13. Holzenergie
13. Holzenergie
www.holzenergie-symposium.ch! 13. Holzenergie-Symposium! Leitung: !Prof. Dr. Thomas Nussbaumer! !Verenum Zürich und Hochschule Luzern! Patronat:!Bundesamt für Energie! Ort: !ETH Zürich! Datum: !Zürich, 12. September 2014! Verenum Vergleich von Rost- und Wirbelschichtfeuerung Technik, Kosten, Anwendungen Philipp Kolbitsch +43 1 79574 623 [email protected] Business segments of BERTSCHenergy Solid Fuel Boiler Plants Electricity and Heat from Biomass Process Heat Recovery Systems and Pressure Equipment Steam, Heat and Equipment for Process Plants Combined-Cycle / Cogeneration HRSG Electricity and Heat from Gas and Oil Waste Heat Recovery Boilers Steam from Waste Heat in Industrial Processes Service Optimal Maintenance and Service Business segments of BERTSCHenergy Solid Fuel Boiler Plants Electricity and Heat from Biomass • design (from conception to detail) • Steam parameters: 15 – 80 t/h, 40 – 150 bar, 400 – 520°C • EPC solutions (lot wise or turnkey) • in house design • Air cooled grate • Bubbling fluidized bed • Water tube boiler • After sales services • 24 references in 6 countries Fuel Spectrum Wood chips Waste wood Wood from Landscape preservation RDF Short-rotation plantation Municipal waste Criteria for choice of technology Given fuel quality is the main criteria for the choice of combustion system 1. Grate firing Water content of fuel 2. Lower Heating Value 3. Ash content, impurities, Particle size Bubbling fluidized bed firing Grate Firing • Air cooled reciprocating grate with optimized grate bar geometry for highest availability and life time • Fuel input with pusher and chute onto fuel feeder grate • Active control of fire position on grate for highest efficiency • Each grate zone with variable controlled primary air supply • Staged combustion with primary and secondary air • Temperature control in combustion chamber with recirculated flue gas (beneath and above grate) Bubbling Fluidized Bed Firing • Bubbling fluidized bed integrated in boiler • “open nozzle floor” • Fluidization of bed with a mixture of air and recirculation gas (temperature control) • Start up burners in freeboard • Staged combustion with primary and secondary air • Deashing with reliable conveyors • Sand classifier and sand recycling Fuel quality Grate Technology BFB Technology Reason Economic Effect LHV max 15 MJ/kg >20MJ/kg wear on grate maintenance cost LHV min 5.5 - 6 MJ/kg 3 - 4 MJ/kg intensified heat transfer in BFB choice of technology Co-combustion of wet fuel (LHV < 0) low quantity possible high quantity possible intensified heat transfer in BFB choice of technology Fuel grain size (screen size) < 350 mm (max. pieces > 1m) < 100 mm (sum of edge length < 300mm) fuel feeding / dosing higher costs for fuel treatment with BFB Metal content high content acceptable (depending on species), removal recommended must be removed as far as possible (spec. Al, bulk particles) agglomeration in BFB; blocking of deashing system higher cost for fuel preparation with BFB Emissions - General CO NOx Mean TOC (ash) N 2O Grate Technology BFB Technology Reason Economic Effect 50 – 100 mg/Nm³ (6%O2, dry) 0 – 50 mg/Nm³ (6%O2, dry) homogeneous combustion with BFB none (efficiency difference is negligible) lower combustion temperature with fewer temperature peaks for BFB Investment and operating costs for SNCR Residence time, Fluidized bed normally low, can be interesting for high ash content in fuel lower combustion temperature for BFB none fuel dependant; BFB approx. 50% of grate firing 3% 0 - 3% slightly higher for BFB combustion Emissions – Reference plants Plant Fuel NOx emissions [mg/Nm³, 6%O2 dry] BFB, No 1 demolition wood, W25 250 BFB, No 2 natural biomass with 30% demolition wood, W35 180 BFB, No 3 natural biomass, W35 150 BFB, No 4 natural biomass with 30% demolition wood, W35 180 Grate firing, No 1 natural biomass, W50 350 Grate firing, No 2 natural biomass, W55 375 Grate firing, No 3 natural biomass (mostly bark), W60 375 Other figures Grate Technology Boiler efficiency BFB Technology slightly increased for BFB Load change rate low moderate Electric power consumption moderate (1.0 – 2.0% of fuel thermal input) high (1.5 – 2.5% of fuel thermal input) Investment cost Reason - - air / fuel ratio unburnt in ash fuel residence time on grate / in BFB - - BFB requires high pressure primary air BFB often has higher rec. flue gas ratio Economic Effect slightly lower fuel costs for BFB interesting for e.g. paper industry and peak load plants net electricity production The boiler including firing has more or less equal investment cost. The overall cost strongly depend on the fuel type and fuel quality. Resource consumption Grate Technology Cleaning intervals of soot blowers BFB Technology - 1 – 3 cycles / day 0 – 1 cycle / day - - Quartz sand demand none Pressurized air required variable - - reduced wear from soot blowers HP steam consumption costs for sand acquisition BFB requires bed material preheating to the solid fuel ignition temperature fuel costs, investment costs - Start-up burners combustion temperature “self-cleaning effect” efficiency of sand separation system sand attrition approx. 2 - 3kg/MWh not required, sometimes executed Economic Effect Reason - - - - bag filter or ESP SNCR deashing system etc. costs for pressurized air production Disposal and maintenance costs Slag (from grate), bed ash Grate Technology BFB Technology high low Reason - - - Boiler / filter ash Wear low high (depending on fuel) high low - - Economic Effect BFB: bed ash consists of coarse particles only BFB: all other ash is boiler / filter ash Grate: ash is only partially discharged with the flue gas; major fraction is slag from grate benefit of grate firing since slag / bed ash is usually easier / cheaper disposable compared to filter ash BFB: no moving parts Grate layer is a wear part which needs to be changed regularly (5 – 10 years) wear parts and maintenance costs Summary • Main advantage of grate firing is low demand on fuel preparation – Fuel particle size – Inorganic impurities (ceramics, glass, Fe and non Fe) • Main advantages of bubbling fluidized bed are: – Emissions (usually no need for SNCR) – Efficiency – Wide LHV and water content range, high fine content in fuel possible • Operational costs are similar • Maintenance costs are lower for BFB • Investment costs depend very much on the overall situation – Boilers including firing have very similar investment costs – In case extensive fuel preparation is required, grate technology is usually less expensive
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