Essence Blends - Spirit of Woman Australian Wild Flower Essences
Essence Blends - Spirit of Woman Australian Wild Flower Essences
EIVING Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h by Annie Meredith htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Essence EssenceBlends Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 2 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith EIVING Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NCopyright IKS NWO RUO NI ELBAby TROAnnie FMOC Meredith – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ©Y 2009 ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaAll eb drights na rewreserved op eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ from any useof as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book y supports healthyApart balanced functioning hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB mayENERGY be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express permission TO WHOLE BRAIN ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA of the copyright Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine,holder. sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances First .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnof a stress. ssolPrinting yro mem hJune tiw sple2009 H .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wenSecond gninepo nPrinting i stsissa dnOctober a ,doohdlih2010 c tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. ISBN: 978-095863737-4 NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaleEditing r a morf gby nireTreena vocer htiwWigan, stsissa dnTanya a pukaeQuod, rb a hguoJoc rht gHansen niog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Book cover photoleby Stephen Chard physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, H .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 3 Essence EssenceBlends Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate feel gratitude for the to power of your women body. Focuses youlife: on fine-tuning I would like to and dedicate this book all and thebeauty significant in my Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. My mother andbe, myand grandmother, my beautiful daughters, andofthose who make up my “should” energetically supports healthy balanced functioning hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY woman’s including my friends, colleagues and clients. BRAIN BALANCEnetwork, – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Also to the Wild Irissignificant men who have graced my life with their energy and vision: For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances thefathers adrenalsofto protect brain function frombrain the over-effects Myback-front father, the my children, my and my partner. left-right and brain energies. Helps with memory lossson, and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changesEach throughout childhood, and assists opening new pathways of understanding. unique contribution is inhighly valued. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. Dedicat ion 138 4 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Ack nowledg ement s s d n e l B e c n e s s E Essence Blends GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA writing of this book and the birth of the Spirit of Woman Australian Wild Flowers was a g n i r e d n a W e t i h W , a n e b r e V , e l t t a W r e v l i S , a l a m a K d e R , k c o r m a h S k n i P , a n a tnaLKumskov. ,noilednaD ,She aissaC ,agujA her labour of love. I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Sandy brought ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ skills to the table to get us up and running. We both gained maximum soul growth during na yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO thetodprocess. the mind the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo EIVINGThe sense For of ‘not enough’ patterns. Raises ofppuSlife .and spihsclears nphotographs oitalethese r niw-family niw dnthat a gnibring krow tenthe luawareness fssvitality eccus strand o .efilforce nwo s’present eno ni naicin igathe m ehflowers t gnieb to the exquisite wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. NEhis DIFNphotos OC HTIW IHTcover. RIB – GN IHTRIB of DESthe SELBimages life, I thank Stephen Chard. I have used oneECof forGNmy Some NG WITH CONFIDENCE on the Spirit of Woman website are his toosir( came into I dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujAHe ,aica cA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris my life,nisent stneraby p ethe ht dnangels, a ,htrib efaat s athe hguperfect orht evomtime. ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne those people who edited this work, for love not money, I gratefully acknowledge Treena ess as aTosacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Wigan, who did a little bit each time she sat down to breast-feed her baby (nice one Treena), NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB Quod, lecturer-extraordinaire in flower essences at the Endeavour College of Natural ONES) –Tanya COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA Medicine in Brisbane, Australia, Jocelyn Hansen, a friend whose discerning judgment I ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, and Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH respect. gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.The Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how nomrothe h fo inspired gninoitcnufwork decnwomen alof ab Alexis yhtlaeh Dean-Jones. stroppus yllacitegrThey ene dnflowed a ,eb ”dlufrom ohs“ her sensitive drawings.sewere y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGR ENE NIAIRam B ELO HW OT NIOknow NRUT that – ECNshe ALABwill NIAgo RB a hand onto the page, in a graceful sweep. Again, grateful. TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY long way ,eniVin liaa nScareer ,kcormahthat S kniPis,donly eewkljust iM ,krbeginning. abecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW I thank the team at Sowelu where I have my healing practice, especially Ananda Mahony, lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF hasand supported me inceso many ways,noand in whom I am well pleased - she is my darling ons of who the brain, wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ffe-rof evo eht morf and itcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals tooldest protect daughter brain stress. Balances made inrenthe greatest .segafunction niarb and ehfrom t sahas sthe egnover-effects ahc niarme b dnofaso ssoproud, l yro memby htiexcelling w spleH .seig e nifield arb tnoof rf-kher cab d na thgir-tfepassion: l energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. .gnidnatsskin rednucare fo syaw htaporganic wen gninebeauty po ni stsistherapy. sa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS pure, natural and ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. IAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB I also thank my son, Leon, for some of our discussions, which Nhelped me to see and , y l i L m r o t S , e l t t a W r e v l i S , s u c s i b i H e v i t a N , a g n a r a c a M , a r d n a m o L , n o i l e d n a D , a i s saC ,traeH gnideelB articulate the male perspective. elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, N anebreV And, to .apuyoung kaerb pihwoman snoitaler ajust moron f gnithe revocbrink er htiwof stsibrilliant ssa dna puwomanhood kaerb a hguorht -gnarticulate, iog elihw uoysupportive, stroppuS ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. empowered ,feirg and fo sgnfollowing ileef eht ssecher orp spassion pleh dna kin aerthe btraemoment: h fo sgnileefGrace, lacisyhp ymy rev esecond ht stroppudaughter, s yllacitegrenwho E physical feelings ofehheartbreak and helps process the feelings ofspgrief, n a c y t o s s s e n e r a w a o t s n r e t t a p g n i t a e p e r g n i r b l e H . t n e m n o d n a b a d n a , n o i t c e j e r , r a e f , t l i u g , e m a l b taught me about the depth of connection. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb I also thank Charyn YMcLean for her insightful contribution defining the synergetic BAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGrelationship AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY between astrology and flower essences. She has brought to life the Divine yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA through description of the e Mink,Feminine Freckle Face, Lantana,her Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Asteroid Goddesses and highlighted the stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of effectiveness the wounding mother Assists eht seof talof ucaesarean micombining ts yllacitbirth, egrenfor Ethese .yboth bab etwo ht ni powerful ytiand rucesbaby. dnahealing ytefas fo esystems. snes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety baby. stroppand uS .hsecurity trIibinclude laniin gathe v aKarren gnirudEnergetically noJensen denrut ewhose rstimulates a taht sm ethe tsys citegand rene eexpanded ht gnireggirt nvision igeb ot to niksalign s’ ybabwith the Withhtgratitude, intuition g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome Divine Feminine is palpable, passionate and catching. She has helped to drive the arriageemerging and abortion. IMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC reprinting process for the second edition. I soYLappreciate how she came on board when the HE GROWING FAMILY y l i L p m a w S , y l i L m r o t S , k c o r m ahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC goingStorm was Lily, tough, put nk Shamrock, Swamp Lilyher shoulder to the wheel and helped pull us through. noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE course, ng the And development child’s transition ,of seno tselof im the latnthis empbook olebody, ved wouldn’t smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. ohave ssenSupports erbeen awa s’ rwritten ehtom ehin t snthe epOfirst .tnecplace seloda without ot dlihc otthe ybabmany morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s awho rt evithave agawareness en srchosen aelc ylof lacthe ito tegchild’s rcome enE .yldevelopmental eto tairp orppon a oa gmilestones, tprofessional el reh spleh dna basis, ,gnikat-kover sir etathe irporp pa-egaBeyond swolla clients me years. king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transnrettathe p lanbook oitareneyou g are doubt, each of their stories has provided me with inspiration, distilled.sinto h now about to read. Their narratives have demonstrated the courage, humour, wisdom and determination that enabled them to generate their own healing and enhance their lives and Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 5 those in their intimate circle. They have taught me so much and continue to do so. I have included some of their stories in this book and although I have respected their privacy, they will recognize my tribute to their insight into their own unique healing pathway. Essence Blends Essence Blends I can’t complete this list of thanks without acknowledging Peter Sherwood, who provided – JOYto IN‘teach RECEIVING me withABUN-DANCE theABUN-DANCE opportunity what I needed to learn’ in all those years at the Australian – JOY IN RECEIVING Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, WhiteMedicine Wandering in CollegeAjuga, of Natural Therapies, now known as theRed Endeavour College of Natural Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Fortitude Valley, Jew Brisbane, Australia. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the not heart to gratitude, theofmind to theinspired limitless abundance of thethe Universe, and the joy and And finally, last but least, Ian White, methese to learn language ofspirit theto of optimism. Helps eliminate the sense ‘notwho enough’ and clears family patterns. Raises awareness Helps thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises of beingoptimism. thefollow magician ineliminate one’s own Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. flowers and to my passion. He also provided wonderful opportunities for meawareness to stretch being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE my wings, especially at a– BIRTHING time when I was feeling that they had been clipped. Thank you, Ian BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE and the Acacia, team Ajuga, at Bush forStorm yourLily,wonderful support over the years. BlueBiotherapies Mink, Dandelion, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 6 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Table ofcneCont ent s s d n e l B e s s E Essence Blends GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGIntroduction...........................................................................................................9 gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Section 1 Flowers inSilver OurWattle, Garden. .........................................................................15 ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Chapter 1 Flowers Past and Present............................................................................... 16 dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO 20 Chapter the mind to the the fo sslimitless en2erThe awaabundance sGarden esiaR .snrof eof tta pEden.................................................................................... yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense Chapter of ‘not enough’ these Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb 3 The 24 .and spihBody sclears noitaleElectric......................................................................................... r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. The Body’s Energy Centres........................................................................................... 32 ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE Section 2 Spirit of Woman Australian Wild Flower sirI dliW ,yliL mrotEssences...................................39 S ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,Acacia. Storm Lily, Wild Iris 40 n.i...................................................................................................................... stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in Ajuga......................................................................................................................... her body’shtability 45 ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as aApostle sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s ’ y b a b Plant............................................................................................................... 49 . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB Black Nightshade........................................................................................................ 52 ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Bleeding Heart............................................................................................................ 57 sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris BluegnMink................................................................................................................... 60 inut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning emow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy 62 Cassia..n...................................................................................................................... ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how women s e n o m r o h f o g n i n o i t c n u f d e c n a l a b y h t l a e h s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n e d n a , e b ” d l u o h s “ Commelina. ................................................................................................................ 66 y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Y G R E N E N I A R B E L O H W O T N O N R U T – E C N A L A B N I A R B Cordyline.................................................................................................................... 69 TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA 74 Dandelion.................................................................................................................. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW Freckle Face................................................................................................................ 78 itpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ................................................................................................................... 83 ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf 89 enals toLantana...................................................................................................................... protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith Lomandra................................................................................................................... 92 nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. 95 Macaranga................................................................................................................. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N Milkweed. 97 ,yl.iL.................................................................................................................. mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Morning Glory.......................................................................................................... 101 anebreV Native Hibiscus......................................................................................................... 104 .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. ,feirg fo sgnileef eht ssecorp spleh dna kaerbtraeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Pink Shamrock.......................................................................................................... 108 physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb Red Kamala.............................................................................................................. 112 nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb Seeing Eye................................................................................................................ 117 YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC 120 Plant........................................................................................................... EALINGSensitive AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ............................................................................................................. 124 e Mink,Silver FreckleWattle. Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily s t s i s s A . y b a b d n a r e h t o m h t o b r o f , h t r i b n a e r a s e a c f o g n i d n u o w e h t f o g n i l a e h e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n E 127 Snail Vine................................................................................................................. ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni Storm 130 nd a sense and eof ht safety sLily. trop.p................................................................................................................ uS .hsecurity trib laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut erstimulates a taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports Swampsystems Lily................................................................................................................ 133 .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. Verbena.................................................................................................................... 136 YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY White Wandering Jew................................................................................................ 140 yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily 144 Wild nIris.................................................................................................................... oitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the Essence development ........................................................................................................ 148 ,senotBlends. selof im the latn.child’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art eof vitaSymptoms. gawareness en sraelc ylof l.a............................................................................................. cthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla Repertory 152 king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg About Annie Meredith................................................................................................ 155 Other Products.......................................................................................................... 155 h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 7 Essence EssenceBlends Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 8 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Int roduc t ion s d n e l B e c n e s s E Essence Blends NIVIECpart ER Nof I Ymy OJlife. – ECNAD-NUBA Flowers have always been aGvibrant gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliSAs ,alaam aK dIeused R ,kcotormmake ahS knflower iP ,anablends tnaL ,nfor oilemy dnadolls, D ,aisat saC gujAtea child the,aplay ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJidentical parties I set up. Then I watched as both of my daughters played EIVING dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo games, ecnadnueven ba ssthough eltimil etheir ht ot childhoods dnim eht ,edwere utitarsixteen g ot trayears eh ehtapart. snepOThe ritual the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and water, fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf esehint smy raegame lc dnainvolved ’hguone little ton‘ vessels fo esnesofeh t etanwith imileflowers spleH .floating msimitpoin them, sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness of the spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikcarefully row ten lupoured fsseccuinto s stro ppuminiature S .efil nwochina s’enotea-set ni naicthat igamwas ehtmy gnipride eb and wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win joy. relationships. In my imagination, each unique blend held its own magical powers ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB concocted to restore, refresh or empower the doll characters that were at NG WITH CONFIDENCE I dmy liW game. ,yliL mrThe otS ,dolls noiledinhabited naD ,kniMthe eufairy lB ,agkingdom ujA ,aicacand A each the centresirof ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguordoll ht evhad om omystical t ytiliba powers. s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gAs niand taneyoung rathe p oparents t woman, yenruoinj dI ewas rcastaken a sa swith secothe rp gFlower nihtrib ePower ht otnmovement i gniretne that ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s’ yb ab swept the world. Its main theme was “All You Need is Love”, articulated . so well in song by the Beatles. I knew, wanted with NIKS from NWOthat RUtime OY Non, I ELthat BATRI O FMOCto– work )SENO MRthe OHhealing YPPAH(forces EVOL of YDNature, OB ONES) –because COMFORTABLE OWN SKIN I felt that IN theYOUR Plant Kingdom was a living testimony to love in action - plants consistently give out their vital sirI -dand liW ,Ieperceived niV lianS ,athis lamto aK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA energy, without conditions ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris be a pure expression of unconditional love. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH When grew up, I found myself livingbody. in beautiful environments, chosen because I so loved being in Nature’s garden gratitude for Ithe nepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lartsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy in close proximity to the Devic Kingdom. I became an avid gardener during the time I had my young children at ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ home, specializing in growing herb seedlings for the local marketplace. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB Progressing TO WHOLE BRAINnaturally ENERGYfrom this hands-on beginning, I chose to study natural healing, opting to specialize in Traditional niV lianS ,Ikcwas ormfascinated ahS kniP ,dby eew kliM ,krabinterest ecaL ,ein caFenergy elkcerFmedicine, ,noilednafast D ,ecoming nilydroConto ,kniM lB ,aicin acthe A early Chinese,eMedicine. the ‘new’ theeuscene Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, s i r I d l i W 1970s, and TCM seemed to me to incorporate the understandings I was looking for. mitpbig o d‘aha’ na ssemoments nelohw foI ehad snesina the tuob a gsemester nirb ot dnof a ,my niarcourse b eht fowas snothe itcnnotion uf ynamthat ehtemotional gnicnalabimbalance roF One of thelafirst first ons of is theone brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal s e c n a l a B . s s e r t s f o s t c e f f e r e v o e h t m o r f n o i t c n u f n i a r b t c e t o r p o t s l a n e r d a e h t s e c n a l a B . g n i n o i t c nuf to of the primary causes of disease. Having been described, as an emotional person (not with the intention enals toflatter) protectwhile brain over-effects stress. Balances .seggrowing afunction niarb eup, hfrom t sIawas sthe egnfascinated ahc niarb by dnofathe ssonotion l yro methat m hunexpressed, tiw spleH .seigrepressed rene niarband tnorexcessive f-kcab dnexpressions a thgir-tfel of energies. Helps.gwith ages. nidnmemory anot tsregood dnuloss fofor sand yaone’s whbrain taphealth. wchanges en gnDid ineas pthis o the nmean i sbrain tsissathat dnapart ,doof ohthe dlihreason c tuohgIuwas orht feeling segnahcsonivibrant arb stroand ppuSalive was emotions were ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. because I had given my emotions full rein? I doubted that my elders would have asNthey NIagreed, AP EHT G ISAEhad – PUtried KAERso B hard N and for so long to tell me otherwise. ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Silver Wattle, Lily, the notion that there could be a medicine It was at this point that Native I foundHibiscus, flower essences. Way Storm back then, anebrto eV specifically treat the emotions was way out on a limb. But there it was, and I loved the concept right from the start. By .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS this time and I wasassists in clinical recovering practice and began to use flower essences to great effect, with those of my clients who were ugh a breakup ,feirg fo sgwith nileef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE open to it. They were all having amazing results! physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. HelpsI began bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can Medicine. As the college was Simultaneously, to teach at the Australian College of Natural .destill vlosin er its ebformative phase, I suggested that we introduce flower essences to the Naturopathic course. The plan was adopted and I began YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC firstSTIMULATING of 25 years ofFOR teaching, breathing and living flower essences. EALINGthe AND MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA 1994, Face, Ian White invited me to teach Levels and 2 in the Australian Bush Flower e Mink,InFreckle Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm 1Lily s t s i s s A . y b a b d n a r e h t o m h t o b r o f , h t r i b n a eraseac fin o that gnidnprogram, uow eht fteaching o gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Essences series of workshops. I became heavily involved ling of both the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y b a b e h t n i y t i r u c e s d n a y t e f a s f o e s n e s dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nationally and internationally up until 2007. During that time, I wrote athe nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the ht stroppuS .Course htrib lanand igav the a gCollege nirud no Course, denrut erstill a taboth ht smvibrant etsys ciand tegrevital ne ehaspects t gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab Correspondence g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the . n o i t r o b a d n a e g a i r r acsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome of that company’s complete education program. arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GINwas IWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC In Brisbane, amongst my College students, HE GROWING FAMILY affectionately known as yliLthe pm“Flower awS ,yliLEssence mrotS ,kQueen”. cormahSIkknew niP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp thatLily this was in recognition of my strong affinity with the noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE flowers and their healing energy. At transition one point during my daily meditations, I started to get a ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf scratchy the throat thatdevelopmental made me cough. It was happening with such increasing frequency that one ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacitegchild’s renE .yletairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla day I simply asked my to telltransme what was going on. The reply I got surprised me, king, and helps her let go appropriately. EnergeticallyHigher clears Self negative .snrettap lanoitareneg “You are the voice of the flowers. They need you to speak for them.” It came through so loudly and clearly that I was taken aback. However, I was otherwise occupied at the time, mothering, practicing, teaching and writing my first book, The Essence of Woman, so I put it on the backburner and didn’t think about it for some time. htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 9 h The voice stayed dormant until the summer of 2002, when one day I had an extraordinary experience. I was looking over my garden into the rainforest beyond when I spotted what seemed to be a ghostly apparition peeking though the greenery. Drawn to it as if magnetically, I came across a large, white ethereal-looking flower, one of many, on a spindly tree, which became visible after I pushed my way through the undergrowth and tangle. It was around the time when my second daughter had just started her periods and was experiencing agonising pain at the outset. This flower spoke to me! It said, “Let me help ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Grace with her period pain”. Gratefully, I hastened to make up the little flower ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, ReditKamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, Whiteresponse Wandering into an essence, and gave to my daughter. Her almost instant to the Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, medicine uplifted me and filled me with gratitude and reverence. That flower Jew was Native Hibiscus, characteristically growsand in forested Opens the heart to gratitude, thethe mind to the limitlesswhich abundance of the Universe, the spirit areas. to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness From that moment on, information began to channel through me. It was as if I Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’shad own Supports and win-win relationships. become a transmitter for networking the high frequency energy of the Plant Kingdom. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. For example, I would be driving along the road, when suddenly I would get an BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE impulse to stop the car. I would jump out and, as if magnetically drawn, would Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris find myself striding through theIris bush land searching everywhere, until I found the Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the to parents in little flower that was calling me. What’s more, when I sat down communicate Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth with the flower deva, I would sense a mutual sigh of relief that we had finallyin entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. connected. baby’s passage into the world. BODY came LOVE through (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWNdown SKINmy understandings of the Twenty essences in that summer. I made up each one and wrote BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN healing qualities, channelled throughDandelion, as I sat in Pink loving communion with eachSnail plant. TheWild other Acacia, Black Nightshade, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Vine, Irisfive essences came Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Irismy being as a time through in the intervening years. However, that energy of that first summer was indelibly printed on Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning when I seemedHelps to be a channel for pure feel lightgratitude energy. Itfor was amazing experience. appreciate thean power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your healthyou by tuning in to and your body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women Not long after that be, first and summer, I was having renovations done on functioning our house. of hormones. “should” energetically supports healthy balanced “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. It seemed to be fraught with difficulties, taking much longer that anticipated. I BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY called in well-known Energy Eric Dowsett, to assist me BRAIN Environmental BALANCE – TURN ONDowser, TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Dandelion, Freckle Face,ItLacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, in determining whyBlue theMink, houseCordyline, renovations were taking so long. was whenMilkweed, he Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris informed me that it had nothing to do with the house, but rather was tied in to the Wild Iris energy in the that Ithe received validationofasthetobrain, why I and was to making essences For land, balancing many functions bring up about a sense of wholeness and optimal specificallyfunctioning. for For woman. He told me that the whole ridge along the western slope, balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances which wasleft-right largely untouched rainforest, had beento an aboriginal women’s birthing functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals protect function from the over-effects and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and brain changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. site and that this powerful female energy had bled into Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain the changes childhood, assists in opening newYin. pathways of understanding. land. throughout He described the land and as one hundred percent This means that flowers BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN growing in this area of land are imbued with the energy of the Divine Feminine. BREAKUP – EASING THEhere PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, made so much sense. There isMacaranga, a palpable Native power Hibiscus, in the landscape when Storm one ventures Bleeding Heart,ItCassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Silver Wattle, Lily, Verbena into the natural rainforest, away from the cultivated areas. The whole area seems to defy Verbena Supports you while going through breakup and assistsit’s with recovering fromofa‘holding relationship the the hectic pacea of life, maintaining own quiet sense the space’, Supportssupports you while going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically the very through physical of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, same time as beingafeelings pregnant with potential. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can Life went on. The house renovations were completed, my young daughter blossomed blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. into the bud of womanhood and I waited, holding the space, for the right time to birth CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR aMOTHER AND BABY these –beautiful essences. It was to be quite long gestation. First came the publication CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY of my Essence of Woman book Lantana, in 2008,Native which Hibiscus, was received with Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Storm Lilymuch enthusiasm. But somehow, itBlue seemed TheLantana, beautiful little healers calling Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink,incomplete. Freckle Face, Native Hibiscus,were Storm Lily to me to notice Energetically thepath wounding caesarean for both mother and baby. Assists them again. They were supports ready to the be healing birthed. of The seemedofnow clear tobirth, go ahead. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates As I prepared to research the botanical qualities of the flower essences, I was astounded by the similarities between baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects begin theand energetic are turned on during vaginal birth. Supports the the healing qualities I skin had to ascertained and medicinal uses systems alreadythat attributed to many of theaflowers. emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. Many of the wild flowers –that called out to GROWING me were described CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE FAMILY in the botanical notes as weeds. I laughed out loud CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY when I recognized the symbolism of this. Weeds are classically seen as vigorous growers that take over a cultivated Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily garden, when left free Lantana, to grow. This indicates they have a powerfully strong Cassia, Milkweed, Pinkthat Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily and vital life force that expresses assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition itself, whenEnergetically unrestrained. in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, These beautifulfrom wildbaby flowers were essences that I was making up specifically to help women. Over the span of to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transmillennia,generational in many cultures, women have been treated as ‘weeds’. That is, they haveEnergetically been controlled and restrained, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. clears negative transpatterns. legally, medically and through the churches, by the dominant masculine world-view. Some may say that the reason generational patterns. women have been so constrained is because they hold such a central position in the lives of those with whom they share the intimate zone: their life partners and their children. Essence EssenceBlends Blends 138 10 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith In the latter case, it is well known that a mother’s influence is one we carry, regardless of gender, throughout our lives. Is it not the mark of a man that he cut the apron strings as he is stepping out into the big, wide world so that he can exert his masculinity? By having power over the women in his life, especially when it comes to his sexual partners, he is able to exert his male dominance, a natural urge scripted into his male biology. This attitude has been especially evident in a numberGof NIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGcultures, where women’s sexuality is totally repressed, through the clothing they are gnirto edwear naW eand tihWthe ,ansocial ebreVposition ,elttaW they revliSare ,alrelegated amaK deRto, ,kcto orm ahS knthat iP ,athe natmale naL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA required ensure ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ keeps his own sexual impulses under control. dna yweeds oj ot tiand rips ewild ht dflowers na ,esreare vinUconstrained eht fo ecnaand dnubcontrolled a sseltimil as ehtthey ot dare nim in ehcultivated t ,edutitarggardens, ot traeh they eht sare nepO So when unable the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit togujoy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i itpo to express their natural vigour and strong life force, just like women, who have been restrained from freemexpression sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dwithin npatterns. a gnsociety. ikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB The symbolism jumped out at me immediately, considering the shift currently NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI global dliW ,yllevel iL mrofrom tS ,noailmasculine-principle ednaD ,kniM eulB ,aworld-view gujA ,aicacAto the taking place at the ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris feminine-principle ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot one. ytilibaAss’ ywomen dob rehwe ni have ecnedlong ifnocfitted s’ rehinto tom aehprevailing t stroppuSmind-set that is deeply rooted in the masculine principle. Cosmopolitan this nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otnivalues gniretnwithin e paradigm include hierarchy (there’s a bottom and a top and to get to the top, ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab which we are all expected to want to do, you have to use your intellect not your . NIKSfeelings), NWO RU OY NIthought ELBATRO FMOCover – )Sintuitive ENOMRO H YPPAH ( EVOprogression L YDOB logical (valued thought), linear (in ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN spite of the fact that nature moves in circles) and competitive values (working sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wildsomebody Iris against rather than with them). gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude forI the Now, am not suggesting the described nepower mow wand oh tbeauty uobathat snofrthere eyour ttap is lbody. aranything tsecFocuses na mwrong orf you gnitwith con ennfine-tuning ocsivalues d stsissA .ydob ruoabove. y ot ni That gninuis, t ybunless htlaehthey ruoare y the ur body.ONLY Assistsvalues disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women operating within .senaosociety. mroh fo gninoitcnuf decnalab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Feminine values are very different. These favour power-sharing, for YGRENE NIARintuitive B ELOHknowing, W OT NOnetworking NRUT – EC NAoptimum LAB NIARoutcomes B TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY and process-orientated approaches. ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Face, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine,they can create a perfectly balancedsisociety. rI dliW Then, WhenFreckle both sets of Lacebark, values areMilkweed, acknowledged and valued equally, instead of lcompeting amitpo dnawith ssenone elohanother, w fo esnemales s a tuoand ba gfemales nirb ot dcan na ,together niarb ehtmould fo snoithe tcnustructure f ynam eand ht gnfunctioning icnalab roF of world we live in. Up until fairly recently however, feminine values have taken second position, ons of the the everyday brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal secnalaB .sserts fo stceffe-revo eht morf noitcnuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnand uf cosmopolitan enals to protect brain function stress. Balances .segamainstream niarb ehfrom t sasociety sthe egnover-effects ahhas c nilargely arb dnofaexpressed ssol yro memasculine m htiw splvalues. eH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nmemory atsrednIS uloss fCOMING o sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS A POLARnidSHIFT ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. IAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB However, nothing ever remains static. Times are a-changing and there is a shiftNoccurring - one that recognizes that N ,ylimales L mrotSoccupy ,elttaWopposite revliS ,suends csibiHofethe vitaN ,agnara caM ,ardnof amhuman oL ,noilbeings ednaD (as ,aissdo aCall ,traeH gnideelB females and bi-polar expression elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Hibiscus,values Silver are Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV other beings in nature).Native And feminine beginning to emerge from the groundswell of popular opinion to be recognized as values that need to be embraced by society, in this time of .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS tumultuous ugh a breakup and ,fchange. eiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process ac yehtneed os ssthe ene‘expand rawa ot sand nrettmultiply’, ap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tn‘top emnofodthe nabpile a dnwins’ a ,noattitudes itcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb We no nlonger war-mongering, nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can while the planet is groaning under the effects of years of thoughtless rape and pillage and every .devloser eb kind of exploitation, and the population suffering What YBAworld B DNA REHTOM is RO F GNITAfrom LUMinequality ITS DNA Gof NIpower LAEH –sharing. YREVOC ER NAERASEAC we now need are the values of conservation, restoration, support, nurturing and caring to maintain the resources that EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY y l i L m r o t S , s u c s i b i H e v i t a N , a n a t n a L , e c a F e l k c e r F , k n i M e u l B , e d a h s t h g i N k c a l B ,aicacA we have and to uphold the wellbeing of the existing population. e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsisfeminine sA .ybab values. dna rehtThis om histothe b roshift f ,htwe rib nneed. aeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE These are ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates However, the truth is that we have lived in a patriarchal society fact, eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsfor ys cthousands itegrene ehof t gyears. nireggiIn rt n igebthere ot nikare s s’records ybab of g the energetic systems(the thatnotion are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the patrimonalism that was a precursor to patriarchy) almost as far back as the earliest writing itself .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitom(about e arriage5000 and abortion. years ago). YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING AccordingFAMILY to a common dictionary definition: yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Lily defined as the structuring of society on the basis of family units, where the father or “Patriarchy can beSwamp traditionally noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE has the primary authority and responsibility and decision making powers over the rest of the family members. ng the man development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf However, the meaning of theofterm is muchdevelopmental wider. Patriarchy refers to not just the benefits and costs that fathers and ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc yllacthe itegchild’s renE .yletairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla men have in families and at home, but also in society at large:transat the workplace, at home, and in human relationships king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative .snrettap lanoitareneg at large. The concept of patriarchy is often used by extension (in anthropology and feminism) to refer to the expectation that men take primary responsibility and authority over the welfare of the community as a whole, acting as representatives via public office. h Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 11 Western civilization is predominantly patriarchal, and has only recently gravitated towards a more egalitarian form under the influence of the Women’s rights’ movement. The major non-Western civilizations in the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia remain pronouncedly patriarchal.” Essence EssenceBlends Blends So what happens to females living in a male-dominated society, when essentially their biological inscription is completely different to that of males? ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING FEMALE AND MALE POLARITIES Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga,are Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Redway Kamala, Verbena, White Wandering Females and polar Dandelion, opposites, Lantana, cleverly designed by nature back Silver when Wattle, the original moulds were made. Jewmales And there haveJew been no radical changes in human design since those early, more primitive times when our roles Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and appeared to beOpens more the clearly defined. heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helps thelife. sense ofsuch ‘notsuccessful enough’ of and clears family patterns. Raises That we live in optimism. an environment, which allows diversity roles for these both women and men, oftenawareness blinds us of to being theurban magician ineliminate one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being inheritance. the magicianToday in one’s ownborn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. our original gender we are as uniquely genderised as we were in days gone by. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE The truth is thatBLESSED our gender is not only biologically written into the hard wiring of our physical body but it is also Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris imprinted permanently onto our brain structure. Furthermore is reinforced, at the cellular level, by the genderising Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily,itWild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through safe birth, andatthe hormones that flood our bodies while we are in the womb and again, even morea emphatically, theparents time ofin Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth adolescence. entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth Subsequently, from that time on, from baby’s passage into the moment world. to moment, each thought we have, as either a female or a male, BODYour LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN and mental. further imprints gender preferences on every level of our being: physical, emotional BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Nightshade, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris ambitions, desires Males andAcacia, femalesBlack are very differentDandelion, in their thoughts, feelings, Red values, perceptions, judgments, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris and needs. Furthermore, we areand designed by Nature to be so. This how we complement one another, together Helps you appreciate feel gratitude for the power and isbeauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning creating ayour family unit that supports the next generation. health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. THIS IS NOT FEMINISM “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY It seems to me BRAIN that theBALANCE rise of feminism theTO latter third of last century failed to take into account that women are – TURN in ON WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. intrinsicallyEnergetically women, and men are intrinsically men. Instead, the assists cry for with women to process sharefrom the societal advantages Supports you while going afeelings breakup relationship breakup. supports the very through physical of and heartbreak and recovering helps theasame feelings of grief, as men (called for from within a male-dominated paradigm) was mistakenly based in a resentful gripe that Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings ofwomen grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, fear, rejection, abandonment. Helps bring included) repeatingwhile patterns awareness so theyscottcan were givenbea resolved. raw deal,guilt, in having to do theand drudge work (having children mentoswanned around be of resolved. free making pots money and enjoying prestige and power. Most men didn’t know what a dishcloth looked like, CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY according to Germaine Greer and her followers. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The crucial element missing in this half-perception that Face, society’s valuesNative over thousands of years, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink,was Freckle Lantana, Hibiscus, Storm Lily up until this time, supports healing of This the wounding caesarean birth, forbehaviours both mother and baby. territory Assists that have beenEnergetically singularly shaped by the male values. means thatofthe functions, jobs, and unique Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Assists women are biologically equipped for, are severely under-valued and in a sense, dismissed, within our society. in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the It seems to me baby’s that this is why manytriggering women are ready to give theirthat power areas thata they, andbirth. theirSupports femininethe skin to begin theand energetic systems are away, turnedinon during vaginal emotional after-effects of miscarriage abortion. network, are best equipped to manage, such as the and female stronghold of conception and reproduction. emotional after-effects of miscarriage abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Denial of our Feminine Intelligence CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Examples of the denialLantana, by women of their feminine intelligence Cassia, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storminclude: Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition • use offrom the Pill as to a contraceptive method, even though it interferes withofthe healthy functioning their Energetically in balancing the the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. of Supports transition baby childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness the child’s developmental milestones, reproductive system; from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. • submitting to assisted reproduction even though it has been confirmed through valid research that children born generational patterns. by these anti-life, mechanical methods are less healthy than those conceived naturally; and • allowing their babies to be cut out of their bodies because they believe (or are told) that they won’t be able to give birth naturally. 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 12 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith So now I hear many of you are saying, “But we have no choice, we have tried to conceive naturally and nothing has happened”, or, “But how am I going to prevent a pregnancy when I am sexually active, but not yet ready for children?” These questions have plagued women since time began. They are still the most important questions that women need to ask, and to answer, because sexuality and reproduction are such crucially important areas in a woman’s life,Gand anJ –enormous NIVIEhave CER such NI YO ECNAD-Nimpact UBA both personally, and in wider arenas. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA After all, Wattle, one baby, perhaps conceived and born after a single lovemaking episode, ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Verbena, White Wandering weJ will change a woman for the rest of her life. This is a long commitment, requiring major dna yojand ot tirestructuring rips eht dna ,in esrall eviareas nU ehtoffoher ecnway adnuofbaliving. sseltim il eonly ht ot that, dnimbut eht it,ealso dutita rg ot traon eh the eht future snepO adjustment Not impacts the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit togujoy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s imitpoof generation, as the quality of her reproductive experience, her pregnancy and birthing, and the crucial years sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t r o child-raising, imprint on the child born to her, either in a positive or a negative manner. And the echoes of that wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. programming will continue on down the line in woman-to-child ECNEDIFsuccession, NOC HTIW for GNthe IHTnext RIB –seven GNIHgenerations. TRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA WOMEN CARRY THE ONUS OF RESPONSIBILITY ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni sdesigned tnerap ehitt dthat na ,women htrib efaand s a hwomen guorht alone, evom othrough t ytiliba their s’ ydobiological b reh ni ecinheritance, nedifnoc s’ recarry htomthe ehmajority t stroppupart S of the Nature has nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and the parents inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o enormous responsibility for this task: that is, the primary health and well being of future generations of the human race. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab That is not to say that males do not participate meaningfully and responsibly in the conception and rearing of a child. . IKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB his role is different and he hasNbeen ONES) –But COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN designed specifically to fulfil certain aspects that only he, as a male, can. sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA AnPink example of how clearly the major proportion of responsibility that women carry in this role is recognized by a South ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninutIndian -enif notribe, uoy still sesuliving coF .ytoday dob ruinoythe fo traditional ytuaeb dnaway rewthat op ethey ht rohave, f edutfor itarthousands g leef dna of etayears. icerppWithin a uoy sthe pleH American ambit of gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning emowomen w woh tu obamen snrecan ttap sit laron tsecthe na governing morf gnitcecouncil nnocsidthat stsiputs ssA .yforward dob ruoproposals y ot ni gnito nube t ybconsidered htlaeh ruoyfor future their law, nboth and ur body.legislation. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomcan rohpatterns fo gninoabout itcin nuthe fhow definal cnwomen alavote b yhto tladecide eh stropwhether pus yllacaitproposal egrene dnwill a ,ebecome b ”dluohlaw. s“ This is However, only women participate y supports healthy functioning of hormones. because it isbalanced recognized by the tribe, men and women alike, that only women have the capacity to evaluate the YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB effect of a pieceBRAIN of legislation on the next seven generations of children. What a far-seeing policy! TO WHOLE ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, OWNING WHO WE ARE sirI dliW Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE lam itpo dntake a sseback nelohownership w fo esnesof a ttheir uobabodies gnirb oand t dntheir a ,niasouls, rb ehtso fo that snoitthey cnufare ynain m control eht gnicof nathe lab physical roF So how can women ons of functions the brain,and and astsense wholeness secprocesses ntoalbring aB .ssabout erthat ts foare ceuniquely ffe-rof evo etheir ht mown? orf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel Currently manymemory womenloss giveand over control of their body-mind to doctors and are guided and led by a medical model energies. Helps.gwith brain changes as the brain nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS that runs on the male principles of scientific rationale, hierarchical ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. structure and a mechanized view of the body. I NIAare P Ein HTthe GNprocess ISAE – PofUKIVF AERassisted B hear the same stories over again, from many women in my clinical practice, who N reproduction opinion male, ,yliLtreatment. mrotS ,elttThe aW rconsensus evliS ,sucsib iH evitaisNthat ,agnthe aradoctors, caM ,ardall nam oL ,noare iledfocused naD ,aison saCresults ,traeHand gnidtreat eelBtheir patients asMacaranga, numbers. The extremely low Silver odds Wattle, of a successful birth are laid on the table at the outset. Chance elion, Lomandra, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily, anebreV of a successful pregnancy is approximately 15% for each IVF cycle. Of course, there are many factors that determine .pukincluding aerb pihsnthe oitaage ler aofmthe orf patient, gnirevocthe er hquality tiw stsisof sathe dnaeggs pukaand erb sperm, a hguorthe ht gduration niog elihw oy sinfertility, troppuS the success rates of uthe ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i egrenthem, E health of the uterus, and the medical expertise. However, when the numbers are repeatedly drummed tinto physical feelings ofehheartbreak and helps process the feelings ofspgrief, n a c y t o s s s e n e r a w a o t s n r e t t a p g n i t a e p e r g n i r b l e H . t n e m n o d n a b a d n a , n o i t c e j e r , r a e f , t l i u g , e m a l b many women feel doomed to failure right from the start, especially older women, in whose case the success rate is nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb even lower. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC into an already-traumatic process this with a negative attitude does not bode well for the success of the EALINGGoing AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER ANDlike BABY yliL mrwomen otS ,sucpatients sibiH eviso taNanxious ,anatnaand L ,ecstressed aF elkceduring rF ,kniMthe euprocess lB ,edahsofthg iN kcaland B ,aisubsequent cacA procedure. I have had many harvest e Mink,implantation Freckle Face,that Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lilyalso display other bodily symptoms that, in a Body-Mind sense, are they are unable to sleep. They stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of guaranteed the wounding eht to seof tsabotage alucaesarean mits yllathe citbirth, eprocedure. grenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stfor ropp uS .htrito b la nigover-whelmed av a gnirud no by denlack rut eofraunderstanding taht smethe tsys citof eghow rene their eht gbodies, nireggirtminds nigeb and ot nisouls ks s’ yb ab It is eeasy women feel work, g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the .noitroba dthe na eopposite gairracsigender. m fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome because we have been flooded for so long with values belonging to arriage and abortion. LIMAFpill, GNIIW OR G EHAny T STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC After all, it was a man who invented the Pill. Where is theYmale ask you? HE GROWING FAMILY male might know how the body works mechanically, but yliL pmaw S ,yhe liL cannot mrotS ,kfully cormgrasp ahS kthe niP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC magnitude of Lily, the Swamp effects that nk Shamrock, Storm Lily female hormones (and synthetic hormones) have on noitisnaand rt stroattitudes ppuS .tirof ipsadwoman, na dnim because ,ydob s’ditlihisc outside eht fo tnof emhis polexperience. eved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE the emotions ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 13 WOMEN SOOTHE AND HEAL BY NATURE Essence EssenceBlends Blends It is in this aspect of human experience that healing takes place. This is the domain of the feminine principle and involves the feminine attributes of healing energy exchange through caring, sharing, touching, empathising and love. There are many men who have highly developed feminine sides and who are very adept in these areas also. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Don’t get me wrong; I am not–putting males. But the mainstream medical model is so deeply ABUN-DANCE JOY INdown RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, principle Dandelion, Shamrock, Redallow, Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering rooted in the masculine thatLantana, in mostPink cases, it does not let alone acknowledge, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew that the softer feminine approach of energy exchange has real and lasting healing benefits on the Jew Body-Mind. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, theofmind to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sense ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness In truth, this is optimism. where realHelps healing on all levels of being, takes place, all the way through from annoying symptoms thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awarenesstoof being the magician ineliminate one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. chronic disease. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE WOMEN’S BLESSED MEDICINE BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris The range of symptoms that might comeDandelion, under the heading ofWild women’s Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Storm Lily, Iris issues and reproduction can include pretheendometriosis, mother’s confidence in her body’smiscarriages, ability to movehormonal through adepression, safe birth, and the parents inand menstrual Supports syndrome, infertility, persistent peri-menopause Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of menopausal symptoms, tiredness, lack of libido, etc. But this area also manages and treats emotional smooth concerns such entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. as persistent sadness, feelings of lack of confidence, fear of success, and relationship trauma, which baby’s passage intolow theself-esteem, world. often accompany the above physical symptoms. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine,person, Wild Irisbody, mind and spirit, A natural medicine approach, as distinct from mainstream medicine, treats the whole Acacia, Black isNightshade, Dandelion, Pinkdoes Shamrock, Redan Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris and attitudinal in the knowledge that there no physical symptom that not have accompanying emotional Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning component. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how supports healthy balanced functioning of our hormones. As women,“should” we can be, ownand ourenergetically own bodily processes when we take back control of health. Conception canwomen occur “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. naturally even in the face of years of unsuccessful trying. Women can take control of their own fertility by getting to BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY know how theirBRAIN body BALANCE operates and working in harmony with it. – TURN ONnaturally TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Flower essences, those Cordyline, directed toDandelion, women’s concerns, assistLacebark, women in their Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Irisespecially own healing process Wild Irisby helping them to access the feminine intelligence, inscripted on For Furthermore, balancing theessences many functions of the brain, andintoconfidence bring about sense oftowholeness and optimal their biology. assist women to grow in alistening For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Balances that intuition and allowing themselves to be directed by its wisdom. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Your bodySupports might need some nutritional assistance to assist it to return to peak condition brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports changes throughout childhood, andwhat assists opening and that may take time.brain You may not have the skills to evaluate youinneed to new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN assist your body’s own healing process, but through net-working, attending a female BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native practitioner who willHeart, assistCassia, you in an empathetic way, informing yourself withHibiscus, all the Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Heart, Cassia, Native Hibiscus, knowledgeVerbena thatBleeding is available today, andDandelion, by trusting Lomandra, in your ownMacaranga, intuitive whisperings, you Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena can start the journey back to going the powerful you and wereassists designed be. Supports you while throughwoman a breakup with to recovering from a relationship breakup. Supports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. supports very physical of and heartbreak andthrough helps process the of journey grief, The Spirit Energetically of Woman Australian Wild Flower Essences have beenassists brought to assist you on your back Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can to a state of optimum health and well being. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. BY BECOMING HEALTHY AS WOMEN WE HONOUR OUR CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY MEN CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily When we embark on this path, we honour Blue our men-folk. We stand their equals, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink, Freckle Face,asLantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically the healing thegiving wounding not trying to be like themsupports or to outsmart them,ofnor them of all caesarean our power, birth, but for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and sense and security in the stimulates the Assists by gifting them with the fullbond blossoming of theaand feminine essence. In doing this, weinbaby. in kindling attachment a sense of safety and security the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the enjoy, for our part, the skin unique maleness that they can offer ussystems as their that gift. are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports baby’s to begin theand energetic the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. In this way females and males truly find the balance that nature intended for us and CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY we complete theCHILDHOOD whole, by each being fully one the parts. Men are hard-wired – SUPPORTS THEofGROWING FAMILY Cassia, Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp to like women whoLantana, are sexy,Milkweed, playful andPink caring. Is that you right now or areLily you too Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily burdened to lighten-up?assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, Energetically mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically assists in balancing theand development oftothe child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby to child tobeautiful adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, So please from use and enjoy these wild flowers allow them allow you from baby Woman. to child to Opens the awareness of the effects child’swill developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andthe helps her mother’s let appropriately. Energetically clears trans- the to access your inner Wild It isadolescent. well worth journey, andgothe essences’ healing echonegative down through allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generations, as we bless our children with our own sense of self-worth. generational patterns. 138 14 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith EIVING SECTION 1 Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 15 Chapter 1 Flowers PasBlends t and Present Essence Essence Blends From the earliest times, various groups, including Australian Aborigines, have used flowers for a variety of ABUN-DANCE – JOY indigenous IN RECEIVING beneficial effects, including for the resolution of specific emotional imbalances. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Flowers were muchCassia, an intrinsic part ofLantana, the day-to-day lives of Australian Aborigines that they used White the flowering of Ajuga, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, Wandering Jew so trees in their local vicinity to determine the yearly calendar. For example, the annual flowering of the Sarsaparilla trees Jew Opens the heart theinmind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and signals that it is time to go to ongratitude, walkabout certain regions of Australia. OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Aboriginesbeing alsooptimism. used flowers in ritual ceremonies for healing by ingesting Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. certain flowers.being Manythe flowers wereinalso featured in their Dreamtime magician one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE stories, telling the tale of creation and the evolution of their race. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Flowers have also beenAjuga, used Blue in theMink, widerDandelion, human context Acacia, Stormfor Lily,many Wild Iris the mother’s in herceremonies body’s ability purposes. Supports Ancient cultures used confidence flowers in burial as to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports theof mother’s confidence ininher ability to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in into the birthing process as a sacred journey toknown parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth evidencedentering by the vestiges plant material found thebody’s earliest entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. burial chambers located in Iran. In India, early Sanskrit records describe baby’s passage into the world. how the lotus flower was used, HORMONES) and is still today, to depict the various BODY LOVE (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN energy centres BODY that make up the human energetic The four-IN YOUR OWN SKIN LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) –anatomy. COMFORTABLE Black Nightshade, Red Kamala, Vine, Wild Iris to differentiate the petal lotusAcacia, was assigned to the BaseDandelion, chakra andPink the Shamrock, thousand-petal lotus to Snail the Crown chakra Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris energy frequency of appreciate the lower physical from for thethe upper mental capacityofofyour thebody. body.Focuses you on fine-tuning Helps you and feelbody gratitude power and beauty Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body.about Focuses you on fine-tuning your health byto tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns how women Flowers are used today convey feelings and sentiment, especially where words are not adequate to communicate your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women be, Examples and energetically balanced functioning hormones. the depth “should” of empathy. include supports flowers athealthy a funeral to convey sadnessofand grief, on Mother’s Day to express “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. gratitude, BRAIN or to tell a love of– undying devotion on Valentine’s Day. BALANCE TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, FLOWERS AS Blue HEALERS Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Flowers were used Wild for Iris healing in many cultures, and today we still use many of the well-known concoctions, For balancing the many functions ofof theage-old brain, and to bring jasmine about a flower sense of and optimal borrowing from the ancient wisdom for relief conditions: teawholeness is soothing and calming while For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Balances chrysanthemum flowers are used to clear heat from the skin and exterior. Herbal tea blends have gained popularity functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects and back-front memory lossbeneficial and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. and graceleft-right many social occasions,brain providing bothHelps socialwith enjoyment and health effects. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Healing on the psychological through the use of pathways flowers of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, andlevel assists in opening new BREAKUP – EASING THEwas PAIN also accepted and employed by many early healers. For BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN example, Hildegard Bingen (1098–1179) was Silver a visionary Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra,von Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena and Dandelion, healer whoLomandra, used musicMacaranga, and flowersNative to effect a healing Verbena Paracelsus (1493–1541), alchemical genius the Middle breakup. Supports you while goingresult. through a breakup and assists with recovering fromof a relationship Ages, was a physician, and general occultist. He Supportssupports you whilethe going afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical ofastrologer heartbreak and helps process the of grief, recognizedblame, theEnergetically healing power of flowers and used them in his practice to bring about a curative supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can effect in his patients. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be was resolved. Dr. EdwardCAESAREAN Bach the modern pioneer of flower He FOR MOTHER AND BABY RECOVERY – HEALING ANDessences. STIMULATING understood plants and their properties as the healing power of nature, FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, and recognized that this ancient wisdom could be used to alleviate Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily disease inEnergetically human beings by rebalancing theofemotional, mental and supports the healing the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. spiritual aspects. Bach linked the relationship between the physical in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates personalitybaby’s andinHigher Self-wisdom via a philosophy that included reskin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’s skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the incarnation. emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. In the mid-1970s, Richard Katz and Patricia Kaminski developed CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY the Californian Flower Essences nearly half a century CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY after Bach’s initialLantana, legacy. They prepared indigenous the United Cassia, Milkweed, Pinkessences Shamrock, Storm Lily,toSwamp Lily States (mainly California) and expressed the revolution in consciousness that was just beginning to ripple throughout the world. It began in California with Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily assistsPower,’ in balancing the development the in child’s body, mindespecially and spirit.inSupports transition what was Energetically known as ‘Flower and heralded a massiveofshift consciousness, the areas of sexuality, Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, social awareness and spirituality. Appropriately, the essences, which came out of these times, were directed towards from baby to child to adolescent. the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps let about go appropriately. Energetically clears negativeand transthe clearing of specific psycho-energetic blocks such asher fears sexuality, issues of intimacy, sensitivity, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. psychic and spiritual development. generational patterns. Further advances at the societal level, such as advances in technology, communication, phenomenal increase in available knowledge due to the advent of the computer and the Internet, were in tandem with a fast expanding 138 16 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith conscious awareness and was expressed as the ‘blossoming’ of many other systems of flower essence healing around the world, including Australia. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE The early 80s ushered in the Australian Bush Flower Essences. These popular essences, despite their local origin, have achieved a high practitioner use rate in countries such as Great Britain, Europe, USA, and Asia, due to the powerful vital life force contained in them, consistent with the strength that characterises the Australian landscape. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGAnd now in the early 2000s comes a new range of essences, specifically designed by a woman, for women. The Spirit gniredAustralian naW etihWWild ,aneFlower breV ,elEssences ttaW revliSalso ,aladerive maK dtheir eR ,kcstrong ormahhealing S kniP ,aqualities natnaL ,nfrom oiledthe naDAustralian ,aissaC ,abush. gujA of Woman ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ AUSTRALIAN FLOWER HEALING dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO have the mind to the the spirit fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limafLet’s esehand t srathe ealclook dna at ’htogwhy ujoy onand eAustralia, ton‘ fo esinneparticular, s eht etaniis miimbued le spleHwith .msisuch mitpopowerful healing energy. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. Australia was the ECfirst NEDcontinent IFNOC Hwhere TIW Gflowering NIHTRIB –plants GNIHgrew. TRIB DThis ESSEoccurred LB because it was the first landmass that experienced erosion of the hard rock NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirIto dlithe W ,yfirst liL msoil rotSon,nthe oiledplanet. naD ,kAnd niM ewith ulB ,the aguorigin jA ,aicof acA surface leading soil came ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hthe guofirst rht eplants. vom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n erathe p oparents t great yenruo Australia was originally part of Gondwanaland, the one southern landmass comprising the modern-day ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlthe rowcontinental eht otni egadrift ssapthat s’ ybstarted ab countries of Africa, India, Tibet, South America, Antarctica and Australia. Due to . about 60 million years ago, the land began leading gradual NIKSmass NWO RUOto Y Nbreak I ELBAup TRO FMOCto– the )SEN OMROseparation H YPPAH( Einto VOLindividual YDOB ONES) –continents, COMFORTABLE YOURwere OWN some ofINwhich stillSKIN connected to the north. Australia was the last one to separate, 35 million years sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ago, southRed to become separate isolated. Because of the isolation, ndelion, Pinkdrifting Shamrock, Kamala, Snail Vine,and Wild Iris gninut-enif nplants o uoycould sesucocome F .ydofrom b ruoother y fo ytcountries uaeb dnatoretake wop over. eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH no dominating gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy means that all thefrom native found ur body.This Assists disconnecting .ancestral sespecies nomrohpatterns fo gnininoabout iAustralia tcnufhow decat nwomen althe ab ybeginning htlaeh stroof ppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ white man’sbalanced invasion functioning have been on the continental landmass for about thirtyy supports healthy of hormones. GRENEthe NIAglobe, RB ELO HW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB five million years. There is a wide diversity of plantsYacross and TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Australia,ehas niV lthe ianShighest ,kcormnumber ahS kniPof,dflowering eewkliM ,kplants. rabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW The isolation of Australia and its small population relative to the size of the landmass means lamitpothat dnaAustralia ssenelohis w uniquely fo esnes aunpolluted, tuoba gnirbwith ot danminimum a ,niarb ehoft fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of damage the brain,toand wholeness natural landscape psychic pollution sthe ecnto albring aB .ssabout erts foastsense cefand fe-rof ereduced vo eht mo rf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb by tceway torp of ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals towars protect brain from Balances fought although .segon afunction nitsiarsoil b ehor t sincidents a sthe egnover-effects ahcofnmass iarb dgenocide, nofa stress. ssol yro mem htiwthere spleHwere .seigisolated rene niacases rb tnorof f-kAboriginal cab dna thgbloodshed, ir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. particularly to the north in the Palmer River region and in Tasmania. At the time of the white settlement, there nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS were ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. only three hundred thousand Aborigines in the whole landmass. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N The vibrancy and strength of the flowers is due to extremes of climate that the plants toCendure ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaDhave ,aissa ,traeH g- nflood ideelBfollowed by fire, followed by drought, famineSilver in a Wattle, cycle that hasLily, repeated itself over thousands of years. anebreV elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativeand Hibiscus, Storm The major.pcolours level ukaerb of pihAustralian snoitaler aflowers morf gnare irevvery ocervibrant htiw stsdue issa to dnthe a puhigh kaerb a hgofuosunshine rht gniogthat elihthe w ucontinent oy stroppuisS exposed and to;,fecolour oferlight. ugh a breakup alerelationship iassists rg fo sis gwith nmade ilerecovering ef eup ht sfrom secofrom rthe p spspectrum h dna ka btbreakup. raehThe fo major sgnileecolours f lacisyhrepresented p yrev eht strin opAustralian pus yllacitenatives grenE are red,feelings purple and yellow. Many of the European flowers that have been imported to Australia have adapted physical of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emaso lb well to the environment that they have escaped into the wild and become, in many cases, classified noxious weeds. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser ebIn the process, they have mutated to become brighter and more rampant growers. Many of these European transplants are AB DNindigo, A REHTO M ROF G ITALUMcobalt ITS DNhues. A GNItILisAEas H if– they YREVhave OCERhad NAan ERAinjection SEAC of blue in colour and take onYBsurreal magenta orNsparkly EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY vitality from the intensityylof the iL m rosun tS ,suand csibtaken iH eviton aNa,anew natnlife. aL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 17 ABORIGINAL SPIRITUALITY Essence EssenceBlends Blends Flowers transplanted from Europe become imbued with the energy of their adopted home not only physically but also energetically. As they adapt to the new environment, they take on the energy of the people who lived there for thousands of years. The Aborigines roamed the countryside and freely ABUN-DANCE JOY INand RECEIVING gave the land their gift of–wisdom spiritual consciousness through their ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING connectedness to their environment. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia,ofDandelion, PinkAboriginal Shamrock,way RedofKamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jewand The potency spirituality the land isLantana, part of the life. Jew The Australian landscape been a part the to intimate ‘family’ groupingof the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the hearthas to gratitude, the of mind the limitless abundance that characterised the different tribes that occupied various parts of Australia; spirituality isRaises intrinsically Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spiritlinked to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these their family patterns. awareness to the contours of land. For example, the mountains inenough’ the nearand vicinity an Aboriginal group’s campawareness might be of Helps the sense of ‘notsuccessful clearsofthese family patterns. Raises beingoptimism. thethe magician ineliminate one’s own life. Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s Supports win-win referred to as ‘Aunty,’ while a particular treeown might ‘Uncle,’successful indicatingnetworking the degreeand of sense ofrelationships. family and inclusion BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE that the land was perceived to have. It was a vibrant, part of their family and tribal group, as real as the human BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH living CONFIDENCE Acacia, Blueas Mink, Dandelion, StormofLily, Wild Iris intimately bound to human fate. Stories about members and wasAjuga, regarded simply an extension their reality, Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris familiar birds, animals and plants such as the cockatoo, kangaroo the waratah, for example, were used Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s the ability to moveand through a safe birth, and the parents in to pass on the moral code valued by the tribe. Other Dreamtime stories, such as the Rainbow Serpent, told the symbolic Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth story of creation. entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage the world. The particular landscape whereinto a tribe lived and loved resonatedINwith the OWN group SKIN and its daily life. The energy of the BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE YOUR group seeped into the ground. The tribe and the landscape were one. Still today, visiting BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKINa bora-ring or an Aboriginal Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild sacred site can be an amazing experience. I remember when I first visited Uluru, the hairs onIris my arms and legs were Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris raised for Helps the whole time I was in thefeel vicinity of theforRock. It was and similar, but of with a slightly differentyou body you appreciate and gratitude the power beauty your body. Focuses on sensation fine-tuningHelps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning more a feeling in my pelvis when I visited Katajuta. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, andTHE energetically healthy balancedWILD functioning of ESSENCES hormones. SPIRIT OFsupports WOMAN AUSTRALIAN FLOWER “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCEThe – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY beautiful of Woman BRAIN BALANCE – TURNSpirit ON TO WHOLEflower BRAINessences ENERGYwere made up at Mt Nebo, an ancient Aboriginal women’s birthing site.Face, This powerful energy bled into the landscape Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Lacebark,feminine Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, and Bluehas Mink, Cordyline, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pinkand Shamrock, Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris been retained Dandelion, there for thousands of years. The sense of peace quiet isSnail palpable; Wild Iris bird and animal life is prolific and there is a clear stillness in the air, just like the hush, For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal immediately following a birth, afterfunction the vigorous activity labour has delivered its precious For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a of sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain from about the over-effects stress. Balances gift. Over the years, the little township has resisted the thrall of tourism and development, functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. and remains a haven for retirees and those who wish to opt out from the hustle andages. bustle left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. of busy city life for a respite or a peaceful co-existence with nature. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN was called make up these essences in this area because, as a compulsive gardener, I BREAKUP –I EASING THEtoPAIN Bleeding Heart, felt Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Wattle,garden Storm Lily, such an affinity with the flowering plants.Native OverHibiscus, the years,Silver my native grew to be Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena spectacular and, as I worked, I became very familiar with the wild flowers that grew around Verbena the edges Supports and in the thickets in the through rainforest, just beyond boundary. I learnedfrom to love them, being regularly you while going a breakup and the assists with recovering a relationship breakup. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. enchantedEnergetically by their floral displays. people told me that many and of them weeds. as weeds supports theHowever, very physical feelings of heartbreak helpswere process the Seeing feelingsthem of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of they grief, and a ‘nuisance’ seemed like a foreign concept to me, the morebring familiar I became with to theawareness little flowers, as blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps repeating patterns so they can blame,upguilt, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can popped their heads eachfear, yearrejection, to say hello. be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING ANDI STIMULATING FOR in MOTHER AND BABY I lived there for nearly thirty years, during which time raised my children, and amongst all the attendant ups and CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY downs of family life. The flowers were such a comfort to me during many of the tumultuous times. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily When I was writing my first book, The Acacia, Essence Black of Woman, the flowers beganFreckle to communicate with me, whispering wisdom Nightshade, Blue Mink, Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus,their Storm Lily into my grateful Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists ears. I began to hear their messages of healing, loud and clear. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists Created inbaby’s the in early 2000s, Spirit of Woman Flower Essences are consistent with the ushering in of the new kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the millennium, which withofthe energy of two. As a number, two corresponds the feminine principle. Its baby’s skin to begin triggering theand energetic systems that are turned ontoduring a vaginal birth. Supports the emotionalresonates after-effects miscarriage abortion. qualities include ease in partnerships, together (networking) flexibility and emotional sensitivity. emotional after-effects ofcooperation, miscarriage working and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY It is the quintessential number of Yin, being the feminine principle. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp The essences were first conceived in the year 2000. It took nine years ofLily gestation for them to be ready to be born Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily into the world. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, WILD ANDfrom WEEDY from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallowsare age-appropriate helps herweeds; let go essentially, appropriately. Energetically clears negative transMany of the essences made up from risk-taking, wild flowers,and or flowering weeds have their own incredible strength. generational patterns. generational patterns. Weeds are only so named due to someone’s prejudice. They have been classified as second-rate plants because someone, at some time, deemed them to be less spectacular or less worthy of attention based on a set of criteria that does not necessarily embrace all their qualities. 138 18 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith For example, many weeds have a highly nutritious medicinal use and have been used for many hundreds of years in Nature’s Herbal Chest; for example, dandelion, which is a powerful liver tonic. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Furthermore, weeds are highly adaptive; they love being in the wild and free. They grow rampantly so they have a strong vital force and reproduce under a variety of conditions. Generally, they nurture and support the underlying animal and plant life that they cover, providing valuable animal corridors and protection for delicate plants that GN IVIECEtrees, R NI Ysaplings OJ – ECN AD-banks NUBAin a would otherwise wilt under the fierce sun. Moreover, they wrap themselves around and EIVINGfrank display of intimate closeness. They can be guilty of smothering (giving too much love) and, if they are not well gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA managed, they Red canKamala, take over. If the aboveVerbena, description does not apply to women as a gender, I’ll eat my hat! ntana, Pink Shamrock, Silver Wattle, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 19 Chapter 2Essence The Garden of Eden Blends Essence Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING In this chapter, going to talk about why the Kingdom such an affinity withVerbena, humans.White And why it is that Ajuga,I am Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, PinkPlant Shamrock, Redhas Kamala, Silver Wattle, Wandering they have Jew suchAjuga, strongCassia, healingDandelion, qualities that can bePink used by the Human Kingdom, working effectively on the Lantana, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle,soVerbena, White Wandering emotional, psychological and physical aspects of being. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and PLANTS AND HUMANS OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family Raises awareness beingoptimism. the magician one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. Human beings have longHelps hadinan affinity with the plant world. Plants have been used sincepatterns. the beginning of time to of being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. heal and soothe theBIRTHING human spirit, to assist WITH in healing the physical body and to symbolically represent the highest BLESSED – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE aspiration andBLESSED ideals of BIRTHING humanity. – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Even today, many plants are the basis of medicines, in both natural and bio-medicine. And many Acacia, Ajuga, Bluechemical Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, used Wild Iris Supports the mother’s body’sofability to move through flowers a safe birth, and the in households are brightened eachconfidence week with in theher addition a bunch of beautiful adorning the parents dining room Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of smooth table. Flowers entering are gifts into fromthe thebirthing Plant Kingdom representing beauty, purity of form, fragrance and sentiment. There baby’s passage into the world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth is a strong sense of connectedness that humans experience when we reconnect with Nature and work in cooperation baby’s passage into the world. BODYKingdoms. LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN with the Nature In working with these kingdoms, we access theOWN wisdom of the natural world where the BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN maintained as a higher higher spiritual qualities of wisdom, peace, love, beauty and interconnectedness have Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine,been Wild Iris order under theAcacia, laws ofBlack nature. Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning PLANTS AND ARE ANIMATED BY THE SAME Helps appreciate gratitude forLIFE the FORCE power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning yourHUMANS healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, we andacknowledge energetically and supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. By attuning to Nature, tap into the same life force that sustains all life on earth, including “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. human beings. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BALANCE – with TURN ON WHOLEthem BRAIN ENERGY Flowers are in BRAIN direct sun,TO providing with life-sustaining energy Acacia, Bluerelationship Mink, Cordyline,the Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, through the process of photosynthesis. Light particles (photons) carry information, which Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Wild Acacia, Iris interacts with DNA of the plant form to create a unique vibrational frequency Wild coding Iris For balancing the many of the brain, and to bring aboutlight a sense of wholeness and optimal encoded into the plant. The flowerfunctions carries the purest expression of source energy For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Balances through its direct relationship with the sun, so it is here that source wisdom is best functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. accessed. We only haveand to look at the brain colourenergies. of flower, brilliant hues in every colour of changes as the brain ages. left-right back-front Helps with memory loss and brain Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. the rainbow cleverly designed to magnetically attract the means whichinthey carrynew the pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, andbyassists opening BREAKUP EASING PAIN baton of life through– to the nextTHE generation. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Lily, human The colourBleeding of a flower reflects its relationship with the sun. Sunlight has seven major colours visibleStorm to normal Bleedinghas Heart, Cassia, Macaranga, Wattle,violet. StormBeyond Lily, vision andVerbena in addition, been foundDandelion, to possess Lomandra, two colourless rays, oneNative belowHibiscus, red and Silver one above Verbena the ultraviolet, science discovered a black field in which therewith are recovering colours of afrom higher and rarer luminosity. Supports you has while going through a breakup and assists a relationship breakup. The human eyeEnergetically sees less than 1 percent of the total electro-magnetic spectrum. Evidence seems to indicate that colours, Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, including those beyond human vision, exert a profound influence on the physical and mental health of animals, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theygrief, canplants and humans. When light is passed through a prism, its seven visible rays can be seen in a band called the spectrum, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. which containsbe theresolved. whole gamut of colours from red to violet - the rainbow. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY White light vibrates. It also travels at the–rate of 299,337 kms per second, producing 0.76 mm CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHERwaves AND measuring BABY Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Therefore, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily in the caseAcacia, of red light and half of that in the case of violet. each colour in the spectrum possesses a Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily frequency Energetically range or vibratory rate. has the slowest frequency and the longest while the supports theRed healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, forwavelength both mother andviolet baby.has Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists fastest frequency ratebond and the shortest wavelength. in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. Colour is life —oflife is colour, and the vibrating, emotional after-effects miscarriage abortion. vitalic, vitaminic energy that is CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE in GROWING manifest all animal FAMILY mineral and vegetable matter. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Jacob Bong gren Swamp LD Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically babyalltoaspects childassists toofadolescent. Opens mother’s of the child’s Colour permeates life from the stars the above; each awareness of the twelve astrological signs emits itsmilestones, own sound from baby to child to adolescent. the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps herwhere let gothe appropriately. Energetically clearseach negative and radiates its own individual colour to the earth below, flowers of the Plant Kingdom carrytransa unique allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. and powerful vibratory signature in the same way that the birds and animals of the Animal Kingdom do. Human generational patterns. beings are also possessed of a unique vibratory resonance and colour. A sensitive seer can read the energy frequency of an individual, even to the point of sensing the ‘colour’ of the person. That is how a psychic operates. 138 20 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith In recognizing that the planet is a living entity, and flowers, as the colourful crowning glory of plant life, carry a healing consciousness for humankind, we can begin to understand that flower essences are one of Mother Earth’s gentle ways of enabling the human race to heal. The way that this occurs is that the essences bring about inner alignment and connection to our natural inner knowing; that part of ourselves connected to the Source of life itself. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Through this reconnection, we can fulfil our highest potential as living beings on this planet. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGWhen we use medicines made from flowers - flower essences - we are directly accessing Nature’s wisdom and working gnirednaWwith etihW nebreVKingdom ,elttaW reand vliS the ,alaSource maK deof R ,Life kcoritself. mahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA in co-operation the,aNature ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ THE NATURE KINGDOM dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Rudolph philosopher, the mind to the the the and fo sSteiner slimitless enera(1861–1925), waabundance sesiaR .snrof eAustrian tta p yUniverse, lim af esehand t sraliterary elc spirit dnascholar, ’htogujoy oneducator, e ton‘ fo architect, esnes ehtplaywright, etanimile ssocial pleH thinker .msimitand po esotericist identified the angelic realm that inhabits the Plant Kingdom. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life.First Supports successful networking win-win relationships. there are the elemental natureand spirits - the spirit beings EofCearth, and water NEDIFair, NOfire CH TIW GNIwho HTRIare B –the GNbuilders IHTRIB of DEform SSELin B the natural world. There are also devas or angels, known as the architects of form. NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA energies provide the fuel we need to be alive. Each elemental being reflects a basic ndelion,Elemental Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stneas raitp builds eht dnand a ,hmanifests trib efas ainhNature. guorht eThese vom ointerweave t ytiliba s’ yto docreate b reh and ni ecsustain nedifnoall c s’ rehtom eht stroppuS energy pattern nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and the parents inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o matter on earth. The four elementals are fire, water, air and earth. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . The spirits of earth are sometimes referred to as gnomes. As Rudolph Steiner says, they ‘instil NIKThey S NWcarry O RU OY I ELBA TROFMto Othe C –root. )SENThey OMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB into the plant and it upwards.’ the lifeNether (energy) ONES) –lifeCOMFORTABLE INpush YOUR OWN SKIN sirthe I dliplant W ,envia iV lthe ianroots. S ,alam aK ddwell eR ,kin cothe rmaearth. hS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA oversee the nourishment of They ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoFThe .ydspirits ob ruoofy water fo ytuaare eb often dna rcalled ewop undines. eht rof ed utitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Without gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tuoba snwater rettapthere lartswould ecna mbe orno f gnlife, itceand nnocthe sidspirits stsissA dob rbring uoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy of.ywater ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral sereplenishment. nomrohpatterns fo gniOur noabout itcancestors nufhow decnwomen aregarded lab yhtlawater eh stroasppauliving s yllaccreature itegrenewith dnathe ,ebpower ”dluoto hsbestow “ y supports healthy balanced functioning the of lifehormones. force, health and energy. Rudolf Steiner believes that the undines work with the YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB leaves. ‘In their dreaming, they bind and release in their weavings the substances of the air which they TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS mysteriously kniP ,deewklintroduce iM ,krabeinto caL the ,ecaleaves. F elkceThey rF ,nare oiled naworld D ,enichemists.’ lydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA the Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW Air spirits or sylphs bring inspiration and creativity. They maintain the mental body in the lamitpo dna ssenelohuman, hw fo eshelp nes stimulate a tuoba gnew nirbknowledge ot dna ,niaand rb einspiration, ht fo snoitcand nuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and of wholeness and optimal secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foaassist stsense ceffin e-rusing evo eintuitive ht morf and noitcrational nuf niarthinking b tcetortogether. p ot slaneSteiner rda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe esays gnover-effects ahthe c nsylphs iarb dnof a stress. ssin olthe yro mewarmth m htiw selement, pleH .sepress igrenetowards niarb tthe norf-kcab dna thgir-tfel ‘live air energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. nidnatsrednu fo syaw htaand p werelate n gninthemselves epo ni stsistosait d- ntoa the ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS light ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. vibrations in a body of air. They absorb what the power of light sends into the vibrations of the air - the cosmic bearers NIA P EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N of love through the atmosphere, the bearers of wishes of love through the universe. The sylphs ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB weave out of light, the ideal plantHibiscus, form.’ Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native anebreV The elementals of fire are called salamanders and bring stimulating, radiant vitality. Fire spirits, as agents of transmutation, .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS transformation ugh a breakup and alerelationship ,feiassists rand g fo regeneration, sgwith nilerecovering ef eht sshold ecofrom rthe p spkeys h to dnthe a kaprocesses erbtbreakup. raeh of fo alchemy. sgnileef lThe acisfiery yhp yelement rev eht is strboth oppuconstructive s yllacitegreand nE destructive, assisting in destroying the old and building the new. In plants, Steiner says, ‘they are the inhabitants physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,eof mathe lb warmthlight element. When the warmth of the earth is at its height or otherwise suitable, they gather the warmth together, carry nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb it to the blossoms of the plants, and into the seed.’ YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC Guarding overAND the work EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER BABYof the elemental beings are devas, tiny nature spirits or ‘plant angels’ that yuse liL their mrotSpowers ,sucsibiniHdirecting evitaN ,the anaprocesses tnaL ,ecaFofethe lkceplant rF ,knkingdom. iM eulB ,Each edahsplant thgiNhas kcaitslBown ,aica cA deva, unique e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily oversees stsissA .ybab dnawhich rehtom htob rothe f ,hperfection trib naeraof seform ac foduring gnidnuthe owgrowth eht fo process. gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding for Assists eht seof talucaesarean mits yThe llaciword tbirth, egren‘deva’ E .yboth bacomes b emother ht nfrom i ytiand ruSanskrit cesbaby. dnaand ytemeans fas fo e‘shining snes a done’. na tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that areDevas turnedare onnot during a vaginal birth. a foreign concept, asSupports much down .noitrof obthe athe dworld’s na egailiterature rracsim fo stcefthrough fe-retfa the lanoages itomise arriage and abortion. resplendent with myths, fairytales and allegories relating to the shining ones. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY It seems that in the natural order or hierarchy of the ‘whole of Creation,’ different energies play yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC different nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily roles. From the highest to the smallest, each being has its own particular work to perform. oitismost nart exalted stroppuangels S .tiripsuse dntheir a dnmighty im ,ydointelligence b s’dlihc ehint fthe o tnforming empoleof veduniverses eht gnicand nalaworlds, b ni stsso issathe ylltiny acitenature grenEspirits use Just asnthe ng the their development and ,senotsin elof idirecting m the latnchild’s emthe polprocesses ebody, ved smind ’dliof hcthe ehtPlant fspirit. o ssKingdom. enSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf powers ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla We helps begin her to understand the depth ofEnergetically beauty and wisdom in the Plant Kingdom the more closely king, and let go appropriately. clears negative trans.snwe rettcome ap laninoicontact tarenegwith Nature. It is no surprise that the Nature Kingdom existed in its perfected form, evolving and progressing over millions of years, in perfect order and harmony. This Kingdom did not conduct any wars that inflicted collateral damage on the planet that supports it, nor did it rape, pillage or plunder the resources of its home without always giving back to it to maintain the h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 21 balance. This natural order came about because it worked in close harmony with the other Kingdoms. It has only been since the Human Kingdom arrived upon the scene fairly recently, in the greater scheme of things, that the planet has been brought perilously close to extinction. Essence EssenceBlends Blends As consciousness unfolds, evolves and quickens, the more we can recognise that the Devic, Angelic and Human Kingdoms are inextricably interlinked and the better ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING we are able to understand that all the Kingdoms are here to help one another ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING to work to carry DivineSilver Will. In unfolding our collective purpose Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pinktogether, Shamrock, Red out Kamala, Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering through conscious contact and communication with the Devic and Angelic realms, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew humanity may discover its true place in the greater perspective. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and So the how is the of the Plant Kingdom to us? Or more OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, towisdom the limitless abundance of therevealed Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sense ofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness appropriately, how do we and knowclears the healing qualitypatterns. that anyRaises particular plant of Helpsineliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ these family awareness beingoptimism. the magician one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’shas own Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. to life. offer? BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE THE DOCTRINEBLESSED OF SIGNATURES Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga,ofBlue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Within the myriad expressions the life force, certain patterns can be observed. By paying attention to these patterns we can Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in recognize material manifestations of a similar resonance. example, shape is one of the patterns that we observe. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in herFor body’s to move safe birth, andcan the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. Helps smooth Kidney beans, with their familiar kidney shape, nutritionally support the kidneys in the human body. Another example is the entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth walnut. Shapedbaby’s like thepassage human brain, it is a food that energetically resonates with the brain, thus it is used to heal problems into the world. BODY LOVE As (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN expression, the appropriate occurring in that organ. each organ has a physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN specific resonance each organ, will Dandelion, address each of these levels of human functioning. Acacia, for Black Nightshade, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris BlackisNightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala,healing Snail Vine, WildofIris The Doctrine ofAcacia, Signatures theand name to the thatand determines a flower or plant, Helps you appreciate feel given gratitude forprocess the power beauty ofthe your body. quality Focuses you on fine-tuning and what your facetHelps of human consciousness that particular quality can be applied to. word signature, in relation you appreciate gratitude for the power and beauty of The your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning health by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns howyou women to establishing identity, is well recognized considering these days so much hinges on establishing our identity for your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. banking, travelling, obtaining various types ofsupports licenseshealthy and sobalanced on. Our signature is of thehormones. way that we create our own “should” be, and energetically functioning BRAIN BALANCEbeyond – TURNdoubt, ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY unique mark, determining our identity. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Using the Doctrine of Signatures, one recognises and looks for the unique signs of a flower’s identity. These indications, such Verbena as the shape, the colour, its habitat, growingahabits and and so on, create a pattern that expresses its uniqueness as different to Supports you while goingitsthrough breakup assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. any other flower. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patternsdifference to awareness so they can Each flowerblame, hasblame, its guilt, own guilt, ‘pattern of uniqueness.’ For example, there is an easily recognizable between a rose and a fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. sunflower, not only in colour, shape, texture and scent, but also in habitat - that is, where they best like to grow. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY The sunflower isCAESAREAN aptly named.RECOVERY It has a large– centre with AND relatively small petals radiating out from the BABY middle, like the rays of HEALING STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm the sun. Not only does it look like the sun in Mink, shape,Freckle but in colour also. A habit of the sunflower is toLily follow the sun’s daily path Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily our solar system through theEnergetically sky Acacia, by turning its face towards the light a strong indication of its affinity with the mighty centre supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and of baby. Assists and the giver ofEnergetically life onbond this planet. supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering theinto energetic systems that are onsun’s during a vaginal birth. Supports the If we translate these qualities of the sunflower the human condition, weturned liken the central position in the solar system baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports emotional after-effects miscarriage and abortion. to the central energy system in our of own body - the solar plexus chakra, located between the lower aspect of the ribcage and the after-effects miscarriage abortion. the umbilicus, inemotional the abdominal region. of The plexusand chakra is the digestive centre of CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THEsolar GROWING FAMILY the body’s energy system and the physical location where food isFAMILY transformed, through the CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING Cassia,into Lantana, Milkweed, digestive process, life-giving energy.Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists inthe balancing the development offollow the child’s mind and spirit. Supports transition Like the sun’s daily path through sky, our body’s energies also a dailybody, cycle in mind Energetically assists in balancing the the development of the child’s body, and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, response to the from hoursbaby of sunlight. The body is active and energetic during the day, but to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transgoes into repairallows and maintenance mode risk-taking, at night. It isand the primary energy from helps her let goderived appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerationalage-appropriate patterns. the digestive system that provides the capacity for the body to be active during the waking generational patterns. hours. 138 22 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Symbolically, the sun represents the male principle, and the male principle in the human psyche corresponds to the father. So this flower, made into an essence by virtue of the Doctrine of Signatures, relates to both digestive function and to issues with the father, or one’s masculinity. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE It was this method by which the medicinal use of herbs was established by early herbalists, around four hundred years ago. The Doctrine of Signatures of each individual herb was applied to a distinct aspect of the human anatomy. Significantly, science NIVIECof ERthe NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA has since validated the uses of medicinal herbs, determined in this manner, byG analysis EIVINGplant’s chemical composition, not available at the time, and confirmed the traditional uses in gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA the human body.Red Over four hundred years ofVerbena, safe and White effective use of herbs, in the manner ntana, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Silver Wattle, Wandering weJ prescribed by the Doctrine of Signatures, further validates its application. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Familiarity the principle Doctrine arose the mind to the of the fo sslimitless ewith nera waabundance sesiaR .of snrthe etta p yUniverse, limaf of esSignatures ehand t srathe elc spirit d na ’htoout gujoy oof nand emedieval ton‘ fo ecosmology. snes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo philosophy sense This of ‘not enough’expressed patterns. Raises ofppuSby.ethe .and spihsclears noitathat lethese r everything niw-family niw dnin a the gniworld krow teof n matter luawareness fssecis cugoverned s stro fil nplanets, wo s’enand o ni naicigam eht gnieb wn life.their Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. movement through the heavens and that the inherent qualities of the heavenly bodies are ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB reflected in all animate and inanimate things on earth - stones, minerals, animals, plants and NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA people. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht Although dna ,htribseemingly efas a hgunon-scientific orht evom ot in ytilthe iba present-day s’ ydob reh nsense i ecned oc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS ofifnthe nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough aswhere sap foa‘data-based esafe tir a birth, sa gniand tevidence’ nerathe p oparents t yis enthe ruoinjunderlying dercas a sa ssecorp the gnihDoctrine trib eht oof tni Signatures gniretne has word, principle, ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s’ ybab has to proven in time to be a very effective way of discovering the qualities the Plant Kingdom . offer humanNbeings does this putting into IKS NWfor O healing RUOY Nboth I ELBbody ATROand FMOpsyche. C – )SEIt NO MRO H by YPPobserving AH( EVOLand YDO B practice the understanding of the patterns in the Universe. ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA use theSnail Doctrine Signatures, we need to be familiar with some of the more archetypal symbolism ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red To Kamala, Vine,ofWild Iris gninut-enif no uoythat sesuhas coFuniversal .ydob rumeaning. oy fo ytuaThis eb disnthen a rewapplied op eht to rofthe edplant utitargorleflower ef dnabeing etaicobserved, erppa uoyinsprelation leH to gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tcolour, uoba sshape, nrettaphabitat lartsecand na mgrowing orf gnitchabits. ennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ For example, colour of the flower is often a powerful indicator of the flower’s use. Colours usually y supports healthy balanced functioning ofthe hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGYalign with the chakras or energy centres in the body. The base chakra denotes physicality, bodily ‘red-bloodedness. ,eniV lianS ,kcostrength, rmahS kphysicality niP ,deewkand liM general ,krabeca L ,ecaF elkcerF ,nTherefore, oilednaD a,ered nilydflower roC ,kusually niM euaddresses lB ,aicacAphysical Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pinkand Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW wellbeing, endurance the circulation of the life-force. lamother itpo dhand, na sseisnrelated elohw fto o ethe snethird s a tchakra, uoba gnthe irbSolar ot dnPlexus, a ,niarb ehthe t fo corresponding snoitcnuf ynamenergy eht gnbody icnalknown ab roFas the Yellow, on the and ons of Mental the brain, and wholeness seYellow cntoalbring aBflowers .ssabout ertsare foaoften stsense ceffeused -rof evo ht morf aand noway itcoptimal nof uf thinking niarb tceor toarpfixed ot slmental anerdaattitude. eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf Body. toeaddress enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel Shape relates tomemory what theloss plant actually looks Forthe example, a plant shaped like a cup, a heart, a phallus, or a cross, energies. Helps with and brain changes brain .gnidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS needs no further explanation; although sometimes a petal on a flower ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. can carry the determining shape rather than the whole NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB flower itself. N liL mbe rota S powerful ,elttaW reindicator vliS ,sucsofibthe iH eplant’s vitaN ,healing agnaracqualities. aM ,ardnFor amexample, oL ,noiledplants naD ,grown aissaCout ,train eHthe gnhot, ideedry lB desert Habitat can,yalso elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, a n e b r e V show a much stronger capacity to survive than a flower grown in moist, sheltered conditions. .pukaerbflower pihsnoused italeto r athriving morf gin nirextreme evocer hconditions tiw stsissawould dna pbe ukaindicated erb a hgu orsurvival ht gniogissues, elihw whereas uoy strop pusheltered S The desert-growing for the ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n E flower would more likely address extreme sensitivity in a person. physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb In terms of growing habits, a vine that grows up strangling plants around it could be likened to the nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awarenessall soother they can .devperson loser ewho b dominates all those around them. On the other hand, a flower only growing in clumps of its own species might be used for the YBwho AB Dfollows NA REthe HTO M ROand F Ghas NITno ALUopinions MITS DN GNown. ILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC person who is xenophobic or crowd ofAtheir EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrothe tS ,shealing ucsibiH qualities evitaN ,athat natnaaLplant ,ecaFhas elkctoeroffer F ,knihuman M eulB ,healing, edahsthgthree iN kcor alBmore ,aicacDoctrine A Most often, when determining of e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Signatures of stsissindicators A .ybab dnare a reselected htom htoto b best rof ,hensure trib naethe rasehealing ac fo gnenergy idnuowbeing eht foexpressed gnilaeh eby ht sthe tropplant. pus ylA lacgood itegreexample nE ling of this the is wounding theehsunflower, t seof talucaesarean mitmentioned s yllacitbirth, egreabove, nfor E .yboth bawhich b emother ht nhas i ytiand rthe ucecolour sbaby. dna Assists yyellow, tefas fo the esnshape es a dnof a tthe nemsun hcaand tta dthe nobhabit gnildof nikfollowing ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the the sun the others. eht sduring troppuSthe .htday. rib laEach nigavsingle a gnirindication ud no denconfirms rut era tah t sm etsys cTogether itegrene ethey ht gnpoint ireggemphatically irt nigeb ot nito ks the s’ ybsolar ab plexus g the energetic systems that are turnedwhich on during vaginal birth.empowerment, Supports .noitrobathe dnaself-authority, egairracsim fothe stcmasculine effe-retfa laprinciple noitome and in the human energy system, deals awith personal arriageavailable and abortion. energy for body functioning. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY Thus, we can clearly isolate qualities expressed ways, can yliLby pmthe awSplants ,yliL minrovarious tS ,kcorm ahS kwhich niP ,de ewkbe liMsymbolically ,anatnaL ,aistranslated saC into human characteristics. This is the process known as the Doctrine of Signatures and helps us to determine what nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily itisnaKingdom rt stroppuhas S .tirto ipsoffer dna to dnassist im ,ydo b s’dlihhealing. c eht fo Here tnempisolan eveexample d eht gnicofnahow lab nthe i stsDoctrine issa yllacof iteSignatures grenE gift thenoPlant human is ng the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition , s e n o t s e l i m l a t n e m p o l e v e d s ’ d l i h c e h t f o s s e n e r a w a s ’ r e h t o m e h t s n e p O . t n e c s e l o d a o t d l i h c o t y b a b m o r f applied to the Wild Iris Spirit of Women essence. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 23 Chapter 3Essence The Body Elect ric Blends Essence Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING – JOY IN essences, RECEIVING The next step is ABUN-DANCE to Cassia, understand how flower vibrationalRed medicines, onWattle, the human being.White Wandering Ajuga, Dandelion, Lantana, PinkasShamrock, Kamala,work Silver Verbena, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, White Wandering Jewneed to take a quick look at what makes up the whole person, not just physically, but Verbena, To do so, we emotionally, psychologically and spiritually asJew well. The trick in seeing how medicines work is to understand that aand person made two Opens the heart to gratitude, the these mind energy to the limitless abundance of the Universe, the isspirit to up joy of and primary components: a physical body and an energy body. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of and Helpsin eliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the PHYSICAL magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. ANATOMYbeing OF optimism. THE BODY being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE The physical body weBIRTHING can all appreciate immediately. We only have to use our five physical senses - seeing, hearing, touching, BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE smelling orAcacia, tasting -Ajuga, to appreciate the richness and Storm complexity of ourIrisphysically functioning unit. We know it intimately, in all its Blue Mink, Dandelion, Lily, Wild Acacia, Ajuga, Bluewhen Mink,it Dandelion, Storm Wild phases, states and cycles; we know is sick and we knowLily, when weIris are ‘firing on all four cylinders.’ Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in body’s ability to move through safe and parents What accompanies sickness and health is a unique sether or pattern thatasare butbirth, thatHelps we allthe accept as in entering into the process as a sacred journeyof tothoughts parenting a different, rite ofa passage. smooth intointo the birthing a sacred journey to parenting a rite we of passage. smooth normal when weentering are in either one state or process the other.asFor example, when we are feelingasunwell, generally Helps have thoughts baby’s passage the world. baby’s passage into we theare world. related to how frustrated we are that in bed, or how much we dislike being unwell, or how quickly we want this BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN unbalanced state of being to be over. These thoughts can be classified as IN negative. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris However, when Acacia, we are well we rarely question the functioning of our body. Generally thoughts are focused on whatever Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala,our Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning project or interaction we are engaged in. In a well person, thoughts are generally positive and open-ended. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women Our thoughts cannot be touched, tasted, smelled, heard or seen and are not considered your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. ‘matter.’ Thoughtssupports are parthealthy of our ‘energy’ body and they are as real to us as any part of our “should” be, and energetically balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN TOSo WHOLE BRAIN In ENERGY physicalON body. are emotions. fact, ‘e-motions’ are self-explanatory when we extend the BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY word to its fullest meaning: ‘energy-in-motion!’ that is exactly what emotions - energy Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark,And Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snailare Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckleis Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Vine, expressions of the way that energy circulating through the various organ systems.Snail Highly Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris charged emotions indicate an excess or deficiency of energy within a specific organ-meridian For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal system. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects of Balances Through theenergies. bio-medical model, we are reasonably familiar with theasphysical anatomy left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes thestress. brain ages. as left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. consisting of a body of bones, blood vessels, organs, nerve pathways, glands, muscles and Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain cells. changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN – EASING ANATOMY OF BREAKUP THE ENERGY BODIESTHE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, But what ofVerbena the Bleeding subtle energy anatomy where our thoughts and emotions reside? Verbena Supports youlooks whileatgoing through a breakup assists recovering from a relationship breakup. Subtle energy anatomy the unseen energy systemsand of the bodywith as well as the emotional and psychological states that Supports you while going afeelings breakup assists with from a feelings relationship breakup. very through physical of and heartbreak and recovering helps process the of grief, accompanyEnergetically them. This issupports known inthe Traditional Chinese Medicine as the ‘organ-meridian’ energy circuitry of the subtle body. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of bring heartbreak helps process thethe feelings of grief, blame, guilt, rejection, and abandonment. Helps repeating patterns tothrough awareness so senses, they can The word subtle refers tofear, the fact that the emotional and mental bodies cannot beand appreciated five but blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. rather are accessed through the ‘extra-sensory perception that includes: intuition, direct knowing, sensing emotions, sensing be resolved. love, body CAESAREAN intelligence and subliminal–thought stream. RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER about AND BABY The extra-sensory (ESP) or capacity of aFreckle person involves awareness of information events external to the self Acacia,perception Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience. ESPNative is also Hibiscus, sometimesStorm casually Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Lilyreferred to as a the term healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, through for boththe mother and baby. Assists know sixth sense,Energetically gut instinct orsupports hunch. The implies sources of information not gained five senses. All humans Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists this aspect of their being. It is the part of the self that knows, dreams, plans and executes ideas and intentions. Sometimes it is in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during ais, vaginal birth. Supports the referred to baby’s as the personality, but this is a somewhat limiting description. ‘Who’ a person really is more than just personality. baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. It involves all theemotional other aspects of being, both conscious and abortion. subconscious, that make up the whole after-effects of miscarriage and person. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Shamrock,Chinese Storm Lily, Swamprecognizes Lily The Mind-Body Medicine model (as wellPink as Traditional Medicine) that energy and Lantana, Milkweed, Pinksubstance, Shamrock,and Storm Lily,beings, Swampwithin Lily this context, are matter are Energetically dual Cassia, expressions of the same primary human assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition networks offrom complex fields (energy body) that and connect physical cellular systems Energetically assists in balancing theinterface development of the with child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition babyenergy to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, (physical body). from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. In other words, we are not just physical bodies, but rather multidimensional beings consisting of generational patterns. a physical body and a subtle energetic component. The subtle energy component is expressed as emotions and our psychology and attitude to life (emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being). 138 24 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Mainstream medicine focuses on the physical body alone, whereas vibrational Mind-Body medicine focuses on the vital forces that animate and breathe life into the bio-machinery of living systems. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE The subtle energy anatomy describes the systems of energy that animate the dense matter of the physical body. There is a hierarchy of ‘subtle bodies,’ all of which participate in the full and complete functioning of the sentient human being. The ‘etheric body’ is the first body in the complete subtle energy network. organizes nourishes the GNIVThis IECEsystem R NI YO J – ECNAand D-NU BA EIVINGphysical/cellular framework and coordinates the life-force within the body. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Wandering electro-physiologic and hormonal function weJ Other subtle energy systems within the Verbena, physical White body coordinate and interface with the etheric body. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind the the fo sslimitless enerfrom awaabundance sthese esiaRlevels .snrof ettof a pfunctioning, yUniverse, limaf esehand t the srathe erealms lc spirit dna ’of htogthought, ujoy onand e ton‘emotion fo esnesand eht eheld tanim ile spl(attitudes) eH .msimitthat po disease It istoprimarily beliefs sense and of ‘not enough’ Raises ofpparameters .and spihsclears nInoifact, talethese r itnis iwa -family nwell-recognised iw dnpatterns. a gnikrow tenotion, n luawareness fssewithin ccus stthe ro puS .efil nwoofsenergy ’eno ni medicine naicigam that eht gdisease nieb begins illness originate. wn life.inSupports successful networking and win-win relationships. the mind. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH TheCONFIDENCE subtle energy systems are powerfully affected bysiour wisdom or rI dliemotions, W ,yliL mroour tS ,nway oiledof nathinking D ,kniM eand ulB ,our agujlevel A ,aicof acA balance, as well as by nutritional and environmental factors. ndelion,spiritual Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS in turn, nce in They, her body’s htability ooinfluence ms sto plemove H cellular .egthrough assappatterns foaesafe tir aofbirth, sagrowth, gniand tnereither athe p oparents t yinenpositive ruoinj deror casnegative a sa ssecdirections. orp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d lrow ehdimension t otni egassof apthe s’ yhuman bab Furthermore, this ‘new’ view of living systems recognizes not only that the unseen energy being . holds the key to physical well-being, -O itself isHintegrally NIKSbut NWalso O Rthat UOYconsciousness NI ELBATROFM C –a)Skind ENOof MRenergy OH YP-PA ( EVOL YDrelated OB to the ONES) –cellular COMFORTABLE OWNbody. SKINWe can say that consciousness participates in the continuous creation of either expressionIN of YOUR the human sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA health or illness. Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris ndelion, Pink Shamrock, gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Life-force energy) of enters the system as very high frequency energy and is transformed down to the slower, gratitude for then(life-giving epower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy denser energy that is useable by the physical component of the human being, and that manifests as matter, i.e., flesh ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ and bone. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB THE SUBTLE TO WHOLE BRAINENERGY ENERGY ANATOMY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA The human system, according ancient wisdomSnail andVine, recently validated by ‘new physics,’ seems to be made up Dandelion, Freckleenergy Face, Lacebark, Milkweed,toPink Shamrock, sirI dliW in this way: lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF are and seven energy the body. ons of There the brain, wholeness and secntoalbring a B .ssabout ertbodies s foastsense cesurrounding ffe-rof evo eht m orf physical noitcoptimal nuf body niarb tand cetorseven p ot slaenergy nerda ecentres ht secnawithin laB .gnthe inoiphysical tcnuf Together they comprise the human multi-dimensional anatomy. enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain .gnidthe natseven srednuenergy fo syawbodies htap ware en gknown ninepopopularly ni stsissa ages. dnathe ,doaura. ohdliThese hc tuohseven guorhbodies t segnafunction hc niarb as strodifferent ppuS Collectively, as ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. expressions of the human bio-field, and occupy the space around the physical N body. Collectively, they can IAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERbe B likened to the rays of radiance that emit from the sun, creating a corona or egg-shaped energy field, around the body. N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB Each of these seven bodies composed of very highStorm frequency elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativeis Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Lily, energy. They do not consist anebreV of matter, so all the bodies can occupy the same space while still retaining their own integrity, .pukaebody rb pihexists snoitalin er aa mdifferent orf gnirevfrequency ocer htiw sband. tsissa dThat na puis, kaethey rb a hcoexist guorht gtogether, niog elihw uoy stroppuS because each ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h troin ppus yllacitegrenE overlappingofone another, justhelps as the different broadcasting bands in radio or televisiont sdo physical feelings nac yehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa ot snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb the atmosphere. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb The subtle bodies range in frequency from the lowest to the highest. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGThe AND STIMULATING FORbeing MOTHER AND BABY outer energy band, the highest and fastest vibration, extends furthest from the yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA physical body, following its outline. Its colour e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm is Lilyviolet. The closest energy band to the body, stsissbody, A .ybahas b dnthe a reslowest htom htfrequency ob rof ,htriband b naerand aseathe c folongest gnidnuwavelength. ow eht fo gniItlacorresponds eh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE the etheric ling of to thethe wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y b a b e h t n i y t i r u c e s d n a y t e f a s f o e s n e s a d n a tnemhcbody atta dnob gnildnik ni colour red. This body, the etheric body, feeds information directly to the physical nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the eht meridian stroppuS system .htrib lafor niga a gnirud growth no denrand ut ermaintenance. a taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab via the itsv ongoing g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome the physical body, there are seven major chakras, or subtle energy centres. Each chakra corresponds with a arriageWithin and abortion. YLIMAare F Ggraduated NIWORG EinHTfrequency, STROPPUfrom S – Dthe OO HDLIH C subtle body. As with the subtle bodies, the subtle energy centres crown centre at the HE GROWING FAMILY top of the head - being the highest frequencyyl-iLtopm the base centre at the base of the trunk, being the lowest frequency. awS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energynoisitidistributed throughout a psystem snart stroppfrom uS .tithe ripscentres, dna dnim ,ydob s’dlithe hc ebody, ht fo tby nem olevedof ehchannels t gnicnalaor b nmeridians i stsissa yllthat acitelink grenthe E various ng the energy development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition centres, forming an energetic network that nourishes and energises the whole body, from the inside ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf to the ent. Opens the child’s milestones, outside, the their -snmother’s art etop vitato gawareness ethe n srbottom aelc ylof laand cthe itegvice-versa, renE .yldevelopmental etaidelivering rporppa ogenergy tel rehtospthe lehorgan dna ,gsystems nikat-ksiat r eataspecific irporpparesonance -ega swollwithin a king, and helps let go appropriately. sphere ofher geographical influence.Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h For example, the base energy centre, located at the base of the trunk, between the legs, governs the functioning of the Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 25 large intestine and the bony skeleton, the rectum, the kidneys, the bladder, and the appendix, as well as the adrenals, the endocrine gland linked to our ‘fight or flight’ survival strategy. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Not only do the energy centres control the physical functioning of the body by directing energy distribution, but they also determine the emotional well-being of the person. As ‘energy-in-motion,’ the e-motions are the result of the daily movement of energy in the body. Therefore, ‘to feel’ is ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING one of the natural outcomes of being and fully functioning. A dead person doesn’t feel - apparently! Traditional ABUN-DANCE – JOY INalive RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Redfall Kamala, Wattle,the Verbena, Wandering Chinese Medicine (TCM)Dandelion, recognisesLantana, that the emotions rise and lightly Silver throughout day as White the circulating energy Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew passes through different organ-meridian systems, each of which operate at a different frequency or resonance. Emotions Jew are, therefore, inextricably linked with the and physical functioning. Opens the heart to gratitude, thephysical mind to body the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of throughout thepatterns. Universe,the and the spirit joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family Raises awareness of A healthy person will experience a full range of appropriately expressed emotions passage of to a day, as optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. a corollarybeing to physical functioning. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING BIRTHING WITHexpressed CONFIDENCE Conversely, negative emotions–inappropriately and repressed emotions will result, over a period of time, in BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE disease and illnessAjuga, because impact negatively onLily, the Wild energy Acacia, Bluethey Mink, Dandelion, Storm Iris flow into the associated meridian-system. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris In TCM, the emotions considered a veryinpowerful causative factor creatingadisease or wellness. Supports the are mother’s confidence her body’s ability to moveinthrough safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of smooth Each energy centre, therefore, has an emotional concordance, or in other words, each centre gives rise to a specific entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. emotional expression. baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN or beliefs of a person responding The positive or BODY negative expression an emotion is, turn, determined the attitude LOVE (HAPPYof HORMONES) – in COMFORTABLE IN by YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Wild Irisand their relationship to to a situation. TheBlack way people think about themselves, based onRed their beliefs Snail aboutVine, themselves Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion,response Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine,situation. Wild Iris the world Helps around them, determines the emotional that they will have in a given an attitude you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses youAgain, on fine-tuning or psychological state is an expression of the relevant energy centre, just as an emotion is. appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and supports and healthy balanced functioning of hormones. So each energy centre has aenergetically physical, emotional attitudinal/psychological aspect associated with it’s functioning. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY This means that BALANCE continual –negative thinking will engender negative emotions, which, in turn, will distort the energy BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY circulatingAcacia, through a specific centre, either suppressing, repressing or super-charging to excess.Snail Over time, the Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink itShamrock, Vine, consequence will be to distort the energy input into the physical body, ultimately resulting in disease. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris HOW DOFor FLOWER ESSENCES IN THE SYSTEM? balancing the manyWORK functions of theHUMAN brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing the many functions of the brain, andenergy to bring about a senseaffecting ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Flower essences work by delivering a specific frequency to an centre, thereby allBalances levels - emotional, functioning. Balances the energies. to protect frombrain the over-effects left-right andThe back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. mental and physical. frequency of adrenals the essence causes the function energy centre left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. andwith assists in opening to entrainSupports with thebrain best changes possiblethroughout expressionchildhood, of the specific frequency beingnew pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. delivered. BREAKUP After all, a– flower in THE its perfected EASING PAIN form carries a high, pure expression BREAKUP resonance. – EASING THE PAIN of its specific frequency Entrainment means that the disharmonious Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, energy of the chakra comes into harmony with the harmonious frequency being Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena delivered by the essence. All expressions are affected as a consequence with a Verbena Supports you while throughpsychological a breakup andand assists with recovering shift to positive expression at going the physical, emotional levels. from a relationship breakup. Supports youbetter, whilethe going through breakup assistsbalanced. with from relationship breakup. Energetically supports very positively physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, The person suddenly feels thinks and is emotionally Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can This is the meaning of the word holistic: all aspects of the human being must blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be taken into account when evaluating a disease process because each level be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FORforMOTHER AND BABY is interconnected, affecting all other levels simultaneously. Therefore, every physical organ and function, there is CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY a corresponding mental, psychological and spiritual attitude, that together the whole energetic subAcacia, emotion, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus,express Storm Lily system. There are seven sub-systems (energy that make the entire ‘whole’ being.Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Bluecentres) Mink, Freckle Face,up Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists supports from the healing of of the wounding of caesarean birth, forenergy both mother and For example, ifEnergetically a person suffering diabetes, wesafety can recognize thatinthis a third centre issuebaby. because the in kindling bondis attachment and a sense and security the isbaby. Energetically stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the third centre governs the output of insulin as it energises the digestive organs and function. The attitudes associated with baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the baby’safter-effects skinwith to begin theand energetic systems that are and turned during a vaginal birth. the this centreemotional are concerned issues of self-esteem and self-empowerment theon ability to self-nourish. TheSupports emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. and attitudinal levels mirror physical functioning, so we see that diabetes can be instigated by an attitude of lack of CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY self-worth, which gives rise to–the emotionsTHE of worthlessness and not feeling as ‘good’ as others. This can lead to the CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pinkvaluing Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily person always putting others first and not the self enough to self-nourish and be ‘self-centred’ - in a healthy way. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically in balancing the the development the vibrational child’s body,Mind-Body mind and spirit. Supports transition Thus, in summary, weassists see that within both TCM andofthe Medicine model, the higher Energetically assists in balancing the emotions development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child toattitudes adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of physical the child’s developmental milestones, frequencies, representing the (mind) and feeding into the body, determine its state, disease from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transor wellness and it’s functioning. So, it can be said from both these perspectives, as described above, that disease begins allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. as an idea. generational patterns. Flower Essences work on the subtle energy body by targeting a person’s attitudes (mind) and emotions, via the subtle energy centres. Therefore, they act powerfully on the consciousness or awareness of the individual, opening up pathways 138 26 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of understanding or feeling previously unable to be accessed. The new awareness filters down into the emotional and physical levels, bringing health and wellbeing for the whole person. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE By understanding the connection between the spiritual, the mental, the emotional and the physical, the practitioner cannot only direct treatment to all levels for more effective NIVflower IECER essences NI YOJ – and ECNlifestyle AD-NUBcounselling A results, but she can also guide the patient G with EIVING manage gnirednaW etihW ,anebrto eVbetter ,elttaW revliS ,ahis lamor aKher deRown ,kcoself-healing rmahS kniP journey. ,anatnaLThe ,noiflower lednaDessences ,aissaC ,have agujAa flow-on effect,Wattle, delivering a harmonious resonant frequency to assist the patient to act ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Verbena, White Wandering weJwithin the framework of the new awareness that has opened up. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Bach of the mind to the of the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrEdward etta p yUniverse, lim af esedescribed hand t srathe elc spirit dthe na ’effect htogujoy onand e toflower n‘ fo eessences snes eht eon tania miperson le spleHas .m‘flooding simitpo of our vibrations.’ clearly and sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises of spihsclears noitalethese r nature niw-family niwwith dnpatterns. ahigher gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccBach us stro ppuS .understood efil nwo s’enthe o nihuman naicigaenergy m eht ganatomy, nieb wn life. Supports successful networking win-win the and higher subtlerelationships. energy bodies, which he referred to as ‘our spiritual self’ and our ‘higher ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB nature.’ NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,WHAT StormDO Lily, HUMANS Wild Iris NEED TO FUNCTION OPTIMALLY? ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS take aability brief look at the psychology of theand human parents being, in terms of what we need to function optimally. This list nce in Let’s her body’s htooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gnitnerathe p ot yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne of basic human needs was drawn up by Maslow, a psychologist for his understanding of the human ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth well recognised .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab drives and motivations. In the diagram below, you will see that Maslow’s list of human needs has been depicted within . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB a pyramid shape. ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC Hierarchy ofFOR Needs is a theory psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper, A Theory EALINGMaslow’s AND STIMULATING MOTHER AND in BABY yliL m rotS ,sucdescribes sibiH evitahuman N ,ananeeds tnaL ,ein caFa epredetermined lkcerF ,kniM euorder lB ,edaofhsimportance. thgiN kcalB ,a A of Human Motivation. The pyramid Iticisacdepicted as e Mink,consisting Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily of five levels: the lowest level is associated with physiological needs, while the uppermost level is associated stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE self-actualization Once ling of with the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mitsneeds, yllacitbirth, eparticularly grenfor E .yboth babthose emother ht nirelated ytiand ruceto sbaby. didentity na Assists ytefaand s fo purpose. esnes a dDeficiency na tnemhcaneeds tta dnmust ob gnbe ildmet nik nfirst. i theseeof are met, seeking to satisfy growth needs drives personal growth. The higher needs in this hierarchy only come into nd a sense safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab focus when the lower needs in the met. birth. WhenSupports our needs are being met, our emotional wellbeing is assured g the energetic systems that are turned on pyramid during a are vaginal the .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome energy flows smoothly, supporting function and maintenance needs and keeping the body healthy. arriageand andour abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY WHAT DO WE FEEL WHEN OUR NEEDS ARE BEING MET? yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Lily, Swamp Lilythe emotions we may experience on a daily basis when all of our needs are being fulfilled. Listed inStorm the table below are noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE list was drawn up by the Center forand Nonviolent Communication. ng the This development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the Feelings -snmother’s awe rt evmay itagawareness enexperience sraelc ylof lacthe iwhen tegchild’s renEour .yldevelopmental eneeds tairporpare pa obeing gmilestones, tel remet h spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg Affectionate Excited Grateful Peaceful h compassionate friendly loving amazed animated ardent appreciative moved thankful calm clearheaded comfortable htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 27 openhearted aroused touched centred sympathetic astonished Hopeful content tender dazzled expectant equanimity warm eager encouraged fulfilled confidentABUN-DANCE – JOYenergetic optimistic mellow IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING empowered enthusiastic quiet White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock,Inspired Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew open giddy amazed relaxed Jew proud Opens the heart to gratitude, invigorated awed the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe,relieved and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate and clears these family Raises awareness safe lively the sense of ‘not enough’wonder satisfied Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. secure passionate serenerelationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supportsjoyful successful networking and win-win BIRTHING –surprised BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE engaged BLESSED amused still BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris absorbed vibrant delighted tranquil Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’sexhilarated confidence in her body’s ability and the parents in alert gladto move through a safe birth, trusting Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of curious blissful happy refreshed smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth engrossed baby’s passage ecstatic jubilant enlivened into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN enchanted BODY LOVE (HAPPY elatedHORMONES) – COMFORTABLE pleased IN YOUR OWN SKINrejuvenated Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris entranced enthralled tickled renewed Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses fascinatedHelps you appreciateexuberant rested you on fine-tuning Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning health by tuningradiant in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patternsrestored about howyou women interestedyour your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. intrigued revived “should” be, andrapturous energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY involved BRAIN BALANCEthrilled – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, spellbound Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris stimulated Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances WHAT ABOUT WHEN OUR NEEDS ARE NOT BEING MET? functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports throughout childhood, and assists opening new pathways of understanding. However, when our brain needschanges are not being fulfilled, our emotional life isin completely different. The psychological recognition Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. that we areBREAKUP deprived–or lackingTHE in some EASING PAINvital component of our human expression gives rise to another set of emotions. See if you recognise some of these feelings BREAKUP – EASING THE PAINlisted in the table overleaf: Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Feelings we may experience when Dandelion, our needs Lomandra, are not being met Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Macaranga, Verbena Verbena through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Afraid Supports you while going Confused Embarrassed Tense Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the apprehensive ambivalent ashamed anxious of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can dread baffled chagrined cranky blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. foreboding be resolved. bewildered flustered distressed CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY frightened CAESAREAN RECOVERY dazed – HEALING AND STIMULATING guilty distraught FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily mistrustful hesitant mortified edgy Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily the healing of the wounding self-conscious of caesarean birth, for both mother panickedEnergetically supportslost fidgetyand baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists petrified baby’s mystified fatigue frazzled in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems a vaginal birth. Supports the scared emotional perplexed beat that are turned on during irritable of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects miscarriage and abortion. suspicious puzzledofTHE burnt out jittery CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY terrified torn depleted nervous Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana,disconnected Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily wary exhausted overwhelmed Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition worried from Energetically lethargic restless in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby to childassists toalienated adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental annoyed allows aloof listless stressed age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clearsout negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. aggravated apathetic sleepy vulnerable generational patterns. dismayed bored tired fragile disgruntled cold weary guarded Essence EssenceBlends Blends 138 28 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith displeased detached worn out helpless exasperated distant Pain insecure frustrated distracted agony leery impatient indifferent anguished reserved irritated numb bereaved GNIVIECER NI YO sensitive J – ECNAD-NUBA EIVING irked removed gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kdevastated cormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noiledshaky naD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ angry uninterested grief yearning Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE enraged dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,ewithdrawn srevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltheartbroken imil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitargenvious ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snredisquiet ttap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hghurt ujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimjealous ile spleH .msimitpo furious sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro longing wn life. incensed Supports successful networkingagitated and win-win relationships. lonely ECNEmiserable DIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – G NIHTRIB DESSELB indignant alarmed nostalgic NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM pining eulB ,agujA ,aicacA irate discombobulated regretful ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris livid ni stnerap eht dna ,htridisconcerted b efas a hguorht evom ot ytilibremorseful a s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rwistful ehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in h t o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o e t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o j d e r c a s a s a s s e c o r p g n i h t r ib eht otni gniretne outraged disturbed Sad ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab resentful perturbed depressed . N I K S N W O R U O Y N I E L B A TROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB aversion rattled dejected ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcodespair rmahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA animosity restless ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris appalled gninut-enif no uoy sesucoFshocked .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewodespondent p eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning ettap lartsecna morf gnitcennodisappointed csid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy contempt mow woh tuoba snrstartled ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ disgusted surprised discouraged y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Y G R E N E N IARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB dislike troubled disheartened TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY niP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaFforlorn elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA hate ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kturbulent Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW horrified turmoil gloomy w fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dheavyhearted na ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF hostile lamitpo dna ssenelohuncomfortable ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf uneasy hopeless enals to repulsed protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawunnerved hbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dnmelancholy a ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. unsettled unhappy NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N upset wretched ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV When we .are what pukfaced aerb pwith ihsnothe italfull er acomplexity morf gnireof vocaerhuman htiw stsbeing issa dand na pu kaershe b a horguhe orhneeds t gnioto g efunction lihw uoyoptimally, stroppuS it is easy ugh a breakup and alerelationship to see how, cases, to ofnithe ,feiniassists rgmany fo sgwith nilerecovering ef ewe ht shave secofrom rnot p sppaid h dattention na kaerbtbreakup. raesome h fo sg leefbasic lacisyrequirements hp yrev eht strthat oppusatisfy s yllacus. itegrenE physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb When someHelps of ourbring needs are not patterns being met, we generally experience with the need not nd abandonment. repeating to awareness so they can a range of emotions consistent .devloser eb being met. For example, people who live in war zones, especially where the distinct possibility of a terrorist attack stalks AB Dbe NAinRa EHconstant TOM ROstate F GN ALUMITand S DNfear. A GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC them in their everyday life,YBmust ofITanxiety EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY liL mimportance rotS ,sucsibiH vitaN ,anatby naLlisting ,ecaF ethem lkcerFin,kaniM eulB ,edaorder hsthgiN kcabest lB ,adescribes icacA Maslow has evaluated ythe of ethe needs hierarchal that their e Mink,relevance Freckle Face, Lantana, Nativebeginning Hibiscus, with Stormsurvival, Lily for the organism, the most basic need, and moving through to self-realisation, a stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE function of higher levels of human experience. ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates t stroplisted puS .histricrucial b lanigato v asome gniruaspect d no deof nruoptimal t era tahhuman t smethe tsysfunctioning. citegrene ehInt gfact, niregthe girt nneeds igeb ocan t nikbe s s’ yclassified bab Eachehneed and g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. .noitrobathe dnthe a egenergy airracsianatomy m fo stcefof fe-the retfasubtle lanoitcentres, ome grouped according to the psychological aspects that are Supports described in as we arriageshall and see abortion. further on when we examine them more closely.YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY I have included the above tables to illustrate are underneath. yliL that pmaall wS ,human yliL mrotbeings S ,kcorm ahSthe knisame P ,deew kliM ,anatnaIn L ,aspite issaCof gender nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily differences and individual life experiences, basic human needs are common to all - and it is the emotional states arising noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE from feeling our needs as being either fulfilled orSupports not, that accounts for the disparity in emotional expression from one ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenerawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf person to the next. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let GENDER go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- NEEDS? WHAT ABOUT DIFFERENCES IN RELATION TO HUMAN .snrettap lanoitareneg h Gender differences play a role in how emotions are expressed because gender-specific hormones hardwire the brain. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 29 Females and males are biologically designed to be different. And what’s more, their differences are built into the way that their bodies are designed and expressed through the way that they think, feel, perceive, make value judgments, respond to their sexuality and a whole lot more. Which means that females and males will perceive and prioritise their needs differently. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Not only are the bodies of females and males built to function differently, but so too are ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING their emotional responses, thought processes, ways of interpreting any given situation ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING and what Ajuga, they want to achieve in life. In fact, theShamrock, whole value males and Verbena, White Wandering Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Red systems Kamala,ofSilver Wattle, females are often diametrically opposed, driven by hormonal and physical drivers that Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew vary dependingJew on gender specification. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and FEMALE HORMONES CHANGE ALONG WOMEN’S MOODS OpensHelps the heart to CONSTANTLY gratitude, to theWITH limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’sunique own Supports networking win-win relationships. Because each hormone has its own powerful effect on emotional and and thinking being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. states, women go through a wide gamut ofWITH differing personality expressions within the menstrual month. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Males, onAcacia, the other hand, areMink, muchDandelion, more constant the Wild way Iris that they think and feel as they are primarily driven by a Ajuga, Blue StorminLily, Acacia, Ajuga,-Blue Mink, Dandelion, Lily, Wild single genderising hormone testosterone - which isStorm continuous andIrisdoes not cycle. Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports the mother’s confidence infundamentally her body’s to move-asthrough safe birth, and the parents in This means that women and men process think and one could almost say that they are poles entering into the birthing as feel a sacred journeyability todifferently parenting a rite ofa passage. Helps smooth entering intointo thethe birthing process as sacred parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth apart in their way of perceiving and responding to athe worldjourney aroundtothem. baby’s passage world. baby’s passage into the world. When women understand the biological inheritance that being female bestows, BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN they SKINare better able to maintain some BODY (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sense of control over LOVE their lives and HORMONES) plan how to optimize their opportunities. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, actions Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Because women’s moods, behaviours, values, and desires so governed a constantly Helps you appreciate and feelthinking, gratitude for theperceptions, power and beauty of your body.are Focuses you on by fine-tuning changing your hormonal soup affecting the brain, the more they are aware of these influences, the closer they come to Helps appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women staying in “should” touchyour with who reallyinare. health byenergetically tuning to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women be, andthey healthy functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Spirit of Woman Flower haveBRAIN been brought BRAIN Australian BALANCE Wild – TURN ONEssences TO WHOLE ENERGYthrough to assist women to navigate the tumultuous waters that regularly their boat, dueON to their hormonal legacy. BRAINrock BALANCE – TURN TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, GROWING WITH CHAKRAS Acacia, Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris THEBlue Wild Iris However, that does not mean that functions both genders dobrain, not have basic human such asand acceptance, For balancing the many of the and identical to bring about a senseneeds, of wholeness optimal security, affection, functioning. reassurance, support, as if they are being heard, etc. they do. They just respond to, experience and obtain For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances them in different ways. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. changes in opening pathways In the nextSupports chapter,brain we are goingthroughout to take a childhood, closer lookand at assists the subtle energy new anatomy that ofis understanding. the basic template of Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. existence for both genders. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN When we Bleeding look at the subtle energy anatomy, Lomandra, and the framework it isNative built upon - theSilver sevenWattle, energyStorm centres Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Macaranga, Hibiscus, Lily,and subtle Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, each bodies - itVerbena is easy to see the connection between ‘Mind and ‘Body’ and to trace the evolutionary life journey that soul makes as Verbena they move through into increasing awareness or consciousness. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. you while going afeelings breakup assists from relationship breakup. This process ofSupports the ‘getting of wisdom’ is built into the Mind-Body ofwith eachrecovering person, as she he grows from infancy Energetically supports the very through physical of and heartbreak and helps process thea or feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings ofthe grief, to matureblame, adulthood. system of energy anatomy that journey even point of guilt, The fear, chakra rejection, and abandonment. Helpsexpresses bring repeating patternseloquently, to awareness soto they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, understanding and abandonment. Helps bring repeating to awareness so they canof resolved. delineatingbephases or stages of conscious and the sequence in which patterns these conscious understandings be resolved. life and itsCAESAREAN processes take place. – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY RECOVERY CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALINGof AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Indeed, the chakra energy system is a– Mink, template beings’ Native journey as ‘a spiritual Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Frecklehuman Face, Lantana, Hibiscus, Storm Lilybeing having a human experience’ built into our Body-Mind, andBlue which evolves as Face, we mature. OurNative healthHibiscus, and wellbeing is the measure of the Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink, Freckle Lantana, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the of caesarean birth,isfor both mother progress of our evolving consciousness as we go wounding through life. Consciousness that part of us and that baby. does Assists not age and Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists is, in effect, the subtle energy component of our being - the Mind aspect of the Mind-Body complex. Ancient wisdom in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the as declares that this part of our being does not die but lives on in a round of physical life cycles known in the East baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. reincarnation. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY FLOWER ESSENCES HELP US GROWTHE TOWARDS WISDOM CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, the Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Storm Swamp Lily accessed that eternal part of our being, the When describing effect Milkweed, of flower essences, Edward BachLily, said that they Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily higher wisdom that comes over from eonsthe of development past lives. The of past lives continues untilSupports we havetransition ‘learned’ all Energetically assists in balancing of round the child’s body, mind and spirit. assists in balancing the the development of incarnations the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition the lessonsfrom thatEnergetically life has to offer, then we can discontinue further on Earth. Information coming through baby to child to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, baby tothe child to adolescent. the awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps her mother’s let goand appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- (the from past allows livesfrom represents wisdom of lessons well learned is said to be stored in our ‘Akashic Records’ allows and helps her let gothe appropriately. Energetically negative transgenerational patterns. Eachrisk-taking, accumulation of past age-appropriate knowledge). life puts another deposit into Record, provided we gainclears from the experience. generational patterns. If we go through life without learning anything, we have lived a life with no gain. In our everyday lives, our accumulated wisdom is hard to access because it is locked away in the higher realms of 138 30 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith our energy complex, at the level of the Causal body - the fifth body of our subtle body network. People who meditate regularly gain ready access to these files. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE So those who consciously embark on an ‘inner journey’ through counselling, journal work, understanding symbols of their dream world and actively striving to recognize beliefs and programming are carrying in the sub-conscious that no longer serves them. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGFlower essences greatly assist this process of becoming conscious. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Because flowerRed essences areSilver made from Verbena, the flower,White the highest and most beautiful expression of the plant ntana, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Wattle, Wandering we-J the most fragrant, most perfect in form and the most attractive (magnetic attraction) - they resonate with the highest expression of dna yobeing: j ot tiriplove, s eht peaceful dna ,esreco-existence, vinU eht fo ecwisdom nadnubaand sseltruthful timil ehtintegrity. ot dnim By ehttaking ,edutitaarflower g ot traessence, eh eht snwe epO the human can access the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h g u o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i m i t p o the spiritual wisdom we need to elevate the mundane quality of everyday existence into gold - living with a shine, both sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t r o within and without. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. CNEDwhen IFNOC IW GNrace IHTRIis B –going GNIHthrough TRIB DEaSStime ELB of great Since the flower essences have come through into theEworld theHThuman NG WITH CONFIDENCE spiritual renewal, the ancient framework describing theshuman irI dliW energy ,yliL mroanatomy tS ,noiledhas naDrelevant ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,application. Storm Lily, Wild Iris By understanding the subtle energy centres of the human body and the role of ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS meridian system in linking the Mind aspectparents to the Body aspect of the ‘whole’ nce in the her Chinese body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p ot yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne human, we are in a much better position to understand ourselves selfess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth and clear negative .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab sabotage patterns from the subtle energy anatomy. . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB we do this, we greater ONES) –When COMFORTABLE IN have YOUR OWNclarity SKIN and sense of purpose. We like ourselves more and sirI dlways iW ,entoiVhave lianSour ,alaneeds maK demet, R ,kcresulting ormahS kin niPsmoother ,noilednaemotions D ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA find appropriate and loving ndelion, Pinka Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, our Wildpotential; Iris and joie d’vivre that truly represents living how we are meant gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leeftodnlive, a etaicerppa uoy spleH joyously as humans. gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning nemow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 31 The Body’s EnergBlends y Cent res Essence Essence Blends ABUN-DANCE JOYhappiness IN RECEIVING We have the seeds of our–own programmed into the subtle energy centres. When we truly flower as human ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING beings, lifeAjuga, is abundant, contented and rich. Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Each chakra has an associated physical, emotional and psychological concordance. This means that we can see the Jew obvious association a nerve plexus andtoan gland, an of organ and its associated meridian Opens the between heart to gratitude, the mind theendocrine limitless abundance the Universe, and the spirit to joy and the Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to of joy and related emotional attitudinal expression. texts will provide overview of the associations of optimism.and Helps eliminate the sense Many of ‘notpopular enough’chakra and clears these family an patterns. Raises awareness optimism. Helps the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears family patterns. Raises awareness New chakras open up these as humanity's consciousness expands. of each chakra and how they compare one another. being the magician ineliminate one’swith own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. THE MIND-BODY BLESSED CONNECTION BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE twelve Chakras altogther, but forStorm our purposes Now thereAcacia, are BLESSED Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Lily, Wild we Iris will explore Charas One (Base) to Seven (Crown) Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris different aspects of the Mind-Body connection. So, let’s take aAcacia, lookthe at Ajuga, the how each of the firsther seven chakras Supports mother’s confidence in body’s abilityexpresses to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth CHAKRA ONE - THE ROOT/BASE CHAKRA entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage the world. The Rootinto Chakra is the first building block on which all the other charkas rest. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN It relates to theHORMONES) element of Earth and all solid earthly things - ourSKIN bodies, our health, our survival, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris our material and monetary existence, our ability to focus and manifest our needs. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning It relates to need forgratitude our bodies to stay alive and healthy. appreciate feel for the power and beauty of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in the to and your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be,Associated and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Element “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURNof ON TO WHOLE BRAINwhich ENERGY The element chakra one is Earth, represents form and solidarity - the most condensed BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY state of matter and the lowest frequency of energy through all the chakras. Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris withShamrock, the longestSnail wavelength The colour is red, which is the colour of beginning, being the colourPink Wild Irisand the slowest vibration in the visible spectrum. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances Mind-Body connection functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. Physical - Supports relates to the solid parts of the body: the bones, the large intestine (passes solid left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. substance) andSupports the fleshy body as a throughout whole. Located between the anus and thenew genitals, it of understanding. brain changes childhood, and assists in opening pathways BREAKUP – EASING PAIN corresponds to the coccyx andTHE the coccygeal spinal ganglion. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Heart, Cassia, itDandelion, Lomandra, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, EmotionalBleeding - when out of balance relates to the negativeMacaranga, emotions ofNative paranoia, fear of survival, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena inability to be present in the now, lack of grounding, insecurity and terror. Verbena Supports while going through a breakupthinking, and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Mental - when out you of balance it involves delusional daydreaming, dissociated mental Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, states and defensive thinking. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear,of rejection, abandonment. bring with repeating patterns to awareness so they can Consciousness - consciousness the rootand chakra is primarily Helps concerned survival, our fight be resolved. be resolved. or flight response (very relevant today), our instincts and the need for planetary peace and environmental balance. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY SUMMARY: ONE Acacia,ALL BlackIS Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Stormnow’ Lily - in body, with a Physicality,Energetically survival, grounding, the tribeBlue - of thisMink, chakra refers the human need to ‘bemother here supports the healing the wounding ofto caesarean birth, for both and baby. Assists capacity to withbond the attachment practical of life needed for survival, by the and baby. depth of our Energetically supports aspects the healing of of the wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for bothstrength mother and in deal kindling and a sense safety and security insupported the baby. stimulates the Assists energetic baby’s connection to Earth. In terms of the journey of our soul, this is the process of incarnation, spirit coming in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the theinto baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the body, to learn the lessons of this life and to help others learn their life lessons. Hence, within this classification are the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional issues of the following: CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY • Maintenance of the body,–so that it canTHE serve us physically during this lifetime, energy loss and physical Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily debilitation, effectsLantana, of stressMilkweed, on the physical body; Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition • Ability to survive the hardships that challenge us in living in the physical world; in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to childinto adolescent. the child’s milestones, • The need to be consciously body, so that we act the and bego as appropriately. anawareness integratedof being, ratherdevelopmental than being split into allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps her mother’s let Energetically clears negative transallows risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transdissociated parts;age-appropriate generational patterns. generational patterns. • Capability to move on from the collective energy of the tribe, as we become aware of our individualized soul’s purpose. 138 32 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith CHAKRA TWO - THE WATER/SECOND CHAKRA Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE As we enter the second chakra, we enter change. Our singleness becomes duality and we have obtained a degree of movement and fluidity. Change is essential to the expansion of consciousness - this is how it evolves. Through change, we discover difference. In intimacy, through the other person, we hold the mirror up to ourselves GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA and can recognize difference. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA In intimacy, the sexual act, we come together as one and then pull apart to experience ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, SilverinWattle, Verbena, White Wandering wedifference. J On the emotional level, we do the same in our ‘significant’ intimate relationship. We merge and dna yoj ot tirips ehexperience t dna ,esrevtogetherness, inU eht fo ecnthen adnuwe ba separate sseltimil eand ht ot experience dnim eht ,edsingularity. utitarg ot trThese aeh ehcycles t snepO of merging the mind to the the spirit to joy and fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesand iaR .sseparation nrof etta p yUniverse, limallow af eseus hand t by srathe e l c d n a ’ h g u o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i m i t p o comparison to begin to know who we are and, as importantly, who sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears nwe oitaare lethese r nnot. iw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECN EDIFN OC HTIflexibility W GNIHTand RIB change, – GNIHTRIB DESSELB Therefore, we begin to define ourselves in relation to the other. Through NG WITH CONFIDENCE we start to learn who we really are and who we are not. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Growth, nmovement centre. i stnerap ehand t dnlife a ,harise trib efrom fas a this hguo rht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne Associated Element ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . The element of chakra two is Water and thus the chakra corresponds to bodily functions having NIKS and NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB do with liquid: circulation, sexuality ONES) –toCOMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN reproduction. sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA Water fluid, flexible pleo-morphic It easily merges, descends to the lowest ndelion, Pink is Shamrock, Red and Kamala, Snail Vine,(shape-shifting). Wild Iris ninutalways -enif nofollows uoy sethe sucopath F .ydof obleast ruoy resistance. fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH levelgand gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy classically, the second governs sexuality (merging) as well as the emotions (need to be fluidic), sensation, ur body.SoAssists disconnecting fromchakra ancestral patterns about how .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ pleasure, movement and nurturance. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB Mind-Body TO WHOLE BRAINConnection ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Physical - relates the pelvic area - the bowl of life - between the navel and the genitals. It corresponds to the sacral Dandelion, Freckle Face, to Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW vertebrae and the nerve ganglion called the sacral plexus. The sacral plexus hooks into the sciatic nerve and is a centre lamthe itpobody dna s-sfor enethis lohwreason fo esneitsisaoften tuobacalled gnirb the ot dseat na ,nofiarlife. b eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF of motion for ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals toEmotional protect brain function Balances .se-gawhen niarbout ehfrom tofsabalance sthe egnover-effects ahcitnrelates iarb dnofatostress. ssthe ol yintense ro mem emotions htiw spleHexperienced .seigrene niathrough rb tnorf-intimate kcab dnaemotions thgir-tfel - fear of pleasure, fun and spontaneity, frozen expression, fear of commitment, ‘sticky’ dependency on a partner, energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS passivity, inability to and feel assists pleasure or sensation feeling ghout childhood, in opening new and pathways ofun-nurtured. understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB Mental - when out of balance it relates to thoughts of inadequacy, repression of expressing feelings, disconnected from N liL mroof tS ,being elttaWand revloversensitivity. iS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB the feeling,yaspect elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV Consciousness - consciousness of the second chakra is primarily concerned with learning to separate from the other, .pukaerbhealthy pihsnoyet italepermeable r a morf gniboundaries. revocer htiw sIttsis issabout a dna pbeing ukaerbable a hgtouoexperience rht gniog elenergetic ihw uoy strconnection oppuS and to maintain with ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e grenE another through merging, and yet to know ourselves as separate and sensate beings. physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can Summary: Helps Honour One Another .devloser eb Sexuality, reproduction, intimacy, nurturance, issues toEVthe YBAB DN A REHTOMmother/father ROF GNITALU MITS -Dthis NA chakra GNILAErefers H – YR OCemotional ER NAERAissues SEAC that are EALINGinvolved AND STIMULATING AND BABY the medium of our intimate relationships. It embraces our capacity in starting to FOR knowMOTHER who we are through yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA the following: e Mink,for Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE - with our own deep for feelings mother (recognitionbaby. of the shadow), and feeling comfortable in intimacy with ling of • the Intimacy wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenE .yboth bab eht ni ytiand ruces dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni others. nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth.healthy Supports .noitro bathe dna ega acsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome • Self-nurturance, which, if healthily present, enables nurturance ofirrothers. arriage and abortion. LIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC • Sexuality - as a joyous and appropriate expression ofYvitality. HE GROWING FAMILY yliLaspects pmawSof ,ylhealthy iL mrotSpregnancy ,kcormahS and kniP birthing, ,deewkliM ,anmothering atnaL ,aissand aC • Reproduction - the physical and emotional and nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily fathering, health noitisnarwhich t stroppfosters uS .tiriemotional ps dna dnim ,ydobins’the dlihchild c eht and fo tnfosters empolesupportive ved eht gniearly cnalachildhood b ni stsissaexperiences. yllacitegrenE ng the • development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senuse otseoflim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf The intuition. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 33 CHAKRA THREE - THE FIRE/THIRD CHAKRA Essence EssenceBlends Blends Known as the Solar Plexus chakra this centre is related to the process of clear thinking and intelligently making our way in the world at large. Here we arrive at a point of self-identity- knowing who we are and having the confidence to go out into the world, self-empowered and able to effect a change. Located here are the major organs of digestion and the associated energy of transformation - we ABUN-DANCE – JOY RECEIVING require theINability to transform the food we take in into useable energy for the body to function ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING effectively and optimally. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Associated Element Jew Opens the heart gratitude, mind to thetransforms limitless abundance of thelight Universe, and the spirit to joy Fire istothe elementthe that warms, matter to heat, and waste (e.g. a log of and wood is OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of transformed to warmth, light and ash), moves and energises (e.g. activates molecules in water to Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports and win-win relationships. bring it to the boil). Fire flows upward, expandsnetworking and separates unlike water, which flows downward, being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. converges BLESSED and merges. The chief operating force Earth is gravity, which similarly has a downward flow. BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITHofCONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE So as we move intoAjuga, the energy fire, Dandelion, a third and unique stateWild of existence emerges that transforms matter (Chakra One) and Acacia, Blue of Mink, Storm Lily, Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Dandelion, Storm Lily,and Wild Iris movement (Chakra Two) into aBlue fieldMink, of energy. Fire transforms transmutes, creating the energy fuel that animates and Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in drives the wholeSupports being onthe allmother’s levels: physical, psychological, mental andtoemotional. confidence in her body’s moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering the birthing process as a sacred isjourney parenting as of passage. smooth On the physical level, ininto theinto body, the energy of combustion called to metabolism, anda itrite manifests as theHelps ‘fire in the belly.’ baby’s passage the world. baby’s passage into the world. It takes fire energy to transform food into energy to be used on a day-to-day basis for the functional capacity of the organ BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN systems of the body. psychological terms, it relates to personal power will,OWN and inSKIN our outer lives, it is the realm of BODYInLOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE INand YOUR action. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate andand feellight, gratitude for the power and beauty of yourofbody. youinto on actions, fine-tuning As fire transforms matter into energy the third chakra transforms the inertia Earth Focuses and Water energy Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning by tuning in to your body. Assists from ancestral patterns about how women and power.your It is health the ‘great transformer’ or powerhouse ofdisconnecting the being. your be, health tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. Mind-Body Connection “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Physical - relates to theBALANCE digestive organs: spleen, liverENERGY and gallbladder. It corresponds BRAIN – TURN the ONstomach, TO WHOLE BRAIN Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Lacebark, Shamrock, Snail Vine, to the lower thoracic vertebrae and the nerve ganglion calledFace, the solar plexus.Milkweed, It rules thePink metabolic Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris system and can be seen as the ‘cooking pot’ for the body. As food converted to energy is fuel for the Wild Iris body, it follows that the more efficient the conversion process, energy is for and optimal For balancing the many functions of the brain, andthetomore bringavailable about a quality sense of wholeness balancing many functions ofcentre the brain, and to bring about sensetoofdiscern and optimal the whole functioning. body.For Moreover, thethe more functional is, the more the person isa able Balances the adrenals tothis protect brain function from the over-effects ofwholeness stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects the qualityleft-right of the food andintake. back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. brain changes throughout childhood, and assists inself-esteem, opening new pathways of understanding. Emotional Supports - relates to thebrain emotions thatthroughout are associated with a healthy personal power, and confidence and a Supports changes childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. sense of safety in the–world in which we live. When out of balance it relates to the roles of the ‘victim’ and the ‘persecutor’. BREAKUP EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN power and be ‘magicians’ in their world, while the persecutor dominates and The victim Bleeding has not been able to assert personal Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, bullies others toBleeding keep themselves safe. Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Heart, Cassia, Verbena Verbena Mental - the brain receives the going first and qualityaenergy from theassists digestive Therefore, clear, coherent Supports you while through breakup and withprocess. recovering from agood, relationship breakup.thinking is the result ofEnergetically a well-functioning digestive system. When out ofofbalance, thinking be process fuzzy,from distorted, obsessive or deranged. Supportssupports you while going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering relationship breakup. the very physical heartbreak and will helps thea feelings of grief, A regular, blame, goodEnergetically diet supports the digestive system, which in turn delivers balanced and clear thinking. This chakra is the first supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theygrief, can level of thebe intellect rational, logical and factual. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can resolved. be resolved. Consciousness - The consciousness to this chakra revolves around having theAND radiant energy to impact the world CAESAREAN RECOVERY –relating HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER BABY beyond the self.CAESAREAN It involves having the energy to fulfil one’s soul purpose in the world, and to have the world respond when RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily one gestures. So it is about personal power - being able to relate in the environment successfully, and to manage our own Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily passions - Energetically not by controlling themthe buthealing by shaping and using them to direct will. The arises out of the supports of thethem wounding of caesarean birth,and for fuel bothour mother andwill baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of thedirected wounding of birth, for both mother and baby. Assists choices weinmake (second driven by desire and intosecurity thecaesarean world. Thebaby. will, our vitality, is the outward expression kindling bondchakra), attachment and a sense of safety and in the Energetically stimulates the in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates of the aware to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the baby’s the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. Summary: Honour Oneself emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Individuality, personal power, confidence, - this chakra refers to the development of a strong sense of self as an CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTSlearning THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Pinkself-esteem Shamrock,and Storm Lily, Swamp empowered individual basedMilkweed, on a healthy a recognition of Lily one’s place in the world. It includes the following: Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing thethe development of theends, child’s mindtoand spirit. Supports • Individuality - knowing where I begin, and rest of the world i.e.body, the ability have a strong sensetransition of boundary. in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, • Personal power knowing that if I gesture, the world will respond rather than live with a ‘victim mentality’ and being from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, trans‘walked over.’ allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. • Confidence - to take one’s place in the ‘human family’ easily and with a sense of sureness. • Learning - to be able to focus and harness one’s mental capacity for learning and to assimilate what one has learned. 138 34 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith CHAKRA FOUR - THE PIVOTAL CHAKRA Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE The heart chakra is located in the central pivotal place between the three chakras of the lower self and the three charkas of the higher self. As the core of the chakra system, it is the inner spirit that unites all the other forces above and below - above the mental realms and below the worldly chakras. Associated Element GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA It relates to the Air and represents a move away from the physical world of matter to the softer, deeper gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA touch of the spirit - we transcend our Wandering ego and begin the dance of our place within the web ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White weJof life; we begin to realize we are a part of something much greater than ourselves. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesItiaintegrates R .snrof etta pand yUniverse, limbalances af esehand t the srathe erealms lc spirit dna of ’htogmind ujoy onand eand ton‘body. fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppexpressing spihsclears nItoibrings talethese r nthe iw-family nrealization iw dnpatterns. a gnthat ikrow tenare luawareness fwhole sseccubeings s stro uS .efil nwboth o s’espirit no niand naicmatter. igam eht gnieb we wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECthe NEDsexual IFNOC HTIW GN IHTRIB – GNlove IHTRof IB the DESsecond SELB chakra, Its function is to experience the soul expression of love, not passionate object-driven NG WITH CONFIDENCE where we direct our love to another person, place or thing. This heart love is felt deep within as a state of being, sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicaand cA expands to embrace we encounter. ndelion,out Storm Lily, Wildeverything Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS is abody’s joyous our among allniand things, deep nce in Ither htability oacceptance oms sto plemove H .of egthrough a ssaplace p foaesafe tir a birth, sa g tnerathe p and oparents t yeof nruaoin j dercpeace as a sathat ssecomes corp gnfrom ihtriblack eht otni gniretne need and harmony within theasself. ess as aofsacred journey to parenting a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . The love expressed through this chakra that constant. NIKShas NWan Oenduring RUOY Ndeep I ELBAquality TROFM OCis –eternal )SENOand MRO H YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN This is the love that radiates all,ethe building sirIthroughout dliW ,eniV all lianofS existence, ,alamaK dthe eR binding ,kcormaforce, hS kniwhich P ,noilholds ednaD dah sthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris blocks of life together. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude thenepower you on The for element the throughout mAir owiswand oh least tbeauty uobadense snofreyour tof tapalllbody. athe rtseelements cFocuses na morf and gnitcdisperses ennfine-tuning ocsiditself stsissfreely A .ydo b ruoy ot nthe i gnspace inut yb htlaeh ruoy ur Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women occupies. There is a sense.sof isathrough that enequilibrium omroh fo gnand inoievenness. tcnuf decnAir alaalso b yhtrepresents laeh stroppthe us ybreath, llacitegand rene itdn ,eb ”dluthe ohsbreath “ y supports healthy balanced functioning we connect with the world aroundofus.hormones. In the body, the diaphragm, which regulates the breath, is the interface between the YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB physicalBRAIN aspects of the body and the mental. In TCM, the heart is the residence for the Shen or spirit and is responsible for TO WHOLE ENERGY ,entoiVthink lianScoherently ,kcormahSand kniwith P ,deconscious ewkliM ,krawareness. abecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA our ability Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW Mind-Body Connection lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF - relates the Also ons of Physical the brain, and about astsense wholeness secntoato lbring aBthe .ssheart erts foand celungs ffe-rof eand vo eh t mcirculation orf and noitcoptimal nuof f nblood iarb tcand etorpqio(energy) t slanerdthroughout a eht secnathe laBbody. .gnino itcnutof the arms and hands, the physical parts of the body with which we embrace others, put our heart into our work and reach enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfeout l beyond ourselves. The endocrine gland is the thymus, which contributes to immunity. The nerve plexus is the brachial plexus energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS and the chest cavityand is the physical area of influence. ghout childhood, assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB Emotional - relates to the emotions of love, connectedness, compassion, tolerance, acceptance, loving-kindness. When out N L mrotSto,ethe lttainability W revliSto,su csibgreed, iH evitaself-limitation N ,agnaracaM rdnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB of balance ,itylirelates feel, and,ameanness. elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV Mental - relates to balanced, clear and coherent thinking, unaffected by disturbed emotions, and behaviour at all times .putokathe erboccasion. pihsnoitaWhen ler a mout orf of gnbalance irevocerithrelates tiw stsisto samanic dna pspeech, ukaerb asleeplessness hguorht gnio g elmadness. ihw uoy stroppuS appropriate and ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings helps Consciousness mind nac yofehheartbreak t-oconsciousness s sseneraand wa o tofsnthe reprocess ttheart ap gnchakra ithe taepfeelings er isgnthat irbofsof pgrief, lebalancing H .tnemnothe dna ba dand na ,nbody, oitcejthought er ,raef ,and tliugfeeling ,emalbaspects of nd abandonment. Helps patterns to awareness can our being, and ourbring innerrepeating world with that which is outside so of they us. Connectedness and relationships with by .deothers vloserisefostered b loving-kindness. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGSummary: AND STIMULATING FORPower MOTHER AND BABY Love Is Divine yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink,Relationships Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Stormtolerance, Lily with others and theHibiscus, world at large, acceptance of the self and others - this chakra refers to the human stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE capacity for the following: ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates • Love/connectedness eht stroppuS .htrib lawith nigaanother v a gniruperson d no d(not enrunecessarily t era taht ssexual). methe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome Tolerance arriage•and abortion.and acceptance of others and the world at large. It requires that the soul has reached a level of selfYLIMAF GNtowards IWORGthe EHworld T STRO PPUS of – Dthe OO HDcan LIHflourish. C acceptance and self-love, so that compassion and loving-kindness outside self HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmaCHAKRA wS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC CHAKRA FIVE - THE ETHER/FIFTH nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppThis uS .chakra tirips dnisaseen dnimas,yd obbridge s’dlihcbetween eht fo tnthe empphysical oleved eand ht gthe nicnenergy alab ncomponents i stsissa yllaciof tegthe renMind-Body. E the ng the development and ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, vehere d smind ’dare lihcthe eht glands fspirit. o ssenSupports erathe wa thyroid, s’ rtransition ehtomwhich eht sngoverns epO .tnethe csemetabolic loda ot dlihrate c otofybthe ab m orf and the Located of body ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en parathyroid, sraelc ylof lacthe itewhich gchild’s renEoversees .yldevelopmental etairpo rppproduction a ogmilestones, tel reof h sbone pleh dand na ,the gnikmaintenance at-ksir etairpoofrpthe pa-bony ega sskeleton. wolla the It is at king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r eneof g the body. this centre that the powerful impact of what we say is imprinted on the structure and function (the voice-box is located at the throat). Here we either create disease or health by our self-talk. It is the centre for free and joyous expression. EIVING h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 35 Associated Element Essence EssenceBlends Blends Ether is the element of the fifth chakra. Ether is fine particulate matter so small that the particles cannot be seen by the naked eye. It is the substance that moves through the meridians of the body, described and mapped thousands of years ago by the Chinese and utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Known as Qi, it responds to thought; ‘where thought goes, qi flows’ is an axiom of TCM. It is known in esoteric circles as ‘etherium fluidum’ and as the name suggests has the ABUN-DANCE JOY IN RECEIVING nature of flowing through–the body. In the Book of Genesis, the statement ‘and the Word was made flesh’ truly describes ABUN-DANCE – JOY INinherent RECEIVING the powerAjuga, of sound and the potential in this chakra. Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering JewConnection Mind-Body Jew heart to gratitude, the organs mind toofthe limitless the Universe, Physical -Opens relatesthe to the throat region: the speech andabundance hearing. Itofcorresponds to and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. awareness the cervical vertebrae. It rules the rate of the metabolism via the thyroid and bone strength Raises Helpsineliminate the sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these win-win family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own networking via the parathyroid. It can truly be seen as life. the Supports centre that shapes the physicaland structure byrelationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. driving theBLESSED vibratoryBIRTHING rate at which the organism – BIRTHING WITHfunctions. CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE EmotionalAcacia, - relates to the spontaneity of creative expression, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild ease Iris of communication and Acacia, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Irisand isolation. satisfaction. When out Ajuga, of balance, it relates to depression, frustration Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in the mother’s confidence in intuitive her body’s ability to move safe birth,Helps and the parents in we Mental - entering whenSupports weinto form our intention, based wisdom and a strong sense of personal empowerment, the birthing process as aon sacred journey to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo the birthing a sacredis journey to parenting as a rite of passage.We Helps smooth express our ideas coherently and positively. Ourasself-talk free of self-criticism and self-negation. follow the path baby’s passage the world.process baby’s passage into the world. of our bliss with ease. When out of balance we speak negatively about ourselves, and others. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Consciousness - theLOVE consciousness of this chakra is one step beyond the reflective yin state of the fourth chakra. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris It is characterised by that creative self-expression that comes from a strong sense Acacia, Blackjoyous, Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Redabout Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Irisof self-control and Helps and feel gratitude the power and beauty of and your receives body. Focuses you on fine-tuning self-mastery. It isyou theappreciate realm of consciousness that for creates, controls, transmits communication both within appreciate and gratitude for we the become power and beauty body.about Focuses fine-tuning healthyou byeach tuning in to In your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns women ourselves your and Helps between other. thefeel fourth chakra, aware of of theyour patterns but inhow theyou fifthonchakra, we your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women be, and healthy symbolize “should” these patterns forenergetically storage andsupports use in the brain.balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ONtoTO WHOLE Summary: Surrender Personal Will Divine WillBRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Blue Mink,speaking Cordyline, Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Creativity, Acacia, communication, ourDandelion, truth - thisFreckle grouping refers to the maturity and awareness gained as the soul Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris becomes capable of expressing outward their inner being. It involves the following: Wild Iris For the balancing many present functionsinofallthe brain, and to bring a sense of wholeness and optimal • Allowing creativethe impulse humans, to come outabout un-self-consciously. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances • Communicating with others inbrain a the realenergies. sharing to that involves both hearing and functioning. Balances adrenals protect function from thetalking. over-effects left-right and back-front Helps withbrain memory loss and brain changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes • Communicating our own truththroughout by ‘walkingchildhood, our talk.’ and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP EASING THE creative PAIN expression. • Manifesting our –world through BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Lomandra, Macaranga, CHAKRA SIXDandelion, - THE THIRD EYE/BROW CHAKRANative Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena VerbenaAt this centre, the energy frequency is so high and fast that there is no associated element. Here Supports youwe while through a breakup andofassists withelements recovering from a relationship havegoing moved beyond the realms physical and occupy the higherbreakup. frequency bands Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the ofofgrief, where thought, as a distinct, but immeasurable entity, exists. This is the dominion mind that has Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can a wider definition than simply the brain it expresses the first level of the consciousness that part blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theyiscan be resolved. of the greater manifestation of the vital energy that surrounds and interpenetrates us. Mind has be resolved. CAESAREANno RECOVERY – HEALING STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY boundaries - it cannotAND be confined. Even in prison, a person’s soul can be freed through the CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY we hone the tool of stretching and expanding of the mind. Through rigorous training of the Lily mind, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Intention Blue coupled with desire manifests ourNative reality.Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia,intention. Black Nightshade, Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists The sixth chakrathe governs the side and of the of which is tostimulates ‘see big Energetically supports healing of right thesafety wounding ofbrain, caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother andthe baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of security inthe thefunction baby. thepicture.’ Seeing interconnections between things and appreciating the pattern and order of the larger in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the theview requires a higher level of intelligence. baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. Ancient wisdom made use of symbolism understand FAMILY the world around them. If a crow flew overhead as a baby was CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THEtoGROWING being born, theCHILDHOOD baby might have been named Black Crow,FAMILY have the crow as a totem, and govern and direct his life – SUPPORTS THE GROWING Lantana, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily signs that appear to them in everyday life accordingCassia, to ‘crow’ totemicMilkweed, principles.Pink TheShamrock, highly developed soul recognizes Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily as indications of the next turn in in balancing the path ofthe life. Energetically assists development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, This chakra is from related to ‘seeing’ the soul’s true path so that we can carry out our soul’s destiny. It is the ‘navigating baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transsystem’ that guides through intuitionrisk-taking, to follow our fulfil purpose here Energetically on earth. allowsusage-appropriate andbliss, helpstoher let our go appropriately. clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. Similarly, it is here that we ‘see’ when we have strayed off the path of our true destiny through the process of insight. This allows us to learn the lessons that life has to offer so that we can make ‘corrections’ to our navigation system. By the process of reminiscence, we ‘go over’ the events of the past and learn from our experiences. 138 36 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Intuition is our inbuilt guiding system. If you want to access your intuitive side regarding a question about yourself ask, ‘Does it make my heart sing or sink?’ This is the question that reveals the truth of our intuitive knowing. If we can honestly make decisions in our life based on the body-mind experience of answering this simple question, then we are following our intuition. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Mind-Body connection GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGPhysical - relates to the third eye region located between the physical eyes in the centre of gnirednaW hW‘inner’ ,anebreeye V ,ethat lttaW revlwithin iS ,alato mabalance K deR ,kcthe ormphysical ahS kniPeyes ,anathat tnaLsee ,noithe lednaD ,aissaC ,agujA our forehead. It isetithe sees ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ outer world. The right brain, the nervous system, the left eye and the nose also come under the governorship ears dna yoj ot tiriof ps this eht dcentre. na ,esrThe evinU ehtare fo ealso cnadinvolved nuba ssein ltimrelation il eht ottodnhearing im eht ,eour dutiown targ ot traeh eht snepO inner wisdom. the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hguone ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and these Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears nothe italefeeling r niw-family nof iwspiritual dnpatterns. a gnikconnection, row ten luawareness fsseand ccutranscended s stro Emotional - relates to states of being, wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. such as when we are transported away by music, art orEseeing a beautiful sunset. CNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHAnd TRIB when – GNout IHTRofIBbalance, DESSELBrelates to NG WITH CONFIDENCE feelings of overwhelm, confused thinking, overcrowded mind, nitpicking and judgmental criticism. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,Mental Storm Lily, Wild Iris - Clarity and ease of thinking, relaxed state of mind, effective thought processes for planning and executing ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS chosen direction in life. When out of balance the it relates toinconfusion lack of clarity and blinkered vision. nce in one’s her body’s htability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerap oparents t yenruoj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as aConsciousness sacred journey -toThe parenting as a riteofofthis passage. consciousness chakraHelps is thatsmooth of self-actualisation and .dlself-realisation. row eht otni egaIts ssagland, p s’ ybathe b pituitary . gland, is often called the master gland as it acts as ‘overseer’ for all the other glands, with the exception of the pineal NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB It is at the level of thisOWN chakra that the consciousness organizes itself at a high level of coherency and order and ONES) –gland. COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN sirI dliW ,with eniV its lianrecognized S ,alamaK dpath eR ,kincolife. rmahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA maintains its direction consistent ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-e- nSeek if no uOnly oy sesThe ucoFTruth .ydoband ruoyExpress fo ytuaeWisdom b dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Summary gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy through experience, seeing the big picture, insight ur body.Learning Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen ala-bthis yhtlgrouping aeh stroppexpresses us yllacitethe grenstage e dnawhen ,eb ”the dluoincarnated hs“ soulhealthy can begin to seefunctioning beyond theofself to the larger patterns that life creates, and recognize his or her part in the y supports balanced hormones. bigger picture. Thus the soul gains the following: YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY eniV lianof S ,understanding kcormahS kniP the ,deeTrue wkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA • The ,wisdom Self. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW • Sees the joy in learning the lessons that life has to offer, the soul on its journey through life. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF And through ons of • the brain, and bring astsense of wholeness and secntoalrecognizing aB .ssabout erts fothe cebig ffe-rpicture, evo eht can morfobserve noitcoptimal nua f nhealthy iarb tcedetachment torp ot slanerand da einsight ht secninto alaBthe .gnpitfalls inoitcnuthat f life offersbrain enals to protect Balances .sas eglearning afunction niarb estrategies. hfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain nidnatsrednCHAKRA u fo syawhSEVEN tap wen gnineCROWN po ni stsisCHAKRA sa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS - THE ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHis TG ISAE and – PUfast KAER B there is As with the previous chakra, at this centre, the energy frequency soNhigh that N ,yliL mrotS ,eno lttaassociated W revliS ,suelement. csibiH eviHere taN ,awe gnahave racaMmoved ,ardnabeyond moL ,nothe ilednrealms aD ,aisof saCphysical ,traeH gelements nideelB and we elion, Lomandra, Macaranga,connect Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, to the high frequency band known as negative space-time. This is in thearealm nebreVof the vital life energy that animates all life and is known as the life force. The quality of this chakra is that of .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS merging with from the All-That-Is reality. This reality is the life force that animates all life on earth and ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecorp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE beyond helps across the multi-dimensional ‘multi-verse.’ The crown chakra is the entry and exit point physical feelings nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa ot snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb for the animating life force of the human being. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb Ancient the ofClight into YBABwisdom DNA REwith HTOits M many ROF Gdescriptive NITALUMITstories S DNAof GN ILAtranslation EH – YREVO ER NA ERAmatter SEAC all hold in common the understanding that high frequency light energy precipitates down into form (the EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrobody) tS ,sucvia sibithe H evcrown itaN ,apoint. natnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA physical e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybody, bab dnthe a refontanel, htom htolocated b rof ,htrat ib the naecrown-point, raseac fo gnidisnuopen ow ehfor t foa gnumber nilaeh eof ht smonths troppusafter yllacithe tegrbaby enE is born. In the physical ling of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y b a b e h t n i y t i r u c e s d n a y t e f a s f o e s n e s a d n a t n e m h c a t t a d n o b g n i l d n i ni It is considered, in TCM, to be because the soul of the baby has one foot on earth and the other still in kheaven! The nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the h t s t r o p p u S . h t r i b l a n i g a v a g n i r u d n o d e n r u t e r a t a h t s m e t s y s c i t e g r e n e e h t g n i r e g g i r t n i g e b o t n i k s s ’ y b a b baby’s spirit is still descending from heaven to earth so the Crown Chakra is still open. g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome is often said to belong, not to the individual, but to God (Source, All-That-Is) alone. arriageThis andchakra abortion. YLIMA GNthat IWO G EHT us STR- O PPgreat US – DOOHDLIHC It is via this chakra and its subtle energy body that we connect toF all is Raround the HE GROWING FAMILY Infinite beyond conscious awareness, and theylSource iL pmawof S ,all yliLLife. mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily The chakra noitisnaisrt represented stroppuS .tiriby ps dthe na thousand-petaled dnim ,ydob s’dlihc elotus ht fo in tneSanskrit mpolevetradition, d eht gnicand nalabsits ni sas tsisasa yllacitegrenE ng the crown development and Supports ,son enothe tselof itop m the laof tnchild’s ethe mphead. olebody, vedThis smind ’dliis hcthe ehtcentre fspirit. o ssenof era‘cosmic wa s’ rtransition ehconsciousness’ tom eht snepO-.tanestate cseloof dahighest ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens -sruling nmother’s art eeverything vitagawareness en sraewithin lc ylof lait. cthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla order,the king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg The crown chakra is the seat of enlightenment, the centre and source of consciousness itself and is beyond reason, accessed by tranquillity of mind and achieved by withdrawing of the senses, such as with meditation. When we merge with the Infinite, we are in a state of enlightenment. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 37 The enlightened being brings spiritual awareness (wisdom) into the marketplace and practices active spirituality. Essence EssenceBlends Blends The highest spiritual act is that of service to humanity, the plant or animal kingdom or to the planet. Here spirituality is grounded and serves the Light. It is at this chakra that the consciousness of wanting to serve humanity resides. A soul that has fulfilled its life purpose knows at a deeply intuitive level the time for its departure into the next dimension. It is a seventh chakra awareness that the soul is ready to pass into the higher dimensions of Spirit, even though that ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING consciousness ABUN-DANCE might not be present everyday awareness. Many souls that have had a ‘near death experience’ tell – JOYinINthe RECEIVING Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Kamala, Silver Verbena, White Wandering of leaving Ajuga, via theCassia, top of the head andLantana, being drawn to the light.Red Enlightened beingsWattle, are known to have a prior knowledge Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew of when they will die; e.g. Meher Baba, an Indian guru who was alive last century. He announced to his followers the future dateOpens on Jew which he would die, even though he was in good health. He fulfilled his own prophecy and died on cue. the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Mind-Body Connection Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. Physical - relates to the of the head own region at the top of the cranium.and It equates the fontanel region being thecrown magician in one’s life.located Supports successful networking win-winwith relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE where the cranial plates all meet. The left-brain, the nervous system, the right eye and the pineal gland also come under BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE the governorship this centre. Acacia, of Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris EmotionalSupports - relatesthe to mother’s the feeling of mergence a higher reverence, mystery of life, religious and confidence in herwith body’s abilitypower, to move through aawe safeand birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s toormove safe birth, and the parents in transcendental states. have a ‘Godability Spot’ region that Helps becomes active when entering into Neuro-scientists the process asidentified a sacred journey to parenting asthrough ainritethe ofabrain passage. smooth entering thethe birthing as states a sacred journey to parenting as a ritespiritual of passage. Helps smooth we attain these states ofinto mystical union. Negative include feelings of confusion, arrogance, separation, baby’s passage into world.process baby’s passage into the world. isolation and alienation and fear of death and the unknown. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN ordered YOUR OWN SKINthe intrinsic high order and Mental - Relates to aLOVE higher orderHORMONES) of thinking, coherent, structured, reflecting Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris coherency of the hierarchical multi-verse,Dandelion, inner peace, sense of connection with allSnail of life andWild easeIris with being in a state Acacia, Black Nightshade, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Vine, Helps you appreciate and itfeel gratitude the night powerofand of your body. you on fine-tuning of ‘no mind.’ When out of balance relates to thefordark thebeauty soul, pessimism andFocuses lack of faith and trust in life. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women Consciousness - The consciousness ofsupports this body. chakra is that of merging with ancestral the All-That-Is in about a statehow of heightened your health byenergetically tuning in to your Assists disconnecting from patterns women “should” be, and healthy balanced functioning of hormones. consciousness.“should” The function of itsenergetically related gland, the pineal gland, was unknown to science for many years until humans be, and supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BALANCE – TURN ON TOofWHOLE BRAIN ENERGY went into BRAIN outer space where the absence light had an effect on the daily biorhythms of the astronauts. The pineal BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY regulates the cyclic rhythms of the body, whether the daily, yearly or life/death cycles. ItPink is atShamrock, the level of thisVine, chakra that Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Snail Blue Mink,‘cellular Cordyline, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, we experience our holographic identity’ in the Freckle ‘body ofFace, life’;Lacebark, that is, weMilkweed, are in everything and everything is in Wild Acacia, Iris Wildthe Irisperfection of our existence in this perfect moment right now. us. We recognise For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal ForInbalancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal Summary: Live theBalances Present Moment functioning. adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function and frombrain the over-effects stress. left-right andservice back-front brain Helps withbrain memory changes asof the brainBalances ages. Active spirituality and to Life, death and dying, letting go and loss moving on - this grouping addresses the fully left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout of childhood, and assists in opening newplatform pathwaysforoffulfilling understanding. matured soul whose depth of understanding the Life Process provides a healthy his or her Life Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Purpose. ItBREAKUP deals with such notions the following: – EASING THE as PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Heart, Cassia, NativetoHibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, • Rising Bleeding above the needs of the Dandelion, self to assistLomandra, others as Macaranga, conscious service humankind. Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena • Understanding that the process of death and dying is simply another transition in the eternal journey of the soul. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. • Recognizing the importance ofgoing letting go and moving on at assists all levels ofrecovering being. Supports you whilethe breakup from relationship breakup. Energetically supports very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak with and helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, • The concept the fear, holographic - that within Helps the one is contained all. to awareness so they blame, of guilt, rejection,universe and abandonment. bring repeatingthe patterns can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. • The Healing of Nature. bePower resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Each of the Spirit of WomanRECOVERY Australian Wild Flower Essences resonates with one or moreAND BABY CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER Acacia, Blackcentres Nightshade, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily of the chakra energy of the Blue body.Mink, This Freckle means Face, that depending on which chakra Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily the essence corresponds to, it will work on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists aspect addressed by bond that centre. Read on now to the aspect which Energetically supports the healing of discover thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. in kindling attachment and a sense of andMind-Body security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Assists each of the beautiful flowers relates to, and how they bring new awareness, informing in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the our uniquely female on how to fulfil the Divine Goddess imperative imprinted baby’sBody-Mind, skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. on our biology.emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY They are perfect for men to use also, as they a male’s CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE enhance GROWING FAMILYunderstanding of the Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Lily, Swampside Lily of his nature, seeminglyCassia, ‘complicated’ female psyche, and resonate Storm with the feminine Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily increasingEnergetically awareness ofassists his softer side. the development of the child’s body, in balancing mind and spirit. Supports transition assists in balancing the development ofwill thenotice child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Each essence described with it's chakra association. You many of fromisEnergetically baby to childalong to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of that the child’s developmental milestones, from baby to to achild to adolescent. mother’s awareness the child’s developmental the essences are related number of chakras. This isthe normal the chakrasof overlap allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps her let goas appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows and helps her let go in their function. You age-appropriate will also see thatrisk-taking, some of the essences relate to appropriately. the new higherEnergetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns.up as humanity increases in consciousness. These chakras that are currently opening chakras do not have physical associations as they are more concerned with expanded thinking and connection to the 'All-That-Is'. In our Spirit of Woman workshop series we cover the 12 chakras fully and the essences associated with Higher Spirituality. For more information go to 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 38 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith EIVING Essence Blends Section 2 Spirit of Woman Australian Wild Flower Essences ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. NG WITH CONFIDENCE ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris nce in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning ur body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, ons of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal enals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. N elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily ling of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the arriage and abortion. HE GROWING FAMILY nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily ng the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- h Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 39 ACACIA Essence Blends Essence Blends KEYWORDS Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ Negative: vulnerability, anxiety, over-influenced, need to isolate ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING oneself, irrational fear, and psychic attack. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silvercomfortable Wattle, Verbena, Whiteand Wandering Positive: sense of safety, feeling with others appropriate Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, connection and trust Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Henry Ward Beecher BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth DESCRIPTION baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE – COMFORTABLE OWN A large bushy shrub or (HAPPY tree withHORMONES) lovely silvery blue foliage, it takesINonYOUR a purple hueSKIN when it grows in the warmer climate, LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN where it isAcacia, not BODY coldBlack enough for the tree to flower. Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Blackafter Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Iris The distinct purple colour, which is named, makes it an andWild arises the new leaf Helps you appreciate and feel itgratitude for the power andattractive beauty ofornamental your body. Focuses youfrom on fine-tuning growth, which appears an aura, or purplish haze surrounding outline ofofthe tree. The haze becomes distinctly you appreciate feel gratitude for the powerthe and beauty your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your Helps health byas tuning in to and your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women brighter and more noticeable in spring as new growth is increasing. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. and energetically supports healthy balanced of hormones. The leavesBRAIN are “should” small andbe, feathery, of numerous dividedfunctioning pinnae at right angles to the leaf stalk, and are BALANCE – TURNcomposed ON TO WHOLE BRAINfinely ENERGY a mealy-blue inBRAIN colour. Although– all wattles feathery,BRAIN bi-pinnate leaves in their infant stage, this variety maintains BALANCE TURN ONhave TO WHOLE ENERGY Bluetheir Mink,adult Cordyline, the infant Acacia, growth into life. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Iris DOCTRINE OFWild SIGNATURES For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal many functions of the and toleaf bring about a sense ofofwholeness and optimal This essence is For not balancing made fromthe the flowers butto rather thebrain, new (baby) growth, which gives off a purplish-mauve colour functioning. Balances the adrenals protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances adrenals protect brain function from the over-effects at the extremities. The hazebrain is the similar to theto aura, or electro-magnetic sheath, which surrounds theBalances human being. left-right andpurple back-front energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes asof thestress. brain ages. brain energies. Helps memory loss and as the braindiscussed. ages. The human is left-right made upand of aback-front bio-electric system overlaid bywith a physical component, as changes we have previously Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. Supportscurrent brain changes assists in opening pathways of understanding. Similar to an electrical the bodythroughout produces childhood, an electricaland field, or bio-field as itnew is termed, known as the aura. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE FUNCTION OF THE AURA THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Wattle, Storm Lily, and The aura Verbena serves a bi-fold purpose: firstly, to protect from incoming energies thatHibiscus, may beSilver harmful or discordant, Verbena secondly, to retain discriminate connection to the world outside of oneself. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup assists with recovering from relationship breakup. supports very physical of and heartbreak and helps process thea feelings grief, When weEnergetically come into proximity with another human being, energetic information is passed betweenofthe two, via the Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear,atrejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can energetic bio-field (aura), a level below conscious awareness. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. If the aura is weakened in some way, then the ability to discriminate the amount of information passing between two be resolved. – HEALING AND STIMULATING FORleading MOTHER AND BABY people willCAESAREAN be limited. RECOVERY Often, information overload can be the result, to feelings of being overwhelmed and CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY over-influenced. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Mink, Freckle Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily in entering our The healthier the aura Black is theNightshade, more areBlue able towounding select theFace, level of influence another person Energetically supports the we healing of the of caesarean birth,that for both mother andhas baby. Assists own bio-field. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to aura beginistriggering energetic systems thatmore are turned oninfluence, during a vaginal birth. Supports the For example, when your weak, youthe may notice that you are open to either positively or negatively, baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. from another person. You may find it harder to say no to them. Or you may notice that you are over-influenced by their emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. thoughts and ideas, rather than standing in your own opinion. This can make you feel vulnerable when you are CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE firm GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING with others, and lead you to prefer being alone because youFAMILY feel safer. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Lantana, weak Milkweed, Pinkthe Shamrock, Storm -Lily, Swamp Lily When the auraCassia, is particularly around head region such can happen when drugs are used to excess Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition discarnate entities can attach themselves to a person, creating mental instability and confusion, leading to schizophrenia in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, and multiple personality disorder. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows when age-appropriate and helps go appropriately. Energetically negative On the other hand, the aura isrisk-taking, not necessarily weakher butletclosed off, it becomes hard to clears connect closelytranswith generational patterns. generational patterns. others. The sense of the need to overprotect oneself closes the aura leading to feelings of isolation and inability to enjoy meaningful and satisfying relationships with others. 138 40 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith This is especially true when heart energy is closed off for fear of being hurt. This effectively puts up a barrier to intimacy, where an open discriminating aura is needed. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Acacia helps to balance the aura, whether it is too open or too closed. SEX AND THE AURA When we make love, we need to open the aura to become one physically. Intimate GN IVIECERsharing NI YOJat– this ECNlevel, AD-Nwhen UBA the aura EIVINGis fully conjoint, leads to deep feelings of love, oneness and togetherness. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering J Sexual abuse atRed an Kamala, early ageSilver can damage the aura’s protective ability and until the abuse wound has beenwehealed, the damage remains, leaving the woman feeling vulnerable sexually. Because a child does not initiate a sexual experience dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO through abuse place, the the mind to the the Universe, the fo sdesire, slimitless enerawher aabundance seaura siaR does .snrof ettnot a p yopen. limaf eWhen sehand t sra elc spirit dntakes a ’htogujoy onand e ton ‘ fochild’s esnes aura eht etis antorn imileopen, spleH leaving .msimitpao hole that can make her feel vulnerable and uncomfortable around her sexuality when she grows up. Usually, sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eithis spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro t gonly nieb when the hole has been mended through her own healing process that she can engage her sexuality fully for enjoyment and wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. E C N E D I F N O C H T I W G N I H T R I B – G N I H T R I B D E S S E L B satisfaction. NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dmany liW ,ylof iL m rotconflicting S ,noilednaemotions D ,kniM euthat lB ,aaccompany gujA ,aicacAchildhood Combining Acacia with Native Hibiscus helps to resolve the ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris sexual abuse, ni stnesuch rap eas ht fear, dna ,anger htrib eand fas afeelings hguorhof t evmisplaced om ot ytilib‘specialness’ a s’ ydob rehand ni econnection. cnedifnoc s’ rThis ehtohelps m eht with stropthe puSsplit sense nce in that her body’s ability birth, it washthateful on the.eone but because that ooms sto p lemove H gthrough assahand, p foaesafe tir atreasured sa gniand tneron athe p the oparents t yother enruoin j dercas aofsathe ssefeelings corp gnof ihtrbelonging ib eht otni and gnirebonding tne ess as acome sacred journey to parenting rite of passage. Helps smooth with the feeling that oneasisaspecial for sharing a secret with a significant adult. .dlrowThis eht bonding otni egassisasullied, p s’ ybabof course, . by the innate sense that something is wrong with the liaison, even though the child is unable to rationalize the moral NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB The outcomeINfor the child is aSKIN deep sense of being divided internally. Healing takes place when, as an adult, she ONES) –issue. COMFORTABLE YOUR OWN rI dliW ,eacknowledging niV lianS ,alamathe K de R ,kcat orm ahSsame kniP time ,noileas dnforgiving aD ,edahherself sthgiN kfor calbeing B ,aicathe cA victim. can reintegrate the partssithrough pain, the ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninwill ut-ehelp nif no uoin y sthe esucfinal oF .ystages dob ruof oy the fo yhealing tuaeb dnprocess a rewopinehreclaiming t rof edutitaher rg llost eef dinnocence na etaicerpas papart uoy of splher eH soul that Cassia her gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning nem ow wshe oh twasn’t uoba snlooking. rettap laWhen rtsecnashe morisf greintegrated nitcennocsid again, stsissA she .ydobwill ruofeel y ot the ni gbeauty ninut ybofhttouch, laeh ruorather y ‘got away’ while than ur body.dissociating Assists disconnecting how .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gnin oabout itcnufto deengage cnwomen alab yinhtcomfortable laeh stroppusintimacy. yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ from it andfrom consequently being unable y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENVELOPE ENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB MOTHER/CHILD BONDING - SHARING THE AURIC TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lioxytocin, anS ,kcorknown mahS kas niPthe ,de‘love ewkliM ,krabecaLis,stimulated ecaF elkcerby F ,ntouch oilednand aD ,promotes enilydroCfeelings ,kniM euoflBdeep ,aicaconnection. cA The hormone hormone,’ Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, s i r I d l i Oxytocin is also the chemical trigger that prompts the bond-attachment process at birth and is the key to W survival for an infant, by lamengendering itpo dna ssendeep elohwfeelings fo esnesinaatumother oba gnitowards rb ot dnaher ,nianewborn. rb eht fo Acacia snoitcnuworks f ynamon ehthe t gnhealthy icnalab inflow roF of this ons of ‘love the brain, and wholeness hormone.’ secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain function the Balances .segatheir niarmother’s b ehfrom t sa sauric egnover-effects ahenvelope, c niarb dnof a stress. ssol yro meduring m htiwthe spleinfant H .seistage grene of niatheir rb tnlives. orf-kcAt abthis dnastage, thgir-tmother fel Babies share particularly and energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. nidone natsrenergetic ednu fo sentity, yawhtaeven p wethough n gninepthey o niseparated stsissa dnaphysically ,doohdlihduring c tuohthe guobirth rht seprocess. gnahc niThis arb sclose troppconnection, uS baby are still ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. which kindles a deep, mutual love response, enables vital information to be N passed the IAP EHTbetween GNISAEthe – Ptwo, UKAEensuring RB N baby’s survival and protection at this very vulnerable stage of life. ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV A well-bonded baby grows up Hibiscus, to be a confident adult. .puof kaebonding, rb pihsnowhich italer aoccurs morf gwithin nirevotwo cer htotiwsixsthours sissa dafter na pubirth kaerbprovided a hguormother ht gniogand elihw uoyare stronot ppuseparated, S The process baby ugh a breakup ,fedevelopment iassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef of ehat shealthy secofrom rp sand palerelationship hwell-functioning dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh digestive fo sgnileesystem f lacisyhinp the yrevbaby, eht stin ropaddition pus yllacto itesetting grenE the tone supports and the physical feelings helps grief, nac yofehheartbreak t os sbaby’s seneraand w ao t snreprocess ttap ithe taerest pfeelings er of gntheir irbofsplives. leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb of the mother and relationship forgnthe nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb Here is an excerpt from my book The Essence of Woman that describe the importance of the early relationship between YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC mother and infant: EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY iL m rotS ,immediately sucsibiH evitafollowing N ,anatnbirth aL ,ecgrants aF elkthe cerFnewborn ,kniM eurelief lB ,edfrom ahsthexistential giN kcalBfear ,aicaand cA confirms “Touching and caressingylan infant e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily her birthright to experience pleasure throughout her life. It also enables the mother and child to engage in a stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenEsuccessful ling of feeding the wounding relationship.” eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht swho tropphave uS .hbeen trib laseparated nigav a gnat irubirth, d no ddue enrutot eany ra tanumber ht smethe tsof ys circumstances, citegrene eht gnneed ireggto irt be nigtouched eb ot nikat s severy ’ ybab available “Babies g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the . n o i t r o b a d n a e g a i r r a c s i m f o s t c e f f e r e t f a l a n o e baby’s moment, preferably with skin-to-skin contact as in feeding, with mother’s whole breast area availableito tomthe arriage and abortion. minimally covered skin. Every bath that the baby has is an Yopportunity massage LIMAF GNIto WO RG EHTand STRrub OPPher US limbs – DOand OHDtrunk, LIHC soothing, HE GROWING FAMILY stroking and establishing a loving connection. In that way, any separation pattern initiated at the birth can be healed yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC at this early Touch Lily is the language of babies. As they develop more control over their senses, other means of nk Shamrock, Stormstage. Lily, Swamp noitisnart ssuch troppas uSsight .tiripsbecome dna dnias m ,important.” ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE communication ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf WHEN DO THEIR AURAS SEPARATE? ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and her let appropriately. Energetically .snretthat tap lbaby anoitawill renemiss g out on Thishelps essence cangohelp with feelings of sadness clears about negative having totransgo back to work and feeling ‘Mummy love’, as a consequence. It can assist a mother in timing her return to work to coincide with her intuitive sense of when the baby is ready for separation. Another excerpt from my first book describes how important a mother’s actual presence is in the months following birth: h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 41 “As the baby begins to focus her eyes and ‘see,’ the most important and reassuring vision is that of her mother’s face. In fact, what the baby needs is not only to see the face, but to see the face adoring her. Babies need total adoration and acceptance at this stage of being. According to developmental research, a baby can discern at a very early age if her mother is smiling at her. The one genetically encoded, visual circuit in the baby at birth is the ability to recognise and respond to a human face at a distance of 15 to 30 centimetres. This indicates how important it is for the baby to connect visually with the mother. The reason that the baby needs a reassuring smile is to validate her own existence. She does ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING this through theABUN-DANCE mother/primary carer. the consciousness of the infant, there is no separation between herself and – JOY INWithin RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, White Wandering her mother. Clinical studies in developmental psychology demonstrate that Silver babiesWattle, up to Verbena, about nine months believe they Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew are one and the same entity as the mother. So whenever the baby recognises that mother is not present, she perceives Jew that a partOpens of herself is missing. Although physical cord has been mother andspirit baby still one the heart to gratitude, thethe mind to the umbilical limitless abundance of thesevered, Universe, and the to are joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and energetically. optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the average, magician own networking win-win relationships. At nine months, on the one’s baby begins toSupports walk. Thissuccessful is a powerful signifierand of the fact that the baby has developed being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. sufficientlyBLESSED to beginBIRTHING the process of separation her mother. It is also when many mothers begin to think about – BIRTHING WITHfrom CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE weaning their babies because Mums don’t like being bitten. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia,teeth Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily,she Wild Irisbegin to take in solid food. And the intake of solid Baby has developed - another signifier. Supports the mother’s confidence inThis her means body’s that ability tocan move through a safe birth, and the parents in food is a signal thatinto thethe baby is in the process both energetically from mother. Supports the mother’s confidence inseparating, her body’s ability to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and her the parents in entering birthing process as aofsacred journey to parenting aand rite functionally, ofa passage. smooth entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. One Foot in Heaven, One Foot on Earth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPYfontanel HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN It is interesting that the baby’s is still open during this stage of being energetically merged with the mother. The BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN cranial bones at the crown of the head still have Pink a gap that appears the baby’s Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Shamrock, Red as Kamala, Snail ‘soft Vine,spot.’ Wild Many Iris cultures, particularly indigenous ones, recognise this gap Dandelion, means that Pink the baby is still receiving formative ‘energy Acacia, Black that Nightshade, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wildfrom Iris Heaven.’ She has Helps you appreciate and feel with gratitude for the and beauty your Focuses you on fine-tuning not yet fully established her connection the Earth. In power other words, she isofnot yetbody. independently generating her own Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women energy. She and her mother share the same ‘energetic envelope,’ i.e. they are both encapsulated by the mother’s lifeyour be, health tuning in to your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” andby healthy functioning of that hormones. force bio-field (aura). She isenergetically still drawing supports life energy from her mother from within envelope. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TOofWHOLE BRAIN ENERGYby the physical umbilicus. After birth, although the Up until the birth, theBALANCE interconnectedness bothWHOLE was represented BRAIN – TURN ON TO BRAIN ENERGY physical connection been severed,Dandelion, the energetic connection remains.Milkweed, ‘Info-energy,’ so criticalSnail for the newborn Acacia, Bluehas Mink, Cordyline, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Face, Lacebark,byMilkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris baby’s survival, is streaming between the twoDandelion, constantly. Freckle This is the connection which baby and mother communicate. Wild Irisher needs met, and her mother has to know how best to serve these needs.” The baby For has balancing to have the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances When you are a and mother, you arebrain never really alone inwith your thoughts. are connected childBalances and functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of left-right back-front Helps memory lossYou and brain changestoasyour thestress. brain all left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. who touch their lives. A mother always has to think twice: once for herself and once for her child. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Sophia Loren BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, THE BENEFITS OF GOOD MOTHERING Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Good mothering supports a healthy digestive system and strong aura. When babies are well nurtured, particularly in Verbena Supports while healthy going through breakup assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. later infancy, they developyou a strong sense ofaself, whichand is the foundation for a sense of self-worth and self-esteem Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, in life. When babies experience a lack the of adequate nurturing in the earliest daysand of life, or process they have tofeelings share it of with another Energetically supports very physical feelings of heartbreak helps the guilt, fear, rejection, and sense abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theygrief, can sibling withblame, similar age-related needs, their of worth can suffer. This weakens their digestive system function, reducing blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. their energy-producing capacity, depleting vital energy and leading to a weak aura (bio-field). be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY This essence helps with feelings of vulnerability that arise from having a damaged aura. On the BABY physical level, the essence CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink, digestive Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Lily in turn, strengthens the works by regulating qi (vital energy) byBlue assisting function. This supports ‘upright Storm qi,’ which Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily vital bio-field (aura). It also builds immunity. Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supportsofthe of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, for treatment both mother and baby. Assists kindling bond attachment and a sense of andmiddle security in theIt baby. Energetically stimulates theincluding It assists ininproblems with weakness thehealing spine, specifically the back. aids the of prolapse, in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates skin tohelps beginwith triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the bowel andbaby’s vaginal, and haemorrhoids. baby’s skin to begin triggering theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage abortion. SARAH emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Sarah is 30. She is tall in stature and although sheGROWING has close family ties, she does not rely on them for her social interaction. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp She has a fraternal twin, who is taller, has a large frame and is much moreLily robust than Sarah. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically in balancing thefine development the child’s body, and spirit. transition Sarah is fine boned andassists sensitive looking with veins at heroftemples, having themind appearance of aSupports wispy, ethereal-looking Energetically assists in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, angel. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transShe is qualified as a teacher. She took paid leave from sheappropriately. felt that she needed a break, as things seemed to allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andwork helpsbecause her let go Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. be getting to her. generational patterns. Essence EssenceBlends Blends She said that she right now doesn’t like going out because she feels overwhelmingly that people ‘get into her head’. She feels that others overly influence her and she can’t seem to put up a discriminating barrier to keep them safely at arm’s length. 138 42 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith One of her staff colleagues rings her all the time to tell her how bad her life is. Sarah said that she feels she doesn’t seem to have the strength to tell her that she’s not interested at the moment. She said she has enough on her own plate to contend with, without picking up someone else’s burden. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE She sometimes has had the thought that she is being stalked. Although she can rationalise it as fanciful, the thought persists, leaving her feeling vulnerable. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGShe says that she mostly feels her vulnerability in the region of her head. She sometimes feels it so acutely that she needs gnia reprotective dnaW etihW ,anebwhenever reV ,elttaWshe revgoes liS ,alout. amaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA to wear helmet ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Her aura is so weak that she does not feel safe and secure around people. She has a constant feeling of being dna yoto j oothers t tirips ewhims, ht dna wants ,esreviand nU emotivations. ht fo ecnadnShe uba feels sseltim il eshe ht otcan’t dnimsay eht‘no.’ ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO vulnerable that the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo body physically sharing sense Sarah’s of ‘not enough’ Raises ofppwomb-space .and spihsclears nodeveloped italethese r niw-family nwhen iw dnpatterns. ashe gnwas ikrow ten luawareness fsher seccmother’s us stro uS .efil nwo s’with eno anibigger, naicigastronger m eht gnand ieb probably more active sibling. In such close proximity, the two were streaming energy and information to one another as they wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. E C N E D I F N O C H T I W G N I H T R I B – G N I H T R I B D E S S E L B shared the same blood, nutrients and air via the placenta. At a soul level, they will have decided from, very early on, NG WITH CONFIDENCE how they would accommodate one another. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Sarah’s whole ni stnerMind-Body ap eht dna has ,htribdeveloped efas a hguon orhthe t evpremise om ot ytiof libasharing s’ ydobenergy reh ni ewith cnedanother ifnoc s’ rbeing. ehtom eInhther strodevelopmental ppuS nce in phase, her body’s ability birth, the shehtwas one oomthe s sto pweaker lemove H .egthrough assawho p foagrew esafe tir afine sa gbones niand tneraand p oparents thad yenless ruoinjof dean rcaintake s a sa of ssevital corpoxygen gnihtriand b ehblood t otni gtoniaccommodate retne ess as aher sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth bigger sibling. .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Her vital functions were underdeveloped, compared toI her that NIKS NW O RUOY N ELBsister, ATROFbecause MOC – she )SENhad OMto ROcompete H YPPAHfor ( Ethe VOLnourishment YDOB ONES) –fed COMFORTABLE IN YOUR her growth in the uterus.OWN So as SKIN an adult, she is used to exchanging energy with another being, because she did so sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA allPink through her gestation in theSnail womb. ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Sarah’s crisis inwconfidence be inotwo gratitude for the nepower mo wand oh tbeauty uoba can snofreyour ttapaddressed lbody. artsecFocuses na m rf you gnways: itcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.•Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how enomroh foherself gninoito tcnstrengthen uf decnwomen alabher yhvital tlaehqi. stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ Physically, by focusing on.snourishing y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB • Psychically, by strengthening her aura. TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV liaction anS ,kcof orm ahS kniP ,her deew kliM ,krafunction becaL ,ecand aF eincreasing lkcerF ,noileher dnavital D ,enenergy ilydroCwill ,knautomatically iM eulB ,aicacAstrengthen The remedial improving digestive Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW her aura or bio-field. lamAcacia itpo dnto a sassist senelowith hw fstrengthening o esnes a tuobher a gnaura. irb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF I gave Sarah ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf week later, more enals toAprotect brain function over-effects Balances .segashe niareported rb ehfrom t sathat sthe egnshe ahcwas niarfeeling b dnofa stress. ssmuch ol yro mem hconfident tiw spleH in .segoing igreneout niaand rb tnfacing orf-kcathe b dnworld. a thgirShe -tfel said that she was finding it much easier to keep her colleague at arm’s length when she was simply dumping negative energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS energy on Sarah. and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. ghout childhood, NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB She also said that she feels more accepting of her own sensitivity and wants to find a way to use it, rather than be N liLShe mrosaid tS ,elthat ttaWshe revlhas iS ,sdecided ucsibiH eto vita N ,aout gnacompany racaM ,ard namisomore L ,noilsuited ednaDto,aher issaC ,traeH gand nidewill elB consider afflicted by,yit. seek that sensitivity elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, a n e b r eV This way, seeking a job or career path that utilises her easy psychic connection with others, such as in the healing field. it works to.pher ukaadvantage. erb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and assists , f e i r g fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE SUMMARY physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. bring repeating patterns to awareness so pick they up canon the thoughts, feelings and energy In summary,Helps this essence is for sensitive people who easily Their .devlosof erothers. eb sensitivity is due to a deficiency in their vital energy, arising from a hypo-function of the digestive system. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGInAND STIMULATING BABY(protective energy) comes from the power of the digestive system. This energetic medicine,FOR the MOTHER strength ofAND the aura yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA complex is the big ‘transformer’ that changes e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Stormfood Lily into useable energy for the body to use in a variety of ways, including stsissnourishing, A .ybab dnaactivating rehtom hto b romaintaining. f ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE protection, and ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni It also delivers thesecurity energyinthat drives the brain, thestimulates largest consumer of energy in the body, and gives strength and nd a sense of safety and the baby. Energetically eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab coherency to thoughts. g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageAand abortion. weak digestive function results in unclear, indecisive thoughts and This YLIMAF GNIWaOweakened RG EHT STaura ROPP(or US –protective DOOHDcapacity). LIHC leads to feelings of vulnerability around others and being open to their influence. The overall sense then, is lack of HE GROWING FAMILY y l i L p m a w S , y l i L m r o t S , k c o r m a h S k n i P , d e e w k l i M , a n a t n a L , a i s s a C confidence and a tendency to isolate oneself. nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noiuse tisnafor rt stthe roppessence uS .tiripsisdto na assist dnim ,in ydomother-child b s’dlihc eht bonding fo tnemposo levthat ed eh t gnicna-lathe b nimost stsisscritical a yllacitway egrentoE establish Another feeding ng the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition , s e n o t s e l i m l a t n e m p o l e v e d s ’ d l i h c e h t f o s s e n e r a w a s ’ r e h t o m e h t s n e p O . t n e c s e l o d a o t d l i h c o t y b a b morfresponses strong emotional bonds in early infancy - comes easily. The whole process of breastfeeding triggers certain ent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, s n a r t e v i t a g e n s r a e l c y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y l e t a i r p o r p p a o g t e l r e h s p l e h d n a , g n i k a t k s i r e t a i r p o r p p a e g a olla beings in the infant that are critical for establishing a strong digestive function and for bond-attachment to othersw human king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r e nein g intimate into adult life. Good bonding with the mother enables the infant, later on as an adult, to maintain ease h relationships and to support a strong sense. Acacia works well with Black Nightshade, for mother and baby, to assist with breast-feeding difficulties. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 43 It works on the Stomach, Heart and Kidney meridians, supporting the ability to nurture, trust and accept the self. Acacia resonates to Chakras 2 and 3. Essence EssenceBlends Blends YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING • For feelings of vulnerability. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering • For separation anxiety. Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew conflict. • For mother-child Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and • For fearoptimism. of intimacy. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingattack. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. • For psychic being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE • For entity attachment. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth • Brings a sense of calm and confidence. baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN • Encourages BODY inner strength and self-esteem. LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris • Promotes mother-child bonding. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning • Enhances the mother-child relationship. Helps you appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be,connection. and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. • Enhances intimate “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY • Clears the aura of entity –attachments. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Mink,inCordyline, • Brings aAcacia, feelingBlue of safety crowds. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 44 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS AJUGA Ajuga australis GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA Negative: feels under duress, insecure, indecisive, having bizarre thoughts or gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW feelings revliS ,alof ambeing aK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA possessed ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Positive: feels protected, trusting, promotes discern-ment, feels capable and safe. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo To those serve us as angels, sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuSwho spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb in heaven and upon earth. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNED IFNfor OCyour HTIW GNdedication, IHTRIB – GN IHTservice. RIB DESSELB Thank you love, and NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dlPlease iW ,yliLcontinue mrotS ,notoilehave dnaDpatience ,kniM euwith lB ,aus, gujA ,aicacA while we learn how to accept your gifts with gratitude and grace. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas aDoreen sa ssecVirt orue p gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKmint S NW O RULabiatae, OY NI ELBhas ATRsoft, OFMfurry, OC –dark )SEN OMRand OH Y PPAHstems. ( EVOLThe YDO B This little plant, which belongs to the family, leaves fleshy flowers grow ONES) –inCOMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN tiers up the erect stem. sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine,a Wild Iris The gflowers are purple and with ninut-enif no uoy sesucshaped oF .ydoblike ruoy ftiny o ytwhite uaeb dangel na rew op earms ht rooutstretched f edutitarg leeand f dnawearing etaicerpaplong a uoyflowing spleH gown. It has for thethe appearance form gratitude you nepower mow wand ohoftbeauty uaotiny ba sface nofreyour ttawith p lbody. aartspurple ecFocuses na mdot orf on gnithe tcon enforehead nfine-tuning ocsid stsin issthe A .yregion dob ruoofy the ot nthird i gnineye. ut ybThe htlaupper eh ruopetals y wings while the lower petal forms a cup shape, over which the angel figurine is standing. It seems to form a ur body.unfolded Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnalab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ safety net tobalanced catch anyone who falls from grace through fear or lack of trust. y supports healthy functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAINisENERGY This essence for asking for protection from the angels and for calling up our angels, to be present in our everyday lives. ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, LIFE Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, ANGELS IN OUR sirI dliW EIVING Angels arelalike mitpenergies o dna ssfrom enelohigher hw fo edimensional snes a tuobarealities gnirb otthat dnaprotect ,niarb eand ht foassist snoitus cnutof yresolve nam ehdilemmas t gnicnalabinroour F lives. ons of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal cndevas, alaB .sdirect serts fothe stcenergies effe-revoofehthe t mPlant orf noKingdom. itcnuf niarThey b tcetare orpknown ot slanas erdthe a earchitects ht secnalaof B .form gninoand itcnuensure f Angels also,seas that enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a t h g i r t f e l each individual plant reaches its highest potential. As we read in Chapter 1, Rudolf Steiner identified the Elementals, the energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. n i d n a t s r e d n u f o s y a w h t a p w e n g n i n e p o n i s t s i s s a d n a , d o o h d l i h c t u o h g u o r h t s e g n a h c n i a r b s t r o p p u S spirit beings of earth, air, fire and water, as the builders of form in the natural world, whose work is overseen by the Devas. ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N Every grass ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliblade S ,sucsof ibiH evitahas N ,aitsgnangel aracathat M ,abends rdnamoover L ,noitileand dnawhispers D ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB grow.” elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle,“Grow, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw sThe tsissTalmud a dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb Angels are described as messengers of God, or if you prefer, nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theythe canCreator. As far back as the sixteenth .devloscentury, er eb Angels have been recognized and acknowledged by many people. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, a German YBAB DNA EHTO ROF in GN ITALUhe MIstated: TS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC doctor and philosopher, published aR book inM1531 which EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY liL m rotthat S ,suthrough csibiH evgood itaN ,work, anatnaaL pure ,ecaFspirit, elkcemystical rF ,kniM orations, eulB ,edapious hsthgiN kcalB ,aicacAand other “No-one is unaware of ythe fact mortifications, e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily similar sthings, can through tsissA .ywe bab dndraw a rehtAngels om htobfrom rof ,heaven. htrib naeWe rasemust ac fonot gnidoubt dnuowthat eht similarly, fo gnilaeh eht stromaterial ppus yllaand citegworldly renE things, ling of we the can wounding also or act eht sattract eof talucaesarean mdivinities its yllacitbirth, eof grethe nfor E world, .yboth bab emother ht at ni least ytiand ructheir esbaby. dnaccompanying a Assists ytefas fo esnespirits s a dnawho tnem hcas attatheir dnoagents.” b gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety ht are stropintelligent pand uS .hsecurity tribbeings, laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically nofeelings, denrut erstimulates a tabelonging ht smethe tsysto citaegdifferent rene eht Kingdom gnireggirt -nthey igeb have ot niktheir s s’ ybexistence ab Angels of on g the energetic systems that are turnedcapable on during a vaginal yet birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome a higher, finer, vibrational frequency from the one to which our physical senses are tuned. For that reason, we cannot arriage and abortion. LIMA F Gour NIWsubtle ORG Eenergy HT STRsenses OPPUSor–our DO‘extra-senses.’ OHDLIHC physically ‘sense’ them using our physical senses, but we Ycan with HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC ANGELS ORDER THE UNIVERSE nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitithey snartcan stroperceive ppuS .tirius ps -dn a drealities nim ,ydointerpenetrate b s’dlihc eht foone tnem poleved- with eht gtheir nicnareality lab niencompassing stsissa yllacitegand renEenfolding However, our another ng the ours. development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla As described in go theappropriately. book, Ask Your Angels, byclears Daniel, Willietransand Ramer, the word angel is a generic name for the king, and helps her let Energetically negative .snrettap lanoitareneg collective group of beings whose role it is to organise the structure harmoniously of the universe - and the multi-verse (universes within universes, beyond our own). They can be likened to the organisational intelligence of the living world/s and their work is to be seen in the far-flung reaches of Creation, as well as in the ‘home paddock’ of our own planet and all life forms that inhabit her. htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 45 h There are angels that oversee the Animal, Mineral and Plant Kingdoms, as well as the Human Kingdom. Among these are our closest companions - our guardian angels - along with others who watch over virtually every aspect of human activity. Essence EssenceBlends Blends It’s not your imagination. Angels are with humanity now, more than ever, or more truly expressed, humanity has recently become more aware of their presence in everyday life. Increasing numbers of people are reporting encounters with these ABUN-DANCE – JOYencounters, IN RECEIVING heavenly beings and, in these angels deliver timely messages, healing remedies and lifesaving measures. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Why is there such increased awareness of these expressions of coherent and perfect energy resonance? Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pinkexquisite Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Partly it is because of the increased spirituality brought about by more and more people seeking to live their lives to the best ofOpens theirJew ability, causing an increase in the vibrational frequency of the planet and her inhabitants. As humans the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and increase their collective individual theyenough’ to tune higher frequencies of thetoAngelic OpensHelps theand heart to gratitude, toare themore limitless abundance of the thepatterns. Universe, and the spirit joy and optimism. eliminate thefrequency, sensetheofmind ‘not andable clears theseinto family Raises awareness of Kingdom. beingoptimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. The other BLESSED reason is BIRTHING that as the–planetary vibration increases, it attracts more beings that inhabit the higher frequencies. BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE HEALING Acacia, POWERAjuga, OF THE REALM Storm Lily, Wild Iris BlueANGELIC Mink, Dandelion, Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris The angelsSupports are herethe to mother’s teach us that, as we gain energetic integrity in our own lives, we and can expect answers confidence in hermore body’s ability to move through a safe birth, the parents in to the Supports thethat mother’s confidence in her body’s ability tous. move through safe birth,Helps and the parents in questions entering and challenges haveprocess previously and distressed As as we topassage. a higher awareness, the angels into the birthing as ahaunted sacred journey to parenting amove rite ofa smooth thethe birthing a sacred journey healers to parenting as a ritework of passage. move in tobaby’s helpentering us healinto from effects of They are powerful and we can through Helps them smooth by invoking passage into the world.process passage into world. up our healing efforts. The more we invite the angels into our lives, the their presence baby’s in our everyday lives,thespeeding BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN more readily our livesLOVE reflect(HAPPY the splendour of heaven. BODY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Your Angels are alwaysBlack with Nightshade, you in your everyday lifePink to make it easier you. AllSnail youVine, have Wild to doIrisis become aware of Acacia, Dandelion, Shamrock, Redfor Kamala, youthem appreciate andare feelingratitude forwill thefind power beauty ofinyour youordinary on fine-tuning them, andHelps call on when you need. You thatand help comes thebody. most Focuses seemingly ways, and Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning health by and tuning in tothat your body. Assists ancestral howyou women smoothes your out all bumps lumps normally woulddisconnecting make the dayfrom a difficult one.patterns Having about such ready access to divine your be, health tuning in to your body. Assistsbalanced patterns about “should” andby energetically supports healthy functioning of help like this provides one with a warm and secure feeling indisconnecting one’s life. Wefrom can ancestral askhormones. for help for even the how mostwomen seemingly “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. minor things, such as clearing the roadway easy travelling, granting good weather, getting that job that we wanted, BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO for WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE ONour TOrelationships WHOLE BRAIN protecting the car when we park–it,TURN healing andENERGY so on. Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Dandelion, Freckle Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine,you Like everyone haveMink, one Cordyline, or more guardian angels with Face, you from the time of your birth until you die. When Wildelse, Iris youBlue use Ajuga youWild call Iris in your Guardian Angels to help to make your life flow smoothly. For example, the angels always For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal find a parking For spotbalancing for me, even at thefunctions most crowded thethe many of the shopping brain, andcentre. to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects CALLING left-right IN THE ANGELS and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. brain requiring changes throughout childhood, and assists in pathways of understanding. When we Supports haveSupports an issue a decision we often agonise over theopening way to new proceed, becoming at the mental brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways ofstuck understanding. level and unable to –move either way. Ancient Wisdom holds that when our life is flowing well, we never have to take a BREAKUP EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THEbefore PAIN us. We only need to follow our heart and path of least resistance to know decision because the direction is there Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, which wayVerbena to go. Quite Heart, often, Cassia, following our heart Lomandra, is the furthest thing thatNative we think of doing when we are faced Bleeding Dandelion, Macaranga, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily,with a difficult decision. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. This is when our angelssupports can while be athewonderful help.afeelings Supports you going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, and abandonment. Helps can We just need to follow a fewrejection, steps to help the angels to help us:bring repeating patterns to awareness so they blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. Ask: Angels cannot intervene in our lives without permission based on the Natural Law of Free Will. This means that if be resolved. CAESAREAN – HEALING ANDorSTIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY we want help, we must RECOVERY ask the angels to intervene assist us with something. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink, Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The only exception to asking is whenBlue we are in aFreckle life-threatening situation, and under Greater Purpose it is not our time Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily to go yet. Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and sense andhelp, security thewill baby. stimulates theare By taking the flower essence Ajuga, you area asking for angelic andinyou feel a strong sense that they there in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the waiting and willing to help you when you take this essence. baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. You will find that Ajuga will encourage to take certain steps to assist the Angelic Kingdom to help you resolve any emotional after-effects of you miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY dilemma that is troubling you. Ajuga will help you to: CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Lantana, Milkweed, Storm Lily to be helped! Holding on for grim life to SurrenderCassia, the problem: Before youPink canShamrock, be helped, you Lily, mustSwamp be willing Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily finding a solution to a problem simultaneously asking of forthe help is a bit likemind sending a lettertransition - you have to Energetically assists in while balancing the development child’s body, andsomeone spirit. Supports Energetically in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition let go of the envelope putassists it in the mailbox. from baby to to child to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transTo be open to allows receive, we must first letrisk-taking, go of the situation to resolveEnergetically it. and helpsand herall letattempts go appropriately. clears negative transgenerationalage-appropriate patterns. generational Trust the process: The nextpatterns. step is to put our faith into help being granted in whichever way it comes. There are many more solutions to whatever situation you may be wrestling with in the realm of creation than you have ever dreamed of - you just need to let the creativity in. The human mind is limited, especially when attempting to resolve a situation of its own making. 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 46 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Follow the directions you receive: You will receive guidance in any number of ways: a voice in your head, a dream, a vision, knowing or an intuition. You may even hear the solution from someone else’s lips, even though the person is not consciously focusing on your situation. Your Guidance may direct you to take some action or steps to resolve the dilemma, such as calling someone, visiting an old friend, or seeking help from a Natural Health practitioner. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE ANGELIC AJUGA GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGAjuga opens you to going through this ‘surrendering’ process when solving a dilemma in your life. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Ajuga helps you to Kamala, feel safeSilver in your ownVerbena, skin. By White invoking the angels, you can feel protected from negative ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Wattle, Wandering weJ psychic energy being directed your way, heavy vibes that you sense in an unfamiliar environment, or the stress that accompanies dna ycentres oj ot tirip eht dnaof,ecommerce srevinU ehtwhere fo ecnthere adnubisa assdistinct eltimil epull ht oton dnyou im eto ht buy, ,edutbuy, itargbuy. ot traeh eht snepO shopping ofs places the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo you to .and whatever retain your sense Itofassists ‘not enough’ Raises ofpyourself sapply pihsclears nodiscrimination italethese r niw-family niw in dnpatterns. a gnikrow tsituation en luawareness fssecyou cus find stro puS .efilin, nwso o sthat ’enoyou ni na icigam eht own gniebresonance rather than being pulled unwillingly into that of other people. It combines well with Acacia for this purpose. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB Ajuga also helps in warding off entity attachments that attempt to direct one’s life to their bidding. When the mind is NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dabuse liW ,yliL(aggressive mrotS ,noilpathogen ednaD ,knienergy), M eulB ,adiscarnate gujA ,aicacentities A weak or indecisive, or affected negatively by heavy drug can ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris seize thenopportunity onboard who i stnerap ehtto dnclimb a ,htrib efas a hand guorfreeload. ht evom oDiscarnate t ytiliba s’ ydenergies ob reh ni are, ecnefor difnthe oc smost ’ rehtopart, m ehhuman t stroppubeings S nce in have her body’s through diedhbut not passed over thegnnether tability oom s sto plemove H .eg assaand p foaexist esafe tir ainbirth, sa iand tnerathe prealm oparents t yenbetween ruoinj dercthe as dimensions, a sa ssecorp neither gnihtribinehthird t otndimensional i gniretne reality ess as anor sacred journey to parenting a rite ofallpassage. Helps smooth returned to the light fromas whence souls originate. Traditional religions refer ofb existence .dlrowtoehthis t otnebulous ni egassapstate s’ yba . as Purgatory. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –The COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN reason these souls do not passSKIN into the light is that they are tormented, having usually died in a state of great fear, sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA morphing themselves into a vortex contracted ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, SnailofVine, Wild Irisnegative energy on leaving the physical body. They still possess wilful gninutand -enifare no useen oy seby sucthose oF .ydwith ob rupsychic oy fo ytu aeb dto naglide rewoparound eht rofthe edufringes titarg leof ef life dnaon etaearth, icerppalooking uoy splfor eH a vehicle emotions ability gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning emow woh tumental oba snrbody) ettap lto arttake secnacontrol morf gover. nitcenThey nocsare id stoften sissA .found ydob ru y ot ni gwhere ninut ythere b htlaiseha rlow uoy vibration (a personnwith a weak inoplaces ur, Assists such disconnecting from .ancestral women seand nomstreet rohpatterns focorners, gninoabout itcbut nufhow decnoften alab inhabit yhtlaeh places stroppuwhere s yllacmany itegrenpeople e dna ,have eb ”ddied luohin s“ torturous as rough taverns can y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. or sad circumstances; for example, killing fields where war YGRthousands ENE NIARBdied ELOin HW OTatrocities. NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Port Arthur although there has ,eniis V lan ianexample S ,kcormaofhSsuch kniP a,dplace, eewkliM ,krabeca L ,eca F ebeen lkcerFmuch ,noiledwork naD done ,enilydby roa C number ,kniM euof lB aware ,aicacAhealers to Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Shamrock, Snail Vine, took place there considering it wassirsuch cleanse the energy of the place. It is noPink accident that the shooting I dliWa place of desperation for so many convicts who lived and died there in horrendous conditions so many years before. The energy lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF desperation drew MartinofBryant, who previously had a history of mental weakness, like a magnet. ons of of thedeath brain,and and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-revo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals toAjuga protect brain Balances protects those light .segafunction niarb ewho hfrom t saare sthe egover-sensitive nover-effects ahc niarb dnofto a stress. snegative sol yro meinfluence m htiw spby leHsurrounding .seigrene niathe rb taura norf-kwith cab adnhigh-frequency a thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. energy. nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. This beautiful essence works on the Heart and Lung meridians. In Traditional NIChinese AP EHT GMedicine NISAE – Pthe UKALung ERB governs N the exterior, including the skin. One of its main functions is to protect the body from harmful energy, either ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideefrom lB environmental pathogens or psychic invasion. This essence strengthens the Lung and Heart functionaof and blood elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, nebqireV circulation in the upper body. .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS PROTECTION ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rgMEDITATION fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process ac yeplace ht os sfor senyourself erawa otsomewhere snrettap gnin ithe taeyour pfeelings er gliving nirbofsspace. pgrief, leH .tnAllow emnoat dnleast aba dhalf na ,an noihour. tcejer Close ,raef ,tlthe iug door ,emalso b that you Find a nquiet nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can . d e v l o s e r e b are not disturbed and temporarily disconnect the phone. Make sure that the chair that you are sitting in is comfortable, that your back is straight and toILrest YBAByour DNfeet A REare HTOflat M on ROthe F Gfloor. NITALUse UMITaScushion DNA GN AEHyour – YRfeet EVOon CEifR necessary. NAERASEAC EALINGIt AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY is better if the room isysemi-darkened. liL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Close your eyes and become stsissA .ybab dna rehtomaware htob rof of your ,htribbreathing. naeraseacFeel fo gyour nidnuchest ow ehrising t fo gnand ilaehfalling eht stas ropthe pusbreath yllacitemoves grenE easily in ling of and the wounding for out of to ehtyour seof tabody. lucaesarean mits With yllacieach tbirth, egrenbreath, E .yboth baballow emother ht niyourself ytiand rucesbaby. dnbecome a Assists ytefas fmore o esneand s a more dna tnrelaxed. emhcattaBreathing dnob gniin ldnand ik nibreathing nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the out, ebreathing in and breathing out, feel your body becoming heavier and heavier as you sink into a deep ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab state of g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports relaxation. .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. Take your attention to the centre of your forehead just above YLIMAFand GNIbetween WORG Eyour HT STeyebrows. ROPPUS –Imagine DOOHDorLIHsee, C in your HE GROWING FAMILY mind’s eye, a blank screen appear at your point of focus. Become conscious of your breath again and link back to the yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC screen at the level of your Lily forehead. Imagine that with each breath the screen begins to expand and contract, expanding nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp itisnart stroand ppuScontracting .tirips dna on dnim ob s’dlihcAllow eht foittntoemgradually poleved eexpand ht gnicnand alabcontract ni stsissafor yllafour citegor renfive E breaths on theno out-breath the,yd in-breath. ng the until development transition ,senthe otsout-breath, elof im the latnchild’s empthe olebody, ved smind ’dfills lihc and eht whole fspirit. o ssenSupports erawaof s’ ryour ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf on screen the space mind. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla Visualise or imagine that on the screen of yourclears mind negative an angeltransappears. Allow your angel take form king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically .snrto etta p lathe noita renethat g seems right for you. Notice how this angel looks. Take time to visually explore the colour, form, size, face and garments of your angel. Just sit with the form you have created for a while. h Then become conscious of your breath again. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 47 On the next in-breathe, draw your angel down into the upper part of your chest above your heart. Allow your angel to settle in this place knowing that this is the geographical location of your thymus gland, the seat of your immune strength. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Become conscious of the corresponding region of your back, between your shoulder blades. Feel, imagine or visualize a pair of wings, budding out at the place where your shoulder blades interface with your spine. With each breath, see those wings grow and expand until they extend from above your head to the floor. Then become aware of flexing your ABUN-DANCE – JOY you IN RECEIVING wings so that they wrap around and meet at the front of your body, creating an oval-shaped bright, white protective ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING energy shell around you. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Sit with theJew feeling of Cassia, safety that this energy field provides for you.Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Opensofthe gratitude, mind the your limitless Universe, theyour spiritchest to joy and and Become aware theheart chairto that you are the sitting on.toFeel feetabundance on the flooroforthe cushion and and notice rising Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness falling with your breath Open your eyes and come slowly into the room, being aware that you are bringing that of feeling optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of being the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. of safety and protection with you. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE Know thatBLESSED whereverBIRTHING you are and whatever WITH you are doing, you can visualize in your mind’s eye, the bright, white light BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE egg of protection if you are or vulnerable. Acacia, Ajuga, Bluefeeling Mink, unsafe Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris It only takes a second, and you will feel protected again. ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth Ajuga works on the Heart and Lung meridians, bringing a feeling of clearasthinking and protection. The Lung energy entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. complex in TCM provides what is known as Wei Qi or protective energy for the body. baby’s passage into the world. BODY with LOVE (HAPPY 7, HORMONES) IN YOUR OWN SKIN Ajuga resonates 11HORMONES) and 12. – COMFORTABLE BODY Chakras LOVE (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning • For feeling insecure or appreciate unsafe. and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your be, health byenergetically tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women • For feeling fractured or fragmented. “should” and healthy functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. • For bizarre or uncharacteristic thoughts. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, • For crippling indecision. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris • For entity attachment. Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal • For schizophrenic or multiple personality statesofofthemind. For balancing thethe many functions and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain, brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN • For protection. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, • Brings clarity of mind. Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena • For re-establishing Verbenatrust. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. • Grants protection during or any other out-of-body state.with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supports you meditation, whilethe going breakup assists Energetically supports very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, Energetically the very physical feelings of bring heartbreak and patterns helps process the feelings of grief, • For clearing and cleansing the aura. blame, guilt, fear, supports rejection, and abandonment. Helps repeating to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. • Aids discernment. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY • Reconnects to Higher SelfRECOVERY wisdom. – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 48 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS APOSTLE PLANT Neomarica gracilis GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA Negative: stuck in body and mind, can’t let go self-limiting beliefs, inflexibility, gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW self-destruct revliS ,alamalife-style. K deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Positive: assists moving forward in body and mind, opens us to our spiritual dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU ewisdom, ht fo ecnabrings dnubalife-style sseltimibalance, l eht ot dnacceptance im eht ,eduand titargtolerance ot traeh eofhtdifferences. snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo ‘Apostle Iris’ sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness of spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikroPlant’ w ten luor fss‘Walking eccus stro ppuisS a.ebeautiful fil nwo s’eiris nowith ni naglossy icigamarching eht gnigreen eb sword shaped leaves, and attractive blue and white flowers. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB It belongs to a genus of 16 species of plants in the family Iridiceae. The genus NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirform I dliWthe ,ylGreek iL mrotwords S ,noilneo ednameaning D ,kniM ‘new’ eulB ,a gujA ,aicacAthe Roman name is derived and Marica, ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris bymway ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hnymph. guorht Herbaceous evom ot ytilibperennial a s’ ydob rplants, eh ni ecthey nedpropagate ifnoc s’ rehto eht softroapthick puS rhizome nce in her body’shtability birth, and The ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a sa new gniand tnplantlets erathe p oparents t ythat enrudevelop oinj dercasfrom a sathe ssestem corp where gnihtribflowers eht otnonce i gniremerged. etne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite ofplants passage. growHelps erectsmooth and have long slender very .dlsword-like row eht otnleaves. i egassaThey p s’ ybproduce ab . fragrant flowers that last a short period of time, often only hours, but multiple NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB will come from the same stem in rapid succession. The flowers emerge from what appears to be just another leaf ONES) –blooms COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirIstructured dliW ,eniVtolialook nS ,alike lamthe aK dother eR ,kcleaves. ormahSAfter kniPpollination, ,noilednaD the ,edanew hsthg iN kcalappears B ,aicacAwhere the but is really a flower stalk plantlet ndelion, Pink emerged Shamrock,and Redthe Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild longer. Iris flower stalk continues to grow The weight of the growing plantlet causes the stalk gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoytospbend leH towards the ground, allowing Iris” gratitude for thenepower you m ow wand ohthe tbeauty uoplantlet ba snofreyour tto taproot lbody. artaway secFocuses nafrom morfits gnparent. itcon ennfine-tuning ocThis sid sistshow issA .itydobtained ob ruoy oitst ncommon i gninut yname b htlaeofh ‘Walking ruoy ur body.The Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women .senor om“Twelve roh fo gApostles” ninoitcnuappears f decnalatob come yhtlaefrom h strothe ppubelief s yllaceither itegrethat ne dthe na plant ,eb ”dwon’t luohsflower “ other name “Apostle Plant” until y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. it has 12 leaves (which is probably about right), or the plant, theNflower appearing from YGappearance RENE NIARBofEthe LOH W Owith T NO RUT – (ie EC“Jesus”) NALAB N IARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY the centre of the 12 or so fanned out leaves (ie, “the Apostles”). ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Vine, Walking Iris flowers from spring to late summer, and likesSnail full sun to light shade. sirI dliW EIVING DOCTRINElam OF itpSIGNATURES o dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and toalbring astsense wholeness s e c n aB–.snymph sabout erts foor cmaiden, effe-rof evo eht mor–f and ngracefully. oitcoptimal nuf niaThe rb tcbotanical etorp ot slname anerdasuggests eht secnmoving alaB .gnforward inoitcnufgracefully Neo – new, marcia Gracilis enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a thgicomprise r-tfel into a new innocence or state of mind. The flower suggests the way forward. 5 - 10 cm diameter they of 3 energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. n i d n a t s r e d n u f o s y a w h t a p w e n g n i n e p o n i s t s i s s a d n a , d o o h d l i h c t u o h g u o r h t s e g n a h c n i a r b s t r o p p u S large white fleshy petals at the base, which have a strong pattern, like an imprinted code, at the base of the petal where ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. it joins the stem. This pattern, similar to that on the Wild Iris, invites us to enterNinto IAP the EHTtemple GNISAof E –the PUbody, KAERBwhere our N deep, intuitive, body intelligence is found. ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native are Hibiscus, Lily, curled petals, resembling a curled tongue, anebrewhich V Rising above the base petals three Silver brightWattle, purple,Storm outward have a repeat of the imprinted code at the base and sides and a purple and white repeated pattern through the centre and .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS out to theand appear ugh a breakup ,end feiassists rgoffothe sgwith npetals. ilerecovering ef ehThese t ssecofrom rp spalerelationship htodnbe a kthe aerbwisdom tbreakup. raeh fofrom sgnil‘on eef lhigh’, acisyhplight yrevencoded eht stropinformation pus yllacitegrthat enE becomes available to us when we begin to take notice of the magnificent rapidly changing world around us, instead physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalbof staying focused on Helps self-limiting and old paradigm beliefs about so thethey world and ‘what we already know’. Two nd abandonment. bring repeating patterns to awareness can .dspots evloseof r egold b adorn the upper curve of the petal giving the appearance of an upright cobra with bright glittering eyes, long associated BAB DNand A REkundalini HTOM RO F GNITwhich ALUMisITSsaid DNto AG ILAEH – Yin REan VOenlightened CER NAERAShuman EAC being. symbolically with spiritual Ywisdom energy, beNactivated EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY mroflower tS ,sucis sibthe iH estamen, vitaN ,anwhich atnaL resembles ,ecaF elkcearFwhite ,kniMbright eulB ,epillar, dahstgeometric hgiN kcalBand ,aicacrystalline cA Rising from the middle yofliLthe in e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily shape, slike used practices tsissaA column .ybab dnof a incoming rehtom htoenergy b rof ,hor triba ncrystal aerasewand, ac fo gsimilar nidnuoto w that eht fo gnilin aehealing h eht stro ppus yllato citechannel grenE healing ling of energy. the wounding Assists Crystals eht seof talare ucaesarean miknown ts yllacito tbirth, egcarry renfor E .high yboth babvibrational emother ht ni ytiand rucenergy esbaby. dnaand ytefaact s foasesconduits nes a dnatotnfacilitate emhcattatransformation dnob gnildnik for ni healing, nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the the transfer of information (as in bio-electrical technology) and in our physical bodies (crystalline nodes such eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybabas pineal) g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome ABOVE, SO BELOW arriageAS and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC The flower’s markings reflect ‘as above, so below’ and seem to express the phenomenon of ‘channelling’ of information HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pm wS received ,yliL mrotSby,kthose corma‘awake’ hS kniP ,enough deewkliMto,aread, natnadecipher L ,aissaC and then as high frequency energy coming into the planet toabe nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily pass on information. noithe tisna rt stroppuS .Ittirseems ips dnatodndirectly im ,ydotarget b s’dlihthose c eht on fo tthe nemplanet poleveat d ethe ht gmoment nicnalabknown ni stsissas a yLight llaciteWorkers, grenE whose wisdom and understanding enables them to inform and guide those less aware in assisting the ng the spiritual development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab m orf transition through these difficult times to the New Golden Age, said to be in the wings for evolving humanity. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transrettapthe lanincreasing oitareneg speed at That this beautiful and ephemeral-looking flower is so transitory in appearance seems to.snimply which old information is being over-turned in favour of newer understandings about the nature of Life and the spiritual purpose of humanity. This is evidenced by a rapid increase in the healing arts and the proliferation of New Age wisdom wherever we look, in many societies around the globe at present. Crystals, as symbolized at the crown of the Apostle Plant, are finally being accepted as amazing healing tools, as they were in civilizations past. htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 49 h MOVING FORWARD GRACEFULLY Essence EssenceBlends Blends The ‘walking’ habit of the plant suggests the notion of moving forward ‘gracefully’ (named Neomarica gracilis) in response to our innate evolutionary drive for higher and higher states of awareness. It does this by enabling us to move forward with ease and grace through emotional attitudinal blocks that hold us back from expressing our highest potential. For example, in healing a past relationship it allows us to become aware of the unhealed aspects from a ABUN-DANCE JOY RECEIVING different vibrational level –and toIN move through them to resolution and gratitude to the other for a lesson well learnt. It ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING brings grace to the situation. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Lantana, Shamrock, Silver Wattle, White It helps usJew to shed oldCassia, beliefs Dandelion, about the world thatPink no longer serveRed us Kamala, and effectively keep usVerbena, fossilized, or inWandering the dark. Jew It can helpOpens us embrace technology, the increasing pace of development of which leaves many confused, overwhelmed the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and and feeling leftOpens out. Helps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these win-win family patterns. Raises awareness of beingwho thegrieve magician Supports It assists those a lovedone’s one own to respect the soul’s decision networking to pass overand and invites relationships. them to celebrate the loving being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. life and express gratitude rather than continue to mourn the loss. It helps those left behind to access the spirit of a loved BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE one easily and gracefully through the heart’s memory, by becoming mindful that the loved one is now more instantly Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris accessible thanAcacia, ever before. Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in OUR CHILDREN’S CHILDREN Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo theof birthing as a sacred as a on rite of of higher passage. Helps smooth The unique growing pattern Apostle Plant also seems journey to refertotoparenting the passing wisdom to the next baby’s passage the world.process baby’s passage into the world. generation. It reproduces an entirely new plant a distance from its parent while still being nourished with ancestral BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN energy direct from theLOVE stem (HAPPY of the parent, while it grows to maturity. Surely this is the hallmark of wise parenting: giving BODY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, BlackofNightshade, Red Kamala, Snailthey Vine, Wild Iris independently on their our children freedom thought andDandelion, direction, Pink whilstShamrock, still supporting them until can stand Acacia, Black we Nightshade, Dandelion, PinkaShamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wildprogramming Iris own two feet. so appreciate doing, trust feel thatgratitude they willfor grow consciousness from conditional and the HelpsInyou and the power and beautyfree of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning distortion your of their ownyou soul’s purpose. Helps appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning health by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women be, -and supports balanced functioning of adds hormones. The name“should” Neomarica newenergetically maiden or nymph - ishealthy another strong indicator that strength to this healing property. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Here we are deeply reminded of the consciousness’ children coming through at this time in the evolutionary BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON‘new TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BALANCEright – TURN TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY shift that Gaia BRAIN is experiencing now.ON Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children have come through over the last forty Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, years. The first Acacia, of the ‘new humans’, the Indigo children, have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is theSnail colorVine, of the Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Wild Iris “third eye chakra,” Wild which Iris is an energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates For balancing thetomany functionsvisions of theand brain, and Many to bring aboutchildren a senseare of wholeness and optimal clairvoyance, or the ability see energy, spirits. Indigo clairvoyant. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances The Crystal children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colors in pastel hues. This generation also shows a functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. fascination for left-right crystals and rocks. back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages. Supports brainand changes throughout childhood, andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways understanding. While those coming through now, the Rainbow children radiate rainbow energy, the kind that weofwere created with, BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN to instill within BREAKUP us health–and balance. Rainbow children are the embodiment of our divinity and the example of our EASING THE PAIN Heart, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, potential. Bleeding They have neverCassia, lived on this planet before. These children are entirely fearless of everybody. They’re little Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Wattle, at Storm avatars, allVerbena about service. These are children who Lomandra, are only here to give—Rainbow childrenSilver are already theirLily, spiritual Verbena peak. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very physical heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, While these children are comfortable with themselves andoftheir many gifts, some of the older generations are not, and Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, these rejection, and abandonment. Helpshuman bring repeating patternsPlant to awareness they can for don’t know how to handle spiritually precocious young beings. Apostle eases theso relationships blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. both the ‘new children’ and for their elders, who can learn from them, rather than criticizing their behaviour. be resolved. CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY HERALDING THE NEWRECOVERY AGE CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black that Nightshade, Blueand Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Stormthrough Lily Apostle Plant is a plant fosters new consciousness-expanding information coming from higher realms Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily to the nextEnergetically generation and for the Ageofofthe humanity. Theofcobra-like is reminiscent the baby. Kundalini rising, a supports theNew healing wounding caesareanimage birth, for both motherofand Assists Energetically supports the healing thesafety wounding ofour caesarean birth, Energetically for mother and baby. Assists phenomenon that appears to be happening on of a global basis human as both we embrace the new incoming in kindling bond attachment and a sense of andto security in the family baby. stimulates the in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates Divine Feminine flooding into the from the higher dimensions identified as The of thethe Ages. baby’s energies skin to begin triggering the planet energetic systems that are turned onand during a vaginal birth.Shift Supports the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of miscarriage andinformation abortion. from higher dimensions so that we can indeed This beautiful flowerafter-effects essence grounds encoded move emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. forward gracefully with the changes. Apostle Plant resonats to Chakras 1 and 12. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY YOUR HEALING Cassia, CHALLENGES Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily • ClosedEnergetically to change,Lantana, scaredintoMilkweed, make a move assists balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically in balancing the the development of in themind child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby to beliefs childassists toand adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, • Can’t from let go of old values, stagnant attitude, stuck and body from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, trans• Limitedgenerational by allows conditioned programming from parents or family age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transpatterns. • Harbours agenerational death wish, patterns. expressed through unbalanced living • • Competitive, ego-driven personality, stuck in a 3D reality, unbalanced Spiritual void, unable to move forward 138 50 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith • EIVING Beneficial in diseases of: Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE o oedema, particularly in the lower half of the body, o gyneacological conditions including menstrual pain, endometriosis, infertility due to excess weight and congestion, o bowel conditions such as constipation, piles, anal fissure and diverticulitis, GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA ednaW stiff etihW ,aneand breVankles, ,elttaW swollen revliS ,afeet, lamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ognirpainful, knees ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ o weight problems dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO inflexibility of the body in general the mind toothe the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense YOUR of ‘not HEALING enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spOUTCOMES ihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. • Brings balance in life-style and attitudes ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dwalking liW ,yliLone’s mrotStalk ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA • Assists in moving forward gracefully in one’s life and ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stwhen nerapgoing eht dnthrough a ,htrib emajor fas a hlife guo rht evom obenefits t ytiliba sagility ’ ydob and reh nflexibility i ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS • Helpful transitions, nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne Helpsjourney move through physical emotional shedding ‘old skin’ and programming ess as a•sacred to parenting as aand rite of passage.blocks, Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . • Opens to spiritual truth of ‘as above-so below’, to channeling and assists in speaking our spiritual wisdom NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –•COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKINour Higher Purpose, Helpful in moving forward to fulfill sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •Pink Supports Divine and gninut-enembracing if no uoy sethe sucemerging oF .ydob ru oy fo Feminine ytuaeb dnprinciples a rewop eof ht co-operation, rof edutitarg lenet-working, ef dna etaicecaring rppa uo y sphumanitarian leH and environmental concern. gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.•Assists disconnecting from .ancestral sour enoIndigo, mrohpatterns foCrystal gninoabout itand cnufhow decnwomen alabchildren. yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ Assists in understanding Rainbow y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 51 BLACK NIGHTSHADE Essence EssenceBlends Blends Solanum nigrum KEYWORDS Negative: breast-feeding difficulties, mother-child conflict, poor body image, ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING and discomfort with being a female. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN tiredness, RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pinkself-worth, Shamrock,love Red of Kamala, Silverself Wattle, Verbena,digestion White Wandering Positive: body and as a woman, and motherLantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion,child connection. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and DESCRIPTION OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the Found sensetheofinmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness wooded areas as well as disturbed habitats, Black Nightshade is of Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. an annual plant of the tomato and potato family, Solanaceae. Its genus is being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH and CONFIDENCE Solanum it is a native to Eurasia and introduced to the Americas and BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Australasia. It grows to Iris a height of 30–120 cm with leaves 4–7 cm ovate or Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild heart-shaped with wavy or large-toothed edges. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in It producesentering small, greenish to whiteprocess star-like when aged that prominent yellow centres.inThe Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in herre-curved body’s to move safe birth,Helps and the parents into the asflowers, a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough asurround rite ofa passage. smooth fruits are oval, dull, blackberries that hang in small clusters. The ripe seeds can be eaten, but the green or light purple entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth immature berries contain the toxic solanine, which is the poisonous principle in green potatoes. baby’s passage into alkaloid the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN The flavour ofBODY the ripe berry is sweet. Taken internally in small amounts, they will promote perspiration and purge LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris the bowels. It is useful for diabetes. Black Nightshade is a highly effective tonic for the stomach and ulcers. Cooking Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris destroys any trace toxic substance in gratitude the berries they are often usedofinyour piesbody. and Focuses cakes. Black Nightshade Helps youofappreciate and feel forand the power and beauty you on fine-tuningis a Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning highly valued herb for its nutritional support of the digestive system. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced of hormones. In Traditional Chinese Black Nightshade is used for balanced breastfunctioning tumours and toofalleviate fevers. “should”Medicine be, and energetically supports healthy functioning hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY The fruit is alsoBRAIN used as a cosmetic - it removes BALANCE – TURN ON TO freckles. WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, The juice is used for fever and to allay pain. Large doses can cause poisoning Milkweed, that is notPink fatal. The juiceSnail is also used Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Shamrock, Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris for skin problems Wildand Iris tumours. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal Decoctions of the leaves and roots are good forbrain, wounds canker. For stalks, balancing thethe many functions of the andand to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances the adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects Balances An infusion of functioning. the and plantback-front is Balances used for infants with abdominal upsets. According to Mrs. Grieve in her book, A Modern left-right brain energies. Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brain ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Herbal, published 1931, the leaves are placed in the and cradles of infants to promote sleep inofBohemia. Supports in brain changes throughout childhood, assists in opening new pathways understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE for PAIN Green berries are recommended herpes simplex while the leaves can be used as a poultice for ulcers or skin BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN conditions.Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleedingfor Heart, Cassia, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, It also hasVerbena application the liver andDandelion, is used to support its function. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, The tiny star-shaped flowerssupports are shaped like a nipple feelings and breast - the whiteand pulled-back petalstheappear asofthe curve of Energetically the very physical of heartbreak helps process feelings blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theygrief, can the breast be while the yellow stamens in the centre look like a large nipple. The distinct yellow colour at the centre directly blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can resolved. relates to the Solar Plexus chakra, the human energy centre that is concerned with nourishment and the ability to selfbe resolved. CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING MOTHER AND BABY nurture. This centre alsoRECOVERY relates to self-esteem, particularly in regardFOR to how well we have been nourished as an infant CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY and through childhood. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily BLACK NIGHTSHADE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically SUPPORTS supports theTHE healing of the wounding Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. The berry is sweet. Energetically, the flavour that supports the digestive energy is sweet. Diabetes isstimulates a diseasethe that often in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the is the result of an over-consumption of sweet foods - this plant has an action on diabetes. baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. It also has an action on the bowel byofpurging and clearing them out. An extract from my earlier book, The Essence of emotional after-effects miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Woman, describes the relationship between the bowel and the digestive system, and how a child’s relationship with the CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY mother supports strengthens this important function of energy transformation in the human being. Cassia,and Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily “An early Energetically well-established and bonded relationship between mother child minimises the digestive assists in balancing the development of the child’sand body, mind and spirit.diseases Supportsoftransition assists in balancing the the development of the body, mind and isspirit. Supports from Energetically baby to child to adolescent. Opens awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, system. Bonding is deeply associated with pleasure andmother’s nourishment in child’s infancy. When a baby experiencing atransition sense of from babyher to child adolescent. Opens the awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, helps her mother’s letago appropriately. Energetically clears negative transpleasure that permeates wholeto body whileand she is feeding, strong connection is established between themilestones, emotional allows age-appropriate risk-taking,The andphysical helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transpatterns. feelings ofgenerational contentedness, love and self-nurture. body, particularly the digestive system, functions optimally, generational patterns. when a child is in a state of contentedness. The Stomach is relaxed, digestive enzymes flow freely and easily, and the bowel moves waste through the system efficiently and naturally. The body’s intelligence associates feeding with wellbeing, and the digestive system matures in the infant until such time as solids can be taken. It is during this time that 138 52 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith feeding habits are established, and if feeding takes place in an environment of love and connectedness, the process just naturally occurs. When bonding is not established well, feeding time can be a power battle where the mother and the child are locked into a contest of wills. Typically, when this is happening, the baby suffers from a range of stress-related digestive problems including colic.” Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE The breasts are the sole source of nourishment for an infant at least until the baby has started to teethe. The appearance NIVIEsource CER NIofYO J – ECNand AD-N UBA for the of teeth indicates that she is ready to take solids. Breasts are also are a G great pleasure comfort EIVINGinfant, experienced as a sensory intensification of feeling in the lips lasting for the first two years. Nature designed this gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA feature in babies to ensure thatVerbena, the nourishment, vital for her growth and development, is wellwreceived by ntana, Pink Shamrock, Redespecially, Kamala, Silver Wattle, White Wandering eJ the infant in an environment of contentedness and pleasure. Black Nightshade assists in conditions of tiredness and dna yojcaused ot tiripsby ehpoorly t dna ,efunctioning srevinU eht digestive fo ecnadnsystem. uba sseItltihelps mil ehto t otonify t dnimthe ehtbody’s ,edutitacapacity rg ot traeto h etransform ht snepO food into low energy the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit togujoy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . msimitpo available energy. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life.PLEASURES Supports successful OF THE networking BREASTS and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH TheCONFIDENCE breasts are the only part of the human anatomy functionally designed for use by another person, rather than simply sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA the owner. ndelion,serving Storm Lily, Wild IrisTheir primary biological function is to feed a baby, but a secondary, gratifying side effect is that they i stnerap ehzones t dna that ,htribgive efaspleasure. a hguorhAgain, t evom Nature ot ytilibacleverly s’ ydobdesigned reh ni ecnthis ediffeature noc s’ reinhto eht the stropmother puS enjoys are also nerogenous somthat nce in the her process body’shtability birth, oof ombreastfeeding, s sto plemove H .egthrough assas ap well foaesafe tas ir athe sa baby. gniand tnerThat athe p oparents t yenrthe uoinj bonding dercas a process, sa ssecorcritical p gnihtrin ib establishing eht otni gnireatnquality e way, lifeess as along sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s ’ y b a b relationship between the mother and the child, takes place easily and joyously without stress on either side. . IKS NWOforRUaOman, Y NI Eboth LBATerotic ROFMand OC –comforting )SENOMRO YPsame PAH( Etime, VOL Yespecially DOB The breasts are also a source ofNpleasure at Hthe if he ONES) –bonded COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN well with his mother sirI dlas iW an ,eninfant iV lianand S ,alawas maKbreastfed. deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris It is gquite common for a baby boy to get an erection when not ninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewonursing p eht roat f edhis utimother’s targ leef dbreasts na etaicas erpwaves pa uoyofsppleasure, leH specifically sexual, penis. gratitude for thenepower mow wand oflow h tbeauty uoover ba shis nofreyour tbody, tap lbody. aregistering rtsecFocuses na morin f you ghis nitcon ennfine-tuning ocAll sid of stshis issAsenses .ydob rare uoyaroused ot ni gnithrough nut yb htintimate laeh ruoytouch, the sound of hisfrom mother’s heartbeat, oral stimulation causing a bliss response that later on in ur body.comforting Assists disconnecting ancestral patterns about how women .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnalab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”adulthood dluohs“ will be re-experienced duringfunctioning sexual intimacy. y supports healthy balanced of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Black Nightshade helps a mother to enjoy the process of breast-feeding her baby and assists her to recognize how ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA crucial it is for the baby’s emotional wellbeing to feed and Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snailhold Vine,her baby close. sirI dliW FEMININITY AND THE BREASTS lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of Symbolically the brain, and astsense wholeness and sethe cntoabreasts lbring aB .ssabout eare rts fothe cmost effe-rof eovert, vo ehobvious t morf and nosign itcoptimal nuof f nfemininity. iarb tcetorpThey ot slare anedepicted rda eht sein cnthe alaBart.gworld ninoitcas nuperky f enals toupward protect tilting brain function stress. Balances .segain nithe arb Maiden, ehfrom t sa sthe ewhere gnover-effects ahc they niarbare dnofaclassically ssol yro mrecognised em htiw spleas H an .seierogenous grene niarbzone. tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory the nidnin atthe sredMother nuloss fo sand ya whbrain tap the wchanges enbreasts gnineas potake ni sbrain ton sissaa ages. dna ,dooand hdlihac sacredness, tuohguorht sas egntheir ahc n iarb strorole ppuSof feeding But later on, phase, fullness primary ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. their offspring takes centre stage. At the cultural level, it is as if a veil obscures N their IAP nakedness EHT GNISAand E – Pthey UKAare ERBno longer N perceived as sex symbols, retreating into the protection of the family inner sanctum. ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, anebreV Some women are uncomfortable being female andStorm hateLily, everything that goes with it: breasts, menstruation, and expressing.ptheir femininity through their appearance. Many women choose to cultivate a more masculine appearance ukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS and often Black ugh a breakup and ,engage feiassists rg fo sin gwith nilesbian lerecovering ef eht relationships ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h because dna kaerthey btbreakup. raeprefer h fo sgntoilefunction ef lacisyhin p ythe rev role eht stof roptheir pus ymale llacitepersona. grenE Nightshade assists a woman to accept her femininity without having to become a ‘girly girl’ or challenging her right to physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb live out her sexual preference. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb SEXUALITY AND THE BREASTS YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGThe AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY and fantasy. Often a man will assume a sense of proprietorship of his breasts play a powerful yliL mrole rotSin,smale ucsibisexuality H evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA breasts, sometimes the pointStorm of being e Mink,partner’s Freckle Face, Lantana, NativetoHibiscus, Lily sensitive to his wife, exposing part of her breasts, particularly in the stsisofsAother .ybabmen. dna This rehtobehaviour m htob rofis,hdue trib ntoaethe rasaction eac fo g dnuhormone ow eht fo vasopressin. gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE company ofnithe ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense baby. Thiseof neuro-hormone in tonostimulate pair ht safety stroppand uS .hsecurity tribworks laniin gathe v amales gnirudEnergetically denrut erstimulates a tahbonding t smethe tsys the citegway reneoxytocin eht gnireand ggirt oestrogen nigeb ot nidoes ks s’ ybinaba female. g the energetic that are on during a vaginal birth. Supports the Once a systems relationship hasturned been securely established, vasopressin acts on the male brain to facilitate social and .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitobonding me arriageparenting, and abortion. giving him a sense of participation in the family circle. Males have more receptors for vasopressin while YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC females have more receptors for oxytocin. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC Stimulated byLily, testosterone and sexual orgasm, vasopressin has the effect on a male to make him protective towards nk Shamrock, Storm Swamp Lily noiticausing snart strohim ppuSto.tstay irips sharply dna dnim ,ydob son ’dlihis hc ebeloved ht fo tneand mpolto evekeep d ehtan gnieye cnalon ab her, ni stsmaking issa yllacsure itegrthat enE no other his mate, focused ng the man development child’s mind Supports ,senoto tseinvade lof im the latnhis emterritory. polebody, ved sThis ’dlihhormonally c and eht fspirit. o ssendriven erawabehaviour s’ rtransition ehtom eassists ht snepin Omaintaining .tnecseloda social ot dlihcorder ot ybthrough ab morf the tribal tries ent. Opens the awareness -snmother’s arand t eviis tagfirmly en srarooted elc ylof lain cthe itthe egchild’s remale’s nE .yldevelopmental etearliest airporppexpressions a ogmilestones, tel rehofspensuring leh dna ,the gniksurvival at-ksir eof tairthe portribe. ppa-ega swolla hierarchy king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg Often, his female partner will misinterpret this naturally protective behaviour in males as possessiveness and feel restricted. This essence can help her realize how powerfully erotic and sexually stimulating her breasts are to her partner and understand where his sense of ownership is based in a need to protect his woman. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 53 Black Nightshade helps her to make the most of her ‘assets’ in terms of pleasuring both herself and her partner. She may even be tempted to buy lingerie that evokes an arousing response from her partner as part of her love play. It helps young women become aware of and enjoy the full sensuality that comes with including the breasts in love play. DISTORTED PERCEPTIONS Essence EssenceBlends Blends Women’s breasts play a large role in the media’s portrayal of sexuality. In the Raunch Culture, breasts are often distorted ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING to look abnormally large to evoke sexual response. Many women suffer image problems in relation to their breasts. ABUN-DANCE – JOYa IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Dandelion, Lantana, Red Kamala, Verbena, White Naively, they buyCassia, the media hype targeted at Pink men,Shamrock, taking it onboard as anSilver idealWattle, to aspire to, if they areWandering to be sexually Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew attractive to men. This mistaken interpretation of women’s sexual image causes many women to be dissatisfied with Jew the appearance of their breasts. They then suffer loathing of their body, damaging their self-image and crippling their Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and sexual enjoyment because they to believe their partner won’t loveclears themthese sincefamily their are not the attractive Opens the heart gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thebreasts Universe, and spirit toenough. joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the that sensethe ofmind ‘not enough’ and patterns. Raises awareness of In some cases, women undergo intrusive and sometimes damaging surgery sculpt their patterns. breasts toRaises a form that will be Helpsineliminate the sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clearstothese family awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own life. Supports networking and win-win relationships. the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. appreciated bybeing others. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Not only has this practice compromised women’s health through the use of silicone implants that have proven over Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris time to be damaging and unacceptable to the body, but it has also Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iriscontributed to a negative body image for many Supports the mother’s confidence in herthat body’s through a safe birth, and theapproves parents in women. Lacking confidence, they buy the notion theirability bodytois move only acceptable if someone else of it. This Supports the mother’s confidence in the her power body’s ability to move safe birth,Helps and in in entering into the process as a of sacred journeyand to parenting asthrough a ritebody, ofa passage. smooth attitude has contributed tobirthing a wholesale denial strength of their leading to a the lackparents of belief entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. their capacity for healthy and natural conception, childbirth and breastfeeding. Handing these functions over to the baby’sessentially passage into the world. medical profession, a male-dominated institution to manage reproductive function with such practices BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOURtheir OWN SKIN as assisted fertility and IVF, caesareans, and bottle-feeding is tantamount to saying, ‘I don’t BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN have the confidence, you Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris do it for me.’ Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps youhelps appreciate feel gratitude for the powerown andenjoyment beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning Black Nightshade womenand to love their bodies for their and satisfaction, notyou based on someone Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women else’s approval, especially a male’s. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. LOVING BEING A WOMAN “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN – TURNinON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY There is so much joyBALANCE and satisfaction doing things the natural way. The pleasure principle is built into women’s Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, bodies to ensure the best start in life for the child. Women who have motheredMilkweed, know thatPink breastfeeding time Vine, can be Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Shamrock, Snail Wild Acacia, Iris very arousing. Wild A baby Iris suckling can indeed stimulate a strong pleasurable response in the genitals. Acceptance of the For balancing the many functions of brain, and of to the bring a sense wholeness and optimal sexual sensation associated with mothering is the an indication fullabout flowering of aofwoman’s sexuality and is assisted thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances with the use ofFor thisbalancing essence. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. This acceptance signifiesand thatback-front she has come to the realization thatmemory the aspects ofand lifebrain that relate to the intimate zone left-right brain energies. Helps with loss changes as the brain ages.have Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. not just a sexual flavour, but also grant a deeply satisfying pleasure that accords with her feminine need for connection. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. – EASING PAINlearn to ‘hold the place’ fully and become the seat of pleasure at the centre of This is herBREAKUP territory; this is whenTHE women BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN the family Bleeding unit, not Heart, just physically psychologically as well. Cassia, but Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, of Verbena Furthermore, with this awareness comes the understanding that as a woman, she is not just perceived as a source Verbena pleasure for others, butwhile that pleasure is hersa to enjoy too; feminine power comes this knowledge of her right Supports you going through breakup and true assists with recovering from awith relationship breakup. to pleasure and connection. Black Nightshade strengthens this awareness. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, Energetically very physical feelings of bring heartbreak and patterns helps process the feelings of grief, fear, supports rejection,the and abandonment. Helps repeating to awareness so they can DESTINEDblame, TO BEguilt, QUEEN blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. As ‘Queen’ of her domain, she is built for bliss, not just sexual, but the deep content that being immersed in the intimate, be resolved. CAESAREAN HEALING AND STIMULATING FORwhen MOTHER AND BABY familial and tribal zonesRECOVERY bring. She–commands her sphere of influence she accepts her crown. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Nightshade, BlueaMink, Freckle Face,her Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The breasts are aBlack symbol of how well woman accepts own femininity. And this is intrinsically tied in with her Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily relationship to her mother. A warm, loving, of connected bondofwith a mother, easyforwith hermother own femininity sexuality, Energetically supports the healing the wounding caesarean birth, both and baby.and Assists Energetically supports healing of of thesafety wounding ofwomanhood. caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. is the key to a young woman growingthe into fullness of herand own in kindling bond attachment and athe sense security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bondtriggering attachment a sensesystems of safety and baby.a Energetically baby’s skin to begin theand energetic that aresecurity turned in onthe during vaginal birth.stimulates Supports the the The opposite isbaby’s true. Askin cold, austere mother who has problems expressing joy in closeness isa likely to birth. have suppressed to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during vaginal Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. sexuality. Although not at after-effects the conscious childrenand areabortion. biologically designed to respond positively to close mothering emotional of level, miscarriage CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY as a way of learning to respond to their own sexuality in adult life. Their mother’s hang-ups about sex will be subconsciously CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY picked upCassia, by them and willMilkweed, negatively influence their Storm ability Lily, to enjoy their Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Swamp Lilyown sexuality. Cassia,commonly Lantana, Milkweed, Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cancer ofEnergetically the breast anPink underlying mind-body issue with either mothering being mothered. assists in involves balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit.orSupports transitionBlack Nightshade works on the Stomach and Heart meridians, supporting self-acceptance and self-love. It boosts immune Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, function allows from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. JESS generational patterns. Jess had been battling with breast cancer for many years. She came to me in the latter stages of her illness, and it was this essence, Black Nightshade, that I selected for her. The disease had returned to her body for the last six months 138 54 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith after a long period of remission. At this late stage, she embarked on a path to healing and, even though she ultimately passed over, she managed courageously to heal a lifetime of emotional wounding just before she died. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Jess’s story unfolded over a number of clinical sessions. As a child, a trusted uncle abused Jess sexually. It was not an ongoing, insidious thing but a small number of grubby incidents that robbed her of her innocence and seeded in her young mind a belief in keeping secrets and hiding the truth from loved ones. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGHer family lived by a strict religious code and she understood, even as a child, how deeply rocked her family would be niredof naher W emother’s tihW ,anefavourite breV ,elttabrother’s W revliS ,abuse alamaKcame deR ,to kco rmahSo S kshe niP ,chose anatnato L ,stay noilequiet. dnaD ,aissaC ,agujA if the gtruth light. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ She grew up, married and had her own children while maintaining strong ties with her family of origin. As the oldest dnashe yoj had ot tiran ips almost eht dnamaternal ,esrevinUattitude eht fo ectowards nadnubaher sseyounger ltimil ehtbrothers, ot dnim eunderstandable ht ,edutitarg ot trbecause aeh eht sthere nepOwas such sibling, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h g u o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i mitof poher given a large gap in ages between the oldest and the youngest children and caring for them had been one sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t r o responsibilities. They were so close that the family continued to socialize well into adulthood. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECuncle, NEDIFN C Hhusband TIW GNor IHTher RIBchildren. – GNIHTBut RIB she DESdid SELBboil inside Jess never revealed the secret, known only to her and her toOher NG WITH CONFIDENCE with an unresolved anger about the injustice that wassidealt being rI dliWto,yher liL mand rotSthese ,noilethoughts dnaD ,knioften M euldistracted B ,agujA ,aher icacfrom A ndelion,present Storm Lily, Wild Iris life. in everyday ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in As herher body’s inj dercaofs aangst three Jess sometimes pangs htability oodaughters ms sto plemove H .were egthrough assgrowing ap foaesafe tirup, a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yefelt nruo sa ssabout ecorp gtheir nihtrbudding ib eht otnsexuality. i gniretneHowever, ess as ashe sacred journey to concern parentingfrom as aher ritemind. of passage. dismissed any She feltHelps that smooth because their social activities .dlrow ewere ht otnlargely i egassarestricted p s’ ybab to family . circles, her intuitive promptings that her girls were somehow unsafe must have been a mistaken echo from her own past. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –It COMFORTABLE IN YOURdaughter OWN SKIN wasn’t until her youngest was in her twenties that Jess’s own family was rocked with a shocking revelation sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA atPink a family gathering. Jess wasSnail not Vine, present when ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Wild Iris her youngest daughter confronted her uncle, one of Jess’s younger gninuwith t-enifher no memory uoy sesucofoFongoing .ydob rusexual oy fo ytabuse uaeb dover na reawperiod op eht of roffive eduor titasix rg lyears eef dnstarting a etaicefrom rppa the uoyage spleof H five. She brothers, gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning nemothat w whe oh had tuobabused a snrettaher p latwo rtsecolder na msisters orf gniover tcennaoclesser sid ststimeframe. issA .ydob rHe uoyconfirmed ot ni gninuher t ybaccusations htlaeh ruoy and said also asserted ur body.that Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ he was sorry. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENtold E NIher ARBand ELOblamed HW OTherself NO NRfor UTinadequately – ECNALAB protecting NIARB Jess told me that she was devastated when her daughters them TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY from the,epredatory actions of her brother. niV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dlShe iW decided After much soul-searching, Jess decided against telling her own mother about the abuse of her daughters. to maintainlathe mitpsecret o dnaheld ssenesince lohwher fo eown snes childhood a tuoba gnbecause irb ot dnshe a ,nifelt arbthat eht fitowould snoitcn‘kill’ uf ynher am mother eht gnicto nalearn lab rothat F one of ons of her the brain, and wholeness beloved had for sesons cntoalbring a B .sbeen sabout erts fresponsible oastsense ceffe-rof evo ehsuch t moreprehensible rf and noitcoptimal nuf niarbehaviour. b tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niato rb hold ehfrom t sathe sthe egsecret nover-effects ahc within niarb dher nofa stress. sbreast, sol yro m em htiw sinstead pleH .setoigrcarry ene nthe iarbload. tnorf-She kcabalso dnadecided thgir-tfelnot to tell So she continued choosing energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. nidnanticipating atsrednu fo his syaw htap wjudgment en gninepo ni stsissshe a dnfelt a ,dshame oohdlithat hc tuitohwas guoher rht sfamily egnahthat c niahad rb stcaused roppuS so much her husband, critical ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways because of understanding. distress to her girls. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mtime, rotS ,Jess elttaW revdiagnosed liS ,sucsibiHwith evitabreast N ,agncancer. aracaM She ,ardnwas amotreated L ,noiledwith naD conventional ,aissaC ,traeHmedicine gnideelB and was Within a short was elion, Lomandra, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV supposedlyMacaranga, cured. .pukept kaeron b pthe ihsncauldron, oitaler a mslowly orf gnboiling irevocerunder htiw sthe tsisssurface a dna pu kamany erb a hyears. guorhJess t gnifelt og ethat lihwshe uoycouldn’t stroppuStalk to her The lid was for ugh a breakup and ,about feiassists rg fowhat sgwith nilhad erecovering ef ehappened. ht ssecofrom rp sItpalwas erelationship h dn a kthe aerbproverbial tbreakup. raeh fo sgelephant nileef laciin syhthe p yrroom. ev eht The stropgirls pus yfeared llacitegbroaching renE daughters like the physical feelings helps grief, nwith ac yofetheir hheartbreak t osmum sseneand raand waJess o t sdidn’t nreprocess ttapknow gnithe tahow epfeelings ertogndeal irbofspwith leH the .tneinformation mnodnaba dand na ,preferred noitcejer ,rto aejust f ,tlilet ug it,elie. malb subject nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb In the Mind-Body energy system of a woman, the breasts represent mothering on the one hand, and being nurtured YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC and cared for on the other. EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrsecret otS ,sufrom csibiHher evimother, taN ,anawhile tnaL ,at ecathe F esame lkcerF time ,kniMbeing eulB ,angry edahswith thgiNher kcafor lB ,not aicahaving cA For Jess, holding a shameful been e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily protected from harm, caused her to feel motherless. Simultaneously, she felt guilty that she had not adequately mothered stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of her the wounding of Assists own egirls her ht seand talucaesarean mkept its ylthem lacitbirth, egsafe renfor Efrom .yboth babharm. emother ht niWhen ytiand ruceJess sbaby. dnafinally ytefasembarked fo esnes aon dna tnehealing mhcattajourney, dnob gnshe ildncourageously ik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the recognized that all the secrets had to come out in the open. eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports oitro bathe dna egto airvent racsim fo shostility tceffe-rein tfaalasafe noitoenvironment. me She arranged for family counselling sessions that allowed.nher daughters their arriage and abortion. After a couple of sessions, she also brought her husbandYalong include him family LIMAF to GN IWORG EHinT the STRO PPUSdiscussions. – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY The sessions were hard going but allowed Jess buried yliL to pmexperience awS ,yliL mrand otS ,express kcormahthe S knlove iP ,dthat eewkhad liM ,been anatna L ,aissafor C all those nk Shamrock, Storm Swamp Lily years since theLily, blockages were removed. And her daughters were able to vent their fear and anger at not feeling safe as noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE becausethe their mother had not and protected them. Energy that had been suppressed in Jess for many years flowed ng the children development ,senotselof im latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf freelythe at last with her tears of relief. ent. Opens -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her letcame go appropriately. negative trans.snrbreast ettap lwithin anoitarweeks eneg of these As the secrets out so too didEnergetically her cancer.clears It began to erupt on the surface of her left sessions and then travelled up into her throat, where the truth had been withheld for so long. It was as if all the ugliness that had been fermenting below the surface could finally be faced. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 55 Harbouring secrets causes the qi of the body to knot and remain contained. This containment will be expressed in the body part that relates to the hidden agenda. ‘Where thought goes, qi flows’ is a Chinese saying in TCM that describes the mind-body paradigm. So a covertly held secret becomes knotted energy. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Another maxim of TCM tells how healthy tissue is maintained by free-flowing qi: ‘a moving door never rusts.’ The emotions are seen in Energetic Medicine as ‘energy-in-motion.’ When we constrain our emotions through repression, ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING holding onto secrets, denial or suppression energy (qi) becomes stuck and instead of nourishing and cleansing tissue, ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN itRECEIVING blood, bone, nerve fibre and organs, creates thatRed interferes cellular function and eventually leads to Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink toxicity Shamrock, Kamala,with Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering pathological states. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Jewand knotted energy was located in the breasts, Black Nightshade was used. This essence served to Because the held Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and harmoniseoptimism. andOpens balance energies related toofmothering, for clears the child andfamily forthe the motherRaises inand Jess’s case. thethe heart to gratitude, mind to theboth limitless abundance of Universe, the spirit Ittoallowed joy and Helps eliminate the sensethe ‘not enough’ and these patterns. awareness of her to become more authentic her role and toSupports recognize how much this primary with Raises the ‘mother’ affects Helpsinin eliminate the sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own life. networking and relationship win-win relationships. the magician in one’s own authentically life. Supports we successful win-win needs relationships. our emotional being wellbeing. As women, the more respondnetworking to our ownand emotional and those of our BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE children, the healthier more contented we become. ‘Healing is feeling’ in the truest sense. BLESSEDand BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Black Nightshade works on the Spleen and meridians strengthening digestive function, facilitating Acacia, Ajuga, BlueStomach, Mink, Dandelion, StormHeart Lily, Wild Iris Supportsmother the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in bonding between and child and promoting self-love. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth Black Nightshade resonates to Chakras 1, 2 and 3 entering intointo the birthing baby’s passage the world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. CHALLENGES YOUR HEALING BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY (HAPPY HORMONES) COMFORTABLE •• For difficulties withLOVE breast-feeding and aversion– to breastfeeding. IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia,issues. Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• For mother-child Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Helps you appreciate feel gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning yourbody health by tuning in to and your body. disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women •• For poor image, particularly related toAssists the breasts. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. •• For discomfort with being a female. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY •• For constant tiredness and overwhelm. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, •• For inability to nurture or others. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blueoneself Mink, Cordyline, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris •• For digestive problems constipation, irritable syndrome, diabetes, liver problems, For balancing theincluding many functions of the brain, andbowel to bring about a stomach sense of upsets, wholeness and optimal acne, functioning. skin For blemishes and toxic skin conditions, breast cancer, mastitis and lowered immunity. balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. •• Grants a sense of self-worth. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN •• Helps mother and child with feeding difficulties. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, •• Helps Verbena women to love their Cassia, body, whatever the Lomandra, shape or size. Bleeding Heart, Dandelion, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena •• Increases sexual enjoyment through enhanced self-image. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you while going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically the very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, •• Supports femininity and motherhood. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can •• Supports the digestive system. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. resolved. •• AssistsCAESAREAN withbe bowel problems and– boosts immunity. RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALINGofAND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY •• Clarifies the skin, by supporting detoxification theFace, liver, through Native the skin. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Lantana, Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Blacklines Nightshade, Blue Mink,and Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily •• OpensEnergetically communication between children. supports the healingmothers of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 56 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith BLEEDING HEART dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS Omalanthus populifolius Negative: sadness and loss, hurt and pain of lost love, for the closed heart and GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA co-dependancy. EIVING toeRlet,kgo, comforts gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW Positive: revliS ,alahelps maK d corm ahS kniPhurt ,anand atnapain, L ,noiopens lednaDthe ,aiheart ssaC and ,aguencourages jA risk-taking. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaDESCRIPTION f esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t ro A fast-growing rainforest tree, belonging to the family, Euphorbiaceae, it grows wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. to a height of 2–5m and 2–4m ECNEDIFNOC Hwide. TIW GItNhas IHTRleaves IB – Gshaped NIHTRIBlike DEShearts. SELB As they NG WITH CONFIDENCE are dying, the leaves turn red, thus the name. They make a good shade tree and sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA are tolerant of low light conditions. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS minute,ability cream flowers grow in dense, terminal, slender racemes. It pops up everywhere in perfect weather conditions, nce in The her body’s htooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne but wilts and dies quickly once ‘the heat is on.’ It has greenish birds. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smoothberries that attract .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –This COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN tree is extremely fast growing as if it is in a hurry, like those who fall in and out of love at the drop of a hat, sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA desperately seeking they feel relationship ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Redwhat Kamala, SnailaVine, Wild Irisshould be offering them. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Thefor leaves are they red gratitude thenepower m owdistinctly wand oh tbeauty uobheart-shaped a snofreyour ttap lbody. artand secFocuses njust a mobefore rf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ofall csidoff stsithe ssA tree, .ydobthey ruoyturn ot nitognainbrilliant ut yb htlaand eh rdramatic uoy Bleedingfrom Heart, ur body.colour. AssistsCalled disconnecting .ancestral senthe omtree’s rohpatterns fogrowing gninoabout itcnhabit ufhow dereminds cnwomen alab yone htlaeof h the strodrama ppus ylland aciteintensity grene dnthat a ,egoes b ”dluwith ohs“the breakup of a relationship painful memories, hurt and grief, making the heart bleed. y supports healthy balanced-functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB WHAT BRAIN MAKESENERGY THE HEART BLEED TO WHOLE ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA This essence is for those who Milkweed, suffer deepPink griefShamrock, and loss, Snail eitherVine, from relationship breakdown or death ofsiarI partner. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, dliW It also assists those who feel deep hurt and pain from ‘love gone wrong’ and who vow they will never love again. It also helps amitnever po dnsatisfied a sseneloin hwa frelationship o esnes a tuoand ba gconstantly nirb ot dnaseek ,niagreener rb eht fopastures. snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF those who lare ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals toThe protect brain Balances numerous tiny seem if rdesperately .segafunction niarflowers b ehfrom t salocated sthe egnover-effects ahon c naiaslender rb dnofa stress. sraceme sol yro m em hto tiwbe spreaching leH .seigrout eneas nia b tnorf-kcabseeking dna thgfor ir-tfacceptance el energies. memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. andHelps love.gwith or for a need to be met. The abundance of the flowers suggests although the affairs have been nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppunumerous, S ghout childhood, assists in the opening none haveand yet satisfied Thepathways smallnessofofunderstanding. the flowers suggests that the person feels small and not worthy of NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB notice and what is so desperately being sought is a feeling of self-love. N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB This is the Macaranga, person whoNative seeks Hibiscus, outside ofSilver herself for validation love in every elion, Lomandra, Wattle, Storm Lily, and a sense of being worthy. She seeks anebreV encounter, and feels validated and alive if she is in the intense honeymoon period of a love affair. .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS Often this person iswith ‘dying for love,’from and can sabotagebreakup. her own desire for a relationship by wearing her heart on her ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgnilerecovering ef eht ssecorp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtraeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE sleeve and actually pushing away a prospective partner with her intensity. Sometimes those who have lost a partner will physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb become so engulfed in the pain that they effectively cut so themselves nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness they can off from attracting love again..devloser eb Or sometimes this type of person YBAB Dwill NAfall REin HTlove OMwith ROFthe Gunattainable NITALUMITS -Dthe NAclergy, GNILAaEmarried H – YREman, VOCEetc. R N-Athus ERAsubconsciously SEAC fulfilling her own prophecy of never finding the right partner. EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ROMANTIC DREAM e Mink,THE Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE women ling of These the wounding of mother eht seromanticize talucaesarean mits yllaclove, itbirth, egreholding nfor E .yboth babit eup ht as ni an ytiand ruideal cesbaby. dand na Assists yare tefaoften s fo esunable nes a dto nasustain tnemhcaarelationship tta dnob gnilwhen dnik nthe i person turnseof idealized nd a sense in Energetically hout t safety strto opbe pand uS‘ordinary.’ .hsecurity trib laniBecause gathe v a baby. gniof rudtheir no d enrut erstimulates aview taht of smlove, ethe tsys they citegput renetheir eht lover gniregor girspouse t nigeb on ot naikpedestal s s’ ybab and then wonder systems why theythat areare disappointed when he turns out to be human and not ‘superhuman’ after all. g the energetic turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageSometimes and abortion. this idealization comes about because as a young girl, and with YLIMA F Gthis NIWperson ORG Ehad HT SaTRclose OPPU S – special DOOHrelationship DLIHC her father.FAMILY She idolized him, and she was his little princess because he made her feel better than anyone else could. But HE GROWING yliL pmthat awSof,ylaiL father mrotS and ,kcordaughter mahS kniPand ,deeso, wklin iMher ,aneyes, atnaL he ,aiswould saC always of course the relationship could never go beyond nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily be unattainable. towards make noitisnart strShe oppmay uS .tieven rips dexperience na dnim ,ydfeelings ob s’dlihof c ejealousy ht fo tnem polevedher ehmother t gnicnaand lab nfantasize i stsissa ythat llacitshe egrewould nE ng the adevelopment and better Building relationship inmher however, ,senpartner. otselof im the latnchild’s empoan lebody, vimage ed smind ’dliof hcthe ehtperfect fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehto ehtmind, snepO .tnecselshe oda could ot dlihnever c ot ybactually ab morfrecognise ent. Opens the the -snmother’s amundane rt evitagawareness enaspects sraelc yof lof lacman itegchild’s rto enEwoman .yldevelopmental etairrelating porppa obecause gmilestones, tel rehshe splewas h dnseeing a ,gnikthrough at-ksir eta irpeyes orppaof-eagachild. swolla the more the king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg Many women put romantic expectations on their lover or spouse, and when he doesn’t deliver they lose their loving feeling. They may fantasize about leaving the present relationship and finding one where they will ‘truly be loved.’ Many a good relationship has been jettisoned for these nebulous reasons. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 57 Some women cut themselves off from the rest of the world because they are partnered. Their unreal expectations that their partner will fulfil all of their needs - physical, social, emotional, sexual, security and friendship - puts a heavy strain on the relationship. The woman will feel sad when her partner can’t deliver and find that she is isolated and lonely. A WALL AROUND THE HEART Essence EssenceBlends Blends Some women put a wall around their heart because they don’t want it to bleed again, having been hurt in the past by ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING a love relationship gone wrong. These experience great pain because in their deepest heart, they want to love ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN women RECEIVING Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, again, butAjuga, they are too scared to reach out. Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering The key to sustaining a satisfying and long-term relationship starts with a love affair with the self. When we love Jew the accept heart toourselves gratitude,for thewho mind theand limitless abundance of theofUniverse, the spirit to joy and ourselves,Opens we totally wetoare we satisfy the energy the heartand chakra, the pivotal energy Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of centre in our energetic-anatomy. Love of the self is not about being selfish, but as researchers tell us, it is crucialjoy to our optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. health andbeing wellbeing. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED – BIRTHING WITH The thymus gland isBIRTHING the associated gland for theCONFIDENCE heart chakra and plays a large part in the immune response of the BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE body. Psycho-neuro-immunology is Dandelion, the study ofStorm how our Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Lily, emotional Wild Iris state impacts the immunological responses in the Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink,inDandelion, Stormthat Lily,the Wild Iris body. Researchers have demonstrated clinical studies moment we have a negative self-thought, the output Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in from the thymus gland isthe dramatically reduced. When thymus gland, which delivers safe immune T-helper cells Supports mother’s confidence in her the body’s to move birth,boosting and the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. Helps smooth into the blood,entering is compromised, immune health is dramatically reduced leaving a person open to picking up disease intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth from an outside influence. Feelings of rejection baby’s passage into the world. and pain of the heart compromise the immune system. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Rejection threatens basic internal balance - our basic need for affinity. When oneSKIN feels rejected, the heart bleeds. BODYour LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink intensifies Shamrock, the Redhurt Kamala, Vine,the Wildmistaken Iris When theAcacia, heart isBlack hurting, putting a wall up only and Snail validates perception: ‘I am Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pinkone Shamrock, Redagain Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Irisand sets out again unloved and unlovable.’ Instead of feeling connected, feels once cut off and separated Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning to find theyour perfect love that create agratitude feeling OK. Fear isancestral the gatekeeper ofabout the delicate heart energy. Helps you appreciate feel forbeing the power and of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning health byaffair tuning in will to and your body. Assists of disconnecting frombeauty patterns howyou women Fear of being alone and of not being validated as a worthwhile person distorts the energy of the heart. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. SHARINGBRAIN THE LOVE BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY A relationship canBlue be sustained when both partners in theFace, couple have aMilkweed, healthy self-esteem. A relationship Acacia, Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine,will not Blue Mink,inCordyline, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pinkself-esteem Shamrock, Snail Vine, a provide feelings fact, quiteDandelion, the opposite. Self-doubt, uncertainty and low will erode Wild Acacia, Irisof self-worth; Wild Iris Mature love flourishes when the balance between individuality and loving another is maintained relationship over time. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal and sustained.For Both parties inthe themany relationship are loved loving. balancing functions of equally the brain, andand to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals function from the over-effects This essence attunes to the feeling that one to is protect worthy of experiencing true love that endures in a Balances state left-right andone back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and brain changes asof thestress. brain ages.of grace, left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. delicacy and gentleness. It helps to recognize that love can be constant and enduring and does not falter when the chips Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. are down. It allows one to see that true love is unconditional and not focused on only what one is receiving, but also BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN what one is giving. This –love does not BREAKUP EASING THEcontrol, PAIN but rather lets things be the way they are based in the profound heart Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, wisdom that everything is unfolding perfectly as it should.Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Bleeding HeartVerbena helps a woman to recognize affinity as attraction to a significant other, and when that magnetism is yousomething while goingthere. through a breakup and perspective assists with recovering a relationship breakup. felt, there Supports is genuinely It helps to put into the notion from that touching and being touched is a Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, demonstration of the power of feeling between them and not simply an end in itself. Energetically very physical feelings of bring heartbreak and patterns helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, supports rejection,the and abandonment. Helps repeating to awareness so they can Love is a natural state between all living things. Love radiates throughout all existence, including human beings and the blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY The cry of a ‘warrior of theRECOVERY heart’ is live to love again. When we stayFOR open to love,AND we become CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING MOTHER BABY more loving and Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily consequently attract love to us. This is the healing energy of Bleeding Heart. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean for both mother Bleeding Heart works on the Heart, Lungs and Kidney meridians, helping birth, to resolve grief, openand the baby. heart Assists and dissolve Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists fear. in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’s skin to to Chakras begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the Bleeding Heart resonates 2 and 4. emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY •• For deep sadness and loss. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily •• For deep hurt and pain. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, •• For those who pine for love. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans•• For those who fallage-appropriate in love with the risk-taking, unattainable. generational patterns. generational patterns. •• For those who put a wall around the heart. •• For co-dependency. 138 58 Spirit 138 •• Fear of loving again. Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith •• For heart disease, poor immunity, and sluggish circulation. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES •• Helps to resolve grief and loss. •• Comforts those in pain. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVING•• Quiets the hungry heart. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA •• Brings discernment in selecting a partner ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ •• Opens the heart to true love. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind the abundance the ••toEnables fo sslimitless enelove rawaof sthe esiaself. R .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t ro •• Encourages risk-taking. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB ••CONFIDENCE Assists the heart, supports the immune compromised and aids circulation. NG WITH sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 59 BLUE MINK Essence Blends Essence Blends KEYWORDS Ageratum houstonianum ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY INNegative: RECEIVING stress, feeling pressured or threatened, aversion to touch, pain from a past Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering relationship, all skin diseases. Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: de-stresses, softens, restores connection, heals hurt and soothes the skin. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and DESCRIPTION to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ clearsofthese family patterns. Raises contains awareness of Native toSupports tropical Mexico, thisand member the family (which beingoptimism. the magician one’s own successful networking andAsteraceae win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s ownsunflowers life. Supports successful networking relationships. daises, and asters) is a popular and and easilywin-win grown annual that has escaped BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE cultivatedWITH gardens and now flourishes as a classified weed. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris It is fully established in Australia and isMink, commonly knownStorm here as Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Dandelion, Lily,Billy-goat Wild Irisweed, Blue Mink or Blue Top. Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in It has low sheen, heart-shaped leavesprocess that areas slightly with showy blue, lavender fluffy, flower heads. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in furry her body’s ability to move safe birth, andsoft the parents in entering into the a sacred journey to parenting asthrough aand rite mauve-pink ofa passage. Helps smooth entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. It is an annual growing to 0.3m high by 0.3m wide. It flowers from December to April (summer and autumn) and the seeds baby’s passage the are world. ripen from BODY February to April. Theinto flowers hermaphrodite (have both and female organs) and are pollinated by moths LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN male YOUR OWN SKIN and butterflies. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Hardy, it prefersAcacia, a sunnyBlack position with protection from thePink coldShamrock, wind. It cannot grow in the shade and requires Nightshade, Dandelion, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris dry or moist soil. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Medicinally,your it isHelps classed an anodyne - anfeel agent that soothes, or relaxes. The juicebody. of the plant is you used externally to you appreciate gratitude for thecomforts power and beauty of your Focuses on fine-tuning health byastuning in to and your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women treat cuts and wounds. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. An ornamental plant, the flowers are very to butterflies that can be seen dancing around their soft, blue fluffy flower BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON attractive TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY heads in the sunshine. Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, DOCTRINEWild OFAcacia, SIGNATURES Iris Wild Iris The soft, puffy appearancethe ofmany this attractive little callsand out to be touched. could be used to For balancing functions of flower the brain, bring about Ita gives sensethe of impression wholeness that and itoptimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal stroke the skin soothingly. functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. It has heart-shaped leaves thatback-front are soft, furry and pleasing towith touch. left-right and brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports changesare throughout assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Its soft blue, lavender andbrain pink colours classically childhood, feminine andand evoke a sense of tenderness. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN EASING THE PAINis used to relax and soothe, so it carries the quality of softening the hard lines of Medicinally, it isBREAKUP classed as–an anodyne, which Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, tension and stress that grip and tauten the body. Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Its use in treating cuts and wounds on the skin suggests a strong healing quality for emotional wounds that have penetrated Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. deeply through Supports the protective barriergoing of the aura that, when intact and healthy, protects the skin andrelationship keeps us feeling safe and you while breakup assists with from breakup. Energetically supports the very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, relaxed. Energetically very physical feelings of bring heartbreak and patterns helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, supports rejection,the and abandonment. Helps repeating to awareness so they can blame, guilt,sun, fear,evoking rejection, abandonment. Helpsstate, bringsoaking repeating patterns to awareness so no they can be resolved. It loves to grow in the filtered the and image of lying in a relaxed up gentle warmth and feeling anxiety, be resolved. stress, tension, pressure or sense of threat. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY It likes to beAcacia, protected from harsh, cold, windy conditions, the sense of wanting to be kept Lily safe from the outside world. Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Frecklesignifying Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Acacia, Nightshade, Blueroams Mink,free Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus,feeling StormofLily Originally a cultivar thatBlack has escaped now across landscape, it suggests that women Energetically supports the and healing of the wounding ofthe caesarean birth, for boththemother andfreedom baby. Assists experienceinwhen they are liberated enough to relax and enjoy their sensuality and sexuality. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the FOR STRESS KITTENS baby’s skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. This soft and attractive littleafter-effects flower evokesofamiscarriage feeling of wanting to touch it. It resonates with women because of its tactile softness emotional and abortion. CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY and feminine colours. It is –particularly appropriate for women in the area of sexual expression and intimacy where stress is an CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY ongoing factor in their busy lives. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Stress affects women differently men, particularly in the areas and intimacy. Energetically assists than in balancing the development of of thesex child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, The stress hormones of cortisol and adrenaline boost the inflow of testosterone into a male’s bloodstream, causing him to want from baby to child to adolescent. the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, andOpens helps let go appropriately. clears negative to have sex.allows In fact,age-appropriate sexual connectionrisk-taking, relieves a man’s stressher by draining the build up ofEnergetically tension from his body, leaving transhim feeling allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. relaxed, soothed and brimming with oxytocin, the hormone that fosters connection and love of intimacy. A sexually satisfied man generational patterns. will sleep easy after a love making session with his partner, feeling secure and comfortable. But the hormonal drivers work differently in a woman’s body. They cause a distinct physical and emotional adverse response to sexual advances from her partner. Cortisol and adrenaline dampen the oxytocin inflow into a woman’s body so that she does 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 60 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith not respond to touch in the way that she normally would when relaxed. They also diminish the production of the neuro-chemical dopamine, which triggers her desire for pleasure. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Therefore, stress acts to restrict and harden a woman to the sexual advances of her partner. In fact, often her stress is increased when he reaches for her because she feels so stretched already, and the last thing on her mind is sex when all she wants to do is sleep! GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGOne of the old-fashioned advices that came to me from my grandmother was, if you want a happy marriage and you can’t gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ‘make it,’ then fake ntana, Pink Shamrock, Redit!Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ The women’s liberation movement looked sternly down its nose at this old adage as it seemed to be suggesting that a woman is dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO acting giving the mind to the abundance the and foagainst sslimitless enerher awabest sesinterests iaR .snrof eby tta p yUniverse, limin af to esher ehand t husband’s srathe elc spirit dnarequest ’htogujoy onfor e tosex n‘ when fo esnshe es edoesn’t ht etanireally mile swant pleHit..msimitpo sense The of ‘not enough’ these Raises ofppdesire .and spihis sclears nthat, oitalefor r nwomen, iw-family niw dall npatterns. athe gninormal krow tentriggers luawareness fssecfor cussexual stro uS .efdo il nshut wo sdown ’eno nwhen i naicshe igam eht gnieb biological reality is stressed, making sex wn life.seem Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. like a chore rather than a pleasure. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE But the secret is that there is truth in what our grandmothers sirIwere dliWsaying. ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,Research Storm Lily, Wild Iris the ndemonstrates i stnerap eht that dna even ,htribthough efas a we hgumay orhtnot evobe m open ot ytilito basex s’ yat dothe b reoutset, h ni ecby negoing difnocahead s’ rehtoand m eengaging ht stroppusexually, S hormones of sexual pleasure, relaxation and satisfaction start to flow once sex begins. nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth lroof w sex, eht oswitch tni egon assthe ap body’s s’ ybab relaxation Below the conscious level, the ‘pleasure and connection’ hormones, stimulated by the.dact . response, causing the body-mind toNunwind naturally. IKS NW O RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN The outcome is deep healing persist sirI dsleep liW ,eand niV lrelief ianS ,from alamthe aK dtension eR ,kcoburden rmahS that kniPcould ,noileotherwise dnaD ,eda hsthgifor N kdays calB and ,aicaeven cA weeks if ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris not cleared. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenPAIN REDUCES epower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how women s e n o m r o h f o g n i n o i t c n u f d e c n a l a b yhtlaeh sand tropdebilitation pus yllaciteof grthe enenervous dna ,ebsystem, ”dluohcausing s“ Stress and tension generate an unhealthy tightening of the body musculature both y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. physical and emotional pain, and reduced function. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Physical ,symptoms eniV lianScan ,kcoinclude rmahS headaches, kniP ,deewkPMT, liM ,ktiredness, rabecaL ,palpitations, ecaF elkcerFacne ,noiland ednadigestive D ,enilyddysfunction. roC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW Emotional repercussions can range from feeing overwhelmed, anxiety, irritability and irrational anger and striking out, to feelings mitpo dnaand sseanedesire lohw to foescape esnes afrom tuob a gworld. nirb oInt dthe nalong-term, ,niarb ehtchronic fo snoistress tcnuf is ynthe amprecursor eht gnicntoalmany ab roFdebilitating of isolation,laseparation the ons of disease the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf states. enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel BlueHelps Mink with works on the Chong, Central, Heart, Pericardium, Kidney, and Liver Meridian. energies. memory loss and brain changes as the brain .gnidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists opening new of understanding. Blue Mink resonates to in Chakras 1, 2 andpathways 4. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV •• For stress. .pukaunduly erb pihpressured. snoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS •• For feeling ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ••feelings For feeling threatened.and helps process the feelings of grief, physical of heartbreak nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helpstobring repeating .devloser eb •• For aversion intimate touch. patterns to awareness so they can YBAB advances DNA REHfrom TOMaRpartner. OF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC •• For feeling stressed by sexual EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL m rotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA •• For being closed off and hard-edged. e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily tsissAemotional .ybab dnapain rehtfrom om hatopast b rofrelationship. ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE •• Forsdeep ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni •• For skin diseases such asinpsoriasis, eczema, neuro-dermatitis, superficial wounds and scratches. nd a sense of safety and security the baby. Energetically stimulates eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC •• Relieves stress and tension. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC •• Opens a stressed woman to being comforted. nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnthe arthard stroplines puS of .tirtension. ips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE •• Softens ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf • • Restores a sense of connection and intimacy. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and let go emotional appropriately. negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg ••helps Healsher long-held heartEnergetically wounds fromclears the past. h •• Has a soothing, healing effect on the skin. •• For psoriasis, neuro-dermatitis, eczema, especially when worse with emotional stress. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 61 CASSIA Essence EssenceBlends Blends Cassia coluteoides KEYWORDS Negative: for feeling lost or incomplete, a victim, for soul depression, feeling ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING trapped, feeling dull and uninspired and for addictions. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: for self-empowerment, faith in oneself, new vision, clarity, selfJew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering healing. Strengthens the will. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue The Mink, Dandelion, StormofLily, task of the rescue theWild soul Iris is long and slow Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in And only those will be rescued who want to bethrough rescued,safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to move entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting as a rite ofa passage. Helps smooth For only the soul itself can unmake entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth prison it has so carefully constructed. baby’s passage into the The world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE YOURofOWN SKIN How delicate is the work of theINfreeing the soul! BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Open and open Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink eyes Shamrock, Red heart, Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris tongue toPink speak what must said Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, ADandelion, Shamrock, RedbeKamala, Helps you appreciate and feelhands gratitude for the powerthe and beauty your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning And to hold through terror andofthe pain Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to Only your body. disconnecting from ancestral those Assists who are themselves becoming free patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports balanced functioning of hormones. Canhealthy wield this Fiery Wand. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. TheTO rebirth of the soul is an agony and a joy BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON And TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY only one already reborn Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Can assist this painful labour. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris How tender and beautiful is the work Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to about a sense of wholeness and optimal Of the freeing of bring the soul. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. Marjorie Pizerfunction left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, DESCRIPTION Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Fast-growing shrubs from the old andthrough new world, this particular variety known as the Buttercup Tree and is characterised Supports you while going a breakup and assists withisrecovering from a relationship breakup. by butter- Energetically yellow clusters of 3.8 cm. (1.5 inches) flowers. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, and abandonment. patterns to awareness so they can It flowers around Easterfear, andrejection, is considered a weed in theHelps sensebring that repeating it grows on the borders of the re-growth frontier blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they more can be resolved. in tropical growth areas. It is a native of tropical America; however, there are several native Australian Cassias, be resolved. particularlyCAESAREAN suited to dryRECOVERY districts. – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY DOCTRINE OFCAESAREAN SIGNATURES Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The flowerEnergetically has three heart-shaped petals, which form the ‘top’ of the flower two cup-like petals completing supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth,and for both mother and baby. Assists the Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding ofanthers caesarean birth,like forarms both reach mother andinbaby. Assists circle, making up five petals in all. From the centre, two yellow out a the supportive in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in looking the baby. Energetically stimulates in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the embrace, baby’s upholding the heart. Between these two, a single green stigma projects outwards and upwards, calling skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports energy the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the back to the heart. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. At the veryCHILDHOOD centre of the –flower, a globe-like arrangement (reminiscent of an energy-saving globe) protrudes forward, SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTSclusters THE GROWING FAMILY topped by three miniature heart-shaped that echo the heart-shaped petals directly above them. The centre is Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily green and the petals a clearMilkweed, bright yellow. genus produces sennaLily pods of medicine, the properties of which Cassia,are Lantana, PinkThis Shamrock, Storm Lily,the Swamp Energetically assistsaninurgent, balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition are purgative. They prompt complete bowel evacuation. in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, FOR RESURRECTING THE PARTS WE HAVE LOST from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate helps her let go the appropriately. Energetically transpatterns. This is thegenerational ‘resurrection’ essence. The risk-taking, two ‘arms’and of the flower give appearance of pulling clears energynegative back into the generational patterns. centre. It helps us to call back the parts of ourselves that we have lost or the parts that we have given away, as we attempted to gain acceptance in the world. When we own our soul fully and completely our heart sings. In respecting ourselves we grow to love ourselves. 138 62 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Cassia grants us the power and strength of will to recreate ourselves. It works on addictions - to substances, relationships, comfort zones or work situations - by allowing us to tap into our deep inner strength to let go of the old and embrace the new, whatever that might be, without the comfort of the addiction to shore us up. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE TRANSFORMING OURSELVES The ability to transform our lives or change whatever part we don’t like is located at the Solar Plexus. Here the organGNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGmeridian systems of the Liver (facilitates movement) and the Spleen (enables transformative function) are located. On gnirednlevel, aW etitihW ,anebthat reV incoming ,elttaW revfood liS ,ais lam aK deR ,kcointo rmahuseable S kniP ,aenergy natnaLand ,noilmoved ednaD through ,aissaC ,the agusystem. jA the physical is here transformed On ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering w e J a psychological level, we transform what we don’t like in our lives and move on to the next phase. It is also here that the evolutionary dna yoj ot tirfunction ips eht dof nathe ,esrsoul evinU- to ehcontinually t fo ecnadnube babettering sseltimil eourselves ht ot dnim- is ehenergised. t ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h g u o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s tanimiinto le spanother leH .msim itpophase; for Cassia works at this energetic level, bringing with it the power to change andehtot emove life sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t r o example, if one does not like certain aspects of one’s life, say, excess of social drinking and one wants to change to wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. more moderate habits, based in the desire for a healthierEC body. NEDICassia FNOC helps HTIWtoGform NIHTthe RIB intention, – GNIHTRand IB Dto ESmake SELB the shift. NG WITH CONFIDENCE Cassia also assists in embracing optimism when a change the,kfirst sirI dliis Wimminent ,yliL mrotS- ,‘today noilednisaD niM day eulBof,athe gujArest ,aicofacmy A life.’ ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris RE-PROGRAMMING ni stnerap ehtOLD dna ,SCRIPTS htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability to move through and o o m s s p l e H . e g a ssaItp encourages foaesafe tir a birth, sa gn erathe p oparents t yenruo-inj to dere-parent rcas a sa sourselves secorp gniso htrithat b ehwe t otngrant i gnireourselves tne It fosters renewal and rebirth. usitnto self-adopt the ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s ’ y b a b benefit of making decisions that are in our soul’s best interest. As adults, we make many of our day-to-day decisions . based on the programming that was when were infants, best our NIKput S Nin Wplace O RUO Y NIwe ELB ATRO FMOCwith – )Sthe ENO MRof Ointentions, H YPPAH( Eby VO L Yparents. DOB When ONES) –weCOMFORTABLE YOUR OWN SKIN become awareINthat much of our earlier programming has passed its use-by date and needs updating, we begin sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA thePink process of sorting out whatSnail still works for us, ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Vine, Wild Irisand what doesn’t. This sifting process can be likened to re-parenting: gninut-ewhat nif no uoy seand sucovalues F .ydobsuit ruous y fonow, ytuaand eb dwe na rjettison ewop ehthe t roold. f eduCassia titarg leassists ef dna in etadiscriminating icerppa uoy spwhat leH to keep we decide beliefs gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning emlet owgo, woand h tuoassists ba snrthe ettaclearing. p lartsecnOn a mo rf gphysical nitcennolevel, csid sthis tsissA .ydob roccurs uoy ot nini gthe ninsmall ut yb hintestine tlaeh ruoand y bowel. and whatnto the function ur body.Cassia Assistsisdisconnecting from ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninon oabout ita cnclogged, ufhow decnwomen ala b yhtlaebowel. h stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ well known for its .purgative action blocked y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRSaturn ENE Nhas IARBreturned ELOHWtoOthe T NO NRUinT the – EC NALAB that NIARitB occupied The Saturn Return is powerful time in one’s life, when place heavens TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY at one’s,ebirth. need into niV liaSaturn’s nS ,kcorreturn mahS kstimulates niP ,deewkaliM ,krato beclet aLgo ,ecof aF the elkcbeliefs erF ,noand ilednvalues aD ,eniabout lydroCthe ,knworld, iM eulBprogrammed ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face,by Lacebark, Milkweed, the subconscious those influential in Pink our Shamrock, upbringing,Snail but Vine, that no longer serve us. This essence helps to evaluate sirI us dliW those beliefs and perceptions and decide which we want to keep and which we are ready to let go of, to enable us to lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF the path of our own soul’s desire. Cassia is the ‘Saturn Return’ essence. ons of tread the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals toThe protect brain stress. Balances ‘Wounded enables our .segafunction nHealer’ iarb ehfrom tremedy sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarbusdto nofa learn ssol yrthe o mlessons em htiw that spleH .sewounds igrene nin iarlife b tnhave orf-kcto abteach dna thus, gir-and tfel to easily energies. memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. passHelps onto.gwith others the wealth of experience gained by resolving our own soul issue. nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. It works on the Solar Plexus chakra, strengthening the digestive system. This provides a Tsound of NIAP EH GNISbase AE – Pfor UKthe AERenergies B N the heart to,yopen and assists in loving and accepting oneself fully and unconditionally. It is a strong grower, deep-rooted liL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB and well grounded. It brings toSilver the heart andStorm immune elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativestrength Hibiscus, Wattle, Lily, system. anebreV A SHINING .puLIGHT kaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and relationship ,the feiassists rgsense fo sgwith nthat ilerecovering efitegrows ht ssecon ofrom rpthe spaleborders h dna kaoferthe btbreakup. rare-growth eh fo sgnilefrontier, ef lacisyithppushes yrev ehback t strop pusboundaries yllacitegrenof E disorder A weed in the physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings nac yecreating ht os sseanemargin rawa otofsnsafety rettap between gnitaeperorder gnirbof spgrief, lebeing H .tnem nodnaba dnItahelps ,noitcbring ejer ,ra esense f ,tliugof,erationality malb and chaos, and dishevelled. and nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can . d e v l o s e r e b progress in the realm of new ideas. It assists people to be ‘shining lights,’ disseminating bright, new ideas that spread easily and supports recognition ofN‘leader ofMthe pack’ YBAB D A REHTO RO F GNin ITAbringing LUMITS new DNAideas GNILforward AEH – YRthat EVObenefit CER Nthe AERwhole. ASEAC It helps a bright spark to excel in a field of knowledge. Great for students helps them to assimilate information and take onboard EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY y l i L m r o t S , s u c s i b i H e v i t a N , a n a t n a L , e c a F e l k c e r F , k n i M e u l B , e d a h s t h g i N k c a l B , a i c new ideas and run with them. Great for teachers too, who feel they have gone stale, to find inspiration. acA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissAVISION .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ENHANCES ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates It grants the power to heal through a strong, clear vision of the part eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys cto itebe grehealed, ne eht gby niraiding eggirt nthe igepower b ot niktos visualize. s’ ybab Useful g the energetic systems that aresuch turned during a vaginal birth. Supports the for healing modalities as on Theta healing, where visualization plays a large part in the efficacy of the treatment. It .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitom e arriageallows and abortion. one to ‘see’ the new vision and to embrace it. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING JENNY FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Swamp Lily Jenny isStorm a gymLily, instructor. For many months, crippled by an inflamed tendon, she felt compromised in her professional noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE and with of regardchild’s to her own mind self-imagespirit. as a fit person. Her dedication to the path of her own healing has been ng the role development ,senotselim the latnempolebody, ved s’dlihc and eht fo ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf driven by the enormous amountthe of emotional pain she has been through over the past three years that has culminated ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacitegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla in her physical symptoms. Here is her story. king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 63 Jenny was a girl who loved to party. Married for twenty-something years with two adolescent boys, she still managed to live the lifestyle of a single girl - drinking copiously every weekend, a string of extra-marital liaisons and a cavalier approach to life. She was an extremely fit person, and her gallbladder has been removed at some point in her past. She presented in my clinic with severe inflammation of the Achilles tendon that was preventing her from her usual program of daily running. Essence EssenceBlends Blends ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, the health of the tendons is governed by the same energy that ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING maintains Ajuga, the health of the Gallbladder and the (knownRed as Wood energy). Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, PinkLiver Shamrock, Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Simultaneously, Jenny’s digestive energy was under-active and her bowel patterns highly erratic, often clearing only Jew relied on alcohol to give her a good clean out! Jenny said that her husband never seemed to be once a week. She Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and concernedoptimism. thatOpens she spent aeliminate lot to of gratitude, time theenough’ marriage. saidthese that although she cared him, she the heart mind to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe, andforthe spirit to did joy not and Helps the outside sensetheofof ‘not andShe clears family Raises awareness of really know what love was because sheown had notSupports experienced that kind of passion him.patterns. optimism. Helps thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family Raises awareness of being the magician ineliminate one’s networking andwith win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. But it was BLESSED her mindless leap into intimacy with someone else who, for the first time in her life, made her heart sing, that BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE catapulted her onto the path of her own healing. Her pattern of promiscuity had been to have a quick sexual fling with Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris someone, thenAcacia, discardAjuga, him and the next, in aLily, mindless Bluemove Mink, onto Dandelion, Storm Wild Irisround of seeking for something or somebody to the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in make her Supports feel good. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth She met Mark at work. He came to her seeking professional advice to help him get fit. They sizzled on first meeting and entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth Jenny anticipated more of the same game. baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN However, as things it became clear that Mark had an agenda thatOWN involved BODYprogressed, LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKINmore that just a quick sexual Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Redunwilling Kamala, to Snail Vine, Iris encounter!Acacia, He wasBlack smitten with Jenny, but still being married, was cheat onWild his wife. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate feel gratitude the but power of your body. you on mess fine-tuning They played around a lot over and a period of three for years, didand not beauty have sex. Jenny wasFocuses an emotional and was Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning health mess. by tuning to your Assists disconnecting from aboutwanted how women becomingyour a physical Theinmore he body. refused to have sex with her the ancestral more shepatterns desperately him. The pain yourShe health tuning to supports your was body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral women “should” be, andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. was excruciating. knew that the in situation destructive for her. It was at that point patterns that she about came how for treatment. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCEand – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY to alleviate the physical symptoms. Her digestion I treated her Gallbladder Stomach channels with acupuncture BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY improved,Acacia, but herBlue Achilles tendon was still inflamedFreckle and resisted treatment.Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Face, Lacebark, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Recognizing theIris Mind-body connection, I prescribed Cassia for Jenny. It was at this point of extreme emotional pain that Wild Iris Jenny began true healing journey. The first thing sheand did to was to give upadrinking Once had removed For her balancing the many functions of the brain, bring about sense of alcohol! wholeness and she optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, andwhat to bring about adoing,’ sense ofand and optimal the fog, she began to have frequent ‘aha’ moments…‘so that’s I have been ‘why couldn’t I see that?’ functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofwholeness stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects of stress. Balances left-right and back-front brain Helps with memory loss and changes as the brain ages. On a Mind-Body level, Gallbladder energy (which governs the tendons) relates to the ability to make clear and concise left-right back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages. Supports brainand changes throughout andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of‘spring understanding. decisions that support growth and childhood, decided direction life. The tendons give pathways us the in our step’ that Supportsone’s brainsoul changes throughout childhood, andinassists in opening new of understanding. comes with being decisive about our direction in life. When this energy system is healthily functioning, personal growth BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP EASING THE takes place easily as we –respond our PAIN soul’sLomandra, passion and pursue it in our own unique andWattle, creative way.Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, to Dandelion, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Storm Bleeding Heart, Dandelion,weLomandra, Hibiscus, Wattle, Then Stormwe Lily,blame When we Verbena are not following ourCassia, soul’s direction, give awayMacaranga, parts of ourNative soul (life energy)Silver to another. Verbena others when things don’t go going our way. Blame and victim-hood gowith hand in hand.from When we give over responsibility of Supports you while through a breakup and assists recovering a relationship breakup. our life’s direction to another person, lose control ofofour own destiny - we have given away our We suffer Supports you while going through afeelings breakup and assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically supports the verywe physical heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of soul. grief, resentment, which negatively affects Gallbladder, giving rise to gallbladder disease such as gallstones and Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they cantendon inflammation. Cassia helps to call back our soul. It also assistsHelps in becoming decisivepatterns in determining our own direction blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. bring repeating to awareness so they can be resolved. in life. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Jenny decided CAESAREAN to forget about Mark. She found this AND very difficult, for although he was no longer in her physical life, he RECOVERY – HEALING STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily still occupied her mind and emotions. She seemed to be in a continuous seesaw of indecision about whether she had Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily chosen correctly. Her emotional indecision stillwounding locked into her body inbirth, the Gallbladder channel. However, with the Energetically supports the healing was of the of caesarean for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports healing ofstrategy, thesafety wounding of temptation caesarean birth, for both mother and assistanceinofkindling the Cassia, stuck tothe her original resisted and stayed away from bondshe attachment and a sense of and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Assists in kindling bondtriggering attachment a sensesystems of safety and baby.a Energetically baby’s skin to begin theand energetic that aresecurity turned in onthe during vaginal birth.stimulates Supports the the The release that was needed at the triggering physical level came when she had cupping therapy in her ahip and buttocks region to baby’s skin to begin the energetic systems that are turned on during vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. release the nerve supply to the tendon. The next dayand sheabortion. was sporting deep purple bruises all around the area. This is emotional after-effects of miscarriage CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THEwhich GROWING FAMILYthe buttocks region. It is also in the buttocks that stagnant the pathway of the Gallbladder meridian, criss-crosses CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY sexual energy is stored. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily The next day, Jenny came back to see mePink in some distress. done something she said. “I phoned him and Energetically assists in balancing the development of“I’ve the child’s body, mindbad,” and spirit. Supports transition told him that if he had just had sex with me all this would be over and I would not be the mess I am today.” Her Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones,victim personalityallows hadfrom resurfaced and and sheOpens blamed distress. of baby tomomentarily child to adolescent. mother’s awareness the child’s developmental age-appropriate risk-taking, helps the herhim let for go her appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. When her stagnant sexual energy was brought to the surface with the cupping, Jenny was finally able to express the generational patterns. hidden resentment for being sexually disempowered, buried in her buttocks for three years. It was this energy that blocked the Gallbladder channel, resulting in inflammation of her tendon. 138 64 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith By physically clearing the Gallbladder channel, she had been able to clear the emotional pain that had stopped her from going forward in her life. By assuming control once more, she is taking back the fragments of her soul that she had given away to someone else. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Jenny stayed true to her decision, one that accorded with her best interests. Two months after her last phone call to Mark, she declared that she had completed her first pain-free run for six months. Shortly after, she announced that GNIVIEC ER N I YOJ – Ethat CNA D-N UBA tendon she was entering a competitive run overseas and began her training in earnest, fully confident her Achilles EIVINGwould stand up to the challenge. Her vision for herself had been restored. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Verbena, Whiteabout Wandering weher J destiny Jenny is a courageous woman. HerWattle, journey is ultimately taking control of her own life and not handing over dtonasomeone situation, none yoj ot tiriwho ps ehdoes t dnanot ,esrhave evinUher ehtbest fo einterests cnadnubat a sheart. seltimiBy l ehloving t ot dnsomeone im eht ,edin utiatahopeless rg ot traeh eht snepwhere O of her deepest needs were being met, she had no control so she became the victim. the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hguone ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese rwe niware -family niwindcontrol npatterns. a gnikrof ow ten luoccupies fsseccus sour tro When we are empowered, what mind - Jenny had been expending all her mental wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. and emotional energy on seeking an unattainable goal. As she directs mental ECNEDIFNOC HTher IW G NIHTRIenergy B – GNtowards IHTRIB Dwhat ESSELisB good for NG WITH CONFIDENCE her well-being, she can power through life achieving all that she wants and more, including a mutually satisfying love sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA that meets the needs of both people simultaneously. This is true Mind-Body healing. ndelion,relationship Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS works on the move Liver, Gallbladder, Kidney and and Colon meridians, restoring a sense of self and connection to one’s nce in Cassia her body’s htability ooms sto pleH .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gnitnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne soul, granting the strength to change and to let go of old patterns serve. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth that no longer .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Cassia resonates to Chakras 2, 3 and 9. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –YOUR COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN HEALING CHALLENGES sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• For feeling lost or incomplete. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower ofreyour moalienated w wand oh tbeauty uofrom ba sn ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy •• For feeling oneself. ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ •• For soul depression. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB •• For aBRAIN victimENERGY mentality. TO WHOLE ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA •• ForFreckle feelingFace, trapped in old patterns of Pink behaviour. Dandelion, Lacebark, Milkweed, Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW •• For feeling ideas. lamdull itpo and dna uninspired ssenelohw fand o eslacking nes a tuo ba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of • the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness secnalto aBa.ssubstance, serts fo stcerelationship, ffe-revo eht m orf and noor itcoptimal nuf situation. niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf • For addictions cause life enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel •• Assists constipation, diarrhoea,changes diverticulitis, polyps,ages. twisted bowel and colon cancer. energies. Helps.gwith with nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wen gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and to assists •• For inability ‘see’.in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Native Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV •• For self-Macaranga, empowerment and Hibiscus, confidence. .pukathe erbwill. pihsRestores noitaler afaith morin f goneself. nirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS •• Strengthens ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE •• For optimism. physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring .devloser eb •• Brings clarity and newrepeating vision. patterns to awareness so they can YBAvisualisations. B DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC •• Assists in creating healing EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL m rotS ,suworks csibiHpowerfully evitaN ,anon atnathe L ,eLiver, caF eGallbladder, lkcerF ,kniM eColon ulB ,edand ahsth giN kcalB ,aicacA •• Strengthens the digestive system, Kidney. e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybabHealer’ dna reh tom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE •• The ‘Wounded remedy. ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni •• Eases ‘Saturn Return’ time in one’s life. nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome •• Aids vision. arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 65 COMMELINA Essence EssenceBlends Blends Commelina cyanea KEYWORDS Negative: for negative self-expression, critical self-talk, malicious gossip, fear of ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING psychic attack, blocked creativity. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: integrity in what we say, blocked communication, unblocks frozen Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering expression. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of DESCRIPTION beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE A soft-stemmed creeper, it is also known asWITH Scurvy Weed because the early settlers used it to ward off scurvy. Today it BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE is commonly known as a weed in the gardens of tropical areas; it is found also on creek banks and in Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, and Wildsubtropical Iris moist forests, particularly on the edge, as it loves the sun. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in The creeping stems, roots the nodes, have grass-like leaves. spectacular bright, blue flowers Supports theat mother’s confidence in her body’s toThe move safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the birthing process as broad a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofathree-petaled passage. smooth shimmer and sparkle in the sun. The petals flare out from the centre in a heart shape, with three gold-tipped stamens entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth arising from thebaby’s centre.passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN The flowers come out LOVE in pairs, with one emerging first and coming to IN fullYOUR flower,OWN then the other bud begins to open. The BODY (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris petals close over when the sun goes behind clouds. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning DOCTRINE OF you SIGNATURES Helps appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women There are “should” threeyour bluebe, petals. The number three represents the trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the old order, but in health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, andit energetically supports functioning of hormones. the new Mind-Body paradigm stands for mind, body,healthy spirit - balanced the three interconnected aspects that make up the whole BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY being. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, This plant is a creeper. It survives by growing close to the ground. However,Milkweed, the bright,Pink sparkling blue flowers sit up Blue Mink, best Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris as if they want Wild to beIris noticed. It is as if the flower is drawing attention to the connection between the mind-body-spirit, Forphysical balancing the many brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal notifying the aspect to befunctions consciousofofthethe interrelationship. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances The stunning blue, with its iridescent shimmer, is like the electric blue of the energetic template that guides the process functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. of matter (the physical) into being. The three gold-tipped, white stamens are like antennas, bringing in information left-right back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages.from Supports brainand changes throughout childhood, andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. higher frequencies, ensuring perfection in form. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN The petals are BREAKUP heart-shaped representing the Spirit component. This essence represents the point of balance between – EASING THE PAIN Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, the Mind, Bleeding or HigherHeart, Self (represented by the upper threeMacaranga, centres) andNative the Body or Lower self (represented by the three Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, that Verbena lower centres) that occurs at the level of the heart. It is as if the petals grant the balance between Mind and Body Verbena brings heart-felt contentedness whenthrough the twoa aspects resonance. Supports you while going breakupare andinassists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, THE MATRIX Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can Commelina works at the level of the etheric template or the fifth subtle body. This subtle body is where consciousness blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. determines form be through resolved.the etheric template, or the matrix by which the physical body is guided into form, as it RECOVERY – HEALING AND FORtoMOTHER AND BABY manifests CAESAREAN into matter. Just like a builder creates a STIMULATING house according a plan devised by an architect, the energy CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY template isAcacia, the plan devised by the higher architect of form, the Higher Self. The information through the Higher Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Stormfiltering Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Self, downloaded into physical form, is located in the Causal Body, the energy body that exists at the outer levels of Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists the aura. This Energetically body receivessupports information input from Akashic of Records, where theforsoul’s record’ is stored, the healing of of thethe wounding caesarean birth, both ‘running mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Assists accumulated over lifetimes, as well as from the Higher Architects of Form, the Angelic Realm, overseers of life on earth. in kindling bondtriggering attachment a sensesystems of safety and baby.a Energetically baby’s skin to begin theand energetic that aresecurity turned in onthe during vaginal birth.stimulates Supports the the baby’s skin begin theand energetic systems aretoturned on during a vaginal birth. the emotional after-effects of miscarriage abortion. On a day-by-day basis, wetodraw ontriggering ‘matrix’ energy from the Causalthat Body recreate the physical. Cells are Supports continually emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. dying andCHILDHOOD replacing themselves. Our thoughts about ourselves, – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY and words we say about ourselves are both vital energy inputs into the Causal Body. In– effect, our thinking and our speech CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILYdetermine the quality and quantity of the replacement Cassia, Lantana,inMilkweed, Shamrock,ourselves Storm Lily, Swamp cells. We are continually a process Pink of recreating based on Lily our inner thoughts and dialogue. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition THE IMPORTANCE OFassists SOUND in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, Let’s explore how this process works. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. The final form of the body in all its miraculous complexity is determined by vibrational frequency rates. Sound is simply generational patterns. vibration and has a profound effect in the creation of wellness or disease, perfection or deformity. 138 66 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Masaro Emoto, a Japanese scientist, devised experiments to show the effect of sound vibration on water. He demonstrated that water takes on a pattern in its molecular structure, consistent with the sound that it has been exposed to. Emoto clearly showed that the quality of the sound determines the quality of the form created by its vibrational resonance (the sound template). Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Our bodies are 75 percent water at the cellular level. The sounds that we make (using our voice) affect the cellular GNvibrational IVIECER NIresonance YOJ – ECNofAD -NU BA and the structure of our body. This occurs via the energetic template created by the our voice EIVINGwords that we speak. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, SilverofWattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ that a In the Old Testament, the story Creation describes how “the Word was made flesh.” This reference shows deeper, dnaesoteric yoj ot tilevel rips eof ht meaning dna ,esrewritten vinU ehinto t fo the ecnancient adnuba text sselrecognised timil eht ot dthe nimconnection eht ,edutitabetween rg ot trasound eh eht and snepthe O creation of form. The throat chakra and the fifth subtle body are located in the neck region. One of the glands located the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hguone ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo at this the thyroid gland, sense centre of ‘not is enough’ Raises awareness ofppuof .and spihsclears noitalethese rwhich niw-family nidetermines w dnpatterns. a gnikrthe ow terate n luof fssemetabolism ccus stro S .our efil nbody; wo s’ethat no nis, i nour aicigwhole am ehbody t gnievibrational b wn life.rate. Supports successful and win-win The other glandnetworking is the parathyroid, whichrelationships. directly determines the laying down or removal of bony mass in the body. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB TheCONFIDENCE bony skeleton is the primary framework for the physical body. NG WITH sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA sense associated with this energy centre both function through vibration and relate to sound - the voice-box ndelion,The Storm Lily,organs Wild Iris i stnHearing erap ehtisdnaccomplished a ,htrib efas aby hgauodelicate rht evommechanism ot ytiliba s’in ydothe b rear eh nthat i ecnpicks edifnoup c sthe ’ rehvibration tom eht sof trothe ppusounds S and the n ear. we nce in hear her body’s aesafe tability oomsthem sto plemove Hto.ethe gthrough asbrain sap fofor tiinterpretation. r a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t vibration yenruoinj dof ercthe as avocal sa sscords ecorp produces gnihtrib ehthe t otsound ni gnireoftnthe e voice. and hrelays The ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab What we speak is translated into a vibration and relayed not only out into the atmosphere, but also into the cellular . NIwords KS NWdetermine O RUOY N I ELstate BATRof OFour MOphysical C – )SEN OMRthat OH Y AH( Ewe VOsay L YDisOthe B basis of structure of the body. In effect, our the body; is,PPwhat ONES) –what COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN we become. If one ssays, ‘I’m weahare toiNdie irI dliW ,endying iV lianfor S ,aalcigarette,’ amaK deR ,then kcorm S kncommanding iP ,noilednaDthe ,edbody ahsthg kceach alB ,atime icacAwe smoke a Pink cigarette. What Red we speak becomes our Wild truth,Iris for good or for bad. ndelion, Shamrock, Kamala, Snail Vine, gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH Likefor weeds in garden, body gratitude thenepower mothe w wand oh tbeauty uobill-considered a snofreyour ttap lbody. artsor ecFocuses ncareless a morf you gwords nitcon enspoil nfine-tuning ocsidthe stsbalanced issA .ydobintegrity ruoy ot nofi gthe ninconstantly ut yb htlaehreforming ruoy build illness into its structure because of our careless words about ourselves. This little creeper, if we are careless ur body.and Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnalab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ andhealthy drop bits of it, willfunctioning become a of weed and overgrow all other plants. On the other hand, well-considered, empowering y supports balanced hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB words create and wellbeing in the body. TO WHOLE BRAIN health ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA CHOOSING OURLacebark, WORDS Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Dandelion, Freckle Face, sirI dliW Commelina helps to us to choose our words well. It assists the person who talks for the sake of talking, just to fill the lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF andand cover embarrassment. It is excellent for adolescents who are stepping out in the world and need to articulate ons of space the brain, wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf in the workplace, at job interviews, etc. enals towell protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. with memory loss and brain changes as the brain It assists alleviating the fear of confronting a boss for it gnidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissaaages. draise, na ,door ohasking dlihc tua ohbank guorhmanager t segnahcfor niaarbloan. stroppEssentially, uS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. helps the words to ‘flow.’ NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N It brings awareness to the ‘gossip’ of the potential for damage by bad-mouthing The and ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaanother. D ,aissaC ,traold eH saying gnideel‘sticks B stones canMacaranga, break my bones, words can never hurtStorm me’ isLily, not strictly true. Words can hurt and can damage elion, Lomandra, Nativebut Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, anebreV a person psychologically and physically. Adolescent girls often use words as weapons of abuse, creating a culture of fear and pukacan erb deeply pihsnoiwound. taler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS negativity .that ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Thefeelings workplace is another place where bullying physical of heartbreak and helps process feelings nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepand er gmalicious nirbofspgrief, leHabuse .tnemncan odnleave aba ddeep na ,noscars. itcejerStudies ,raef ,tlhave iug ,eshown malb that this is the predominant strategy used by females who want to climb the corporate ladder quickly and don’t nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devlosecare r eb who they step on in the process. According to the study, male competitive strategies for getting to the top are much more open, BAB Dgossip NA REH TOpsychological M ROF GNITAbullying. LUMITS DThis NA essence GNILAEH – YRwomen EVOCEto R Nbecome AERASEaware AC while females tend to use Ycovert and helps of the EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY negative energy they areylicreating for themselves using these strategies. L mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Commelina stsissAalso .ybahelps b dna to rehprotect tom htowomen b rof ,htfrom rib nathe erasfull eacforce fo gnof idnnegative uow eht fenergy o gnilaefrom h ehtother stroppwomen. us yllaciItteggives renE them the ling of strength the wounding either confront necessary the eht seof tto alucaesarean mits yllacthe itbirth, egaggressor renfor E .yboth babor emother hto t ntake i ytiand ruthe cesbaby. dna Assists ytefassteps fo esneeded nes a dnto a tprotect nemhcathemselves, tta dnob gniby ldndiscussing ik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the issueehwith t stroapsuperior puS .htriborlamoving nigav a away gnirudfrom no dthe enrsituation. ut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageTHE and WIND-GATE abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC EnergeticFAMILY Medicine designates an area at the back of the neck as the ‘Wind-gate.’ This is the region that extends from HE GROWING iL pmawItS is ,yliwhere L mrotSwe,kc‘pick ormaup’ hS kcold niP ,d eewkthat liM ,can anataffect naL ,aour issaC the base of the skull to between the shoulderylblades. wind health and nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily wellbeing. noitisFor nartexample, stroppuS it.tiisriphere s dnathat dniwe m ,can ydobcatch s’dlihac draught eht fo tnethat mpomay levelead d ehttognaiccold nalabornstiff i stsineck. ssa yllThat acitegisrewhy nE we wear scarf, because the neck region is vulnerable to cold wind. ng the adevelopment of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the of -snmother’s awhere rt evitawe gawareness en sraeup’ lc ylpsychic lacthe itegchild’s rewind nE .yor ldevelopmental etaare irpoaware rppa oof gmilestones, tel reh sp leh dna ,gnsee ikaitt-kvery sir eclearly tairporpwith pa-eaga swoIfllaa stranger It is also ‘pick psychic attack. We dog. king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a eneg our back approaches a dog, the hackles will rise on the back of its neck. It is the same with humans. Often, even rwhen is turned, we can feel somebody’s attention on us, as if ‘eyes are drilling a hole in the back of the neck.’ Curiously, we can often tell if somebody is talking about us, by getting a sensation in that area. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 67 Combined with Acacia and Ajuga, Commelina helps to protect the Wind-gate from psychic attack. Essence EssenceBlends Blends The brilliant blue colour of this little flower, and the shape of the petals, like angels wings, is reminiscent of Archangel Michael, whose classic role is to protect from psychic invasion. The fifth chakra assists us to express our creativity. Sometimes we can be blocked because fear freezes the flow of energy and we lose access to our Higher Self. Commelina reinstates qi flow, opening us up to our creative expression. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY RECEIVING This essence also helps those who areINterrified of public speaking, or speaking to a large group. It allows them to relax, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering move the Jew fear and connect their Higher Self wisdom. Ajuga, Cassia,toDandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew on the Lung and Kidney meridians, dissolving fear and opening us to inspiration. Commelina works Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, theofpower mind to limitless abundance of Universe, and the spirit beneficial to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness It works well with Cassia for enhancing our tothe visualise, by assisting us the inpatterns. creatingRaises positive and Helps thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of being the magician ineliminate one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. affirmations foroptimism. healing the MindBody. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING Commelina resonates to Chakras 5 and 8. WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, CHALLENGES Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris YOUR HEALING Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in •• For negative expression. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth •• For naiveté and lack into of into sensitivity in communicating with journey others. to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth entering thethe birthing process as a sacred baby’s passage world. baby’s passage into the world. •• For constant BODYself-criticism. LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN •• For the Acacia, person who in malicious andPink hurtful gossip. Red Kamala, Blackengages Nightshade, Dandelion, Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• For addictions to a substance, relationship, cause or life situation. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Helps appreciate feel gratitude for thetwisted powerbowel and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning yourconstipation, healthyou by tuning in to and your body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women •• Assists with diarrhoea, diverticulitis, polyps, and colon cancer. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. •• Aids vision. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, •• Assists coherent of thoughts, and feelings. Blue Mink, Cordyline,ideas Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris expression Wild Iris •• Encourages meaningful and of conversations. For balancing theinteractions many functions the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances •• For helping to guard one’s self-talk. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. •• For integrity in speaking about others. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. •• ProtectsBREAKUP the ‘wind-gate’ - filters thoughts we pick up from the ethers. – EASING THEthe PAIN BREAKUP from – EASING THE PAIN •• Opens Bleeding to channeling the Higher Self, Lomandra, when public speaking or teaching. Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena •• Unblocks creative expression. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 68 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith CORDYLINE dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS Cordyline stricta Negative: fear, issues with the fatherm co-dependancy, sexism, balancing male GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA and femal within. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Positive: in one’s inner strength, acceptance of being female, heals ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena,trust White Wandering weJ relationship with the father balances. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorhThere t evomare ot yfour tilibabasic s’ ydofears: b reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability parents of alone ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tneFear rathe po t ybeing enruoin j dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth Fear of exposure .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Fear of intimacy NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB Fear of the unknown ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaKFear deR passes ,kcormafrom hS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris human to human gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnunknowing, itcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy As one leaf passes shudder ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen aits lab yhtlaehtostranother oppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ All at once the whole tree is trembling y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGREisNno E Nsign IARBofELwind OHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB And there TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW DESCRIPTION lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and bring wholeness and secntoalis aBknown .ssabout ertsas foathe stsense ceNarrow-leaved ffe-rof evo eht morfPalm noitcoptimal nuf nItiaisrbatcmember etorp ot sof lanthe erdAsteliaceae a eht secnala B .gninInoidays tcnuf gone by, Cordyline stricta Lily. family. enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a t h g i r-tfeto l eastern it was included in the Agavaceae family. There are many species in the genus and eight of these are native energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Australia. nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAPand EHTpendulous GNISAE –clusters PUKAERofB purplishCordyline stricta is a tall shrub of about 2–3.3 metres tall with long, linear leaves N appearing ,yflowers depending what with liL mrotin S ,spring. elttaW rItevstands liS ,sucerect, sibiH eor vitcurved, aN ,agna racaM ,ardon nam oL ,nitohas iledntoaDgrow ,aissaround, aC ,traeH gnilong deelBsheathing elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, flowers. anebreV The flowers bell-shaped, .puare kaesmall rb pihsand noita ler a morf gnand irevogrow cer hin tiwdense stsissapanicles dna pukafrom erb athe hgupper uorht gpart niogofelithe hw plant. uoy strThey oppuSappear as ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. small white,fetoirgpurple fo sgnflowers ileef ehin t sswinter ecorp and splehspring dna kin aeclusters rbtraeh f(panicles) o sgnileef from lacisythe hp yupper rev ehleaf t stroaxils. ppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb Fleshy, shinyHelps blackbring fruitsrepeating follow the flowers. Both flowers and can fruits are attractive features of the Palm Lily. Although nd abandonment. patterns to awareness so they .devloser eb individual flowers are small, they are sometimes visited by honeyeaters. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC for their foliage, the leavesAND are deep, EALINGCultivated AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER BABY glossy green, linear in shape and up to half a metre long by about 2.5 yliL base. mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA cm wide, with a sheathing e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissAa.yrich bab soil dnaand rehtoamshaded htob roposition f ,htrib nwith aeraplentiful seac fo gmoisture. nidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE They require ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni The fruit develops security into a crab apple-looking seed, which, when broken open, looks like the human multidimensional nd a sense eof ht safety stroppand uS .htrib laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut erstimulates a taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab anatomy, or human being, complete with asurrounding aura. g the energetic systems that are turned on during vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageDOCTRINE and abortion. OF SIGNATURES YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY The flowers are small and detailed, and eachylindividual and iL pmawS ,yflower liL mroseems tS ,kcoto rmbe ahSlost kniin P ,a decrowd. ewkliM They ,anatstretch naL ,aisoutwards saC upwards as if reaching out. nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE leaves showy the plants ng the The development the ,senotare selof im latnchild’s eand mpoovershadow lebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht tiny fspirit. o ssbut enSupports ebeautiful rawa s’ rtransition eflowers. htom ehtThese snepO .tnecare selocultivated da ot dlihcasotdecorative ybab morfplants for their foliage rather than the flowers. It is as if the real beauty is overlooked while the misplaced focus ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-egaisson wolthe la leaves. king, and helps her go appropriately. clears negative trans-they appear to be insignificant. .snrettap lanoitareneg Although the let flowers are the partsEnergetically of the plant that ensure survival, h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 69 It is as if the important aspects of life are trivialized and inconsequential with no attention being paid to them. SEEKING ATTENTION Essence EssenceBlends Blends The flowers are reaching out. It is similar to when we seek frivolous company or pursuits, including addiction to shopping, to assuage loneliness. Unable to see the big picture, we can get lost in the detail of pursuing anything that will prevent us from feeling needy and lonely, just as the flowers, overshadowed by the showy leaves, appear to be ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING seeking company, or to be noticed. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Females and biologically designed to bePink different. And what’s more, Silver their differences are built into Wandering the design Ajuga,are Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Wattle, Verbena, White Jewmales of their bodies.Jew And not only are their bodies built to function differently, but so are their emotional responses, thought theinterpreting heart to gratitude, thesituation mind to and the limitless abundance of the Universe, processes,Opens ways of any given what they want to achieve in life. and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness WOMEN being ANDoptimism. MEN ARE DIFFERENT Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. In fact, the value systems of males and females are often diametrically opposed, driven by hormonal and physical BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE drivers that vary according to gender. In reality,WITH females and males can be described as polar opposites. And that is BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE Acacia, BlueitMink, exactly how natureAjuga, intended to be.Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris the mother’s confidence in hertobody’s ability move throughthey a safe birth, and the In a recentSupports survey, men and women were asked describe the to kind of person ideally would likeparents to be. in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth Men chosebaby’s bold, competitive, capable, dominant, admired, practical,asand to of have prestige and smooth power and entering intointo thethe birthing as aassertive, sacred journey to parenting a rite passage. Helps passage world.process to own things. baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Women chose BODY warm,LOVE loving, generous, sympathetic, attractive, friendly, giving, to give service to others and to meet Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris interesting people. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning The dissimilarity in responses demonstrates agratitude wide divergence in ideals and values between men and you women. appreciate for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women Given the “should” disparity be, in ways of viewing thesupports world, ithealthy is no wonder that men and of women process stress differently. and energetically balanced functioning hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. GENDER AND BRAINSTRESS BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Stress affects women’s brainsCordyline, in the limbic region, Freckle a part of the Lacebark, brain thatMilkweed, is deeply Pink seated in the inner Acacia, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Face, Shamrock, Snailcore Vine,location Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Iris known as Wild the midbrain. Wild Iris balancing many functions of emotional the brain, and to and bringsometimes about a sense wholeness and optimal This part For of the brain isthe also known as the brain evenofthe chemical brain because it is balancing thethe many functions ofstates the brain, andconsidered to bring sense ofofwholeness and temperature, optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the stress.asBalances responsible forFor regulating many different internal that are to over-effects beaautomatic such body functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals protect brain function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps with memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. blood sugar levels, blood pressure, digestion andto blood hormone levels. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. The limbic system is alsobrain that part of thethroughout brain most childhood, concerned and with assists survivalinon all levels: mental and emotional. Supports changes opening newphysical, pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN No wonder that women –are described as being intuitive. Because of their frequent connection with these automatic BREAKUP EASING THE PAIN Cassia, Dandelion, Native Hibiscus, Silverthem Wattle, Storm Lily, systems ofBleeding the body,Heart, they are regularly in touchLomandra, with their Macaranga, inbuilt body intelligence, alerting to danger in their world Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena via deep-rooted body signals. Verbena you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. WOMEN Supports AND FEAR Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, For the same reason, women are triggered to feel their emotions acutely and so their behaviour is compelled strongly Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can by emotional factors, especially those concerned with survival. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. From a biological design point of –view, this is AND because women need to MOTHER concern themselves CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING STIMULATING FOR AND BABY with the survival of their babies. Their intuitive knowing alerts them to impending danger. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Therefore, as aAcacia, biological strategy, women moreFace, likelyLantana, to feel fear andHibiscus, have it affect Blackdesign Nightshade, Blue Mink,are Freckle Native Storm their Lily body-mind more supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists often thanEnergetically men. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Women express their basic survival needs through connection and closeness, especially with their partner. baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. SupportsWhen the a baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the woman feels close, she feels secure and can relax she and her babies will be safe. Conversely, when she feels distance emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. she gets anxious because her safety, and that of her baby, may be threatened. Cordyline assists a woman feeling fear CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY and anxiety about her relationship to trust. It grants her the stillness of mind to ‘wait and see’, rather than force a CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily confrontation thatLantana, will mostMilkweed, likely escalate into an argument. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically in balancingdiscomfort the development of the child’s body, mind and biologically spirit. Supports transition for Women fear isolation assists and experience at being alone because they are programmed Energetically inensures balancing development of the body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby to beings. childassists to This adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, connectionfrom with other thatthe when their babies arechild’s learning social skills, women naturally seek a from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transvariety of meaningful interactions with the people in their circle that serve to socialize her infant. allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. Cordyline helpsgenerational a woman topatterns. feel comfortable in her aloneness by find meaningful and creative ways to fill the perceived void. Used with Verbena it encourages a woman to network, reaching out positively for company that will satisfy her specific need for connection. 138 70 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith It is important to note that these biological strategies are built into a woman as part of her biological inheritance, whether she has had a baby or not. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE MEN AND FEAR Men don’t know what women’s fear feels like. They are biologically programmed to protect their mate and family, and to translate survival fears into strategies of fighting to protect, or fleeing to fight another day (fight or flight). GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGWhen men are under stress, there is an increased blood flow to the left orbito-frontal cortex of the brain so that they gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA can Shamrock, problem-solve to avert danger to the Verbena, family unit. In general, the frontal lobes are responsible for thought-inspired ntana, Pink Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, White Wandering weJ action as well as focusing attention. This means that they function more by thinking rather than experiencing strong dnawhen yoj otunder tirips eduress. ht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO feelings the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo Research tells us that the biggest single difference in emotions sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuSthe spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus between stro .efilsexes nwo sis’ethe no frequency ni naicigamand ehtintensity gnieb of fear. It also confirms that baby boys do not feel fear and pain to the degree that baby girls do. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB WOMEN ARE CONNECTORS NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA withWild theirIrisclose interface with the limbic system, are hardwired for connection, intimacy, closeness, networking ndelion,Women, Storm Lily, ni stneThey rap ehseek t dnarelationships ,htrib efas a with hguoother rht evo m ot ytto ilibvalidate a s’ ydobtheir reh nsense i ecneof difnwellbeing. oc s’ rehtom eht greatest stroppuS fear is of and bonding. people Their nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and the parents inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o being alone or being deprived. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Women tend and befriend. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –MEN COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN ARE PROTECTORS sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pinkon Shamrock, Kamala, Snail Vine, Iris Men, the other Red hand, are hardwired for Wild performance, protection, competition, problem-solving and sexual enjoyment. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH They seek relationships with things to validate their sense of wellbeing. A man’s emotional stress is caused by a sense of gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy inadequacy that he will be able to fulfil the role of protector and provider, for his woman and family. ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports functioning of hormones. Menhealthy fight orbalanced flee. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Men and women were designed by nature to complement one another. Neither gender’s role or point of view is more ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA valid Freckle than theFace, other. Women Milkweed, need menPink andShamrock, men needSnail women. each person Dandelion, Lacebark, Vine,A true working relationship occurs when sirI dliW owns and accepts the biological role Nature designed for them. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF women to.sfeel men soorthat feel ons of Many the brain, and toalbring wholeness secnlike aB sabout ertsclose foastsense cto effetheir -rof evo eht m f and noithey tcoptimal nufcan niarb tcesafe, torp oand t slanmen erdalike eht to secprotect nalaB .gand ninolook itcnufafter their women. enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain nidnatsrednand u fo accept syawhtathe p wbasic en gnprinciples inepo ni sthardwired sissa ages. dna ,into doohour dlihbiology, c tuohguwe orhare t semore gnahclikely niarbtostenjoy roppua S peaceful When we.gunderstand ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. relationship. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N THE FEAR ,OF BEING yliL m rotS ,eALONE lttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Stormthe Lily,fear of being alone, left alone or of being anedeprived. breV Cordyline addresses theNative greatest fear that assails women: This fear haunts many women throughout their lives, even though the biological reason for needing a man around - to .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS protect the family unit has long passed. Women regardless of age are hardwired for relationships that is why many ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. ,feirg fo sgnileef eht ssecorp spleh dna kaerbtraeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings helps feelings grief, older women experience difficulty alone partner passed nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snrbeing eprocess ttap g nithe taepafter er gntheir irbofsp leH .tnehas mno dnabaon. dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can devlo ser eopportunity b Cordyline is for lonely, older women who perceive their future as bleak and empty because they .fear their to find a comforting relationship It helps them YBAB Dhas NA passed. REHTOM ROF G NITAto LUbe MIopen TS DNtoA the GNpossibility ILAEH – YRofEVconnection OCER NAEregardless RASEAC of age. EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY It also helps women who yliLare mrcontemplating otS ,sucsibiH evleaving itaN ,anan atnunsatisfactory aL ,ecaF elkcerrelationship, F ,kniM eulB ,but edafear hsthgbeing iN kcaalone. lB ,aicaThey cA may be e Mink,putting Freckleup Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily with circumstances that are difficult or strained for fear of making the move. stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of Itthe wounding of also assists woman affair and eht sethe talucaesarean mits yllawho citbirth, egdiscovers renfor E .yboth babthat emother hther ni ypartner tiand rucesbaby. dhas na Assists ybeen tefas fhaving o esnesan ad na tnto emevaluate hcatta dnher ob situation gnildnik ncoolly i nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the without what eht satrsense oppuSof.hpanic trib lan igavher a gbest nirudoptions no denare. rut eUse ra tawith ht smStorm etsys cLily itegfor renthe e ehtime t gnimmediately ireggirt nigebafter ot nithe ks sinitial ’ ybabdiscovery g the energetic systems that are on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome to manage the sense of turned shock and betrayal. arriage and abortion. YLIM F GNIWORGeven EHTthough STROPthey PUS –might DOO HD LIHC career Fear of being alone is also why many younger women pine aArelationship, be enjoying HE GROWING FAMILY success, and an abundance of friends and ayclose liL pmsupport awS ,yliLnetwork. mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cordyline noitisassists nart stwomen roppuS .who tiripsfeel dnaempty dnim or ,yddeprived ob s’dlihcbecause eht fo tnthey empare olevnot ed einhtagrelationship. nicnalab ni stItsialso ssa yhelps llacitewith grenEthe feeling somehow they have less status than other women who are in a relationship. It is also for silly, gauche ng the that development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab moadolescent rf girls who and ent. Opens the -snmother’s arappear t evitagawareness eton be sraetizzy lc ylof lacthe iteempty-headed gchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairpobut rppunderneath a ogmilestones, tel reh are splehreally dna unsure ,gnikat-of ksirtheir etairidentity porppa-as egwomen, a swolla unaware thathelps the fear of go being alone is intrinsic to their gender. This transattitude can lead to early king, and her let appropriately. Energetically clears negative .snsexual rettap lexperience anoitarenegand even teenage promiscuity. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 71 TAKING SECOND PLACE Essence EssenceBlends Blends It also addresses those women who haven’t yet tapped into their own feminine intelligence and power, but rather detour their soul and life’s energy into that of their spouse or mate, believing that this is the woman’s place. It is used for those women who trivialize their gender and ‘make themselves small’ in the belief that women should ‘know their place’ and ‘stay out of men’s affairs.’ ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE GIRLS AND THEIR FATHERS – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia,who Dandelion, Lantana, Silvercritical Wattle,father. Verbena, Cordyline Jew is also for women have grown up inPink the Shamrock, presence ofRed an Kamala, overbearing, TheyWhite carry Wandering the wound Jew into adulthood and are nervous and over-sensitive in the presence of powerful and authoritative men. They Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joyalso andlack confidenceoptimism. in the world a result. Opens theasheart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and Helps eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helps thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears family patterns. awareness of theimportant magician ineliminate one’s own successful networking and win-win relationships. The fatherbeing hasoptimism. an role in shaping a Supports young girl’s confidence in thethese world. Fathers teach Raises their little girls how being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. to be confident in the world. It– isBIRTHING generallyWITH fathers that play the rough and tumble games and identify with the world BLESSED BIRTHING CONFIDENCE of objects and BLESSED events outside of the– family home, suchCONFIDENCE as a football game or a racing-car meet. Through the father’s BIRTHING BIRTHING WITH Ajuga, Dandelion, Storm Wild outside Iris influence, Acacia, little girls learnBlue to Mink, have the confidence to Lily, venture of the nurturing environment of home to have Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris fun. On the other hand, it is the confidence role of the in mother to teach emotional andbirth, the ability to parents connectinto others Supports the mother’s her body’s ability to moveintelligence through a safe and the Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveascrucial through a passage. safe birth,Helps andtothe in in a comforting way. parent process has a gender-specific roleability that provides understandings theparents developing entering intoEach the as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of smooth entering intointo thethe birthing as a sacred journey a rite of are passage. smooth child. Mothers and fathers have different but complementary roles to in parenting parenting,asand both criticalHelps for the rounded baby’s passage world.process passage into the world. development ofbaby’s a child. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY relationship LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN men in her life, such as her It is also the father’s with his daughter–that teaches her how to relate to other Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris partner, her sons and grandsons in adulthood. Fathers daughters have a special Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pinkand Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snailconnection. Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Cordyline your helps women to re-forge theirfeel relationship withthetheir dad, if they feel from him,you or on if they carry Helps you appreciate gratitude for power and beauty of estranged your body.about Focuses fine-tuning health by tuning in to and your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns how women resentment“should” thatyour he be, wasn’t there for in them as they were growing up.functioning This from reconnection ispatterns intrinsicabout for ahow woman to feel health tuning to supports your body. Assists disconnecting ancestral women andby energetically healthy balanced of hormones. confident in her“should” masculine that part of supports her that gives enables her functioning to feel self-assured in following her ambitions, be, side and -energetically healthy balanced of hormones. – TURN ON BRAIN ENERGY be it in theBRAIN worldBALANCE of business, politics, orTO anyWHOLE other endeavour that brings prestige, recognition and power. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ABUSE Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris It also assists ifWild her Iris relationship with her father has been abusive - either physically or sexually. Abuse causes a deep balancing the many ofher thelife, brain, andshe to bring about a sense of wholeness optimal wound thatFor can afflict a woman forfunctions the rest of unless is able to heal it. Healing it meansand being able to forgive For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects stress. Balances her father, not for what he did, but because it was his wounding that distorted his loving connection with his daughter. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects stress. Balances left-right and back-front brain Helps with asof the With a compassionate heart, a woman can see beyond the memory hurt andloss painand that she changes carries and findbrain love ages. for her father, left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brainthe changes throughout childhood, anddo assists in opening new pathways of understanding. through understanding depth of his pain love him but not condone his action. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN It is also necessary for her to forgive herself BREAKUP – EASING THE PAINfor being a victim of circumstance. In many cases, sexual abuse carries a BleedingThe Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, NativeonHibiscus, Silver Storm double whammy. child can often love being ‘specialed’ by her father one hand - it Wattle, is intense andLily, very alluring Bleeding Dandelion, Macaranga, Native Wattle, Storm Lily, for a childVerbena to be singledHeart, out byCassia, a significant, adultLomandra, figure - while at the same timeHibiscus, carrying Silver a deep, underlying sense of Verbena shame and disgust at what seems to be intrinsically and intuitively wrong. Sexual abuse by a father is deeply complex Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. and sets up conflicting emotions ingoing the whoafeelings has been the victim. Supportssupports you whilethe through breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically verychild physical of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, rejection, and abandonment. bring repeating patternswith to awareness can step. To recognize the guilt, depthfear, of wounding is the first step to Helps healing, and reconnecting the father so is they the next blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theyfather can be resolved. Sometimes, the reconnection occurs in the woman’s heart completely, without any overt communication with her be resolved. at all. Sometimes the wound is so deep that it AND is impossible to buildFOR a bridge withAND the real person. One doesn’t have CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING STIMULATING MOTHER BABY to like the person to forgive him -– just to love him in a way that brings peace to one’s own heart through tolerance, CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily compassion and understanding. And that can occur in the quiet of one’s own private space. This essence helps with Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily that healing process. Bysupports healingthe thishealing wound,ofathe woman ensures the qualitybirth, of her and future relationships Energetically wounding of caesarean forpresent both mother and baby. Assists with Energetically the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother the other males in herbond life. attachment Itsupports combines well Acacia and and Red security Kamala help a woman feel safe inand thebaby. expression in kindling and awith sense intothe baby. Energetically stimulates the Assistsof in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates her sexuality and skin to enjoy the deep pleasure that sexuality canthat provide. baby’s to begin triggering the energetic systems are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. SEXISM emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cordyline assists ultra-feminine, girly-girls who their feminine CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE use GROWING FAMILYwiles to get out of taking responsibility for aspects of Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, PinkonShamrock, Lily, Swamp life, e.g. the girl who can’t change a tyre the car, orStorm who forgets to putLily oil in the car, when there is not a male around Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily to do it. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to their childassists to adolescent. the mother’sresourceful awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, When females tap into feminine powerOpens theythe are incredibly and can do anything. Creating a false divide from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transbetween what is in the male domain and what is strictly female, limits the possibility of fully optimizing one’s life. allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. This attitude is generational often seen inpatterns. women who have lost a partner and suddenly discover they don’t know how to manage their affairs, look after money, and re-establish themselves without their partner. Cordyline works on the kidney and the heart meridians, dissolving fear and bringing joyful acceptance. 2, 3 and 4. 138 Cordyline resonates tobyChakras Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 72 Spirit 138 by Annie Meredith Spirit of Woman Spirit of Woman A word of caution is necessary here. In taking this essence, a person may ‘prove’ and face the ghost of their aloneness. This means that they may feel their aloneness more acutely for a short time. This is part of the healing process. If the feeling persists stop taking Cordyline for a day and use Crisis Calm, then resume the Cordyline when feeling settled again. The loneliness will resolve in time to feel more comfortable. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA For fear of being alone, abandoned or deprived. EIVING•• gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA •• For fear of not being in a Silver relationship, unloved. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Wattle, being Verbena, White Wandering weJ •• Fordnco-dependency. a yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the of the fowomen sslimitless enera waabundance sgive esiaRtheir .snrpower etta p yUniverse, lto immen. af esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo •• For who sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro • For issues with the networking father. wn life.•Supports successful and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB •• For fear of men. NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA For ‘sexism’. ndelion,•• Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS • For feeling the you nce in • her body’s birth, and inj deare. htability oothat ms sto plemove Hmale .egthrough ain ssayour p foalife esafe tirisa more sa gniimportant tnerathe p oparents t ythan enruo rcas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a•• sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab For fear of intimacy, and of being seen as vulnerable. . YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN irI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA •• Re-establishes trust insoneself. ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninueasy t-enifacceptance no uoy sesuof coFsingle .ydobstatus. ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH •• Assists gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy For joyful acceptance of being a female. ur body.•• Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy functioning hormones. •• Heals thebalanced relationship with the of father. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY •• Assists,ewomen niV lianSin,khealing cormahSsexual kniP ,abuse deewklin iMthe ,krapast. becaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, sirI dliW •• Assists women to access their feminine intelligence. Snail Vine, lamitpothe dnamale ssenand elohw esnes awithin. tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF •• For embracing thefofemale ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 73 DANDELION Essence EssenceBlends Blends Taraxacum officinale KEYWORDS Negative: overwhelm, dissociated states, racing thoughts, scattered and ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN unfocused, RECEIVING mind won’t shut down, tired. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: grounds and centres, clarifies thoughts, aids focus, re-energieses, Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering calms. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and DESCRIPTIONto the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. awareness of This plant, despised as a weed, is one of win-win nature’s greatestRaises healing aids, and beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and relationships. being the magician in one’s life. Supports win-win and relationships. is aown medicine chest successful in itself. It networking is a hardyand perennial, grows wild nearly BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE everywhere. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris It has a fleshy root andAjuga, a straight to 20tall that rises above the ground and is topped by a bright Acacia, Blue stem Mink,up Dandelion, Storm Lily,precariously Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and in yellow golden flower a collection of tiny florets each providing a ripe seed in time. 12 leaves growthe flatparents to the ground in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of smooth a circular arrangement with the tall stem arising from the middle. entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth A native of Europe and North into America, T. officinale has become naturalized in this country and occurs widely in the baby’s passage the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN cooler parts of Australia. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Blackremedy Nightshade, Dandelion, Pinktonifying Shamrock, Kamala, Wild Irisand improves digestion. This plant Acacia, as a herbal is good for diabetes, theRed liver, kidneysSnail and Vine, gallbladder Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris The leaves, usedyou as appreciate a diuretic, may be taken either cooked, and theofroots commonly ground and drunk as Helps and feel gratitude forraw the or power and beauty your are body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning a bitter-tasting substitute for coffee. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. DOCTRINE OF“should” SIGNATURES be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY The flowerBRAIN of this extremely beneficial and waves the air way above the ground. It’s as though it’s as BRAIN BALANCE – TURNplant ON hovers TO WHOLE BRAINinENERGY Acacia, BlueasMink, Freckle Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, far from the physical it canCordyline, be, cut offDandelion, from its roots andFace, sustenance. TheMilkweed, leaves and roots have been used for many Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Freckle Shamrock, as Snail Vine,are Iris as herbal hundreds Wild of years medicines, and Dandelion, the leaves are flat Face, on theLacebark, ground inMilkweed, a circularPink arrangement, if they Wild Iris hugging the The flower seems to be totally disconnected from about the base. Forearth. balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense mind ofofwholeness and optimal Balances the adrenals to protect theconscious over-effects stress. The flowerfunctioning. head is a bright, distinct yellow, the colour brain of thefunction intellectfrom or the and isBalances made up of many functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. little flowerlets. Each flowerlet has a truncated petal, which appears as if it has been cut off sharply at the outer border. left-right back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages. Supports brainand changes throughout childhood, andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. Taken together,Supports the flowerlets to throughout be highly ordered and structured, closelynew together in a circular arrangement brainappear changes childhood, and assistssitting in opening pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN making up the flower head. It is as if there are many separate thoughts going around and around in the head, not going BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN anywhere.Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena AWAY WITH THE FAIRIES Verbena Supports youwhen whileagoing through a breakup andbody, assists with frominatheir relationship In the human psyche, person is dissociated from they arerecovering so absorbed thoughtsbreakup. that they are not Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, present, in the sense that they are not aware of what is going on around them. In this way, they can come unstuck, as Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps repeating patterns so they can they may not notice a proverbial pothole, and promptly fall in, bring injuring themselves. Ontoallawareness levels, being disconnected blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. from the present circumstance like this can be dangerous and a threat to survival. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALINGinAND MOTHER ANDwas BABY An example is a true life case I was–involved whereSTIMULATING a young man,FOR in his late teens, walking along the side of a CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY busy street, so absorbed in his own thoughts that he did not see a bus coming his way, driving Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily at a good speed close Acacia, Black Nightshade, Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Hibiscus, to the parked cars. It was a close shave -Blue the bus missed him but not quite Native because the sideStorm mirrorLily whacked him in the Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists head, throwingEnergetically him to the ground and rendering him unconscious. supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the skinfor to begin the energetic that that are turned on during a vaginal birth. the He was inbaby’s a coma many triggering weeks. Surgeons told systems his mother he would be a vegetable, if heSupports ever regained baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage abortion. consciousness. He did, but it took many years and of rehabilitation and determination before he regained his full health emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. status. HisCHILDHOOD only mistake was having hisTHE head ‘in the clouds.’ – SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY There are Cassia, other ramifications also. Many a young girl hasLily, been rapedLily because she was lost in a cloud of drugs or Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Swamp alcohol, not sufficiently present in body to defend herself from abusive and behaviour. Drugs and alcohol over Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swampunlawful Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition a prolonged period can cause chronic and damaging dissociative states. in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, THE IMPORTANCE OF FOCUS from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. Being able to focus on a task is impossible when a person is experiencing scattered thinking and out-of-body states. generational patterns. Things just don’t get done, tasks are not completed and dreams wither on the bush if there is no focus. Dandelion is especially good if there is a job that needs doing. It brings ideas to ground and assists in setting down the procedural steps that must be taken to accomplish the task. 138 74 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith The 12 leaves are in a circular arrangement lying flat on the ground. It is as if the physical form, with its 12 meridians that distribute the vital force throughout the body, is ‘flat’ without the necessary vitality derived from the Mind component to vitalize it. It even has the energy it to sit up and take notice of its surrounding. There is a maxim in Traditional Chinese Medicine that goes, ‘Where thought goes, qi (energy) flows and where qi flows, blood follows.’ This saying shows how necessary closely thought and body energy are connected. TCM is holistic medicine, meaning all aspects of the person - mental, energetic and physical - are interconnected and mutually vital in contributing GN IVIECER NI to YOwellbeing. J – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGEXCESSIVE THINKING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, White but Wandering weJ and the Seen from a distance, no other part of theVerbena, plant is visible the flower. It is as if the thoughts are given priority bodydcorpus na yoj oreceives t tirips eno ht drecognition na ,esrevinUateall. ht foThe ecncritical adnubinterconnecting a sseltimil eht otcomponent, dnim eht ,edqi utior tarenergy g ot traethat h ehanimates t snepO the body is absent from the mix. The leaves and the roots are the parts of the plant are used medicinally. Here is the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hguone ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .mswhere imitpo the value in this little sense is of found ‘not enough’ Raises ofpnoticeable. .and spihplant sclears noitaand lethese r niyet w-family nironically iw dnpatterns. a gnitikisrothe w tenflower luawareness fssethat ccusisstso ro puS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. When the ‘Mind’ component of the whole body (mind and the– G resources and ECN EDIbody) FNOCisHover-valued, TIW GNIHTRIB NIHTRIB D ESShealth-giving ELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE properties of feminine intelligence, nutrition, exercise and fresh air that keep the body vital are considered insignificant sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA notLily, important. ndelion,and Storm Wild IrisThe mistaken perception is that the Body component will just ‘run’ itself. ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS leaves and rootsmove of the Dandelion plant have been used for many hundreds of years as herbal medicines, mostly by nce in The her body’s htability ooms sto pleH .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne women healers, through the latter half of the last millennium. The leaves, flat on the ground, look as if they are hugging ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab the earth, aware of the sustenance being absorbed by the roots. . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB the central strongly suggestive of the sun, it has strong resonance with the digestive system and the ONES) –Because COMFORTABLE INflower YOURisOWN SKIN irI dliWPlexus. ,eniV lThis ianS is ,alwhere amaK dthe eR liver ,kcorm hS kniP ,which noilednisaD ,edahsthgiN alB ,aicacAthe body. third energy centre, the sSolar is alocated, responsible forkcdetoxifying ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine,for Wild Iris Dandelion is used as a herbal medicine cleansing the liver. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenis epower mthe owfirst wand ohorgan tbeauty uobainsnof reyour ttbody ap lbody. arto tsereceive cFocuses na morenergy f you gnitcon etransformed nnfine-tuning ocsid stsissby A .the ydodigestive b ruoy ot system. ni gninuIft ymental b htlaehactivity ruoy gobbles The brain the ur body.upAssists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women .senom rohfeel fo gconstantly ninoitcnuftired decnand alablethargic. yhtlaeh stItrocan ppusalso yllaclead itegrto eneexcessive dna ,eb weight, ”dluohs“due to the all the body energy, a person will y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. inefficiency of the digestive system. The body becomes leading YGRheavy ENE Nand IARBweighed ELOHWdown, OT NO NRUT to – E‘couch CNALApotato’ B NIARBsyndrome. TO WHOLE LockedBRAIN into a ENERGY vicious downward spiral, the person can lose interest in life and become despondent. Apathy and lack of ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA motivation in and the person beginsPink to lose hope. Dandelion system and Dandelion, Freckleset Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Shamrock, Snail Vine, works deeply by supporting the digestive sirI dliW assists a person by picking up their vital energy. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF a person is overwhelmed, with thoughts racing around in the head, they will be unable to digest the contents of ons of When the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf lives. If combined from with self-image problems, often anorexia and uncontrolled weight loss will be the consequence. enals totheir protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb eht sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith REMEMBER nidTO nmemory atEAT srednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Many people do not eat enough food during the day to provide sufficient energyNfor function. If Ethey IAPthe EHbody T GNto ISA E – PUKA RB are also N using lots of mental energy, the body begins to use up valuable stores, leaving it seriously depleted. Anorexic ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB or very thin peopleMacaranga, often find they have no temperature control andLily, become hot or cold at the slightest change elion, Lomandra, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm anein brethe V external environment. They perspire easily, feel tired all the time and suffer dull, constant headaches. Sometimes they can also .puknausea. aerb pihThis snoitcombination aler a morf gnofiresymptoms vocer htiwpoints stsissato dnan a punderactive ukaerb a hgand uorhpoorly t gniogfunctioning elihw uoy stdigestive roppuS system. feel constant ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t egreneeds nE lots of Eventually, if the condition persists over time, the ability to think will also begin to be affected. The brain physical feelings ofehheartbreak and helps process the feelings ofspgrief, n a c y t o s s s e n e r a w a o t s n r e t t a p g n i t a e p e r g n i r b l e H . t n e m n o d n a b a d n a , n o i t c e j e r , r a e f , t l i u g , e m a lb energy to run it. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb Dandelion assists by bringing awareness to the need of the body to fuel itself. It also quiets the racing mind so that more YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC energy is available for bodily function. EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mWITH rotS ,sTHE ucsibMIND iH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA CONNECTING THE BODY e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsisshelps A .ybato b balance dna rehtobetween m htob rthinking of ,htrib and naeractivity. aseac foLatest gnidnresearch uow eht ftells o gnus ilaethat h ehthe t stbody roppuiss yan llacextremely itegrenE sensitive Dandelion ling of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y b a b e h t n i y t i r u c e s d n a y t e f a s f o e s n e s a d n a t n e m h c a t t a d n o b g n ildnik ni meaning and intelligent instrument, serving us faithfully for our highest health potential. It has the capacity for plasticity, nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab that it responds to what we areonthinking like abirth. car Supports is directed by the driver. When the body and mind are fully g the energetic systems that are turned during ajust vaginal .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome connected, like an orchestra, Mind orchestrates all the body parts and functions for optimum performance. arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC But whenFAMILY Mind is disengaged or distracted, there is no conductor and the result can be chaos. Scattered thoughts HE GROWING yliL pm awSto ,ylifrustration L mrotS ,kco rmaahSfeeling kniP ,deofewnever kliM ,aaccomplishing natnaL ,aissaC anything. or constant repetitive thoughts that go nowhere lead and nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Dandelion and noitisalso nart sassists troppuwith S .tirinsomnia ips dna dnthat im ,comes ydob s’from dlihc racing eht fo tthoughts nempolevthat ed ewon’t ht gnstop icnala b nthe i stsmind issa ylthat lacitewon’t grenEshut down worry. Use with White Wandering Jew for best results. ng the through development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the the child’s snmother’s arin t ethought vitagawareness en sresults raelc yin lof lacnot itegbeing renE .ypresent ldevelopmental etairpoin rpp a omoment, gmilestones, tel reh so splethat h dnany a ,gemotional nikat-ksir einteractions tairporppa-eare ga either swolla devalued Being-lost the king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a negnot totally or not registered, creating a gulf between people. As parents we can be physically there for our children,rebut present because our thoughts are engaged elsewhere. We become like robots or automatons, relating without feeling. Many people lose years of their lives in this way, lost in the realm of their own thoughts until one day they wake up and wonder how the time has gone so fast, without noticing it or enjoying the process. h Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 75 The secret to fully living life is to be present in the moment. Dandelion assists us to come into the present to fully appreciate being alive. Some relationships are conducted in this way. The heart connection is rarely made because one or both parties are living in the realm of their own thoughts and can’t close their thoughts down to be present to the other. Essence EssenceBlends Blends LEGENDS IN THEIR OWN MINDS ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING This essence addresses the ‘legend own mind’ syndrome. Either or both partners are so stuck in their heads that ABUN-DANCE – JOYinINtheir RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pinkto Shamrock, Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering they become hard-edged and instead of relating the other Red withKamala, wisdom Silver and compassionate understanding, become Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew critical, nagging and short of patience. In many cases, one partner can be so fully engaged with their own thoughts that they fail toJew see thetoother has been having an limitless affair and react withofshock and disbelief. ‘How Opens thethat heart gratitude, the mind to the abundance the Universe, and the spiritcould to joythis andhave happened?’ they’ll say. All their friends could see it but they didn’t. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of theusmagician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. Dandelionbeing brings back to the present to navigate our relationship from a deeper feminine wisdom so that we see, being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. feel and intuit healthy responses in our intimate BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITHzones. CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE GIVING AWAY OUR POWER Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Another way that we deeper infeminine intelligence is when we put our faith anthe authority of Supports theabandon mother’s our confidence her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, in and parentsoutside in Supports the mother’s confidence in bio-medical her body’s to without moveasthrough safe birth, and the parents effect in ourselves.entering For example, when we blindly follow model question, it can have a devastating into the birthing process as athe sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. Helps smooth into thethe birthing on our sense ofentering personal empowerment. baby’s passage into world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. Mainstream medicine rootedHORMONES) deeply in the– patriarchal tradition and isOWN modelled BODY LOVE is (HAPPY COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN on the masculine principle. It is BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) COMFORTABLEhealth IN YOUR OWN rather SKIN than healing the person. It hierarchal, top-heavy, authoritative and based on –problem-solving disorders Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris focuses on symptoms than the cause of disease the solution an existing canIrisbe more damaging Acacia, rather Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pinkand Shamrock, Red to Kamala, Snail ailment Vine, Wild Helps you appreciate feel gratitude for the power and your body. Focuses you oninfine-tuning than the problem itself. It largelyand ignores the self-healing capacity ofbeauty the vitalofforce itself and intervenes, many cases, Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning your health bychange tuning in body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about howyou women where a simple lifestyle is to theyour answer. your be, health tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. That is not to say that there is notenergetically a valuable place for healthy modernbalanced medicine. It came into its strength following the Second “should” be, and supports functioning of hormones. TURNbullet’ ON TO WHOLEsaved BRAINmany ENERGY World WarBRAIN whenBALANCE the ‘magic– silver approach thousands of lives on the battlefield under emergency BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY conditions.Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris does But chronic disease not constitute emergency medicine. In fact, it requires the opposite approach. It needs a Wild Iris reversal ofFor thebalancing lifestyle factors that functions are causing thebrain, disease and inclusion life-enhancing practices that will restore the many of the and to the bring about aofsense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring aair, sense and optimal the vital force. Natural medicine rests on highly nutritious plenty fresh rest,ofwater, avoidance of excesses functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brainfoods, function fromofabout the over-effects ofwholeness stress. Balances Balances the adrenals protect function from the over-effects of Balances of alcoholleft-right andfunctioning. other toxic substances and most ofto all, emotional balance andbrain peace of mind.asNot only a moderate and back-front brain energies. Helps withbrain memory loss and changes thestress. brainwill ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and changes as the brain ages. and healthy lifestyle reverse many throughout chronic disorders, but it will prevent further disease patterns root in the body. Supports brain changes childhood, and assists in opening newbrain pathways oftaking understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Many women are either so engaged in their own thoughts, creating their own fantasy world, that they don’t allow the BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN time or have the confidence to get in touch the deeper wisdom that lies Hibiscus, buried in Silver their biological legacy Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion,with Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Wattle, Storm Lily,waiting to be discovered. They become from their Lomandra, bodies so that they loseNative confidence in themselves andStorm their Lily, ability to Bleeding Heart,alienated Cassia, Dandelion, Macaranga, Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Verbena know what is best for them. Because it is easier to hand over the responsibility of their own health to someone else, they Verbena Supports you whilepower goingaway through a breakup and with recovering willingly give their feminine to doctors who, in assists many cases, are male.from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, THE DE-FEMININISING PROCESS Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so can be resolved. Male researchers and doctors have readily prescribed potent medications for women that disrupt the naturalthey harmony be resolved. of the female body, without due consideration of theSTIMULATING effect it is having women’s bodies. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND FOR on MOTHER AND BABY Many women collude in this wholesale CAESAREAN de-feminisingRECOVERY process, because they are not mindfully present to protect theBABY integrity of their gender – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily inheritance. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically This includes practices supports such as: the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the ••heavy long-term use of the pill, the hormone patch or IUD that effectively dispense with the menses and chemically baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the baby’safter-effects skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the castrateemotional a woman by permanently reducing her libido; of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. •• IVF procedures that are continued until time as FAMILY the body suffers damage and further depleting a woman’s CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE such GROWING fertility; and CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Pink Shamrock, Storm Swamp Lily •• caesarean births thatLantana, are not Milkweed, medical necessities but rather a Lily, preferred option. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically assists in Spleen, balancing theand development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition This essence works Stomach, Liver Gall Bladder meridians enhancing digestion andmilestones, controlling from babyon to the child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transexcessive thinking. allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. Dandelion resonates to Chakras 1, 3 and 10. generational patterns. 138 76 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE •• For dissociation/ being ‘away with the fairies’. •• For racing thoughts or the mind that won’t shut down. •• For being scattered and unfocused. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA For overwhelm. EIVING•• gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA •• For Mind-Body ntana, Pink Shamrock, Redseparation. Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ •• For digestive disturbances, tiredness and exhaustion, anorexia, and over weight, headaches, nausea and feeling dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind liverish. to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense • of• ‘notinsomnia. enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb For spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA •• Grounds and centres. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris i stnmind. erap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS •• Calmsnthe nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne Aids focus. ess as a•• sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . •• For feeling ‘right there’ when engaging with others. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –•• COMFORTABLE IN YOUR Assists in achieving goals.OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• Energises and vitalizes. gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower and your mow w ohMind tbeauty uobaand snofreBody. ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy •• For balancing the ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ •• Strengthens digestion. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 77 FRECKLE FACE Essence Blends Essence Blends KEYWORDS Hypoestes sanguinolenta ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN Negative: RECEIVINGcommunication difficulties, shrill words feeling criticised, Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Redconflict. Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering frustration, parent/child Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: for safety in expression, for speaking kindly, speaking truth, joy in Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and silence. OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE DESCRIPTION Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Freckle Iris BelongingSupports to the Acanthaceae Hypoestes Face, aissafe a plant highly for its the mother’sfamily, confidence in hersanguinolenta, body’s ability toormove through birth, and valued the parents in foliage. Its flowers entering are insignificant, but the brilliantly coloured leaves are the most noticeable aspect of this attractive indoor Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in or into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth outdoor plant. It grows to a height of 15 45 cm spreads from 15 30 cm. It blooms in mid-summer and its flower entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth is considered inconspicuous for the lover. baby’s passage intogarden the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN The leaves of this variety are(HAPPY deep green with vivid random pink spots IN thatYOUR call out for attention. It is named Freckle Face BODY LOVE HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris or Polka Dot plant for the spotty leaves. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris you appreciate and feel gratitude for the beautycontrast of your against body. Focuses yougreen on fine-tuning It producesHelps small, brilliant magenta-coloured flowers thatpower makeand a striking the deep background Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women of the leaf. It grows in a cushion, mound or clump, starting out rounded and getting taller and more upright as the your be, health tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. season goes on. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY It likes some sun, which increases its variegation, but it can tolerate lower levels of light. In tropical climates, it can be BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, but Bluemust Mink, FreckleasFace, Lacebark, Milkweed, grown outdoors, beCordyline, grown in aDandelion, shady location, full outdoor sun will kill it.Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris DOCTRINE OFWild SIGNATURES Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal The bright magenta, tiny flower high on theofstem as it isand lengthening out and reaching upwards inand theoptimal latter phase For balancing thegrows many functions the brain, to bring a sense ofofwholeness functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances of its growth. Itfunctioning. looks like a Balances wide-open issuing a projectile stream from depth. It has a top petal, appearing as themouth adrenals to protect function fromits the over-effects left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps withbrain memory loss and brain changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. the upper lip, which curls back towards the stem. It is truncated, with three lobes like three thick fingers pointing left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages.back Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. towards the self. The lower petal sits underneath, giving the appearance of a wide-open jaw. From between the two Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN comes a long, straight stamen that gives the appearance that something is issuing from the mouth with force. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, SPEAKING OUR TRUTH Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Magenta is theVerbena colour of the new higher vibration chakra, identified as starting to appear in people expressing the new Supports you into whilethe going through a breakup assists recovering a relationship breakup. consciousness coming planet at present. It is and located at with the base of thefrom brain, roughly in line with the vocal Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, chords, and is said to be the ‘Mouth of God’ centre, more highly developed in those who are speaking their own truth Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can and wisdom, andguilt, channelling information from higher dimensions. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. The leaves arebe dark green, like the heart chakra, with pink spots in a random careless pattern all over, obliterating the resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING ANDthe STIMULATING FORinMOTHER clarity of the leaf. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, heart is reflected the face.AND The BABY energy expression of the heart CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY is communicating with others. Dots on the leaf, superimposed on the dark green background, draw a viewer’s attention, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm giving the impression that careless words obscure the clarity of what is essentially the truth. The Lily plant is valued for its Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists foliage, rather Energetically than the flowers, and it seems that the careless words become the focus of attention in communication, supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists rather than one’s heartfelt truth, which comes from deep within. The dots also obscure the truth from the speaker, as if in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the there are blind spots,after-effects which seeing what is abortion. at the heart of that the matter. baby’s skin to prevents begin theand energetic systems are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD –isSUPPORTS THEmovement GROWING FAMILY Non-Violent Communication a worldwide by Dr Lily Marshal Rosenberg, to facilitate relationships Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Stormstarted Lily, Swamp through communication from the heart. Within the language of Non-Violent Communication, reference is made to the Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports giraffe, the animal with the largest heart. When we communicate in respectful terms, we are coming fromtransition the heart, so Energetically assists in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, we are said to speak ‘giraffe-talk’, or hear with ‘giraffe ears’. And of course, giraffes are spotty, just like the spots on from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, the leaf. allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. This essence isgenerational about communication, patterns. and more importantly, how we communicate. 138 78 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Communication has the power either to create harmony or disharmony in our relationships. From an energy perspective, communication is the language of the heart - it is through our words and body language that we convey the intention behind what we say to others. The other aspect to communication is hearing or listening. We also need to ‘hear’ with our heart. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE PARENT AND CHILD COMMUNICATION - KEY TO RELATIONSHIPS GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGNeither expressing nor hearing can often be the case where there is parent-child conflict. Either party can easily alienate gnirebecause dnaW etithey hW ,do anenot breknow V ,elttahow W retovlieffectively S ,alamaK and deR loving ,kcormcommunicate ahS kniP ,anattheir naL ,nneeds oilednto aDelicit ,aissaaC ,agujAresponse. the other positive ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Nor can they hear, from the heart, what the other person is really saying. dnaFace yoj ofacilitates t tirips ehtparent-child dna ,esrevincommunication U eht fo ecnadnubybaopening sseltimilup ehtthe ot d nim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Freckle heart. the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo an active expression two enhance sense As of ‘not enough’ Raises ofppuS .efican .and spihsclears noiof talinteraction ethese r niw-family niw dbetween npatterns. a gnikro w tepeople, n luawareness fsseccommunication cus stro l nweither o s’eno ni naicigaarelationship, m eht gnieb ensuring that you are having your needs met, or it can lead to disconnection and feelings of isolation and distress. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB When we communicate with honesty, power, integrity and compassion, we can be guaranteed that the people in our NG WITH CONFIDENCE irI dmastered liW ,yliL mthe rotSart,nof oileheart-felt dnaD ,kncommunication iM eulB ,agujA ,and aicacinstead A lives will respond in kind. However, most people have snot find ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris that theirniwell-meaning stnerap eht dnattempts a ,htrib eto fasexpress a hguotheir rht evown om oneeds t ytilibin a sa’ ysituation dob reh nand i ecnto edmaintain ifnoc s’ rehconnection tom eht stroend ppuup S feeling, nce in at herbest, body’s birth, unfulfilling, htability ooms sto pland emove H .at egthrough aworst, ssap fempty oaesafe tir aand sa gdisconnected. niand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrotaints w ehtour otnilanguage egassap sand ’ ybabconveys a Communication can be polluted by the distortions in our thinking that, in turn, . message to the other that can be N disrespectful, blaming, labelling, and moralistic. IKS NWO RUjudgmental, OY NI ELBAcritical, TROFMO C – )SEN OMROHdemanding YPPAH( EVO L YD OB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirSAY I dliWIT,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA IT’S ALL IN THE WAY WE ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-eaniperson f no uoywill sessuppress ucoF .ydoany b ruattempt oy fo ytuat aecommunication b dna rewop ehtbecause rof edutitthere arg leisefsuch dna ean taiemotional cerppa uoycharge spleH on what Sometimes gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning emsay ow w oh they tuobafear snreitttwill ap lcome artsecnout a mwrongly orf gnitcor ennviolently. ocsid stsiAllied ssA .ydwith ob ruthat oy oist nthe i gnfear inut that, yb htlin aeexpressing h ruoy they wantnto that their ur body.needs, Assiststhe disconnecting from sreact enomnegatively. rohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnrather ufhow decthan nwomen alabmake yhtlaeany h stattempt roppus yto llachave itegretheir ne dneeds na ,eb met ”dluo hs“ other person will.ancestral So through open y supports balanced functioning of hormones. andhealthy clear communication, they will prefer to stifle their in Nreality, fear communicating YGREwants NE NIall ARBtogether. ELOHWOften, OT NO RUT – the ECN ALAof BN IARB stems from anENERGY underlying sense that we do not deserve to have our needs met. TO WHOLE BRAIN ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Regardless the underlying reason, thePink keyShamrock, to communicating our needs, and whether the communication is received Dandelion, FreckleofFace, Lacebark, Milkweed, Snail Vine, sirI dliW in the spirit it was intended or not, is in the way we express them. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of COMMUNICATING the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .IN ssabout eINTIMACY rts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m emhuman htiw splspirit eH .seisigthat renemost niarbpeople, tnorf-kcmales ab dnaand thgifemales, r-tfel One of the most important things to remember about the want energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. nidnatsrto ednothers u fo syat awahtdeep ap welevel. n gninThis epo isniespecially stsissa dnatrue ,doin ohd lihintimate c tuohgurelationship orht segnahcwhere niarb an stroeasy, ppuS light and to feel connected an ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. flowing connection between the couple elicits a sense of peace and wellbeing for NIAboth. P EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N However, research and other ,yliL mrotshows S ,elttathat W rein vliintimacy, S ,sucsibiH eviin taN ,agnspheres, aracaM men ,ardnand amowomen L ,noiledcommunicate naD ,aissaC ,tand raeHconnect gnideelin B different elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, ways, due to gender-specific hardwiring of the brain. anebreV As previously discussed, asuthe .puka erb pihsnothe italefemale r a morbrain f gnireinterfaces vocer htiw primarily stsissa dnwith a pukthe aerlimbic b a hgusystem, orht gniknown og elihw oy stemotional roppuS brain, ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. especially when ,feirg under fo sgnistress. leef ehThis t ssemeans corp spthat leh dwomen na kaerare btratriggered eh fo sgnto ileefeel f lactheir isyhpemotions yrev eht acutely, stroppusand yllacfor itetheir grenEbehaviour physical feelings helps feelings to be compelled by their nac yofehheartbreak t ostrongly s sseneraand waemotional o t snreprocess ttapfactors, gnithe taepespecially er gnirbofsthose pgrief, leH .concerned tnemnodnawith ba dsurvival. na ,noitceMoreover, jer ,raef ,tlwomen iug ,emaexpress lb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patternsand to awareness they can when a woman feels close and.dconnected, evloser eb she feels basic survival needs through connection closeness. so Therefore, secure and can relax. Conversely, feels YBAB DNwhen A REHshe TOM ROan F Gemotional NITALUMIdistance, TS DNA Gshe NILgets AEH anxious. – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGWomen AND STIMULATING MOTHER AND BABY are wired to FOR communicate their emotions easily. Often their communication their yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahwith sthgiN kcalintimate B ,aicacApartner is by aLantana, need toNative re-connect because e Mink,motivated Freckle Face, Hibiscus, Stormthey Lily feel a distance. Superficially, the conversation may be about their stsithe ssA .use ybabofdnthe a recar htoor m hthe tob children’s rof ,htrib nneeds aeraseand ac foso gnon. idnuHowever, ow eht fo she gnilafrequently eh eht stroseeks ppus yreassurance llacitegrenE that her finances, ling of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y b a b e h t n i y t i r u c e s d n a y t e f a s f o e s n e s a d n a t n e m h c a t t a d n o b gnildnik awareness. ni partner is upholding and supporting her, although this primary motivation is usually below her conscious nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the stropartner ppuS .hseems trib landistant igav a g nirudher, no adewoman’s nrut era tgreatest aht smetfear sys cis itethe grenfear e ehof t gbeing nireggalone irt nigeor bo t niks s’ ybShe ab wants to Whenhther from deprived. g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the . n o i t r o b a d n a e g a i r r a c s i m f o s t c e f f e r e t f a l a n o i t o m e know that he is still there for her. arriage and abortion. IMAF GNIW ORGflow EHTto STthe ROPleft PUSorbito-frontal – DOOHDLIcortex HC of the On the other hand, when a male is under stress, there isYLincreased blood HE GROWING FAMILY brain. In general, the frontal lobes are responsible for focusing This yliL pmawfor S ,yintentional liL mrotS ,kcaction ormahas S knwell iP ,das eew kliM ,anatnaour L ,aiattention. ssaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily,tend Swamp Lily means that men to function more at the level of thinking processes than feeling, when under duress, emotional or noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE The male brain is hardwired to seek solutions in a crisis rather than to seek the comfort of his partner. Indeed ng the otherwise. development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf a crucial part of his biological rolechild’s in being male is to protect and provide a feeling of security, offering her comfort. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegrenE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla Research shows that males, even from infancy on, are discomforted king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- by intensity of emotion. .snrettapTheir lanoiinbuilt tarenegincapacity to maintain a sense of constant connectedness in the way a woman wants arouses in them feelings of inadequacy or shame that they cannot reciprocate. This underlying sense of inadequacy means that any conversation challenging the way they express their undying devotion will throw them into stress - straight into the left orbito-frontal cortex of the brain - and their thinking brain. So what does this mean in terms of communication, especially in intimacy? htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 79 h If anxiety and fear of being alone drives our communication with our partner and he, in turn, feels threatened by the intensity of emotional contact in our communication, the conversation intended to elicit more closeness is likely to end up in frustration and escalation, rather than resolution. Essence EssenceBlends Blends How then are conflicts resolved so that as women we feel reconnected and our partner retains his sense of masculinity? WIDENING THE GULF ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE – JOY critical IN RECEIVING When we use blaming, demanding, and labelling language, it thrusts a man deep into the subconscious sense Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering of inadequacy that heCassia, alreadyDandelion, has aboutLantana, his inability competeRed withKamala, femalesSilver on an emotional level. He will choose Pink to Shamrock, Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, from a numberJew of recognizable strategies to deflect from that sense of shame or inadequacy that he rarely admits to Opens the heart gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance the Universe, and of thepathways spirit to joy and because he is a man - and to men are supposed to be ‘good’ at things. It may of involve any number depending Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of on which he has perfected - shouting or violent response, silence or apparent disinterest, change of subject or apparent optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of being magician one’s Supports networking and win-win relationships. compliance withthe absolutely no sign of own follow-through in the days, weeks or months thereafter. Whichever the response, being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. it is more BLESSED likely to add to our discomfort rather alleviate it. BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITHthan CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Freckle Face helpsAjuga, us to Blue become aware of the Storm way that areIris communicating. When we state our needs clearly and Acacia, Mink, Dandelion, Lily,we Wild Ajuga, Blue Mink, to Dandelion, Storm Lily, WildtoIrishook into emotionally manipulative dialogue that openly, it givesAcacia, the male an opportunity respond without having Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in makes him feelSupports swamped defensive. It also in helps us recognise that sometimes silence a and more powerful theand mother’s confidence her body’s to move safe has birth, parents effect in entering into the birthing process as a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. Helps the smooth than words. entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. into the world. STATING OURbaby’s NEEDSpassage CLEARLY BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR Ideally, good communication elicits HORMONES) a loving response and results in having our OWN needs SKIN met. But that means that we have Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris to be able to identify is that we need, feel worthy having this met and manipulative Acacia,what Blackit Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink of Shamrock, Redneed Kamala, Snaildistinguish Vine, Wild between Iris and feel that gratitude forexpect the power and beauty your body. Focuses youtransparently. on fine-tuning strategies Helps to get you our appreciate way and the sense we can a response whenofwe operate openly and appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women Being clear about our unmet needs usually means that we recognize our partner may need to express some of his own your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. unmet needs too. Therefore, it also means listening what hefunctioning is saying. One of the traps that we fall into in “should” be, and energetically supportscarefully healthy to balanced of hormones. BRAINisBALANCE TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY communication hearing a–negative message from another, rather than listening deeply and intuitively to what is often BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY not being Acacia, expressed, but which is driving the communication. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Similarly, we often assume that the other must know what it is that we need, leading to an erroneous judgment of that Wild Iris person as For harsh or unfeeling that functions further escalates the situation. Judgments others are alienated of our balancing the many of the brain, and to bring about aofsense of wholeness andexpressions optimal For -balancing thepointing many functions of the brain, and pointing to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal own unmetfunctioning. needs ‘one finger at you and three fingers back.’ Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects stress. Balances left-right and back-front brain Helps with memory loss and asof the brain ages. If we express our needs then we have a much greater chance of having them met.changes And if we don’t value our needs, left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. others won’t either. Listing our needs, pleading, imploring and excusing oneself for asking are all strategies that give the Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. message to the listener: ‘I’ don’t believe BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN that I deserve my needs to be met. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, EMOTIONAL LIBERATION Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena There are threeVerbena stages in emotional liberation: Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. 1.Emotional slavery - we believe ourselves responsible for other’s feelings - this makesfrom people we care about seem to Supports you whilethe going breakup assists with relationship breakup. Energetically supports very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, be burdens. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, fear, rejection, and abandonment. bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. 2.‘Insufferable’ stage -guilt, feeling angry and no longer wanting to Helps be responsible for other’s feelings - ‘that’s your problem’ be resolved. attitude.CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN – HEALINGour AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY 3.Emotional liberation we RECOVERY take responsibility and actions. Acacia, Black -Nightshade, Blue Mink, for Freckle intentions Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Nightshade, Blueand Mink, Freckle Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily When we Energetically take Acacia, the timeBlack to explore needs discernFace, which ones are being which arebaby. being unmet, we supports theour healing of the to wounding of caesarean birth, for met bothand mother and Assists are at the in third stage of taking responsibility. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s to a begin triggering energetic systems that your are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the The next step is toskin elicit response in thethe other to help you meet own needs. We will not meet with successthe if we baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the after-effects miscarriage and abortion. name-call,emotional blame and shame theofother. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. SUPPORTSresponse THE GROWING But we canCHILDHOOD be sure of an–empathetic when weFAMILY name our need clearly and, with respect, ask if the other would CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY be willing Cassia, to meetLantana, that need, whether they oblige us or not. Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Freckle Face helps us toassists discern our needs the so that we can better what and it is that weSupports want. transition Energetically in balancing development of thecommunicate child’s body, mind spirit. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition MELISSA from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transMelissa was atallows the end of her tether with Will. Asand a family withlettwo teenage children, both in critical stages intranstheir age-appropriate risk-taking, helps her go appropriately. Energetically clears negative generational patterns. education at high school, they were both very busy with their own businesses. Melissa found herself to be in a continual generational patterns. state of anger and resentment because the bulk of responsibility for caring for the children was left to her, even though she detected on many occasions that Will ignored direct calls for assistance from the children, particularly their seventeen-year-old son Jason. 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 80 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith She had had many emotionally fraught ‘discussions’ with Will and had even, in earlier years, dragged him off to ‘Effective Parenting’ nights, but to no avail. Nothing seemed to shift him and, in spite of the fact that Melissa suffered severe pain on a monthly basis due to menstrual problems, Will was just as selfish and single-minded as ever. It was Will’s selfish attitude that made her boil - couldn’t he see how often she dragged herself off to parent nights for ‘the sake of the children’ and drove Jason to martial arts each week to make sure that he got the exercise he needed to support him while he was studying hard? GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGMelissa was at the point of desperation. She was seriously considering leaving Will and setting herself up on her own gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA with Shamrock, the children. he seemed do was add to White her burden by expecting his meals to be cooked, evenwethough she ntana, Pink RedAll Kamala, SilvertoWattle, Verbena, Wandering J put in a full day at her business as well. Furthermore, she had not experienced his tenderness for years, and had long na yoj othat t tiripshe s ehwould t dna ,make esrevinsex U eunavailable ht fo ecnadnto ubhim a ssebecause, ltimil eht clearly, ot dnimhe ehtdid ,ednot utitalove rg other traeenough h eht snto epthink O about ago d decided the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit togujoy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i m i t p o how much she needed his support. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life.When Supports networking andher win-win she successful came to see me, I asked how relationships. she was meeting his needs. She replied that she cooked for him and kept ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB the house in order, allowing him to focus fully on his business. I asked her how long ago it was that she had asked him NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI could dliW ,ynot liL mremember. rotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA what he wanted from the marriage. She replied that she ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnher erato p elist ht dall naher ,htrunmet ib efasneeds. a hguoShe rht ecouldn’t vom ot yanswer tiliba s’ yme dobinreterms h ni eof cnher edifn oc s’ rebut htom ehton strotopptell uS me some I then asked needs, went nce in of herthe body’s htability oom s sto pwas lemove H constantly .egthrough assap fhaving. oaesafe tir a birth, sIatranslated gniand tnerathe pthese oparents t yeninto ruoinjneeds dercafor s a her sa sand secorshe p gnwas ihtriastonished b eht otni gthat niretshe ne had not feelings she ess as arecognized sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s ’ y b a that her basic human requirements were not being fulfilled. This had given her a feeling of beingb crippled, . and that life was a struggle although was this sense she NIKSshe NW O Runable UOY NtoI Earticulate LBATROFM OC – )SEwithin NOMherself ROH YPbecause PAH( EVsubconsciously, OL YDOB did not feel she deserved to be happy. ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA Here some ofRed the Kamala, feelings she have added her unfulfilled, basic human needs in italics. ndelion, Pinkare Shamrock, Snaildescribed. Vine, WildI Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH •• I feel abandoned gratitude for the beauty nepower mow wand oh- tneed uobafor snofrnurturing, eyour ttap lbody. artseconnection, cFocuses na morf you gnbelonging, itcon ennfine-tuning ocsid support stsissA .yand dob caring. ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.•• Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women .senappreciation, omroh fo gninrespect, oitcnuf d ecnalab yhtlaeh stand ropprecognition. us yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ I feel invalidated - need for acknowledgement y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. GRENE Ncommunity, IARB ELOHW OT NO NRU T – ECNALAB Nand IARBto be •• I feel ignored - need for connection, belonging, Yinclusion, participation, communication, TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY heard.,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW •• I feel let down - need for consistency, trust, support and dependability. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE lamitpo dn-aneed ssenefor lohrespect, w fo esnconsideration, es a tuoba gnirrest b ot and dna caring. ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF •• I feel overworked ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf gave her she some enals toI protect brain Balances .sFreckle egafunction niarFace b ehfrom tand sa sthe esuggested gnover-effects ahc niathat rb dnof a stress. sstake ol yro mem time htiw to splbe eH with .seigthe renefeeling niarb tthat, norf-kincanot b dnrecognizing a thgir-tfel her own energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. needs, she had to take responsibility for not voicing them. She was happy to look at the concept of .gnidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb sself-responsibility, troppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways and that her husband was not a mind reader. of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N It took Melissa two weeks to have the conversation with her husband that changed her life forever. She said that she was ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB surprised when she began to explore was that she really carefully, but elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus,what Silverit Wattle, Storm Lily, wanted from him and chose her words anebreV from her heart. She said to him, “Will, I need support and help in assisting the children through these vital few years of .pukWould aerb pyou ihsno itawilling ler a mto orfsitgndown irevocwith er htme iw sand tsissatake dnaaplook ukaerat ba hguwe orhcan t gnboth iog elcontribute ihw uoy strto optheir puS future?” high school. be how ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Melissa said that Will’s response floored her.the He sat down, put his hand over hers and replied, ‘What? How can physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnitaepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb I help? I thought that you wanted to do all that stuff yourself. Yeah sure, I’d love nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so theyYou canare such a good mother after all. .devloser eb to be involved. What types of things did you have in mind?’ YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC his own way and unwittingly, Will had justBABY secured his future place in the family home! He had responded to a request EALINGInAND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND yliL question mrotS ,subecause csibiH evhe itaN natnfeel aL ,threatened. ecaF elkcerFEvery ,kniMother eulB time, ,edahMelissa sthgiN khad calBserved ,aicacAhim up an for help easily and without did,anot e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily indigestible soup of unrequited feelings and he had ducked for cover, retreating into what felt safe for stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitehim gren-E his work. ling of He the had wounding of both even he eht seignored talucaesarean mits his yllason’s citbirth, egrecalls nfor E .yfor babhelp emother ht nbecause i ytiand rucesbaby. dnwas a Assists yteso fasunsure fo esneabout s a dnhow a tneMelissa mhcatta would dnob greact nildniifk he ni stepped nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the into eher ‘territory.’ ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports oitrobshe athe dn a egaso irrabright csim foand stceenergized. ffe-retfa lanCommunication oitome Every time I see Melissa these days, her brow is smooth.nand looks arriage and abortion. lines are open with Will and they are working together as a Acouple for Compassionate YLIM F GNIW ORthe G Efirst HT time STROin PPmany US – Dyears. OOHD LIHC HE GROWING FAMILYhas enhanced their relationship. communication yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily,NEEDS SwampMET Lily GETTING OUR noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the On development Supports page of this Ivlisted ,seno34 tselof im the latnchild’s ebook, mpolebody, ed smind ’dbasic lihc and ehhuman t fspirit. o ssenneeds. erawa Is’added rtransition ehtom an ehtextensive snepO .tninventory ecseloda of ot emotions dlihc ot ybthat ab mwe orfmay feel, ent. Opens awareness -our snmother’s arneeds t evitagare en being sraelc met ylof lacthe itegchild’s rwhen enE .yldevelopmental etairare porpnot pa being ogmilestones, tel met. reh spThe leh difference dna ,gnikain t-kfeelings sir etairpisorlike ppathat -egabetween swolla heaven whenthe and they king, and .snrettap lanoitareneg andhelps hell. her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- h Many people experience constant negative emotional states, never recognizing that it is because they have many unmet human needs, which they have a right to ask to be met. And the saddest part is that the only thing that stands between experiencing life as heaven or hell is the ability to be able to recognize and express our needs. Expression of needs and Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 81 asking for them to be met is not a cast-iron assurance that the loved one’s in your life will be able to meet them. But once articulated, it brings us to the point of being able to decide alternative ways to have them fulfilled. Essence EssenceBlends Blends It is highly unlikely that one person can fulfil all our needs. Women in particular have a facile capacity for networking and often have certain needs met within the workplace, such as the need for acknowledgement and recognition. Or they may find that their women’s network or church group supports the needs for inclusion, belonging, peace and ABUN-DANCE JOY IN RECEIVING community. And certainly,–children meet many of women’s needs for connection, love and belonging. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Verbena, White Wandering Freckle Face assists us toDandelion, discern where our needs are being met, what they are Wattle, and who is in a position to meet them. Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering One of the courses Jew that helped me most in upholding my sense of self through understanding the depth and breadth Opens the ways heart to to ask gratitude, thetomind to the limitless abundanceCommunication, of the Universe, aand the spirit joy andforth of my needs and the for them be met is called Non-Violent strategy firsttobrought Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness by Marshall B. Rosenberg, to assist people to maintain connection through effective communication. The course is well Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. theasmagician one’sto own Supports andrelationships, win-win relationships. worth a weekend it is guaranteed change the quality of your networking life and your both intimate and in all being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. other areas. It is especially good for assisting communication between parents and children. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Here is a testimonial fromBlue someone who took the course: Acacia, Ajuga, Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris “Compassion is notthe a static state, nor is it aindestination be reached. is abirth, way and of being in a relationship Supports mother’s confidence her body’stoability to moveCompassion through a safe the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s in her certain body’s to move through a passage. safe birth, and the parentsIninour - a way ofentering acting and interacting. Atconfidence the same time, practices can as help to of cultivate thisHelps way of being. into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite smooth entering into thethe birthing as a sacred journey to parenting as apractices.” rite of passage. Helps smooth experience, Non-Violent Communication is the most practical and powerful of these baby’s passage into world.process baby’s passage into the world. SuraOWN Hart SKIN and Victoria Kindle, Hodson 2003 BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia,communication Black Nightshade, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris essence, Freckle Face. Compassionate is aDandelion, perfect wayPink to Shamrock, describe the action of this beautiful flower Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, WildItIris It works atHelps the Acacia, heart level to open us up to honesty and integrity in our personal relationships. assists us in relating you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning to the humanity of others, in compassionate and respectful relating and in our power to serve Life itself through loving appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women connection“should” withyour others. health tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women be, andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Freckle Face works on the Heart andON Kidney meridians, bringing self-acceptance and trust into one’s communication. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON 5. TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Freckle Face resonates to Chakras 2, 4 Dandelion, and Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES Wild Iris For balancingdifficulties. the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal •• For communication For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances •• For fearleft-right of speaking out. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. brain throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. •• Guilt forSupports using shrill orchanges harsh words. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP THE PAIN •• For speaking with–aEASING forked tongue. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Lomandra, •• For frustration that one’sCassia, needs Dandelion, are not being heard. Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena •• For discomfort with silence. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. •• For feeling constantly criticised. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can •• For parent / child conflict especiallyand during adolescence. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. YOUR HEALING be OUTCOMES resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY •• For ease in communicating one’s needs. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily •• For a sense of safetyBlack in expressing oneself. Acacia, Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists •• For communicating with attachment loving kindness. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’scommunication. skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the •• Elicits truthful baby’s skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. •• For feeling loved and supported. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY •• Brings the awareness that words are not THE the only means of communication. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily •• Smoothes parent-child interaction. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 82 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith LACEBARK dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS Brachychiton discolor Negative: unattractive and sexually ‘washed up’, depression and empty nest GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA syndrome, fear of ageingm, feeling useless and hearing difficulties. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Positive: in sexuality, confidence in passing on wisdom, assists hearing, ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena,joy White Wandering weJ dancing to life’s rhythm. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO DESCRIPTION the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .eto A spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a glarge nikrodeciduous w ten luawareness fssectree, cus sittrbelongs o fil the nwoBrachychiton s’eno ni naicfamily, igam ehwhich t gnieconsists b wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win of therelationships. most noble and spectacular flowering trees native to the lush rainforests ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB of the eastern coast. The family includes the dramatic Illawarra Flame Tree, NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirItodliaWheight ,yliL mof rot30 S ,nmetres oilednain D its ,knnatural iM eulBhabitat, ,agujA ,and aicacprovides A which can grow ndelion,a Storm Lily, Wild Iris stunning ni sdisplay tnerap eofhtred dnaflowers ,htrib efollowing fas a hgua orwet ht evsummer. om ot ytiQueensland liba s’ ydob reLacebark h ni ecnedisifanogiant c s’ redeciduous htom eht sttree roppof uSa nce in spreading her body’shhabit birth, tability oomsgrowing sto plemove H .eanywhere gthrough assap foafrom esafe tir asix sa metres gniand tnerto athe p twenty oparents t yenrmetres uoinj derhigh. cas a Itsahas ssepalmately corp gnihtrlobed ib eht leaves, otni gnirdark etne green ess as aabove sacred journey to parenting as atextured rite of passage. smooth and grey, which are softly and haveHelps the shape of a hand reaching .dlrout ow etohtgive otni assistance. egassap s’ ybab . The flowers are dull pink and covered with on outside. theB Illawarra NIKS N WOa Rbrownish UOY NI Efur LBA TRthe OFM OC – )SLarger ENOMthan ROHthe YPPred AHflowers ( EVOL YofDO ONES) –Flame COMFORTABLE IN similarly YOUR OWN SKIN and have five petals with a central stamen crowned on top. Tree, they are cup-shaped sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snailstages Vine, of Wild Iris Lacebark flowers after fourteen years. By this time, the flowers are A Pink rainforest tree, slow in the early growth, gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH in afor lofty exalted position and are able to oversee the fine-tuning forest floor below. gratitude thenand epower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.DOCTRINE Assists disconnecting from .ancestral OF SIGNATURES senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. These gracious trees don’t flower until they are fourteen years they But YGREN E NIAold RB -ELas OifHW OTtake NOtheir NRUtime T – Ematuring. CNALAB N IARby B the time TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY they do,,ethey have acquired wisdom. niV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Frecklereach Face,out Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine,listen. sirI dliW The leaves as if to Milkweed, offer assistance to those who would mitpmany o dna indicators ssenelohwof fo the esnehealing s a tuobqualities a gnirb oof t dnthis a ,nlovely iarb ehessence. t fo snoitThe cnuf crown ynam eon ht gthe nicntop alabofrothe F stamen The flowerlahas ons of resembles the brain, and wholeness and cntoalbring aBIt .salso sabout ertslooks foastsense cecuriously ffe-rof evo elike ht man orfold noitlady’s coptimal nuf nihairdo. arb tcetoItrpgives ot sla nerimpression da eht secnthat alaBthis .gniflower noitcnucarries f asebrain. the the enals to‘wisdom protect brain of stress. Balances .ofseage.’ gafunction niaIn rb Traditional ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects a h c n i a r b d n a s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a t h g i r t f e l Chinese Medicine, the brain is governed by the kidneys, which in turn determine the energies. Helps.gwith loss ncycles idnmemory atsrof eda nuwoman fo sand yawand hbrain tapthe wchanges enageing gnineas pprocess. o the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS seven-year ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAtiny P EHhairs T GNthat ISAErise – Pup UKA ERB rosy pink The base of the stamen and the inner flower looks like the inside of the ear with from N flesh. It seems torobe with ,yliL m tS ,indicating elttaW revlthat iS ,suthis csibflower iH evitassists aN ,agn arachearing aM ,ardin nathe moLaged ,noileor dnhearing aD ,aissathe C ,twisdom raeH gnthat ideelage B has to pass on. Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, elion, Lomandra, anebreV The colour.puaround iscebrownish, kaerb pthe ihsnbase oitaleof r athe morstamen f gnirevo r htiw stsislike sa ddried-up na pukaeblood. rb a hguTowards orht gniothe g etop lihw of uothe y strcup, oppuSthe colour ugh a breakup assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. changes and to,flolly pink. The outside rim of the cup splits into five peaks. The outer surface of the cup is brownish eirg fo sgnileef eht ssecorp spleh dna kaerbtraeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE orange physical feelings of helps and highly soft lady’s nac ytextured ehheartbreak t os sswith enerfine aand wa powdery o t snreprocess ttahairs p gnithe tlike aepfeelings er gnold irbof spgrief, leH skin. .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can evlothe ser appearance eb Where the inner surface of the cup meets the outer surface - the pink meets the brownish orange, it.dhas of an upside-down, multi-coloured, skirt. ItLis asITifS age weCEcan YBAB DNA flared REHTOdancing M ROF G NITA UM DNAdoes GNILnot AEHmatter – YRE-VO R Nstill AERdance ASEACand have EALINGfun, AND STIMULATING ANDpink BABY regardless of age.FOR It is MOTHER as if the lolly entices us to stay young in spirit and to stay dancing. yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink,The Freckle Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Lily of ‘lavender and old lace’ with old ladies! nameFace, Lacebark is reminiscent of theStorm association stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of WISE the wounding WOMAN eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab Menopause is athat time women transit from their role as Mother to that of Wise Woman. It can be fraught with g the energetic systems arewhen turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome range of physical symptoms that can make it a difficult transition. Lacebark helps with the stress of enduring these arriagea and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC symptoms. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pinma wwoman’s S ,yliL mrlife. otS ,No kcorlonger mahS krestricted niP ,deewby kliM anatnaL ,aisspregnancy, aC There are many upsides associated with this time an,unexpected a nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily woman from noisitifree snartfor strothe ppfirst uS .ttime irips in dnmany a dnimyears ,ydobtosenjoy ’dlihc sex eht without fo tnempcare oleveord responsibility. eht gnicnalab Women ni stsissaare yllaalso citegliberated renE monthly dance of menstruation that can take them on a seesaw of conflicting emotional states, driving a ‘push-me ng the the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf pull-me’ ent. Opens the awareness -snmother’s aattitude rt evitagto ensex srae- lone c ylof laminute cthe itegchild’s renI Ewant .yldevelopmental etait,irpthe orpnext pa ominute gmilestones, tel rehI don’t. spleh dHowever, na ,gnikathere t-ksir eare tairpalso orppmany a-egaemotional swolla issues thathelps confront a woman at this crossroad in her clears life. negative transking, and her let go appropriately. Energetically .snrettap lanoitareneg EMPTY NEST h For some women, menopause occurs concurrently with their children leaving home and so it can be a transition that Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 83 rocks the foundation of what has been their ‘life’s blood’ over the past thirty to forty years. Confronting the ‘empty nest’ can be a cause for depression based on a feeling of uselessness, particularly if a woman has not worked or has made herself a ‘doormat’ for the family that now has gone on to begin their own lives. Many women substitute for their own family by looking after their grandchildren, thereby avoiding having to face themselves and their sense of uselessness. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Lacebark assists women to return to ‘themselves’ by eliciting that delicious feeling of having no one else to please. It IN RECEIVING helps themABUN-DANCE face their fear –ofJOY loneliness by helping them to enjoy ‘being alone.’ There is a big difference in feeling lonely ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING and beingAjuga, alone.Cassia, When Dandelion, we feel lonely, we pine somebody to fillSilver up the spaceVerbena, for us. When enjoy being Lantana, Pinkfor Shamrock, Redelse Kamala, Wattle, White we Wandering alone, weJew fill our life with ourDandelion, own space.Lantana, We tap Pink into Shamrock, our creativeRed energy andSilver createWattle, a life for ourselves exactly as we Ajuga, Cassia, Kamala, Verbena, White Wandering want it with nobody else telling us how it should be or demanding that we do things their way. We begin to dance. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Being alone does notHelps mean thattowe have to the beofmind lonely have usually an extensive network friends Opens the heart gratitude, to- women the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe, and the spirit of to of joy and optimism. eliminate the sense ‘not enough’ and clears thesegenerated family Raises awareness by the timebeing they reach theHelps ageineliminate when children have left home.and Thisclears is thethese time win-win for rekindling those friendships optimism. the sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ family patterns. Raises awarenessthat of the magician one’stheir own life. Supports networking and relationships. being thebecause magicianthere in one’s life. Supports and win-win relationships. suffered over the years was own never any time tosuccessful maintain networking them. Drawing, painting, craftwork, gardening BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE clubs, genealogy, and book clubs all provide wonderful opportunities for meeting and connecting with other women. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris PASSING ON Acacia, THE KNOWLEDGE Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in This is also a time whenthe themother’s wisdom confidence gained overinaher lifetime can be passed to younger Many older women Supports to moveon safewomen. birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the birthing process as a sacred body’s journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. smooth undervalue what they have learned and can be easily intimidated by the myths of the ‘interfering mother-in-law’ that entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth have permeated our culture. Lacebark helps women to feel confident that younger women in their network will value baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVEgarnered (HAPPY HORMONES) COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN the wisdom they have over nearly a –lifetime. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris DEAR NANCY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you Iappreciate and in feel for the is power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning One of the women admire most mygratitude life at present my ninety-four-year-old mother-in-law, Nancy. Widowed at Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning your health by tuningsoon in to your Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about New howyou women about sixty-four, she decided, after body. her husband’s untimely death, to move from regional South Wales to health tuning in to and yourtheir body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting ancestral patterns how “should” be, and supports healthy of five hormones. Queensland toyour be closer tobyenergetically her two sons families. She had functioning spent from the last years of herabout married lifewomen caring for “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. her aged mother who was suffering fromTO dementia, wasENERGY difficult and irrational. Not long after the old lady passed BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON WHOLE and BRAIN BRAINfellBALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY away, her husband ill with cancer and Nancy nursed him at home until he died. The family was concerned for her Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, wellbeing as she seemed to have had a difficult time of it. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iristo see her make the move, although there was some initial trepidation that she might become a We were all pleased For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal burden, as sheFor wasbalancing alone and moving interstate, old to friends behind.a sense of wholeness and optimal thewas many functions of the leaving brain, and bring functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects of stress. Balances functioning. Balances adrenals protect function frombrain thebought over-effects However, left-right the family’s never brain gotthe toenergies. touch theto ground. When sheloss arrived she a double unit Balances and rented out andfears back-front Helps withbrain memory and changes asof thestress. brain ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. one side. Supports She worked tirelessly and joyously in the garden and created a piece of paradise that provided her with the brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. privacy she needed at the same time as having a business interest that kept her well and truly occupied. She joined the BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN garden club, aBREAKUP craft group and theTHE local historical society, and over the years proceeded to become a local identity, – EASING PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativein.Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, contributing her tireless energy to Dandelion, things that she loved and took pleasure Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena She had a constant stream of friends from interstate who came to visit her sometimes for a few weeks on end, and she Verbena Supports youofwhile through a breakupand and Uluru assiststhat withshe recovering fromwanted a relationship went off on a number tripsgoing to places like Tasmania had always to visit, breakup. but never had the Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup and assists with recovering from a feelings relationship breakup. Energetically very physical of heartbreak and helps process the of grief, time. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can As a competent driver, she began, from the outset, to be the ‘designated driver,’ collecting the local ladies, driving blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they them can be resolved. to the various clubs and delivering them home afterwards. This had been going on for years when recently, at ninetybe resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING STIMULATING MOTHER AND two, she went to the doctor to have– her annualAND check-up. When heFOR asked her about herBABY eyesight, he queried whether CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY she was still driving. She replied, “Oh yes, Doctor, but don’t take my license away please, as drive the old ladies to the Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm ILily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily club and they would be devastated if I couldn’t do it for them.” Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, for road. both mother andare baby. Assists “Old ladies,” he said,bond imagining a car full nonagenarians hurtling around coast “How old they?” in kindling attachment and aofsense and security in the the baby. Energetically stimulates the in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the “Well,” she replied, “the biddy is seventy-five and she has that a walking frame, others are their early baby’safter-effects skin oldest to begin theand energetic systems are turned on while duringthe a vaginal birth.inSupports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. seventies”! Andemotional this was after-effects spoken, with seriousness, the lips of a ninety-two-year-old fantastic, phenomenal of all miscarriage and from abortion. woman. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily RETIRED HUSBANDS SYNDROME Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the menopause developmentisof the child’s body, mind Supports transition for a For other women, one of the challenges after having a husband retire.and Thisspirit. can be quite disastrous Energetically assists inbuilding balancing thearound development of and the child’s body, mindSuddenly and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child toyears adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, couple who have spent many a life working raising a family. after thirty-something from to together. child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transyears, the allows couple is baby thrown allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. In Japan, there is a condition identified as Retired Husbands Syndrome, which affects women, causing anxiety, generational patterns. sleeplessness and a range of other distress symptoms consistent with stress. In a society where, according to recent 138 84 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith statistics, workingmen in Japan spend an average of seven minutes a day at home with the family, the shock of having a retiree underfoot clearly is a cause for concern. Many women in other cultures experience a similar sudden change in home conditions. In my clinical experience, some of the emotions that women feel when faced with the everyday reality of a retired husband, range from resentment and anger through to scorn, impatience and a need to escape. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE In these cases, the dynamic operating is often that the separation of their worlds into clearly defined roles has prevented GNIVIEC ER N I YOJ – the ECNcouple AD-NUclosed BA a couple from transiting the changes together. This means that communication lines between down EIVINGover the years, and they emerged from that particular phase in their lives together, as strangers rather than friends. gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Verbena, J Essentially, women who areSilver fully Wattle, engaged in theirWhite own Wandering lives and have developed creative pursuits, thatwekeep them passionately better. ifnthey of being at dna yoj ooccupied, t tirips eht usually dna ,esrfare evinU eht foOtherwise ecnadnubthey a ssecan ltimilfeel eht as ot d im ehare t ,ebeing dutitargdrawn ot traeinto h ehat srole nepO thetobeck and call of an ‘almost stranger’, bound by a set of expectations that no longer apply the way they the mind the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fo ssenerawa sesiaR .snrettap ylimaf eseht sraelc dna ’hguone ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpodid thirtyyears.and Lacebark sense something of ‘not enough’ patterns. Raises ofpmajor sago. pihsclears no italethese r niwassists -family niw dnwomen a gnikrotow tadjust en luawareness fsduring seccus this stro puS .elife fil ntransition. wo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. Then, of course, there are those couples whose relationship over in ECNEDIFhas NOCevolved HTIW G NIHTthe RIB years – GNIto HTa RIBdeep DESSfriendship, ELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE conjunction with the many changes that life has thrown at them. For these women, having their man at home is a sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA new phase ndelion,welcome Storm Lily, Wild Iris in their union that has interwoven into a rich tapestry. For these couples, sexuality can deepen into a i stnerapphase eht dnand a ,hthey trib eenjoy fas a many hguornew ht evlife om experiences ot ytiliba s’ ydtogether ob reh nthat i ecnthey edifnhave oc s’never rehtom eht able stropto puSpreviously. new andnexciting been nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne enriches thisasexperience by assisting new way of being, unfettered by the ess as aAgain, sacredLacebark journey to parenting a rite of passage. Helpswomen smoothto open up to the .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab responsibility of children. It also helps them to access the wisdom of their years to pass onto grandchildren, without . NIKS into NWO UOY NIofELthis BATnew ROFM OC – )SEN MROfamily. H YPPAStanding H( EVOLback YDOand B giving feeling that they need to be co-opted theRraising generation ofOtheir ONES) –space COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN to the mother of their sirI dgrandchildren liW ,eniV lianSwithout ,alamaKthe decontrolling R ,kcormahSneed kniPto,ninterfere oilednaDis,ethe dahpath sthgiof N kWise calB Woman ,aicacA wisdom. ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris DOING gninuITt-eMY nif nWAY o uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for the power neupsides mow wand oof h tbeauty uob2009 a snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecisFocuses nthat a momany rf you gnitmen con ennfine-tuning ocsidwomen stsissA are .ydocontinuing b ruoy ot nto i gnwork inut beyond yb htlaehretirement ruoy One of the the recession and age, ur body.where Assistsonce disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how .sehung nomroup h ftheir o gniboots noitcnuand f dethrown cnwomen alab ytheir htlaejobs h stroin. ppOne us ylla tegrfascinating ene dna ,ebfacets ”dluohofs“the Babythey would have ofcithe y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. Boomer generation is that many of them are very Ymuch starting GRENalive E NIAand RB Ewell LOHat W sixty OT Nand O Nseventy RUT – Eand CNAonly LAB N IARB to slow TO WHOLE ENERGY down atBRAIN eighty! Retirement from an active life where one feels useful, feels job satisfaction and is interfacing with people ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA outside of theFace, home is often Milkweed, a doubtful Pink prospect for those are still full of life, energy and wisdom, with plenty left Dandelion, Freckle Lacebark, Shamrock, Snailwho Vine, sirI dliW to offer the world. In many ways, staying on in the workforce has been a blessing in disguise for many women and men lamitage po dgroup. na ssenQueensland elohw fo esneLacebark s a tuobaassists gnirb owomen t dna ,nto iarensure b eht fothat snothey itcnuare f ynworking am eht gto nicthe naladictates b roF of their in this still vital ons of own the brain, about wholeness secntoalbring athan B .ssto ertthat s foaof stsense ca effhungry e-rof evo eboss, ht moby rf and ndeciding oitcoptimal nuf ntheir iarb town cetorwork p ot shours lanerdand a ehconditions, t secnalaB .wherever gninoitcnupossible. f heart,and rather If enals toconditions protect brain Balances .sedon’t gafunction nisuit, arb ethen hfrom t sahaving sthe egnover-effects ahthe c niconfidence arb dnofa stress. ssoto l yrmove o meminto htiwsomething spleH .seigmore rene nsuitable iarb tnoto rf-ktheir cab own dna tneeds hgir-tfeand l wants energies. Helps.gwith loss nattribute idnmemory atsred fo powerful sand yawhbrain tapessence. wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS is another ofnuthis ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB STILL SEXY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS N ,yliL suffer mrotS with ,elttathe W refeeling vliS ,suthat csibibeing H evitaolder N ,agmeans naracaM ,arthey dnam oL no ,nolonger ilednaDsexually ,aissaCattractive ,traeH gnior dedesirable. elB Some women that are In elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, a n e b r e V fact, quite the opposite is true. Many older men prefer a woman who is of a similar age for a number of reasons. For a start, the sense open, .pukaeofrbrelaxation pihsnoitalthat er a comes morf gnwith irevofreedom cer htiw from stsissabeing dna pfertile ukaermakes b a hgumany orht gwoman niog elihawlot uomore y strop puS sexually turned onand and ready for a sexual encounter at any time, rather than being at the mercy of the hormonal soup ugh a breakup assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. ,feirg fo sgnileef eht ssecorp spleh dna kaerbtraeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenEthat drives physical feelings helps the lives pre-menopausal naof c yof ehheartbreak t os sseneraand wawomen. o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devhis losepartner r eb In fact, for most men who are older and past their testosterone peak, sexuality isn’t so much about being attractive and flawless, butYBrather opportunity connection is C revealed AB DNabout A REHthe TOM ROF GNITfor ALU MITS DNA and GNIcomfort LAEH – Ythat REVO ER NAERfor AShim EAC when the EALINGfull AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND blast of male hormones has passed its BABY peak. yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink,No Freckle Hibiscus, Storm Lily doubtFace, thereLantana, are olderNative men who seek the company of younger women and who in some cases, leave a long-standing stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE marriage for a younger woman. In these cases, the underlying reasons are not so much about sex itself, but rather that ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni these men have become isolated and estranged in a relationship that has gone stale and is not fulfilling their basic nd a senseeof ht safety stroppand uS .hsecurity trib laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut erstimulates a taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab needs for love and affection. Often many years of a stony marriage leaves a man out on a limb so that he mistakenly g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome the fundamental need for connection for a loss of virility. He then goes seeking, outside his marriage, to arriageinterprets and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC validate his sense of manhood. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmbased awS ,ylon iL m rotS ,kneed cormusually ahS knimeans P ,deewthat kliMthe ,ansubsequent atnaL ,aissarelationship C The sad truth is that in most cases, seeking company sexual nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily will not nosatisfy itisnartthe strounderlying ppuS .tiripsneed dna dfor nimconnection ,ydob s’dlihthat c ehdrove t fo tnehim mpoout leveofd the eht marital gnicnalabed b ni in ststhe issafirst yllacplace, itegrendue E to age ng the difference. development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the child’s -snmother’s art evattracting itagawareness en sraa elcyounger ylof lacthe itegwoman renE .yldevelopmental ealso tairpmeans orppa othat gmilestones, tehe l redraws h splehadfemale na ,gnikinatthe -ksirfull etaflush irporpofpahormonal -ega swoldrives la Furthermore, - her king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r e n e g family. biological clock will be urging her to reproduce, if she hasn’t already, and in the throes of raising a younger h Many men find they are on a ‘Groundhog Day’ round of repeating the cycle they have just been through in their first marriage, with a woman whose primary allegiance is to prioritise her children. Sadly, he misses the boat on all levels. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 85 Lacebark helps women to recognize that her husband has not left because she is inadequate or unattractive, but because he has mistakenly identified his needs. A TIME TO ENJOY SEX Essence EssenceBlends Blends It is easy for a woman to put her sexuality on the backburner while she is caring for a family as well as holding down a job. Women can go through years of unconscious stress, which dampens their sexual responsiveness and effectively builds ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING a wall betweenABUN-DANCE her and her long-term With the gradual easing of stress, a woman’s need for companionship, – JOY INpartner. RECEIVING Cassia, Dandelion, Shamrock, Kamala, Silver Wattle, the Verbena, Wandering connectionAjuga, and touch can be fulfilledLantana, throughPink sexual intimacy.Red It just requires rebuilding bridgeWhite to easy intimacy with Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew her spouse, if the bridge has been not used regularly for a long time. It needs some maintenance and loving attention Jew Lacebark assists a woman to open up to her ‘new’ sexuality. to be reconstructed. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens the heart to gratitude, toisthe abundance of -the Universe, and the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the ofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness One of the most powerful turn-on’s for sense malethesexuality hislimitless woman’s availability that she will be there for him when optimism. Helps eliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these win-win family patterns. Raises awareness of being the vice magician one’saown Supports networking he wants her - and versa.inWhen woman is arousedsuccessful and driven by desire,and a man will relationships. respond with great passion. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. The last thing on his mind is whether she is attractive and flawless. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE I have a favourite story that this point. It isLily, about young real estate agent, one of my clients, who was Acacia, Ajuga, Blue illustrates Mink, Dandelion, Storm WildaIris Ajuga, Blue Dandelion, Storm Lily, on Wildthe Irismarket with his agency. The only information he required to doAcacia, an inspection of a Mink, unit that was to be placed Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in was given was Supports that a single woman owned the unit. Hebody’s went aroundtotomove the address and knocked on door, notinsure thebirthing mother’s confidence in her safe birth,Helps andthe the parents entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. smooth what to expect.entering into the birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. baby’s passage into the in world. A little old lady, who appeared to be her eighties, opened the door. Instantly, his heart fell into his boots, since he BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN had been hoping for at least a little flutter of excitement at the prospect of a single woman. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN She smiled graciously and Acacia, Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Iris with a charm that Black took him by surprise, she said, “Hmm, how nice to see you - you areWild a handsome one, aren’t you. Acacia, Black you Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snailentered Vine, Wild Iris Do come Helps in and I will show around.” He felt her radiating energy like a bolt and the unit. The interior was you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning contemporary very vividfeel splashes of colour framed pictures, couple of which were classy nudes, Helps you appreciate gratitude for the and power and of ayour body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your but health byfeminine, tuning inwith to and your body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns about how women subtly sexual. They looked through the apartment and lastly came to the bedroom. “Come into my boudoir, young your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. man,” she said“should” with a saucy smile and an inviting tilt tohealthy her head. Whenfunctioning they had completed the tour, she said farewell be, and energetically supports balanced of hormones. BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY at the doorBRAIN andBRAIN gently shook his–hand, his arm with herENERGY other hand. He said that it felt electric. BALANCE TURNtouching ON TO WHOLE BRAIN Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, He told me that she was of Cordyline, the sexiest Dandelion, clients he had everFace, met Lacebark, and that he had leftPink the Shamrock, apartment Snail in a state Blueone Mink, Freckle Milkweed, Vine, of Wild Acacia, Iris arousal. He had wondered whether it meant that he was kinky. He affirmed that he had never experienced any bizarre Wild Iris For balancing many before, functions of the brain, and bring about a sense sexual fantasies for olderthe women and never since, sotowhat was going on? of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances Women can befunctioning. sexy at anyBalances age - it is as much about how free we feel to allow our natural attraction for others to be the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. expressed in a left-right safe andand easyback-front way, as anything else. Really it is about believing in ourselves. Men like women who are brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. fun, carefree and playful. Menopause and beyond is the perfect time for women to allow that energy to flow freely Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding.and BREAKUP EASING THE creatively. We don’t –have to act on PAIN it, but when the occasion presents itself, why not? Lacebark opens us to our deep BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN sexuality as mature women. Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Cassia, aDandelion, Macaranga, Hibiscus, Silverthe Wattle, Verbena Menopause and beyondHeart, can present number ofLomandra, challenges. Lacebark Native helps us to navigate rockyStorm roadLily, through Verbena the changes. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, JILL Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can Jill went through menopause in her mid-fifties. She had been a full-time mother all her married life enjoying an blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. abundant life that revolved around her children. When her husband retired, she went into shock. The freedom that she be resolved. RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER had been CAESAREAN used to for many years seemed to disappear when her husband, Gerry,AND was BABY around for twenty-four hours, CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY seven daysAcacia, of the Black week.Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily His working life as a greengrocer started at wounding three in the morning tobirth, get for to the notAssists finish until Energetically supports the had healing of the of caesarean bothmarkets mother and and did baby. Energetically supports the healing of of thethe wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and As baby. sometimesinseven or eight the evening. Because early he was bed every night bystimulates eight. this lifestyle kindling bondinattachment and a sense of safety andstarts, security in theinbaby. Energetically the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates had been baby’s ongoing fortomost of triggering their married life, Jill felt that she knew on herduring husband as a person skin begin the energetic systems thathardly are turned a vaginal birth. anymore. Supports the the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. Jill was accustomed to managing heroflife and that of active family, but had always held the long-term belief that emotional after-effects miscarriage andher abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY when he retired she and Gerry would have the time together that they never had. But she did not count on him increasing CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILYsocial drinking that had been his pattern of the past. his alcoholCassia, consumption toMilkweed, a –daily intake than Storm the weekend Lantana, Pink rather Shamrock, Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Jill became angry and assists resentful and started find fault with not body, justLily for his and increased drinking, transition but also for a Energetically in balancing thetodevelopment of Gerry, the child’s mind spirit. Supports myriad of from trivial everyday things that had never before concerned her. She had anticipated that he would take over Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, many of the tasks that she had carried for years, such as trimming the hedge and keeping the pool clean, now that from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transhe was home. But increasingly, he began to spend more time playing golf, and retreating to his room at night, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative where transgenerational patterns. he consumed up to a bottlepatterns. and a half of wine a night. Jill knew how much he was drinking because she counted the generational empty bottles! 138 86 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith She became a lot more outspoken than she had when he was working, openly criticizing him for his perceived shortfalls. Simultaneously, she felt hurt that he was emotionally withdrawn and grief that their relationship was virtually nonexistent. There was no touch between them and they had not shared a marital bed since she left it, declaring that his loud snoring disturbed her sleep, some time after his retirement. She felt empty and yearned for connection to satisfy her need for closeness and intimacy. She did not want to spend her life simply looking after her grandchildren. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE GNattitude IVIECERtoNIhis YOwife J – EinCthe NADlast -NUyears BA of their She could see strong parallels between Gerry’s behaviour and his father’s EIVINGlife together. According to Jill, her father-in-law was a mean-spirited, cranky old man and their relationship was filled gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA with Shamrock, bitterness and rebuke seemed to have a toxic effect on both of them. Although loved and w respected by ntana, Pink Red silent Kamala, Silverthat Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering eJ Gerry, he had died a lonely and bitter old man, having lost his wife a year before his own death. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Shetoconfronted Gerry he seemed the mind the the spirit and fo sslimitless eneraw aabundance sesmany iaR .sntimes rof etta pwith yUniverse, limher af econcerns, sehand t srathe elcbut dnfelt a ’htothat gujoy onafter e toneach ‘ fo eencounter, snes eht eta nim ile spleto H be .msmore imitpowithdrawn ever. sense than of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. It was at this time that she came to see me. I gave herELacebark she suffering CNEDIFNbecause OC HTIWI perceived GNIHTRIB that – GN IHTwas RIB D ESSELB from the NG WITH CONFIDENCE ‘empty-nest syndrome’ and ‘retired husband syndrome’ all rolled into one. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,Used StormtoLily, Wildfor Irisa full-on family, Jill had shelved her own needs for many years, and when Gerry retired she had caring ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS that he through would replace her children in providing her needs for intimacy, just as they had substituted for nce in mistakenly her body’shtthought ability ooms sto plemove H .egassap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne him over all those years. What she had failed to take into account the time they had been living virtually ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth was that, over .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab separate lives, they had grown apart and needed to find a meaningful way to reconnect that satisfied them both. Each . IKS N WO RUO Y NI E LBATROFMO C –had )SEclosed NOMRO H YPtheir PAH(hearts. EVOL YDOB had hardened into a way of beingNthat reflected strong individuality and down ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirIwas dliWnot ,engoing iV lianto S ,asimply lamaKfall deRinto ,kcothe rmarole hS kof niPa,npampered oilednaD ,epartner dahsthg-iN alB ,lived aicacaA relatively As an alpha male, Gerry hekchad ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Irispleased within the framework of his working schedule. And Jill had independent life and was used to doing as he gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH become anepower superwoman desire do the gratitude for the mow wand oh tbeauty uospurred ba snofreyour ton tapby lbody. aratsedeep cFocuses na m orf you gnto itcon ennfine-tuning ocsbest id stsfor issAher .ydchildren. ob ruoy oThe t ni gmore ninut Jill yb criticized htlaeh ruohim y for not thedisconnecting way she wanted to be, the more he sought separation and isolation. He took refuge in the bottle. ur body.being Assists fromhim ancestral patterns about how women .senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnalab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ His need for acceptance was provided through seeking the company of his non-judgmental mates on the golf course. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE As the BRAIN essenceENERGY tuned her into her own inner wisdom, Jill began to recognize that she was pushing Gerry away. She ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA no longer thought of herself Milkweed, as a sexual being and was ‘disgusted’ by his occasional reaching out to make physical Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW contact, which she soundly rebuffed. She began to see that because she automatically did everything around the house mithere tpo dnwas a sseno neroom lohw ffor o esGerry nes a to tuofind ba ganniche irb ot d na ,was niarb eht fo snoito tcnhis uf yown namself-image eht gnicnaas labaromale. F to maintainlait, that acceptable ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf was brain making him feel useless and inadequate. As Balances this was the last thing he was going to reveal to her, he chose the enals toShe protect .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yromem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel bottle and empty isolation instead. energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Her final realization dawned when, shortly after taking the essence, she had a minor accident in the house when she NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB was doing a job beyond her physical capability. She was clearing out old heavy encyclopaedias from high up in a N liL mrothere tS ,elttmany aW reyears vliS ,suago csibiwhen H evita N ,children agnaracawere M ,ayoung. rdnamoLShe ,nowas ilednfeeling aD ,aissdisgruntled aC ,traeH gbecause nideelB this was cupboard,,ystored the elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, a ebreV a job that Gerry should have done - even though she would never ask him. Perched precariously on anstepladder, she over-balanced, catching her dress on the rungs of the ladder. She fell heavily on the tiled floor, winding herself severely .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS and cracking that and she ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rher g foleft sgwith nwrist. ilerecovering ef eShe ht sssaid ecofrom rp spalshe erelationship h dlay na kthere aerbtbreakup. raehwondered fo sgnileefabout lacisyhthe p yrextent ev ehtof strher oppinjuries us yllacitand egrewhether nE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, shouldnmove ac yehfor t osfear ssenoferdoing awa otfurther snrettadamage. p gnitaepShe er gnwas irb sfrozen pleH .twith nemnfear. odnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .dfloor, evlosehe r egalvanized b As if he was responding to her silent call for help, Gerry came home unexpectedly. Seeing her on the into action, checking her Yout the her aRdaybed her BABtoDascertain NA REHTO M extent ROF GofNIdamage TALUMITand S DNhelping A GNILA EHto– Y EVOCERtoNrest. AERAHe SEAbrought C EALINGaAND FOR MOTHER warmSTIMULATING drink and covered her, sittingAND with BABY her and holding her hand until she came back into her body and started to yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA him that sheHibiscus, was OK.Storm Lily e Mink,communicate Freckle Face,with Lantana, Native stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE trip to the local hospital revealed shock mother and a broken wrist. ling of Athe wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab eht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates Overehthe her that t strdays opputhat S .htfollowed, rib lanigavGerry a gnirtended ud no dher, enrucooked t era tahfor t sm ethe tsand ys citcancelled egrene ehtagtrip nireg girt he nighad eb oplanned. t niks s’ ybThey ab shared g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitthoughts robathe dnaand egafeelings, irracsim falbeit o stceftentatively. fe-retfa lanJill oitowas me realizing laughter and stories and both disclosed some of their intimate arriagewhy andshe abortion. had fallen for him in the first place and enjoyed immensely. She YLIthis MAFforced GNIW‘getting ORG EHtoT Sknow TROPyou’ PUS interlude – DOOHD LIHC began to feel a flood of gratitude in her heart and felt loved and cared for, for the first time in many years. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC Her major insight over the nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lilynext days was that she wanted love, support and connection. She saw that she no longer noto itisbe nara t ssuperwoman, troppuS .tirips compensating dna dnim ,ydobfor s’dGerry’s lihc eht absence fo tnempo ed ehad ht gfor nicnall alathose b ni styears. sissa ylShe lacitcould egrenEsee that it needed aslevshe ng the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition , s e n o t s e l i m l a t n e m p o l e v e d s ’ d l i h c e h t f o s s e n e r a w a s ’ r e h t o m e h t s n e p O . t n e c s e l o d a o t d l i h c o t y b a b morf that side was her vulnerability that had triggered Gerry’s male protective response, and understood that she had hidden ent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, s n a r t e v i t a g e n s r a e l c y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y l e t a i r p o r p p a o g t e l r e h s p l e h d n a , g n i k a t k s i r e t a i r p o r p p a e g a swoby llathe fierce from him for a long time. She realized that she had been pushing him away, making him feel inadequate king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r e n e g independence she displayed. h Her rejection of him made him think that she didn’t need him. Males are biologically designed to want to feel needed - it expresses the protective role written into the masculine Mind-Body template. And Jill was not ‘hearing’ Gerry’s cries Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 87 for help that he was being emasculated by her constant criticism, by sinking deeper and deeper into isolation and separateness. Essence EssenceBlends Blends She had developed her feisty ‘I can do anything’ attitude when she became a ‘work-widow’ to Gerry’s workaholic lifestyle. They had grown so far apart they no longer recognized one another and spun off in different directions because neither had been getting their needs met. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING The follow-up essence for Jill is–Cordyline, to assist her to call back her feminine side and relax into a sense of allowance ABUN-DANCE JOY IN RECEIVING Cassia, Dandelion, Shamrock, Kamala, Verbena, Wandering of Gerry’sAjuga, different perspective on Lantana, life, and Pink acceptance of Red being lookedSilver afterWattle, by Gerry when White she feels vulnerable. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew A sense of deep relaxation comes when, as women, we cherish our female side and respect the masculinity in our Jewnice addition for Jill would be Wild Iris to assist her in enjoying her life as a woman, expressing the partners. Another Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and fullness ofoptimism. her Opens spirituality. the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and Helps eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these win-win family patterns. Raises awareness of the some magician own Supports networking Gerry too being will have demonsone’s to deal with, but he is more likely to be able toand do so if his relationships. self-esteem is intact through being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. the expression of his intrinsic male nature and when he is feeling loved and accepted by his partner. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE This essence works on the and Liver meridians, nourishing the self and opening to a sense of freedom in Acacia, Ajuga, BlueSpleen Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris expression. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in Lacebark resonates to Chakras 2, 3process and a sacred entering into the journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES baby’s passage into the world. BODYsymptoms. LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN •• Menopausal BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• Feeling unattractive and sexually undesirable. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning •• For depression and ‘empty nest syndrome’. appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women •• Fear of “should” aging. be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. •• FeelingsBRAIN of uselessness having passed the use-by date. BALANCEand – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY •• For ‘retired husband syndrome’. Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris •• For hearing Wild difficulties. Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects •• Crone energy - the Woman. left-right andWise back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. •• Eases menopausal symptoms. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN •• Smoothes the transition from Mother Wise Woman BREAKUP – EASING THE to PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, •• Encourages Bleeding joy in sexuality, older Dandelion, women. Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Heart, in Cassia, Verbena Verbena •• For the freedom to dance again. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportson you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. •• For easeEnergetically in passing wisdom. supports very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can ••Grantsblame, the confidence to express one’s creativity. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. •• Assists in hearing the inner voice of wisdom. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 88 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith LANTANA dnelB ecnessE Essence Blends sKEYWORDS Lantana camara Negative: guilt, worry, over-nurturing, smother-mother love, masking one’s GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA feelings, and muddle-headedness. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Positive: freedom, faith, calm self assurance, and clarifies personal ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena,emotional White Wandering weJ boundaries. Clears substance abuse patterns. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO DESCRIPTION the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises of A evergreen spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gtrailing nikrow tor en mat-forming luawareness fsseccus stro ppuS .efil shrub nwo s’growing eno ni nato icigaaheight m eht gof nietwo b to four wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. metres, it bears heads of pink or orange posy-like flowers, each with a yellow ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB eye.CONFIDENCE A native to the Americas, it is considered a noxious weed in northern Australia, while some species are cultivated NG WITH sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA in the southern regions. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni possess stnerap re-curved eht dna ,htspines rib efasand a hare guosharply rht evomfour-angled ot ytiliba s’ when ydob ryoung, eh ni ecbecoming nedifnoc smore ’ rehtocylindrical m eht stropwith puS age. The The stems nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and the parents inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o leaves are usually covered with hairs. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab Lantana does not have a taproot; however, the roots form an extensive mat below the surface that traps water, soil and . NIKS NWdrought-resistant O RUOY NI ELBAplant TROFthat MOC – )aSEtendency NOMROto HY PPAH( Eother VOL Yplants DOB nearby. nutrients. This makes Lantana a rambling, has smother ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-elike nif naoveil uoyover sesuthe coFlandscape, .ydob ruoy fitoisyta uaprofuse eb dna rgrower, ewop ehcompletely t rof edutitacovering rg leef dneverything a etaicerppitarambles uoy spleover. H When Appearing gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning ow wshape oh tuoand ba snnature rettap of lartthe secnlandscape a morf gnitunderneath cennocsid stis sisrevealed sA .ydob rand uoy can ot ni look gninuvery t yb different. htlaeh ruoLittle y cleared, themtrue trees, ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how women s e n o m r o h f o g n i n o i t c n u f d e c n a l a b y h t l a e h s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n e d n a , e b ” d l u o h s “ shrubs and plants, in fact a complete garden, can appear as if out of nowhere once the screen is removed. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB The soilBRAIN is always very fertile underneath - it is nourished by the Lantana even as it covers it. When intact, it provides TO WHOLE ENERGY eniV liacorridors nS ,kcormand ahS ksafe niP ,havens deewkliM rabecand aL ,etiny caF animals. elkcerF ,nItoiisledasnaifDa,ewhole nilydroworld C ,kniM eulBunder ,aicacthe A lantana natural ,wildlife for,kbirds exists Dandelion, sirI dliW cover.Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, mitpropensity po dna ssentoelo hw foover’ esnesthe a tnative uoba gbush nirb oland t dnain,ntropical iarb eht fareas, o snoititcnisuf considered ynam eht gnaicnoxious nalab roFweed. It is Because oflaits ‘take ons of usually the brain, and astsense wholeness and secinntoaareas lbring aB .swhere sabout erts fonative ceffevegetation -rof evo eht mhas orf already noitcoptimal nufbeen niarbpreviously tcetorp ot cleared. slanerdaLantana eht secnis alaBmuch-loved .gninoitcnufcultivar in found enals tosouthern protect brain Balances .segafunction niawhere rb ehfrom t itsadoes sthe egnover-effects ahcgrow niarbso dnof a stress. ssol yro mItem htiw spleH to .senote igrenthat e niaLantana rb tnorf-is kcaabcommon dna thgiweed r-tfel in areas climates not rampantly. is interesting energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. .gnidnato tsrebe dn‘asthma u fo syawprone.’ htap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS that are known ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT G AE – Pflower. UKAERBThey have The flowers are tiny petaled flowerlets on a flower head, together giving the appearance ofNaISsingle N a strong pungent which environment. ,yliL mroaroma, tS ,elttaW revlipermeates S ,sucsibiHthe evitsurrounding aN ,agnaraca M ,ardnamoLThey ,noilfirst ednaappear D ,aissaasC bright ,traeHyellow gnideeand lB orange and change to a soft pastel and cream as theyStorm mature. as they elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativepink Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Lily,The change in the colour of the flowers anebreV mature suggests the softening that takes place when we apply our inner wisdom in our dealings with others - that instead of .puknegative aerb pihsenergy noitaleronto a moour rf gloved nirevoones, cer htiwe w staffirm sissa din nathem pukaaersense b a hgof uoinner rht gnstrength iog elihwand uoyfaith stropinputhemselves. S dumping our ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings helps GUILT nAND ac yofeWORRY hheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can evloser way. eb In fact, Guilt and worry are considered two of the most useless of emotions - they do nothing for us in a.dpositive both guilt and worry cause overextend our negatively over-influencing For YBus ABtoDN A REHTOM ROboundaries, F GNITALUM ITS DNA G NILAEH – YREVothers. OCER N AERexample, ASEAC when a EALINGparent AND STIMULATING FORfor MOTHER BABY is over-concerned a child, AND the youngster picks it up on the intuitive level as a statement that he or she is not yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA or capable of Native lookingHibiscus, after themselves. e Mink,adequate Freckle Face, Lantana, Storm LilyIt is as if the parent says to the child, ‘I am worried about you because issA .faith ybabindnyou a reto…make htom htob the rof right ,htribchoice, naeraseget ac fwell o gnagain, idnuowkeep eht foupgnwith ilaehyour eht school stroppuworkload, s yllacitegretc.’ enE I do notstshave ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni On the other hand, a parentthe who places faith in a child effectively imparts the message to them: ‘I trust your ability to nd a sense eof ht safety stroppand uS .hsecurity trib laniin gav a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut erstimulates a taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab do whatsystems it is youthat have do, and know athat if youbirth. needSupports help will you g the energetic aretoturned on Iduring vaginal .noitryou obathe dnaknow egairrthat acsim fosimply stceffe-have retfa to lanask oitoand me I will be you.’ The child believes in her/himself because the parent does. arriagethere and for abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC FEAR OFFAMILY LIFE ITSELF HE GROWING yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC As we grow nk Shamrock, Storminto Lily,adulthood, Swamp Lily we carry a deep belief about the underlying state of our world and our ability to handle noiticomes snart stour roppway uS .tbased irips dnon a dhow nim ,well ydobwe s’dhave lihc ebeen ht fo tn empolto evehave d ehtfaith gnicninalourselves. ab ni stsissLike a yllalantana, citegrenEwhere the whatever taught ng the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition , s e n o t s e l i m l a t n e m p o l e v e d s ’ d l i h c e h t f o s s e n e r a w a s ’ r e h t o m e h t s n e p O . t n e c s e l o d a o t d l i h c o t y b ab morf When veil that sits on top is only superficial, life at the surface is the ‘topping,’ while the real life goes on underneath. ent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, s n a r t e v i t a g e n s r a e l c y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y l e t a i r p o r p p a o g t e l r e h s p l e h d n a , g n i k a t k s i r e t a i r p o r p p a e g a olla out with we are aware of the strength in our inner landscape, the superficialities of life on the surface are simplyswacted king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r e neg ease and grace. h When we cannot tap into the inner strength that lies beneath the surface, we can feel strangled by the profusion of life ‘in the fast lane’ and become anxious and fearful that we will not be able to manage. This ‘fear of life itself’ is the underlying emotional cause behind asthma. Lantana is good for asthma. htidereM einnA yb namoW fo tiripS 831 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith 89 OVER-CONCERN STIFLES AND SMOTHERS US Essence EssenceBlends Blends Similarly, when a significant person in our lives, such as a parent or partner, overburdens us with their worries for us, we can feel choked, smothered and can pick up on the negative energy as a vote of no-confidence. ‘If she or he doesn’t believe in me then I mustn’t be capable.’ The ensuing lack of confidence leads to worry and guilt about doing the right thing - or the thing right! ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING From an energy medicine point of view, asthma is caused by an insufficiency of either the Kidneys’ or Lungs’ energy ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Dandelion, Lantana, Wattle, White Wandering systems orAjuga, both. Cassia, The emotion associated withPink the Shamrock, Kidneys is Red fearKamala, and thatSilver of the LungsVerbena, with guilt, worry and sadness. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Jew Lantana works on both of these meridians eliciting trust and confidence in loved one‘s ability to handle life. Wandering Jew heart tocan gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of thedifficulties, Universe, and spirit to (Ijoycan’t andtake Feelings ofOpens being the smothered affect ease of breathing and lead to respiratory suchthe as asthma Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of a breath; I can’t take in life confidently). Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. Feelings of fearbeing and lack of trust rob us of self-confidence. the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE THE GUILTY PARENT BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Lantana also works on Ajuga, over-worrying concerns for others, Acacia, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Stormespecially Lily, Wild those Iris close, assisting us to have faith that everything thethat mother’s confidence her body’s abilityto to normalise move through a safe birth, and the parents in both will be all Supports right, and our loved one willinmanage. It helps over-cloying relationships by helping Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough a passage. safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite of smooth parties to recognize where they ‘begin and end’ energetically. This discernment assists them to know when they are entering intointo thethe birthing as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s world.process crossing over intopassage the other’s boundary. It works on both parties even though only one person is taking it. Lantana helps baby’s passage into the world. by assuaging a parent’s sense of guilt about the following: BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, RedofKamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris •• a specific event,Black suchNightshade, as an incident of maltreatment or neglect a child’s need; and Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning •• from a vague, nagging feeling that their parenting is not good enough. Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting and frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women These feelings your can prompt a constant need to body. compensate for their deep sense of inadequacy leading to overindulging health by tuning in to your Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. and spoiling the child. The then gets a pumped-up sensebalanced of their own importance and can become too powerful “should” be, child and energetically supports healthy functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TOdiscipline WHOLE goes BRAINout ENERGY for their own good. Balanced and healthy the door and the child ‘over-grows, becoming rampant,’ BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY like the Lantana. The delicate balance of power between parent child has been disrupted and theSnail parent loses the Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, and Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Vine, ability to influence and guide the child through its valuable growth years. Lantana lifts the cloud of guilt, helping Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, us Wild Acacia, Iris to realize that Wild we can Iris relegate mistakes to the past after assimilating what we need to learn from them. Acting in the Forpaying balancing the many functions of the brain, bringus about a sense the of wholeness present and attention to what is happening right and now to assists to maintain integrity ofand the optimal moment. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances WEARINGleft-right A MASK functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brainsuffer changes childhood, and assists in will opening new pathways understanding. It is also for those who fromthroughout lack of confidence that everything be OK - no matter of what. Sometimes when a Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. sense of inadequacy deep, itTHE compels BREAKUP – is EASING PAIN a person to put up a mask of pretence, smiling, seemingly self-assured and BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN and incapable. competent, while underneath feeling unworthy Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia,draining Dandelion, Macaranga, NativeaHibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Putting upVerbena a screen like this is energy andLomandra, creates a split reality, leaving person feeling false and unauthentic. Physically, theyVerbena can feel constantly tired and suffer stress-generated lowered immunity leading to frequent colds, flu and Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. upper respiratory infections, bladder infections a and achingand muscles maintaining thea mask and guarding Supports you while going breakup assists (from with from relationship breakup. their Energetically supports the very through physical feelings of heartbreak and recovering helps process the feelings of grief, vulnerability). Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. Lantana works on theguilt, Lung,fear, Heart and Kidney meridians, clearing guilt repeating and worry, enhancing self-acceptance and be resolved. building trust. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Lantana resonates to Chakras 2, 4 and Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue5.Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists •• For guilt and worry. in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the •• For feelings of being smothered. baby’s skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional of miscarriage and abortion. •• For over-nurturing and–after-effects smother love. CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY •• For masking one’s inner Milkweed, fears with a false bravado. Cassia, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily,abuse Swamp Lily •• For the Energetically need to coverassists one’sinsense of inadequacy with substance - marijuana, tobacco. balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, •• Lung-related disorders, such as asthma and shallow breathing. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, trans•• For feeling muddle-headed. allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 90 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE •• Brings a sense of emotional freedom and relief from guilt and worry. •• Brings a deep faith that everything will be all right. •• It brings calm self-assurance. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA Clarifies personal boundaries. EIVING•• gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA •• Helps to clear substance patterns. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, abuse Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 91 LOMANDRA Essence EssenceBlends Blends Lomandra filiformis KEYWORDS Negative: jealousy, white rage, resentment, anger gone cold, holding ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING and controlling patterns. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN grudges RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Positive: forgiveness, co-operation, assertion, flexibility and tolerance. Brings Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering back the sweetness of life. Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and DESCRIPTIONto the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears heads these family patterns. Raises awareness of Creamy white flowers forming flower or clumps along a flowering stem, beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s life.interspersed Supports successful and win-win relationships. withown spikes betweennetworking the clumps. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE They are tufted with tough, narrow, linear leaves. The tiny flowers of Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily,plants Wild Iris cream and yellow, sometimes Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris with brown markings, have six petals and are Supports the mother’s confidence in herinto body’s ability to move through a safe birth, anda the parents insoil. clustered dense spikes or heads. Lomandra prefers well-drained Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth The flowers little heads made up theof tiniest littleHelps flowerlets, entering intointo thethe birthing as a grow sacredinjourney to parenting as aofrite passage. smootheach baby’s passage world.process of which opens separately. In bud form, the flower is creamy white, with tiny baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN holding the petals closed. Each spots of reddish brown. There are OWN three sepals BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN flowerlet isAcacia, in the shape of a tiny heart. Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris As the flowers to fruition, and the sepals partially to reveal creamy petals inside, but the never fully Helpscome you appreciate feel gratitude foropen the power andthe beauty of your body. Focuses youflowers on fine-tuning Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on open. Onyour maturity, they fall from the stem only half-opened. health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how womenfine-tuning your health byenergetically tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” and healthy functioning hormones. At each node alongbe,the stem, a flower appears and then branches out. Eachofbranch has three to four flower heads “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. made up of twenty or more –flowerlets, appear BRAIN in a sphere-shaped clump. BRAIN BALANCE TURN ONwhich TO WHOLE ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Grows in a clump, Wild like Iris the masses of resentment we hang onto. The flowers cluster on the flower stalks, appearing like For balancing the many functions of theemotional brain, andholdings to bring about a senseregret of wholeness and optimal arthritic nodules on a finger. Arthritis represents of bitterness, and resentment that we hold For balancing theat many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances the adrenals to general. protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances against others, in particular, or the world in functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. The flowers have an exquisite fragrance, sweet and honey-like butmemory impossible toand access because the spikes on the flower left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with loss brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. stalks prevent getting in close to smell the flower. It is as if the barbs keep others away from experiencing the inherent Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. sweetness BREAKUP within. – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Silver Storm itLily, The colourBleeding of the flowers is creamy white - blanched likeMacaranga, cold, white Native anger Hibiscus, that has lost its Wattle, fire because hasn’t been Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena expressed. The reddish-brown stains or spots on the flower are reminiscent of the toxic liver indications seen in the iris Verbena of the eye Supports in Iris Diagnosis. Compressed anger creates toxicity in the liver. you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going through afeelings breakup assists with recovering from a feelings relationshipgrief, breakup. Energetically verynever physical of and heartbreak and process The flowers are heart-shaped, but they completely open and fall to thehelps ground whenthe spent as if of not fully realized. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear,tightly rejection, and flowerlet, abandonment. Helps bring repeating to awareness so they can Three sepals clamp down on each holding it closed, like claws patterns around the heart. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. THE ELEMENTbe OFresolved. WOOD CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY In Traditional Chinese Medicine, anger corresponds to theSTIMULATING liver organ, theFOR organ that ensures balance and the free-flow CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily of energy distribution in the whole being - physical, emotional and mental. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports ofWhen the wounding for bothare mother and baby. Assists The spiritual resource of thesupports liverthe is healing the soul. ourwounding soul of is caesarean happy and birth, fulfilled, balanced in mind and body Energetically the healing of of the of caesarean birth,we for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the Assists and fulfilling our destiny. When we are prevented from following our security soul (whatthe we baby. want Energetically to do), we become angry and in kindling bondtriggering attachment a sense of safety and baby’s skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned in on during a vaginal birth.stimulates Supports the the frustrated. baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. The element associated with the liver is Wood. The primary quality of Wood is that of continual growth (trees continue CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY to grow until the day they die)–and vitality. THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Wood relates to all initiatory of life such as birthStorm and Spring, and Lily is the driving force behind the beneficial Cassia, Lantana,phases Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Lily, Swamp Energetically assistse.g. in balancing the development of the child’s mind and spirit. Supports transition change that heralds growth, the hormones of puberty, pregnancy andbody, menopause. Thus, Wood is related to moving assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and Supports transition baby to of child tolives adolescent. Opens the mother’s the child’s developmental milestones, through allfrom theEnergetically phases our and evolving. When we don’tawareness evolve, weofbecome angry or spirit. frustrated. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transANGER ISgenerational AN allows EXPRESSION OF PERSONAL GROWTH age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transpatterns. generational patterns. The energy of anger is upward and outwards, like the shape of a classic tree. It rises from within and expands outward to break through whatever it is that is preventing personal expression, just as a tree will burst through anything that would constrain its growth. 138 92 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith Anger expressed in a balanced and controlled way becomes the spearhead of assertion and is the key to personal power. The assertive person is doing what they want to do and can relate to their immediate environment with a sense of authority, obtaining a response from the world around them. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Anger expressed in an uncontrolled and imbalanced way arises when the expression of personal need has been suppressed, depressed or constrained. Being a powerful energy/emotion, unexpressed anger, in some people, triggered IVIEsurface, CER NI YinOan J – uncontrolled ECNAD-NUBway, A doing by the ‘straw that broke the camel’s back’ will eventually make its way G toNthe EIVINGdamage in the external environment. This can either be in the form of angry abuse, physical abuse or even wounding gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA or killing another as Silver has happened in someWhite of theWandering tragic ‘school shoot-out’ scenarios that have occurred in the ntana, Pink Shamrock, Redperson, Kamala, Wattle, Verbena, weJ United States recently. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO Because is the principle the mind to the the the and fo sthe slimitless eneenergy rawaabundance seofsiaanger R .snrof ettresonant a p yUniverse, limaf with esehand t sramale elc spirit dn a ’htogujoy on(upward e ton‘ foand esneoutward), s eht etanitimisilecommonly, spleH .msibut mitpnot o always, deal.and sense males of ‘not who enough’ Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb swith pihsclears ntheir oitalunresolved ethese r niw-family niw danger npatterns. a gniin krothis w teway. n luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. UNEXPRESSED ANGER ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE Anger not expressed at all, as happens with many females, does damage sirI dliWcirculates ,yliL mrotSwithin ,noileand dnaD ,kniM eulB ,ainternally. gujA ,aicacSuppressed A ndelion,anger, Storm never Lily, Wild Iris expressed in women, intoxicates the liver and results in the longer term in diseases such as menstrual ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS migraines. Typically, amen suffer with strokes and heart attacks due to suppressed anger. nce in problems her body’shand tability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap fo esafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as aANGER sacred AND journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth JEALOUSY .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . Lomandra is for the anger that women feel partner attracted NIKS NW O when RUOYthey NI ELfeel BATbetrayed ROFMOCby– )their SENO MROHfor YPPbeing AH( EV OL YDOto B another ONES) –woman, COMFORTABLE OWN regardlessINofYOUR whether theSKIN attraction is acted upon or not. It is for ‘white’ anger - intense jealous rage and sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA thoughts of vengeance that intoxicate her Wild with Iris poison. ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH If the unfounded for gratitude forjealousy thenepower and your mois ww oh tbeauty uoba sin nofrereality, ttap lbody. arLomandra tsecFocuses na morcan f you gnibe tcon ecombined nnfine-tuning ocsid stsiwith ssA .Cassia, ydob ruofor y ofeeling t ni gninworthy, ut yb htand laeh Cordyline, ruoy the fundamental man and ur body.understanding Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senodifferences mrohpatterns fo gnbetween inoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alabayhwoman. tlaeh strIfopthe pusjealousy yllaciteghas renevalidity dna ,eand b ”dlthere uohs“is another woman involved, combine Lomandra with Native Bleeding Heart for deep grief at the loss of trust in the relationship. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB BITTERNESS TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Long-held anger to bitterness and assaults the heart. Many women who are hurt and have not resolved their anger Dandelion, Freckle Face,turns Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW suffer from toxic liver conditions and heart symptoms such as arrhythmia and palpitations. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF strong ons of Outward the brain, expression and wholeness secntoalbring aB .of ssabout eanger rts foascarries tsense ceffe-rof eavo eht mostigma. rf and noitcoptimal nWomen uf niarb in tcethis torpsociety ot slanetend rda etohtsuppress secnalaB their .gninanger oitcnufinto nonenals toexistence. protect brain Balances .sThey egafunction nwill iarbquite ehfrom t sproudly a sthe egnover-effects astate, hc nia‘I rbnever dnofa stress. sfeel sol yangry.’ ro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS RESENTMENT ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAPtransmuting EHT GNISAinto E – Pthe UKmore AERB insidious In these instances, the unexpressed anger ‘goes cold’ and loses its passion and heat, N expression,yofliLlack has only anchronically toxic mroof tS personal ,elttaW repower, vliS ,sucwhich sibiH is evresentment. itaN ,agnaraAnger caM ,athat rdna mo‘gone L ,noilecold’ dnaDcreates ,aissaCnot ,tra eH g ideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, liver but also spills over to affect the gallbladder, the energetic partner of the liver. Lomandra works on an‘cold ebreVanger.’ Typically, women .pukaerbwho pihshave noitalgallbladder er a morf gniproblems revocer htare iw st‘fair, sissa dfat naand pukaforty,’ erb a and hguoclassically rht gniog ehave lihw uhad oy sttheir roppugallbladder S ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. removed. The but ,feirgpsychosocial fo sgnileef epicture ht ssecoof rpthis spletype h dnof a kwoman aerbtraeish the fo smeek gnileeand f lacisubservient syhp yrev ehwife t strowho ppusfeels yllacdowntrodden, itegrenE physical feelings helps would never feelings. met. n ac yofeexpress hheartbreak t os ssesuch neraand wa o t snrOften eprocess ttap gthey nithe taeare pfeelings erthe gnidoormat rbofspgrief, leH of .tnethe mnfamily odnaband a dnnever a ,noiseem tcejer to ,raget ef ,ttheir liug ,own emalneeds b nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb Resentment can be a big part of their self-talk, bitterly resenting the unfairness of their lives and blaming their partner, BABbeing DNAsomehow REHTOM ‘better ROF GN ITALResentment UMITS DNAand GNblame ILAEH –go YRhand EVOCin ERhand NAERand ASEAtypically C friend or work colleague Yfor off.’ the EALINGperson AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY perceives themselves as a victim of life’s circumstance and badly done by. yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink,They Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily can focus their resentment stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htoby b rkeeping of ,htrib naaemental raseac ‘account fo gnidnubook,’ ow eht fmentally o gnilaehkeeping eht stroptrack pus ylof laciall tegthe renEperceived slights or wounding they have been victim to. Each mental tick causes them to withdraw further until they ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnikcan ni become ‘hardened’ attitude. nd a sense eof ht safety stropinpand uthat S .hsecurity trib laniin gAlthough athe v a baby. gniruthey dEnergetically nomight denruwant t erstimulates a to tahreach t smethe tout sys cand itegrfeel enethe ehtwarmth gnireggof irt connection nigeb ot nikagain, s s’ ybabsomething stops them and that they are stayturned permanently frozen in the birth. trap ofSupports their own making. In an intimate partnership, g the energetic systems on during a vaginal the .noitroba dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitthis omecan mean is ‘off the menu,’ as it is often perceived as a favour to be granted on the condition of ‘good behaviour.’ arriagethat andsex abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC CONTROL STRATEGIES HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC Withdrawal sexual contact nk Shamrock, StormofLily, Swamp Lily in an intimate relationship can be a control strategy used to manipulate behaviour. Letting noitisnart strpatterns oppuS .tof iripcoercion s dna dnimeans m ,ydobletting s’dlihgo c ehoft ftrying o tnemtopocontrol leved eanother. ht gnicnaOnly lab nwhen i stsissemotional a yllacitegrenergy enE is free of resentment ng the go development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf flowing and uncontrolled can the energy of the heart open and love fully flourish. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transFORGIVENESS .snrettap lanoitareneg h The key to letting go of resentment is forgiveness. Forgiveness is a conscious act that opens the compassion of the heart. It is the first step towards healing and calls back the fragments of the soul given away in the absence of personal empowerment. Lomandra assists us, as women, to start the process of letting go, which is the first step to forgiveness. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 93 In the words of Mark Twain, “Forgiveness is the fragrance given off by the rose to the heel that crushed it.” Essence EssenceBlends Blends Forgiveness is not a thought but a feeling that arises from a deep inner state of peace and connectedness, and asks simply that thoughts of hurt and injury be let go. Forgiveness recognizes that the longer we hold grudges, resentments and anger in our heart towards another person, place or being, the longer we maintain a belief in our own victim-hood. Forgiveness is a conscious act of taking back our own power. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING For this reason,ABUN-DANCE Cassia is often– combined with Lomandra to complete the letting-go process and to pull back to us the JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, parts we have given awayDandelion, in a misguided attempt to seek acceptance andSilver love. Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering TOLERANCE Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Tolerance optimism. of others isthe anheart intrinsic human quality that resentment and blame. forgiveness, it OpensHelps to gratitude, theofmind to overcomes the limitless abundance of thecritical Universe, and Like the spirit to of joy and eliminate the sense ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness requires a being compassionate heart. When tolerance is practised, life in all its myriad forms can be enjoyed and appreciated. optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. Lomandra opens us to being thetolerance. magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Partnership andBLESSED community connection is intrinsic to life - we are meant to live in relationship with others, not just in BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Mink,variety Dandelion, Storm Lily,that Wild an intimate sense,Ajuga, but in Blue the wide of interactions fillIris our daily lives. We need only to look at how individual Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris atoms joinSupports togetherthe as mother’s molecules, which in in turn tissue, how each partbirth, needs to the work with the confidence hercreate body’s abilitytotoobserve move through a safe and parents in next to Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through safeand birth, and the parents be functional and effective as a whole. So itas is ainsacred society; no one can as do joining together to in pool entering into the process journey toperson parenting aeverything, rite ofa passage. Helps smooth entering into thethe birthing process as a sacredand journey to parenting as a riteItofis passage. skills and baby’s diverse talents contributes variety, effectiveness vigour to a community. the sameHelps with smooth an intimate passage into world. baby’s passage into the world. partnership - both partners contribute their bit, enhancing the relationship through the pooling of skills, resources, BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN emotional intelligence and ideas. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Cooperative functioning requires tolerance of differences within partnerships and groups Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, enhancing Wild Iris interaction and you appreciate and feel gratitude the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning supportingHelps sustainability. Tolerance is the oil thatforkeeps the wheels of both a relationship andyou a functional society Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses on fine-tuning your healthbreeds by tuning in to yourwhich body. can Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about howyou women running. Intolerance separation, lead to conflict and war. your be, health tuning in to supports your body. Assistsbalanced disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” andbyenergetically healthy functioning of hormones. Chronic disease patterns with this type ofhealthy emotional distortion include and hardening patterns “should” be,associated and energetically supports balanced functioning of arthritis hormones. BRAIN BALANCE –asTURN TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY generally (e.g. cholecystitis, they ON ‘harden off’ to survive). BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Blue Dandelion, clearing Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, LomandraAcacia, works on theMink, HeartCordyline, and Liver meridians, toxicity and smoothing circulation. It assistsSnail withVine, headaches, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris palpitations, arrhythmia and facial flushing. Wild Iris balancing the many2,functions LomandraFor resonates to Chakras 3 and 4.of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. •• For jealousy and brain simmering rage - white anger. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUPblame – EASING THE PAIN •• For resentment, and bitterness. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, •• For sharp barbs directed towards another or others. Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena •• For keeping Verbena a ‘hurts and slights’ mental account book. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. •• For the Energetically controlling personality. Supports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. supports very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and Helps bring repeating patterns they can •• For arthritis, hardening patterns such asabandonment. artero-sclerosis, ankolysing spondilitis (fusingtoofawareness the spinal so column), rigidity blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. of the musculo-skeletal system and gallstones. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily •• For clearing long-held anger. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists •• For forgiveness. Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates •• Facilitates assertion. baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin triggering theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of miscarriage abortion. •• Encourages tolerance. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY •• Supports co-operative–attitudes. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily •• Assists with flexibility. Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assistsin in life. balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition •• Brings back the sweetness in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 94 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith MACARANGA nelB ecnessE Essence Blends sdKEYWORDS Macaranga tanarius Negative: relationship anxiety, confusing service with love, loving too GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA much, over-sensitivity. EIVING gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA Positive:White buildsWandering self-worth, balances loving, brings inner strength. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, weJ DESCRIPTION dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the than fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf eThis sehand t tree srathe elbelongs c spirit dna ’htogto ujoy othe nand e tofamily n‘ fo eEuphorbiaceae, snes eht etanimilewhich spleHcontains .msimitpmore o sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness ofppuS .All spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a ganithousand krow ten ludifferent fsseccus varieties. stro efil varieties nwo s’enhave o ni nan aiciunpleasant gam eht gnimilky eb sap in wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. common, which is usually poisonous. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE It has flower-like arrangements, are sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,nowhich ilednaD ,knnot iM eflowers ulB ,aguatjAall, ,aicbut acA bracts or modified leaves surrounding a group of tiny, simple flowers. Both male and female flowers are held within the bracts. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS greenish nce in A herrainforest body’shtability otree oms with sto plemove Hgreen .egthrough assheart-shaped ap foaesafe tir a birth, sapeltate gniand tnerleaves, athe p oparents t yeitnrgrows uoinj derto cassixa smetres a ssecotall. rp gnItihproduces trib eht otn i gniretneclusters of flowers in panicles. Macaranga are spreading shade trees, sheltering underlying vegetation from the ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassapsearing s’ ybab sun. . DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –The COMFORTABLE IN YOUR small, OWN SKINoften overlooked in favour of the larger bracts that contain them and are easily flowers are deceptively sirI dliW ,enand iV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA mistaken for the flowers. Both male and female flowers are enclosed within the bracts. This essence is for feeling small ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gnin ut-enputting if no uoup y seasu coF .or ydo‘front’ b ruoyoffobravado ytuaeb dor nabeing rewopmagnanimous. eht rof edutitarThe g leeouter f dna bracts etaicershake ppa uoiny the splebreeze, H within, while show like gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning m o w w o h t u o b a s n r e t t a p l a r t s e c n a m o r f g n i t c e n n o c s i d s t s i s s A . y d o b r u o y o t n i g n i n u t y b h t l a e h r u o y the feeling of anxiety within the chest when we feel vulnerable or unsure. ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral senomrohpatterns fo gninoabout itcnufhow decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthyWHO balanced of hormones. WOMEN LOVEfunctioning TOO MUCH YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY These women give too much and leave nothing for themselves. They give to the other as if they are so full inside that they ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA have Freckle plenty to give.Lacebark, But in reality, deepPink down they feelSnail empty, insignificant and inadequate. They give in abundance, Dandelion, Face, Milkweed, Shamrock, Vine, sirI dliW because unconsciously, they fear that they will be seen by others to be as small and inadequate as they feel. They suffer lam dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF from anxiety asitpaoresult. ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf Below the surface, these people suffer from low self-esteem and feelings of being unworthy. They seek a love relationship enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel because, like the large, green heart-shaped leaves, it shows on the surface that they deserve to be loved, when actually energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS they don’t believe they do. Furthermore, somewhere along the way, they have believed in their own subterfuge - ‘if I am ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIA P EHT GNThis ISAErationale – PUKAEusually RB loved enough, then I must eventually be loveable - even though I am not at the moment.’ lurks N below the consciousness, but its shadow permeates every aspect of the woman’s life. ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Native Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV TRADINGMacaranga, LIFE ENERGY FORHibiscus, SECURITY .puher kaerbody b pihsimage, noitalerher a mmotivation orf gnirevoand cer hher tiw scapability tsissa dna at puher kaerjob. b a hItgcan uorheven t gnioaffect g elihw y stroppDeep uS down, It can affect heruofertility. ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from alerelationship breakup. , f e i r g f o s g n i l e e f e h t s s e c o r p s p h d n a k a e r b t r a e h f o s g n i l e e f l a c i s y h p y r e v e h t s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n E that she she may feel that she does not want to take responsibility for a child coming into the world, if she does not feel physical feelings ofehheartbreak and helps process the feelings ofspgrief, n a c y t o s s s e n e r a w a o t s n r e t t a p g n i t a e p e r g n i r b l e H . t n e m n o d n a b a d n a , n o i t c e j e r , r a e f , t l i u g , e m a l b can give a baby the quality love and attention she knows it needs. nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb These women can give away so much of themselves that they become like prostitutes who give away favours in return YBAB trading DNA REvaluable HTOM RO GNITALfor UMaITscrap S DNAofGlove NILAfrom EH –aY‘rich REVOman’s CER Ntable.’ AERASEAC for money, but in this instance, lifeF energy EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL energy mrotS ,sinto ucsibthe iH other evitaNand ,anaexpect tnaL ,enothing caF elkce ,kniM eoften ulB ,ebecoming dahsthgiNinvaluable kcalB ,aicato cAthe other, They channel all their vital inrFreturn, e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily in the process. The in the stsissA .yb ab other dna reperson htom hcomes tob rof to ,htrrely ib non aerthem aseacso fo much gnidnuthat ow they eht fobecome gnilaehindispensable. eht stroppus yllSadly acitegthough, renE ling of trade-off the wounding of Assists and ethey ht sehave talucaesarean mgiven its yllaaway citbirth, egrtheir enfor E .own yboth babsoul’s emother ht nidestiny ytiand rucesbaby. dnacondemn ytefas fo themselves esnes a dnatotnaelife mhcof at‘willing ta dnobservant’ gnildnikof nithe other. nd a senseeof ht safety stroppand uS .hsecurity trib laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut erstimulates a taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab The more the other comes to rely aonvaginal them the more of themselves they sacrifice in the mistaken belief that the g the energetic systems that person are turned on during birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome that makes them loveable is that they would lay their life down for their partner and would be there for him arriageonly andthing abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC when the chips are down. HE GROWING FAMILY liL pmenter awS ,yinto liL mthe rotSsame ,kcorm ahS of kniself-sacrificing P ,deewkliM ,anpact atnaLwith ,aisasacause, C Women, who are not in a relationship, can yoften kind say, nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily savingnthe The payoff oitisrainforest, nart stroppor uSa.tiboss rips dwho na dwill nimdeclare ,ydob s’that dlihcshe ehtisfosotnindispensable empoleved ehthat t gnicshe nalvirtually ab ni stsiruns ssa ythe llacoffice. itegrenE these women, whether giving to a partner, a cause or a boss, is that they make themselves so indispensable ng the for development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition ,senotselim latnempoleved s’dlihc eht fo ssenerawa s’ rehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf that they ensure their life ent. Opens the mother’s the -sn art eposition. vitagawareness en sIn raeeffect, lc ylof lacit’s itegachild’s retrade nE .yldevelopmental eoff tai-rptheir orppvital a ogmilestones, tel energy reh splein h dreturn na ,gnfor ikasecurity. t-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg GIVING AND RECEIVING NEED TO BE BALANCED h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 95 Macaranga opens the heart to self-love and self-value. It helps a person recognize that love is not just about giving, giving, giving, but it is also about receiving. Just like the heart organ that receives blood in equal measure to that which it disperses, a person who gives and gives needs to receive, otherwise they eventually become empty. If the heart did not receive blood but continually gave out, it would collapse. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Women, who give away their vital energy on a wholesale basis in return for loving acceptance, apparently expecting JOY IN RECEIVING nothing inABUN-DANCE return, become– ‘empty.’ They often suffer from anaemia. They get tired easily and sleep a lot when the other ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING is not around, as if to restock and recharge theirShamrock, batteries.Red They suffer from feeling that perhaps they Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Kamala, Silver anxiety Wattle, from Verbena, White Wandering haven’t given enough. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Jew DUMPED ON OPEN TOOpens BEING the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and Opens thetoheart towho gratitude, theof to the limitless abundance of Universe,Raises andself-deprecating. the spirit to of joy and optimism. Helps eliminate theare sense ‘not enough’ and clears family patterns. awareness Macaranga also applies those hurt bymind the criticism of others forthese being sothe subservient and In optimism. Helps eliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of magician one’s Supports and win-win relationships. their own being minds,the they see thatinthey areown living love, not recognising networking that they are undermining their own life force in the being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. meantime.BLESSED BecauseBIRTHING subconsciously these women feel inadequate and unworthy, the judgment of others hurts and stings – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE like poison. They are sensitive to minor slights and consequently leave themselves open to being the dumping ground Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris for other’s negative garbage. In the same way, women who are soIris sensitive that they pick up every negative thought Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Supports the also mother’s in her body’s to move through safegoing birth,around. and the They parents and let it wound them easilyconfidence pick up pathogens andability infectious diseases thataare areinimmune Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her ability to move a passage. safe birth, and the parents in entering into the process as a flus sacred journey tocirculating parenting asthrough a rite Helps smooth compromised and constantly experience colds, andbody’s viruses in the air of around them. entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth Macaranga works onpassage the Heart baby’s intoand the Kidney world. meridians strengthening one’s sense of self-love and appreciation and BODY LOVEto(HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN bringing the courage stand on one’s own feet. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, BlacktoNightshade, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Macaranga resonates Chakras 4 Dandelion, and 9. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES Helps appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women •• For anxiety. your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. •• For women who love too–much. BRAIN BALANCE TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY •• For women whoBlue confuse with Dandelion, love. Acacia, Mink,service Cordyline, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Wild Iris •• For women who trade their life energy for security. Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Forover-sensitive balancing thetomany functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal •• For being criticism. For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances •• For co-dependency. functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout •• For weakened immunity, anaemia, allergic childhood, sensitivity. and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Dandelion, •• Assists in valuingHeart, the selfCassia, - builds self-worth.Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena •• Brings a recognition Verbena that love receives as much as it gives. Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. •• Assists women to stand onwhile their own Supports you going through breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically supports the veryfeet. physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, fear, rejection, abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can •• Brings ablame, healthyguilt, capacity to ignore and criticism. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. •• Strengthens be immunity, tonifies blood. resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 96 Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith EIVING MILKWEED Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Asclepias curassavica KEYWORDS Negative: for the difficult child, manipulative behaviour, learning difficulties, over-dependant child, the bullying and GN IVIEfearful CER Nchild. I YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA develops gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW Positive: revliS ,alam aK deR ,kindividuality, cormahS kniP encourages ,anatnaL ,noilsensitivity, ednaD ,aissimproves aC ,agujAa child’s self-confidence, humour. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, Whiteactivates Wandering weJ dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eDESCRIPTION ht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaCommonly f esehand t srathe elknown c spirit dna ’as htogujoy nand e ton‘this fo ebeautiful snes eht little etaniflower mile sphas leH a.mmilky simitpsap o in aoweed, sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t r o the stem. All milkweeds are poisonous if ingested, and the milky sap is a wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. skin irritant. It has of Hcommon ECa NEnumber DIFNOC TIW GNInames: HTRIB –Red GNCottonhead, IHTRIB DESSEScarlet LB NG WITH CONFIDENCE Milkweed or Blood Flower. It is an erect, evergreen perennial sub-shrub, often grown as an annual. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,Like Storm Lily, Wild Iris it has opposite leaves. The leaves are about 12.5 centimetres long, narrowly elliptic and pointed most milkweeds, ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS ends. Scarletmove Milkweed grows about 0.6–0.9 metres tallinand usually has a few pairs of symmetrical branches. nce in at herboth body’s htability ooms sto pleH .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as aThe sacred journey to parenting as aand rite borne of passage. Helps and smooth flowers are yellow and red in terminal axillary clusters that .dlrare ow efive ht oto tniten egacentimetres ssap s’ ybab across. It . blooms continuously from spring until autumn. Most flowers have a ring of sepals, collectively called a calyx. Above NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB is a ring of petals, collectively called a corolla, which is a bright, vibrant red. Milkweeds have an additional ring ONES) –that COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN irI dliWthe ,encorolla iV lianSlike ,alaamcrown; aK deR it,kis cocalled rmahS akncorona. iP ,noileIn dnscarlet aD ,edamilkweed, hsthgiN kcthe alB corolla ,aicacA is usually of appendages that sits sabove ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris crimson anthers, gninuand t-enthe if nocorona uoy seis suyellow. coF .ydoSitting b ruoyabove fo ytuathe eb corona dna reware op efive ht ro f edutitastanding rg leef dnup a earound taicerppaa central uoy splepistil. H gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mospindle-shaped w woh tuoba snrpods, ettap l7.6–10.2 artsecna mcm orf long, gnitcenthat noceventually sid stsissA .split ydobopen ruoy otot nrelease i gninutlittle yb htflat laehseeds ruoy that drift The fruits are ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how women s e n o m r o h f o g n i n o i t c n u f d e c n a l a b y h t l a e h s t r o p p u s y l l a c i t e g r e n e d n a , e b ” d l u o hs“ away on silky parachutes. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRand ENEeven NIARwet B ELsoils. OHWThe OTleaves NO Nare RUTsometimes – ECNALAB NIARB by Scarlet Milkweed is easy to grow, thriving in dry, moist attacked TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY aphids, ,which fungus called eniV liproduce anS ,kcorexcrement mahS kniP (called ,deewklhoneydew!). iM ,krabecaL A,egreyish caF elkcblack erF ,no ilednaD ,enilysooty droC mould, ,kniM euinlBturn ,aicacolonizes cA Dandelion, FreckleofFace, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, some other predators (such as ladybugs) this. None this isLacebark, life threatening to the milkweed, and eventually sirI dliW will come along and polish off the aphids. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of Butterflies the brain, and wholeness other lay secnto albring aB nectar-sipping .ssabout erts foastsense ceffeinsects -rof evo eare ht mattracted orf and noitcoptimal nto uf the niarblossoms, b tcetorp oand t slaboth nerdaMonarch eht secnaand laB Queen .gninoitcbutterflies nuf enals totheir protect function Balances eggsbrain The pods in harrangements. .son egaScarlet niarb eMilkweed. hfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc dried niarb d nofa stress. ssare ol yused ro mem tiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS DOCTRINEand OFassists SIGNATURES ghout childhood, in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB When the flowers open, they display a brilliant yellow centre consisting of five anthers covered with a fleshy appendage N iL mrotS standing ,elttaW reup vliSaround ,sucsibia H central evitaN ,pistil. agnarThe acaM ,ardnaare moLformed ,noiledn aD a,acircle issaC and ,traeH gnilike deelaB group of known as a,ylcorona, anthers into look elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Storm to Lily,each other. As the petals open, they appear anebretoV form five miniature human beings standing around withWattle, their backs distinct legs. yellow ‘legs’ .pukThe aerb pihsncentre oitaler stands a morf up gniabove revocerthe htiw stsissproudly a dna perect. ukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. eirg fo flower, sgnileefthis eht bright ssecorpand splecolourful h dna kaelittle rbtraeplant h fo slooks gnileelike f laciitsyhcould p yrevbe ehtasttoy roppinusayllchild’s acitegrenursery. nE Known as ,fblood The physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, n a c y e h t o s s s e n e r a w a o t s n r e t t a p g n i t a e p e r g n i r b s p l e H . t n e m n o d n a b a d n a , n o i t c e j e r , r a e f , t l i u g , e m a l b arrangement of the flower is like family, standing with their backs to the world, their attention directed inward. The name nd abandonment. bringblood repeating patterns and to awareness they cansuggests milk as nourishment, as .deavlochild ser eis b nurtured blood flowerHelps suggests relationship the sap insothe stem in infancy. Interestingly, the toITthe Monarch YBsap AB DisNpoisonous, A REHTOM but ROFnot GN ALUbeautiful MITS DNA GNILAEand H – YQueen REVOCbutterflies ER NAERAthat SEACfeed on it, which is mindful of the way that a child loves the food it was reared on, but can often be wary of food served in other EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY y l i L m r o t S , s u c s i b i H e v i t a N , a n a t n a L , e c a F e l k c e r F , k n i M e u l B , e d a h s t h g i N k c a l B , a i c a c A households and reacts to it as if it were poisonous. e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsplant issA .yattracts bab dnaphids, a rehtomwhich htob in roturn f ,htrattract ib naerblack aseacsooty fo gnmould; idnuow just eht as fo ginnialafamily, eh eht the strotroubles ppus yllaand citegdifficulties renE little that ling of The the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni affectofthe family wash off without damage becausestimulates of the sense of security provided by the unit. By standing together, nd a sense eht safety stroppand uS .hsecurity trib laniin gathe v a baby. gnirudEnergetically no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab the family can offset trauma and drama with minimum g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth.effect. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageTHE andESSENCE abortion. OF CHILDHOOD YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY This flower expresses the essence of childhood. The child develops a sense of individuality whilst still within the bosom of yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC the family. TheLily, family unit Lily helps to protect the vulnerable young soul at the same time as encouraging the development nk Shamrock, Storm Swamp noitisnathat rt strocan ppuwithstand S .tirips dnand a dngrow im ,ydwithin ob s’dthe lihcgroup eht fo dynamic. tnempolevThe ed elittle ht gnflowers icnalabseem ni stsito ssastand yllacitall tegras enEif standing of a persona ng the on development of child’s ,senotseltrying im the latnto em polebody, vedthe smind ’dtallest lihc and ehthey t fspirit. o scan, senSupports erjust awalike s’ rtransition elittle htomchildren eht snep O .tstrive necseto lodwalk a ot tall dlihcinotheir t ybaparents’ b morf shoes. tippy-toe, become who ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla Sometimes, child doesn’t seem to fit in can disrupt the harmony king, and helps heralet go that appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- of a family. Perhaps .snthe rettchild ap lamay noitabe renhyperactive, eg maybe have Asperger’s syndrome or autism, have a physical disability or just seem to be ‘one that does not fit the mould.’ This child will always seem at odds with everyone else and will often feel quite comfortable in the role of odd h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 97 one out. This essence brings a feeling of belonging for the child and a renewed capacity for inclusion on the part of the parent — both can take the essence for mutual benefit. PLACE IN THE FAMILY Essence EssenceBlends Blends Family constellation is the study of the development of different personalities, based on the place within the family occupied by the child. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING ABUN-DANCE IN RECEIVING There will always be a first and– JOY that child will always remain in that position. Nobody can ever usurp Position Number Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering One. The Jew first child both an advantage and carries a burden. The is that they Verbena, often have a special place Ajuga,has Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red advantage Kamala, Silver Wattle, White Wandering in the affections of the mother, the first baby that opened her heart, and sometimes, but not always, for the father. In Jew Opens the the first heartchild to gratitude, mindoftohis thefather’s limitlessjealousy, abundance of the Universe, and the to joy andafter some instances, bears thethe brunt particularly if his feelings of spirit displacement Opens the heart to gratitude, mind to the limitless abundance ofathe Universe, and spirit to usually joy and optimism. eliminate the sensethe ‘notguaranteed enough’ andtoclears these family patterns. awareness of the birth were neverHelps resolved. The firstborn isofalso have at least year as theRaises onlythe child and optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of the magician one’s own Supports and win-win gets plentybeing of attention as a result. By the time siblings come along,networking Mum’s energy is usuallyrelationships. worn down and she is too being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. stretched to provide the same amount of quality time for each of her babies. Also, in many ways, the first child has to BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE run the gauntlet of his parent’s fears for him — he is the one that they are cutting their parenting teeth on. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia,move Ajuga, Mink, Dandelion, Storm Wild Iris Subsequent children upBlue in rank with each sibling thatLily, is born after them. Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thesecond mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough safeattendant birth,Helps andperks the parents In a two-child family, child hasas thea sacred benefit of being youngest with that goinwith entering intothe the birthing process journey tothe parenting a riteall ofathe passage. smooth intointo thethe birthing as acomes sacredalong, journeythe to rank parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth being the baby’s babyentering for a time. However, if aprocess third child of second suddenly loses its glamour, along passage world. baby’s passage into the world. with the status of being the baby. In a three-child family, the second can be like the piggy stuck in the middle, with no BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN redeeming features can(HAPPY comfort. And so on….– COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODYthat LOVE HORMONES) Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris UnderstandingAcacia, family constellation can beDandelion, very revealing and explains why such totally different can come Black Nightshade, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wildpersonalities Iris Helpsparents you appreciate andsituation. feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning from the same and family appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women THE WHOLE IS GREATER THAN THE SUM OF THE PARTS your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. From an energetic perspective, in aON family the combined energy always dictates the way the individuals will BRAIN BALANCE – TURN TO WHOLE BRAIN family ENERGY shape up — the whole is greater– than sum the parts. In the case where one child is domineering, the child that BRAIN BALANCE TURNthe ON TOofWHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Mink, Dandelion, Freckle Milkweed, Shamrock,and Snail Vine, is closest will growBlue up to takeCordyline, the subservient role, an angryFace, childLacebark, will be matched by aPink peacemaker a manipulator Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris will be countered by a pleaser. Others in the family will shape up as modified expressions of either of the first two, each Wild Iris expressingFor thebalancing unique contribution they make whole. natural laws of group the many functions of to thethe brain, andAtofamily bringfollows about athe sense of wholeness and dynamics. optimal Group balancing thethe many functions of the personality brain, and to bring sense unit. ofofwholeness and optimal dynamics functioning. and For family constellation together co-create differences aafamily Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about theinover-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances back-front FINDING left-right A PLACEand IN THE FAMILYbrain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. brain throughout andbest assists in opening new Milkweed helpsSupports a child to feelchanges comfortable in, andchildhood, to make the of, their position in pathways the family.ofItunderstanding. assists those who BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN feel alienated to get in touch intuitively BREAKUP – EASING THE with PAINthe best expression of their unique contribution to the family dynamic. Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, STEPPING OUTSIDE THE FAMILY Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena It helps to shore up the child’s self-esteem within the family, so that the child feels confident when leaving the safety of Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. the family unit.Supports It is excellent for the child who won’t stay overnight when invited by a friend, orrelationship who stays, breakup. but gets cold you while going breakup assists with from Energetically supports the very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, feet in the middle of the night, phoning mum to pick them up of at heartbreak some ungodly hour. Energetically very physical feelings and patterns helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, supports rejection,the and abandonment. Helps bring repeating to awareness so they can blame, fear, and of abandonment. Helps repeating awareness so or they can be resolved. It helps children who guilt, are shy to rejection, find a sense security outside thebring home throughpatterns a soccertoclub, Guides Scouts, be resolved. church group or the like, to assist them to feel confident and sure ofFOR themselves andAND to learn CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING MOTHER BABYto contribute to the group meaningfully. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily It assists teenagers who feel Nightshade, they have outgrown theFreckle familyFace, to make the transition more easily they step from their Acacia, Black Blue Mink, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, StormasLily Energetically the in healing of thehuman wounding of caesarean birth, and baby. Assists family of origin to find supports their place the larger family. It helps them tofor feelboth thatmother they don’t have to burn their Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates theUse bridges, but that they can keep one foot in the old while they explore the new tentatively and from a solid base. with in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the Pink Shamrock to ease the transition. baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. It helps young emotional people who have previously left home feel they can return, with a newer and broader perspective, after-effects of miscarriage andtoabortion. CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS GROWING FAMILY if circumstances change.–The essenceTHE assists them to feel confident that their parents will respect their independence, CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY and not treat themLantana, as a child, in the same way as they did before leaving. Cassia, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily It provides the emerging young adult with a Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily safety net. Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition USING FAMILY CONNECTIONS from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transIt also assists young to bring through into and theirhelps lives her the energy of the family Energetically (their ancestral qi) that helpstransthem allowspeople age-appropriate risk-taking, let go appropriately. clears negative generational patterns. get a leg-up. This might involve using family connections to help get a job, take advantage of family resources (money, generational patterns. career interests, knowledge base, housing, etc.) without feeling that there are going to be strings attached. It brings a sense of freedom and gratitude in having a valuable resource backing them. It also assists those who do not want to enter the family business to feel empowered to follow the career path of their own heart’s desire, without guilt or remorse. 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith of Woman by Annie Meredith 98 Spirit 138 Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith ACCESSES THE INNER CHILD Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE This essence is also good for adults who need to access their inner child because they have lost their sense of fun through an inflated sense of responsibility. Research has demonstrated that children laugh at least 120 times a day, while adults laugh only eleven times. Laughter relieves stress because tension and fun cannot be held in the body simultaneously. A good laugh is often the best medicine for a stressed person. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGMilkweed helps to engender fun and laughter and relieves stress. It is also excellent for the adult who is exploring her gniredtona‘weed’ W etihW nebevents reV ,eland ttaWsituations revliS ,alathat maKcreated deR ,kcdistorted ormahS kperceptions niP ,anatnaLand ,noibeliefs. lednaD For ,aissexample, aC ,agujAone of our childhood out,athe ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ mothers most important relationships is the one we have with our mother, which is particularly relevant, as we become ourselves. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless eTHE nera‘MOTHER waabundance sesiaR .WOUND’ snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo HEALING sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro heal our disconnection with our feminine nature by consciously connecting to the energy of the Mother. As wn life.We Supports successful networking and own win-win relationships. NEDIFNour OCown HTIself-empowerment W GNIHTRIB – GNand IHTRlove IB DEour SSEinherent LB a woman, one of the first things we need to do to moveEC towards NG WITH CONFIDENCE feminine nature is to acknowledge the Mother within. sMany course irI dliWwomen ,yliL mrdo otSthis ,noiin ledthe naD ,kniMofeutheir lB ,aglives ujA ,in aictheir acA day-tondelion,day Storm Lily, Wildwith Iris their real-life mother, if they are lucky enough to have her around as an active part of their lives. interaction ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in But her body’s through birth, not all have htability owomen oms sto plemove H .egthe assaluxury p foaesafe tor ir athe sa ginclination niand tnerathe p oparents ttoyework nruoinj through dercas a childhood sa ssecorp issues gnihtribinehface-to-face t otni gniretninteraction e ess as awith sacred to parenting a rite of passage. Helps smooth ill or estranged, theirjourney mothers. For some,astheir mothers may be deceased, to .dlor rowinesome ht otniother egassway ap s’unavailable ybab . experience day-to-day updates on old scripts that have never had a chance to be rewritten. NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –AsCOMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN between what you felt that you needed and what your mother could provide a child, you were unableOWN to separate sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA in Pink the circumstances prevailed the Wild time.Iris Remember your perception of her as a person has been prejudiced by ndelion, Shamrock, Redthat Kamala, Snail at Vine, ninut-enpersonal if no uoy relationship sesucoF .ydowith b ruher. oy foIf yshe tuaewasn’t b dna always rewop eable ht roto f efulfil dutitayour rg leneeds, ef dna you etaicwill erpphave a uopersonalised y spleH yourglifetime this gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning neand mowtaken woh tituoon baas snarenegative ttap lartsebelief cna mabout orf gniyour tcennself-worth. ocsid stsissItA is.ydthis ob distorted ruoy ot niperception gninut yb h— tlaethat h ruyour oy mother experience ur body.does Assists fromyou .ancestral senenough omrohpatterns f— o gthat ninoabout itcnufhow dtoecbe nwomen ahealed lab yhtla ehyou stroto ppfully us ylappreciate lacitegrene and dna acknowledge ,eb ”dluohs“ yourself. notdisconnecting value you or love needs for y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGdidn’t RENElove NIARyou B ELenough. OHW OBecause T NO NRof UTyour – ECchildhood NALAB NIneed ARB for total In most cases, it is a misperception that your mother TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY love and,eacceptance, niV lianS ,kcoyou rmahmay S knihave P ,deemisinterpreted wkliM ,krabecamany L ,ecasituations F elkcerF ,as noievidence lednaD ,ethat nilydyour roC ,kmother niM euldidn’t B ,aicacare cA for you Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Vine, enough. As an infant, you were not able to Shamrock, discern theSnail factors that may have contributed to a situation, sirI din liWwhich, for example, you felt unloved. lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of However, the brain, this and astsense wholeness your secisntoaprecisely lbring aB .ssabout ertthe s fotime cefwhen fe-rof evo eht psychological morf and noitcoptimal nuf programming niarb tcetorp owas t slanbeing erda elaid ht sedown cnalain B .your gninoneural itcnuf network. enals toMany protect brain the Balances beliefs developmental .segabout afunction niarbyourself ehfrom t sa sstemming egnover-effects ahc nifrom arb dthese nofa stress. ssoearly l yro m em htiw spleH days .seigbecame rene niarhard b tnoand rf-kcafast b dattitudes na thgir-tas fel you grew energies. memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. up.Helps By its.gwith very nature, this ‘programming’ process leads to faulty beliefs being laid down in the circuitry. Regardless of nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. the best or worst intentions of your parents, significant programming occurred, which was a distortion of reality. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N As the child,ymorphs into the woman, and especially when she is moving into the liL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noileMother dnaD ,aphase issaC in ,trher aeHown gnidlife, she eelB needs to re-evaluate her beliefs around her mother theStorm qualityLily, of her own mothering. elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver and Wattle, anebreV Sometimes.pu there kaerbispaihlong snoitahistory ler a mof orfmisunderstandings, gnirevocer htiw stsissresentments, a dna pukaerincongruity b a hguorhtand gniodislike g elihwthat uoy affects stroppuaS woman’s present relationship with ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering eher f ehmother. t ssecofrom rpWhile spalerelationship hthese dna kfeelings aerbtbreakup. raedrive h fo sthe gnirelationship leef lacisyhpor yrethere v eht are strounresolved ppus yllacitematters grenE that still hurt, there will be self-esteem and self-worth issues. These will be passed onto your own child if they are not physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,em albresolved. nd abandonment. Helps asking bring repeating to awareness can hurt can be a tall order. Often .devlothe ser erelationship b However, simply a womanpatterns to forgive a lifetimesoofthey perceived they have with their mother it M affects on being, the YBis ABsoDtoxic NA REthat HTO ROF them GNITA LUall MITlevels S DNof AG NILAEincluding H – YREVO CEphysical. R NAERAIn SEnaturopathic AC diagnostics, it is recognised that women with bowel problems commonly have a current toxic relationship with their EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY y l i L m r o t S , s u c s i b i H e v i t a N , a n a t n a L , e c a F e l k c e r F , k n i M e u l B , e d a h s t h g i N k c a l B , a i c a c A mother. To heal on the physical level requires a woman to clear the old toxic patterning of hurt and resentment that still e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily dominates stsissher A .yrelationship bab dna rehwith tom hher tobmother. rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both and e h t s e t a l u m i t s y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y baand b emother hBlack t ni ytiNightshade rucesbaby. dna Assists ytehelps fas fotoesheal nes athe dn‘mother a tnemhcwound.’ atta dnob gnildnik ni Milkweed, in combination with Acacia nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smetsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems during a vaginal Supports Milkweed worksthat on are the turned Spleen,onSmall Intestine andbirth. Colon and .nmeridians oitrobathe dnaimproving egairracsiself-esteem, m fo stceffe-raiding etfa landiscernment oitome arriageclearing and abortion. old toxic patterns. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING MilkweedFAMILY resonates to Chakra 2, 3 and 4. yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, CHALLENGES Swamp Lily YOUR HEALING noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the •development child’s • Alienation ,senotsewithin lof im the latnthe emfamily. polebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla •• For theher teenager who feels theyEnergetically have ‘outgrown’ family. transking, and helps let go appropriately. clearsthe negative .snrettap lanoitareneg •• For manipulative behaviour, which disrupts the family. h •• For the quiet, withdrawn child. Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 99 •• For learning difficulties. •• For the child displaying bullying behaviour. •• For over-dependency. Essence EssenceBlends Blends •• For the child who has suffered childhood abuse of any kind, verbal, physical, or sexual. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering •• Assists in developing individuality, while still within the safety of family. Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering •• Encourages Jew sensitivity to the needs of the group. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and •• Develops a child’s creativity. optimism. eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of being the magician own Supports networking and win-win relationships. •• Smoothes the transition times one’s of childhood. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE •• Improves a child’s self-confidence, self-empowerment, and resourcefulness. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris •• For healing the innerAjuga, child.Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in •• Activates a sense of humour. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris Wild Iris For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the brain, and to bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and changes asof thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Supportssupports you whilethe going breakup assists with from relationship breakup. Energetically very through physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process thea feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the baby’safter-effects skin to begin theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of triggering miscarriage abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. generational patterns. 138 100Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith EIVING MORNING GLORY Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Ipomoea indica KEYWORDS Negative: speaking one’s truth, timidity and shyness, difficulty in confronting GNIVblocks, IECER N I YO J – ECNADparents. -NUBA others, for outshining others, creative and dominating gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW Positive: revliS ,alafor maKletting deR ,kyour cormstar ahSshine, kniP ,aempowering, natnaL ,noiledopens naD ,acreative issaC ,achannels gujA to ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering w e J sing and heal. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB NG WITH CONFIDENCE Permission sirI dliWto,yShine liL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrOur ib efadeepest s a hguo rht eisvo m owe t ytare ilibapowerful s’ ydob rebeyond h ni ecnmeasure. edifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS fear that nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, and the parents inj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o t i r a s a g n i t n e r a p o t y e n r u o It is our light not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves “Who am I to be brilliant?” ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab Actually, who are you not to be? . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN You are a child of God. sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA Your playing ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris small doesn’t serve the world. gninut-There’s enif no nothing uoy sesuenlightened coF .ydob ruabout oy fo yshrinking tuaeb dnaso rethat wop other eht ropeople f edutitawon’t rg leefeel f dnainsecure etaicerparound pa uoy you. spleH gratitude for thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning mow woh tuoba snWe rettaare p laborn rtsecntoa manifest morf gnitthe cennglory ocsidofstGod sissA that .ydobis rwithin uoy ot us. ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral about how senomrohpatterns nino itcninufsome decnwomen aof labus;yhittlaisehinseveryone. troppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ Itfois gnot just y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB as we let our light shine we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. TO WHOLE BRAINAnd ENERGY ,eniV lianSAs,kcwe orm ahSliberated kniP ,dee wkliM ,krown abecfear, aL ,eour caF presence elkcerF ,noautomatically ilednaD ,enilyliberates droC ,kniothers. M eulB ,aicacA are from our Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes aWritten tuoba by gniMarianne rb ot dna ,Williamson. niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffeSpoken -rof evo eby ht Nelson morf and noMandela itcoptimal nuf niainrbhis tceinaug torp ural ot sla nerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf speech. enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB DESCRIPTION N liL mrotS otherwise ,elttaW revknown liS ,sucsas ibiH itaN ,Dawnflower, agnaracaM ,a rdnambitious amoL ,noilevine dnaD aissaC ,trwith aeH flashy, gnideelbright B A rampant,yclimber, theevBlue this is ,covered blue elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, a n e b r e V trumpets all summer — each flower opens at dawn and fades by sunset, curling in on itself as if shutting down. .pukGlory, aerb piin hsthe noita ler a m orf gnirevocer hticontains w stsissa more dna pthan ukaer1000 b a hgspecies. uorht gnAs iogthe elihname w uoy suggests, stroppuS Morning The Morning family Convolvulaceae, ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE Glory flowers open with the dawn. physical feelings helps nac yofehheartbreak t os sseneraand wa o t snreprocess ttap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patternsAmerica. to awareness they canpresent in Asia, and also grow Morning Glories are native of tropical Theysoare also and .deinvlosubtropical ser eb temperate regions. They grow so rampantly in subtropical regions of Australia that they have been declared a weed. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALINGThis AND STIMULATING MOTHER AND essence has beenFOR made up from theBABY Morning Glory indica, a perennial with beautiful dark blue-purple funnelyliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA shaped flowers in groups of three to twelve blooms. e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The blossoms show marks where the corolla was neatly folded or s t s i s s A . y b a b d n a r e h t o m h t o b r o f , h t r i b n aeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE rolled up in bud. ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni The eMorning Glory indica flowers start to fade two hours before the petals start showing visible curling. Morning Glories nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab prefer full sun throughout the day. g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriageAnother and abortion. popular, fragrant variety Moonflower (Ipomea Yalba) opens LIMAF GNIWin ORthe G Eevening HT STROwith PPUSa –sweet DOOfragrance. HDLIHC It lasts through the night until touched by the morning sun. HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC MorningStorm Glories lush nk Shamrock, Lily, have Swamp Lilygreen foliage. The leaves are heart-shaped and about four to five centimetres long. noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE first due laxative ng the Morning development the ,senGlory otselof imwas latnchild’s empknown olebody, ved in smind ’dChina lihc and ehfor t fspirit. oits ssemedicinal nSupports erawa s’uses, rtransition ehtom ehttosnthe epO .tnecseproperties loda ot dlihofc its ot yseeds. bab mAztec orf priests in Mexico were also known to use the plant’s hallucinogenic properties. ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans- ergoline alkaloids better .snrettaknown p lanoas itarLSA, enegwhich are Many species of Morning Glory seeds contain d-lysergic acid amide, poisonous. Ergoline derivatives have been used in the treatment of migraines, but perhaps the most well renowned use is in the manufacture of the psychedelic drug LSD, popularized during the ‘flower power’ era of the 1960’s and 70’s. LSD was seen to ‘open the doors to perception’. h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 101 The round seedpods hang in clusters from their vines. On maturing, the pods turn papery brown and become hard. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Morning Glories are excellent seed voyagers and their efficient propagation is one of the reasons they are declared a weed. The other reason is that they are capable of fast growth given the right conditions. As strong, twining climbers, they can grow into the canopy of the rainforest. Their rampant growth can successfully form a curtain of stems, which is capable of destroying intact rainforest canopy. They are mainly found growing in heavily ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING disturbed rainforest remnants –and areINlargely confined to sunny edges and gaps within the forest. ABUN-DANCE JOY RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering DOCTRINE OFAjuga, SIGNATURES Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew Jew The flowerOpens is trumpet-shaped with a very pure white at the base. heldand up the to the light, theand centre the heart to gratitude, thedeep mind centre, to the limitless abundance of theWhen Universe, spirit to joy appears asoptimism. a shining star emanating white light. The enough’ white to a these beautiful pink hue and thenthe to spirit a brilliant OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, theofmind to the changes limitless abundance of the Universe, and to of joyblue and eliminate the sense ‘not and clears family patterns. Raises awareness as it flaresbeing out optimism. tothe create the trumpet shape. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. Pink bandsBLESSED radiating from the–centre and WITH out toCONFIDENCE the periphery divide the flared flower into five segments, giving the BIRTHING BIRTHING appearance that there are five separate petals, WITH but indeed there is only one. The stamen is pure white and looks like BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE Acacia, Ajuga, an illuminated light bulb.Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Supports theSHINE mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in LETTING OUR STAR Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. smooth This essence isentering for speaking our truth and letting ‘star’ journey shine. Ittoisparenting a remedyastoaaddress empowerment — a sense intointo the birthing process as our a sacred rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage the world. baby’s passage into of theone’s world. of being aligned to the core (star) being. It differentiates between speaking to impress others and speaking to BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) IN YOUR OWN SKIN express one’s own inner wisdom andHORMONES) truth. – COMFORTABLE BODY LOVE (HAPPY – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris It assists those Acacia, who are too Nightshade, shy to express themselves who are too to speak their Wild truth.IrisIt brings a sense of Black Dandelion, PinkorShamrock, Red timid Kamala, Snail Vine, youwe appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning integrity toHelps the way express ourselves. appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning your Helps healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women FOR OUTSHINING OTHERS your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. The flower curls up at the end of the day as if it knows when to ‘exit centre stage.’ Morning Glory is for outshining others BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY by continually having to be ‘on top.’ It grants theWHOLE grace toBRAIN be able to allow others their time without having to upstage BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO ENERGY Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, them. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris The ability to let others Wild Iris shine is especially relevant when we are parents. Children who grow in the shadow of a parent For balancing the amany of thea brain, to bring that about a sense of into wholeness and optimal who is a high achiever and ‘star’functions can develop sense and of inferiority sinks deeply their being, dissuading them For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances from any attempt to find their own light. Role modelling for our children can be a fine line to walk. Actually,optimal it can have functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect function frombrain the over-effects of stress. left-right and back-front brain Helps withbrain memory loss and theparent brainBalances the opposite effect, by preventing them from attaining their highest potential if in thechanges processasthe isages. perceived to left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain throughout be unapproachable and changes ‘bigger than life.’ childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP – EASING THE of PAIN The obvious examples of this type reverse role modelling can be seen in the glittery world of stardom, where many BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN children ofBleeding ‘stars’ have descended into a hell Lomandra, of negativityMacaranga, and substance abuse because theWattle, task ofStorm coming Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Native Hibiscus, Silver Lily,up to level Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, with their famous Verbenaparent is perceived as overwhelming and unattainable. Verbena One example that comes to mind Keith aMiller, the famous Australian cricketer,from whose four sons allbreakup. ended up heroin Supports you while goingwas through breakup and assists with recovering a relationship Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. addicts. When asked tosupports speculate had happened, the oldest, and in a helps television interview, said that there was no Energetically thewhy verythis physical feelings of heartbreak process the feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, point in trying to be likefear, his rejection, dad because was so goodHelps at what he repeating did that hepatterns (the son) could neversohope to blame, guilt, and he abandonment. bring to awareness they canbe that blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can talented. be resolved. be resolved. CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR that MOTHER BABY Morning Glory assists aRECOVERY parent, whether female or male, to recognise when AND a child outshines us, then we have CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING ANDothers STIMULATING FOR MOTHER ANDothers BABY done a great job of parenting — we have encouraged to shine. When we do allow Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily to shine in their own light, we pass the baton of light on, because have simplyFace, beenLantana, the channel forHibiscus, information to come Acacia, Black Nightshade, Bluewe Mink, Freckle Native Storm Lily through us, not the source.Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists When we baby’s are empowered and standing strongly in our own integrity, we can stay open to others in their need shine in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supportstothe the also. We feel a sense of love and acceptance of the Self, reminiscent of the streaks of pink in the petals. baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. As the flower withers and–dies, the blue petal curls into FAMILY the centre giving the appearance of a pink light bulb - the light CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING moves on. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily The seeds are poison, so when Milkweed, we outshine others and occlude light, the Cassia, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Storm their Lily, Swamp Lilyfruits of our labour are also poisoned. It assiststhat in balancing the important development ofthe thenext child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition is as if we Energetically delude ourselves we are more than generation coming through. in balancing the the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition from Energetically baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, from to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental HEALING allows WITH THEbaby LIGHT age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transallows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. Morning Glory is also for healers so that they do not become arrogant, believing that it is they who are doing the generational patterns. healing. It assists them to call on the light and let it pour through them, rather than work with the notion that it is them. By changing this attitude, they do not tire or find their healing sessions to be burdensome. It also helps them to pass on their knowledge graciously, in the attitude of giving service to humanity. 138 102Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith CREATIVE EXPRESSION Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE It helps those who speak publicly or as teachers, to speak openly and clearly from the heart. It helps with stage-fright. It assists with all kinds of creative expression - singing, painting, performing arts, interior design etc. - to open creative channels. It grows on a vine and has heart-shaped leaves. The bud appears as a G swirled NIVIECcandle ER NI Ywith OJ –the ECcalyx NAD-having NUBA a manyEIVINGspiked appearance. At the bud stage, it is hard to differentiate between the bud and the spikes of the calyx, as if any, gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA or all, could flower. This gives the Wattle, impression that there many alternatives, many things that one couldwsay ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Verbena, Whiteare Wandering eJ and that one has to choose consciously to speak the truth, which will ultimately flower into reality. This essence helps us to be dna yoofj othe t tireffect ips ehtofdnour a ,ewords srevinU t fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO conscious onehothers. the mind to the the fo sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo It works well with Commelina for speaking with integrity and Freckle sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppFace spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro uS .efor fil ncommunicating wo s’eno ni naicfrom igamthe ehtheart. gnieb wn life.ItSupports successful networking and win-win relationships. works on the Spleen and Liver meridians, assisting to transform toIBletDEone’s ECNEDIFNselfish, OC HTegotistical IW GNIHTattitudes RIB – GNand IHTR SSELBstar shine. NG WITH CONFIDENCE Morning Glory resonates to Chakras 3, 5 and 9. sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion,YOUR StormHEALING Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerapCHALLENGES eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in • her body’s ability to h t o o m s s p lemove Htruth. .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne • For speaking one’s ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab •• For timidity and shyness in speaking out. . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB For difficulty in confronting others. ONES) –•• COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dliW ,eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA •• For intellectual arrogance. ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH •• For parents. gratitude fordominating thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.•• Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how .senand omroego. h fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ For healers heavy with pride y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB •• For creative blocks. TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniVfright lianS-,kperformers cormahS knblock. iP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA •• For stage Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF • For speaking ons of • the brain, and wholeness secntoafrom lbring aB .the ssabout ercore ts foasoftsense ceone’s ffe-rof evtruth. o eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m em htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel •• For letting your star shine. energies. Helps.gwith memory loss and brain changes as the brain nidnatsrednu fo syawhtap wen gninepo ni stsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS •• Empowers faint-hearted to new speak up. ghout childhood, andthe assists in opening pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB •• Encourages wise parenting. N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB •• Opens channels to creative expression andWattle, healing. elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Storm Lily, anebreV •• Facilitates .pupublic kaerb pspeaking, ihsnoitalersinging. a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and assists with ,feirg fo sgnilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 103 NATIVE HIBISCUS Essence EssenceBlends Blends Hibiscus heterophyllus KEYWORDS Negative: emotional and physical pain, victims of abuse, sadness and guilt ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING of abortion or miscarriage and unwanted pregnancy. ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pinkgrants Shamrock, Red Kamala, Wattle, White Wandering Positive: courage, lightens Silver grief and guiltVerbena, and eases period pain. Jew Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering DESCRIPTION Jew Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and to theenough’ family. An erect spreading shrub small withand OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, toMalvaceae the limitless abundance of the Universe, andtothe spirittree to of joy optimism. eliminate the Belongs sensetheofmind ‘not and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness dark green leaves and white flowers with a red throat. Hibiscus heterophyllus Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. is aown medium to large successful shrub of open habit, from about three to six metres high. being the magician in one’s life. Supports networking and win-win relationships. BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE The leaves are up to 200 millimetres long by 100 mm millimetres wide and BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE may be Storm linear Lily, to oval-shaped either entire or three-lobed. Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Wild Iris Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris Flowers are large,ability up toto150 millimetres diameter of typical hibiscus Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s move through ainsafe birth, and the parents in shape. Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in herflowers body’s ability toone move through safe birth, and continue the parents in In common with most species, the as individual last toastwo daysofabut new flowers to open entering intoHibiscus the process a sacred journey to only parenting a rite passage. Helps smooth entering intointo thefrom birthing process as atosacred journey to parenting as a with rite ofa passage. over a long period, generally spring through summer. The blooms are white deep red Helps centre.smooth baby’s passage the world. baby’s passage into the world. LOVEcontaining (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR SKIN Hairy seedBODY capsules, a number of seeds, follow the flowers. TheOWN hairs on the capsules can cause severe skin BODY LOVE (HAPPYwith HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN irritation and need to be handled care. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, PinkofShamrock, Redalso Kamala, Snail Wild Iris The flowerHelps buds canappreciate be made into jam. Other for parts the plant andVine, have been by Aboriginal you and afeel gratitude the power and are beauty ofedible your body. Focuses youused on fine-tuning people asyour a food source. Helps appreciate gratitude for the power and of your body.about Focuses on fine-tuning healthyou by tuning in to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns howyou women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. DOCTRINE OF SIGNATURES “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN WHOLE The flowers are large, attractive andON pureTO white with aBRAIN deep ENERGY reddish-purple throat. They have a delicately veined streak BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY of reddish-pink on one side of each petal, giving a swirling, spiralling appearance theShamrock, flower unfolds. The veined Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed,as Pink Snail Vine, streak is like the placenta where baby and mother’s blood supplies intermingle to give life to the newly forming foetus. Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Acacia, Iris It can also be likened Wild Iristo a trickle of blood that comes from a new wound. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal The flowers close at night, curling into an to inverted shape. Itfrom is as the flowerofof folds up Balances to and holdoptimal the foetus, For balancing thethe many functions of theuterus brain, and to bring about a sense wholeness functioning. Balances adrenals protect brain function theif over-effects stress. the adrenals protect brain function frombrain of reminiscent of functioning. the and way back-front oneBalances curls up intoenergies. a foetusto shape when feeling fearful inthe theover-effects depth ofasthe night. At the base on left-right brain Helps with memory loss and changes thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. the outsideSupports surface, the flower is a whitish to baby pink colour, mindful of the rosy hue of a newborn baby’s skin. The brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. changes throughout assistsseeking in opening new pathways of understanding. stamen, which Supports is a deepbrain red colour, rises from thechildhood, centre like and a phallus opportunity. BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THEitself PAIN As the flowering bud opens, it untwists as if unwinding from a tight knot. It is as if the flower is twisted with pain and Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, as it relaxes, it Bleeding unwinds.Heart, The tortured look gives to smooth un-creased petals, like theSilver un-furrowing of a Lily, person’s Cassia, Dandelion,way Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Wattle, Storm Verbena brow, as they relax. The centre of the flower is a deep mud red, like a pool of congealing blood. Verbena Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. The tree is slender and somewhat insubstantial looking. Theand leaves arewith palmately lobed anda have a holeybreakup. appearance Supports you whilethe going breakup assists from relationship Energetically supports very through physical afeelings of heartbreak and recovering helps process the feelings of grief, as if they have Energetically been assaulted by something. This gives the impression of theand aura being faulty,the ill-formed or very physical feelings of bring heartbreak helps process feelings of damaged, grief, blame, guilt, fear, supports rejection,the and abandonment. Helps repeating patterns to awareness so they can or woundsbeand blows on the skin from being attacked. blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can resolved. bebranches resolved. have fine prickles on them, as if they are transmitting prickly energy. They seem to be saying, The thin-looking CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY ‘Stay away’ or CAESAREAN ‘Don’t become too attached.’ RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily The flowers appear onlyBlack for aNightshade, short time, and wither on the stem. They seem toHibiscus, be transitory, ghost-like appearances Acacia, Bluethen Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Storm Lily Energetically the healing of the wounding caesarean birth, forOr both andfleeting baby. Assists by Spirit, as if they havesupports only a moment in time to deliver theirofvaluable message. it ismother as if their appearance Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond and a sense and security in thelife baby. stimulates the Assists suggests that it is only shortattachment bursts of activity that do the damage, and then goes on again. They gradually unfold in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the at as they open, giving the appearance of a swirling skirt, revealing the deep mud-red dirty centre, like a lack of clarity baby’safter-effects skin to begin triggering theand energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the emotional of miscarriage abortion. the very heart of the matter. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. CHILDHOOD THEGYNAECOLOGICAL GROWING FAMILY HEALTH FREE-FLOWING BLOOD– -SUPPORTS THE KEY TO CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Shamrock, Stormthe Lily, Swamp Lily A prolific network of large and Milkweed, small Pink blood vessels feeds blood Cassia, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, supply SwampinLilya woman’s pelvis, nourishing the uterus, generatingEnergetically menstruation and inproviding for theof pleasure orgasm. blood in the pelvis is assists balancingthe thestimulus development the child’sofbody, mindFree-flowing and spirit. Supports transition Energetically in balancing the development of the child’s body, minddevelopmental and spirit. Supports transition baby toongoing childassists to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s milestones, critical forfrom a woman’s gynaecological health. from baby to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transCongealed or allows slow-flowing blood obstructs the blood vessels, pain upon movement. This means that during risk-taking, and helps her causing let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerationalage-appropriate patterns. menstruation, when blood needs to flow out of the uterus, it is obstructed in its passage leading to dysmenhorrea (painful generational patterns. menstruation). Endometriosis is a condition where blood becomes congealed and stuck in the pelvis and leads to both severe pain and difficulty in becoming pregnant. Stuck blood can also mean that if a woman is pregnant, nourishment 138 104Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith to the baby in the uterus will be restricted and can potentially slow normal foetal development in the womb, leading to possible birth defects. It also denies the nerves that bring pleasure during orgasm, the stimulation that normally occurs by the engorgement of blood in the genitals during sex, resulting in frigidity. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Stuck blood comes about through a combination of lack of movement (exercise) and cold penetrating into the lower body congealing the blood flow. Native Hibiscus assists painful menstruation and helps with sexual frigidity by increasing GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA blood flow in the pelvis. EIVING gniredTHE naWBLOOD etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA DENYING ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Native Hibiscus also helps those women who suffer guilt and shame around having a period. It may include feeling dirty, dnthe a yoodour, j ot tirip s eht dna ,using esrevipads nU ehor t foa esense cnadnofubshame a sseltiwhen mil ehmenstruation t ot dnim eht ,iseddiscussed. utitarg ot tItraisehparticularly eht snepOuseful for hating discomfort the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h g u o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H .msimitpo young girls when they first begin to menstruate. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro is of assistance for women who choose to discontinue their periods through the use of hormonal treatments, wn life.Similarly, Supportsitsuccessful networking and win-win relationships. CNED IFNbeing OC Hfully TIW G IHTRIB –bringing GNIHTRan IB acceptance DESSELB of the the hormone patch or the IUD. It helps them to feel at Eease with aN woman, NG WITH CONFIDENCE cyclic rhythms that they dance to. It can be used with Black Nightshade sirI dliW ,yliL mrotSfor ,nothis ilednpurpose. aD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris SUFFERING ni stnTHE erapGUILT eht dnOF a ,hAN trib eABORTION fas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS nce in her body’shtability to move through aesafe birth, o o m s s p l e H . e g a s s a p f o tiraawoman sa gniand tnwho erathe p is oparents t suffering yenruoinj dfrom ercas guilt a sa because ssecorp gshe nihtrhas ib ehhad t otnai gmiscarriage niretne Native Hibiscus is also used to assist or a ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth . d l r o w e h t o t n i e g a s s a p s ’ y b a b therapeutic abortion. It helps her to grieve and to forgive herself. . NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB a baby is conceived an unhealthy ONES) –When COMFORTABLE IN YOURinOWN SKIN body, or the inter-uterine development is faulty, Nature will attempt to abort irI dlithe W ,efoetus niV liandoesn’t S ,alamsurvive. aK deR ,A kcospontaneous rmahS kniP ,nmiscarriage oilednaD ,edisahNature’s sthgiN kcway alB ,aoficaensuring cA the baby to make sure sthat the ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red— Kamala, Snail Vine, Wildrace Iris produces strong, healthy children to carry the baton through to the survival of the fittest and that the human gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH nextfor generation. gratitude thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body.AAssists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how senseen omroin h fthe o gnsame inoitclight. nuf deIfcnawomen amother lab yhtlaisehunable stropputos give yllaciher tegrechild ne dnthe a ,ebest b ”dsupport luohs“ she can therapeutic abortion can .be y supports balanced functioning of hormones. offerhealthy and cannot uphold the infant through many Yyears of growing and developing, then the child will GRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIAsuffer RB during crucial BRAIN developmental TO WHOLE ENERGY years. The ensuing damage, whether emotional, mental or physical will decrease its chances niVand lianin S ,the kcorbest mahScondition kniP ,deeto wksurvive. liM ,krabNature ecaL ,eintended caF elkcerthe F ,nspecies oilednaDto,esurvive nilydroC ,knthrive, iM eulBand ,aicby acAhaving an of being,efit and Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, s i r I d liWpossibility abortion where there are difficult circumstances, a woman is working with Nature, especially if there is a high that the infant lamimay tpo dbe na deprived ssenelohwenough fo esnefor s aits tuohealth ba gniand rb otwellbeing dna ,niarbtoebe ht fcompromised. o snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and toalbring about astsense of wholeness and optimal s e c n a B . s s e r t s f o c e f f e r e v o e h t m o r f n o i t c n u f n i a r b t c e t o r p o t nerdan a eabortion. ht secnalaWomen B .gninoare itcnbiologically uf This awareness is cold comfort to a woman who feels she has no choice but tosla have enals to protect brain function from the over-effects ofa stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a t h g i r t f designed to recognize intuitively whether she feels ‘right’ about her ability to mother; that is, supported andel safe. Her energies. Helps.gwith and ages. nidnmemory atsredrange nuloss fo sfrom yawhbrain tfeeling ap wchanges en unsupported gnineas po the ni sbrain tsby issathe dnfather, a ,doohemotionally dlihc tuohguor orhfinancially, t segnahc nto iarbecoming b stroppuS pregnant circumstances ghout childhood, and may assists in opening new pathways of understanding. after a one-night stand, to feeling inadequate for the task of motherhood due N toIAage No what P EHorT life GNsituation. ISAE – PUK AEmatter RB N factors are,ydetermining the decision, it is never an easy one, particularly as the longer the pregnancy goes on, the liL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB more ‘mothering’ hormones into the woman’s her head and heart to feel likeashe elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Nativeflow Hibiscus, Silver Wattle,blood, Storm stimulating Lily, nebriseVbecoming a mother. .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS Women connect very inflows ugh a breakup and with recovering from ,feiassists rg fotosgthe nilesoul ef ehoft sthe secobaby rp spa lerelationship h dearly na kain erbthe tbreakup. raepregnancy h fo sgnilethrough ef lacisyhthe p yrhormonal ev eht strop pus yllapreparing citegrenE her body andfeelings soul for motherhood. This makes the decision to terminate an emotional one, and for some it physical of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnitaeper gnirb spleH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliugcan ,emfeel alb as if they are literally tearing the baby from their womb. It can seem quite violent, and she may feel as if the doctors out nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser carrying eb the procedure have violated her. YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC is imperative that sheFOR dialogues withAND her BABY baby, to release her from guilt, and the baby’s soul from being earth-bound EALINGIt AND STIMULATING MOTHER y l i L m r o t S , s u c s i b i H evitatoN her ,anamother. tnaL ,ecOn aF ealkcmetaphysical erF ,kniM eulBlevel, ,edathe hsthbaby giN kcand alB ,the aicamother cA through the strong emotional ties binding her have e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily made astssoul issA .pact ybab to dnassist a rehtoone m htof obthem rof ,hin triblearning naeraseacvaluable fo gnidnulife ow lesson eht fo g— nilaperhaps eh eht stthe roppmother’s us yllacitelesson grenE is about ling of learning the wounding of Assists could ehow ht seto talgrieve ucaesarean mits yland lacitbirth, elet grego nfor Egracefully, .yboth bab emother ht nor i ytmaybe iand rucesbaby. dto nasort ytefaout s fosome esnesissue a dnabetween tnemhcathe tta father dnob gand nildnshe ik nthat i nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the onlyebe ht srecognized troppuS .htrfollowing ib lanigavaatermination. gnirud no deItncould rut erabe tahthat t smthe etsybaby’s s citegresoul ne ehas ht gntoirelearn ggirt the nigelesson b ot nithrough ks s’ ybaba physical g the energetic systems thatonly are aturned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome incarnation lasting few weeks. arriage and abortion. MAFhas GNhad IWOaRGspontaneous EHT STROPPmiscarriage US – DOOHor DLaIHtherapeutic C It is important that the mother names her baby whetherYLIshe HE GROWING FAMILY abortion. This acknowledges the soul of the baby and yliL pm awcan S ,ylibe L mquite rotS ,kcomforting. cormahS knHolding iP ,deewkonto liM ,grief, anatnaregret L ,aissand aC guilt will only serve to energetically bind a woman so that she is not open and ready to fall pregnant again. nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE CLEANSES ng the ENERGETICALLY development ,senotselof im the la tnchild’s empolebody, veTHE d smind ’dWOMB lihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, s n a r t e v i t a g e n s r a e l c y l l a c i t e g r e n E . y l e t a i r p o r p p a o g t e l reMother h splehwhen dna ,g nika t-ksipregnant r etairporp— pashe -egahas swobecome lla Whether a baby comes or not, a woman enters the phase of she falls fully king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans. s n r e t t a p l a n o i t a r e n e g during a woman. Studies have been done that demonstrate that a woman’s brain undergoes irreversible changes pregnancy. Many of these changes are initiated by the strong inflow of hormones, when she first falls pregnant. If she miscarries, the baby dies at birth or is still-born, the whole of a woman’s being is nonetheless chemically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually geared to motherhood. The emptiness she feels can be extremely painful — with her h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 105 whole body crying out to nurture and nourish her baby. Essence EssenceBlends Blends Native Hibiscus helps with feelings of sadness after a miscarriage, triggered by seeing other Mums with their babies. It also helps a woman who feels unsupported by friends or family while going through a miscarriage. It helps those who have karmic links to a baby in a past life. It cuts the ties and lets each entity go to their highest good. Native Hibiscus clears the ties that bind her to her part-term baby, energetically clearing the space for a new soul to ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING come through.ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering VICTIMS OF Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering JewABUSE Jew assists women who have been the victims of abuse, and more specifically, those who have been Native Hibiscus Opensalso the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and violated tooptimism. the Opens point Helps ofthe physical heart toinjury. gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and eliminate the sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness optimism. Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears family their patterns. Raises of thethe magician one’s own Supports successful networking and relationships. For many being women, outbursts of violence that shatter the peace of their soulthese and win-win break bodies are awareness a small price being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. to pay to maintain their relationship. Suffering inCONFIDENCE silence, they will even cover evidence of physical aggression so that BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH others do not question wisdom–ofBIRTHING their decision. deep down, most women are aware that physical violation is BLESSED the BIRTHING WITHFor CONFIDENCE Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris the carpet only serves to condone the behaviour and wrong andAcacia, cannotAjuga, be sustained in the long term. Shoving it under Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris reinforce the destructive pattern confidence of behaviour their partner Supports the mother’s in that her body’s ability istovictim move to. through a safe birth, and the parents in Supports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to moveasthrough safe birth,Helps and the parents in entering into the process as a sacred journey to parenting a rite the ofa passage. Broken-hearted pleas and promises never to behave in the same way again reveal guilt and regretsmooth that many men entering intointo thethe birthing process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth baby’s passage world. genuinely experience, after a brutal, possessive attack on a loved one. But sometimes they can also serve to weaken the baby’s passage into the world. resolve of BODY a woman, to leave after– being violated, when her partner tells her that he is sorry, that he loves LOVEdetermined (HAPPY HORMONES) COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN her and that heBODY didn’tLOVE mean(HAPPY to hurt HORMONES) her. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris I LOVE YOU THEREFORE I OWN Helps you appreciate andYOU feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning you appreciate gratitude forthey the can power and of your body. you on fine-tuning your Helps health bylight tuning to and yourfeel body. Assists disconnecting frombeauty ancestral patterns how women A recent finding sheds on in why some men feel that repeatedly inflict injury on about a Focuses family member without your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, anddescribes energetically healthyofbalanced functioning of hormones. compunction. The finding howsupports varying levels a gender-specific hormone, vasopressin, affects the degree be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. to which aBRAIN man“should” believes he has a right possess his partner. Although males and females both have this hormone BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY to assist in modulating blood pressure, is only males BRAIN that vasopressin BRAIN BALANCE – TURNitON TO in WHOLE ENERGY stimulates a feeling of wanting to protect Acacia, Cordyline, Freckle Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink possession. Shamrock, Snail Vine, or his woman. It has Blue beenMink, shown that menDandelion, with high levels of Face, the hormone equate love with Possessing Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Wild Iris owning an object implies that I can do what ever I want with the item. High levels of vasopressin and testosterone can Wild Iris lead someFor men to objectify to the it seems that this is where the of balancing the their manypartners. functionsAccording of the brain, andresearch, to bring about a sense of wholeness andmisperception optimal For balancing thethe many functions of the anddotowhatever bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal possessingfunctioning. a loved oneBalances becomes distorted: ‘Itoown her,brain, so I can like with her.’ adrenals protect brain function from about theI over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances the energies. adrenals to protect brain function frombrain the over-effects of left-right brain Helps with memory loss and changes thestress. brainBalances ages. This attitude can beand theback-front very one that keeps the woman coming back. She perceives that theasalternative to her current left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, andmales assistsare in often opening new pathways of understanding. life is being alone and feeling deprived (highly masculinised excellent bread-winners). She fears solitude Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. so opts to BREAKUP accept the– relationship, it is, warts and all, including frequent bashings. EASING THEas PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, AVOIDING RESPONSIBILITY Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, Verbena Another factor Verbena is that many women love the feeling of being owned and possessed. It can absolve them of responsibility Supports through a breakup and assists withtorecovering from of a relationship breakup. of standing on theiryou ownwhile feet,going as there will always be someone there take the brunt life, paying the bills, fixing the Supports you whilethe going through breakup assists with a feelings relationship breakup. very physical afeelings of and heartbreak and recovering helps process of grief, plumbing,Energetically looking aftersupports the car, even disciplining the children. This attitude seems to befrom a the hangover from the prevailing Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear,and rejection, abandonment. Helpswomen bring repeating so they can mentality of the late forties fifties, and following the war, when bathed in patterns the glorytoofawareness having been saved by their blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can be resolved. menfolk, from the evil menace that threatened to destroy their homes and kill their babies. That led to an automatic be resolved. assumption of subservience that fed– power to her mate like meat to FOR a starving lion.AND BABY CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING MOTHER CAESAREAN RECOVERY HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY STANDING ON HER OWN FEET Blue– Mink, Acacia, Black Nightshade, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily Native Hibiscus helps a woman facing this dilemma to take action that willbirth, ensure safety. It helps to Assists prioritise her Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean forher both mother and her baby. Energetically supports the healing of of the wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for bothassists mother baby. Assists safety highinon the listbond of self-help strategies, above that of the of being It also herand to face fears kindling attachment and a sense safety andfear security in thealone. baby. stimulates theher in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the by gettingbaby’s in touch with the strength inherent in her gender. This will help her work alongside her man, not under skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the his baby’s skin to begin energetic systems areand turned duringaway a vaginal birth. to Supports the yoke. By managing own vulnerability, shethe takes her place at histhat side stopsongiving her power him. She emotional her after-effects of triggering miscarriage and abortion. emotional after-effects of miscarriage and abortion. begins to shoulder some of their shared responsibility, gaining respect in her own eyes and in the eyes of her partner. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY CHILDHOOD SUPPORTS THE GROWING It will give her the strength and– commitment required to walk FAMILY away to begin a new life. Use in conjunction with Cordyline Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily to have the strength toLantana, turn her Milkweed, back on a Pink situation that noStorm longer herLily soul. Cassia, Shamrock, Lily,serves Swamp Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition Native HibiscusEnergetically works on the Lung,inKidney and the Spleen meridiansofgranting confidence and freedom from pain. balancing development the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition from baby to childassists to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, from baby toto child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental allows age-appropriate risk-taking, helps the her mother’s let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative milestones, transresonates Chakras 2 andand 4. Opens Native Hi biscus allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transgenerational patterns. YOUR HEALING CHALLENGES generational patterns. •• For emotional and physical pain. •• For abused women. 138 106Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith •• For women who feel controlled by their partner. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE •• For sadness and guilt following a miscarriage or abortion. •• For pregnancy with an unwanted baby. •• For guilt and shame around periods. NIVIECER N I YOJin– the ECN AD-NUBA For menstrual pain, frigidity, fibroids, cysts and all conditions related toGcongested blood pelvis. EIVING•• gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA •• For deficiencyRed of Kamala, Lung/Spleen ntana, Pink Shamrock, Silverenergy. Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ YOUR HEALING OUTCOMES dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO the mind to the the Universe, •• Relieves fo sslimitless eemotional nerawaabundance sesand iaR .physical snrof etta p ypain. limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense of ‘not enough’ .and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb s p i h s n o i t a l e r n i w n i w d n a g n i k r o w t e n l u f s s e c c u s s t ro •• Grants courage in an abusive situation. wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB •• Assists with the grief of miscarriage or abortion. NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA Energetically the womb. ndelion,•• Storm Lily, Wildcleanses Iris ni stnerap eht dna ,htrib efas a hguorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS • Helps with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. nce in • her body’s htability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne ess as a•• sacred journey accept to parenting as atheir rite of passage. Helps smooth Helps women and love feminine biology. .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . •• Eases period pain by assisting the blood NIKfree-flow S NWO Rof UO Y NI EinLBthe ATRuterus. OFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN sirI dlaround iW ,eniVperiods lianS ,aand lamableeding. K deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA •• Clears shame and disgust ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris gninut-enif no uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for thenepower mow wand oh tbeauty uoba snofreyour ttap lbody. artsecFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of the brain, and wholeness secntoalbring aB .ssabout erts foastsense ceffe-rof evo eht morf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY yliL mrotS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,anatnaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,kniM eulB ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA e Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of the wounding eht seof talucaesarean mits yllacitbirth, egrenfor E .yboth bab emother ht ni ytiand rucesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a senseeof safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates ht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome arriage and abortion. YLIMAF GNIWORG EHT STROPPUS – DOOHDLIHC HE GROWING FAMILY yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC nk Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the development ,senotselof im the latnchild’s empolebody, ved smind ’dlihc and eht fspirit. o ssenSupports erawa s’ rtransition ehtom eht snepO .tnecseloda ot dlihc ot ybab morf ent. Opens the -snmother’s art evitagawareness en sraelc ylof lacthe itegchild’s renE .yldevelopmental etairporppa ogmilestones, tel reh spleh dna ,gnikat-ksir etairporppa-ega swolla king, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative trans.snrettap lanoitareneg h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 107 PINK SHAMROCK Essence EssenceBlends Blends Oxalis debilis KEYWORDS Negative: adolescence problems, child who won’t grow up, teething ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING problems, child behaviour problems, alienation and rejection, hereditary ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN disease RECEIVING patterns. Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Redfrom Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena,belonging, White Wandering Jew Positive: smoothes transition childhood to adulthood, selfJew identity and clears hereditary disease patterns. Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and OpensHelps the heart to gratitude, to the limitless abundance of thepatterns. Universe,Raises and the spirit to of joy and optimism. eliminate the DESCRIPTION sensetheofmind ‘not enough’ and clears these family awareness Helpsineliminate thelife. sense of ‘notsuccessful enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of beingoptimism. the magician one’s own Supports networking and win-win relationships. Native South America, Oxalis is an introduced weedrelationships. in Australia, growing being the magician in one’s own to life. Supports successful networking and win-win BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING CONFIDENCE wellWITH in tropical Australia. It is commonly termed ‘invasive.’ In Europe, this BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE species Storm of Oxalis known Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink, Dandelion, Lily, is Wild Iris as wood sorrel, but more generally in Australia the Acacia, Ajuga, Blue Mink,incorrect Dandelion, Storm Iris name of Lily, PinkWild Shamrock is used. They are familiar to most people Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in with their characteristically heart-shaped three leaflets, giving the appearance of a shamrock. Theand clustersparents of pink in bellSupports thebirthing mother’s confidence in her body’s to moveasthrough safe birth, entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting a rite ofa passage. Helps the smooth shaped flowersentering are veryinto attractive, although not to some home gardeners who find this to be a most troublesome weed. thethe birthing baby’s passage into world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth People find them pleasant to nibble, however, baby’s passage into the world. and the leaflets are often chewed at the base. They are considered to be BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN succulently sour and refreshing. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN Acacia, Nightshade, Dandelion, Red Kamala, Snailspread Vine, Wild Iris It re-establishes from Pink Shamrock is Black not thought to produce seeds,Pink so Shamrock, all propagation is through of bulbs. Acacia, Black Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris to be pushed up bulbs in spring spending winter in gratitude dormancy. stored in the allowFocuses the foliage Helps after you appreciate and feel forThe the sugars power and beauty of bulbs your body. you on fine-tuning successfully through most mulches and through most residual herbicides. Leaves arise from the top of the subterranean Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women tuber, which produces a large number of small bulbils beneath the soil. They scatter in unwary hands and spread widely. “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. “should” andweed energetically healthy balanced functioning of hormones. The troublesome naturebe, of this is that itsupports propagates through negligence. BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY BALANCE – TURN ON TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY DOCTRINE OFBRAIN SIGNATURES Acacia, Blue Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, Acacia, Blue beneath Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Lacebark, Shamrock, Vine, in The clumping the bulbils the surface, exhibitedFreckle by PinkFace, Shamrock can Milkweed, be likened Pink to Ancestral Qi,Snail a concept Wildof Iris Wild Iris Traditional Chinese Medicine that describes the collective energy of the family. It is passed down through the generations For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal and includes emotional and attitudinal legacies of as the wellbrain, as physical For balancing thethe many functions and to characteristics. bring a sense ofofwholeness and optimal functioning. Balances adrenals to protect brain function from about the over-effects stress. Balances functioning. Balances thethe adrenals protect brain function from the over-effects of The habit left-right of clumping below surface,to while appearing toloss be and independent aboveasthe ground, is mindful of and together back-front brain energies. Helps with memory brain changes thestress. brainBalances ages. left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. the behaviour of teenagers, who hang aroundchildhood, together forand a sense security, who like appear independent. Supports brain changes throughout assistsofintribal opening newbut pathways oftounderstanding. Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. BREAKUP EASING PAIN ADOLESCENCE - A–TIME OF THE TRANSITION BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, from Cassia, Lomandra, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Lily, Adolescents are stepping theDandelion, family of origin into theMacaranga, greater family circle of community. This is Storm a major transitional Bleeding Heart,teenagers Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Storm Lily, Verbena time for young people. Often need the security of tribal energy; that is, Hibiscus, they needSilver to feelWattle, a sense of belonging that helps Supports themVerbena to navigate strange yet compelling attraction therecovering new larger family group, thebreakup. human family, as you whilethe going through a breakup and assists of with from a relationship distinct from their family of origin. Their peer group plays this role and cushions them the assault constant new Supports you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings ofofgrief, experiences, attitudes and responses. Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can blame, guilt, fear, rejection, and abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they canto be resolved. Feeling secure in their own identity within the group ensures that they have a sufficient sense of inner authority be resolved. withstand CAESAREAN negative peerRECOVERY group influences. But if AND their self-esteem is shaky, i.e., their sense of self-identity is not yet strong – HEALING STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY they will inappropriately seek approval from the group, easily abandoning their own inner truth and acting beyond their CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily own best interests. Pink Shamrock assists teenagers to get in touch with their own truth and act from a position of inner Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily strength when immersed in the all-consuming energy of the peer group. birth, for both mother and baby. Assists Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean Energetically supports the healing of of thesafety wounding of caesarean birth, Energetically for both mother and baby. in kindling bond attachment and a sense and security in the baby. stimulates the Assists Pink Shamrock’s clumping habit beneath and the asurface also describes the relationship of the child who is transiting in kindling bond attachment sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the through variousbaby’s stagesskin of childhood towards independence, but is still attached tovaginal the umbilical cord at the to begin theand energetic systems thatenergetically are turned on during a birth. Supports the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. deepest level. Itemotional assists a child with allof themiscarriage major transitions of childhood; teething, walking, going to school, menarche, after-effects and abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THEthis GROWING FAMILY leaving school and leaving home. It does by tapping the child back into the deep sense of security gained through CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY ‘place’ in Cassia, the family. Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily HEREDITARY PATTERNS Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition balancing the the development of the child’s body, mind andstrong spirit. and Supports transition from Energetically babyperspective, to childassists to adolescent. Opens awareness of the child’s milestones, From an energetic theinfamily of origin is mother’s bound together by deep ties that developmental are binding, many from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, allows age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transof which are unconscious or ‘beneath the surface.’ The emotional, psychological and physical patterning that we take age-appropriate risk-taking, and helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clears negative transpatterns. on board generational fromallows our parents is not always easily recognized, particularly within the family circle. Perhaps others will say, generational patterns. “My, but you are like your father,” and you may not be able to see it. However some of these patterns may be the seeds of destruction that can go on later to be the underlying cause for a disease condition to arise. For example, a parent with diabetes who suffers from low self-esteem may pass that attitude onto a child. Later on in life, the child, 138 108Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith having unconsciously taken on board the sense of unworthiness, may develop diabetes also in response to both a DNA predisposition and a prevailing attitude of unworthiness. The inherited attitude ensures that the physical disease pattern will be repeated. Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE DNA science tells us that if we inherit a particular disease-causing gene from our parents, there is little escape from its dire effects. That is not true in the light of new research into gene expression. This new evidence tells us that gene NIVIECER NI YO J – ECpsychological NAD-NUBA factors, expression (whether a gene turns on or off) can be affected by emotional,Genvironmental and/or EIVINGif those factors are ongoing in a person’s life. What that means is that the Body-Mind is so plastic that a change in gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA attitude, lifestyle, diet, placeSilver of living, etc., can be White a factor, or factors, which ensures that the body will not ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Wattle, Verbena, Wandering weJinherit the disease. The tendency towards the disease may still be present but what is different is the body’s response to the genetic dna yoj ot tThe iripsbody eht dcan na ,eoverthrow srevinU ehat tendency fo ecnadnand uba maintain sseltimil eahthealthy ot dnimcondition. eht ,edutiIttais rgnot ot taragiven eh ehtthat snep predisposition. aO person will the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit togujoy and f o s s e n e r a w a s e s i a R . s n r e t t a p y l i m a f e s e h t s r a e l c d n a ’ h o n e t o n ‘ f o e s n e s e h t e t a n i m i l e s p l e H . m s i m i tpo inherit a disease that his parent had. sense of ‘not enough’ .and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitalethese r niw-family niw dnpatterns. a gnikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro wn life.Disease Supportscomes successful networking relationships. about because and our win-win subtle energy components translate our emotional and spiritual distortions into ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB physiological weaknesses that may result in the breakdown of tissue. As well as DNA coding directing the physical, NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL and mrotthought S ,noiledpatterns naD ,kniare M ealso ulB ,ahanded gujA ,aicdown acA through subtle energy components, including our emotional, behavioural ndelion,families, Storm Lily, Wild Iris theoway our nas i stinherited nerap ehttraits. dna ,Ifhtrwe ib estill fas think a hguand orhtfeel evom t ytilib a sparents ’ ydob redid, h ni we ecnare edifnmore oc s’ rlikely ehtomtoerepeat ht stropthe puSpattern of their disease. But the more we change emotional responses, behavioural traits and revise attitudes that don’t nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne work for us, the more likely we are to live a long, healthy and happy life. ess as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . For example, a child brought up N inIKan abusive the– way relate the SN WO RUhousehold OY NI ELBlearns ATROFthat MOC )SENto OM ROHtoYPothers PAH( Ein VO L Yintimate DOB family circle is with disrespect and violence. If that child chooses not to carry this pattern of relating through into her adult life, ONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN s i r I d l i W , e n i V l i a n S , a l a m a K d e R , k c o r m a h S k n i P , n o i l e d n a D , e d a h s t h g i N k c a l B , a i c A again. she has to cut the energetic ties from the family that would keep her repeating the same pattern over andacover ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Without gninusevering t-enif nobeneficial uoy sesucenergy oF .ydoties, b ruoshe y foneeds ytuaebtodreprogram na rewop eher ht romeans f edutitof arginterrelating leef dna etaso icethat rppashe uoywill splstill eH have her gratitude for met thenepower and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning needs in the family, but will relate to them with dignity and respect. mow woh tuoba snrettap lartsecna morf gnitcennocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral enom rohpatterns fous gnto inoabout itcnufhow deeffective cnwomen alab yhheart-felt tlaeh stropcommunication pus yllacitegrenewith dnaour ,ebloved ”dluohones s“ and to Freckle Face is the essence sthat assists develop y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. smooth interaction within the family. It combines wellYG with Pink through REN E NShamrock IARB ELOHfor W parent-child OT NO NRUconflict T – ECN ALAB Nthe IARtumultuous B TO WHOLE BRAIN ENERGY teenage years. This essence helps to bring to awareness emotional patterns and attitudes inherited through our family ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA that are not resonant with ourMilkweed, own soul’s path. It also helps clear inherited disease patterns. Dandelion, Freckle Face, Lacebark, Pink Shamrock, Snail to Vine, sirI dliW HEALTHY INDIVIDUATION lamitpo dna ssenelohw fo esnes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of Itthe brain, and wholeness optimal secnto albring aidentify B .ssabout ertsher foaown stsense ceffsoul e-rof evnote o ehtwithin morf and nthe oitccacophony nuf niarb tcof etosound rp ot slthat anermakes da eht sup ecnaawhole laB .gnfamily. inoitcnu helps a child to Itf helps her enals toknow protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances . s e g a n i a r b e h t s a s e g n a h c n i a r b d n a s s o l y r o m e m h t i w s p l e H . s e i g r e n e n i a r b t n o r f k c a b d n a t h g i r t f who she is and to be aware of her differences. It helps her to honour herself, rather than lose her soul inelthe family energies. Helps nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS energy. .gwith ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EH GNposition ISAE – PUinKA ERBfamily, her The family is the first social group where a child learns about her identity. According toT her the N relationship,ylto each iL m rotSparent ,elttaWand revlthe iS ,sgender ucsibiHofevher itaNsiblings, ,agnarashe caMlearns ,ardnto amknow oL ,nowho ilednshe aDis,ain issthe aC context ,traeH gofnithe deebig lB picture. Freckle Face helps a child to navigate rocky road from a place in the elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus,the Silver Wattle, Stormhaving Lily, a safe place within the family to finding anebreV wider world with a sense of confidence. .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS Families and operate while ugh a breakup ,feiassists rg foin sgwith ndifferent ilerecovering ef eht ways: ssecofrom rpsome spalerelationship hfunction dna kaerwith btbreakup. raeah fhigh o sgndegree ileef laciof syhindependence p yrev eht stropp us yllaothers citegreare nE robustly physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, interdependent. minimum nac yeht oWhere s ssenethere rawa oare t snstrong rettap gpersonal nitaeper boundaries gnirb spleH with .tnem nodnabaenmeshment, dna ,noitcejerchildren ,raef ,tliuoften g ,emsuffer alb from a nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns awareness so they can sense of isolation and separation and findto it hard as adults to connect in their own family situation. .dIn evlhighly oser ebenmeshed families, individual personal boundaries often merge and the path to individuation for the child can be difficult. Where YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC an overprotective smothering EALINGthere ANDisSTIMULATING FORor MOTHER ANDmother, BABY the child often has difficulty in discriminating what is best for herself, iL mwants rotS ,suher csibworld iH evitto aNbe. ,anEnergetically, atnaL ,ecaF elher kcermother’s F ,kniM euenergy lB ,edasurrounds hsthgiN kcaher lB ,like aicaa cAprotective what she likes and howylshe e Mink,over-blanket, Freckle Face,obscuring Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily to the world on her own terms. Milkweed combines well with Pink her own capacity to relate stsissA .ybab dna rehtom htob rof ,htrib naeraseac fo gnidnuow eht fo gnilaeh eht stroppus yllacitegrenE ling of Shamrock the wounding both ehand t seof taLantana lucaesarean mits ylfor lacithis tbirth, egretype nfor E .yof basmothering b emother ht ni ytiand ruenmeshment. cesbaby. dna Assists ytefas fo esnes a dna tnemhcatta dnob gnildnik ni nd a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates eht stroppuS .htrib lanigav a gnirud no denrut era taht smethe tsys citegrene eht gnireggirt nigeb ot niks s’ ybab RHIANNON g the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports .noitrobathe dna egairracsim fo stceffe-retfa lanoitome came to see me with menstrual problems. She is 18, and her mum came too, sitting in on the consultation. arriageRhiannon and abortion. YLIMAF GNshe IWOconstantly RG EHT STreferred ROPPUSto– her DOmother, OHDLIHJenny, C When questioning Rhiannon for information about her symptoms, who HE GROWING FAMILY also directly answered many of my questions. Often Jenny would comment, ‘Oh yes, just like me…’ if I was quizzing yliL pmawS ,yliL mrotS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,anatnaL ,aissaC Rhiannon about sheLily thought or felt about something. nk Shamrock, Storm Lily,what Swamp noitisnart stroppuS .tirips dna dnim ,ydob s’dlihc eht fo tnempoleved eht gnicnalab ni stsissa yllacitegrenE ng the Idevelopment and recognised constant tight ,senotsethat lof im the lmany atnchild’s emof poRhiannon’s lebody, ved smind ’dlihcproblems eht fspirit. o ssestemmed nSupports erawa s’from rtransition ehtoan m eunconscious ht snepO .tnstress ecselopattern da ot dlthat ihc ocaused t ybab m orf ent. Opens the of musculature, and on -snmother’s art evpreventing itagawareness en sraethe lc ylfree lacthe itflow egchild’s renofE blood .yldevelopmental etairp orpenergy pa ogmilestones, tethrough l reh splRhiannon’s eh dna ,gnipelvis. kat-ksirAs etaI itreated rporppaher, -egaJenny swollinsisted a king, and helpsRhiannon’s her let go appropriately. Energetically clears transholding hand and stroking her brow, whilenegative Rhiannon whimpered and flinched .snatreevery ttap latouch, noitareeven neg though I was working extremely gently. I could see that Jenny was anticipating Rhiannon’s pain and was trying to protect her from feeling it. It gave Rhiannon no opportunity to draw on her own ability to tolerate the pain, teaching her not to trust in her own strength. Jenny’s over-concern was really a burden for Rhiannon and the stress pattern that she had developed h Spirit of Woman htidereM einnA yb nby amAnnie oW foMeredith tiripS 831 109 was evidence of her own disbelief that she could handle the everyday challenges that life throws up to her by tapping into her own inner resources. I used Pink Shamrock, Milkweed and Lantana for both the mother and the child. Rhiannon phoned me a week after her first session. She said that she was sleeping beautifully and felt a lot stronger in herself. LETTING GO Essence EssenceBlends Blends When over-mothered children move out into the larger family of community during their teen transition, they are often ABUN-DANCE – JOY IN RECEIVING unskilled in relating to their peers and because they don’t have a clear idea of their own personal boundaries. ABUN-DANCE – JOY INothers, RECEIVING Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Shamrock, for Redtheir Kamala, Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering They can be easily influenced, unable to takePink responsibility own Silver actions and lack the discrimination to know Ajuga, Cassia, Dandelion, Lantana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering Jew right from wrong. After all, they have never had to make any of these decisions for themselves. Jew Opens the heart gratitude, mind— to they the limitless thesoUniverse, and the spiritwith to joy and Mothers have a difficult tasktoas they rearthe a child need to abundance know how toofbe close and protective their infant Opens the heart to gratitude, the mind to the limitless abundance of the Universe, and the spirit to joy and optimism. Helps eliminate the sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of that they are essentially one, at birth and for some time after. This provides the newly born babe with a necessary sense optimism. Helps eliminate thelife. sense of ‘not enough’ and clears these family patterns. Raises awareness of magician one’s own Supports networking andfirst win-win relationships. of securitybeing duringthethe ‘in-armsinphase,’ up to nine monthssuccessful old, before taking their independent steps into the world being the magician in one’s own life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. when theyBLESSED stand upBIRTHING and walk. – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE BLESSED BIRTHING – BIRTHING WITH CONFIDENCE From that Acacia, time on,Ajuga, the mother begins the long, Storm slow process letting go, so that the infant can learn about the world Blue Mink, Dandelion, Lily, WildofIris Ajuga, Blue Of Mink, Dandelion, Lily, level, Wild Iris around her, byAcacia, direct experience. course, on an Storm energetic the umbilical cord is never cut as our relationship Supports the mother’s confidence in her body’s ability to move through a safe birth, and the parents in with the motherSupports is the most significant in our lifeinand on until we ourselves die, shetheis parents alive orinnot. thebirthing mother’s confidence her continues body’s to move safewhether birth,Helps and entering into the process as a sacred journeyability to parenting asthrough a rite ofa passage. smooth However, a mother, in her wisdom, needs to allow her child to experiment with life, within reason of course, and always entering intointo thethe birthing baby’s passage world.process as a sacred journey to parenting as a rite of passage. Helps smooth appropriate to baby’s the child’s developmental phase. But the mother who is always hovering over her child, overprotecting passage into the world. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE YOUR OWN SKIN The message she is continually and smothering, does more damage to her child’s psyche than IN if she were not there. BODY LOVE (HAPPY HORMONES) – COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN of doing anything without giving herAcacia, child isBlack that she can’t do Dandelion, anything onPink her Shamrock, own and that is Vine, incapable Nightshade, Red indeed, Kamala,she Snail Wild Iris assistance, eroding theBlack child’s sense of confidence. Acacia, Nightshade, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris Helps you appreciate and feel gratitude for the power and beauty of your body. Focuses you on fine-tuning Wise mums sprinkle abygood dose tough love into raising child, go in increments that child’s Helps appreciate feel gratitude for the their power and beauty of your body.about Focuses you onthe fine-tuning your healthyou tuning in toofand your body. Assists disconnecting fromletting ancestral patterns howreflect women phase of development. If little Mary is learning to ride a bike and Mum stands by with anxiety written all over her face, your health by tuning in to your body. Assists disconnecting from ancestral patterns about how women “should” be, and energetically supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. wringing her hands and be, making a fuss if Marysupports has a small tumble, the child receivesofa hormones. message that she can’t do it and “should” and energetically healthy balanced functioning BRAIN BALANCE – TURN ON WHOLEtoBRAIN ENERGY suffers from lack of confidence. will TO be scared get BRAIN back on the bike again; after all, her mother is telling her to BRAIN BALANCE –She TURN ON TO WHOLE ENERGY ‘be afraid,Acacia, be veryBlue afraid.’ Energetically, Mary is carrying mother’s anxiety for her as a burden. PinkSnail Shamrock Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Freckleher Face, Lacebark, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Vine, helps Acacia, Bluego Mink, Cordyline, Dandelion, Pink Shamrock, Snail affected Vine, Wild Irischildren mums to let their gradually so that they learnFreckle to trustFace, their Lacebark, own innerMilkweed, voice rather than being overly Wild Iris by others. For balancing the many functions of the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness and optimal For balancing many of the in brain, andsmall. to bring about ayoungest sense ofofin wholeness and optimal functioning. adrenals to interest protect brain function from the the over-effects stress. Balances Children who refuse toBalances grow the up the have afunctions vested staying Often a family will learn that life functioning. Balances the adrenals to protect brain function from the over-effects of stress. Balances left-right and back-front brain energies. Helps with memory loss and brain changes as the brain ages. comes her way when she acts like a baby. When she goes out into the world, she will be ill equipped to meet her own left-right back-front brain energies. Helps memory loss and changes as the brain ages. brainand changes throughout childhood, andwith assists in opening newbrain pathways of understanding. needs. Supports Supports brain changes throughout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. DONNA BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN BREAKUP – EASING THE PAIN Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Storm Donna came to see me because she was feeling depressed. At forty-seven, she is Silver singleWattle, and says thatLily, she doesn’t Bleeding Heart, Cassia, Dandelion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, for Verbena care about anything anymore and feels ‘cut off from God.’ Yet, she disclosed that in her deepest heart, she longs Verbena connection. Her story that through ten yearsa ago, she and had assists a painful breakup that had built a wall around Supports yourevealed while going breakup withrelationship recovering from a relationship breakup. her heart; Energetically she Supports didn’t want to experience that degree of pain anymore so she stopped contact with other people, you while going through a breakup and assists with recovering from a relationship breakup.apart supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, Energetically supports the very physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process the feelings of grief, from workblame, colleagues. She said that she lots of love to give,bring but that she did not trust that there was someone guilt, fear, rejection, andhad abandonment. Helps repeating patterns to awareness so they can out blame, fear, she rejection, andInabandonment. bring repeatingatpatterns to awareness they can there whobe could give guilt, her what wanted. fact, she had Helps had an experience work where she was so loaded with resolved. resolved. responsibility tobesuch an extent that she had a breakdown. CAESAREAN RECOVERY – HEALING AND STIMULATING FOR MOTHER AND BABY CAESAREAN – HEALING AND STIMULATING AND BABY She said that she felt totallyRECOVERY unsupported by her boss. “He should have FOR beenMOTHER able to see that I needed support,” she Acacia, Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Storm Lily said. I enquiredAcacia, whether she had asked him for help and she replied, “Oh no, I could never do Black Nightshade, Blue Mink, Freckle Face, Lantana, Native Hibiscus, Stormthat. Lily People should be Energetically supports healing of the wounding caesarean birth, mother — andI gave baby. so Assists able to read what it is that othersthe need. I certainly do. That’sof what happened in for my both relationship much, but Energetically supports the healing of the wounding of caesarean birth, for both mother and baby. Assists in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates the nothing was given back to me.” in kindling bond attachment and a sense of safety and security in the baby. Energetically stimulates baby’s skin to begin triggering the energetic systems that are turned on during a vaginal birth. Supports the the Donna was thebaby’s youngest in a family of six, five of whom were that girls.are From the time she was born, she wasSupports cosseted, skinchild to begin theand energetic systems turned on during a vaginal birth. the emotional after-effects of triggering miscarriage abortion. cuddled, mothered and smothered four olderand sisters to the extent that every need she had was pre-empted and emotional after-effectsbyofher miscarriage abortion. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE FAMILY provided for. She grew up never having to GROWING ask for anything — it was always there for her. CHILDHOOD – SUPPORTS THE GROWING FAMILY Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Shamrock, Storm Donna’s discomfort in asking for herPink needs to be met hadLily, notSwamp servedLily her well. Donna always appeared strong on Cassia, Lantana, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Storm Lily, Swamp Lily the surface, so how would her friends and work colleagues know that sometimes she feltspirit. very Supports vulnerable and needed Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and transition Energetically assists in balancing the development of the child’s body, mind and spirit. Supports transition support? After all, she didn’t ever communicate these feelings to anyone. Pink Shamrock was the essence that helped from baby to child to adolescent. Opens the mother’s awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, from babywithin to child to adolescent. awareness of the child’s developmental milestones, her to access the child to better understand that the hermother’s expectation, that there would always someone there to allows age-appropriate risk-taking, andOpens helps her let go appropriately. Energetically clearsbenegative transallowsshe age-appropriate risk-taking, andthat helps let gotoappropriately. negative transsecond-guess what needed, was unrealistic and sheher needed learn how to Energetically ask for what clears she wants. She needs generational patterns. generational patterns. to open her heart and respond to its yearnings by learning how to ask and how to receive. I combined Pink Shamrock with Freckle Face to help her access her heart so that she can communicate her needs more openly and Bleeding Heart to open her heart to take the risk to love again. 138 110Spirit 138 Spirit ofof Woman Woman bybyAnnie Annie Meredith Meredith Spirit of Woman by Annie Meredith FOR RE-PROGRAMMING OLD BELIEFS Essence Blends sdnelB ecnessE Pink Shamrock helps those who need to re-programme beliefs they have acquired within the family, that are no longer working for them in the wider world. It can be used with Milkweed to clear out old patterns learnt in childhood that no longer serve us. It also assists teenagers to get in touch with their own truth and act from a position of inner strength when immersed in the all-consuming energy of the peer group. GNIVIECER NI YOJ – ECNAD-NUBA EIVINGPink Shamrock works on the Kidney and Heart meridians, supporting easy transition from childhood through adolescence gnirednaW etihW ,anebreV ,elttaW revliS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,anatnaL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,agujA to adulthood. ntana, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Silver Wattle, Verbena, White Wandering weJ Pink Shamrock resonates to Chakras 1, 8 and 10. dna yoj ot tirips eht dna ,esrevinU eht fo ecnadnuba sseltimil eht ot dnim eht ,edutitarg ot traeh eht snepO YOUR CHALLENGES the mind to the the foHEALING sslimitless enerawaabundance sesiaR .snrof etta p yUniverse, limaf esehand t srathe elc spirit dna ’htogujoy onand e ton‘ fo esnes eht etanimile spleH .msimitpo sense • of• ‘not enough’ .problems and Raises ofppuS .efil nwo s’eno ni naicigam eht gnieb spihsclears noitaand lethese r nipeer w-family niwgroup dnpatterns. a gpressure. nikrow ten luawareness fsseccus stro Adolescence wn life. Supports successful networking and win-win relationships. ECNEDIFNOC HTIW GNIHTRIB – GNIHTRIB DESSELB •• For the child who won’t grow up. NG WITH CONFIDENCE sirI dliW ,yliL mrotS ,noilednaD ,kniM eulB ,agujA ,aicacA •• For the precocious child. ndelion, Storm Lily, Wild Iris ni stnerdifficulties ap eht dnaand ,htriseparation b efas a hganxiety. uorht evom ot ytiliba s’ ydob reh ni ecnedifnoc s’ rehtom eht stroppuS •• For teething nce in her body’shtability ooms sto plemove H .egthrough assap foaesafe tir a birth, sa gniand tnerathe p oparents t yenruoinj dercas a sa ssecorp gnihtrib eht otni gniretne For pre-pubescent behaviour ess as a•• sacred journey to parenting as problems. a rite of passage. Helps smooth .dlrow eht otni egassap s’ ybab . •• For hereditary disease patterns.NIKS NWO RUOY NI ELBATROFMOC – )SENOMROH YPPAH( EVOL YDOB ONES) –•• COMFORTABLE IN YOUR OWN SKIN For feeling alienated from sirI dlthe iW ,group. eniV lianS ,alamaK deR ,kcormahS kniP ,noilednaD ,edahsthgiN kcalB ,aicacA ndelion, Pink Shamrock, Red Kamala, Snail Vine, Wild Iris YOUR gniHEALING nut-enif noOUTCOMES uoy sesucoF .ydob ruoy fo ytuaeb dna rewop eht rof edutitarg leef dna etaicerppa uoy spleH gratitude for the power and nemtransition ow woh tbeauty uoba childhood snofreyour ttap lbody. ato rtseadulthood. cFocuses na morf you gnitcon ennfine-tuning ocsid stsissA .ydob ruoy ot ni gninut yb htlaeh ruoy •• Eases the from ur body. Assists disconnecting from .ancestral patterns about how senomroh fo gninoitcnuf decnwomen alab yhtlaeh stroppus yllacitegrene dna ,eb ”dluohs“ •• Releases negative trans-generational energy ties. y supports healthy balanced functioning of hormones. YGRENE NIARB ELOHW OT NO NRUT – ECNALAB NIARB •• Assists with ENERGY clearing hereditary disease patterns. TO WHOLE BRAIN ,eniV lianS ,kcormahS kniP ,deewkliM ,krabecaL ,ecaF elkcerF ,noilednaD ,enilydroC ,kniM eulB ,aicacA •• Supports senseLacebark, of belonging. Dandelion, FreckleaFace, Milkweed, Pink Shamrock, Snail Vine, sirI dliW •• Assists inlastrengthening mitpo dna ssenaesense lohw fof o eself-identity. snes a tuoba gnirb ot dna ,niarb eht fo snoitcnuf ynam eht gnicnalab roF ons of • the brain, and to bring about a sense of wholeness s e c n a l a B . s s e r t s f o s t c e f f e r vo eht mogoddess. rf and noitcoptimal nuf niarb tcetorp ot slanerda eht secnalaB .gninoitcnuf • Supports the little princess transitioneto young enals to protect brain Balances .segafunction niarb ehfrom t sa sthe egnover-effects ahc niarb dnofa stress. ssol yro mem htiw spleH .seigrene niarb tnorf-kcab dna thgir-tfel energies. Helps.gwith nidnmemory atsrednuloss fo sand yawhbrain tap wchanges en gnineas po the ni sbrain tsissa ages. dna ,doohdlihc tuohguorht segnahc niarb stroppuS ghout childhood, and assists in opening new pathways of understanding. NIAP EHT GNISAE – PUKAERB N ,yliL mrotS ,elttaW revliS ,sucsibiH evitaN ,agnaracaM ,ardnamoL ,noilednaD ,aissaC ,traeH gnideelB elion, Lomandra, Macaranga, Native Hibiscus, Silver Wattle, Storm Lily, anebreV .pukaerb pihsnoitaler a morf gnirevocer htiw stsissa dna pukaerb a hguorht gniog elihw uoy stroppuS ugh a breakup and ,feiassists rg fo sgwith nilerecovering ef eht ssecofrom rp spalerelationship h dna kaerbtbreakup. raeh fo sgnileef lacisyhp yrev eht stroppus yllacitegrenE physical feelings of heartbreak and helps process nac yeht os ssenerawa ot snrettap gnithe taepfeelings er gnirbofspgrief, leH .tnemnodnaba dna ,noitcejer ,raef ,tliug ,emalb nd abandonment. Helps bring repeating patterns to awareness so they can .devloser eb YBAB DNA REHTOM ROF GNITALUMITS DNA GNILAEH – YREVOCER NAERASEAC EA