nobody makes trailers quite like great dane
nobody makes trailers quite like great dane
N O B O DY M A K E S T R A I L E R S Q U I T E L I K E G R E AT DA N E . W E P R O U D LY I N T R O D U C E T H E N E W E S T T R A I L E R I N O U R L I N E O F F I N E R E E F E R S . F E AT U R I N G P O P U L A R O P T I O N S , W E H AV E M A D E T H I S N E W T R A I L E R L I G H T W E I G H T W I T H O U T SAC R I F I C I N G T H E T R A D I T I O N A L S T R E N G T H A N D D U R A B I L I T Y O F A G R E AT DA N E . I T ’ S E V E RY T H I N G YO U ’ V E A S K E D F O R I N A T R A I L E R A N D A W H O L E LOT M O R E . GREAT DANE SUPER LT REEFER ROOF 0.040" one-piece aluminum roof sheet with submerged roof bows on 32" centers. TOP RAIL SIDES 0.040" corrugated aluminum side sheets. Extruded aluminum top rail is engineered for superior strength. REAR FRAME Non-comb design reduces weight while maintaining strength. HINGES Aluminum hinges are designed to "break away" preventing structural damage to the trailer in the event of severe impact. VENTS PVC framing seals out moisture. SUPPORT GEAR GD60 Fast Gear with cushion-foot sand shoe. BOTTOM RAIL Extra-deep, high-strength extruded aluminum. S U P E R LT The demand for lighter weight, longer life trailers became the driving force in the development of the Super LT. Great Dane has combined one of its most popular specs with a select number of options resulting in a trailer that will meet these demands at a competitive price, making the Super LT the product of choice for the long-haul truckload carrier. FRONT END STRENGTH S I X- I N C H R A D I U S CO R N E R S O F . 0 3 5 " S TA I N L E S S S T E E L J O I N T H E S I D E S TO T H E F R O N T, A D D I N G P U N C T U R E R E S I S TA N C E A N D A N AT T R AC T I V E A P P E A R A N C E . Four 2" deep extruded aluminum Z-post uprights provide a rigid frame work for the front sheets. Front panels of .035" aluminum are riveted to the uprights on 2" centers for maximum strength and service. As standard, air and electrical connections are off-set to the road side for driver convenience. Other locations are available. IMPACT PLATE ALUMINUM COOLING UNIT FRAME UPPER COUPLER The lower area is further protected by an 8" deep extruded aluminum impact plate that reaches across the front and wraps around the corners to meet the bottom rail on both sides. This aluminum extrusion cannot rust, never needs paint and protects this vulnerable area. Refrigeration unit bracing is fabricated of a strong 4.625" wide by 2.75" deep extruded aluminum J-channel. The use of heavy-duty extruded aluminum in the place of traditional steel frames saves 50 pounds of weight. Additionally, the aluminum frame will never be subject to corrosion or to bleeding rust streaks that can appear around front wall rivets. The upper coupler is standard in a tapered design with a .25" main beam plate. The 50,000 psi steel approach plate turns upward, forward of the impact plate, to help lift and protect the front end during coupling. Stainless steel lock bolts are used to securely fasten the impact plate and the bottom rails to the upper coupler. CROSSMEMBERS Crossmembers in the bay area, located between the landing gear and the running gear, are 5" deep, highstrength, extruded aluminum I-beams. This extra inch of height contributes to a higher live-axle floor rating and provides a stiffer and stronger crossmember without increasing weight. Four-inch steel, I-beam crossmembers are used over the support gear bracing and over the running gear. Four-inch aluminum crossmembers are used from the landing gear bracing forward. All crossmembers are on 12" centers as standard for increased strength and longer life. VENTS SUPPORT GEAR T H E G R E AT DA N E M O D E L 6 0 SUPPORT GEAR HAS A LIFT C A PAC I T Y O F 6 0 , 0 0 0 L B S . The Super LT comes standard with a front and rear flat vent. The swing-style front vent is located on the upper roadside of the trailer. The rear vent is also a swingtype and hinged on the side. It is located on the lower roadside of the trailer. These vents are formed of expanded vinyl. The vinyl cleans easily and forms a perfect fit. Their double seal prevents costly leaks. The mount spreads the load over five crossmembers. Each leg is strongly braced to withstand the stresses of coupling and uncoupling a loaded trailer. Support gear mounts are recessed from the side rails to protect against damage. Shock-mounted sand shoes are standard and reduce stresses transferred to the crossmembers by 50% over conventional-type sand shoes. If required, these rubber pads may be replaced easily, without replacing the entire sand shoe. VENT ACCESS As a standard, a vent access system is provided with all front corner vents. This consists of two steps and a vertical grab handle centered to properly position oneself for adequate balance. V E N T H A R DWA R E All hardware is stainless steel with stainless steel fasteners. The locking handle has two nylon contacts to provide smooth, but positive operation. S I D E WA L L S T R E N G T H SIDE POSTS ARE 1.13" J-SECTIONS O F E X T R U D E D A LU M I N U M . As standard, posts are located on 12" centers from the front to the rear of the landing gear bracing, and on 24" centers to the rear of the frame. Corrosion packages for side posts are available as an option. Side sheets are .040" pre-painted aluminum riveted to uprights on 2" centers at sheet laps. Side sheet corrugations are closed at both front and rear to eliminate moisture intrusion into the foam cavity. Heavy-duty rivets are used in all high stress joints. Roof Sheet Sealant Roof Cap Rivet Tape Roof Bow Top Rail ROOF SHEET PROTECTION A one-piece aluminum roof sheet is standard. The top rail roof flange is recessed from the trailer side to prevent snags and abrasions. A double-face, sealing tape is applied between the top rail flange and the roof sheet. An extruded aluminum roof cap covers the joint. Rivets on 2" centers securely compress the roof cap, roof sheet and the top rail joint. Finally, a liberal coating of neoprene is applied over the rivet heads to further ensure a watertight seal. No other roof system provides this degree of protection. BOTTOM RAILS SUSPENSION WHEELS The extra-deep bottom rail is stiffer and stronger than our nearest competitors. Additionally, all crossmembers are attached to the bottom rail with 3/8" diameter rivets, representing a 44% increase in shear strength of the attachment. Great Dane is standard on a ten-stud hub-piloted wheel end system and a tandem axle, air-ride suspension. Air-ride suspensions protect sensitive loads and add life to certain vehicle componentry while improving the ride. The Super LT comes standard with Accuride styled steel disc wheels. These wheels are powder topcoated, highly corrosion-resistant and have the look of aluminum wheels with the cost of a steel wheel. Extruded Aluminum J-Post Upright Lining REEFER INTERIORS S E A M L E S S CO M P O S I T E L I N E R S S E A L M O I S T U R E O U T O F T H E I N S U L AT I O N AND ASSURE A CLEAN ENVIRONMENT FOR CARGO. Side Panel Insulation Lining Insulation Rubber Gaskets PVC Molding Door Framing Door Sheet INSULATION Great Dane reefers have no metal-to-metal contact from the interior to the exterior of the floor, wall and ceiling. Floors are injected with frothed-in-place urethane on either side of a center dam between each set of floor sills. These two “shots” fill the floor cavities and the foam turns up the walls. Additional injections from the top are measured so the rising foam hits a covering of polyethylene and turns inward between roof bows. Lastly, the roof cavity is injected near the center to complete the foaming. G R E AT DA N E ’ S U N I Q U E E N G I N E E R I N G P R O C E S S E S A N D I N N OVAT I V E E Q U I P M E N T P R O D U C E U N PA R A L L E L E D F OA M I N G T E C H N I Q U E S T H AT G E N E R AT E T H E B E S T I N S U L AT E D R E E F E R T R A I L E R S I N T H E I N D U S T RY. REAR FRAME R E A R F R A M E S A R E FA B R I C AT E D O F R U S T- P R O O F, SAT I N - F I N I S H S TA I N L E S S S T E E L F O R MAXIMUM STRENGTH AND MINIMUM MAINTENANCE. Satin-finish stainless steel provides a surface that remains cosmetically pleasing through a lifetime of between-load washings and can be buffed to its original appearance if scratched or marred. LIGHT PROTECTION Stop, tail and turn lights are completely recessed and protected from external damage. A light protector box fully encases the backside protecting wiring and receptacles from road debris as well as ice buildup. Rubber dock bumpers are standard. UNDERRIDE PROTECTION WEDGE EXTRA PROTECTION A sturdy, back-braced rear impact guard is standard. It is painted with a dual coat system consisting of an epoxy primer and a urethane top coat, which closely matches the stainless steel rear frame in color. Conspicuity tape on the horizontal member is recessed to prevent abrasion. Slip-resistant material on the top of the horizontal member is designed to increase foothold traction. Great Dane offers up to 3" of wedge in the Super LT to allow for more inside height at the rear of the trailer. Air and electrical lines are installed in an aluminum conduit placed above the crossmembers. This design allows for easier replacement of damaged crossmembers without interfering with the supply lines and will also provide better protection against road debris. HINGES D O O R CO N S T R U C T I O N A L L A LU M I N U M D O O R S A R E D O U B L E CO M P R E S S I O N S E A L E D . Rust-free extruded aluminum hinges are fastened to the rear doors by three .375" stainless steel bolts making hinge replacement effortless. Phenolic bushings are inserted into the extruded aluminum hinge pin-hole to ensure smooth-swinging, wearfree door usage for years down the road. The extruded aluminum perimeter has an integral thermal barrier. Providing an exceptionally tight seal, these double compression sealed doors also prevent gaskets from freezing to the rear frame. CENTER CAM LOCK A cam grip attached to a lock rod grips a special flange on the opposite door. This unites the door seals and provides a threepoint rear door locking mechanism. LOCK RODS One lock rod per door is standard. O P T I O N A L . 0 3 5 " S TA I N L E S S S T E E L COV E R S H E E T S F O R R E A R D O O R S A N D V E N T S P R OV I D E E XC E P T I O N A L A P P E A R A N C E A N D P R OT E C T I O N F R O M R OA D SA LT S P R AY. F LO O R I N G S TA N DA R D F LO O R I N G I S A 1 . 3 8 " D E E P, N O N - R I D G E D , E X T R U D E D A LU M I N U M D U C T F LO O R F U L LY W E L D E D TO S E A L OUT ALL MOISTURE. A full width floor sill over each crossmember is standard. Apitong hardwood is used as floor sills the full length of the trailer to provide extra support for the floor. The floor is flush with the threshold to prevent fork trucks from ramming the rear of the ducts. A wide variety of extruded aluminum floors are available in standard and heavy-duty ratings, as well as standard and slip-resistant surfaces. REAR FLOOR GUTTER INTERIOR LINING SCUFFBANDS LOGISTICS TRACK A full-width rear gutter with the rear edge flush with the top of the duct floor is standard. Interior sidewalls are lined with a one-piece, highglass content fiberglass liner. One-piece ceiling liners provide maximum resistance against moisture intrusion. The completely flat side lining fits securely into a slot at the top of the standard 10" integral scuffband of extruded aluminum, but is easily removed if repairs are ever necessary. A 10" extruded aluminum integral scuffband, recessed in the side wall is standard. Additional scuff band heights of 16" and 22"are available as an option. Numerous logistic track options are available to facilitate positive control of cargo. Standard specifications and available options are subject to change without notice A Division of Great Dane Limited Partnership 534 LEG 0304 HT
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