Xanth Character Database in PDF thru
Xanth Character Database in PDF thru
I Xanth Character Database through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 4/11/2015 12:00:57 PM II T a b l e A Characters Alecto Ananda Annie Mation Arrowhead Auspice B Characters Bec on Call Bink Bo Vine Brontes B-Wilder C Characters Cassaunova Chalice Chelsea Chime Clio Com Pound Cowslip Curmudgeon D Characters Damien DDT Destiny Don Donkey Dragon Dug E Characters Electra Ersup F Characters Fil Philter Fracto G Characters Gen Erica Glitter Goldie Grace`l Ossein Gromden H Characters Harmony HellAnn o f C o n t e n t s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 III T I J K L M N O P Q R S a b l e o f Horsejaw Hydrogen Characters Imbri Isabella Emily Carylyn Characters Jaycn Jethro Jonathan Justin Case Characters Kelsey Krissica Characters Leai Lord Bliss Characters Maiden Yukay Mare Nectaris Marzipana Giganta Merci Midnight Cat Miss Carry Moondania Murphy Characters Nara Nissa Characters Omen Characters Peet Keet Picka Bone Polly Ester Psyche Characters Characters Ray [TTTF] Robable Rovise Characters Sarah Spirlock Sesame C o n t e n t s 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 IV T a b l e o f C o n Shoe Sir Winslow Cromwell Wentworth XV Smoky Quartz Spunky Stoturyso Wolf Synech Doche T Characters Taplin Theodore Sturgeon Tom [WC] TrojAnn U Characters V Characters Vim W Characters Willow Wynne X Characters Y Characters Z Characters Zomonster Ending Comment t e n t s 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. A Lert Human A Sist Demon A. Cause Human Aaron [SN] Aaron 1 [WC] Aaron 2 [WC] Abscissa Human Human Human Human Place Wings on Objects Make balls of light Hot hand Acro Nymph Adam Human Can Invoke or Control Acronyms Assumes essence of what he sees Adiana Adissec Nirp Human Human Adnama Human Adora Bull Adora-Ble Bash-Ful Aeolus Crossbreed Ogre Agenda Andrews Human Agent Orange Thing Agora Air King Air Queen Airic Airon Airy Akimbo Ogre Illusion Illusion Human Human Human Human Al Eye Eyeball Alanda Alaric Elemental Canine Human Servant at Blue Castle, Pyramid Must help anyone before moving on Pet Ition collected flowers for A. Cause Moves along the female X coordinate. Twin to Ordinate. Changes color of other's hair Can open Doors Creating Storms Killing plants in the vicinity m21 35 24 30 35 35 19 M32 Helps the Baldwin family with Happy Bottom Wants to live, but was dying Name of Prince Hilarion's betrothee. (Reverse it) Twin girl, 10, Amanda's sister 20 Minotaur's daughter Baby ogret M35 28 The Storm King, King of Xanth before Trent A very organized young woman, one of Grey's computer-arranged dates. A vaguely catlike creature who works for the Catapult in the Region of Madness. Where it passes plants wither and die. Clio's nursemaid. In illusionary Air Plane In illusionary Air Plane m23 talking eyeball at date palm on Isle of Fellowship, with May Eye 24 Can walk on air Can change into the Wind Diction Causes Tangles of Any Size The Force of Land Pet of Arjayess 20 m34 20 12 5 m28 31 31 35 31 21 30 20 m26 1 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Alecto Fury Alex [KG] Human Alex [TTTF] Alex [WC] Alex [WC] Human Human Human Alexandra Weredolphin Algebra Talent Page Description Book(s) One of the Furies (see also Tisiphone and Megaera), three dog-faced old women who serve retribution on guilty offspring. Alecto is the Fury of sorrows. Short for alexythemia, unable to express emotions 7 Makes Stone Invisible Has a rain bow Make any rolling thing come up the way you want it 34 32 35 35 m23 Human Good at Math May be a family or spouse for Gabriel Wears a bra of algae. Gives Cyrus a vail of lethe which he will need later. Alias Human m19 Aliena Alison Human Human Alister Human Allergy Aloe Vera Alpha Centuri [F&G] Alpha Centuri [QQ] Human Human Centaur Make everyone around him answer to wrong names Change the color of trees Make a small or large force field in the air,permeable or tight, with different shapes, color, or textures Finding things A young man who can find anything except an answer. He is featured in the Encyclopedia of Xanth. girl allergic to magic Soothing Burns Guardian of Ptero boundary 14 Always-Always World Amanda Amanda Human Girlfon Amazonia Elf Amber Amber Dawn Canine Human Ambigus Centaur Anairam Human The leader of a group of centaurs working for Humfrey. They owe him a year's indebtedness for wiping out the lightning bugs. Another of Ida's worlds. Like a big amusement park Changes color of own hair Twin girl, 10, Adnama's sister A creature, half girl, half griffin, named Amanda. Increasing strength as Elm tree elf they get closer to their tree. Ruth sutpen's dog Make a Resin That Colect Daughter of Breanna and Insects, Enemies, Etc Justin whose soul was and Hardens and delivered to Zombie by Preserves It mistake. Returned to Xanth by Cube. Also see Seren Splitting in the absence A centaur who found his of magic talent with Humfrey's help: in Mundania, he splits into a human and a horse. Animates rocks Twin girl, 12, Mariana's sister Centaur 32 35 31 15 38 26 21 30 20 17 29 30 27, 28, 29 14 20 2 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Ananda Human Change one type plant to another Anathe Ma Human Ande Human Making virtually unbreakable promises. Andrea Human Becoming a Carrot Andromeda Major Demoness ALL MAGIC Andromeda Insect Flowers Grow Where She Walks Anemone Angel Horse Angela Angela Human Equine Human Angel Angie Ina Human Angri Lee Human Anima Human Animating the inamimate Ann Arky Human absent mindedness Ann Chovie Ann Droid Mermaid Android Ann Gina Human Ann Serr Human Ann Tenna Anna Conda Anna Gram Human Naga Zombie Anna Molly Human Anna Phytactic Anna Sthesia Anne Human Human Human Anne Orexic Human Annie Mae Human Annie Mal Human Description A repulsively ugly, but kind-hearted woman. Afraid Jumper will steal his treasure and Jumper promises he won't. By becoming a LARGE carrot, she can feed many people and not get eaten enough to matter Another of the Major Demons in a distant galaxy. Queen of Dragonflies & Elder of Adver City. Pun. An enemy Companion of Stephanie. Tour guide for Heaven. In love with Beauregard, a demon from Hell. In Xanth to establish reality so she can live with her boyfriend Beauregard Demon. Wears a sash of seeds. Gives Jumper lessons on resisting freaking out. Person crossing invisible bridge over the Gap Chasm. Daughter of Bink & Chameleon after rejuvination. wild black hair and eyes, prominent bosom/cleavage Isle of Fellowship makes and controls specialized robots. Makes Throats Sore and Hearts Hurt. Hears Things From Afar A female Naga. changes things by rearranging letters of words sister of Suitor, thin but fit, dark hair, one blue, one brown eye. Talent of the anomalous. Takes the Bee. Harmony's gift: mini-purse. can become any animal 16, 26 33 m26 m25 32 23 28 27 31, M34 33 27 34 m24 24 39 28 Wants Questions to Answer (Like Jeopardy). Challenge 3 at Good Magician Shock with allergy Makes folks numb Can Diffuse Until Ghostlike Make 4 letter words actual actions. Book(s) 27 Conjuring Mundane Objects Litterally Drop-Dead Gorgeous Page 30 27 19, 28 25 M36 Sister of Leigh 33 28 29 Torso floated above hips. 33 Pun, Anime. Guide in Comic Strip 28 37 3 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Annie Mation Human Make Pictures Come to Life 26 Anomie Anomy Human Human Anona Ant Insect Anorexia Nervosa Human Ant Onym Insect Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. See Anomy. One who does dastardly deeds of abolishing the good adventures of others, calls himself dashing. Sometimes called Anomie. Married to Harmony on Ptero & has a little girl named Melanoma Female ant in PiqueAnt hill. Helps Che find the children and later helps defeat Ragna Roc An attractive, but extremely thin woman who is constantly dieting. One of Grey's computer-arranged dates. Pun Anyonym, found in a Comic Strip Anthony Human Anthony Liaw Anti Nym Antidote Human Human World Apop Tosis Apopto Sis Skeleton Human Aqui Arachid Archae Thing Spider Centaur Arges Cyclops Arien Human Arjayess Human Arlia Human Arme Dillow Human Armored Dillo Creature Arnolde Centaur having stupid ideas Summoning and banishing Metria m27, m28 24, 26, m27, m28, m3 30, 32 12 24 34 Mundane Pun. Antonym Another of Ida's worlds. Seas filled with anti-pun antidote. Pun: apoptosis = cell death Sister of Tiara.Can program the death of cells. A poison pool Guardian of the Web A centaur who was digging on the Isle of View to find Tapis's house Brother of Brontes and Stereopes. These three cyclopes made up the Powers of Air, until they fell into disfavor. Friend of Isabella Emily Carylyn Mundanian Who Writes Letters to Xanthians. Always Called by a Nickname Magic aisle 4 35 m23 m38 22 m38, m39 17 25 m13 m7 m21 m26 30 Companion Who Woke Matt From Roc of Ages Pun. Cylindrical creature in curved metallic plates in Comic Strip Known as the Archivist, Arnold generates an aisle of magic wherever he goes. He can also generate a Mundane aisle in Xanth by using reverse wood. 26 28 M4, m5, 6, 7, M9, m13, 14, M19, 28, 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Arrowhead Elf Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. 8 Arsenal Human Art Human Arte Menia Human Persuasion of sincerity A member of the tribe of Flower Elves, who carries a bow and quiver of arrows for protection. Suitor, expert in combat that he sees or trains in. Takes the Sword. Harmony's gift: a pen knife that can cut or sketch. artist, immune to poison. Ruddy complexion, red hair. The Slave Master in Iris' memory. Arthur Itis Human Ash Mermaid makes people's joints stiff Reading titles (with help) Ashli Ass O` Nine Tails Human Equine Asse Asse Sette Astrid [BS] Imp Human Crossbreed Astrid [FAG] Crossbreed Atient Imp Atlas Attila the Honey Bee Attila the Pun Auntie Depressant Human Insect Auntie Nym Aura Dawn Human Crossbreed Aurora Aurora Mermaid Human Aurora Sky Human Pun Human A bored blonde mermaid. When she combines her talent with Cedar and Mahogany, the three of them can ascertain exactly one title. A donkey with nine tails which tells nine tales while you are riding it Imp of Imp Perial. Man with assetts Touch Herand You Will Fell Better, But Then Much Worse When the Effect Wears Off. M38, M39 m18 24 can look forward in time Shining M36 17, 22 m25 m16 20 31 M38, M39 Basilisk-Cockatrice—transformed seeks love, but her perfume is intoxicating and her direct look kills. So she always wears dark glasses. Assigned by GM to protect the party. Wears the Sequins of Events dress. Credited with saving Xanth. Daughter of Esk Ogre and Bria 21 Brassie Imp of Imp Perial. Works with 20 safe fire stones. Pun. At last m23 In the gourd, cuts off the 15 heads from flowers He spreads awful puns m21, 35 33 Antonym Knitting cable stitches for festoons Winged mermaid from Cone A woman that 'had it', beauty and everything. Challenge 3. Hydroponics. Growing hydras in water. 27 33 22 m1 31 5 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Auspice Human Daughter of Bink & Chameleon after rejuvination. 33 Auth and Ticity Auto Exec Bat Autoharp Human Change her nature involuntarily to match her surroundings in mood, attitude, appearance & ability. Work Together to Verify Anything's Validity Awl Elf Ayitym Human Azalea Human Bat Crossbreed 129 Characters in A To play beautiful melodies on strings that ran through his interior Challenge 3 Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Absorbs one property of anything he touches Conversing with Land Flowers m30 Ms. Dos's steed 38 24 A member of the Tool elf tribe. 9 22 15 year old girl. Left in leaves as a baby. Twin of Lotus M30 6 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 7 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. B B Allusion Ba Sis Horse Human Visiting chestnut copper mare Sister of Tiara Always gets to the fundamental aspect of an issue God of the Next Wave barbarians. A big blue ox Making disturbing noises m23 m38 Baal Hammon God Babe Ban D Barbar Barbara Barbie Que Ox Demon Human Human Human Bareface Von Wryn Baron Haulass of Shetland Barrel Ogre Fannie's husband. m15 Equine A Human Lock, Stock & Barrel, when they join, they can shoot things or blow them up completely. Aspects of the 3 Princesses Cultivates garden of puns. Fruit bat. Exchanges with Hugo Goes off with Adora Bull 33 Bash Bathos Battila the Bun B-Devil Ogre Bat Human 9 Bear Minions of the Sea Hag's queen B Pun Bears Mentioning Bears Noting Bears Repeating Beau Beauregard [AA] Bear Bear Pun 24 Pun 2 bears with the same name 24 Beauregard [ASFC] Demon Insect Human Demon Make folks' haid shorter Make folks' hair longer Cook Food Instantly by Touch Identity Exchange Slices stuff into bread Make a person feel like the B's name m6 28 35 m37 m37 30 dignitary at Chex's wedding m11 Tour guide of Hell. In Love with Angela, an angel from Heaven. Wants to go to Xanth so he can be with Angela. A friend of Humfrey's. He is highly educated, and is writing a doctoral thesis: "Fallibilities of Other Intelligent Life in Xanth". He is only moderately demonic-looking: his horns are vestigial, and his tail is tufted, not barbed. 28 31 35 24 26 31, M34 1, 2, 4, m5, 14, m31 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Bec on Call Human Becca Human Becka Crossbreed Belial Human Ben Benjamine Bentley Benzine Bernie Crossbreed Zombie Human Ogre Human Bert Human Besanii Human Bev Human B-Foul Insect Bianca Human Big Blue Nose Ogre Bigfoot Giant Bill Human Bill Fold Human Billy Applegate Billy Goat Human Goat Talent Description Book(s) A brave female curse fiend, and Hydrogen's loyal helper, always at his call. The two later marry. m16 Changing Folk's Personalities 27 Dragon / Human. Daughter of Draco, cute, blonde hair, brown eyes, dragon portion has bright green scales with purplish tinge towards the ends, wings like Draco's Creating, controlling, & banishing creatures of dust. Make Things Soft & Loose Flattering People & Things Knows When to Start an Action So That it Will Be Successful or Unsuccessful Make a person feel like the B's name Replay Tells the correct road to take Can Fold Anything, Living or Dead Page M24, 25, 26, 27, M28, m30, 31, 36 33 Son of Becka & Brusque Soldier at Castle Zombie Edsel's brother Child of Brusque Brassy-Ogre. Talking about the Bombshell. Challenge 2 Man part of a centaur which broke apart after going into Mundania. 31 29 m23 26, m30 31 27 31 31, m36 Minions of the Sea Hag's queen B Married to Roland, and mother of Bink. Her talent `replay` allows her to jump back in time for five seconds, but is limited to a small area of space. One of Marzipana Giganta's henchmen. Bigfoot is estimated to be about 60 feet tall. He is invisible, but easy to locate due to his huge footprints, noisy passage, and horrendous smell. Boyfriend of Elem N. Tery 9 Boyfriend of Besanii 31 Made Promenade Glade, a place for hearts to meet. Goat whose legs can get longer or shorter 30 1, 2, 4, 23 m15 1 28 31 8 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Bink Human Protection from magic M1, M2, m3, m4, 6, m7, M9, m11, m13, 14, 17, m19, m21, M22, m23, m31, 35, 36, m37 Bird World Bird of a Feather Avian Black Human Black Pete Human Black RePete Blatant Beaste Human Thing Blob Creature Bloodroot Elf Blue Human The son of Roland and Bianca `who was banished for his apparent lack of talent. He was later recognized as Magician when the true nature of his powers became clear. He is married to Chameleon, and father of Dor. At age 81, youthened to 21 Another of Ida's moons. Shaped like and mostly inhabited by birds The King of birds, ruler of all the birds in Xanth, except the Simurgh. One of five sisters with long hair An accomplished liar and thief, host of Thieves' Isle. Gourd inhabitant A thing with a thousand tongues, with the head of a serpent, body of a lion, cloven hooves, and a formidible stinger. It doesn't let anything stand in its way. An unformed creature brought by the stork and abandoned. Its dream image merged with the winged mermaid Aurora on one of Ida's moons so she could become real in Xanth. A member of the tribe of Flower Elves, who carries a bow and quiver of arrows for protection. One of five sisters with long hair Blue Jean Blue Prince Human Human Blue Steel Demon Blue Wizard Human Bluebell Elf Bluejay Blyght Feline Brassie Blythe Brassie Dishonesty Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. Making jeans Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. Inspector of safe area in Pyramid. A demon patrolman with blue skin and a head that is flat on top. Works with Copper. Wizard of the blue face on Pyramid A maiden of the Flower Elf tribe, and ancestor of Rapunzel. She has a brief liason with Jordan. Mundane cat Also known as Blythe, which she prefers. Her people, the brassies, are the metal humanoid residents of the City of Brass in the hypnogourd. See Blyght. 31 5 38 11 30 18 22 8 38 m30 38 2 m21 8, m9, m14, m28 m21 M5, m6, 14 5, 6, m19 9 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Bo Vine Human Bogeyman Crossbreed Bonita Borealis Human Thing Bortre Human Borywog Human Boss Braille Dog Centaur Transcribing documents Brain Coral Thing Suggestion Bran D Demon Branch Faun Brandon Risner Human Brant Human Brawnye Breanna Brassie Human Brenn Bria Human Brassie Brick Bat Bat Brigitte Briskil Human Crossbreed Description Book(s) On Isle Of Women: Cousin To Clinging Vine cold soulless white eyes, rat-like teeth, dragon's body (maybe not here). Eats children, forces mother to redeem them via sex, substituting another child, or give up an equivalent mass of her own body Girl in Adver City Man of green goo. Wants to be with Aurora. m22 Can intimidate anyone, even objects Answer any question without confusion See in blackness Page 10 37 32 28 m28 The frail and old former tutor of Omen. 90 pound black labrador dog With his talent, Braille can transcribe documents so that those who can't read can sense their meaning. He is in love with Jara, a human girl, in a relationship that is normally forbidden. A creature of tremendous intelligence, magic, and conscience. It protects the demon X(a/n)th. Since it can't move, it operates through thought suggestions which seem to creatures like their own ideas. People looked sober until they met him, then they looked inebriated tree faun, neighbor of Forrest Faun, lost in the Void age 16, killed in drunk driving accident, passenger in car that hit a tree Smitten with Sara Nade, he is tone deaf. Husband of Blythe (Blyght) Black Wave girl, age 15, lustrous black hair to waist, glowing green eyes, nice figure. Changes Into Brick Wall Blythe Brassie's daughter, she has an accomodation spell which enables her to marry Esk Ogre. The obnoxious but loyal leader of a battalion of bats who guard Draco's lair. Make Bridges Appear Son of Esk ogre and Bria Brassie 4 24, 27 17 2, 3, m5, m12, m13, 14, 17, m18, 19, m23, m24, m25 35 m21, 25, m31 m23 35, m36 m19 M22, M23, 24, M25, 26, 27, 28, 29, m31, m37 27 M10, 14, m15, m17, m19, m21, 26, m30 11 29 21 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Brontes Cyclops Brown Human Brown Knees Human Bruce Human Brunhilda Brusque Brassy-Ogre Bat Brassie Kisses Make Love Slaves Changing weight and softness Bryce Human Seeing 10 seconds ahead with left eye Bubbles Canine Bucktooth Goblin Bud Elf Buddy Human Bull Bull-Et Bull-Etin Bull-Ie Bull-Ion Bull-Rush Angel Crossbreed Crossbreed Crossbreed Crossbreed Crossbreed Bull-Wark Burnice from Burnsville Burrito Bus Tard Crossbreed Human Busy Bee Button Insect Ghost Equine Human Talent Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Will become your best friend Page Description Book(s) Brontes and his brothers Stereopes and Arges were once the Powers of Air, but fell out of favor. One of five sisters with long hair On isle of Women: Small, elfin woman with brown knees which she is eager to show off, and more. A zombie servant of the Zombie Master. Fruit bat Son of Bria and Esk. With his talent, he can make things hard and heavy, or soft and light. 80, with 1-2 years to live. Overweight, type 2 diabetes, clogged arteries, prostate cancer. 40 years of office work rejuvenated to age 21. Eyes gray. Suitor, Can tune his talent out or in with a command. Does not get the Monocle. Princess Harmony gives him a magic Pen. Will not Marry Harmony, even though she chose him, because she is still too young. A cast-off dog that Kim rescues from its Mundanian bubble. A member of the Goblinate of the Golden Horde. A member of the tribe of Flower Elves, ally of Godiva Goblin. 7, m11 38 22 3, 27, 33 31 m15, 19, 26, 27, m30, 31 M36, 37 M16, 19, m26 12 13 35 Pun. Able Speeding. Adora's half-brother Newsy. Adora's half-brother Tough. Adoras half-brother Rich. Adora's half-brother River-browsing. Adora's half-brother Stalwart. Adora's half-brother m34 m35 m35 m35 m35 m35 Cracked lame jokes Big black and yellow bird capable of carying 66 passengers, but always very tardy island-sized bee A ghost of Castle Roogna. Ghost of Hope & Redemption. Leads them to Demoness Eris. 32 33 Burns things m35 37 39 m4, m14, 33 11 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) B-Wilder Insect Make a person feel like the B's name Minions of the Sea Hag's queen B 9 103 Characters in B 12 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. C. Duce C-3PO Demoness Robot Cactus Elf Cadence Crossbreed Caitlin Centaur Caitlin [JC] Caitlin [UIAH] Human Human Change Wine to Water Knows When Something Will Happen Callcantzari Creatures Calliope Muse Cameo Can D Candi Human Demoness Human Candy Striper Human Canis Major Transmuto Capa Bull Captain M Crossbreed Human Care Human Carla Carleton Carlos Carter Mermaid Centaur Merman Human Cary Human Cassaundra Centaur Grotesque furry creatures. Somewhat goblin-like, with putrid breath. Afraid of fire and like human flesh. Killed Jordan, but he was resuscitated. Ebnez's daughter, recites epic poetry. Became a Muse. Makes Brief Appearances Pieria resident Sugary, sweet-looking Has candy that turns teeth into candy. Comic Strip Paints Bushes So They Become Candies that heal people. Changes species every day Rose's dog, from the Dog Star. He's quite Sirius. Adoras half-brother old dead operating system with 16 story house As long as you walk with her, nothing bad happens. Maid in undersea hotel Finding things Chena's elder brother. Butler in undersea hotel ability to steer conversation any way he wants Can't ever tell what he's going to do has no power of prophecy, but others think she does Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. What She Sings Becomes Temporarily Real Seduced dragons. Mentioned by Arjayess, and yes, it is the same one in 'Star Wars' A member of the tribe of Flower Elves, he goes armed with a cactus spine Centaur / Tiger 33 m26 Brown hair. Sent to pick up Woe, Ted, & Demonica in Reality 7 30 Needed rescued 8 30 33 26 8 m7, m28 29 35 25 32 15 m35 38 34 32 m19, 20 32 m31 m31 25 13 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Cassaunova Centaur Cassie Centaur / Girl Cassy Centaur Catapult Feline Catarrh Cathryn Centaur Centaur Catrana Demon Catrina Cayla Feline Human Cedar Mermaid Cedric Centaur Cedric the 10th Celest Celeste Centaur Cencow Crossbreed Cenmaid Cenmare Censor Centaur Crossbreed Crossbreed Human World Center Centaur Centurion Centaur Cerci Cerebral Merwoman Centaur Cesar Chafe Centaur Centaur Human Centaur Talent going in and out of the Void Blankets Knitting Things Reading titles (with help) Description Book(s) has ambition but not ability to be every filly's lover can assume either form 25 Red hair. Sent to pick up Woe, Ted, & Demonica in Reality 7 A feline creature the size of a small sphinx, with a tail that expands into a sort of netted web, allowing it to hurl large objects. Zombie Centaur on Ptero Winged Centaur whose blankets are magic: blanket of silence, etc. On isle of Women: She pretends to be talking animals. Cat that caters to catacombs Clio help her figure out her talent after failing the Good Magician's Challenges. A bored redheaded mermaid, encountered by Trent, Gloha, and Cynthia. When she works with Ash and Mahogany, the threesome can read one title. The construction supervisor at Roogna's castle. He has been most unpleasantly deceived by his mate. Distant descendent of Cedric Centaur 30 Summon Falling Stars Cedric's less than helpful mate. son of Chet Centaur and a fat sea cow Centaur/Mermaid crossbreed Centair/Nightmare crossbreed Censors things Another of Ida's moons. Shaped like and mostly inhabited by centaurs. to see inside a person and tell what's wrong Change men to pigs Page 23 5 25 21 22 21 28 17, 22 3 20 30 m3 24 20 20 33 31 25 A centaur from Centaur Isle, on a quest to discover his talent from the Pythian oracle. On Pyramid's Gray Face An itinerant centaur who tutored Ida when she was growing up among the otterbees. Isle of Fellowhip Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face 12 21 15, m34 24 21 14 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Chalice Centaur Pottery Earthy Brown Blue Mare Of Pyramid 21 Challenge Chameleon Centaur Human Production of Fire Phasic: changes intelligence & beauty Champion Human Chandra Human Chaos Charity Charles Crossbreed Centaur Equine Lend strength of body, substance or character changing from one humanoid form to another Turns things transparent Charnal Charon Centaur Demon Charybdis Chase Thing Centaur Chaska Chasta Crossbreed Human Chaz Centaur Che Centaur Chea Checkers Centaur Centaur Checkoff Centaur Cheerful Lee Human Cheery Cheiron Centaur Centaur Chel Chele Centaur Centaur Cheline Chelle Chellony Centaur Insect Centaur Chameleon's talent changes with the month. She goes through three distinct phases, who each have a different name. (See also Dee, Wynne and Fanchon). She is married to Bink. At age 76, youthened to 16 Board games To get anything wrong on the first try Production & Control of Lightning 30 M1, 2, m3, 4, M6, m7, m9, m11, m13, 14, 17, 22, 35, 36 35 36 Son of Metria Isle of Fellowship 21 24 27 Isle of Fellowship Minor Demon playing differnt people. Falls in love with Haughty Harpy. Whirlpool on Zombie & Xanth liason for centaurs. Red hair, red hide Half human, half demoness Needed to shave her legs in a Razor Glade. leader of 10 blue centaurs on Blue Face of Pyramid The winged foal of Cheiron and Chex. He is chosen by the Simurgh for great things, and destined to change the history of Xanth by tutoring her chick Sim. Married to Cynthia Centaur. Winged centaur Dappled stallion, on Pyramid's Blue Face The second time he can get it right Person crossing invisible bridge over the Gap Chasm. Centaur Isle guide Cheiron is a winged centaur. He has golden hooves and silver wings, and is leader of all the winged monsters. He is Chex's mate, and Che's sire. ChelCynthia's foal, born 1110 Centaur which provided ride for Clio's party ChelCynthia's foal, born 1107 24 33, 35, 37, 39 Makes a Person Have Muscle Spasms Can see through fog 15 Were-Centaur in Reality 6 26 38 30 30 21 m12, M13, m14, M15, m16, 17, 19, 20, m22, m24, M25, m26, 28, 29, M30, m38 22 21 35 27 29 10, 11, 12, M13, m14, m15, 17, 19, m24, m25 24 28 24 22 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Chelsea Human Chelsy Centaur Chem Centaur Chemare Crossbreed Chen Chena Centaur Centaur Activating magic rocks Chenille Cherie Centaur Centaur Seamstress Beauty Cherin Cherish Centaur Centaur Cherrie Human Cherry Centaur Chester Centaur Conjuring a silver flute Chet Centaur Calculus Chevalier Chex Centaur Centaur Lightening objects Chickenlips Chickory Chide Chiffon Chilk Demon Centaur Centaur Centaur Human Projecting maps Description Book(s) Cursed to fall in love only with folk who are already committed to others. Che's little sister, a winged centaur filly. Twin to Cherish. With her talent, Chem can manifest, in thin air, a map of anything she has seen. She is the filly of Chester and Cherie, and is Chet's sister. Result of a Centaur & Night Mare meeting at a Love Spring ChelCynthia's foal, born 1108 Carleton's sister. A young centaur filly, exiled from Centaur Isle for obscenity: she had a magic talent. Later became a winged centaur. Filly, on Pyramid's Blue Face Married to Chester, and dam of Chet and Chem. She has trouble coming to terms with her own, or any other centaur's talent. ChelCynthia's foal, born 1109 Che's little sister, a winged centaur filly. Twin to Chelsy. 33 Conjure cherries and make explosive pies Herbalist Makes things transparent Invisible wall Page 16 m19 M5, 6, M7, M10, m11, m12, m14, 15, m24, m25, 38 21 24 19, 20 21 1, M2, 4, m6, m7, 10, m12, m14, m24 24 m19 m28 in girl form, red hair, aspect of red centaur A strong-willed centaur with a homely face, but handsome hindquarters. He is married to Cherie, sire of Chem and Chet, and nephew of Herman the Hermit. The flute that he conjures plays beautiful music. The foal of Cherie and Chester, and Chem's brother. His talent allows him to turn boulders into small stones, a process which he calls "Calculus". Leader of Centaur Isle Chex is Chem and Xap's winged filly. When she flicks things with her tail, they become lighter. Since her wings aren't strong, she uses her talent on herself to fly. Demon in Grossclout's class. Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face A young practical joker of the North Village. 38 1, M2, m3, m4, m5, m6, M9, 10, m12, 14, m23, m24 2, M4, 5, 6, 7, 10, m14, m24, 38 29 M10, 11, 12, M13, m14, 15, 17, 18, 19, m22, m24, m25 26 21 21 21 1, 26 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 17 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Chime Chip Chip Centaur Centaur Monster Minstrel Shatters objects 21 21 24 Chisel Elf Chlorine Human Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Poisoning water Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face Male, on Pyramid's Blue Face Souffle's apprentice. Uses illusion to scare A member of the Tool elf tribe. M20, 21, 22, M23, 25, 26, 27, 31, m32, 34, 36, m37, 39 Chris Kehler Human Chrissy Centaur Christepher "Joker" Justino Christopher Chronos Human Girl, plain, stupid, mean spirited with greenish-yellow hair and complexion, with shrewish mother and brutish father. Changed by NIMBY to be beautiful, smart, healthy, and nice Nickname: Kibbitz. Mundanian who wandered into Xanth A young female centaur on Centaur Isle. She acted as MareAnn and Humfrey's guide during their census of Xanth's talents. Mundane, dead Cindi Human Cindy Ciriana Centaur Human Citronella Human Clair Voyant Human Claire Claire Voyant Claire Voyant Demon Feline Human Clairficant Clappy Ogre Human Clarabelle Clare Cat Human Clementine Human Cliffy Clinging Vine Monster Human Human Human duplicating self changes age to four times or one quarter Can Make Whatever She Makes Clairvoyance Knows where things & situations are. Cancels Opaque's Talent Claps hands for reports Tap in to the memory of any person & then relive that memory. 39 14 21 23 25 Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. Child with a four mouth and knowing about summoning storks, which she found out from a harpy. Eventually adopted by Clio & Sherlock. Gets Rid of Pests of Any Type To know things 9 26 22 M28 31 She wants to find cat Claire Voyant Pun: Declare Sammy Cat's girl friend News, weather reports occur when he claps his hands Pet of Nikki Talent can be shared. One of Harmony's once-a-day women trying to win Bryce's heart Friend of Niffy Gliff On isle of Women: cousin to Bo Vine 35 22 M26, M33, 35 24 28 22 30 33 36 m21 m22 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 18 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Clio Muse Windback. Reversing a situation 7, 12, 13, 22, m25, M28, m31, m32 Cloud World Cloud D Demon Cocksure Cockatrice Cody Human Cognition Coinroy Centaur Human Colby Colt Com Fuse Cockatrice Human Machine The Muse of history. She lives on Mount Parnassus, and writes magic texts on Xanth. Is immortal as long as she is on Parnassus. However, she is under 3 curses. 1. She will not have feminine curves of her own, but will find some, the bark of a nymph tree. 2.she will have daily danger, but a means to nullify it, her talent. 3. May die young, but will be young a long time. Falls in love with and marries Magician Sherlock after he reverses her curses. They adopt Ciriana. Another of Ida's moons. Shaped like and mostly inhabited by clouds Generating small clouds that floated away, obscuring and wetting things Astrid has to defeat him to get away from the alien zookeepers Can decipher any code or language learned historian Collects coins. Delays S R Sheperd male Astrid tames Com Ma Machine On Ptero 24 Com Mute Com Panion Machine Machine 24 28 Com Passion Machine Changes local reality Com Pewter Machine Changes local reality On Ptero Daughter of Com Pewter and Com Passion. Set up in mountain Pinafore in Counter Xanth to talk with Pinatuba. Computer, similar to Com Pewter, but female and friendly, because a love spring runs through her cave. A machine made by the Muses of Parnassus to assist them by recording reality. However, it was misdesigned so that it remakes reality within the confines of its cave. Built by Maiden Japan Com Plication Human Crashes Into Things and They Crash Too Com Ponent Machine Throwing Snow Fakes Change reality of intelligibility--It thinks Change reality of punctuation Change reality of travel Change Reality in Her Vacinity 31 35 39 m35 38 33 39 29 24 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 38 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, m18, 19, m20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, m30, m31, m32, m33, m34, m36, 38 30 Son of Com Pewter and Com Passion 25 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Com Pound Machine Change Reality in His Location 28 Com Pulsion Machine Com Rad Machine Change reality of visitor who doesn't want to stay Change reality of friendship Son of Com Pewter and Com Passion. Set up on Pinatuba to cumminicate with Pinafore. On Ptero On Ptero 24 Comealong Golem 28 Comic World Reverse-wood golem created by Sherlock Another of Ida's moons. A world of Comic Strips. Blue fields, yellow trees, red streams. Con Tractor Conan the Librarian Human Ogre Cone World Conspir Ant Insect Contrary Contumelo Centaur Human Conun Copper Human Demon Corona Human Cory Human Cotwo Demon Counter-Xanth Thing Courtney Human Undertakes projects No talent Convert Xanth Trees to Mundanian Trees & Vice-Versa Sidestepping Into Next Realm 34 34 The groom at a wedding Okra m15 attended. He is exceptionally strong. He can squeeze a dictionary into one word. Married to the Tasmania Devil. Ida's 4th moon. A world of 22, 26, 27, 28, 31 crossbreeds. People live on both the inside and outside of the cone. The inside is filled with water and pwople can breathe in it. All breeding must be done at the rim. Ida lives at the inside point of the cone and is also a crossbreed with the body of a human and the head of a horse. Leader Conspiring Against the 30 Queen Ant 21 The infuriatingly arrongant 17 Curse Fiend Playmaster. A drummer. Conun drums. 27 A demon patrolman with 2 coppery skin. Works with Blue Steel. 30 26, M27, 28 One who is warming the air, melting the ice An alternate Xanth of Counter-terrene matter. Accessed through the Cube Route. It reverses names and talents. Some things can be cumulative. No puns. Many specialized areas. Make Anything Grow on a Tree 24 19 23 27 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Cowslip Elf Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. m8 Crabapple Crossbreed Crater Human Craven Crawling Banks Goblin Ogre Crescendo Human A member of the Flower Elf tribe, and cousin to its leader, Oleander. Very beautiful Crab/human crossbreed with crab pinchers for arms. Member of the troupe Name of his establishment is Bra & Girll. Subchief of the Chasm Clan. An extremely dumb ogre. A prospect for marriage with Okra, in the opinion of her great aunt Fannie. Son of Dolph/Electra Cri Sis Human m38 Cricket Human Sister of Tiara. Handles difficult situations Child Traveler on fairy boat on Fanta Sea Criss Cross Human Crombie Human Crony Crool Human Goblin Crown-Of-ThornesElf Misplaces Rs in Words Music From Anything Touched Produce Music by Rubbing Her Hands Search an area and catalog everything there Direction Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. Crown-Of-Thorns Elf Crunch Ogre Cry Sis Crymea River Human Human Crystal Human Crystal Centaur Cube Human To build a bridge and get over it. Seeing Ourselves as Others See Us Summoning and Controlling Nicklepedes 20 M32 33 3 m15 21 28 34 Humfrey and Sofia's soldier son. Spoiled by Demoness Metria as a child, he hated women for a time. However, he later marries Jewel the Nymph, and becomes the father of Tandy. His talent allows him to point to anything. Scintalla's father An aggressive member of the Chasm Goblin Clan. King of the Flower Elves. 1, M2, m3, 4, m5, m6, m7, m9, 14, 17, m23, m24 King of the Flower Elves. A vegetarian ogre (he doesn't eat humans). He "rescued" a curse fiend actress dressed as an ogress from danger that was actually staged. However, the two became smitten and married. He is the father of Smash. See Cri Sis 8 2, 3, m4, m5, 10, 14 Passenger on Trollway train 28 Winged centaur, formerly human; friend of Chena. Plain girl, 20 years old, only wants to be beautiful. So she goes to the Good Magician and he sends her on a Quest which will make her beautiful. She has gumption. Engaged to Ryver. 20 m21 3 8 39 35 M27, 28 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Curmudgeon Cloud Curt Curtis [AA] Human Human Curtis [DDD] Human Curvia Centaur Cutbait Fish Cutter Human Cy Centaur Clone Cynthia Centaur Cyrus Crossbreed Cyrus Merman 187 Characters in C Talent Description Book(s) Cloud in Mundania mentioned by Arjayess A curtly speaker. m26 Man from the Curse Fiends, or Friends, as he prefers, looking for neighbors to colonize the fringe of Lake Ogre-chobee. hostess, buxom, lustrous brown hair Fissure fish. A submarine sand witch. 16, M32 Not Being Able to Finish What He Starts can be cut to pieces but not hurt. generates a clone of himself Apparent Can Change One Thing in a Person's Memory Page 21 18 31 38 26 36 one is shy, pacifistic; other violent A young human woman transformed by Trent (in his evil phase) into a winged centaur. She has been preserved in Brain Coral's pool for seventy-two years. Because of her talent, children accept her as a parent.Married to Che Centaur. Human/robot or Cyborg. Electronic brain & iron bones, but otherwise human. In love with Harmony. Cyrus is the halfling son of Siren and Morris the Merman. Like his mother, he can change his lower body from legs to a tail at will. He marries Merci Merwoman. 23 M17, 18, 19, 20, m22, M25, m28, 29, 3 m21, M32, m36, 37, 3 m6, M16, 19 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. D, D. D. D. D. D. D. D. Feat Base Cease Ceased Ceit Ceive Cent Flower [LOTD] D. Flower [SF] D. Kay Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demoness Demon D. Lete Demon D. Lirious D. Louse D. Lusion Demoness Demon Demoness D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. Mean Mension Mention Mise Molish Mystify Port Pression Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demoness Demon Demon D. Sire D. Sist D. Spare D. Spise D. Stroy D. Tain D. Termined D. Va D. Viate D. Vious D. Volve D. Voted D. Zaster Dafrey Dagger Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demoness Demoness Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Human Tattoo Dale Human Unlucky in love Demon in Grossclout's class. Killing things, temporarily Demon in Grossclout's class. isle of fellowship Pun demon proprieter of Kiss Mee Spa. Deflowers innocent girls Isle of Fellowship Zombie Demoness, member of the troupe Isle of Fellowship. Gave up his talent to Kim Mundane. Pun Pun Demoness who uses delusion to intice Hugo & Random Factor to stay in Hell. Pun Demon Demoness Pun Isle of Fellowship Pun Pun You get depressed in her presence Stopping things Isle of Fellowship Isle of Fellowship Pun. Isle of Fellowship Pun Pun Pun Pun Pun Isle of Fellowship Pun. Son of Dana and Humfrey. Tattoo of Emell,went to get help Knock the socks off people m28 26 27 37 26 25 27 36 m25 32 m25, 27 28 27 31, m34 28 m37 m37 28 m25, m28 27 27 27 m28 27 24 24 28 24 27 27 27, 28 27 27 24 28 m14, m15, 25 28 m32 22 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Damien Dan Human Human Dana Demon Daniel Human Danielle Crossbreed Dara Demon Darius Darren Human Human Darron Human Dastard Data Dave [ED] Dave [SN] Human Crossbreed Human Human David Baldwin Human David Scalise Davina Human Human Dawn Human Day Horse Equine Day Stallion Equine Talent Description Book(s) Agent of Ragna Roc. 32 35 A demoness with a problem: she has a soul and a conscience. Humfrey's first wife and mother of their son Dafrey. Her real name is Dara, but she never bothered to correct Humfrey, who is befuddled as it is. 14, 15, m26 Copies talent, but not as strong as the originals talks to the wind and it obeys Making one thing into another Endowed Inantimate Objects with Magical Properties Call call fish Can Look at Things From Different Angles Mundane Knowledge of the Animate Page 23 m25 Unicorn/girl which provided ride for Clio's party Real name of Demoness Dana, which see. Cyng of Hlahtar A young boy who helps Gwenny, Che, and Jenny on their way to Nameless Castle. Twin of Darren 28 see Anomy A calculating female M24, m25, m28 36, 37, 38, 39 37 30 Mary Baldwin's son, 12, brown eyes turned green by sight of Chlorine's panties, blond hair. Aligned with Demon Earth, so he could associate with Jaylin, who is aligned with Demon Fornaxs. An inhabitant of Moondania On isle of Women: Looks like the neighbor woman One of Electra's twin daughters, sister of Eve. Her Magician caliber talent enables her to tell anything about any living thing. Seen as a lovely age 18 in Faun & Games. Plays an ocarina. Married to Picka Bone. White horse with a brass anklet, who is the steed of the Horseman, but is actually the horse phase of the werehorse Horseman The leader of the day mare herd. He is a golden wingless flying horse, and is invisible to people. His task is to assign daydreams to their day mare carriers. M20, m23, 25, 28 17, m19, m25, 28, 29, m32, 35, 37, 38 m14 15, m28 28 31 22 15, m18, m19, M21, 22, m24, 29, m30, m32, m34, M35, 36, 38, 39 M6 6, 26, m36 20, m26, M33, 37, 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species DDT De Crease Demon Human De Flate Human Deanna Fauna Death Major Demon Debbie Human Debra Human DeCrypt Dee Demon Human Dee Ceased Dee Composed Deet Keet Deidre [CE] Deidre [PP] Deja Dele Dell Zombie Zombie Avian Human Human Human Human Centaur Demetrius Demo Derby Human World Demon Info Demon Queen Demon Demon Demon Strate DeMonica Demon Crossbreed Demos Crossbreed Denephew Deniece Denim Human Human Human Dennis Dent Desi Human Robot Illusion Desiree Dryad Talent Description Book(s) Killing mosquitoes m35 32 Only person who can shut Filly Buster off. Nymph top, goat bottom: female faun Another of the Major Demons, mentioned in Xanth's thought streams Got to ride a Day Mare for a day while she delivers daydreams 13 year old girl, later aged to 18 by Nimby. Has a curse that if her name is said in front of a man, he wants to de-bra her. Falls in love with Random Factor. m30 Lose Weight, Size, Whatever All Magic Decodes Things A personality phase of the character Chameleon. In this phase, she possesses average looks and intelligence. (See also Wynne, Fanchon and Chameleon). One of a Pair o' keets Oversight Knowing talents Sees the future Change person's age. can change into any landbound creature Charging things with magic Telling Terrible Jokes Telling Terrible Jokes Turn cotton into hard substance Page Young man Chet Centaur's grandson Agent of Ragna Roc. Another of Ida's worlds. devoted to demolition derbies Demon of Information Sentenced Fracto to 3.9 years in solid form, many years ago. Isle of Fellowship Human/demon Vore and Nada's daughter. Her hair changes without notice. Son of Vore/Nada 21 m2 35 M31 31 M1, m2, m6 22 22 21 28 m29 20 33 24 32 37 31 m24 24 m20, m22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, M30, m31 21 31 31 m30 Gourd inhabitant Challenge 1 Demonic illusion of Desiree encountered in the city of Hinge The "so long hoped for" Girl in the Wood. Also known as Desi the Desolate. 24 30 34 M18 18, 19, m24, m32 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Destiny Human Can change a person's destiny Detective Patrick Human Devin McClane Kowalick Diamond Human Diana Diana Betic Human Human Dick Philip Human Dick Shun Ary Digit Alice Human Human Dina Human Dipper Avian Director of Play Dis Tractor Human Disa Pointer Dogma Dogwood Dog Canine Elf Dol Human Dolin Human Doll Human Dolph Human Dominica Crossbreed Canine Make things that are sweet become less so and those that aren't sweet become more so. Healing Massages & Interior Organs Can change the environment with her emotions Human Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. turning inanimate things living doing the right thing Shape Changing Description Page 25 Book(s) 24 Asked for an Answer From Humfrey and Wouldn't Perform the Service. Acrobat From Mundania 26 Mundane dog found in cave with Cory and Tessa. Henceforth traveled with Cube. Gourd inhabitant Pia Putz on a call to Com Passion wanst to tell her to seek a healing spring, like Pia did to heal her condition, since she is probably from Mundania Writer. Wrote wild books. Loved Olive because she could help him by acting as his Muse. Library pun Passenger on Trollway train 27 30 30 m24 33 m23 28 m30 Bird that flys, runs, & swims. Originally on the Quest, but switches with Angela Angel when she wants to join. Unnamed, at Good Magician's castle Tends to get interested in the wrong things. Pet of Vera Similitude Leader of the dog pack. A member of the Flower Elves, who carries a spear tipped with a canine tooth. potential son of Grey and Ivy M34 Prince, son of Prince Dolph and the ancient Princess Taplin, delivered 1091, Ptero Doll of the Day. Red Pepper's girlfriend Dolph can change his own form instantly, which is helpful in his many adventures, some incognito. He is the son of Irene and Dor, and Ivy's younger brother. He was once betrothed to Nada Naga and Electra at the same time, but married only Electra. Demonica in Reality 6 24, 27 21 34 m22 18 8 m23 m4 8, 9, 10, M11, M12, M13, m14, 15, m16, m17, m18, M19, 20, 21, M22, m23, m24, m29, m30, m31, m35, m36 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Don Donkey Robot Don Quixote Human Don/Dot Donald Human Human Donald the Shade Human Donkey Centaur Donna Human Doofus Dor Dragon Human Dora Doreen Human Human Doris [VOTV] Doris [WC] Human Human Doris Day Mare Day Mare Dot Human Dr Moribund Draco Human Dragon Dragoman Dragon Dragon Talent changes gender at will Change His Own & Other's Forms, Temporiarily Page Description Book(s) Cyrus's steed and companion. Has a circuit so that Cyrus, if he wants, can see & hear what Don does. The mention of the character by Cervantes M32 Son of Naga & Dolph in Reality 6, before they went on the Guilt Trip Flying The ghost of a man who died seeking wealth to feed his family. Changing hoof-color Donkey resembles the animal he is named after, with a small, grey body, and large ears. He is a friend of Ivy, Murphy, and Electra. Main character in the story the jurors were telling Mentia A zombie dragon. Conversing with inanimate Dor is the son of Bink and Chameleon. He undertakes the tapestry adventure, and there befriends Jumper. He later marries Irene, and becomes the father of Ivy, Ida and Dolph. Later King. See Pandora A ghost kitchen maid, she is middle-aged, portly and snappish. A young curse-fiend woman. No one can lie to her; she always know the truth when a statement is made. in a joint dream of the children expanded spot on wall she can use her talent to make pictures on the wall mad scientist A firedrake--a small (relatively), ornate, fire-breathing dragon. He took the Firewater Opal from Merwin the merman in a misunderstood contest, but redeems himself later. A dragon who collects maidens. Responsible for encasing Ida in crystal, until she was found and freed by Mela and Okra. Later became an interpreter. 26 m6 23 m30 1, m22 M12, m13 m19 18 M3, M4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m9, 10, 11, 12, m13, 14, 15, m17, m19, 20, m21, M22, m25, m26, m28, 29, m30, m31, m33, m34, m35, m36 33 4 10 35 39 21 38, 39 M11, m13, 15, m19, m23, 24, m25, m28, m29 15, 31 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Dragon World Dragon King [CaR] Dragon Dragon King [FP] Dragon Lady [FP] Dragon Lady [OO] Dragon Dragon Lady [TTTF] Dragondola Dragon Drarplin Dread Dread Redhead Crossbreed Dragon Demon Piping open doors Drek Dragon Mood Breath Drew Dragon Drivel Serpent Dropsy Druce Drusie Zombie Dragon Dragon Dudley Dragonman Dragon Dragon Dragon Thing Emulation Page Description Book(s) Another of Ida's moons. Shaped like a dragon.The dragons like contests to determine whether they will make deals, especially pun contests. Ida. of course, is also a dragon. Home to 3,125 different types of dragons. A magnificent dragon, very intelligent, as befitting his rank. He has iridescent scales, bright brass claws, a gold-plated snout, and eyes like moons. In Storage 28, m29, m31 Dragon King's mistress in Storage, aspiring future wife Queen and leader of dragons, she has a penchant for "Monster Comics". Member of troupe 39 Defender of the Good Magician's castle, at first appearance a dragon, but actually helpful in his own way. Goblin/Harpy crossbreed a rogue smoker A demon who disguises himself as a young, trapped child, to trick Rose. His talent works by opening doors when he plays his hornpipe. Found hiding in Phaze. His breath ranges for flower-like when he is in a good mood to sickingly rancid when in a bad mood. Telepathic dragon from Dragon world who accompanies Clio on her Quest. Found in basement of Castle Zombie after Zombie Master retired. She was there because she was fleeing from another sea serpent. Named Drivel by Breanna & Justin, but her actual name is Sesame. 15 educated, can talk Telepathic dragon from Dragon world who accompanies Clio on her Quest. who swells to 50% greater size, grows talons, skin turns crimson, snorts fire when angry 3 39 5 M32 22 37 14 M27, 28, m37 M28 26 22 38 M28 36 27 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Dug Human Talent DUI Demon Duke Dragon Dragontail of Dimwit Dumbbell World Dupli Kate Human Dusti Dusty Dye-A-Log Dyrak Dyslexia Dust Devil Dust Devil Human Demon Human Talks colorfully Dysnomia Dwarf Demoness Spirit of Lawlessness 155 Characters in D Page 28 Description Book(s) A skeptical but spunky young Mundane man who enters Xanth by way of his computer, to compete in the adventure game. Escorts Nimby & Chlorine in Mundania. Chronically drunk A dignitary at Chex's wedding M16, m18, M19, M23, m29 Ida's 5th moon. Magic is related to physical strength. 22, 26, 27 Makes Twins or Triplicates of a Person m35 m11 27 Sister of Dusty Brother of Dusti Demon Centaur A nice, attractive young woman who has trouble reading. One of Grey Murphy's computer-arranged dates. Eris's daughter M32 M32 34 23 12 39 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 29 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 Species The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. E Coli E. Timber Bram Creature Human Each Ment Earth Imp World Earth Major Demon/Demoness Ease Human Ebnez Human Eck Sray Eddie Tor Human Human Ede Imp Edi Bull Edsel Bovine Human Egor Ogre Eight Bits Eight Late Equine Human poisonous Royal Historian of Xanth, appointed by Humfrey. Pun Impeachment Another One of Ida's Moons. Ruled by the Demoness Gaia All Magic E<a/r>th A shemale demon in X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. In X(a/n)th's opinion, she is rather mundanish. Shows mostly a male aspect. Shares rule of Earth (the world) with Demoness Gaia. Can make hard things easy Strong, handsome, smart, but is unknown, not able to affect emotions or causes. Short curly blond hair, bit of a blond beard, muscular body. Adapting objects A Magician and historical figure of Xanth. His talent enables him to enhance or partially transform things to make them more useful. sees through things A person with unreasonable standards in writing. Imp of Imp Perial. Works with rubies. Pun Initial: create solid Dug's friend who introduces illusionary creatures. him to the game of Xanth. He Later: modify or deflect is after Dug's girlfriend, other's talents Pia. He later marries Pia and they have an Adventure in Xanth. A zombie ogre in service to the Zombie Master. The assembled quarter-horse. Dehancement An Aspect of MPD, which see. 23 14 24 31 m2, m9, m16, m19, 20, m22, m23, 25, m26, m27, m28, 31, 34, m36, 37, m38, 39 m34, M38, M39 m1, 14, m25, m28, m3 24 m14 20 m21 16, m18, M23, m25 3, m4 19 19 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 30 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Electra Human Electricity 11, M12, M13, m14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, m23, m26, m29, m35, 36 Elem N. Tery Human Elena Human Human Things are always marvelously clear to her Literature- summoning character from book she holds Electra is the size and form of a child with freckles, even though she is older. With her talent, she can jolt people. Marries Prince Dolph, and has twins Dawn and Eve. Girfriend of Bill Eli Ogre Elip Sis Ellip Sis Human Human Elona Elsie Human Human Elysia Centaur Em Pathy Emell Emily Human Human Human Emily Bee Keeper EmJay Human Encum Burr End Enze Epi Human Imp Human Centaur Epi Nephrine Epoxy Era Human Ogre Crossbreed Erato Muse Eric Human Erica Erin Kitty Litter Eris Mermaid Werecat Ersonal Imp Longevity Turning water into wine Alters Emotions Human Dwarf Demoness Change person's gender Quaking m28 m23 Ogre who lives on the moon. He makes Moon-stir cheese by stirring honey and green cheese pools See Ellip Sis Sister of Tiara. Saves words that others omit. Second Sorceress King Elsie accomplished her talent by touching water with her finger. She was Jordan's first girlfriend, and had ambitions to civilize him. Blonde. Sent to pick up Woe Betide, Ted, & Demonica in Reality 7. Translates for Ragna Roc Guardian of Garden of Events Keeper of the garden of the day mares Minds bee hives m36 A woman compiling a lexicon of Xanth, with her trusty sidekick MiKe. Tended to weight things down Imp of Imp Perial. M9 From the Brain Coral's pool. Sent to retrieve the bullies Chilk, Jama, Horsejaw, Numbo, Potipher, & Zink. Stimulates hearts Make Things Hard and Fast Child of Brusque Brassy-Ogre. Demon who acted as guide on Cone Ebnez's daughter, likes love poetry. Became a Muse. Has the question for any answer Sings compellingly Winged mermaid Conceived at love spring. Midrange's campanion All Magic Involved with a bet with Pluto. When she lost, was imprisoned. Falls in love with Jumper. Imp of Imp Perial. m39 m38 m19 8 30 32 28 29 35 33 20 33 26 34 26, m30 M31 m7, m13, m28 34 22 35, 36 M33, M34, m35, 37, 3 20 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Ersup Human Eskil Ogre Saying `no` Esso Bee Human Etcetera Human Eunice Human Make Problems Bigger Than they Are Can Create What Someone Starts, & Add to It. To change words and things by adding a silent E. Euphoria Human Euterpe Muse Eve Human Knowledge of inanimate Extricate Human Sorting Out Tangles 51 Characters in E Talent Page Description Book(s) Looks in her purse to find something personal about whoever she concentrates on Eskil, nicknamed `Esk`, is actually only one quarter ogre, and one quarter each of human, curse fiend, and nymph. Using his talent, he can change a creature's intentions toward him, without the creature really understanding why. Challenge 3 at Good Magician m25 M10, m15, m21, m31, 31 m11, m13, m14, m16, m17, m19, 25, m26, m30, m35 29 27 35 An attractive young woman with swirling hair, hypnotic eyes, and a lush figure, who is into drugs. One of Grey's computer-arranged dates. Ebnez's daughter, recites lyric poetry. Became a Muse. One of Electra's twin daughters, sister of Dawn. Her Magician caliber talent enables her to tell anything about any inanimate thing. Seen as a lovely age 18 in Faun & Games. Falls in love with and marries Demon Pluto . Plays a panpipes. 12 m28 15, m18, 19, 20, M21, 22, m24, m26, M29, m30, m32, M33, 34, 35, m36, 37, m38, 39 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Fabian Human Factory World Fairmost Fairy Nuff Fairy Fairy Fanchon Human Farmer Jones Fast Comb Human Ogre Fat Fate Human Human Fattila the Fun Fauna Faust Faux Faxon Fay Tall Feelup Fellini Human Ferdinand Fern Cowfolk Tattoo Fern Kudzu Fiant Ogre Demon Dematerializing at will Fiera Fiero Human Human Controlling fire. Controlling fire Faun Faun Giant Human Zombie Human Cat Feels Things Remotely Alias of Random factor when they met with Debra Another of Ida's moons. Run by The Factory, where Random Factor originated. Father of Meryl The grouchy operator of a solution booth at the fair. A personality phase of the character Chameleon. In this phase, she is brilliant, but also bad-tempered and very ugly. (See also Dee, Wynne, and Chameleon). Georgia Farmer One of Okra's prospective husbands, in the view of her aunt Fannie. Fat man What happened when Eunice joined Fat Very fat man 31 Female faun. Challenge 2 Gay faun Giant who created Faux Pass Time traveler from the future. Fully alive only half the day Passenger on Trollway train Mundanian cat of Arjayess. orange-striped, like a baby tiger lily without the flower part. King of the cowfolk. Tattoo of Emell,went to get help Okra's mother. A large, muscular, fat demon with an unkempt beard, and a barbed tail. Also known as D. Fiant. He is obsessed with Tandy and badgers her incessantly. Fiero's twin. Fiera's twin. 36 21 m6 28 26 28 m26 31 m34 16 M1, m6, m11, 35 23 m15 35 35 35 8 28 m15 5, m14 18 m18 32 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Fil Philter Demon Filip Human Filly Buster Centaur Filly Buster Finders Human Imp Finger Prince Fingers McPalm Finn Human Monster Human Fiona Human Fira Firenze Elemental Human Fireoak Hamydryad Firestorm Fletcher Flion Dragon Crossbreed Flexi Bull Floozie Flora Crossbreed Human Human Flourine Forili Vamp Human Vampire Fornax Major Demoness Forrest Faun Foulmouth Fowler Fiend Harpy Human Fowlmouth Harpy Fractal World Talent Description Book(s) The real name of the demon emulating the filter for the Magic Madness Gardner of Silhouette. An old family friend. With a fine bust and talks & talks & talks..... 18 Can talk your ear off Breathes Combustible Fumes Page Imp in Realm of Lost Objects in the gourd Pun. Governing a palm grove. Naga's Monster Under the Bed Loves Pyra. On isle of Women: Look's like the girl next door The Force of Fire boy with fireworks temper (fir-EN-zee)-Adopted by Astrid/Art, who can stifle him with a look Fireoak is named for the tree she inhabits. She is beautiful and appears young in human terms, even though she is more than a century old. Leader of dragons Flying lion. Had problems with Warren Warrior Adoras half-sister Brains of thr Green team ability to change flowers color, shape, and smell Makes Water Explode Sister of Chlorine. Vampire met while visiting Phaze. All Magic demon of Anti-matter Became a friend of Astrid 2 and credited with saving Xanth Faun for a tree, protecting it and being supported by it; symbiotic Aunt of Gloha Not very nice Curse Fiend in Storage One of Gloha and Harglo's aunts. She gives the kids flying lessons and illicit cussing lessons. Ida's 16th moon. One or two myrids of threads leading to other worlds. Ida is located on one of those worlds. 33 27 24 m30 26 35 m19 30 22 20 M39 5 29 33 m35 m4 36 27 27 25, 26, m27, m28, m30, 34, 37, 38, M39 M21, 22, m29, m31 m17 39 29 26, 27, m31 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Fracto 34 Description Book(s) Cloud A demon who disguised himself as a wicked tempered cloud. He has taken the title of King Cumulo Fracto Nimbus. Frank Monster Frank Human Frankenstein Monster Fray Cloud Fray D. Cat Freja Pun Human short for Frankenstein Monster, assembled from other bodies, with child's head He always speaks frankly about a person's faults. The classic monster, who has come through the same hole Jenny Elf did. Daughter of Fracto and Happy Bottom Pun. Fraidy Cat 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, m14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, m23, 24, 25, 26, 27, m28, 31, m32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 38, 39 Frogbutt Frosteind Fulsome Fee Goblin Human Fee Funct Functionary Demon Human Fur Furn Futura Thing Human Human 63 Characters in F Talent Page Freaks out men when she dresses normally Freezes Water Rebellious goblin Brother of Kalt The duck-footed leader of the Fee. Can shut everything down Curse friend Cynthia encounters A young fur ball Can walk on fire she reinvents the future twin of Pastor, . Modestly pretty, curly black hair 18 13 m24, 25, 27, M31, 39 m22 34 m31 30 11 24 25 17 35 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 35 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 Species The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Gabriel Gaia Human Dwarf Demoness Gail Marie Human Galatea Thing Gambol Gap Dragon Dwarf Demon Dragon Gaptooth Goblin Garnishee Zombie Gary Gar Zombie Gatling Goblin Gattila the Gun Gau D Gauche Human Gaucherie Gayle Goyle Goblin Gargoyle Gazun Tite Woodwife Geddy Geis-A Girl Crossbreed Human Gen Eric Human All Magic visiting Mundane boy The new Demon of Earth (the world), sharing with Demon Earth. World Stops to Listen When She Speaks Gargoyle Can shoot anything with his gun Demoness Goblin Making herself and others sneeze With Gen Erica-substituting things that will still do the job 23 31 26 A pig statue carried by Pyg Malion Demon specializing in games Also known as Stanley Steamer. One of the most formidable monsters of Xanth, he destroys all creatures unfortunate enough to blunder into Gap Chasm. Built by Maiden Japan. Leader of the Goblinate of Golden Horde Harpy, fowl of mouth m11 A gargoyle who must fulfill his geis to the Swan Knee river. Tried to bleep Frau & Happy Bottom and start a rebellion against Gwenny Uses gun for target practice usually. Goes with Pundora Wearing high-fashion clothes King of the Goblinate of the Golden Horde. Reversed version of Gauche A female gargoyle encountered by Gary in his travels. M18, 19 39 1, 5, 6, 7, m8, 12, 14, 15, 16, m17, m19, m20, m21, m22, m23, m25, m26, m27, m30, m34, 35, m36 29 25 31 35 m35 34 34 18, 19 m26 Son of Graeboe/Gloha (mention) m21 Can get caught by her geis m21 and have to do what she says 34 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Gen Erica Human Gene Gnome Gene Blue Gene Sis Human Human With Gen Eric-substituting things that will still do the job Change living things as they are Makes Blue Jeans Geo Gerald Towne Germane Gerome Gerrod Gerrymander Human Human Griffin Centaur Human Thing Gestalt Vampire Getaway Golem Gheorge Ghost Ghina Crossbreed Ghorge Ghost Gile Giles Gim Gimlet Angel Human Giant Elf Gin Gina Human Giant Gine Ginger Giant Goblin Girard Giant Giszmo Glenna Goblin Goblin Glinda Goblin Glitter Golem Description Putting folk to sleep Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. find the rarest type of an ordinary thing. knowing who can help with something. Sparkle Book(s) 34 34 Sister of Tiara. Can make almost anything from almost nothing. know where every place is twin to Graphy Storyteller Called the Pawpaw Wizard Communicates with water Page An elder of Centaur Isle. Grey's son A creature with an irregular, sinuous body, small wings, claws, tail, and a lizard's head. It holds territory by convoluting, dividing, surrounding, and whatever else is necessary to seize power. Circa 900' he had the reverse thread Reverse-wood golem created by Sherlock Ghost trying to enslave Phanta. Daughter of Graeboe/ Gloha. Invisible. Human aspect. Lives on Red Face of Pyramid A ghost writer in Grey's household. pun. Agile. mayor of PLO Village Son of Girard and Gina The leader of the Tool tribe of elves. His body was temporarily occupied by the Sea Hag's spirit. Very friendly An invisible giantess, originally the figment of a dream, now Girard's love. Son of Girard and Gina lovely lady goblin captive with reddish brown hair An invisible giant trapped in the realm of the gourd (where he was visible), until rescued by Grey Murphy. Isle of Fellowship daughter of Glenna, with herb garden. wife of about-to-be chief. Grundy/Rapunzel's daughter, Ptero 33 m38 24 20 m37 4, 6 21 3, m11 20 M28 33 M21 13 m34 38 m21 9 33 12, m13, m21 m21 39 12, m13, m21 m24 38 38 21 36 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Glitter Gloha Goblin Goblin Glory Goblin Glow Crossbreed Glower Goblin Glyph Monster Gnasty Gnomad Gnome Gnaughty [KG] Gnome Gnaughty Gnomide Gneiss Gnever Gnifty Gnomide Gnome Gnitwit Gnomad Gnome Gnome Atter Gnome Well Gnonenity Gnome Gnome Gnome Gnonesch Gromad Gnonesuch Gnomad Gnymph Gnomide Gnome Gobble Goblin GoDemon Godiva Human Goblin Goggle Go-Go Goblin Goblin Golden Goblin Talent Invisibility Gnome Gnome Gnome Gnome Gnome Page 37 Description Book(s) Isle of Fellowship The daughter of Glory goblin and Hardy harpy, Gloha is a winged goblin. A beautiful goblin girl, Goldy's sister, and Gorbage's daughter. She shares her half talent with her love, Hardy Harpy--together, they're invisible. Mother of Gloha. Nimbus's name used by Ilene when she didn't know who he was. New chief of Good Riddance Goblins A creature that is part winged horse, part dragon, encountered by Gloha at Humfrey's castle. A gruff patriarch of the Gnobody Gnomes. Wenda's companion at Gnarly Gnomes. A female gnome of the Gnobody tribe. Female interested in Gnonenity Chief of the Gnarly Gnomes A helpful female gnome of the Gnobody tribe. A male member of the Gnobody Gnomes. 24 11, 13, M17, m18, 19, m22, m25, m29, 3 Make Things Unimportant Pun: know him well Head of Gnobody Gnomes. Member of the troupe A male member of the Gnobody Gnomes. A male member of the Gnobody Gnomes. A female member of the Gnobody tribe. Gwenny's illegitimate half brother, and rival for Goblin Chiefdom. He is Xanth's brattiest brat. Makes music from anything Picka's music instructor Wife of Gouty goblin and mother of Gwendolyn. She has voluminous hair, and a magic wand inherited from her mother, Goldy, with which she levitates people. Goggles with goggly eyes Goody's former wife, now deceased. She was cursed to die before age 40. Queen of the Storage goblins, in Goblin annex. Golden yellow hair. 7, m11, m14, 17 M31 38 m17 8 34 8 32 34 8 8 31 22 M32 8 8 8 13, 15, m19 35 13, 15, m17 34 m29 39 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Goldie Goblin Goldie Gole Crossbreed Goldy Goblin Gole Human Golem King Gomer Gole Golem Crossbreed Goodrich Goblin Goody Goblin Goofus Gorbage Goblin Goblin Gorgon Nymph Gorilla Goblin Gory Gossamer Goblin Goblin Gourd`n G`rd`n`r Gouty Human Grabraham Monster Goblin Talent Gaze Into a Person's Eyes and Make an Imaginary Copy That is Exactly Opposite in Nature and Telent Makes and rules golems Healing Bouncing objects back Turning creatures to stone Page Description Book(s) lowliest servant of the Dragon King in Storage, actually a princess Humanoid but head of horse, plus hoofs & tail. Can heal, but if killed, meat turns poison. Goldy levitates people or objects with the aid of a magic wand. She is the eldest daughter of Gorbage goblin. It only lasts for an hour, but anything it does with its talent is real and endures. 39 Horrendous Humanoid but head of horse, plus hoofs & tail. Can heal, but if killed, meat turns poison. former chief of Good Riddance Goblins A polite, fairminded goblin, unpopular with his own kind. He is offered as an alternate companion to Dug for his adventure in Xanth. So of a goblin King, original name Gory. Engaged to Gwenny male guard Chief of the North Slope Gap goblins, and a doting father. The personification of the feminine promise/threat to men. The sight of Gorgon's face turned at first just males, and then eventually all creatures to stone. The exception was Humfrey, whom she married, His 5th wife. She is Hugo's mother. Part-time actress in Curse Friend's plays. Used to terrify captives at Goblinate of the Golden Horde Original name of Goody Goblin Roommate/guard of Meryl when she is a captive of Goblinate of the Golden Horde Grows vegatables. m21 27 The Chief of Goblin Mountain. Fat and middle-aged, he has swollen legs. Married to Godiva, and Gwendolyn's father. The monster under Ivy's bed who replaced Snortimer. 13, m15 38 27 M5, 6, m7, 13, 17 32 38 12, m16, M29, 31, m3 39 5, 7, 13, m14, m17 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, M7, 8, 9, m10, m11, 12, 14, m16, 17, 18, 22, 23, m24, 26, m28, m29, 30, 31, m32, 36, 38 34 m29 34 31 12 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Description Grace`l Ossein Skeleton Graeboe Giant Grand Harridan Granny Knot Harpy Human Granola Giant Grant Graphy Gravis Human Human Sphinx Gray Wizard Elf Great Auntie Fannie Ogre Greatbow Giant Green Human Green Bean Green Goo Green Horn Human World Human Green Murphy Human Green Wizard Human Gregor Griffin Grey Murphy Human Griff Hipporoc Grinelle Griffin Griselda Griffin Grobigatail Harpy A female walking skeleton, and the source of the Skeleton Key. Marrow Bones' love. An ailing, elderly giant, and Greatbow's cousin. His illness has made him turn visible, a bad sign. Aunt of Gloha Who the village on Nottingham is named after. To find whatever I seek 50 ft invisible giant,also in the next to last known as Granny Ola. Plays a place I look for it concertina. Readinf minds On Ptero know where every place is twin to Geo Making Things Heavy or A Challenge For Clio Light, in That Order Wizard of the gray face of Pyramid Okra's not-so-helpful aunt determined to help her find a husband. Graeboe's invisible cousin. He chases intruders, driving them into Com Pewter's cave. Colored man who rescued Humfrey from mud. Leader of Green Team Another of Ida's worlds Dispicible man whe married Sea Girl and made her life miserable. When he dies, she decided to do that to all men manipulates time to green hair, red eyes (oposite travel farther of Rhythmn), Grey/Ivy's daughter, delivered 1098 Wizard of green face of Pyramid A sworn protector of Che Centaur, he helps Mela and her companions get to Mount Parnassus. Null Magic Grey Murphy is the son of Murphy and Vadne. In addition to his Magician level skills of nullifying other magic, he is wise and excellent at solving problems. Marries Ivy Winged centaur covered in brown/gray feathers, giant wings Griselda's mother, by Crombie in griffin form female, yellow beak, red mane, blue wingtip feathers Gloha's aunt. Page 39 Book(s) M11, 12, m13, m15, m16, 19, m28, m35, m36 M17, m19, 32 m17 m28 M35, 36 21 24 28 21 15 17 14 m4 m31 m24 24 m21 15 M12, 13, 14, 15, m16, 19, m20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 29, m34, m36, 38 37 24 24 m17 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Gromden Human Divining history of an object 8, m14, m19 Grossclout Demon Grotesk Goblin Grundy Golem Guardian Guise Dragon Human Gromden was King of Xanth 400 years after Roogna. He fathered Threnody during a brief liason with a demon. By holding an object in his hand,he can view its entire origin and history. An imposing demon with gnarled horns and a swishing tail. He is a professor at the University of Magic, and runs Xanth's adventure game, among his other duties. Goblin chief of the Goblinate of the Golden Horde. He is mean, even by goblin standards. A small man-figure fashioned from wood, clay, rags, and other bits of refuse, who later comes to life. He is affectionately tolerated, despite being a remarkable insulter. A 4-headed dragon. Wardrobe and clothes designer for the troupe Guord World 31 Guy Guyascutus Crossbreed Gwenny Goblin Another of Ida's moons. A dream world. the Sidehill Hoofer. Looks like door/cow with rabbit ears, telescoping legs Also known as Gwendolyn, a pretty, young Goblin princess who is lame and has poor vision. Her mother Godiva is helping her find a way to compensate for her handicaps so she can claim the Chiefdom of Goblin Mountain. Jenny Elf's closest female friend. Engaged to Goody. 121 Characters in G Conversing with all living creatures Make Clothing That Makes its Owner Resemble Whatever Creature it Emulates 40 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 26, 29 12, 13 M2, 3, M4, 5, M6, M7, M9, 10, m11, 12, M13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, m20, m21, m23, 26, m27, m28, 29, m30, m31 26 M32 37 13, m14, M15, m16, 17, 19, m20, m21, m22, 26, M29, 31, m34, 36 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 41 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Hadi Alicenagon Crossbreed offspring of Drek Dragon and Karia Centaur, dragon head and tail, horse body, wings silver hoofs, gold talons. Can talk. Captive in Storage Name of Ida while she is on Knot Quest Modem's mom, a hag Leader of the Gap harpy flock. Hagar Haggai Hag Harpy Human Haggi Haggy Hail Mary Hal Human Harpy Human Halfling Han D Handi Demon Harpy Handy Hanna Monster Illusion Hannah Harpy Hannah Barbarian Human Deadly accurate with weapons Happy Bottom Hurricane Blowing things away Harberian Barbarian Harbinger Human Changing local seasons Hardy Harpy Harga Harglo Crossbreed Crossbreed Makes Ice Half wishes Crossbreed Invisibility He gets half of what he wishes for. Many hands Friendly harpy, friend of Justin Dolph's Monster Under the Bed Demonic illussion of Hannah encountered in the city of Hinge A member of the Gap harpy flock. Also known as Hannah the Handmaiden. A militant female barbarian.In love with Robert the Robot. Parent of Cyrus Cyborg. Tropical Storm Gladys made magic 37 39 34 20 7 33 19 m35 23 m11 M18 7 18, M29, m30, m31, m32, m37 M20, m24, m25, M31 34 Binge-drinking messenger with Harpy ancestry. One of the few male harpies. Intelligent and handsome, he shares his half talent with his love Glory Goblin--together, they're invisible. Father of Gloha. Harpy/Naga crossbreed Half-harpy Gloha's brother, and son of Hardy Harpy and Glory Goblin. He has a human head and legs, and a harpy body and wings. 33 7, 11, 13, m14, m17 20 m17 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Harmony Human singing/playing something real Harold Harpy Harold the Handyman Hasbinbad Human Hastings Human Hattila the Hun Hatty Human Haughty Harpy Hawkspittle Hazel Heather [HT] Goblin Human Human Heather [XOC] Heaven Human World Heavenly Helen Harpy Hector Avian Helen Avian Helen Harpy Helen Human Helen Back Demoness Helen of Troy Human Hell World One of Ivy's triplet daughters m20, 23, 26, M27, M32, 33, M36, 37, An early harpy prince; 3 consort to Helen. Right hand helps others, the 28 wrong hand roves. Challenge 1 Leader of the Nextwave 6 Mundanes, who brought recruits from Iberia and Morocco to Xanth. He had been transporting men, horses, and elephants to Hannibal, and thought he was entering Italy, Mundania. A Soldier in Evil Trent's 1 Mundane army. If you need a fancy hat, she 35 has it. A harpy who was stoned by 7 Gorgon. High brow Harpy. Hottie M33 seduces avians or mammals. Falls in love with Charon. A guard at Goblin Mountain. 15 29 The innocent daughter of a m17 weaverwoman crone, whose baby, Veleno, is delivered to her before she is ready to be a mother. brown hair, short 23, 27 Another of Ida's moons. As 31 Heaven is described to be. Queen of the Harpies in 3 Roogna's reign. hummingbird brought by Starr m14 and stayed while she served her year service. hummingbird brought by Starr m14 and stayed while she served her year service. Unlike other members of her 3 species, Helen is an exceptionally beautiful and clean harpy. She was First Concubine to Harold Harpy, and later, Queen. Helen of Troy. Love of m29 Trojan, the Night Stallion A demoness who gives vital 19 necessities at inopportune times. One of Harmony's once-a-day 36 women trying to win Bryce's heart Another of Ida's moons. As 31 Hell is described to be. Human Harpy Changes at Night to Hottie Harpy Change Color of Her Eyes relates to dragons 42 Book(s) M24, m25, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species HellAnn Henry Human Human Herb Sage Hercules Human Canine Herman Avian Herman The Hermit Centaur Hia Hiatus Harpy Human Hidey Higgs High Horse Ho Hoary Harributtes Human Human Equine Human Harpy Hobgoblin of Little Minds Hoe Goblin Holey Cow Bovine Hooraw Avian Hophead Horace Demon Centaur Horntense Equine Horri Bull Crossbreed Elf Talent Description Book(s) Relative of MareAnn A deaf Mundanian who helps Ivy and Grey with sign language. m25 12 Impart Wisdom Summoning will o' the wisps Manifesting sensory organs Combination of black lab and American bull, with long silky hair, black with a white flame pattern on his chest. In Umlaut 7's chest hummingbird brought by Starr and stayed while she served her year service. Chester's uncle. He was the first to recognize that centaurs had been in Xanth long enough to evolve magic. Grandmother of Cadence Hiatus can make noses, ears, eyes and the like appear on any surface. He is Lacuna's twin brother, and is the son of Jonathan and Millie. Can hide from anything Holds the universe together To Make Folks Snooty selective amnesia Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Page prospective husband for Ida Gloha's aunt. She has a caustic manner of speech, which doesn't quite hide her sincere concern for Gloha. Takes little children. 43 31 30 m14 1, 2, m4, m10 m30 4, 6, 7, m8, m13, m14, M18, m19, m24, m32 30 31 26 24 m17 30 A member of the Tool elf tribe. 9 Very large cow with lots of holes. Used as a mount by Dor, Irene & Grundy Very large bird with bright but tasteless plumage, patches of red, blue and yellow on the wings, a brown tail speckled with white, and a body streaked in shades of green. The head was black with a white patch about one eye and two purple feathers near the gray beak. Named after its cry. Collects things. Demon in Grossclout's class. Horace is a zombie centaur who died from an accident in a game of people-shoes. He is a guide for Chex and Ivy. A Unicorn, one of MareAnn's beloved companions. Adoras half-brother 5 3 m26 10, 16 14 m35 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Horsejaw Human Projecting booms 3, 26 Horseman Werehorse Short circuit Hotbox Monster Hottie How?ll Hue Man Hugh Man Harpy Werewolf Human Human A bully who lives near Castle Roogna. With his talent, he can project loud, sudden noises, startling the unsuspecting. An evil offspring of a stallion and a woman, he appears as either a white stallion or a handsome man, wearing a brass circlet. Called the "short circuit", this band hooks its victims directly into the hypnogourd, trapping them there. A blue female wyvern at Chex and Cheiron's wedding. Haughty's nighttime phase Who-what-where-wolf Man of many colors on Pymamid But he wants more & will never be satisfied. Hugh Manatee Human 23 Hugh Mongous Monster Pun. Sharks were driven away to save Hugh Manatee A rather stupid monoceros who blocks travellers' paths in the hopes of extorting something new and different. Hugh Mongus Human Hugo Human Humboldt Humbolt Humfrey Human Human Human Hurry Centaur Can Change the Shade, Color, Tone,type Description or Manner of Anything He Touches. Entering books, changing stories Conjuring rotten fruit Information 44 6, M14 11 33 24 21 33 15 21 Hugo is the son of Humphrey (HU) and Gorgon (GO). He seems unimpressive at first, but with the help of Ivy's enhancing skills, comes into his own magically and intellectually. Found out that he had a seed from a mediocri-tree in his ear. When he got rid of it, all his fruit was good. Humfrey's older brother. The Good Magician in Reality 6 Also known as Good Magician Humfrey. He typically charges one year's service as the fee for an Answer to a Question. Sire of Imina and Imino, mate of Ilura M7, m8, m9, m11, 12, 14, 17, m21, m22, m24, m28, M31, 32 m14 30 1, M2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, m10, m11, 12, m13, M14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 m21 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Hydrogen Human 77 Characters in H Talent Page Description Book(s) A good Curse Friend Magician, who helped the Curse Friends obtain their powers, and defeated Loudspeaker. He learned the secret of modifying talents, and then hid it for the good of Xanth. Married to Bec on call. m16, m25 45 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 46 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. I Kandy I M Bigbucks Ian Human Human Human Ice Queen Clone Human Ichabod Human ID Ida Demon Human Idaho Human Idiot Goblin Idyll Iffy Ifrit of the Bottle Human Human Demon Ignor Amus Human Ilene [AA] Ilene [F&G] Ilura Human Human Centaur Imbecile Goblin See Kandy The man made of money 38 m37 33 A stand-in for the Ice Cream Crone, the queen of the cold realm of eye scream. She is uncooperative with Dug and his companions. A Mundane archivist, and researcher of Xanth. He is considered to be the best historian of Mundane Alabama. Has many eyes Ivy's lost twin sister, raised as a foundling by kind otterbees. Her talent lets her make ideas come true, but only if they come from someone who doesn't know about her gift. She later acquires a tiny world, Ptero, that orbits her head. 16 Possible child if Ho & Ida married A goblin who works for Godiva, his speciality is Goblin Mountain Intelligence. Princess Ida's child m24 Pushes Water Away From Him Ideas that come true supressing all thought Create Magical Items Making Illusions Real Controls storms A half vaporous man-creature the size of an ogre. Whoever frees it from his bottle is rewarded by chosing the manner of his or her death. A very stupid creature, and juror at Gracile Ossein's trial. Trent & Iris's daughter. Ivy's daughter on Pyramid Filly with foals: Imina and Imino Hurry A goblin who works for Godiva. Later appointed to Foreign Relations Officer. 4, M6, m7, M19, 29 m35 M15, 16, m17, 19, 20, M21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, m30, 31, M34, m35, m37, 3 13, 15, m19 m24 30 5 11 M31 21 21 13, 15, m19 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Imbri Imina Imino Impli Cate Implosion In Crease Equine Centaur Centaur Human World Human Incredi Bull Inebriated Bovine Human Inertia Human Innocent Human Intella-Giant Interest Bearing Account Interface Giant Bear Intoxi Cate Intoxicated Human Human Io Ione Human Human Irene [CaR] Human Irene [LOTD] Human Irene [UIAH] Irenti Human Human Iri Sistible Iris Human Human Iron Maiden Human Iron Maiden Irrevalent Kandy Isaac Azimuth Thing Human See Kandy 35 38 Human Author known by Olive Hue m33 Human Talent Page Description Book(s) See Mare Imbrium. foal of Ilura Foal of Ilura Lawyer for the offense Ida's 12th moon m31 21 21 33 26, 27, m31 32 Pun Twin seen through the Rings of Power m21 25 Gain Weight, Size, Whatever Makes things stay at rest or stay in motion 28 Innocent girls staying at the Kiss Mee Spa huge repository of knowledge Pun Can make things easy or hard Makes revelers happy can make a lie the truth, provided the liar doesn't know her Green Thumb To Attract Men Illusion 47 m36 37 24 24 33 Twin seen through the Rings 25 of Power May-be Daughter of Dor & Irene m30 Ida/Hilarion's two year old 37 daughter Irene was originally a sub-magician, and later became a full Sorceress. Her talent causes plants to grow rapidly, completing full life cycles in minutes. Daughter of Iris and Trent, married to Dor, and mother of Ivy & Ida. She has green hair. One of Harmony's once-a-day women trying to win Bryce's heart Daughter of Arjayess May-be daughter of youthened Trent & Iris (the 3 princesses were not sure of the name) Could be Trentia A Sorceress, her abilities are on par with the Magician Level. With her talent, she can create illusions that fool the physical senses. She is married to Trent, and is the mother of Irene. She has two forms: one made of iron, the other doing the ironing 3, M4, 5, 6, M7, 8, m9, 10, 11, 12, m13, 14, 15, m17, m18, 19, 20, m21, 22, m24, m25, m26, m28, m29, m30, m31, m36 36 m26 m24 28 1, 2, m3, 4, 6, m7, m9, m12, m13, 14, m15, 17, M18, 19, m21, m24, m29, m31, 36, m37 22 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Isabella Emily Carylyn Iseult of the White Hand Iseult the Fair Itchlips Human Borrowing talents 21 Ition Animal Grey/Ivy daughter; green eyes, brown hair, green dress Wife of Tristan, but she didn't love him Bride of Mark and lover of Tristan One of the goblins of Mt. Etamin. Animal warning A. Cause Challenge 1 Ivan Human Ivy Human Ize Demon Human Human Goblin 52 Characters in I makes things fatter or thinner Enhancement 48 m26 m26 11 24 M37 Ivy's talent causes the qualities she perceives to intensify. She is also unique in having befriended the Gap Dragon, whom she calls Stanley Steamer. She is the daughter of Dor and Irene, and Dolph's sister. She has a twin sister, Ida. She will one day be King. M7, 8, 9, M10, 11, M12, 13, 14, 15, 16, m17, 19, 20, 21, m22, 23, 24, 26, 27, m28, m29, m30, m31, 32, m33, 34, 36, m38 21 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Jack Human Jack in the Box Golem Jack Of Diamonds Jack Pot Jackson Human Jacob Jade Human Human Jaff Human Jama Human James Human Jamie Jan Itor Human Human Jana Human Janel Human Persuading People Janell Janet Hines Human Human exaggeration Jason Human Ja-Son Human Jay Weredragon Human Merman Character in a play performed for the Curse Friends by Trent, Gloha, Marrow, Metria & Graeboe A snakelike golem hidden in the outer wall of Humfrey's castle, whose job it is to persecute trespassers. Challenge 2 A voice at Jacks-on-Ville m17 Pun: Jackpot formed when a fish swallowed his lower half Mundane family lost in Xanth 22 25 A carpenter in the Black Village. Married to Mari. An obnoxious youth of the North Village. Accountant of Silhouette. He was embezzeling her money 16 makes anything into jade stone Manifesting a sword Makes things heavier Servant at Blue Castle, Pyramid A girl who is in love with Braille Centaur, in a relationship that is normally forbidden. Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. A resident of the fringe of the Region of Madness. She has a fancy iris named after her. Proprietor of Jason's Basin Hair Removal Locating the Golden Fleas on a dragon Worked in the gourd supporting bad dreams 3, 35 20 m31 24 1, m2, 26 27 33 m21 17 26 24 17, 18, 19 m30 m9 19 49 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Jaycn Human Liguid to Gas, Solid to Liquid, and Vice-Versa Jaylin Human Mundane Jean Human Jean Gnome Could sew without using her hands Knows that everything is predetermined by what you start with Magician that was cursed to 27 have no relationship with a woman whose talent he knew. Came to marry Ida on Pyramid. got into a quest for the M25, m28 Swell Foop by accident by dreaming the words. Uses the Ring of Void and shares a body with Fornax, unwillingly. m30 Jean Poole Jeanie Yus Jeeves Human Human Human Intelligence Jeeves [FP] Demon Jehial Jennifer Human Dog Jenny Jenny Elf Human Elf Jeorge Jinn Jeorgia Jinn Jeremy Jerry Werewolf Jinn Jerry Tamagni Human Jerry Welf Crossbreed Jesse [LOTD] Human Jesse [WC] Human Jestin Human Singing visions Can make anything lighter, even himself Makes greased lightning bolts Consure a Portable Section of the Ehchanted Path 50 Book(s) 24 Proprietor of Llost and Ffound Cultivates eye-queue vines A zombie butler in the Zombie Master's household. name Astrid gives to guard demon in Hades Husband of Arjayess Dog on ship in Mundania encountered by Bink. Granddaughter of Arjayess An elf from the World of Two Moons, inadvertantly visiting Xanth. Unlike Xanth's elves, she has very pointed ears, four fingers, and is quite tall for an elf. Her talent allows her to sing visions into existence for sharing.Married to Jeremy Werewolf. Has a son Jerry Digging out a Jeode, which creates a representation of their home, which was destroyed Digging out a Jeode, which creates a representation of their home, which was destroyed Prince of the werewolves Digging out a Jeode, which creates a representation of their home, which was destroyed Mundane, met at an enchanted campsite Son of Jenny Elf & Jeremy Werewolf 30 23 7 39 m26 m1 m26 M13, m17, M22, m26, m14, 15, M16, M19, 20, m21, m23, 24, m25, 29, 33, m34, 39 24 24 M22, m26, 29, 39 24 27 29 36 m35 33 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Description Jethro Giant Jewel Nymph Jezebel Human Jfraya Jim Human Human Jim Baldwin Human Jim Nastic Jo Human Human Joan Fairy Joe [CaR] Human Joe [DDD] Human John Pun John Fairy John [TTTF] Human John [TTTF] Human John [XOC] Human Jon Human A giant lying in the region of madness. Scents of her feelings Jewel is responsible for properly planting all gems in the ground for others to eventually find. Her talent allows her to smell like her feelings. Married to Crombie, and mother of Tandy. One of Harmony's once-a-day women trying to win Bryce's heart Drawing a door that opens Lives on Green Face of Pyramid Making Food Responsible for feeding the troupe. Mundane Physics Professor at U Of Miami, age 39, black hair Very acrobatic A girl who fetches Kim at Squeedunk Community College, Mundania. Joan is actually a male fairy, who mistakenly received the name intended for a female (see John the fairy). He marries his misnamed counterpart. A brutish, maladorous member of the Mundane Fifthwave. Not to be confused with Joe of the Black Wave. A member of the Black Wave, a group of black settlers who came to Xanth to escape poor living conditions in Mundania. Not to be confused with Joe the fifth-waver. Gets sad letters. Dear John letters. John is actually a female fairy who received the name intended for a male fairy. She marries her misnamed counterpart. Creating a local Region of Madness Wants to Be Accepted for Character in a Cyrus's play What He Is Farmer Jones son, (my son John) summoning things from Has been made love to by an the Dream Realm angel, so is immune to panties, etc. Possible husband for Merge, but wants to punish children Page Book(s) 51 18, 19 2, m3, m4, 5, m14, 17, m21, m37 36 M21 M32 M20, 25 29 19 5 3, 28 m16 36 M5 m32 m32 23 39 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 52 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Jonathan Human Creating zombies 2, 3, 4, m6, 7, m22, m25, 26 Jone Crossbreed Jordan Human Jordyn Jose Human Human Also known as Zombie Master. Jonathan is a Magician, who can reanimate almost any body to make a zombie. Married to Millie, and father of Lacuna and Hiatus. Lost daughter of Jenny Elf. Deceased. Also known as Jordan the Barbarian, he is an adventurer and hero who becomes a ghost for 400 years before becoming reanimated. Granddaughter of Arjayess Joshua Jot Human Human m20, m37 14, m30 Joy`nt Bones Skeleton Juana Jumper [Descendent] Night Mare Spider Jumper [Original] Spider Making silk Junk Male Jupiter Human Major Demon All Maqic Just Ice Human Justin Human/Tree projecting thought or image or emotion into mind of person or non-human Voice Projection Circa 1900 Lacuna's retroactive son; twin to Tittle. Daughter of Marrow Bones and Gracile Ossein. Sister of Picka. Associates with Skully Skeleton. Out of work Night Mare. Many descended grandson of the original Jumper. Can change into man form. Marries Demoness Eris and becomes immortal. She gives him temporary powers of size and form changing and invulnerablity. A jumping spider who accompanies Dor on his tapestry adventure. Since Dor is tiny at these times Jumper seems monstrous. By means of his silk, Jumper can suspend himself, and even fly. Worthless man, utter heel JU(P/I)-TER The leading magic Demon in X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. very cold A man who was transformed by Evil Magician Trent into a tree, and who prefered being that way. His talent allows him to converse with untransformed folk. Later he associates with Breanna, marries her, and takes over Zombie Castle. 1, m4, m14, M22, M23, M25, 26, m27, m28, 29, m37 Justin Human Make bubble of silence Healing Himself Empathy: Feel What Others Are Feeling Reverse Magician m39 6, M8, M9, m12, m14, m15, 16, 19, m28, m2 m26 33 15, m16, 19, m20, M35, 36 28 M33, M34, m35, m37, m38, 39 M3, m14 20 20, 25, 26, m29, m30, m38, 39 m24 35 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Justin Case Justin Kase Human Human Justin Time Human 76 Characters in J Talent Description Suitor, who can summon things that might be needed in the future. Not along on the Quest. He is actually Anna Molly, transformed Page Book(s) 21 m36 21 53 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Kadence Human Kahn Equine Kalt Kandy Human Human Kara Oke Karen Baldwin Nymph Human Karia Centaur Karla Katka Centaur Feline Katriana Human Kay Centaur Kaylynn Human Keaira Human Keepers Imp Aligning People and Things to a Cadence. Organization Shaping Ice Maybe being irrelevant or eyed. Mundane Replays Real Scenes as Illusion Can change her appearance for another Makes local weather The daughter of Cyrus and Rhythm, who at the time was 12 temporarily aged to 22. Due to a bad spell which accelerated time, she was delivered almost immediately and aged to 6 years old before Rhythm could stop the aging. Horse from Mundania, hunted during the time of no bad dreams. Brother of Frosteind pretty, smart, but unfulfilled because she is either irrelevant or constantly pursued by Wandering Eyes. She wants adventure, excitement, romance. Gets them, but not the way she wants. Luxuriant midnight hair to her slender waist, matching dark eyes, lovely face. Torso yea-close to absolute perfection. Nymph of oak tree, pun Jim & Mary Baldwin's daughter, 7, hair red, eyes blue Fkying centaur. She spaces out when her name is said. Winged centaur A feline female in Iris' memory. Was able to tell the story of Pompos City's downfall by Ragna. Name used for Karia, because saying her real name cases her to space out. M32 26 30 M38, M39 m21 M20, 25 M27, 28, m37 22 m18 32 28 m30 Ordinary appearance, brown braids. Imp in Realm of Lost Objects in the gourd 20 26 54 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Kelsey Human Hair Changes Color with Her Emotions Kelvin Ken Human Human Kerby Giant Kero Khari Saia Kia Kiel Kim [DDD] Equine Human Human Human Human Kim [TTTF] Human King Human King Arthur Human King Clark Centaur King Cobra Human King Cobra [F&G] Kitten Kaboodle Kiya Knight Snake Knight Crossbreed Knight Guard Knotweed Human Elf Knuckles McPalm Knut Kody Monster Komodo Li Zard Dragon Krakatoa Human Kress Centaur Telling Opposite of the Future Making Rain Adaption Erasure Can Only Be Harmed by Magical Means Compel others to do his will. Feline Gnome Human Human Human Description summoning chips of reverse wood spot on wall actually a picture of the future 55 Book(s) 27 Slew Golden Dragon Passenger on Trollway train m14 28 Invisible giant. Ghina's 21 uncle. Winged unicorn 21 Stored things in a water shed. 35 28 26 An intrepid and likeable M16, M19, M23, m26, Mundane girl, competing with 27, m29 Dug in the Xanth adventure game. She secured her place in the game by winning a talent contest. Her talent enables her to erase any thing. Escorts Nimby & Chlorine in Mundania. 32 Character in Chex's nice dream made for Fracto and used by Jenny From Camelot. Deceived by Morgan Le Fey Really the Demon Pluto. Falls in love with Eve. Author of Mundanian letter to Nada Naga self explanatory on red face of Pyramid Daughter of Sammy Cat & Claire Voyent Complicate Situations Strength increases as they get closer to their tree. Page Champion of Knock-Kneed Knights. Son of Nalda Naga & Mela Merwoman A soldier in Iris' memory. A member of the tribe of Flower Elves, whose weapon is a knotted rope. Naga's Monster Under the Bed Son of Kim Mundane. age 27 or 28, 6'6” tall, tan skin, Loves 70s cars. Intelligent, manly, thoughtful, handsome. Prince of the Isles of Indon Esia, a dignitary at Chex's wedding Kraken actor in a curse friend play m13 m28 33 m26 21 33 29 8 21 m18 8 m19 27 M37, m39 m11 26 24 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Krissica Human Kubla Human 43 Characters in K Talent Page Description Book(s) On isle of Women: SHE cries alarm Auditor hired by Silhouette 22 m27 56 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 57 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. La Lacey Lacky Human Human Human Changing types of wood makes shoe laces what she writes come true briefly Lacuna Human Conjuring print Lady Ashley Rose Lady Bug Human Lady Care Lady Slipper Lady Winter Lee Cheryl Jacobs Lam Human Nymph Human Laser Human Lasha Lamia Lathe Human Elf Latia Human Lauryl Layea Human Human Insect Centaur Creates cloudstones Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. One blessing in three Make Any Man do Her Bidding, to a Degree Initialsl Stand For Lost Angel 21 m24 Might-be daughter of Lacuna 24, 27 and Vernon, delivered 1079, Ptero With her talent, Lacuna can 4, 6, 7, m8, m13, make print appear on M14, m16, m17, m18, anything, and she can change m24, m27, m30 it at will. She is Hiatus' twin sister, and is the daughter of Jonathan and Millie. Retroactively married to Vernon, with children Ryver, Jot, and Tittle. Rose's brave and resourceful 14 mother, married to Lord Bliss. Tending her afhid garden. M32 Member of troupe m37 Nymph Forrest Faun knows, pun 25 Mundane, dead at 15 21 Horse part of a centaur which broke apart after going into Mundania carpetter who can project laser beams from his fingers On isle of Women: A guard and member of the Tool elf tribe. 27 Latia is an old curse fiend woman, whose every third curse is actually a blessing. She is ugly, and skilled enough with stage makeup to create a face that will curdle water. She is a companion of Volney. Mundane family lost in Xanth Must know the man for 24 hours, then only has 23 minutes to use her talent. Elder of Pompos City. M10, 25 39 22 9 m31 32 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Leai Human Leigh Human Lena Human Lenora Leslie Human Human Lester Human Levi Levi Athan Human Crossbreed Lija Human Lily Human Lim Burr Lings Human Creatures Lita Human Litho Little Boy Major Demon Human Little Foot Liz [BS] Human Human Liz [JC] Liz [KG] Lliana Human Human Human Lliane Human Lock Human Lon Leigh Human Lone Wolf Canine Loni Human Talent Page Description Book(s) Suicidal, but can't die because something always stops her Sister of Anne 20 Make Herself Solid as a Brick Wall Summoning nearest Mondanian animal Making People Feel Guilty Can put 2 different objects together. Joint talent with Marton Twin with Marton known as Less to turn into humanoid crossbreeds Can make forget whorls Crossbreed between an elf & a whale. (Bedtime booboos) Mundane boy, 8, with a bad talent of bedtime booboos he wants to get rid of, and finally does. Character in a storry told by Jenny Elf Makes things limber Make impossible possible Look like two legged squirrels. Were they on Earth, they might be called Earth-lings. Young farmer's daughter in Necess City All Magic The demon that created Earth. A resident of the village Tristan Troll and his tribe raided. Dancing is fun. summoning and taming Wira's baby lizards Offers diaper service to Maeve Sniffs souls Makes Real Things Illusion Makes Illusions Real Directed Pyra to Llost & Ffound office Lock, Stock & Barrel, when they join, they can shoot things or blow them up completely. Aspects of the 3 Princesses Stops loneliness for others A wolf friend of Jenny on World of Two Moons Folk can't agree on her hair color 29 m30 29 33 m23 m30 m30 m22 m13 33 21, 22 32 m10, 28, m30, m35 11 33 38 33 34 30 30 33 28 m13 22 58 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Lord Bliss Human Lord of the Flies Lorelei Insect Lorlai Fiona Human Lotus Loudspeaker Human Human Lova Bull Lucidia Fieldspur Crossbreed Human Lucifer Lucky Demon Human Lullaby Human Lumberjack Human Luv Leigh Ly Lydia Lyn Human Human Human Human Lyre Human Talent Nymph 58 Characters in L Talks to Water Flowers Description Book(s) Yang's son, who never manifested any major talent and therefore was removed from succession to the throne. Perhaps because of this, he became a decent fellow, unlike his father. self-explaanatory 14 Siren's cousin who found her way out of the void. Tiny baby, 4.7 months old. Creation of Olive Hue. Twin to Azelea Evil Curse Fiend Magician, who turns the curses on his own folk. Adoras half-sister m29 Changes Ordinary Stones Into Gemstones and Vice-Versa Sings People to Sleep Makes anything lovely changes Mol's random Interprets Dreams Page Suitor, feckless, talent to be lucky for a set time. Takes the Dress. Harmony's gift: a charm that focuses luck. It charms luck. Princess and Elder of Elasti City, a city which allied with Ragna. A passing man, of no consequence twin to MOL Makes machines from inantimate objects has lied a lot, losing memories, because of a curse 5 29 30 m16, m25 m35 27 m13 M36 32 20 28 25 30 25 37 59 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 60 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Mac Human man who splits into three likenesses Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Mace Elf Maddy Human Mae Mae Human Maenad Maeve Maenad Maggie Crossbreed Magistrate Magnet Monster Magpie Human Monster Demon Curses Mahogany Mermaid Reading titles (with help) Maiden China Human Maiden Japan Human Maiden Mexico Human Maiden Taiwan Human with Mike and Mal m24 Elm tree elf 29 suicidal woman with very good legs Mauve's daughter One of the wild women of Mt. Parnassus, she doesn't particularly like blood, and is dissatisfied with her life. She guides Grey Murphy. Created a baby at a love spring and is trying to escape the stork. Falls in love with Warren Warrior. Challenge 2 at Good Magician. Forgot her type, which turned out to be Wericorn Judge of the Curse Fiends In a contest with Com Pewter An old maid who has served various ladies of Xanth, including Rose and Iris. A mermaid with dark grayish-brown hair, encountered by Trent, Gloha, and Cynthia. When she combines her talent with Ash and Cedar, the three of them can read one title. Traveler on fairy boat on Fanta Sea Traveler on fairy boat on Fanta Sea Traveler on fairy boat on Fanta Sea Humfrey's second wife, and adoptive mother of Dafrey. 38, 39 33 12 M33 29 10 m32 14, 15, 17, m18 17, 22 28 28, 34, m37 28, 34 14, m25, m26, m28, m32, 34, 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Maiden Yukay Human Mal Human Malinee Human Mallet Elf Man Human Man-I-Cure Human Manticora Monster Mara Human Marbles Marcia Canine Human Mare Australe Night Mare Mare Crisium Night Mare Mare Frigoris Night Mare Mare Humerium Night Mare Mare Imbrium Night Mare Talent man who splits into three likenesses Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Calling birds Page Description Book(s) (Made in UK) age 18, blond hair, dark eyes European features, 5'2” lithe and slimly built, extremely intelligent. Her father is unknown but was one of the three most intelligent men in Xanth. She performs any feat effortlessly as long as she has never tried it before and her mind is unfocused or in a zen state. She is emotional, loyal, tenderhearted, loving. Daughter of Maiden Japan with Mac and Mike M37 Little girl from Thailand. Adopted by Mikhail & Noi. A member of the Tool elf tribe. 28 Unnamed man who claimed to be Dolph's true father cures only men, in comic strip on Ptero A creature with the face of a human, the body of a lion, dragons' wings,and a scorpion's tail. It is in service to Humfrey for the answer to its question (does it have a soul). A woman with the talent of calling birds. Alister's rock hound. Character in the story the jurors were telling Mentia She is one of the mares who delivers bad dreams to sleepers Also known as Cris or Crisis, she is one of the mares who delivers bad dreams to sleepers. The carrier of Tristan Troll's not-so-bad dream. She is one of the mares who delivers bad dreams to sleepers Also known as Imbri, this night mare originally carried bad dreams to sleepers, until she got half a soul. She later became a day mare. She appears as a solid black horse in daylight, and as a young woman wearing black in dreams, but is dematerialized in darkness. 21 61 m24 9 25 2 19 15 m19 m6 5, 6, 12 m6, 11 m6 5, M6, 7, m8, m11, m13, 14, 16, m17, m19, m20, M21, M22, 25, m26, 28, 32 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Mare Nectaris Night Mare Mare Nubium Night Mare Mare Vaporum Night Mare Mareann Human Summoning and controlling equines Mareen Margaret Elemental Monster The Force of Water Margeurite Human Mari Human Mariah Mariana Mariner Mark Marmie Sette Marrow Bones Human Human Human Human Human Skeleton Can turn into a fox Shapes rocks Works with Water Mars Marsha Major Demon Dragon Martha Human All Magic Wants to Accepted for What She Is Heating meals Martin Mary Mary An-Nette Mary Baldwin Human Human Human Human Mary Lou Matthew Human Description Book(s) A night mare who helps Chex in her search for Che. Her dream aspect is a black centauress. She is one of the mares who delivers bad dreams to sleepers Also known as Vapor, she is one of the mares who delivers bad dreams to sleepers. Humfrey's first love. Her power extends to horses, pegasi, and unicorns, the last of which she is particularly attached to. m6, 13 A centaurpede of Magic Dust Village. She is built like a centaur but has one hundred pairs of legs. Daughter of a doctor Trent knew in Mundania A hospitable woman of the Black Village. Married to Jaff. Reassembling bones A hospitable Gap Village farmer's wife. Mundane who needs Rachel most. Life-size pup-pet. Jim Baldwin's wife, 37, researches archaic languages at U of Miami, blonde Librarian of the library in Mundania where Nimby, Chlorine, Kim & Dug went during storm 62 m6 5, m6 14, 16, 19, 22, m25, m32, 33, 38, 39 20 m14 m17 16 36 Twin girl,12, Anairam's sister 20 30 King of Corn-Wall m26 wife of Asse Sette 31 Marrow Bones was originally M10, M11, 12, used to frighten sleepers in m14, m15, 16, bad dreams, but he got lost 19, m28, m30, on a path in the gourd. He m36, m37 can change the configuration of his bones as use demands. Chosen by Dolph as his Adult Companion on his Quest. 25, m37, m38, Character in a Cyrus's play m32 Make people really cold Mundane Page 1 m30 m36 29 M20, 25 23 m13, M17, m35, m39 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Marzipana Giganta Ogre Masque Human Matriarch Matt a Door Human Human Matt Heffelbower Human May Eye Eyeball Me Two Human Meatron Medi Megaera Human Ogre Fury Megan Megan Meggie Mela Human Goblin Nymph Merwoman Reads Minds of Men Melanoma Human Grow or reverse tumors on anything Melete Muse Melody Human Melody Irene Human Melpomene Muse Melvin Mena Menthol Human Human Human Mentia Demon Curses Making Doors Into Unobtainable Access Combustion singing/playing something real Reads Minds of Women Description Page 63 Book(s) Okra's uncle, whose full name m15 is Marzipana Giganta La Cabezudos fen Ogre. He is left to look after Okra, but has plans for marrying her off to a less than considerate husband. Makes very special masks from 32 living creatures, they imbue the wearer with one quality of the creature Matriarch of the Curse Friends 10 26 Mundanian Who Went to Com Pewter to Solve Pieria Village Problem talking eyeball at date palm on Isle of Fellowship, with Al Eye Is able to spontaneously combust things. An aspect of MPD. Freind of Arjayess. Clio's ogre childhood friend. One of three Furies (see also Tisiphone and Alecto),dog-faced old women who serve retribution on guilty offspring. Megaera is the Fury of suffering. flying goblin child Maple tree nymph An adventurous mermaid who is searching for a husband. She is the widow of Merwin. She marries Naldo Naga. Daughter of Melody & Anony on Ptero Cyrus's Muse and Writer's Block. Muse of Meditation One of Ivy's triplet daughters 29 24 19 m26 m28 7 32 m25 m28 11, M15, m17, 19, m21, m23, m24, 26 m27 M32 m20, 23, M24, m25, 26, M27, 28, 29, 31, M32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 24 Mundane girl seeking to remain in Xanth Ebnez's daughter, likes m13, m28 tragedy poetry. Became a Muse. 32 Promenade Glade Visitor 30 A child stealer who delivered m17 young Veleno to the demons. Metria's alter-ego, a little M18, M19, 20, 21, crazy. 25, m27, m28, m30, 31, m35, m36, m37, 38, 39 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Merci Merwoman Mercury Human Mercury Mercy Major Demon Mermaid Merei Centaur Merge Meriel Merla Merlin Merry Merwin Human Maenad Merwoman Human Human Merman Merwyn Meryl Merman Mermaid Mesta Centaur Meto Nymy Unknown Metra Gnome Gnome Metria Demon Metro Gnome Metros Gnome Human Mexine Mermaid Michael [JC] Human Michael [KG] Human Michael Velli Human Michele Human Talent Description Book(s) Merwin and Mela's flirtatious daughter. Like all merwomen, she can't stand fresh water. She marries Cyrus Merman. 16, 19, m21 Change the Temperature of Water All Magic can change into any winged creature Restores things can change into any sea creature enlarges or shrinks fourfold seeing the future, vaguely. Touch or Draw a Picture and Be Transported Into That Scene Heal with his hands Shifting Blame or Credit Page 64 33 Served Prince Charming for 10 years after rescuing him. However, he married someone else, but after she died and he wants to marry Mercy, she won't and wants to return to the sea. Chet Centaur's granddaughter 25, m29 33 24 the 5 sisters merged. mother of Meryl Isle of Fellowship Xanth's first King Woman Mela's defunct husband, who discovered the hard way the differences between mermens' and dragons' games. Meryl's intended Butterfly winged, dark red eyes, bright red hair, tail shifts colors with her moods Chet Centaur's granddaughter 38, M39 22, m34 m24 m19, m24 20 m11, m15 A creature with no fixed form, addressable by any of its attributes. It is a juror at Gracile Ossei's trial. In a Comic Strip, swinging back and forth with a clicking noise. A troublemaking demon who has a large vocabulary of complex words, but can't remember the common ones that would help make her under-stood. Has alter egos Mentia and Woe betide Pun: metronome 11 mermaid with congenital malformation of her tail. 38, 39 M34 M34 24 27 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, M17, m18, M19, 20, 21, m22, 23, 24, 25, M26, M27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, M38, M39 22, 34 25 33 Was attacked by a giant tomato. A character in Michael Velli & the Crow Bar, a tale of the Ass O` of Nine Tails 34 m16 28 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Midnight Cat Midrange Feline Cat MiKe Equine Mike [AA] Human Mike [CaR] Human Mike [CR] Human Mike [TD] Human Mikhail Human Millie Human Sex Appeal Mim Barbarian Crossbreed Can change her wings into anything, even weapons Mindy Human Mirage Crossbreed Miranda Human Mirror Human Misera Bull Misha Crossbreed Cat Miss Adventure Human Miss Anthrope Miss Believe Human Human awareness of coming problems Changes regular wood into reverse wood man who splits into three likenesses Page Description Book(s) Mundanian cat on Isle of Cats Nondescript cat/ blond fur, David Baldwin's pet. Migrated to Xanth when got old. A small shaggy equine creature,companion of EmJay, who calls him her `right-hand Ass`. He is helping to compile a lexicon of Xanth. Looking for his girlfriend, who is usually misunderstood Previous owner of the body Dor inhabits on his tapestry adventures. (Not to be confused with MiKe). m26 M20, 23, m25, M35, 36, m37 65 9 m31 m3 27 with Mac and Mal m24 Mundane from Kamcatka, Asia. Complete story under Noi Formerly a chambermaid at Castle Roogna, she was turned into a ghost for 800 years. Married to Jonathan, the Zombie Master, she is mother of Hiatus and Lacuna. Winged girl 28 Two days short of age 20 (suicide in Mundania), blond hair, glasses, 5 feet 4 inches 160 pounds. Loves to laugh. Shy around new people, outspoken amid friends. Loves puns, the worse, the better. Resents anyone judging another, but doesn't stay angry long, just hurt. Doesn't like heights. A bit clumsy, but a genius. Challenge 2 at Good Magician. Forgot her type, which turned out to be Mer-Naga. M36 Can Teach Anyone Tricks, Except Her Dog 1, 2, M3, 4, 6, 7, m8, 10, 11, m13, 14, 18, 22, m23, m24, 25, 26, 27, m28 35 29 m30 Name of Seren after gives up her pacifier. Adoras half-sister Pet or Arjeyess, soft, pure white fur, and likes to cuddle and purr. Causes the bad luck of getting diverted into a bad area 27 m35 m26 m32 Refuses to talk to you at all Refuses to believe anything you say m32 m32 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Miss Carry Human Miss Chief Human Miss Conception Miss Direct Miss Fortune Human Miss Gesundheit Miss Givings Miss Gnomer Human Miss Miss Miss Miss Human Human Human Human Guide Inform Interpret Isle Human Human Human Gnome Talent Gives wrong directions Bad luck Human Human Human Bad spelling Miss Remember Human Forgets anything you tell her Miss Miss Miss Miss Human Human Human Human Shapen Steppe Succubus Take Miss Teak Missile Toe Pun Monster Mistress Man Misty Meanor Mitch Human Human Human Mnem Moatie Modem Human Monster Human Mol Mol and Kel Human Human Molly Coddle Human Monster of the Sea Monster Monted Demon Moola Cowfolk Description Book(s) Isle of Miss. Can't get the stork to deliver. Girl Met While Looking for a Path Pun: Misconception m38 Girl, smart, decent, amiable, lovely, caring, innocent Sneezes her head off. 26 22 m32 m20 33 Pun: Misgivings 22 21 Guides incorrectly Gives bad information. Pun: Misinterpret Isle of Miss. Likes to throw things but her aim is very bad. She can't hit the broad side of a barn. Made incorrectly spelled signs Can't find anything Isle of Miss. Can't get anything right. 26 21, 26 22 m38 No one gets her name right Miss Pell Miss Place Miss Q Page 19 m32 m38 m32 Isle of Miss. Not very pretty falls down Sucks up whatever is near Mistakes actress portraying Raven in play Woodwife, pun Mystique The monster under the child Crombie's bed. Makes things literal Curse Curse Fiend can summon and send ideas Wears a hair shit made from his hair. Ebnez's wife moat monster magic mirror Age 12, In Touch With Com Pewter. Tousled Hair. Son Of Haggi. makes random springs twin to LY Mol-Creating, Kel-Molding 2 girls who made a bridge over a river for Umlaut On isle of Women: She loves children A huge, blubbery, tusked creature who rescues damsels in distress. Conjectured child of Demon Ted and DeMonica Speaking humanoid A young cowgirl, one of the language race of people with human bodies and cows' or bulls' heads. m38 m25 22 21 36 14 25 21 M38, M39 m28 39 20 25 26 22 9 m23 8 66 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Moondania World Moonshadow Moonshine Mordred Crossbreed Crossbreed Human Morgan Le Fey Human Moron Goblin Morris Merman Morton Human Mote Monster Monster Motes World Mother Hen Human Mourning Crossbreed MPD Human Mr E Mr. E Mrs. Crumpet Human Human Human Ms Dos Human Ms. Erry Mudgeon Muerte A. Fid Human Canine Human Alchemy Munly Human Conjuring small objects Turning things on Joint talent with Lester to turn into humanoid crossbreeds Page Description Book(s) Another of Ida's moons. The real name of Mundania unicorn/night mare crossbreeds unicorn/night mare crossbreeds Son of King Arthur and Morgan Le Fey Mundane sorceress in the time of King Arthur. Made the spancel, which everyone who goes through its loops falls in love with the owner of it. She can also take over someone's body, like the Sea Hag, but through strong urges to let her take them over. A male goblin who works for Godiva, appointed Head Honcho. Married to Siren, and father of Cyrus. Twin with Lester known as More 31 Monster on Motes. Has an appetite for new visitors. Ida's 9th moon. A swarm of small fragments, each big enough to hold a small village. Has a Mote Monster who particularly has a taste for new visitors. A character in a tale of the Ass O` of Nine Tails Son of Nalda Naga & Mela Merwoman A person with multiple personalities, each of whom manifest a different talent. They are: No One; Me Two; She Three; Who Four; Take Five; Pickup Six; Roll Seven; Eight Late; and Nine Line. MPD exists only in the fear storage chamber of the dream realm. Pun: Mystery. Later: see Zaven Pun: Mystery Mundane woman who gives up her plane ticket old outmoded operating system, ancestor to Macrohard Doors, with enchanted paths loves company A cur, Pet of Rusty. Yang's evil successor. Many believed he acquired the throne through his talent with poisons. An official, and one of Roland's friends. 31 37 37 m28 28, 29, 30 13, 15, 19 5, 6, 16 m23 22, 26, 27, 31 m16 21 m19 m22 28 25 38 m25 29 14 1 67 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 68 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Murphy Human Making things go wrong M3, m8, 11, 12, 13, m14, m21, 23, 26 Mus Tard Human Music Monster Myst Monster Human Mysteria Human Murphy was a Magician, and contemporary of Roogna. His power remains undiminished in Mundania, where it is known as Murphy's Law. Tended to make a hot tasting mess of things The monster aspect of Piper Curly mouse brown hair, hazel eyes. by Merge. Creation of Olive Hue. Mystery Cat 179 Characters in M Making music can become a patch of mist, Create What is Needed, But Not Know What it is or How to Use It. 33 M35, m36 M39 29 Tortiseshell cat, 9 or 10 31 yearsold, a Random Factor form 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 69 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Nabob Naga Nada Naga Nadine Naga Crossbreed Naia Merwoman Naldo Naga Nan O`Assembler Machine Nan O`Tek Demoness Nancy Naomi Naga Naga Nara Naga King of the naga, Nada's father Nada is princess of the Naga race. She was advised by Humphrey to marry what Draco brought. She can assume fully human or serpent forms, as well as naga. She was chosen by Dug to be his companion in his adventure. daughter of Naldo Naga and Mela Merwoman Merwoman encountered during Gary Gar's challenges Prince of the naga, and Nada's brother. Handsome and outgoing, he is Xanth's most elible bachelor. First of a series of atomic assemblers which took their refined materials from the heavy industrees to create all manner of useful nonmagical products and toys to be marketed across Xanth and Mundania. Saved the Maidens and brought them to Xanth Isle of Fellowship changed from No Ami, Feminist Fatale--lovely woman who joins their party, actually their secret opponent because in real life she is hideous. Says she's trying to find out who is killing nagas for their hides (nagahide) so she can stop them. Lustrous blond/brown curly hair, blue eyes. on Menace Mesa atop an anomalous mountain in the Gap Chasm, where the Noway Naga dwell 11, 13, 19, m20 M11, M12, M13, m14, 15, M16, m17, m18, 19, 20, m21, m22, 23, m24, 26, m28, 29, 30 m24 18 13, 15, m17, 19, m21, m24, m26, m30 m34 34 m24 M37 36 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 70 Name Species Talent Nara Crossbreed Naro Nathan Nathaniel Nator Naga Human Human Unknown Nattila the Nun Nefra Neme Sis Human Nemesis Nepherina Major Demon Mermaid Neptune Major Demon Nera Nero Neytron Naga Human Human Nick Nickelpede Human World Nicola Niffy Gliff Nigel Human Monster Crossbreed Night Stallion Night Mare Nightreven Nikki Nikko Nillie Sphinx Human Dog Human Nimbus Crossbreed Nimby Dragon Ass Nina Nine Naga Human Nine Line Human Summon water from any Seafood restaurant owner. 34 spring into any container serpent/nymph/brassie/dragon/oh Isle of Fellowship m24 Husband of Nera Naga m22 Neighbor of Orienta 32 A bothersome creature who 17 keeps trying to organize people into a state. He gets transformed into a goober. You will like it in her 35 nunnery 22 Sister of Tiara. Makes a bade m38 enemy. All Magic 25, m38, 39 Winged mermaid who maintains 27 enchanted campsites. All Magic NE_P/T_UNE A demon in m9, 25, m38, 39 X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. Cousin of Nada Naga m22 Animated golems One of the early Kings. m19 Bringing paintings to One of the early Kings. m19 life Whistled a tune (Tune-Nick) m38 Another of Ida's moons. 31 Shaped like and inhabited by nickelpedes. Made a dream realm for Demons 35 21 Rejuvenation of others Son of Nalda Naga and Mela 21 Merwoman Also known as the Dark Horse 5, 6, m8, 9, 11, 12, or Horse of Another Color, 13, m14, m16, m19, Trojan. He is leader of the m20, m22, 25, 26, Night Mares and realm of m29, 30, m33, 36, dreams, the qourds, and the 37, m39 Void small young female, age 270 24 Sees Folks' Natures 30 Mundane Mundane dog, Jaylin's pet. 25 Willie & Nillie, apart 33 they're reasonably well behaved, together they're sheer mischief. mixing metaphors - and Son of Nimby and Chlorine; 25, 27, M31, m32, 39 making them happen has a faint nimbus, or glow around him which his mother can't see. Making himself and Not In My Back Yard--Demon M20, 21, 22, M23, companion anything the Xanth in disguise: donkey 25, m26, 27, 31, other desires headed dragon m32, m35, 36, 37, 39 (mention) m21 Can Stitch 2 Things 30 Together Tickling at a distance A female aspect of MPD. 19 Naga Human Description Page Book(s) 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Nissa Elf Elf of Elm tree, which was dying. 28 No One Human Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Conjuring music 19 Noah NoAmi Human Naga Noi Human A maestro, who makes music by thinking of instrument. An aspect of MPD. Mundane family lost in Xanth Ugly woman, Alter-Ego of Naomi. Mundane from Thailand. Noi dreamed of her ideal man, who turned out to be Mikhail, but they could not find each other until they got to Xanth. They could not even get together there because he only existed when she was asleep. Reverse wood fixed that. Nolan Nora Nora Nosnoora Not-Og Notty Novella Num Burr Naga Crossbreed Human Ogre Human Human Human Numb Chuck Human Numb Nuts Ogre Numbo Human Nyet Nyla Nymph Nymph 56 Characters in N Teleport folk anywhere Daughter of Briskill and Nina Stops anyone from snoring Okra Ogress' twin girl Tying Things Up in NOTS A small female novel Can always make the right numbers needed. Fights with his sticks, but has no feeling, so can't be dissuaded by pain or the threat of it. One of Marzipana Giganta's henchmen. Hotseat A young practical joker of the North Village. Male nymph.forages in sea seductress near Mount Rushmost, with nicklepedes m31 37 28 m37 21 m37 m24, 29 30 24 33 m30 m15 1, 26 36 36 71 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 72 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Oary Human Obelisk World Obvious Human Obvious-Lee Oceana Rain Fields Oceanna Octo Puss Human Human Octopus Og Ogle Ogre Eater World Ogre Ogre Orge Eater Oilc Muse Okra Ogre Old Crone Human Ole Oleander Ogre Elf Olite Olive Hue Imp Human Ology Centaur Human Feline Called the Imposter or Usurper King, he stole the throne of the Kingdom of Onesti from his nephew, King Good Omen. Another of Ida's moons. Main function of the inhabitants is creating monuments. Quick to See the Nature of Any Situation Cancels Obvious 32 33 Eight-legged kitten of Dawn & Eve Ida's 14th moon. Okra Ogress' twin boy Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Makes Imaginary Friends 31 32 Does Things with Water Ultrasonic voice 4 Passing character, pun, eats ogres Clio's unpleasant, aggressive and sarcastic double. Challenge 2 A young ogress not completely accepted by her kind because she is too small, weak and "ugly" (pretty). With her talent she can shatter crystal. She narrowly missed being chosen to be Jenny. A weaver woman, mother of Heather. Ogress, positive attitude Leader of the tribe of Flower Elves. 27 m19 26, 27, m31 m24, 29 21 20 28 M15, m17, 19, m24, 29, m33 m17 21 8 Imp of Imp Perial. 20 Has green skin.Her imaginary 29, M33 friends are only temporary. Falls in love with Dick Philip A centaur who was digging on m13 the Isle of View to find Tapis's house 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Omen Human Online Ogre Onoma Topeia Ogre Human Onomatopoeia Human Opaque Ogre Ophelia Maniac Opti Mystic Nymph Human Opuntia Ordinate Ogre Human Orgy Orienta Ogre Crossbreed Ortant Imp Ose Imp Otense Imp Out Take Owen Cossaboon Ownlee Oxalate Human Human Human Human Oxy Moron Unknown 38 Characters in O Talent Description Book(s) Also known as Good King Omen; the rightful heir to the throne of Oresti. Helped splice The Cable. A juror at Gracile Ossein's trial. She looks like nothing at all. 4 Makes the sounds she writes so others can hear them To Clarify or Confuse Things 33 11 m37 28 37 31 Sees Only Good Things About the Future Okra's grandmother ogress. Moves along the male Y coordinate. Twin to Abcissa. Conjures Things From the East of Where She Happens to Be Page Daughter of Gloha & Graeboe & Elder of Necess City The Mayor of Imp Perial. Father of Quieta Imp of Imp Perial. Works with coral. Make males lose romantic interest m15 19 21 32 5, 20 20 m30 Miss Take's brother quack doctor 21 23 29 33 A big, stupid, heavy-bodied animal with broad horns. He is a juror at Gracile Ossein's trial. 11 Failure Can Change the Amount of Oxygen in the Air. 73 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. P. R. Ogress Pa Troll Ogress Troll Paine Palus Putredinis Human Zombie Pandora Human Para Boat Para Bull Parsley Pastor Bovine Human Human Pathos Thing Pattila the Un Patxi Human Human Paul Bunyan Pe Tard Giant Human Pearl [TD] Human Pearl [XOC] Pearl Valley Human Human Peat Pebbl Human Roc Peek Pooka wants to be stupid The eldest troll at Magic Dust Village, he acts as an intermediary. Getting Into Crises he reinvents the past Putre for short; Mare Imbrium's foal killed and zombied The girl who released all the evils from her box. The only thing left was Hope, A duck-footed boat that can go on land or sea, to the Isles of WO Pun Spice Girl twin of Futura, . Modestly handsome, curly black hair Makes Temporary Paths to Wherever a Person Wants to Go, But They Can Only Be Used Once Making Invisible Walls 24 17 29 M25 m6, 33, m35 22, M23, M26 m21 28 38 31 Need puns? A magician cursed to make the enchanted paths until he is thanked. However, the curse also does not enable people to thank him. Kim is brought in from Mundania to break the curse using her talent of erasure. Lumberjack. Folk Hero. Knew all about green, black-eyes and chick-peas Her glow was thought to be pearly summons magic dust Former Mundane who let Umlaut & his friends stay overnight. Can walk in earth Small roc who looked for steeds for Clio. Found Chele & Danielle A ghostmare with beautiful eyes. Mated to Pook, and mother of Puck. 35 27 28 33 24 m23 26 35 28 8, 9, 12, 16, 25 74 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Peet Keet Peeve Avian Avian Peggy Equine Penny Peril Human Human Perrin Piranha Fish Per-See-Us Human Persephone Perseus Human Insect Pesi Mystic Human Pete Pete Serpent Human Pete Pete Za Petting Sue Thing Human Human Pewter Machine Phanessa Human Phanta Human Can Become a Ghost. Phelra Human Summoning animals. Phil Human Phil Istine Human Project Embarassing Moments Molding things to other things, such as a rock to a loaf of bread Philip Human Phlod Dragon Pia Putz Human Description Book(s) One of a pair of Keets Bird that insults everyone in the voice of the person holding it. An intelligent, loyal winged horse, summoned by MareAnn to act as Humfrey's steed. girl who collects thoughts One of the Sea Hag's alter egos. A small but feisty fish who lives in the lake concealing Draco's lair. Took away maiden from Monster of the Sea and made it the bad guy Mistress of Hell Husband of Andromeda, turned into illusion by Ragna 21 M29, M30, 31, m34 Sees Only Bad Things Abou the Future Original: to see one day into the future. Later: to know what's inimical 14 75 38 14 11 m9 m33 32 31 Guards Mount Pinatuba 27 32 A bog, very good for delving m5 30 31 Com Pewter in android form—mechanical voice, face made on head screen Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. Usually only at night is a ghost. A ghost named Gheorge is trying to enslave her. Falls in Love with Shepherd A witness, a young woman of undistinguished features. M38, 39 Unbreaking, So it Never Was Broken Feed Hungry Folk Attract Young Animal Who Like to Be Petted Change reality in his vacinity Page 26 M33 19 29 Man who demands a woman to marry; gets Tipsy Troll 22 Son of Filip and a childhood friend of Silhouette. After her life is straightened out, they fall in love and marry. Phlod is Dolph's alternative identity in dragon form. Married to Edsel. Diabetic, Reserved, can be sharp tongued. Lustrous long dark brown hair, green eyes, heart-shaped lovely face, shapely figure. 27, m37 11 16, m18, M23, m24, m25 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Picka Bone Skeleton Plays music on his bones with his clavicles 15, m16, 19, m30, M35, 36, 37, 38 Pickle-Eye Pickup Six Goblin Human Pigasus Pincushion Pig World Piper Dryad Piper Monster Pique Ant Queen Piton Plane Insect Plato Plesio Crossbreed Plesiosaur Pluto Dwarf Demon Son of Marrow Bones and Gracile Ossein. Brother of Joy'nt. Married to Princess Dawn. Rebellious goblin Can take pain away by touch. An aspect of MPD. As food, he is ambrosia Ida's 6th moon. Travel is faster using a flew. It is a bug which makes you sneeze and fly for 2 minutes. All inhabitants live on the pins. daughter of Hiatus and Desireee Dryad Used music to summon and store puns. Was changed to a monster by Pundit when they were lost. Only if he finds a beautiful princess to marry and stay in the castle will he be able to be changed back. He then used his music to summon animals to eat. He was called the Music Monster. Handsome man, fine musician, also a gelatinous monster. Suitor for Harmony, plays a "pipe". Takes the hypnotic Gem. Harmony gives him a magic Piccolo Telepathic ant queen Che visits A chip off the old block Another of Ida's moons. Wide but shallow, like a pane of glass. beneath each person shows their polar opposite. Son of Eve & Pluto A long-necked, flippered water dragon, who likes to please people. He helps Kim travel. P L/U TO A demon in X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. Dwarf Demon who was demoted due to a Demon bet. In a fit of rage broke the Cable between the Mundane Internet & the Xanthian Outernet and doesn't want it fixed. Also involved with a bet between him & another Dwarf Demon, Eris on the outcome of the fixing of the cable. Falls in love with and marries Eve. Healing healing Crossbreed World All Magic m31 19 m31 22, 26, 27, m31 24, M32 M35, M36 30, m32 36, 37, 38, 39 28, m31 m35, 37, 39 16 m9, M33, 34, m35, m36, 37, m38, m39 76 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Polly Ester Human Polly Polly Polly Polly Polly Human Human Human Human Human Esther Graff Graph Morph Tician Talent Description Book(s) prize in Demo Derby, really sexy woman 37 making clothing Detect Lies Knows when folk are lying Changes forms Makes others believe his promises Making others stink Polyanna Polecat Polyhymenia Feline Pook Pooka Pose Demon Potipher Human Poison gas Practi Bull Preston Black Crossbreed Human Pushes What He Pushes On Prime Monister Prince Monster Dragon Prince Charming Human Prince Hilarion Human Princess [HC] Human Princess [IOV] Human Princess B-Nign Insect Princilla Prize Pro Tractor Prof Philactic Human Human Human Human Muse banishing specific memories from himself and others. Page 77 m23 27 21 21 22 34 Ebnez's daughter, likes sacred poetry. Became a Muse. A shaggy, wild-looking ghost horse, kept solid by the chains hung around his barrel. He is Jordan's companion. His mate is Peek, and he is the father of a colt, Puck. Suitor, Wants to take over the kingdom from within, by marrying Harmony. Takes the Ring of Power. Harmony's gift: mini bottle to camp in. A youth of the North Village, and a prankster, like many of his peers. Adoras half-sister If for example, he pushes on a pond, he move the whole pond over the landscape. Ruler of castle in Reality 7 Dragon Character in Chex's nice dream made for Fracto and used by Jenny Lost his love, found it again with Mercy, then fell in love with Wenda. From the Isle of Adamant, one of the fading out islands along the west coast of Xanth. He has looked for 20 years for his lost bethrothee A Princess in the time of Roogna and Tapis. She was supposed to be the person who slept for 1000 years and awakened by a Prince instead of Electra Character in Chex's nice dream made for Fracto and used by Jenny The soon-to-be queen of the B's--insects larger and more magical than common bees. A girl Dug knew in Mundania. Surprise & Umlaut's baby Good at turning circles Storks avoid him. m28 M8, 9, m11, 12, 16, 25 M36 1, 26 m35 26 30 m13 33, M34, 39 M34, m37 11, m13 m13 9 m16 30, m31 34 34 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Psyche Ptero Human World Role Reversal Puck Puk Pooka Dragon Pundit Dwarf Demon PunDora Pun Punny Human Puppy Purple Dog Human Puzzle Pyg Malion World Pig Pyra Human Pyramid World Pythia Python Human Monster 96 Characters in P All magic Puns Working with Fire Description The tiny (Ping Pong ball size) moon that orbits Princess Ida's head. It is a world in itself, on which live all the characters who ever existed in Xanth, or will exist, or might exist. It was named by Karen Baldwin. Another Ida lives on it, with her moon Pyramid, and so on through Torus, Cone, Dumbbell, Pincushion, Spiral, Tangle, Motes, and half a myriad others. It was later discovered that the moons are not an endless line, but a loop, ending with a Xanth moon. The colt of Peek and Pook. Guarding a fountain packed with purple mud, spouting gouts of bright-red blood, Built Caprice Castle to store puns and get Piper to handle the job. Was once in Love with Attilla the Pun. Once she found he was dead, she had to get even with his killer Dawn & allied with Steel and Piper to find her. Finally runs off with Gattila the Gun. girl friend of Unpun, who counters her puns. Moves to Ptero when she thinks he no longer likes her. William Henry Taylor's dog Colored man who rescued Humfrey from mud. Ida's 13th moon. A sculptor pig who is a juror at Gracile Ossein's trial. Can actually burst into flame when she gets mad. Second of Ida's derivative moons, where generosity is power. 4 tri-angular faces: Blue, Red, Green, Gray. Priestesses of the Oracle A huge serpent that guards Parnassus. Python is the embodiement of the masculine promise/threat to women, enthralling them even as he prepares to devour them. Page 78 Book(s) 31 m20, 21, 22, 24, m25, 26, 27, m28, m29, m31, m32, m34, m38 8, 9, 12, 16, 25 m2 35, m36, m37 M35 25 22 14 26, 27, m31 11 M30 21, 22, m24, 26, 27, m31, 38 12, m14 7, 12, m28 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Quantum Human Queen Human Quieta Imp 3 Characters in Q Can be in two or more places at the same time 35 Character in Chex's nice dream made for Fracto and used by Jenny A tiny female imp, daughter of Imp Ortant. She makes imp-sized magic mirrors from the film of soap bubbles. m13 5, 20 79 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 80 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Rachel Dog Rachel Ractical Human Imp Ragna Roc Raina Ralph Werecat Human Ram Bunctious Sheep Ran D Rana Randi Demon Human Human Random Factor Human Randy Human Rapunzel Crossbreed Rattila the Run Raven Human Ray [SN] Human Human Finding things, sometimes before they are asked for. Render Things Illusionary or Retrun Them to Real Creation Make stones or other small things explode Magical Hair Eye Color Changes With Mood Make a ray of sunshine Old service dog, black and white German Short-haired Pointer. Lija's sister Imp of Imp Perial. Works with goldenrod to get their dust. A powerful Roc Magician who tried to take over Xanth. He did so by evoking his power & turning the people into ghosts if they didn't want to swear fealty to him. Bedtime booboos. He is nasty, crude, scheming, selfish, stubborn, cruel, hateful, and dirty. Head ram of flock. Along with Sheperd, saved Phanta from Gheorge Sex-crazed First female Sorceress King expected to be a boy, delivered as a girl Figure in Castle Maidragon who does something weird to intruders each time they open his chamber door. He later escapes and falls in love with Debra. M36, m37 m22 20 M32, m36, m37 30 22, m23 33 m35 m19 28 24, 25, m27, m29, M3 m32 Rapunzel is a descendant of Bluebell and Jordan. Her half-elven lineage allows her to change size at will, and she can also grow or shrink her beautiful hair. She is Ivy's pun-pal, and Grundy's love. Happy to race you anywhere m8, M9, m11, 12, m13, m14, m16, 17, 18, 19, m21, m23, 26, m27, m28, 29, m30, 31 Pretty girl in Sofia's play 21 35 m30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Ray [TTTF] Human Rearranging His Body in Unusual Ways Ray [YIW] Re Re Joyce Reason Recipro Cate Red Red Human Human Human Fish Human Centaur Human Red Pepper Red Skeleton [HC] Red Skeleton [LOTD] Red Wizard Ree Sette Reitas Rek King Human Skeleton 20, 27 19 28 Looking for a porpoise 26 Always quick to return a favor 33 The merged centaur 38 One of five sisters with long 38 hair Leader of the Red Team m4 A person in the gourd terminal 11 Skeleton Cousin of White Skeleton m36 Wizard of red face of Pyramid m21 31 m19 m29 Rempel Renee Centaur Human knows talents of others Repulsive Crossbreed making masks Ressed Reuben Imp Human Reversal Reverse Major Demon World All Magic Revy Rhyme Human Human Reversal of magic Rhythm Human singing/playing something real Richard C. White Human Richard Siler Rick a Mortis Ricky Rigor Mortis Rob Human Zombie Golem Zombie Human Human Human Human Ogre Revision Gives folks joy Undo Things Solving problems Description Page 81 Book(s) 32 Found the money tree A girl who re-does things. One of the early Kings. Going to meet his queen at the Rek King ball. Magician Renee is the identity Threnody chose in her ghost form (see Threnody). Half-elf Rapunzel's ugly twin sister Imp of Imp Perial. Boy who lost his talent on the Isle of Talents Demon of Reverse World Another of Ida's moons. Reverse World, made entirely of reverse wood or its equivalent. It is shaped like a giant reverse-wood tree. Nothing is what it seems. All creatures look,, sound, & feel like their opposite. It has 5 areas where things are changed: Bark = Appearance; Branch = Direction; Leaves = Sound; Root = Gender; Wood = Situation. Son of Grey/Ivy Rhythm in disguise while in the troupe One of Ivy's triplet daughters. Betrothed to Cyrus when she gets old enough. A recent arrival from Mundania, living on the banks of Lake Ogre-chobee. Also known as Billy Jack. Pun: rigor mortis A ragged doll Makes things stiff Robs without knowing it. 23 M8, m14 24 20 m23 34 34 21 M32 m20, 23, M24, m25, 26, M27, 28, 29, 31, M32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 17, 18, 19 19 22 22 19 35 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Talent Page Name Species Description Book(s) Robable Imp Imp of Imp Perial. Works with die mound stones. 20 Robert Hamydryad Robert Hindsight Robert Ulysses Dunn Robin Robot Human Author known by Olive Hue m33 Human (R U Dunn) Allergy's husband. 38 Human World 21 29 Robota Golem Roc Ette Roc Raven's little sister Another of Ida's moons. A world completely inhabited by robots. golem made by Com Pewter to study weather. In past, Silica, princess of the Mineral Elves Pompos City People Were Mining Her Rocks and Ragna Wanted Her to Join His Harem Roc of Ages Rockie Roc Machine Rocky Roger Roadrunner Roland Roc Avian Makes a blacktop road. Human Stun-gaze Roland Robot Roll Seven Human Friendship Ronica Human Roogna Human Exchange places with anyone else Adapting living magic Rorrim Rose Human Human Growing roses Rose Quartz Rosemary Rosetta Human Human Human using magic to heal wounds can affect her own reality, to a degree, changing form augmented by illusion 25 flying machine made by Che Centaur from parts and roc flight feathers, with Zyzzyva's left ear Male friend of Roxanne Roc Soothe Troubled Hearts Animating objects 82 Bianca's husband, and Bink's father, and an Elder of Xanth. With his talent, he can freeze a person in place. 1st robot with a soul program. In love with Hannah Barbarian. Parent of cyborg Cyrus. Makes friends easily. An aspect of MPD. 23 32 m26 m25 m15 33 1, 2, m3, 4, m6, m23 M29, m32, m37 19 m30 King Roogna mustered Xanth to defeat the Fourthwave and Fifthwave. He was also architect of the Castle bearing his name. Spirit in a magic mirrow. A refugee from Muerte A. Fid's reign, she became Humfrey's fourth wife after waiting more than two centuries for him. Her full title is Rose Pax of Bliss. m1, m2, M3, m8, m11, m14, m16, m19 26, 14, 23, 29, 30 Spice Girl 28 Daughter of Rose and Humfrey. m14 Her full name is Rosetta Bliss Humphrey, from which comes her nickname, Roy. She marries a cryptologist, Stone. m28 15, m17, m18, 24, m26, m28, m32, 34, 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Rovise Imp Row-Bot Rowena Rowena Robot Human Dog Roxanne Roc Roy Rubella Roc Human Ruben Ruby Human Human Rum Rune Rusty Rusty Demon Human Dog Human Ruth Sutpen Ryver Human Human 84 Characters in R Talent Description Book(s) Imp of Imp Perial. Works with opal. 20 Supposed parent of Dolph daughter of Rachel and Woofer daughter of Rachel and Woofer A female roc, ordered by the Simurgh to babysit a magic egg at Nameless Castle. In 600 years it hatches Sim, the Simurgh's chick. Zombie Roc at Castle Zombie A character in Rubella & the Fool Moon, a tale of the Ass O` of Nine Tails Supposed parent of Dolph Makes a Net to Stop Wiggles Evocation 83 38 m21 37 15, m16, M19, 20, m22, m23, m24, 25, m30, m31, 36, 38 26 m16 m21 31 A cook in Iris' memory. One of the early Kings. from Mundania m18 m19 25 m23, 29 Mundanian Originally one of the challenges Lacuna faces at Humfrey's castle, he can control water and make it take on any shape. He becomes Lacuna's son in her retroactive family. Engaged to Cube. 30 14, m16, M27, 28, m3 rusting metal to any length Water magic Page 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 84 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. S R Sheperd Human Ability to conjure a fragment of the void S Trojan Human Sabrina Human Sage Human Sally Human Sally Graham Human Salmon Ella Salmonella Creature Human Salt Peter Human Sam Human Sam Dog Samantha Sami Sea Monster Sammy Canine Human Monster Find flesh Feline Finding things San D Sand D Sand Witch Demon Human Human Sandy Santo Sandman Human Sara Nade Human Sarah Human Holography Curing chicken feathers' fade Collect Things. Wants to Stop Them From Finding Pluto. A meek man. went with Tess tosterone A young and beautiful woman who was Bink's first romantic interest. Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. Owner of Guardian. Wife of Donald before he became a shade. Woman from Mundania who came to Xanth and became the Cookie Lady poisonous A young woman who cooked wonderful, but contaminated food for Grey, after his computer arranged their date. Disinterest in summoning the stork forages in sea Can't Be Harmed by Physical Things 32 1 26, 28 1 27 23 m12 24, 28 A human youth, part of the lock-key challenge Gloha encounters. Pet dog of Matt Heffelbower making holes 33 Jenny Elf's cat, he is a cute orange fluffball who can find anything but the way home. Paired with Claire Voyant. Spread beach sand all around girl good with sand. single adoptive mother of Sand D (will grow up gay). Adopted by Fornax/Nemesis Every man who sees her wants to seranade her. m17 29 33 36 M13, 15, M16, 19, m20, 22, M26, 33, m3 m35 39 22, M32, 39 22 M39 35 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Sarah Spirlock Human Sati Sfaction Human Satori Sattila the Sun Saturn Crossbreed Human Save-A-Tooth Tiger Feline Sb Human Scab Scintilla Scott Screwdriver Human Human Human Elf Scrounge Scylla Sea Girl Sea Hag Goblin Monster Human Human Immortality Seachel Sean Baldwin Human Human cloning Flight without wings Seel Fish Sela Sea Nymph Sending Nymph Unknown Seren Human Seren Dip Ity Thing Serena Serendipity Serenity Centaur Serpent Avian Major Demoness Talent Can be very bright and hot All Magic Being the exception Can Dematererize Atoms Making Happy Things Happen That You Don't Expect. Spreading Peace Around Her Page 85 Description Book(s) 1st colonist to Counter-Xanth. Mundane who needed healing elixir but was immune to it. Settled in area where sick become well. Innocent girl, played by Sharon Girl/cat. Can brighten your day 27 **SA<<T/U>>RN**A demon in X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. Collect teeth from the Tooth Fairy because they have a part of the soul. Gives them to children who need souls. The Sin Bursar, a human woman in charge of Sin Tax, at Humfrey's castle. Parent of Hugh Mongus Daughter of Crony m9, 20, 25, m38, m39 A guard and member of the Tool elf tribe. A goblin of Goblin Mountain. Zombie sea monswter on Zombie Young Sea Hag A sorceress who achieves her immortality by taking over the body of a new person or creature after her old one dies. Jim Baldwin's Son, 17, Hair Dark Almost Black. Loves Willow Elf. Granted Magic Talent By Nimby. Coelacanth who took Wenda to the Kraken has an islet in sea An emulation of Com Pewter on Grey Murphy's Mundane computer. Temporary name of Amber Dawn, since she ended up with the Seren Dip Ity pacifier, until she outgrows it.. This is a broken pacifier that gives you the name Saren and the above talent. Overrules your previous name and talent. Winged girl Daughter of Souffle and Sesame Human Identity of Simurgh 33 28 35 34 17 m21 21 30 9 13 26 m24 M9, 14, m18, 24, m25, m29 24 M20, 21, m23, m25, m27 34 36 12, 20 27 27 22 m32 30 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page Name Species Talent Description Sesame Serpent Emulation Seymour Bones Shadow Shadows Zombie Human Human To Become a Shadow Sharina Human Turn Night Into Day Sharoff Sharon Demoness Human Found in basement of Castle M26, 29, 30, 31, Zombie after Zombie Master m32, 33, 34 retired. She was there because she was fleeing from another sea serpent. Named Drivel by Breanna & Justin, but her actual name is Sesame. Pun: see more bones 22 35 A village idiot, who m17 unknowingly makes the stork think Heather is ready to be a mother. Sister of Suretha. Creation 29 of Olive Hue. Minion of Fletcher 33 23 Sharon Sharon Centaur Demoness Shaunna Human Shaunture Centaur She Three Human Sheba Sheila Shenita Life Guard Canine Centaur Human Shepard Human Sherlock Human Sherry Human can heal other folks' injuries Able to fathom things Seldom Scene, Make Things Not Seen mispronunciation Warn people of trouble next day, so they can escape it. Shrinks things Winged cenatur Sister of Charon & lover of Pluto. Keeps trying to convert Jumper, but she lies and he doesn't trust her. Acted as the lighting and scene changer of the troupe Whatever he mispronounces, appears She makes objects stick to each other. A female aspect of MPD. Dog of Pearl Valley Buxom filly, brown tresses Can't warn of trouble today, and can't warn a person more than once. Minds sheep.Cursed by the Night Stallion. Can't escape until he is rescued by a fair maiden or a horrendous monster. He is cursed to butcher 10 of his flock per day. Falls in love with Phanta. An average-looking black man in his thirties. He volunteers to accompany Nada and Dug on their adventure, and scout out Xanth for the rest of the Black Village.Begins to develop magic powers with reverse wood while he has an adventure with Clio. They continually strenghthen until he becomes the Magician of Reversal. Falls in love with and marries Clio and they adopt Ciriana. Woman 86 Book(s) 22 M33 M32 23 19 26 20 34 33 M16, 17, 19, m23, M2 20, 26 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Shoe World Shy Violet Human Side Hill Hoofer Sigh Clopedia Silhouette Goat Silica Golem Sim Avian Simon Human Simurgh Avian Sir Comspect Sir Culation Sir Cumnavigate Sir Cumstance Human Human Human Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Sir Human Human Feline Naga Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Human Fer Junn Loin Stake Pent Pent Prise Prize Q Lation Tain Tified Vey Vice Vivor Voyant Talent Human Description Book(s) Ida's 11th moon Has every old woman and many children, so no one knew what to do. 26, 27, m31 Blends into the scenery at will, when there is a violet around Human Human can affect her own reality, to a degree, changing form augmented by illusion Page 87 35 Challenge, a lopsided goat that run around the mountain Pun. 'Cyclopedia Very beautiful Mundane woman who became a ghost because she did not kill herself enough. She did not have enough gumption to defeat the evil people in her life. Cube had to borrow her body and provide the gumption. She became a good friend and helped her find Kim Mundane when she needed her. Silica, princess of the Mineral Elves. other name of Robota used in the past. golem made by Com Pewter to study weather. The Simurgh's male chick, who will inherit the universe, in due course 4 The oldest and wisest of birds in the universe. She is the keeper of seeds, and reads minds. Her feathers have magical healing properties. Feathers like light and shadow, head bears a crest of fire. Also has a human identity, Serenity. Tended to evade casual notice Doesn't get around much Can get around anything 7, 11, m13, m14, 15, 19, m20, m22, m24, 25, m28, 30, 31, m38 Where idle sirs gather in the gourd Preferred to ride sea horses Doctor Leader of the pride of loins Was a Naga Stays close to the ground Liked to pop up unexpectedly Amazed Library pun Inspired confidence Crazy Lists and itemizes many things Wants to help Does what he needs to endure Obsequious 33 says things and they happen 23 27 23 19, 20, m22, m23, M24, M25, m26, m28, m29, m30, M31, m38 m23 m29 33 m29 m29 33 m4 m29 33 m29 33 m23 m29, 33 33 33 33 33 33 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Sir Winslow Cromwell Wentworth XV Sire Thing Siren Nymph Sirius Major Demon Skimpy Skeleton Skully Skeleton Skyla Human Skyler Human Slander Sleaze Human Monster Sleeping Beauty Human Slow Comb Ogre Sludge Slum Burr Smart Alec Smash Zombie Human Human Ogre Smith Human Smithereen Ogre Smokey of Stover Dragon Demoness Talent Page Description Book(s) dust bunny under Arjayess' bed. m26 Beautiful demoness who incites desire (D.Sire = pun) in men. Mentia's friend. Luring men with her music Siren has a magnificent voice and a magical dulcimer with which she enchants men luring them to her island. She is married to Morris the Merman and is the mother of Cyrus. All Magic S(IR)ius A demon in X(a/n)th's social system, competing with him for status. Figment of Picka trying to get him off path in Hades Can change his bones to Knucklehead. Ship sank out of become weapons or other the gourd. Sweet on Joy`nt. things Going to be Mistress of the Sky Turn gray days into sunshiny ones, or at least the section around him. acurse friend acting in a play The moat monster of Castle Zombie. A female curse fiend who once played the role of Sleeping Beauty. She was "rescued" by Crunch ogre, who didn't know that she was just acting. She later married him, and became the mother of Smash. One of Okra's prospective husbands, in the view of her aunt Fannie. Zombie at Castle Zombie Makes folks sleepy Smash is actually half-ogre and half-human, because his father, Crunch married a Curse fiend. Smash is married to Tandy. A member of the Black Village, and a blacksmith. An ogre from Ogre-fen-ogre Fen, who is smashing and bashing his way to Okra's village. Along the way, he is Gobble Goblin's champion in the contest for the Goblin Mountain Chiefdom. A dignitary at Chex's wedding 88 21 2, M5, 6, 14, 16, 23, m24, m29, m31 m9 35 M35, 36 30 35 m26 10 2 m15 26 33 22 3, M4, M5, 6, m7, m9, 10, m11, 14, m17, m19, m20, m21, 25, 26, m27, 33 m16 15, m17, 19, m24, 29, m33 m11 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Smoky Quartz Human Constantly Heated Up About Something Smuggler Equine Human Robot Animal Sniper Snortimer Harpy Monster Snotnose Snowman Goblin Thing Sofia Socksorter Human Softcover SOGA Human Monster Son Song Sonya Sophia Isadora Souffle Human Human Human Human Monster Sourdough SpartAnn Spell Doctor Monster Human Human Spider World Spider Mon Spiral Spider World Spring of Life Thing 89 Book(s) 30 Horse from Mundania, hunted during the time of no bad dreams. Snagglesnoot Monster of Synchromesh Snarl Dog Snide Sniffer Sniffer Description Page m26 m11 Formed from Ursa's tangled hair Man that was bothering Phelra Robot bomb sniffer Can sniff and tell if someone has magic Sorting Socks Manipulate Men's Minds Dumb Luck Figuring Things Out The monster under Ivy's bed. Composed mostly of five big hairy arms and hands that grab any ankle that comes near. Rebellious goblin Abominable snowman in the mountains of the Water Region Humfrey's third wife, chosen from Mundania for her domestic acumen. Mother of Crombie. Author of play. a paper-backed man Refugee from dream realm. Sea Of Grusome Arms. Aaron of the hot hands burned off the fur and found a good-looking girl. In Sofia's play Acrobat From Mundania Castle Roogna's sea serpent moat monster and sometime baby-sitter. Diagnosing spells Healing Castle Rockbound moat monster Relative of MareAnn An elderly woman in King Trent's household. The Spell doctor can view the effects of a spell, and figure out their cause. Another of Ida's moons. Shaped like and inhabited by spiders Pet of Roy Ida's 7th moon. Looks like a galaxy. A magical, conscious spring who influences anyone it heals to never act against its interests. 20 m19 M37 1, 2 37 M9, m10, m11, m17, 2 m31 5 14, 15, m17, 20, 21, m25, 27, m28, 32, 38 23 35 21 29 30 m30 14, 22, 28, 34, 30 m25 2 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, m30, m32, 36 31 m20 22, 26, 27, m31 1 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Spunky Canine Squid Alien Sta Sis Human Stacey Steamer Dragon Stanley Steamer Dragon Stanley Stork Starr Avian Human Steel Human Stefan Steamer Stella Steamer Dragon Dragon Steph Stephanie Human Human Freeze Things in Place Stephen Wolfe Human attracts women who are madly in love with him in his presence, but forget about him in his absence. Stereopes Cyclops Steven Steamer Stifle Stigma Stile Stock Dragon Stork Zombie Human Human Stone Human Interpreting things Storm King Human Creating Storms Twinkling like a double star Can become any weapon. Page Description Book(s) German Shepherd and Samoyed mix, white and light tan with a white nose, white brows and freckles. In Umlaut 7's chest. Mock octopus. Adopted by Kandy/Ease Sister of Tiara. Can make anything stop. Also known as Stella Steamer. She is the Stanley Steamer's female counterpart, and assumes responsibility for guarding the gap during his youth. see Gap Dragon. 30 A stork at the Stork Works A young woman in Humfrey's service for one year. She takes over Sofia's domestic chores. Became Attila's sword. Then a magic mirror to hrlp Pundora find Dawn. Gap Dragon in Reality 6 Also known as Stacey Steamer. She is Stanley Steamer's female counterpart, and assumes responsibility for guarding the gap during the time he was youthened. 6 year old child from Mundania. Leader of the extinct May I tribe. 90 M39 m38 m8, m10 M7, 8, M9, 10, m11, 12, m13, m14, m17, m18, 19, m21, m25, 26, m27, m30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39 21 14 35 30 7, M9, 19 31 28 34 Brother of Brontes, and m7 Arges. These three cyclopes made up the Powers of Air, until they fell into disfavor. Stella and Stanley's baby. 19, m21 30 22 Blue Adept m14 Lock, Stock & Barrel, when 33 they join, they can shoot things or blow them up completely. Aspects of the 3 Princesses The son of a local forester. m14 Married to Rosetta. A former King of Xanth. 1, m4, m14, m17, m18, m19, 23 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Talent Stoturyso Wolf Werewolf Stover Strator Stretch Dragon Demon Ogre Stu the Stonelayer Stunk Human Stupid Goblin Stymie Stymy Stork Stork Subcon Tractor Human Summer Human Sunny Sette Suretha Human Human Turn Night Into Day Surprise Human Many Susan Human Svelte Swiftmud Human Thing Sword Elf Sylvanie Sylph Sylvester Sylph Sylvia Sylph enlarging or minimizing living thins Goblin Description Book(s) Werewold met while visiting Phaze. Fire-breathing winged dragon Speed demon cabbie grows larger and weaker or smaller and stronger Man Morgan Le Fey stanceled. Restored by Magician Sherlock. A recipient of one of Mare Imbrium's bad dreams, who later delivers a message to her. A goblin who didn't go on Godiva's mission Female version of Stymy. Wouldn't deliver Surprise's baby because he said she was too young & had to help recover it. Finishes the jobs others don't get to 27 Repress a Single Memory in Someone Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Page 91 35 20 m25 28 6 m13 30 M30, 32 34 30 Getting pretty in the evening Sister of Sharina. Creation of Olive Hue Grundy and Rapunzel's daughter, delivered at age 6. With her talent, one never knows what magic will manifest. Initially she showed talents of size change, hair, changing objects, invisibility, and bringing nightfall, later, a whole paragraph more. However, she thinks she can only use each talent once. She now lives in Euphoria in Mundania. Married to Umlaut. Has a daughter, Prize. Aunt of Silhouette. She was controlling her life. Parent of Hugh Mongus Mud grub Trent adapted into a mud slide to use for transportation King of the elves 31 29 Female child of Sylvia Sylph, kidnapped by goblins. Former husband of Sylvia Sylph. A sylph forced by goblins to lure other people to their lair, under threat of death to her child, Sylvanie. Surviving widow of Sylvester. 12 17, M18, m19, m21, m23, m24, M26, m27, 28, 29, M30, m31, m32, m39 27, 30 m21 17 29 m12 12 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Synech Doche Thing 179 Characters in S Talent Page Description Book(s) A creature having no fixed form--it is addressable by any of its parts, and any of its parts by its whole. It is a juror at Gracile Ossein's trial. 11 92 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 93 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Tacy Human Take Five Human Tala Talent Scout Human Human Tallyho Human Tammi Human Tandy Human Tangelo Human Tangle World Tangleman Human Tani Human Tapis Human Seeing future, five seconds Sew Enchanted Clothing Can Determine People's Talents Throwing tantrums can tame any nonhuman creature, make a pet of it Weaving magical tapestries Initially emulated by Metria to hinder Umlaut's task and then later married to Tristan Troll by Com Pewter. A result of a curse of being in love with one person (Terian) and married to one he doesn't love. An aspect of MPD. Sees 5 seconds into the future. 26 19 27 32 Assigns talent to babies and makes sure they apply to that family. Terri's alter ego, with the talent of seeing through conspiracies, even the Adult Tandy is the half-nymph daughter of Jewel and Crombie. She is married to Smash Ogre. The tantrums she throws are explosive detonations, capable of temporarily dismembering a demon. One of Harmony's once-a-day women trying to win Bryce's heart Ida's 8th moon.Looks like knots of spahetti. Tangleman used to be a tangle tree, but when he threatened Ivy, Trent turned him into a man. He has green skin, and barklike clothing. 26 38 m4, M5, 6, m9, 10, m11, 14, M17, m19, m21, 25, 26, m27, 33 m36 22, 26, 27, m31 M10, m19 38 Tapis is a small, ancient sorceress, living at the time of Roogna and Murphy. The magic tapestries she weaves enable folk to step into their worlds. 11, m14, m15, m19, 2 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Taplin Human Tard Fish Tasmania Devil Ogre Tasmaniac Ted Ogre Crossbreed Teddy Bare Tedmon Human Demon Tell-A-Path Thing Teller Demon Telliam Will Tension Centaur Demon Tenth Major Demon Terian Mouse Terpsicore Muse Terri Human Terri Bull Terri Bull Terry Terry Tamagni Crossbreed Bovine Human Human Tess Tosterone Tessa Human Human Tesseract World Test Thalia Demon Muse Talent Description Book(s) May-be parent of Dolin & wife of Dolph. The Princess who was supposed to take the sleep instead of Electra. A bass who Grundy tries to use as a messenger to the Monster of the Sea, but it wants to eat him instead. The bride at a wedding Okra attended. Rumored to be the meanest she-canine of an ogress born in that generation. Cousin of the Tasmania Devil. Demon/Human Crossbreed son of Metria. m24 Make People Naked Changing Talents. All Magic moves forward a day to escape sadness: to morning, to avoid mourning Enlarges things Page 94 9 m15 m15 m20, 23, 24, 26, m27, 28, 29, M30, m31, m39 30 m23 Conjectured child of Demon Ted and Demonica Tell it where you want to go 31 and it will make a path there. Found on the Isle of Talents. m23 Masquarades as a coin. 29 Metria subbed for him m25 Challenge 1 Another of the Major Demons, m2 mentioned in Xanth's thought streams Com Passion's mouse, pun, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, lovely when she assumes human 26, 28 aspect Ebnez's daughter, likes song m28 and dance. Became a Muse. 38 Adoras half-sister Pun Woman Mundane, met at an enchanted campsite Very pushy.Seeks S Trojan. m35 m21 20 27 Ida's 15th moon. A 4-dimensional hyper cube. 81 cubes, all the same size, all in one box. Unlocked by square dancing. makes a trade with Anomy The Muse of comedy and planting. She caries a smiling face mask and a shepherd's crook, and wears a wreath of ivy. 26, 27, m31 Sidestepping Into Next Realm 32 26, M27, 28 24 7, m28 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Theodore Sturgeon Fish Therese Human Thesis Human Thin Lee Human Thom Thorin Threnody Human Human Crossbreed Thyme Tiara Human Human Tiello Human Tim Burr Human Time Being Timothea Timothy Timur Human Demoness Human Human Tipsy Troll Tish Tisiphone Human Fury Tittle Human Todd Human Todd Loren Tom [PP] Human Human Tom [RAAHP] Human Talent Locating Non-Xanth Magic Demonstriation Description Book(s) Consummate stylist, very sharp on details. Leader of fish school Challenge 3. Hydroponics. Growing hydras in water. Zombie researching Spancel. Restored by Zaven. later fell in love & married him. Person crossing invisible bridge over the Gap Chasm. Mundane family lost in Xanth arrow maker in gourd. Half-demon. Threnody's talent allows her to slowly change shape, size and mass. She has lustrous black hair and dark eyes. She caused Jordan's death by telling him a cruel lie. She was married to Yang, before becoming a ghost. Spice Girl Girl with wild fair hair, that enables her to fly by nulling density. Blue eyes, cherry mouth, nice features and print dress, poised. 18 tomorrow when met. She has many pun sisters New Magician that assigns talents 34 Could make wood appear from nowhere, but always falling over Conjuring clothing Summon Animals Cooling or Heating Water to Vapor or Ice Cold shoulder 28 27 m31 26 M8, M9, m14, 16, 19 28 M38, M39 m26 Scientist m37 38, 39 31 31 On isle of Women: Female troll who is nevertheless decent. She helps Bink locate dream princes. M22 One three Furies, (see also Megaera and Alecto), dog-faced old women who serve retribution on guilty offspring. Tisiphone is the Fury of guilt. Lacuna's retroactive daughter; twin to Jot. Eye of the Bee-holder. Mundane, dead at 32 95 31 33 Making Folks Freak Out Sees Things From More Than 1 Angle. Directs winds Literally Undressing Women with His Eyes. Conjure a small cloud and pick any tool or weapon from it Page m30 7 14, m30 33 21 m29 m19 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Tom [WC] Toney Harper Human Human Tonic Toon Torus Human Thing World Tovi Human Trace Demon Tracy Berry McLian Tran Human Trans Mitter Human Trapezoid Tree World World Trem Bull Trenita Bovine Imp Trenris Human Trent Human Trentia Human Trevorr Troll Tristan Troll Tristan Troika Human Troll Trojan Equine Talent Book(s) Tom Boy. Emulates a boy. 35 m28 Very active. Water man working in car pool 3rd of Ida's moons. Shaped like a doughnut. One who does a service for another comes to like that person, or even love them. If you arrange to exchange favors, they cancel out. 33 20 21, 22, m24, 26, 27, 28, m31, 38 Forever Bungling Things, But Her Mistakes Lead to Larger Scale Benefits 31 Alias of Woe Betide when they met with Debra Mundane 31 Not Tran's sister, or Tran's parent, or Tran Lou Cent, merely Tran, completely dull. 28 Sends Messages by Projecting Images of Them Reverses effect of other talents Transformation 96 Description Makes evocative music with his harp Human Page 35 27 Ida's 10th moon. Another of Ida's moons. Inhabited by all kinds of trees. Pun Quieta's daughter. A guide for the Baldwins. Son of Trent/Iris after youthening; he ages rapidly Once an Evil Magician, he was exiled to Mundania for twenty years, before returning to Xanth. His talent allows him to transform others into any other living form. Married to Iris, and father of Irene. May-be daughter of youthened Tren & Iris (the 3 princesses were not sure of the name) Could be Irenti Bus driver-safe, reliable, truculent A troll who betrayed his village by releasing a succulent human child. As punishment, he was scheduled for a horrible dream. Later become Com Pewter's mouse, finding eventual happiness with Mouse Terian Tristan's namesake An old kitchen servant in Okra's household. See Night Stallion. In love with Helen of Troy. 26, 27, m31 31 m21 20 21 M1, 2, 3, 4, m5, 6, m7, m8, m9, m12, m13, 14, M17, 18, 19, m21, m22, m23, m24, m25, m27, m28, 29, m31, 34, 36, 37, m38 m24 34 11, 17, m19, 22, 23, m25, 26, 28, 29 m26 m15 5, 6, m14, m17, 19, 25, m29, 36, 37 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species TrojAnn Trolla Human Troll Trom Human Tromp Trou Bull Trowel Troll Bovine Elf Troy Human Truculent Troll Truman Tsunami Tuck Troll Human Human Tuff Stuff Human Tu-Morrow Turn Key Human Human Tweeter Bird Tyler Human Type-O Demon 98 Characters in T Talent Description Book(s) Relative of MareAnn Lives in a village near the Source of Magic. Is responsible for the proper distribution of the maqic dust. Beats out a rhythm with a bone (trom-bone) Cave predator Pun A guard and member of the Tool elf tribe. m25 2, m5, 23 Invoking Monster Qualities Liquidation Pause time for others, not himself 97 m38 38 m21 9 31 A Troll from Tristan Troll's 11, 39 village, and witness at Gracile Ossein's trial. leader of two henchmen trolls. 39 22 35 A vendor in Challenge 1 selling stone and later the male lead in the troupe. Can See Day Into Future The Mundanian keeper of the Gate at No Name Key, where the Night Mares depart Xanth to carry bad dreams to Mundanes. Parakeet, Karen Baldwin's pet, brownish feathers. Migrated to Xanth when got old. has a different small talent every day Causes mistakes in words Page M32 30 11, 12, m20 M20, m25, M35, 36, 3 22 25 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Uland Equine Discerning the truth Umber Ella Human Umlaut Golem Never Gets Wet in a Rainstorm Emulation Un D Uncle Nym Unpun Upp Sette Up-Setter Urania Demoness Human Zombie Human Dog Muse Uroborus Serpent Ursa Human Utan Pun 12 Characters in U to make puns disappear Get Upset A Unicorn, summoned by 14 MareAnn to be Humfrey's steed. 32 Golem created by Fornax for a bet. He will have the semblance of body, life, and awareness. He has a chore to accomplish. If he accomplishes it, Xanth wins. Gained a real soul at the conclusion of his quest. Married to Surprise. Has a daughter, Prize. With panties Husband of Auntie Nym lost his sense of humor M26, m27, 28, 29, 30, m31 35 m27 M25 31 m22 m7, m28 Pet of Vera Similitude Ebnez's daughter, became an astronomer. Became a Muse. Serpent who circled the world m12 and held his tail Girl from whose tangled hair 20 her companion dog Snarl formed Orange utan 20 98 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 99 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 Species The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Vadne Human Van Go Human Topology Vanna Jane Human Morrow Shelton Veleno Human Making colored popcorn Vendetta Venus Human Major Demoness All Magic Venus Vila Vila Vera Similitude Human Vernon Human Causing vertigo Versa Vertex Human Dragon Changes Opposites Back Vice Human Vida Vila Nymph Change Anything to Its Opposite Form-changing Vigor Human A woman of the past, Vadne was able to change the appearance of things without changing their underlying nature. Not quite a Magician, she is sometimes called "Neo-sorceress". She was banished for changing Millie into a book. Painter in Mundania during Trent's visit woman from Mundania 3, 12, m13, m14, m21, 23, 26 Heather's son, whose name means "poisoned gift". He is a nymphomaniac--obsessed with nymphs. Scintilla's mother V(E\N)US A fatale femme among the demons in X(a/n)th's social group. Nasty Vila who tried to seduce & hurt Hugo & Random factor On Isle Of Women: With her dogs Disa Pointer and Up-Setter Lacuna's past boyfriend, who becomes her husband retroactively. 17, 19, m30 Mate of Vortex. Medium-small suction tunneling friendly telepathic dragon m17 25 m21 m9, m19, 20, 25, 28, m34, m37, m38, 39 31 22 14, m24, m27 27 29 27 A nature nymph who would like to marry Dolph. She can change forms at will, and is diligent in the protection of her lands. She was a replacement companion for Nada Naga. A character in a tale of the Ass O` of Nine Tails 11, 16 m16 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Vim Human Vindi Cate ViOgra Viola Corn Human Ogre Equine Violet Human Virginia Wolf Vision Vita Man A Vita Man B Werewolf Centaur Human Human Vita Man C Human Vita Man D Human Vita Man E Human Volney Vole Voracia Human Vore Demon Vortex Dragon Vortex Vu Human Human 32 Characters in V Talent Make Things Friendly Summoning demons Sees the past Page 100 Description Book(s) A character in a tale of the Ass O` of Nine Tails Lawyer for the defense Sex-crazed orgess Unicorn met while visiting Phaze. Won't help with fire ants. An emulation of Metria. The leader of the werewolves. m16 Sees well. Che's Challenge 1 Excellent nerves. Che's Challenge 1 Beats common cold. Che's Challenge 1 Strong bones. Che's Challenge 1 Strong heart. Che's Challenge 1 Volney has grey fur and brown eyes while above ground, but the colors reverse when below ground. He has silver talons that fit over his own, with which he can tunnel amazingly fast. Changes bra and panties to any style or substance. Violet eyes, black/purple hair. Leader of isle of Woman. Grossclout's son, a young prince. Father of DeMonica. Married to Nada Naga. Mate of Vertex. Medium-small suction tunneling friendly telepathic dragon One of the early Kings. Young woman 33 24 27 26 18 21 25 25 25 25 25 M10, m11, m12, m14, m25 22 19, 20, m21, m22, 23, 24, m28, 29, m30 29 m19 20 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 101 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Wade Human Waller Wallette Wallnut Warren Warren Warrior Human Human Human Ghost Human Watt`s Gnu Gnu Wayne Weedles Human Plant Can summon magic weapons Wenda Woodwife Her talent is handling reverse wood, guiding the way it reverses, and not being affected by it herself. Wesla Werewolf Weslee Weredragon White Flower White Skeleton Human Skeleton Who Four Human Duplication Whurl Poole Wigo Human Human Making whirlpools Magic draining Wilda Wiggle Vole William Henry Taylor Willie Human Human Wade Through Water Knee-Deep, No Matter How Deep the Water 30 makes walls with Wallette makes walls with Waller makes wallpaper creating ghosts After she return his courage, falls in love with Maeve wants to learn of all the news of the past day Can Breathe Any Type of Dragon Breath: Fire, Smoke or Steam One of Irene's mischievous pet plants. Computer Wants to Make Her Into a Mother Board. Changed into full body during quest and falls in love & marries Prince Charming. Adopts children because she cannot have any of her own. Captive servant od Dragon King in Storage m23 m23 m23 m19, m24 33 25 36 4 M33, M34, 37, 39 39 32 Bride of Tristan's father m26 cousin of Red Skeleton, in 36 dream realm An aspect of MPD. Can 19 duplicate inaniminate objects. m30 Hugo and Wira's daughter, 21 Ptero A female wiggle, very petite 10, m14 and attractive for her kind, with a peculiar taste for air-flavored stone. Volney's mate. Mundane who wandered into 22 Xanth when sick Willie & Nillie, apart 33 they're reasonably well behaved, together they're sheer mischief. 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 102 Name Species Talent Description Book(s) Willow Elf Flying M20, 21, 23, m25, m2 Willow Human Win Human A Winged Elf, associating with a winged elm tree, large for an elf because the tree is large, so almost human sized. About 18, pretty, fair hair to waist, large green eyes, tiny hands and feet. Loves Sean Baldwin, and goes to Mundania with him. Character in a storry told by Jenny Elf Adopted by Tiara/Mitch Win D Windona Wira Demon Elemental Human Blew them off 35 20 14, 20, 25, 30, 35, Woe Betide Demon Wolfe Wolfram Wolfram Tungsten Dog Werewolf Crossbreed Wolverton Woody Woofer Werewolf Animal Dog Wrench Elf Wryly Human Wulfa Werewolf Wyck Human Wynde Tchill Cloud always having the wind at one's back The Force of Air Sensitivity sniffing out any living shing Increasing strength as they get closer to their tree. Making things go awry A blind woman whose body was asleep on the Isle of Illusion. She met Hugo in the dream realm and later married him. Although she had lost twenty years of her life, with Gorgon's help, she was youthened to her conscious age. Brown hair, pink eyes. Later, by participating in a Quest, she was granted her sight. Metria's alter ego, a sweet, winsome waif. son of Woofer and Rachel On Isle of Wolves Part wolf, part ram, & tongues ten. Lonely & wants a friend. Goes with Barbie Que. King of the werewolves Childhood pet of Wenda Large mongrel dog, Sean Baldwin's pet, hair dark like Sean's. Migrated to Xanth when got old. A member of the Tool elf tribe. A mischievous, toe-headed farmer's boy. Even Cynthia can't handle him, since his talent makes her trance-parent. female leader of the Pack in Storage Absorb any liquid, becoming its color m13 M39 15, 17, M19, m24, 25, m27, 28, M30, M31, m35, m36, 37, 38, 39 37 22, 39 30 22 m34 M20, 21, M35, M36, m37 9 17 39 35 Child of Fracto and Happy Bottom 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, M31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39 28 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Wynne Human 39 Characters in W Talent Page 103 Description Book(s) A personality phase of the character Chameleon. In this phase, she is very beautiful and good-natured, but also stupid. (See also Dee, Fanchon, and Chameleon). M1, m6, 35 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 104 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Xander Xanth Human World electromagnetism Xanth Major Demon All Magic Xanthippe Human Instant hypnotism Xanthus Xap Equine Hippogryph Xavier Human Zapping things Xena Unknown Xeth Zombie changes shape involuntarily, each shape with different talent Mind Reading Xina Human Change Her Hair at Will Xinu Human 11 Characters in X son of Xavier/Zora Another of Ida's moons. Created by Ilene from Illusion to the Ida on Earth Moon. See the conclusion of Air Apparent. X(A/N)TH The source of the land of Xanth's magic. He lives in a deep cavern sealed from intrusion, and guarded by the Brain Coral. His body has leaked a trace amount of magic which is accountable for all the magic in Xanth. He takes human form as Nimby, a Dragon Ass. Also known as the Wicked Witch of the Wilderness, she is associated with yellow things. Mother of Xavier. Achilles talking horse Xap is golden colored, with the torso of a griffin, and the body of a horse. He is Xavier's companion, and Chem's mate. Xavier can zap things merely by pointing at them. He is robust and has a yellow complexion. Son of Xanthippe, and married to Zora. 24 31 2, m7, 9, m11, 14, m16, m17, m18, m19, 20, m22, m23, m25, 26, m27, m30, 31, m32, 34, m35, m36, 37, 38, 39 7 25, 26 M7, 10, m11, 12, m14 M7, m10, m22, m24 24 King of the Zombies, married to Zyzzyva Some changes can be very scary or odoriferous Newer operating systme. 22, M25 M32 38 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 105 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] Talent 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Yak Yak Yang Human Yellow Human Yellow Rose of Texas Human Yena Monster Yeta Yin Mermaid Human Yin-Yang Human Yorick Human Young Human 10 Characters in Y The most talkative of wild creatures. Creating invokable spells Magician of darkness, the dominant half of the personality Yin-Yang . One of five sisters with long hair One of Harmony's once-a-day women trying to win Bryce's heart Challenge 2. Monster with locks in his hair Creating invokable spells Magician of Light, the non-dominant half of the personality Yin-Yang . Creating invokable spells Yin-Yang was a magician with a split personality. Yin was the good half; Yang was the evil half. Yang became King of Xanth by winning a competition for the throne, set by Gromden. He married Threnody. Boyfriend of Silhouette. He was brutal. Redirection 7 8, m14 38 36 17 28 8 8 27 m31 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Page 106 KEY - Xanth titles, so far, by the numbers 1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 A Spell For Chameleon[ASFC] Ogre, Ogre[OO] Golem In The Gears[GITG] Isle Of View[IOV] Harpy Thyme[HT] Faun & Games[FAG] Swell Foop [SF] Pet Peeve [PP] Jumper Cable [JC] Esrever Doom[ED] Ghost Writer in the Sky (2016?)[ Name Species 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 The Source Of Magic[TSOM] Night Mare[NM] Vale Of The Vole[VOTV] Question Quest[QQ] Geis of the Gargoyle[GOTG] Zombie Lover[ZL] Up In a Heaval[UIAH] Stork Naked [SN] Knot Gneiss [KG] Board Stiff [BS] Fire Sail (To Come)[FS] 3 7 11 15 19 23 27 31 35 39 Talent Castle Roogna[CaR] Dragon on a Pedestal[DOAP] Heaven Cent[HC] The Color Of Her Panties[TCOHP] Roc And A Hard Place[RAAHP] Xone Of Contention[XOC] Cube Route[CuR] Air Apparent [AA] Well-Tempered Clavicle[WTC] Five Portraits[FP] 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 Centaur Aisle[CA] Crewel Lye[CL] Man From Mundania[MFM] Demons Don't Dream[DDD] Yon Ill Wind[YIW] The Dastard[TD] Currant Events [CE] Two to the Fifth [TTTF] Luck of the Draw[LOTD] Isis Orb (2015)[IO] Description Book(s) M# - Major Character in that Book. m# - Mention only in that Book. Zach [JC] Human Zach [SN] Human Zafar Zam Zamantha Zana Zap Zombie Zombie Zombie Human Griffin Zaven Human Restoring Zombies Zelda Zeth Zilch Human Zombie Sea Cow slowing time Zilche Zimon Zink Zombie Zombie Human Zoltan Dread Locks Ogre Zombie World Zombie Master Human Makes Any Drink From Any Liquid Mirage holes Cursed to be unable to settle 33 down until he solves a riddle. 30 (listed as zombie lover) Friend of Zosi Friend of Zosi Thanatos hide the color of shoe polish, talks by painting words on hide. Cursed with a soul that makes her pacifistic and a vegetarian. Zaven used to be Mr. E until he accidentally found his talent by restoring Thesis. Later fell in love & married Thesis. daughter of Xavier/Zora Friend of Zosi Irene's pet sea cow, who enjoys swimming in the castle moat. Mermaid Friend of Zosi A trouble-maker of the North Village, his talent lets him manifest illusory holes in the ground. A widower ogre, and prospect for marriage with Okra, in the eyes of her great aunt Fannie. Another of Ida's moons. This is the new home of the Zombies. Millie & the Zombie Master (Jonathan) have a castle there similar to Zombie Castle since they retired. The world is populated by dreaming zombies. See Jonathon 22 37 37 m14 M37 28 24 37 4 M25 37 1, 26 m15 26, 27, 28, m31 M3, 4, 6, 7, m8, m10, m13, 14, m15, m18, m19, 22, m23, m24, 25, 26, 27, m28, m31, m32, m37 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 Name Species Zomonster Monster Zora Human Accelerating aging in others Zosi Zombie conjuring peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Zusan Zush Zombie Human Zylvia Zyzzyva Zombie Zombie 24 Characters in Z Talent Consistency Page 107 Description Book(s) A zombie monster who lives under Lacuna's bed. A heroic zombie who committed suicide in her first life. Later, thanks to love, and the aid of Gorgon, she gradually began to return to normal. Married to Xavier. gray hair despite being young. She's a converted zombie. Friend of Zosi The zombie responsible for helping Ivy get lost. Friend of Zosi Freshly zombied woman, in very good condition. Former fighter. Xeth's Zombie wife m10 M7, 8, m10, 12, m13, 14, m22, m24 M37, 39 37 7 37 22, M25 12-Apr-2015 XANTH Characters Through 'Five Portraits[FP]' as of 11-Apr-2015 The Database does not allow duplicates between Character and Species. Since the author does occasionally repeat Characters within a species, all duplicates will have something in brackets[] after the Character Name, either a one-word comment or an abbreviated book title. Example: The first Astrid,Crossbreed will be Astrid [FAG] for the Astrid in Fawn And Games, the second Astrid,Crossbreed will be Astrid [BS] for the Astrid in Board Stiff, the first book in which she appears. Thanks to Piers Anthony, for letting me see some of his Character Notes, to Peg Rombach-Riggs who did the work creating the original table, Seajay who supplied the numbers, and Douglas Harter For keeping this Database up-to-Date. NOTE: No books will be included which are Not released This listing is also available on the web at http://www.hipiers.com/xanth.html Page 108