Key Figures Hengelo 2013
Key Figures Hengelo 2013
KEY FIGURES Hengelo 2013 inhabitants area in ha. dwellings establishments jobholders 80,957 6,175 37,285 5.014 46.146 OO C RG UA NN CIISLAT I E Municipal election results 3 March 2010 political party CDA PvdA Pro Hengelo VVD SP BurgerBelangen D66 GroenLinks ChristenUnie number 5,719 5,362 4,713 4,156 4,097 3,715 2,573 2,197 964 votes cast % 17.1 16.0 14.1 12.4 12.2 11.1 7.7 6.6 2.9 seats 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 1 valid votes blank ballot papers turnout 33,496 144 33,640 100.0 37 executive councillors 1 1 1 1 1 5 53.7 Portfolio Holders in the Municipal Executive Mayor drs. Sander W.J.G. Schelberg Citizen and Council, Services, International Affairs, Public Order and Safety, Administrative Cooperation, Citizen Participation and Communication Municipal Secretary ir Wimjoost Licht Executive Councillor drs Jan Bron (PvdA) Public Housing, Spatial Planning, Traffic and Transport, First Deputy Mayor, Districts Groot Driene and Berflo Es, Project Councillor Hart van Zuid Executive Councillor drs Mariska A. ten Heuw (SP) Civic Integration, Education and Reintegration, Social Affairs, Employment (job market), Economy, Second Deputy Mayor, Districts Hengelose Es and Woolde Executive Councillor Wieger Mulder (BurgerBelangen) Culture, Finance, Taxation, Land Issues, Third Deputy Mayor, Districts Binnenstad and Wilderinkshoek Executive Councillor Erik Lievers (D66) Welfare, Education, Sport and Recreation, Accommodation, Enforcement, ICT, Personnel and Organisation, Fourth Deputy Mayor, Districts Noord and Slangenbeek Executive Councillor Janneke Oude Alink (GroenLinks) Care, Health,Youth, Sustainability, Environment, Management Issues (Landscape, Roads and Water), Fifth Deputy Mayor, Districts Hasseler Es and Buitengebied POORPGUALNAT ON I SIAT IEAND HOUSING Population by age and sex 1 January 2013 and 2023 age group 0-14 years 15-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years ≥ 75 years men 7.356 4.678 4.970 5.847 6.039 5.209 3.672 2.559 2013 women 6.987 4.404 4.752 5.498 5.876 5.110 4.002 3.998 total 14.343 9.082 9.722 11.345 11.915 10.319 7.674 6.557 2023 primos prognosis 12.667 9.608 10.012 9.614 10.950 11.480 9.489 8.146 total 40.330 40.627 80.957 81.966 Population by sex and age as ‰ of the total population of the municipality of Hengelo and the Netherlands on 1 January 2013 Bevolking naar geslacht geslacht en en leeftijdsgroep leeftijdsgroep in in‰ ‰van vande de Bevolking naar totale gemeente Hengelo Hengelo en en Nederland Nederlandop op totale bevolking bevolking gemeente 1 1 januari januari 2012 2013 age group leeftijdsgroep leeftijdsgroep a.o. 95 e.o. e.o. 95 90-94 90-94 85-89 85-89 80-84 80-84 75-79 75-79 70-74 70-74 65-69 65-69 60-64 60-64 55-59 55-59 50-54 50-54 45-49 45-49 40-44 40-44 35-39 35-39 30-34 30-34 25-29 25-29 20-24 20-24 15-19 15-19 10-14 10-14 5-9 5-9 0-4 0-4 mannen mannen men 50 50 40 40 30 30 municipality Hengelo gemeente of Hengelo gemeente Hengelo 20 20 10 10 Netherlands Nederland Nederland 00 ‰ ‰ vrouwen vrouwen women 00 10 10 20 20 30 30 4040 5050 Population by family unit on 1 January 2013 total in family units of which heads of family other family members singles of which one-person households number of people 59.196 20.599 38.597 21.761 12.165 total 80.957 Population by ethnic group on 1 january 2013 ethnic group Netherlands western countries Netherlands Antilles/Aruba/Surinam Turkey other non-western countries/not known number of people 63.713 7.876 977 4.756 3.635 Population on 1 january since 1960 Bevolking op 1 januari sinds 1960 82.500 80.000 aantal inwoners 77.500 75.000 72.500 70.000 67.500 65.000 62.500 60.000 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Change in population in 2012 attributable to birth death inflow outflow administrative correction number of people 816 681 3.092 3.213 1 balance 15 Residents, dwellings and average occupancy by district on 1 January 2013 district 0 Binnenstad 1 Hengelose Es 2 Noord 3 Hasseler Es 4 Groot Driene 5 Berflo Es 6 Wilderinkshoek 7 Woolde 8 Slangenbeek 9 Buitengeb. incl. Beckum total residents 2.583 10.447 9.795 12.829 8.953 6.640 10.214 7.188 10.373 1.935 dwellings 1.493 5.105 4.706 5.273 4.229 3.701 5.034 3.446 3.623 675 average occupancy 1,73 2,05 2,08 2,43 2,12 1,79 2,03 2,09 2,86 2,87 80.957 37.285 2,17 Housing stock by tenure on 1 January 2013 tenure owner-occupied rented: social sector rented: private/investment sector number 20.643 13.329 3.313 % 55,4 35,7 8,9 total 37.285 100,0 EODRU GCAAT N I ISO AT NI E Pupils/students October 2012 primary education of which elementary education special-needs education special education secondary education intermediate vocational education (location Hengelo) higher vocational education (location Hengelo) 7.906 7.560 346 1.118 5.689 7.919 804 Percentage age group 15-64 according to level of education 2010-2012 lower secondary education upper secondary education higher secondary education 29 43 28 C U LT U R E Cultural facilities January 2013 amateur art society art for hire centre for art education cinema moviehall concerthall gallery kulturhus (House of Culture) library museum music school pop stage theatre 69 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 SOPROGRT A NAI SNAT D IRE E C R E AT I O N Sport and recreational facilities January 2013 athletics stadium camping site golf course gymnasium ice rink indoor activities centre (chess, draughts, etc.) indoor swimming pool indoor tennis complex leisure park (De Waarbeek) open-air swimming pool outdoor tennis complex road bowling shooting range sports facility sports hall sports park (football/hockey) yachting marina 1 4 1 16 1 1 1 3 1 2 9 1 1 2 6 9 1 H E A LT H C A R E Medical facilities January 2013 numbers of hospital beds ZGT location Hengelo specialists general practitioners pharmacists 408 70 44 9 SOORC GIAAN L I S EAT RVI EI C E S Benefits January 2013 households receiving social security benefit people receiving occupational disability benefit people receiving unemployment benefit 1.986 4.240 1.940 INCOME Disposable income per household 2010 by income group percentage lowest income group percentage middle income group percentage highest income group total national 40 40 20 Hengelo 43,0 41,0 16,0 100 100,0 € 31.900 average disposable income per household E S TA B L I S H M E N T S , J O B H O L D E R S AND JOBSEEKERS Establishments and jobholders April 2012 sector A BCDE F GI HJ KLMN OPQRS total agriculture industry building industry trade and hospitality industry transport and communication business services other services establishments 79 270 378 1.652 352 1.264 1.019 jobholders 194 8.941 2.725 11.226 2.189 6.212 14.659 5.014 46.146 Percentage of jobholders per sector April 2012 Percentage werkzame personen per sectie april 2012 industry agriculture landbouw 0,4% 0,4% industrie 19,4% 19,4% building industry bouwnijverheid 5,9% 5,9% trade and hospitality industry 24,3% handel en horeca 24,3% overige dienstverlening other services 31,8% 31,8% zakelijke dienstverlening business services 13,5% 13,5% vervoer enand communicatie transport communication 4,7% 4,7% Establishments and jobholders per commercial zone April 2012 commercial zone Roershoek Timmersveld Twentekanaal Noord Twentekanaal Zuid Oosterveld Westermaat Noord + Westermaat Zuid Other parts of Hengelo total establishments 19 45 132 296 38 498 3.986 jobholders 77 420 1.043 7.827 233 10.200 26.346 5.014 46.146 Establishments and jobholders April 2012 establishments establishments fulltimers part-timers large company (100 full-timers or more) 61 18.101 863 medium-sized company (10 - 99 full-timers) 553 13.565 2.673 small company (1 - 9 full-timers) 3.999 8.510 2.000 only part-time (people working <12 hrs per week) 401 434 total 5.014 40.176 5.970 Retail trade April 2013 sector daily articles (foodstuffs/personal care) non-daily articles (other branches) establishments 124 sales area in m2 29,599 386 143,732 510 173,331 total Hospitality industry April 2012 hotel/congress facility restaurant/cafetaria/lunchroom/snack bar, etc. café/bar/discotheque, etc. camping site, etc. other 5 114 56 2 25 total 202 Non-working jobseekers on 1 January 2013 total of which men women of which aged 15 - 29 years 30 - 49 years ≥ 50 years 3,187 1,733 1,454 536 1,583 1,068 For more Facts and Figures please visit our website: > Bestuur & Organisatie > Feiten en Cijfers Colophon Municipality of Hengelo Policy Research and Geo-Information Department P.O. Box 18 7550 AA Hengelo Visiting address: E-mail: Telephone: Website: Hazenweg 121 [email protected] 0031 74 245 9199 translation: graphic design: Janice Collins / Gay Howells Grafisch Service Centrum, gemeente Hengelo September 2013
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