Annual Report 2013 - Auckland Badminton Association
Annual Report 2013 - Auckland Badminton Association
Auckland Badminton Association Inc. 2013 Annual Report And Financial Statements For adoption at Annual General Meeting on 4th December 2013 1 Under 17 National Champions Under 19 National Champions 2 Auckland Badminton Association Inc. Gratefully acknowledges the assistance of: ASB Community Trust Best Western Hotel Auckland Lion Foundation NZCT Blue Water Community Trust Pub Charity Blue Sky Community Trust Four Winds Foundation Trillian Trust Pegasus Trust Southern Trust North and South Trust Constellation Communities Trust Pelorus Trust Infinity Trust Mt Wellington Foundation Ltd Dragon Community Trust Ltd Auckland Council Sport Auckland YMCA Pro RSL Yonex Prince Adidas Alpers Lodge Fernbaby 3 Auckland Badminton Association Inc. Mission Statement To provide and develop badminton by providing a first class environment that encourages participation, creates meaningful competition and champions improvement at all levels. Vision Badminton in Auckland – WORLD CLASS Registered Office: 99 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Auckland, New Zealand Postal Address: P O Box 26 054, Epsom, Auckland, 1344 Telephone: Fax Web: 64 9 524 0872 64 9 529 1476 Charities Commission No: Accountant: Auditor: CC33360 Evans Professionals D’Mello Chartered Accountants 4 Auckland Badminton Association Inc. Annual Report 2013 Membership Auckland Ladies Badminton Club Auckland Chinese Badminton Club Auckland Tamil Sports Club Balmoral Badminton Club Central Korean Badminton Club Central Shuttlers Badminton Club College Rifles Badminton Club Ellerslie Badminton Club Griffen Park Badminton Club Patron Heather Robson MNZM Vice-Patron Malcolm Rowsell President Vincent Wong Chairman Sue Smith Executive Board Anthony Marter, John Wong, Garry Coup, Rhona Bramwell, Mike Elliot General Manager John McGregor Honorary Vice-Presidents J Davison, J Lambert, J Miles Snr, B Moffit, I Wyborn, P Dickey, E Whitley, J A Glenie, Mrs F Lobb and Chua Soo Hee. 5 Kohimaramara Badminton Club Lloyd Elsmore Park Badminton Club Lynndale Badminton Club Lynndale Midweek Badminton Club Mt Albert Badminton Club Otahuhu Badminton Club Pacific Badminton Club Sri Lanka Badminton Club Life Members Mrs H Robson MNZM, Mr W Greaves, Mr R Westbrooke, Mr A Dickinson, Mr D C Light, Mr J Robson MBE, Mr M Rowsell, Mr R Walbridge, Mr C Simms Deceased in 2012 Mrs V Gow, Mr W B Beynon Sub Committee Convenors Yvonne McKay – Masters No Convenor – Juniors Administration Manager Ruth Peterson Events Manager Jack Ngametua Coaching and Development Manager Brent Miller Operations Manager Dan Livingstone New Projects Manager Cliff Freeman Table of Contents Section 1 Presidents Report 7 Chairman’s Report 8 General Managers’ Report 9 Coaching and Development Report 13 Pro Shop 15 Development Report 16 Masters Report 18 Memberships 19 Auckland Badminton Results 2013 20 National Title Holders 2013 36 Secondary Schools 40 Interclub 42 Section 2 Budget and Audited Financial Accounts 6 45 PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2013 With lots of changes within ABA in the last few years, 2013 is a year of consolidation. Our new GM, John McGregor, has now settled down and is able to spent more time and efforts in the finance management and has hence brought our Association into a better financial status. He is thinking of better ways of running tournaments, organizing new games for social players in order to capture more players, grow the game of badminton, make better utilization of the existing facilities, to improve communication with clubs, and to provide better services to clubs and members. Our Board has spent quite a fair bit of time on the improvement of governance, the review of the strategic plan and the constitution, the plan on the existing facilities and the future opportunities, for the better running and the growth of the Association. Late last year there was the visit of Mr Lee Chong Wei, world No.1 in men’s singles. Special thanks to John Wong, our board member, in assisting the organization of a welcome party for Mr Lee at the Sky City. ABA Board members, staff, coaches, and high performance players had the opportunity of meeting this world top badminton player in that evening. A souvenir was presented to Mr Lee at that occasion. Over the year, the Association had successfully run a number of national and international tournaments. Thanks to the hard work and efforts of all ABA staff and volunteers in making these events successful, and congratulation to those players who won their titles in the various tournaments. Looking ahead, ABA is hoping to have the opportunity of running some of the world’s exciting events, such as the 2015 World Chinese Masters Tournament and the badminton events of the 2017 World Masters Games in Auckland. If ABA is being given the opportunity of running these events, a lot of work and a lot preparation will be needed. Thanks to all the Board members, especially Sue Smith, Chair of the Board, and Mike Elliott, CEO of Sport Auckland, staff of ABA and all the volunteers in helping the running of the Association. There are still lots and lots of things that our Association has to do in order to grow and to improve further, your continual support will be very much appreciated, and I wish you all a safe and enjoyable festival season. Vincent Wong President December 2013 7 CHAIR’S REPORT 2013 I am proud to report on the board’s progress and some of the work achieved this year. In these changing times a sporting association such as ours is continually looking inward and toward the horizon to embrace changes and opportunity. 2013 has been a consolidation year with a great deal of preparation work towards a new and updated Constitution. For some years now the association has recognised the need to not only correct anomalies but protect the association better and to this end several changes were made via remits at the 2009 AGM in which the need to modernise the document as a whole, was first mooted. We thank Sport Auckland this year for funding to provide a consultant and currently our Constitution Review is well under way with an aim to discuss a first draft with clubs in February/March 2014. Of further importance is the future protection of our facility. In 2010 we celebrated not only the association’s 80th anniversary but the 50th anniversary of our Badminton Hall. Currently Auckland Council are funding a joint feasibility study with Table Tennis. This study will allow a comprehensive plan to be formulated to begin improvement and planning for the future. We all can’t wait for this to happen and their report is due in December. Many thanks to our Facilities Sub-Committee for their continuing work. I attribute much of the financial strengthening of Auckland Badminton to John McGregor our General Manager and thank him for his continuing dedication and focus. John and our valuable staff are an integral part of the ‘going forward’ team. I especially acknowledge the contribution of my fellow Board members who give generously of their time in their volunteer roles. This year we welcomed new Board member, Mike Elliott who with his wealth of strategic management expertise has ably led the Constitution Review process. I would also like to thank Rhona Bramwell for her game and high performance capability, Garry Coup our facility overseer with his all-round knowledge of our hall, Anthony Marter my right hand person and Deputy Chair and John Wong our ‘big’ thinker. John is a council member on the World Chinese Badminton Federation which has this year granted Auckland Badminton’s bid to host the Chinese Masters Team Championships in 2015. We very much look forward to this exciting event. Last but not least, my thanks to our President, Vincent Wong for his invaluable insight and long standing association. My sincerest appreciation to them all for bringing their skills to the board table and for their wholehearted support. To everyone including my badminton friends, club mates, fellow committee members, all our valued volunteers, and ABA staff, a big thanks and all the best for 2014. Sue Smith Chairperson 2013 Auckland Badminton Association 8 General Managers Report 2013 Welcome to the 2013 AGM and I am pleased to present my report for this year As an overview this year there has been a number of projects undertaken after finalising at our first board meeting in January the key strategic areas that we needed to deliver on This came after reviewing the strategic plan which was consolidated to ensure that the association would achieve the 4 pillars below 1. Our organisation: Goal: We are well respected, sustainable an effectively governed Association 2. Our game: Goal: We grow our game and deliver results. 3. Our Facilities: Goal: To have the premium badminton facility in Auckland that is well maintained and equipped 4. Our profile: Goal: We will build our profile The board has worked hard through these areas at each of the meetings, Mike Elliot who joined the board at the last AGM has been a key contributor to assisting with the Strategic Direction and his support to the board meetings has been invaluable as the focus has moved more too a strategic position The focus has been purely on strengthening opportunities for the association through redeveloping a new constitution which is very close to being completed, identifying future opportunities for the facility and a rebranding exercise along with a focus on our game. There are still areas that we need to work on collectively to ensure that we as Auckland Badminton achieve the outcomes we are seeking. Through this year we saw the departure of Emma from the Pro Shop and Tom Armstrong from the Coaching role within a month of each other which left gaps in crucial areas of the association. However we were fortunate to be able to replace them both with Dan Livingstone and Brent Miller. Dan has a strong background in the service sector and strong interest in badminton with his connection to the Mt Albert club and Auckland Divisional teams so we look forward to some great results from him as he works to support the association through the Pro Shop. Brent has been a long member of the association with his connection to College Rifles and Auckland Badminton through his performances in the representative teams and his role coaching in schools and representative teams. Brent’s role in Development continues to be a major focus of the association to work towards building strong sustainable programmes at all levels of participation and performance through Schools, Clubs, and Representative. Also the continued work with After Schools programmes which we see as an opportunity to increasing participation numbers. So both are welcomed replacements to the association and settling into their roles well and we look forward to some great prospects. This year we also saw Auckland support BNZ and host a number of events which was great for the staff, volunteers and our players along with the NZ Open in April run by Julie Carrel which helps increasing the profile and providing opportunities to players in Auckland 9 Our next major event is in April 2014 with June Bevan of now known as the Australian U17 Open and Fernbaby Auckland Open has been moved to September to align with the super series which we hope will provide a strong field. Auckland with Events has also been able to establish a relationship with Lloyd Elsmore Badminton having the Auckland U15 BNZ sanctioned event which I believe is good for participation numbers and for the club. Next year Auckland through our Events team are looking to coordinate more events to clubs with facilities to do the same. As mentioned earlier there are a number of projects underway as Auckland Badminton works to strengthen its position as a key sport in Auckland As identified at the last AGM a new constitution was to be established to work with best practice models and we are close to completing this but unfortunately will not be available at the this AGM. During the year we applied to Council for funding to renovate the Badminton hall however Council decided after receiving an application from Auckland Table Tennis they would rather provide support to a feasibility study to look at the future opportunities of the total site. Both ourselves and Auckland Table Tennis commenced work and we are hoping to have a 1st draft of plans shortly dealing with the key areas of Space, Parking, Cladding and entry. The website has been somewhat of an embarrassment for the ABA and we have been working to establish a new website that will provide a great deal number of benefits. This includes a centralised database and to reduce club administration but also allow the association to identify club contacts in a more manageable way than we currently have. This will give more accurate information and better flow of information and provide every club a Website integrated and linked to ABA. This will assist in reducing administration costs and so funds can be put into the development of badminton in Auckland. This area is an opportunity that could extend into other areas such as equipment, shuttles, rackets, and uniforms and range of other savings so look forward to looking into further opportunities to proving assistance to clubs in reaching their outcomes. Affiliations fees just managed to cover the fee paid to BNZ this year, a lot of development work in schools and clubs was funded externally therefore it is important to look at ways of providing opportunities to participants, clubs and the association instead of always considering the increase cost model. On the financial side the association generated a surplus of approximately $150,000 which is greater than the budget presented. This was achieved through savings on expenses with a new phone system, new server which has helped the current computer system, new agreement on photocopying. Funds allocated to facility development was held back after the feasibility study was put in place. Increased income came from the game as it continues to grow in other areas such as new squads, after schools programmes and greater numbers entering into secondary schools. We assisted BNZ in hosting the U17 National Event after no association applied but also had a proposal accepted by BNZ on hosting events which assisted in the financial performance of Events. These events are a great opportunity and now potentially an income generator especially during holidays and quiet times but more importantly reduces the cost to players having to travel away. 10 After last year where Auckland went on the offensive with BNZ calling for an independent review we saw the CEO resign and the appointment of a new CEO. Since then we have developed a strong relationship not just with the CEO but also the board and we have started communicating more and seeing greater improvements in working together to move the game forward. This got me thinking that if we could get the same communication process in place it would be great for badminton in Auckland and from this I set out to establish a Committee to discuss a range of topics but after 1 meeting realised that if this is going to be successful then all clubs should be involved and not just selected ones. So starting in Feb 2014 and then in May, August and November I will be establishing this committee again but asking all clubs to send their key people to help us understand and learn more about what we all can do to increase performance and remove barriers to participation. Changes for this year will be the operation of the cafe as we have had our issues there with an agreement around staff, food and hours but I can assure you that we are starting to make some ground. The purpose of the cafe is to provide a service and unfortunately due to the issues above has not done so but if the cafe is to remain as part of ABA facility then at the times the cafe is open then there will be an expectation to support it, if we don’t we will run the risk of losing the staff we currently have and with no other options such as leasing or contracting the association is stuck with it. Other areas of focus are on increasing numbers but providing opportunities and making the game inclusive. There will be a review of the affiliation model especially as we see changes in the way people play badminton and the membership model will reflect that accordingly. Clubs will continue to be the main focus however with more and more participants looking at other options and ways to play it is important to work and address ways in include these groups into the ABA family BNZ AGM Update which was held in November Independent Review was completed and they are underway establishing regional consultation meetings. Changes to FYE was past at the meeting to a calendar year Remits for the Masters and Affiliation fees were withdrawn due to the independent review New board appointed saw Delwyn Cooper of BOP and Liz O’Neill appointed for the next 2 years. Upcoming some exciting opportunities are coming up in the next few years starting with 2014 April June Bevan, Easter and Anzac which will coincide with the NZ Open 2014 September Fernbaby Change to date to align with the Super Series 2015 WCBF to be hosted in Auckland and I was fortunate to see this event take place where there was over 3500 entries so look forward to a good event. 2017 Masters application is to be completed by BNZ to the hosting entity Auckland Events & Economic Development (ATEED) 11 A big thank you must go to our main sponsor Fernbaby with support for the Auckland Open, this event is very important to Auckland with the limited opportunities to host International events providing our players to opportunity to compete at an international level. Our funding partners NZCT, Lion Foundation, ASB Community Trusts, Pub Charity, Trillian, and Infinity for all their support in helping us grow badminton in Auckland especially as the badminton highlights considerable interest in schools and clubs. The Regional Sports Trust Auckland Sport and Counties Manukau for their assistance in providing financial support into Schools and the community through Kiwisport, Connect 2 Sport and Green Prescription. Auckland Council for their contribution to community development through Connect 2 Sport. Another big thank you must go to the Yvonne McKay who has done a considerable amount of work with the Masters and took on the role of convenor of the Masters Committee. She has led the way with her contribution which has been invaluable this year with limited support. The Junior committee also for their efforts to interclub, volunteer support and the National under 15 tournament in September and we look forward to an eventful 2014 with the June Bevan in April 2014. To the staff well done on this years performance, it would be fair to say they have been pushed and tested and with staff changes throughout the year a great result has been achieved. Finally the board, it is another big thank you as I would just like to say that I know I will have tested you at times throughout the year but really do appreciate the support you have given me to help us achieve this result. All the best and have a safe and Merry Christmas! John McGregor General Manager 12 Coaching and Development Report 2013 Senior Representative It was a year of mixed results for the Auckland senior division teams. Across the board we fielded one of the youngest teams ever in each of the divisions 1, 3 and 4. The Division 1 teams finished a disappointing 4th and 6th in the Wisden cup, however some of the younger players produced stand out performances such as Sally Fu’s win over New Zealand national team member Amanda Brown in straight sets days after returning from the world championships. Others included a good win from the young combination of Daniel Hillier and Daxxon Vong in the men’s doubles over North Harbour 1. Division 3 and 4 both finished mid table with a finish of 3rd and 4th respectively. This year’s senior trials for the first time in year required all participants to trial which was a great incentive looked to be carried on in the future. I would like to give a big thank you to all the players who turned out and represented Auckland all over the North Island, Also a big thank you to Brian Robertson and Robbie Thackham who helped with the co-ordination of these teams ensuring that a team was fielded for each tie. Junior Rep The 2013 season has seen national titles going to the Auckland under 17 and under 19 teams. The Under 15 team had a very good result in Palmerston North but just couldn’t get over the line at the last hurdle at nationals. The u23 team had a disappointing second place finish again after beating the eventual winners North Harbour on day 1, but failing to finish the job against 4th place Waikato on the final day to end up second on match differential. The stand out performer for the season was Rowena Devathasan to be the only player to triple crown at both the North Island and National Championships and picking up the womens singles title at the under 23 national championships. Coaching Report This season has been a very busy year for coaching at the association, with a lot of new ideas and initiatives. Having started the role mid-season there are a lot of policies needing to be put in place for the next season to ensure everything runs nice and smooth in the future. My predecessor did a great job bringing home numerous trophies and I hope in the future we can continue this dominance. Schools We have a great relationship with many schools out there providing coaching to a number of schools helping improve their school representative teams such as Diocesan, St Cuthbert’s, St Marys, St Kentigern, Kings College and Epsom Girls Grammar. Delivering to these schools we have a great team with a lot of experience including myself, Xu Li, Kylie Luo, Robbie Thackham, Li Feng and Rhona Robertson. Kiwisport This year we were lucky enough to have a lot of work in primary intermediate and secondary schools delivering the kiwisport programme. The programme was widely accepted allowing us to establish regular playing groups in some schools and spot talented youth to bring in to our futures squad. As part of the kiwisport programme we have worked closely with some schools and through it developed coaches running racqueteers courses for students from Mt Roskill Grammar, Lynfield College and Selwyn College in return for them providing kiwisport and afterschool coaching. We have just secured kiwisport funding for the next year to continue providing badminton in schools as part of the kiwisport programme which we are hoping to establish key relationships with schools and create new hubs for badminton and through these schools firstly make use of their facilities and secondly make badminton more accessible to play for these communities. 13 Squads This year has been a year of change for the training squads, after offering a lot more selection to the players we have streamlined the system a little better and brought all these squads home to Gillies Ave. The numbers through the top few squads have been variable with a lot of the players getting towards university age and having to make the decision to which way they will take their badminton career. The shining light in the current squad structure is our focus on the juniors and the futures squads. The futures squad is aimed at 7-13 year olds where we take a mixture of young talented club players and co-ordinated athletic children spotted in the schools we provide badminton programmes to. In the last 6 months numbers for this squad have grown from 4 to 24 registered members and we have grown from 1 night a week to offering the top players an option of two nights per week and an opportunity to train in a group with smaller numbers to bridge the gap between the futures squad and next the developing squad which is the next step up for these players. Next year we are looking to continue growing at the base with the exciting prospect of another year working with primary schools giving our coaches the ability to work with and identify the next national champion. Coach education Tom Armstrong did a great job completing racqueteers course in many schools around Auckland such as Mt Roskill Grammar generating a huge amount of interest amongst the students at these schools wanting to be involved in the delivery of badminton. Since Toms departure I have run a racqueteers course which a number of our top junior representatives attended and had a great opportunity to spend some time in holiday programmes and learning from the more experienced coaches. We have also had new coaches Jet Yang and Crystal Liu involved in assisting with futures squads and we are still looking to give many of the younger coach’s opportunities to get involved with these programmes. Coach Licencing This year was the first year where we employed the coach licencing system which is firstly track who is providing a coaching service in our facility and secondly ensure that the people that are delivering these services are delivering them to an acceptable standard. This year we had 6 accredited coaches who all attended 4 workshops with Sport Auckland to help them develop their overall coaching approach. These were run By Jeff Mitchell who was very helpful and insightful with his suggestions and work putting together these session plans with the help of the coaching manager. This month we will be releasing the revised licencing system for the 2014 year which will include continuing work with Jeff. Holiday programs Each year we run holiday programmes in most school holidays, with varying results term to term. The most successful of the year was the most recent in October run by Robbie Thackham and Kylie Luo where we held the programme at Epsom Girls Grammar school making use of their new 4 court facility. This was a great success with the programme filling up at 20 registrations a week prior to the commencement of the programme. We also continued providing badminton as a part of both Jordan and Mt Albert YMCA’s holiday programme. These were short 2 hour sessions where our coach runs a badminton session for these holiday camps. Brent Miller Coaching and Development Manager Auckland Badminton 14 Pro Shop Report 2013 This year was a very good year for the Pro Shop in many ways. We managed to achieve some good results despite all the changes that have happened over the year from management change to variation of suppliers. The team is now becoming more of a team rather than a group of individuals which is resulting in a greater customer experience being delivered. The things I wanted to work on when I first started was the range of products offered so that we offer more products to a wider customer base. We have been working closely with Yonex as always, as well Prince who continue to provide a lot of support to the association. Adidas are the new addition to the Pro Shop and they are very easy to work with and have good product range that has been received well by a lot of players. The sport is always evolving, which is what we need, so the range will change now and again but I aim to keep good product levels so that we have something for everyone who walks through our doors. The online shop never really kicked off and didn’t display all of our products, so I took it upon myself to rectify this problem as believe we were missing out on a golden opportunity. Between myself and one of my staff we have developed a new online shop which now houses all of our products, it is yet to kick off in a big way but sales have been higher since the new site is in place. Moving into the New Year I am hoping to expand the range and also improve the layout of the shop as well as its general condition. I feel the shop still has a lot of potential to move forward and become more successful as long as we adjust to the game as it evolves; and I believe we are now in a very good position to do that. Dan Livingstone Pro Shop Manager Auckland Badminton 15 Development Report 2013 Summary: Our sport has a strong following at its base but needs to grow rapidly to survive – approx 10,000 juniors within 5 to 10 years maximum. Our current sporting structure at club and regional level would not cope with the demands that sort of growth rate would place on it nor does it have enough space to house that many juniors, they were never designed to. So to succeed we need to restructure and change our thinking of what a club is, our membership, fees, incentives and access to competitions. Funding We successfully received around $300,000 in funding this year from over 100 applications and a number of sources: • Sport Auckland Kiwisport – Primary Fund - $36,849.80 • Sport Auckland Kiwisport - Secondary - $5,000 for Selwyn College • ASB Community Trust - $79,393 • Connect 2 Sport - $30,000 plus project expenses of around $12,000 • Other Trusts – Approx $130,000 Growing The Base – 10,000 Juniors • Roadshows were delivered to over 3000 children which helped increase numbers in our after schools, competitions and promote our clubs. • We visited over 10,000 children in the last year with our junior programs and competitions • We have built up a new database of sports coordinators in the 170 primary / intermediate schools in our area. We already have strong relationships with many and are growing those relationships. School Competitions We launched a new primary / intermediate school competition in 3 centres – Mt Roskill, College Rifles and Lloyd Elsmore this grew to over 23 teams taking part in term 3. • This brought in around $7000. • We expanded the secondary school competitions into new areas with new facilities Connect 2 Sport • This project was designed to bring people from diverse communities into sport. Funded by Sport NZ, Auckland Council, Sport Auckland and partnering with ourselves and Auckland Football. This project finishes on July 1 st 2014. • We have already achieved all of the KPIs for the full 3 years required for the full project. • Over the last 3 years this has brought in over $100,000 to the ABA and helped us trial new structures. After Schools • Over 800 opportunities were presented and we estimate 300 children took part in these programs. • Junior club numbers are overall at the same levels as last year so this has added 50% to our juniors • It has given work experience to new young coaches and some of our rep coaches. • The program generated over $30,000 in the last year. 16 • We are now rationalizing this program and investing in new facilities to allow it to grow University • We have added a new University Super League to our calendar which in its inaugural year involved top teams from Auckland University, Waikato, AUT and Massey. The winner was Waikato who won The University Robson Shield kindly donated by Jeff and Heather Robson. We are looking to expand the number of teams next year. • This is helping retain 17 to 24 year olds in the sport, a group that traditionally has a drop off of 75%. • Auckland University shows a model that could work to help retain these players - Club – over 100 members affiliated to Auckland Badminton - Interfaculty Competition – between 9 teams of 8 over faculties - University Super League – for the best players and coaches in the area Seniors • This will come from new facility partnerships and new business leagues to bring new adults into the sport and opening up competition access which currently excludes 80% of our potential playing base and is a barrier to getting them started in clubs. Promotion • I approached clubs at the start of the year to take part in promotion only a handful of our 27 were interested • The new website is the start of getting our ducks lined up so promotion will generate a return in terms of people and income. • The approach to promotion at all levels of the sport will change in 2014 Cliff Freeman Development and New Projects Auckland Badminton 17 MASTERS REPORT 2013 This year we had a Masters Working Group of 2 Masters players (myself and John Wong) and John McGregor and Jack Ngametua from ABA, to organise the Masters. I am pleased to say that there has been renewed interest from players, and so in 2014 we will be back to a Committee format (ably assisted I am sure by John M and Jack again). Thanks to John W for his contribution this year. Inter Association: There were 6 Masters, 4 Vets and 2 SuperVets teams entered in 2013. We will be entering the same number again in 2014. See the team’s placing results later in the Annual Report, but of mention are: - The SuperVets #1 team who again won Div. 1 – congratulations - Masters #4 team came a close second in Div. 3 (even on ties with the winner) - Masters #5 & #6 both made Promotion playoffs in Div. 5 with team #5 coming very close to getting promoted (even on games with the winner) The other teams all had a mixture of success and failure, however we hope that all enjoyed the season and look forward to a new year with enthusiasm. Auckland Masters Champs: Our annual tournament was held on July 13th this year. Based on the entries in 2012 we decided to combine both Open & Social grades together and had age groups of just 35, 50 & 60. We ended up with 84 players over 12 events. This year we had good results from Auckland Association players. Based on comments we got at the tournament, we ran a survey after the event and will be implementing some of that feedback (re Open/Social, Age Groups and length of games) for the 2014 tournament. Thanks to Prince who provided the prizes. Prince Sponsorship: In 2013 Prince sponsored 3 Masters Players for the year – providing them with racquets, shoes and clothing. Thanks to Prince for that. The 3 players were: Amanda Stewart, Ket Yong and Surya Rao. Box Doubles: Run by Jack from ABA, this has become a regular fixture on the calendar. Although it is open to all players, it is well utilised by the Masters players as a way of getting good game play. The post-Christmas round is used by the selectors in helping them select teams for Inter-Association. NZ and World Masters: Congratulations to all those Auckland players who had successes in the NZ Masters in Tauranga, and the World Masters in Turin, Italy. I believe next year’s NZ Masters are in Waikato, so hopefully being so close to Auckland we get a good contingent from Auckland. Yvonne McKay Auckland Masters Working Group 18 2013 Memberships 2013 CLUB All Stars Auckland Chinese Auckland Ladies Badminton Club Auckland Tamil Sports Club Auckland University Badminton Club Balmoral Badminton Club Inc. Central Korean Badminton Club Central Shuttlers College Rifles Badminton Club Ellerslie Badminton Club Friends United Badminton Club Griffen Park Junior 2012 Griffen Park Senior Howick Kohimarama LEPBC Lloyd Elsmore Midweek Lloyd Elsmore Park Junior Lynndale Badminton Club Lynndale Juniors 2012 Lynndale Midweek Badminton Club Mangere Bridge Badminton Club Mt Albert Badminton Club Otahuhu Badminton Club Pacific Sri Lankar TOTALS 2010 2011 1094 Junior 613 1932 1756 SNR Rec 1 1 32 4 127 50 0 0 72 12 0 0 7 32 21 106 23 0 30 0 58 0 42 36 55 8 717 JNR Total TOT Full Rec TOT 8 1 0 1 9 10 0 0 0 10 42 0 0 0 42 9 10 0 10 19 136 0 0 0 136 113 4 23 27 140 24 6 0 6 30 10 0 0 0 10 140 58 14 72 212 12 0 0 0 12 24 0 0 0 24 0 21 24 45 45 13 0 0 0 13 32 0 0 0 32 27 0 0 0 27 137 0 0 0 137 33 0 0 0 33 0 66 181 247 247 32 0 0 0 32 0 0 26 26 26 67 0 0 0 67 1 12 25 37 38 57 1 44 45 102 37 0 0 0 37 80 72 23 95 175 14 0 0 0 14 1058 251 360 611 1669 2012 Senior Total Full 7 9 10 5 9 63 24 10 68 0 24 0 6 0 6 31 10 0 2 0 9 1 15 1 25 6 341 1707 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1206 1373 1352 1513 1484 1506 1465 1622 1671 2042 19 2013 Auckland Tournament Results 2013 Auckland Masters 35s Event Mens Singles Mens Doubles Womens Doubles Mixed Doubles 50s Event Mens Singles Mens Doubles Womens Doubles Mixed Doubles Winner Runner Up Burty Molia(AK) Trent Riddick(TAR) Chris Rieger(AK) Jenny Hawkyard(AK) Lydia Browne Peter Manders(AK) Jenny Hawkyard(AK) Trent Riddick(TAR) Hung Ngo(AK) Thomas Ryu(AK) Fiona Hicks(AK) Vivienne Ninnes(AK) Burty Molia(AK) Tanya Riddick(TAR) Winner Runner Up Jeff Spearman(AK) Nick Monaghan(AK) Jeff Spearman(AK) Julia Yong(AK) Bruce Adlam(AK) John Lawrence(AK) Kevin Robb(WGI) Sherilyn Bright(AK) Vivienne Van Dorsten(AK) Julia Yong(AK) Ket Yong(AK) Kris Fleurty(WTK) Kevin Robb(WGI) Kris Fleurty(WTK) 2013 Under 15 National Championships Championships Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Oscar Guo(NH) Dacmen Vong(AK) Boys Doubles Oscar Guo(NH) Marcus Lin(AK) Wei Lim(MAN) Dacmen Vong(AK) Girls Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(NH) Gaea Calvez(NH) Alyssa Tagle(NH) Mixed Doubles Oscar Guo(NH) Dacmen Vong(AK) Alyssa Tagle(NH) Sally Fu(AK) Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Evan Wong(NH) Thomas Hillier (AK) Boys Doubles Lucas Gao(NH) Johnny Chen(AK) Brendon Wang(NH) Liam Liu(AK) Rileigh Fields(OTG) Phoebe Chau(AK) Ella Smith(STH) Kira Selen(CAN) Girls Doubles 20 2013 Under 15 National Championships Plates Event Winner Runner Up Daniel Ji(AK) Jacqueline Yu(AK) Samuel Sun(NH) Emma Wu(NH) Classic Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Girls Singles Clarke Lebreton(STH) Rebecca Fong(AK) Liam Liu(AK) Charmaine Wu(NH) Consolation Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Mark Zhang(NH) Michael Li(AK) Mixed Doubles 2013 Auckland Under 19 Championships Event Winner Runner Up Kaitlyn McLeod(AK) Kerwyn Lee(NH Dylan Soedjasa(NH) Angie Leung(AK) Lilian Shih(AK) Dylan Soedjasa(NH) Angie Leung(AK) Angie Leung(AK) David Liang(AK) Kevin Zhang(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Rowena Devathasan(AK) Kerwyn Lee(NH) Lilian Shih(AK) Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles James Kim(AK) Mark Yep(AK) Girls Singles Deborah Yin(NH) Rowena Devathasan(AK) Boys Doubles Ben Hiller(AK) James Kim(AK) Harrison Jin(AK) Kahn Tasker(AK) Olia Wan(AK) Melissa Chai(AK) Theresa Yeung(AK) Kristy Ng(AK) Ben Hillier(AK) David Liang(AK) Celine Shao(AK) Jasmin Ng(AK) Classic Plate Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Niccolo Tagle(NH) Vivian Washington Consolation Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Eric Li(AK) Newton Lai(AK) Girls Doubles Kelsi Wallace(WKO) Olivia Lin(AK) Girls Singles Boys Doubles Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles 21 2013 Auckland Lloyd Elsmore Under 17 played at Lloyd Elsmore Championship Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Daxxon Vong(AK) Ben Hillier(AK) Boys Doubles Daxxon Vong(AK) Alex Qu(AK) Niccolo Tagle(AK) Harrison Jin(AK) Rowena Devathasan(AK) Sally Fu(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Christine Zhang(NH) Niccolo Tagle(AK) Daxxon Vong(AK) Rowena Devathasan(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Dacmen Vong(AK) Harrison Jin(AK) Boys Doubles Jack Ding(NTH) Marcus Lin(AK) Chris Steegs(WKO) Dacmen Vong(AK) Olia Wan(AK) Shreshta Dyavadi(AK) Theresa Yeung(AK) Numa Wadwahnia(AK) Alex Qu(AK) Philip Ding(AK) Selena Wu(NH) Olia Wan(AK) Classic Plate Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles James Kim(AK) Kahn Tasker(AK) Girls Singles Selena Wu(NH) Shirley Lin(AK) Consolation Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Mark Yep(AK) Matthew Graham(WKO) Girls Singles Julia Chi(AK) Shreshta Dyavadi(AK) Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles 22 2013 Auckland Lloyd Elsmore Under 15 played at Lloyd Elsmore Championship Event Winner Runner Up Girls Singles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(NH) Boys Doubles Edward Lau(NH) Oscar Guo(NH) Jasmanjot Virk(WKO) Owen Wang(AK) Sally Fu(AK) Gaea Calvez(NH) Christine Zhang(NH) Alyssa Tagle(NH) Leo Rossi(TAHITI) Dacmen Vong(AK) Catelyn Rozario(NH) Sally Fu(AK) Plates Event Winner Runner Up Girls Singles Charmaine Wu(NH) Sonia Lu(AK) Event Winner Runner Up Boys Doubles Edwin Lie(NH) Johnny Chen(AK) Rossie Leo(TAHITI) Liam Liu(AK) Marcus Lin(AK) Calvin Pang(AK) Jasmine Xue(AK) Jacqueline Yu(AK) Classic Plate Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Dacmen Vong(AK) Johnny Chen(AK) Consolation Plates Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Richard Tang(AK) Mark Zhang(NH) Girls Singles Julia Chi(AK) Nicole Wannan(WTK) Girls Doubles Mixed Doubles Mixed Doubles 2013 Auckland Under 13 Championship Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Edward Lau(NH) Thomas Hillier(AK) Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Joshua Feng(NH) Edward Lau(NH) Evan Wong(NH) Plate Event Winner Runner Up Boys Singles Adam Fu(AK) Johnson Li(AK) 23 2013 SENIOR REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS AND RESULTS Wisden Cup Team 1 4th Place in NZ Teams Championship Men Women Brent Miller Donna Haliday Henry Tam Angie Leung Samuel Ho Li Feng Robert Batty Rowena Devathasan Jie Yang Lilian Shih Zheng Qin Kaitlyn McLeod Manager: John McGregor Coach: Li Feng Wisden Cup Team 2 5th Place in NZ Teams Championship Men Women Jonathan Curtin Stephanie Cheng Daniel Hillier Melissa Chai Daniel Lee Sally Fu Dhanny Oud Rebecca Jury Riga Oud Jasmin Ng Daxxon Vong Carmen Yuen Manager: Yvonne Vong Coach: Li Feng 24 Auckland 3 North Island Division 3—3rd Place in North Island Inter Association Men Women Matthew Chan Melissa Chai Harry Long Crystal Liu Tony Fang Samantha McCamish Anush Pandian Cathy Parkin Michael Rippon Jolly Ng Robbie Thackham Novita Stokes Viraf Vazifdar Vivian Washington Manager/Coach: Robbie Thackham Auckland 4 North Island Division 4—4th Place in North Island Inter Association Men Women Daniel Livingstone Louise Bax Ken Ly Nerissa Bright Peter Manders Jessica Jeans Brian Robertson Neha Kolhe Wesley Yep Eileen Li Audrey Chan Manager / Coach: Brian Robertson 25 2013 JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVE TEAMS AND RESULTS NZ Under 23 Regional Team Event—2nd place Men Women Jonathan Curtin Rebecca Jury Samuel Ho Jolly Ng Dhanny Oud Samantha Zhang Riga Oud Jie Yang Manager / Coach Brent Miller Under 19 Team 1 Vincent Cup - 1st Place Under 19 Inter Association Championship Men Women Matthew Chan Melissa Chai Toshi Chen Angie Leung Daniel Hillier Kaitlyn McLeod Daniel Lee Jasmin Ng David Liang Lilian Shih Manager: Annie Shih Coach: Xu Li Under 19 Team 2 - 3rd Place Under 19 Inter Association Championship Men Women Raymond Ke Jessica Jeans Vincent Liu Neha Kolhe Vivian Washington Olivia Lin Wesley Yep Kristy Ng Kevin Zhang Namratha Giridharan Manager: Bonnie Jeans Coach: Brent Miller 26 Under 17 Team 1 1st Place u17 Inter Association Championship 1st Place North Island u17 Inter Association Championships Boys Girls Philip Ding Rowena Devathasan Ben Hillier Annis Fu Harrison Jin Celine Shao Sam Lu Olia Wan Alex Qu Theresa Yeung Daxxon Vong Manager: Yvonne Vong Coach: Brent Miller Under 17 Team 2 3rd Place u17 Inter Association Championships 5th Place North Island u17 Inter Association Championships Boys Girls Gabriel Hong Jessica Chan James Kim Iris Chan Mark Yep Shreshta Dyavadi Eric Li Numa Wadwahnia Laura Wu Sang Ya Zhou Manager: Mary Cheung 27 Coach: Michael Rippon Under 17 Team 3 4th Place Xtrm u17 Inter Association Championships 6th Place North Island u17 Inter Association Championships 1st Place Northern Region Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Aaron Aranha Angela Fong Michael Chen Kate Hu Newton Lai Kitty Ji Aloysius Lee Lisa Ng Kahn Tasker Helena Zhang Manager: Riga Oud Coach: Dhanny Oud Under 17 Team 4 11th Place Xtrm u17 Inter Association Championships 3rd Place Division 2 North Island u17 Inter Association Championships 4th Place Northern Region Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Youngsun An Winnie Chau Hasnain Cheena Mulan Lin John Savesh Jenny Wu Sean Takagi Hailie Xie Manager: Melissa Chai Coach: Jonathan Curtin 28 Under 15 Team 1 2nd Place New Zealand u15 Inter Association Championships 1st Place North Island u15 Inter Association Championships Boys Girls Vincent Chen Rebecca Fong Marcus Lin Sally Fu Calvin Pang Shirley Lin Jason Seto Jasmine Xue Dacmen Vong Jacqueline Yu Owen Wang Manager: Jonathan Pang Coach: Robbie Thackham Under 15 Team 2 3rd Place New Zealand u15 Inter Association Championships 3rd Place North Island u15 Inter Association Championships 1st Place Northern Region Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Johnny Chen Julia Chi Thomas Hillier Alicia Fong Liam Liu Crystal Leung John Lu Sonia Lu Rodger Yang Polly Wong Manager: Mary Fong Coach: Kylie Luo 29 Under 15 Team 3 7th Place New Zealand u15 Inter Association Championships 7th Place North Island u15 Inter Association Championships 4th Place Northern Region Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Daniel Ji Emily Chan Alistair Lee Phoebe Chau Callum Lee Jessica Li Evan Sun Elvina Liu Richard Tang Phoebe Liu Ryan Tong Manager: Alexander Lee Coach: Anush Pandian Under 15 Team 4 11th Place u15 Inter Association Championships 5th Place Northern Region Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Andrew Deng Visalini Gunathas Adam Fu Janice Jiang Jacky Jiang Andrea Knight Max Yang Rachel Li Winstone Zhao Linda Wang Manager: Calvin Khoo Coach: Stephanie Cheng 30 Under 13 2nd Place Northern Region Junior Local Derby 2013 Boys Girls Asif Cheena Olivia Guo William Chen Janice Jiang Adam Fu Rachel Li Johnson Li Emily Tian Steven Lin Selena Zhang Anthony Shao Manager / Coach: Donna Haliday 31 2013 MASTERS AND VETERANS TEAMS AND RESULTS Masters Team 1 3rd Place North Island Division 1 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Peter Brown Helen Au Ian Coldstream Linda Hall Burty Molia Jenny Hawkyard Hung Ngo Fiona Hicks Ray Shew Vivienne Ninnes Masters Team 2 9th Place North Island Division 1 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Jonathan Cook Grazel Diaz Tony Galavazi Yvonne McKay Peter Manders Heather Rieger Surya Rao Amanda Stewart Chris Rieger Yvonne Yap Masters Team 3 5th Place North Island Division 2 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Kim Calvert Jennifer Doran Nick Monaghan Jan Giffney Mat Morgan Shona Hill Phil Rosser Marianne Mahoney Omar Slaimankhel Alana McRobbie Jeff Spearman Terese Railey Ket Yong 32 Masters Team 4 2nd Place North Island Division 3 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Brett Appleyard Sherilyn Bright Karl Barker Jing Chen Larry Curtis Kim Curtis Dean Griffith Donah Bowers Nick Monaghan Vivienne Van Dorsten Alan Robertson Helen Whiting Steve Sweeney Masters Team 5 2nd Place North Island Division 5 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Ian Bailie Alison Ayers Matthew Carter Lung Foy Tony Heath Helen Gallagher Paul Jantke Michele Muckle Johnson Koo Stella Tichborne Charles Lynch George Pearcey Masters Team 6 3rd Place North Island Division 5 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Neil Bunkall Dawn Amon Froilan Jongco Jill Partridge Mark Rutherford Kerrie Rutherford Zali Salleth Margaret Salleh Koh Tan Zuchin Yeh 33 North Island Veterans Team 1 3rd Place North Island Division 1 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Chris Honeybun Sherilyn Bright John Lawrence Vivian Van Dorsten Nick Monaghan Jan Giffney Jeff Spearman Alana McRobbie Ket Yong Julie Minturn Terese Railey North Island Veterans Team 2 5th Place North Island Division 2 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Brett Appleyard Kim Curtis Larry Curtis Marianne Mahoney Johnson Koo Vivienne Van Dorsten George Pearcey Helen Whiting Richard Purser Alan Robertson Steve Sweeney North Island Veterans Team 3 6th Place North Island Division 3 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Neil Bunkall Dawn Amon Mike Earp Elaine Dunn Tony Heath Lung Foy Angus Robertson Sally Grennell Zali Salleth Margaret Salleh 34 North Island Veterans Team 4 5th Place North Island Division 4 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Lance Lobb Sarah Gordon Garry Coup Jill Partridge Graeme Evans Glennis Paerson Paul Hood Angele Russell Murray Johnston North Island Super Veterans Team 1 1st Place North Island Division 1 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Paul Chai Angie Dewhurst Angus Husin Barbara Lockington George Pearcey Jill Massey John Wong Vivienne Van Dorsten Ken Yong North Island Super Veterans Team 2 2nd Place North Island Division 2 BNZ Inter Association Men Women Garry Coup Elaine Dunn Mike Earp Sally Earp Graeme Evans Sarah Gordon Paul Hood Jill Partridge Fred Richards Glennis Ellet Pearson 35 NATIONAL TITLE HOLDERS Congratulations to all players who won National Titles in 2013 2013 Pub Charity New Zealand Champs—Played at North Harbour Mens Doubles Henry Tam(AK) Delius Tang(AK) Womens Doubles Angie Leung(AK) Jihyun Marr(WTK) North Harbour Open 2013 Mens Singles Jie Yang(AK) Womens Singles Lilian Shih(AK) Mens Doubles Brent Miller(AK) Oliver Leydon Davis(WKO) North Island Wellington Open 2013 Mens Doubles Tom Armstrong(AK) Henry Tam(AK) Mixed Doubles Tom Armstrong(AK) Felicity Leydon Davis(WKO) New Zealand Under 23 Nationals—Played Bay of Plenty Womens Singles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Mens Doubles Riga Oud(AK) Samuel Ho(AK) 36 NATIONAL MASTERS TITLE HOLDERS Congratulations to the following Auckland players who won National Titles in 2013 New Zealand Masters National Championships—played in Tauranga 65 Womens Doubles Sally Grennell(AK) Jennifer Britan(WTK) 70 Mens Singles Mike Earp(AK) 70 Mens Doubles Mike Earp(AK) Bill Reid(AK) 70 Womens Doubles Sally Grennell(AK) Jill Massey(AK) NATIONAL JUNIORS TITLE HOLDERS Congratulations to the following Auckland players who won National Titles in 2013 Oceania Junior Championships—played in Tahiti Mens Doubles Daniel Lee(AK) Dylan Soedjasa(NH) Womens Doubles Kaitlyn McLeod(AK) Rayna Philips(NH) North Harbour Under 19 Open Womens Singles Angie Leung(AK) Womens Doubles Angie Leung(AK) Lilian Shih(AK) Mixed Doubles Dylan Soedjasa(NH) Angie Leung(AK) 37 North Island and Counties Manukau Under 19 Open Womens Singles Angie Leung(AK) Womens Doubles Angie Leung(AK) Lilian Shih(AK) Mixed Doubles Kerwyn Lee(NH) Lilian Shih(AK) New Zealand Under 19 National Championships - Played at North Harbour Womens Singles Angie Leung(AK) Womens Doubles Angie Leung(AK) Lilian Shih(AK) Mixed Doubles Kerwyn Lee(NH) Lilian Shih(AK) Waitakere Under 17 Open Boys Singles Alex Qu(AK) Girls Singles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Boys Doubles Daxxon Vong(AK) Niccolo Tagle(NH) Girls Doubles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Mixed Doubles Niccolo Tagle(NH) Rowena Devathasan(AK) North Island Under 17 Championship - Manawatu Girls Singles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Boys Doubles Daxxon Vong(AK) Niccolo Tgale(NH) Girls Doubles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Mixed Doubles Niccolo Tagle(NH) Rowena Devathasan(AK) 38 X TRM New Zealand Under 17 National Championships Girls Singles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Boys Doubles Daxxon Vong(AK) Niccolo Tgale(NH) Girls Doubles Rowena Devathasan(AK) Deborah Yin(NH) Mixed Doubles Niccolo Tagle(NH) Rowena Devathasan(AK) Waikato Under 15 Open Boys Doubles Owen Wang(AK) Oscar Guo(NH) Girls Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(AK) North Island Under 15 Championship - Manawatu Girls Singles Sally Fu(AK) Boys Doubles Marcus Lin(AK) Dacmen Vong(AK) Girls Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(AK) Mixed Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Dacmen Vong(AK) Waitakere Under 15 Open Girls Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(AK) Boys Doubles Marcus Lin(AK) Dacmen Vong(AK) Mixed Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Dacmen Vong(AK) CMBA Under 15 Open Girls Singles Sally Fu(AK) Girls Doubles Sally Fu(AK) Christine Zhang(AK) 39 North Harbour Under 13 Open Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Edward Lau(NH) Waitakere Under 13 Open Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Edward Lau(NH) North Island Under 13 Championships - Manawatu Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Edward Lau(NH) Waikato Badminton Under 13 Open Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Edward Lau(NH) New Zealand Under 13 National Championships - Counties Manukau Boys Doubles Thomas Hillier(AK) Edward Lau(NH) Secondary Schools 2013 Participation 2013 had a total entry of 309 teams, an increase of 10 teams from the previous year. There were 34 schools entered into the competition. The competition started on Monday 13th of May and ran until Friday the 27th of September. Two separate competitions were held in the first ten weeks being the competitive teams and the second ten weeks of the competition being the social grades. Four venues were used, the Central—Auckland Badminton Association 99 Gillies Avenue, Epsom, Epsom Girls Grammar—Silver Road Epsom, Mt Roskill Grammar—Frost Road and Lloyd Elsmore Eastern zone– Bells Park Pakuranga. There were 32 grades in the competition. Each team consists of 4 players and I or 2 reserve players. This year there were about 1850 players playing badminton in the secondary schools alone. Out of these players there are about 800 players were females. Defaults Most matches were scheduled to avoid defaults. I would like to thank the teachers, team captains, and parent helpers who cooperated to facilitate this. My special thanks to Tony Griffen and Maggie Chan at Lloyd Elsmore Club, Melissa Chai at Epsom Girls Grammar, David Dix at Mt Roskill Grammar for giving their effort and time in making the running of the Secondary Schools competition run smoothly 40 School Winners Runners Up 1.B Girls Mon Auckland Girls Lynfield 2.B Open Mon Group 1 Kings 1 Auckland 1 3.B Open Mon Group 2 Lynfield St Cuthberts 4. C Open Tues Group 1 Mt Albert 1 Auckland Boys 1 5. C Open Tues Group 2 St Peters 2 Auckland Boys 2 6. C Girls Tues Mt Roskill 1 Selwyn College 1 7. C Open Wed Group 1 Massey High Western Springs 1 8. C Open Wed Group 2 St Peters 2 Dilworth 2 9. C Girls Wed Mt Roskill 1 Lynfield 10. C Girls Thurs Auckland Girls Baradene 10.D Girls Thurs Auckland Girls St Cuthberts 11.CD Girls Thurs Auckland Girls Mt Roskill D2 12. A Open Macleans 1 St Peters 13. Premier Auckland Grammar 1 Macleans 14. East Wed B Open Macleans 1 Macleans 2 15. East Wed C Open Macleans 1 Tamaki College 1 16. East Wed BC Elim C2 Sancta Maria C2 17. East Fri B Open Macleans 1 St Kentigern 1 18. East Fri A Open Sacred Heart St Kentigern 1 19. B Open Mon Group 1 Term 3 Glendowie 2 St Peters 3(4) 20 B Open Mon Group 2 Term 3 Lynfield Auckland Boys 1 21. B Girls Monday Term 3 Lynfield Marist(6) 22. C Open Tues Group 1 Term 3 Mt Roskill 1 ACG Parnell 23. C Open Tues Group 2 Term 3 St Peters 2 Auckland Boys 3 24. C Girls Tues Term 3 St Marys 1 Lynfield 1 25. C Girls Wed Term 3 Mt Roskill 1 Lynfield 26. C Open Wed Term 3 Massey High Lynfield 27. C Girls Thurs Term 3 Lynfield Diocesan 2 28. D Girls Thurs Term 3 Baradene 1 Marist 2 29. East Wed B Open Term 3 Howick 1 Pakuranga 1 30. East Wed C Open Term 3 Pakuranga 1 Elim 31. East Wed D Girls Term 3 McCauley 1 Pakuranga 1 32. East Fri C Open Term 3 Botany Downs 1 Pakuranga 1 33. East Fri C Girls Term 3 Macleans 1 Pakuranga 1 41 Interclub Report 2013 Participation 2013 had a mix year of teams entered into the competition with total entry of 64 teams entered a decrease of 8 teams from the previous year. The competition started Monday 16th of May and ran until 27th of September. The Structure was reversed compared to previous years. We played the doubles competition first and finish with the singles interclub. We catered for the singles players in the first half of the year by running a singles ladder competition and vice versa for the second half of the year a doubles competition during Singles Interclub. There seems to be more players wanting to play doubles only. Maybe it is something that the clubs may look at and have 2 half years of doubles competition. Out of 19 senior clubs, only 10 clubs put teams into the competition throughout the whole year, quite disappointing. For us to run a really competitive competition we will need the support of all our clubs. In comparison these are the numbers from 2011 to 2013 and the trend is numbers are on the decline Year 2013 2012 2011 Total 46 64 75 Doubles Section 26 40 42 Singles Section 20 24 33 The winners and runners up of this year’s competition go to the following teams Division Winners Runners Up Division 1 Doubles Pacific College Rifles Division 2 Doubles Friends United 2 Mt Albert Division 3 Doubles Balmoral 3 BNZ Lloyd Elsmore 5 Division 1&2 Mens Doubles Pacific All Stars Division 3&4 Mens Doubles Mt Albert Blue Balmoral 2 Division 1 Full College Rifles Mt Albert Division 2 Full All Stars Balmoral 1 Division 3 Full BNZ Lloyd Elsmore 10 Mt Albert 3 Division 2 Mens BNZ Lloyd Elsmore 8 Balmoral 2 42 2013 Junior Interclub Report 2013 2012 2011 Both Terms Club Term 2 Term 3 Both Terms Auckland Tamil 0 1 0 Balmoral Juniors 0 0 0 College Rifles 9 8 11 12 Griffen Park 4 4 4 5 Lloyd Elsmore 13 0 11 10 Lynndale 0 0 4 4 Mangere Bridge 2 2 2 1 Mt Albert 4 4 4 5 MAGGS 0 0 0 0 Otahuhu 0 0 0 0 Pacific 12 13 11 14 Sri Lanka 0 0 0 0 Tamil 0 0 0 0 Total Teams 44 32 47 51 Junior Interclub this year changed the format they normally run the competition. It was agreed that we should run it in 2 terms similar to what the secondary schools does. There were 44 teams registered this year for term 2 and 32 teams in term 3. Despite having more teams play in both terms the reason for the two terms were to give players a chance to re-grade themselves or their grade from one term to the next. All in all the numbers of teams playing are on the decline with 51 teams in 2011 and this year only 44 teams. A huge thank you goes to the following committee members that helps out every Friday when the competition is on Daniel Lee, Dennis Yep, Chin Fong and all the club delegates and parents for making the competition run smoothly Winners for this year goes to the following teams 43 Term 2 Placings 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 LE Ferrari CR4 MA1 MA2 Pac 9 Pac 11 2 CR1 LE Porsche LE BMW LE McLaren Pac 10 LE Maserati 3 CR3 Pac 7 LE Bentley MA 5 4 CR2 Pac 4 Pac 5 MB Blue LE Lexus Pac 12 5 GP1 Pac 3 Pac 6 Pac 8 MB Green LE Jaguar 6 GP2 GP3 CR7 GP4 MA 4 7 Pac 1 LE Audi 8 LE Lamborghini CR8 9 LE Bugatti CR9 10 Pac 2 Term 3 Placings 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 GP1 CR4 Pac5 Yellow MB Blue MB Green 2 GP2 Pac3 Blue CR6 3 CR1 CR5 CR7 GP4 4 Pac1 Black Pac4 Red Pac7 Silver Pac9 Purple 5 CR3 GP3 Pac6 Green AK Tamil Pac11 Grey Pac10 Orange MA4 6 Pac2 White MA1 MA2 MA3 Pac13 Gold 7 CR2 44 LE Aston Martin LE Mercedes Pac8 Brown Pac12 Pink CR8 Section 6 Auckland Badminton Association Inc. Budget for 2014 and Financial Statements For the 12 months ended 30 September 2013 45 46