February 2015 - Sacramento Valley Region


February 2015 - Sacramento Valley Region
February 2015
On the Cover
Photo by Bob Cannon
911s lined up and awaiting sale at European
Collectables, Costa Mesa during the LA Literature
Meet weekend in 2014. See “Event Close Ups” on
page 6 for more information.
TrackMasters Racing is a leader in
High Performance Driver Education
events in Northern California and
invites SVR-PCA drivers to
participate in these events.
Sonoma/Sears Point
Mar 7
Sonoma/Sears Point AX
Mar 7
Sonoma/Sears Point
Mar 8
Thunderhill Raceway
Apr 17
Thunderhill Raceway
May 1
Mazda Raceway
May 16
Mazda Raceway
May 17
Mazda Raceway
May 18
Sonoma/Sears Point
Jun 6
Sonoma/Sears Point AX
Jun 6
Come out and stretch
your car’s legs on some of the
finest tracks in the country!
Fun, safe, and definitely...
No speeding tickets!
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
2015 Board of Directors
Collin Fat
[email protected]
Vice President
Eduardo Ortega, Jr.
[email protected]
Volume 53, No. 2
February 2015
Upcoming Events
Columns and
6-7 Event Close Ups
9-15 SVR and PCA Events
Rita Barker
[email protected]
Janet Conner
[email protected]
Features and Reviews
16 Le Mans 2015
18 Guidelines for
Social Director
Suzanne Sanders
[email protected]
Submissions to the
Membership Director
Richard Walker
[email protected]
Competition & Safety Director
Frederick Rauch
[email protected]
Editor’s Corner
Pretty Darn Kwik
Autocross News
Calendar of Events
SVR Board Minutes
SVR Membership
Drifter Classifieds
SVR Goodie Store
Index of Advertisers
Information and Committee Directory
Past President
Steve Barker
[email protected]
Advertising Manager
Mike Dunn
[email protected]
Autocross Chair
Drifter Editor
Tim Howard
[email protected]
Steve McCrory
[email protected]
Charity Chairs
Sacramento Valley Region, Porsche Club of America
(SVR), publishes the Drifter monthly for its members.
Written contributions and photos are welcome and
should be e-mailed to the editor. The deadline for
material is one month prior to the month of publication.
SVR members should notify the membership director
promptly of an address change to insure uninterrupted
delivery. All material in this newsletter is protected by
copyright. However, newsletter editors of others regions
chartered by the Porsche Club of America may reprint
any article provided that credit is given to the author and
Sacramento Valley Region and that The Drifter is cited
as the source.
Yosemite Region
Paul Czopek
[email protected]
Vice President’s Job
Bill Fargo
[email protected]
Zone 7 Representative
President’s Notes
Alma and Gary Thompson 916.342.3434
[email protected]
Concours Chair
Kent Brandon
[email protected]
Driver Education Chair
Frederick Rauch
[email protected]
Dummkopf Chair
Jim McMahen
[email protected]
Goodie Store
Linda Bradford
[email protected]
Larry Wilson
[email protected]
New Member Group
Cookie Anderson
[email protected]
Rally Chair
Rik Larson
[email protected]
Share the Wealth
Herb Hoover 916.424.5163
[email protected]
Technical Chair
Skip Quain
[email protected]
Event Liaison to Niello Porsche
Kim Nelson [email protected]
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 1
SVR President’s Notes
Collin Fat, SVR President
2015 Is Going to Be a Very Busy Year!
Wow, can’t believe how fast January just blew
by and let’s hope as the year proceeds our
events will come at us in a more leisurely
fashion. Judging from the 60 plus members
who attended the January planning meeting
I’m not so sure. According to club stalwart
and legend, Rik Larson, he has not seen
attendance at a planning meeting like this for
some time. It bodes very well for the club and
its members and promises to be a calendar
packed full of activities each month. Rik Larson
led the meeting and the end result was quite
positive. We had 9 members step up to lead
a dinner, tour, or other type of event and this
was in addition to members who submitted
event ideas to Rik well ahead of the meeting.
We even had Alma Thompson step up to take
the chair of the Charity auction! New member
Gary Griffiths stepped up to lead another
multi day Gold Rush Tour to Graeagle, Truckee,
Virginia City and other locales. Howard Wolf
has scheduled a dinner at Los Pinos restaurant
on June 9th, Lisa Okamoto stepped up to do
two events, a 4th of July Parade and a dinner
in October. Hopefully, it will be a Parade of
Porsches! Ruth and Marvin Stark stepped
up to do a dinner in September.
The Willis’s are not only hosting the
annual Christmas Party and a San
Simeon tour in April but I also hear
that Mike is going to commit to a full
season of club autocrossing. Past
Presidents, Tambra Kroetz and
Cookie Anderson are also in the
mix of events on the calendar with
Tambra hosting a dinner at Monk’s
Cellar in March and Cookie organizing her bi annual tour to Eureka
in June, and a Lake Tahoe Tour
in May. Matt and Lisa Menning
are on a roll and with 3 successful
tours completed in 2014 they have
7 scheduled for 2015 including 3
Friday tours. New members Skip
and Mardi Quain have scheduled a
Valentine’s Dinner at McCormick and
Schmick’s in Roseville on February
9th with registration now open. Liz
Houser has a dinner scheduled in
April at Todo Un Poco Bistro and
club treasurer, Janet Conner, has a
dinner on the calendar in July.
In addition to the dinners mentioned
above, we have 4 multi day tours
scheduled, 7 autocrosses, 2 Driver Education
events at Thunderhill Raceway, and the Zone 7
concours in June. I think I probably left an event
out and perhaps did not mention all of the
dinners, so my apologies. For the full calendar
look for it in this edition of the Drifter or check
on line at our website at www.svr-pca.org.
Page 2
I would really like to take this time to thank all
of the members who have stepped up to organize an event for 2015 and it really looks like
it will be a gangbuster year for SVR! Just one
note, if you were not able to attend the planning
meeting in January and have a great idea for
a dinner, wine tour or other get together, give
Suzanne Sanders, our social director, a call to
see if we can fit your event in.
January Board Meeting:
I conducted my first board meeting in January
and invited all of the event and committee
chairs to attend in addition to several new
board members. Event chairs in attendance
were, Kim Nelson, Linda Bradford, Mike
Dunn, Larry Wilson, Rik Larson, and
Cookie Anderson. We managed to get a lot of
business completed in addition to an executive
review of the yearend financials that were presented by club treasurer, Janet Conner. I am
happy to report that the club’s finances are in
good order and we are poised to continue that
trend into 2015. Tim Howard presented his
2015 autocross budget, which was approved
Rauch reported he has 27 drivers signed up
for his HPDE 101 ground school in January
and that he will be opening up registration for
the March DE by the time this Drifter is posted.
Vice president, Eduardo Ortega Jr., thanked
outgoing VP Rik Larson for his efforts in organizing the January planning meeting and one
of the busiest years in recent memory. Mike
Dunn, our new advertising manager, reported
that Bertolucci’s Body and Fender Shop has
just agreed to place a full page ad in the Drifter
and that he has a program he is developing to
bring more business opportunities to all of our
advertisers. New board member, Bill Fargo,
reported that his transition to our webmaster is
going smoothly and made some brief remarks
about the club’s twitter account! Who over 60
years old uses twitter or facebook! Bill encourages all of us to start if we want to attract
younger members to the club.
For a complete detail of the board, see the
posted minutes in this issue. Again, all of SVR
members are invited to attend the monthly
board meetings and to see the board in action.
The SVR Board hard at work. Photo by Steve Barker
by the board. Tim noted that he has several
large capital expenses this year including the
purchase of new tires for the timing trailer and
a fairly big expense of purchasing another half
dozen helmets at the end of the year to comply
with new helmet certification rules. Frederick
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
The Job of Vice President
Eduardo Ortega Jr., SVR Vice President
As I begin my term as Vice President, there are
many ideas that flash through my mind. This
is a new position for me, and I am studying
the different responsibilities this position
demands all the time. It is notable that this
year will mark my fifth anniversary belonging
to the Sacramento Valley Region, and out of
these five years, I was not serving in the board
only during my first year. As I have mentioned
before in the New Member’s Group Tours that I
have attended as member of the board, I first
heard of the invitation to serve in the board
in my very own new member tour in 2011,
spoken by then new member chair Lee Deter.
I felt an emotional reaction to the invitation,
and I spoke with him right at that moment
telling him that I was interested. Now, after
having served as Social Director in 2012 and
2013, and Secretary in 2014, I would have
never imagined the route I was going to travel
once I decided to serve in the board. I made
the central point of my candidate statement
for Vice President that I wanted to promote
more members volunteering to serve on the
board, especially new members. Fear not about
volunteering, since we have a large number of
wonderful people that will teach you the ropes
of any board position. So, I will keep planting
the seed in everyone’s mind, to please consider
serving in the board in the very near future.
For the business at hand, the duties of the
Vice President are clearly described in the SVR
By-Laws. Five duties are required, in summary
they are:
• To preside at meetings when the President
is absent
• To assist the President or the Board when
they require it
• To keep and maintain the official SVR
calendar of events
• To manage national PCA insurance requirements for SVR events
• To secure sponsorships of events and
advertising for the Drifter
The By-Laws describe the duties in an extremely concise manner. What the By-Laws cannot
describe is the emotional, human contact
element of this position. The President and Vice
President form a very strong working team. The
Vice President must be able to represent the
President in a moment’s notice, and similarly to
the role in politics, the Vice President supports
the President’s Agenda (that is why they both
form a working team!). A job aspect that has
evolved from when the By-Laws were written is
the role of securing advertisers. In our current
times SVR has an Advertising Manager, which
is an appointed chair position. With this help,
the Vice President relies on the Advertising
Manager for this aspect of the job. For 2015
we have a new Advertising Manager, Mike
Dunn. Another job requirement is keeping the
official SVR calendar of events. By doing this,
the Vice President works closely with the Social
Director, Autocross Chair, Driver Education
Chair, and Rally Chair for coordination with the
scheduling of events. Hand-in-hand with keeping
the calendar is the task of securing insurance
for the events from national PCA. And with the
overall involvement with club members outside
of SVR, there is also occasional involvement
with other PCA regions and Zone 7 events.
A singular aspect of holding the job of Vice
President is that this position is a very good
training ground for someone to eventually
become President. The ideal path to becoming
President is for a person to have held different
board positions, including Vice President,
to gain a broad level of experience that will
help the candidate to become a well-rounded
I am very happy to be holding this office right
now. At this moment I am learning all that I can
about this job, and I aspire to get some good
experience working on this position. 2015 is
shaping to be an outstanding year, with many
club dinners, multiple single day tours, three
multi-day tours, a complete autocross event
series, and even two driver education events
scheduled at Thunderhill. Thank you to all of
you for the support you have given me all these
years and I wish our entire SVR membership an
outstanding 2015 year!
Editor’s Corner
Steve McCrory, SVR Drifter Editor
The Write Stuff
In this issue, you’ll find an updated listing of
new board members and committee chairs, an
updated calendar, and details about upcoming
SVR, Zone 7 and National PCA events. From
social events to Tours and Competition, it’s all
here. There are enough events to keep us all
involved in enjoying our favorite cars, and our
favorite car club.
Our new Vice President, Eduardo Ortega,
Jr. tells us about his experience with SVR,
and his role in keeping the club moving in the
right direction. The recent Planning and Pizza
meeting revealed two things. Sacramento
Valley Region has a very full and varied Event
Calendar, and secondly, both new members
and veteran members are stepping up to host
events for 2015.
The Drifter, in conjunction with our region
website, is here to promote your upcoming
events, provide details and contact information,
and share the story of completed events with
events are scheduled for March 7th and 8th,
2015 in Southern California.
the club’s membership. The event will first
be listed in the Calendar and your event flyer
will be printed in the Drifter in the lead up to
the event, usually 30 to 60 days out. Need
advice or help designing the flyer? Just ask.
Include details such as cost, deadline, and
RSVP information. For most events, a follow-up
article is desirable, written by the event leader,
or a person they designate. If you’re likely
to get writer’s cramp as the Drifter deadline
approaches, create an outline soon after your
event, and fill in the details as you have time.
And don’t forget to include photos. Photos
help tell the story of the event, and if you think
your photo is worthy of a Drifter front cover,
remember to use a portrait mode that favors
a vertical placement. If you think you’ll be too
busy shepherding the event group to take
photos, ask someone ahead of time to take
them as your event proceeds.
Our cover shot for February is provided by
Bob Cannon, and was taken last year at the LA
Literature and Toy Show. That show and related
In other news, Team Drifter is selecting its best
issues to submit to PCA National for the Annual
Newsletter Contest. Recent rule changes give
extra recognition to PCA Regions who print a
hard copy newsletter as well as providing an
electronic version. The hard copy is available
by subscription for 15 dollars a year, and who
doesn’t need the latest Drifter on the coffee
table close at hand? Contact Richard Walker to
subscribe to the Drifter. Mike Dunn is our new
Advertising Manager and will be working with
our sponsors who support the Club.
Welcome back to our Historian Larry Wilson,
who has agreed to revive his Drifting Back
column, a look back at the history of SVR
events. His articles will resume with the January
2016 issue of the Drifter and be a look back
15 years and cover SVR events from 2001.
Also welcome Skip Quain as our new Tech
Chairman. Skip will provide technical articles
for the Drifter. As always your comments,
questions, and story ideas are welcome and
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 3
PDK (Pretty Darn Kwik)
Rik Larson, SVR Rally Guy
Rennsport Reunion V date change!! Yes,
they (Porsche) have changed the Monterey
(Laguna Seca) dates to September 25-27.
So my hotel room jumped from $180 per
night to $380 per night for the new dates,
but now they require prepayment and is
non-refundable and no date changes allowed. I am now looking for another place
to stay. And those that already purchased
tickets (and campsites) for the original
dates are going “What the …………..?”.
I guess this means that if you have already
booked your trip on the Treffen that occurs
at the same time as the new date, you
have to make a decision.
Frederick Rauch reports he had 35
people attend the introduction to HPDE
(High Performance Driver Education) on
January 24th. SVR is presenting two DEs
this year. The first one is Friday, March
20th at Thunderhill Raceway. Signups for
SVR members by February 5th will get
you a reduced rate. See the information
elsewhere in this issue.
And as predicted, the 60th anniversary of
PCA is being featured with the unveiling of
60 special 2015 911 GTS Club Coupes.
You sign up for the lottery to get one of
these cars. You have to be a PCA member.
The same thing was done in 2005 for
the 50th anniversary of PCA when 50
cars were made available (also with a
lottery). Information is on the PCA website
at www.pca.org. There is no charge for
the opportunity to register, and there is
no obligation to purchase the vehicle.
Deliveries will start in June 2015.
Alma and Gary Thompson have volunteered to be the chairs for the annual charity auction (October 18th at the Nelson’s
home). I was pleasantly surprised at the
SVR Planning and Pizza meeting at the
number of people who volunteered to help
Alma. As an additional note, 66 people
attended the planning meeting.
The January SVR Board meeting had a
large attendance (that is what happens
when you invite everyone that is listed on
page 1 of the Drifter). An interesting stat
noted by President Collin Fat was the presence of 7 (count’em) SVR Past Presidents
at the meeting. Can you identify them (see
the minutes elsewhere in this issue)?
The Niello Porsche facility in Rocklin is
almost done with their showroom and
service area remodel. Check out the
changes in the later part of February. And
I bet the staff will be glad to get out of the
trailers that they have been operating out
of since the end of October.
Drifter Editor Steve McCrory, pointed
me to a very nice write-up on the 50th
Page 4
anniversary special edition 911 (which was
unveiled at the Porsche Parade in 2013 at
Traverse City, Michigan). It was written by
a BMW owner and covers 5 pages in the
January issue of Roundel, the BMW Club
monthly magazine (the equivalent of the
Panorama). The author provides a great
and general history of the 911s from the
very beginning, right up to the present. He
did a great job of contrasting the various
technical aspects of the two marques. And
the author really likes his Porsche.
What are these rumors that I hear about a
CRAB 36?
The 60th Porsche Parade information is
up on their website (parade2015.pca.org).
Registration opens March 17th. This will
be a different Parade that the one held
in Monterey as everyone can stay at one
of the two hotels (same owners) that are
right next to each other. French Lick/West
Baden is an old retreat and resort that has
had a $650 million restoration. It was a
place that a lot of folks from the Chicago
area would go for a retreat. It has a lot
of family activities available. Should be a
great week.
A couple of regions in Zone 7 are having
big anniversaries. Loma Prieta Region (San
Jose area) is having their 45th Anniversary
Celebration on March 14th. Cost is $60
a person but if you register by February
14th, it will cost you just $45 (get it?). It
includes a hosted bar of wine, beer, and
champagne. Sierra Nevada Region is
holding their 50th anniversary weekend on
May 15th - 17th. Details on that event are
And speaking of Sierra Nevada Region,
they have announced that the PCA Escape
in 2016 (probably September) will be held
at the Resort at Squaw Creek (that means
Squaw Valley to me). Looks like a great
place. The PCA Escapes typically have no
competitive events. They feature tours and
several dinners………….very low key. A
real chance to see the area.
There is a rumor floating around that DMV
is going to be providing license plates of
the 1960’s format for you that have cars
of that era. You remember those ----- black
background with yellow lettering. A search
of the DMV website does not list them as
being available yet…………keep looking.
A rallye that has been running annually
for 51 years? Yes, the “April Fools Rallye”
by Empire Sports Car Association (Santa
Rosa area) is again presenting an “A-B
Rally” that is open to all types of cars.
A number of SVR members have been
running this event for years. How can you
not run an event when the rallymaster
is “Bob the Beard”? The website (sonic.
net/~thebeard/) has all the information,
a practice A/B Map rallye there, and also
a picture of Richard Wetzel and Delores
McKinnon with their yellow Boxster on the
home page. It is being held on Sunday,
April 12th.
A steering wheel explained? The November
2014 PDK column had a photo of a steering wheel with 24 buttons and switches,
six paddles, and a display screen. Well,
Porsche has provided an explanation of
each that is featured on the “back page” of
the April 2015 edition of excellence.
The January 2015 issue of The Wheel
featured a look at “Racing Spyders” in the
early 50’s in California. The San Francisco
Region of SCCA publication had a two
page spread that featured the Porsche
550 Spyder.
20 years ago - February 1995
At the February 8, 1995 SVR Board
meeting, approval was given to Mike Willis
to create a web page for the region. That
is when it started………you read it here.
The Sutter Street Stomp walking tour of
old town Folsom by Tambra Kroetz was a
big success.
30 years ago - February 1985
A tour to Carmel/Monterey that was
chaired by Wayne and Louise Sauseda was
a smashing success and included a visit to
the Monterey Aquarium.
A flyer for CRAB XIV was included in the
February Drifter. The Willis’s said that the
cost was $70 per couple and would be
headquartered at the Red Lion (now the
DoubleTree). Events included: gymkana,
autocross, tour, children’s Trike-A-Cross,
Crabbiest car contest, all you can eat
crabfeed, rally, and the beer and bratwurst
In the “Peddler’s Pack” we found a 1983
944 for sale for $23,500 -- FIRM. It had
17,000 miles on it. Contact Bob Prinzo.
(Note: the Prinzo’s were on the Mendocino
Tour this past November. They now hail
from Santa Barbara Region).
It was interesting to note that Niello was
not yet an advertiser in the newsletter.
40 years ago - February 1975
The 1st Zone 7 Awards Banquet was held
in Walnut Creek. Twelve SVR members
were honored with autocross awards.
They included: Jim and Joyce Karver,
Fred and Nancy Myeron, Arnold and Trish
O’Shields, Ted Colbert, Dave and Chrissie
Neukom, Harvey Cain, Linda Laws, and
Stephanie Morgan.
The Son of Low Bucks Autocross and
Drivers School was offered as a tune up
for CRAB IV.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Autocross News
Tim Howard, SVR Autocross Chair
Autocross Timing Trailer. On January 21,
sixteen volunteers cleaned out and completed a
thorough inventory to prepare the club’s trailer
for this year’s busy autocross
series. It is a routine annual task
that takes a lot of work too and
well worth it to ensure all safety
equipment and necessary supplies
are accounted for and operational.
I am glad I did not have to resort
to a little arm twisting to get
volunteers. This is what makes this
club so fun to be part of; everyone
contributes and we have fun in
the process. Thanks to Collin and
Elaine Fat for hosting the party and
everyone else who did a great job.
It was a good day followed up with
a pot luck lunch.
Autocross Schools. There will be
three autocross schools hosted
by three regions this year: SVR
at Niello Porsche and Stockton on
March 21 and 28, respectively;
Zone 7 (Loma Prieta) at Marina airport on April 4 and 5; and, GGR at
Alameda Naval Air Station, Alameda
on August 29 and 30. Check out
their respective websites for details
and registration information.
Back Row (l-r), Caleb, Cheryl, Jennifer, Dave, Bob, Matt; Middle Row (l-r), Leah, Melinda, Joy, Steve, Collin; Bottom
Row (l-r), Weyland, Greg, David, Tim; Front, Hunter (future autocrosser). Photo by Elaine Fat.
Autocrosses in Zone 7. There
are at least thirty-two (32) PCA
autocrosses hosted by four regions this year.
Oh my, if autocrossing is in your blood, this
is the year to go to as many as you desire.
Sacramento Valley is having 7 held at San
Joaquin County fairgrounds; Redwood is
hosting 9 at Santa Rosa Airport; Loma Prieta
is putting on 8 at Marina airport; and, Golden
Gate with 8 at Alameda. I heard that the west
coast of the USA has more autocrosses than
anywhere else in the world! We are very lucky
to have so many venues in northern California
that we have to choose from.
SVR Autocross Awards and Recognition.
This year, SVR will add two new autocross
year-end awards in 2015: Rookie(s) of the Year
and Most Improved Driver(s).
Odd and Ends...
In Christophorus, no. 369, there was an
In it, there was a quote by Dr. Bernhard Pfäffin
that I would like to repeat: “As soon as the feel
for the engine load is clearly and unambiguously transmitted to the driver, he (she) drives
better and is usually (always) happier as well.”
My parenthesis added. I like that saying and
understand what he means and sure you feel
the same. I guess that is one of the reasons
why I own and drive a Porsche!
PCA Competition Rules (PCR s) 2015. The
class changes and/or additions to various
new automobiles have been approved along
with the change in requiring any manufactured
transmission in the Modified Category. The roll
bar requirement passed but with some slight
changes. Since PCA Club Race has dropped
their allowance of roll bars, we have decided
to tailor our rule to match the PCA Drivers
Education minimum requirements and will add
an appendix with necessary roll bar specifica-
tions. The limit on treadwear for 2015 has
been approved but will be set at 140 minimum
for Production Category (Showroom Stock
Category remains at 140 minimum). R-rated
tires (less than 140 treadwear) on automobiles
will be required to run in the Improved Category. The only exception here would be for
automobiles as delivered from the factory with
less than 140 treadwear. These SS Category
automobiles will be allowed to run in their respective Production Category classes provided
no other alterations have been made to the
automobile and they are using the N-spec tires
specified by Porsche for that year and model;
otherwise they will be required to run in the
Improved Category with all other R-rated tired
automobiles. We will continue to monitor the
tire manufactures treadwear ratings and in the
future will consider raising the 140 minimum
in both SS and Production Categories to 180
or above and possibly tying it to the required
N-spec for SS Category automobiles.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 5
Upcoming Events - Close Ups...
The Los Angeles “Porsche Weekend”
March 6-8
Although not an SVR or PCA event, 2015 will
be the 32nd year of the Literature and Toy Meet,
to be held Saturday March 7th. In 2014, almost
2,000 people attended the annual Porsche and
Vintage VW Literature, Toy/Model, & Memorabilia Swap Meet at the Los Angeles Airport
Hilton Hotel.
The meet had over 300 tables with tens of
thousands of collectibles—posters, sales
brochures, toys, models, factory gift items,
press kits, technical literature, small trim items,
and accessories for Porsches and vintage VWs.
The meet is held in two
huge ballrooms on the main
floor of the Airport Hilton,
5711 W. Century Blvd., Los
Angeles—very close by
Los Angeles International
Airport. The public is admitted at 9:00 a.m. for $10
each at the door. “Earlybird”
shoppers are admitted with
the vendors at 7:00 a.m.
for $30 at the door. Special Tony Garcia of Autobahn Interiors displaying his products at the LA
discounted room rates are Literature and Toy Show. Photo by Bob Cannon
available from the LA Airport
lots of outside room for more vendors and a
Hilton directly at 310-410-4000. (ask for the
large grass field for car corrals. Gates open at
special room rates under Code P-V-W)
8 a.m. Admission is $10/person, with a portion
of the proceeds going to the Cystic Fibrosis
The 356 Club’s So Cal All-Porsche Swap & Car
Display will again be held on the day after the
Literature and Toy Meet on Sunday, March 8th,
Other highlights of the weekend are the
once again at the Phoenix Club, 1340 South
numerous open houses sponsored by Los
Sanderson, Anaheim, CA 92806. See www.
Angeles area Porsche restoration shops and
thephoenixclub.com for details on this Germanparts vendors. See www.lalitandtoyshow.com
American Club As before, they will have the
for additional details.
FestHalle of 11,500 feet under one roof, plus
Niello Porsche
Thinking about selling your Porsche?
At Niello Porsche, we know you don’t want to sell your car to just anyone. With our buyback program, not
only will we give you a great price, we’ll give your Porsche a great home.
Niello Porsche
4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin
Charles Hughes | 916.868.8513
[email protected]
Page 6
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Close Ups...continued
SVR-PCA Driver Education Events
San Simeon Tour
Eureka Tour
April 24-26
Friday March 20th- Thunderhill Raceway
Friday July 10th-
Thunderhill Raceway
Registration is now open and will fill up quickly!
These are High-Speed Driving Schools for
Advanced, Intermediate, Beginners/Novices
• Track configuration is original course in
counter-clockwise rotation (normal)
• In car Instruction available for beginners
• Classroom/download sessions
• Limited supply of loaner helmets available
• Run groups limited to 25-30 participants
to maximize track time and minimize
• Event Fee $250.00 (SVR-PCA Members – Bring your SVR-PCA membership
card and receive food ticket worth up to
$15.00 toward lunch)
Free Paddock Camping on Thursday night;
contact Frederick D. Rauch at fdrmoto@gmail.
com or 916.595.3371 for more information.
Registration is first- come, first-served. For
Registration information, please contact
Frederick D. Rauch at [email protected] or
All cars require a Pre-Event Tech Inspection by
a qualified party. Final Tech will be conducted
Thursday evening and Friday morning at the
SVR Driver Education Chair- Frederick D. Rauch
SVR Driver Education Co-Chair- Doug Gale
SVR Competition and Safety DirectorFrederick D. Rauch
SVR Chief Driving Instructor- Bob Peake
Chief Steward- Matt Deter
SVR events are operated strictly as a SVR-PCA
event with Logistic Assistance by Doug Gale/
TMR. DE events are not intended as a timed
or race event. Any timing is done for personal
purposes only, and is not part of the operation
of the event.
This year in addition to the castle tours, fun
drive, and fellow Porsche friends, we will
continue the Friday night welcome party/dinner.
On Friday we will leave early in the morning
touring to San Simeon in our usual not so
straightforward route. We will stop at Hollister
for a picnic lunch and regroup for the Porsche
Roads tour down hwy 25 to Paso Robles and
the wineries. Some will remember “Peach Tree”
Road!!! Gregg and Rebecca are arranging for an
excellent winery stop for us. (discount tasting
fee $10.00 each). There will also be cheese
available at the winery. Our winery stop in Paso
Robles will be after fuel stop and on west hwy
On Friday evening we will have pizza and salad
dinner at the Courtesy Inn by the pool. You will
need to bring your own drinks/glasses to the
dinner. Everything else will be provided. For
first timers take the Grand Rooms Museum
Tour in the morning and if up to it, another tour
in the afternoon. Go to http://www.hearstcastle.org/tours/all-tours to view the tours. In
addition this time of year the Castle Evening
Tours will be available.
Lodging option #1 – Courtesy Inn: If you
stay at the Courtesy Inn, your tour cost will be
$205 for two people for two nights lodging,
tour fees, and Friday dinner for two. The
Courtesy Inn is our lower priced option, clean
and comfortable. And they allow us to use the
pool area for our Friday welcome party/dinner.
Lodging Option #2 – Cavalier Resort: If
you stay at the Cavalier Resort, you must
make your own reservations and pay the
hotel directly (Porsche Club rates are from
$179-319 per night, plus 11% tax.) See http://
cavalierresort.com/ for more information.
Call 800-826-8168 to make your reservation
(do not call the Best Western 800 Number).
Mention the Porsche Club to get our room rate
which will be less than “Rack”rates. With this
lodging option your tour cost will be $50.00 for
two people for tour fees and Friday Pizza/Salad
dinner for two. Registration is open for the tour. Please
email your reservation to [email protected]. If
you have any questions please contact Mike or
Emily Willis 916-363-8313/[email protected]
or Gregg and Rebecca Plourde 530-210-3341/
[email protected]
June 19-21
Starting Friday morning at Grazella’s in Williams
the tour will offer two routes to get you to
Eureka. One route will go on Hwy 20 around
Clear Lake to Hwy 101 and then up Hwy 101
through the redwoods to Eureka. The other
more adventurous route will go along the
eastern edge of the coast range to Red Bluff,
and then take Hwy 36 across to Eureka. This
route is slightly longer but a real Porsche road
(mountain curves). Friday evening there will be
a cocktail party at Cookie’s daughter’s house.
Saturday there will be a choice of several local
attractions to tour or a day on your own to
explore the North Coast Redwoods. Saturday
night we will dine at the Ingomar Club, which
is the old Carson Manson pictured. This is a
private club for members and guests.. There
will be dinner, and a guided tour of the Manson.
On Sunday we suggest a grand breakfast at the
Samoa Cook house, the originial cook house
for the lumber camp in this area.
Lodging: The Best Western Humboldt Bay Inn,
(5th & Broadway Phone 707-443-2234) Thecost per night is $95.99 + tax, which includes,
hot tub, heated pool and free breakfast. Please
make your reservations early……before the
summer crowd. Mention Sacramento Valley
Porsche Club to get the special rates.
Dinner: RSVP by June 8, 2015: $79 per
person pre-paid. Send checks (made out to
PCA-SVR) with your email address; please
indicate if you will be attending the complimentary cocktail party on Friday night,
Send to:
Richard Walker
9255 Tamara Jean Rd.
Orangevale, CA 95662
Questions and Contacts:
Richard Walker 916-988-7468
[email protected]
Bob Jacobson 916-645-3555
[email protected]
Cookie Anderson 916-988-6534
[email protected]
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 7
Sacramento Valley Region Calendar of Events
Event dates and locations are subject to change. Always check www.svr-pca.org for the most up-to-date information
For schedule changes, contact Eduardo Ortega, Jr. at [email protected]
Scheduled 2015 SVR Events
February 7
SVR First Saturday Breakfast. Brookfields. Details
at Monthly Events below.
February 9
Dinner at McCormick & Schmick’s. Roseville.
See flyer in this issue
March 6
Sake to Me Tour (Kikkoman and Gekkeikan).
Matt Menning.
March 7
SVR First Saturday Breakfast. Brookfields. Details
at Monthly Events below
March 20
Driver Education at Thunderhill. Willows. Frederick Rauch. See flyer in this issue
March 20
Roseville Union Pacific Rail Yard Tour. Matt Menning.
March 21
AX Ground School. Niello Porsche, Rocklin. See
flyer in this issue
March 24
Dinner at The Monk’s Cellar. Roseville. Tambra
and Tom Kroetz.
March 28
AX Ground School Exercises. San Joaquin Fair
Grounds. Stockton.
April 4
SVR First Saturday Breakfast. Brookfields. Details
at Monthly Events below
April 4
Tuners Tour (various Porsche tuners). Matt Menning.
April 11
AX at San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
April 13
SVR Dinner at Todo Un Poco Bistro. Elk Grove.
Pizza and Mexican food, Liz Houser
April 24-26
San Simeon Tour. Mike and Emily Willis / Gregg
and Rebecca Plourde. See flyer in this issue
May 2
SVR First Saturday Breakfast. Brookfields. Details
at Monthly Events below
May 4
SVR Dinner at Fat’s. Folsom. Cookie Anderson
May 9
May 23
Canepa Tour (Heaven on Earth). Matt Menning.
Childs’ Collection Tour. Cookie Anderson. Starting
at Niello Porsche in Rocklin.
Recurring SVR Monthly Events
8:30 - 10 AM
7 - 9 PM
9 - 11 AM
Page 8
SVR First Saturday Breakfast Brookfields
Restaurant 11135 Folsom Blvd., Rancho Cordova.
Come by and enjoy a great time with breakfast. Senior breakfast is also available. You are welcome to
just show up. Herb and Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163
SVR Board Meeting
Sacramento Metro Fire Department Station 32,
8890 Roediger Lane (just off Hazel, north of Sunset
Avenue), Fair Oaks.
356CAR Breakfast
Marie Callender’s, 5525 Sunrise Blvd, Citrus Heights.
Jim Hardie: [email protected] or 916.972.7232
SVR Autocross Events
Contact Tim Howard: [email protected] / 530.626.7807
March 21
AX Ground School. Niello Porsche, Rocklin.
March 28
AX Ground School Exercises. San Joaquin Fair
Grounds. Stockton.
April 11
May 16
June 6
July 18
August 15
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
Zone 7 AX by SVR. Stockton.
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
September 19
October 17
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
San Joaquin Fair Grounds. Stockton
Zone 7 Competition Events
June 7
June 28
July 19
August 2
September 6
September 20
October 4
April 11-12
May 9-10
June 27
Sept 12-13
Loma Prieta Region. PartsHeaven. Hayward.
Sacramento Valley Region. Niello Porsche
Monterey Bay Region. Carmel Valley Park
Golden Gate Reg. Carlsen Porsche, Redwood City
Sierra Nevada Region. Reno
Redwood Region. Ledson Winery, Kenwood.
Yosemite Region. Porsche of Livermore.
Yosemite Region. San Joaquin Delta College
Diablo Region. Porsche of Fremont.
Loma Prieta and Golden Gate Regions. Marina
Airport, Marina.
Redwood Region. Santa Rosa Airport
Hosted by SVR at Stockton Fair Grounds
Loma Prieta and Golden Gate Regions. Marina
Airport, Marina.
Upcoming PCA Events 2015 - 2016
February 21
Zone 7 Awards and Presentation. Porsche of
Livermore. See flyer in this issue
May 1-3
Porsche Platz at Laguna Seca. Part of Tudor
SportsCar Championship races.
June 21-27
Porsche Parade. French Lick, Indiana. Registration
opens March 17, 2015. parade2015.pca.org
August 14
Werks Reunion, Monterey.
Rennsport Reunion V. Monterey. Tickets on sale
now. www.mazdaraceway.com
Sept 30-Oct 4
Escape to Rushmore. South Dakota. pca.org
Upcoming Events of Interest
August 1
August 16
Fulton Avenue Car Cruise. Sacramento. CAM
Pebble Beach Concours. Pebble Beach
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
The SVR breakfast group
now meets at-
11135 Folsom Blvd (Hwy 50 and Sunrise)
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
The First Saturday of Each Month
The Club is a conversational group dedicated to the enjoyment of its members.
It is a friendly group in which there are no strangers. Please join us for
conversation about our cars, upcoming events, or anything that interests you.
Meet in the banquet room at 8:30 A.M.
Order from the menu and pay for your own meal
Any Questions? Call Herb or Jan Hoover at 916.424.5163
Sacramento Valley Region PCA
2015 Autocross Schedule
March 21st and 28th April 11th May 16th June 6th July 18thAugust 15thSeptember 19thOctober 17th-
Niello AX School
Stockton (Zone 7 Event)
ON-LINE REGISTRATION REQUIREDhttp://svr-autocross.deter.com/register
Instructors and loaner helmets available
Contact Tim Howard: [email protected]
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 9
Sake to Me Tour
Come visit 3 incredible landmarks in the heart of Folsom!
Kikkoman Soy Sauce factory
Gekkeikan Sake brewery
With a BONUS TOUR to Cal-ISO!
Meet in Folsom- 8:30 am
RSVP by March 2nd
Tour ends- 2:45 pm
Contact: Matt & Lisa Menning
[email protected]
Cell: 408.375.9089
(Lunch at Mikuni’s is planned - prices avg $10-13)
Rail YaRd TouR
FRidaY, MaRCH 20TH
MeeT in RoCklin 12:00 noon
TouR ends 2:30 pM
CosT: FRee
Rsvp bY MaRCH 12TH
A very special, rarely offered peek at a historic landmark
in the heart of Roseville!
Page 10
The tour includes:
Crew room
CONTACT: Matt & Lisa Menning
Yard Command center
[email protected]
Diesel Shop
Cell: 408.375.9089
Bowl Track
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
SVR-PCA Driver Education Event
Friday - March 20th, 2015
Thunderhill Raceway, Willows, California
Registration now open and filling up quickly!
Event Fee:
SVR-PCA MembersBring your SVR-PCA Membership
card and receive food ticket worth
up to $15.00 towards lunch.
Free Paddock Camping on
Thursday nightContact Frederick D. Rauch
All cars require a Pre-Event Tech Inspection by a qualified party.
Final Tech will be conducted Thursday evening and Friday morning at the raceway.
Sacramento Valley Region PCA
2015 Niello Autocross School
Want to learn how to drive your Porsche at its limits?...
Don’t miss SVR’s Annual Autocross School.
• A two day program with one day on a real autocross course!
• Learn what the sport is all about!
• Concepts covered includeundersteer and oversteer, braking points, the apex, corner exit and optimum car control
$75 per person
includes lunches, materials, instruction, and two days of fun.
March 21 - Niello Porsche
10 am to 3 pm
March 28 - San Joaquin Fairgrounds
8 am to 3 pm
Students must participate both days
Contact Tim Howard: [email protected]
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 11
Tuesday, March 24th
Social Hour- 6:30
Dinner- 7:30
Ma Dead
18 th ine
Monk’s Burger
Fish and Chips
Cobb Salad
Cottage Pie
Lamb Stew
Cocktails, Beer and Wine available
Limited seating!- 55 people
Send check (payable to SVR) with dinner choices to:
Tambra Kroetz
9807 Blue Lake Drive
Folsom, CA 95630
[email protected] / 916-989-1954
D o n ’ t f o r g e t t o “Sh a re t h e We a lt h ”
San Simeon Tour
April 24-26, 2015
Our tour is scheduled and available for reservations!
See Event Close Ups for additional details
Please email your reservation to Mike Willis: [email protected].
Questions? Mike or Emily Willis 916-363-8313 / [email protected]
Gregg and Rebecca Plourde 530-210-3341/ [email protected]
Page 12
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Saturday, February 21st
Robert Livermore Community Center
4400 East Avenue, Livermore, CA
12 to 4 PM
Veteran autocrossers interested in honing their teaching skills are invited
to attend this session conducted by Zone Autocross Chairs
LaVergne Thomas and Larry Sharp
Teaching techniques and student-instructor interaction will be emphasized
to cover room
rental and lunch
LaVergne Thomas
[email protected]
Please send a check (payable to PCA/Zone 7) to:
Paul Czopek
904 Changason Way
Modesto, CA 95351
for questions
Please send check no later than February 16, 2015.
Join us to honor the winners of the Zone 7 Autocross and Concours Series
and the West Coast Club Racing Series.
Zone 7 Awards Banquet
February 21, 2015
Porsche of Livermore
3100 Las Positas Rd. Livermore
6:30 PM
Awards ceremony to follow.
Dinner will feature• tropical grilled mahi-mahi
• jerked chicken
• salad, coconut rice, sweet potatoes
and mango coconut bread pudding.
Beer and wine included.
$55.00 per person
A Spec
ial Gue
nt Car
en Coo
Make your check payable to: PCA Zone 7
Send to:
Paul Czopek
904 Changason Way
Modesto, Ca. 95351
RSVP: Before February 16, 2015.
E-mail: [email protected] for more information
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 13
Golden Gate Region & Loma Prieta Region
host Zone 7
Autocross @ Marina Airport
For details contact:
Anne Roth
[email protected]
Registration: 7:30 - 8:30 am
Helmets required, limited loaners
Drivers must work for sessions run
Lunch will be available to purchase
Pre-registration on motorsportreg.com
Saturday/Sunday: April 11 & 12
Directions: Take Highway 1 south toward Monterey and Laguna Seca Raceway. Take the Reservation
Road exit south towards Marina. After one short block, turn right in order to stay on Reservation Road.
Follow the road through Marina approximately two miles south of town. Turn left at (Imjin road) signal
into marina Airfield. Turn right after the first large building on the right and follow the cones to the
autocross site.
Page 14
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
The 60th Annual Porsche Parade
he Porsche Club of America cordially
invites you to attend our 60th Annual
Porsche Parade Celebration in French
Lick Indiana from June 21-27, 2015. Our 60th
Parade coincides with the Club’s 60th Anniversary Celebration, and we’re planning a series
of special events at French Lick that will pay
tribute to the cars and people who have made
us the greatest single marque sports car club
in the world. The 60th Parade will rightfully
pay homage to the members and events of our
past, but will also celebrate the Club’s newest enthusiasts who will shape our future.
Parade Registration will open to PCA members
on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 at 12 Noon EDT.
The best place to read about Parade activities
is parade2015.pca.org
For the first time in recent memory, we have
not one, but TWO resort properties awaiting
your visit, both listed in the National Register
of Historic Places. The 3,000 acre compound
also features three golf courses and a world
class spa at each facility.
The French Lick Springs Hotel, established in
1832 and the larger of the two resorts, will be
host to many of our familiar Parade activities.
This city and the resort were named for an
early French fur trading outpost and nearby
salt lick. They recently completed a 600 million
dollar restoration, bringing many comfortable
present day amenities to surroundings that are
authentic to the mid-19th century when the current facility was built. It is perhaps most known
for their medicinal springs – “Pluto Mineral
Water”. The actual spring is still part of their
landscape, and the Gardens nearby will host
our Welcome Party as well as various activities
throughout the week.
For those of you who are new to Parade, you
need to register for Parade on the PCA or
Parade website before getting access to the
codes necessary to hold your room. Therefore,
we recommend browsing all necessary information prior to opening day so you’re ready to go.
You’ll need to know what events you want to
enter, as well as which hotel is your preference.
The registration guide will be on the Parade
website by March 1st.
Known as the 8th wonder of the world, and
just down the street, you’ll find the West Baden
Springs Hotel. This resort is home to the most
breathtaking feature of our combined facilities
this year; a free-span dome, the largest in the
world until the Houston Astrodome was built
in the 1960’s. An architectural marvel, this
breathtaking Atrium will host our Concours and
Victory banquets.
We will have our full complement of competitive events: Concours, TSD Rally, Autocross
(at the nearby French Lick airport), and Tech
Quiz. Add to that the Tours, Gimmick Rally,
Golf Tournament, Art Show, Michelin Drive and
Compare, Kids’ events, Tech Academy, cooking
school, 5K run/walk, Parade of Porsches and
more – you’ll be kept busy!
Our Concours will be held a few steps through
the covered bridge from the north end of the
French Lick property. Rallies will depart from
the grounds of the West Baden, and banquets
will be held on both properties. The Parade
60th year museum, Hospitality, Goodie Store,
seminars and many meetings will be at French
Lick. Both resorts have lots of parking and car
wash stations.
Article courtesy of the Porsche Club of America
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 15
Le Mans 2015: Porsche In It To Win It!
By Tim Cronin, SVR Member
Photos by Porsche Media
t has been said that “Actions speak louder
than words.”
If that is the case, Porsche’s intentions with regard to its participation in this year’s 24-Hours
of Le Mans, as well as the FIA World Endurance
Championship (WEC), have been announced in
a manner that is nothing short of deafening and
blunt: Weissach is unequivocally in it to win it.
Less than a week after the number 14 Porsche
919 took first place over-all at the Six Hours of
Sao Paulo, Weissach announced the entry of
a third, second generation Porsche 919 in the
LMP1 class of 2015’s 24-Hours of Le Mans.
Prior to the fabled June 13-14 event, this third
919 will be entered in the May 2nd six-hour
WEC race at the Spa-Francorchamps circuit in
Belgium as a shake-down for the event at the
A few days later, Porsche signed Formula 1
driver Nico Hulkenberg as its first stint driver
for the third 919 LMP1 hybrid at Le Mans.
The depth of Porsche’s commitment to a
Le Mans victory may be demonstrated by
Weissach’s ability to engineer an agreement
with the Formula 1 team of Sahara Force India,
Hulkenberg’s primary employer, to “loan” him to
Porsche as the 2015 Formula 1 calendar may
allow for it.
The 27-year-old German will be the first
active Formula One driver since 2009 to take
the starting stint of the 24-hour event. As a
predicate to the race at Le Mans, Hulkenberg
will race the second generation 919 prototype
in the six-hour race at Spa. Significantly, Hulkenberg’s best Grand Prix result was a fourth place
in 2012 for Force India at the Belgian Grand
Prix at Spa-Francorchamps, where he will have
his race debut with the Porsche 919. Nor will
this be his first experience with a Porsche
Hybrid competition car; in 2010, Hulkenberg
tested Porsche’s 911 GT3-R hybrid on the
Nürburgring Nordschleife.
Hulkenberg’s ability to integrate with the other
two drivers of the third 919 is of extreme
importance in endurance racing. For a Formula
1 driver it is an unusual situation to accept that
his own results are the sum of three drivers’
performance. Accordingly, Porsche has a road
map in place to enable Hulkenberg to exploit
his driving abilities at his Le Mans debut, and is
actively preparing him for his new challenges
such as dealing with the traffic of the slower GT
cars and racing into the Le Mans night.
That preparation included a three-day test in
Aragon, Spain, from this past December 9th
through the 11th, with the 919. It was the first
time Hülkenberg had got behind the wheel of
the 2014 Le Mans LMP1 prototype and he also
had his first night drive. Additionally, two of
the regular LMP1 drivers, Timo Bernhard and
Brendon Hartley participated along with three
Porsche works drivers from the GT squad –
Michael Christensen, Frédéric Makowiecki and
Nick Tandy. For each of the three GT drivers it
Cutaway of the 911 GT3-R hybrid competition car
Page 16
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
was their second time testing the LMP1 car. In
total the drivers covered 1,715 miles [2,731
km] between Tuesday and Thursday evening,
equating to 516 laps of the 3.35 mile-long
There is no final decision yet about the driver
line-up for the third 919. However, for the two
919s taking part in the entire WEC championship series, the current works drivers of the
2014 squad, Timo Bernhard, Romain Dumas,
Brendon Hartley, Neel Jani, Marc Lieb and Mark
Webber, have been confirmed to continue for
that will be campaigned in 2015 is significantly
up-graded and reportedly appreciably faster
than its progenitor.
In addition to the company’s commitment to
the LMP1 program, Porsche will also campaign
two factory 911 RSRs in the WEC world
championship. According to Wolfgang Hatz, the
Porsche AG Board Member for Research and
at the Sarthe. One of Dempsey’s teammates
will be fellow Californian Patrick Long, the
Porsche factory driver with whom Dempsey
also trains while away from the race track.
For many years Porsche’s American customers
have been able to rely on Patrick Long, as
well as Wolf Henzler, demonstrating a level of
commitment and support by Porsche that is
not seen in any other race series anywhere, not
Two days after completion of the Aragon testing, Porsche rolled-out the second generation
of its 919 Le Mans LMP1 prototype for the first
time at the company’s test track in Weissach.
Everything on the 919 is dedicated to the
dictate of extreme efficiency with maximum
performance, including both the aerodynamics
and the selection of carbon fiber materials for
its lightweight construction.
Perhaps the most spectacular aspect of
the 919 is the power train concept with its
extremely compact two liter, four-cylinder turbo
engine conjoined with two energy recovery systems. FIA has mandated that the drive systems
of LMP1 vehicles entered by car manufacturers
must be hybrid in design. The rules, however,
do not specify the “how’” this is to be achieved;
the number of cylinders, cubic inch capacity,
choice of diesel or gasoline, etc., are all left up
to the manufacturers.
FIA’s limiting factor is the amount of power
available per lap. That applies both to the
amount of fossil fuel as well as to the amount
of electrical power that can be drawn from the
energy recovery systems. On the 919 the energy recovery system consists of liquid-cooled
lithium-ion battery cells, which are fed from two
systems: during braking, kinetic energy gets
converted at the front axle into electric current,
while at the back usable electric power is
gained from exhaust energy.
This recuperation of thermodynamic exhaust
energy has been unique to Porsche in the LMP1
field for the WEC. In this approach an additional
turbine generator set practically replaces the
turbocharger’s waste gate. Porsche makes
use of this excess exhaust gas: it drives a
second turbine and thus also a generator that
produces electric power. Previously lost energy
is now put to good use. Due to the exhaust
gas energy recovery system, the Porsche 919
hybrid had been the only car in the field that
regenerates energy not only when braking, but
when accelerating as well.
Just how much of this Porsche-developed
advanced technology will be “high-graded”
by competitors Audi and Toyota in 2015 due
to the exposure of the first generation 919’s
technology during the 2014 season remains to
be seen. However, the second generation 919
A close up of the Flywheel Battery, which occupys the entire passenger comparment of the
GT3-R hybrid
Development, curent plans are to utilize drivers
Michael Christensen and Richard Lietz, as well
as Patrick Pilet and Frédéric Makowiecki, who
will share the two RSRs. However, Hatz has
stated that he definitive driver combinations will
depend on which driver rises from the ranks of
the current GT drivers to take a seat in the third
LMP1 racer.
Notwithstanding the scope of its Le Mans
prototype-related efforts, Porsche has also
manifested its on-going commitment to a
strategy of not focusing solely on top level
competition, but simultaneously continuing
to the development of customer racing at
Le Mans as a vital part of Porsche’s 2015
rennsport success.
During 2015 customer racing support will
continue to enjoy a high priority at Porsche,
providing its customer teams with its Weissachdeveloped GT cars such as the 470 hp
Porsche 911 RSR. Weissach will also continue
to provide its customer teams with reinforcement by contributing legitimate “werks” drivers.
The importance of this strong customer teams
has again been exemplified by Porsche’s
continuation of the successful alliance between
Porsche and Dempsey Proton Racing in the
GTE-Am class. Patrick Dempsey, who has
finished fourth in the GTE-Am class at Le Mans,
will tackle the 2015 WEC season at the wheel
of a Porsche 911 RSR, including 24-hour race
even in Formula 1. Dempsey Proton is a prime
example of this successful driver and technology transfer.
Moreover, heading into the Tudor United
SportsCar Championship’s (USCC) second
season, Porsche aims to defend its USCC
Manufacturer’s Championship title with a
factory entry of a pair of 911 RSRs. At the
season-opening 24 Hours of Daytona, Earl
Bamber will join forces with the seasoned
specialists Frédéric Makowiecki and Jörg
Bergmeister in the number 911 RSR, as well
as Nick Tandy, Patrick Pilet, and LMP1 regular
Marc Lieb who will share driving duties in the
number 912 RSR.
Weissach has made an unequivocal commitment to factory and customer racing,
manifesting that motorsport is deeply rooted
in the Porsche marque. More importantly, that
commitment also manifests that motorsport
is more than an end in itself - it is the incubator for technologies that are relevant to the
customer on the street.
(The information contained in this article was derived
from documents and press releases by Porsche Club
of America, NBC Sports, Porsche AG [http://www.
and FIA World Endurance Championship [http://www.
fiawec.com]. Any opinions, conclusions, or analyses
stated herein are exclusively those of the author and
are not attributable to any manufacturer, sanctioning
body, or organization.)
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 17
Guidelines for submission of material to
Event flyers
Please submit articles as a Microsoft Word document or in plain text format. While we can accept PDF files,
it adds extra steps for the editors to get the material out for for editing. Most articles should run about 2 to
3 pages of single spaced text. We will reformat and edit your article anyway, no matter how pretty it looks,
so please send it in correctly the first time.
We can accept either Word or PDF formats, but Word is preferred. Space limitations in the Drifter currently
limit event flyers to ½ page; full page flyers will automatically be re-formatted into a ½ page size. Don’t fret
over creating a “killer design” event flyer; just send us the basic details and we will do the rest.
Photographs add significant quality and interest to most articles. We would like to have a number of your
photographs to accompany your articles, although space limitations and editorial decisions may not permit
all of them to be published. Whenever possible, the photographer who took the picture will be credited when
the information is available. For any photograph submitted to the Drifter, it must be in the largest size (with
the most pixels) possible! This means the actual size as it comes off your camera, computer, phone, iPad or
whatever. If you email it to us from your computer or phone, use “actual size” for emailing, not photos which
have been reduced in size for quick email transmission. Photographs taken off of a website generally won’t
work for our print publication because of their small size. If you send photographs on a CD, save them in the
largest size possible. JPEG, TIFF or Photoshop (PSD) formats are all OK.
Embedded photos in Microsoft Word are
fine to accompany your articles, as long as
you send us the “full size” versions as well.
Sorry, but we can’t accept a Word file with
only embedded photos in the text.
Your reporter on the street (me) decided during the
winter to show the 1987 Porsche 944 in the Zone 7
Concours series. The last time Steve and I
participated was with a 1967 911 in the Competition
Category way back in the last decade.
Loma Prieta and
Parts Heaven
hosted the first
Zone Concours
Sunday, June 2, 2013. This Concours also features a
swap meet which was well attended by many who needed
just that special part that is no longer made. I was too
busy cleaning to take advantage of the swap meet though.
As I did the last dusting of the car, I thought there must be something that makes these people
show up every year with clean cars. So I decided to ask some of the participants why they do
this..........and what they hope for in a Judge.
Top Ten Reasons why Porsche people show a car at a Concours more than once and their
wish list for a Judge.
10. I washed the car twice, why not?
9. I want the Judge's fingers to be bigger than mine.
8. I show up because I am in charge, and I have a new car so why not?
7. I wanted to see how my car placed relative to the other crazy people.
6. It gets me out of the house on Sunday.
To be continued after Sacramento Valley Region Niello Concours on June 16, 2013. You too
can get a chance to participate in the top ten. Just look for the Almond Beige Metallic 1987
Porsche 944 - - - and have your answers ready.
Redwood Region Cars........................waiting to be Judged
John Jackson's 911
Bob Schoenherr's 914
We would like to use photographs on the entire
cover page whenever possible. Photographs
taken in the “portrait mode” lend themselves to a
full cover shot better than other formats. If you
would like us to consider your photograph for the
cover of the Drifter, please consider taking it in
“portrait mode” as opposed to the more common
“landscape mode”. Again, the photographs must
be sent in the largest version possible to give a
proper size image for the cover.
Email us
“portrait mode”
Example of a Microsoft
Word file with photographs
embedded in the text. If you
use this feature to illustrate
your article or provide
captions for photographs,
be sure to send “actual size”
versions of the pictures as
“landscape mode”
Please submit photos and articles to:
[email protected]
The same address may be used for help or questions; we are here to assist! If you need to talk to someone,
check the Drifter for the current phone number for the editor.
The latest issue of the Drifter is on the web site for our newsletter example:
Thank you for your participation in making the Drifter such a popular newsletter!
Page 18
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
January SVR Board Minutes
By Rita Barker, 2015 SVR Secretary
December Minutes: The final December
2014 meeting minutes were reviewed by
the board and approved by email vote on
Email Voting (yes): Steve Barker, Rik Larson,
Collin Fat, Bob Jacobson and Eduardo Ortega,
President Collin Fat called the meeting to order
at 7:00 PM. on Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
at the Sacramento Fire Station #32.
Attending: Rik Larson, Steve Barker, Rita
Barker, Collin Fat, Steve McCrory, Barbara
McCrory, Bill Fargo, Suzanne Sanders, Richard
Walker, Eduardo Ortega Jr., Frederick Rauch,
Cookie Anderson, Mike Dunn, Tim Howard, Pat
Wilson, Larry Wilson, Alma Thompson, Gary
Thompson, Darrel Huckabay, Janet Conner, Kim
Nelson, Kirk Bradford, Linda Bradford, Gerry
Coupler. Collin welcomed all board members,
committee chairs, and guests and asked
everyone to introduce themselves and the
positions they will hold for the new year.
Calendar Review: Rik Larson reported that 66
people attended the Planning Meeting at Round
Table and the calendar has been updated with
the events posted at the meeting.
Charity Update: Alma and Gary Thompson
have agreed to chair the charity auction this
year. They have run this event in the past and
we thank them for taking it over this year, they
will be contacting everyone who volunteered to
Tech Chair Position: Collin reported we are
still looking for a Tech Chairperson to submit
technical articles in the Drifter. If anyone has
a recommendation please contact any board
Event Liaison to Niello Porsche: Kim Nelson
provided some background about the liaison
position and how it has served a value to both
Niello and SVR over the years. He will continue
to be SVR contact for Niello Porsche.
Other Business: Kirk Bradford requested a
refund be given to 2 people who could not
attend the Christmas party because 2 special
guests came in their place. Motion to approve
was made by Frederick and seconded by
Suzanne. Approved. Collin reminded outgoing
board members and new board members to
continue their transition, and become familiar
with the By-Laws of the club.
Zone President’s Meeting: Collin will be
attending the Presidents Zone 7 Meeting on
February 21 in Livermore. He reported the club
has an old Manzanita Timing System that he
suggested giving to Doug Gale at TrackMaster’s. Motion to approve was made by Rich
Walker and seconded by Eduardo. Approved
Autocross: Autocross Chair Tim Howard
submitted his budget. Motion was made
by Frederick to approve and seconded by
Suzanne, budget was approved.
Treasurer Report: Janet Conner submitted
the 2014 year end summary and Treasurer’s
Drivers Ed (DE) Report: Frederick suggested
giving business cards for the board members
and committee chairs as a way to advertise the
club, he showed a sample he had made.
Bussiness Cards: Motion to approve having the business cards made was made by
Suzanne and seconded by Janet. Approved by
the board
Board Member Reports
Drifter The transition to 2015
Steve McCrory Drifter is going well. Next
Editor Corner column will
promote member submitted articles, and give
submission guidelines for
contributors. Will mention
the search for Tech Chair
and solicit tech articles
from club members.
Social Suzanne reported there is
Suzanne a dinner on the calendar
Sanders for every month and she
submitted the budget
for dinner on February 9
being hosted by Skip and
Mardi Quain at McCormick
and Schmick’s. Cost for
dinner $40 pp. Approved
The topic of seating at
major events was brought
up to discuss better ways
to integrate our sponsors
and advertisers among
the members. Other
comments suggested
were to follow the model
used at Parade for table
selection as well as other
variations.The request
was made for the Social
Director to look into this
Autocross See new business
Tim Howard
Concours No report.
Kent Brandon
Driver Ed See New Business.
Frederick Rauch
Rallye Report e-mailed previously
Rik Larson
Charity See above
Alma and Gary
Advertising Mike will take over
Mike Dunn delivery of the Drifter
to the advertisers. Mike
drafted a contact sheet he
will use for all advertisers
and will give to Drifter
Editor and Treasurer. We
welcome Bertolucci’s as
a new advertiser in the
Treasurer See New Business.
Janet Conner
Goodie Store No report
Linda Bradford
Membership Richard reported the
Richard Walker club has 675 primary
members and 473 affiliate
members, for a total of
1,148 members. There
were 8 new members,
3 transferred in and 2
transferred out.
Dummkopf No report.
Technical Vacant
Webmaster Bill stated SVR has a
Bill Fargo Twitter account that can
be used to send out
messages to members,
possibly could bring in
new members.
President See new business.
Collin Fat
Vice President Eduardo reported he has
Eduardo Ortega, received the calendar
Jr. from Rik with the latest
Past President Steve provided a CRAB
Steve Barker update, preliminary
results are pending final
NEXT MEETING: 7:00 PM PDT, Wednesday,
February 11th, 2015 at Fire Station 32
*SVR has the tradition to end the meeting
with a time that matches a Porsche model.
Thus, sometimes another time zone is used to
accomplish this, e.g. using MDT.
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 19
January Membership
By Richard Walker, SVR Membership
The Sacramento Valley Region of the Porsche
Club of America has 675 primary members
and 473 affiliate members, for a total of 1,148
Since we use e-mail for most of our communications, it is necessary for all of us to keep
our e-mail address current with SVR and PCA.
To update your membership record with PCA,
you go to www.pca.org and login. You can then
make any updates as needed (address, car,
e-mail address, etc.). Also, even though we
receive the information from PCA monthly, you
can send the same updates to:
[email protected]
SVR - PCA Member Services
How do you join the Porsche Club?
Go to:
This is an online system that will request
a credit card for payment. If you would
rather fill out a paper form, contact
the SVR Membership Director, Richard
Walker, at [email protected] or
Not a Porsche owner but interested in the PCA?
Try the PCA Quest program. For information, go to: www.pca.org/pca-quest
New Members
New Members
Michael Cartier
El Dorado Hills
2015 Cayenne
Timothy Noonan
El Dorado Hills
[email protected]
2005 911 Carrera S GT
Tom Chandler
[email protected]
1999 Boxster
Paul and Bonnie Straub
[email protected]
1997 911 Carrera
transfer from Diablo Region
Sammy Florez
[email protected]
2015 Cayenne
Douglas Wick
Fair Oaks
[email protected]
2014 Cayman S
Erno Gyetvai
[email protected]
2015 Cayenne
Duke Zander
[email protected]
2012 911 Carrera GTS
Steve and Dena Lash
Santa Rosa
[email protected]
1993 911 Carrera
5 Years
James Lauer
[email protected]
1956 356
transfer from California Inland Region
Craig Marshall and Adrienne Delfino
Jeff Swain
15 Years
Dean and Sherida Schouweiler
Matt Molitor
[email protected]
2011 Panamera S
35 Years
Randolph and Jayne Wong
Need to update your PCA information?
Update your PCA record at www.pca.org
Do you have 2 e-mail addresses?
Want Club info sent to a second address,
work, home, spouse, friend...? It’s as easy
as e-mailing your second e-mail address to
the Membership Director at:
[email protected]
Lost the gold medallion from your badge?
Mail $3.00 to the Membership Director to
receive a shiny, new replacement.
Need to change your contact Information?
Yes, I want to subscribe to a printed copy of
The cost for an annual subscription is $15.00
citystate ZIP
Please send your check (payable to PCA-SVR) to:
Richard Walker
9255 Tamara Jean Road
Orangevale, CA 95662
If you change your e-mail or street
address, notify the Membership Director
at [email protected] to insure
uninterrupted delivery of bimonthly event
notices and of the Drifter.
Want a PAPER version of the Drifter?
Only $15 yearly. Please send your check
to the Membership Director. (see address
How can I contact the SVR-PCA by mail?
Post Office Box 254651,
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Page 20
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Leaded Glass
Stained Glass
Cabinet Doors
Rachel Nelson
(530) 677-5188
by appointment CSL# 797540
Vehicle Enhancement Products & Accessories
1451 Groth Circle
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Telephone: (925) 989-3910
FAX: (917) 464-7452
[email protected] – www.4vepa.com
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 21
Automobile Collision Repair & Modification
established 1970
P.O Box 3275
13810 Lincoln Way
Auburn, CA 95603
PH: (530) 885-0183
Fax: (530) 885-4730
[email protected]
8 - 5 Monday-Friday
Since 1995, TRG has been your proven resource for parts and performance from full race to street. We offer a
winning combination of top quality, performance-tested parts, professional assembly and engineering, quality
service, and advice gained from our professional racing success. Our parts and engineering have been tested and
proven on the toughest tracks, in the toughest conditions, around the world.
TRG also offers a full array of professional racing services including...
Driver Training
Data Acquisition
Coaching Services
Race Car Leasing
Full Service Maintenance
Trackside Hospitality Services
Arrive & Drive Sessions
Graphics & Vinyl Production
And More...
TRG Vinyl offers full vinyl design
and production services. Car
decals, banners, signs and more.
M-F 8am-5pm PST . (707) 935-3999 . [email protected] . 1995 S. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954
Page 22
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
TrackLogic Motorsports is Rocklin’s newest Performance and Service Center. Our certified technicians can handle
anything from a simple service all the way to full race/track ready set ups. We know that you want to maintain your
vehicle to the highest standards possible, so come by today and see what TrackLogic can do for you!
Whether it is your daily driver or your weekend track car, we have the experience you expect and need to take your
performance vehicle to the next level. No project is too big. No part is too small. We've got you covered.
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Superchargers + Turbo Systems
Engine Performance Software
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Pre-Race/Track Day protection
Post-Race/Track Recovery
Concourse detail services
ClearPlex installations
Pre Show detail
Wash and Wax
4445 GRANITE DRIVE, SUITE 505 • ROCKLIN, CA 95677 • 916.993.5932
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 23
1987 PORSCHE 924 S Guards Red/Black,
Porsche Script cloth seats, 5-speed manual
with short shifter, 16-inch Carrera C2 wheels,
Magnaflow muffler, Blaupunkt RENO w/10 disc
CD changer. 100k miles, immaculate inside
and out. Records and original equipment $7,500. Contact Stephen at 916.213.7427
or [email protected] 10/13
1962 LOTUS 23B Schlossnegel Lotus Twin
Cam, 5 speed Hewland, fire system, correct
wheels with 2nd set. GRL/HMSA log booksReady to run at major 2015 events. One owner
since 1978. 1st race 1981 Monterey Historics.
Raced continually up and down West Coast.
Concours winner with multiple 1st at judged
concours. Maintained by McGee Motorsports,
Sonoma Raceway and can be inspected there.
Can contend with the top 2L cars in USRRC
class. $150,000. 17ft Hallmark trailer with
ramps, full width awning also available. Call
650-504-4846 or email [email protected]
FOUR TIRES FOR SALE (PLUS) Ready for AX Season. Four (4) Hoosier Slicks
mounted on 18” Porsche Rims. 2 tires ---- P-245/35 ZR18 A3503. 2 tires ---P-285/30 ZR18 A3503. Will sell all four PLUS Craftsman Torque wrench
and Floor Jack MAKE OFFER!! Contact Les Schreiber at 408.316.8654 or
[email protected] 3/14
Fuel Distributor- Bosch #0 438 100 017 911 110 935 02 $500.
Fuel Filter - Bosch #0 450 905 016 911 110 176 00 $25
Oil Sump gaskets (3) - 930 101 391 00 $5/ea.
Porsche Heat Exchangers/ Exhaust Elbow - 911 211 022 10 Right 911 211 021 60 Left $500.00
Porsche Technical Specifications (72-73 911 T E S) $40
Bosch Fuel Injection & Engine Management (Text) $30
Ronald Feinstein at [email protected] / text to: 916.509.2491
1 BBS WHEEL 16 X 8. 3 piece NOS, never mounted, for 911. Not perfect,
clear coat on outside rim starting to show age. $500. Contact Steve McCrory at
[email protected] 11/14
x 15H2. Black centers with polished rims, very
good condition, no center caps, came off a
1982 911. Call; Greg Peart @ 916-870-7841 or email @ [email protected] $ 300.00
18” OEM 987 WHEELS . 8” x 57 offset and
9” x 43 offset. Standard set of wheels with
center caps for the 2005 - 2012 Boxster/
Cayman, will also fit other Porsche models.
No curb rash, some small nicks/chips from
autocross; excellent for asecond set of tires or
autocross.Tires are Nittos NT-01; 245/40/18
and 275/40/18, with about two AX days left.
Also included are 5 mm spacers for the front,
plus the longer bolts for the spacers. All this
for only $600.00.Contact Ed 408-221-3189 or
[email protected] 1/15
SYSTEM) BASE RACK for Boxster including 2
Porsche bike racks. Factory fit to all Boxsters
through MY 2004. No prep or mods required.
$1150 OBO Jack Paddon
[email protected] 2/15
911 AUTOPOWER COMPETITION ROLLBAR, bolt-in, with diagonal brace - PN
60800 (lists new for $810 plus ship & tax) - $400 OBO
911 OEM FLAG MIRRORS - 74-89 Right-manual, with new inside reinforcement
piece. Electric - Pair, Lft-Rt, with wiring & Switch; $300 OBO for all;
MANY 911-914 PARTS - email for list. Contact Larry Moeller,
[email protected] or 530-889-8268 2/15
92-94 964 C2 COUPE OR WIDEBODY. My beloved 92 Porsche 911 was
recently totaled due to a careless, texting, driver. I’m trying to replace it with a
1992-4 911/964 in good condition. My preference is a C2 coupe or widebody;
I’d love a turbo but it is probably out of my price range. A cobalt or other blue
would be a dream come true. I might consider a C4. I am not interested in a
cabriolet or tiptronic models. If you have something that fits the above criteria
please call or text Mike Conner at 530.848.5759. 9/14
4 STEEL WHEELS. 15 x 6 1/2. Pro built for
early 911, never mounted but scratches will
need touch-up $500. Contact Steve McCrory
at [email protected] 11/14
Always Check Current Listings on www.svr-pca.org
Classifieds for Porsches and/or Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members. Non-members may submit ads at $20.00 per ad.
Make check payable to PCA-SVR and send to PCA-SVR, P.O. Box 254651, Sacramento, CA 95865-4651. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please contact our Advertising Manager for commercial advertising information and rates. All ads must be submitted by e-mail to the Newsletter Editor and received by the editor by the 1st day of
the month prior to the month of publication. Ads may be shortened to fit available space. Editor is not responsible for content and reserves the right to reject any ads
submitted. Not responsible for any errors or omissions. As an additional benefit to our members, all ads are included in the classified section of our web page. Ads are
not verified for content. It is the buyer’s responsibility to verify the information in the ads. Ads run for three months unless cancelled.
Page 24
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
SVR Goodie Store
Linda Bradford, SVR Goodie Store Manager
Check out our NEW Online Goodie Store!
Access the store using the following link:
Or, just go to the SVR website (svr-pca.org) & click on the “Goodies &
Stuff” Tab. In addition to the ‘SVR Goodie Store,’ there is also an option to
go to the ‘PCA Webstore.’
Index of Advertisers
Frank’s Automotive
Inside Back Cover
IPB – Autosport
Inside Front Cover
Karma Kreations
Midtown Autoworks
Niello Porsche
This is the official PCA
National Goodie Store and
offers a completely different
assortment of products
with the PCA logo. Clothing
choices are fewer but
there is a wide variety of
other products available,
from umbrellas to wine
glasses. Check it out and
happy shopping!
6, Back Cover
Reflections in Glass
The Racer’s Group (TRG)
Tomlinson’s Collision Repair
TrackLogic Motorsports
TrackMasters Racing
I only have six clothing items left which will be sold at the new members
party or the next autocross. We have SVR car badges and license plate
frames available in “local inventory” through your Goodie Store Manager,
Linda Bradford: 916.899.5731
21, 23
Inside Front Cover
Vehicle Enhancement Product &
Accessories (VEPA)
Please remember to support your club by utilizing the services and
products from our advertisers. Many of them provide a discount, make
sure to mention you heard it in
is an award-winning monthly publication of the Sacramento Valley Region, which is affiliated with Porsche Club of America, the
largest and most prestigious marque automobile club in the United States.
SVR Car Badge $15
SVR License Plate Frame $10
Advertising in
is arranged through Sacramento Valley’s
Advertising Manager. For more information about advertising, contact:
Frederick Rauch 916.989.0580 or [email protected]
Sacramento Valley Region - Porsche Club of America - www.svr-pca.org
Page 25
Sacramento Valley Region
Porsche Club of America
Post Office Box 254651
Sacramento, CA 95865-4651
Three-time winner in the top 100 Best Dealerships to Work For
in the U.S. and Canada, ranking #3 in 2014!
The Niello Company is consistently recognized for providing Sacramento’s best
car-buying experience. The secret to our success? It’s pretty simple: We’ve found
that happy employees are the key to creating happy customers.
Niello Porsche
4525 Granite Drive, Rocklin
916.625.8300 • porsche.niello.com
State-of-the-art remodel underway —
we’re open during construction.