Exploration p of Blaise B Instrument Generation from m Metadata Fred Wensing, Jua anita Pettit Presented by Juanita Pe ettit Hi! from Fred O Outline Background Instrument Datta Model Demonstration n Conclusions C Ba ackground Developing Developing Blaise e instruments for 12 yrs ¾CAPI ¾CATI ¾Editing (data collected via paper forms) Corporate Metada ata Repository ¾based on ISO 11 1179 ¾currently develop ping for "data elements" ¾next step to add "questions" questions Why ge enerate code? take take advantage o of systems infrastructure give more control over content to designers ¾avoid duplication n off effort ff ¾minimise errors consistency betw ween instrument and spec reuse of data elem ment/question definitions ¾ e.g. multi-modal surveys implement standa ards to save time Instrume ent Data Model Surrvey y Form Question Module Questio Respon Cells Q Quest tion Mapping pp g M MAGIC M etadata A ssisted G eneration (of) I nstrument C ode MAGIC C Main screen Impo ort file (.csv) ort ( csv) Imp port screen Demon nstration - Edit Analyse Ana lyse output Demonstrration ration - Generate Demonsttration tration - Preview Demo - Qu uestion Mapping uestion Demo - Final Final Instrument Conclusions MAGIC MAGIC is function nal and in-use in use at ABS ¾quicker than han nd-coding ¾f ilit t iteratio ¾facilitates it tion (for (f presentation) t ti ) ¾incorporates ABS S standards Conclus sions continued Edits Edits must be han nd-coded nd coded Only generates Editing E instruments ¾CATI/CAPI C /C prese entation different ff ¾Conditional routiing a priority Reuse of metadata not possible when question changess form due to mode Que estions? j juanita.pettit@abs it ttit@