Welcome to Isagenix!
Welcome to Isagenix!
Get Started pg. 1 Welcome to Isagenix! Company Orientation You are about to embark on an amazing journey with Isagenix as we pave the way for the company that will bring health, wealth and power to the world. Isagenix has a unique mission. To quote Jim Coover, Isagenix Co-Founder, President and CEO: “Our personal mission is to impact world health and to free people from of pain, both physically and financially, and in the process, create the largest health and wellness company in the world.” Kathy Coover, Isagenix Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, has also set an amazing standard for Isagenix. She says: “My personal goal is to create more six and sevenfigure income earners [through Isagenix] than any other company.” Using These Instructions Now, don’t be afraid to put me on pause while you look for something. If you find that you still need help beyond what is mentioned in these instructions, Isagenix representatives are available during business hours to support you. President Jim Coover and Sr. Vice President Kathy Coover You can put the Get Started audio file on hold at any time while you navigate your Back Office. Get Started pg. 2 Navigating your Back Office Online (Chat) Support That brings me to the beginning of our orientation: Take a look at your Back Office window. You’ll notice that it’s broken down into three panes: a blue field across the top, a menu along the left and a “workspace” area. Take a good look at the blue field at the top of the screen. On the far left-hand side should be the logo for Isagenix International. On the far righthand side should be the words Online Team Management. Right in the middle, you should see a button that offers to let you chat with an online representative. During Isagenix Online Business Hours, you can click the “Questions?” button to connect with a live Isagenix Customer Support agent! If it’s currently Isagenix Online Business Hours, you can click on that button to have a live Customer Service Representative assist you via a small chat window that should appear. If it’s not currently Isagenix Online Business Hours, the system will allow you to leave a message that will be sent to an Isagenix Representative as soon as Business Hours re-open. Logging Out and “Sessions” In the gray bar directly underneath this blue field, you’ll see a button that says “Contact Support”. This does not bring up a live representative – it’s simply a link to e-mail Isagenix for any support that is not urgent or time-sensitive. Next to that link, you have another link that says “Log out”. I want to bring something to your attention with this link: For your security, there are many ways to become “logged out,” including leaving your computer logged on and inactive for too long. For your security, you Back Office will log you out automatically if there is no activity for a prolonged amount of time. To prevent others from being able to access your account, Isagenix begins timing its “sessions” from the last time that you clicked on something. After about an hour after that last click, Isagenix will end your “Log-in session” under the assumption that you’ve left your computer. Main Menu Let your gaze drift over to the Main Menu on the Left hand side of your screen. This is a centralized Main Menu – if it can be done, it can be done from this menu. Get Started pg. 3 Setting up your Associate Website Modify your Associate Website Scan down the menu on the left-hand side of your screen and find the sub-menu “Personal Options” underneath this sub-menu, find “Replicated Site”. When you click on this link, you are taken directly to the coolest feature in your Back Office. From this screen, you can modify the look, feel and construction of your very own Associate Website. Customize your Web site URL The first thing that should strike your eye is your very own Associate Website URL. It is a new age for Network Marketing – the age of the Worldwide Web. In days long past, you might have needed to buy a van or an SUV to carry your products with you wherever you go – just in case someone asks you about that Isagenix stuff. You’d have to carry a backpack with flyers and brochures and books and posters. But no more! Now all that you need is a business card with this Web site address! When your friends, family, coworkers, business contacts, etc. purchase products from this Web site, Isagenix marks up the price of the product and sells it to them at our Suggested Retail Price. Then we compare that to the Wholesale price that you pay for your own product and we pay you the difference. The customizable website URL of your Isagenix Associate Website affords you a personalized, state-of-the-art technology for retailing products and enrolling new associates. Those individuals who decide to enroll as Associates while they are on your Web site will become your own personally enrolled members, putting you on the path to making serious residual income in the form of commissions. If you liked earning retail profits, you are going to love making money through Isagenix commissions. For example, let’s say that my username is “joecleansesforlife”. That means that when I want to see my Web site, I pull up my Internet Browser and type “joecleansesforlife.Isagenix.com”. What is my Website URL? Your URL consists of: your username, then: “.isagenix.com”. From my website, I can click “Login” and use my username “joecleansesforlife” and my password and I will be in my Back Office just as you are, now. Get Started pg. 4 Choosing a Page Template Now meander down the page to where it says “Select Your Template”. The template that is referred to is the front Web site that you see previews of in that section of the screen. For example: the Web site that you currently have selected is called the “General Site”. This means that your Web site is identical to the first page that comes up on www.isagenix.com. If that’s cool for you, skip down to the next section. But let’s say that I want to customize “joecleansesforlife.isagenix.com” to fit a message that is as unique as my personality is. Let’s say that I am huge fan of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System – which I am! – I may select the “Cleanse” Web site template. This means that when my contacts go to my Web site, the first screen that they will see is my Cleanse Page. Select the template that best suits you. “About Me” and Images Let’s scroll down to “Site Setup Information”. Whatever you select for this information will appear whenever someone clicks the button on your Web site that says “About me”. For your convenience, you’ll notice that we’ve had our staff writer create a default message for you. This is what will automatically appear on your Associate Website unless you change it. You can see it there—it starts out with your name, your e-mail address and a message that begins with: “Thank you for visiting my personal Associate Website…” This is a great introduction and you can leave it like it is, if you like. But I’m going to change mine. You see, mine shows my name as Joseph Rawlins, and only my Mom calls me that and only when she’s mad. Everyone else calls me “Joe”. In this case, I am going to click the radio button that says “Use Custom Info”. Now, first, I am going to change my e-mail address to my work e-mail address and my name from Joseph Rawlins to Joe Rawlins, and then create a customized message for my Web site. Now, my friends from high school are never going to believe it until they see it with their own eyes. So I am going to insert a “before” and “after” photo to accompany my message. I just happen to have one on my hard drive. So, I am going to scroll down to the field that says “Upload your Photo”. Now let’s click on the “Browse” button and I can find my digital picture anywhere on here. I can put Get Started pg. 5 up my “before” and “after” photo, my professional headshot, or picture of my wife and me. Once I have selected the picture that I want, I am all set! Do you have any ideas for how you want your Web site to look and feel? After you are done, scroll down to the bottom of the screen and press the “Save Changes” button. After a moment, your screen will come back up with all of your changes. Now, remember how I told you about your Web site URL? Well, you will notice that it is also a link. All that you have to do is to click on that link and you can view your Web site. Your Associate Website should pop up in a new window—your Back Office is still logged in and still running, so we’ll only take a minute to look at your Web site. Now, you should see that your Associate Website says “Isagenix Independent Associate”. Underneath that, you’ll see that your name appears next to your Web site URL. Now follow that same line toward the right and click on the button that says “About me”. The customized information that you have created should appear, including the picture you may have selected. Summary The best part of having an Associate Website is that you can “set it and forget it.” We will manage the content for you entirely! All that you’ve to do is to create your own custom information and we’ll give your contacts and customers all of the latest and greatest on Isagenix, the Isagenix Opportunity, and the Isagenix Products. Wrap-up Thanks for joining me as we walk through your Isagenix Back Office! Until next time, this is Joe Rawlins wishing you much health, wealth and happiness!
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