September HaKol - Herzl
September HaKol - Herzl
September 2015 HaKol HaKol is the monthly newsletter of Herzl-Ner Tamid Herzl-Ner Tamid 3700 East Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 Elul/Tishri 5775/5776 THE ENTIRE CONGREGATION IS INVITED! To Welcome Our New D I R E C T O R O F E D U C AT I O N ELIYAHU KRIGEL & FAMILY! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 • 12:30 PM BBQ AT THE WITTENBERG WATERFRONT Complimentary BBQ Please RSVP at or by calling the synagogue office L’shana tova u’metukah! A happy sweet year! C E L E B R AT E T H E H I G H H O L I D AY S AT H N T Happy New Year 5776! 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • A MESSAGE FROM RABBI ROSENBAUM Expanding our Spiritual Repertoire Recently a member of my family has been learning to cook and he has been enjoying it immensely. When I asked him what he likes to cook, he said that right now his repertoire is very small, but he is learning new things all the time. It occurred to me that acquiring a spiritual life is a lot like learning to cook. We start out with a few basics, and we gradually expand our repertoire. As we grow and we acquire new tools, our spiritual practice becomes richer and more flavorful. When Rabbi Kula was here in March, he challenged us to go back to basics and examine Jewish spiritual practices one by one, ask how they lead to human flourishing, then try them out for forty days. That’s what we have been doing for the past five sessions of our Sunday morning study/practice group, called “Judaism as a Path to Human Flourishing.” We started out, twenty of us, with a commitment to reciting one simple prayer in the morning, “Modeh Ani.” These are the words in English: “Thank you God for restoring my soul to me and for having faith in me.” We talked about how God’s faith in us implies God needs us for something only we can do on this earth. Saying these words can remind us of our own importance and purpose. It can also stimulate to ask: Who else needs us? Does everyone around us feel needed? And, if not, can we help them? We folded in Rabbi Kula’s suggestion that we kiss the mezuzah as we enter and leave our homes, and think about why we are doing it. For example, if we are designating our home as sacred space, that could mean that we are going to reserve the time we spend at home for nurturing our relationships. We’ll try to keep the pressures and worries of work outside the house. Finally, we added in another practice: saying this blessing when we open our eyes in the morning: “Blessed are You, Lord our God, who opens the eyes of the blind.” These words can get us thinking about how our awareness might expand beyond what we can ‘see’ right now. When I was in Bethlehem a few years ago, all the Palestinians I spoke to said their perception of Israelis changed when they got to know them better. They had seen them narrowly as soldiers. But, when they got to know Israelis in a fuller context, their impression of them was revolutionized. It was if their eyes had been opened. How can our field of vision get bigger and our world expand? A few simple words in the morning can get us reflecting on how to be better people. Woa! Suddenly, we have a spiritual practice! We’re thinking about home and work life, we’re reaching out to people who are feeling unappreciated, we’re looking at the world around us with new eyes, and we’re connecting to the language and traditions of our people. And, all of this with only five minutes of spiritual practice a day! Here is my challenge for all of us this year. Let’s commit to an additional hour a week of spiritual practice. One hour, spread out over the course of seven days. In the coming months, I will make suggestions for how we might use that hour. I have the feeling that 2 by making this modest commitment, we can add so much richness and meaning to our lives. It’s like learning to cook! By gradually increasing our repertoire, we can make our lives taste better. With best wishes Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum T’FILOT DAILY MINYAN: WEEKDAYS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 AM SUNDAYS AND SECULAR HOLIDAYS . . . . . . . . . 9:00 AM PRESHABBAT ONEG: FRIDAYS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:30 PM Friday, Sept. 4 - 6:00 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Birthday Shabbat Saturday, Sept. 5 – 9:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Friedman • 8:45 PM S’lichot Film & Discussion in Upper Foyer • 11:00 PM S’lichot Service Friday, Sept. 11 – 6:00 PM – Services in Upper Foyer Saturday, Sept. 12 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • 9:30 AM Parasha Study • 10:00 AM Services Sunday, Sept. 13 – 3:00 PM – Jewish New Year’s Rockin’ Eve for Young Families • Erev Rosh Hashanah - 6:30 PM – Services in Sanctuary Monday, Sept. 14 – 8:15 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Rosh Hashanah Day 1 • 6:00 PM Mincha/Ma'ariv Services in Sanctuary Tuesday. Sept. 15 – 8:30 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Friday, Sept. 18 – 6:00 PM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Third Space Service & Dinner - Youth Lounge Saturday, Sept. 19 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • 9:30 AM Parasha Study • 10:00 AM Services Tuesday, Sept. 22 – 6:30 PM – Services in Sanctuary • Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur) Wednesday, Sept. 23 – 9:40 AM – Services in Sanctuary • Yom Kippur Day Friday, Sept. 25 – 6:00 PM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Anniversary Shabbat Saturday, Sept. 26 – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • 9:30 AM Parasha Study • 10:00 AM Services Monday, Sept. 28 – 9:30 AM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Sukkot Day 1 Tuesday, Sept. 29 – 9:30 AM – Services in Feinberg Social Hall • Sukkot Day 2 3700 E. Mercer Way Mercer Island, WA 98040 HaKol is published monthly, except June/July/August. Production by HNT staff. The deadline for HaKol is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. Office Hours Tuesday - Thursday......................... 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday................................................9:00 AM - 2:00 PM 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • WHY... Annual Appeal Because Herzl–Ner Tamid strives to serve everyone in our synagogue family regardless of one’s ability to contribute the true cost of our operations. Early childhood programming….religious school education for the whole family, introducing the Etgar Yesodi curriculum.…opportunities for our teens such as a leadership retreat, pizza nights and community service projects….community Livnot Chai school….young adult Third Space Friday night dinners….Shabbat Dinner Circles….holiday celebrations like the biggest, most raucous Purim Shpiel in the area….a place for discourse on complex Israeli issues.…Hebrew for every level….Torahthon 2.0 and classes for Jewish thought and tradition....Teen Feed.…Daytimers movies and lunch.… book clubs.…Runnergogue.…Mitzvah Corp meals and helping those in need....lifecycles…. and Community... WHEN... During the High Holidays, the Jewish New Year, our days of reflection when we feel especially called upon to go beyond our already generous annual commitment (dues) and contribute to the extent of our ability to insure that HNT remains an inclusive and welcoming community. WHO... Each of us, doing our part as stakeholders in creating and nurturing our Jewish home so we can be one community…here for one another…always HOW... By sending in the Annual Appeal pledge you received in the mail or visiting There will also be an opportunity on the morning of Rosh Hashanah Day 1. We thank you for your support now and throughout the year! BAT MITZVAH Everyone is invited to share services & the kiddush following our Bat Mitzvah September 5 Caroline Friedman is the daughter of Candace and Daniel Friedman, the older sister of Charlotte, and the granddaughter of Susan Friedman of Mercer Island, WA, Jay Friedman z”l, and Carol and Merlyn Brown, of Houston, TX. Caroline is in the 7th grade at Islander Middle School. She enjoys cross-country/track and skiing. In addition, she plays guitar, sings, and plays the trumpet in her school band. She loves animals, and that love has been the idea for her Mitzvah Project. She has created a business proposal for the ASPCA, including a website, and statement of intent. Her idea is to convince the ASPCA to certify healthy dog breeders as not being puppy mills, so that everyone who buys a pet dog can know their dog’s breeder and be confident their pet was not mistreated. Caroline would be happy to share more on this topic. 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 3 High Holidays 5776 PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL PROGRAMS WILL BE AT HNT L’Shanah Tova! Haven't received your High Holiday packet? Call the synagogue office at 206-232-8555. We need Greeters/Ushers We know you value making HNT a friendly, inviting place to experience the High Holidays. You can help by spending a little time welcoming people at our doors on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Please call Melanie at 206-232-8555x200 to schedule your time. Sukkot Orders: Due September 3 Celebrate Sukkot with your very own lulav, etrog, and s’chach! Please fill out the form at: or call 206-232-8555 by September 3. Your order is only complete after receiving a confirmation. Unfortunately late orders cannot be accommodated due to shipping deadlines. Pick up your supplies from HNT on September 24 & 25, 9:15 AM - 1:00 PM. S’lichot: Saturday, September 5 Childcare: Due September 3 Subsidized by the synagogue High Holiday budget, childcare is available for the children of congregants, ages 2-7. Pre-registration is required by September 3, and to meet proper care ratios, we are unable to accommodate drop-ins. Space is limited and only confirmed after payment. Childcare will be offered at $25 per session ($15 for Kol Nidre) which will run from the beginning to the end of each service. Please register at Parking information ONLY the following areas have been authorized for parking: • The SJCC parking lot (except where marked “No Parking 24/7”) • Mercerwood Shore Club, 4150 East Mercer Way (except designated reserved areas) Courtesy shuttle service will be available on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, Kol Nidre, & Yom Kippur Day during times listed on page 10 of the High Holiday Brochure. Please do not park anywhere that states “NO HNT Parking” as a courtesy to our neighbors as well as being mindful about parking in fire lanes or blocking driveways. If you park in any undesignated area you risk being towed at your own expense by the city. The boat launch is not available for parking. If you have a state disabled permit or must be dropped close to the door, proceed to the main parking lot and use the Valet Parking service (no advance arrangements necessary). Film & Discussion: 8:45 PM • Service: 11:00 PM Award winning singer/songwriter/cantorial soloist Raquel Pomerantz Gershon will join Cantor Kurland in leading us in a spiritual warmup to the High Holiday season. This musical, uplifting service will be preceded by the film Nicky's Family, the story of Sir Nicholas Winton who saved 669 Czech & Slovack children just prior to the beginning of WWII. Mitzvah Corps High Holiday Outreach Project: Sunday, September 6 We need helping hands to deliver “goody bags” filled with challah, apples, and honey to congregants on Mercer Island, the Eastside, Kent, and Seattle. Contact Judy Ziedman at [email protected] or 425-883-6482 to sign up for this fun and worthwhile project. All volunteers get treats as well! Drive the Bima & Build the Sukkah: Tuesday, September 8 4:00 PM - Sukkah building begins 6:30 PM - Drive the Bima & set up for the holidays Why is this year different from all other years? Because THIS year, our only opportunity is during the workweek, so we need all of your helping hands! Complimentary light dinner provided for all! Sign up at if you can help. You can also learn how to build a sukkah and purchase an easy-to-assemble kit at our Sukkah Building Workshop running concurrently in the Upper Foyer. RSVP to [email protected]. Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage: Sunday, September 20 • 10:30 AM Herzl Memorial Park • 16501 Dayton Ave. N, Shoreline The congregation’s annual cemetery pilgrimage, led by Rabbi Bob Maslan, is a traditional opportunity to visit Herzl Memorial Park. This is a time for remembering our loved ones whose influence lives on in our own lives. Following the initial brief service, Rabbi Maslan will be available to go with congregants to individual graves to recite memorial prayers. 4 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • WOMEN'S LEAGUE Kick-off Board Meeting The Regional Women's League Board Meeting Sisterhood Book Club Annual Sisterhood Tea Party Torah Fund Event Wednesday, Sept. 30 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Frankel Library Participants taking on presenting for discussion one chapter each of Yearnings by Irwin Kula. Watch for more information on the addition of a Sunday Book Club (will follow the same book schedule). RSVP to Aileen Okrent, [email protected] or look for the form and more information in your mailbox soon! Sunday, Sept. 6 • 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM • Frankel Library Join us for a light nosh and to find out how you can participate and benefit from Women’s League Sisterhood this year. Tuesday, Sept. 8 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Frankel Library There’s still time to join the Sisterhood Book Club. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr to be discussed. Email [email protected] or call 206-719-2224 to join. Rosh Chodesh Group Monday, October 12 • 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM • Upper Foyer Join us for a light nosh, a warm community and an enlightening, invigorating, spiritual celebration of the new month. Come find out what the buzz is about! Led by Rabbi Yarkin. RSVP to [email protected] or call 206-719-2224. HOLIDAY MEALS Sunday, Oct. 18 and Monday, Oct. 19 • Sea-Tac Holiday Inn Join us and the Regional President and Board for an informative, educational and community building conference. Sunday, October 25 • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM • Rabbi & Janine Rosenbaum’s Home Lovingly hosted (back by popular demand) by Janine Rosenbaum. Make your reservations now! MEMBERSHIP DUES – DUE NOW! Dues are $36 and can be mailed c/o Women’s League of Herzl-Ner Tamid, 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040. Email [email protected] or call 206-719-2224 for questions All ladies are welcome – we are an HNT organization but you do not need to belong to HNT to be a member of Sisterhood. SHABBAT DINNER CIRCLE Have some extra seats at your table for Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner OR breaking-the-fast? Looking for a place to go? Use our online spreadsheets at OR to match yourself up with others in the Herzl-Ner Tamid community! Just fill in your information in the applicable columns to sign up. SHABBAT GREETERS NEEDED! Have you noticed that there’s always a smiling face to greet you when you come for services at HNT? How would you like to BE one of those smiling faces? We are expanding our “roster” of Shabbat door greeters. Being a greeter does not need to be a weekly commitment (unless you’d like it to be). Sign up at if you want to do your part to make HNT a welcoming place to be! First Dinner of the Year: Friday, October 30 Register by October 9 at New year, new Shabbat Dinner Circles to look forward to! Back in June, participants from throughout this past year gathered for a lovely meal together at HNT for Solstice Shabbat. Now it’s time to look ahead to the coming year & take this terrific opportunity to meet more people in our community! If you already love Shabbat Dinner Circle, you know that now is the time to sign up to ensure that we can match you in time. If you’ve never participated before – even more reason to join in now since we always strive to bring together new groups of people for these intimate dinners for all ages. Sign up now at We ask all participants to please remember that signing up is making a commitment to either host or attend a dinner that night. Please be considerate of others by making sure that you do not have a scheduling conflict and by marking it on your calendar as soon as you sign up. Think of this as making a dinner date with friends and help us avoid last minute cancellations. Thank you! 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 5 A MESSAGE FROM DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, ED. D. CANDIDATE, ELIYAHU KRIGEL Shalom chevre, hello friends! I’m honored to be your new Director of Education. I have really enjoyed getting to know many of you over the summer and I look forward to meeting all of you in the future. I moved to Seattle with my wife, Shanti, our 14 year-old, Isaiah, and our 10 year-old, Kaela, to begin working at HNT on June 1. Isaiah will be in ninth grade in the fall at Newport High School and Kaela will a fifth grader at Eastgate Elementary. We live in Bellevue and are thankful for the support of the congregation as we settle into our incredibly wonderful new community at HNT in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. As we enter 5776 together, we wish you many successes and continued accomplishments! DVAR: A WORD On August 16 we entered the Hebrew month of Elul in the Jewish calendar. Elul is a time of introspection. Elul prepares us for the beginning of the seventh month of Tishrei which commences with Rosh Hashanah. During the month of Elul, we have the opportunity to blow the Shofar each day which is a loud wake up call to return and remember who we really are on the inside. Elul is also meant to be a time of personal reflection. You might think Elul is the 12th month in the lunar calendar counting from Tishrei which begins with Rosh Hashanah, the beginning of the year. In our actual count though, Elul is the sixth month of the lunar cycle counting from the month of Nisan which is considered the first Hebrew month. Elul means return and the month is a time for preparation for the Days of Awe which are latent with reflection on all levels. This is the time to return to something more than just ourselves by clarifying our life’s purpose and goals. The word Elul is also an acronym from Song of Songs 6:3: Ani L’dodi V’dodi Li (I am my beloved and my beloved is mine). Many times this verse is used when describing the union within a Jewish wedding, but in this sense, God is the “Beloved” and “I” is the Jewish people. According to the Zodiac, the Maiden is the particular symbol for the month of Elul based off of the verse in Yermiyahu 31:20: Return, O Maiden of Israel, return to these cities of yours.” The Maiden analogy and the representation of the beloved both point to getting to the root of our relationship with holiness. The act of doing Teshuva during the time of Elul is all about getting ready for the big “court date” with the book of life and death during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and is a sacred process which needs community and support to grow and prosper. What better way to honor the sentiment of Elul than to celebrate each other and join together for a special welcoming BBQ picnic after FRS the first Sunday back from break on September 20 from 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM at HNT. May each one of us be blessed with the ability to go within by remaining connected to our passions and family connections! 6 FRANKEL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL (FRS) The mission of the Frankel Religious School (FRS) is to build a vibrant school where students actively live Jewish lives expressed through their actions and values. FRS creates a foundation for fostering deeper connections to Judaism, Israel, Hebrew, and the modern world. This year, we have adopted a new curriculum through the Jewish Theological Seminary called Etgar Yesodi. This curriculum uses the power of cooperative learning, the value of addressing multiple intelligences, and sees the importance of differentiating instruction so that the learning is relevant and engaging. Interfaith and non-traditional families have an important place at the table of learning at FRS as we engaged in continuous learning from babies to bubbies. GARINIM Our program for our youngest members of the synagogue community is called Garinim or Little Seeds. We meet Wednesdays for playdates and for Friday night services and dinner. We also offer a twice-monthly preschool which meets every other Sunday during FRS. For more information about our Garinim program, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]. AUGUST IN REVIEW Our Morim (teachers) and Madrichim (teacher assistants) gathered together on August 16 for an all-staff training based on our new curriculum, Etgar Yesodi. From August 23-25, our sixth, seventh, and eighth graders headed to Camp Solomon Schechter (CSS) for our first ever Becoming a Leader Trip. The trip was all about combining leadership and Judaism in a beautiful and inspiring setting in order to build Jewish community and identity. During the trip, we spent time on the ropes course and at the waterfront at CSS. For regular school updates, head to Frankel Religious School on Facebook or get on our Mah Nishmah (What’s Up) email newsletter by simply emailing Moreh Eliyahu at [email protected]. FAMILY EDUCATION AT HNT B’Yachad is our version of engaged family education at HNT. Inter-generational learning is what the program is all about and we achieve this by stimulating conversation, engaging in dialogue, and asking good questions. Join us for the B’Yachad programming throughout the year: • • • B’Yachad Learning for Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades 6 & 7 from 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM on the following Saturday mornings: 10/31, 11/21, 12/12, 2/27, 3/26, 5/21 B’Yachad Learning for Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades 3 - 5 from 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM on the following Sunday mornings first semester: 10/25, 11/22, 12/6 B’Yachad Family Service & Dinner for Students in Grades 3 - 5 and their Families at 6:00 PM on the following evenings: 10/16, 11/20, 12/4, 1/8, 2/5, 3/18 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • HIGH HOLIDAY YOUTH & FAMILY PROGRAMS Jewish New Year’s Rockin’ Eve for Young Families Sunday, September 13 • 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM • Room 10/11 Bring in the New Year the right way with spirit and joy as we celebrate together. Moreh Eliyahu Krigel and Morah Chava Mirel will weave music, stories, and tefillah together to enliven and enrich your experience. Join us as we celebrate all of our accomplishments of this past year and look ahead to a future filled with hope and community. Parents/ guardians are encouraged to stay with their children for this joyous family worship experience and all are welcome! Yom Kippur Day: Wednesday, September 23 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 1st-5th Grade Children’s Programs. We are back on the plane for more stops along our tour of Israel! Grades 1 to 5 travel together as a class to continue their journey, including Yom Kippur stories in the Negev Desert, meditating in the mystical city of Tzfat, learning fascinating Israeli facts at Haifa’s Technion University, chilling in café Dizengoff in Tel Aviv, and praying atop Masada! Rosh Hashanah, Day 1: Monday, September 14 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM 1st-5th Grade Children’s Program features a (Virtual) Trip to Israel series. Grades 1 to 5 travel together as a class to make (virtual) stops at major sites in the land of Israel. We’ll get to celebrate creation in the beautiful Golan Heights, pray at the Kotel in Jerusalem, use Hebrew at an Ulpan in Be’er Sheva, eat at a trendy Hebrew café on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv, and hear Rosh Hashanah stories in a Bedouin tent - well, almost! 7:30 PM Flashlight brigade: Children will meet in the Upper Foyer when called for the beautiful HNT tradition of the annual flashlight brigade, havdallah and final tekiah. Some flashlights and glowsticks will be provided but please bring your own as well. Please pick up your child from the classroom no later than 12:30 PM before heading to our family tashlich at 12:45 PM. For safety reasons parents must FIRST pick up their children. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Service for baby, toddler, preschool and Kindergarten-age children and families. 12:45 PM: Family Tashlich service at Wittenberg Waterfront for all children and parents after morning programs. Rosh Hashanah Day Two: Tuesday, September 15 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM • Room 10/11 Join Moreh Eliyahu Krigel and Morah Chava Mirel for a soulful family service geared towards 1st-5th grade students and their families! Rosh Hashanah is our time to reevaluate and return to our most authentic selves. By celebrating our many blessings together we join as one community in appreciation and worship. Students are encouraged to be accompanied by an adult and all are welcome! At the conclusion of our service we will provide a light snack in honor of the birthday of the world. Kol Nidre (Erev Yom Kippur): Tuesday, September 22 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM: Kol Nidre Family Service: Forgiveness can be achieved when we ask with a full and sincere heart. Join us to begin this process of teshuva (repentance) together with a beautiful family service with Moreh Eliyahu Krigel and Rabbi Jessica Yarkin. This age-appropriate service is geared toward 1st-5th grade students and their families. Students are encouraged to bring an adult and all are welcome! 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Service for baby, toddler, preschool and Kindergarten-age children and families. Sukkot Day 1: Monday, September 28 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Sukkah Visit for Preschool, Grades K-2 and 3 - 5: Inviting guests and dwelling in the Sukkah is our special time to be hospitable and gracious. Join us for age-appropriate Sukkot services which will include a visit to our beautiful sukkah, the opportunity to shake the lulav and etrog, and a chance to create our own edible versions! Help us welcome our honored ushpizim (guests) to our home away from home at the HNT Sukkah. Sukkot Day 7: Sunday, October 4 • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM At the home of Rabbi Jay and Janine Rosenbaum Open Sukkah for Young Families! Meet up with all your Garinim friends (families with infants and preschoolers) for an afternoon of schmoozing, art projects, and light refreshments. Please register at Simchat Torah: Tuesday, October 6 7:00 PM Family Torah Celebration: Join us for our colorful, songful, and festive family-friendly celebration. Bring the whole mishpacha (family) for an opportunity to shower the Torah with love. Hug A Torah at HNT. Don’t forget to bring your dancing shoes! HIGH HOLIDAY TEEN PROGRAMMING Parallel programs for middle school & high school with Irit Eliav Levin, Russel Braman, and Rabbi Jessica Yarkin. Rosh Hashanah Day 1, Monday, September 14: 10:30 AM featuring gripping discussions, out of the box prayer experiences, and more… with snacks! Kol Nidre, Tuesday, September 22: 6:30 PM self-reflections, set intentions, be your best self. Start the year with friends. Yom Kippur Day, Wednesday, September 23: 11:00 AM innovative programming continues! (but no snacks) 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 7 TEEN PROGRAMMING YEAR ROUND TEEN PROGRAMMING USY (all 9th to 12th graders welcome) IT’S GONNA BE A SWEET NEW YEAR! We are thrilled to present the Seattle Achim Chapter Board for 2015-2016: Co-Presidents: Jessica Luper & Nate Sigmon SA/TO: Ariela Ikezawa • IA: Elana Lessing • Comm: Joseph Peha Rel. Ed: Rebecca Brown • Mem/Kad: Eden Weiss Lee Peha is back as our USY advisor! Make time for yourself outside of school, homework, and formal commitments. Attend events, seek out new friendships, have more fun than you previously thought possible, and stay connected to your Judaism in an informal, non-judgmental environment. Expect ice cream bar movie nights, Shabbat dinners, karaoke, Go-Karting, Teen Feeds, BBQs, bonfires, Shabbatons, Kinnus, and a special series: “Why, Rabbi Y?” your chance to ask anything that bugs you about Judaism to a qualified rabbi. Email [email protected] or [email protected] for more info! Join our Facebook group Seattle Achim USY and look out for our upcoming events. Kadima Youth Group (for all 6th and 7th graders) Pizza Parties: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM on monthly weekdays in the Youth Lounge It’s back! Those well-deserved, notorious after-school pizza parties for your grade. Let off steam with games, trivia, TV, music clips, and more! Interact with you classmates outside of class! Make the most of your youth! 6th Grade: Mondays: Oct. 19, Nov. 16, Dec. 14, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, Mar. 21, Apr. 25, May 16 7th Grade: Tuesdays: Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Dec. 15, Jan. 26, Feb. 23, Mar. 22, Apr. 26, May 17 RSVP to [email protected] NEW THIS YEAR: 8th Grade Leadership Program Monthly Sunday mornings 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 7, Mar. 13, Apr. 3, May 1 The time we spend together will give you two opportunities: to explore your own Jewish identity and really think for yourself, and to also receive vital leadership training skills. 8 Welcome Whether you’d like to become a paid TA in 9th grade, a camp counselor, or just want to gain life skills that will help you in high school, college, and beyond, these sessions will be invaluable. You will help design part of the curriculum from the very beginning, getting the chance to learn what you really want to know about in Judaism! Have some questions you've always wanted answered? Bring them to class on the first day and we'll look into exploring them further. The class will be taught by Irit Eliav Levin, with Rabbi Jessica Yarkin, and other guest speakers throughout the year. Fee: $118. If you need financial assistance, contact [email protected]. 9:30 AM Breakfast and schmoozing 10:00 AM Group learning: HOT TOPICS! Being Jewish in the Modern World 11:00 AM Leadership training Sign up at Livnot Chai Innovative supplementary high school course for 8th to 12th graders 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM Weekly Tuesdays at Temple De Hirsh Sinai in Bellevue or Thursdays at UW Hillel Through a partnership with area synagogues, we offer a dynamic, interactive and socially engaging high school program. Teenagers have the chance to take electives in courses they want to study, from music, culture, and Israel, to modern ethics, bible, and sexual identity. Taught by an incredible assortment of local clergy, community leaders, experts in their fields, and guest speakers. This program extends the reach of Judaism, moving religious practice from the synagogue toward communal organizations and extending learning from the classroom towards leadership skills and community action. Fees: Fall semester: $425, Full year: $850 6:00 PM Dinner and Schmoozing 6:30 PM Core Classes by grade level taught by our rabbis and educators 7:30 PM Electives Sign up at Livnot Chai also offers a once a month Sunday JTeam program focused on Jewish philanthropy. For more information about JTeam please go to We also have several “one time” events throughout the year. Look for those in our regular updates. For more information about Livnot Chai, please contact [email protected] or visit 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • COLLEGE PACKAGES Rosh Hashanah is around the corner, and so are our first college packages of the school year! If you have an undergraduate college student with a new address this fall or if you’ve never submitted their information, visit by September 3 so they can receive some goodies for a shanah tovah u’metukah! THIRD SPACE Welcome to Third Space, a vibrant space in between work and home where you choose to connect with community! Like Third Space on Facebook: Torah On Tap: Sin! • Wednesday, Sept. 2 • 7:30 PM What does the concept of "sin" mean in Judaism? How does the Jewish concept of sin differ from other cultures' particularly Christianity? Where in our sacred texts do we find examples of men and women behaving badly - and what, if anything, serves to redeem them? Finally, what can we moderns learn about "sin" as we head into the High Holy Days, a time of year when we reflect on all our misdeeds, missteps, and mistakes - hopefully to start fresh in 5776? Over desserts and drinks, we’ll informally discuss relevant issues using scintillating Jewish texts, both ancient and modern, as our springboard. This event is FREE! Please bring a dessert, snack or drink to share! For more info and to receive location details, RSVP on our Facebook event at & A NIGHT OF JEWISH LEARNING S AT U R D AY, N O V E M B E R 7 5:35 P M - 11:30 P M Arrive as soon as you can, stay as long as you like! An evening of thought-provoking courses taught by an esteemed faculty of clergy, professors and experts. Topics will focus on Jewish living today, including: Cultural Judaism & Peoplehood...Historical & Sacred Texts... “How to” for Modern Jewish Practice...Political & Ethical Issues... “Doing Jewish”: Hands-on Learning Activities In addition to intriguing courses, the evening includes: • Dinner catered by On Safari Foods • Havdallah • Keynote Speaker Rivy Poupko Kletenik • Community Shuk with Judaica, books, jewelry, crafts and sweets for sale Registration will be available at Funding for Torahthon 2.0 is made possible by a generous grant from the Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle and historically by the Alfred & Tillie Shemanski Foundation. Torahthon 2.0 is a joint venture of Herzl-Ner Tamid & Temple De Hirsch Sinai. Third Friday Shabbat • September 18 RUNNERGOGUE 6:30 PM happy half-hour 7:00 PM short sweet services 7:40 PM decadent delicious dinner All 20 to 30 somethings are welcome to celebrate monthly third Shabbats at HNT. Early bird price: $10 (RSVP by September 11) Regular price: $15 TEEN FEED RSVP at Breakfast for Break-Fast Join our community on Fridays year-round at 6:00 AM weather permitting in the HNT parking lot for a 55 minute jog, walk, or bike ride and an opportunity learn a little Torah as well! This informal exercise group will warm up our bodies; then stay for minyan to warm up our hearts 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM. A Holiday Twist on Around the Sound Wednesday, September 23 Bagels! Quiche! Pancakes! Young professionals in their 20s and 30s are invited to attend potluck break-fasts all over the greater Seattle area with tasty breakfast foods. Visit for details and signup information. There will be no Teen Feed in September. Thanks to Brian Lurie & Karen Moskowitz for leading June Teen Feed and our volunteers: Sammy & Michael Arao, Jordan, Katie & Liz Friedman, Dan & Elaine Mintz, Karen Ruby, Laurie & Jonah Powazek. Todah rabbah to Jonah Powazek for his donation to sponsor a night of Teen Feed as his Bar Mitzvah project. CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES For a copy of the 5776 candle lighting times, please call the synagogue office. 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 9 Adult Education Classes 5776 Registration, pricing and schedules for all classes can be found at Jewish Spirituality Made Simple, taught by Rabbi Jay The Third Age: New Perspectives for the Over Fifty Generation, led by Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, dates TBA Judaism is a practice, like meditation and yoga. Every Jewish practice is intended to yield an immediate benefit to our well-being: a greater enthusiasm for life and a deeper perspective. In this class we will: explore what it means to have a spiritual outlook on life, study simple Jewish practices, and explore how we can incorporate them into our day. We will look for practices that are easy to do, don’t require a lot of time or deep knowledge, and are high yield in emotional impact. We’ll take up Rabbi Kula’s challenge last March to try out new practices for 40 days. Words like ‘senior citizen’ and ‘retirement’ do not capture the vitality and creative potential of millions of Americans in their fifties, sixties, and beyond. We will start a community-wide conversation of what it means to be living in the stage of life called The Third Age. What are our concerns and hopes? How can we re-shape society’s attitudes towards The Third Age? And, how can we harness the potential of a generation with vast life experience and energy in our own congregation? Judaism 101, the “Lab”: The How To’s of Jewish Practice, taught by Rabbi Bob Maslan, with guest Calling all writers of poetry or prose: join us once a month to meet as a writing group. Carol Barnett, poet/writer, will provide prompts and tips to improve your writing, whether it be memoir, short story, journaling or poetry. You choose the genre. Leave your Write Fright behind and be inspired to explore a variety of imaginative techniques to bring out the best in you. This program is sponsored by Daytimers and open to all. Rosenbaum & guest speakers, Sundays, 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM appearances by Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum and Chava Mirel, Sundays, 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM This class will focus on the mechanics of how to do Jewish spiritual practices. Among the subjects we will cover: • How to say the blessings and prayers of a traditional Friday night meal • How to chant the key prayers of Shabbat services • How to put on tallit and tefillin • How to conduct a Passover Seder • When to bend, bow, stand and sit in a prayer service Israel Current Events, taught by Nevet Basker, Mondays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM OR Tuesdays, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Do you want to learn more about current-day Israel and the Middle East? Are you befuddled by the ever-changing landscape and conflicting viewpoints? Would you like to explore difficult issues in a safe and informal community environment? This monthly forum explores key issues affecting Israel, the region, and our own Seattle-area Jewish community. iEngage 3: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, guided by Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum, dates TBA The third in a series of video courses by the Hartman Institute in Jerusalem, featuring nine video lectures, supplementary video interviews and stimulating text study material and articles. Our goal is to have an open, thoughtprovoking study and discussion of the complexities of the conflict. We welcome and will entertain a wide variety of viewpoints in what we hope will be a robust, energetic and enlightening conversation. Learn to Read Torah/Trope, taught by Cantor Kurland , Mondays, 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM Have you always wanted to chant Torah on Shabbat morning? In this class you will learn the trope system and how to apply it with the goal of doing a reading on Shabbat morning and beyond. Join our cadre of skilled Torah readers! Knowledge of Hebrew reading is necessary. 10 Daytimers Workshop: The Write Stuff, taught by Carol Barnett, Wednesdays, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Cantor’s Lunch & Sing, Tuesdays, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM We’ll have a chance to learn and sing popular Israeli, Ladino and Yiddish songs. Join us for a spirited and fun musical experience! Prayerbook Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum, Wednesdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Secretly feel that you are the only one who doesn’t always know what is going on during the service? This class will prepare you for full participation in Shabbat morning services. You will acquire synagogue and Hebrew-reading skills and gain confidence in your knowledge of the service. Very basic knowledge of Hebrew required. Beginning Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum, Tuesdays, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM; Wednesdays, 9:00 AM 10:30 AM; Wednesdays, 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM; Thursdays, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM; and Thursdays, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Did you always want to learn to read and write Hebrew? This is your chance to study in a safe, warm and friendly atmosphere. Hebrew Fluency, taught by Janine Rosenbaum, Sundays, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM; Tuesdays, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM; Tuesdays, 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM; Wednesdays, 12:15 PM - 1:30 PM; and Thursdays, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Having trouble remembering all your Hebrew letters and vowels? Do you find it hard to follow the fast pace of Hebrew at religious services? If you know how to read Hebrew, but you’d like to read more fluently, this class will have you reading like a pro. Modern Hebrew, taught by Janine Rosenbaum, Sundays, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Think you know all there is to know about Modern Hebrew? Join this continuing class to deepen your knowledge of this dynamic language. 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • JUDAICA SHOP GARDENING AT HNT L’Shana Tova. Sunday, September 6 • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Come help beautify HNT! We will work in the entry garden and parking lot area. We will weed, prune roses, remove blackberry vines, etc. Bring a hand trowel, container for weeds, pruning shears and if you prune blackberry plants, bring heavy gloves. Please RSVP to Lana via email [email protected] or 425-747-5742. Her cell is 425-445-5742 on that Sunday. If you want to volunteer on a different day or time, let Lana know. Help us make a beautiful difference. During September we are open three Wednesdays and one Sunday. If our hours don’t fit your lifestyle, please make an appointment. Come see our large collection of tallitot, tallit clips, kippot & ladies head coverings. Need a shofar or shofar stand? A honey dish? We have what you need to "do" Jewish. Proceeds from the shop fund camperships and more. Buy Judaica, ritual items, jewelry and gifts and give twice! To special order items, contact buyer Iris Schwartz at [email protected] . Please allow 6 weeks for special orders. To volunteer to help, contact Manager Lana Finegold at 425-747-5742. Thank you for being our customer. September Hours Wednesdays, Sept. 2 & 16: 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM Wednesday, September 9: 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM Sunday, September 20: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM OR call for an appointment: Sue Solomon: 206-232-8480 • Kari Haas: 206-719-2224 SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 1 2 3 4 5 Norman & Barbara Walker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Paul & Andrea Blustein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Erez & Nancy Toker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Aaron & Judy Findley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tzachi & Lara Litov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Ken & Mathy Lustig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Will & Lauren Leahy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Tom & Irit Snyder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Carl & June Silverberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Lionel & Linda Galperin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 David & Judy Benami. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Mitchell & Sherrie Nudelman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Jonathan & Karen Langman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Michael Goldman & Linda Bensimon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Irvine & Bonni Alpert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ryan & Jodi Sternoff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ed & Elaine Epstein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Nick & Michele Keller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Marc Shecter & Kindra Perkins Shecter . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Seamus & Avra Dolan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Eitan & Ella Toker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Billy & Dana Pruchno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Drew & Dena Herbolich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Jerry & Judy Weiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 Marty & Melissa Nelson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Allan & Sarah Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Benjamin & Trea Diament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Norman & Lisa Judah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Eliyezer & Ruth Kohen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 David & Karen Rosenzweig . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Joe & Judy Schocken. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Barry & Marcy Bockow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Gary & Sharon Constantine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Eli Livne & Esti Karson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Joey & Marcia Mayo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Adam & Annette Sherr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Jeff & Andrea Cordova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Liron & Lirit Ziv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Albert & Betty Hasson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Justin Magaram & Amy Schottenstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Arie & Amy Salomon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Stan & Harriet Litt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Sol & Mary Avzaradel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Sam & Jaime Slutzky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Amos & Barbara Szpiro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Kevin & Lori Sussman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Alan & Michelle Fingeroot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Avi Dunn & Daisy Matsa-Dunn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 11 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER These generous tributes were made through July 31, 2015 Atlas Scholarship Fund Refuah Shelemah to In Memory of Robert Nathan Minsky The Stewart Family Building Fund In Memory of Muriel Covner Dan & Elaine Mintz Ann Marie Putter Larry & Bev Lemchen Campership Fund (Amy Mackoff) In Honor of David Stiefel’s milestone birthday Mark & Ruth Balter In Memory of David Mezistrano Allan Vinnick Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets David Schwartz Alesa, Harvey, Josh & Carly Trager Nathan Friedman Brad & Susan Lehrer David Mezistrano Ettie Davis Allan Vinnick Debra Barer Joe & Ann Lee Rogel Ruth Shocken Yoni Putter Shira Putter Larry & Bev Lemchen Dave Mezistrano Marietta Fulton Ann Chiprut Mike, Susan, Jessica & Joey Becker David Skolnick Neil & Sari Schneider Babe Lehrer Robin, Dennis & the Goldstein Family Alan Rosenstock Alan & Elaine Peizer Samuel Peizer Alan Peizer Annie Usdane Ettie Davis Samuel “Buddy” Friedman Sandy Friedman & Family 12 Sandy Samuel Alesa, Harvey, Josh & Carly Trager Cantor’s Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Cantor Kurland Annette Vinnick & Family David & Joy Stiefel Dr. Tom Hornsten Jonathan & Karen Langman Marty & Melissa Nelson Susan Friedman, Daniel & Candace, Eli & Karen Friedman, & Yehuda Fine In Honor of The Kurland’s Friendship Circle Award Don Shifrin & Bobbi Chamberlin Al & Esther Lott Barry & Judy Schwarz Eitan & Ella Toker Alan & Judi Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Neil & Sari Schneider’s 50th Anniversary Merle Panick & Freidbert Weinman In Memory of Max Kane Albert & Bette Menashe Rosella Weissman Bobbi Chamberlin Herbert Drucker David & Mariann Drucker Ann Chiprut David & Sharron Hartman Harry Wendel Altman Edwin, Mary, Neal & Sarah Mulnick David Schwartz Irving & Bobbi Hirsch Yoni Putter Joanne Werner Judith Fink Larry & Linda Granat Ruth Schocken Manny Lott Herb Kotkins Michael Rogers & Susan Glicksberg David Mezistrano Al Vinnick Ruth Winston Hilda Schwarz Barry Schwarz Susan Angel Esther Lott & Family David Mezistrano Ettie Davis, Sheri, Sophie & Annie Bernice Konikow Joel & Barbara Konikow Samuel Teichman Joel & Barbara Konikow Ed & Mary Mulnick Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Mulnick Refuah Shelemah to Sandy Samuel Bob & Rita Lowy David & Sharron Hartman Ettie Davis Howard & Barbara Shulman Jim & Lee Keller Mark, Ruth, Charlie & Lauren Balter Vivian & David Blum Danny Lewis Fund In Honor of Steve & Jan Lewis' Anniversary Cynthia & Gary Stratiner The birth of Efrem & Linda Krisher's twin grandsons The birth of Alan & Josie Bernstein's new grandson Dr. Robert & Mrs. Talby Gelb In Memory of Ruth Schocken Harris & Jean Klein Ilyse & Greg Wagner & Family Ann Chiprut Yoni Putter Jim & Lee Keller Harry Wendel Altman Nick & Michele Keller Ann Chiprut Steve & Jan Lewis Eileen Mintz Kitchen Fund In Honor of Bettie & Richard Panick Neil & Sari Schneider In Memory of Ruth Schocken Yoni Putter Bob & Rita Lowy Marietta Fulton Bruce & Peggy Gladner Dan & Elaine Mintz 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • Jules Gelber David Mintz Bob Minsky David Mintz Ruth Schocken Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Mary Piha Cohen Marv & Rahla Turck David Mezistrano The Rudee Family Refuah Shelemah to Pauline Reiter Bob & Rita Lowy In Memory of Mildred Lilly Mason & Diane Lilly Endowment Fund In Honor of Judi & Alan Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Paul Burstein & Florence Katz Burstein Marilyn Corets for organizing Ner Tamid’s 50th Anniversary celebration Ron & Lori Kaufman Amy Glick Steven & Stephanie Kahn In Memory of Marietta Fulton Harry Wendel Altman Eric & Renee Radman Marietta Fulton David Mezistrano Ruth Schocken Neil & Sari Schneider Yoni Putter Susan Friedman Ruth Schocken Tony & Lynn Wartnik Executive Director Discretionary Fund In Memory of Marietta Fulton Irwin & Babette Schiller Jules Gelber Harry Altman Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Ruth Schocken Miriam Terlinchamp Nancy Babbs Flower Fund In Honor of Rebecca Levy & Jamie Frankel's Engagement Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER Frankel Endowment Fund In Memory of Tony Hansen Dan & Elaine Mintz Frankel Library Fund In Honor of Julius Skolnik Elaine Epstein Florence Katz Burstein Mary Anne Balch Speigel Nancy Morse Peter & Carol Michel Judi & Alan Wilensky’s Anniversary Ruz Gulko becoming a Rabbi Toby Israel In Memory of David Schwartz Nathan Friedman Bruce & Peggy Gladner David Skolnick Marietta Fulton Ed & Elaine Epstein David Skolnick Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Harry Wendel Altman Marv & Rahla Turck Jules Gelber Nancy, Wayne, Michelle & Zack Morse Ruth Schocken Toby Israel Nathan Friedman Muriel Bak Marietta Fulton Trudy Katz Wayne & Nancy Morse Refuah Shelemah to Paul Burstein Ed & Elaine Epstein Sandy Samuel Toby Israel Frankel Scholarship Fund In Honor of Irwin Schillers Special Birthday Robin & Dennis Goldstein and Family Refuah Shelemah to Jim Keller Marvin Coe Joseph & Gayle Carrol These generous tributes were made through July 31, 2015 General Fund In Appreciation of Elaine Weinstein Larry & Bev Lemchen In Honor of Mary Piha Cohen Michelle & Marissa Almoslino David Schwartz Stuart & Karen Epstein Alan & Judi Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Al & Esther Lott The arrival of Stan & Fran Schill's new grandson Carolyn Kessler Alan & Judi Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Leonard Levy & Mimi Weiner Michael & Shainie Schuffler’s 50th Anniversary Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Marv & Lore Coe's 61st Anniversary Phillip & Judy Koppel Benjamin Diament’s Birthday Robbie & Bonnie Cape Refuah Shelemah to Marietta Fulton Allan Steinman & Diane Sigel‑Steinman Lois & Ed Zachary Mark & Ruth Balter Rabbi Marna Sapsowitz Eugene & Jean Laboff Judy Schocken Amy Sidell Ruth Schocken Andrew Hess & Julie Katz Craig & Sheila Sternberg Ken & Jen Alterman Michael Krasik & Nancy Geiger Stan & Iantha Sidell Ann Chiprut Bruce & Esther Caplan Esther Chiprut & Steve Weinstein Ruth Schocken Marietta Fulton Charles & Marilyn Caplan Jules Gelber David & Elizabeth Director Allan Vinnick George & Anne Hirschhorn Richard & Stacey Eastern Trudy Katz Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Allan Vinnick Marc & Sue Policar Mary Anne Hevly Rabbi Bob Maslan Mary Piha Cohen Family In Memory of Carol Maslan Charlie & Claire Hammer Paul Burstein Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Julius Skolnick Memorial Fund In Memory of David Skolnick David & Peggy Bernstein Edward & Carol Kane Irwin & Babette Schiller Israel & Betsy Rosen Larry & Bev Lemchen Ron & Lori Kaufman Maslan Memorial Fund In Honor of In Memory of Ruth Schocken David & Sharron Hartman Refuah Shelemah to Carol Maslan Larry & Bev Lemchen Vivian & David Blum Memorial Fund In Memory of Roberta Corets Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets David Schwartz Al & Pauline Spokoiny Allan Vinnick Daisy Israel Dan & Elaine Mintz Mordo & Beverly DeJaen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Mintz Marietta Fulton David & Lisa Fain Don Shifrin & Bobbi Chamberlin Ruth Schocken Ernie Cassirer Jonathan & Karen Langman Jules Gelber Ruth Schocken David Schwartz Jeff Robinson & Carol Stockton 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • Rosella Weissman Joseph Shultz Arthur Boden Allan, Tamar, Hannah & Alyssa Boden Carl Sanes Anita Reich David Katz Ann Meisner Morris Mezistrano Tobias Vinnick Annette Vinnick Selma Egnal Antony & Rene Egnal Aaron Schwarz Barry Schwarz Cleamons Baroh Leo Baroh Bettie Baroh Edward Glazer Bob & Janet Lackman Louis Malins Susie Winegrad Bob & Natalie Malin Sylvia Oseran Brad & Laura Miller Isabelle Florsheim Bruce Florsheim Laura Weiss Bruce Levy & Marcia Weiss Levy David Reibman Carrie Reibman Edward Sadick Joseph Farber Rose Farber Corinne Farber Samuel Slotnik David Levinson David & Samuel Levinson Goldie Shain Ruth Canty David Canty Beatrice Levinson Perry Levinson David Levinson Lena Bloom David Rosenzweig Norbert Reuben Ruth Reuben Debbie Tudor Phyllis Davis Herbert Davis Doug & Ellie Davis Charles Cohen Harry Harris Ed Harris Isaac Meyerovitch Shlomo Dernis 13 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER Luba Maizels Ella Dernis Burton Rosenstein Jack Brin Ellen Rosenstein Brin Rudolph Cassirer Ernie Cassirer Jerry Chiprut Esther Chiprut & Steve Weinstein Irving Pressman Charna Pressman Esther Mednick Phil Ross Ettie Davis Roberta Corets Eva Corets, Josh Beloff, Reid & Madison Solomon Goldfine Charles Goldfine Evie Chestnut Moritz Kahn Fred Kahn Leonard Feldman Gary & Linda Feldman Rose Siegel George & Sylvia Siegel Louis Wilkenfeld Gloria Polsky, Joel Polsky, Ellen & Mark Stone Celia Kasher Jean Wilkenfeld Gloria, Joel Polsky, Ellen Stone Abraham Jaffe Lena Pasternack Harold & Kim Jaffe Sheryl Kamph Hermine Maxwell Samuel Benzion Irvin & Beverly Benzion Abraham Reiter Jack & Pauline Reiter Arva Gray Janet Gray & Brad Rind, David, Charles & Miriam Natalie Rubenstein Manney Adam Jerome Adam Howard Keller Jim & Lee Keller Rose Segarnick Betty Okrent Joan Okrent Marilyn Grossman JoAnne Grossman Pearlman 14 These generous tributes were made through July 31, 2015 Mildred Roth Jacob (Jack) Roth Joanne Werner Perry Levinson Joey & Marcia Mayo Goldie Shain Joey & Marty Levy & Leslie Levy Alfred Ordell Barry Ordell John & Elaine Cohn Hymie Langman Jonathan & Karen Langman Irving Zeiffert Barbara Zeiffert Judith Davis Lillian Bernstein Judy Schwarz Harry Berlat Karen Rosenzweig Harold Schildkraut Larry & Bev Lemchen Louis Epstein Larry & Valerie Epstein Rachel Stone Larry Stone Mel Oseran Laura Miller Charles Permut Lester Permut Fred Katz Linda Feldman Ellen Yusim Liza Yusim Lorna Glen Gourlay Beckwith Lorna Beckwith Isenberg Abner Angel Susan Angel Louise Angel Kiss Rebecca Rose Lott Manny Lott Boris Dolgoff Bessie Dolgoff Marjorie Kadaner Max Stalin Mark & Sharon Sandler Roberta Rindler Martin Rindler Ann Fink Marv & Rahla Turck Ella Golden Michael Golden Helen Sandler Michael Sandler Harry Mutchler Micky Sobel Alex Shapiro Fannie Jaffe Mike & Cheri Levy Anna Bovarnick Nathan Bovarnick Bessie Fineman Mike & Ruth Bovarnick Harry Kessler Millard & Wendy Lesch Edward Sadick Rose Kuznetz Sandy Kuznetz Morton & Loretta Kuznetz Hannah Sarah Gleser Nitza Yuval Harry Tatelman Ruth Tatelman Paula Feldman Irving Sherman Pauline Sherman Ethel Koppel Harry Ash Phillip & Judy Koppel Guche Guberek Raquel Shapiro Irene Panick Richard Panick Albert Lackman Robert Lackman Family Ethel Leibsohn Ron Leibsohn Natalie Weinstein Ruth Winston Eugene Rickles Sandra & Greg Moore Edward Glazer Sandra Glazer‑Lake Rosa Shumskaya Semyon & Yevgeniya Verlinsky Paul Davis Seth & Cel Davis Dorothy Davis Seth & Cel Davis Hermy Ducharme Sharon Woolcott Mark Litt Stan & Harriet Litt Gerald Lewis Steve & Janice Lewis & Family Justin Kahn Steven & Stephanie Kahn, Talia, Nathan & Nicole Herbert Smithline The Kinder Family Louise Brody Thomas Brody 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • Lillian Witenberg Toby, Shawn, and Kellie Israel Leo Schlesigner Tracy Schlesinger Eugene Rickles Valerie Epstein Moysey Brayman Vladimir Brayman Elvira Oppenheimer & Max Oppenheimer Walter Oppenheimer & Krisher Family Werner Glass Jack Greene Zane & Celie Brown Mitzvah Corps Fund In Appreciation of Irit & Josh Levin Jamie Frankel & Rebecca Levy Faye Plum Natalie Bentov Jonathan & Karen Langman In Honor of Benjamin Diament’s Birthday Jonathan & Karen Langman Debbie & Michael Kovsky’s Golden Wedding Anniversary The Kurland’s Friendship Circle Award The Newman Family In Memory of Marietta Fulton Arny & Anita Reich Carl & Joann Bianco Mark & Sharon Sandler Mike & Cheri Levy Rosella Weissman Charles & Marilyn Caplan Art Kritzer Chelsea Orvella Harry Wendel Altman Don Shifrin & Bobbi Chamberlin Jules Gelber Greg & Ilyse Wagner Ruth Schocken Ilyse & Greg Wagner and Family Bob Minsky Ann Chiprut Allan Vinnick Debra Barer Ruth Schocken Irwin & Babette Schiller IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER David Schwartz Robert Minsky Ruth Schocken Jack & Pauline Reiter Debra Barer Marv & Rahla Turck Nathan Friedman Marietta Fulton Harry Wendel Altman Michael & Tina Novick Bob Minsky Nancy Geiger Fred Hirschel Rita Katz Yoni Putter Sam Newson & Geri Schnitzer‑Newson Ann Chiprut Sonny Putter Art Kritzer Thad & Diane Frampton Allan Vinnick Tony & Lynn Wartnik Alfred Stark Marv & Lore Coe Refuah Shelemah to Carol Maslan Pauiline Reiter Jeff & Judy Ziedman Esther Kahn Mark, Ruth, Charlie & Lauren Balter Esther Kahn Ron & Lori Kaufman Sandy Samuel The Newman Family Morning Minyan Fund In Appreciation of Robert Gelb Rita Katz In Honor of Judi & Alan Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Aaron & Aileen Okrent Alan and Barbara, Mindy & Jamie Rappoport Arlene Schuster Audrey Covner & Dianne Dougherty Benita & Michael Ross Beryl & Noam Chernick & Clan Bob & Talby Gelb Carl & Leanne Berkenwald Eric & Renee Radman Gary Levy Jan & Howard, Karen & These generous tributes were made through July 31, 2015 Lawrence, Anne & Mark Zimmerman Jerome Adam John & Annette Buckmaster Marilyn Kritzer Mark & Nancy Luster Marshall Wilensky Oppenheimer, Krisher & Klaff Families Rita Katz Neil & Sari Schneider Robert & Pam Glowitz Ron & Lori Kaufman Sharon Isonaka & Steven Zimmerman Irwin Schiller’s 80th birthday Joseph Shultz & Velva Stern The Kurland's Friendship Circle Award Mike & Cheri Levy The marriage of Stephanie & Aaron Gelb Rita Katz Stephanie Kahn’s special birthday The Newman Family In Memory of Marietta Fulton Adam Mihlstin & Marilyn Corets Pat & Nolan Newman, Adam, Gina & Jonathan Rita Katz Harold Gillman Barbara Maduell David Mezistrano Muriel Bak Ellen Rosenstein Brin Larry Granat’s brother Ilyse, Greg Wagner & Family Suzanne Joy Shultz Joseph Shultz Jules Gelber Rita Katz Bob Zimmerman Robert & Melinda Stubbs & Family Muriel Bak Ron & Devorah Weinstein David Schwartz The Benamis Marietta Fulton Vivian & David Blum Pearl Steinberg Cheryl Cohen Eli Shulman Rita Katz Prayerbook Fund In Memory of Nathan Friedman Gary & Sharon Constantine Lillian Gitelson Sharon, Gary, Sarah & Rebecca Constantine Rabbi Rosenbaum's Discretionary Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Rosenbaum for Liam’s brit Alberto, Tracy, Ben & Liam Sutton Herzl’s access to the Seattle Jewish Community Amy Stolov Solstice Shabbat David & Marcia Beberfall Rabbi Rosenbaum Annette Vinnick & Family David & Joy Stiefel Jonathan & Karen Langman Larry & Bev Lemchen Marty & Melissa Nelson Mary Piha Cohen Family Neil & Sari Schneider Susan Friedman, Daniel & Candace, Eli & Karen Friedman, & Yehuda Fine In Honor of Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Marv & Rahla Turck Mike, Susan, Jessica and Joey Becker Richard & Norene Arnold Stan & Iantha Sidell Allan Vinnick Harold & Ferne Ross Ruth Schocken Ron & Devorah Weinstein Harry Wendel Altman Steve & Pam Schwartz Jack B. Varon Marietta Fulton The Newman Family Rebecca Rose Lott Al Lott & Family Max Kane Edward & Carol Kane Irving Marsh Muriel Epstein Refuah Shelemah to Marv Coe Albert & Betty Hasson Bob Roberts George & Sylvia Siegel Rabbi Yarkin's Discretionary Fund In Honor of Rebecca Levy & Jamie Frankel’s engagement Audrey Covner The birth of our grandson, Jory Meloy Bernstein Alan & Josie Bernstein Anita & Arnie Reich’s 45th Anniversary Charles & Marilyn Caplan Stephanie Kahn’s 60th Birthday Kelvyn & Hilary Abramowitz Steven Kahn’s 60th Birthday The Newman Family Rachel Trager Memorial Fund Debra Barer Albert & Betty Hasson Robert Minsky Becky Minsky Judith Fink Brian & Randy Pollock David Schwartz Dan & Elaine Mintz Muriel Bak David & Mindy Landsman Elaine Christman George & Sylvia Siegel Frankel Religious School Fund In Memory of 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • In Memory of Cheryl Luke Paul & Jennifer Malakoff Ritual Donations In Honor of Judi & Alan Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Andrew Hess & Julie Katz Saul & Joyce Rivkin In Appreciation of Elaine Weinstein Becky Minsky & Family Jason & Brooke Shindler Mitchell Silverstein & Amanda Beller Susan & StefanAhrensdorf Jonathan & Karen Langman 15 IN SUPPORT OF ONE ANOTHER Marilyn Corets Larry & Bev Lemchen In Honor of The 50th Anniversary of Ner Tamid Alex & Lucy Sytman Craig & Sheila Sternberg Doug & Ellie Davis Helaine Goldstein Ina Willner Irving & Bobbi Hirsch Joel & Barbara Konikow Lionel & Dominique Vincenti Lonnie & Susan Edelheit Michael Ruby Muriel Epstein Ruth Sassoon Sandra Glazer‑Lake Sean & Tracy Sigmon Sean Cook Zane Brown Jr. & Melissa Brown Jeremiah Michel’s graduation Sari Brashem’s graduation David & Julie Ellenhorn Benjamin & Daniel Scherzer’s B’nai Mitzvah Fred Tobis & Carla Greenbaum These generous tributes were made through July 31, 2015 Ruz Gulko’s smicha Janet Gray & Brad Rind, David, Charles & Miriam In Memory of Bob Zimmerman Alan, Elaine, Ross & Larissa Peizer Rosella Weissman Arny & Anita Reich Harry Wendel Altman Brad Rind & Janet Gray Robert (Bob) Minsky Dan & Elaine Mintz Allan Vinnick David & Marci Mosbach Greg & Ilyse Wagner Marietta Fulton Janet Gray & Bradley Rind & Family Walter Oppenheimer & the Krisher Family David Mezistrano Jules Gelber Ann Chiprut David Skolnick Marv & Rahla Turck Rose Youngson Lori Kaufman Refuah Shelemah to Al Spokoiny Marvin Coe Alan Barer Marv & Rahla Turck Shabbat Prayerbooks In Honor of Judy & Alan Wilensky’s 50th Anniversary Eric & Renee Radman Wittenberg Waterfront Fund In Honor of Sylvia Siegel’s birthday Herb & Freya Wittenberg In Memory of Alan Barer’s daughter Herb & Freya Wittenberg Refuah Shelemah to Marvin Coe Al Spokoiny Alan Barer Herb & Freya Wittenberg Youth Activities Fund In Honor of Lynn & Tony Wartnik’s 25th Anniversary Charles & Marilyn Caplan DIRECTORY CHANGES Please use the updates below to keep your HNT Congregational Directory current. For privacy reasons, we have omitted directory changes in the online version of HaKol. To obtain directory changes, please contact the office for a hard copy of HaKol at 206-232-8555 16 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • The engagement of Rebecca Levy & Jamie Frankel Jeff & Judy Ziedman Neil & Sari Schneider Linda & Efrem Krisher, & Family Deborah & Brian Lurie’s Anniversary Neil & Sari Schneider In Memory of David Mezistrano Greg & Ilyse Wagner David Schwartz Ilyse & Gregory Wagner & Family Ann Chiprut Jeff & Judy Ziedman Ruth Schocken Fred Hirschel Larry & Bev Lemchen Jules Gelber David Schwartz Neil & Sari Schneider Herb Kotkins Vivian & David Blum WITHIN THE SHUL FAMILY We Welcome to the World . . . • Jory Meloy Berstein, grandson of Josie & Alan Bernstein • Ethan Taylor Glass, grandson of Barbara & Joel Konikow • Sabrina Lindsay Lott, granddaughter of Sharon & Marty Lott and great granddaughter of Manny Lott • Samuel Larry Piha, son of Kelly and Dan Piha and grandson of Linda and Ron Krivosha and Roz and Larry Piha We Wish a Refuah Shelemah to Congregants . . . Marion Aronson, Ety Askenazi, Alan Barer, Astrid Bloch, Marv Coe, Valerie Epstein, Lana Finegold, David Gillman, Leiba Husock, Esther Kahn, Jim Keller, John Livingston, Al Lott, Robert Roberts, Carrie Rosenfeld, Susanne Rosenkranz, Sandy Samuel, Kelly Schreer, Carter Wax, Sam Zarkin We Offer Condolences to the HNT Families of . . . We Celebrate . . . • Izzy Harris, son of Ed & Anne Harris, on the distribution of a music video by the music group Train, featuring Izzy as the primary dancer • Robert (Bob) Minsky z”l, husband of Becky Minsky • Nathan Friedman z”l, father of Mickey Friedman • Harry Wendel Altman z”l, father of Nancy Etsekson and Cindy Levy Ann Chiprut z”l, mother of Joel Chiprut Allan Vinnick z”l, husband of Annette Vinnick father of Michael Vinnick and Tina Vinnick • • • Rabbi Ruz Gulko for receiving s’micha from the Rabbinical Academy at Mesifta Adath Wokowisk in New York • Max Kane z”l, brother of Edward Kane • The marriage of Adam Lahav, son of Barbara & Eli Lahav, to Madeline Doskach • Marietta Fulton z”l, mother of Joy Stiefel • The marriage of Brittney Blustein, daughter of Andrea & Paul Blustein and granddaughter of Barbara & Norman Walker, to Billy Ruiz • David Schwartz z”l, father of Steven Schwartz • David Mezistrano z”l, father of Lisi Wolf and Joel Mezistrano • The marriage of Allison Lowy, daughter of Rita & Bob Lowy, to Scott Telford • David Skolnick z”l, son of Hilda Skolnick • The marriage of Jennifer Levy, daughter of Renee & Gary Levy, to Benjamn Morhaime • Mary Piha Cohen z”l, mother of Maureen Lipsen • Trudy Katz z”l, aunt of Florence Katz Burstein • The engagement of David Peckarsky, son of Ruth & David Peckarsky, to Kathryn Cohen • Jody Cantor z”l, sister of Nancy Cohen-Vardy • Naomi Stuchinsky z”l, mother-in-law of Barry Stulberg and grandmother of Hannah Stulberg and Noah Stulberg Ruth Schocken z”l, mother of Joseph Schocken and Barbara Lahav and grandmother of Trea Diament • The engagement of Rebecca Levy, daughter of Cheri & Mike Levy, to Jamie Frankel • The marriage of Mimi Maritz, daughter of Yaffa & Paul Maritz, to Ben Grannan • The marriage of Aaron Gelb, son of Talby & Bob Gelb, to Stephanie Abrams • The marriage of Miriam Reynolds, daughter of Carol Reynolds, to Patrick Rigby • The marriage of Amanda Beller & Mitchell Silverstein • The engagement of Jared Brazg, son of Lynne & Clive Brazg, to Lauren Silverstein • The engagement of Michael Keller, son of Michele & Nick Keller, to Alyssa Morelli • The engagement of Danielle Abramowitz, daughter of Hilary & Kelvyn Abramowitz, to Mark Rosenberg • • Irving Shear z”l, husband of Diane Shear • Jules Gelber z”l, father of Rabbi Lisa Gelber • Debra Susan Barer z”l, daughter of Alan Barer • Trudy Schwartz z”l, mother of David Schwartz • Fred Hirschel z”l • Rosita Castellanos z”l, mother of Boris Castellanos • Myron (Mike) Corets z”l, brother of Ellis Corets • Karen Lorriane Neel z”l, mother of Mimi Fisher and Jeff Sheppard • Walter Schoenfeld z”l, father of Lea Anne Ottinger TODAH RABBAH TO • Rhoda Ladd for the generous donation of a new set of shiva books and siddurim in loving memory of her brother, Art Kritzer z”l. This beautiful gesture is very much appreciated. • • • Olivia and Amy Waggoner for their help with the Memorial Book mailing. Lana Finegold, Ettie Davis, Florence Katz-Burstein, Peter Michel, Alex Sytman, and Brian Matt for their hard work gardening at HNT Frankel Library volunteers: Stacey Brody, Toby Israel, Ann Meisner, Nancy Morse, Janine Rosenbaum, and Amy Waggoner 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • 17 BELOVED DEPARTED MEMORIALIZED WITH YAHRZEIT PLAQUES AT HNT Shabbat of Sept. 4/5 Sep. 5 Jeremiah Michel Katherine Michel Sep. 6 Morris Leopold Adolph Miller Sep. 7 Betty Newman Benjamin Samuel Asia Sep. 8 Arthur Grashin Sophie Gordon Nathan Feinberg Judith Barish Frankie Barrat Sep. 9 Irving Stone Fan Shifrin Coe Stuart Schain Benjamin Rosenthal Arthur Kritzer Leo Rosenbaum Sep. 10 Isadore Konigsberg Sep. 11 Benton Sterling Joseph Lander Ada Sanft Shabbat of Sept. 11/12 Sep. 12 Irwin Wirth Sep. 13 Irwin Poll Charles Leopold Jack Lewis Sep. 14 Abraham Fish Sep. 15 Harry DuBonne Jennie Lazansky Sep. 16 Ruvim Kushner Sep. 17 Samuel Wienir Hermina Orchinsky Birdye Wienir Anne Sorsky Shimon Weinberger Sep. 18 Margaret Klatzker Sara Weinthrop Shabbat of Sept. 18/19 Sep. 19 Celia S. Champagne Sep. 20 Hetty Lighter Louie Sanft Samuel Roth Marlene Robinson Sophie Lentzer Louis Rosenblatt Sep. 21 Zelma Schocken Dora Bloch Freda Stoffer Sep. 22 Ore Pomeraniec Regina Powazek Arie Pomeraniec Izchak Pomeraniec Musha Pomeraniec Sol Topolovitz Risha Pomeraniec Simcha Pomeraniec Sora Pomeraniec Simon Finkelstein Fanny Sanft Nathan Sharin Meir Pomeraniec Sep. 23 Fanny Frankel Werner Frankel Betty Jungster Sally Jungster Peter L. Thomas Annie Pearl Hermann Oppenheimer Sep. 24 Mark Feldman Sep. 25 Murray SeymourGoldman Shabbat of Sept. 25/26 Sep. 26 Kurt Leeser Riva Spokoiny Nora Eilenberg Pauline Margolis Sep. 27 Eleanore Friedman Sophie Dwoskin Sep. 28 Anny Shifrin Abraham Wise Sidney Tat Leah Solomon George Miller Sep. 29 Rita Rickles Lena Mutchler Sep. 30 Morris Pearl Joseph Arshon Salo Matzdorff Oct. 1 Sophie Mesher Lydia Vinnick Oct. 2 Rebecca Mesher Betty Lesch Ida Sadick Charles Waldman Marcus Lobl Jean Putter LOST AND FOUND The above items were found at HNT grounds. Please contact HNT office to claim your items. Herzl Memorial Park, 16501 Dayton Avenue North, Shoreline, WA 98133 If there is a death in the family, call the Seattle Jewish Chapel at 206-725-3067 For information, call Elaine Weinstein at 425-455-4703 The Cemetery Committee: George Siegel, President . . . . . . . . . . . 206-363-2196 Elaine Weinstein, Vice President . . . . . 425-455-4703 Peter Michel, Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . 425-788-3249 Steve Burns, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-9427 Shirley Sidell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-801-7009 Harris Klein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-2026 Jay Matt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206-232-5730 Small rocks to leave at graves are available under the reader board on the north side of the chapel. 18 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • September 5776 2015 See T’filot for PreShabbat oneg, Friday, Saturday, and Holiday service times & locations. Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Thank you for sending in your Annual Appeal! 6 22 Elul 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • Women’s League Mtg.: 10:30 AM 13 29 Elul Erev Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year’s Rockin’ Eve: 3:00 PM Services: 6:30 PM 7:06 PM 20 7 Tishri First day of Frankel Religious School Annual Cemetery Pilgrimage: 10:30 AM Welcome Eliyahu & Family BBQ: 12:30 PM 27 Elul Tishri 14 Tishri Executive Committee Mtg.: 7:00 PM Choir Practice: 7:30 PM 7 23 Elul 19 6:37 PM 8 24 Elul Build the Sukkah: 4:00 PM - 7:30 PM Drive the Bima: 6:30 PM Board of Directors Mtg: 7:00 PM Women’s League Book Club: 7:00 PM Labor Day Office closed 14 15 Rosh Hashanah Day 1 1 Tishri 2 Tishri Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Office closed Office closed Services: 8:15 AM Services: 8:30 AM Youth programs Family Service: 11:00 AM begin: 10:00 AM Tashlich: 1:15 PM Mincha/Ma’ariv Services: 6:00 PM8:09 PM 21 8 Tishri 22 9 Tishri Kol Nidre 2 18 Elul Third Space Torah on Tap: 7:30 PM (offsite) 9 25 Elul 28 15 Tishri 7:40 PM 29 Sukkot Day 2 Office closed Services: 9:30 AM 3 19 Elul 4 Saturday Friday 20 Elul RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Services: 6:00 PM Birthday Shabbat 10 26 Elul 11 7:26 PM 27 Elul 5 16 17 4 Tishri 18 5 Tishri RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Services: 6:00 PM Third Space Service & Dinner : 6:30 PM S’lichot Film, Discussion & Service: 8:45 PM Ki Tavo 12 23 30 17 Tishri Women’s League Book Club: 7:00 PM 24 11 Tishri 25 12 Tishri RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Services: 6:00 PM Anniversary Shabbat 6:41 PM 28 Elul Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Services: 10:00 AM 19 Nitzavim 6 Tishri Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Services: 10:00 AM 6:55 PM 10 Tishri 21 Elul Services: 9:30 AM Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Friedman 7:11 PM 3 Tishri Yom Kippur Day 16 Tishri Thursday RunnerGogue: 6:00 AM Services: 6:00 PM Office early close: 3:00 PM Office closed Services: 6:30 PM Services: 9:40 AM Family service: Third Space Breakfast for 6:30 PM Break-Fast: 7:30 PM Teen Programs: (offsite) 6:30 PM 6:47 PM Final Tekiah: 7:50 PM Sukkot Day 1 Office closed Services: 9:30 AM Erev Sukkot 17 Elul Wednesday 26 Vayelekh 13 Tishri Parasha Study: 9:30 AM Services: 10:00 AM Haazinu We NEED you on September 8! Building the sukkah begins at 4:00 PM Drive the bima and setup at 6:30 PM Pizza for all! RSVP at HNT High Holidays JFS Food Collection Challenge What’s in your cart? Put it in ours too! On average, 1,800 people per month need the Jewish Family Service Polack Food Bank. Instead of giving what you don’t use, why not give what you do use? The food you donate isn’t just going to sit on a shelf somewhere, it’s going to a real person! What do you like to eat? Help feed someone who’d like the same thing! Dean & Gwenn Polik and Valerie Polack are once again generously contributing a matching gift for every item we collect, so give big and they will too! Don’t forget, the food bank cares about expiration dates just like you do. Check the date before you donate! We also cannot accept previously opened items, glass jars or perishables. Donate in the marked cart/bins in the Upper & Lower Foyers Volunteers Needed! JFS Food Sort Sunday, October 4 • 9:45 AM - 1:00 PM Meet at HNT at 9:45 AM (following minyan) to pack the food collected, transport it to the JFS warehouse, and help sort donations from across the city from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Space at the Sort is limited - registration required! To volunteer, email [email protected]. Herzl-Ner Tamid Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism 3700 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA 98040 P.O. Box 574, Mercer Island, WA 98040 Phone: 206-232-8555 • Fax: 206-232-0283 [email protected] • Senior Rabbi Jay Rosenbaum / [email protected] Cantor Bradlee Kurland / [email protected] Rabbi for Community Engagement, Rabbi Jessica Yarkin / [email protected] Executive Director, Nadine Strauss / [email protected] Director of Education, Eliyahu Krigel / [email protected] Program and Events Manager, Rebecca Levy / [email protected] 2015-2016 Executive Committee Dan Mintz, President Chuck Friedman, Executive Vice-President Jonathan Langman, Treasurer/Financial V.P. Donna Peha, Membership Vice-President Michele Glasser, Secretary Julie Ellenhorn, Immediate Past President 2015-2016 Board of Directors Marilyn Corets Antony Egnal Benjamin Diament Ricki Gafter Kari Haas Orit Hickman David Isenberg Linda Krisher Brenda Luper Steven Novick Scott Perry Billy Pruchno Aaron Rosenstein Leah Saltzman George Siegel Ilyse Wagner 206-232-8555 • [email protected] • NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mercer Island, WA Permit No. 42
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