What`s Inside The Magic of Music


What`s Inside The Magic of Music
Volume 11 Issue 2
A Biannual Publication of Magic Moments
What’s Inside
By Kids, For Kids (pg. 5)
Big Shots for Alabama
Kids - Sporting Clay
Shoots (pg. 7)
Women of Influence
(pg. 10)
Upcoming Events
27 • Magic Moments Night at
the Circus
1 • e-Campaign
“When you’re a celebrity, it’s adios reality!” It sure was for Chas as he hung out backstage with Brad Paisley.
The Magic of Music
There is no doubt that music – whether the lyrics or the
melody itself – has an impact on each of us. Be it your
favorite love song or a great tune that takes you back to your
high school days, music can transform us. This is exactly
what 13-year-old Chas of Mobile experienced over the last
few years.
Diagnosed in 2009 with cancer, Chas was no longer able to
enjoy his favorite activities such as riding bikes and playing
soccer with his friends. Because cancer takes much of his
strength, Chas found new ways to have fun – including a love
for music.
As his passion grew, Chas found a favorite among the stars.
Despite his twin sister Ellie’s best attempts for his favorite
to be Miley Cyrus, Chas found the most pleasure in singing
along to the light-hearted and often funny lyrics sung by Brad
Paisley. In no time, Chas had memorized most of Paisley’s
songs and “did not shy away from belting them out to anyone
who will listen,” according to his mom, Katie.
Little did Chas know that “singing along” would
soon become “singing with!” On June 14, as Chas
made his way to Children’s Hospital for more routine
treatments, Brad Paisley was making his way into
Birmingham for the Bama Rising benefit concert.
After settling into his hotel and enjoying his favorite
foods for dinner, Chas hopped into a stretch-limo with
his sister, mother, and father, and went to the concert
hall where he listened to more than 19 acts, including
Martina McBride, Sheryl Crow, Dierks Bentley and
Alabama sang their hits in front of a sold-out crowd.
About halfway into the show, Chas got the message
that Paisley had arrived, and it was time for his magic
moment to become a reality!
Arriving back stage, the family quickly realized this
was no ordinary meet and greet. Joining together,
Continued on page 2
Special Magic Moments
Continued from Cover
Paisley escorted Chas and his family
onto his tour bus where they spent
time sharing stories and swapping
jokes. After visiting, Chas returned
backstage to watch the rest of the
show unfold, including a standout
performance by Chas’s new friend,
Brad Paisley.
A Physician in
Donovan gvies his shopping partners a big
thumbs up after a great day at Best Buy!
“A thankful person enjoys a blessing
twice; when it’s received and when
it’s remembered,” wrote Tanya in a
note to Magic Maker McKena Bates.
Tanya was reflecting on the joyful
occasions of the previous day when
her son Donovan’s wish became a
Ten-year-old Donovan from
Dothan was born not only with an
abnormally small aortic valve, but in
addition, Donovan’s heart is on the
right side of his body. In less than
eight years, Donovan underwent
ten major surgeries. Because of his
experiences, coupled with his strong
faith and commitment to being
the best he can be, Donovan wants
to be a doctor when he grows up.
Already training, Donovan mimics
his favorite physician’s style by
wearing bowties. However, one key
component was missing – a personal
laptop computer! On a cold, wintery
day earlier this year while most were
bundled inside, Donavan was out
making dreams a reality at Best Buy
where he secured the final piece to
his doctor ensemble.
Upon arriving at Best Buy, Donovan,
Tanya, and McKena unexpectedly
met a former wish recipient who
happened to be shopping in Best Buy
that very same day! Joni enjoyed her
very own magic moment in 1994 when
she received a king-size waterbed.
After visiting with Joni and sharing
tears of joy as all present reflected
on what Magic Moments means
to them, Donovan and company
set out for an afternoon of fun and
shopping. A team of eager Best Buy
associates outfitted the
physician-in-training with the latest
and greatest equipment, including
a laptop, printer, and games. While
most of us spend an hour or less in
Best Buy, Donovan made a day of it,
playing games such as XBOX Kinect
for almost two hours with the
store employees.
Dreaming with
Eyes Open
“Are we there yet?” Kaitlyn asked her
parents for what seemed like the 50th
time since they left their villa.
“Yes!” her mother exclaimed as they
approached the magical gates of
Disney World. According to her
mom, the look on Kaitlyn’s face was
priceless. That fairytale place Kaitlyn
had only dreamed of from her home
in Montgomery was within her
grasp. Cinderella, Belle, Jasmine, and
the other princesses that helped her
through her struggle with cancer
weren’t just on the television screen
any longer.
Running was something this sixyear-old little girl couldn’t do just
a year earlier as chemotherapy
weakened her small body. However,
you would never know as she darted
to the trolley that would take her to
the Magic Kingdom.
“First, I want to see the castle, then
I want to take my picture with Ariel,
then if we have time...”Kaitlyn was
interrupted by her grandmother
who told her not to worry; they were
going to do everything this little girl
wanted. This trip was magical, she
reminded her granddaughter.
Back at home, Donovan’s eyes
continued to show his joy and
happiness. After playing with his new
computer and sharing his excitement
with family members, Donovan made
one last call to McKena to say “Good
night Mrs. McKena. I love you.”
With a mouth full of cotton candy, Kaitlyn smiles
big as she approaches Disney World!
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Magic Moments
And magical it was indeed! When her
parents received the news that their
only child had a rare tumor that was
only curable in about 20% of cases,
they worried not that they would be
able to take Kaitlyn on a trip, but that
they would be able to spend their
little girl’s birthday with her ever
again. After an intense battle, not
only was their daughter healthy – she
was happier than ever before. She
grabbed the hand of her best friend,
her grandmother, as she stared in
amazement at the castle in front of
“Well, I thought you had a list of
everything you wanted to do in your
head...let’s go!” her grandmother
“But...I don’t even know anymore. Is
this real life?” Kaitlyn asked looking
all around her.
Yes, it was real life. A life that
was affected by such a serious
illness at a tender young age.
A life that had undergone
intense medication routines,
surgeries, and many nights in
a cold hospital bed. A life that,
thanks to all of our Magic
Moments supporters, was a
dream come true as the parents
of this darling child watched in
amazement as their daughter
learned “magic really does exist!”
On Center Stage
brave young woman recorded
her first album of five original
songs. Damon Johnson,
renowned musician of Alice
Cooper and Brother Cane,
assisted in creating Sarah’s
album. Damon, a Shelby County
native, was so impressed by this
fighter and her amazing voice
that he even invited her to open
for one of his upcoming shows
in Birmingham!
A star is born! Sarah joins rock star Damon Johnson on stage for a live preformance.
Two years ago, a bright, cheerful
young lady from Birmingham prepared to move to California. Sarah
was always selected to play the lead
in school plays, and it wasn’t uncommon for this up-and-coming star
to randomly burst out in beautiful
song. After taking her hometown by
storm, Sarah decided with her mother
to move to Los Angeles where she
planned to pursue her music career.
As she made plans and began packing
her bags, Sarah noticed she was more
lethargic each day. Sure her daughter
was just exhausted preparing for the
move, Sarah’s mother took her to the
doctor to make sure she wasn’t coming down with a “bug.”
It was during that appointment that
Sarah received life-changing news
– she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s
Lymphoma at the tender age of 16.
Determined she wasn’t going to let
this disease stop her, Sarah battled
through her intense treatment. As
an escape, Sarah would dream of the
day she was better and could hit the
road – L.A. bound! Sarah continued
singing and when asked what she
wanted for her magic moment, there
was no hesitation. This May, the
Page 3
Sarah made her concert debut in
September during a concert at
Sweet Bones Alabama.
Supporters, old and new,
including her new friend
Damon, cheered Sarah on as she
entertained the audience with
her original hits. Damon even
dedicated his hit “Hard Act to
Follow” to his new friend, Sarah.
The long road Sarah has
journeyed didn’t stop her from
reaching toward her dreams.
This artist, with her first album
in hand, still plans to head to
Los Angeles to take the music
world by storm. Keep your ears
open for more to come from
this amazing young lady whose
battle only made her stronger!
Special Magic Moments
From the Eyes of a Board Member
A big teddy bear himself, Billy brings Maylee a special friend.
By Billy Morace
When I met Kaylee, I couldn’t wait to
tell the Magic Moments staff about
this precious little girl. I was lucky
enough to play the part of Santa at a
local Christmas party last December.
When one of the children came
over to tell me her Christmas wish,
I noticed something different. This
blonde-haired, blue-eyed little girl
only had one arm. When I asked what
she wanted from Santa, she whispered
“any gift will be great!”
What an amazing attitude! A little
girl who had obviously faced many
obstacles didn’t have any special
requests. I knew then and there that
Kaylee definitely deserved a magic
As a Magic Moments board
member, I’m fortunate to learn of
so many deserving children across
Alabama who receive wishes, and
I’m so grateful to be a part of this
organization. I’m here for the kids
and want to do anything I can to help
turn their situations around.
When it was time for Kaylee to
receive her wish - a trip to Disney
World - I was the lucky one
to share the great news with
her. Once again, her attitude
was so spectacular as she
squealed with excitement at
the good news. Born with
only one arm, Kaylee’s life
was very different than other
kids in her class, but you
would never know by the
shining smile across her face
when she learned she was
going to the “Happiest Place
on Earth.”
Being able to devote my
time to an organization that helps
children like Kaylee is more than
worth it. There’s nothing like getting
to experience the excitement these
children feel when they have the
opportunity to forget about their
illness for a little while and just
have fun being a kid. I’m grateful to
be a part of it and look forward to
continuing to do what I can to help
grant more wishes!
Volunteer Focus
Linda and Rick Wolfe
If you’ve ever attended the Tum
Tum Tree Foundation’s wine auction
weekend in November, you’ve most
likely run into Linda and Rick Wolfe.
This couple is a dynamic duo with
hearts as big as mountains who give
up much of their time throughout
the year to volunteer with Magic
Page 4
Moments. When their friend Susan
Crosthwait, who also volunteers for
Magic Moments, told Linda and Rick
about the organization, they couldn’t
get involved soon enough.
“Rick usually just lets me decide
where we volunteer, but when I
talked to him about Magic Moments,
he decided right away it would be the
perfect fit for us,” Linda said. And the
perfect fit was right. Linda and Rick
have really gone above and beyond
the call of duty, making every effort
to attend out-of-town events and
giving up many weekends
to Magic Moments.
The Wolfes love every event they
participate in, but they both agree
their favorite involvement comes
during the circus event each January.
Linda dresses as a clown and paints
faces while Rick ensures everything
runs smoothly with several stations
during the evening. At this event,
they get to spend time with Magic
Moments wish recipients and love
hearing their stories of how special
their magic moment was to them.
“We love children, and there is
nothing better than making a child
smile,” Rick says.
As volunteers, the couple has learned
how important it is to change a
moment in time for patients. They
feel Magic Moments strives to
change moments in time and by
doing so, makes an indelible imprint
on the hearts of wish children and
their families.
“What could be more fun than that?”
Linda says with a smile.
Magic Moments is truly grateful for
Linda and Rick and all of our
volunteers that make magic a reality.
Donor News
By Kids, For Kids
Kids helping kids. It’s an amazing idea. And
this idea became a reality this fall for three
schools across the state.
In September, the students of Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery combined
forces to see how much they could raise in
just one day. During the week leading up to
the event, the stories of children affected
by serious illness who have received wishes
from Magic Moments were shared with the
students. Each day, more and more students
went home to tell their parents that they
wanted to climb on board for the Friday
event. In just one day, students raised
$1,775 for Magic Moments.
In October, the students of Birmingham’s
Hoover High School made one little boy’s
dream a reality when they surprised him
at a pep-rally in his honor. During a Star
Wars-themed pep rally, the
cheerleaders asked the football team to tell
a little boy, James, where he would be going
next spring. As the football players held up
signs spelling out “Disney World,” James
learned he would be traveling to the
Happiest Place on Earth to meet characters
from his favorite movie during Star Wars
Week. Over the course of the fall semester, the student body, under the leadership
of the student-run Magic Moments Club,
raised $4,000 to fund this special wish.
Meanwhile, the students of Mobile’s Faith
Academy also dedicated part of their fall
fundraising efforts to help grant wishes
for children living with critical illnesses.
Through a variety of unique fundraisers
during Homecoming Week, the entire
student body, ranging from
kindergartners to seniors, put their best
foot forward to raise $1,673.
We are honored to work with these students and others as kids continue to help
kids right in their backyard.
Hoover High School SGA President, Callie Newton, announces the big news: James is
going to Disney World for Star Wars Week!
Around Alabama
Magic Moments is very fortunate to have the support of many civic
groups. Some have been loyal supporters for many years, and some
are new to the Magic Moments family. Here’s what’s been going on
around Alabama over the past few months:
Verizon Amphitheatre was transformed into a car enthusiast’s heaven
this May when the Mid-Alabama Corvette Club (MACC) held their
annual show benefitting Magic Moments. Over the last 11 years,
MACC has donated over to $100,000 through events such as this one!
Over the summer, Dr. James Sanderson brought smiles to the faces of
many more than his patients. Proceeds from the sale of all at-home
whitening systems were kindly donated to Magic Moments.
The Alex City Arts Association along with Lake Martin Living
magazine held its first annual art show on October 20 to benefit
Magic Moments. One guest in particular had a very special evening.
Payton, a nine-year-old cancer patient, received a special announcement – her magic moment will come true as she learned she will be
traveling with her family to Disney World this December!
On August 20, Bessemer Civic Center was filled with friends toe-tapping and foot-stomping to the beat of favorite country artists. Members of the Western Country Club gathered for the eighth annual
dance benefitting Magic Moments. Grins were on every face, but one
smile seemed bigger than others. Angel Lovejoy, a 16-year-old wish
recipient who suffered a traumatic brain injury, was the guest of
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Donor News
Big Shots for Alabama Kids!
Over the past seven years, under the
leadership of Billy Morace and Tim
Head, Magic Moments and Children’s
Harbor has hosted a fall sporting clay
shoot at Selwood Farm. What started
as a four-hour event with a handful
of teams has grown leaps and bounds
into a full-day exhibition, thanks to the
support of over 60 corporations in the
greater Birmingham area.
You may wonder what makes our
sporting clay shoot successful.
Certainly there are standard protocols,
but we feel that the Magic Moments
clay shoot is set apart by our dynamic
leadership team, great partners, and
fabulous prizes. Since initiating the
event in 2004, Tim and Billy have
worked tirelessly to ensure a premier
event with great food, good friends,
and first class prizes. Jim N’ Nick’s
Bar-B-Q, a year-round supporter of
Magic Moments, provides a fabulous
lunch and assures that each sportsman
is left happy and satisfied. Billy and
Tim, with the support of committee
members Tom Broughton, Brian
Giattina, Dan Price, Stephen Franklin,
Lauri Newton, and Jim Ray, reach out
to their friends, business partners,
and even some strangers to bring
together a wonderful and enthusiastic
collection of participants. Lastly,
prizes such as shotguns, fishing trips,
weekend hunts, and much more bring
out the competitive spirit in everyone
as they vie for a combination of great
prizes and, perhaps more importantly,
bragging rights!
After seeing what a success this event
had become in the Birmingham region,
Billy and Tim decided to coordinate
a second event in Montgomery. The
Capital City Clay Shoot just held its
third annual event on October 14
with 20 teams gathering at Lower
Wetumpka Shotgun Sports Club for
the event. David Gadilhe of Jim ‘N
Nick’s provided another delicious
meal for this event, and players
walked away with amazing prizes
ranging from shooting glasses from
Bass Pro Shops to a half-day quail
hunt to a painting created especially
for this event by Montgomery’s own
Carl Calderone.
Hats off to our winners of both
of this year’s events. At the
Birmingham shoot, the members
of the National Cement Company
team and Team Ted took first place
in their respective flights, and Bob
Carlton dominated the field as the
highest shooter. In Montgomery, the
Patrick-Tompkins team walked away
with first place while Joe Hill was
named highest shooter.
A big thanks to our Birmingham
event committee, Montogmery
regional board, sponsors and all
participants. Your dedication,
enthusiasm and excitment keeps the
magic going for Alabama’s kids!
More than just fun and games, clay shoots allow
for great friendships to be born.
Special Thanks to Our Montgomery
Shoot Sponsors and Supporters
Harmon Dennis Bradshaw
CMH Architects, Inc.
Alabama Ag Credit
AlaComp Insurance
Bass Pro Shop
Classic Collision
Founders Bank, Inc.
H&M Mechanical, Inc.
Hodges Bonded Warehouse
Jim N’ Nick’s Bar-B-Q
McDonald & Barranco Wealth
Montgomery Veterinary Associates
ServisFirst Bank
Southern Company-E.B. Harris Plant
Southern Orthopedic Surgeons
UBS Wealth Management
United Toll Systems
Members of Birmingham’s Team Ted join together in the victory circle to celebrate in their
successful shoot.
Page 6
Donor News
Special Thanks to Our Birmingham
Shoot Sponsors and Supporters
Hardy Corporation
Marks Outdoors
P & M Mechanical
Regions Financial Corp.
Burr & Forman LLP
GA Studio
H&M Mechanical, Inc.
Harbert Management Corporation
Johnson Controls, Inc.
National Cement Co. of Alabama, Inc.
A.G. Gaston Enterprises
Alabama Graphics
American Pipe & Supply
B.L. Harbert International, LLC
Bank of America / Merrill Lynch
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Brice Building Company
Building & Earth Sciences, Inc.
Children’s Harbor
CMH Architects, Inc.
Consolidated Pipe & Supply Co., Inc.
CRS Engineering, Inc.
Dowdy and Associates, Inc.
Dunn Construction Company
Ferguson Enterprises
Golden & Associates Construction, LLC
Horton, Lee, Burnett, CPA
HRA Risk Services
Jemison Investment Company, Inc.
Jim N’ Nick’s Bar-B-Q
Jones, Walker, Waechter, Poitevent, Carrere,
and Denegre LLP
KCS Group, LLC
LAI Engineering
M.J. Harris, Inc. Construction Services
Marathon Electrical Contractors, Inc.
MBA Structural Engineers
Medical Properties Trust
Monumental Contracting Services
Morris-Shea Bridge Co., Inc.
MW / Davis Dumas & Associates, Inc.
Precast Concrete Systems, Inc./ Bob Smith
Construction, Inc.
Ray Engineering Group, LLC
Ready Mix USA
ServisFirst Bank
Star Insulation
The Stewart Organization
Walter Schoel Engineering Co.
Watts Engineering
Wayne J. Griffin Electric
Weathertech Distributing Company
Regions Financial Corp.
Professional Engineering Groups, Inc.
AllComm Wireless/Motorola
Maynard Cooper & Gale, PC
Long Foundation Drilling Company
Peak Substation Services, LLC
Sain Associates
Doster Construction
Shake Your Tail Feather!
There’s no better way to sum up a
fall day in Alabama than football and
food! That’s exactly what the 3rd
Annual Kick’n Chick’n WingFest
benefiting Magic Moments set out
to do. And boy did they do it right!
On October 1, as both Alabama and
Auburn were preparing for exciting
afternoons against Florida and South
Carolina, respectively, over 2,000
patrons from the Birmingham area
came out to taste Birmingham’s best
wings and support Magic Moments.
Over 15 restaurants competed for
prestigious awards such as the
“Thighsman Trophy” and the “Shake
Your Tail Feather Award.” Coupled
with the aroma of hot wings,
true excitement was in the air as
Eric Fillenbaum beat out 11 other
contestants in the first Kick’n Chick’n
Wing-Eating Contest by downing
1.26 pounds of chicken wings in five
In addition to wings, patrons were
able to enjoy the day’s football games
on big screens located throughout the
event. And for our younger patrons,
the Kids Helping Kids area was full
of laugher and friendship as children
played together on a variety of
toys and made door ornaments for
those children who are currently at
Children’s Hospital for treatment.
None of this would be possible
without the dedication of the Magic
Moments Junior Board and event
chairperson Kassady Gibson, all of
whom have spent countless hours
over the past three years to grow this
event from a simple idea into one of
Birmingham’s favorite family-friendly
Page 7
Roll up your sleeves and dive into a bucket of
wings at the Kick’n Chick’n Wing Fest.
A special thanks to our sponsors and
participating restaurants:
Supreme Beverage
Burr & Forman LLP
AmWins Brokerage of AL
New Capital Partners
Process Barron
Surgical Care Affiliates
Will & Georgia Pearson
Bill & Paulette Pearson
ServisFirst Bank
Royal Cup Coffee
Harbert Realty Company
Merrill Lynch
Cobbs, Allen & Hall
Baumhower’s Restaurant
Billy’s Bar & Grill
Demetri’s BBQ
Hooters of Homewood
LaDama Italian Bistro
Mafiaoza’s Pizzeria
Mellow Mushroom
Michael’s Steak & Seafood
Moe’s BBQ
Otey’s Tavern
Pizza Hut
Shane’s Rib Shack
Sweet Bones Alabama
TJ’s on 4th
Shindigs Catering
Homewood Diner
The J. Clyde Hot Rock Tavern
From the Magic Moments Mailbox
Page 8
From the Magic Moments Mailbox
Thank you so for much for making
my wish come true.
me and my family really really
enjoyed this experience with Give
the Kids the World.
But from the bottom of my heart i
really thank you for everything you
have done to make this vacation the
best and we had SO much fun.
Page 9
Donor News
In 2011...
more than
135 wishes
were granted
65 kids
Beverly Broach, Carol Ballard, First Lady Dianne Bentley, and Jeannene Mullins mingled as guests
arrived for the First Annual Women of Influence event.
Party with a Purpose
Every woman is influential. Whether
a doctor, homemaker, political leader,
or friend — women in the River
Region are vital to our community.
Women were asked this August to
look in, reach out, and lift up - look
within to see what they have to offer,
reach out to someone who needs a
helping hand, and lift them up to a
better day.
During the inaugural event on
August 18, ladies gathered at Alley
Station in Montgomery for a
luncheon and fashion show
benefitting Magic Moments. Event
Chairperson Kim Hendrix welcomed
guests, including First Lady Dianne
Bentley and District Attorney Ellen
Brooks who gave the invocation.
Tammy Griffin of A Catered Affair
prepared a delicious summer menu
featuring grilled chicken over a bed
of seasonal greens paired with a cold
gazpacho soup. Tammy’s famous
Chocolate Trifle tantalized taste buds
during dessert.
As lunch concluded, guests had the
opportunity to bid on several items,
including gift certificates to Pickwick
Antiques and a necklace designed
especially for the event by Ex Voto’s
Elizabeth Adams. This piece was only
the beginning of a stylish afternoon.
A fashion show featuring the latest
fall fashions from Dillard’s at Eastdale
Mall, Francesca’s of Zelda Place, and
Painted Pink, was emceed by Fashion
Show Coordinator Melissa George
Bowman. Two very special models,
Shatavia and Holli, who both received
wishes from Magic Moments, showed
off styles for children and teens.
Holli’s mom, Jane, moved the audience
to tears as she told of her daughter’s
battle with kidney disease and what
her magic moment – meeting the
Jonas Brothers – meant to her little
girl. As Jeannene Mullins closed in
prayer, guests left feeling refreshed
and renewed, knowing they are indeed
women of influence.
We are grateful to our sponsors for
making this event possible:
Alabama Power Company
Pickwick Antiques
Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis,
and Miles P.C.
Harmon Dennis Bradshaw
Saint James School
Page 10
and their families
traveled to Disney
wish recipients met
Brad Paisley
the Alabama
Football Team.
This was made possible
by the generousity of
over1,500 donors
from across
the United States!
magic moment
lasts a
We would like to thank the following corporations, foundations, businesses, civic groups, and individuals who have recently made generous donations to Magic Moments. This list represents donations made between March 1, 2011 and October 1, 2011.
Richard Abernethy
Gloria Abrams
David Abroms
Ron Acker
Bruce Adams
Corinne Adams
John Adams
Katie Adams
Julie Addiss
Michael & Melanie Aldridge
Shirley Alexander
Michelle Alford
Karen Allen
Mary Allison
TM Allison
Bob Alred
Paul Amburn
Allison Amick
Ashley Anderson
Fred Anderson
Nicole Anderson
Tommy Andreades
Jim Archibald
David Arendall
Jack Armistead
Cheryl Ashurst
Winston Ashurst
Chris Athanasuleas
Jack Atkinson
Patti Atkinson
Jonathan Aultman
Steva Austill
Barrett Austin
Courtney Austin
Richard & Kaki Austin
Ryan Austin
Lisa Avant
Melissa Ayers
Dean Azar
Gleaves Azar
Julia Azar
William Azar
Loretta Bach
Walker Badham
Maggie Baggett
Kathy Baggio
Betty Baggott
Frank Bainbridge
Allen Baker
Shannon Baker
Susi Baker
Yolanda Baldwin
Mark Bales
Roger Ball
Carol Ballard
Rhonda Barber
Michael Barnett
Elizabeth Barnhill
David Barrett
Brent Barringer
Coker Barton
Howard Barton
Walter Bates
Eric Beall
Sara Beauchamp
Gene & Daryl Beckmann
Nancy Beeler
Sue Bell Cobb
David Benck
Sanders Benkwith
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Bentley
Camille Berry
Julie Berry
Stacey Berthon
Bob & Lynn Beshear
Judy Bewley
Ashley Bias
Tracey Bielen
John Bierley
Scott Binder
Harold Blach
Susan Black
Rachel Blackmon
Austin Blackwell
Jill Blackwell
Lisa Blalock
Dalton Blankenship
Ross Blankenship
Mary Block
Mark Bloomingburg
Brett Bloomston
Jeff Bohman
Joseph Bolen
Robert Bone
Lora Boniface
Katie Booth
Mary Carolyn Boothby
Jennie Bosarge
Nancy Pickens Boucher
Blakely Bowron
Alice Bowsher
TJ Bradley
Joe Brady
Shasta Brander
Jay Brandrup
Susan Brannan
Thomas Brannon
Steve Brannum
Stephanie Brant
Bryan Bray
Frank Breeden
Kaydee Breman
Beverly Broach
John & Mena Brock
Nancy Brock
Clayton Bromberg
Dixon & Dell Brooke
Ellen Brooks
Tom Broughton
Kate Brown
Kitty & Tucker Brown
Margaret Boyce Brown
Mary Brown
Peggy Brown
James Bruno
Brad Bryant
John Burch
John Burch, Sr.
Thomas Burleson
Jonathon Burton
Jenni Butler
Dowe Bynum
Brice & Carol Byrd
Palmer Byrd
Mary Katherine Cabaniss
Alanna Caley
Margaret Caley
Teresa Callahan
Joe Calvin
Buddy Camp
Minda Riley Campbell
Teresa Cannon
Jane Cardin
Derek Cardwell
Bob Carney
Capriccia Carney
Carol Carpenter
Wesley Carpenter
Gary Carr
Lindsay Carroll
William Carroll
Danny Carter
Lee & Carolyn Carter
Kevin Cartwright
Kayln Casanova
Lindsay Casella
Caroline Castle
Mitchell Cawley
Gerald Cesnick
Nolan Cesnick
Phillip Cezayirli
Jeff Chamberlain
Melissa Chambers
Evan Chan
Hafiz Chandiwala
Bobby Chandler
Craig & Susan Chapman
Wilma Chavers
Celeste Chavira
Nanci Chazen
Clara Chung
Lynn Clanton
Blake Clark
Elaine Clark
Shelley Clark
Patricia Clay
Laneice Clayton
Jack & Donna Cleage
Renee Clements
Fredrick Cline
Thomas Clyce
Sandra Cobb
Harriet Cochrane
David C. Cohen
Jill Coker
Edward Cole
James Cole
Bill & Dee Coleman
Page 11
John Coleman
Kenya Collins
Lisa Collins
Tommy Collins
Paul Compton
Lee Conn
Richard Conner
Shayne Conner
Michelle Cook-Goza
Robert Cooney
C.E. Cooper
Earl Cooper
Genevieve Cooper
Will Cooper
Melanie Copley
Ed Corcoran
Michael Cordell
Omar Cordial
Mae & Duane Coshatt
Kari Costelloe
Steven Cottrell
Nick Cotumaccio
Billie Courington
Tom & Linda Cousins
Christy Coward
Anne Cox
Sandra Cox
Douglas Craddock
Chuck & Carol Craig
Brigid Cranford
Connor Cranford
Patricia Crauswell
Jordan Crist
Richard & Camille Crist
Baker Crow
Ed Crowson
Jason Crowson
Chad Crowther
Tracy Cullen
Dover Currie
Tom Curtin
Kristy Curtis
Jamie Dabal
Amy Dalton
Evelyn Daniel
Jane Darnall
Caroline Dauzat
Ann Daves
Shannon Davidson
Doug Davis
Latisha Davis
Martha Davis
Milton Davis
Tommy Dazzio
Kenneth Deane
Bradley Dearinger
Rebecca DeBow
John DeBuys
Martha DeBuys
Jennifer DeLawrence
Paul Demarco
Rees Denham
Nancy Denney
Courtney Denson
Jerry Dent
Ferris DeVore
Richard Diamond
Sam Dickerson
Suzanne Dickinson
Thomas Dickson
Kelly Dingler
Jeremy DiPiazza
John Dobbs
Georgia Dodge
Virginia Dodge
Melinda Dodson
Tammy Dominowski
Virginia Dorlon
Larry Dornink
John Dorough
Jacob Dorsett
Lauren Doyle
Elizabeth Dreher
Daniel Drennen
Richard Drennen
Barbara Duke
Michie Duke
Allen Dunn
John & Michelle Dunn
Tom Dutton
Matthew Dye
Anthony Dyer
Chris Eagan
June Eagan
William Earthman
Sabrina East
Kristine Ebbert
Kimm Eckhoff
Maggie Edmonds
Rex & Martha Edwards
Sandra Edwards
Dorothy Elliott
Paul Elliott
Beth Ellis
Dave Ellis
Louise Elrod
Anna & Benton Emblom
Alan Engel
Archie & Jill England
Rachel English
James Ernst
Graham Esdale
Eric Essary
Jamie Estes
Jennifer Estes
Celeste Eubanks
John Eubanks
William Farley
Harold Faught
Alyssa Ference
Terri Ference
Charlie & Hillary Fielden
Eric Fillebaum
Brenda Findley
Kim Fine
Jennifer Fisher
Pride Fisher
Thomas & Mary Fitts
Kathleen FitzGerald
Lisa & Jared Flake
Michael Foley
Bill Ford
Skottey Forden
Pat & Ross Forman
Kevin Forsyth
Gail Fortner
William Foshee
Sue Foster
Ginny & Jeff Fowlkes
Dion Fox
Sandra Fox
Wes Frandsen
Matthew Franklin
Genie Frazer
Daren Freeman
Reid Freeman
Barb Frerman
Richard Friedman
Samuel Friedman
Liz Fry
Jane Fuller
Kristie Fuller
Penny Fuller
Donna Gaillard
Penny Gallops
Garrett Galloway
Andrew Garner
Cynthia Gartman
Mark Gartman
Chad Gay
Lewis Gayden
Norman Gayle, III
Andrew Gearhart
Melanie Gee
Richard Geer
Stephen Geisler
Allyson George
Christopher Giattina
Bunny Gibson
James Gibson
Kassady Gibson
Laura Anne Gibson
James Gibson
Jeffrey Gilbert
John Gilbert
Sherry Gilbreath
Bobby Giles
Michael Giles
Richard Gill
Ellen Gillespie
Geraldine Gillespy
Linda Gilmer
Michael Ginn
Joshua Girvin
R C & Jennie Glanton
Mark & Tia Glenn
Jennifer Glover
Tommy Godwin
Margaret Goff
Hubert Goings
Akimi Golden
Marco Gonzalez
Holly Goodbody
Elizabeth Goodrich
Gillian Goodrich
Mike Goodrich
William Goodrich
Joan Goodson
Benny Goodwin
Doris Goodwin-Karcher
Williams & Maura Goodwyn
James Gorrie
Anthony Graffeo
Vincent Graffeo
Leigh Graham
Laura Grandquest
Douglas Grant
Fiona Grant
Stanley Graves
Jeff Gray
Byron Green
Jerry Green
Lynn Green
Timothy Gregg
William Gresham
James Griffin
Paul Griffin
Steve Groover
Michelle Guidry
Mary Margaret Gullage
Reta Gunn
Blake Haase
Jennifer Hagler
Kay Hall
Tommy Hallmark
Dane Halpern
Lisa Halpin
David Hamlin
Whitney Hamm
Landon Hammett
Suzanne Hammett
Ashley Handley
Rodney Handley
Larry Hansen
Eleano Hardin
Simms Hardin
Zan Hardin
Tavis Hardin-Sloan
Lisa Hardy
Pamela Hardy
Rick & Tina Hardy
Jim Harmon
Emma Harms
Jennifer Harris
Julie Harris
Krystal Harris
Madeline Harris
Babs & Robert Hart
Evan Hart
Joy Hart
Chris Hartley
Judy Hartley
Paul Hartley
William Hartsfield
Cathy Harvey
Judd Harwood
Sam Haskell
Augusta Hassinger
Ferrell Hataway
Andrea Hawkins
Ann Hayes
Blair Hayes
Ellen Hayes
Roy Hazel
Keith Hazelrig
Leah Hazzard
Wakisha Hazzard
Kathyrn Heaberg
Merrill Heard
Elisa Hearn
Theresa Heaton
Brian Held
Ginger Held
Jerry Held
Katie Held
Layne Held
Hannah Helman
Cathy Hemming
Brittnay Henderson
Brad Hendrix
J.R. Hensley
Jacob Herbst
Laurie & Will Hereford
Donald Hess
Joy Hicks
Judith Hicks
Jennifer Hill
Carey Hinds
Margie Hines
Suzanne Hinton
Barbara Hirsch
Carrie Hodge
Jessica Holland
Michael Holley
M. Hollis
Daniel Holt
Nanaline Holt
Jimmy Holton
Jennifer Hooks
Nancy Hornsby
Libba Horsley
Todd Horwitz
Tracy Howell
Angela Hoyt
Frank Hrabe
Tab & Deb Hudson
Remington Huggins
William Huggins
Jim Hughey
Michael Humber
Angela Humes
Natalie Shea Hunn
Bettie Hurd
Jeff Hutton
Jodonne Hyde
David Hymer
Louis Ialacci
Charles & Donna Ingalls
William Ireland
Bruce Irwin
Cameron Irwin
Diana Isbell
Alan Ishee
Andy Israel
Page 12
Ontario Jackson
Julie Jacob
Angela James
Stephen Janowski
Jay Jarrett
Garrett & Judy Jenkins
Linda Jenkins
Allen Johnson
Amy Johnson
Brenda Johnson
Christine Johnson
Derek Johnson
Erica Johnson
Joseph Johnson
Roy Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Walker Johnson
George Johnston
Brett Jones
Chere Jones
Cheryl Jones
Donovan Jones
Frances Jones
Jane Jones
Julie Jones
Kathy Jones
Pam Jones
Peggy Jones
Robert & Joie Jones
Vicky Jones
Lisa Josey
Robert Junkins
Julie Jurotich
Susan Justice
David Kahn
Jeno Kalozdi
Steve Katchur
Richard & Kelly Kean
Alice Keene
Lauren Kellen
Betsy Keller
Jessica Keller
Brian Kelley
Bill Kelly
Jeanne Kelly
Kevin Kelly
Patrick Keltner
T.C. Kennedy
Mailon Kent
Lana Kershner
Allison Kersten
Darryl Kiehl
Allen Kilgore
Pat Kilpatrick
George Kimbell
Brian Kimbrell
Tyler Kime
David & Mary Kimerling
Reed King
Rose Kirby
Tricia Kirk
Kayla Kitchens
Danner Kline
Erin Kline
Mary Kaye Klyce
Bailey Knight
Jessica Knighton
Trent Kocurek
Jason Kokoszka
Ylda Kopka
Brooke Kornegay
Janey Korth
Ron Kovanis
David Kraselsky
Sherry Krasinski
Cheryl Krueger
Gail Kruidenier
Aretha Kukoyi
Tony Kurre
Jennifer Kuzma
David Labo
Beth Lacefield
Scott Lacefield
Wesley Lacefield
Ann Lally
Duncan Lamb
Kathryn Lampert
Dave & Randi Landy
Katy Langley
Stanton & Charlotte
Cindy Lapidus
Joe & Cornella LaRussa
James Latner
Lester & Judith Lawley
Manda Layton
Ben Leach
J.E. & June LeCroy
Todd Ledet
Valerie Lee
Will Legg
Rebecca LeMaster
Mike Lessley
Angie & Joe Letzer
Alethea Lewis
Dorothy Lewis
Ira Lewis
David Light
Karen Liles
Mary Liles
Dale Lively
Patrick Lloyd
Trent & Stratton Lloyd
Clara Lobsterphonez
Jamie Loeb
Carolyn Loeffel
Eve London
Gina Long
Nancy Long
J.T. Longino
Chris Looney
David Lorberbaum
Allison Lott
Dave Love
Faye Love
J.K. Love
Tim Lovelady
Martha Lowder
Robert Lowe
Robert Luckie
Tommy & Cathy Luckie
Webb Lyons
David Malone
Toby Maloney
Harriet Maloof
Charles Mandell
Sharon Manning
Scott Margolies
Stephen Marino
Brooks Marks
Caldwell Marks
Daniel Markstein
Daniel Martin
Doug Martin
Mitchell Martin
Patti Martin
Katharine Marx
Mike Masingill
Mitchell Mataya
Dianne Matheson
Peyton Mathis
Brenda Matthews
George & Kim Matthews
Charles Mayer
Scott Mayo
Alex Mays
Anita McCabe
David McCaghren
Patricia McCarthur
Seth McCoin
Sandra McComb
Jim McCormick
Jimmy McCormick
K Michele McCraney
Michael McCraney
Larry McCraw
Tamara McCullen
Jim & Kim McDevitt
Elizabeth McDonald
Jack McDonald
Phillip McDonald
Charles McDowell
Riley McDuff
Scott McDuffie
Frank McFadden
Nellah McGough
Colleen McGready
Teresa McGregor
Kellie McKeny
Betty McKewen
Marlana McLain
Nolan McLean
Leslie McLeod
Roberta McLeod
Melinda McMorris
Donald McNeil
Patricia McNulty
Ken & Kristin McPherson
J.L. McPhillips
Natalie McWhorter
Terrance Meade
Edward Meadows
Henry Mellen
Evelyn Merrick
Matthew Merrick
Roger Merrick
Stephen Merrick
William Merrick
Andrew Middleton
Dana Miller
Melanie Miller
Michael Miller
Suzanne Miller
Alison Mills
Tim Mills
Benjamin Mims
Gail Mims
Teresa Minor
David Mitchell
Julie Mizerany
Margaret Moody
Paula Moody
Jill Mooney
Bill Moore
Jeff Moore
JoClaudia Moore
Laine Moore
Mary Moore Wynn
Chuck Moorehead
Mark Moorehead
Billy Morace
Gretchen Morgan
Jackie Morgan
Blake Morris
Ron Morrison
Anna Mosley
Kimberly Moss
Jennifer Mulkey
Bobbie Mullins
Jeannene Mullins
Al Murray
Dustin Murray
Leea Myers
Bobby Naftel
Kendra Neel
Aaron Nelson
Barbara Nelson
David Nelson
Monroe Nelson
Donald Nettles
Charles Nevins
Lucy Ann Nichols
Michael Niedermeier
Claude Nielsen
William Nix
Laura Noble
Mary Beverly Noble
Stuart Noble
George Nolen
Kenneth Nolen
Leon Nolen
Ikoie Norman
Marilyn Norris
Patrick Norris
Charlie Norton
Chuck Norwood
Laura Marie Norwood
Rachel Nufrio
Shelton O’Bannon
Carolyn O’Black
Jerome O’Brien
Deborah O’Connor
Rhonda Ogle
Alison Oliphant
Sam & Anne Oliver
Donald Olson
Samantha Omenski
C.M. Osten
David Ovson
Richard Owens
Dennis Pantazis
Carolyn Parker
Jenni Parker
Lorrie Parker
Rodney & Keli Parker
Michael Parks
Patricia Parnell
Jessica Parrish
Andrew Pate
Anna Pawlik
Kathrine Payne
Melissa Peak
M.R. Pearce
Wray Pearce
Lyndon Pearson
Paulette Pearson
Will & Georgia Pearson
Bill & Paulette Pearson
Bruce Peddle
Joshua Penney
William Pennington
Troy Perry
Shannon Peters
Elizabeth Pharo
Pat Philen Aldl
Caleb Phillips
Lindsey Phillips
Steven Phillips
Joel Piassick
Mary Kay Pickering
Mark Pierce
Nancy Pierce
Anna Pikul
Sally Pitts
Richard Pizitz
Alan Pizzitola
Kelli Pohlman
Gordon Pollock
Carmen Poole
Carrie Powell
Ellen Powell
Kim Powell
Elizabeth Poynor
Sara Pratt
Fred Preiss
Hillary Preiss
Christine Prescott
Derek Preston
Ronald Price
Alys Protzman
Emily Pruett
Eric Pruitt
Wil & Aimee Puckett
Kathleen Pullin
Taylor Pursell
Rebecca Purvis
Richard & Judy Purvis
Lesley Quinn
James Rach
Peggy & Conrad Rafield
Page 13
Alecia Ragland
Amanda Rahm
James Ramsey
Jay Ramsey
Kimble Ratliff
Jerry & Nancy Ray
Karl Rayborn
Chris Rea
Lindsay Reddick
Kathy Redford
Nicole Reed
Jake Reiss
Marie Rians
Bill Rice
Michael Rice
Katie Richardson
Gail Rigsby
Carol Ringland
Glenn & Laura Rinsky
Thomas Riser
Vaughn Rives
Jeanne Rivette
Chris Robbins
Karen Roberson
Jan Roberts
Jane Roberts
Richard Robertson
David Roden
JanieMac Roe
Mary Roebuck
Michael Rogalski
Jeanne Rogers
Margaret Rogers
Isaac Roitman
Kathy Rolfe
Rachel Romash
Ed Roper
Anthony Rose
Michael K Ross
James Rotenstreich
Kathryn Roth
Cynthia Routman
David Rowe
Mason Rudolph Jr
Carly Rullman
Rodney Rushing
David Russell
Whitney Russell
Cecil Ryland
Amanda Salzman
Christopher Samford
Rachel Samolovitch
Mary Samuels
Barbara Sandner
David & Jane Sanford
Jon Sanford
Leah Sanford
Knight Sauls
James Saunders
Mark Saunders
Paul Saunders
Phillip Saunders
Stephen Savincki
John Saxon
Catherine Ann Schilleci
Scott Schneider
Abraham Schuster
Beth Sealy
Douglas Self
Meyer Seligman
Stephanie Shafer
Jim Shallenberg
Karen Shallenberg
Melanie Shartzer
Margot Shaw
Richard Shaw
Jim Sheffield
Pat Shegon
Martin Sher
Robert Sher
Amelia Sherman
Constance Sherrod
Jacob Shevin
Nina Shields
Susan Shields
Alexandra Shiels
Jerry Shivers
Wendy Shoemake
Nelvin Short
Roland Short
Ryan Short
Tom Shufflebarger
Pam Siddall
Betsy Silberman
Kristina Silcox
Chase Silsbee
William Silsbee
Robert Silva
Barry Silverman
Alicia Simmons
Elizabeth Simms
Rebecca Simon
Riley Sims
Wanda Sims
Stephen Sistrunk
Gillette Slaton
Betsy Smith
Christian Smith
David Smith
Duncan Smith
Erica Smith
George Smith
Henley Smith
Jenny Smith
Justin Smith
Katherine Smith
Katie Smith
Lucinda Smith
Sandra Smith
Edwin Sneed
James Snider
Major John F. Snodgrass
Melissa Snowden
Lydia Somerville
Angela South
Jamie Spatola
Sheldon Speares
Hope Spencer
Wes Spencer
Karen Spillers
Catherine Spires
Richard Spradling
Ben Stairs
Bill Stancik
Jill Stankewich
Debbie Starnes
Marion Staubes
Karl Stegall
Chuck Stein
Clay Steineker
Bart Stephens
Courtney Stephens
Hampton Stephens
J.T. Stephens
Kay Stephenson
Joseph Stevens
Colin Stewart
Joseph Stewart
R.S. Stewart
Susanne Stewart
Terence Stewart
Bonnie Stinson
Bill Stone
Trena Stover
Christina Stringer
Leonard Stroups
Barry Stuman
Kevin Stump
Phillip Stutts
Brian Sullivan
Sandy Sullivan
Blair Sulzer
Belicia Sutton
Yolanda Swain
Jacqueline Swan
Dennis & Betty Swann
Chad Swiger
John Swindal
Suzanne Sylvester
Shaun Tatum
Connie Taylor
Debbie Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor
Riley Taylor
Tammy Taylor
Dianne Teague
Chrissy Terrell
Julie Terrell
Suzanne Terrell
Adam Terry
Brett Terry
Galen & Kelley Thackston
Douglas & Jenny Thiessen
A.B. Thomas
Ann Thomas
Barbara Thomas
Clifford Thomas
David Thomas
Leah Thomas
Rebecca Thomas
Barbara Thompson
Bob Thompson
Clint Thompson
Freddy Thompson
Todd Thornell
Nancy Thornton
Thomas Thornton
Gray Thuston
Anne Tidmore
Charles Tidwell
Inge Tingle
Jerry & Nina Tippett
Billy & Meredith Todd
Samuel Todd
Casey Toggweiler
Elaine Tokosh
Jane Tolleson
John Tompkins
Lyn Toomey
Leigh Tortorici
Sam Tortorici
Jeff Tosh
Joan Towles
Randy Tracy
Jamie Trammell
Jeanne Trammell
Leahlyn Trammell
Lindsey & Pat Trammell
Donny Troiano
Paul Troup
Michael Trucks
Paul & Kay Truslow
Amy Tsaltas
Mark Tucker
Bill & Patti Turner
Eric Turner
Julie Turner
Yolonda Turner
Rainer Twiford
Murphy & Dawn Tynes
Linda Valeska
Peter Van Nort
Pete Van Pelt
Jim Vann
Norma Varela
Brian Varnell
Sandra Vines
Coty Wade
Alice Wagner
Edward Walker
John Walker
Teresa Walker
Leslie Wallace
Andrew Walsh
Richard Walsh
Kennon Walthall
Amanda Ward
Jimmy Ward
Julie Ward
Whitton Ward
Leo Warring
Rachel Wasden
Andrew Watson
James Watson
Kellie Watson
Maggie Watson
Ronald Watson
Van Watson
Leslie Watters
Guy Weatherford
Gary Weaver
Margaret Ann Webb
Jacob Webster
Lauren Weeks
Alicia Weil
Drew & Lauren Weil
Dustin Weil
Laurie Jean Weil
Robert Weil
Jan & Amos Weil Avgar
Gary Weinberger
Ryan Weiss
Ed Welden
Edgar Welden
Calene Wertymer
Albert Westbrook
Steven Westbrook
Larry & Grace Whatley
Marjorie Whatley
Meade Whitaker
William Whitaker
Becky Whitcomb
Elizabeth Whitcomb
Goodloe White
Walter White
William & Wendy White
Virginia Whitfield
Tina Whitmer
Janet Whittemore
Kyle Whittington
Terry Widner
Michael Wiggins
Heather Wilder
Barry Wilkerson
Kimberly Wilkerson
Tabitha Wilkerson
Billy Wilkinson
Larry Wilkinson
Vickie Wilkinson
Phillip Willett
DeAnna Williams
Hunter Williams
Kay Williams
Rick Williams
Karen Williamson
Tankiya Williamson
Barry & Corinna Wilson
Jennifer Cousins Wilson
Robert Wilson
Tracey Wilson
Angela Wise
Eileen Wittlinger
Jonathon Wolhwend
Seth Wolnek
Ashley Wood
Doris Wood
Emily Wood
Kelly Wood
Ted Wood
William Wood
Lendon Woodall
Veronica Woods
Marti Woodson
Martha Ann Woodward
Elizabeth Worrell
James Worthen
Lynn Yeilding
Katherine Yim
Larry Youngblood
Ebonee Younger
Raymond Zakutney
Phillip Zicarelli
Page 14
ABS Business Systems of
AG Gaston Enterprises
Alabama Ag Credit
Alabama Association of
Nursing Students
Alabama Christian
Alabama Coal Association
Alabama Graphics
Alabama Oilmen’s
Alabama Workers
AllComm Wireless/
Allene Parnell Interiors
Alliance Capital
Almarle Foundation
Amaro Development &
Construction Incorporated
American Apparel
American Pipe & Supply
AmWins Brokerage of
Arthur M Britton
Associated Mechanical
Bank of America
BBVA Compass
Beasley Allen
Benefits Administration
Services, LLC
Birmingham Rail &
Locomotive Company
BL Harbert International,
Blackmon Agency, Inc
Blountsville Lions Club
Blue Willow
Boatright Companies
Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC
Brice Building Company
Building & Earth Sciences
Bullock County Hospital
Burr & Forman LLP
Business Product
CEC Entertainment
Cedar Lake Mining
Children’s Harbor
Children’s Health System
Christian Testing
Chucks Restaurant
CMH Architects, Inc.
Coast to Coast Coating
Cobbs, Allen, and Hall
Coca-Cola Bottling
Company United
Cocina Superior
Cokinos, Bosien & Young
Consolidated Pipe &
Supply Co.
Cottage Hill Baptist School
CRC Insurance Services
CRS Engineering
Deborah’s Party Rentals
Doster Construction
Dowdy and Associates
Down with the Pounds
Medical Weight Loss
Dunn Construction
Edwards Plumbling &
Heating Contractors
El Paso Corporation
Elements Natural Medicine
Empire Sales and Service
Ferguson Enterprises
First Baptist Church of
First Tuskegee Bank
Founders Investment
Fraternal Order of Eagles
G & R Mineral Services
Golden & Associates
Construction, LLC
Golden K Club
Gorrie-Regan and
Granger, Thagard, &
H&M Mechanical, Inc.
Hanna Steel Corp.
Harbert Management
Harbert Realty Services
Hardy Corporation
Harmon Dennis Bradshaw
Hodges Bonded Warehouse
Hoover High School
Horton, Lee, Burnett,
Peacock, Cleveland &
Grainger, PC
HRA Risk Services
Iberia Bank
Jackson Thornton
Jemison Investment
John Sasser Opticians
Johnson Controls
Jones, Walker, Waechter,
Poitevent, Carrere, and
Denegre LLP
Joseph H. and Reva Engel
KCS Group, LLC
KGS Steel
Kiwanis Club of Daphne/
Spanish Fort
LAI Engineering
Laura Kathryn, LLC
Long Foundation Drilling
Maki Fresh LLC
Marathon Electrical
Maynard Cooper & Gale,
MBA Structural Engineers
McCormick Capital, LLC
Medical Properties Trust
Mid-Alabama Corvette
Mike Jordan Company
MJ Harris Construction
Mobile Gas Service
Momma Goldberg’s Deli
Montgomery Veterinary
Associates, LLC
Monumental Contracting
Morris-Shea Bridge Co.
Motion Industries
Motorsports Gear
MS&R Equipment
MW / Davis Dumas &
My SuperDeal Today
Nall-Whatley Foundation
National Cement Co.
of Alabama
New Capital Partners
Nou Veau Salon
& Day Spa
Order of the Eastern Star
P & M Mechanical
Pandy’s Sno Biz
Partners Real Estate, LLC
Peak Substation
Services, LLC
Pickwick Antiques
Pleasant Valley Optimist
Precast Concrete
Professional Engineering
Ralph Brennan
Restaurant Group
Ray Engineering Group
Ready Mix USA
Regions Financial Corp.
Richard M. Scrushy
Robert and Lois Luckie
Charitable Foundation
Rodriguez Boat Builders
Royal Cup Coffee
Russo Corporation
Ruttenberg Family
Sain Associates
Sellers Richardson Holman
& West
Sempra Employee Giving
ServisFirst Bank
Sikes Children’s Shoe
Smiles For Life Foundation
Southern Orthopaedic
Surgeons, LLC
Southern Power Company
St. James School
Star Insulation
Steward Machine Co.
The Stewart Organization
Sunnyside Baptist Church
Supreme Beverage
Surgical Care Affiliates
The Gene and Charlotte
Brown Foundation
The Mell Group
The Montgomery Academy
The Thomas E. Jernigan
Trinity Presbyterian School
Tum Tum Tree Foundation
United Toll Systems, LLC
United Way
United Way of Central
Northeastern Connecticut
Wade Sand & Gravel Co.
Walmart Foundation
Walter Schoel Engineering Co.
Watts Engineering
Wayne J. Griffin Electric
Weathertech Distributing Co.
Weaver LLC
Willett Associates
Woodmen of the World
Will Pearson, Chair
Stacee Amos
David Benck
Charles Bradshaw
Tom Broughton
Minda Riley Campbell
Shelley Clark
Jack Darnall
Richard Davis, MD
Douglas Eckert
Paul Elliott, MD
Ryan Graham
Douglas Grant, CPA
Tim Head
Daniel Markstein, IV
Jim McCormick
Billy Morace
Ron Morrison
George Nolen
Jason Powers
Conrad Rafield
Courtney Stephens
Margaret Ann Webb
Kathie Welch
Michael Wiggins
Lynne Cohen
Joe Covington, Jr.
Tom Curtin
David Dixon
Alan Dreher
J. Timothy Doward, CPA
Chris Eagan, Esq.
Larry Fine
Pat Forman
Bill Goodrich
Heidi Hallman
Tom Hinton
Bill Jones
Pat Kilpatrick
Lila McGahey
Ed Meyerson, Esq.
Bobby Naftel, MD
Kay Miles Pace
Henry Ray
Roland Short
Tom Shufflebarger
Bobby Thuston
Pete Van Pelt
Evie Vare
Buffie Marks
Member Emeritus
Charles Bradshaw, Chair
Greg Allen, Esq.
Bubba Armstrong, MD
Davy Autrey
Carol Ballard
David Gadilhe
Melissa George Bowman
Kim Hendrix
Tasha Kendrick
Ray Petty
Cathy Ridling
Bill Rice, Jr.
Stacy Tinsley
Pat Greenwood
Pat Hand
Elliot Maisel
Devon Walsh
Page 15
Rachel Blackmon
Jordan Brooks
Lauren Burgess
Wesley Carpenter
Will Cooper
Christy Coward
Connor Cranford
Amy Dalton
Jane Fuller
Kassady Gibson
Whitney Hamm
Layne Held
Cameron Irwin
Jessica Knighton
Ben Leach
Todd Ledet
Brooks Marks
Matthew Merrick
Laura Marie Norwood
Hillary Preiss
Jimmy Rach
Chris Rea
Mary Samuels
Julie Ward
Angela Weathers
Lauren Weeks
Lauren Weil
Drew Weil
Ashley Wood
Magic Moments
1600 7th Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35233