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Frequently asked questions Building Australia’s newest Catholic parish together. N St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish O R A N P A R K MASS TIMES SUNDAYS 8AM St Mary Mother of God Church LEPPINGTON Corner Ingleburn and Dickson Roads SUNDAYS 10AM from 19 July 2015 OOSH Centre, St Justin’s Catholic Primary School ORAN PARK 94 Oran Park Drive PARISH PRIEST Fr David Catterall PP STREET ADDRESS 94 Oran Park Drive Oran Park NSW 2570 POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 889 Narellan NSW 2567 EMAIL [email protected] PHONE 1300 947 810 marymackillopparish.org.au ST JUSTIN’S CATHOLIC PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL Mr John Milgate (Principal) (02) 4631 5200 www.sjopdow.catholic.edu.au ---------------------------------------------ST BENEDICT’S CATHOLIC COLLEGE Mr Michael Hanratty (Principal) (02) 4631 5300 www.sbccdow.catholic.edu.au o doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “it’s not a house, it’s a home,” and the same applies to our Catholic parish. Our parish is not just our Leppington church or the new parish centre and worship space that we will soon build at Oran Park; rather, it is you: the people that make up our community. Or, in the words of Pope Francis, a parish is: “the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters ... in contact with the homes and the lives of its people ... not a useless structure, but an environment for hearing God’s word, for growth in the Christian life, for dialogue, proclamation, charitable outreach, worship and celebration.” (Evangelli Guadium, 28) It is an exciting prospect starting a new parish as we ‘launch into the deep’ and discover fresh ways of being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in our local area. St Mary MacKillop famously said: “Never see a need without doing something about it.” I am excited that we can now take up Mary MacKillop’s challenge together. However, this vision will only become a reality if each of us commits to sharing our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure. TIME Maybe you have already been involved in certain ministries or works in one of the neighbouring churches from which our new parish has been born, or maybe you want to be a part of a Catholic parish for the first time. I invite you to fill in the tear-off slip on the back page and pop it in the post, drop it off at the parish office or place it in one of the collection baskets at Mass. Alternatively, just shoot us a quick email. TREASURE We are blessed to have received financial support from other parishes and the Diocese to assist us with the establishment of our new parish. However, as we move into the future we have to ensure that we are financially self-sustainable. In my last parish of Albion Park I wasn’t afraid to seek financial sponsorship from local businesses and I hope do the same here. I also hope that we can establish a healthy planned giving program. No matter how large or small your financial contribution may be, it all goes to support the works and ministries of our new parish. While taking up a weekly collection is okay, in a new parish like ours it would be great if we knew (roughly) ahead of time what our income will be as we will have many start-up expenses. Direct debit and planned giving envelopes are perfect for this. I invite you to indicate your interest in the tear-off slip. Never see a need without doing something about it. PA R I S H P R AY E R O God, you show us in St Mary MacKillop, our patron, a woman of faith who lived by the power of the Cross and who remained open to your will. Teach us to embrace what St Mary MacKillop pioneered. Teach us new ways to live the Gospel here in our parish. Trusting in your providence and nourished by Word and Sacrament, may we grow in our relationship with you, and together make our parish a community of communities, a sanctuary where the thirsty come to drink in the midst of their journey, and a centre of constant missionary outreach. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. St Mary, Mother of God, pray for us. ST MARY MACKILLOP PARISH ADVISORY TEAM Finally, it is my hope that three core values: collaboration, co-responsibility and dialogue, will inform both my ministry as your Parish Priest and the life of our parish community. To this end, I would like to form a Parish Advisory Team. In established parishes there is always a list, either written down or passed on by word of mouth, of locals with particular skills or talents who are willing to assist the parish community if a need arises. Being a new parish we need to start compiling such a list. It is my hope that this team will meet fortnightly (outside school holidays) over the next four to six months and will comprise parishioners, representatives from our school communities and diocesan and faithbased agencies. If you would like to be considered for membership please fill in the relevant section in the tear-off slip or contact the parish office to register your interest. I invite you to indicate a particular talent/ gift you have that you may be willing to share from time-to-time. Fr David Catterall MTh Parish Priest St Mary MacKillop Parish Oran Park TALENT SUZIE BYRNE Welcome home St Justin, pray for us. St Benedict, pray for us. St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, pray for us. What if I would like to have my child baptised ? Where and when will Masses be celebrated in the new parish? From now until our new purpose-built parish centre and worship space is built, most baptisms in our parish will be celebrated at Mary Mother of God Church Leppington. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. We are blessed to have St Mary Mother of God Church Leppington in our parish. Sunday morning Masses, as well as monthly Masses on a weekday evening, have been held there for years. These Masses at Leppington will continue. On Sunday 19 July 2015 we will also begin celebrating a 10am Mass every Sunday at the OOSH centre at St Justin's Catholic Primary School at Oran Park. Additional weekend and weekday Masses will be added as the parish continues to grow and develop. The 10am Mass (as well as weekday Masses) will move to our new parish centre and worship space, when complete, next to the site of St Justin’s Catholic Primary School. My child is ready to receive their First Holy Communion this year. When and where will this take place ? Later this year we will begin a parish sacramental program (process) for those children who would like to receive their First Holy Communion this year. More information on the dates and venues for this preparation program will soon be available. It is hoped that the new purposebuilt parish centre and worship space will be ready in time to be used as the venue for these First Holy Communion Masses. If I am (or a member of my family) is sick and requires Fr David to visit or offer Anointing of the Sick at home or in hospital, who should I contact? Please contact the Parish Office and a time will be arranged for Fr David or another priest to make this pastoral visit. If a member of my family dies and I would like Fr David to celebrate a funeral Mass or liturgy, who should I contact? Please contact the Parish Office so that Fr David is aware of this death. In terms of arranging a time and date for a funeral service or Requiem Mass, please contact your preferred funeral director and they will then liaise with Fr David to ascertain his availability and/or the availability of the church or chapel. I want to be contacted about or continue my involvement in: Lector (reader at Mass) Eucharistic Minister Welcomer/Usher Hospitality (after Mass cuppa’s) Music Ministry (vocalist/instrumentalist) Children's Liturgy Youth Ministry Visitation to sick and homebound Collector Catechist Sacramental Program Group Leader Setting up for Sunday Mass Other: ___________________________ PLANNED GIVING I wish to support my new parish of St Mary MacKillop Oran Park and commence regular giving. Please send me more information on how I can share my financial gift. I am currently giving to ……………….. Parish and wish to cancel and change this to St Mary MacKillop Parish Oran Park. I would like to visit the parish office. Where is it located? From now until our new purpose-built parish centre and worship space is built and opened, we will set up a parish administration centre in a demountable office on the site of St Justin’s Catholic Primary School. The phone number, email and postal addresses for the Parish Office can be found on the front page. Parking is available in the school grounds. Does the new parish have a website? Yes, along with the new logo of our parish, we have a website (www.marymackillopparish.org.au), Facebook page and Twitter account where you can find more information about our new parish. This website will continue to be developed as our parish grows. Along with the website you can contact the Parish Office for more information. ADVISORY GROUP I would like to be considered for membership of the Parish Advisory Team. My other talents and skills to assist the parish: CONTACT DETAILS Name Address Phone E-mail THIS SUNDAY IN THE LITURGY PARISH NOTICES AND EVENTS Celebrate first Sunday Mass at Oran Park 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 12 July 2015 Be a part of history at our first Sunday Mass as the OOSH Centre at St Justin’s Primary School (94 Oran Park Drive, Oran Park) next weekend 19 July at 10am. There will be a meet and greet with Fr David as well as a BBQ brunch. See map on the left for details on finding the OOSH Centre. FIRST READING Amos 7:12-15 RESPONSORIAL PSALM Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salvation. SECOND READING Ephesians 1:3-14 Don’t forget that our Sunday 8am Mass at St Mary Mother of God Church Leppington will continue as per normal. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia, alleluia! May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, enlighten the eyes of our heart that we might see how great is the hope to which we are called. Alleluia! GOSPEL Mark 6:7-13 Let’s dream together for our community Sunday 9 August 2015, 10am It’s the Feast Day weekend for St Mary MacKillop! Celebrate Mass at St Justin’s and then gather for morning tea (11am) to share your dreams for our community at our first-ever parish meeting. The day includes a ‘visual tour’ of our soon-to-be-built parish centre and a Q&A. Free activities for the kids and concludes with a BBQ lunch. RSVP to parish office. Changes to our Second Collection We have changed the time during Mass when our second collection is taken up. The first collection is taken up when the offertory of bread and wine is made. This collection is for the food and welfare of Fr David and all priests in the Diocese; including any retired and sick priests. The second collection is taken after Communion and is for the support of the works and ministries of the parish, including such things as administration, salaries of lay people, property costs and maintenance and capital expenditure on church buildings. See opposite page for more information on Planned Giving. Turning of the sod Sunday 26 July 2015, 11am Be part of history as work commences on the purpose-built parish centre. Visit of Bishop Ingham Sunday 2 August 2015, 8am &10am. Join Bishop Peter as he installs Fr David as parish priest at the 8am Mass at Leppington and then celebrates 10am Mass at St Justin’s. AROUND THE DIOCESE Diocesan Launch of World Youth Day Friday 31 July 2015, 6.30pm In July 2016 World Youth Day is being hosted in Krakow, Poland. The Diocese is preparing to launch its own WYD pilgrimage for those aged 18 and above. Check out a short video invitation to the launch by Diocesan Youth Coordinator, Seth Harsh, at dow.sh/wyd16launch More info: Seth 4222 2460 or [email protected] This weekend on the Journey Catholic Radio 2015 Significant Anniversaries Mass Sam Clear shares some of his story whilst walking the famous Camino pilgrimage in Santiago and Fr Dave Callaghan MGL reminds us that sin is a disease of the heart which only Jesus can heal. We also hear from Sr Hilda Scott OSB, Trish McCarthy and Bruce Downes “The Catholic Guy.” Go to www.jcr.org.au to listen anytime and subscribe to the weekly show by email. Sunday 20 September 2015, 2pm St John Vianney’s Co-Cathedral Church, Fairy Meadow If you are celebrating 25, 40, 50 or 60 years of marriage this year and would like an invitation to the Mass to be celebrated by Bishop Peter Ingham, please contact Helen Bennett on 4222 2403 or [email protected] by Monday 3 August and an invitation will be sent to you. PLANNED GIVING The second collection at Mass (either envelopes or direct debit) is planned giving: 1) This is your commitment to give to the parish on a regular basis. 2) This is you giving freely out of thanks – not because you think you have to give but giving because you want to support this parish. 3) This will assist Fr David to budget for the needs of the parish. New envelopes for our parish will be distributed in the coming weeks and will commence on 2 August. Parishioners who would like to support our new parish of St Mary MacKillop and commence regular giving are invited to fill in the form on the back of this newsletter. This form is also available on the parish website. Serving God’s People Course Pilgrimage to St Mary MacKillop’s Tomb Sunday 16 August 2015, 11am Join us for an early lunch at St Justin’s OOSCH Centre prior to our pilgrimage led by Fr David. We will travel by coach and will leave St Justin’s at 11.30am, stopping to collect parishioners from St Mary’s Leppington at 11.50am. Afternoon tea will also be available at Mary MacKillop Place. We expect to return at approximately 5.15pm. Cost: $20 per person. RSVP essential by 7 August, Pick up a flyer after Mass or download it at dow.sh/mmpilg Science and Religion talk Tuesday 12 August 7.30pm9.30pm. St John the Evangelist Parish Hall, Campbelltown (36 Cordeaux St). Science and Religion are often falsely pitted against each other. Come along and listen to Rev Dr Anthony Gooley discuss the origins and development of the universe from a theological perspective. Cost $10. More info: download the flyer at dow.sh/sci-rel. RSVP: 4222 2403 or [email protected]. Wednesdays 22 July–16 Sept, 10am-12:30pm or 7:30pm9:30pm St Thomas More Parish Hall, Ruse. Would you like to develop further practical skills for enhancing your involvement in our parish or diocesan community or are you new to ministry and want to learn more? The Serving God’s People course will equip you with essential skills and knowledge for working with others in ministry in the parish or Diocese. RSVP by 17 July: 4222 2403 or [email protected]. More info: Download flyer at dow.sh/sgpruse or contact Annette Read 0404 112 335 or Darren McDowell [email protected] o 4222 2463 St Mary MacKillop Parish Oran Park complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles when collecting personal information, including sensitive information, to enable the Parish to provide religious services to its community including administering the sacraments, and pastoral care to the faithful, including to children of the faithful. For more information about how the Parish collects and handles your personal information, see our privacy policy available at the Parish website.