Weekly Bulletin - Holy Name of Jesus Parish
Weekly Bulletin - Holy Name of Jesus Parish
JESUS PARISH 1 a /-'\ .t-/ \'ex; L)rleans Iuly lT, zoa6 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Luke ro:38-42 Theme: Take time to develop a relationship with the Lord Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, "Lard, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me." The Lord said to her in reply, "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her." Question r (for children): How often do you take time to thankJesus for his gifts to you of your health,your family, your friends and your teachers? Question z (for youth): How often do you take time to share your feelings and concerns with Jesus or to quietly just "be with Him?" Question 3 (for adults): How often do you make time to share the events of your day with Jesus and thank him for the gifts in your life? We, the Catholic comrnunity at Holy Name of Jesus Parish, graced by the Holy Spirit, are calted to invite all people to experience the living and loving presence of Christ by nurturing the spiritual growth of all our members through energetic celebration of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, daily prayer, lifelong study of our faith, witness, service and hospitality; Sacraments Piresl-q-uy ffiS!-Y &iA&/qH SF ",ESLS frF{LJK{H 0n the campus of Loyola University 6367 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans, LA 701 18 www.hnjchurch.org PARIS${ flHNYSffi & ffiH{T#RY Located on Palmer Avenue iust 4 blocks north of St. Chqrles Ave' Mailing Address: 6220 LaSalle Place, New Orleans, LA 701 18 Monday-Friday...............8:30 am-12:00 pm & 1:00 pm-4:30 pm Phone............ Fax........,.....,... 504-865-7430 504-866-3391 e*_H$aGY Pastor............ Parochial Vicar.........,..... . .......... Fr. Edwin Gros, Fr. Stephen Rowntree, SJ SJ 5?&SF Finance Secretary...... Sacramental Secretary...... Debra OrdoYne .....,............Edwa Stewart ...,..........Mar9ot McGinn Religious Ed ,.,...,.....,....... Sr. Anne Marie Khuong, FMSR Director of University Ministry...........,...........Mr. Kurt Bindewald RCIA Director...............................,.............Fr. Gregg Grovenburg, SJ ... .......Courtney Lambert Jansen Youth Director ... Music Director................,.... .............,...Co11een Maher .............. Michael Mosley .......................1i2 Broekman Wedding Cindy Oufnac Wedding ...................8renda Danielson Finance Director of .. Sacristan....... Director...,..... Coordinator Coordinator. rd", p& gY*ffi &L {*[J Michael Hosemann, Kristin Marsiglia, Danielle Newlin, Stephanie Petras, Misty Quintana, Dan Sanders. f$SsftleF (#{.$ fqielL Mike Bagot, Jr. (Chair), Philip Brooks, Richard Clement, Jack Dardis, Thomas Krentel, Michael Plemer, Cardell Ross, Jr., Jeff Teague. hl f$"! Fi N&ME SF JfiSl,!$ pm ffi&rffi Hf*T #F *{ffi eff N{!ttAYfi &ru Saturday 3:00 -3:45 pm and by appointment. Monday through Friday 7:00-7:25 am. p&sY#ffiAt e&RH sF Tt4ffi s!frK Notify the parish about the homebound, ill, or hospitalized to add their names to the prayer list and to request Communion or Anointing of the Sick. t"{ fqj s&$ql 5 F{ M Esll ffi ffi ffi 5 E-t * F Participants in the liturgy at Holy Name of Jesus are encouraged to be a registered, active member of our parish. Membership packets are available in church or complete the form on our website (click on the Become a Parishioner link at the bottom of page). Bring your completed forms to the new parishioner meetings held the first Sunday of the month in church after the 10:30 am Mass. E'J{'.€AF: ISTI{ qHP*SITi*ru CHATEL The Chapel is located at Palmer Avenue and LaSalle Place. It is open for prayer 24 hours aday,7 days a week, For more information, call 504-895-5292. Principal.......... .......Jessica Dwyer, Admission...............Libby McGinn, Finance Coordinator ...Brenda Danielson, $&e ffiA8r,4EiriT5 &F BF*lTBf{T[#E\i Ai'.3# {,q"f, il{ F $ Li rbq H ru & Tffi /$q($ F{ lf you are not Catholic and want to learn more about the Catholic faith or if you are a baptized but an uncatechized Catholic needing to complete your initiation, contact Fr. Gregg Grovenburg, SJ at 504-865-2328 ar ghgrovenployno.edu. ffiHLCffiI*t59 flffi#{:eYE*N For information about youth religious education and sacramental preparation for youth, call 504-865-7430, ext.206. Seh{**t For grades pre-K through 7, the school is located at 5325 Cromwell Place, New Orleans, LA 701 18. For more information visit www.h njschool.org or contact: e{e*"} .................,4:00 P*et *- Bill Hughs (Chair), Mo Crane (Vice-Chair), John Bendernagel, Jeremy Burke, Chris Elliott, Kelly Fogarty, Don Hauber, 3"s#8-Y Friday.,........... Saturday....... Saturday Vi9i1.............,.. s&fl *FF*{m F{*t"}ffi$ $4 rbqeS$ s{$'{6m{.,1ffi Sunday..........8:00 am and 10:30 am (Children's Liturgy of the Word and Nursery) and 6:00 pm .6:30 am and 7:30 am Monday through ...........7;30 am 504-861-1466 504-861-1466 5A4-861-7630 sflF*s#L mffieffiffi Fr, Edwin Gros, Jessica Dwyer, Jessica Hof Cambre, Martha Cuccia, Larry Dagate, Daniel DiRosa, Kevin Murphy, Pat Talley SAfl Fte5irq il}.* E SF ffI& F{ffi E$qffi fi Couples should contact the parish at least six months prior to the date that the sacrament of marriage is desired. Read our parish wedding policy at www.hnjchurch"org, email Liz Broekman at [email protected], or call the office at 5A4-865-7430, ext. 200 for details. No weddings are scheduled more than 24 months in advance. rr'iF&ruT ffi&r'T"isiu Call 504-865-7430 to register for the required seminar for parents and godparents and to schedule your child for the sacrament celebrated after the 10:30 am Sunday Mass. "? www.hnichurch.org Holy Name of Jesus Church Pastor's Martha and Mary We discover in this Sunday's Gospeltwo different attitudes with regard to Jesus'visit to his friends' home in Bethany. Martha believes that first and foremost comes attention to the details of hospitality; on the other hand, Mary is completely taken up with attending to the person who has just walked into the door of her home. Or, on the contrary, how many times have we gotten so caught up in the contemplative side of our spirituality that we forget that the Word of God needs to be put into action, and our love needs to be expressed in deeds? These are some good questions for us to pray over as we seek spiritual balance in our lives. Jesus, in this moment, is more drawn to Mary's approach, even going so far as to say "she has chosen the better part." But this does not in any way indicate a lack of appreciation for all the things Martha is doing to care for him. With love he says, "Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things!" He then invites her to greater freedom--to not let herself get caught up in a whirlwind of activity. She needs to take some time for herself, to be silent, to contemplate, and to listen to the Word. With love from your pastor, Fr. Edwin Gros, SJ These two women are like stereotypes we often find in Christian communities, with differing, yet complementary attitudes toward the proclamation of God's Reign. Martha represents service, work, and action, and Mary represents listening to the Word, reflection, and contemplation. ln the end, both action and contemplation are two sides of the same coin, How many times in our work or in our families do we get caught up in activism like Martha, convinced that a particular task needs to be done immediately, and that there is no time to waste in reflection or contemplation? A Prayer for the Week (op*"ing Prayer r6th Sunday in ordinary Time) Lord, be merciful to your people. Fill us with your gifts and make us always eager to serve you in faith, hope, and love. Grant this this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. On the campus of Loyola University www.hnjchurch.org 3 July Calendar of Events $ua 'Ekrs: lvx{}u Ex 17 2nd Collection Black & Indian Home Missions IB 19 [ \&r**$ li.r $rs'i ilt11 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 Mission Mercy Mission Mercy Mission Mercy g" Scripture Study 8:10 am l6th Sundoy 21 17th Sunday in Ordinary Tinte 25 Radio Rosary 5:45 Adoration Chapel Mission Mercy 26 Scripture Study B: I1anr Mission Mercy 31 2 Feast of St. Scripture Ignatius Founder Studv 8:lqam o.f the Society* Jesus 6 of Events & Happenings Around our Parish Second Collection luly ry For Black and lndian Home Missions The Archdiocese of New Orleans benefits from this annual collection by the US Catholic Bishops. HNI & St. Francis of Assisi Youth Groups Mission: Mercy A Service Week Sun. July 24-Fri. )uly 29 Open to All RisingT-12th graders Service opportunities include: Second Harvest, Covenant House, Project Lazarus House, City Park, etc. Contact: Courtney Jansen [email protected] or Christi Schott at cschott@stfranci s u ptown.co m Help for Human Trafficking Survivors Reverence for Life Committee's July project is to provide support for trafficking survivors. The "Free lndeed Home" provides shelter for survivors. Current urgent needs are: Canned goods , rice, pasta, toilet paper, regular sized toiletries (small sizes ok too)" We are also soliciting contributions for "a welcome bag" for those sheltered to show them they are beloved children of God. These bags could include: a nice gift bag for the items, tissues nice toiletries/soap, snacks. Please place contributions in the box with the yellow flyer on it in the back of the church. Thanks for your assistance. God bless you. Adorers Needed for Perpetual Adoration "Can you not watch one hour with me?" lnterested in a morning hour? Call Ethel Hernandez 866-2040. Afternoon hour? Call Ernestine Springer 895-5292. Evening hour? Call Millie Fuselier 861-8143. 4 www.hnjchurch.org Holy Name of Jesus Church Im_p_ortaptDaf e_s_and_Q_"th-="_qPatrghNgw_q $-,i Iaa x'pg* e:aH &t$ c et i l;:t{:'{'$ : $ax$v.;T-,r.d. /',&\ $M .[AR3 {s'Lm&}{+&fldYi; Sat 4:00 pm Sun B:00 am Sun 10:30 am Sun 6:00 pm /?,;N;;;-f* L------'':'Y s'n17 Fr. Rowntree Fr. Rowntree Fr. Gros Fr. Gros rii"T$&& 5Sp"t\d#gA5 pm Sun 8:00 am Holy Name of fesus School rz5th Anniversary Alumni Mass and Celebration Aug. 28 at Holy Sat 4:00 Name of Jesus @ 10:30 Mass Reception to follow in the school Please RSVP by Aug. 19 to [email protected] or 504-861-9709 5un 1 0:30 am Sun 6:00 pm Fasold x2, Huguley Zimmerman x3 Oufnac x2, Marsiglia, Supak Creel, Macnamara x2 *-E{.'rij"t[{S pm Sun 8:00 am Sat 4:00 St. rude Summer Novena St. Jude Shrine 41 1 North Rampart St. July 23-July 30 Novena Speaker: Fr. Tony Rigoli, OMl, Pastor "Finding Peace in Discovering God's Mercy" For more information call 504-525-1551 am Sunl0:30 5un 6:00 pm Duggan, Phillips Perrault D'Souza, Rareshide Creel, L, Creel, Z $q S f H ffi S t#r.j Sat 4:00 Newlin, Toso, Culicchia Sun 8:00 Becnel, Read, Fraser, Hauber, D, Hauber, J 5un 10:30 am Broekman, Baird, D'Souza, Ohlmeyer, Macnamara, Petras, H.qT'ffi &# $q fl} fi $SA $qY #r ffi *LY fl #$ffi e4 pm am Financial Update !:::'. r,; i ..;!ic.:'..i-{;{!i:- }r:l}, Cash Giving Total Budget Variance YTD YTD Budget YTD Variance Envelopes and Online i iat*l{t.tr.{t:t{ *r* "r"i'fl}, S 8,809.35 $ 3,018.00 Sun 6:00 511,827.35 S 1 3,500.00 pm fl$$ $ Petras Hildreth, Ward, S, Baumann, Williams, Staub, Lamy, Jim, Creel 5(,672.65) 523,569.61 it 527,000.00 $ (3,430.39) i; ir!:"1 Y J-i Sat 4:00 Your contribution to Holy Name of Jesus can be made online. lt's secure and convenient. Go to www.hnjchurch.org. i.i'j' t fi* pm Sun 10:30 am [ t"i t S'f HH5 Duggan, Phillips, Newlin, Toso, Culicchia Collins, Crane, Hyland, Marsiglia -& i)l"l1iire {, www.h njchu rch.org ] \r l1'! $ cJ f,\, Ii ;.I*f ti-c frreal { gf" -JDSUS Holy Name of Jesus Church Please kg_qp-9,-uI'p+ rishioners and their loved ones in your pray,efs-: July Sick List Sick List Changes Herschel Abbott Joan Adrian Names will remain on the sick list for one month only. lf a person on the list who has Anne Atkinson Ann Babington Bruce Baird Chad Billiot Diane Blaine Mitchell Bourgeois Pat Browne, Jr. been removed continues to need prayers, please contact Fr. Rowntree. Also contact him if someone on the list continues to need prayers. frstephenh nj@g ma i l.com Katherine Casey Caffery Pickens Calhoun Sr. Annice Callahan, RSCJ MichaelCrock Bozie Dietz Melissa Doyle Oscar lgnacio Edmunds Jesse Estapa Carol Finley Donna Fleming Christina Fowler Servando Mendez David Moore, lll Cindy Morales Marcia Morgan Miriam Ogden Peter Oliver Thomas Nosewicz Louie Perrilliat Claire Peragine Marie Garon Janet Giselson Frances Givens S;t -4,S-S; &4mtt. tr 3;B&-4* to'iffifl*ffifry 6:30 am 7:30 am &4ilc, ?"q"rfist)&Y ftS{c. ?:tr 6:30 am 7:30 am r,qrffffir*ns&3, Y 6:30 am 7:30 am ?ItiiBt$ffi,&"f f*r {-}"ee kV*e1q 4.-l5,'l S-3#; fl*lmtt. t ?:46-5S (lnt) Ernestine Springer "$*lr. 1 rl, 4-T S; Matt.l S;'{ -S (lnt) Vaudry Family "$e r" H r'! S: ? * 2S:'X -2,1 t -T * -3,7-8, I ?- 1 3; f#lett. t 3? 6:30 am 7:30 am Harry and Rosie Charbonnet Julie Poitevent Frank Purvis Dr. Justin Renaudin John Gordon Michael Gros Mary Lou Harris Nancy Hailey John Houser Katherine Riess Amy Ryan Blair Reynolds Michaela Grace Sabatini Rosa Maria Santos Sheila Schwartzmann Chris Jarrott Barbara Levert Kahle Julie Kahle Sarah Murray Keith Mary lrene Scoggin Aiden Cole Smith Ernestine Springer Elizabeth Stahel Louise Stewart Amanda Thompson Ardyn Thriffiley George Villere Patrick Washburn John Kehner Kathleen Kennedy George Keenan John Laborde Earl LeCorgne John Marie Andrea Meyer &$ss:, fmr *elv*e$ fu4ess {r"e*#ffi[q#t-as *m*s e*ruit'tg im 4-t ?: J*hn rE{fit}i.\Y 6:30 am 7:30 am "j*i"" 3: S&TLJftil)&Y i*:s". ?: i -1 am 4:00 pm 7:30 T (lnt) Pat Browne, Jr t; tr4att. t 3:?4-3* Arthur Schott Audley Brennan Safe Environment Websites Please refer to the following websites for important Safe Environment information: http://www.a rch-n o.orglsafe-envi ron ment http://www.a rch-n o.orglvicti ms-ass ista nce http://usccb.orglissues-and-action/ch ild-and-youth -protection/i ndex.cfm ttn* arm'led s*?"*,'i{*$l Col. James "Beau" Higgins, USMC Will Buford, USN Lt. j.g. LCDR Donald Toso, Jr., USN Spc. Andrew M. Miller RNG 2nd Lt. Kevin H. Caliva, Jr. USA fi www.hnjchurch.org Andrew Newman, USN Holy Name of Jesus Church @ -Wissti:+:un Flh St" eih,m'!ae'km. IBrwt Prus rs 3636 St. Charles Ave. . New Orleans (s04) 8ee-8888 t- ECONOTAX OF \F}|cnnRoLLToN, INc lncome Tax & Bookkeeping for the Elderly lnrre Mncrtrunorn . Mrl Blut'itlt'ttt (504) 866-s651 or (800) 260-56sI 1 516 S. #qsY*.*t&mx m,qg$e-ti,S M $er wrg f& e,&kxr #s"fea.rss,&f,e t wp .A re a $$sr*:e f SSs GiEIECI r,r New Onlag,ng" 4SSl Veterans Blvd. ''" Savings, 81 I5 S. A.J. t,orclq Heoting & A/C CTAIR geic$"c$mlnola BIOIUU-IO$$ psreuRY srFr(oP El2i oak St. \el.Orleans. LA 8O9 Antonine St. New Orleons, 5$4-457-2S45 d,. big and easy" ffi Claiborne Ave. . Uptown www.robertfresh market.com souil*andair.eonl 701IIJ 866-0748 LA Itu ttxt. \ t.t't,tr,, llrrt's. l(Lr r(,1()r'\ -\nr rt r L)" I(rlt\rR\ FUNEMT HOMT AND CEMETERIES . l{EAnil& " CSSLIiaG Residential & Commercial GUILLOT'S FLUiaEII{G 504-835-1687 WVI/W. "Quality Prodacts, P r o.fe s s i o n ally I n s t all e d" At BOURGEOIS Bienvenu - a name trusted and recommended for over 70 years. PLUMBING & REPAIRS 212 Elmeer Avenue Metairie, LA 70005 LMP 110 I 24 Hr. Emergency Service PTowN TEDIATRIo I,ENTIgTRY 1 Now Open 3715 ?r5fiania 9t.)uite 3BO (5O4) A96-7435 U pt ow np e di a1;r ic d enLtoLry. co m h{ansion & Gardens All Services ln One Beautiful Location. . Funeral Home . Cemeteries . Mausoleum Wedding Receptions, Corporate Functions Seated Dinners & Special Events Dc:y 486 5731 Night 835-9OOZ www.bienvenu.com . ILLOTSSAN.COM T"he Elmrs Let Our Jobs Do The Tnlkittg (504) 83s-7784 GU Create a legacy that endures. 3029 St. Charles Ave. - 504-895-9200 o Crematory . Flower/Gift . Chapel ';l$ ,!JJl Shop SUPPORT OUR PARISH :iriilw 9repHeN C.Hotv'es,DDO Di?lomaLe. American Soard of ,, ifF ,,,,,, .+ .,., :-l*.::--;J: TH ROUGH LOCAL ADVERTISING Contact Kim Charles to place an ad today! [email protected] ori1_(800) 477-4574x6322 ! . .,ri --f,i''' 5100 Pontchartrain Blvd. New Orleans,LA70124 (s04) 486-5331 www. 7ed,ial:ric DenLisLry la kelawn meta irie.co m ,s McKenzie Enterorises lnc, a McKenzieTrde Service f,ffi r r Tree Removal Trimming Landscaping Maintenance r Fertilizing 456-1300 897-5585 tul.ar{S gfianel, (D%-A Faurlv Dpxrtsrnv 861-2523 Crane Rehab Center, ttc physical & occupational therapy Mo Crane, PT, CSCS Clinical Director Work: (5O4) 828-7696 @;nrm*-, 1407 S. Carrollton Ave. For ad inlo. catt 1-800-477-4574 . lvtrvly.4lpi.com 14-02821i *1F* i.,'9rys*. i&: r$r' Cornmitment I E .{#UW d}R fl"lr, i]a;iiT & Solutions: . Award Winning Buyer & Seller Sewices .Single.Family,Multi-Family,condos/tmhsl wrqlc LINDA BABINEAUX, GRI, ABR, HHS,5O4.957-8OI4 BABINEAUX 504-813-8460 o 861-7575 oFC ffi*ff.ffitrx,Y'*nffi Hff ,r,*m?rY c*p 24hoursaday,Tdaysaweek,Asanaddedbenefi!iflstallinqasecurity System may quaiify you for a Homeowners lnsurance t&$_$_ &ssqi8E HOME SALES PARTNERS discount h$[}wt "i_-ffifrt#]-3st"-ffi5il}1 HoME5fl{LlslirYrE'Ar''t #;",i]J; tw ::TJ f Li_( i. -e4--{i,-#"'"' l C5 e--J Top Residential Producer Dn. Jnrvrre Toso Dn. DorunLD Toso e$s-e3#3 1502 Calhoun :;;d,-;=i St.. New Orleans ffi this aet fr:r a C*mpEimentary {J*nsultatien www.€{, s* $rth o. e o il-r 891-1142 U# 8e1-e023 .xd fu1e:':tirlr: .+I":til,; 7004 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans, LA 504-86L-7564 888-533-0746 ' Trn{sLBss Et,ac.ar.ice, 4720 South l-10 Ser:vir:e ll.'i. Wcst Moprnx AMsNrtrss g !\'ilYWHl'SFNTccnt -- -*-._]=:r*- s,irr:510*N{emiric,L;\ (504) 93:[-3$CI$ ld{C}{ AEI- J. TI-{t}h,l AS, &1"D., F.A"C, ;q" Mr rq r nr l r,r I x r,.q sr v a S u tic; r c a l Wn rc g't l-<:,s s SouTTTsnN HoSPITALITY. -:- Torellv RBNovereo zr Gursr Roous "1. ,\ovrtt'ic.eo L;\ pAiroSCopIc Sc tr*ruv Liz and Teny CreeL Proprietrirs w-1 Looking to buy or sell a Home, Condo, lnvestment or Commer(ial Property?,f*rsf l$sir #df,f#d.t htl \-e I ChB{.JeM [VE$, :l ili',riii]' kWNEW SRLEANS Cell: (504) 481-5343 i ,,i,r,, .:!.ri,'r * Complime4tary ' , . Continental breakfast wl{re soft drinlcs, and sweets available each afternoon KrLr r.i?r,./rr Emai I : chu ckives@ kw. com l[*Xf Xl,:lll** :n:lx1:?i:*:i:3';?*J' H ,)., iC ?-c e-t DHL o FEDEX. UPS . USPS eruice. Ship pin q 9 upplie a Mailbox Renlal . 51.an?e . Fax Sewice . Copies bindinq. Laminalinq. ?ass?orl Photog. Auiineos Cards . PtinLing Rubber 9aampo. Enqtaved 5igne Vinyl Letterinq . 5iLne & Oannero ?ackin q Gifl S W rap pin q. 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