DIY Greenhouse Gardeners: How to Grow Advice
DIY Greenhouse Gardeners: How to Grow Advice
DIY Greenhouse Gardeners: How to Grow Advice | Aeroponics Gardening - Why All the Hy Copyright Whitney Segura [email protected] Aeroponics Gardening - Why All the Hype? When people think of gardening they automatically associate it with outdoor gardening or greenhouse gardening using regular soil. However, there are many ways in which a person can grow beautifully healthy plants. In more recent times hydroponics has witnessed a huge surge in popularity, and the latest arrival in this type of gardening is aeroponics. One of the best things about aeroponics is that you don't require much space, and of course there's no need for any soil. With that said, you will require some special equipment. Unlike with regular gardening where plants obtain nutrients from the soil, plants grown in aeroponics systemsget their nutrients from being in a heavily misted environment. Of course the mist is not simply regular drinking water, but instead, it's a special solution rich in nutrients. The roots of the plants remain exposed to this nutrient-rich mist, and it's by this method that the plants are able to receive all the nutrients they require. Interestingly enough, aeroponics is largely considered to be a form of hydroponics, even though the roots of the plants are never submersed in any type of solution. For an aeroponics system to be effective, one requires a suitable environment in which a nutrient-rich mist can be circulated. For this reason, practically all such systems are either partially closed or totally closed. Choosing the right hydroponics systemis extremely important! Because aeroponics systems need to be designed in this way, they have the added benefit that gardeners will very rarely encounter problems with regular garden pests. For the most part, aeroponics systems can be purchased from any store that sells hydroponics systems, but one needs to realize that even though the two systems are similar in many ways, there are however a few distinct differences. As a result, it's not possible for you to use hydroponics equipment for aeroponics gardening. A Typical Aeroponics System 1. Grow Chamber - All aeroponics systems will include a growing chamber, and as has been mentioned above, the chamber can either be partially closed or totally closed in order to provide a controlled environment. 2. Pump - Most "ready-to-go" systems will include the necessary pump which is used to maintain the desired amount of humidity within the growing chamber. page 1 / 2 DIY Greenhouse Gardeners: How to Grow Advice | Aeroponics Gardening - Why All the Hy Copyright Whitney Segura [email protected] 3. Timing Device - While not all systems come with an automatic timing device, most people who start an aeroponics system will incorporate one into the system, simply because it minimizes human involvement, bearing in mind that plants grown in these systems require regular misting. 4. Nutrients - Practically all aeroponics systems will come complete with all the nutrients you require in orders to get started. However, most people soon begin expanding their system, and in that case you would need to purchase additional nutrients. 5. Lighting - Some of the systems one can purchase will also include any lighting which may be necessary, but this will depend entirely on what type of system you intend to setup. Many hobbyists are more than happy to have a relatively small system in which to grow a few of their favorite plants, but there are also many people who have realized that aeroponics provides them with an ideal opportunity to grow fresh produce all year round in an environment over which they have full control. - In other words, when you grow your own fruit and vegetables in an aeroponics system you'll never need to worry about residue from harmful pesticides, and you'll also have peace of mind in knowing that there have been no chemical fertilizers used. - This is perhaps the biggest reason why aeroponics has become so immensely popular with people interested in the eating only organically grown foods. page 2 / 2