
brought to you from Hebrew Nation Online and
Walking in Torah Ministries
August 25, 2013
Elul 17, 5773
August 6_Conjunction New moon in Jerusalem
Dear Laura,
Greetings to the Hebrew Nation Community! This week, we saw the tragedy of
chemical warfare bombings in Syria. The horrific pictures of slain people wrapped in
white shrouds, were gripping and heart breaking to see.
Things may not be what they appear to be on the surface. Did Bashar al Assad
perpetrate this against his own people? Or, is this a false flag attack with some other
entity perpetrating ths with a sinister hidden agenda?
No matter what the answers to these questions are, innocent people, including
children, are dying. Since the Syrian civil war started, more than 100,000 people have
perished. We are living in perilous times.
A curtain of darkness is coming down upon the planet. Please be encouraged with
this promise from scripture, which shines as a bright light in the cloak of darkness that
is descending upon us:
"Nevertheless I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let
them enjoy abundant peace and security. I will bring Judah AND Israel BACK FROM
CAPTIVITY and will rebuild them as they were before. I will cleanse them from all the
sin they have committed against me and will forgive all their sins of rebellion against
me. Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations on
earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will
tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it.
This is what Yahweh says: "You say about this place, "It is a desolate waste, without
men or animals." Yet in the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem that are
deserted, inhabited by neither men nor animals, there will be heard once more the
sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and bridegroom, and the voices of
those who bring thank offerings to the house of Yahweh, saying,
"Give thanks to Yahweh Almighty
for our Elohim is good,
His love endures forever.
Jeremiah 33: 6-11
Let it be so! Yes and amein! That day is coming!
Amein and amein!
Blessings and shalom,
Laura Densmore
HN News editor
P.S. Do you have a HebrewNation News tip?
Comments? questions?
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Rebel forces Report Massive Death Toll After Syrian Chemical
Free Syrian Army says over 1,100 people killed, though others report lower
numbers; assault comes as UN inspectors in area to probe for chemical arms
use; regime denies reports
Syrian activists close to the country's opposition claimed hundreds of people were
killed in a devastating "poison gas" attack by regime forces outside Damascus
The attack came as UN chemical weapons inspectors were beginning a probe of
chemical weapon use in sites around Syria. There were several differing reports on the
numbers of dead. A Free Syrian Army source told Al Arabiya the death toll stood at
1,188, while the Local Coordination Committees said some 785 people were killed. A
nurse at an emergency clinic in Douma told Reuters the death toll was at 213, and the
head of the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 40 were
confirmed dead and the death toll could reach over 200.
Groups quoted activists as saying that regime forces fired "rockets with poisonous gas
heads" in the attack.
The Syrian Observatory said the shelling was intense and hit the eastern suburbs of
Zamalka, Arbeen and Ein Tarma. Activists told Reuters that Jobar was also targeted.
The areas are largely held by rebel forces.
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor) Reuters reports
upwards of 200 people have been killed, including women and children. The UK
Independent puts the number of dead at 650 people. The Associated Press is reporting
that as many as 1,100 people have been killed. The Assad regime has denied that any
chemical weapons have been used. This is a test to see if Obama is going to ACT on
this RED LINE that has obviously been crossed. Why now? Are there NWO puppet
masters pulling some strings who have decided to ESCALATE this war to a whole new
level? When I think of the innocent people who were gas attacked, it brings tears to
my eyes. Please pray for the innocent civilians in Syria who are going through this
tragic chemical nightmare.
The YouTube report that follows gives us more understanding about what we are now
seeing unfolding in Syria. Is WW3 already being secretly waged? Is the stage now
being set to ratchet this conflict up to a whole new level? Are NWO puppet masters
pulling strings so that the rationale for US and NATO troops can be sent into Syria to
wage this proxy war between Iran/Syria/Russia axis and the
US/EURO/NATO axis? Today's horrific tragedy seems to indicate that this may be the
NWO Manipulations in Syria: Has a Secret WW3 Already Begun?
Watch this MUST SEE YouTube to learn what the mainstream media is NOT
telling you!
This is an excellently produced compilation of credible material exposing the
military agenda of NWO. Very well done. MUST WATCH!
Nuclear Attack on Syria 2 - May 11, 2013
The identification of the nuclear explosion can be confirmed by the lightning observed
in the mushroom cloud cited discussed by Veteran's Today: Gordon Duff.
Nuclear Bomb Blast
"The fireball produces temperatures up to millions of degrees, shock waves similar to a
large earthquake, flashes similar to lightning and intense radiation."
The use of a nuclear weapon has also been confirmed by the flash driving all
spectrums of monitoring cameras into saturation.
Israel Nuclear Attack On Syria Confirmed - May 07, 2013
"Analysis of the video from Syria proves it to be a nuclear air burst beyond all doubt.
Many people said the blast could not have been nuclear because the color was wrong.
But a frame analysis of the exact frame that captured the initial blast proves the
camera maxed out in all 3 color channels, which by itself proves the blast was
MUST SEE! World War 3 is upon us! (fixed)
Palestinian and Israeli Negotiatiors Hold Secret Talks in
Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel's chief envoy to peace talks, met clandestinely
Tuesday morning with Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat at Jerusalem's King David
Hotel, Israeli officials said. A second meeting, which took place Tuesday evening at an
undisclosed location in Jerusalem, included Washington's point man Martin Indyk, the
officials said.
The participants agreed to meet again "soon," at the end of the talks late Tuesday
evening. On Monday, Indyk urged Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to
stay the course of the new round of talks - the first since 2010 - despite Israel's
continued settlement activity, Army Radio reported.
Tuesday's round of peace talks came on the heels of an earlier round of discussions
held quietly last week at an undisclosed Jerusalem location between Livni and Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's aide Yitzhak Molcho on one side and Erekat and Abbas
adviser Mohammed Shtayyeh on the other.
The two sides, along with the US, which is shepherding the negotiations, have vowed
to maintain radio silence in the hopes of muzzling critics who could scuttle the
Read more (Times of Israel)
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks: Israel Will Make 'Dramatic
Decisions,' Chief Negotiator Says
JERUSALEM - Israel will make "dramatic decisions" to reach a final peace agreement
that will end the conflict with the Palestinians, Israel's chief negotiator said Tuesday
while warning that hawks inside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition are
making her job more difficult.
Tzipi Livni's remarks came as a senior Palestinian official said that Israeli and
Palestinian negotiators met for their second round of peace talks Tuesday. The first
round was held last week in Jerusalem under a cloak of secrecy.
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Terrorists Aim to Hit Israeli, Jewish targets Worldwide in Coming
Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world are likely to be sought out by terrorist
organizations in the coming weeks, the Israeli government's Counter-Terrorism Bureau
warned in strikingly strident tones on Monday, listing dozens of countries where it said
it had "concrete" indications of a terrorist threat.
It cited concerns about terrorist acts timed to coincide with the forthcoming Rosh
Hashana (New Year), Yom Kippur and Sukkot festivals, and also said that the
anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US was likely to be "a favored period"
for al-Qaeda and other global jihadist groups to attempt to carry out acts of terrorism.
Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world are likely to be sought out by terrorist
organizations in the coming weeks, the Israeli government's Counter-Terrorism Bureau
warned in strikingly strident tones on Monday, listing dozens of countries where it said
it had "concrete" indications of a terrorist threat.
Read more (Times of Israel)
BREAKING! Egypt: Ministry of Social Solidarity to Start
Disbanding Muslim Brotherhood
Minister of Social Solidarity Ahmed al-Borai said that the ministry has started taking
the legal steps necessary to disband the Muslim Brotherhood.
Al-Borai added that the decision to disband the group has become a "legal duty" after
the "terrorist acts" they were involved in, according to him.
He added that the ministry has the legal right to disband the organization after Shura
council has been dissolved and constitution nullified.
The Muslim Brotherhood's file has been sent to the General Federation of Nongovernmental Organizations to be studied. An official decision would be taken in 15
Read more (Egypt Independent)
Egyptian Military Warns Obama "Supporting Terrorism in Egypt"
is Red Line
And unlike Obama, when the Egyptian military talks about a "red line", they
actually mean it.
According to a report titled "Sisi to Pentagon: We will not turn back, sovereignty is a
red line," published in Watan newspaper (Saturday, Aug. 15 edition), Egyptian Maj.
Gen. Muhammad al-'Assar has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Pentagon, on
behalf of the Egyptian military council, saying, among other things, "We will not
retreat from fighting terrorism; the military does not run, for the [Egyptian] republic
has leadership, and our message is clear: we will not allow red lines to be crossed."
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Obama Policies Turning Egypt Away from the U.S. and Towards
The Obama administration support for Muslim Brotherhood Islamists in Egypt is driving
the powerful military there against the United States and toward Moscow, according to
U.S. officials and reports from the region.
The pro-Muslim Brotherhood stance is undermining decades of U.S. policy toward the
Middle East state and prompting concerns that the United States is about to "lose"
Egypt as a strategic partner, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.
Disclosure of the concern over the administration's policy failure in Egypt comes as a
security crackdown on pro-Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Cairo resulted in scores
"The Obama administration's blatant Islamist support is risking the decades-long
security arrangement with Egypt," one U.S. official told the Washington Free Beacon.
"The Egyptians are so upset they might very well give up our support," the official
added, noting the military regime is currently leaning toward seeking backing from
Russia, and possibly China in the future.
Read more (WA Free Beacon)
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News Editor) This article is
SIGNIFICANT in understanding what is happening right now in Egypt. We reported to
you last week that the people of Egypt were OUTRAGED with the Muslim Brotherhood
outreaching done by Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Then, we have an
unconfirmed report in the alternative news media that Putin has put all Russian
Military facilities at Egyptian Military's Disposal. So what is going on here? The US
has had close economic and military ties to Egypt for many years. However, with the
White House BLATANTLY supporting the terrorist organization of the Muslim
Brotherhood, now Egypt's people and leadership are starting to BACK AWAY from the
US and look to MOSCOW for their support. We can thank Obama for these
developments. THis could tip the balance of power in the Middle East towards the
Moscow/Iran/N.Korea axis.
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Focus Israel Report by Eddie Chumney_8.22.13
Stay up to date on the latest news from Israel as it relates to end of
days bible prophesy!
This week's update: Israel and the Palestinians have started direct peace talks. What
are the current developments?
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The 1260 Report_Two Watchers on the Wall_8.23.13
Kimberly Rogers and Laura Densmore Team up to Bring You News
Headlines as it Relates to End of Days Bible Prophesies
Broadcast on Hebrew Nation Online , airs LIVE at 9am and 5pm Pacific on Fridays or
listen to the podcast later.
Join us on the wall as we count down to the final 1260 days prior to the return of
Messiah Yeshua!
Stories covered in this broadcast: (8.23.13)
*Massive death toll after Syrian chemical attack
*Former Israeli Defense Minister calls Syria attack "another holocaust"
*Discussion: Is this another "False Flag" perpetrated by the N.W.O. to accomplish their
own agenda?
*Has a "secret" WW3 already been launched and now has ratcheted up to another
*Mainstream media silence on Egypt: Egypt is now disbanding Muslim Brotherhood
*Eyptian army to Obama: Supporting MB terrorists in Egypt is a "Red line"
*Mubarek released from prison
*Obama policies turning Egypt AWAY from US and TOWARD Moscow
*Secret peace talks happening in Jerusalem, US excluded from one of the session,
*Will US follow the example of Egypt and oust the Muslim Brotherhood mamser in the
White House?
*Movement to impeach Obama snowballing in all 50 states: where is this going?
*Fukushima ocean contamination: your days of eating Pacific ocean fish are over
*FEMA preparing for worst in Region 3: October 1st is target date: Why?
*Gay/lesbian and muslim agenda in schools targeting children
*Close in scripture/prayer: Jeremiah 32: 36-43
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Torah Portion for Shabbat, August 31, 2013
Read more (Hebrew for Christians)
Take a moment to worship Yahweh our Elohim
Worship song from Brad Grooman: Time 2013
Melody is based on "Time" (by Tom Waits)
Scripture reference: (Matthew) 2:18
Jeremiah 16:16;
Proverbs 29:18
Time 2013
Zakar Elohim ET Brit (Abba, Remember Your Covenant!)
Scripture reference Exodus 2:24
And Elohim heard their groaning and Elohim remembered
His covenant with Abraham with Isaac and with Jacob.
Zakar Elohim ET Brit (Abba, Remember Your
Movement to Impeach Obama Snowballing in all 50 States
WND first reported on the booming movement in July, and now the group claims it has
mushroomed to 40,000 members across America to become "the largest grassroots
movement in the nation" in the few weeks since it was launched in June.
The group's national website has links to Facebook pages of groups in all 50 states,
plus Washington, D.C.
And it is on those Facebook pages that organizers recruit and inform, while fellow
members share their experiences and bond, as the group's Internet-age version of
grassroots democracy takes root and flourishes in cyberspace and on the streets.
The clout of "Overpasses for Obama's Impeachment" is growing so fast, Press
Secretary Jennifer Hitt told WND, "We would like to get to the point we can help fund a
2016 candidate. The movement started with the main Facebook page, grew to the
state Facebook pages, and now we are trying to get most people to register on our
state forums on the website,"
Hitt said the buzz isn't limited to one area: "It's nationwide. The energy is crazy high."
What does it mean? (Commentary from HN News editor). Will the US follow the
example of Egypt? The masses turned out and they OUSTED the Muslim Brotherhood
Islamist, Morsi. Now Egypt is in the process of DISMANTLING the Muslim Brotherhood
organization in Egypt as it is a KNOWN terrorist operation with murderous thugs in its
ranks. Will the US oust the Muslim Brotherhood mamser who occupies the White
House? Will the US DISMANTLE the Muslim Brotherhood organization that has
infiltrated into every major government agency, including the State dept, the FBI, the
CIA, Homeland Security?
A STRONG WARNING: It is my opinion that we, the believing remnant, are NOT to
get involved in major protests,demonstrations or resistance against this tyrannical and
oppressive government. This government that is now a heavy yoke upon us...ABBA
has sovereignly ALLOWED this to be so as HIS JUDGMENT upon us for our national
sins. We are NOT to throw this yoke off....This Babylonian yoke WILL be broken off,
but by Abba Himself. There will come a time when it is time to FLEE (study Jeremiah
50 and 51). There are three fates in front of us; the sword, captivity, or escape,
survive and endure to the end. Resisting the government will bring down the sword or
capture. Pray that you would be one who will escape, survive and endure to the end!
Muslim Brotherhood Claim: We've Got the Goods on Obama
Son of jailed leader says evidence could put U.S. president in prison
NEW YORK - The son of a jailed Muslim Brotherhood leader in Egypt is claiming his
father has evidence that will land President Obama in prison.
The claim came as the Obama administration, with the assistance of Sens. John
McCain, R-Ariz., and Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and the open involvement of the No. 2
man at the U.S. State Department, made a concerted effort to see Muslim Brotherhood
leaders in Egypt released.
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FEMA Preparing For The Worst In Region 3-October 1st is Target
The government obviously believes something big is coming. Region three
includes, DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
According to a notice sent by Senator Sheldon R. Songstad, Ret. of South Dakota
State and published, with a video, which will be shown below, titled "Emergency Fema
Region 3 Alert!!!," the government obviously believes something big is coming.
Region three includes, DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV
The preparations listed include; Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in
CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems beginning 4th week
of July for 386,000 troops to be completed by October 1st;
$11 million in antibiotics to be delivered to FEMA region III by October 1st ordered by
FEMA purchase orders for over $14.2 million for MREs and heater meals to be
delivered to Region III by October 1st;
FEMA purchase orders for 22 million pouches of emergency water to be delivered to
region III by October 1st;
Read more (Wake up America)
Economic Collapse in Progress
The Destruction Of America's Middle Class (In Under Seven Minutes)
76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck
27% of American have no savings at all
46% of Americans have less than $800 in savings
The conversion of America into a part-time working society and the country's
second largest employer - a temp agency.
The college trap and the student loan bubble
And of course, foodstamps, foodstamps, foodstamps and the nearly 50 million
poverty-level Americans who need them to survive
The destruction of America's middle class is not something we discuss lightly. This is
an accelerating trend, one that touches all of our lives directly. No matter what income
category you are in, educational background, or political affiliation, this trend will alter
your own job, business, and everyone around you.
Let's look at some hard numbers and then look at what we can do in order to prepare
to thrive in the future.
Read more (Investment Watch)
Your Future
Your Days of Eating Pacific Ocean Fish are Over
Feds move pas
The heart-breaking news from Fukushima just keeps getting worse...a LOT
is, quite simply, an out-of-control flow of death and destruction. TEPCO is finally
admitting that radiation has been leaking to the Pacific Ocean all along. and it's NOT
I find myself moving between the emotions of sorrow and anger.
It now appears that anywhere from 300 to possibly over 450 tons of contaminated
water that contains radioactive iodone, cesium, and strontium-89 and 90, is flooding
into the Pacific Ocean from the Fukushima Daichi site everyday. To give you an idea of
how bad that actually is, Japanese experts estimate Fukushima's fallout at 20-30 times
as high as as the Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuclear bombings in 1945
There's a lot you're not being told. Oh, the information is out there, but you have to
dig pretty deep to find it, and you won't find it on the corporate-owned evening news.
Read more to see bulleted list
Fukushima - radioactive
contamination/dispersion in the pacific sea
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