Grate Firing
Grate Firing Grate Firing or Bubbling Fluidized Bed Firing An Economic and Technological Comparison Philipp Kolbitsch +43 676 7810006 [email protected] 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 2 Business segments of BERTSCHenergy Solid Fuel Boiler Plants Electricity and Heat from Biomass Process Heat Recovery Systems and Pressure Equipment Steam, Heat and Equipment for Process Plants Combined-Cycle / Cogeneration HRSG Service Optimal Maintenance and Service Electricity and Heat from Gas and Oil Waste Heat Recovery Boilers Steam from Waste Heat in Industrial Processes 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 3 Business segments of BERTSCHenergy Solid Fuel Boiler Plants Electricity and Heat from Biomass • design (from conception to detail) • Steam parameters: 15 – 80 t/h, 40 – 150 bar, 400 - 520° C • EPC solutions (lot wise or turnkey) • in house design • Air cooled grate • Bubbling fluidized bed • Water tube boiler • After sales services • 24 references in 6 countries 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 4 Fuel Spectrum Wood chips Waste wood Wood from Landscape preservation RDF Short-rotation plantation Municipal waste 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 5 Criteria for choice of technology Given fuel quality is the main criteria for the choice of combustion system 1. Grate firing Water content of fuel 2. Lower Heating Value 3. Ash content, impurities, Particle size Bubbling fluidized bed firing 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 6 Criteria for choice of technology Grate BFB Technology Technology Reason Economic Effect Fuel range Max 15 MJ/kg open Wear on grate - Fuel grain size < 350 mm < 100 mm Fuel feeding Higher costs for fuel treatment with BFB Boiler efficiency lower higher Lower excess air with BFB Savings in fuel costs with BFB very low Lower combustion temperature with BFB Savings in costs for DeNOx additive NOx Emissions moderate Boiler cleaning cycles per day 1-3 0-1 Self cleaning effect, low flue gas velocity Saving of soot blowing steam, less wear on heating surfaces, less costs for make up water Electrical consumption 2-2,5% of fuel power slightly higher Bigger fans Higher costs for electricity with BFB high Fuel input directly into combustion Quick adaption of plant performance to new conditions Load change rate low 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 7 Criteria for choice of technology Grate BFB Technology Technology Reason Economic Effect Pressurized air depending depending for SNCR, for bag filter depending Sand demand no yes Sand for fluidized bed Costs for Sand Start up burner no yes Sand bed needs heat Costs for start up fuel Ash from firing higher lower Higher ash output with grate Lower costs for disposal with BFB Ash from filter lower higher Sand output with BFB Higher costs for disposal with BFB Wear high, depending on fuel low No moving parts in firing system with BFB Savings in wear part and maintenance costs with BFB Investment equal equal • So far BFB technology is known as expensive and complex technology, but • Detailed analysis of economic effects driven by fuel type and plant application establish the choice of firing technology 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 8 Grate Firing • Air cooled reciprocating grate with optimized grate bar geometry for maximal availability and life time • Fuel input with pusher and chute onto fuel feeder grate • Active control of fire position on grate for highest efficiency • Each grate zone with variable controlled primary air supply • Staged combustion due to primary and secondary air • Temperature control of burning chamber via recirculated flue gas (beneath and above grate) 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 9 Boiler with Grate Firing • Burning chamber integrated in boiler • Natural circulation boiler with membrane walls • Secondary air and recirculation gas above grate • SNCR to reduce NOx emissions (lances) • Empty path an convective path • Recirculation of fly ash • “Biomass super heaters” • Economizer in steel casing • Boiler cleaning with sootblowers • S.H. steam temperature control with desuperheaters 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 10 Bubbling Fluidized Bed Firing • Bubbling fluidized bed integrated in boiler • “open nozzle floor” • Fluidizing of bed via mixture of air and recirculation gas • Start up burners above freeboard • Staged combustion due to primary and secondary air • Deashing with ash grate • Sand classifier and sand recycling 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 11 Boiler with Bubbling Fluidized Bed Firing • Natural circulation boiler with membrane walls • Fuel dosing with screws and chutes • 3-path or 4-path design • SNCR to reduce NOx emissions (with evaporation) • “Biomass super heaters” • Economizer in steel casing • Boiler cleaning with sootblowers • S.H. steam temperature control with desuperheaters 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 12 Engineering • CFD simulation with state of the art software tools • Design of boilers with KED BOILER DESIGNER • Design of water – steam cycle with EBSILON professional • Plant design with COMOS • 3D Modelling with NAVIS Works • Highly educated specialists • Professional interface coordination • Well known sub suppliers 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 13 Erection, Commissioning, Hand Over • Workshop mounting as far as possible • Erection through well known companies with Bertsch supervision • Commissioning and training through our specialits • Performance tests and hand over 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 14 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: Technical data: Electrical output Thermal output (Heat appl.) Thermal capacity Steam output Steam pressure Steam temperature Fuel J130120S Holzindustrie Schweighofer; Covasna, Romania CHP-Plant for Natural Biomass and AI-AII Wood 15 MWe 38+10 MW 60 MW 68 t/h 80 bar 500 °C Wood & bark; AI-AII Scope of Supply: - Turn key project excluding civil works - Construction planning - Fuel storage and transportation - Grate firing - Boiler - Steam turbine with generator - Water – steam cycle - Flue gas treatment - 10 MW backup boiler - Boiler house Clients responsibility: Civil works Date of Completion: Q1 2015 Project Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Neuper 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 15 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: Technical data: Electrical output Thermal capacity Steam output Steam pressure Steam temperature Fuel J110178S Barthel Pauls Söhne AG; Gouvy, Belgium CHP-Plant for Natural Biomass 4,7 MWe 20 MW 22 t/h 66 bar 485 °C Wood & bark Scope of Supply: - Grate firing - Steam generator - Flue gas cleaning with chimney Clients responsibility: Building, Technical building services, Fuel handling, Water / Steam circuit, Condenser, Steam turbine Date of Completion: Mid 2013 Project Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Neuper 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 16 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: J110003S Siat Braun; F-67280 Urmatt, France CHP-Plant for Natural Biomass Technical data: Electrical output 5 MWe Thermal capacity 23 MW Steam output 25 t/h Steam pressure 65 bar Steam temperature 485 °C Fuel Wood & bark (W65) Authorisation in acc. to french LRV Scope of Supply: - Grate firing - Steam generator - Flue gas cleaning plant with chimney - Water treatment plant Clients responsibility: Building, Technical building services , Fuel handling, Water / Steam circuit, Condenser, Steam turbine Date of Completion: 4. Quarter 2012 Project Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Carl Christian Redl 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 17 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: Technical data: Electrical output Thermal capacity Steam output Steam pressure Steam temperature Fuel Wood / Recycled wood Emissions at 11 vol. % O2 J090124S Energie Wasser Bern / KVA Bern, Forsthaus, Switzerland Wood CHP - KVA Bern 7 MWe 28,4 MW 32,2 t/h 75 bar 485 °C (W20-W50) CO 50 mg/Nm³ NOX 100 mg/Nm³ Scope of Supply: - Fuel storage (Silos) and Fuel feed systems - Bubbling fluidized bed combustion - Steam generator - Fabric filter - SNCR - Combustion air / Flue gas fans - Boiler house steel / primary +secondary steel - I+C support services Clients responsibility: Concrete construction, Technical building services, Water / Steam circuit, Condenser, Steam turbine, Chimney, I+C system, Water treatment plant, Feed water supply Date of Completion: 4. Quarter 2012 Project Manager: Ing. Walter Jenny 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 18 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: Technical data: Thermal capacity Steam output Steam pressure Steam temperature Fuel J090029S HHKW Aubrugg, Switzerland Biomass CHP-Plant at EKZ Power Station of Kanton Zürich 41,5 MW 46,5 t/h 80 bara 500 °C Wood chips (W35-W55) Authorisation in acc. to Swiss LRV Scope of Supply: - Fuel feed - Bubbling fluidized bed - Steam generator - Fabric filter - I+C – Siemens T3000 Clients responsibility: Building, Technical building services, Fuel handling, Expansion of water / steam circuit Date of Completion: 4. Quarter 2010 Project Manager: David Hötzl 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 19 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: Technical data: Electrical output Thermal capacity Steam output Steam pressure Steam temperature Fuel J060152S Holzkraftwerk Basel AG, Switzerland Biomass Plant in der KVA der IWB Basel 8 MWe 33,5 MW 41,5 t/h 40 bar 400 °C Wood chips (W20-W50) Recycled wood AI - AII Authorisation in acc. to Swiss LRV Scope of Supply: - Fuel feed - Bubbling fluidized bed - Steam generator - Fabric filter - Instrumentation & control system - Steam distribution - Water / Steam circuit Clients responsibility: Building, Technical building services, Fuel handling, Expansion of water / steam circuit Date of Completion: Mid 2008 Project Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Otmar Bertsch 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 20 References Order-No.: Customer: Project name: J060114S Industrie du Bois Vielsalm & CIE s.a., Belgium Biomass CHP-Plant IBV Technical data: Electrical output 19 MWe Thermal capacity 2 x 40 MW Steam output 2 x 44 t/h Steam pressure 65 bar Steam temperature 485 °C Fuel Wood & Bark (W40-55) Authorisation in acc. to Belgium LRV Scope of Supply: - Fuel handling - Fuel feed - Grate firing (Reciprocating grate) - Steam generator - Electrostatic filter with chimney - Instrumentation & Control system - Steam distribution - Water treatment plant - Pressurised air supply Clients responsibility: Building, Technical building services, Condenser circuit, Heating condenser, Steam turbine Date of Completion: 2. Quarter 2008 Project Manager: Dipl.-Ing. Christian Gut 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 21 Your partner for solid fuel power plants Thank you for your attention 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 22 BERTSCH GROUP BERTSCH FOODTEC BERTSCH ECOPOWER Bertsch Holding GmbH T +43.5552.6135-0 F +43.5552.6135-70 Herrengasse 23 6700 Bludenz / Österreich [email protected] Österreich Bertsch Nahrungsmitteltechnik GmbH & Co KG T +43.5552.6135-0 F +43.5552.6135-73 Herrengasse 23 6700 Bludenz / Österreich [email protected] Österreich Bertsch Ecopower GmbH T +43.5552.6135-0 F +43.5552.6135-70 Herrengasse 23 6700 Bludenz / Österreich [email protected] BERTSCH ENERGY Österreich Josef Bertsch Gesellschaft m.b.H.& Co KG T +43.5552.6135-0 F +43.5552.66359 Herrengasse 23 6700 Bludenz / Österreich [email protected] Polen Bertsch Polska SP. z o.o T +48.41.3832297 F +48.41.3832297 Ul. Slowackiego 15 32-200 Miechów / Polen [email protected] Deutschland Josef Bertsch Gesellschaft m.b.H.& Co KG T +49.2065.46734 F +49.2065.46735 Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 134 47229 Duisburg / Deutschland [email protected] Deutschland Josef Bertsch Gesellschaft m.b.H.& Co KG T +49.9132.797900 F +49.9132.797901 Katscherstrasse 9 91074 Herzogenaurach / Deutschland [email protected] Italien Bertsch Nahrungsmitteltechnik GmbH & Co KG T +39.339.262 22 14 F +39.059.949 31 10 Via Divisione Acqui, 4 41012 Carpi (Modena) / Italien [email protected] BERTSCH LINDAU Bertsch Lindau GmbH T +49.8382.260699-0 F +49.8382.260699-50 Langenweg 34 88131 Lindau / Deutschland [email protected] BERTSCH SCHWEIZ Bertsch Schweiz AG Business Center T +41.71.855 23 52 F +41.71.855 23 53 Flughafenstrasse 11 9423 Altenrhein / Schweiz [email protected] Russland Bertsch Ecopower GmbH T +7.49 57 41 45 02 F +7.49 57 41 45 98 Leningradskij Prospekt, 16, Bau 2 125040 Moscow / Russland [email protected] BERTSCH-LASKA Österreich Bertsch-Laska Produktions- und Handels GmbH T +43.1.79 574-0 F +43.1.79 856-22 Baumgasse 68 1030 Vienna / Österreich [email protected] Russland / Krasnodar Bertsch-Laska T/F +7.86 12 59 69 58 ul. Krasnoarmejskaja/ Kusnetschnaja 116/2 350015 Krasnodar / Russland [email protected] Ukraine TOV Bertsch Laska Ukraine T + 68 51 03 F + 86 49 70 ul. Wikentija Chwojki 18/14, Gebäude 9, Office 923 04080 Kiew / Ukraine [email protected] Lithauen Bertsch-Laska T +370.52 37 56 55 F +370.52 37 56 54 Verkiu g. 34 08221 Vilnius / Litauen [email protected] Weißrussland Bertsch-Laska T +375.17.29 90 039 F +375.17.29 90 042 ul. Trostenezkaja, 3-402 220033 Minsk / Weißrussland [email protected] Russland / Moskau Bertsch-Laska T +7.49 57 41 45 02 F +7.49 57 41 45 98 Leningradskij Prospekt, 16, Bau 2 125040 Moskau / Russland [email protected] 4. CEBC Graz, 2014-01-16, Michael Netzer 23
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