AUDIOVISUAL LANDSCAPE IN LITHUANIA Facts and Figures 2013 Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania UDK 654.1(474.5) Au-17 Compiled: Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania Publishing house: TEV, Mokslininkų g. 2A, LT-08412 Vilnius Printing house: “Petro ofsetas”, Savanorių pr. 174D, LT-03153 Vilnius © Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos komisija, 2013 © Leidykla TEV, 2013 ISBN 978-609-433-207-4 © Foto: BFL, 2013 FACTS AND FIGURES (January 1, 2013) Population 2.97 million Television equipped households 1.26 million Cable TV subscribers 430 144 MMDS subscribers 17 506 IPTV subscribers 100 000 Satellite TV subscribers 100 000 DTT subscribers 70 715 Radio broadcasters 48 Television broadcasters 45 Cable television operators 55 MMDS operators 2 IPTV service providers 26 VOD service providers 3 Number of radio programmes 52 (11 national coverage) Number of television programmes 54 (11 national coverage) RADIO AND TELEVISION COMMISSION OF LITHUANIA The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania was established by the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public in 1996. It is the regulator of audiovisual services in Lithuania, accountable to the Seimas (parliament) of the Republic of Lithuania. It is an expert for the Seimas and the Government on the issues of radio and television broadcasting. In accordance with the amendments to the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public, which came into force on January 1, 2013, the status, structure and the rules of formation of the Commission had changed. The Commission is now comprised of 11 members: two members are appointed by the President of the Republic, three members are appointed by the Seimas on the recommendation of the Seimas Committee for Education, Science and Culture and the Committee on the Development of Information Society (one of the three – represents the opposition factions), one member is appointed by the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference, three members – by the Association of Lithuanian Artists, one member – by the Association of Lithuanian Journalists, and one member – by the Union of Lithuanian Journalists. The Seimas appoints the chairman and the vice-chairman of the Commission from the list of 11 members appointed by the above organizations. Members of the Commission are appointed for a 4-year period; the chairman and the vice-chairman are appointed for a 2-year period for no longer than 2 consecutive terms. In its activities the Commission is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public, other laws and regulatory enactments, its own Regulations and the Rules for Licensing Broadcasting and Re-broadcasting Activities. The main functions of the Commission are the following: Together with the Communications Regulatory Authority, the Commission draws up a strategy for allocation of radio frequencies for broadcasting and re-broadcasting radio and television programmes. Based on this strategy, the two institutions prepare and adopt a plan for allocation of radio frequencies for broadcasting and re-broadcasting radio and television programmes. It calls for tenders for the acquisition of broadcasting or re-broadcasting licences. It sets the tender conditions and the licence terms as well as adopts decisions concerning the tender results and the granting of licences. It supervises the observance of licence terms and decisions adopted by the Commission. The Commission examines complaints concerning radio and television programmes. Within the limits of its competence, supervises the implementation of the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information. In accordance with the procedure established by laws, the Commission imposes sanctions on broadcasters and re-broadcasters of radio and/or television programmes, providers of on-demand audiovisual media services and other persons broadcasting or re-broadcasting audiovisual and/or audio works by electronic communications networks who violate the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information, the Law on the Provision of Information to the Public or licence conditions, or who fail to observe the decisions adopted or obligations issued by the Commission. Sanctions can be the following: warnings, suspension of the licence for a period not exceeding three months, revocation of the licence, penalties prescribed by the Code of Administrative Offences. The Commission collects relevant information on broadcasters and re-broadcasters of radio and/or television programmes and providers of on-demand audiovisual media services, analyses their activities and publishes information on the owners and shareholders, prepares information and analytical material on these issues. Members of the radio and television commission of lithuania Edmundas Vaitekūnas Chairman (since 23 April 2013) Delegated by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (on 21 March 2013) Orchestra conductor, Philologist Jonas Korenka Vice-Chairman (since 23 April 2013) Delegated by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (on 21 March 2013) Stage director Tomas Čyvas Member Journalist Delegated by the Association of Lithuanian Journalists (on 25 March 2013) Antanas Jonynas Member Writer Delegated by the Lithuanian Association of Artists (on 15 January 2013) Laimantas Jonušys Member Translator Delegated by the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (on 21 March 2013) Vidmantas Mačiulis Member Journalist Delegated by the Union of Journalists of Lithuania (on 21 January 2013) Mantas Martišius Member Lecturer, Communication sciences Delegated by the President of the Republic of Lithuania (on 21 January 2013) Algis Matulionis Member Actor Delegated by the Lithuanian Association of Artists (on 15 January 2013) Kęstutis Petrauskis Member Journalist Delegated by the President of the Republic of Lithuania (on 21 January 2013) Dainius Radzevičius Member Journalist Delegated by the Lithuanian Association of Artists (on 22 May 2013) Vincentas Vobolevičius Member Lecturer, Political economy Delegated by the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference (on 16 July 2013) LITHUANIAN AUDIOVISUAL MARKET AND RECENT DEVELOPMENTS There were 48 radio broadcasters in Lithuania at the beginning of 2013, broadcasting 52 original radio programmes. Eleven of them are of national coverage. Nearly 60 per cent of the audience share is spread among three leading groups of broadcasters: 1) public service radio stations: LRT RADIJAS, LRT KLASIKA and LRT OPUS; 2) commercial radio station group M-1: M-1, M-1 plius, Lietus, Raduga, Laluna; 3) commercial radio station group Radiocentras: Radiocentras, ZIP FM, Relax FM, Russkoje Radio Baltija, Classic Rock FM. The Lithuanian radio advertising market amounts to just over 7 million EUR, which accounts for 8 per cent of the total media advertising market. Being a country with a population of less than 3 million and a television advertising market not exceeding 50 million EUR, Lithuania has 11 national television programmes. According to the viewership, three groups of owners share the lion’s part of the market: Modern Times Group (TV3, TV6 and TV8), MG Baltic (LNK, BTV, TV1, INFO TV, and LIUKS!) and the public service broadcaster (LRT TELEVIZIJA, LRT KULTŪRA and LRT LITUANICA). The television advertising market accounts for nearly 48 per cent of the total media advertising market. On October 29, 2012, the analogue terrestrial television broadcasts were switched off in Lithuania. At present, two transmission companies AB LRTC and TEO LT, AB operate two multiplexes each. Eleven free-to-air original national programmes are broadcast nationwide. Two foreign programmes – BBC World News and TV Polonia – are rebroadcast free-to-air as well. TEO LT, AB also rebroadcasts 3 HDTV programmes in Vilnius and Kaunas, while Balticum TV rebroadcasts 9 DTT programmes in Vilnius and Klaipėda. In 2013 three more national multiplexes operated by AB LRTC, TEO LT, AB and SATV Network were planned to be installed. The latter was meant for broadcasting the programmes of the public broadcaster – the Lithuanian national radio and television (LRT). The project is at a standstill. According to the model approved by the Government, the Commission called for tenders to fill two multiplexes with HDTV channels, but no candidates applied. Lithuania launched digital terrestrial television in 2006 using MPEG-4 compression, which enabled HDTV to function effectively as well as to carry a number of channels sufficient to build an attractive pay TV platform. At the end of 2011, the Government set the 2012 budget for set top box subsidies for low-income households at 10 million litas (2.9 million EUR); however, the number of applicants for the subsidies appeared to be below the estimate and less than 10 per cent of this budget had been spent before the switch-off of the analogue signal on October 29, 2012. On January 1, 2013 the rebroadcasting companies had 684 799 subscribers of their services. The number of cable TV subscribers on January 1, 2013, totalled 430 144. The data collected by the Commission put the number of subscribers also on other pay TV platforms: MMDS – 17 457, IPTV – 100 000, DTT – 70 715, satellite TV – 100 000. TV reception by platform January 1, 2013 Number of households – 1 260 000* 43% 541 684 34% 430 144 1% 17 457 Cable TV MMDS 8% 100 000 8% 100 000 Satellite TV IPTV * Each household can use several reception platforms Source: Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania 10 6% 70 715 DTT Free to air TV Average daily reach of television channels, % July 2013 34.6 32.2 31.4 25.0 22.7 18.6 17.6 17.0 14.9 10.8 10.3 10.3 9.9 9.7 9.2 7.7 Source: TNS LT 11 O th er ls ch an D d ne VD s! uk an Li ltū Ku LR T de o ja lti K Ba PB TV ra Vi Li RE N TV fo TV TV 8 TV M ir RT R Pl an et N sr vo et u In 1 as yt TV 6 TV V BT ja izi 3 lev TV LR T Te LN K 2.9 Television audience share July 2013 TV8 2.2% REN TV Baltija 3.2% Lrytas.TV 3.1% TV1 3.9% INFO TV 2.7% LRT KULTŪRA 1.1% LIUKS! 1% Other 19.2% PBK 3.5% RTR Planeta 4% LNK 16.2% TV6 4.8% NTV 6.7% BTV 6.8% LRT TELEVIZIJA 7.7% Source: TNS LT 12 TV3 13.9% NATIONAL DIGITAL TERRESTRIAL PLATFORM IN LITHUANIA October 1, 2013 NETWORK – LRTC I NETWORK – LRTC II LRT TELEVIZIJA* LRT KULTŪRA LNK INFO TV LIUKS! TV1 TV6 TV3 BTV TV8 BBC WORLD NEWS* ROSIJA RTR RTVi PBK LITHUANIA NBA TV VH1 BALTICUM AUKSINIS CARTOON NETWORK/TCM SPORT1 PINGVINUKAS NETWORK – TEO LT II NETWORK – TEO LT II LIETUVOS RYTAS.TV TRAVEL CHANNEL/PLAYBOY ANIMAL PLANET NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL DISCOVERY WORLD DISCOVERY CHANNEL DISCOVERY SCIENCE EUROSPORT ANIMAL PLANET DIVA UNIVERSAL TV POLONIA MTV EUROPE EURONEWS SONY ENTERTAINMAENT TELEVISION EUROSPORT2 NICKELODEON CNN INTERNATIONAL TLC RTL BABY TV *11 free-to-air original national programmes broadcast on the basis of broadcasting licences. *2 free-to-air rebroadcast programmes by TEO LT, AB. *encrypted programmes rebroadcast by TEO LT, AB. TEO LT, AB rebroadcasts 3 encrypted HD programmes via LRTC channel 37 in Vilnius and channel 25 in Kaunas: Eurosport HD, Discovery Channel HD, National Geographic Channel HD. Balticum TV rebroadcasts 9 encrypted programmes via channel 53 in Vilnius and channel 45 in Klaipėda: Balticum Auksinis, Eurosport, O-E, TV 1000 East, Cartoon Network/TCM, RTR Planeta, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Wild, NTV MIR. All licences were issued on tender basis. All rebroadcasters, who want to change a programme, must apply to the Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania to get the licence terms changed. All rebroadcasting licences contain a full list of programmes. 13 NUMBER OF CABLE TELEVISION SUBSCRIBERS BY COMPANY JANUARY 1, 2013 Other 55 111 AVVA 7 501 Elekta 9 467 Balticum TV 79 003 Cgates 112 628 Init 102 842 SPLIUS 24 081 Sugardas 6 600 Remo televizija 5 369 Parabolė 7 476 Rygveda 20 066 Source: Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania 14 DAILY AND WEEKLY REACH OF RADIO STATIONS, % SPRING 2013 33.8 28.5 21.3 je Source: TNS LT 15 6.5 er th O ly je 2.1 Ke lu na 3.1 La di ra ų p FM jas 3.4 Ži Weekly reach 8.2 7.8 4.4 ni M Daily reach 13 11.2 Zi s liu di Ra it rH Ru ss ko 5.2 o ja Ba o di Ra di 5.4 lti ka Pū en oc Li 12.7 12 6.4 s s tra us et -1 M 13.1 8.4 Ra LR T Ra di jas 9.2 1p 16.7 13.7 we 17.1 Po 20.2 28.3 26.4 AVERAGE SHARE OF RADIO STATIONS (exceeding 3% share) in Lithuania SPRING 2013 LRT Radijas 19.8% Other 27.2% Radiocentras 7.1% Power Hit Radio 3.6% Zip FM 3.1% M-1 16.6% M1 plius 4.8% Lietus 14.6% Russkoje Radio Baltija 5.6% Source: TNS LT 16 Pūkas 7.6% AVERAGE SHARE OF RADIO STATIONS (exceeding 3% share) IN VILNIUS SPRING 2013 LRT Radijas 15.1% Other 17.6% Radiocentras 4% Žinių radijas 3.4% A2 4% M-1 15.8% Power Hit Radio 5.1% Zip FM 3.5% M1 plius 8.6% Russkoje Radio Baltija 13.9% Lietus 9% Source: TNS LT 17 SHARE OF REVENUES BY MEDIA CHANNELS 2012 CINEMA 0.4% MAGAZINES 10.2% INSIDE ADVERTISEMENT 0.9% INTERNET 9.9% OUTDOOR ADVERTISEMENT 6.6% TELEVISION 47.8% NEWSPAPERS 16.3% RADIO 7.9% Source: TNS LT 18 Revenues of the audiovisual sector in LiTas 50 632 030 44 940 342 34 230 109 3 320 6129 5 414 121 2012 I Q 40 228 786 35 552 051 33 912 425 34 738 479 33 350 956 30 926 363 6 590 087 6 638 511 5 874 728 2012 II Q 2012 III Q Radio 5 794 806 2012 IV Q Television 2013 I Q Rebroadcasters Source: Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania Revenues in January–June 2013 76.98 mln. LTL 79.44 mln. LTL (21.50 mln. EUR) (23.01 mln. EUR) 12.07 mln. LTL (3.49 mln. EUR) Radio Television Rebroadcasters Source: Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania 19 43 067 870 39 221 140 6 275 945 2013 IIQ radio and television commission of lithuania Contacts Chairman Edmundas VAITEKŪNAS [email protected] Vice-Chairman Jonas KORENKA [email protected] Executive Director Nerijus MALIUKEVIČIUS [email protected] Deputy Executive Director Jurgita IEŠMANTAITĖ [email protected] Licensing Rima DAUNORAVIČIENĖ [email protected] Public and International Relations Birutė KERŠIENĖ [email protected] Vilma KERŠIENĖ [email protected] Irena VAIČIULYTĖ [email protected] Gilmantė STANELYTĖ [email protected] Renata SEMAŠKAITĖ [email protected] Martynas LUKOŠEVIČIUS [email protected] Agnė VITKIENĖ [email protected] Ramvydas JARAŠŪNAS [email protected] Legal Adviser Viktoras POPANDOPULA [email protected] Adviser on Electronic Communications Algimantas KAZILIŪNAS [email protected] Chief Accountant Rita LUKAUSKIENĖ [email protected] Accountant Viktorija KANTMINIENĖ [email protected] Computer Administrator Konstantinas SEVERINAS [email protected] Address Vytenio g. 6, LT-03113 Vilnius Phones +370 5 233 06 60; +370 5 233 26 77 Fax +370 5 264 71 25 E-mail [email protected] Website Monitoring and Research 20