Student Worksheets
Student Worksheets
Classification & Variation Wow Fact The H orse closely shoe Cr ab is relat m e than d to a spid ore a crab er ! Worksheet 9: Count the Species Look at the picture below and see how many different types of animals you can see. Make a list of all of the animals names which you know. List: Imagine the animal which… So, you can spot a sea creature by its picture. But can you f igure it out by words alone? Read the description below and then draw a picture of how you think that animal should look. You could also give your animal a name. Description This animal has short fur all over its body. It has a long f lat beak which it uses for digging in the mud and a venomous spike on one of its feet. This animal is an excellent swimmer which can use f laps to cover its eyes and nostrils while it is underwater. It uses an electrical f ield to help it f ind its food. It has a big tail which it uses to store fat. ™ Food Chains Worksheet 10: Connecting the Food Chain THE SUN The sun’s light provides energy for plants to grow. Consumed by: Phytoplankton BLUE WHALE These are the biggest animals in the sea. Nothing consumes Blue Whales so they are top of their food chain. Consumes: Zooplankton PHYTOPLANKTON (Plant Plankton) These are tiny plants which live in the water. Consumes: Sunlight Consumed by: Zooplankton ZOOPLANKTON (Animal Plankton) These are the smallest animals which live in the sea. Consumes: Phytoplankton Consumed by: Blue Whale ™ Food Chains Worksheet 10: Connecting the Food Chain THE SUN The sun’s light provides energy for plants to grow. PHYTOPLANKTON (Plant Plankton) These are tiny plants which live in the water. ZOOPLANKTON (Animal Plankton) These are the smallest animals which live in the sea. Consumed by: Phytoplankton Consumes: Sunlight Consumed by: Zooplankton Consumes: Phytoplankton Consumed by: Jellyfish JELLYFISH LOGGERHEAD TURTLE TIGER SHARK Jellyfish can be found in every ocean in the world. Their bodies are made of more than 90% water. Consumes: The Loggerhead Turtle is a large yellow shelled turtle which lives in oceans around the world. Phytoplankton Consumes: Consumed by: Jellyfish Loggerhead Turtle Consumed by: Tiger Sharks are ferocious predators which live in warm waters around the tropics. Consumes: Loggerhead Turtles Tiger Shark ™ Food Chains Worksheet 10: Connecting the Food Chain THE SUN The sun’s light provides energy for plants to grow. PHYTOPLANKTON (Plant Plankton) These are tiny plants which live in the water. ZOOPLANKTON (Animal Plankton) These are the smallest animals which live in the sea. Consumed by: Phytoplankton Consumes: Sunlight Consumed by: Zooplankton Consumes: Phytoplankton Consumed by: Herring HERRING SEALS Herring is a small oily fish which lives in Northern waters Consumes: Seals are large animals with flippers. They live in cold water and give birth to their babies in ice shelves. Zooplankton Consumes: Consumed by: Herring Seals ™ Food Chains Worksheet 10: Connecting the Food Chain THE SUN The sun’s light provides energy for plants to grow. PHYTOPLANKTON (Plant Plankton) These are tiny plants which live in the water. ZOOPLANKTON (Animal Plankton) These are the smallest animals which live in the sea. Consumed by: Phytoplankton Consumes: Sunlight Consumed by: Zooplankton Consumes: Phytoplankton Consumed by: Mackerel MACKEREL SEALS Mackerel are a small, oily fish which live throughout the world’s oceans. They often live in huge groups called shoals. Seals are large animals with flippers. They live in cold water and give birth to their babies in ice shelves. Consumes: Consumes: Zooplankton Mackerel SHARK Sharks are large fast predators which live in coastal areas around the world. Consumes: Consumed by: Consumed by: Seals Sharks Seals ™ Food Chains Worksheet 10: Connecting the Food Chain THE SUN The sun’s light provides energy for plants to grow. PHYTOPLANKTON (Plant Plankton) These are tiny plants which live in the water. ZOOPLANKTON (Animal Plankton) These are the smallest animals which live in the sea. Consumed by: Phytoplankton Consumes: Sunlight Consumed by: Zooplankton Consumes: Phytoplankton Consumed by: Crabs CRABS Crabs live on the bottom of the ocean. Consumes: Zooplankton Consumed by: Octopus OCTOPUS SEA OTTERS Sea otters are the smallest mammals which live in the sea. They are an endangered species. Consumes: Octopus Octopus have four pairs of arms and three hearts. They move around by walking on their arms or by blowing out jets of water to swim. Consumes: Crabs Consumed by: Sea Otters ™ Wow Fact Food Chains Worksheet 11- Your Food Chain To fe in SE A ed all of the takes: LIFE Aqua 5,000 cre atu riu 13 6 lbs f lbs macke m for one d res rel, 20 rozen ay it krill, 2 mysis, 6 lb lbs squid, s lb fr and 2 s Sand Eel ozen lbs cr ab. What about the food chains in your life, as well as the ones under the sea? Look at the three foods shown below. Using the words listed in the box, complete the food chain for each of these foods. Remember to include humans in the food chain. Sunlight Hamburger Sunlight Tuna Steak Sunlight Salmon Grass Cow Human Cod Squid Tuna Plankton Small Fish Salmon Now think of a meal which you have eaten recently and make a food chain for one of the ingredients. ™ Wow Fact The B lue W larges hale, w surviv t animal o hich is the of the es by eatinn Earth, sm g on Ea allest creasome rth, p lanktotures n Food Chains Worksheet 12- What’s in the Web? Most animals have more than one thing they like to eat – and more than one thing that likes to eat them too. Food webs can be used to show more complicated food chains. They can show that most animals eat more than one type of food and that some can have more than one predator. Look at the information below and complete the food web template in Diagram 1. Diagram 1 Tiger Sharks eat stingrays and Sea Turtles. Stingray Sea Turtles eat jellyfish and crab. Crab Stingrays eat sea stars, shrimp, and crabs. Crabs eat shrimp. Jellyfish eat shrimp and zooplankton. Sea stars eat mussels. Jellyfish Mussels eat phytoplankton. Zooplankton eat phytoplankton. Mussels Shrimp eat phytoplankton. Phytoplankton consumes sunlight. Phytoplankton The Sun ™ Wow Fact A sea l blubb can have a e thick r up to two layer of from to help pr inches the c otec in wh old conditiot it ich it lives. ns Adaptation Worksheet 13- Where do I Live? Look at the pictures of animals and environments below. Decide which environment you think each animal lives in and draw a line to connect it to that environment. Write underneath why you think that animal is especially suited to that environment. Remember to look carefully! Common Seal Open Ocean Clownfish Coral Reef Tuna Mussel Beds Sea Star Rocky Shore ™ Anglerfish Seabed Crab Sand Bank Con serv a Fact tion Ther e Adaptation Worksheet 14: The Humbolt Penguin ar 10,0 00 p e fewer t Peng airs of H han uins in th umbolt e wo rld. The Humboldt Penguin lives mostly on rocky shores near cliffs or on islands along the coasts of Chile and Peru. Chile and Peru are countries in South America. Although Humboldt Penguins live in fairly warm regions, the ocean waters can actually get very cold! Look at Diagram 1 which shows a Humboldt Penguin. Read the explanations of each of the penguin’s adaptations. Work out which body part is being described and write the correct letter next to each of the labels on the diagram. A - Wings Penguins don’t f ly. However, these are strong and stiff and have adapted to help the penguin swim underwater. When they are standing on land, on a hot day, they may even spread them away from their body to help them cool down. B - Feathers These are wind and water-proof and are made up of two parts. The soft and f luffy part traps air to help keep the penguin warm. But, on a hot day they might ruffle these to cool down. The ones that can be seen from the outside are stiff, small and packed closely together. E - Beak This is mainly used to catch food but is also used to groom feathers and as a weapon in penguin f ights. Inside there are sharp spines pointed towards the throat that help in swallowing living food such as small f ish. F - Legs Penguins have very short ones, which are used underwater for steering. On land, waddling seems to be the easiest way to walk. ™ Wow Fact Adaptation Worksheet 15: A Day in the Life of... Seah of th orses can e so th ir eyes in move ea ch de ey and can look pendent ba c k l ward forward y s same s at t time he ! Can you imagine what it’s like to be a completely different creature, in a completely different habitat? Choose one of the animals listed below. Write a short piece of imaginative writing about a day in that animal’s life. You should explain how it makes good use of the adaptations listed. Blacktip Reef Shark The Blacktip Reef Shark has several rows of razor sharp teeth which they use to catch their prey. Clownfish The clownfish is immune to the venom of the sea anemone which it lives in. This helps them to avoid their predators. Octopus The octopus has eight legs with suckers on the underside. They use these suckers to help them walk around and to catch their food. ™ Wow Fact Adaptation Worksheet 16: Save the Hammerhead Mor die f e human r om s toast an enc are likely ou to er th yet 1 an wit nter with h a s a 00 m h are k il a illed lion shar rk. every by people ks year ! Even scary sea creatures can come under threat – so we must all do our part to protect them. Read the article below. As a class discuss what should be done to protect Hammerhead Sharks. Design a poster to persuade people to help protect the Hammerhead Shark and its environment. Shark News Save the Ha mmerhead ™ Monthly Ne ws The Hammer head Shark h as adapted o to become in ver millions o credibly eff ic f years ie nt. It has a lo which mean ng f lattened its eyes are a head l o ng way apar t. keep a good This allows look out for it to p rey. The f latt extremely str ened head is eamlined and a ls o allows the s through the hark to move water easily. They have m once one row any rows of t fall out the n eeth and ext row will supply of tee move forwar th is never end B ut this amaz d. This ing and ensure Hammerhea in s the d can catch a fin soup is a g animal has come und del nd eat its pre er body is throw icac y in Japan and Chi increasing thr eat from y. na h uman activit n away and and more s j many being us t the f in (which is t as hark s are being hunted y and i ts numbers are g teless) is kep et ting lower caught and to meet the a d k illed by mis t take while s for food. Indus tr ial f ishi emand for this soup. O nd lower. Shark hips are f ishi ng with big n ften the r es Humans are ng for other t of the et s a ls also damag o has a dam animals. ing aging effect year s to live on in water s of the Hammer head Shark a specific tem world, and t ’s environmen he pe consequenc oceans, are s tarting to rature . Human’s over t through global war min es for Hamm use b g. er head Shark ecome war mer ver y qui of fossil fuels and des The shark has adapted tr uc o ck s a s their pre y may s tart ly. This quick change in tion of forest s has mea ver millions of to die off or t move to diff he shark ’s habit at could nt that the er ent areas . have ver y ser ious shar ks , with ™