Las Mañanitas Celebrating our Catholic Faith through Worship
Las Mañanitas Celebrating our Catholic Faith through Worship
Saint Lawrence the Martyr Catholic Parish and Education Center 1971 St. Lawrence Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95051 Tel. 1-408-296-3000 Fax 1-408-296-3100 DECEMBER 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent Celebrating our Catholic Faith through Worship, Education, and Service Advent Communal Reconciliation Service Monday, December 10, 2012 7:00 PM in the Church This is a great opportunity to spiritually prepare ourselves as we commemorate and celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Las Mañanitas a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Las Mañanitas Come and celebrate with us “The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe”, Patroness of the Americas, with Mariachi music Where: Date: Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 5:00 AM For more information, call: 408-410-9124 Venga a celebrar con nosotros La “Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe”, Patrona de las Americas, acompañados con música de Mariachi Dónde: En la Parroquia San Lorenzo el Mártir Cuándo: Miércoles, 12 de diciembre, 2012, 5:00 de la mañana Para más información, llame al teléfono 408-410-9124 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 2 2012 Christmas Mass Schedule December 24; Monday (Christmas Eve) December 25, Tuesday (Christmas Day) 4:00 PM – English [Children’s Mass] 6:00 PM – English 8:00 PM – Spanish 12 Midnight - English 9:00 AM - English 11:00 AM - English Eucharistic Adoration You are invited to come, visit, and spend some time with our Lord Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament! Eucharistic Adoration is every Thursday from 9:00 AM to 8:45 PM and ends with a Solemn Benediction. All visitors are most welcomed even if staying for a short time. New committed adorers are always needed for the different hours throughout the Adoration day. If you would like to commit to a specific hour every week and/or help on the Adoration Team, please register your name and phone number either through the Parish Office or by calling Leila Tabet at 1-408-836-1211. g{tÇ~ çÉâ äxÜç Åâv{A SIMBANG GABI 2012 On December 15, the church bells will be ringing at 5:00 P.M. at our parish, Saint Lawrence the Martyr Parish, to mark the beginning of the nine-day novena Masses for Simbang Gabi or “night worship.” An annual tradition that reflects the deep roots of the religious culture of the Philippines, the “Simbang Gabi” is a time to hope, a time to pray, and a time to eagerly wait for the coming of our Messiah. The Filipino Association warmly invites everyone in our parish and school community to participate in their annual tradition of nine-day novena Masses, a celebration of family and community. A time for fun fellowship happens at the Community Center after the nightly masses. Come and join the rest of our parish community! Sponsor a novena Mass on any of the Simbang Gabi dates. Sign-up sheets will be available at the church entrance doors on December 1-2 and 8-9 for those who would like to sponsor a Mass. For more details, please contact Mrs. Norma Antonio at (408) 554-0206, or Mrs. Marilyn Pestano at (408) 734-8806. SIMBANG GABI SCHEDULE Saturday December 15 and 22 5:00 P.M. Sunday December 16 and 23 6:00 P.M. Monday - Friday December 17 - 21 7:00 P.M. December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 3 We Are the Hands of God At Our City Forest and Full Circle Farms, God’s hands were at work moving mulch piles, digging ditches, transplan ng We o en hear that we “are the hands plants, and more. It was hard, of God” here on Earth. We often hear that we physical labor; it was a concept that I wholeheartedly agree with that “are the hands of God” many of us do not experience on a statement. I had the pleasure of seeing daily, let alone weekly or monthly God’s hands in ac on on a recent here on Earth. basis. At mes, we can stereotype Saturday as nine Academy students teenagers as being lazy; however, on par cipated in a service plunge. this service plunge, I was impressed by the amount of heavy labor and work our students Nine students and two chaperones spent 24 hours were able to accomplish. The students were together with the ul mate goal of par cipa ng in definitely “the hands of God” at these sites. God’s service experiences that would enrich the lives of hands came home with a few slivers and some others but of the group itself. The group focused blisters. its me on three service experiences: Dear Parishioners, Families, and Friends, 1) making dinner for approximately 100 members of the Saint Lawrence community 2) working at Our City Forest 3) working at Full Circle Farms All three experiences were enriching and the concept was evident at each stop. The service plunge students prepared a soup kitchen experience for the Saint Lawrence Academy community members who were par cipa ng in Cardboard Box City. Basic sandwiches, chips, fruit and juice were prepared and handed out to the Cardboard Box City par cipants who were simula ng what it is like to be homeless. As we move into the Christmas holiday season, we can see “the hands of God” at work in many places – soup kitchens, parish sites, Catholic Chari es, charitable organiza ons, and more. There are many opportuni es for those of us who work and live in the Silicon Valley to be the hands of God. Look around, find a cause, and make a difference. God Bless, Chris e H. Filios Principal Saint Lawrence Academy WAITING “The question is: Is the humanity of our time still waiting for a Savior? One has the feeling that many consider God as foreign to their own interests. Apparently, they do not need him. They live as though he did not exist and, worse still, as though he were an “obstacle” to remove in order to fulfill themselves. Even among believers—we are sure of it—some let themselves be attracted by enticing dreams and distracted by misleading doctrines that suggest deceptive shortcuts to happiness. Yet, despite its contradictions, worries and tragedies, and perhaps precisely because of them, humanity today seeks a path of renewal, of salvation, it seeks a Savior and awaits, sometimes unconsciously, the coming of the Savior who renews the world and our life, the coming of Christ, the one true Redeemer of man and of the whole of man.” Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience December 20, 2006 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 4 Thanksgiving Immaculate Conception Christmas $ $ $ 11.00 31.00 191.00 5:00 PM $ 1,936.07 Year-To-Date Stewardship July 1, 2012 - December 3, 2012 12/01/2012-Saturday 12/02/2012- Sunday 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 1:30 PM 6:00 PM Auto Debit & Mail In Total Stewardship Offering Goal - Stewardship Variance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,899.00 1,396.40 1,518.14 754.00 1,605.55 8,140.04 17,482.20 19,100.00 (1,617.80) $250,207 Actual YTD Variance ($12,593) $262,800 Goal $- $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 g{tÇ~ çÉâ äxÜç Åâv{ yÉÜ tààxÇw|Çz à{x V{Ü|áàÅtá VÉÇvxÜà Ätáà WxvxÅuxÜ D? ECDEA Your generous donation of $1,237.76 is greatly appreciated. Prayer Requests Parishioners Mauro Alvarado May Armann Jennie Brandon Suzanne Cisneros Pete Espinosa, Jr. Sal Garcia Carlos Ilano Hubert Jansen Ann Lizo e Ann Kirby Pat Naki Barbara Orason Ernie Or z Maria Victoria Pon llas Carmen Sallas Manuel Saragoza Arlene Thompson Sherrie Friends & Family Rob Abreu Lazaro Arreola Kerri Berry Pauline Besler Victor Besler Amalia Cacho Gerry Castro Chris Dennis PFC Adrian Diaz, Jr. Candice Gagosie Kathy Garcia Bonnie Gedling Hilda Gonzales Clell Grimes Allen Grimes Melodie Jenkins Primo Jumawan Thuy Le Mita Macasaet Sammy Macasaet Makena Naki Jordon Pinkston, USMC Randy Richmond Dale W. Rolph, Jr. Mark Rolph Natalie Sparrer Cyril Tan Sandy Thompson Office for the Office of Financial Protec on of Children Services and If you suspect financial Vulnerable Adults mismanagement or misconduct in your Diocese of San Jose parish, school, Enrique Flores or in the Phone: 1-408-983-0113 Diocese of San Jose, Fax: 1-408-983-0147 Emergency line: please contact: 1-408-983-0141 EthicsPoint E-mail: protec [email protected] or hotline 888-325-7863 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 5 December 13th: Feast of Saint Lucy Lucy's name means "light", with the same root as "lucid" which means "clear, radiant, and understandable. The legend of Lucy that is passed down to us tells the story of a young Christian woman who had vowed her life to the service of Christ. Her mother tried to arrange a marriage for her with a pagan. Lucy apparently knew that her mother would not be convinced by a young girl's vow so she devised a plan to convince her mother that she had committed herself to Christ. Through prayers at the tomb of Saint Agatha, her mother's long illness was cured miraculously. The grateful mother was now ready to listen to Lucy's desire to commit her life to God. Unfortunately, the rejected bridegroom did not see the same light. He betrayed Lucy’s Christian faith to the governor and she was killed, most likely suffering incredible torture. Lucy's name is also connected to statues of Lucy holding a dish with two eyes on it. This refers to another legend in which Lucy's eyes were put out by Diocletian as part of his torture. The legend concludes with Saint Lucy holding a God restoring Lucy's eyes. Lucy's name also played a large part in naming Lucy as a patron saint dish with two eye on it. of the blind and those with eye-trouble. Source: MASS TIMES S 8:00 AM 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy 12:00 Noon 1:30 PM Mass in Spanish 6:00 PM Youth Mass S 8:30 AM 5:00 PM (Sunday Vigil) M -F 8:30 AM Daily R Saturday 3:30 PM - 4:30 pm or by appointment D Rosary - Monday to Saturday A er the 8:30 AM Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Tuesday before the 8:30 AM E T A 9:00 AM - 8:45 PM Solemn Benedic on 8:45 PM C 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM M A S S I N T E N T I O N S AND R E A D I N G S December 9, 2012 2nd Sunday of Advent Baruch 5:1-9/ Psalm 126:1-2,2-3,4-5,6 (3)/ Philippians 1:4-6,8-11/ Luke 3:1-6 8:00 AM Corazon Yamzon + David John Garcia 10:00 AM + Van Anh + Truoc Nguyen 12:00 PM People of Saint Lawrence + Remedios Cata-ag 1:30 PM + Pedro Lozada 6:00 PM + Mandy Cancino + Lolly Barrientos December 10, 2012 Monday Isaiah 35:1-10/ Psalm 85:9ab and 10,11-12,13-14/ Luke 5:17-26 8:30 AM + Roy Masuda December 11, 2012 Tuesday Saint Damasus I Isaiah 40:1-11/ Psalm 96:1-2,3 and 10ac,11-12,13/ Matthew 18:12-14 8:30 AM + Jorge Gonsalves December 12, 2012 Wednesday Our Lady of Guadalupe Zechariah 2:14-17 or Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a,10ab/Judith 13:18bcde,19 /Luke 1:26-38 or 1:39-47 Spanish 5:00 AM Priest's Intention 8:30 AM + Jeanette Lawrence December 13, 2012 Thursday Saint Lucy Isaiah 41:13-20/ Psalm 145:1 and 9,10-11,12-13ab/ Matthew 11:11-15 8:30 AM + Rosita Bernardo December 14, 2012 Friday Saint John of The Cross Isaiah 48:17-19/ Psalm 1:1-2,3,4 and 6/ Matthew 11:16-19 8:30 AM + Alberto Melo December 15, 2012 Saturday Sirach 48:1-4,9-11/ Psalm 80:2ac and 3b,15-16,18-19/ Matthew 17:9a,10-13 8:30 AM + Jorge Gonsalves 5:00 PM Simbang Gabi December 16, 2012 3rd Sunday of Advent Zephaniah 3:14-18a/ Isaiah 12:2-3,4,5-6 / Philippians 4:4-7/ Luke 3:10-18 8:00 AM + David John Garcia + Jess Avila 10:00 AM + Dioscora Cata-ag + Ric &Thelma Taparan 12:00 PM + Timoteo Ustaris & The Ustaris Family 1:30 PM People of Saint Lawrence + Ramon Barajas 6:00 PM Simbang Gabi December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 6 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 7 The Advent Wreath Article below has been run previously The origins of the Advent wreath originated in the folk practices of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples who, during the cold December darkness of Eastern Europe, gathered wreaths of evergreen and lighted fires as signs of hope in a coming spring and renewed light. By the 16th century Catholics and Protestants throughout Germany used these symbols to celebrate their Advent hope in Christ, the everlasting Light. From Germany the use of the Advent wreath spread to other parts of the Christian world. Traditionally, the wreath is made of four candles in a circle of evergreens. Three candles are violet and one is rose. As our nights grow longer and our days grow short, we look on these earthly signs-- green branches and light -- and remember God's promise to our world: Christ, our Light and our Hope, will come. Listen to the words of Isaiah the prophet: by Lind a D a ily The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; on those who lived in a land as dark as death a light has dawned. You have increased their joy and given them gladness; They rejoice in your presence as those who rejoice at harvest, as warriors exult when dividing spoil. Is. 9:1-2 Here at Saint Lawrence, we have a very beautiful Advent wreath which is suspended from the center of our worship space. We cover this beautiful wrought iron wreath with beautiful fresh greenery and beautiful candles covered in hurricane lamps. On the first Sunday of Advent we always start our Liturgies with a special prayer and blessing of the wreath and the lighting of the first candle. This wreath is here to remind us of the coming of Christ. During this time we prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord. 2012 Saint Lawrence Parish Christmas Pageant! You are invited to participate in the 2012 Saint Lawrence Children’s Christmas Pageant! We are looking for students from Pre-K to 5th Grade to act out the Gospel of the Birth of Jesus at the Children’s Christmas Eve Mass. If you would like to be an angel, shepherd, Wise man, Inn Keeper, Mary, or Joseph, contact Eleanor at (408) 296-0208 or e-mail [email protected]. All participants must attend the rehearsal on Saturday, December 15th from 9:30 AM-11:15 AM at Church. Costumes will be provided. The Gospel adaptation will be acted out at the Children’s Christmas Eve Mass on Monday, December 24th at 4:00 PM. TÄÄ tÜx |Çä|àxw4 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 8 Social Justice: Forgiveness and Reconciliation One of the key components of the upcoming Communal Reconciliation Service (Monday, December 10th at 7pm in the church) is forgiveness and there is a gospel song titled “An Evening Prayer” that focuses on this component. I heard a shortened version sung by Elvis Presley (first and last verse) and found it both beautiful and most appropriate in preparing for Reconciliation. It can be found on by: Jim Balquist If I have wounded any soul today If I have caused one's foot to go astray If I have walked in my own willful way Dear Lord, forgive! If I have uttered idle words or vain, If I have turned aside from want or pain, Lest I myself shall suffer through the strain, Dear Lord, forgive! Words by C. Maude Battersby and arrangement by Charles H. Gabriel circa. 1911. If I have been perverse or hard, or cold, If I have longed for shelter in Thy fold, When Thou hast given me some fort to hold, Dear Lord, forgive! Forgive the sins I have confessed to thee Forgive my secret sins I do not see Oh guide, watch over and my keeper be Dear Lord, Lord, Amen. Enjoy! Rev. Thuc Si Ho Pastor [email protected] Rev. Pedro Perez Sencion Parochial Vicar [email protected] PARISH OFFICE 1-408‐296‐3000 Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - Noon [email protected] Therie Velasco-Gonzales Office Manager [email protected] Vickie Wallace Office Assistant [email protected] Noel Fisico Music Coordinator 1-408-869-8254 [email protected] Questions or comments?: [email protected] ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL (Pre-K—8th Grade) 1-408‐296‐2260 Philip Dolan ‐ Principal [email protected] CHILDREN’S CENTER 1-408‐296‐8077 Teen Center 1-408‐296-8077 Extended Day Care 1-408‐296‐8077 Sue Herbelin ‐ Director ACADEMY 1-408‐296‐3013 Christie Filios ‐ Principal [email protected] EDUCATION CENTER ADVANCEMENT OFFICE 1-408‐841-4282 Janet Yamada ‐ Director [email protected] CATECHETICAL OFFICE SUNDAY SCHOOL OF RELIGION 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz Catechetical Director [email protected] MIDDLE SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-296-0208 M. Eleanor de Paz [email protected] HIGH SCHOOL CONFIRMATION 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator highschoolconfirmation HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 1-408-893-9353 Elizabeth Sanville - Coordinator [email protected] YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Joseph AuBuchon - Coordinator [email protected] December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 9 Please call the Parish Office at 408-296-3000 for the following: Comunión a los Enfermos La Comunión se puede llevar a los miembros de nuestra comunidad que están enfermos o no pueden salir de la casa o del hospital por edad o enfermedad. Baptism of Infants At least two months in advance before the desired date of Baptism. Marriage At least six months prior to the desired date of the Wedding Ceremony. Presentación Lleguen a la misa del tercer domingo con los niños que quieren tengan su presentación. La ceremonia se llevará a cabo antes de Anointing of the Sick terminar la Misa del tercer domingo por medio de una bendición A priest should be called to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing especial. when someone becomes seriously ill, is weakened by years, or is preparing for surgery. Communion is brought to all members of Confirmación (Preparación en Ingles) Adolescentes en el 9º grado de escuela o más avanzados que our community who are ill or homebound. desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor de Bautismos para bebes y niños menores de 7 años llamar al tel. 408-893-9353 o enviar un e-mail a Elizabeth Sanville Llamar por lo menos con dos meses de anticipacióna de la fecha [email protected] para el Bautizo. Para adultos católicos (mayores de 18 años) que desean recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación, por favor llamar al tel. 408-340Matrimonio 0846 o enviar un e-mail a Therie Velasco Llamar por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación de la fecha [email protected] que desean para la boda. Quinceañera Misa para quinceañera debe ser programada por lo menos con Unción de los Enfermos Un sacerdote debe ser llamado a celebrar el Sacramento de la cuatro meses de anticipación. Por favor llame a la oficina o envié Unción cuando alguien llega a ser gravemente enfermo, es un e-mail [email protected] debilitado por años, o está preparándose para una cirugía. Ministry Intenciones para una Misa Si desea ofrecer una Misa por alguien en especial, por favor venir a la oficina, en horas avilés. Coordinator E-Mail Address Phone Number Altar Servers Rick Duenas [email protected] 408-453-8080 Altar Servers Anna Chitwood [email protected] 408-241-0836 Art and Environment Margaret Haselden [email protected] 408-296-3000 Children's Liturgy of the Word Anna Chitwood [email protected] 408-241-0836 [email protected] 408-472-7864 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Mike Piccardo Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Jennie De La Cerda [email protected] 408-296-3000 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Stan Spence [email protected] 408-245-1485 Hospitality Ministers and Ushers Jackson Chun [email protected] 408-745-7328 Lectors Deborah Ferry [email protected] 408-296-3000 Mass in Spanish Manuel Hernandez [email protected] 408-410-9124 Ministry to the Sick and the Homebound Jessie Garibaldi [email protected] 408-243-1975 Music Ministry Noel Fisico [email protected] 408-869-8254 Parish Finance Council Mark Tarcha [email protected] 408-668-5650 Parish Pastoral Council Bart Ladd 408-202-2417 Sacristans Vickie Wallace [email protected] [email protected] Social Concerns Terry Jelley 408-733-4742 St. Vincent de Paul Society Josie Hernandez [email protected] [email protected] 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Michelle Varnau [email protected] 408-296-3000 Stewardship Offering Counters Nicole Chun [email protected] 408-296-3000 408-984-1142 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 10 SLEMS Each year the SLEMS staff entertains its students with an enchan ng evening in the elementary quad that begins in the library celebra ng a children’s book. This year, instead of one par cular book, they are presen ng an evening of fun with fairy tales. Students have been learning about the origins and elements of fairy tales in library classes, and have heard some stories that are new to some, such as The Frog Prince, Rumples ltskin and The Princess and the Pea. They have even discovered fractured fairy tales, such as Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs and Schmoe White and the Seven Dorfs. Favorite fairy tale characters will put on plays and do fun ac vi es with their young guests. Children can come to the evening in fairy tale or storybook costumes, pajamas or regular clothes. We welcome children who are not Saint Lawrence students, but, since children go to the ac vi es without parents, they should be comfortable being independent. SENIOR CITIZENS / FRIENDSHIP CLUB Potluck Luncheon December 13, 2012 Thursday 12:15 PM Parish Hall A Special Presentation by the Academy R.S.V.P. if you can join us... Please call Mary Ann Miller at 408-887-3675 December 9, 2012 - Second Sunday of Advent - Page 11 The Academy Interested in Attending The Academy? It is not too late to apply to the Academy for the 2013 – 2014 school year. Applica ons are due on January 25 for prospec ve ninth graders. If you are interested in entering as a transfer student, applica ons are accepted on a rolling basis. To access an applica on, you can go to our website and go to the Admissions sec on of the site or you can pick up one in the Academy Main Office. For ques ons regarding admissions, contact Mary Dixon, Admissions Director, at 408296-3013 ext. 338. BASKETBALL SEASON HAS KICKED OFF FOR THE CELTICS The boys’ and girls’ basketball seasons have kicked off. The Academy basketball schedules can be accessed from our website at – go to the Athletics section for a complete schedule. FINAL EXAMS AND CHRISTMAS BREAK LOOMING FOR ACADEMY STUDENTS AND FACULTY Final exams are rapidly approaching for our Academy students. Please keep your thoughts and prayers on our students as they complete final exams on December 17 – 19. Students will be heading to Christmas break following those exams. The Academy will be open until noon on December 20 and then will not reopen until January 4. The Academy building will be closed throughout the holiday break. Thank You to All Who A ended the Schools’ Christmas Concert Thank you to all who attended the Saint Lawrence Schools Christmas Concert on December 3. The concert, a joint project between the Academy and the Elementary and Middle Schools, was a great way to get into the holiday spirit. Thank you to our wonderful choirs and to our musical directors Mary Carroll and Meredith Somavia.