July 2014 - Pentwater Lake Association


July 2014 - Pentwater Lake Association
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
July 2014
Mute Swans: The Lovely Bird We Love To
By Dave Spratt/Joe Primozich
Inside this issue:
Mute Swans
Message from the
Back from the Mac
Water Quality Report
Artist’s Palette
News Around Town
New Library Director
Budget Report
Annual Dinner Report
Special Points of Interest:
Fishing Report
Local Programs and Classes
Listing of Officers and
Membership Application
Strawberry Shortcake Social
Inland Lakes Covention
Classes and Programs
Schedule of Events
Pretty as they are, these invasive creatures are quickly becoming an ugly problem. The
problem is typified by the picture taken at the head of Pentwater Lake at Long Bridge
on the southwest side, or lake side. This is a
Canada goose nest that was right under the
lake side bridge walkway. I watched her end up
being successful and hatching her 2 eggs after
having been chased off the marsh by the male
mute swan, or cob. The swans were nesting on
the up river side of the bridge and any nesting
waterfowl were fair game for attack or
threatening gestures to drive them out. Only
the immature geese that were loafing and not
nesting in their first year were allowed to stay
up river on the sand bar.
Lake residents like the swans for more than one reason. Their beauty and grace are
unquestionable. In spring everyone goes gaga over their little fuzzy babies. And bonus:
They harass the geese enough to keep them on the move, which prevents large
deposits of goose cookies from building up on lawns.
But that’s really just one way of looking at it. Both cases actually illustrate the
problems with mute swans: They are aggressive to humans and other wildlife. On top
of that, they destroy habitat that other birds- especially ducks – need to survive. And
their presence is most likely preventing the recovery of native trumpeter swans,
which are progressing nicely but can’t find much habitat that isn’t already claimed by
mute swans.
(It’s easy to tell mute swans from native trumpeters and the tundra swans that
migrate through in fall and spring: Mute swans have an orange bill. Trumpeter bills
are black; tundra swans have a black bill with a little yellow at the base. In short :
orange = bad.)
Mute swans are an invasive species that is causing large – scale ecological problems,
but because they’re so doggoned pretty they have the opposite of a public relations
Continued on page 2
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Swans…..continued from page 1
problem: People are so enamored with their grace and beauty that most don’t realize what a menace they are. A
presidential candidate should be so lucky.
But the folks who are bird –wise in Michigan’s Department of Natural Resources look around the state and see 15,000
beautiful, graceful bad actors. The Division of Wildlife aims to reduce the population of mute swans to 2,000 by the
year 2030, and the program is well under way at state – owned recreation areas like Pointe Mouillee near Monroe.
The destructive capacity of mute swans is at least twofold: For one thing they’ve actually been observed killing
ducklings and stomping on delicate breeding areas of other birds. The second is that they are voracious eaters and
they hang around too long. In other words, they don’t migrate. That keeps important forage plants from recovering
like they would if they could catch a break from big, hungry birds. Even the species mute swans don’t harass outright
often show up in long standing wetland habitats only to find there’s nothing left to eat The swans got it all.
“We much prefer a native species over a non - native species,” said Barb Avers, a waterfowl specialist with the
Michigan DNR. “The biggest thing we see with mute swans is the damaging effects they have, in terms of destruction
of habitat and the competition with native species, but also in pure aggression. We do see a lot of those negative
Mute swans were introduced into Michigan in the mid-1800s for the sole purpose of looking good on estates and in
parks. They performed that duty just fine for decades, but over the past 20 years something went horribly wrong.
There were about 2.000 mute swans statewide in 1990, but by the year 2000 that number had nearly tripled to 5,700.
By 2010 it had gone over 15,000, and the problems the swans were causing were rampant.
Keep in mind that aside from the public’s lack of understanding, very little stands in the way of Michigan’s mission.
The plan to drastically reduce Michigan’s mute swan populations has the support of groups like the National Audubon
Society and the American Bird Conservancy. And since they are a non – native species, they have no federal
protection. In fact, some states allow them to be hunted.
Don’t expect that here. Michigan’s wildlife folks have decided that opening up a hunting season would give mute
swans a more desirable status, and they don’t want that. So they’ll just keep slugging away at the goal of 2,000 birds,
a number that once reached would be easier to sustain. And they allow that the smaller number would still please
those who enjoy mute swans despite their faults.
“If we can get that population down to 2,000 and keep it under control, it seems like when we had that many we
didn’t have this many conflicts,” Avers said. “We’re trying to place some social value on mute swans and recognize
that some people like them and enjoy viewing them. They’re big, beautiful birds.”
Condensed from - Mute Swans: “The Lovely Bird We Love To Hate”;
Michigan Outdoors Magazine, March/April 2012 pp. 26-27
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
The President’s Message
Safer Waters
It has been over four years that the Pentwater Lake Association has tried to get
buoy markers placed in the shallow areas of Pentwater Lake. Watching boats of all
types run aground has become more common with lower water levels. Two years ago
Tim Simon, our marine officer, recorded 12 groundings. Boaters running aground
were mainly new comers to the area or sailboat racers.
Things needed to changed for the safety of all lake users. Simply, it came down to knowing who to work
with. Initially, Tim Simon became totally convinced of the need for the project. He then became the driving
force spearheading the need for three new buoys to be placed on Pentwater Lake. Chuck Smith was brought
into the discussion and Chuck encouraged the Township Board to vote for the buoy funding. So special
thanks to the Pentwater Township Board, as last fall they approved spending $720 for the three buoys. This
allowed the final piece in the puzzle, Patterson Marine Company, to place the three buoys in the lake in early
June. Two are placed at the east end of the lake at the front of the river mouth delta. The third buoy was
placed off the south point in the middle of the lake. So if you see these three local friends of the lake, thank
them for their support and action in this matter. Pentwater Lake is a safer place for it.
Pentwater Angler Fish Report
By Brian Ceane
Brian Ceane of the Pentwater Angler submitted the following top
catches over the last 3 months.
A 30 lb. brown was caught off the Bass Lake outlet in Lake Michigan.
Ben Gabbard caught a 25 lb. king salmon on Lake Michigan.
From the channel came a 38 inch northern pike in mid May.
A 14 inch crappie was taken from the middle of the lake.
From the new bridge platform a 19 inch smallmouth was caught.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater’s Mudpuppies
by Joe Primozich
So you thought you knew all of the aquatic animals that live in
Pentwater Lake. That was my attitude, until this spring when I was
putting my dock in at the east end of the lake at the end of May. When
standing in my waders, all of a sudden something came floating up to me
with an appendage sticking out of the water with digits on it. As I looked
closer I saw that it had external gills behind its head and smooth skin.
Amazed that it was so intact, I measured it to be over 15 inches long.
Later finding out that the average mudpuppy is 13 inches, I realized I had found a grand daddy of a mudpuppy.
By all references I could find, this is an indicator of good water quality.
It appeared that the mudpuppy had been washed out of the marsh during a recent rain event. Since aquatic
salamanders live an average life span of 11 years and appear to become a rusty brown color, this one seemed to
be an older member of the community of Necturus maculosus, its scientific name. When I found out that these
aquatic salamanders were nocturnal, I realized why I had not seen any in my wanderings. Their diet consists of
earthworms, insects, mollusks, and annelids. They can mature at 6 years old and lay up to 60 eggs on average.
Some lay as many as 200 eggs. They carry two types of glands. Mucous glands help to keep the skin moist and
granular glands secrete a poison as a defense system. Man, fish, crayfish, turtles, and watersnakes are their
enemies. Just remember; if you are talking about these down south, they are called waterdogs.
Jilly’s Gallery is open for the season with new work and wonderful news. Jilly has been accepted into ArtPrize
2014 and is showing her work at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum in Grand Rapids Mi., September 24
thru October 12, 2014. Her piece is 18 feet long and approximately 5 and one half feet wide.
“Engulfed in Glass” represents four seasons on the shoreline at four different times of the day during the four
seasons of the year. This large work consists of over 236 pieces of fused glass layered and installed in a
manner to give the illusion of one mural. Jilly’s piece began an with an idea, transformed into a sketch, then
to a prototype. Inspired by West Michigan’s shoreline, “Engulfed in Glass” depicts the coldness of a moonwashed Michigan Winter night relieved into a hopeful Spring morning, transitioning towards an endless
Summer sunset and finally into an Autumn Afternoon with its melancholy winds and blustering waves. The
viewer is engulfed into the complexity of the installation, and reflective qualities of the glass. Fusing
techniques incorporated were multi-firings, slumping , raking and casting using iridescent glass, cathedral
glass, opaque glass, Frit glass, and Dichroic glass. Of course, it would not be complete without the
encapsulated dune sand and pockets of driftwood that make the Michigan shoreline so special. Jilly invites
you to get “Engulfed in Glass”.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Expected adequate channel depths should attract dozens of Chicago to Mackinac
racing sailboats and crews to overnight in Pentwater on Friday, July 25, and attend
this year’s Back from the Mac Party at the Pentwater Yacht Club.
“Everyone in the community is again invited to join in the fun, enjoy a great meal,
listen and dance to a terrific band, and welcome the sailors,” said party chair Laura
Ellam. “Seeing all those sailboats rafted together in front of the PYC, against the
backdrop of the channel entrance, is a real sign of summer. But so is enjoying
charcoal grilled corn-on-the-cob that’s dripping in butter!”
The evening begins at 5 p.m. when the cash bar opens; a dinner buffet of brats,
roast pig, corn on the cob, assorted salads and dessert is available from then until 8 p.m.
The popular West Michigan band “Mid-Life Crisis” again entertains between 8 p.m.-midnight, and features music
from the 60's, 70's and 80's. “The band tells us our party is one of their most favorite gigs, and we are really
happy to have them back this year.”
Tickets go on sale at the Yacht Club at 5 p.m. on July 25. A dinner/entertainment ticket costs $20 ($6 for children
ages 6-12). For those coming for the entertainment and cash bar between 8 p.m. - midnight, there’s a $10
“This will be our 18th year of throwing this terrific party,” said Ellam. “Stopping in Pentwater for the night and
partying in our spectacular setting has become a real tradition for many of the race contestants.”
This will be the 106th year of this annual race, affectionately known as "The Mac," and it begins on July 19. Some
350 boats, with hulls ranging between 30-80 feet in length, compete in multiple classes. Most boats typically take
between 40-60 hours to complete the 289 nautical mile course depending on boat type and wind conditions. The
boats returning to their home ports and stopping in Pentwater, will have traveled 160 nautical miles from
Mackinac after competing in the race.
Skippers can find the latest Pentwater Channel depths posted at http://pentwaterchannel.org/ or http://
pentwateryachtclub.com/. For more information, call the Yacht Club at 231-869-8921.
Annual Strawberry Shortcake Social
The PLA annual Strawberry Shortcake Social will take place on Thursday, August 14th during the weekend of
Homecoming in Pentwater. This delicious treat will be sold at the Village Green on Thursday Evening beginning
at 6:00 pm while the crowd gathers for the special concert of the combined Village and Clown Bands. Come and
enjoy the concert and support the Pentwater Lake Association as we kick off the annual Homecoming Weekend
festivities. The cost for a delectable strawberry shortcake is just $3.50 along with cold water for $1.00.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater Homecoming: August 14 th-17th
2014 Theme: Sailing the Lakes
Grand Sponsors: Village Cafe and Pub & West Shore Bank- Pentwater
Come home to Pentwater and enjoy our Pentwater Homecoming 2014 Celebration! Many activities and
events are planned for your friends and family’s enjoyment.
Homecoming Activities are as follows:
- Pentwater Township Cemetery Tours
-Strawberry Shortcake Social
-Les Bailey Memorial Concert
-Teen Dance
-Sand Sculpture Contest
-Volleyball Tournament
-Story Telling
-Big Ten Alumni Golf Scramble
-Ray Spychal Invitational Softball
-Horseshoe Tournaments
-Pentwater Yacht Club Ensign Race
-Big Ten Tailgate Party
-Homecoming Grand Parade at 4pm
-Fireworks at Dusk
-Marine Corps League Pancake Breakfast and more.
-Scottville Clown Band Mini Concert (Behind Village Cafe & Pub)
See the Chamber Website: www.pentwater.org for detailed information.
This picture by Louise Olson was taken on June 21. It shows two
eaglets the size of crows sitting on the nest edge to exercise their
wings. It is the 4th consecutive year where multiple births have
been successful to this point at the beginning of summer.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater Lake Water Quality
The water quality in Pentwater Lake is closely monitored each spring and summer. The
PLA takes monthly water samples then drives them to GVSU’s Annis Water Research labs in
Muskegon to be analyzed for chemical and e-coli content. These samples come from two
points in the lake as well as one location each on the north and south branch of the river
and the small creek that flows through the village. The PLA also works with the
Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) to measure spring and fall phosphorus,
monthly chlorophyll, and weekly transparency readings. Not only do these programs give
us a good annual profile of the lake, they also help detect any changes or trends occurring
over the long term.
We recently received the results of the 2013 samplings from CLMP so this is a summary of the results
without going into too much scientific detail. Phosphorus is one of several essential nutrients that algae need
to grow. We sample for it in the early spring and late summer. The long term readings are useful for evaluating
nutrient enrichment in the lake and typing the lake. The readings in Pentwater Lake in 2013 were 38
micrograms per liter in April and 39 in September. This was a little higher than our previous averages. For
comparison purposes, the average of the 150 lakes tested was 17 in the spring and 15 in the late summer. All
lakes sample within a given window so comparisons are valid.
Chlorophyll is useful for estimating the amount of algae in a lake. We sample monthly from May through
September. Our monthly readings for 2013 were: May 4.8 micrograms per liter, June 17.0, July 7.4, Aug 12.0,
and Sept 19.0 for an average of 12.0.
Transparency (clarity) is measured weekly from May through September using a Secchi disc. Last summer
with 18 readings we averaged a depth of 6.1 feet with a minimum of 3.0 on July 18, and a maximum 10.5 on
June 20.
Based on the data collected, lakes are typed into one of four general categories. Pentwater Lake continues
to be considered a eutropic lake. Eutrophication is a natural process of lake aging, however human activity can
speed the process. We can slow this cultural eutrophication by trying to reduce the input of nutrients and
sediments into the lake from the surrounding lands. The more each of us invest in this, the more likely it is that
future generations will enjoy the same quality of lake as we do now.
Bill Bainton and Joe Primozich are our primary volunteer water samplers. Bill and Joe also deliver the CLMP
samples to Grand Rapids, and last summer Bill, Kristin Forester, and Gay Birchard took turns delivering the
samples to the Annis Research lab in Muskegon. If you want more information on this process, contact Bill or
Please use Phosphorus Free Fertilizer
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater's Artist Palette
…...Our Continuing Series on Pentwater Artists by Norma Oly
Summer has finally arrived and with it, an opportunity for Pentwater’s many galleries to
display and sell new works created by local artists this past winter. The Pentwater Arts
Council is again co-hosting the 4th Friday Night Gallery Strolls which take place May
through September on the last Friday of each month, from 5-8 p.m.
Of course, there is no fee for people to stroll through downtown Pentwater, to visit the eight galleries which
are participating this summer. Anyone who visits all eight will be entered into a drawing for a $25 gift
certificate to one of the galleries. Participants also need to have their map with them to be eligible, and
maps are available at each gallery.
The first four galleries are located right next to each other on West 2nd Street, across from the Village Green
near the Pentwater Yacht Club:
1-The newest gallery in town is the Petri Gallery where Cheri has displayed not only her
beautiful portraits, but also exhibits the renowned oils done by her late husband Bert.
The retired art teacher still holds classes and workshops, and was an Art Prize entrant in
2-Located next door to the Petri Gallery is the Chris Hammack Studio.
Owner and prolific artist, Chris Hammack, displays her whimsical dream scenes as well as her
beautiful oil portraits. The former teacher still holds workshops and painting sessions, and is
often found working on projects in the Studio.
3-Kook’s Eye Gallery, owned by Patti Opel and husband Tim Norris, specializes in featuring
Michigan artists. The Gallery is filled with paintings, drawings, jewelry, furniture, books and
unique Items. Kook’s Eye loves to “ignite your eyes with art!”
4-Jewels By the Sea is a fabulous gallery of sparkling gemstones and magnificent jewelry.
Owner and gold/silversmith, Ada Kajtazi, performs custom jewelry designs and repairs,
remounts, appraisals and sales. Her gemstone displays are truly dramatic and brilliant.
The other four galleries are located on the east side of Hancock Street:
5-Walking into downtown from the south, is Jilly’s Gallery which is always filled with a
multitude of custom, one-of-a-kind glass works by Jilly herself. A 2014 Art Prize
exhibitor at the Gerald Ford Museum in Grand Rapids this September, Jilly loves to
to explain the processes she uses for her jewelry, driftwood pieces, and large scale
glass artworks.
Continued on page 9
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater's Artist Palette...continued
…...Our Continuing Series on Pentwater Artists by Norma Oly
6-Marilyn’s Style Gallery, located under the “Our Gallery” awning, is run by artists
Sue Hopp and Emily Kunsky. It features a wide variety of art creations and
clothing, along with unique art-on-the-wall and several of Emily’s paintings. It is a
feast for the eyes, and a great place in which to find unique gifts.
7-The Oldewick Post, open year-around, is another feast
for the eyes. Gallery owners Crystal and Patrick Babbin
have many unique items to offer including gorgeous local photographs, notecards,
Polish wares, kitchen wares, specialty coffees and 50 flavors of fudge.
8-Art-on-the-Town Gallery, across from the United Methodist Church, is run by local artists themselves. The gallery highlights many different
media with a variety of items on display including pottery, jewelry, paintings and
Not only can wonderful gifts be purchased during the strolls at the end of each
month, but light refreshments and hors d’oeuvres are available at each of the
galleries as well. Just pick up a map at any of the eight participating galleries, visit all eight, and have an
opportunity to win a gift certificate.
There is always something fun to do in downtown Pentwater during the summer, but the 4th Friday Night
Gallery Strolls are at the top of my list!
The Glove Apparel – Featuring Michigan Brands
Dan Nugent’s new store, The Glove Apparel, at 560 S. Hancock Street is now officially open. The store’s
name – The Glove – refers to our great State of Michigan and
represents all of the activities and recreational opportunities as
well as memories made that fit us like a glove. Dan’s says the
store’s main slogan is “All Michigan, All the Time.” The apparel
and designs are based around the State of Michigan and are 100 %
made in the USA and designed in Michigan.
The Glove will carry t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, stickers, and
glassware. In addition, you can find music from local artists and
the art designs by Andy Skinner. The store will be open every day
from 10:00am– 8:00pm.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Michigan Inland Lakes Convention: May 1 – 3, 2014
Partnering to Protect Michigan’s Inland Lakes
Boyne Mountain Resort - Boyne Falls, Michigan
This was the inaugural event, the Michigan Inland Lakes Convention, planned by the
Michigan Inland Lake Partnership. The Partnership was launched in 2008 to promote
collaboration to advance stewardship of Michigan’s inland lakes. This year’s sponsors for
the convention included:
• Michigan Chapter of the North American Lake Management Society
• Michigan Lake and Stream Associations
• Michigan Natural Shoreline Partnership
• Department of Natural Resources
• Institute of Water Research – Michigan State University
• Department of Environmental Quality
• Michigan State University – Extension Office
The purpose of the Convention was to educate, engage, and empower the individuals who
work, live and play on Michigan inland lakes. All participants at the convention had one
thing in common. As stewards of our environment, we were there to learn and celebrate
one of Michigan’s most beautiful and precious resources.
The program offered a variety of opportunities for participants to engage in learning and in
networking. Workshops were available over the three days: 5 sessions on Thursday morning
and 5 sessions in the afternoon: 10 sessions on Friday afternoon, and 8 additional sessions
on Saturday morning.
Two invited speakers gave presentations on Friday morning. The first was by Eric Eckl,
founder of “Water Words That Work” – a marketing and public relations firm for nature
protection and pollution control organizations. The second speaker was Dennis Schomack,
Senior Strategy Advisor (Office of Strategic Policy).
In addition, over 60 exhibitors were on site representing numerous commercial entities,
state and federal agencies, tribal groups, lake professional, and non – profit organizations.
More Information online: http://michiganlakes.msue.msu.edu
An archive is available on the Michigan Inland Lakes Partnership website and will include:
presentations, handouts and a list of participants & speakers.
July 2014
Local Classes and Programs…
Pentwater Lake Association
Pentwater Artisan Learning Center
“A place to be creative, to develop the creative, and to be with the creative”
The Artisan Center is a facility that has approximately 11,000 square feet with shops for wood and
metalworking and classrooms for painting, pottery, glass crafts, weaving, and other arts and crafts.
To enjoy all that the Artisan Learning Center has to offer, you need to become a member. The
membership levels are:
Junior (13 – 18 years old) $25 per year
Adult (over 18 years old) $120 per year
Note: Membership runs from July 1st – June 30th. Memberships can be pro-rated if you come in
Stop by the Pentwater Artisan Learning Center to take a tour and pick up a membership
application. The center is located at 780 East Park Street.
Lakeside Rehab Family Fitness and Wellness Center
If you are looking for a family friendly fitness and wellness center, be sure and visit the
new Lakeside Fitness and Wellness Center in downtown Hart. The new facility was completely renovated
last year and is located at 39 State Street.
A variety of classes are offered including: Step & Scult, Fundamental Fitness, Zumba (intro,
gold, advanced) Tai-Chi, Spinning, Family Self Defense, Circuit City, Adult Hip Hop, Boot
Camp, Yoga (level 1 and 2).
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday - 6 am - 8 pm
Friday – 6 am - 6 pm
Saturday – 6 am - 2 pm
Aquatic Fitness classes, swim lessons, and open swim hours are available at Lakeside
Rehabilitation Center on 601 East Main Street in Hart. Private lessons are also
Visit their website for more information and explanation of programs and costs:
Local Support Groups
Cancer – Lakeshore Community Hospital -2nd Tuesday, 7 pm
Stroke Survivors – Scottville Senior Center -3rd Thursday, 2:30 pm
Low Vision – Ludington Senior Center -3rd Monday, 1:30 pm
Caregivers – (Baby Boomers and Beyond) – Oceana County Council on Aging (OCCOA) in
Hart -2nd Wednesday, 2 pm
Dementia Support Group – Oceana County Medical Care Facility (OCMCF) in Hart -3rd
Thursday, 4 pm
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Upcoming Events at Shared Space Studio:
Shared Space Studio is announcing their 2014 line-up of Shared Space Resident Artists! Their
third summer residency season runs from July 18th to August 18th. They will once again open
the studio to the public every Sunday evening, at 6pm, for the Visiting Artist Slide Talk.
Check the residency blog for updates. Come and enjoy a casual presentation, followed by
Q&A, with snack and drinks provided.
Natalie Woodlock / cargocollective.com/cakeladyworld / New Orleans, LA
Elijah Jensen-Lindsey / elijahjensenlindsey.com / Nampa, ID
John Alexander Holland / www.flickr.com/photos/jjjalexanderhhh / Traverse City, MI
Amanda Jayne Kennedy / amandajaynekennedy.com / Oakland, CA
Alex Defiglia // www.sparrowcat.com / Grand Rapids, MI
Scott Slade Wagner / scottyslade.com / Oakland, CA and Roscommon, MI
Amber Phelps Bondaroff / amberpb.weebly.com / Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Nick Lally / nicklally.com / Oakland, CA
For more information visit the Shared Space Website: www.sharedspacestudio.com/
Mears State Park - Fresh Air Fit: Sunset Yoga
Date: June 30, 2014
Time: 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Mears State Park, 400 West Lowell Street, Pentwater, MI
This summer, get Fresh Air Fit at Charles Mears State Park with
Rebecca Urick's Sunset Yoga class. This class is a nurturing, alllevels practice which implements fluid movements, stretching and
conscious breathing with the primary focus of opening energy
channels, freeing up tension in the body, re-energizing and relaxing.
This class is a great complement to a regular meditation practice. After the class, you will feel
refreshed, rejuvenated and inspired.
Please bring a towel and water. Classes may be cancelled no later than 15 minutes prior to
start time in the chance of heavy rain or lightning. Class takes place every Monday from 7:308:30pm, June 16-September 9. Meet near the swingset by the turnaround on Lowell Street
(west of the park entrance). For more information, please call Rebecca at (231) 852-0849 or
visit www.smilinglotusyoga.com
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Ensign Nationals Sailboat Races
100 Years of Mears News - Afternoon Celebration
Ensign Fleet 70 from Pentwater has
been selected as the host club for the
2014 National Ensign Championship
Regatta. The races will take place from
August 17th through August 21st on
Lake Michigan. For race registration and
sponsorship information, contact N.J. Stoyanoff at (313)
433-1933 or visit www.2014ensignnationals.com.
On August 24th, a special celebration
will be held to recognize the Historical
Park & Museum in Mears. The event
has been scheduled from 1:00pm–
4:00pm. A 100 car parade will take
place at 1:00pm, followed by the
dedication of a Bronze Statue of Swift
Host: Oceana County Historical and Genealogical Society.
Merchant Sidewalk Sales
Pentwater Village merchants will have their
annual sidewalk sale on August 22nd – 23rd.
Bring your family and enjoy the sales.
End of Summer Party - Pentwater
Come join in the fun at the End of Summer
Party behind The Village Café & Pub on
August 30th. The party will feature a live
band, drinks, entertainment, and more.
143rd Annual Oceana County Fair
Date: August 20th-23rd.
Location: Hart, Michigan at the Oceana
County Fair Grounds
Gate Admission: Adults - $2.00, Children
– $1.00, Under 5 free
Hours: 9am-11pm
Come enjoy the 143rd Annual Oceana County Fair Days.
Watch newspaper for other announcements and
attractions. For more details call: 231-873-2247
Marine Corps League Pancake Breakfast
August 31st from 8am-Noon
Enjoy a Pancake Breakfast at Pentwater
VFW Hall with proceeds going to Marine
Corp Scholarship. The Marine Corp will
be serving Pancakes, Sausage, Eggs,
Bacon, Fruit, and Coffee. All you can eat!
Costs: Adults: $7.00, Children (5-12):
$3.00, and Children under 5: Free.
18th Annual Wooden Boat Show
August 23rd at 11am
The Pentwater Yacht Club will
hold its 18th Annual Wooden Boat
Show on Pentwater Lake on
August 23rd. The show is open to
the public and a buffet lunch will
be available from noon to 2pm.
Boat exhibitor registration forms
are available on the PYC website.
Dozens of beautifully built wood boats, vintage and new;
powerboats, including Chris Craft, Century and Lyman,
will be on display from 11am to 3 pm.
The public may cast their vote for a People’s Choice
Award, which will be presented along with Best Century
and Best in Show awards at 3pm. At approximately 3:30
pm, the boat owners will form a boat parade touring
Pentwater Lake, followed by the Commodore’s review at
4 pm.
Vintage boat parts and collectibles will be on sale, as well
as souvenir show t-shirts.
For more information: www.pentwateryachtclub.com or
Phone: (231) 869-8921
Hart Healthy Labor Day 5K & Bridge
September 1 at 9am
Starts in Hart Historic District
Wine & Art at the Harbor
The Grapes of Mirth organization will hold its 10th annual
“Art and Wine at the Harbor” benefit
on Saturday, September 6th from
2:00 pm until 5:00 pm at Snug Harbor
Marina in Pentwater. Tickets are
$30.00 per person in advance or
$35.00 at the door. The event benefits Harbor Hospice.
The gala art auction and wine tasting takes place in a tent
overlooking beautiful Pentwater Lake. The price of
admission allows guests to sample 50 domestic and
imported wines, and enjoy great food, desserts and
music by Westside Jazz Ensemble.
...Continued on page 14
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Wine and Art, continued
A silent auction of original artwork donated by local artists
will be held from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm and proceeds benefit
Harbor Hospice. Tickets are available at all Huntington Bank
locations. Tickets can also be purchased in Pentwater at
Cenzo’s Market, Marilyn’s Style and Snug Harbor. The
Grapes of Mirth organization has donated more than
$350,000 to local community organizations from its wine
tasting events.
For more information contact: Susan McGarry 231-728-3442
(Harbor Hospice) at [email protected]
Jack Witt 231-869-7001 (Snug Harbor Marina)
COVE Benefit Beach Walk and
The 7th annual COVE Benefit Beach
Walk (5K) and Run 5K/10K Run will
be held at Charles Mears State Park
starting 8:30 am on Saturday,
September 13, 2014. The 5K and
10K races will follow a course
covering paved, sand and beach
surfaces. This is a perfect opportunity for walkers and
runners to get in their morning exercise and enjoy the
spectacular scenery along the Lake Michigan shoreline.
Proceeds go to support Communities Overcoming Violent
Encounters (COVE) – a non-profit agency serving victims of
domestic violence, sexual assault, and women and children
who are homeless.
Contact Lynne Cavazos by phone or email for registration
information: (231) 869-5939 or [email protected].
Online Registration available at: www.goracego.com
Fall Volunteer Weekend
Come volunteer at Charles Mears State Park on October 4th
and 5th. Meet at the Park Headquarters Building Saturday
Morning at 9am
24th Annual Fall Fest - Art & Craft Fair
September 27th & 28th
Experience the beauty of fall
at the annual Arts and Craft
Festival. Over 100 vendors
provide hand-made crafts, a
special skill or art, a skilled
trade or antiques on the
Village Green on September
27th – 28th. Enjoy live music from the band
Awesome Distraction on the Village Green. This is a
weekend not to miss.
To register as a vendor for the Arts & Craft Festival,
please contact Pentwater Chamber of Commerce at
231-869-4150. Spots available so contact us soon!
Boating Safety Course
July 10th & 11th and August 7th & 8th
Classes are located at the Pentwater
Yacht Club from 8:00 am– noon. To
register or get more information call
Don VanZile at 231-301-0310 (231301-0220) or Deputy Tim Simon at
231-873-6771 (231-873-2121).
50th Annual Fine Arts Fair
This annual event, hosted by the Pentwater Jr.
Women’s Club, is scheduled for
July 12th from 9am-5pm on the
Village Green. Each year the
Pentwater Jr. Women’s Club
invites artists from all over the
country to participate in this
juried Fine Art Fair. The
Pentwater Service Club is the food vendor for this
event. This local group supports our area through
donations and services.
If you would like additional information please visit :
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Blooming Arts Garden Walk and Art Auction
fishing. They will be back in port by noon to weigh in
fish and get pictures taken. From there, the kids will
reboard the bus, which will take them to the Oceana
Eagle's Club for an afternoon picnic. Prizes will be
awarded at the picnic, and everyone will have fish to
take home.
The Garden Club of
Pentwater and The
Pentwater Arts Council
present their fourth
annual Garden Walk/
Blooming Arts on
Saturday, July 19th,
2014 from 11am-4pm.
Artists will be painting/
doing artistic work at
each of the gardens as
well as on the Village Green that afternoon. Afterward
the artist's work will be available for purchase at a
silent auction on the Village Green. Come and enjoy an
afternoon in the gardens and stay to see the lovely
work that was created.
Annual Chicken Dinner
Enjoy a tasty chicken dinner on Sunday, August 3rd
at the St. James Episcopal Annual Chicken Dinner.
Dinner will be served starting at 12:00 noon. Contact
Ruth Bailey at 231-869-8031
for more information.
L.A.S.S.I. Shake, Wag, 'n
This annual event will be held
on August 9th on the Village Green in Pentwater.
The day’s events will include: Pet Walkathon, Pet
Tricks and
Costume Contests. All proceeds will
benefit the stray, abandoned and
abused companion animals of
Oceana County.
Tickets will be available at the Pentwater Chamber of
Commerce office, as well from Garden Club members
in early July and at the top of the hill at the Village
Green the day of the walk. Tickets are $10.00 for
adults and $1.00 for children under 12. For more
information, please contact Carol Hooper, Garden Club
President at 231-869-6035.
Pentwater Township Library
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014
6:30pm – 8:00pm
Beginning at 6:30pm you will have an opportunity to
meet the new Library Director, the Library Staff, and
Board of Trustees and see what is new at the Library.
Whitey Wegner Memorial Take a Kid Fishing Day
This year will mark the 24th Annual Pentwater Sport
Fishing Association Take-a-Kid Fishing Day in honor of
Whitey Wegner, who started the
event in 1990. This year's event
will take place on Saturday, July
26th. To register for the event,
children must be between the
ages of 10-16 years old and must
register with Joy Hamilton of the
MSU Extension Office in Hart,
Michigan. Contacts: Pentwater Sport Fishing
Association--231-425-7866 or Joy Hamilton, MSU
Extension Office--231-873-2129
On the day of the event, the group will meet in Hart at
the MSU Extension office to board a bus, and the bus
will transport kids to Pentwater Municipal Marina.
Ken Wegner, of the Pentwater Sport Fishing
Association, will meet the group there and match the
kids up with the captains who will take them out
Marilyn Warner, Linda Lewis and Mary
Jane Fedder
...Continued on page 16
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Library, continued
At 7:00pm there will be a presentation detailing
where the library has been and where the library
is going. There will be time set aside for questions
and feedback.
Coming soon – Geek the Library
Geek the Library is a community
building campaign designed to get
the library and community talking
about what is important to them. Go
to geekthelibrary.org to learn more
about “Getyourgeekon.”
New Location for Sun & Beach in Pentwater
Sun & Beach has moved to a new location this
year. The business is currently located where
Gardener’s Folly has been (150 S. Hancock Street).
The store has extended hours and is open from
9:00am until 10:00pm every day of the week. The
Sun and Beach store features children’s clothes
from 6 months of age and up, women’s clothing,
and men’s clothing. In addition, the store carries a
full line of shoes (flip flops, water shoes, etc.), a
wide range of beach equipment and toys, and
jewelry and sunglasses. Free printing is available
on tee shirts, beach towels, and sweatshirts.
Grand Rapids-based builder has
opened a new office In Pentwater.
Scott Christopher Homes, located at
144 Hancock St., will be focusing on
renovation work but also offers new
builds for clients. For more than 30
years, Scott Christopher Homes, has specialized in building and renovating amazing lakefront homes and
cottages through Michigan. Initially, a representative
will be at the new office during different hours. An
appointment can be arranged for anytime by contacting
the client development specialist, Ron Rutkowski at
(231) 241-1000.
Village Grounds – Plenty of Breathing Space
The Village Grounds has partnered with the neighboring
salon, Hair Culture, to make creative use of their
combined space. The coffee house now steams directly
into the area in front of the salon, and four square tables
now surround the salon.
Along with the expansion of the space has come an
expansion in the menu. Village Grounds now offers a
larger lunch menu with more sandwiches, soups, and
homemade baked goods.. In addition, their incredible
menu of coffee drinks, smoothies, and teas will be
available. They will continue to feature the old favorites,
especially the cherry chicken wrap. Of course, the true
favorites will be on the menu: white chocolate scones
and signature drinks like caramel crème and crème
brulee lattes. The Village Grounds is open daily at 7:00
AM for more than just great coffee.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
New Owners for Pentwater
River Outfitters
Pentwater River Outfitters (PRO) is open for the summer season with new
owners. Business partners Lynda Apple and Gregg Wallace, purchased PRO
in May from Jeff Jacques. Lynda and Gregg are excited to have the
opportunity further develop the recreation resources in the area. Pentwater
is a destination for many people and they hope to make Pentwater River
Outfitters a part of the outdoor experience of residents and visitors.
Lynda is an experienced, professional river guide and ski patroller in Northern Arizona and along West Coast.
In the winter, she works as an EMT in Flagstone, Arizona in a Level 1 Trauma Center. Gregg grew up in
Chicago but spent most of his adult life in Flagstaff, Arizona where he owned a commercial printing
company. His background is also in recreational outings and guiding. Last summer, Gregg lived on a boat in
Frankfort, Michigan and then spent the winter in Pentwater recuperating from a back injury. This May,
Gregg discovered that Pentwater River Outfitters was for sale and he and Lynda decided to purchase the
Gregg and Lynda hope to grow outdoor resources that will benefit children, adults, the local school, and the
community as a whole. They look forward to adding classes, lessons, and seminars for paddling and paddle
boating. The store will carry “Perception” kayaks, “Dolsey” – paddleboards, “Old Town” canoes, and
accompanying accessories such as paddles, shoes, and personal flotation devices for purchase. They also
have available for rent: single kayaks, double kayaks, canoes, and plastic and glass stand up boards. Livery
is also available to the North and South Forks of the Pentwater River, the state game areas marsh, and Lake
Michigan from Charles Mears State Park. Gregg and Lynda’s goal is to share the outdoors and provide the
gear to support it. The store will continue to carry Royal Robbin’s clothing line and Chaco and Keens shoes.
In addition, bicycles - “Critical Cycles” - will be available for rent: $15 for 1- 4 hours and $25 for a full day.
Pentwater River Outfitters will be open from May through Labor Day - 7 days a week from 10:00 AM – 6:00
pm. Special hours are available on request. In the fall, the store will be open weekends for color tours and
during all of Pentwater’s special events.
Lynda and Greg are “enjoying the small town feel of Pentwater and getting to know the passionate
community members and visitors who live here. “
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
New Library Director at Pentwater Township Library
After serving as the Interim Director for six months, Linda Lewis is now the
Director of the Pentwater Township Library. Linda was born and raised in
Jackson, Michigan but like many of us started coming to the Pentwater area
for summer vacation with her parents. Her parents owned a lovely log cabin
on Bass Lake. Ten years ago, Linda moved into the log cabin (after it was
winterized) and took up permanent residency.
In 2007, Linda began working at the Pentwater Township Library as a library
aide and the next year was promoted to the Administrative Aide/Bookkeeper
position. She worked closely with Marilyn Cluchey until her retirement in
September of 2013. On April 1st of 2014, Linda became the permanent
Director of the Library. Her primary responsibilities are to implement the
goals and guidelines set forth by the Library Board and to oversee program
development and the library staff. In addition, Linda does the buying for the library – books, books on tape,
magazines subscriptions, and newspaper subscriptions.
In addition to Linda, the Library Staff includes two Assistant Librarians: Jackie Baisden, who serves as the
bookkeeper for the library and Mary Jane Fedder who works primarily planning library programs. Three
Library Aides, Marilyn Warner, Teresa Veine, and Tammy Bailey, work at the front desk and take care of
shelving materials and assisting visitors to the library.
What Linda enjoys most about her new position as Director of the Pentwater Township Library is her
interaction with the people who come to the library, the permanent residents and the summer visitors. She
has fun creating programs that the entire community!
The Pentwater Township Library provides exciting programs for adults and children. The 2014 Summer
Series – “Fascinatin’ Rhythms” – began in June and continues through August. The following two programs
are coming up in July and August:
• Grand Rapids Jazz Orchestra – Tuesday, July 15th at 7:00 PM at the First Baptist Church in Pentwater
(corner of First and Rush St.)
One of Michigan’s premier jazz ensembles that features one of Pentwater’s own, Ted Crag, on trumpet.
• Drummunity by Lori Fithian - Wednesday, August 6th at 7:00 PM. At the Village Green (rain location –
Centenary United Methodist Church)
This is an interactive program that is high energy, fun, and empowering for people of all ages. Lori will bring
her collection of hand drums and percussion toys. Everyone participates from 10 – 400 or more people – all
playing together!
 The Children’s Summer Reading Program for pre-school through 5th grade meets every Tuesday from
June 17th – July 23rd.
PRESCHOOL – 2nd GRADE meets at 10:00 AM and features lots of stories, music, and activity.
3RD – 5TH GRADE meets at 1:00 PM and includes stories, crafts, and experiments in science.
Special Program – Tuesday, July 22nd at 7:00 PM at the Pentwater Friendship Center
Getting Excited about Science with Steve Belliveau is a fast paced science show that incorporates
large props, music, humor, audience participation, and FUN!
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements for 12 Months Ended May 31, 2013
and May 31, 2014, Cash in Bank and the 2014-15 Budget as Presented
(May 31)
Water Quality Testing
Newsletter Production
Newsletter Editor
Membership Directory
Subscriptions to Michigan Riparian
Annual Meeting Expense
Michigan Lake & Stream Assoc. Dues
Michigan Inland Lakes Conference
Michigan Waterfront Alliance
Strawberry Social
Web Site
Miscellaneous Expenses
Total Disbursements
Receipts over (under) Disbursements
Membership Dues
Annual Membership Meeting/Dinner
Subscriptions to Michigan Riparian
Strawberry Social
Interest Income
Total Receipts
Annual Membership Meeting/Dinner
Pentwater Chamber of Commerce
Cash in Bank:
As of May 31
Number of Members
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Annual Meeting Huge Success
On Friday June 20, 2014, over eighty people attended the Pentwater Lake Association annual meeting and
dinner held at St. Vincent's Church. People were treated to a delicious array of appetizers, entrees, salads, and desserts
prepared by Suzannne Hutchings of Safe Harbor Inn. Joe Primozich, president of PLA welcomed guests, and Village
President Juanita Pierman shared an inspiring poem entitled "Pentwater," written by a high-school-aged summer
After dinner, State Representative Jon Bumstead addressed the audience. "Pentwater is a beautiful part of the
state," he said. Bumstead is the chairman of the Department of Natural Resources appropriations committee, and he
introduced the evening's featured speaker Keith Creagh, Director of the DNR. Creagh shared his background in
agriculture and natural resources as it relates to Governor Snyder's plan for improving Michigan's quality of life. He
pointed out there are 4.6 million acres of public land in the state, and said it is vital to make that work for the benefit of
local communities. "We need to pay attention to the quality of the water for current and future generations," he said.
"We define ourselves around water." After the program, Creagh and his wife, Laska, a former Pentwater school
teacher, were able to visit the Long Bridge fishing deck with Bumstead and Pentwater Township Supervisor Chuck
Following Creagh's presentation, the formal business of the PLA annual meeting was conducted, including
approval of last year's annual meeting minutes and the treasurer's report, followed by newsletter, water quality, and
natural resources committee reports. President Primozich then thanked off-going board members Paul Anderson, Lynn
Cavazos, and George Richey for their service to PLA. The new nominees -Robert Forester, Ellen Lightle, and Malcomb
McCaleb- were introduced and elected to three-year terms.
At the conclusion of the evening's events, various door prizes were distributed. The beach-theme centerpieces,
created by Lynne Cavazos, were then presented at each table to the individual with the most children and
grandchildren, a fitting reminder of the importance of the PLA's mission for generations to come.
...By Ellen Lightle
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
July 10-11
Boating Safety Course - PYC
July 12
Annual Fine Arts Fair on the Village Green - 9am-5pm
July 19
Garden Walk & Blooming Art - Garden Club - 11am-4pm
July 25
Back from the Mac Party - PYC 5 pm
July 26
Whitey Wegner Mem’l "Take A Kid Fishing Day"
Aug. 7-8
Boating Safety Course - PYC
Aug. 9
"Shake, Wag 'n Roll" Fair on the Village Green
Aug. 14-17
Pentwater Homecoming Celebration
Aug. 14
Strawberry Shortcake Sale – Village Green - 6pm
Aug. 14
Les Bailey Mem’l Band Concert - Village Green - 7:30pm
Aug. 15
Sand Sculpture Contest – State Park 8am
Aug. 16
Homecoming Grand Parade – 4pm
Aug. 16
Big Ten Tailgate Party - Tent Behind Village Pub - Noon
Aug. 16
Homecoming Fireworks at Dusk – Charles Mears State Park
Aug. 17-21
Ensign Nationals Sailboat Races - Pentwater Yacht Club
Aug 20-23
Oceana County Fair - Hart Fairgrounds
Aug. 22-23
Annual Merchants’ Sidewalk Sale
Aug. 23
Wooden Boat Show & Parade - Pentwater Yacht Club
Aug. 30
End of Summer Party - Behind Village Café & Pub
Sept. 6
Art & Wine at the Harbor - Snug Harbor Marina
Sept. 13
COVE Benefit 5K/10K Beach Run/Walk 8:30am - State Park
Sept. 27-28 Fall Fest Arts & Crafts Fair on the Village Green
Weekly and Monthly Repeat Events in Pentwater:
Monday and Thursdays - Farmer's Market (6/2-9/1) from 10am-1pm
Tuesdays - "Pickin' in the Park" - Village Green at 7pm
Wed. & Sat. (5/14-9/27) - Ensign Sailboat Races at PYC - 6pm
Thursdays - Civic Band Concert - Village Green at 8pm (6/26-Aug.)
Fridays - Bingo at the VFW Hall at 6:30 pm
1st Wednesday of the Month - Drumming Circle - Pentwater Library 7-9pm
3rd Saturday of the Month Used Book Sale - Pentwater Library - 2:30 to 3:30pm
4th Friday of the Month - Gallery Stroll from (5/30-10/31) 5-8pm
* Check
www.pentwater.org (869-4150) for details and more.
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
President, Joe Primozich
Vice-President TBD
Secretary, Valerie Church-McHugh
Treasurer, Bob Forester
Bill Bainton
Officers and Board Members for the 2013-2014 year
Mac McCaleb
(from left to right)
Tony Monton
Standing: Malcolm “Mac” McCaleb, Bill Bainton, Joe Primozich,
Lynne Cavazos, David Rose
Seated: George Richey, Tony Monton, Rhonda Shotwell,
Valerie Church-McHugh
New Board Members will be listed in the October Newsletter
Dave Rose
Rhonda Shotwell
Pentwater Village Council
Juanita Pierman, President
Jared Griffis
Daniel Hoekstra
Natural Resources
Joe Primozich
Bill Maxwell
Water Quality
Bill Bainton
Don Palmer
Lynne Cavazos
Norma Oly
Rhonda Shotwell
Newsletter Editor
Karen St.Denis and
Lynne Cavazos
George Richey
Norm Shotwell
Tom Sturr
Bob Allard, Village Manager
Dick Hutchings, Marina Manager
Pentwater Township Board
Charles Smith, Township Supervisor
For more information about a committee
or to get involved
contact Joe Primozich at 869-8681 or
[email protected]
Website: www.pentwaterlakeassociation.org
Dean Holub, Clerk
Janice Siska, Treasurer
Mike Flynn
Pat Ruggles
Oceana County Sheriff’s Department
Marine Deputy Tim Simon
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
New Store/New Location: West on Monroe Boutique
Crista Winteringham spent summers here in Pentwater and is now the proud owner of her first boutique West On Monroe. Crista has a degree in Interior Design from Kendall in Grand Rapids and worked in that
line of business while in Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. She loves it here in Pentwater – it is a
nostalgic place for her to open her new business.
West on Monroe specializes in women’s clothing, handbags, and jewelry, home decorations, candles, cards
and wrapping paper, and fresh flowers and fresh bouquets. The store will be open 7 days a week through
Labor Day – hours 11:00am– 7:00pm. West on Monroe is located across from the public marina next to
Beach Nut of Pentwater.
Fudge & Frosting – Every Batch from Scratch
Joel Martin and Roxann Mills, partners and friends, have opened a delicious new
store next to Gull’s Landing, 407 S. Hancock Street. They have combined their sweet
tooth skills to provide us with an amazing assortment of treats and baking delights.
“Fudge and Frosting” will feature fudge (of course), turtles, caramel popcorn, English
toffee, powerful cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies, cupcakes, fancy cakes and pies,
truffles, candied apples and more.
Joel worked as a candy maker on Mackinac Island for 15 years and is now in
Pentwater to provide us with more options for our sweet tooth. He says that a candy
shop takes a specific clientele. Candy goes with vacations and he sees Pentwater as a
favorite vacation destination.
“Frosting and Fudge” will be open until Christmas this year. Their hours will be 12:00 pm – 8:00pm Monday through Friday,
10:00 am– 8:00 pm on Saturday, and 12:00 pm – 5:00 pm on Sundays.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Membership Application
Membership Application
“For the love of the Lake”
P.O. Box 825
Pentwater, Michigan 49449
Applicant Name:________________________________________ Spouse Name:_____________________________
Local Address: Street____________________________________City__________________State_____ Zip_______
Mailing Address: Street__________________________________City__________________State______Zip______
Phone(s): Local__________________________________________Mailing/Home____________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Email Newsletter (In Color) ______or Mail Hard Copy of Newsletter via P.O. (In Black & White) _______
Dues: Yearly Family Membership (one vote), from July 1 through June 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Subscription to Michigan Riparian Magazine, published quarterly (optional) $12.00 . . . . . $
Total (Make check payable to Pentwater Lake Association, Inc.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ ____.__
July 2014
Pentwater Lake Association
Published and distributed by
Pentwater Lake Association
P.O. Box 825
Pentwater, MI 49449
41st Sand Sculpture Contest
Start gathering up a shovel, bucket, watering can, water spritzer, spoons, putty scraper, trowel, butter knife, drinking straws,
and brushes! The 41st Sand Sculpture Contest during Pentwater Homecoming is Friday, August 15, 2014, from 8 am - noon at
Charles Mears State Park.
The annual event for area residents and visitors is sponsored by the Pentwater Service Club, and brings together local residents
and summer visitors to celebrate our terrific Lake Michigan lakefront. Team registration begins at 8 a.m. that morning at the
Park pavilion, and there's no cost to enter. Judging begins at 11 am, with trophies awarded at noon to the top three designs in
each of seven categories: Ages 1-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16, 17-Adult, Immediate Family, and Extended Family.
Free on-site parking is available for vehicles displaying a State of Michigan Recreation Passport. Photos from previous years'
contests are posted on the "Pentwater Sand Sculpture Contest" Facebook page. Please "Like" our event and invite your
Facebook friends to do so as well ... and also participate on Aug. 15.
For more info, call 313-498-0155.