December 2011 InSight - Slavic Gospel Association
December 2011 InSight - Slavic Gospel Association
In S L A V I C December 2011 S E R V I N G G O S P E L C H U R C H E S – A S S O C I A T I O N R E A C H I N G R U S S I A Even with the threat of prison, faithful missionary pastors continue to proclaim the Gospel and serve the Lord in all they do. God’s Sovereignty Over “Times and Epochs” By Dr. Robert W. Provost SGA President effects of these developments will need to be closely watched during 2012. It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding (Daniel 2:21). Some of the news is very disturbing, such as the recent report of a Baptist pastor in Uzbekistan having his church raided, with thousands of Christian books and printing equipment being confiscated. This dear man of God now faces the potential of two years in prison for daring to engage in Christian ministry in the face of official disapproval. In other Muslim-dominated republics of Central Asia, believers face many similar challenges. Even in some regions of Russia, local churches face varying degrees of harassment either from local governments or from traditional religious groups opposed to evangelical ministry. It is abundantly clear and heartbreaking that dark, Soviet-style times are steadily returning. Each month in SGA’s InSight newsletter, we publish news articles about developments that can be harmful to our ministries and the faithful Bible-preaching churches we serve across the lands of Russia. In addition, many of our partners have requested to receive emailed “Prayer Alerts” from me advising them of such situations that need urgent intercessory prayer. As we conclude 2011, several newsworthy developments are taking place, and the Continued on page 2 SGA InSight 1 While sharing our concern with these developments, our brothers and sisters there remain undaunted. Instead, they are proving once again to be great examples of faith under fire, just as they were during seven decades of atheistic communism and severe persecution — at times, even leading unto death. They have no intention of forsaking their call from God to proclaim the Gospel to their people, realizing that they must . . . obey God rather than men (Acts 5:29). And yet, they do it with such a humble spirit. When a Russian believer ends up in jail or prison, he follows the example of the Apostle Paul and Silas, and witnesses to his fellow prisoners. Many have even begun church groups behind prison walls. More than that, they remember the Lord’s commands to . . . love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44), and to make . . . entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings . . . on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:1, 2). We have much to learn about godly, righteous conduct from our brethren in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). They are not incapacitated by fear, but trust in Him who is sovereign over times and epochs. They trust in Him who removes kings and establishes kings, and sometimes does so with amazing displays of His complete control. In one former Soviet republic in Central Asia, the president had himself written a ‘holy book’ and ruled the nation with an iron fist. He wouldn’t allow the faithful believers to meet and relentlessly persecuted them. Yet the Lord had the last word, and this leader died unexpectedly in his sleep. Indeed, man does not know his own time (Ecclesiastes 9:12). 2 SGA InSight May we never forget the awesome miracle that took place when the Lord brought the Iron Curtain crashing down! Without warning, He brought an end to the Soviet communist system that had oppressed and killed so many faithful, dedicated Christian brothers and sisters. The world’s media gave credit to human political figures, but we know who is the One in ultimate charge of His creation. What about the future? What if the global economy collapses? What if large-scale persecution resumes across the entire CIS, including Ukraine that has enjoyed religious freedom for 20 years? Our Lord’s answer is this . . . It is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority (Acts 1:7). Indeed, we need not be concerned. We can rest at peace in His sovereignty. In the meantime, He has commanded us to . . . Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:19). And this we will do until He comes again to receive His people to Himself. No matter what political or economic conditions may develop in the new year and beyond, our brothers and sisters in the lands of Russia are determined to obey the Lord and boldly witness to advance His Kingdom. At SGA, our determination is to continue serving, helping, and equipping them for their great task — just as it has been since our founding in 1934. And it is your partnership that is God’s provision to make it all possible. We praise God for all your prayers that serve to empower our ministries and for all your support that makes possible all that we do. In these challenging days, please keep partnering with us in the Lord’s great harvest gathering. In many ways, we need your faithful partnership in the Gospel more today than ever before. And the time appears to be so short! The entrance to the Soviet Union . . . an oppressive gate that the Lord graciously tore to the ground. News and Analysis Kazakhstan Pastor Faces Charges Over Prayer of Central Asia. It is especially disturbing to see it happen in Kazakhstan, where until recently, evangelical churches were largely free to conduct their ministries. It remains to be seen whether this is an isolated incident in one region, or is something that heralds a nationwide increase of pressure against evangelical churches and ministries. Please lift this matter in prayer, asking for the Lord’s protection of our brothers and sisters in Kazakhstan, and throughout the CIS. A Protestant pastor in the Kazakh city of Taraz could face up to two years in prison following charges filed against him by the country’s secret police. Members of the New Life Protestant Church told Forum 18 News Service that the charges were filed after Pastor Yerzhan Ushanov had “prayed for the sick.” The official charges are “harming an individual’s health,” with the police claiming that a visitor to the church suffered after Pastor Ushanov prayed for him using hypnosis. This is the second time the secret police have brought such charges against a Protestant pastor in the Jambyl region. Extremism and Terrorism Police then raided the church’s Sunday worship after an alleged complaint of food poisoning, and the secret police then searched Pastor Ushanov’s home. The secret police and the Extremism and Terrorism Police refused to comment to the media. These kinds of incidents seem to be on the increase across the former Soviet republics Izhevsk Kazan' Ul'yanovsk Samara Magnitogorsk Volga Orenburg Zhayyq Batys Qazaqstan Oblysy Atyrau (Gur'yev) Makhachkala Caspian Sea Sy rd a Nukus Dashhowuz Baku Krasnowodsk Urganch Ashgabat Mary Tehran Mashhad Qom 50 a Uzbekistan Charjew Nawoiy Bukhoro Samarqand Gushgy (Kushka) Am ar Osh Mazar-e Sharif 30 Kerman 60 Qandahar Korla e mH Tari 40 Oblystar Boundary Knorugh National Capital Oblystar Capital Termiz Railroad Yazd 30 Kuqa Wushi According to Russian authorities, this drug problem has spread rapidly, especially in the poorest and most remote parts of the country such as the Arctic north and city of Vorkuta. This tragedy highlights the need for the Bible-based drug rehab ministries many SGA-supported evangelical churches have begun across Russia. These rehab centers have experienced consistently amazing success rates, and we are thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to help support them. International Boundary Tajikistan Road Kabul Herat China Kazakhstan Dushanbe The Jambyl region (shown in green) in Afghanistan Islamabad the country of Kazakhstan. Pakistan I r a n ym Naryn Qurghonteppa (Kurgan-Tyube) ya Yining Bishkek Kyrgyzstan Khujand Urumqi Panfilov Almaty Zhangatas Zhambyl Turkistan Qarshi uD Ile Qapshaghay Shymkent Tashkent Turkmenistan Basht Taldygorghan Shu riy Uchqudug Tachengi Ind us 40 90 Lepsi Leke Balkhash Ongtustik Qazaqstan Oblysy 50 Zaysan Balqash Saryshaghan Qyzylorda a Shyghys Qazaqstan Oblysy Ayagoz Zhezqazghan Leninsk (Tyuratam) Aral Sea Biy Oskemen (Ust' - Kamenogorsk) Oaraghandy Kazakhstan Aral Beyneu Aqtau (Shevchenko) Ekibastuz Astana Temirtau Arqalyq Shalqar Mangghystau Oblysy Atbasar Torghay Oblysy Embi Astrakhan Biysk tis Pavlodar Esil Aqtobe (Aktyubinsk) Barnaul Er Koksnetau Rudnyy Orsk Novokuznetsk ' Aqsay Omsk tun Oral Volgograd Petropavl Ka 50 Kemerovo Novosibirsk Soltustik Qazaqstan Oblysy Qostanay Ur al Saratov Krasnoyarsk Tomsk Tyumen' Kurgan Chelyabinsk Ufa Penza ' Irtysh Yekaterinburg a Kam ra ga An ise y Ob Nizhniy Tagil ' 40 60 Ye n Ob Perm' Nizhniy Novgorod 90 Nizhnevartovsk To bo l a 80 Surgut R u s s i a Kirov Volg 70 Es il Yaroslavl' 60 A recent article in “Time” magazine spotlighted a growing problem in Russia — a dangerous so-called “designer” drug called Krokodil (crocodile). The drug is named for the physically ravaging effects on those who abuse it. The skin at the injection site becomes green and scaly, almost a rotting effect. Gangrene and amputations are a common outcome from use and abuse of Krokodil, a drug that is related to heroin and morphine. The codeine used in its production is often mixed with paint thinner, gasoline, hydrochloric acid or other dangerous chemicals. ul 50 Ch 60 40 Rybinsk Russian Police Combat Deadly “Designer” Drug 70 An Oblystar is only named when its name differs from that administrative center. 0 0 400 Kilometers 200 200 400 Miles 30 30 80 SGA InSight 3 A Life That Was Changed . . . The Fruit of Orphans Reborn My name is Nastya, and I am 15. I live at the orphanage in Primorsk village. My life was the same as any other orphan there. At times we had fun, but most of the time we felt bad, hurt and offended. You can just imagine — when I saw a happy family, I would crave to be part of one, but there was no hope that this would happen. But then some Christians came and visited our orphanage, and I began visiting their lessons while in early childhood. Some changes began taking place in my heart, and I realized that I needed to ask forgiveness from God for my sins. That is what I did after one of the Bible lessons. I prayed to God, opening my heart to Him. I told Him of my desire to be part of a family. Sometime later, my aunt found me in the orphanage and she began to take me home for school holidays. But soon she stopped coming. Time went by and the pain lessened, and I continued to pray. The same thing happened with another lady and hurt me yet again. But God comforted me, and I began to understand that He alone is the only constant in my life. Meeting a Family of God Later that year, I was invited to come to the Hiding Place Christian Camp. I was really glad to leave behind all the orphanage routine with the evil doings of unbelievers there. The atmosphere of the camp was great, and I had peace and joy in my heart. Once while there, I had to see the camp doctor for a stomachache. Nastya (left) with Dr. Yana We became friends and met regularly for fellowship. Unlike the others, I was able to really trust her. On the last day of camp, we parted with tears, and I prayed we would meet again in the future. Dr. Yana was actually allowed to take 4 SGA InSight me home to stay with her over the school holidays! Those were the happiest days of my life, which God gave me through the prayers of many believers. At Home With Believers When we arrived at Yana’s home, her daughter Liza gave me a hug as soon as I entered the house. I was really surprised, because we only knew each other over the phone. But she was looking forward to seeing me and already loved me. I was really glad. The whole family made me feel welcome. I was surprised that they had hot water in their bathroom! On Sunday, we went to church — a first for me. I had never seen so many believers together before. I was happy to meet Kristina Rudaya there — she was the one who held the Bible lessons at the orphanage. The service was so wonderful. I wanted to hear everything! After the service, we went home, and it seemed like the whole church ended up at our house later for fellowship. Back to the Orphanage, But the Blessing Remains At last, the time came for me to return to the orphanage. I did not want to part with those kind people. I tried not to show it, but when Kristina came up to say goodbye, I could not keep the tears to myself. I was amazed that people I hardly knew were so compassionate and worried about me. We had prayer together, and Kristina gave me a picture of her, me and Yana together. Then we had to go. It took me a while to adapt and get used to the orphanage again, but at the same time, I was happy. I am amazed at God’s power and the miracles He makes. Yana wants to take me for the summer, and I hope this works out. Nothing is impossible for God! I wrote a poem that reveals my heart . . . I know God is always with me And He will always come to help me. He will always comfort and understand me, And all of my life is for Him! All the rest is temporary. The years and pain will go by, but I know that only God can give me joy and rest. Editor’s Note: Approximately 84% of these orphans never get adopted. They are so very needful of a genuine, loving relationship. Through Orphans Reborn, SGA is striving to help economically challenged local churches to do just that – build godly relationships that are bridges for the Gospel to go forth and for precious young lives to be transformed by God’s grace. You can help! See SGA’s website for details. Setting the Captives Free Vladimir Solodukhin SGA-Sponsored Missionary Pastor/Ukraine As part of their ministries, SGA-sponsored missionary pastors often visit local prisons to preach the Gospel and share Christ’s love with lonely, forgotten inmates. The power of God to change lives and soften even the hardest hearts is demonstrated over and over again. Vladimir Solodukhin labors in Chernivetskiy, Ukraine. Prison outreach is a significant part of his ministry, and he reports some wonderful spiritual fruit being borne out of a thriving church behind prison walls . . . We are so thankful to God for the honor to serve Him together with you. Our congregation in the local prison is spiritually alive. This year, six inmates repented of their sins and trusted in Christ as their Savior. In the services, we pray, sing psalms, share testimonies, preach the Gospel and offer humanitarian aid. It’s our ministry of mercy. Vanya is a man from the Crimea in Ukraine. He killed his own father, who was a general in the army. Yet he knelt and prayed a prayer of repentance, inviting the Lord Jesus into his heart. Vanya is a living example of someone who has turned . . . from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me (Acts 26:18). We try to invite different brothers and ministers to our church and to conduct outreaches in our prison. Recently a group of seven brother-ministers came to participate. We prepared about 200 packages with food as gifts for the inmates. The prison church has a nine-voice men’s choir. At one concert, we had 400 prisoners present. The Jesus can change even the hardest of hearts through the power of His Word. administration of the prison was very grateful to us for this service, and even printed an article in the newspaper about this event. All the people in the prison heard about the Lord. At times, special guests participate. This past spring, a music ensemble known as “The House” traveled more than 300 miles to minister in song. In addition, Nikolai Gritsenko, the “Ukrainian People’s Artist,” visited the church. As Vladimir says, none of it could happen without the prayers and support of SGA partners . . . Please accept the warmest greetings from our entire family — my wife, Maria, our children and 11 grandchildren. We love you very much and always keep you in our prayers. Thank you for your prayers for us, and for your sacrificial ministry of support. You are a blessing from our Heavenly Father! SGA InSight 5 Evangelism at Christmas . . . For weeks, evangelical churches across the lands of Russia have been praying for their annual Christmas outreaches, culminating in Russian Christmas on January 7. SGA-sponsored Immanuel’s Child outreaches will be a key part of these evangelistic efforts. We eagerly await their wonderful reports — which sometimes do not arrive until later in the spring due to the remoteness of some locations. As we did in last month’s InSight, we invite you again to join us in intercession for Immanuel’s Child and other Christmas-related outreaches directed to children and their families. As several SGA-sponsored missionary pastors relate, the fruit of the previous year’s outreaches often lead to further ministry opportunities . . . In Lyubashevka, the Lord opened doors for us among the local Roma people. After we conducted Christmas services last year, a Roma woman named Kalava allowed us to conduct a group Bible study in her house. We have these studies every Saturday. About ten adults and the same number of children are attending, and we are planning to start a children’s ministry in this village. Every time, some new people come to our study. They open their hearts, telling us of their worries and problems. Please, join us in prayers for their repentance. Andrei Stanchev Ukraine Our Christmas outreaches last January 7 were festive. We prepared small gifts and invited children. About 30 children came to our program at our church. Praise God! Among them were kids who had never been inside a church before. Most importantly, their parents came with them! It was a great joy for us. We have two women who have been regularly 6 SGA InSight coming to our meetings. Even though they experience opposition from their relatives, they like to be with us, singing and listening to God’s Word. Also, three boys have been coming to our Sunday school. Their mother brings them, although she is not yet a believer. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of my ministry! Alexander Mandshiev Russia Together with youth from our church, we visited bedridden children. We greeted them on Christmas and gave presents to them. We visited 30 families, some for the first time, and they were very surprised to see us! Their children were also very glad because not many people care for them. Our youth are a great blessing to us. They are very zealous in this ministry, and they share their love with the children. Many parents invited us to visit them again. We also conducted Christmas celebrations in the orphanage with our youth and gave the children presents. It was such a joy for them that somebody cared for them. Please keep praying for us and for our ministry! Viktor Opalinskiy Ukraine Through Immanuel’s Child each year, thousands of children, their families, and caregivers are reached with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Then follow-up ministry continues throughout the year, yielding much fruit for the glory of God. May He open many more doors this coming year for men, women and children to hear of the love of His precious Son, who came that . . . they may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10). Innercircle Perspective Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14). The number of invitations sent to unchurched children Christmas will soon be here. Our families are is determined by the number of gifts that the church will decorating their homes, shopping for gifts for loved ones, have available. and planning special meals. Our churches are decorating, Last year, SGA partner churches helped make rehearsing for Christmas programs, and planning parties these glorious Christmas outreaches possible in nine and outreach events. Sunday school teachers are planning countries including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, something special for their children. It is a glorious time Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and as we all prepare to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child, Armenia. This year, we would like to add God’s priceless, infinite gift to mankind. the Republic of Georgia and Israel. Today across the lands of Russia, the celebrations The results last Christmas were of the birth of Christ in the manger in tremendous! A total of 140 churches in Bethlehem are sometimes even more special. America and 27 churches in Canada helped For 72 years, the atheistic regime had tried 268 churches across the lands of Russia reach to eliminate all evidences of the existence of nearly 15,000 children and almost 10,000 God. They made Christmas a workday and parents and grandparents. Many of the 11,000 elevated New Years Day to replace the prior children from unchurched families heard of the celebrations of Christmas. They transformed Christ Child and His Gospel for the first time. their Christmas trees into decorated New There were 378 children and youth and 143 Year’s trees. adults who repented of their sins and trusted On New Year’s Eve, their children in Christ as Savior and Lord. Nearly 1,000 wait for their version of Santa Claus, who also has a long white beard and a big tummy, Dr. Robert W. Provost children and youth began attending Sunday school, and more than 400 adults began but he wears a blue outfit. He is called “Ded SGA President attending church services. Moroz (Grandfather Frost),” and he and his The reports and photos from the churches bring granddaughter, “Snegurochka (Snow Maiden),” come exceedingly great joy to our staff. In the most closed to every home on New Year’s Eve to bring presents and Muslim country — where there are only 245 believers sweets for the children and put them under their New spread out over eight little churches and nine smaller groups Year’s tree. To make Grandfather Frost happy, the — one church had nearly 80 children, youth and parents children sing special songs. attend their Christmas outreach event. Most of the children Christmas Day, therefore, has been uniquely and wonderfully preserved for the celebration of the birth of the were from Muslim families and were allowed to come so that they could receive the gifts. Altogether in that country, Christ Child. While the communist leaders eliminated the 189 children and 289 adults were reached. The believers Christmas holiday to benefit their atheistic agenda, it has were ecstatic and expressed their heartfelt gratitude to all served instead to keep the birth of Christ at the center of who had helped make it possible. Making it even more Christmas with none of the distractions that we have. special, the help had come from the Immanuel’s Child Since the fall of communism, the evangelical offerings of a generous fellowship of Bible-preaching, churches have been holding evangelistic Christmas Portuguese-speaking churches in northeastern Brazil. outreaches in their communities. It has become the focus Please join with us in prayer for all the evangelistic of their Christmas celebrations. Faithful SGA partner outreaches that churches and missionary pastors across churches in North America annually receive special the lands of Russia will be holding in relationship to their Immanuel’s Child Christmas offerings to help the faithful Christmas Day, which is celebrated on January 7. And in Russian churches hold exciting Christmas events. Their the meantime, may the Lord richly bless you and all your programs include Christmas dramas, puppet shows, the telling of the Christmas story, gifts of fruit, candy, clothing loved ones, as you gather to celebrate His birth, and as you and children’s Bibles; and the Gospel is always presented. strive to make Him known throughout the new year. SGA InSight 7 How You Can Help InSight is published to report religious news about Russia, the rest of the CIS and the ministries of: Help Equip Faithful Russian-speaking Believers to Share the life-changing Gospel! Slavic Gospel Association 6151 Commonwealth Drive Loves Park, IL 61111 E-mail:[email protected] Phone:815-282-8900 Fax:815-282-8901 Believers all across the Commonwealth of Independent States need our prayers. Once again in some regions, they are being persecuted as during the days of atheistic communism. Recently, we have heard of more raids, arrests, and of Bibles and other Christian literature being confiscated. Missionary pastors, their families, and other church staff are being harassed by local governments on a regular basis. Regardless, as the Christmas season approaches, these faithful believers will pursue every opportunity to share the Gospel message, as people tend to be more receptive during the season when the Lord’s birth is celebrated. Can you help them take the Gospel to their countrymen? CANADA Slavic Gospel Association — Canada 55 Fleming Drive, Suite 26 Cambridge, ON N1T 2A9 E-mail:[email protected] Phone:519-621-3553 Fax:519-621-7571 To start, cancel or change the mailing address on your subscription to InSight, please send your name, your old address, and your new address to the address listed above. Please allow six to eight weeks for the fulfillment of your request. International Offices Australia / Dr. Nikolai Porublev Canada / Rev. Allan W. Vincent England / Derek Maxwell New Zealand / Richard Hemmingsen Your generous gift enables faithful missionary pastors and their congregations to reach out to their communities through: U.S. Board of Directors Warner Tillman, Chairman Harry Leopold, Vice Chairman Dr. Richard Gregory, Secretary John Wauterlek, Treasurer Evon Hedley, Director Emeritus Dr. Robert W. Provost, President Dr. Bill Atkinson John Blackman Rev. Bruce Love Jack Tedford Rev. Allan W. Vincent Brian Kult Kelly Kruse • Christmas outreach programs. • Evangelism and discipleship of children through Orphans Reborn and Sunday schools. • Distribution of Bibles and Christian literature. • Biblical training for pastors and Christian workers. Canadian Board of Directors • Support of faithful missionary pastors. Dr. Stephen Code, Chairman Ivan Barber, Vice Chairman Carol Dean Jeffries, Treasurer Rev. Allan W. Vincent, Director John C. Goetze Walter Gnida Arnold Heron Michael Nichols Dr. Robert W. Provost • Equip youth to reach out to their communities. o Thank you! Please return the enclosed reply form with your gift. 8 SGA InSight ussia ds of R the lan across dates, le p __ peo istry up ______ more ic min 1000) ______ reach ___. (1 h period s is:___ me wit es to help osing $____ l t dr ai if ad g m cl e email as en s my ele e’ y m P er M H el. I’ ected! 3) e Gosp m. (440 er conn ay bett yer Tea with th 401) like to st needs. (4 ra mail P l eould and specia o I w ayer requests GA’s ____ rt of S y pr SGA is a member of: ke ____ to be pa ______ n me up is:___ o Sig mail address My e y tunit ppor The o hare the s o t el this Gosp as with tm Chris st and the lo n help! a you c rd, see edit ca To mak e yo by cr ur gift e side. revers > Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability CrossGlobal Link Formerly called IFMA
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