May-June, 2015 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood


May-June, 2015 - Temple Sinai of Hollywood
May–June 2015
Iyar–Tamuz 5775
Friday, May 22
Confirmation Shabbat Service 7 pm
Followed by a dairy dessert oneg
Saturday, May 23
Shabbat Service 9:30 am
Saturday, May 23
Erev Shavuot Service 7:30 pm
Sunday, May 24
Shavuot Service 9:30 am
Mincha 12 noon
Monday, May 25
Shavuot/Yiskor 9:30 am
Mincha 12 noon
Please join us as six religious school students
take part in a Confirmation Service
during the evening Kabbalat Shabbat service
Friday, May 22 at 7 p.m.
2015 Confirmation Class
Lilly Gitlitz • Anastacia Gold
Amanda Gordon • Jacob Gordon
Danielle Greenberg • Adam Weizman
Temple Sinai of Hollywood
1400 North 46 Avenue • Hollywood, Florida 33021
Temple Office: 954.987.0026 • Fax: 954.987.2731
School Office: 954.987.1694 •
Affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conserviative Judaism
and The Jewish Theological Seminary
Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz
Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Harry Silverman
Early Childhood Education Director . . . . . .Donna Anton
Religious School Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Kaye
Membership Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Elana Schramm
Financial Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marcie Greenberg
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miriam Rube
Immediate Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Larry Marks
Vice President Ritual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shammai Taplin
Vice President Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cheri Rothschild
Vice President Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener
Vice President Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Harvey Rafofsky
Vice President Programming . . . . . . . . . . . .Hillary Josephs
Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marty Gerber
Parliamentarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evan Plotka
Men’s Club Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Don Levine
Sisterhood Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Joan Lefkowitz
Hazak Rep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Schwartz
ECEPA President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lindsay Anidjar
Legacy and Endowment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. Mal Golden
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judy Wiener
Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Debbie Weiss Stokley
The Bulletin is published by Temple Sinai of Hollywood
every other month throughout the year
Please Join Our Daily Minyan Services
8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
8:15 a.m.
Friday Evening Shabbat
*7:00 p.m.
Saturday Shabbat
9:30 a.m./time varies p.m.
Sunday & National Holidays 9:00 a.m. & 5:30 p.m.
*Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:00 p.m. each Friday evening
in the Zinn Chapel followed by an Oneg.
*KISS (Kids In Shabbat Service) will resume in the fall.
The schedule may vary so please check with the Temple office.
Birthday or Anniversary approaching?
We would be delighted to have you sponsor a Friday evening Oneg.
Please call the Temple office for details
May–June 2015
May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
June 5
June 12
June 19
June 26
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2 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Shavuot is the holiday when we celebrate receiving our holy Torah. 3,300
years ago our ancestors stood at mount
Sinai and experienced divine revelation.
Those ideas and ideals which they received then, continue now to inform
and shape us and our world. As the people of the book, we reread those words
and try to re-experience revelation. The
concept of revelation, is in the realm of
the ineffable, and it is something for
which words are inadequate. In speaking about revelation, the more
descriptive the terms, the less adequate is the description. Revelation is a mystery. Nevertheless we as individuals and as a people
have placed the divine revelation at the center of our faith.
The celebration of Shavuot, when we receive the Torah, is the
actualization of what we began to understand at Passover. On
Passover we realize and accept the ideals of freedom from slavery.
On Shavuot which occurs seven weeks after Passover, we realize
the true potential of the divine essence of our being. That seven
week time frame is when we count the Omer, and prepare as well
as ascend to higher consciousness and awareness. May this journey,
for each of us continue to develop in depth and connection, within
ourselves, among us, and with the Source of all.
Rabbi Dr. Gideon M. Goldenholz
Rabbinical Assembly
Broward Board of Rabbis
Mesader Gittin / Head of Rabbinic Court
[email protected]
Michael and Sandra Aversa
with children Harris, Blake and Parker
Greggory and Heather Horn
The Hebrew month of Sivan brings
us the holiday of Shavuot. With most
of the Jewish holidays, we have a spiritual, historical and agricultural aspect
with symbols and flavors. Shavuot has
one prominent symbol, the Torah and
one primary cuisine, cheesecake.
What lessons can we learn as leaders
and community members from this
holiday commemorating the giving of
our Torah? We learn the portions we
read every week in the synagogue are timeless. Their lessons are
only as meaningful as we choose to accept and apply to our lives.
Contributing to the building of a school or a synagogue fund, donating in memory or in honor of a loved one, dedicating your services for a minyan, and volunteering of your time are actions
expressing a commitment to the continuity of Jewish life. You are
the ones that keep the Torah and Judaism alive and have done so
for centuries.
Cheesecake, blintzes, and a delicious dairy spread remind us that
while learning sustains our minds, service builds character, food
served with family brings us together. If you eat dairy because of
the connection to the story of the holiday, because your grandmother served cheesecake or you have no idea why you serve dairy,
come study with our Rabbi or participate in one of our Sisterhood
functions with delicacies and realize our food symbols are only to
sweeten our love for Torah. There is more than one way to feed
the soul and as a synagogue, Temple Sinai welcomes all to the
Whether your month will be filled with the joy of a bar/ bat
mitzvah, wedding or baby naming or the reflections of loved ones
lost and in our memories, know you are part of a larger caring
Our warmest wishes for a month filled with meaning, health
and happiness.
Please support our minyan!
Become a minyanaire and enjoy some new friendships while
making it possible for someone to say kaddish. Try it, you'll like it!
Monday - Friday 8:15 am. • Sunday and Holidays 9 am.
Evenings at 5:30 pm, Saturday varies with sunset
with children Benjamin and Aimee
Moshe and Robyn Cohen
with children Koby, Jenna and Olivia
William and Tamar McCarthy
with children Kyle , Lillyann andAidan
We are an inclusive egalitarian Conservative congregation
celebrating diversity.
next Luncheon/Program
will be on June 14, 11:30
in Youth Auditorium.
Please watch for flier
and program details.
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 3
Donna Anton, Director
Sunday, April 26 was the date
of our 12th Annual Character
Brunch, Auction and Raffles,and
what a beautiful event it was.
Under the outstanding leadership
of our co-chairs, President, Lindsay Anidjar and Vice President,
Lisa Zucker, along with their
committee members, Nicole
Moskowitz, Julie Roffman, Jessica Sanchez and Pamela Schatten, this year’s event was one of
our most successful ever!
Over seventy-five children and their families enjoyed
a fantastic morning with lots of music, characters such
as Lilo and Stitch, a hula girl, and some good morning
food from Eden Catering. There were two bounce
houses, dancing, arts & crafts, face-painting by SmilinMo (Maureen Rash, a past parent of our ECE) and
Ms. Gisela, one of our teachers.
Proceeds from the event go to our PA, which has been
so incredibly generous to our preschool. Over the past
year, our PA has donated a large outdoor building block
set for our playground, picnic tables, and a cover for our
playground. We are so fortunate to have so many involved and dedicated parents.
The event was tremendously successful thanks to
overwhelming community support and involvement.
Over 100 local businesses made donations for our raffle and silent auction. The biggest selling item was a
one year family membership to Temple Sinai which
sold to a family for $1,300.
Even before the date of the event, the PA had raised
more than $5,000 just from our sponsors. A Big Thanks
to our Generous Donors: The Law Offices of Anidjar &
Levine; South Broward Nephrology & Hypertension Associates ( James P. van Gelder, MD & Fran V. van Gelder,
NP-C); Hollywood Kia; Rhonda Sossin &Sossin Financial Group; Pension Investors Corporation ( July & Larry
Wiener); Temple Sinai Sisterhood; The Wasserman Family; The Litvak Family; The Zucker Family; The Schatten Family; 1200 Digital Web Design; Schatzman &
Hovanyecz, P.A.; The Kaplan & Harvey Families; and
The Jay-Gordon Family.
In addition to the many active volunteers in our PA,
our wonderful teachers also came by to check-in the
for members
and guests
families, serve the food, watch the bounce houses, sell
raffle tickets, and so much more. Thanks also to Sisterhood members Judy Wiener, Paula Platt, Cheri
Rothschild, Paula Greene, Gwen Esbin, Lois Nonkin,
Esther Bejar who were on hand to lend a hand. Thanks
ladies for your assistance and your enthusiasm!
I also want to mention our Mitzvah Project – organized by Lisa Zucker – in which we are seeking collections for The Humane Society. Donations for this can
be made in the school office.
One final note: As so many of you are aware, this has
been a most interesting year for our preschool, with
having to pack and move to the temporary location,
then re-packing and moving to our new building, and
the adjustments to new rooms, new procedures, etc. I
can’t say enough about how supportive our parents have
been and I am very grateful for their continuing support of our school. I would also be remiss if I didn’t
again thank our teachers who gave so much of their
own time with packing and unpacking and moving.
They really did go above and beyond! Our reward has
been more than 30 new students just in our first three
months here and scores of new students who will be
starting in August.
In short, we’ve made it through the difficult part and
the future looks extremely bright for our Kasselman
School. We hope we will continue to be a shining star
for our Temple Sinai family.
Watch Your Email for the Date
Temple Sinai
Summer Picnic
at the home of Judy & Larry Wiener
4 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Character Brunch
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 5
Karen Kaye, Director
We are extremely proud to announce that on
May 22nd during our Friday night Shabbat
service, 6 amazing Religious School students
will participate in a Confirmation Service at
Temple Sinai. The 6 students are Lilly Gitlitz,
Anastacia Gold, Amanda Gordon, Jacob Gordon, Danielle Greenberg and Adam Weizman.
During the school year these teens have
studied with Rabbi Goldenholz on Sunday
mornings and they are ready to make a commitment to God and the Jewish people regarding Jewish learning and
living Torah. They are making this commitment because they know
that the Torah, given to us on Mount Sinai, belongs to all of us. It is our
history and our destiny. It is our source of values, wisdom and purpose.
It is the Torah that has bound us together. It is what all Jewish life is
based on. The Torah is the soul of the Jewish people. As long as we
are Jews, the Torah is ours and we each have a share in it.
Our final day of religious school is Tuesday, May 19th. Our devoted
teaching staff has made this a year filled with fun and learning for our
students. They make the curriculum come alive. It is exciting to have
so many students who are excited about learning Hebrew and Judaism.
Within a few weeks we will be sending out the registration forms for
the 2015-16 school year. It helps our planning tremendously to have
early registrations; so please fill out the forms and return them to the
office as soon as possible.
Have a wonderful, relaxing and safe summer. We will see all of you
for the next school year.
Sisterhood: Paula, Gwen and Paula
Religious School Teachers
Tallit, Tefillin and Tango
"Tallit, Tefillin, and Tango" was the theme of this year's annual Travel Night program sponsored by Sylvia
Berman of Post Haste Travel and Cheri Rothschild. For the past 5 years Sylvia and Cheri have coordinated an
evening of world travel focusing on one region or country. This year's theme was Argentina. The evening began
with a trip powerpoint which was enjoyed while sipping Argentinian Shiraz and noshing on empanadas. In addition Temple members had an opportunity to share their travel experiences in Argentina while Sylvia moderated a Q and A session for those interested in traveling there. A video demonstration of different tangos was also
presented. Those participating ate churros for dessert while a raffle of fun Hispanic items took place. At the end
of the evening, the ladies revealed next year's country- Hungary!
6 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Simon Benjaman Weizman
Arianna Bardunias
May 2, 2015
June 8, 2015
“My Bar Mitzvah, to me, is becoming a man
and becoming closer to G-d. By helping others,
I am following G-d’s commandments. I will
continue to help when I can, throughout my life. The act of helping
someone does not have to be big to count a lot, every act has its own importance.”
Elan and Jennifer Weizman
“Becoming a Bat Mitzvah means I am committing myself to Judaism. I will try to follow
our traditions, observe the holidays and go to
synagogue, not just now but for the rest of my life. I am nervous and excited about my Bat Mitzvah service and reading from the Torah. I am
very excited about going to Israel with my family to celebrate this special
Ann Ferman
Shimon Z”L and Helena Weizman
Paul and Helaina Bardunias
Lloyd and Cynthia Greenberg
Peter and Bonnie Bardunias Z”L
Olsen Middle School, Grade 7
Paul, Benjamin
Interests/Awards: Member of the National Junior Honor
Society; member of the Olsen Middle
School band; loves to read and loves
computers and everything about technology
Ben Gamla Charter School, Grade 7
Mitzvah Project: Payton’s Angels. This organization makes
care packages for children with brain cancer.
There will be a collection basket at the
Temple for new items for the care packages,
such as books. movies, toys, etc.
Mitzvah Project: Helping other children in poor countries
around the world to have the opportunity to
get a good education like I can. Through a
program called Kiva, I used money I saved to
make a load to a school in Uganda that is
trying to buy a water filtration system to give
safe drinking water to its students. When
that school is able to pay off the loan I will
re-loan the money to another school that
needs help, and so on.
Interests/Awards: Dance, sculpting, theater, marine biology,
Greek mythology
leave on May 5th to Israel as part of the Birthright program.
KAYLA GOLDSTEIN, NOA POGANY, and MAYA SILVERBERG will be graduating from elementary school this June at the
David Posnack Jewish Day School. Mazel Tov!
JONATHAN BAXTER, son of KENNY and ESTHER, graduates high school at University School in June and has been accepted
to University of FL, graduating class of 2019. Go Gators!
Our synagogue gave more blood last year than the other synagogues last year. Kuddos to Temple Sinai.
CHERI and RON ROTHSCHILD's son, MARC, has been promoted to park entertainment producer for Animal Kingdom in
Orlando. Way to go Marc!
MARC and PATTY WEXLER's son, BENJAMIN, has been accepted to Cornell University.
Mazel Tov to Marc and Patty and Way to go to Ben!
JOLIE REISNER, daughter of RUTH HONIGFELD and NEIL REISNER, will enter the Harriet Wilkes Honors College at
Florida Atlantic University in August. And ALEEZA REISNER, Jolie's younger sister, earned a four-year scholarship for high
school at David Posnack Jewish School.
HARRY SILVERMAN just returned from his 13th March of the Living through CAJE, and while in the Israel portion of the journey was given an aliyah for his Bar Mitzvah anniversary at the wall. Mazel Tov!
JOAN and PAUL LEFKOWITZ’S son, JEFF, as sales manager of his KIA Dealership drove sales to #1 in the entire state of Georgia.
If you would like to “brag” about your loved ones or have important honors or accomplishments to announce, please call your editor at 954-9620762 or email her at [email protected]. Only too happy to write about our Temple family!
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 7
It’s hard to believe that the year is almost
over! It has been a hectic, exciting, and challenging year. We have had events that are
fun, events that celebrate Shabbat as sisters,
had our second annual Tu B’Shevat Seder,
had great speakers, and an outstanding
Torah Fund brunch. Speaking of that
brunch, my kipah is off to Diane Snyder for
raising more than our WLCG goal this year
and running a superb event; Judy Wiener for
lending her help to Diane; and Sharon
Zeller for donating the use of her home for the event!! Ladies, we
will be having another program in May to close out the year. Watch
for fliers telling you how we will be socializing (okay, partying) in
May. Many of us took advantage of Women’s Spirituality classes with
the Rabbi. One of our series of sessions was taking our Siddur and
starting at page one. We learned what prayers we should start the
morning saying and what we say as the day progresses. I know I found
learning the actual translation of the prayers brought me a better of
understanding their significance. Most days, I have been reciting
them at home. Sisterhood was visible as volunteers for Temple events
such as the Chanukah Dinner, the Purim Carnival, participating in
services, and recently the Character Brunch at the ECC. Did you
know Sisterhood is the new sponsor of a leaf in the ECC Butterfly
We have put together our calendar for next year and want all the
women at Temple to join us for anything that is of interest to them.
Once the Temple calendar is set, we can confirm what we are planning. It’s important for us to try and draw some of the younger
women of our Temple. Please let us know what you would like to
see Sisterhood do in the way of programming. Many of our programs are not carved in stone and we would welcome your ideas
and participation. By joining Sisterhood, you are contributing to
the Temple.
May 17-19, 2015, I will be attending the WLCJ Florida Region
2015 Spring Conference. I hope to come back with great ideas to
pass on to the Sisterhood board and all members of Sisterhood.
We don’t typically have summer events; yet the board will still be
planning and coordinating events. Please share your thoughts and
ideas with us.
I want to thank my wonderful board members ( Judy Weiner,
Paula Platt, Diane Snyder, Darlene Oklin, Esther Bejar, Joyce
Robbins, and Cheri Rothschild) for your great support, understanding, brilliant ideas, and caring for Sisterhood and Temple
Sinai of Hollywood. You all know how to make my job easier!!
Joan Lefkowitz
Torah Fund Has Very Successful Event!
Kuddos to Event Chair, Diane Snyder; our lovely host,
Sharon Zeller and our fabulous speaker, Dr. Sandra
Lilienthal, who teaches many of us at Orloff CAJE.
On March 15th, sixty women heard a most interesting
presentation on "EXTRA, EXTRA—Pesach would not
have happened without women!" Wonderful food,
wonderful women and a speaker we won't soon forget.
Diane, you did good!
8 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Torah Fund Luncheon
Big Turnout on a Hot and Humid Day
On Sunday, April 19th, we assembled in the cafeteria at our appointed time and found
that we would be sharing our space with many chatty challah makers straight from Religious School. After the initial ringing in the ears subsided from their exuberance we
worked quite well in the same space. We set up everything so quickly we did not have
time to think about the noise. We worked quickly and made nearly 100 lunch bags to
be handed out at the feeding site, the Broward Outreach Center.
In past months the number of people needing a lunch has risen dramatically and this
day was no exception. We thank the following crew who made a great lunch for our
clients and assembled grooming kits too::Gwen and Larry Esbin; Phyllis Levin; Joshua
Friend; Miriam Rube with Jacob and Reuben; Koby Cohen; Juan and Marisol Gonzalez; Lois and Mark Nonkin; Joan and Paul Lefkowitz; Linda and Don Levine; Paula and
Steve Platt; Debbie Meline; Paula Green; Wendy Benjamin Goldsmith; Judy Wiener;
Fred Hochsztein; Diane Snyder and Annie and Jon Garber with Natan and Shira.
Thank you to all who brought eggs, toiletries
and especially Paula and Steve who pick up
the bread and Entenmann's dessert. Entenmann's Thrift has been donating the dessert
since we started the program decades ago. A
big thank you for that.
When we arrived at the site we found more
helpers. Our old friends Ben and Eva Fireman were waiting for us. We always love to
have you participate. And boy did we need all
who came to the site to serve.
Bartholomew came with their usual great entree and we brought all the trimmings plus.
We have fun doing this. So try us, you many
like us and become a regular.
A special shout out to the Maliner Colvin
Family who routinely bring to the Temple 50100 pound bags of rice and beans, and very
large cans of tuna. That food is immediately taken to the Jubilee Center in Hollywood who serve hot
meals to our community five days of
every week. They are the ones who
asked the Hollywood Faith community to create the weekend program in which you participate.
Judy Wiener, coordinator
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 9
Purim 2015
10 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Purim Carnival
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 11
More than 100 people came together in Temple Sinai's sanctuary
on Thursday, April 16 to commemorate Yom Hashoah ( Holocaust
Remembrance Day). In a unified show of support for the victims of
the Holocaust and to honor those that survived, their liberators and
rescuers, candles were lit, prayers were chanted, and traditional
melodies were sung. Thank you's go to Avi Mizrahi and his committee for putting this memorable evening together, and to the "In Memoriam" donors, Harvey Rafofsky and Judy and Larry Wiener in memory
of Larry's family who perished in the Holocaust. If your family has
been personally touched by the Holocaust, we would like to record
your story. Please contact the Temple office, and someone will get
back to you to collect your information.
12 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
The Temple Sinai Religious School conducted a writing contest to commemorate Yom Hashoah. We are happy to include the essay of our First Place Winner in this Bulletin issue.
Congratulations to religious school students, Madison Lynn and Adrianna Bardunias , whose essays on the Holocaust,
took 1st and 2nd prizes, respectively, in our Yom Hashoah writing contest this year.
Below is Madison's winning essay.
There once was a time of horror, destruction and pain. There once was a time of death. This started in the
year 1939. This was the Holocaust, which scarred history forever.
The Holocaust was the time of Hitler's uprising. He sent all the Jews and anyone else that did not fit with
his " perfect German image" to camps to either exterminate them or work them to their deaths. They were shot
and beaten and tortured and treated like sick animals. Their living conditions were brutal and painful. There
were no conditions to even survive. They were turned into corpses by the lack of food and clean water. Labor
was forced upon the strong and the weak were turned into the dead from gas chambers or sickness or beatings.
I remember from a book I read that it was more common to see corpses lying around than to see actual living
people who were waiting for death to swallow them up.
However, there is a small group of people who survived this terror which killed 6,000,000 Jews. The survivors
are legends, they are heroes. Through the tough deadly conditions, they survived; they strived, they fought, they
worked, they got crushed, but they lived. They should be looked up to because they never gave up, and they
never let death take them.
What could I do to make our world a better place? I could make people listen. Listen to the stories of the
survivors and not to let their long terrifying journey be forgotten. I would save their stories and memories because one day they will be gone and there will be no one to pass on their survival story.
By remembering, no one will let a new Hitler rise again. The stories can influence and inspire people. It can
show everyone that no matter how blurry your present looks, there will be a future and you will find a way to
overcome the bad.
Kayla Marks
to speak at
Kabbalat Shabbat
Friday night, May 29
at 7 p.m.
Come and hear first hand
from our own Kayla Marks
what goes on at a national
AIPAC meeting and what
knowledge she brought back
to share with us. You might
even hear a word or two from
her dad, Dr. Larry, who
accompanied her.
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 13
May Birthdays
June Birthdays
Zachary Roisman
Emilee Comess
Parker Aversa
Ari Bejar
Aviva Bejar
Charles White
David Botknecht
Jerry Raticoff
Dr. Steven Schachter
Ellen Weiner
Rory Ostrower
Joelle Bejar
Harvey Rafofsky
Elan Weizman
Michael Alterbaum
Andrew Davis
Anne Braffman
Dr. Jack Pines
Marilyn Ponn
Rebecca Weiner
Kim Farber
Jacob Greene
Richard Steckler
Jason Koenig
Richard Sommers
Barbara Stein
Elliot Sandler
Tamar Carmel
Harris Nizel
Andrea Rafofsky
Zachary Roberts
Stuart Wolf
Carlos Zeller
Jaden Katz
Jordan Rosenberg
Ruth Honigfeld
Max Melamed
Alan Carner
Maxine Lipsitz
Dr Gilda Oran
Michelle Plotka
Dr. Nelson Zide
Jared Anton
Elaine Frey
Judith Wiener
Mark Spatz
Dianne Shaffer
Stanley Lepolstat
Michael Slonin
Jordan Botknecht
Marcie Patron
David Aarons
Olivia Cohen
Gabrielle Dunn
Bob Patron
Kenneth Zide
Dr. Robert Alterbaum
Emily Harrison Jolly
Stuart Hopen
Melanie Jakubowicz
Gordon Deckelbaum
Gina Hopen
Barbara Rosen
Janet Wiesner
Abby Lande
Jordan Lande
Daniel Mukamal
Robin Oklin
Jacob Pogany
Bennett Jay Gordon
Shayna Palmer
Meital Sapir
Robyn Cohen
Harris Gortler
Lisa Gortler
Dr. Russel Palmer
Laura Goldblum
Lilly Gitlitz
Matthew Gortler
Michael Riskin
Mark Lynn
Jonathan Pines
Dr. Morton Diamond
Natalie Bluth
Meira Maurice
Julie Roisman
Jennifer Weizman
Jason Zeller
Lila Flam Meltzer
Kevin Karten
Beatrice Marks
Eden Greenfield
Linda Sommers
Bradley Saperstein
Ana Aviani
Benjamin Greenberg
Debbie Meline
Ronald & Darlene Oklin
Steve & Helen Weissman
Gordon & Deborah Deckelbaum
Joseph & Joan Esterson
Jeremy & Jennifer Gerber
Wayne & Geri Riskin
Alfred & Florence Rosenthal
Howard & Judith Barron
Kenneth & Esther Baxter
Barry Faske & Jacqueline Shellow Faske
Paul & Rochelle Koenig
Stewart & Gina Shull
Sam & Audrey Meline
Stuart & Lynda Farber
Aaron & Ruth Singer
The Temple would appreciate your letting us know of
any mistakes or omissions of birthdays or anniversaries.
Please call the office to have corrections made.
14 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Joan Esterson
Samantha Muller
Elana Schramm
Dr. Beth Braver
Judith Schwartz
Isis Chavez
Amanda Gordon
Joseph & Suzanne Sharit
Mike Carrel
David Jakubowicz
June Anniversaries
May Anniversaries
Saul Jakubowicz & Paula Cooper
Lloyd & Lois Edelstein
Greggory & Heather Horn
George & Iris Crane
Carlos & Sharon Zeller
Karl & Carol Morgenstein
Bradley Saperstein & Gilda Oran
Gene & Elaine Glasser
Jonathan & Marlene Aarons
Morton & Louise Diamond
Stephen & Paula Platt
Dale & Jacqueline Greenberg
Ron & Nancy Stearn
Hal & Lesley Wechter
Donald & Linda Levine
Henry & Diana Scherer
Barbara & Hy memory of Seymour Hamburg
Barbara & Hy Rosen memory of Marvin Sonenshine
Gail & Stu honor of Chaim & Devera’s anniversary
Dr. David appreciation to Hashem
Gail & Harold Cohen memory of Sydney Hochberg
Naomi & Mal Golden ..........wishing Donna Anton and the ECE Staff
infinite success in the new building
Dr. Howard & Judee Barron honor of the birth of
our granddaughter Jordyn Olivia
Naomi & Mal Golden ....................with heartfelt appreciation to Elana
for remarkable assistance during the Minyan/Brotherhood Shabbat
The Cohen family memory of Saul Hoffman
Shirlee Segall Schiller ............................n honor of Barry Faske and the
50th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah
Susan & Richard Miller memory of Rick Stone
Susan & Richard memory of Sheila Silberman
Susan & Richard Miller memory of Marvin Sonenshine
Susan & Richard Miller ........................wishing Sam & Audrey Meline
health and happiness in their new home
Scott R. memory of Sam Jaffe
Richard Kushner honor of my Aliyah
Barbara & Hy Rosen memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Gail & Stan Spatz memory of Harold Cohen
Larry & Judy Wiener memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Mary Botknecht memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Lloyd & Lois Edelstein memory of Harold Cohen
Jeffrey & Anita honor of the B’nai Mitzvah
of Emily & Jonathan Mayer
Jeffrey & Anita Rashbaum memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Mary Botknecht memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
The Finer memory of Megan Geller
Rita Feldman & memory of Megan Geller
Audrey Branse memory of Megan Geller
Marty & Mimi memory of Megan Geller
Gail Cohen memory of Megan Geller
Barbara & Hy memory of David Zurawin
Barbara & Hy Rosen memory of Michael Rosenberg
Barbara & Hy Rosen ......................................memory of Megan Geller
Darlene & Ron Oklin ..................................memory of David Zurawin
Al & Florence memory of Megan Geller
Al & Florence memory of Harold Cohen
Phyllis & Charles memory of David I. Zurawin
Esther Bejar & Leah honor of Ruth Bejar our mother
Louise & Mort Diamond memory of Harold Cohen
Judee & Howard memory of Harold Cohen
Bradley & Rita Buschel honor of Logan Miller being accepted
to University of Kansas
Barbara & Hy blessed memory of our dear Megan Geller
Dale & Jackie memory of Megan Geller
Edith memory of Megan Geller
Mal & Naomi memory of Megan Geller
Joyce Robbins memory of Megan Geller
Lloyd & Lois Edelstein memory of Megan Geller
The Cohen honor of The Maurice Family
The Goodstein familyin memory of Alan Goodstein
The Blumenreich memory of Alan Goodstein
Helene & David memory of Alan Goodstein
Audrey & Sam Meline memory of David Zurawin
Audrey & Sam Meline memory of Megan Geller
Allan & Benita memory of David Zurawin
Rita Feldman & memory of David Zurawin
Honey & Joel memory of David Zurawin
Calvin S. Rosenfeld memory of my mother Muriel Rosenfeld
Calvin S. Rosenfeld memory of my father Jacob Rosenfeld
Carol Jacobs memory of Michael Rosenberg
Susan & Richard Miller memory of David Zurawin
Susan & Richard memory of Michael Rosenberg
Susan & Richard Miller memory of Shirley Wagan
Phyllis Levin memory of Michael Rosenberg
Stanley Kessel memory of Michael Rosenberg
Rita Feldman and memory of Michael Rosenberg
Gail Cohen memory of Michael Rosenberg
Audrey memory of Michael Rosenberg
Shari memory of Michael Rosenberg
Brentwood Elementary School Faculty & Staff memory of
David Zurawin
Dale & Jackie Greenberg memory of Michael Rosenberg
Norm & Ann Esser ..............with thanks, and in honor of Temple Sinai
Mildred Nitzberg honor of Paul & Rochelle Koenig’s
60th wedding anniversary
Selma Hopen……………………….in honor of Paul & Rochelle
Koenig’s 60th wedding anniversary
Steve & Paula memory of Herman Sorin
Steve & Paula Platt memory of David Zurawin
Steve & Paula Platt memory of Ray Brooks
Steve & Paula Platt memory of Allen Goodstein
Stanley & Paula Kessel memory of Michael Rosenberg
Gail & Stan memory of Michael Rosenberg
Carole Slonin memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Carole memory of Megan Geller
Sam & Audrey honor of the 50th
Wedding anniversary of Devera & Chaim Richter
Sam & Audrey Meline memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Sam & Audrey Maline honor of Rabbi Chaim & Devra Richter’s
50th wedding anniversary
Audrey & Sam honor of Morgan Botknecht
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Audrey & Sam Meline honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of
Emily & Jonathan Mayer
Judy & Bernie memory of Dr. Harold Cohen
Judy & Bernie Feldman memory of Megan Geller
Judy & Larry Wiener memory of David Zurawin
Judy & Larry Wiener memory of Megan Geller
Judy & Larry memory of Michael Rosenberg
Judy & Larry Wiener ................................n memory of David Zurawin
Judy & Larry Wiener.......................wishing Jack Stromfeld, Mazal Tov
on his 98th birthday and providing the temple with such a lovely kiddush
Judy & Larry Wiener..........wishing Gwen Esbin a very happy birthday
Judy & Larry Wiener.........wishing Estelle Slomovitz a speedy recovery
Judy & Larry Wiener ..............sending get well wishes to Selma Hopen
Judy & Larry Wiener ..........................sending continued well wishes to
Florence Rosenthal
Judy & Bernie Feldman memory of Michael Rosenberg
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 15
Lili Matalon honor of the Minyan club
Gary & Tobie Bagliebter memory of Megan Geller
Rick, Suzy, Harry, Levi & Chaya memory of
Elaine Bauchner
Eric, Suzy, Harry, Levi & Chaya Bauchner honor of Julia Roth’s
Robert Sossin memory of Faye Sossin
Anita Rashbaum memory of Herman Weiss
Anita Rashbaum memory of Rose Schutzman
Elaine Frey memory of Stanley Frey
Lois & Mark Nonkin memory of Frances Nonkin
Lois & Mark Nonkin memory of Lee Caplan
Calvin memory of Muriel Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kaye..................n memory of our son Darryl Kaye
Simone Dunn................................................n memory of Andre Boren
Sanford Osband memory of Morris Osband
Judith Saxe memory of Leila Shapiro
Fred Boruchov............................................n memory of Sam Boruchov
Martin memory of Nancy Gerber
Paula & Steve memory of Irving Stockser
William Braver memory of Annette Levin Berger
Lois Kobert-Edelstein .in memory of my beloved father Edward Lewin
Randee memory of Ethel Steinberg
Harris Gortler .........................................n memory of Mitchell Gortler
Shari Balmuth memory of my father Jacob Kosowitz
Cheri memory of my sister Nancy Maslov Lipp
David Zugman memory of Henry Klinger
Iris memory of my mother Jessie Kurtz
Silvia Dubrofsky Lisk ..........................n memory of Barnett Dubrofsky
Rita Feldman memory of my beloved sister Clara Hazan
Rita Feldman memory of my sister Ann Ashendorf
Jack memory of Harriet Fried
Jack memory of Gertrude Fried
Jack Fried memory of Harry Fried
Endre memory of Violet Schneider
Brian & Lauren memory of Stephen Gershengorn
Robert J. Sossin ..............................n memory of Abraham (AL) Sossin
Martin Gerber memory of Sara Gerber
Susan Schreiber memory of Lea Schreiber
Freda & Israel Goldstein memory of Bernard Borek
Helaine & Bernie Fisher memory of Victor Fisher
Endre Schneider………………………..…………….in memory of my
daughter Geraldine Schneider
Doree Benson memory of Mimi Benson
Linda Schreiber memory of my mother Lea Schreiber
Lorraine memory of our beloved Morris Solomon
Lorraine Glass memory of our beloved Howard Glass
Barbara Rosen loving memory of my special mom
Hy Rosen............................................n loving memory of my great dad
Lois & Jerry Raticoff memory of Leo Waldman
Sherry memory of Jacob Hoffman
Sherry Deutsch memory of Shirley Kaplan
Stanley Lepolstat .....................n memory of my father Irving Lepolstat
Ron Rothschild memory of Jennie Rothschild
Harvey Edelstein memory of Doris Edelstein
Ronald & Darlene Oklin memory of Anne Rose
Ronald & Darlene Oklin memory of Lillian Oklin
Rose Helfand memory of Harry Rosenkrantz
Rose memory of Miriam Rosenkrantz
16 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
Leila Goldstein memory of Sidney Goldstein
Neil Oberstein memory of Henry Oberstein
Stan memory of Ted Shapiro
Anne Braffman memory of Morris Braffman
Ilana Boffard Entin memory of Sherwood Boffard
Iris & Marvin memory of Abe Bornstein
Iris & Marvin Bornstein memory of Ida Bornstein
Iris & Marvin Bornstein memory of Harry Rosen
Iris & Marvin Rosen memory of Harriet Rosen
Silvia memory of Solomon Lisk
Silvia Lisk memory of Katie Dubofsky
Jerry & Lois memory of Jack Raticoff
Dorothy Brody memory of Arby Lipman
Harris memory of Fae Ripple
Anne Braffman memory of Isidore Fuss
Rita memory of my father Joseph Passo
Bernice Schwarz memory of Irwin Schwarz
Bernice Schwarz Rube memory of Frances Schwarz
Dr. Jeffrey memory of Yetta Rashbaum
David memory of Sara Castiel
Dr. Robert & Miriam Adelstein memory of Belle Adelstein
Frieda & Israel Goldstein memory of Chaim Yalowiec
Marilyn Shreiar memory of Doria Fine
Herman Weingarten memeory of Tillie Weingarten
Herman Weingarten memory of Louis Weingarten
Luis Travano memory of Lucila Travano
Luis memory of Leonidas Alva-Perez
Meryl Perkins memory of Louis Kaminoff
Meryl Perkins memory of Jean Kaminoff
Meryl Perkins memory of David Kaminoff
Meryl Perkins memory of Mark Kaminoff
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & Richard memory of Grandma Gitel Fried
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & memory of Grandpa Harry Fried
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & memory of Uncle Herman Fried
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & memory of Grandma
Mollie Mish
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & Richard memory of Morris Mish
(Poppy Moe)
Jack Fried, Amy, Sarah & Richard memory of Lenora Fried (sister)
Steve & Paula Platt memory of Pauline Platt
Alan & Paula loving memory of our beloved parents,
grandparents, and loved ones
It is with great sadness that Temple Sinai
acknowledges the following individuals who have
passed away since our last bulletin.
We extend our deepest sympathy.
Megan Geller
Beloved daughter of Elaine Geller and
granddaughter of Judy Schwartz
David Zurawin
Beloved son of Bessie and Michael Zurawin
Michael Rosenberg
Beloved son of Leslie and Jordan Rosenberg
and grandson of Lois and Lloyd Edelstein
Thank you to my Temple Sinai family for your kindness
and compassion in my time of need both before and after
Megan's passing. It meant a lot to our whole family. May
my beautiful Megan's name be for a blessing forever.
Elaine Geller, Megan's Mom
Judy Schwartz, Megan's Grandmother
Dear Temple Family,
We extend thanks for all the love and compassion extended to our family with the very sudden passing of our
son, David. We were in need and you came to comfort us.
May David's name be for a blessing now and forever.
Bessie and Michael Zurawin and Family
Dear Temple Sinai Family,
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for the overwhelming outpouring of love and support you have all
given our family following the passing of our beloved son,
brother and grandson, Michael Howard Rosenberg. It is
deeply comforting to know that Michael touched so
many lives, and that his memory will live on in so many
hearts. Please accept our deepest thanks for your many
cards, donations, hugs and words of condolence. We are
truly blessed to have you in our lives.
Leslie, Jordan and Jeffrey Rosenberg
Lois and Lloyd Edelstein
and Family
It’s a Mitzvah to attend Minyan
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 17
18 Temple Sinai of Hollywood
The Sisterhood Judaica Shop
has what you need!
Beautiful Graduation, Wedding and Hostess Gifts
Come check out our great prices!
• Rosenthal Wedding
Glass Items
• Shabbat Tableware
Aide to Mr. Fred Greene just before his pasing
• Unique Yahrtzeit
Candle Holders
• Hostess Gifts
• and so much more!
TEL. 954­454­3594
Gift Shop is in the hallway near the Rabbi’s Office
Sisterhood Members ECE & Religious School Parents
Get 10% OFF
We will make your dream event come true
American Cuisine • Sephardic • Israeli • Latin • Bulcharian • Syrian • French • Italian
Weddings • Bar/Bat Mitzvahs • Corporate Events
Bris/Baby Namings & any other special event
Exclusive & Affordable Menus Customized to Suit Every Occasion
1400 N. 46th Ave., Hollywood, FL 33021
Temple Sinai of Hollywood 19
1 KISS Shabbat
Pot Luck 6:15, Service 7:00 pm
2 Bar Mitzvah of Simon Weizman 9:30 am
Experience with Karen 10:30 - 11:30 am
8 Kabbalat Shabbat, 7 pm / Oneg
9 Shabbat Servce 9:30 am
Boker Tov with Orly 10:30 - 11:30 am
12 Youth Group, 6:30 pm
15 Family Shabbat Dinner/Dimitry Trio
Congregational Dinner 6:15 pm
Kabbalat Service 7:00 pm
16 Shabbat Morning Service
with Dimitry Trio 9:30 am
17 Temple Sinai Blood Drive 9 am - 12pm
Temple parking lot
22 Shabbat Service with Confirmation Class
Service 7 pm, Sponsored Oneg to follow
23 Shabbat Morning service/ 9:30 am
Erev Shavuot Service 7:30 pm
24 Shavuot Service 9:30 am
Mincha 12 noon
25 Shavuot/Yiskor 9:30 am
Mincha 12 noon
29 Kabbalat Shabbat 7 pm, Oneg
Kayla Marks speaking on
AIPAC Conference
1400 N. 46th Avenue
Hollywood, Florida 33021
954-987-0026 Office
954-987-1694 School
954-987-2731 Fax
Visit us on the web at
30 Shabbat Morning Services 9:30 am
Proudly hosted by the David Posnack JCC
August 9-14
Maccabi USA has an extensive history of enriching
Jewish lives through athletic, cultural and educational programs. The organization is the official
sponsor of the United States Team to the World Maccabiah Games in Israel and other Maccabi competitions around the world. Maccabi USA supports
Jewish Athletic endeavors enhanced by cultural and
educational opportunities at home, in Israel and
throughout the Diaspora.
3 Kassselman School Pre-K Graduation
6:30 pm
5 No KISS Shabbat: Kabbalat Shabbat/Oneg
7 pm
6 Shabbat Morning Service, 9:30 am
8 Monday, 9:30 am
Bat Mitzvah of Arianna Bardunias
12 Kabbalat Shabbat/ Oneg 7:00 pm
13 Shabbat Morning Services 9:30 am
14 HAZAK Luncheon/Program 11:30
Youth Auditorium
Watch for flier and emails
19 Kabbalat Shabbat/Oneg 7 pm
20 Shabbat Morning Services 9:30 am
21 Father's Day Share-a-Meal
We need you Dads this day.
26 Kabbalat Shabbat/ Oneg 7 pm
Friday Night speaker TBA
27 Shabbat Morning Service 9:30 am
Watch the media for
date for our Annual
Sinai Summer Picnic!
Have you heard? The JCC Maccabi Games®
and ArtsFest® are coming to Broward
We NEED you to get involved. It takes 1000 volunteers, 450 host families and 350 local teens to
help in this amazing community wide event.
Broward will welcome over 2000 people in just 300
days. SAVE THE DATES: August 9-14, 2015!
So, how can you get involved?! Come by the table
set up, pick up a card with the information on
where to see the brief 6 minute video snapshot of
the Games and ArtsFest. Come take a photo
with the torch! Yes, the torch. The torch is making its way around Broward, from synagogue to
synagogue, organization to organization and will
be at its final destination on Aug 9, 2015 as we
light the torch at the Opening Ceremonies.

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