
CAUTION: Information provided is for informational purposes and is not
meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other
medical professional. Consult with your physician or a licensed health care
professional before starting this, or any other diet or exercise program.
Read and follow each product label prior to use for warnings and contraindications. Exercise programs, while beneficial, are not without risks and
may result in injury. Stop exercising and seek immediate medical assistance
if you feel any physical discomfort such as faintness, dizziness, shortness
of breath, and/or chest pain. As each individual may respond differently, the
guidelines contained herein may not be suitable for everyone. Specific medical
advice should only be obtained from your own physician. Actual results may
vary among users. The information, advice, and supplements contained in this
volume are intended for use only by adults and are not intended for individuals
under the age of 18. These statements and information have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
©2014 ProSource. All rights reserved. Consult a health care practitioner
before beginning any weight-loss program. Read and follow all label instructions before using. Healthy weight management and substantial weight loss are
best achieved by making lifestyle changes that include reducing caloric
intake and increasing exercise activity. When used in combination with a sensible diet and exercise program, the key ingredients in Zycor may help support
your weight loss program. Consult a health care professional before beginning
any weight loss program. Read and follow all label instructions before using.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Directions for using the
INTRODUCTION: The following directions and recommendations are designed to
supply the fit, athletic individual with the basic elements and knowledge needed in
order to help you achieve your personal fitness goals. This stacking system has been
designed to help you achieve optimal results in a relatively short period of time.
By utilizing a critical integration of nutritional guidelines and precise supplement directions, the Ultra Ripped Stack can be the key to unlocking the door to the physique you
have always dreamed of. The components of this system are time-tested methods
used by top bodybuilders and will supply you with the basic information needed to
help you achieve dramatic results.
1 Bottle of Zycor (120 caps): Here’s where your ultra ripped regimen begins! Take
2 capsules 30 minutes prior to your morning meal and 2 capsules prior to dinner.
Zycor delivers a remarkable combination of weight-loss efficacy and powerful
energy-boosting support. Its transformational capacity has been validated in
the real world and in clinical testing. In the combined results of two preliminary,
randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled studies on Meratrim™, Zycor’s
ultra-potent main ingredient, subjects lost an average of 4.5 lbs in a mere 14 days!
Zycor also contains a proprietary combination of premium-grade energy factors
precision-targeted for rapid delivery. Zycor’s two potent mechanisms work in
perfect tandem to help you experience your most productive workouts ever,
while ripping your physique down to a hard, chiseled core!
1 Bottle of Razor Ripped (120 caps): Take 3 capsules after morning meal and 3
capsules after mid-day meal, along with 16 oz of water, for the first 3 days to
jumpstart results, and then repeat for final week to maximize definition and finishing results. Razor Ripped is your ultimate high-definition water-weight solution.
Razor Ripped contains optimum potencies of key herbal definition ingredients,
plus thermogenic compounds for even more highly targeted support.
1 Container of Vectron (80 serv): Mix one scoop with 8 ounces of cold water.
Consume one serving 20 minutes prior to breakfast and one serving 20
minutes prior to dinner. Vectron not only supports and preserves lean mass,
it also targets fat loss as well. Vectron is powered by an elite new fractionated
complex called Prolibra® that incorporates a specialized bioactive peptide matrix
and special whey mineral complex designed to precisely target key mechanisms
of body transformation.
Dietary Considerations and Guidelines: Ultra Ripped Stack will help
promote fast and healthy results when used in conjunction with a good diet
and exercise regimen.
Energy: You should only reduce caloric intake by a small degree – 300 to 500
kcal/day. Large reductions in energy intake will slow your metabolism and result
in loss of muscle mass. Adjust your calories so that you are losing no more than
3 pounds per week.
Protein: Adequate protein is critical when losing weight because it helps prevent
losses in lean body mass, promotes satiety, and increases metabolism. Aim for
at least 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight or as much as 2 grams per
kilogram of body weight. This is best spread out over the day in several smaller
meals, which will act to increase your metabolism. Consume a wider variety
of protein sources from lean meats (beef, chicken, fish), eggs, cheese, cottage
cheese, yogurt, milk, and nuts and seeds. Timing of protein intake is critical and
research shows the time periods before and after a workout are
critical to stimulate protein synthesis.
Carbohydrate: Lower carbohydrate diets are more effective at burning fat than
high carbohydrate diets. Carbohydrate may consist of anywhere from <10%
to 30% of total calories. Emphasize vegetables and whole grains that are rich in
fiber. Consume carbohydrates preferably in the morning and before or after you
workout. Avoid eating a lot of carbs later at night and before bed.
Fats: Fats will not make you fat. Actually, when carbohydrates are low, eating fat
will accelerate burning fat. Unsaturated fats promote healthy lipid levels and favorable hormone concentrations, like testosterone. Fat may comprise anywhere from
30 to 50% of your total energy intake. Focus on increasing the healthy fats such as
olive and canola oil, both of which are rich in monounsaturated fat. You can also
get unsaturated fats in nuts and seeds, peanut butter, olives, and other vegetable
oils. Try consuming fish, especially high fat fish such as salmon, because they are
rich sources of omega-3 (n-3 series) polyunsaturated fats that lower triglycerides.
There are also several top-quality fish oil supplements now on the market, like
Omega-1250 that offer excellent sources of vital omega-3 fatty acids, which are
of particular benefit to bodybuilders and other athletes.
Exercise: Resistance exercise is helpful to ensure that weight loss is from fat and
not muscle. Adding some aerobic, endurance exercise can help burn additional
calories and speed fat loss.
Cycling the Ultra Ripped stack: The Ulltra Ripped Stack is the combination
most widely used by both professional and amateur bodybuilders for achieving that
‘ripped’ look, while preserving lean muscle tissue.
There are 2 ways the Ulltra Ripped Stack can be used:
Pre-Contest: Use the stack for the month preceding the competition, completing
the stack the day before or day of the competition.
Repeatedly: Use for a maximum of 60 days on with at least 2 weeks off.
Additional Supplements: Based on our latest customer surveys, the opinions
of top bodybuilders, and our own research staff, we have assembled a list of the
latest and most effective supplements to compliment and potentiate the effects of
this already powerful stack.
Protein/Meal Replacements: NytroWhey Ultra Elite—This is bodybuilding’s
ultimate muscle fuel. NytroWhey Ultra Elite contains the most potent complex of
pristine CFM whey protein isolate, rapid-delivery whey protein hydrolysate, and
Leucine-Bound Leucine-Peptides that together deliver more growth-factor-rich
anabolic protein power and up to 4 times more leucine than other brands.
Ultimate Casein—This superior quality micellar casein offers a slower absorption
rate and extended delivery of anabolic aminos, making it perfectly suited for
nighttime use for continued growth while you sleep. Like NytroWhey Ultra Elite,
it also stands out as the smoothest, most delicious product of its kind.
Vascularity: AlphaFury—A breakthrough thermodynamic muscle pump catalyst,
AlphaFury combines the patented, heavily researched vasodilator, GlycoCarn®,
with an array of other potent performance enhancers to unleash remarkable
pre-workout benefits.
Vitamin/Mineral Supplement: Super MegaMax—This super-charged vitamin/
mineral/antioxidant daily multiple is designed specifically for the hard-training
athlete. Animal Pak—A comprehensive daily multiple in convenient pak format.
Testosterone Boosters: AndroTest—Thanks to a full spectrum, protodioscin-rich
super compound, clinical strength AndroTest has been validated in a productspecific clinical study to show significant and sustained increases in both free and
total testosterone, making it far and away the most powerful natural T-booster in
the category.
Amino Acids: Mega BCAA—Contains premium-grade aminos for potent
support to help energize, protect and build muscle. Available in powder and caps.
Beta Alanine—Research has shown beta alanine supports significant increases
in carnosine levels to help promote increases in recovery and performance.
ProSource Beta Alanine is the highest quality available.