goals.
Wendy Hudson, Coordinator of Professional Development;
Melissa Bahnmiller, Elementary ELAR Coordinator, Frisco
ISD; [email protected]
6G. How to Build a Strong Campus Climate Beyond the
Games and the Food
Trinity A | Campus Culture | R
You’ve played the games, celebrated the special occasions,
fed them, and yet your climate is not where you want it
to be. Learn the deeper meaning of campus climate. Gain
strategies from a campus who has consistently gained
high scores through a research based climate instrument.
Tammy Rebecek, Principal; Staci Cordell, Assistant
Principal, Pflugerville ISD; [email protected]
6H. Switching and Swapping and Changing, Oh My!
Departmentalizing the Primary Grades
San Saba | Instructional Leadership | R
Learn from a primary campus’ experience with departmentalization and specialized teaching at the early grade
levels. Our campus’ journey has led to higher academic
performance, a rise in positive behavior interactions,
and increased student independence.
Jennifer Driver, Principal; Tim Goetze, Assistant Principal,
Venus ISD; [email protected]
6I. Managing the Media Minefield
Glass Oaks | Communication | A
Conducting a successful interview with a reporter or serving as a spokesperson during a crisis can be a daunting
challenge in today’s media environment. However, with
an awareness of things that can go wrong, you can gain
control and successfully navigate your way through this
challenging situation. Learn tips and techniques that The
Ammerman Experience uses to help thousands of today’s
top communicators stay at the front of the pack.
Terri Ammerman, President and CEO; Trace Saylor,
Seminar Operations Associate, The Ammerman
Experience; [email protected]
7A. Rigorous Schools and Classrooms: Five Tools for Leaders
Ballroom A | Instructional Leadership | R
What does instructional rigor look like? How can you help
your teachers increase rigor in their classrooms? Learn five
practical tools related to school culture to help you lead an
environment of increased rigor in the classroom.
Barbara Blackburn, Education Author and Consultant,
Blackburn Consulting Group; [email protected]
7B. Going From Good to Great:
Get Started in Less Than 60 Minutes
Wedgwood | Campus Culture | BR
Create a system that allows you to look at every student
holistically. How could you possibly complete this task
successfully with long lasting results? The simple answer is
to create student data folders that include vital data, specific academic and behavior intervention documentation,
which would follow the student to the next grade level.
Creating a data-rich, data conscious culture makes the RtI
processes and data talks with both teachers and students
straightforward and simple, and can take campuses from
good to great.
Lolita Looney, Principal, Terrell ISD; Jason Miller, Principal, Cedar Hill ISD; Tarsha Lunkin, Assistant Principal,
Desoto ISD; [email protected]
TEPSA Summer Conference
1-2pm Continued
7C. Launching Literacy with Science Starters
Bosque | Curriculum Planning | E
Provide your teachers with training and tools that will
make a difference! Launching Literacy with Science
Starters provides professional development for K-5
teachers with easy-to-implement, best-practice training in simultaneously teaching reading and science. The
online, on-demand training is bundled with one year of
access to the award-winning Science Starters program.
Training includes strategies for RtI, ELL, after school
programs, cross-curricular instruction, and STAAR
remediation. Receive one month free access to the Elementary Science Starters in English and Spanish.
Kathy Reeves, Scientific Minds; [email protected]
Visit Scientific Minds in the Exhibit Hall, booth #413.
7D. Got Retirement? Where Will You Be in 20 Years?
Frio | Communication | E
Working on a comprehensive retirement strategy
should be addressed before you can make informed
decisions regarding retirement. Don’t underestimate the
importance of planning for your retirement in today’s
economy. We’re here to help you answer the following questions and more: How does my TRS retirement
system operate? Am I familiar with the TRS retirement
options and benefits? How will my present assets affect
my retirement options? Will my pension be enough to
get me through retirement? How will my pension check
compare with my paycheck? What are my lump sum
rollover options? What are the best options for me and
my family? How do my Social Security benefits impact
my decision?
Omarr and Paul Guerrero, Horace Mann;
[email protected]
Visit Horace Mann in Atrium 19 and Foyer 7, 8.
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
7E. Making Campus Planning Real
Nueces | Instructional Leadership | R
Rather than writing a campus plan and placing it on a
shelf, discover how to engage your faculty in meaningful
campus planning that is collaborative, reflective, engaging and energizing. Following the development of the
plan, a system of monitoring the key actions will ensure
mutual accountability for living the plan. This process
will move schools closer to fulfilling their missions.
Susan Peery, Principal, North East ISD; [email protected]
7F. How to Conquer Tasks and Structure Success
San Marcos | Organizational Leadership | BR
Maximize your day through the use of time-saving strategies and targeted planning. Discover proven resources
for coaching new teachers, organizing a strategic planning retreat, using prepared timelines and checklists,
and other suggestions to provide you more time to
spend on instructional leadership.
Barbara Skeeters, Retired Principal, Author and Consultant; Susan Lumley, Principal/Author, Santa Fe ISD;
[email protected]
7G. ABC’s of School Reform (Autonomy, Building Trusting
Relationships, Capacity)
Pecos | Organizational Leadership | AR
Today’s leaders must have the capability of changing
outdated beliefs and practices within our organizations
to transform them from within. Gain strategies and tools
to create sustainable relationships in order to build trust
with followers; focus not only on the whole but what motivates individuals and maintain clear sustainable vision,
reflective mindset and collaborative decision making to
build a culture for successful 21st century learners.
Laurie Tinsley, Principal, Frisco ISD; Mary Webb, Principal, Frisco ISD; [email protected]
7H. Creating a Balanced Math Program to Improve
Instruction and Rigor
Trinity B | Curriculum Planning | A2 R
Identify power standards in math and implement
balanced literacy components in your current math
program with the purpose of increasing depth and complexity of learning in mathematical instruction.
Laura Creamer, Assistant Principal, Aledo ISD; Donna
Bagwell, Retired Administrator; [email protected]
8A. TEA Curriculum Update
Ballroom B | Curriculum Planning | S
Get updates on the latest general curriculum developments from the Curriculum Division at TEA including
the status of review and revision of the Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), recent action taken by
the State Board of Education, and recent action taken by
the Texas Legislature related to curriculum.
Monica Martinez, Managing Director, Curriculum Division,
Texas Education Agency; [email protected]
8B. STAAR New Vision, Change
Brazos | Instructional Leadership | A2 R
With a shared vision, strong leadership and researchedbased activities, student success is definite. Learn how
to focus everyone towards the mastery of objectives
through the new vision in public education. Explore the
new digital environment, new standards, assessments
for learning, accountability for learning and organizational transformation to prepare students for success.
Irma Nurre, Principal; Frances Hester, Principal, Lamar
CISD; [email protected]
8C. STAARving for Simple Solutions?
Concho | Curriculum Planning | E
Is STAAR preparation leaving you STAARved for time,
STAARved for space and STAARved for sanity? Learn
simple solutions to stave your hunger. Feed your students’ minds with engaging visuals, activities and timesaving instructional tips. Acquire inexpensive ideas sure
to be gobbled right up by your students. A fine menu
of calorie friendly solutions sure to streamline your
STAARvation will be served! (Session not guaranteed to
assist in weight loss, hair loss and no chin-ups required.)
Sandra White, Lone Star Learning; [email protected]
Visit Lone Star Learning in the Exhibit Hall, booth #419.
8D. Leadership in Reading
Guadalupe | Curriculum Planning | E
Discover an instructional framework for reading that
couples direct instruction in reading strategies with
opportunities for all stakeholders to be involved in the
literacy initiatives on their campuses.
8E. Create a Culture Where Learning is Contagious
San Antonio | Campus Culture | BR
Catch the commitment where learning is contagious. Discover the secret to creating a cohesive team that is committed to and excited about student learning and success.
Kerri Brice, Principal; Staci Green, Assistant Principal;
Kelly Graff, Cindy Gooding, Marsha Babin, Colleen Rushing, Teachers, Hallsville ISD; [email protected]
8F. Real Secrets to Success: Strategies for a Rockin’ Campus
Sabine | Organizational Leadership | A2 R
Learn the secrets to successful leadership from a former
H-E-B Elementary Principal of the Year and National
Distinguished Principal Finalist. Explore quick strategies for formative assessment, affirmations, building
school climate, and more!
Billy Snow, Area Superintendent, Mansfield ISD;
[email protected]
8G. Get on Board the Energy Bus
Trinity A | Campus Culture | AR
In a positive school culture, the principal is not the only
driver of positive energy and change. Discuss tools and
strategies for developing teacher leaders and a positive
campus culture using Jon Gordon’s book, The Energy
Bus. Leave with tools you can use immediately for your
staff development plan to encourage, inspire and equip
your staff for greatness.
Sandra Duree, Assistant Superintendent; Barbara Ponder, Assistant Superintendent, Barbers Hill ISD; [email protected]
8H. TEPSA Leaders Wanted
San Saba | Human Resources | R
Want to be the leader of the pack? Then put on your
leather jacket and shades and cruise on over to learn
about the many opportunities available to collaborate
with Texas school leaders to better serve our students.
Whether you’re looking to be a local TEPSA district
officer, an ISD liaison, in the legislative network, a
committee member, conference volunteer or state
officer, we’ve got a spot for you!
Andra Penny, Principal, Coppell ISD; Mitzi McAfee, TIF
Coordinator, Galveston ISD; [email protected]
Marisela Annette Rodriguez, American Reading
Visit American Reading in the Exhibit Hall, booths #304, 306.
Special thanks to registration volunteers, session chairpersons, and Killeen
and New Braunfels ISDs for providing LCDs.
TEPSA Summer Conference
1:30-2:30pm Continued
8I. Reading in the Wild: Learning from Lifelong Readers
Glass Oaks | Instructional Leadership | R
Sponsored by Scholastic Book Fairs
Based on survey data from 900 adult readers and assessments from middle school students, discover characteristics of wild readers and methods that support students’
development into lifelong readers. Reflect on wild reading
characteristics, discuss the classroom, library, and home
conditions that foster wild reading, and examine high-interest texts and technology tools that engage young readers.
Donalyn Miller, Author and Teacher, The Book Whisperer;
[email protected]
9A. What Great Principals Do Differently
Ballroom A | Instructional Leadership | 
What specific qualities and practices of great principals
elevate them above the rest? Blending school-centered
studies and experience working with hundreds of administrators, delve into the 15 things that the most successful principals do differently, why these things make
them more effective, and how you can immediately
implement these practices to elevate your leadership.
Todd Whitaker, Professor of Educational Leadership,
Indiana State University
9B. Thriving vs. Surviving on STAAR Writing:
Avoiding the Common Pitfalls
Wedgwood | Curriculum Planning | MR
Gain insights into both STAAR Narrative and STAAR
Expository writing. Learn the writing pitfalls students
need to avoid and how to teach the art of writing an
effective expository essay and a reflective narrative
composition. Take back activities for your first faculty
meeting! Walk away with a chart of the writing pitfalls
exhibited by 4th and 7th grade students on last year’s
STAAR writing test. Your students deserve to thrive, not
only survive, during STAAR days!
Randi Whitney, Founder, The Writing Academy;
[email protected]
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
9C. Don’t Fly By the Seat of Your Pants as a New
Bosque | Organizational Leadership | BR
Whether you are a new principal to a campus or a first
year administrator, you need to have a plan for success
as you begin. Gain practical ideas for getting started,
looking at the culture of the school and integrating it
with your leadership style, and pulling it all together
before that first day of school. Handouts will include
calendar of time, setting priorities, and general guidelines that can help any administrator.
Anne Beckman, Principal; Joy Shepard, Principal,
Life Schools; [email protected]
9D. Increase the Depth of Your Curriculum
Frio | Curriculum Planning | R
Learn strategies and skills to steer your school to greatness. These tools will assist teachers in planning lessons
that have depth and complexity. Leave with a framework
for introducing this plan for differentiation schoolwide.
Jennifer Lambert, Assistant Principal, Wylie ISD;
[email protected]
9E. Recipes for Success: Cookin’ with Figure 19
Nueces | Curriculum Planning | BR
Are your teachers frustrated and confused about that
Figure 19 thing and how to use it? Find out why this
document is so important to success on STAAR and
learn practical and easy to use strategies with your
faculty. See how Figure 19 fits into research-based and
effective teaching strategies that most teachers already
use in guided reading groups, only now they can easily
translate them into whole or small group instruction.
Implementing dual coding into daily lessons is one of
the most effective ways to rock the STAAR!
Julia McMains, Principal; Rebecca Stephens, Principal,
Mansfield ISD; [email protected]
9F. Create a Staff for Success
San Marcos | Communication
Start this new school year with a “take charge attitude”!
This entertaining but powerful session is designed to
empower you in the vital areas of building a successful
staff: conflict resolution, interpersonal communication
skills, employee morale, a winning attitude, burnout and
effective motivation techniques.
Vicki Sanderson, Education Consultant and Motivational
Speaker; [email protected]
9G. Rules to Live By:
12 Principles for Pursuing Personal Excellence
Pecos | Campus Culture | A2 R
If you want to create an atmosphere in your school/
district that cultivates the pursuit of excellence, this is
your “how to” class. Learn 12 simple things you can do
everyday to make sure your compass is calibrated correctly, and that you’re influencing others to be what you
want to see on your team. These rules can change your
life, and help you change the lives of others!
Randy Anderson, Independent Training Consultant;
[email protected]
9H. The Power of Simple Solutions©, Answers to the Most
Asked Questions in Behavior Management
Trinity B | Campus Culture | B
Students need to know that you have high expectations for them to learn and behave. Learn strategies that
are simple and usable on your campus including three
reasons students misbehave and three things you can do
about it, when is prime time to learn, how to put a lid on
arguments and more!
Diana Day, Author, Diana Day Training;
[email protected]
3:15 - 4:15pm
10A. TEA Assessment Update
Ballroom B | Instructional Leadership | S
Get updates on the latest developments from the Assessment and Accountability Division at TEA including the
status of the new accountability model, and recent action taken by the Texas Legislature related to assessment
and accountability.
Criss Cloudt, Assessment and Accountability Division,
Texas Education Agency
10B. Emerge, Trend, Connect!
Brazos | Communication | TR
In the fast-paced world of administration, it can feel like
you’re all alone! Discover what becoming a connected
principal looks like and how to get started. Whether
you’re a novice or a pro, there’s always something to
share and to learn. Bridge your traditional leadership
role into an emerging digital connection and watch your
credibility soar!
Mida Milligan, Principal; Amber Teamann, Assistant
Principal, Garland ISD; [email protected]
10C. Surviving Your First Year Going 1:1
Concho | Organizational Leadership | TR
Thinking about implementing a 1:1 program at your
school? Or maybe you are starting this fall? Hear from
a school that just (barely) survived their first year and
learn what to do (and not to do!) to make your first year
a smooth, exciting and successful one.
Nicole Mann, Teacher, Anthony School;
[email protected]
10D. Gauge the Generation Gaps as an Educational Leader
Guadalupe | Campus Culture | BR
Working to educate a new generation of learners,
coaching teachers and collaborating with parents and
grandparents has created a new need for cultural generation knowledge. Generation differences have existed
throughout history; however, modern generational gaps
have created new challenges for leaders. Discover the
key characteristics of successfully balancing collaboration and strong communication between multiple
generations simultaneously.
Jennifer Villines, Principal; Vanessa Kiser, Eagle
Mountain-Saginaw ISD; [email protected]
10E. Improving Student Performance:
Intervention and Acceleration
San Antonio | Curriculum Planning | A2 R
Discover how schools across Texas are successfully
meeting the varied needs of their students, classrooms
and campuses by using creative and innovative practices in intervention and acceleration. Explore videos,
instructional strategies and other artifacts highlighting
these best practices through a free, online resource in
Project Share.
Kathy Adamec, Field Trainer Analyst, University of Texas
at Austin; Darvis Griffin, Media Coordinator;
[email protected]
Thank you
for sponsoring conference tote bags.
TEPSA Summer Conference
3:15 - 4:15pm Continued
10F. The Three Main Things:
Instructional Leadership that Rocks
Sabine | Instructional Leadership | A2 R
Learn three main instructional practices that reach all
kids. Explore real life and applicable strategies for working with teams to plan powerful instruction, implement
a system of interventions and embrace a plan for
inclusion thru co-teaching.
Billy Snow, Area Superintendent, Mansfield ISD;
[email protected]
10G. Take This Job and Love It! Part Deux
Trinity A | Campus Culture | R
We have some new tricks up our sleeves (and may
revisit a few) for staying invigorated and keeping your
campus energized, exciting and joyful! Motivate your
learners, parents and educators to go that extra mile
through campus themes, special events and morale
boosters. After all, who doesn’t want to love coming to
school every day?
Pam Mitchell, Principal, Coppell ISD; Kimmie Etheredge,
Principal, Northwest ISD; [email protected]
10H. Addressing the Unique Needs of the Military Child
San Saba | Organizational Leadership | R
Learn ways to ensure inclusive, quality educational experiences for all military-connected children affected by
mobility, family separation, and transition.
David Spliteck, Project Manager, Military Child Education
Coalition; [email protected]
Thank you
for sponsoring lanyards.
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
10I. Rachel’s Challenge:
Start a Chain Reaction of Kindness and Compassion
Glass Oaks | Organizational Leadership | 
Learn from the inspiring story of Rachel Scott, whose
kindness and acceptance was brought to light when she
became the first victim in the Columbine High School
tragedy. Conveyed through stories from Rachel’s life
and writings, learn to harness the power of deliberately
reaching out in word and action to others to start what
Rachel called a chain reaction of kindness and compassion. Examine your own life and help others make a
postive change focusing on five challenges.
Jonathan Oliver, Rachel’s Challenge
11A. Success Strategies for Students with
Challenging Behavior
Ballroom A | Organizational Leadership | R
Discuss the mechanics of behavior management that
need to be in place at the campus level. Learn ways to
alleviate the stress and drain that managing behavior can
be for leadership and staff.
Adam Saenz, LSSP, The Saenz Group; [email protected]
11B. If the Teachers Ain’t Happy, Ain’t Nobody Happy
Wedgwood | Campus Culture | R
School climate is of utmost importance to the organization. A positive climate does not just happen. It takes
time, effort and planning to make sure there is consistency throughout the school year. Research proves that
the happier the staff, the better the teaching. Activities
that will improve the climate and morale of the school
will be discussed and shared.
Mark Lukert, Retired Principal; [email protected]
11C. Turning Libraries into Instructional Literacy
Centers: A Complete Community Resource
Bosque | Organizational Leadership | AR
Learn how to utilize your school library as a community
and school resource to promote literacy in new and
innovative ways. Gain ideas for using the library to get
parents more involved in their child’s reading development. Activities and strategies will be shared to promote
the use of the school’s library and maximize its potential
as an instructional literacy center.
Daniel Garza, Principal, Harlingen CISD; Diana Alfaro,
Librarian; [email protected]
11D. Instructional Rounds: Finding the Hidden Target
Frio | Instructional Leadership | AR
Lead your campus in a focused, no-cost, mission to determine meaningful goals beyond just words on a page.
Facilitate your instructional team in creating a problem
of practice to guide your instructional focus for a 21st
century learning environment.
Kim Jones, Principal; Jill Morphis, Intermediate Principal;
Angela Burson, Technology Integrator, Clyde CISD; [email protected]
11E. Recipes for Success Part 2:
Serving up Centers for STAAR
Nueces | Curriculum Planning | A2 R
Unlock reading with simple strategies that align with
Figure 19 that can be used in Unlock Reading Centers or
in regular classroom instruction. With graphic organizers and a template for success, centers are transformed
into mini-projects that support STAAR and higher-level
learning that will help make our students competitive in an increasingly competitive global job market.
This simple system is not overwhelming for teachers;
students love them, and you will too. Transform your
intervention with centers for STAAR!
Julia McMains, Principal, Mansfield ISD; Rebecca Stephens,
Principal, Mansfield ISD; [email protected]
11F. How We Turned Our School Around Diva Style!
San Marcos | Campus Culture | R
If your school needs a morale makeover, climate change
or an overall attitude adjustment, join us and see how
we got it done! Learn how a principal and assistant
principal transformed into the Westside Divas to begin
building a fresh new climate at their K-4 campus. Gain
strategies for motivating faculty and students, team
building, and cultivating relationships. Leave this session with lots of ideas to spice up your school day while
building an exciting new school climate...Diva Style!
Renee Elmore, Principal; Kristi Callihan, Assistant Principal, Paris ISD; [email protected]
Drop off your donation to the Pajama
Program at TEPSA’s Information Central
Booth in the Atrium (next to the
Student Council Booth).
11G. Maximum Productivity:
Time Management and Time Budgeting Strategy
Pecos | Campus Culture | A2 R
Want to regain control over your schedule and run your
time instead of it running you? From understanding
that there are some truths about time you can’t change,
to changing your perspective and priorities, learn how
organizing your tasks and responsibilities differently,
and allocating your time proactively can change your
life. Practicing the things you learn in these 60 minutes
will save you an hour every day from now on!
Randy Anderson, Independent Training Consultant;
[email protected]
11H. Taking the Challenge Out of Challenging Students
Trinity B | Campus Culture
Learn concrete strategies to communicate and manage
your most challenging students. Become an expert at handling disruptive, aggressive, attention-demanding and unmotivated youngsters. Learn how to motivate and set limits
for students who challenge your staffs’ authority daily.
Knowledge is power. Gain time to become the Academic
Leader so you can stop being The Warden!
Diana Day, Author, Diana Day Training;
[email protected]
12A. Dealing With Difficult Teachers
Wedgwood | Communication
We all know there will be conflicts with students, but as
one administrator was over heard saying, “I can handle
the little people, it’s all the big people who are driving me crazy!” Learn proven tips to handle the whiner,
tattler, gossiper, complainer, and the teacher who says
“That’s not my job!”
Vicki Sanderson, Education Consultant, Author and Speaker;
[email protected]
12B. Spreading the Love:
Initiating a Schoolwide Discipline System
Brazos | Campus Culture
Establish a campuswide culture of care, compassion,
support and love for all students by creating a discipline
model based on Dr. Gary Chapman’s Five Love Languages of Children. Make this model uniquely yours with the
underlying theme of “love your neighbor as yourself.”
David Patterson, Principal, Aransas Pass ISD; Carla Dees,
Counselor, Aransas Pass ISD; [email protected]
TEPSA Summer Conference
8-9am Continued
12C. Mentoring the Beginning Principal for Instructional Accountability by Establishing Systems to Monitor Instruction
Concho | Instructional Leadership | B
An organized approach for mentoring new principals
can result in establishing systems, such as Professional
Learning Community (PLC) meetings, where structured discussion, staff learning and decision-making can
positively impact student achievement. Understand the
positive correlation between effective PLC’s and fostering adult and student learning, receive sample PLC
protocols and agendas, and observe a PLC meeting in
progress via video. Walk away with ideas to begin leading effective PLC meetings on your campus.
Joyce Bannerot, Principal; Carrie Sheiness, Instructional
Administrator; David Dunkin, Assistant Principal, Del
Valle ISD; [email protected]
12D. Playing to Learn
San Antonio | Campus Culture
Game on! Get in the action and experience first-hand
the power of play to build trust in a group. Learn how
games build rapport among staff and students. Leave
with tools to build a campus culture that teaches social
and emotional skills and prepares students for college by
embracing the philosophy of playing to learn!
Lora Dever, Mentor, Austin ISD; Michelle Philippin;
[email protected]
12E. Developing Professional Learning Communities
San Marcos | Campus Culture | B
Learn strategies and ideas that will cultivate a community of life learners amongst your staff. Explore activities
that will build autonomy and create a focused understanding of campus goals and objectives in order to
improve student achievement.
Jenny Stumbaugh, Principal, Los Fresnos CISD; Valarie Londrie, Principal, Los Fresnos CISD; [email protected]
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
TEPSA Summer Conference
12F. We’ve Discussed the Data: So What? Now What?
Sabine | Instructional Leadership | A
We know what the data says, but what does it mean?
And what do we do now? Explore tools and strategies
for facilitating data discussions that encourage everyone
to move beyond “this is what happened” to “why it happened” and “what we need to do now”.
Karen Hickman, Associate Superintendent, Curriculum
and Instruction; Janet Dodd, District Instructional
Specialist, Elementary Mathematics, Pasadena ISD;
[email protected]
12G. Building Capacity Through Quality Teaching
and Learning
Pecos | Instructional Leadership
Create a culture of quality teaching and learning
through the use of PLCs, instructional rounds and data
driven instruction! Discover how to take any school to
the next level, improve instruction and target all
students’ needs through well planned lessons and
differentiated instruction.
Cindy Rodriguez, Assistant Principal; Clarissa Partida,
Assistant Principal; Veronica Rodriguez, Academic Coach,
McAllen ISD; [email protected]
12H. Bridging PLCs (Data Teams) and Common
Trinity A | Instructional Leadership | A2
Engaging in discussions with colleagues and administrators that increase teacher’s instructional practices is key to
student success. Learn how to effectively implement PLCs
(Data Teams) and Common Assessments. Discover simplistic strategies that will help any school set a clear focus,
targeted steps for improvement, and attainable goals.
Andrea Zapata, Principal; Imelda De La Cruz- DiValentone,
Assistant Principal, Pasadena ISD;
[email protected]
The conference evaluation will be emailed to you after
the conference. Please take a few minutes to
complete it and help us improve future programming.
Mark your calendar for 2014:
TEPSA Summer Conference | June 11-13 | Austin Renaissance
13A. Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning
Ballroom B | Instructional Leadership | 
Access to timely information and communication tools
can empower you to focus on the individual learning
needs of students. These same tools can lead to a wealth
of benefits, such as greater collegiality, stronger relationships, self-directed students, curriculum-aligned
technology, authentic work, rigorous and motivating
assignments, and the development of a strong learning community. Learn about this potent new culture of
empowered teaching and fearless learning.
Alan November, Founder, November Learning
13B. Watching it All:
How to Organize the Campus for Improvement
Wedgwood | Organizational Leadership | A2
Learn strategies to put all the pieces of the puzzle together so that you can monitor teacher efficacy and improve student achievement. Reflect on current practices
and leave with a plan of action for improving systems
within school for monitoring instruction.
Tracie Robinson, Principal, Spring ISD;
[email protected]
13C. Leadership for the Mathematics Classroom
Brazos | Curriculum Planning
What does an engaging mathematics classroom look
and sound like? What steps can be taken to develop collaborative teams of mathematics teachers? Explore what
you should see and hear in mathematics classrooms and
identify strategies for cultivating collaborative teams of
mathematics teachers.
Janet Dodd, District Instructional Specialist, Elementary
Mathematics; Karen Hickman, Associate Superintendent,
Curriculum and Instruction, Pasadena ISD;
[email protected]
Annual Membership Information
Explore the state of your organization and see
what’s new! Available at www.tepsa.org:
• Election Results
• 2013-2014 Board of Directors
• Leadership Opportunities
• Financial Statements
13D. Tales From the Lounge: What Teachers Really
Want their Principals to Know
Concho | Curriculum Planning
Ever wonder what your teachers say about you over coffee in the teachers’ lounge? Get some honest feedback
from a veteran teacher about what it really is that teachers want, need and expect from their administrators.
Learn to create, develop and maintain meaningful, yet
professional, relationships with your faculty and staff.
Nicole Mann, Teacher, The Anthony School;
[email protected]
13E. Common T-Shirts Don’t Make a Team
San Antonio | Campus Culture
A conscious effort to building and supporting the organization’s team pays huge dividends. Fun, interactive activities will demonstrate the impact of negativity, communication and other attributes critical to the development of
a strong team. Leave with new creative, inexpensive ideas
guaranteed to motivate and rejuvenate your staff.
Mark Lukert, Retired Principal; [email protected]
13F. How to Use Life Illustrations
San Marcos | Communication | M
With all the technology and flashy media campaigns,
how can teachers drive healthy life principles during their day-to-day interaction with students? Learn
the “how to” creating and utilizing ordinary objects to
express powerful points of truth. Examples include: the
rearview mirror, Ctrl Z, blame game, bullying puppet,
football and life, and more. Teaching to the head, hands
and heart is essential. These illustrations will increase
your teachers’ resource tool box (for free!).
Terry Carlile, Director, TLC Workforce Solutions;
[email protected]
Thank you
for providing conference photography.
TEPSA Summer Conference
9:15-10:15am Continued
Sylvia Lozano Hoyer, Administrative Specialist; Erin Kelts,
Educational Specialist, Region 20 ESC; [email protected]
13H. You Only Retire Once:
What You Need to Know About Your TRS Benefits
Pecos | Human Resources | S
Traversing through the TRS maze is tricky but with an
experienced guide from TRS, the trip will be easy. Get
your retirement on track no matter where you are in
your career.
Joanne Holshouser, Retirement Specialist, TRS; joanne.
[email protected]
to Prizes
s Fun P
Sna ck s F
Discover new iPad apps and
share your favorites during this
app-packed half-hour.
Becca Hill, Assistant Principal, Bowie ISD; becca.hill@
Thursday | 12:30-1pm | Ballroom B
13J. Avoid Falling into the RtI Abyss
Trinity B | Instructional Leadership
Stop running around in circles with RtI! Discover Bowie
Elementary’s RtI process and learn how it could help
you create a program for your campus. Avoid common
pitfalls and begin to experience the success of a strong RtI
program on your campus. The reward speaks for itself!
Stacie Brown, Principal; Lorna Cockerham, Reading Intervention Specialist; Brenda Browning, Math Intervention
Specialist, Granbury ISD; [email protected]
Pr i
A - Advanced Leaders
A2 - Assessment & Accountability
B - Beginning Administrator
E - Exhibitor
 - Featured Speaker
L - Legal
M - Middle Level (Grades 4-8)
R - Recorded for Live Learning Center
S - State Update/TEA
T - Technology
13I. Enrichment For All! Building Background Knowledge
for ELLs and At Risk Learners
Trinity A | Campus Culture | A2
Discover the power of enrichment in building background knowledge for students while transforming your
school culture into a society of schoolwide support.
Follow one campus’ journey toward building background knowledge and learn about the positive benefits
of increased camaraderie between students and staff that
transcends grade levels and content areas.
13G. Collaboration: The PLC Way
Sabine | Campus Culture
The Professional Learning Community (PLC) model
has become the research-based initiative that has proven
success in transforming schools and districts. Gain
insight on the unique perspective of working together to
build and sustain an inspired environment for growth
and learning. Designing a PLC is an on-going process in
which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles
of collective inquiry and action research. This is done
to unify instructional strategies and best practices, in a
focused effort, around one common goal: to meet the
needs of each individual child.
Rio Grande Exhibit Hall and Atrium
Exhibits Extravaganza | Wednesday | 4:15-5:30pm
Prizes! Snacks! Photobooth and more!
How do I play the Passport to Prizes Game?
1 Visit and collect verification stamps from at least 10 companies
listed on passport before Wednesday at 5pm.
2 Drop off passport in the tumbler at the end of Row 100 in the
Exhibit Hall.
3 Enjoy the Exhibits Extravaganza, mingle, take a fun photo and
have a snack before the drawing. Prize announcements will take
place at 5pm in Row 300.
4 If your name is called, go to respective company’s booth to
claim your prize.
5 Winners will be posted at registration and on the TEPSA
conference website at http://bit.ly/tepsa13.
Thank you, gracias, merci, xie xie, mahalo, grazie
to all participating companies!
TEPSA Summer Conference
Reading & Mathematics English Grades 1–8/Spanish Grades 1–5 • Writing Grades 4 & 7 • Science Grades 5 & 8
A blended learning
solution proven to:
• Predict STAAR performance
• Improve STAAR scores
Visit us at Booth 601 for a chance to win an iPad mini or a Kindle Fire
TEPSA Summer Conference
TEPSA_Ad_0413.indd 1
4/10/13 2:50 PM
TEPSA Learning Calendar
TEPSA members enjoy year-round discounts and free
access to select events. Join/renew at www.tepsa.org.
Learn with, and from, PreK-8 education experts!
C.A.M.P. TEPSA for Assistant Principals
Ensure your success as an administrator with targeted
learning designed specifically for your role.
October 6-8 • Austin Omni Southpark Hotel
Summer Conference
Embrace new thinking and learning at Summer
Conference—the annual gathering of the year for Texas
PreK-8 school leaders!
June 11-13 • Austin Renaissance Hotel
Tap into local resources and regional learning events.
Focused on quality local assessments and navigating the new accountability system.
Oct 30 • Grapevine Convention Center
Nov 4 • Houston Sheraton Brookhollow
Nov 5 • El Paso Suites
Nov 7 • Lubbock Overton Hotel
Nov 14 • San Antonio DoubleTree Downtown
Student Council Workshops
Students and advisors learn to create a dynamic student
leadership team. Fall dates and locations vary.
TEPSA District Meetings
Stay current on state education news and connect with
your peers. Fall dates and locations vary.
Year-long access
to information
relevant to my
Wide range of
topics and great
TEPSA always
staff development
covered at
Tune in to live webinars, access recordings at your
convenience, and share training with your staff!
eAcademy Access Pass
iPad training for all your teachers for less than $500!
One fee trains your entire campus to integrate iPads into
instruction. Features 16 one-hour webinars plus 24/7
access to recordings. Webinars start in September.
STAAR Series
One campus fee; 24/7 access to recordings!
Current recording series available for purchase:
• Accountability Preview: Major Mindshift - Out with the
Old, In with the New with Ervin Knezek
• Twinkle, Twinkle 2.0: Aligning K-2 for STAAR with
Ervin Knezek
• STAAR Grade 4 Writing: From How to Wow with
Randi Whitney
• STAAR Standards: Now We Know Who Passed with
Ervin Knezek
Legal Ease Webinars
TEPSA’s General Counsel shares current legal information. Free to members!
Lunch & Learn Webinars
Timely professional topics the first Wednesday of every
month, September-May. Free to members!
Live Learning Center
True education on-the-go! Access included with your conference registration.
Fifty hours of Summer Conference content—share with and train your staff!
Latest recording technology
Access on mobile devices (iPad compatible)
Download handouts
Available on-demand 24/7
Sessions marked R will be recorded and available
in the Live Learning Center after the conference.
Visit http://bit.ly/tepsallc.
TEPSA Summer Conference
TEPSA Summer Conference
Wednesday Sessions-At-A-Glance
• See pages 16-30 for session descriptions and strands.
• Master Classes (separate fee applies) are three hours, all other sessions are one hour.
Atrium (Upper/Lobby Level)
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
Wedgwood Master Class
Master Class
3DX: 2013
Concho Frio
2A. Teaching Social
Skills for
2B. Nikki’s
Management System
Success in
One Year!
the Classroom...
1C. Worksheets Don’t
First General
3A. Patterns
Emerge: Now
That You
Know, What...
4A. Assessment: How
Do We Know
TEPSA Summer Conference
4B. DataDriven
Successfully? Srsly!
3C. Using
to Transform Classroom...
4C. We’re
of It...
That Is!
3D. Conscious
Creating the
3E. Raising
Rio Grande
Plaza (Lower Level)
Exit to walkway
near Bosque
Upper/Lobby Level
San Antonio
San Marcos
Pecos Master Class
Master Class
Master Class
Master Class
1F. Shift
into High
that Work
Trinity A Trinity B Glass Oaks
Cohort 3
Creating a
(limited to
Cohort 3
2F. 1:1 iPad
2E. Leading
San Saba
2G. The
Stops Here!
h/Visit Exibit Hall
Session: Stephen Peters
rand Ballroom
4D. Leading Change:
Getting in
Front of it
4E. Shift
3F. Build
a Strong
Collaborative Culture
4F. Student
with Texas
Talks the
New Math
TEKS: Tips
and Tools...
4G. Upgrade Day:
& Enrich
While Students...
3H. Raise
the Rigor:
Getting the
Skinny on
Fat Questioning!
3I. Are
Your 5th
3J. Teaching to Your
bits Extravangza
Exhibit Hall and Atrium
ards Celebration
Grand Ballroom
TEPSA Summer Conference
Thursday Sessions-At-A-Glance
• See pages 16-30 for session descriptions and strands.
• All Thursday sessions are one hour.
Atrium (Upper/Lobby Level)
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
Wedgwood Brazos
6A. Rigor
for Students
with Special
6B. Texas
Data System: What’s
the Latest...
Concho 5A. SHIFT
Gears, Move
PLCs in
5B. Action
Science: It’s
Not What
You Teach,
but How...
5C. Take the
Problem Out
of Problem
Solving for
Second Genera
7A. Rigorous Schools
& Classrooms...
9A. What
Great Principals Do
10A. TEA
11A. Success Strategies for
TEPSA Summer Conference
7B. Going
From Good
To Great:
Get Started
in Less...
9B. Thriving
vs Surviving
11B. If the
Ain’t Happy,
Ain’t Nobody Happy
New Vision,
7C. Launching Literacy
9C. Don’t
Fly By the
Seat of Your
Pants as a
New Administrator!
11C. Turning Libraries
into Instructional
for Simple
10C. Surviving Your
First Year
Going 1:1
7D. Got
Where Will
You Be in
20 Years?
9D. Increase
the Depth
of Your
the Hidden
in Reading
10D. Gauge
the Generation Gaps
as an Educational...
Plaza (Lower Level)
Exit to walkway
near Bosque
Upper/Lobby Level
6D. The
Power of the
a Schoolwide...
San Antonio
Documentation Dos
and Don’ts
San Marcos
5D. iLearn...
6F. You
Can’t Do
It All
Pecos 5E. Igniting Young
Trinity A 6G. How
to Build
a Strong
Trinity B 5F. Policy
Matters! A
Primer for
San Saba
Glass Oaks
6H. Switching and
and Changing, Oh...
6I. Managing the
isit Exibit Hall
al Session: Todd Whitaker
and Ballroom
h/Visit Exibit Hall
7E. Making
9E. Recipes
for Success:
Figure 19
11E. Recipes
for Success Part 2:
Serving up
Centers for
8E. Create
a Culture
Learning is
10E. Improving
Student Performance...
7F. How to
Tasks and
9F. Create
a Staff for
11F. How
We Turned
Our School
Diva Style!
8F. Real
Secrets to
for a...
10F. The
Three Main
Things: Instructional
7G. ABC’s
of School
9G. Rules to
Live By: 12
for Pursuing
Time Management...
8G. Get on
Board the
Energy Bus
10G. Take
This Job and
Love It!
Part Deux
7H. Creating a Balanced Math
Program to
Power of
11H. Taking
the Challenge Out of
the Unique
Needs of the
8I. Reading
in the Wild:
Learning from
10I. Rachel’s
Start a Chain
TEPSA Summer Conference
Friday Sessions-At-A-Glance
• See pages 16-30 for session descriptions and strands.
• All Friday sessions are one hour.
Atrium (Upper/Lobby Level)
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
13A. Creating a New
Culture of
Wedgwood Brazos
Concho 12A. Dealing With
the Love:
a Schoolwide..
12C. Mentoring the
13B. Watching it All:
How to Organize the
Leadership for the
13D. Tales
From the
Third General S
Weour TEPSA Partners!
Please give the following companies a little extra love and attention, and help us thank them for their
generous support of Texas PreK-8 school leaders! Visit them in the Exhibit Hall and online at www.tepsa.org.
urniture & Equipment for
Dozens of 10" to 18" chairs in a
rainbow of colors
and Conference
Lockers and tote-tray storage units
Teaching easels and art centers
10” ZUMA®
Plaza (Lower Level)
Exit to walkway
near Bosque
Upper/Lobby Level
San Antonio
San Marcos
Pecos Trinity A 12D. Playing to Learn
12E. Developing
12F. We’ve
the Data: So
What? Now
12G. Building Capacity Through
PLCs (Data
Teams) and
Don’t Make
a Team
13F. How to
Use Life
Collaboration: The
13H. You
Only Retire
Once: TRS
13I. Enrichment For
All! Building
Trinity B San Saba
Glass Oaks
13J. Avoid
Falling into
the RtI
Session: Genevieve Piturro
rand Ballroom
Seeking a District
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TEPSA Summer Conference
Join Our Reading Summit for Principals and Educational Leaders
July 18, 2013, 8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Connect with principals from across the country as they discuss innovative strategies to
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global campaign to
end illiteracy.
We hope you will attend!
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Hyatt Regency Houston
1200 Louisiana Street
Houston, TX 77002
TEPSA Summer Conference
Please R.S.V.P. at:
For more information, call 800-792-2002, ext. 314
© 2013 Scholastic Inc. 10915
Exhibit Hall
Hours of Operation
Wednesday 9:30am-5:30pm
Exhibits Extravaganza
Wednesday 4:15-5:30pm
Bookstore Hosted by NAESP &
Scholastic Book Fairs
Enjoy snacks, play the Passport to Prizes game and take a fun
photo! You could be the lucky winner of a free registration to the
2014 Summer Conference and a two-night stay at the Austin
Renaissance Hotel! After prizes are announced, join your peers
to celebrate in tropical style at the Awards Celebration.
Tuesday 4-7pm
Wednesday 8am-6pm
Thursday 8am-5pm
Map: Atrium
JUNE 13-14, 2012
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibit Hall
Thanks to exhibitors for supporting the TEPSA Summer Conference.
After the conference, visit the Exhibitors section at www.tepsa.org for an online directory.
Map: Plaza
(Lower Level)
JUNE 13-14, 2012
8 X 9'6" BOOTHS
123 222
223 322
321 FE
625 724
523 622
623 722
419 518
517 616
617 716
315 416
417 516
515 614
615 714
113 212
213 312
313 414
415 514
513 612
613 712
713 812
111 210
211 310
311 412
413 512
511 610
611 710
711 810
209 308
309 410
411 510
509 608
609 708
709 808
207 306
307 408
409 508
507 606
607 706
505 604
605 704
117 216
217 316
317 418
115 214
215 314
101 100 206
421 520
205 304
201 200 FH300
501 600 601 602 700 701 702 703
Thank you for sponsoring the Exhibits Extravaganza:
TEPSA Summer Conference
800 FDC
816 817 818
619 718
119 218
525 624
519 618
104 103 102
621 720
219 318
8 X 9'6" BOOTHS
521 620
Hot Spot
225 324
221 320
125 224
121 220
107 107A 108
528 527 529 628 629 630 728 727
126 128 129 228 229 328 329 330
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
806 Technologies, Inc - Software/Web Applications....................................................................................................Atrium 13
Ross Laughter | [email protected] | 877-331-6160 | www.806technologies.com
Abrams Learning Trends - ELA/Reading....................................................................................................................................516
Melinda Geffert | [email protected] | 800-227-9120 | www.abramslearningtrends.com
AIMS Education Foundation - Math/Science..............................................................................................................................125
Bethann Fields | [email protected] | 559-255-4094 | www.aimsedu.org
All For Kidz, Inc. - The NED Show - PBIS and Character Education..........................................................................................210
Lois Summers | [email protected] | 877-872-9696 | www.theNEDshow.com
American Income Life Insurance Company - Child ID/School Security..................................................................................718
Simone Johnson | [email protected] | 281-923-9392 | www.ailife.com
American Reading Company - ELA/Reading.................................................................................................................. 304, 306
Tiffany Flores | [email protected] | 610-277-4498 | www.americanreading.com
Appelbaum Training Institute - Software/Web Applications........................................................................................Atrium 20
Shannon O’Connor | [email protected] | www.atiseminars.org
AXA Equitable - Insurance/Legal................................................................................................................................................120
Shane Clotiaux | [email protected] | 281-363-0202 | www.axa-equitable.com
BearCom - School Security.........................................................................................................................................................329
Erick Edwards | [email protected] | 281-881-0481 | www.bearcom.com/Houston
Big Kahuna Fundraising - Fundraising......................................................................................................................320, 322, 324
Doug Procter | [email protected] | 214-695-2085 | www.bigkahunafun.com
Blue Star Education - Publishing................................................................................................................................................223
Dan Marques | [email protected] | 800-557-6241 | www.bluestareducation.com
Boost Promotions - Incentive Programs........................................................................................................................... 810, 812
Michelle Ruesch | [email protected] | 909-231-5837 | www.boostpromotions.com
Burst The Box - Bilingual Programs/Products..........................................................................................................................123
Kyle Sollenbarger | [email protected] | 214-676-2965 | www.burst-the-box.com
Camp Fire First Texas - Non-Profit..............................................................................................................................................221
Sara Mitchell| [email protected] | 817-831-2111 | www.campfirefw.org
Capstone Digital - ELA/Reading................................................................................................................................................411
Karen Trcka | [email protected] | 210-415-1290 | www.thefutureinreading.com
Career Educators - Photography................................................................................................................................................214
Kenan Taylor | [email protected] | 281-813-5024 | www.ceducators.org
Cherrydale - Fundraising.................................................................................................................................................... 617, 619
Jon Stutler | [email protected] | 817-233-4149 | www.cherrydale.com
Claire Lynn - Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories..............................................................................................................................126
Denise Ward | [email protected] | 972-723-2251 | www.clairelynn.com
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
Cleanint - Office Supplies/Electronics.......................................................................................................................................509
Tuan Dam | [email protected] | 512-364-0687 | www.cleanint.com
Corwin - Publishing.....................................................................................................................................................................318
Sean Galvan | [email protected] | 800-233-9936 | www.corwin.com
Cover One - Office Supplies/Electronics........................................................................................................................Atrium 17
Keith Wilde | [email protected] | 800-881-1521 | www.coverone.net
Crayola, LLC - Other.....................................................................................................................................................................615
Barbara Reinke | [email protected] | 913-685-0183 | www.crayola.com
Curriculum Advantage - Software/Web Applications...............................................................................................................527
Jody Gratz | [email protected] | 512-970-0113 | www.classworks.com
Curriculum Associates - Publishing................................................................................................................................ 601, 602
Gary Tipton | [email protected] | 800-225-0248 | www.CurriculumAssociates.com
Dairy Max - Nutrition/Wellness................................................................................................................................................613
Nan Cramer | [email protected] | 713-664-1180 | www.dairymax.org
Dallas Baptist University - University.........................................................................................................................................515
Jennifer Speer | [email protected] | 214-333-5728 | www.dbu.edu
Deanan Gourmet Popcorn - Fundraising........................................................................................................................Atrium 26
Barbara Hodge | [email protected] | 210-658-8146 | www.deanan.com
Dee’s Tees - Custom T-shirts............................................................................................................................................. 628, 629
Dee Hamilton | [email protected] | 512-906-9143 | www.deesteesstore.com
Developmental Studies Center - ELA/Reading..........................................................................................................................416
Beverly Duck | [email protected] | 940-391-5205 | www.devstu.org
Diana Day Education Unlimited - Software/Web Applications.................................................................................Atrium 19 A
Diana Day | [email protected] | 972-278-7773 | www.dianaday.com
Dinah-Might Adventures - Publishing.........................................................................................................................................225
Sara Potter | [email protected] | 830-995-3800 | www.dinah.com
Discovery Toys-Rose Brunette-Independent Distributor - Educational Consultant.................................................................719
Rose Brunette | [email protected] | 877-305-8697 | www.devotedtotoys.com
Dreambox Learning - Math/Science................................................................................................................................Atrium 14
Kenneth Spain | [email protected] | 877-451-7845 | www.dreambox.com
DSHS - Immunization Branch - ImmTrac - Nutrition/Wellness.....................................................................................Atrium 15
Shirin Metayer | [email protected] | 512-458-7111 x 6766 | www.immtrac.com
DynaStudy, Inc - Publishing............................................................................................................................................Atrium 11
Ellen Harris | [email protected] | 877-361-0550 | www.dynanotes.com
ECS Learning Systems, Inc - STAAR.................................................................................................................................. 222, 224
Christopher Mammen| [email protected] | 800-688-3224 | www.ecslearningsystems.com
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Edmentum - Software/Web Applications..................................................................................................................................529
DeeDee Alsup | [email protected] | 800-447-5286 | www.edmentum.com
Educational Media, LLC - ELA/Reading.....................................................................................................................................218
Shelley Denton | [email protected] | 405-239-2955 | www.educationalmediallc.com
EM Bilingual Education Consultants, LLC/Aprendamos A - Bilingual Programs/Products...................................................216
Evangelina Trevino | [email protected] | 956-266-1909 | www.aprendamosaleer.com
Empowering Writers - STAAR.....................................................................................................................................................119
Martha Hammett | [email protected] | 432-978-2735 | www.empoweringwriters.com
Engaging By Motivation - Educational Consultant...................................................................................................................521
Diane Remmert | [email protected] | 713-367-1885 | www.EngagingByMotivation.com
ETA hand2mind - Math/Science......................................................................................................................................... 213, 215
Julie Ciborowski | [email protected] | 800-445-5985 | www.etacuisenaire.com
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers - Publishing............................................................................................................... 321, 323
Angela Leavitt | [email protected] | 800-777-4489 x 128 | www.evan-moor.com
Excel Math - Math/Science..............................................................................................................................................Atrium 12
Bob Parrish | [email protected] | 866-866-7026 | www.excelmath.com
First Investors, a Foresters Company - Insurance/Legal...........................................................................................................220
Jami Martorana | [email protected] | 210-481-2100 | www.firstinvestors.com
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
Forde-Ferrier, LLC - Educational Consultant.................................................................................................309, 311, 313, 315
Dagan Ferrier | [email protected] | 210-365-4350 | www.Forde-Ferrier.com
FranklinCovey - Educational Consultant...................................................................................................................................204
Tom Osborn | [email protected] | 512-944-4223 | www.theleaderinme.org
Frog Publications - ELA/Reading...............................................................................................................................................614
Wendy Alli | [email protected] | 800-777-3764 | www.frog.com
Frog Street Press - STAAR................................................................................................................................................. 205, 207
Sharon Burnett | [email protected] | 800-884-3764 | www.frogstreet.com
Fund Resources, Inc/FUN SERVICES - Fundraising..................................................................................................................111
Paul Sobieski | [email protected] | 713-649-2100 | www.funservicesoftexas.com
Gandy Ink Screen Printing & Embroidery - School Spirit Wear............................................................................Atrium 7, 8, 8A
Bette Meister | [email protected] | 972-539-7788 | www.gandyink.com
GF Educators, Inc Gayle Fuller - STAAR............................................................................................................................ 712, 714
Jim Koen | [email protected] | 512-206-4155 | www.stepuptaks.com
Got2 Bling IT! - School Spirit Wear............................................................................................................................................816
China Jackson | [email protected] | 855-392-5464 | www.got2blingit.net
Gourmet Learning - Software/Web Applications............................................................................................................. 707, 709
Jan Garber | [email protected] | 830-214-6949 | www.gourmetlearning.com
Decrease Teacher Effort • Increase Student Success
digital program Booth
Target the QuestionTM
TEKSas Target PracticeTM
Target ReadingTM
Same Information Different QuestionTM
Limit one per school.
Email: [email protected]
TEPSA Summer Conference
Website: lonestarlearning.com
Phone: (806) 281-1424
Green Apple Educational Products - STAAR..................................................................................................................... 618, 620
Traci Barth | [email protected] | 855-714-9890 | greenappleeducationalproducts.com
Handwriting Without Tears - Publishing.....................................................................................................................................518
Ali Bentolila | [email protected] | 301-263-2700 | www.hwtears.com
Heartland Park and Recreation - Playground Equipment......................................................................................Atrium 4, 5, 6
David Barnes | [email protected] | 866-388-1365 | www.heartlandplay.com
Help Educate Texas Children - Non-Profit..................................................................................................................................514
Michael Puig | [email protected] | 956-763-1522 | www.HelpEducateTexasChildren.org
Horace Mann - Insurance/Legal................................................................................................................Atrium 19, Foyer 7, 8
Jacqueline McGrail | [email protected] | 817-652-2659 | www.horacemann.com
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt - ELA/Reading....................................................................................................................... 622, 624
Kathy Doyle | [email protected] | 972-459-6048 | www.hmhco.com
Houston ISD- School District......................................................................................................................................................713
Rachel Koenig | [email protected] | 713-556-7585 | www.houstonisd.org
Hunter-Knepshield of Texas, Inc - Playground Equipment.......................................................................................................409
Ed Knepshield | [email protected] | 800-451-4138 | www.hunterknepshieldco.com
Imagery/PBM/Advanced Graphics - Office Supplies/Electronics.................................................................................. 623, 625
John Skaggs | [email protected] | 210-341-7000 | www.imagerygraphic.com
Imagine Learning - Software/Web Applications.......................................................................................................................418
Alex Thorson | [email protected] | 512-221-5222 | www.imaginelearning.com
Institute for Excellence in Writing - Educational Consultant...................................................................................................415
Janet Spitler | [email protected] | 800-856-5815 | www.iew.com
Institute for Public School Initiatives - Educational Consultant..............................................................................................328
Natalya White | [email protected] | 512-232-2495 | www.ipsi.utexas.edu
Inter-State Studio and Publishing Co - Photography........................................................................................................ 209, 211
John Tyrrell | [email protected] | 800-821-7923 | Inter-State.com
Joe Corbi’s Fundraising - Fundraising....................................................................................................................107, 107A, 108
Ronald Kenjorski | [email protected] | 888-526-7247 | www.joecorbi.com
Just the Facts - Math....................................................................................................................................................................608
Christina Havron | [email protected] | 830-743-3004 | www.just-the-facts.us
Kamico Instructional Media - STAAR................................................................................................................................ 408, 410
Kathy Michael | [email protected] | 254-947-7283 | www.kamico.com
KiDs Beach Club - Non-Profit.....................................................................................................................................................611
Paul McCollum | [email protected] | 817-734-3456 | kidsbeachclub.org
Kolodziej’s - Fundraising.............................................................................................................................................................312
Travis Pruski | [email protected] | 800-933-1552 | www.kolodziejs.com
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
In the event a child goes missing,
a Lifetouch SmileSafe Kids® ID card
can be used by law enforcement,
in conjunction with parents and
the National Center for Missing &
Exploited Children, to obtain a current
photograph from a Lifetouch rapid
response team. SmileSafe Kids cards
are complimentary in participating
schools photographed by Lifetouch.
This fall, Lifetouch will provide these
cards to 42 million parents.
Lifetouch portraits have assisted in
the recovery of children in 22 states.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
Lakeshore Learning Materials - Office Supplies/Electronics.......................................................................................... 517, 519
Jay Dudley | [email protected] | 800-421-5354 | www.lakeshorelearning.com
Learning A-Z - ELA/Reading.......................................................................................................................................................814
Lori Todd | [email protected] | 512-660-1706 | www.learninga-z.com
Lee’s School Supplies, Inc - Fundraising...................................................................................................................................505
Michael McFarlane | [email protected] | 800-833-5057 | www.leesschoolsupplies.com
Lifetouch - Photography......................................................................................................................................Atrium 25, 25A
Matt Waldschmidt | [email protected] | 512-251-5558 | www.lifetouch.com
Lightspeed Technologies, Inc - Office Supplies/Electronics.....................................................................................................228
Kevin Gagnon | [email protected] | 800-732-8999 | www.lightspeed-tek.com
Living Tree - Non-Profit...............................................................................................................................................................421
Cullen Childress | [email protected] | 512-582-0170 | www.livingtree.com
Lone Star Learning - Math/Science/English/Language Arts...................................................................................................419
Gala Bohannon | [email protected] | 806-281-1424 | www.LoneStarLearning.com
LunchBox Kids, LLC - Publishing.................................................................................................................................................630
Liz Northcutt | [email protected] | 512-994-2652 | www.PlayLBK.com
Mark Lukert, Consulting - Author...................................................................................................................................Atrium 23
Mark Lukert | [email protected] | 940-642-5821 | www.marklukert.com
Math GPS, LLC - Math/Science.......................................................................................................................................... 217, 219
Laura Wilson | [email protected] | 830-876-6130 | www.mathgps.org
Math Teachers Press, Inc - Math/Science..................................................................................................................................711
Mark Sotebeer | [email protected] | 800-852-2435 | www.movingwithmath.com
Mentoring Minds - STAAR.........................................................................Atrium 22, Foyer 3, 4 and 200, 201, 202, 203, 300
Teresa Sherman | [email protected] | 903-509-4002 | www.mentoringminds.com
Miracle in Texas - Playground Equipment................................................................................................................................124
Vince Allen | [email protected] | 972-727-0653 | www.miracleintexas.com
Mixed Bag Designs - Fundraising...............................................................................................................................................104
Carol Joyce | [email protected] | 650-692-9494 | www.mixedbagdesigns.com
Muses3, LLC - Educational Consultant.....................................................................................................................................708
Linda Bessmer | [email protected] | 866-936-8737 | www.muses3.com
Nancy Larson Publishers - Math/Science...................................................................................................................................508
Frank McCoy | [email protected] | 915-276-3330 | www.nancylarsonpublishers.com
Pacific Learning - Bilingual Programs/Products......................................................................................................................113
Ellen Sankowski | [email protected] | 218-363-4906 | www.pacificlearning.com
Paddle Tramps Mfg Co - Awards.............................................................................................................................Atrium 31, 32
Kyle Abraham | [email protected] | 806-765-9901 | www.AwardPlace.com
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
Pearson - Publishing........................................................................................................................................................ 501, 600
Raymond Ward | [email protected] | 800-527-2701 | www.pearsonschool.com
Peoples Education - STAAR............................................................................................................................................... 412, 414
Diane Miller | [email protected] | 800-822-1080 | www.peopleseducation.com
Profit Plus, Inc - Fundraising......................................................................................................................................................206
Cheryl Wright | [email protected] | 713-690-1640 | www.profitplususa.com
Progress Testing - STAAR...............................................................................................................................................Atrium 33
Jonathan Smith | [email protected] | 800-930-8378 | www.staartestmaker.com
Provine School Pictures - Photography........................................................................................................................... 511, 513
Glenn Butler | [email protected] | 318-442-2082 | www.provinepictures.com
Rally! Education - Publishing.........................................................................................................................................Atrium A1
Kimberlee Anthony | [email protected] | 516-671-9300 | www.rallyeducation.com
Rambo Park and Play, Inc - Playground Equipment.................................................................................................................804
Kevin Rambaud | [email protected] | 512-795-9915 | www.ramboparkandplay.com
Recreation Brands Group - Playground Equipment.................................................................................................................727
James Robertson | [email protected] | 210-385-8733 | www.recbrandsgroup.com
Red Apple Resources of South Texas - Fundraising...................................................................................................................605
Jan Schrad| [email protected] | 888-546-1526 | www.redappleabcdough.com
Renaissance Learning - Software/Web Applications...............................................................................................................520
Lizzie Jarzombek | [email protected] | 715-424-3636 | www.renlearn.com
Rice University STEMscopes - Math/Science.............................................................................................................................317
Lisa Webber | [email protected] | 713-348-5412 | www.STEMscopes.com
Scholastic Book Fairs - ELA/Reading............................................................................................................ Atrium Bookstore
Joe Shaw | [email protected] | 800-792-2002 | scholasticbookfairs.com
School Mate - Publishing..................................................................................................................................................Atrium 2
Darin Meseure | [email protected] | 800-516-8339 | www.schoolmate.com
SchoolMall - Fundraising................................................................................................................................................... 523, 525
Jean DeFord | [email protected] | 615-896-3800 | www.schoolmall.com
School Spirit Vending, LLC - Fundraising...................................................................................................................Atrium 9, 10
Matt Miller | [email protected] | 832-661-6536 | www.schoolspiritvending.com
School Tours of America - Educational Consultant...................................................................................................................305
Garvis Green | [email protected] | 877-727-6416 | www.schooltoursofamerica.com
Scientific Minds, LLC - Math/Science.........................................................................................................................................413
Travis Reeves | [email protected] | 800-886-8145 | www.scientificminds.com
Sharp Schools, Inc - Incentive Programs.......................................................................................................................Atrium 29
Rick Smith | [email protected] | 877-222-3006 | www.sharpschools.com
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Academic Marketplace
eInstruction - Education Products: TEKS/TAKS/STAAR. ....................................................................................................101
Jeffrey Rustin | [email protected] | 480-443-2368 | einstruction.com
Shurley English - ELA/Reading...................................................................................................................................................103
903-714-4644 | www.shurley.com
Zone| [email protected]
School Spirit Wear| ................................................................................................................Atrium
Craig Jones | [email protected] | 940-891-4022 | www.elementaryspiritzone.com
Signature Fundraising - Fundraising................................................................................................................................. 128, 129
Victoria Cooper | [email protected] | 800-645-3863 | www.signaturefundraising.com
Ellison - Die Cutting Systems ....................................................................................................................................................715
| [email protected]
949-598-8822 | www.ellisoneducation.com
Sterling Silver Jewelry - |Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories.
Beverly Anderson | [email protected] | 512 922-9615 | www.mysilpada.com
ETA/Cuisenaire - Education Products: Math/Science .......................................................................................................... 725,727
Sister Stones |Jewelry
- Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories.............................................................................................................616
Julie Ciborowski
[email protected]
| 800-445-5985 | www.etacuisenaire.com
Karen Pugh | [email protected] | 713-806-6392 | www.sisterstonesjewelry.com
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers - Publishing ......................................................................................................720, 722, 724
SOI Systems - Software/Web Applications................................................................................................................................706
Dan Marques
| [email protected] | 800-714-0971 | www.evan-moor.com
Renee Anderson | [email protected] | 806-928-7095 | www.soisystems.com
Excel Southwest
Math - Education
Plus - ELA/Reading.
................................................................................................ 510, 512
Bob Parrish
| [email protected]
| 866-866-7026
| www.excelmath.com
Ben Rodriguez
| [email protected]
| 866-472-6949
| www.southwestlearning.com
Monkey - Awards.
- Other
[email protected]
| 210-978-0457
| www.spiritmonkey.com
Gene Verble | [email protected] | 704-262-3711
| www.xtremecommunications.net
STAAR Mission by Cosenza & Associates, LLC - Math/Science.................................................................................................817
Gary Cosenza
| [email protected] | 1-800-224-4318 | www.staarmission.com
 - Denotes
TEPSA Partner
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rainbow of colors
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TEPSA Summer Conference
10” ZUMA®
Ref# 07058
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing - Alphabetical Order
Star Point Learning - STAAR.......................................................................................................................................................720
Jan Monroe | [email protected] | 214-536-6397 | www.starpointlearning.com
Strawbridge Studios, Inc - Photography......................................................................................................................... 420, 420A
Efrain Rodriguez | [email protected] | 361-765-8667 | www.strawbridge.net
Sweet Hearts - Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories..........................................................................................................................705
Peggy Cox | [email protected] | 903-871-8882 | www.sweetheartsjewelry.com
TRS - Insurance/Legal.....................................................................................................................................................Atrium 16
Joanne Holshouser| [email protected] | 800-223-8778 | www.trs.state.tx.us
Teacher TidBitz/Nikki’s Work-It - Educational Consultant......................................................................................................612
Nikki Bitzer | [email protected] | 903-819-9719 | www.teachertidbitz.com
Teachers Together - Educational Consultant............................................................................................................................728
Keith Adams | [email protected] | 512-200-4480 | www.teacherstogether.org
Teachers’ Treasures - STAAR..........................................................................................................................................Atrium 27
Lucy Meeks | [email protected] | 512-722-7680 | www.teacherstreasures.com
Technical Laboratory Systems, Inc - STAAR..................................................................................................................... 115, 117
Tim Brown | [email protected] | 800-445-1088 | www.tech-labs.com
Texas 2 Step Pastries - Fundraising............................................................................................................................................610
Greg Machalec | [email protected] | 830-708-6683 | www.pastrypuffins.com
Texas Educational Solutions - Software/Web Applications............................................................................................. 314, 316
Mary Kay Davis | [email protected] | 866-236-2466 | www.txedsol.com
That Name Game - Child ID/School Security...........................................................................................................................716
Maria Embers | [email protected] | 214-699-9217 | www.thatnamegame.net/schoolprincipals
The Childrens Health Market - Comprehensive School Health Education PreK-8 Grade...................................................710
Nancy Neufeld | [email protected] | 203-762-2938 | www.thegreatbodyshop.net
The Dinosaur George Company - Math/Science................................................................................................................ 701, 702
Yolanda Miller | [email protected] | 210-748-9293 | www.DinosaurGeorge.com
The Dos & Dont’s of Discipline - Educational Consultant.........................................................................................................325
Dennis Mitchell | [email protected] | 800-234-9264 | www.ignconsulting.com
The Gift Solution - Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories............................................................................................................ 100, 101
Sarah Summers | [email protected] | 512-656-4436 | www.austinboutique.com
The Markerboard People - Classroom/Instructional Supplies........................................................................................ 604, 606
Jason Lightener| [email protected] | 800-DRY-ERASE | DryErase.com
The Outdoor School - Character Education...............................................................................................................................526
Darren Smith| [email protected] | 830-588-6282 | www.outdoorschool.com
The Writing Academy - Authors.......................................................................................................................................... 722, 724
Randi Whitney | [email protected] | 281-538-3241 | www.twa.net
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Thinking Maps, Inc - ELA/Reading.............................................................................................................................................417
Kristie Coleson | [email protected] | 817-745-1061 | www.thinkingmaps.com
Top of Texas - Yearbooks....................................................................................................................................................Atrium 3
Billy Chadwell | [email protected] | www.topoftexasyearbooks.com
Townsend Press - Publishing.......................................................................................................................................................609
George Henry | [email protected] | 888-752-6410 | www.townsendpress.com
Triumph Learning - Publishing....................................................................................................................................................102
Jesse Rodriguez | [email protected] | 936-273-4518 | www.triumphlearning.com
Unzipped Boutique - Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories.................................................................................................................723
Kimberly Emel | [email protected] | 713-557-1425 | Www.unzippedboutique.com
USA Fundraisers - Fundraising...................................................................................................................................................806
Terence Kitchens | [email protected] | 888-390-7620 | www.usa-fundraisers.com
Velazquez Press - STAAR............................................................................................................................................................621
Jonathan Ruiz | [email protected] | 626-448-3448 | www.VelazquezPress.com
Virco - Furniture............................................................................................................................................................Atrium 24
Bob Sigsbee | [email protected] | 940-391-0940 | www.virco.com
Vocabulary SpellingCity - ELA/Reading.....................................................................................................................................607
Robert Laundrie | [email protected] | 954-357-1150 | www.spellingcity.com
Waterford Research Institute - Non-Profit......................................................................................................................Atrium 1
Valerie Nicholson | [email protected] | 877-299-7997 | www.waterford.org
Whizz Education - Software/Web Applications.........................................................................................................................212
Nick Bright | [email protected] | 206-547-0292 | www.whizz.us
Word Walls by Amy Littleton - STAAR.........................................................................................................................................721
Amy Littleton | [email protected] | 830-609-8020 | www.wordwallsbyamylittleton.com
World Research Company - Math/Science..................................................................................................................................704
Colleen Hayes | [email protected] | 903-581-3720 | dryeraseonline.com
World’s Finest Chocolate - Fundraising.....................................................................................................................................715
Lane Causey | [email protected] | 504-464-5470 | www.worldsfinestchocolate.com
Wrapped To Wear - Jewelry/Clothing/Accessories....................................................................................................................106
Lesa Gary | [email protected] | 512-494-5741 | www.wrappedtowear.com
WriteSteps - Office Supplies/Electronics..................................................................................................................................808
Stephanie Brown | [email protected] | 619-602-2920 | www.writestepswriting.com
Zaner-Bloser Publishing - Publishing.........................................................................................................................................310
Diane Dunbar | [email protected] | 936-414-9914 | www.zaner-bloser.com
Snapped a great photo or experienced an aha moment while at Summer
Conference? Share it on TEPSA’s Facebook page with this code!
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing by Booth Number
Scholastic Book Fairs............................ Atrium Bookstore
Rally! Education...................................................Atrium A1
Waterford Research Institute.................................Atrium 1
School Mate..............................................................Atrium 2
Top of Texas..............................................................Atrium 3
Heartland Park and Recreation.....................Atrium 4, 5, 6
Gandy Ink Screen Printing & Embroidery...Atrium 7, 8, 8A
School Spirit Vending, LLC..............................Atrium 9, 10
DynaStudy, Inc.......................................................Atrium 11
Excel Math..............................................................Atrium 12
806 Technologies, Inc............................................Atrium 13
Dreambox Learning..............................................Atrium 14
DSHS Immunization Branch - ImmTrac...........Atrium 15
Teacher Retirement System of Texas...................Atrium 16
Cover One..............................................................Atrium 17
Horace Mann.......................................................Atrium 19
Diana Day Education Unlimited.....................Atrium 19 A
Appelbaum Training Institute.............................Atrium 20
Mentoring Minds................................................Atrium 22
Mark Lukert, Consulting......................................Atrium 23
Virco.....................................................................Atrium 24
Lifetouch.................................................... Atrium 25, 25A
Deanan Gourmet Popcorn...................................Atrium 26
Teachers’ Treasures................................................Atrium 27
Sharp Schools, Inc.................................................Atrium 29
Paddle Tramps Mfg Co.................................Atrium 31, 32
Progress Testing.....................................................Atrium 33
Mentoring Minds.................................................Foyer 3, 4
Horace Mann........................................................Foyer 7, 8
Row 100
The Gift Solution...................................................... 100, 101
Triumph Learning.............................................................102
Shurley English..................................................................103
Mixed Bag Designs............................................................104
Spirit Monkey.....................................................................105
Wrapped To Wear..............................................................106
Joe Corbi’s Fundraising.................................107, 107A, 108
Fund Resources, Inc/FUN SERVICES............................111
Pacific Learning.................................................................113
Technical Laboratory Systems, Inc......................... 115, 117
Empowering Writers.........................................................119
AXA Equitable...................................................................120
Burst The Box.....................................................................123
Miracle in Texas.................................................................124
AIMS Education Foundation...........................................125
Claire Lynn.........................................................................126
Signature Fundraising.............................................. 128, 129
Denotes TEPSA Partner
TEPSA Summer Conference
Row 200
Mentoring Minds...................................200, 201, 202, 203
Frog Street Press....................................................... 205, 207
Profit Plus Inc.....................................................................206
Inter-State Studio and Publishing Co.................... 209, 211
All For Kidz, Inc - The NED Show..................................210
Whizz Education...............................................................212
ETA hand2mind....................................................... 213, 215
Career Educators...............................................................214
EM Bilingual Education Consultants LLC/Aprendamos A.....216
Math GPS, LLC......................................................... 217, 219
Educational Media, LLC...................................................218
First Investors, a Foresters Company..............................220
Camp Fire First Texas.......................................................221
ECS Learning Systems, Inc...................................... 222, 224
Blue Star Education...........................................................223
Dinah-Might Adventures.................................................225
Lightspeed Technologies, Inc...........................................228
Silpada Designs Sterling Silver Jewelry...........................229
Row 300
Mentoring Minds............................................................300
American Reading Company............................... 304, 306
School Tours of America..................................................305
Forde-Ferrier, LLC.................................309, 311, 313, 315
Zaner-Bloser Publishing...................................................310
Texas Educational Solutions................................... 314, 316
Rice University STEMscopes...........................................317
Big Kahuna Fundraising..................................320, 322, 324
Evan-Moor Educational Publishers....................... 321, 323
The Dos & Dont’s of Discipline.......................................325
Institute for Public School Initiatives..............................328
Row 400
Kamico Instructional Media................................... 408, 410
Hunter-Knepshield of Texas, Inc.....................................409
Capstone Digital................................................................411
Scientific Minds, LLC.......................................................413
Peoples Education.................................................... 412, 414
Institute for Excellence in Writing..................................415
Developmental Studies Center........................................416
Thinking Maps, Inc...........................................................417
Imagine Learning..............................................................418
Lone Star Learning............................................................419
Strawbridge Studios, Inc....................................... 420, 420A
Living Tree..........................................................................421
Row 500
Lee’s School Supplies, Inc.................................................505
Nancy Larson Publishers..................................................508
Southwest Education, Inc........................................ 510, 512
Provine School Pictures......................................... 511, 513
Help Educate Texas Children...........................................514
Dallas Baptist University..................................................515
Abrams Learning Trends..................................................516
Lakeshore Learning Materials................................ 517, 519
Handwriting Without Tears.............................................518
Renaissance Learning.......................................................520
Engaging By Motivation...................................................521
SchoolMall................................................................. 523, 525
The Outdoor School..........................................................526
Curriculum Advantage.....................................................527
Row 600
Curriculum Associates.......................................... 601, 602
The Markerboard People......................................... 604, 606
Red Apple Resources of South Texas..............................605
Vocabulary SpellingCity...................................................607
Just the Facts......................................................................608
Townsend Press.................................................................609
Texas 2 Step Pastries..........................................................610
KiDs Beach Club...............................................................611
Teacher TidBitz..................................................................612
Dairy Max........................................................................613
Frog Publications...............................................................614
Crayola, LLC......................................................................615
Sister Stones Jewelry..........................................................616
Cherrydale................................................................. 617, 619
Green Apple Educational Products........................ 618, 620
Velazquez Press..................................................................621
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.................................... 622, 624
Imagery/PBM/Advanced Graphics........................ 623, 625
Dees Tees................................................................... 628, 629
LunchBox Kids, LLC.........................................................630
Row 700
The Dinosaur George Company............................. 701, 702
World Research Company...............................................704
Sweet Hearts.......................................................................705
SOI SYSTEMS....................................................................706
Gourmet Learning.................................................... 707, 709
TEPSA Summer Conference
Exhibitor Listing by Booth Number
Row 700 Continued
Muses3, LLC.......................................................................708
The Childrens Health Market..........................................710
Math Teachers Press, Inc..................................................711
GF Educators, Inc Gayle Fuller............................... 712, 714
Houston ISD.......................................................................713
World’s Finest Chocolate..................................................715
That Name Game...............................................................716
American Income Life Insurance Company..................718
Discovery Toys-Rose Brunette-Independent Dist........719
Star Point Learning...........................................................720
Word Walls by Amy Littleton..........................................721
The Writing Academy.............................................. 722, 724
Unzipped Boutique...........................................................723
Recreation Brands Group.................................................727
Teachers Together..............................................................728
Row 800
Rambo Park and Play, Inc................................................804
USA Fundraisers................................................................806
Boost Promotions..................................................... 810, 812
Learning A-Z......................................................................814
Got2 Bling IT!....................................................................816
STAAR Mission by Cosenza & Associates, LLC...........817
Lead with confidence knowing you have TEPSA working for
you! Join and/or renew at www.tepsa.org.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Making the All-STAAR Writing Team!!!
The Writing Academy is completely
Updated with the new Expository Information!
Plan your August STAAR writing inservice NOW!
Or send teachers to our Kemah Summer Four Day Institutes!
See us this Thursday, June 13th, Wedgewood
our foldables
for Personal
Narrative and
for Expository
Learn all about
What’s New?
At our inservices, teacher will receive...
CAMPS for Students….
About our seminars for
PITFALLS Seminar !
High Energy!
grade student body (up to 150) Are your teachers aware of
TEA Accredited!
can have one or all three of our
Brain Research Based
the 5 most common
writing CAMPS:
Learning Styles Based
Narrative and Expository
 Kick Off the Year “Write”!
School & District Levels  Mid Year Writing CAMP
pitfalls students fall into
Follow-Ups Offered
when they write?
 Just in Time! STAAR
Writing CAMP
Vertically Aligned
Highly Interactive
Let us show them how to
All Student CAMPS are
Motivating Consultants!
avoid these costly mistakes.
updated with the new
Thousands inserviced!
Several Scaffolded Prompts and Read/Think/Write Prompts to take back to their students.
Ready to use rubrics which correlate specifically to the STAAR test.
Two Planning Foldables– The Blue Print (Personal Narrative) and the I-Write Plan (Expository)
A plan for how to help students avoid potential writing traps.
A comparison T-Chart for Narrative and Expository Writing.
Amazing, entertaining, and inspiring instruction!
Continue the process with your 3-8 students!
narrow and deep!!!
Start the writing process with your PK-2 students!
Contact us for more
The Writing Academy
902 Marina Bay Drive
Kemah, TX 77565
Expository Writing!
ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! Beginning October 2013
Have us for our new DECISIONS Seminar!
The “objective portion” of STAAR is addressed in an interactive and fun way.
281-538-3241 (phone)
281-538-6536 (fax)
TEPSA Summer Conference
Parking, Hotels and Driving Directions
Additional Parking
Additional parking is available WednesdayFriday at the Arbor Cinema. Take 183 North
and exit at Capital of Texas Highway (Loop
360)/Great Hills Trail. Go through the first
light. Turn left on Great Hills Trail. Turn right
on Jollyville Rd. Go past PF Changs. Arbor
Cinema is on the right side of the street. Look
for the white signs with TEPSA PARKING. A
continuous shuttle runs to and from this
parking lot and the Renaissance.
Do not park in surrounding parking lots or
at the 9737 Great Hills parking lot. Cars will
be towed at owner’s expense.
Remove/Hide Valuables and Lock Cars
TEPSA is not responsible for any damages
to or loss of property that may occur in
parking areas.
Embassy Suites Arboretum
9505 Stonelake Blvd|512-372-8771
Hampton Inn NW/Arboretum
3908 W Braker Ln|512-349-9898
Holiday Inn NW/Arboretum
8901 Business Park Dr|512-343-0888
Homewood Suites Arboretum NW
10925 Stonelake Blvd|512-349-9966
Hyatt Place Arboretum
3612 Tudor Blvd|512-231-8491
Renaissance Hotel
9721 Arboretum Blvd|512-343-2626
Residence Inn Northwest/Arboretum
3713 Tudor Blvd|512-502-8200
Staybridge Suites Arboretum
10201 Stonelake Blvd|512-349-0888
The Westin at the Domain
11301 Domain Dr|512-832-4197
TownePlace Suites Austin Northwest
10024 Capital of Texas Hwy|512-231-9360
TEPSA Summer Conference
Directions to/from the Renaissance Hotel
From Loop 1 (MoPac)
Exit 183 North/Research Blvd. Stay to the right and exit Capital of
Texas Hwy (Loop 360)/Great Hills Trail. Turn left at the first light.
Take first right on Arboretum Blvd. Hotel is on the right.
From IH-35
Exit 183 North. Follow the same directions as above once you reach
the Capital of Texas Hwy (Loop 360) exit.
From Embassy Suites, Hyatt Place Arboretum and Residence Inn
Turn right on Tudor. Turn left on Stonelake. Turn right on the
access road. Get in left lane. Turn left at the light. Take first right on
Arboretum Blvd. Hotel is on the right.
From Hampton and Homewood
Exit from the Hampton parking lot on to Braker Ln (Westbound).
Get in left lane and turn left at light on to Stonelake Blvd. Get in
right lane and turn right at light on to Great Hills Trail. Go under
183. Turn left on to Jollyville Rd. The Renaissance will be straight
ahead. To return from the Renaissance Hotel to the Hampton and
Homewood, follow directions in reverse.
From Holiday Inn NW to Renaissance
Turn right out of the hotel parking lot onto the Loop 1 frontage
road. Get in far left lane. Turn left at light (you’ll cross over Loop 1).
Turn left at next light on to frontage road heading north. Get in the
left lane and take the fly-over to 183 North (you’ll be heading west
when you’re on the fly-over). Take the Capital of Texas Highway/
Great Hills Trail exit. Get in the third lane to the right. Go straight
through the first light. Get in the left lane. Turn left at the second
light (Great Hills Trail). Go straight through the third light. Turn
left at the fourth light (T.G.I. Friday’s will be on your left, Pier 1 will
be on your right). Once you’ve turned left, the Renaissance will be
straight ahead.
From Renaissance to Holiday Inn NW
Turn right onto Great Hills Trail. Turn right onto the frontage road
of Highway 183. Get in left lane to get onto 183. Stay in right lane
(this lane goes straight). Do not get into the left lane. You will go up
a hill and curve to the right. Holiday Inn NW is on the right.
From Staybridge Suites to Renaissance
Go straight out the front of the hotel and on to Great Hills Trail. Go
under 183. Turn left on Jollyville. Go through the light. Renaissance is
straight ahead. (Follow directions in reverse to return to Staybridge).
From TownePlace to Renaissance
Head west on N Capital of Texas Hwy. After crossing over Highway
183, get in right turn lane and turn onto Arboretum Blvd. Renaissance will be on the right (approximately 0.4 mi).
Staybridge Suites
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Austin Map
To TownePlace from Renaissance
Go straight out of the hotel and turn right onto Great
Hills Trail. Stay on Great Hills Trail until it dead ends into
Stonelake Blvd. Turn left on Stonelake Blvd. Go to Braker
Lane and turn right. Stay in right lane and turn right
on to frontage road. Stay in right lane on frontage road.
Turn right onto TX-360 Loop N/N Capital of Texas Hwy.
TownePlace will be on the right.
From Westin at the Domain to Renaissance
Turn left out of the hotel on to Domain Drive. Take Domain Drive to Braker Lane. Turn right on to Braker Lane.
Stay on Braker Lane and go over Loop 1. Get in left lane.
Turn left on to Stonelake Blvd. Turn right on Great Hills
Trail. Stay on Great Hills Trail and go under 183. Turn left
on to Jollyville Rd. The Renaissance will be straight ahead.
To Westin at the Domain from Renaissance
Go straight out of the hotel and turn right on to Great
Hills Trail. Stay on Great Hills Trail and go under 183.
Turn left on to Stonelake Blvd. Go to Braker Lane and
turn right. Stay on Braker Lane and go over Loop 1. After
crossing over Loop 1, turn left at the second traffic light
on to Domain Drive. The Westin will be on the right side.
TEPSA Summer Conference
Shuttle Schedule and Routes
Route #1
Hampton Inn
Homewood Suites
Westin at the Domain
Route #2
Embassy Suites
Hyatt Place Arboretum
Residence Inn
Route #3
Arbor Cinema at Great Hills
Staybridge Suites
TownePlace Suites
Route #4
Holiday Inn NW
Complimentary shuttle service to and from TEPSA block hotels
and the additional parking area to the Renaissance is provided
throughout the conference. All shuttles will run in approximately
40-minute intervals round trip, but can be delayed due to traffic.
Please note:
• The shuttle is not always able to drive up to the hotel entrance so
it is a good idea to wait outside to avoid missing it.
• If the Third General Session runs past noon, the shuttle will run
until participants have been returned to their hotels.
• Parking at the Renaissance Hotel is limited.
Daily Schedule
Wednesday: 7am-7:30pm (all routes)
Thursday: 7am-6pm (all routes)
Friday: 7am-12:30pm (all routes)
Notes Space
This space reserved
for doodling or serious
note-taking, totally
up to you!
TEPSA Summer Conference
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Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Form
TEPSA Summer Conference | June 12-14, 2013 | Austin Renaissance Hotel
Name School/Organization
Session Title
SBEC Standard Length
Wednesday, June 12
1-2:30pm Capture and Inspire All Learners
Campus Culture1.0
2:45-3:45pm 3:15-4:15pm Thursday, June 13
Have You Shifted Your Monkey Today?
Organizational Leadership
Friday, June 14
Advancing Literacy Through Love...And a Bedtime Story
Community Relations
Note: It is the responsibility of the administrator to keep an accurate account of CPE credit hours earned.
Please retain this for your own record.
SBEC Provider Number for TEPSA: 500-113
Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association
I certify that this accurately indicates my attendance record at the conference.
501 East 10th Street, Austin, TX 78701-2697
Participant’s SignatureDate
Texas Administrative Code §241.15
The principal is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by practicing learner centered...
1. Values and Ethics of Leadership - acts with integrity, fairness
and in an ethical manner, and promotes awareness of learning differences, multicultural awareness, gender sensitivity and
ethnic appreciation in the campus community.
2. Leadership and Campus Culture - shapes campus culture by
facilitating the development, articulation, implementation and
stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by
the school community, including: high morale; risk-taking; selfesteem and wellness; high expectations and innovative thinking.
3. Human Resources Leadership and Management - implements a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members, selects appropriate
models for supervision and staff development and applies the
legal requirements for personnel management.
4. Communications and Community Relations - collaborates with
families and community members, responds to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizes community resources.
5. Organizational Leadership and Management - provides leadership and management of the organization, operations and
resources for a safe, efficient and effective learning environment. This standard includes staffing, budget, technology and
time management.
6. Curriculum Planning and Development - facilitates the design
and implementation of curriculum and strategic plans that enhance teaching and learning; provides for alignment of curriculum, resources and assessment; and various forms of assessment
to measure student performance, such as benchmarks, district
planning, TEKS/TAKS, use of trends, data and research.
7. Instructional Leadership and Management - advocates, nurtures and sustains a campus culture and instructional program
conducive to student learning and staff professional growth.
This standard addresses special campus programs, closing the
gap, classroom management, school structures, vertical teaming and use of formative/summative assessment.
Complete information on State Board for Educator Certification rules can be found at the SBEC web site: www.sbec.state.tx.us. A link
is available via www.tepsa.org.
TEPSA Summer Conference
TEPSA Summer Conference
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Advertiser Index
Special thanks to TEPSA advertisers! Please visit the following
companies in the Academic Marketplace or online in the Exhibitors
section at www.tepsa.org.
American Reading...................................................................................45
Curriculum Associates...........................................................................31
Forde Ferrier............................................................................................33
Horace Mann............................................................... Inside Back Cover
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt...................................................................61
Kolodziej’s Fundraising...........................................................................64
Lone Star Learning..................................................................................46
Mentoring Minds...................................................... Inside Front Cover
Nikki’s Work IT........................................................................................56
Region 4 ESC.....................................................................................39, 65
Rice University/Stemscopes...................................................................63
Scholastic Book Fairs..............................................................................40
The Writing Academy.............................................................................57
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TEPSA Summer Conference
TEPSA State Presidents
1917 I. N. Odom, Waco
1918 S. M. Lloyd, Austin
1919 W. S. Bellamy, Dallas
1920 F. Edna Simmons, Dallas
1921 J. F. Peeler, Dallas
1922 Leonard Power, Port Arthur
1923 J. E. Park, Wichita Falls
1924 T. Guy Rogers, San Antonio
1925 J. I. Reynolds, Houston
1926 Eunice Parr, San Antonio
1927 J. B. Bright, Houston
1928 R. A. Collins, Port Arthur
1929 James T. Whittlesey, Dallas
1930 Katherine Gorbutt, El Paso
1931 Arvin N. Donner, Port Arthur
1932 Thomas E. Pierce, Denton
1933 George P. Mecham, Corpus Christi
1934 Sydney M. Callaway, FortWorth
1935 W. L. Darnell, Austin
1936 Elsie B. Jordt, San Antonio
1937 L. M. Fertsch, Austin
1938 Frank D. Austin, Port Arthur
1939 B. C. Shulkey, Fort Worth
1940 F. M. Mathis, Tyler
1941 W. A. Hamilton, Dallas
1942 S. E. Pass, Abilene
1943 O. R. Scott, Weslaco
1944 Kyle K. Bates, Kilgore
1945 Charles H. Dent, Dallas
1946 H. A. Newsom, Edinburg
1947 Roy H. Rowland, Goose Creek
1948 Ishmael Hill, Beaumont
1949 Herman G. Williams, Dallas
TEPSA Summer Conference
1950 Gladys Simons, Fort Worth
1951 Alma M. Freeland, Tyler
1952 Dr. M. G. Bowden, Austin
1953 Opal Eversole, Freeport
1954 Ruby Gustavson, Kingsville
1955 Buford W. Williams, San Marcos
1956 Olvie B. Wheeler, Lubbock
1957 Floyd A. Hemphill, Amarillo
1958 P. B. Stovall, Fort Worth
1959 Christine Rockefeller, Corpus Christi
1960 Frank J. Balusek, Bay City
1961 Howard W. Amick, Amarillo
1962 Thomas Saunders, San Antonio
1963 Duane Russell, Garland
1964 Lloyd Bell, Dallas
1965 Myrtice Larson, Arlington
1966 Lloyd Bell, Dallas
1967 Henry Shrake Jr., Houston
1968 Kenneth Fields, Fort Stockton
1969 Carl F. Wheeler, Austin
1970 Warren W. Green, Tyler
1971 William C. Harter, Canyon
1972 Shirley Hale Lincoln, Spring Branch
1973 Donald Couch, Fort Worth
1974 Earl Cobb, Galena Park
1975 Alvis Bentley, Amarillo
1976 Don Simmons, Abilene
1977 Frank Mullican, Lubbock
1978 Anna Brodie, Temple
1979 Dr. Joan Bossung, Spring Branch
1980 Troy Selzer, Ennis
1981 Larry Parkerson, Galena Park
1982 Dr. Tony C. Diaz, Corpus Christi
1983 Joe Cummins, Midland
1984 Gene Stokes, Round Rock
1985 Nancy Sampson, Cypress-Fairbanks
1986 David Walvoord, Amarillo
1987 Moody Conner, Andrews
1988 Dr. Sally Blewett, Beaumont
1989 Eugene J. Sekula, East Central
1990 F. B. (Buddy) Sexton, Lubbock
1991 Carolyn Clapp, Humble
1992 Bill Barnes, Hurst-Euless-Bedford
1993 Gretchen Ricker, Seguin
1994 Dr. Debra Nelson, Coppell
1995 Ramon E. Rivera, Ysleta
1996 Dr. Anne S. Kiehle, Fort Sam Houston
1997 Lillie Beth Wilson, Alief
1998 Stephen Caruso, Killeen
1999 Dr. Linda Little, North Lamar
2000 Julia Lyda, Grapevine-Colleyville
2001 Doris Jean Gill, Beaumont
2002 Mark Lukert, Wichita Falls
2003 Dr. Linda Holman, El Paso
2004 Dr. Lynda Carter, Highland Park
2005 Mark Terry, Carroll
2006 Karen Bessette, Randolph Field
2007 Celia Layton, Pasadena
2008 Mitzi McAfee, Calhoun County
2009 Dr. Andra Penny, Coppell
2010 Dr. Scott Hollinger, McAllen
2011 Sharon Wright, Plainview
2012 Scot Clayton, Henrietta
2013 Stacy Bennett, Huntsville
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TEPSA Summer Conference
Renaissance Hotel
Atrium (Upper/Street Level)
(Formerly Tangerines)
hosted by NAESP
and Scholastic
Book Fairs
Plaza (Lower Level)