University Annual Report


University Annual Report
Saint Leo University
Saint Leo University is a Catholic liberal arts university serving people of all faiths. Rooted in the 1,500-year-old Benedictine tradition, the university seeks balanced growth in mind, body,
and spirit for all members of its community. On its home campus and many extension centers, Saint Leo University offers a practical, effective model for life and leadership in a challenging world, a model based on steadfast, moral consciousness that recognizes the dignity, value, and gifts of all people.
Saint Leo University’s six core values are deeply rooted in its Catholic Benedictine tradition.
Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively,
work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our
university depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals.
Personal Development
Saint Leo University stresses the development of every person’s mind, spirit, and body
for a balanced life. All members of the Saint Leo University community must demonstrate their commitment to personal development to help strengthen the character of
our community.
Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we
serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust
and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen,
to learn, to change, and to serve.
Responsible Stewardship
Our Creator blesses us with an abundance of resources. We foster a spirit of service to
employ our resources to university and community development. We must be resourceful. We must optimize and apply all of the resources of our community to fulfill Saint
Leo University’s mission and goals.
Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals’ unique talents, respect
their dignity, and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our
community’s strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free
exchange of ideas, and on learning, living, and working harmoniously.
The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live
its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed.
To accomplish its mission, the university community creates a student-centered environment in which love of learning is of prime importance. Members of the community are expected to
examine and express their own values, listen respectfully to and respond to the opinions of others, serve the community in which they live, welcome others into their lives, and care for all
of God’s creations.
Table of Contents
Letter from the President
2007-2008 Highlights
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Business
School of Education and Social Services
Continuing Education
Military Education
Center for Online Learning
Financial Highlights
Message from the Board Chair
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
University Profile
Letter from the President
Dear alumni and friends,
I don’t know about you, but I love the Olympics. The performances are so compelling and the competitions so dramatic.
Most Olympic athletes labor for years in obscurity––some train
virtually all their lives for a few hours, a few minutes, or even
just a few seconds with the world watching as they seek to realize lifelong ambitions and their nation’s dreams.
I believe our university’s core values compel us to behave like
Olympic champions––medal winners or not. I believe that, as an institution, we have
the confidence to be a true winner. Saint Leo is in a good position today, but I remain
cautiously concerned about the challenges we will face over the next several years. I
look forward to our challenges with considerable optimism because of the support
of our trustees, donors, alumni, and friends. Long term we must continue to grow.
Please know that I appreciate the support of each and every one of you. Olympic competition for us is far from over––and we still are in the running for a gold medal.
I could go on. There were gold, silver, and bronze medals by the score––and I encourage you to read about more of them in the pages of this report. To each of you who
contributed to the success of this great university in the 2007-2008 academic year, I
want to extend my very sincere gratitude.
Thank you and God bless.
Here are some of our recent medal-winning performances:
• In August, we welcomed over 620 new full-time traditional-age students to the main
campus. Our new-student totals (freshmen and transfers alone) equal 87 percent of
the total number of traditional-age students enrolled 11 years ago.
• Graduate enrollments again reached a new record—they total more than 1,800 for the
Fall 2008 semester.
• A record number of full-time faculty joined Saint Leo this fall. That brings the
number of full-time faculty to 148, approximately a 145 percent increase over 11
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
years ago. Our 23 new faculty members came to Saint Leo University with great
academic credentials from prestigious universities around the country and with a
collective 320 years of teaching experience.
Continuing Education centers exceeded their Fall I semester enrollment targets,
both at civilian and military centers. We continue to deservedly enjoy a very good
reputation as a military-friendly university. This year marks our 35th anniversary of
providing educational opportunities to the men and women of the armed forces.
Saint Leo became one of only 35 schools selected to the Navy College Program
Distance Learning Partnership.
We continue to advance technologically. We are in the process of increasing our
bandwidth and consolidating our servers to increase reliability and lower costs.
We ended the 2007-2008 fiscal year with a respectable budget surplus.
We met a challenge grant from TECO Energy to raise new money to help develop
architectural plans for a School of Business building.
We concluded our first-ever comprehensive fundraising campaign, raising $19.7
million. That is $4.7 million beyond our goal of $15 million.
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
2007-2008 Highlights
July 2007
More than 350 freshmen
and parents visited Saint
Leo’s main campus for New
Student Orientation on July
13 and 14. Campus Life staff
presents this annual event to
help new students—and their
parents—make the transition
to college life. The Tampa
Tribune covered the orientation in a story titled, “Helping
Parents Adjust to College.”
Saint Leo’s South Hampton
Roads Center was honored
with a flag flown July 4 over
the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing
Headquarters in Al Asad, Iraq.
A group of 12 Saint Leo University professors embarked
on an historic 11-day research
tour of Cuba to study social,
economic, religious, cultural,
and political life on the island
during the gradual transition
of power from Fidel Castro to
his brother Raul. The story
was covered by WFLA’s News
TV Channel 8 and The Tampa
Tribune. Faculty members
gained insights into aspects of
life in Cuba that the American
public rarely sees.
The Tampa Tribune described
the many positive changes at
Saint Leo University over the
past decade in a Metro section
feature story titled, “Saint Leo
Has Graduated.” The article
explained how the university’s
programs and campuses have
changed to meet the diverse
needs of the university’s more
than 14,000 students.
The university’s remarkable
10-year turnaround under the
leadership of President Arthur
F. Kirk, Jr., was covered in
Maddux Business Report’s “Growth
Strategies for Business” section.
School of Business faculty
and students welcomed Tim
Gannon, co-founder of
Outback Steakhouse, as the
first lecturer in the school’s
2007-2008 “Professor for a
Day” program. Mr. Gannon’s
presentation was broadcast to
continuing education centers
using Video Teaching and
Teleconferencing Technology
(VTT). The “Professor for a
Day” program was initiated by
the school’s Industry Liaison
Council to provide students
opportunities for up close
and personal discussions with
corporate leaders.
4 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
The Office of University
Ministry presented the musical
“Children of Eden,” at the
university’s main campus in
late November. The play ran
to a packed house at every
performance. Cast members
included students, children
from the Dade City-Saint
Leo area, and Vice President
of Enrollment Gary Bracken,
who delivered a powerful
portrayal of God.
MBA students who traveled
to Slovenia in November presented an overview of their
research at the program’s
December “Lunch and Learn”
event, attended by students
and alumni at the main
campus, online, and at the
university’s Atlanta-Fort
McPherson Center via Video
Teaching and Teleconferencing Technology (VTT). The
trip was part of a student
exchange between the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty
of Economics and Saint Leo
University’s Graduate Business Studies program.
January 2008
Saint Leo began a yearlong
celebration to mark 35 years
of providing academic degree
programs and services to
members of our nation’s
armed forces. Thousands of
students from all branches of
military service have earned
associates, bachelors and
masters degrees from the
university. Saint Leo shines
in its commitment to the
men and women who serve
our nation.
Trustees, donors, and alumni
gathered to celebrate the new
Student Community Center
Complex and the successful
completion of Saint Leo’s first
comprehensive campaign.
More than 175 guests helped
dedicate the university’s most
ambitious construction project
in a generation. Board Chair
Dennis Mullen ’76 welcomed
guests: “All of you had a stake in
making this new facility a reality,
and this evening is about thanking you. Our goal was to raise
$15 million by December 2007.
I am pleased to announce that
the goal was not only exceeded,
it was smashed.”
The reception for Center for
Online Learning degree candidates always is the highlight
of commencement weekend.
This year, approximately 100
students traveled from across
the U.S. and from as far away
as Korea and Saudi Arabia to
meet their instructors and
Andrew Young, former
mayor of Atlanta, civil rights fellow students face-to-face
leader, and U.S. Ambassador for the very first time. Retired
to the United Nations, visited Army General Bryan “Doug”
Brown addressed graduates at
University Campus in midthe Saturday morning comApril. Ambassador Young
mencement ceremony and
spoke eloquently on topics
ranging from development in baseball Hall of Fame broadAfrica to current U.S. foreign caster and former catcher Joe
Garagiola addressed graduates
policy and public education
at the afternoon ceremony.
in America.
Saint Leo was named to the
President’s Higher Education
Community Service Honor Roll,
the highest federal recognition a school can achieve for
service learning and civic
More than 400 alumni
attended “Homecoming
Weekend 2008” and the
Alumni Association honored
14 outstanding alumni with
special awards.
Sigma Lambda Fraternity was
recognized for exemplifying
the ideals and mission of the
university through its service
and brotherhood of over 40
years. Sigma Lambda, chartered at Saint Leo in 1968, is
the oldest existing fraternal
organization at the university.
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Near military bases in
Georgia, Florida, Texas,
South Carolina, and Virginia,
the university conferred
degrees on members of the
military, retired military,
base personnel, and civilians.
Commencement celebrates
each student’s commitment
to personal development and
higher education. A majority
of our center graduates are
working adults who complete their coursework at
night, on weekends, or
online after a long day’s work
and often after their children
have been put to bed.
Congratulations graduates!
School of Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences faculty are dedicated to the personal development of students throughout the university. I am energized
and inspired by their confidence that they can offer an education to our students that is second to none.
Richard G. Bryan, Ph.D., Dean
The School of Arts and Sciences offers a wide range of academic majors––from the fine and performing arts to literature, religion, philosophy, and the physical, social, and behavioral sciences. Through these courses, the school provides a broad
educational foundation that focuses on the skills and knowledge students need to be successful in all major courses of study.
The 2007-2008 academic year was a busy one for the school:
• The Philosophy and Religion Department faculty completed an intensive academic review which led to program revisions
and a name change for the department. The newly named Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion now offers its
students new and enhanced study options.
The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies Program also underwent a name change and initiated a new diaconate training
program in partnership with the Diocese of Richmond, Virginia. The MA in Pastoral Studies Program is now the Master of
Arts in Theology Program, with new courses in Ecclesiology and Christology added to its already outstanding curriculum.
The Department of Social Sciences, in cooperation with the Department of Philosophy, Theology, and Religion, developed
a Middle East Certificate Program––of particular interest to the university’s military students.
Following three years of intense academic review, the 2007-2008 academic year saw the introduction of a new “LINK”
Program (Learning INterdisciplinary Knowledge). This program forms the foundation of a Saint Leo University education.
Students now learn through the careful organization and integration of knowledge rather than through a simple compilation
of courses.
6 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
January 2009
M.L.K., Jr. Day
Inauguration Day
New Year’s Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
School of Business
Our industry partners have embraced our values, philosophy of learning, and our students. They’ve added depth to our
programs and have had a real impact on our students.
Michael Nastanski, Ph.D., Dean
Saint Leo University’s School of Business offers tomorrow’s business leaders an exceptional education, one that is values-centered
and encourages critical thinking, creative problem-solving, and ethical decision-making. World-class faculty and rigorous
academic programs transform students into confident, effective, and respected business leaders. In both undergraduate and
graduate degree programs, courses of study progress from broad-based liberal arts classes to career-specific business courses,
ensuring that all graduates are prepared for a wealth of lifelong career opportunities.
During the past year, the school’s faculty, working in tandem with the university’s Continuing Education center staff, crafted a
Common Body of Knowledge ensuring that all business students will develop core business competencies in accounting, marketing,
and other disciplines identified by analysis and evaluation of national assessment criteria for business schools. Saint Leo now can
consistently assess the performance of students at all Continuing Education centers through a nationally-normed business exam.
Also in the 2007-2008 academic year, the MBA program conducted its first international field exchange program with the
University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. Thirty-two students from Slovenia and 14 Saint Leo students visited each others’ countries and met with senior industry and government executives. Overall, the MBA program continues to grow and eMBA
enrollments are up significantly.
Recognition that learning is enhanced when faculty, alumni, community leaders, local businesses, and industries are involved
in students’ lives is central to the school’s mission. One key strategic initiative––to expand industry partnerships––has
resulted in the creation of the Sport Management Advisory Board and the International Hospitality and Tourism Industry Liaison Council.
8 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
February 2009
Presidents’ Day
Ash Wednesday
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
St. Valentine’s Day
School of Education and Social Services
The School of Education and Social Services flourished this past year, expanding in both academic programs
and teaching locations.
Carol G. Walker, Ph.D., Dean
The School of Education and Social Services offers academic degree programs designed to prepare students for
careers in education, social work, criminal justice, and human services. Faculty are dedicated to teaching students
to develop an appreciation of society’s complexity and diversity and a concern for human dignity.
The Criminal Justice Program allows students to specialize in criminalistics or homeland security. Students in the
Human Services Management Program can choose to specialize in administration or social services. The Undergraduate
Education Major leads to certification for teaching at the elementary, exceptional student, or secondary levels.
The Social Work Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Council on Social Work Education
to award the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree.
In 2007-2008, Graduate Studies in Education grew in diversity of degree offerings and student enrollment. New
traditional classroom programs were established in Palatka and Lake City, Florida, adding to those already established
in Ocala and on the main campus. To accommodate new requirements for state-approved educational leadership
programs, graduate education faculty redesigned the educational leadership curriculum.
Also this past year, the school’s Reading Endorsement for the Elementary Education Program received state approval,
and a $260,000 grant from the Florida State Department of Education was awarded to the Middle Grades Education
Program to be used for scholarships and teaching technology.
Graduate Criminal Justice students also traveled to Israel to see firsthand the country’s homeland security and counter-terrorism programs. The graduate program continues to offer the Command Officer Management Seminar,
Institute for Excellence, and the popular College Learning-at-Sea Program.
10 Saint Leo University Annual Report
March 2009
St. Patrick’s Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Continuing Education
The Division of Continuing Education serves Saint Leo’s adult students through 17 education centers located in Florida,
Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, and California. Flexible class schedules, affordable tuition, outstanding faculty, and a learning environment that respects students’ personal and professional responsibilities are the hallmarks of
the Continuing Education program. On-ground classes are scheduled for evenings and weekends to accommodate the needs
of working adults. Online and Distance Learning (DL) classes are available whenever and wherever students live and work.
The DL program offers continuing education students a convenient way to supplement the traditional classroom experience
with Internet-based courses.
The 2007-2008 academic year was busy and productive for the continuing education staff and faculty. New teaching
locations were opened at the U.S. Naval Weapons Station Charleston and in Trenton, Florida. In the Tampa area, classes
are now offered on the campuses of Hillsborough Community College and Pasco-Hernando Community College. In
addition, the already established Savannah Center moved to a new state-of-the-art facility, one that will be convenient
to both military and civilian students. And for the first time, Saint Leo University is now included in the Navy College
Program Distance Learning Partnership, giving sailors the opportunity to earn a fully accredited, quality education from
anywhere around the globe using the Internet.
In January 2008, the university began a yearlong celebration commemorating 35 years of providing academic programs to
the armed forces through its Division of Continuing Education. Special recognition events are taking place on the main
campus and at each of the university’s regional education centers. Saint Leo University honors those who serve our
nation by working diligently to meet their educational needs and to transform their lives by creating a solid foundation
for success. Saint Leo values the individual ability and dignity of all students, encourages intellectual curiosity, and takes
pride in their achievements.
12 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
April 2009
Easter Sunday
Good Friday
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Military Education
Celebrating 35 years of educating those who serve our nation
When the Department of Defense invited the college to offer classes to airmen at Avon Park Bombing Range in 1973, Saint Leo
saw an opportunity to fulfill its educational mission in a new way. The college began to build a program to offer classes in places
and at times that would allow service personnel to move easily from work to the classroom. Within the year, Saint Leo established
its first education center at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa.
As the Vietnam War wound down in 1974, Saint Leo began offering classes at Fort Eustis Army Base in Virginia and serving personnel from Langley Air Force Base as well. Classes took place in nine-week rotations and after business hours to meet the demanding
work schedules of military students. That same year, the college began offering classes at Fort Lee Army Base.
Next, the college established a teaching location at Navy Center South Hampton Roads. At the center’s first formal graduation in
1977, 104 students received their degrees. Today, the South Hampton Roads Education Center offers classes at locations including
Naval Amphibious Base at South Hampton Roads, Naval Station Norfolk, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, and Naval Air Station
Oceana and Dam Neck in Virginia Beach. And when Saint Leo established an education center at Langley Air Force Base, the program was changed to allow military students to take classes before work, after work, at lunchtime, and on weekends. Today, the
Langley Center is the university’s second largest military education center.
In 1975, Saint Leo brought its academic programs to Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, Fort McPherson Army Base in Atlanta,
and Naval Air Station Key West in Florida. In 1995, Saint Leo opened the Ingleside Naval Station Educational Center in Texas. Later
that year, the university was selected to provide bachelor’s degree programs at Mayport Naval Station near Jacksonville, Florida.
In 2007-2008, more than 5,000 men and women of the armed forces enrolled in degree programs at Saint Leo University and
Saint Leo now offers classes on military bases in San Diego, California; Charleston, South Carolina; and Columbus, Mississippi.
The university is proud of its military students and remains dedicated to providing them with outstanding academic programs. As
one of the top ten private providers of education to the military, Saint Leo shines in its commitment to its mission: providing an
excellent education combined with a high degree of personalized service in small classes.
14 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
May 2009
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Memorial Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Center for Online Learning
In 1998, Saint Leo University established the Center for Online Learning (COL) to provide Web-based academic degree programs that would allow students to set their own weekly study schedules and “attend class” anytime and anywhere they have
access to a computer. The university developed what is now a nationally recognized distance-education model in pursuit of its
mission to educate and serve in an ever-more challenging and expanding global environment; to provide a practical, effective,
and efficient model for learning and leadership; and to reach beyond the traditional classroom to engage students at times and
in places convenient to them. The center opened with a mere 12 students and a vision for this new education paradigm. Today,
COL serves more than 4,000 degree-seeking adult students each semester.
Since its founding, the Center for Online Learning has remained dynamic in its vision and accomplishments, and it continues to
evolve while consistently providing an outstanding classroom experience and the best possible service to students. Today,
COL offers a broad range of degree programs that are academically rigorous, convenient, flexible, and efficient.
During the 2007-2008 academic year, significant enhancements were added to the center’s learning and service portfolio:
• Classes now are delivered via the “eCollege” platform, a hosted, on-demand course management system that includes a
robust program-administration component.
• Faculty teamed up with the Instructional Technology Department to review, revise, and add more than 140 classes.
• The PIE model (Preparation, Interaction, Evaluation) was incorporated into all courses, integrating best practices and
ensuring “active” online learning.
• 24/7 tech support is now available to all COL students––any day of the week and any time of the day or night.
• Fully-integrated online enrollment, payment, and financial-aid services are now available to all COL students.
What differentiates Saint Leo’s Center for Online Learning from other online programs? In a nutshell, it’s outstanding
student support from dedicated advisors, course content developed specifically for online learning, an interested and caring
faculty who are experts in distance instruction, online academic services that include tutoring, and online access to the
library, career planning, and peer networking opportunities.
16 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
June 2009
Flag Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
2007-2008 Financial Highlights—Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets
Summary Balance Sheet
Assets Cash
Accounts Receivable
Beneficial Interest in Trusts
Other Assets
Land, Buildings and Equipment
$109,611,600 Total
Land, Buildings
and Equipment
Beneficial Interest
in Trusts
Other Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Bonds, Notes, and Capital Lease Payable
Other Liabilities
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Net Assets
Liabilities and Net Assets
18 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
July 2009
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Independence Day
2007-2008 Financial Highlights—Sources of Revenue and Uses of Funds
Sources of Revenue
Tuition and Fees
Auxiliary Services
Other Revenue
Total Sources
Uses of Funds
Academic Support
Student Services
Institutional Support
Auxiliary Services
Total Uses
Sources of Revenue
$106,134,994 Total
Auxiliary Services
Institutional Support
Uses of Funds
$103,624,971 total
Other Revenue
Tuition and Fees
Auxiliary Services
20 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Student Services
Academic Support
August 2009
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Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Message from the Board Chair
Dear alumni and friends,
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the dedication
and commitment of Saint Leo University’s generous supporters
who have made significant contributions to the university during
the past year. This great university has always remained committed
to its original mission and values. Now it has become a place where
excellence in teaching, a talented faculty, a growing and diverse
student body, and meaningful partnerships between the university
and its community are coming together in a way unlike any time in our history.
On February 9, 2008, many of Saint Leo’s closest friends and supporters gathered to
celebrate the dedication of the university’s new Student Community Center and the
successful completion of our first comprehensive fundraising campaign. For me, it was
a “Wow!” evening––signifying that “we’re on our way” to even greater accomplishments.
Guests who joined us for the gala evening had helped make the new Student Community
Center Complex a reality and I was pleased to have an opportunity to personally thank
them. I was equally pleased to announce that the $15 million campaign authorized by the
Board of Trustees in 2002 had been successfully completed. The campaign’s goal was to
raise $15 million in gifts and pledges by December 2007. We exceeded that goal, with
$19.7 million pledged to the university by the end of the campaign.
share the university’s vision to offer our students the very best facilities, programs,
opportunities and, above all, education. We are thankful for generous partners whose
gifts to the university have set a standard of faithful stewardship.
Your gifts provide an educational experience that:
• recognizes the unique potential of each student,
• challenges critical thinking,
• provides career preparation,
• instills values,
• fosters commitment to lifelong learning, and
• develops the mind, body, and spirit.
Thank you for your generous support of Saint Leo University, so apparent in this report.
Dennis Mullen ’76
Chair, Board of Trustees
The success of this campaign and the new Student Community Center would not have
been possible without the support of many generous donors—men and women who
22 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
September 2009
Labor Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Giving Societies
By reaching beyond their own lives to assure opportunities for future generations,
generous donors help shape the future of Saint Leo University. Without their gifts,
Saint Leo University gratefully acknowledges those alumni, parents, faculty, and friends whose generous
the university would not be able to build on its mission or its commitment to the
support reflects their deep understanding and commitment to the university and its mission.
more than 14,000 students who are currently enrolled. When donors make a gift to
1889 Society
Founder’s Society
Saint Leo, they have an impact on every aspect of university life, from academics to
$25,000 or more
$10,000 - $24,999
student scholarships to financial aid. Every gift, no matter its size, makes a difference. The Endre A. Balazs Foundation
Bright House Networks, LLC
On the following pages you will find the names of the many generous contributors
who, during the 2007-2008 fiscal year, chose to invest in the university’s students,
faculty, scholarship programs, and facilities. As a private university, Saint Leo relies on
the generosity of its donors to provide the highest quality education to our students. Gifts
to the university can include cash, appreciated securities, capital donations, real estate,
charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, endowed funds, and bequests.
For additional information about making a gift to Saint Leo University, please call the
Development Office at (352) 588-8483.
THANK YOU! Saint Leo University thanks its many donors listed here who have made contributions between
July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2008. If we have inadvertently misspelled your name or if your name has been omitted,
please accept our apologies and call the Public Relations Office at (352) 588-8572 so the correction can be made
to our records.
Cynthia (Morris) ‘72 & George Brannen
Robert J. ‘71, ‘06 & Mary E. (Cannon) ‘71 Cabot
Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, Inc.
William C. Demetree, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
The Ellie & Tom Dempsey Family Fund in the Community
Foundation of Pasco County
Glen E. ‘61, ‘63 & Gail P. Greenfelder
David A. ‘84 & Camille M. Hernandez
Paul P. ‘74 & Sara Lehner
Sheila M. McDevitt ‘60
Thomas A. Plein Foundation Ltd.
Radiation Protection Associates
Donald Tapia ‘05 ‘07
TECO Energy Foundation, Inc.
24 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Burt Hill
DSM.Net, Inc.
The Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, Inc.
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Maribeth Durst
EGM/ESSCO Wholesale Electric
First National Bank of Pasco
Charles F. ‘84 & Mary Lou Henderson
The Joseph J. Herrmann and Rose A. Herrmann
Charitable Foundation
Marty & Janice Hiller
Holy Name Monastery
Hjalma E. Johnson
Virginia M. Judge
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. & Beverly Kirk
Lindau Foundation, Inc.
Alfredo & Lisa Molina
William T. Moore, III ‘76 & Beth (Dempsey) ‘74 Moore
Michael O. & Elaine E. Moorman
October 2009
Columbus Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Dennis M. ‘76 & Catherine (Renz) ‘77
Marvin E. ‘54 & Elizabeth Mulligan
Regions Bank
George C. & Nita S. Roughgarden
Christian Educational Trust
Saint Leo University Alumni Association
Saint Leo University Student
Government Association
The Spurlino Foundation
Patricia A. ‘87 & Parrish Thompson
Wachovia Foundation
President’s Society
$5,000 - $9,999
Francis W. Arnold & Susan Awbrey
Douglas & Maureen Cohn
Diocese of St. Petersburg
Thomas V. & Marysandra C. Draude
Chuck Fisk
Florida Independent College Fund
John F. ‘64 & Patricia Hughes
Michael ‘73 & Alice (Moriarty) ‘74
Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects
Francis & Phyllis Mezzanini
William & Andrea Nye
Mary (Kenney) ‘76 & Francis C. O’Keefe ‘74
David W. & Mary P. Persky
Thomas B. & Joan M. ‘91 Rothrauff
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Glen Swette ‘73
Tampa Bay Trane
The USAA Foundation
Winston & Strawn LLP
University Society
$2,500 - $4,999
Constance S. & Martin C. Blum
Robert A. ‘83 & Sheila Buckner
Richard T. Catalano ‘75
Howard S. Chatoff ‘86
CODA Partners, Inc.
Joseph P. ‘85 & Nora M. Connellan
Edward W. ‘02 & Teresa G. Dadez
John A. Donofrio ‘69
GEICO Corporation
Dwaine E. & Patricia G. Gullett
Rebecca Harper
Marilyn & Henry E. Mallue
John R. ‘69 & Cathleen A. McCarthy
Mark D. ‘72 & Patricia (Rueve) ‘72
Paskill & Stapleton Graphic
Communications, Inc.
Sherry (Bolender) ‘70 & Thomas L.
Michael B. Reichert ‘73
Michael B. & Carol Rogich
Ernest J. White ‘42
Scholar’s Society
$1,000 - $2,499
Thomas S. ‘72 & Jackie Adamczyk
AirTran Airways
John J. ‘69 & Marylou Antolino
Jennifer O. (Pipes) ‘92 & Steven Asaro
Delaine M. Bacon ‘81
Stephen L. Baglione
Richard G. ‘78 & Judith A. Barrella
Clarissa Barth ‘84
John A. Bermingham, Sr. ‘67 & Marie
A. Bermingham
Patrick Bizub ‘99
Laura Blasi
Dennis A. Bogle ‘75
Gary G. & Jane Q. Bracken
Victor H. ‘75 & Barbara M. Burke
James B. & Carolyn R. Camden
Robert J. ‘51 & Kathryn M. Carr
Champions Gate Golf Resort
Michael T. ‘79 & Kathleen Chiappetta
Samuel R. Cibrone, Jr.
Christopher Connors
James P. Costello ‘54
Francis J. & Anna C. Crociata
Janet L. Denlinger & Endre Balazs
Double Branch Lumber Company
FCS Incorporated
James L. Ferman, Jr. & Cecelia Ferman
William T. ‘95 & Elsie Foley
Follett Higher Education Group
Gary R. ‘74 & Maria Franco
Anthony J. ‘74 & Cynthia L. (Pew) ‘76
Richard & Robbie Gerson
Gordon L. & Paula J. Gillette
Grease Depot, Incorporated
William J. Griffin, Jr. ‘71 & Eleanor
B. Griffin
Kevin P. Hallock ‘78
Diane P. & Al Heiler
Bernard L. & Elaine Hemker
Sherrill W. & Mary A. Hudson
Paul & Yvonne Hunter
Dolores Incremona ‘80
InterContinental Hotels Group
Julie (Tobey) ‘84 & Dan Jenkins
Citigroup Global Impact FundingTrust, Inc.
Richard W. ‘68 & Karen A. Johnson
Father Anthony B. Kissel
James R. Lumbra, Sr. ‘76 & Susan
(Megrath) ‘76 Lumbra
Michael E. & Georgianna Madagan
James R. Maiolo, Sr. & Barbara
McClain, Smoak & Chistolini, LLC
Hugh M. ‘67 & Kathleen P. McCloskey
Daniel J. ‘79 & Wendy McDermott
Jack McTague, Jr.
Michael & Nora Nastanski
Diana (Romey) NesSmith ‘57
David L. Ostrander
Richard J. ‘72 & Mary (Arnheiter) ‘72
Dawn M. & G. Jack Parisi
Pasco Regional Medical Center
Pepito Masterpiece Portraits
Thomas G. ‘92 & O’Neil Phillips
Brian J. & Donna M. Quinn
John B. & Naida P. Ramil
Thompson L. & Kay H. Rankin
William J. ‘73 & Virginia M. Reagan
Glenn A. Redgate ‘78
Rinaldi Printing
Daniel T. ‘69 & Terry Rooney
Rotary Club of Zephyrhills-Daybreak
26 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Thomas A. & Patty A. Schrader
Susan K. Shoulet
Sisters of St. Joseph, TOSF
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP
John J. Sullivan ‘77
Gerald R. ‘61 Swiacki & Linda J.
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
The Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Michael ‘86 & Joan M. (Fox) ‘84
Leonard Territo
Stephen D. & Ann M. Titus
John E. ‘72 & Lorraine View
Rodney H. ‘67 & Ruth (Seyfried) ‘67
The Estate of Anthony Zaitz
Douglas J. ‘82 & Valinda Zerbe
Leadership Society
$500 - $999
Barry M. & Judith R. Alpert
Jack & Cynthia Amor
Jeffrey M. Anderson
Apex Office Products, Inc.
Thomas P. Arnold
Bronson A. & Aimee A. Arroyo
Warren J. Azzara, Jr. ‘76
Susan E. Barreto
William D. & Diane Bartlett
Christopher H. ‘78 & Louise A.
Charles R. Black
Robert & Sharon S. Blanchard
Robert A. Borgatti, Jr. ‘75 & Christine
B. Borgatti
Larry C. ‘59 & Judith A. (Ward) ‘68
James R. & Judith K. Cabbage
Thomas J. Crosby, Jr. ‘67 & Maria E.
(Mora) ‘69 Crosby
Janet (Levic) ‘04 & Arthur Czyszczon ‘04
Paul V. ‘42 & Betty DeGuenther
Robert J. ‘93 & Elizabeth J. Diemer
Dane A. & Shawna Drobny
James P. & Linda Early
Edwars Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP
The Focardi-Great Bay Foundation
Susan B. & Joseph L. Foster
Charles V. ‘71 & Karoline G. Frasch
Father Robert V. Fucheck ‘57
Patrick B. ‘87 & Christine (Freisen)
‘87 Gallagher
Thomas N. & Margaret S. Gallagher
Stanford J. Goldblatt
Greater Ocala Woman’s Club
Dennis J. ‘74 & Marianne C. Hayes
Margaret W. Heagerty
Lynne M. (Prate) ‘81 & Scott H.
Robert L. & Chris C. Hilton
James B. Hotze ‘70
James A. ‘54 & Helen R. Johannes
Lyndia M. Jones ‘80
Thamir A. Kaddouri, Jr. ‘94 & Melissa
A. Kaddouri
Thomas A. & Colleen A. Kaiser
November 2009
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Michael A. & Susan C. Kyle
Lake Jovita Joint Venture
Leo D. Leonardi, Jr. ‘61 & Christene L. Leonardi
Edward A. ‘76 & Grace M. Mallaney
Mayes D. Mathews
Sallie A. Milner ‘01 & Paul E. Milner
Donato ‘83 & Raffaela Napoletano
Charles D. Ocheltree ‘78
Lawrence G. Parham ‘82
Susan G. & Ned G. Paulson
Horace H. Peek, III ‘54 & Nancy V. Peek
Jean P. Peterson
John B. Phipps, Sr.
Steven S. ‘78 & Vannessa Pitzer
William A. & Linda A. Pope
Mark A. ‘73 & Deborah L. Reda
Rotary Club of Dade City-Sunrise
St. Anthony Catholic Women’s Club
Sleep Inn
Robert A. ‘72 & Paula Smalley
Sodexho, Inc.
Mary T. Spoto
Timothy J. Stewart, Jr. & Meryl Stewart
J. Thomas Touchton
Tucker/Hall, Inc.
Robert J. Waldron, Jr. ‘72 & Claudia Waldron
Walt Disney World
Ansley & Elaine R. Watson
L. Gary & Anna M. Wright
Alumni Donors
Rosemary (Anselmo) ‘70 & Lloyd E. Anderson
Alan M. Andre ‘88
John M. Abney ‘88
Thomas S. ‘72 & Jackie Adamczyk
Peter J. ‘82 & Alicia Adonizio
Charles P. ‘74 & Frances Ahern
Corey C. Ahern ‘07
Adam S. ‘93 & Elizabeth Albright
Henry F. ‘87 & Helen Allen
Joseph ‘84 & Barbara Allen
Juanita L. Allen ‘83
Gerald L. ‘82 & Shimako Allison
Steven M. Alvarez ‘94
William F. Ante ‘71
John J. ‘69 & Marylou Antolino
Robert ‘90 & Deborah Ares
Thomas J. ‘69 & Karyn Arnold
Raymond A. Ascione ‘79
William F. Ashburn ‘86
Trudy L. ‘99 & Clifton Aust
Richard J. Austin ‘97
John E. Azua ‘92
Warren J. Azzara ‘76
Delaine M. Bacon ‘81
Carl F. ‘59 & Janice Baerst
Jesse F. ‘84 & Barbara Bailey
William E. Baker ‘68
John A. ‘70 & Eileen Balch
Lauren P. ‘96 & Francis Barboza
James A. Bare ‘75
Sandra ‘83 & Frank M. ‘82 Barnett
William L. ‘93 & Debbie (Marshall) ‘94 Barnhill
Florence M. ‘90 & Clyde D. Barr
Michael N. ‘84 & Kathleen Bolyard
Thomas J. ‘77 & Karen F. (Ryan) ‘79 Bonfield
Joseph J. Booth ‘67
Richard J. ‘74 & Linda K. Borchers
Robert A. Borgatti Jr. ‘75 & Christine B. Borgatti
William J. ‘72 & Susan Bouffard
Larry C. ‘69 & Judith (Ward) ‘68 Bowen
Thomas E. ‘92 & Janine A. Bowen
James E. Bowers ‘92
Katy M. (Nyquist) ‘05 & Tyson A. ‘08 Boyd
Stephen W. ‘98 & Kathryn Boyle
Kevin E. ‘70 & Linda Bradford
Donald D. ‘85 & Lisa M. Bradford
Christopher J. Bradley ‘92
Larry D. ‘83 & Jacquelin C. Branche
Cynthia (Morris) ‘92 & George H. Brannen II
Rebecca S. Brashears ‘99
Aaron K. Brewer ‘96
Roger Brickley ‘78
Dorothy G. ‘98 & Harry Y. Britton
Meredith A. Brogan ‘96
Willie B. ‘75 & Annie D. Broner
James A. Brown ‘83
Thomas W. ‘04 & Mary Ann Brown
Charles E. ‘87 & Vickie H. Browne
Robert J. ‘71 & Catherine (Trice) ‘74 Brust
James T. ‘83 & Patricia Bryan
Robert A. ‘83 & Sheila M. Buckner
Labon T. Bumphus ‘78
Robert M. Bunn ‘73
Victor H. ‘75 & Barbara M. Burke
Maryellen Burke ‘87
Arthur D. ‘89 & Anne Bussiere
John D. ‘96 & Mary B. Butler
Mary Ann ‘87 & Robert L. Buzzetti
Harriett (MacDonald) Byrnes ‘81
Robert J. ‘71, ‘06 & Mary E. (Cannon) ‘71 Cabot
Richard G. ‘78 & Judith A. Barrella
Theodore ‘84 & Elizabeth Bass
Matthew V. Battista ‘08
Christopher M. ‘96 & Amy Bay
Noreen E. Bayduss ‘70
Mindy ‘07 & Jeffrey S. Baylor
Leona C. (Pike) ‘48 & James H. Baynes
Russell A. Beach ‘00
Gary W. ‘96 & Evelyn L. Beals
Elizabeth M. ‘04 & Gary L. Beans
Herrod J. ‘96 & Patricia A. Beasley
Margaret Herrmann Beaumont ‘57
Joanne B. Bebel ‘70
Christina M. Beck ‘01
Joseph Begansky ‘94
Christina M. Bell ‘06
Dominic E. ‘68 & Jackie Bellezza
Christopher H. ‘78 & Louise A. Bender
Dana M. Bennett ‘07
Stuart A. ‘78 & Beverly D. Berman
John A. ‘67 & Marie A. Bermingham
Katheryn J.(Kronable) ‘86 & Howard P. Bernd
Philip M. ‘79 & Katherine Bernhardt
Daniel R. ‘95 & Pamela J. Berry
Kenneth M. ‘85 & Donna Betz
Scott C. Bialy ‘87
John R.‘68 & Donna Bienkowski
Matthew S. ‘94 & Wendy J. Biety
Everett R. Bishop ‘81
Norris C. Bishop ‘79
Patrick J. Bizub ‘99
Jennifer E. Blair ‘07
Pamela H. ‘03 & Robert Blair
Melinda R. Blanton ‘87
Linda S. (Nathe) ‘79 & John Blommel
Dennis A. Bogle ‘79
Jose A. ‘44 & Sally M. Bolivar
28 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Edward D. ‘68 & Ann Marie Cahill
John J. ‘71 & Elaine C. Cahill
Kevin D. Callahan ‘75
Michael R. ‘81 & Renee R. Callan
Nyla R. ‘00 & Kenneth R. Campbell
William C. Canada ‘99
Gabriel R. Canelas ‘07
Williams R. Cannon ‘97
Kendal E. Capaz ‘06
Douglass S. ‘79 & Larae A. Carl
Rosa M. Carlyle ‘01
Robert J. ‘51 & Kathryn M. Carr
Steve A. Carroll ‘06
Susan C. Carroll-Cronin ‘78 & Edward C. Cronin
Richard T. Catalano ‘75
Susan J. (Brezinski) ‘78 & Gus J. Catanzaro
Karyn C. ‘99 & Robert E. Cauthen
Frances C. Cecil ‘94
Mark E. ‘74 & Leslie Celmer
Howard S. Chatoff ‘86
Jennifer R. Chaviest ‘02
David L.‘80 & Catherine R. (Scheiner) ‘80 Chellberg
Michael T. ‘79 & Kathleen Chiappetta
James P. Chitwood ‘88
Karen E. Christie ‘06
Patricia (Christiansen) ‘83 & Jeffrey S. Chronister
Mark G. ‘75 & Maryann Chuhinko
Douglas G. Clancy ‘83
Marie L. ‘98 & Richard A. Clark
Charles Clements ‘77
Chris A. Clements ‘03
Jaclynn J. (Kenney) ‘69 & William F. Clifford
Timothy J. ‘83 & Beth M. Coakley
Kenneth W. Coats ‘83 & Leslie Aquila-Coats
Paula A. ‘01 & Robert Cochrane
Thomas W. ‘97 & Ann M. Coffey
Frederick W. ‘84 & Willow J. Colby
December 2009
Christmas Day
New Year’s Eve
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Jesse D. Collins ‘01
Angela I. Collins ‘06
Gary S. ‘75 & Mary (Bauser) ‘78 Comp
Robert L. Conaway ‘02 & Brooke Hood-Conaway
Thad O. Conerly ‘97
Joseph P. ‘85 & Nora M. Connellan
Nancy C. (McKean) ‘97 & Robert C. Conner
Katie A. Connolly ‘06
Brian J. ‘89 & Colleen Connor
Karen M. Connors ‘72
Gary D. Cooper ‘54
Scott F. Cooper ‘02
Larry Copeland ‘06
Douglas E. ‘81 & Cynthia W. Corbin
Wilberto Cordero ‘03
James P. Costello ‘54
Nancy B. (McCabe) Counihan ‘45
Hazel A. ‘83 & Don R. Cox
Susan K. Craft ‘00
Valerie (Mauser) ‘62 & Jack Crane
Christopher K. ‘05 & Alena J. (Gerrell) ‘04
Michele Crawford ‘97
Carole S. ‘93 & Franklin Croft
Thomas J. ‘67 & Maria (Mora) ‘69 Crosby
William M. ‘72 & Christine A. (Alessio) ‘71 Cross
Sharon A. Crowder ‘03
Brian B. ‘96 & Dawn Crowe
Francis D. Cumberland ‘80
Carol A. Curran ‘80
Beverly J.(Branch) ‘85 & James C. Currier
Abraham Curry ‘98
Steven B. Cyrs ‘01
James M. ‘03 & Tanya L. (Provo) ‘07 Dadez
Edward W. ‘02 & Teresa G. Dadez
Dennis J. ‘72 & Cynthia DaFonte
Marni (Giannini) Dailey ‘68
Norman H. ‘89 & Sharon M. Danas
John J. Daoud ‘61
Edward E. Dascher ‘90
Joaquin ‘62 & Marcella Davila
Mahone ‘01 & Belinda M. Davis
Jimmie R. ‘81 & Jackie L. Davis
Stephanie (Mauck) Davis ‘62
Rory A. Davis ‘02
Johann H. ‘86 & Tina M. Davisson
Curtis L. Day ‘91
Walter L. ‘94 & Margaret De Selle
Tyburn B. Debellotte ‘94
William C. ‘74 & Kerby B. Decarme
Edward A. Deep ‘71
Paul V. ‘42 & Betty DeGuenther
Christopher E. ‘80 & Tamara L. Delaporte
Donna R. Denney ‘97
Valerie C. Depastino ‘68
Vincent M. ‘70 & Donna DeRosa
Kenneth C. Desenberg ‘85
Edward S. ‘76 & Natalie J. Desmarais
Ann Marie (Lombardi) ‘77 & John A. Devlin
Joseph W. DiMascio ‘75
James H. Dick ‘69
Ana T. DiDonato ‘00
Robert J. ‘93 & Elizabeth W. Diemer
Bob Dillon ‘74
Angel Hoffman ‘73 & Laverne W. Dilts
Robert L. ‘93 & Nancy M. Dilworth
Carla D. Diment ‘86
Kathleen M. Disanto ‘81
Bradley B. Dishner ‘91
Tamara S. Disi ‘04
Michael C. Docster ‘07
Christopher R. ‘07 & Valerie C. Donahue
William Fierro ‘05
Effie M. (McCabe) ‘50 & George Finora
John J. Fitzgerald ‘78
Vivi S. ‘98 & Lee M. Fitzgerald
John P. ‘67 & Valerie Flaherty
Cynthia M. (Sechrist) ‘74 & Robert A. Flating
Gene A. ‘01 & Valerie M. Flavors
John D. ‘89 & Kuniko M. Fluck
Freddie J. ‘02 & Sharon V. Flucker
Anthony T. ‘68 & Judith A. Flynn
William T. ‘95 & Elsie Foley
William L. ‘04 & Socorro (Perry) ‘90 Folkes
Carl A. ‘63 & Dorothy P. Forsberg
Albert C. Foster ‘80
Alan D. ‘01 & Jennifer L. Foy
Gary R. ‘74 & Maria Franco
James E. ‘82 & Teresa L. (Freisen) ‘82 Franey
James E. Franklin ‘92
Charles V. Frasch ‘92
Karen (Ragan) ‘97 & Andrew J. Frazier
John H. Frechette ‘96
Victoria L. Fredrickson ‘99
Penny L. Freeman ‘07
Mack A. ‘98 & Cynthia J. Frost
Gerald H. ‘59 & Debra H. Frost
David L. ‘86 & Elizabeth Fry
Father Robert V. Fucheck ‘57
Marlon C. Furlongue ‘03
Patrick B. ‘87 & Christine (Freisen) ‘87 Gallagher
Michael P. ‘70 & Sharon Galusky
David R. ‘95 & Susheila L. (Essig) ‘98 Garcia
Ruben C. Garcia ‘90
Christopher J. Gazard ‘92
Wendy R. Geer ‘05
Norma T. Geeting ‘84
Thomas A. Geiss ‘64
John A. Donofrio ‘69
Linda I. (Houle) ‘95 & Harry Dontje
William G. ‘67 & Janis E. (Siergiej) ‘69 Dooley
Floyd W. ‘90 & Mary A. Dooley
Karen A. (Cofrancesco) D’Ostilio ‘87
Janet S. ‘83 & John J. Dougherty
Joni E. (Hagen) ‘95 & Stephen J. Dowling
Sara (Visconti) ‘53 & James V. Doyle
Daniel G. ‘92 & Dana Drake
Thomas E. ‘68 & Kathleen (Kelly) ‘69 Duffy
William J. ‘47 & Kathryn M. Duffy
Robert R. ‘77 & Beverly A. Duke
Denyve M. Duncan ‘05, ‘08
Emily E. (Pickle) ‘97 & Sam Duncan
Marcia (Malone) ‘00 & Daniel L. Dwyer
Stanley ‘06 & Rosemary Eapen
Michael H. ‘92 & Barbara G. Edwards
Richard J. ‘89 & Janie L. Eldred
Pasquale A. ‘63 & Mary Elia
David P. Elias ‘76
John R. ‘97 & Donna C. Elifson
W. Gregg Elliott ‘83
Michael T. ‘64 & Jackie Ellis
Bernard J. ‘69 & Catherine Emanski
Richard D. ‘77 & Connie P. Evans
Bruce C. ‘90 & Kathryn S. ‘89 Evenson
James R. ‘73 & Eileen (McGlinchey) ‘83 Fahey
Nadine M. (Dodeman) ‘93 & Chris Falco
Brandon D. ‘03 & Rochelle T. Fambro
Francis X. ‘77 & Lawrann Fanucci
Robert D. Farmer ‘80
Linda L. ‘90 & Tom V. Faucett
Julie Feasel ‘06
Michael J. ‘96 & Shani S. Fecht
Cathy P. (Hunt) ‘95 & Bret Fellows
Consuelo Fields ‘07
30 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Anthony J. ‘74 & Cynthia L. (Pew) ‘76 Gerbino
Robert W. ‘85 & Christine M. (Shaughnessy)
‘85 Gibree
Marilyn ‘90 & Glenn Gilbert
James J. ‘84 & Cynthia S. Gillis
David E. ‘92 & Vicky S. Gilpin
Suzanne M. Githens ‘88
Carla F. ‘02 & Douglas P. Glanz
Stephen E. Glavey ‘70
Timothy A. Gleason ‘74
Barry W. Glover ‘79
Phillip C. Glover ‘02
Audrey L. ‘88 Gober-Becker
Delcia S. Gore ‘04
Matthew T. Gour ‘02
Paula M. (Jones) ‘89 & Derek G. Gower
Elizabeth ‘07 & Kenneth Gragert
Charlotte A. (Staats) ‘99 & Stanley J. Grams
Claudia G. (Waldrep) ‘74 Green
Sabrina L. ‘97 & Ivan Green
Julius ‘78 & Rosalyn F. Green
Bettie Green ‘04
Frederick E. Greene ‘69
Glen E. ‘61, ‘63 & Gail P. Greenfelder
Shannon Greer ‘04
Gregory J. ‘80 & Patricia M. Greiwe
William J. ‘71 & Eleanor B. Griffin
Jane E. ‘83 & Phillip E. Griffith
Robert J. ‘68 & Frances G. (Gleason) ‘68 Grubbs
Marilyn C. Guglielmello ‘84
Donald F. Gulick ‘92
Marifrances C. Gullo ‘70
Elizabeth A. (Nunnally) ‘99 & Kent Gunderson
Lynette S. Gurney ‘87
Gary G. ‘07 & Helen Gustafson
Robert L. ‘00 & Nancy R. Haberman
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Betty (Linton) ‘81 & Monroe J. Hagood
Karen Hahn ‘02
Rome R. Hairston ‘88
Rayford E. ‘94 & Rhonda E. Hall
Karla Halliman ‘03
Kevin P. Hallock ‘78
Melissa E. (Muckle) ‘03 & Mark S. Hamilton
Dudley W.‘86 & Barbara J. (Shepherd) ‘85 Hampton
Patrick H. Hannigan ‘86
Sarah M. Hard ‘01
George R. ‘70 & Karen C. Hardman
Vincent E. ‘75 & Marilyn J. Harmon
D.J. ‘70 & Kate Harrington
Deborah L. Harrington ‘93
Philip M. Harris ‘06
Robert L. Harrison ‘78
Herbert C. Haskin ‘97
Daniel P. Hatcher ‘77
Karen J. ‘94 & Randall Hatfield
Adam ‘94 & Nellie V. Hathorn
Stephen E. ‘89 & Linda J. Havasy
Stephanie M. Haw ‘99
John P. ‘77 & Kerry Hayden
Dennis J. ‘74 & Marianne C. Hayes
Judson L. ‘84 & Ornita K. Haynes
Paul M. ‘81 & Kathryn M. Heagy
Sandra L. Hedrick ‘02
Victor G. Heidgerken ‘44
John R. Heinlein ‘68
Vic tor W. ‘53 & Thelma Helton
James C. ‘82 & Charlotte J. Henerson ‘94
Lynne M Prate ‘81 & Scott H. Hensley
James D. ‘85 & Patricia N. Hentz
Amy Hepler ‘05
George P. ‘70 & Elaine Hergen
David A. ‘84 & Camille M. Hernandez
Adam A. ‘06 & Serina A. Hernandez
Joseph W. ‘62 & Cecelia (Barthle) ‘65 Herrmann
Edward J. ‘53 & Patricia M. Herrmann
Mercedes A. (Schwartzwalder) ‘43 Herrmann
Cheryl A. ‘83 & Ryon Hicks
Reggie D. Hill ‘06
George C. ‘93 & Heather Hinckley
Roger A. Hines Jr. ‘69 & Joyce A. Hines
Marjorie B. ‘81 & Charles J. Hoeck
William H. ‘89 & Ruby Hoehn
Christine Hollendonner ‘04
Wayne T. Holleran ‘74
Brien S. ‘94 & Debra D. Hoover
Catherine M. Hopkins ‘03
Thomas M. Horan ‘82
John A. Horvath ‘70
Steven M. Horwitz ‘91
Patricia L. ‘94 & Frank J. Hosey
James B. Hotze ‘70
Mary E. (Skilling) Hotze ‘70
Fredric G. ‘77 & Mary B. Hough
Jeffrey D. ‘77 & Patti Houston
Patrick S. ‘47 & Cathy L. Houstoun
Edward ‘83 & Angela C. Howard
Lyndell G. Hudson ‘01
Herbert B. ‘77 & Selene R. Huggins
John F. ‘64 & Patricia Hughes
Rose Mary M. ‘90 & Edward F. Hughes
Richard C. ‘82 & Kimberly R. ‘97 Hunt
Susan M. (Revels) ‘93 & Ronald Hunt
David L. ‘80 & Diana L. Hunt
Cynthia Hunter ‘04
Mary P. (Banks) Hurst ‘78
Robert J. ‘83 & Robin L. Hutson
Agnes I. Hutto ‘97
Anthony S. Ibrahim ‘ 98
Dolores Incremona ‘80
David Inman ‘05
James M. ‘70 & Teresa S. Irvin
Elizabeth D. Isbell ‘90
Araceli M. Isenia ‘81
Karen E. Jack ‘97
Vernon E. ‘90 & Gertrude Jacks
Charles B. Jackson ‘92
Peter A ‘62 & Eileen M. Jacxsens
Earl M. James ‘ 00
Franklin A. ‘77 & Octavia Jamison
Thomas L. ‘84 & Wenona C. Jefferson
Julie A. (Tobey) ‘84 & Dan Jenkins
Shawn C. ‘97 & Alexandra I. Jennett
James A. ‘54 & Helen R. Johannes
David J. ‘97 & Janet Johnson
Richard W. ‘68 & Karen A. Johnson
Joseph W. Johnson ‘85
Paul J. ‘70 & Cathleen S. Johnson
David L. Johnson ‘03
Ollie J. ‘79 & Eva N. Johnson
Susan O. ‘04 & Edward Johnson
Joyce L. Johnson ‘07
Scott A. ‘05 & Cassina M. Johnson
Lyndia M. Jones ‘80
James R. ‘00 & Robyn L. Jones
Alice A. (Furney) ‘84 & Milton O. Jones
Richard H. Jones ‘77
Jami (Green) ‘91 & Gregg W. Jones
Orthella K. Joseph ‘02
Kathleen M. Joyce ‘93
Kara(O’Brien) ‘88 & Stephen L. Jurist
Thamir A. Kaddouri Jr. ‘94 & Melissa A. Kaddouri
Kostas G. Kalathakis ‘05
Marlene T. ‘93 & Kevin K. Kalwary
Michael F. ‘69 & Elizabeth J. Kane
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Brock C. Kartes ‘02
Jeffrey S. Katz ‘07
Willard L. ‘85 & Thelma (Spangler) ‘84 Kearns
Lawrence ‘00 & In Hong Keefe
Lawrence ‘84 & Felicia D. Keith
Daniel G. ‘84 & Janet L. Kelleher
Angelina C. ‘00 & Albert L. Kelley
Richard J. ‘81 & Jacqueline Kelley
Rosalie Joy (Kelley) ‘86 & Jack Swope
David R. Kelly ‘05
Michelle Kemmerling ‘97
Susan C. (Schafer) ‘70 & James J. Kiefer
Francis C. ‘72 & Monica A. Kiley
Kevin M. ‘70 & Carol Kilgallin
Richard J. ‘82 & Catherine J. Kilroy
Diana M. ‘05 & Kevin King
Arthur F. Kirk, III ‘99
George L. ‘76 & Nancy Kitchens
Alan W. ‘73 & Jeanmarie Kline
Anthony W. Kloehr ‘73
Nina ‘77 & Walter Klymenko
Elijah A. ‘87 & Beverly M. Knowles
Charles E. ‘68 & Janet G. Knudsen
Bruce Komarowski ‘05
Kathryn Kopp ‘06
Raymond F. ‘69 & Maryann Korn
John M. ‘82 & Eileen Kozak
Kenneth A. ‘82 & Nancy M. Kozbiel
Delia E. ‘97 & Marc Kradolfer
Sara (Seigler) ‘80 & James D. Kreglo
Debra A. Kreiselman ‘02
Susan (Krist) ‘70 & Thomas M. Boyle
William A. Kruppenbacher ‘70
Ronald B. ‘77 & Betsy Kruthaupt
John A. ‘89 & Marilyn I. Kuhn
Alfred J. ‘88 & Mary M. Kurtz
Vera A ‘92 & Geoffrey L. La Due
Leora A. ‘90 & David A. La Graffe
Michael A. ‘94 & Amy M. (VandeWater) ‘94 LaBarr
Michael J. ‘76 & B. Sharon Lafrancis
Philip I. Lahey ‘05
Katherine B. ‘03 & Douglas E. Lail
Darrell L. ‘86 & Janet Lamoureux
Sandra R. (Bisese) ‘96 & Webster H. Lancaster
Sherry R. (Scollo) ‘77 & Robert F. Lang
Gregory G. Langmaid ‘80
Francis J. ‘79 & Ruth D. Larock
C. Peter ‘68 & Deborah Lasko
Ronald M. ‘06 & Alma D. Latham
Gerri J. ‘97 & Thomas J. Lauterio
Alan J. ‘94 & Tammy LaVigne
Calvin L. ‘94 & Edna M. Lawrence
William L. Lawson ‘86
Mark C. Layne ‘90
Martin D. ‘82 & Roxanne L. Leach
Stephen J. ‘71 & Patricia (Crown) ‘71 Leary
Clarence W. ‘70 & Catherine A. Lee
Michael W. Lee ‘96
Betty (Ullrich) ‘40 Lee
Sally P. ‘97 & Paul B. Legg
Paul P. ‘74 & Sara Lehner
Mary M. (Kelley) ‘76 & Louis J. LeMieux
Leo D. ‘61 & Claudia L. Leonardi
Joseph M. ‘76 & Kathy Leone
Richard T. ‘96 & Neita Lepak
William R. ‘03 & Monica LePere
Marvin O. Levar ‘90
Lawrence M. Lewis ‘94
Leslie V. Fitzsimmons Lewis ‘05
Maureen Dwyer Liberti ‘06
Judith D. ‘94 & Ford Ligon
Joan E. Lochridge ‘91
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Charles A. ‘04 & Patsy S. (Clifton) ‘03 Locke
Michael G. ‘73 & Alice C. (Moriarty) ‘74 Lombardy
Amber K. Loring ‘77
Teyshana M. Lowery ‘00
Nicola L. ‘77 & Kazue A. Luciani
Theresa C. ‘97 & Francis Ludwig
Benjamin J. ‘98 & Kelly Luedke
Richard E. ‘81 & Carmen D. Lugent
Nancy G. ‘83 & David A. Luhrsen
James R. ‘76 & Susan M. ‘76 Lumbra
James M. ‘65 & Angela M. Lynch
Joseph M. Lynch ‘71
William E. ‘76 & Jennifer Manders
Chris S. Maggio ‘84
Michael P. Magner ‘94
William E. Maguire ‘61
Michael A. ‘90 & Karen A. Maio
Edward A. ‘76 & Grace M. Mallaney
Glenn W. Malone ‘98
Nora C. (Breault) ‘69 & John A. Manganelli
Glover P. Manning ‘76
Rick L. ‘84 & Lorie L. Manzanares
Alfred P. ‘75 & Helen V. Maresca
Peter M. ‘03 & Maree Marian
Deborah A. ‘83 & Robert J. Marsh
Robert W. ‘84 & Cathy Marsh
Billy B. ‘86 & Barbara Marshall
Joseph L. ‘05 & Teresa D. Martfeld
Carmen A. Martucci ‘84
Joan F. Marvel ‘94
Lawrence M. ‘68 & Sarah F. Masi
Arthur R. ‘93 & Celeste S. Masoero
Andrea ‘91 & Richard W. Mason
Justine L. Massey ‘95
Patricia M. Massie ‘06
Robert A. ‘69 & Janice L. Mazur
Eddie ‘82 & Susie M. McArthur
Daniel P. ‘84 & Brenda S. McBath
Deborah A. (Cafazzo) ‘88 & Stephen McCabe
John R. ‘69 & Cathleen McCarthy
Terrence P. ‘74 & Elaine McCarthy
James E. ‘69 & Susan F. McClellan
Hugh P. ‘67 & Kathleen M. McCloskey
Timothy J. ‘76 & Nancy L. McCormick
Linda C. McCormick ‘92
Roosevelt J. McCray ‘06
Joan M. McCulloch ‘88
Michael J. ‘85 & T. Joyce McDaniel
Daniel J. ‘79 & Wendy McDermott
Sheila M. McDevitt ‘60
Nancy I. (McNally) ‘67 & Matthew P. McDevitt
Donald J. ‘83 & Kazuko McDowell
John L. ‘69 & Ann McEnery
David R. McGilvary ‘75
Matthew L. ‘64 & Carolyn B. McGough
John F. McGowan ‘79
Melinda J. McKendree ‘04
Jami F. McLaughlin ‘86
Shawn M. McLaughlin ‘99
Hugh P. ‘47 & Peggy McLinden
John P. ‘67 & Catherine C. McMahon
Henry S. ‘79 & Susan K. McManus
Tracy A. McMenimon ‘79
Michael P. McNulty ‘85
Jacquelyn N. McQuillan ‘08
Leora H. Meacham ‘87
Peter M. ‘71 & Stephanie Meade
John C. ‘96 & Carole A. Mercer
David J. ‘78 & Julie M. Mikula
Theodore H. ‘84 & JoAnne Millard
Jean C. (Hall) ‘72 & Lee W. Millard
Rex E. ‘97 & Linda L. Miller
Eric M. ‘88 & Celia Myer
Dorothy L. Nash ‘88
Joan A. ‘98 & Richard A. Nathans
Lynne A. Newton ‘75 & Michael E. Nees
Thomas ‘82 & Pamela Nesbitt
Diana (Romey) NesSmith ‘57
Darlene (Dumond) ‘83 & John Newberg
Victoria M. (Newton) ‘77 & Daniel Garcia
Mary A. Niles ‘83
Paul ‘91 & Andrea Nodoro
Ronald W. ‘77 & Jean Norvell
Emily E. Noyes ‘07
Larry O’Brien ‘64
Brendan M. O’Brien ‘79
Charles D. Ocheltree ‘78
James M. ‘71 & Veree O’Coin
James G. O’Connor ‘04
Myron G. Oden ‘02
Hugh J. O’Donnell ‘87
Gregory N. ‘54 & Patti O’Donoghue
John R. ‘04 & Rhonda D. Ogden
Matthew C. ‘75 & Karen Y. O’Hearn
Mary (Kenney) ‘76 & Francis C. O’Keefe ‘74
Thomas J. ‘67 & Jacqueline O’Keefe
Robin S. Olds ‘99
Christopher C. Oleson ‘04
John C. ‘72 & Melinda M. O’Rourke
Mary L. Oturu ‘92
Erin C. (Reilley) ‘92 & Vincent J. Pagliuca
Richard J. ‘72 & Mary (Arnheiter) ‘72 Palazzo
Christine K. (Decker) ‘71 & Thomas G. Papp
Lawrence G. Parham ‘82
Theodore F. ‘47 & Ann Parke
Robin C. ‘05 & Kennneth C. Parkerson
D. Chad Parrish ‘03
Richard A. ‘92 & Linda K. Patterson
Dorothy D. Miller ‘88
Vera G. Mills ‘91
Sallie A. ‘01 & Paul E. Milner
Patrick W. ‘70 & Betty Milton
Billie J. Minney ‘93
Robert K. ‘81 & Donna Misewich
Ronald E. ‘78 & Barbara K. Miskell
Mark D. ‘72 & Patricia (Rueve) ‘72 Mitchell
Carl V. ‘79 & Tammysue A. Moeller
Loraine C. Montgomery ‘92
William T. Moore III ‘76 & Beth S. (Dempsey)
‘74 Moore
Tonya D. Moore ‘96
Sally Pelletier Moore ‘00
Isaac G. ‘81 & Barbara C. Moore
Diane E. (Malone) ‘69 & Richard D. Morin
Rachelle E. Morris ‘03
Joanne M. ‘04 & William D. Morrison
John F. ‘61 & Margaret Mostler
Gloria ‘96 & John H. Mouw
Linda (Madden) ‘69 & James E. Moxley
Wolfgang ‘86 & Anneliese Mueller
Nick A. ‘90 & Elizabeth C. Muley
Joseph J. ‘70 & Madonna A. Mullane
Dennis M. ‘76 & Catherine (Renz) ‘77 Mullen
John E. ‘05 & Annette Mullen
Marvin E. ‘54 & Elizabeth S. Mulligan
Carl R. ‘74 & Lisa A. Mumpower
Joshua B. Mungo ‘77
James H. ‘89 & Lisa Murdaugh
Terrence A. ‘88 & Carol A. Murello
Edward J. ‘69 & Josephine A. Murphy
Mark J. ‘71 & Linda J. Murphy
James C. ‘72 & Lois M. Murphy
Norman W. ‘72 & Catherine Murray
Pat ‘50 & Betty Murray
32 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Dennis A. ‘71 & Mary Pawlowski
Shirley M. Payne ‘86
Edward J. ‘84 & Bonnie J. Peguillan
Dennis C. ‘04 & Bonnie G. Pelletier
David L. Pelsor ‘95
Zan T. ‘98 & Constance M. ‘04 Pender
William S. ‘83 & Dorothy A. Pennypacker
Natasha A. Peterkin ‘97 Perez
Asmir Pervan ‘08
De Etta Peter ‘04
Henry T. ‘00 & Tina L. Petersen
Albert J. ‘75 & Suzanne M. Petrie
Anna M. Petty ‘72
Thomas G. ‘92 & O’Neil Phillips
John A. ‘68 & Suzanne S. Phillips
Michael C. ‘79 & Diane M. Phillips
Michael K. ‘90 & Cheryl L. (Andrews) ‘91 Philpott
Linda K. (Rowland) ‘00 & Carl R. Pilcher
Steven S. ‘78 & Vannessa Pitzer
Joan M. Plowman ‘90
Way G. ‘52 & Deanna A. Plowman
Sherry (Bolender) ‘70 & Thomas Plymale
Patricia K. Podwysocki ‘05
Sandra J. ‘06 & Dennis Poshka
Jesse J. ‘80 & Patricia A. ‘07 Powell
Richard G. ‘06 & Mary K. Powell
Rebecca L. ‘86 & John P. Powers
Ryan F. Preller ‘00
Arthur R. ‘39 & Margaret Ann Pritchard
Michelle Purvis ‘06
John F. ‘72 & Lynda Quigley
Thomas J. ‘35 & Miriam L. Quinby
John R. ‘86 & Jill B. Quinley
Albert J. Ragge ‘84
Frederick B. ‘96 & Edith A. Ramlow
Loretta Ramsey ‘07
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Paige M. Ramsey-Hamacher ‘04
Andres Raydan ‘06
John C. Reber ‘04
Mark A. ‘73 & Deborah L. Reda
Glenn A. Redgate ‘78
Roy ‘78 & Anita W. Redman
James V. ‘98 & Rebecca A. (Resendez) ‘02 Redmond
Stephen ‘98 & Aliya Redmond
Carole A. Reese ‘07
Michael B. Reichert ‘73
Ronald J. ‘61 & Marilyn Reid
Francis X. ‘02 & Debbie Reidy
Kathleen M. Reidy ‘71
Jennifer (Phillips) ‘68 & Richard J. Reilly
Kevin B. ‘94 & Michelle Reynolds
Michael Rhodes ‘85
Donald E. ‘81 & Norma E. Richison
John M. ‘75 & Yvonne F. Ring
B. Timothy ‘69 & Maureen Riordan
Samuel G. ‘92 & Susan Rixie
Frank A. ‘46 & Betty K. Robarge
Jeanette P. ‘94 & Glenn A. Roberts
Mary P. ‘88 & John W. Robinson
Magda Robles ‘07
Michael J. ‘67 & Janelle B. Romano
Carolyn E. ‘04 & Frederick C. Rose
llyse K. Rosenthal ‘06
Amanda E. (French) Roske ‘90
Harold F. ‘69 & Sherrie Roth
Joan M. ‘91 & Thomas B. Rothrauff
Luke J. ‘06 & Jamie Runka
Eileen T. (Valdini) ‘90 & Mark Ruppert
Laverne B. (Decoudreaux) ‘79 & Michael Russell
Michele E. (Petrillo) Sanders ‘67
Edward W. Saint-Ivan ‘87
Peter P. ‘67 & Susan G. Salesses
Sheryl A. ‘83 & Bobby E. Schmidt
Mark A. ‘62 & Joan F. Schneider
Paul A. Schneider ‘56
Uwe ‘84 & Carol J. Schneider
William J. ‘76 & Kathleen M. Scholz
William E. ‘94 & Shari L. Schulz
Sheryl A. ‘75 & Joe Scrivens
Craig R. ‘96 & Kathy J. Sebring
James F. ‘69 & Cathy L. Segerson
Scott P. ‘79 & Jamie S. ‘83 Seifert
David L. ‘97 & Josie Sellers
John M. Semeraro ‘05
Jennifer A. Sessa ‘05
Paul E. ‘93 & Debra K. Sevigny
Marilyn G. ‘73 & Paul Shafer
Gary W. ‘77 & Dana M. Sharpe
Timothy J. ‘80 & Arlene Shaw
Robert P. ‘73 & Anne M. Shea
Dean C. Shelton ‘97
John ‘93 & Bettie C. Shephard
Pamela D. Shepherd ‘90
Thomas A. ‘64 & Judith M. Sherman
Anthony C. ‘57 & Carmen Shershin
Mack ‘86 & Mae E. Shoats
Shannon Shoemaker ‘03
Joseph J. ‘71 & Margaret (Boland) ‘70 Sico
Anne (Servais) Silvers ‘63
William G. Simmons ‘99
Chastity M. ‘07 & Jarvis B. Siplin
Tammy Skardinski ‘04
Willie F. Slaton ‘92
Carmen B. Small ‘95
Robert A. ‘72 & Paula Smalley
Martin D. Smith ‘03 & Benet C. Bondi
Rebecca E. ‘05 & Jerry Smith
Joseph L. Smith ‘04
Anne M. Smith ‘80
Wilbur L. Smith ‘80
Dennis J. ‘85 & Cindi A. Smith
Russell P. ‘04 & Darlene L. Smith
Warren A. ‘80 & Willie P. Smith
Delmer R. ‘79 & Monica D. Smith
Thomas R. ‘73 & Susan A. Smith
Michael W. Snead ‘82
Jane E. Snediker ‘71
Douglas H. ‘80 & Paula M. Snell
William A. Sorensen ‘83
Danielle ‘03 & Darrin Southard
Christopher ‘05 & Yomeka Southerland
Nancy R. (Mayer) ‘78 & Derek L. Spain
Fay F. Spence ‘83
Leroy D. ‘94 & Mary A. Stanley
Kurtis D. ‘92 & Tanya Stanton
Christopher M. Stanzione ‘08
Anthony J. ‘77 & Gloria Q. Staraitis
Amber (Martinez) ‘98 & Jeffery W. Starkey
William B. ‘68 & Cathleen Steckroth
Alfred F. Steiert ‘48
John R. ‘90 & Hope A. (Fernans) ‘88 Steutel
Sheri ‘07 & Doug Stewart
Henry J. ‘89 & Lois Stewart
Frank T. ‘89 & Stephanie D. (Phillips) ‘84 Stockstill
Rowena L. Stout ‘37
Webster Stubbs ‘87
Mare E. ‘84 & Stephen V. Sturgill
Deborah A. ‘96 & Robert J. Subbiondo
John J. Sullivan ‘77
Steven W. ‘79 & Jane E. Summerlin
Jeffrey S. ‘05 & Judy G. Sumner
Martina E. Surrency ‘90
Barbara (Ullrich) Sutton ‘54
Roswell T. ‘79 & Shirlee Swanson
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Tracy T. ‘97 & Christia Swearingen
Nancy Anne Sweeney ‘57
Glen J. Swette ‘73
Gerald R. ‘61 & Linda Swiacki
Stephen M. Swift ‘85
Angela R. ‘01 & Peter J. Swisher
Donald R. Tapia ‘05, ‘07
Thomas J. ‘02 & Carla J. ‘00 Tapper
Marietta S. (Delsordi) Tartaglia ‘70
Michael P. ‘86 & Joan (Fox) ‘84 Tassinari
Eric P. Tasso ‘00
John L. ‘73 & Marlene T. Taylor
Zenith T. ‘88 & Neville G. Taylor
Bonnie (Wieboldt) ‘76 & Gary Taylor
Kurt E. Taylor ‘03
Marcia R. (Jones) Taylor ‘04
Vickie L. (McGough) Taylor ‘83
Valerie L. Templeton ‘06
Charles E. ‘79 & Ruth M. Tenney
Michael F. ‘70 & Jane Tenore
David B. ‘68 & Celine T. Terrar
Alexander P. Thomas ‘55
Patricia A. ‘87 & Parrish C. Thompson
Pauline L. ‘76 & Harold A. Tipton
Sam ‘95 & Annette H. ‘91 Tollett
Catherine A. Tomasi ‘00
Timothy P. ‘74 & Shaileen Tracy
Jerry L. ‘92 & Theta Traylor
Virginia A. Trissell ‘00
Hao T. Truong ‘96
Ryo Tsuda ‘07
Roger A. ‘77 & Deborah S. Tucker
Catharine J. ‘03 & Dave Tully
Edward A. Turner ‘02
Linda J. (Harvey) ‘85 & Richard P. Turosz
Thomas F. ‘78 & Phyllis S. Tutwiler
Rose D. ‘91 & Raphael Ugrin
Mary C. (Walker) ‘74 & Gerald F. VanGuilder
Karen E. Varga-Sinka ‘00
Peter A. ‘79 & Donna Varone
John ‘94 & Fannie T. Veals
Gizelle C. Velox ‘01
Joan C. (Parker) Verret ‘79
Julia A. (Stetler) ‘75 & Neil W. Versteeg
John E. ‘72 & Lorraine View
Thomas F. Vigliotta ‘71
Wendy A. Villa ‘07
Matthew A. Villei ‘98 & Nancy Real
Anthony J. Visconti ‘48
Henry L. ‘05 & Beverly M. Vogler
R. Burke “Chip” Voorneveld ‘72
Dale H. ‘83 & Darla S. Vosburg
Erich W. ‘79 & Anne Wachsmuth
Robert G. ‘84 & Pat Wagner
Kenneth M. ‘75 & Linda M. ‘89 Wahlman
Alicia R. Waldon ‘07
Robert J. Waldron Jr. ‘72 & Claudia Waldron
Sharon D. Walkup ‘97
Robert F. ‘68 & Mary Alice Wallace
Kathryn A. ‘98 & Troy Wallace
David E. Ward ‘95
Donald W. ‘79 & Donna L. Ward
Julian T. Ward ‘97
Joyce A. Warren ‘91
Dean R. ‘48 & Boots H. Washbish
Henry B. ‘90 & Rebecca C. ‘99 Washburn
Barry L. Weaver ‘77
Bonita M. Wells ‘89
Kenneth M ‘87 & Rebecca (Wiegand) ‘87 White
Ernest J. White ‘42
Martin J. ‘71 & Gloria M. White
John R. ‘88 & Bettie J. Whitley
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
John P. Wickert ‘79
Howard J. ‘79 & Laura D. Widden
Paula M. ‘93 & Joseph C. Wiener
Bobby L. ‘94 & Francisca C. Williams
Horace L. ‘96 & Idella Williams
Tina M. ‘08 & Donald J. Williams
Rodney H. ‘67 & Ruth (Seyfried) ‘67 Williamson
Owen D. Wilson ‘75 & Alicja F. Zyzniewska
Herbert L. ‘91 & Glory Wilson
Nicole M. (Pacana) Wilson ‘02
Dorothy A. (Wallezer) Wilson ‘67
Denise A. (Philip) ‘69 & David A. Winter
Michael D. ‘85 & Yujin C. Wisk
Richard F. ‘74 & Cherrye Witte
Sandra D. ‘96 & Paul Woodard
Angela M. Woodham ‘06
Laura E. Woods ‘08
Dorothy M. Woods ‘77
James F. Wynne ‘55
Patrick J. Yasinskas ‘88
Jack F. ‘75 & Esther (LaCanfora) ‘75 Zoller
Parents and Friends
Richard T. & Donna M. Adams
Jon E. Adams
Judith Adams
Michele C. Adler
Dolores A. Agen
Michael S. & Sally J. Alexander
Barry M. & Judith R. Alpert
Jack & Cynthia Amor
Ellen W. Anderton
Joann Andrews
Rachel Arin
Richter R. & Cynthia K. Armer
Francis W. Arnold & Susan Awbrey
Gregory H. Atkinson
Charles A. Attal
Ann G. Aubin
Kevin & Anne Marie Bailey
Mark Baird
Bedro F. Bajo
Phil L. Barringer
Frank J. & Kathleen H. Barthel
William D. & Diane Bartlett
Todd A. Batchelor
Nita Bearry
Paul G. Benedum
Howard & Irene Berg
Harriette T. Berger
Kathleen A. Betancourt
Charles R. Black
Charles C. Blake
Constance & Martin Blum
Louie J. & Maria Bogatay
Rosemary T. Boyken
Loretta R. Cross
Anthony & Laura Cuva
Anthony F. & Adele C. D’Alessandro
Myron D. & Nanci Ann Daniel
Melanie B. Daniele
Bryon P. & Virginia Daniels
Winston & Sandra Davis
Kevin & Thea Day
Janet L. Denlinger & Endre Balazs
William T. & Barbara J. Diehl
Kenneth J. Discepolo
Patricia L. Dohack
Edward T. & Melanie V. Doherty
John & Deanna Donahue
Mike & Brenda F. Donahue
Christopher J. Donfield
Brian F. & Mary E. Doyle
Thomas V. & Marysandra C. Draude
Gail S. Dreggors
Michael Dreyer
Dave J. & Shelley Driggs
Don J. & Marijo C. Driggs
Kylie J. Driggs
Dane A. & Shawna Drobny
Christian Dupont
Marcia (Malone) ‘00 & Daniel L. Dwyer
Walter J. & Linda S. Dye
James P. Early
Brent M. & Kristen K. Ehrman
John Elmer
Oliver D. & Valerie I. Ennis
Stephen F. & Renda K. Ester
James L. Estes
Herburt & E. Everss
Michael J. Farrell
Carlos E. & Danita R. Faxas
A. Paul & Linda V. Bradley
Ted J. & Patti Brady
Steven & Leslie Brigham
Michael P. & Debra J. Brown
Deirdre A. Brown
Robert P. & Dharmattie M. Brush
Jonathan & Lisa G. Budd
Steven & Carolyn Burrell
Sarah E. Burt
Terry & Julie A. Burton
Constance E. Busch
Victor A. & RiAnn E. Caban
James R. & Judith K. Cabbage
Thomas J. & Sandra W. Callahan
James B. Camden
Michael A. & Theresa M. Campanella
William & Patricia W. Cantrell
John J. Capece
Roman G. & Madeleine Carek
Antonio P. & Maria T. Carvalho
Elias Carvalho
Rhonda Castillo
Caroline Cerveny
Clinton E. & Theresa A. Childress
Douglas Chinchar
Stephen J. & Margaret A. Christie
Bruce Christmas
Timothy C. Conley
Christopher Connors
Matthew R. Costa
John G. & Rita T. Costello
Daniel J. Costello
J. Casey & Janice L. Cox
Robert R. & Antoinette J. Criss
Christopher D. Croke
Barry F. Crosby
34 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Joseph Felder
Carol J. Ferlita
James L. & Cecelia Ferman
Steven J. Figiel
George W. & Danielle R. Fotopoulos
Brad A. & Paige L. Frawley
Janis Freeborn
Phyliss Friedman
Jerome I. & Kimberly Y. Gage
Michael A. & Lori A. Galbreath
Thomas N. Gallagher
Frederick M. & Claire Ganz
Terry L. & Melissa C. Garber
Renee Geary
Allan C. & Pamela R. Geer
Randolph C. & Susan Geraghty
James R. Gillespie
Gordon L. & Paula J.Gillette
Stephen J. Gimbl
Dina Maria Giuffre
Donald F. Gliha
Gwendolyn A. & William Godfrey
Stanford J. Goldblatt
Michael P. & Cheryl L. Goldsmith
Noreen Gomez
Thomas M. Gonzalez
Robin L. Gough
Edythe Graham
Betty J. Greene
Ricky G. & Donna C. Grimme
Detlef Grosse
Charles & Sally Angier Guignon
Dwaine E. & Patricia G. Gullett
Lawrence N. & Ina K. Gumberg
Glaserei Gutmann
Richard B. & Cynthia E. Hadlow
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Jerri Hall
Brian & Jacqueline Harbour
Rebecca Harper
Margaret W. Heagerty
Bernard L. Hemker & Elaine Mandela
Charles F. Henderson
Erma F. Henry
Thomas L. Hernandez
Jeff Herrington
James M. & Jennifer Higgins
John M. & Linda S. Hill
Robert L. & Chris C. Hilton
Robert J. & Marilyn F. Hoeffner
Father James C. Hoge
John H. & Diane B. Holter
Cecil M. & Shelia Hopkins
Daniel L. Hotte
Sherrill W. & Mary A. Hudson
Paul E. & Jane M. Highes
Steven M. & Kathie Humer
Colleen Ivey
Irving D. Jackson
Laurin S. Jacobson
Joyce A. Jeffers
George D. & Leslie P. Jennings
Hjalma E. Johnson
Deborah B. Jones
Timothy Jones
Virginia M. Judge
Edwin L. Kahn
Thomas A. & Colleen A. Kaiser
Carol A. Kaiser
Edmond F. & Wendy Kenny
John Khanjian
Robert King & Carroll Ahearn-King
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. & Beverly Kirk
Robert F. & Sally D. Kirk
Alma Kobert
Katherine W. Kolden
John R. & Sally Kramer
Karl & Janet Krieger
Stephen J. Kubasek
Michael A. & Susan C. Kyle
Joseph P. Lacher
Rhea F. Law
James S. Lee
Mitchell R. Lee
Christopher & Mary Beth Leech
Benjamin H. Lincoln
Patricia J. Lindsay
Robert & Cheryl L. Little
Janis M. Lockhart
Glenn & Gayle T. Looper
Richard E. Ludwig
John J. & Ruth Lydon
Paul E. & Marion Macmahon
Timothy & Rose Macneely
Joseph A. Madagan
Michael E. & Georgianna Madagan
John E. Mailloux
Leonard S. Mailloux
James R. & Barbara Maiolo
William N. & Joan M. Malatestinic
Henry E. & Marilyn Mallue
Jay R. & Carol W. Mangold
Rita Manguso
George G. & Ines M. Markovich
Bradford W. Marks
Rita K. Marlin
Richard C. Marsh
Robert & Mary Jane Martinez
Margaret D. Mathews
D.R. & Helena L. Mayo
Maria R. McCann
Raymond L. McCarthy
Terrence J. McChrystal
David W. McCreadie
Christine A. McCusker
Catherine P. McEwen
Jorge Morales & Carol-Jean McGreevy-Morales
Carol F. Melanson
James C. Miller
Denise A. Millovitch
Stevan G. & Regina F. Mills
Karen M. Mincery
Mark Mitchelson
Alfredo J. & Lisa J. Molina
Andres L. & Dawn L. Monge
Michelle V. Monson
Gloria ‘96 & John H. Mouw
John H. & Susan L. Mueller
John P. Mulkerin
Thomas C. Murphy
Bruce T. Narzissenfeld
Willi Neuberger
Gerald K. Sanchez & Tracy A. Nichols
Beverly J. Nichols
David & Ann Nicholson
John V. Nieb
Nancy A. Nye
Peter J. & Karin S. O’Brien
Terry P. O’Grady
Charlene O’Hearn
Samuel & Sybil O’Neal
Michael Oneil
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Leo J. & Alice P. O’Rourke
Lena M. Pacetti
Dawn M. & G. Jack Parisi
Jeffrey L. Paullus
Morgan T. & Nancy L. Paulson
Marco C. & Maryann K. Pavano
Susan & Don Peirce
Matias G. Perez
Walter & Felicia B. Perkins
Walter & Doretha Perkins
Sandra D. Perkins
Rosemary P. Perrone
Wayne & Patricia Peterson
Jean P. Peterson
John B. Phipps
Laura Plumb Duda
Paulette Plumeri-Miller
Dashon Pollock
William A. & Linda A. Pope
Michael & Sandra Porrevecchio
Henry & Helen Posner
David L. Powell
Allan J. & Marilyn F. Powers
Peter S. & Joanne Powers
Thomas J. & Cynthia L. Prais
Brian J. & Donna M. Quinn
Randall L. & Nola M. Rahe
John B. & Naida P. Ramil
Thompson L. & Kay H. Rankin
Joan M. Redgate
Milton L. Reisch
Jane L. Renninger
John C. & Theresa E. Reynolds
Karl A. Richards
Lamar & Cindy Roberts
James G. & Barbara Robinson
Christa L. Rogell
Margaret A. Rolando
Joan M. ‘91 & Thomas B. Rothrauff
James Rowland
Ellen V. Runka
Howard L. & Lauretta J. Runyon
Allan G. Safranek
Eduardo J. & Maria C. San Roman
Thomas M. & Diana Savage
William M. & Florence B. Savage
Russell & Susan L. Schalk
A. William & Mikell Schenck
Charles F. & Liana K. Schmitt
Carolyn B. Schoultz
Thomas A. & Patty A. Schrader
David E. & Lori N. Schwartz
Sherry L. Scott
John J. & Renee A. Sedlack
Stephen D. & Janet L. Sena
Karen L. Serdy
Raymond A. Serzanin
Tunecia L. Sheffield
Edward S. & Carol A. Shew
Susan E. & John R. Shoulet
Paul & Laurie S. Singer
John L. & Nancy E. Smith
Theresa E. Smith
Robert E. & Joan M. Snyder
Nicolas Sonia
John T. & Linda M. Spaight
Jeffrey B. & Paula L. Spivey
Mary T. Spoto
Cy & Joanne Spurlino
C. Lawrence & Betsy B. Stagg
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Thomas & Debora A. Stahl Mulligan
Reginald & Marie D. Stanton
Paul K. Steele
Sol & Phyllis Steingard
Guy Stevens
Timothy J. & Meryl Stewart
Norm Stickney
Thomas W. & Carol A. Storrie
Alvin & Elizabeth M. Stropnicky
C. K. & Beverly A. Sutherland
John H. & Donna K. Swart
Mark & Margaret Szabunio
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
Richard B. & Alice R. Tapia
Jan V. & Carmen N. Tarasi
Maureen Tedesco
John W. & Bessie L. Thompson
Anthony J. Tilelli
Stephen D. & Ann M. Titus
Patricia A. Tobin-Guerrini
William L. Tolbert
Thomas J. & Kristin M. Tonelli
Edwin M. & Marueen A. Toohey
J. Thomas Touchton
Marshall O. Tucker
James R. & Joan Turner
James J. & Linda M. Urbanik
Anton Valesky
Riginald A. & Rebecca A. Valley
Robert T. Valley
Robert R. & Nancy Van Trump
Pamela Van Trump
Vincent G. & Lorraine Vanecek
George & Dorothy K. Verbel
Debra R. Verbel
Nan E. Verbel
Neil VerVoort
Arthur W. & Noreen Vogel
Georg Von Savigny
Joseph M. Walker
Vanessa D. Wallace
Jon A. & Linda L. Walsh
Adelaide B. Walters
Richard C. & Sherry Ware
William E. & Cynthia J. Ware
Ansley & Elaine R. Watson
Rita M. Weaver
Donald W. Weeks
Merlyn Weibaecher
Donald J. & Virginia R. Weidner
Bruce B. & Susan Weiner
Robert J. Weyenberg
William T. Whale
Barbara J. Whidden
Robert L. & Patricia M. White
Catherine M. White
Olfedo & Kathryn S. Wijnaldum
David E. & Allison Williams
Lee E. & June L. Williford
Michael S. Wilson
Monica M. Wisehart
Carole Wolf
Gary & Nisa D. Woodham
Jim & Pat Woodroffe
Stephan E. & Jacqueline B. Worthy
Dennis J. & Betty J. Wright
L. Gary & Anna M. Wright
Lawrence J. & Carol J. Young
Gwynne A. Young
Robert R. & Cathy J. Zahn
Thomas W. & Linda Zimmerer
Ronald J. & Annette L. Zucca
Clinton First United Methodist Church, Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
Florida Coca-Cola Bottling Co. - Brooksville
CODA Partners, Inc. (Kathryn W. Davanzo &
James P. Sartain)
Wilbur Curtis Co., Inc.
D & S Landscaping
William C. Demetree, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
The Ellie & Tom Dempsey Family Fund in the
Community Foundation of Pasco County
Diocese of St. Petersburg
Dooris & Associates, LLC
Double Branch Lumber Company
The Double Eagle Foundation
DSM.Net, Inc.
The Frank E. Duckwall Foundation, Inc.
Jessie Ball duPont Fund
Edwars Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP
The Ellis-Lehner Fund in the Spartenburg
Community Foundation, Inc.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Familycare of Land O’ Lakes PA
FCS Incorporated
Fidelity Investments
First National Bank of Pasco
Florida Independent College Fund
Florida Tank Services, Inc.
Flynn-Kane, Inc.
The Focardi-Great Bay Foundation
Follett Higher Education Group
Future Stars Soccer Academy, Inc.
GEICO Corporation
GEICO Philanthropic Foundation
Matching gift companies are listed in italics.
Abbott Laboratories
Advanced Practice Solutions, Inc.
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
AirTran Airways
Amerity Real Estate Advisors, Inc.
Anthony & Associates, Inc.
Apple Group, Inc.
Apex Office Products, Inc.
Aramark Sports & Entertainment
The Endre A. Balazs Foundation
Bank of America Corp.
Batchelor Enterprise Inc.
G. Robert Blanchard Revocable Trust
Blessed Sacrament
Blue Ridge Controls, LLC
The Boeing Company
Bright House Networks, LLC
Burt, Hill
Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies, Inc.
Champions Gate Golf Resort
Chemline Products, Inc.
Chicago Providence of Society of Jesus
Chick-Fil-A, Inc.
Citigroup Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
Clarissa & Company, LLC
36 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Grease Depot, Incorporated
Great American Paper, Inc.
Greater Ocala Woman’s Club
Griffin & Griffin Financial Services, Inc.
Heide Communications, Inc.
Heiler Communities, LLC
The Joseph J. Herrmann and Rose A. Herrmann
Charitable Fdn.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites of New Tampa
Hollander Foundation
Holy Family Catholic Church
Holy Name Monastery
Home Depot
Hotel Mainlust
IBM International Foundation
InterContinental Hotels Group
Jarrett Ford, Lincoln, Mercury
JC Audiology Inc.
Judson Baptist Church
Kilian & Partner
KPMG Foundation
Lake Jovita Joint Venture
Lindau Foundation, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Lunz Prebor Fowler Architects
McBath Medical Center, P.A.
McClain, Smoak & Chistolini, LLC
M E McNeil, Inc.
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Merrill-Lynch & Company Incorporated
MetLife, Inc.
MGQ and Associates, Inc.
Milio Management
North Shore Holdings, LLC
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Bill Nye Realty, Inc.
Office Depot
Optiloid GMBH
Outback Steakhouse, Inc.
Michael Palm Construction, Inc.
Pasco County Motor Sales, Inc.
Pasco Regional Medical Center
Pasco Surgical Associates
Paskill & Stapleton Graphic Communications, Inc.
Peerless Land Development Co, Inc.
Thomas A. Plein Foundation Ltd.
Powers Burger, Inc.
Precision Door & Trim, Inc.
T. David Pulliam, D.D.S., P.A.
The Radiant Group, LLC
Radiation Protection Associates
Regions Bank
Regions Financial Corporation
Rinaldi Printing
Roadrunner Oil & Lube
Rotary Club of Dade City
Rotary Club of Dade City-Sunrise
Rotary Club of Zephyrhills - Daybreak
George C. & Nita S. Roughgarden Christian
Educational Trust
S1 - Safety 1st, Inc.
Saddlebrook Resorts, Inc.
Saint Anthony of Padua Catholic Women’s Club
Saint Francis of Assisi Friary
Saint Leo Soccer Academy, LLC
Saint Leo University Alumni Association
Saint Leo University Student Government
Saint Timothy Catholic Church
Sallie Mae, Inc.
San Ann Liquors, Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shady Side Academy
Simply Sun, Inc.
Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace
Sisters of St. Joseph, TOSF
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
Skanska USA Building Inc.
Sleep Inn
Sodexho, Inc.
The Spurlino Foundation
The Tampa Bay Rays
Tampa Bay Trane
Tampa United Volleyball Academy
TECO Energy Foundation, Inc.
TECO Energy, Inc.
Tropical Breeze Cafe & Ice Cream Parlor
Tucker/Hall, Inc.
Tutko Electric, Inc.
Ultimate Hair Design, Inc.
The USAA Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Wachovia Foundation
Walt Disney Co. Foundation
Walt Disney World
Waterfront Realty Sales Inc.
Wingate Inn of New Tampa
Winston & Strawn LLP
Withlacoochee River Electric
Wodzisz Enterprises, Inc.
Testimonial Gifts
In memory of James Horgan
John J. Sullivan ‘77
Gifts made in honor or in memory of an
individual are an example of the strong
bonds that exist within the Saint Leo
University community.
In Memory of Howard O. Johns
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
In memory of Joseph Crociata
Don & Susan Peirce
In memory of James Eskridge
Alice S. Callahan
In memory of Jeff Ganz (“Lefty 21”
Memorial Scholarship)
Frederick M. & Claire Ganz
In memory of Betty Grodi
Jeffrey E. Grodi
In memory of Walter F. Gude
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
In memory of Martha Robbins Hall
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
In memory of Charles Harrison
Robert J. ‘71, ‘06 & Mary E. (Cannon)
‘71 Cabot
In memory of James J. Heagerty, Sr.
Robert J. ‘51 & Kathryn M. Carr
In memory of Stephen Herrmann
Allan J. ‘87 & Marilyn F. Powers
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
In memory of Sherry Johnson
Norman Carey & Laura L. Beagles
In memory of Dan Gordon Judge, Jr.
Virginia M. Judge
In memory of Don Kolvenbach
Dorothy G. ‘98 & Harry Y. Britton
In memory of Mariano F. Lombardy
Lombardy Door Sales & Service Corp.
Michael ‘73 & Alice (Moriarty) ‘74 Lombardy
In memory of Bonnie J. McKenzie
Francis J. & Anna C. Crociata
In memory of Alfred A. McKethan
Robert A. ‘83 & Sheila M. Buckner
In memory of Hazel Neuhaus
Greater Ocala Woman’s Club
In memory of Kenneth Pruitt, Jr.
Sheila M. McDevitt ‘60
In memory of Wade Sanders
Michele E. Sanders
In memory of Maura Snyder
Karen A. (Cofrancesco) D’Ostilio ‘87
In memory of Mary Martha Soloman
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
In memory of R. Elaine Southard
Paul G. Benedum
Jonathan & Lisa G. Budd
Robert A. ‘83 & Sheila M. Buckner
J. Casey & Janice L. Cox
William T. & Barbara J. Diehl
Stephen F. & Renda K. Ester
Michael J. Farrell
Joseph Felder
Lawrence N. & Ina K. Gumberg
Jeff & Betty Herrington
John R. & Sally Kramer
Karl & Janet Krieger
James S. & Sharon R. Lee
Christopher & Mary Beth Leech
Patricia J. Lindsay
Robert J. & Cheryl L. Little
Jay R. & Carol W. Mangold
Jorge G. Morales & Carol Jean McGreevyMorales
Thomas C. Murphy
Michael & Mary Oneil
Frank M. & Rosemary P. Perrone
Henry & Helen Posner
A. William & Mikell Schenck
Karen L. Serdy
Shady Side Academy
Paul & Laurie S. Singer
The Tampa Bay Rays
Jan V. & Carmen Tarasi
Rita M. Weaver
Donald W. Weeks
Bruce B. & Susan Weiner
Wilbur Curtis Co., Inc.,
Carole Wolf
Lawrence J. & Carol J. Young
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
In memory of Thomas Southard
The Double Eagle Foundation
In memory of C. Franklin Swager
Sheila M. McDevitt ‘60
In memory of Father Peter Sweisgood
Ronald J. ‘61 & Marilyn Reid
In memory of Taylor and
Nicholas Tedesco
Maureen Tedesco
In memory of Robert Thomas
Linda S. & James K. Taggart
In honor of Janet Denlinger
The Endre A. Balazs Foundation
In honor of Maribeth Durst
Francis & Phyllis Mezzanini
In honor of Anthony Gerbino
Loretta R. Cross
In honor of John and Edie Hathron
Adam ‘94 & Nellie V. Hathorn
In honor of Arthur F. Kirk, Jr.
Francis & Phyllis Mezzanini
In honor of Sheila McDevitt
Michele C. Adler
Barry M. Alpert
Ellen W. Anderton
Rachel Arin
Charles A. Attal
Delaine M. Bacon ‘81
Bedro F. Bajo
Phil L. & Cindy R. Barringer
Kathleen A. Betancourt
Charles R. Black
Deirdre A. Brown
Thomas J. & Sandra W. Callahan
William & Patricia W. Cantrell
Clinton E. & Theresa A. Childress
Bruce & Mira Christmas
Timothy C. Conley
Matthew R. Costa
Anthony & Laura Cuva
Stephen G. & Patricia L. Dohack
Dwayne & Gail S. Dreggors
Edwars Angell Palmer & Dodge LLP
James L. Estes
Carlos E. & Danita R. Faxas
Carol J. Ferlita
James L. & Cecelia Ferman
Randolph C. Geraghty
James R. Gillespie
Gordon L. & Paula J. Gillette
Thomas M. & Robin Gonzalez
Richard B. Hadlow
Thomas L. Hernandez
Robert L. & Chris C. Hilton
Sherrill W. & Mary A. Hudson
George D. & Leslie P. Jennings
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. & Beverly Kirk
Katherine W. Kolden
Joseph P. & Suzanne S. Lacher
Rhea F. Law
Mitchell R. Lee
Richard E. Ludwig
Robert & Mary Jane Martinez
Margaret D. Mathews
McClain, Smoak & Chistolini, LLC
David W. McCreadie
Denise A. Millovitch
Karen M. Mincery
Michelle V. Monson
John H. & Susan L. Mueller
Bruce T. Narzissenfeld
Gerald K. & Tracy A. Nichols
Laura Plumb Duda
Paulette Plumeri-Miller
John B. & Naida P. Ramil
Thompson L. & Kay H. Rankin
Margaret A. Rolando
David E. & Lori N. Schwartz
Steven D. & Janet L. Sena
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
John L. & Nancy E. Smith
C. Lawrence & Betsy B. Stagg
J. Thomas Touchton
Marshall O. Tucker
Tucker/Hall, Inc.
James R. & Joan Turner
Waterfront Realty Sales Inc.
Ansley & Elaine R. Watson
Donald J. & Virginia R. Weidner
William T. Whale
Jim & Pat Woodroffe
Gwynne A. Young
Faculty and Staff
Molly-Dodd Adams
Kathleen M. Allen
Lynn K. Altman
Jeffrey M. Anderson
Francis W. Arnold & Susan Awbrey
Thomas P. Arnold
Edward J. & Marcia Austin
Stephen L. Baglione
Balbir S. & Jaspal K. ‘02 Bal
Susan E. Barreto
Frank J. & Kathleen H. Barthel
Howard & Irene Berg
Pamela H. ‘03 & Robert Blair
Linda S. (Nathe) ‘79 & John Blommel
Connie R. Boleman
Siamack Bondari
Katy (Nyquist) ‘05 & Tyson A. Boyd ‘08
Susan J. Boyd
Gary G. & Jane Q. Bracken
Daniel E. Braswell
Richard G. & Jacalyn Bryan
William E. & Karen M. Bryant
Sarah E. Burns ‘79
Brian A. & Kathryn Butterly
James R. & Judith K. Cabbage
Robert J. ‘71, ‘06 & Mary E. (Cannon) ‘71
John A. Cain
Robert L. & Barbara J. Caldwell
Alice S. Callahan
Ada I. Caraballo
In honor of David Ostrander
Francis & Phyllis Mezzanini
In honor of Whitney S. Powers, Jr.
Peter S. & Joanne Powers
38 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
Norman & Laura L. Carey
Steve A. Carroll ‘06
Beth H. & Donald C. Carter
Nancy A. Cerezo
Samuel R. Cibrone
Laurel G. & Wayne L. Cobb
Janet P. Colaizzi
Father Michael Cooper
Francis J. & Anna C. Crociata
Thomas J. ‘67 & Maria E. (Mora) ‘69 Crosby
Edward W. ‘02 & Teresa G. Dadez
James M. ‘03 & Tanya L. (Provo) ‘07 Dadez
Valerie A. Debrava
Donna R. Denney ‘97
Kenneth C. Desenberg ‘85
Ana T. DiDonato ‘00
Robert J. ‘93 & Elizabeth W. Diemer
Tamara S. Disi ‘04
Patrick R. & Kimberly A. Draves
Iain Duffy
Eileen A. Dunbar
Denyve M. Duncan ‘05 ‘08
Maribeth Durst
Karen W. & Glenn K. Duvall
Marcia (Malone) ‘00 & Daniel L. Dwyer
Linda S. & Walter J. Dye
Charles S. Englehardt
Anthony V. Esposito
Ernest J. & Peggy Everett
Chuck Fisk
William T. ‘95 & Elsie Foley
Susan B. & Joseph L. Foster
Victoria L. Fredrickson ‘99
Penny L. Freeman ‘07
Lori A. & Michael A. Galbreath
Mary Anne Gallagher
2007-2008 Philanthropic Report
Jennifer M. Garcia
Lindell L. & Joe H. Garrett
Susan A. Garrett
Wendy R. Geer ‘05
Audrey A. Gendreau
Dina Maria Giuffre
Dorothy D. Glass
Barry W. Glover ‘79
Gwendolyn A. & William Godfrey
Kenneth A. Gonzalez ‘01
Jane M. & Leo J. Govoni
Frances S. Grant ‘00
Claudia G. (Waldrep) Green ‘74
Shannon Greer ‘04
Kevan Griggs
Robert L. ‘00 & Nancy R. Haberman
Karen Hahn ‘02
Charles D. Hale
Aletha D. Harrelson
Karen J. ‘94 & Randall Hatfield
Philip O. Hatlem
Jerome F. Helton
Elizabeth C. Henry
Stephen J. Hess
Reggie D. Hill ‘06
Donna M. & William R. Hoar
Jack R. & Christine G. Hofer
Matthew P. Hollern
Julius Hornstein
Edwin C. Hostetter
Agnes I. Hutto ‘97
Rebecca L. Jackson
Joyce A. Jeffers
Deana L. King
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr. & Beverly Kirk
Father Anthony B. Kissel
Edward J. Kotchi
Joseph A. Little
Janis M. Lockhart
Rachel O. Longstaff
Joanne N. MacEachran
Roderick P. Macgillivray
Michael E. & Georgianna Madagan
Marcia Malia
Marilyn & Henry E. Mallue
Glenn W. Malone ‘98
Peter M. ‘03 & Maree Marian
Roy Marks
Mayes D. Mathews
Rande W. Matteson
Robert S. Maule
Donald J. ‘83 & Kazuko McDowell
Marguerite C. McInnis
Melinda J. McKendree ‘04
Angela M. McKoy ‘93
Jacquelyn N. McQuillan ‘08
Doris M. Mcrae
Jack McTague
Francis & Phyllis Mezzanini
Carol Ann Moon
Michael O. & Elaine E. Moorman
Gloria ‘96 & John H. Mouw
Michael & Nora Nastanski
Joseph S. Neptune
Mary Ann Neuhofer
Jack Nussen
James G. O’Connor ‘04
William L. ‘91 & Janice D. Oden
Christopher C. Oleson ‘04
Leo E. Ondrovic
David F. Ososkie
David L. Ostrander
Margaret Z. Ostrenko
Ioannis Pantzalis
Dawn M. & G. Jack Parisi
Patricia A. Parrish
Susan & Ned Paulson
Deborah M. & Richard O. Pendarvis
David W. & Mary E. Persky
De Etta L. Peter ‘04
Donald B. Pharr
Wanda Piner
Kenneth J. & Catherine P. Posner
Patricia A. Prather
Melody S. Purvis
Raymond L. Quillan
Frederick B. ‘96 & Edith A. Ramlow
Paige Ramsey-Hamacher ‘04
Ayvonne V. Reese
Francis X. ‘02 & Debbie Reidy
Joanne B. Roberts
Candace A. & W.L. Roberts
Magda Robles ‘07
Paula A. Rodriguez
Michael B. & Carol Rogich
Joan M. ‘91 & Thomas B. Rothrauff
Luke J. ‘06 & Jamie Runka
Cyle E. Sage
Demetrice A. Sanders
Dolores A. ‘84 & Bruce P. Schoch
Shelia O. Schofield
Jennifer A. Sessa ‘05
Paul E. ‘93 & Debra K. Sevigny
Jahmelle Sherman
Brent Short
Susan K. Shoulet
Martin D. Smith ‘03 & Benet C. Bondi
Rebecca E. ‘05 & Jerry Smith
Saint Leo University l Annual Report
Mary T. Spoto
Jimmy & Mahalia Surin
John H. & Donna K. Swart
Leonard Territo
Mary Ann & Michael Thornton
Colleen F. & Robert J. Tiesler
Jennifer L. Timms
Michael J. Tkacik
Sam ‘95 & Annette H. ‘91 Tollett
Virginia A. Trissell ‘00
Hao T. Truong ‘96
Catharine J. ‘03 & Dave Tully
Rose (Walker) ‘91 & Raphael Ugrin
Tyler Upshaw
Robin F. VanTine
Astrid M. Vicas
Wendy A. Villa ‘07
Monika Vo
Christi Wade
Esther R. Walker
Carol G. Walker
Steven Weaver
William A. Wheeler
Jacquelyn A. & Scott B. White
Ernie Williams
Jerome K. Williams
Rhondra Willis
Barbara Wilson
James R. Wingate
Angela M. Woodham ‘06
Nisa D. & Gary Woodham
Laura E. Woods ‘08
Valerie S. Wright
Peter R. & Karen S. Wubbenhorst
Kimberlee K. Yaeger
Thomas W. & Linda Zimmerer
THANK YOU! Saint Leo University thanks
its many donors listed here who have made
contributions between July 1, 2007 and June
30, 2008. If we have inadvertently misspelled
your name or if your name has been omitted,
please accept our apologies and call the Public
Relations Office at (352) 588-8572 so the
correction can be made to our records.
University Profile: Facts and Figures
Locations and Enrollment
The University offers courses at University
Campus, 17 education centers, and through the
Center for Online Learning. Students come from
all 50 states and 56 countries. Saint Leo ranks
as one of the nation’s ten leading providers of
higher education to the military and is a nationally
recognized leader in online education.
Total Enrollment (Fall 2008)
University College
San Diego Office MCAS Miramar
Naval Base Coronado
Naval Station San Diego
USCG Alameda Office
Gainesville Center
Starke Office
Key West Center
Lake City Center
Trenton Office
MacDill AFB Center
Avon Park Office
South Shore Office
St. Petersburg Office
NE Florida Center
NS Mayport Office
Orange Park Office
Palatka Office
St. Augustine Office
Ocala Center
Lake Sumter Office
Tallahassee Center
Madison Office
Eglin Office
Atlanta-Fort McPherson Center
Atlanta Police Academy Office
NAS Atlanta Office
Gwinnett Office
Savannah Center
South Carolina
Shaw Center
Charleston Office
Sumter Office at St. Francis/Xavier H.S.
Naval Station Ingleside Center
NAS Corpus Christi Office
Fort Eustis Center
Fort Lee Center
Langley AFB Center
South Hampton Roads Center
Chesapeake Office
Naval Air Station Oceana Office
Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek Office
Naval Station Norfolk Office
Weekend and Evening Program
University Campus
Brooksville Office
New Port Richey Office
Center for Online Learning
San Antonio, Florida
Graduate Programs
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Faculty and Staff
Total Faculty
Total Staff
Full-Time Faculty
Terminal Degrees
(full-time faculty)
Adjunct Faculty
(currently active)
Full-Time Staff
Part-Time Staff
• Center for Online Learning
Corporate (non-military)
Active Military
• Graduate Programs (per credit)
MBA Online (corporate)
MBA Online (military)
Schools and Majors
Students enrolled at Saint Leo University may
choose from 41 academic programs including
undergraduate and graduate degrees, and
pre-professional and accelerated-learning programs.
Student-Teacher Ratio (University Campus) 15:1
More than 260 athletes participate in the NCAA
Division II at the university. Saint Leo is a member of the Sunshine State Conference, the Deep
South Conference (lacrosse), and the Bluegrass
Mountain Conference (swimming).
School of Arts and Sciences
• Biology
• English
• Mathematics
• Environmental Science
• History
• International Studies
• Medical Technology
• Political Science
• Psychology
• Religion
• Sociology
Men’s Sports––basketball, cross country, golf,
tennis, soccer, baseball, swimming, and lacrosse.
Women’s Sports––basketball, cross country, golf,
tennis, softball, soccer, volleyball, and swimming.
Saint Leo University alumni number more than
58,000 and live in all 50 states, four territories,
and 58 countries.
School of Business
• Accounting
• Business Administration
• Communication Management
• Computer Information Systems
• Entrepreneurship and Family Business
• Health Care Management
University College (per year)
School of Continuing Education (per credit)
• Civilian Centers
• Military Centers
40 Saint Leo University
Annual Report
• Human Resources Administration
• International Hospitality and Tourism Management
• Management (offered only at University Campus)
• Marketing (offered only at University Campus)
• Sport Business
School of Education and Social Services
• Criminal Justice
• Elementary Education (K–6)
• Human Services Administration
• Middle Grades Education (5–9)
• Social Work
Degree Programs
• Associate of Arts
• Bachelor of Arts
• Bachelor of Applied Science
• Bachelor of Science
• Bachelor of Social Work
• Master of Arts in Teaching
• Master of Business Administration
• Master of Education
• Master of Science in Criminal Justice
• Master of Science in Instructional Design
• Master of Arts in Theology
• Education Specialist (Ed.S.)
Saint Leo University is accredited by the Commission
on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033).
2007-2008 University Leadership
Board of Trustees
Dennis M. Mullen SLC ’76, chair
Anthony J. Gerbino SLC ’74, vice chair
Sr. Mary Clare Neuhofer, O.S.B., HNA ’56, secretary
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., Ed.D., president, ex officio
Frank Mezzanini, treasurer
Matthew Battista SLU ’08
John A. Bermingham SLC ’67
Sister Germaine Bevans, O.S.B.
Cynthia Brannen SLC ’92
Shelley G. Broader
Derrick Brooks ’06 *
Robert A. Buckner SLC ’83
Victor H. Burke SLC ’75
Robert Cabot SLC ’71, SLU ’06
Richard Catalano SLC ’75
Douglas B. Cohn
Stephen DeLuca SLC ’83
Janet L. Denlinger
Glen E. Greenfelder SLCP’61, SLC ’63
Dwaine Gullett
Dennis J. Hayes SLC ’74
Dr. David A. Hernandez SLC ’74
James R. Lumbra, Sr. SLC ’76
James R. Maiolo, Sr.
Father William McConville, O.F.M.
Sheila M. McDevitt HNA ’60
Marvin E. Mulligan SLCP ’54
Mary O’Keefe SLC ’74
Sherry Plymale SLC ’86
Peter S. Powers
Thomas A. Schrader
Mary Theresa Spoto, Ph.D.
Linda S. Taggart
Donald R. Tapia SLU ’05, ’07
Pat Thompson SLC ’87
Father Robert F. Velten, O.S.B.
John E. View SLC ’72
Trustees Emeriti
Thomas Dempsey ’08*
Anthony M. Franco
Charles F. Henderson
Very Reverend James Hoge, O.S.B.
Most Reverend Robert N. Lynch, D.D.
Mark T. Mahaffey
John Reynolds
Alumni Association Board of Directors (2006-2007)
Thamir A. R. Kaddouri, Jr. SLC ’94, president
R. Burke Voorneveld, Ph.D., SLC ’72 vice president
Elizabeth Dempsey Moore SLC ’74, secretary
Allison Seaburn Newlon SLC ’92, treasurer
Richard Barrella SLC ’78
Joseph J. Booth SLC ’67
Christopher C. Borg SLU ’02
Michael Chiappetta SLC ’79
Gary D. Cooper SLCP ’54
Karen D’Ostilio SLC ’87
Charles F. Eason, Jr. SLC ’72
Gary Franco SLC ’74
William J. Griffin SLC ’71
Robert J. Grubbs SLC ’68
Dolores Incremona SLC ’80
Julie Toby Jenkins SLC ’84
Al Marsico SLC ’70
Michael P. McNulty SLC ’85
Tonya Moore SLC ’96
Nick Muley SLC ’90
Horace H. Peek SLCP ’54
Ryan F. Preller SLU ’00
Tracy T. Swearingen, Sr. SLC ’97
Karen Varga-Sinka SLU ’00
John E. View SLC ’72
Owen Wilson SLC ’75
Arthur F. Kirk, Jr., Ed.D., president
Maribeth Durst, Ph.D., vice president for Academic Affairs
Frank Mezzanini, C.P.A., vice president and chief financial officer
Edward Dadez, Ph.D., vice president for Continuing Education and
Student Services
Gary Bracken, M.A., vice president for Enrollment
David Ostrander, M.A., vice president for University Advancement
David Persky, J.D., assistant to the President
*honorary degree recipient
SLCP = Saint Leo College Preparatory School
HNA = Holy Name Academy
SLC = Saint Leo College
SLU = Saint Leo University
Photography by Frank Mezzanini, Mike Carlson, Galen T. Garrison, Susan
Shoulet, Karolina Johansson, Jo-Ann Johnston, and Jenny Timms. Saint Leo
University wants to thank Rinaldi Printing, Tampa, FL., for its contribution to
the 2007-2008 University Report.
University Advancement, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574