The Netherlands, a national picture
The Netherlands, a national picture
The Netherlands, a national picture Office and industrial property market Fact sheets | January 2016 1 Dear reader, Many years ago DTZ Zadelhoff started reporting on the national and regional developments on the market for office and industrial space. Our presence in all regions of the Netherlands gives us access to detailed and enriched data, which is subsequently structured and analysed by our Research department. The bundle The Netherlands, a national picture comprises various regional fact sheets accompanied by a brief analysis. Together, the fact sheets offer a good impression of national dynamics. The most important conclusions of the report are stated below. Vacancy in the office market has declined for the first time since 2008. At year-end 2015, vacancy amounted to 15.8% of the total office stock (of 49.5 million m²). In comparison with the situation a year earlier, approx. 140,000 m² less vacant office space is currently available. There have not only been positive developments on the supply side of the office market, but also on the demand side. Take-up in 2015 is 13% up on 2014 with a total of 1.2 million m² of office space being occupied by office users. There are clear signs of concentration: 47% of national take-up was realised in the Netherlands’ four largest cities, as compared with 43% in 2014. On the industrial property market too, activity was up on the preceding year. Take-up in 2015 amounted to 3.2 million m², which is 18% up on 2014, and 23% higher than the long-term average (2008 – 2015). Logistics service providers in particular were active. Indeed, the five largest transactions all involved distribution centres. Michael Kors signed a lease to 122,150 m² in 2015, while PVH Europe occupied 90,000 m² at Trade Port-North in Venlo. Large-scale transactions increasingly have an effect on total take-up. The stock of industrial space in the Netherlands totals 53,693 hectares. While there has been growth on the take-up side of the industrial property market, availability also showed a slight increase of 1.4%. You can find these developments and many other analyses in The Netherlands, a national picture. For specific questions or to request tailor-made fact sheets, contact our Research department or our specialists in the various DTZ Zadelhoff offices. Our contact particulars can be found at the back of this bundle and on Jeroen de Bruijn Chairman of the Board DTZ Zadelhoff 2 Table of contents Fact sheets office and industrial property market | January 2016 Region The Netherlands Almere Amsterdam and surrounding area Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area Breda and surrounding area The Hague and surrounding area Ede and Veenendaal Eindhoven and surrounding area Friesland Gooi and Eemland Groningen, Assen and Emmen Haarlemmermeer ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk Limburg Rotterdam and surrounding area Twente Utrecht and surrounding area Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Real estate data and general data Office market Industrial market 4 42 6 44 8 46 10 48 12 50 14 52 16 54 18 56 20 58 22 60 24 62 26 64 28 66 30 68 32 70 34 72 36 74 38 76 4078 3 Back to content The Netherlands Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 2,236,850 0.9% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 8,152,000 m² 1,206,000 m² Rents* 7,805,000 m² (15.8%) 13% 2015 vs. 2014 e 131 per m²/year 1.7% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded x 1,000 m2 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 50,000 105 47,000 100 44,000 95 41,000 90 38,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2014 2009 Stock in use The Netherlands 2010 Stock Source: LISA Source: Bak, DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Vacancy 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2008 25 x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) Take-up 0.8% 2015 vs. 2014 Stock in use Office jobs index 2008 0.1% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up 85 49,533,000 m² 1.9% 2015 vs. 2014 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Vacancy (15.8% 2015) % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 20 15 10 5 2009 2010 2011 Availability 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Take-up by user category outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 26% 20% 31% 9% 35% 33% Industry, trade and transport Business services 26% 5% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations 4 Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid en overigen Non-profit 0 The Netherlands Rotterdam Utrecht Eindhoven Amsterdam The Hague Haarlemmermeer Arnhem Vacancy 2014 Vacancy 2015 Dutch average 2015 Availability by size category x 1,000 m2 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2008 500-1,000 2009 2010 1,000-2,500 2011 2012 2,500-5,000 2013 2014 5,000-10,000 2015 >10,000 Back to content The Netherlands Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Gross initial yields Vacant space at the municipal level in % of stock, 2015 in % Region North East South West Location 2014 from to 2015 from Capelle aan den IJssel Veenendaal to Amstelveen Best locations 7.75 11.00 7.75 11.00 Almere Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 Stichtse Vecht Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 Best locations 7.00 10.00 6.90 10.00 Other locations 8.50 12.00 8.50 12.00 Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 Best Gouda Hengelo Amersfoort Rijswijk Deventer Nieuwegein Houten Delft Zoetermeer Breda Schiedam Helmond Rents for office space Almelo Bergen op Zoom in euro per m2/year* Rotterdam Heerenveen Region 2014 from to 2015 from to Greater Amsterdam 75 420 75 425 Rotterdam and surrounding area 60 225 60 235 The Hague and surrounding area 60 210 60 210 Utrecht and surrounding area 65 195 65 195 Haarlemmermeer Haarlemmermeer 80 365 80 365 Eindhoven Eindhoven and surrounding area 65 165 65 160 Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area 70 180 75 170 Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer 40 130 40 130 ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg 70 160 70 160 Maastricht (incl. airport/Beek) Gooi and Eemland 75 180 70 175 Etten-Leur Twente 55 135 55 135 The Hague Breda and surrounding area 65 150 70 145 Utrecht Groningen and Assen 80 125 70 125 Leidschendam-Voorburg Limburg 80 150 80 140 Almere 65 175 60 170 Friesland 75 115 75 110 Ede and Veenendaal 75 120 75 125 Ede Zwolle Assen Drechtsteden Apeldoorn Hilversum Amsterdam Arnhem Leiden Enschede Nijmegen Groningen Tilburg Veldhoven Zeist Heerlen Venlo 's-Hertogenbosch Roermond Oosterhout * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Leeuwarden Haarlem Son en Breugel Large-scale transactions office space Diemen Roosendaal 2015 Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Floor space Amsterdam South-East ING Bank 24,000 Amsterdam Teleport/Sloterdijk Chipsoft 20,000 Rotterdam Alexandrium/Oosterhof National Police 16,450 Amsterdam Southern IJ-banks 13,500 The Hague Oostduinlaan Shell 10,500 Leeuwarden Station area Aegon 10,200 Zwolle Hanzeland National Police 9,550 Utrecht De Meern Joulz 8,000 Zoetermeer Afrikaweg Technip 7,700 Schiphol Centre Samsung 6,800 Smallingerland 0% 5% 10% Source: Bak, DTZ Zadelhoff 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Dutch Average 5 Back to content Almere Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 26,850 0.7% 2014 vs. 2013 e 94 per m²/year 1.3% 2015 vs. 2014 4.3% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 Almere Rents* 166,000 m² (28.5%) 41% 2015 vs. 2014 0.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 10,000 m² 2008 583,000 m² 3.2% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 181,000 m² 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Almere Zwolle Vacancy 2014 Vacancy 2015 Hilversum Amsterdam Diemen Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 200 20% 160 30% 120 17% 34% 40 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 41% 20% 31% 10% 2% 80 0 26% 27% 4% The Netherlands Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Take-up in the municipality of Almere totalled 10,000 m² in 2015, which is 41% ICT While office availability Banken in Almere increased by 3.2% to 181,000 m² during up on the same period in 2014. Current take-up levels nevertheless continue by relatively small transactions. The largest transaction in 2015 concerned the 2015, vacancy nevertheless dropped by 1.3%. That reflects an increase in ICT space being put on the market while still occupied. At year-end 2015, vacancy Industrie, Handel en Transport amounted to 28.5% of the total office stock. The ratio between availability and housing of Infomedics (1,750 m²). ratio is high, bringing pressure to bear on rents in the municipality of Almere. to lag behind the long-term average. The Almere office market is characterised Industrie, Handel en Transport Average rent remained stable at EUR 94 per m² per year. 6 11% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 5% 33% Almere Industry, trade and transport Business services 9% 35% 19% 26% Back to content Almere Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Office locations 1Centre 2Muziekwijk 3 Almere Poort 4 Gooisekant/Gooise Poort 5 Almere Harbour 1 Almere 2 4 3 5 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Floor space Almere Centre Infomedics 1,750 Region Centre Windesheim Flevoland 1,200 Almere Gooisekant/Gooise Poort Alturna Networks 1,200 Gooisekant/Gooise Poort SD Worx Systems Centre Patiënt 1 Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Centre 90 175 85 170 Muziekwijk 80 110 70 105 900 Gooisekant/Gooise Poort 65 125 65 120 650 Almere Harbour 65 95 60 95 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 West Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 to 7 Back to content Amsterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Amsterdam, Diemen and Amstelveen Availability Office jobs 276,100 1.8% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 1,240,000 m² 287,000 m² Rents* 1,129,000 m² (16.4%) 4.4% 2015 vs. 2014 e 193 per m²/year 11% 2015 vs. 2014 1.1% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 30 105 24 100 18 95 12 90 6 2008 0.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up 85 6,865,000 m² 6.6% 2015 vs. 2014 2009 2010 2011 Amsterdam and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 0 Amsterdam Diemen Vacancy 2014 Amstelveen Rotterdam Vacancy 2015 The Hague Utrecht Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 1,500 15% 1,200 23% 900 600 34% 300 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 23% 18% 11% 7% 41% 10% 26% 20% 31% 18% Industry, trade and transport Business services 9% 35% Amsterdam and surrounding area 26% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Overheid en overigen Non-profit Non-profit Overheid Overheid en overigen en overigen Non-profit Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Zakelijke Dienstverlening The most noteworthy development in the Amsterdam region concerns the vacancy Zakelijke Dienstverlening Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up in the Amsterdam region totalled 287,000 m² in 2015, which is 9.4% percentage, which dropped over the past year from 18.4% to 16.4% of the total BankenThree transactions involved a minimum of 10,000 m², namely Banken up on the year before. office stock. Expressed in square metres, vacancy is 142,000 m² down on 2014. the housing of ING ICT Bank in Zuidoost (24,500 m²), Chipsoft on Teleport/Sloterdijk ICT Although the municipality of Amsterdam accounted for most of the downward (20,000 m²) and (13,500 m²) on the southern banks of the River IJ. Industrie, Handel en Transport Industrie, Handel en Transport movement in office vacancy (-132,000 m²), Amstelveen also made a modest It is particularly noteworthy that three of the six largest transactions in 2015 took contribution (-10,000 m²). place in Teleport/Sloterdijk, a district characterised by low dynamics in preceding Banken ICT ICT Industrie, Handel en Industrie, Handel en Transport years. Average rent in the Amsterdam region rose by 1.1% in 2015. 8 Transport Back to content Amsterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Amsterdam, Diemen and Amstelveen Office locations 4 1Teleport/Sloterdijk 2Westas 15 A5 3Riekerpolder Amsterdam 1 4 North 5 Southern IJ-Oevers 5 6Centre 6 7Old-South 8Zuidas 9Buitenveldert 2 10 Amstelveen 11 De Omval 7 3 12 Amstel Business Park 11 8 13 Diemen 14 South-East Diemen 13 12 9 15 Houthavens A5 0 10 Schiphol Amstelveen Large-scale transactions office space Rents for office space 2015 Town/City in euro per m2/year* Location Tendant/Purchaser Floor space ING Bank 24,000 Region Teleport/Sloterdijk Chipsoft 20,000 Amsterdam Southern IJ-banks Amsterdam South-East North-side 13,500 2014 from to 2015 from to Teleport/Sloterdijk 75 175 75 175 Westas 80 165 85 165 205 Tech Hub 5,100 Riekerpolder 150 215 150 Teleport/Sloterdijk Douwe Egberts Master Blenders 5,000 Amsterdam-North 130 195 120 195 Teleport/Sloterdijk Rivièra Maison 4,700 Southern IJ-banks/Houthavens 180 275 180 275 350 in % West Location Centre Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 to Centre 160 350 160 Old-South 225 400 195 425 Zuidas 220 420 225 420 Buitenveldert 125 275 125 275 De Omval 250 345 250 365 Amstel Business Park 90 165 90 170 South-East 80 195 80 195 Amstelveen 75 190 75 190 Diemen 60 110 80 140 Gross initial yields Region 14 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 9 Back to content Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Arnhem, Nijmegen and Overbetuwe Availability Office jobs 64,350 1.7% 2014 vs. 2013 Rents* 246,000 m² (15%) 44% 2015 vs. 2014 0.9% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 36,000 m² e 109 per m²/year 9.5% 2015 vs. 2014 1.8% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 2008 1,644,000 m² 11% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 276,000 m² 2009 2010 Arnhem Nijmegen City Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Arnhem Vacancy 2014 Nijmegen Ede Vacancy 2015 Veenendaal Apeldoorn ’s-Hertogenbosch Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 25% 27% 36% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 35% Arnhem Nijmegen City Region Industry, trade and transport Business services Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 7% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up in the Arnhem-Nijmegen urban region during 2015 was 14% Office availability in the urban region dropped by 11% to ICT 276,000 m². This can Banken down on the year before. The take-up of 36,000 m² was mainly realised by The largest transaction was concluded at Oranjesingel, where Capter Nijmegen be partly attributed to the slight shrinkage of stock (0.9%). With 246,000 m² of ICT all available office space actually physically vacant, vacancy stands at 15%. Rent Industrie, Handel en Transport levels moved downward slightly by 1.8% to an average of EUR 109 per square occupied 2,650 m². metre per year. firms operating in the industrial, trade, transport and business services sectors. 10 20% 31% 5% 8% 33% 26% 25% 34% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Arnhem, Nijmegen and Overbetuwe Office locations ARNHEM 1 Station area 2Kroonpark/Groningensingel 1 3Velperweg 5 4 Gelderse Poort 5 Arnhems Buiten 4 6 IJsseloord II Arnhem 3 6 2 Duiven NIJMEGEN 10 Zevenaar 7 Station area 8 Brabantse Poort 9Lindenholt/Kerkenbos ZEVENAAR 10 Mercurion 7 9 8 Nijmegen Wijchen Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Nijmegen Station area Capter Nijmegen 2,650 Region Kerkenbos Bedrijfspoli 1,400 Arnhem Centre/Station area 90 180 90 170 Kerkenbos Fire X 1,200 Kroonpark/Groningensingel 90 125 95 120 95 125 95 125 105 125 100 120 Arnhem Floor space Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Arnhems Buiten NRG 1,850 Velperweg Gelderse Poort Sichting Pleyade 1,650 Gelderse Poort Kadestraat Provincie Gelderland 1,200 Arnhems Buiten 85 125 85 125 IJsseloord II 110 150 95 150 145 Nijmegen Gross initial yields Zevenaar in % Centre/Station area 110 150 110 Brabantse Poort 90 110 90 110 Lindenholt/Kerkenbos 70 100 75 105 85 110 85 105 90 115 85 110 Mercurion Elst Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 to * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 11 Back to content Breda and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Breda, Oosterhout, Etten-Leur, Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal Availability Office jobs 56,050 1.2% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 210,000 m² 16,000 m² Rents* 208,000 m² (17.8%) 37% 2015 vs. 2014 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 112 per m²/year 21% 2015 vs. 2014 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 24 105 20 15 100 12 95 8 90 85 1,171,000 m² 6.3% 2015 vs. 2014 4 2008 2009 2010 Breda and surrounding area 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Breda Oosterhout Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Vacancy 2015 Etten-Leur Bergen op Zoom Roosendaal Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 36% 26% 37% 22% 31% 4% 31% 35% 2008 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 25% 35% 6% 2% Breda and surrounding area Industry, trade and transport Business services 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 2% Take-up Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Lower take-up characterised the office market in the Breda region in 2015, as very slack. At year-end 2015, office availability was 13 ICT times higher than takeBanken slumping by 37% from 26,000 m² in 2014 to 16,000 m² in 2015. The largest developer AXI leased 2,350 m² of office space. With office availability in 2015 up. Noteworthy is also the sharp rise in vacancy in the region. Practically all the ICT office space that was on the market in 2014, but still in use, physically became Industrie, Handel en Transport vacant during the course of 2015. As a result, vacancy in the Breda region rose by rising by 6.3% on 2014, the office market in West-Brabant can be characterised 3% to 17.8%. transaction in Breda was at Stadionkwartier, where the Belgium software 12 20% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Breda and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Breda, Oosterhout, Etten-Leur, Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal Office locations BREDA AND Oosterhout SURROUNDING AREA 1 Centre/Station area 7 2 Claudius Prinsenlaan 8 3 Ettense Baan 4 Westerhagelaan 4 5Moleneind 6Stadionkwartier 6 7Europark 8Hoevestein 1 3 10 9Bredaseweg 9 10 Parklaan/Trivium Etten-Leur Breda 5 2 ROOSENDAAL/ BERGEN OP ZOOM A17 1 Centre Roosendaal 2Bovendonk E312 3 Centre Bergen op Zoom A58 1 A4 Roosendaal 2 A58 E312 3 Bergen op Zoom A4 0 2 km Large-scale transactions office space Rents for office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Breda Stadionkwartier AXI Tendant/Purchaser Floor space 2014 from to 2015 from to 2,350 Region Location 1,150 Breda Centre/Station area 90 150 95 145 Claudius Prinsenlaan 120 145 115 145 125 Ettense Baan Top-Care Health Services Station area BDO Accountants en Belastingadviseurs 1,150 950 Ettense Baan 90 125 90 Bergen op Zoom Boerenverdriet Rens & Partners 950 Westerhagelaan 110 135 110 135 Roosendaal Accessio Arbeidsdiensten 800 Moleneind 65 120 70 120 Stadionkwartier 125 145 125 140 Europark 100 125 100 125 Hoevestein 120 130 110 130 Stadionkwartier Argenta Spaarbank Centre Oosterhout Gross initial yields Etten-Leur Bredaseweg/Parklaan/Trivium 115 125 110 135 in % Roosendaal Centre 75 125 75 120 Bovendonk 90 125 90 125 70 130 70 125 Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 7.00 10.00 6.90 10.00 Other locations 8.50 12.00 8.50 12.00 to Bergen op Zoom Centre * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 13 Back to content The Hague and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 The Hague, Leiden, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Delft, Zoetermeer and Gouda Availability Office jobs 206,150 1.2% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 1,190,000 m² 7,142,000 m² 4.5% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up 158,000 m² Rents* 1,190,000 m² (16.7%) 57% 2015 vs. 2014 0.8% 2015 vs. 2014 e 123 per m²/year 6.6% 2015 vs. 2014 0.6% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 35 110 30 105 25 100 20 95 15 10 90 5 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 The Hague and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 0 Leiden The Hague Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Rijswijk Leidschendam- Delft Voorburg Vacancy 2015 Zoetermeer Gouda Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 1,400 1,200 20% 32% 1,000 37% 800 600 400 35% 200 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 26% 17% 39% 31% 8% 7% 3% 2% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office space take-up in The Hague region during 2015 totalled 158,000 m², ICT leave behind. Despite Banken the clear rise in dynamics, the already high availability which is 57% up on 2014. This strong surge in the office market is attributed 10,500 m² of new office space, while UWV contracted 5,850 m² at Laakhaven consequently expanded further to 1,190,000 m², which represents a rise of ICT 4.5% on year-end 2014. This also called an end to the downward trend that Industrie, Handel en Transport started in 2012. Vacancy for the entire The Hague region was 16.7% at year-end (HS). Besides these large transactions, the past year saw numerous relocations, 2015. mainly to a number of large transactions. At Oostduinlaan, Shell leased over whereby the organisations involved generally lease less space than they 14 5% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% The Hague and surrounding area Industry, trade and transport Business services 20% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content The Hague and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 The Hague, Leiden, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Delft, Zoetermeer and Gouda Office locations 1 New Centre 2Beatrixkwartier 3 CS Kwadrant 4 Congress centre area 5 In de Boogaard 6Hoornwijck 14 4 7Rokkeveen 8Binckhorst 2 9 Laakhaven HS 10 Ypenburg 3 1 11 Forepark The Hague 12 Plaspoelpolder 13 Delft-North Leidschendam-Voorburg 8 9 14 Hofzichtpark/Mariahoeve 11 Zoetermeer 15 10 6 15 Boerhaavelaan 16 16 City centre Zoetermeer 7 5 12 Rijswijk 13 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser The Hague Oostduinlaan Shell 10,500 Laakhaven HS UWV 5,850 Koningskade ABN AMRO Bank 5,450 Afrikalaan Technip 7,700 Rokkeveen SRK Rechtsbijstand Zernikedreef Galapagos/Batavia Zoetermeer Leiden Floor space Location 2014 from to 2015 from to New Centre 150 190 150 190 Beatrixkwartier 130 210 125 210 CS Kwadrant 160 210 160 210 6,450 Congress centre area 125 160 125 160 4,300 Binckhorst 60 125 60 125 Laakhaven HS 70 125 70 125 Ypenburg 90 140 90 140 Forepark 100 140 100 140 Hofzichtpark/Mariahoeve Region The Hague 100 160 100 160 In de Boogaard 80 125 80 125 Hoornwijck 80 125 75 125 Plaspoelpolder 60 120 50 100 Delft Delft-North 90 125 95 130 Zoetermeer Rokkeveen 90 130 90 130 Boerhaavelaan 90 130 90 130 City centre 80 130 80 125 Bio-sciencepark 160 210 160 225 Central Station 160 Rijswijk Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from West Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 to Leiden 100 160 100 Leidschendam-Voorburg 90 125 90 125 Gouda 70 130 65 125 Goudse Poort * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 15 Back to content Ede and Veenendaal Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 20,400 0.4% 2014 vs. 2013 Rents* 99,000 m² (22.8%) 37% 2015 vs. 2014 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 10,000 m² e 95 per m²/year 0.6% 2015 vs. 2014 1.4% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 2008 434,000 m² 2.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 104,000 m² 2009 2010 Ede and Veenendaal 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Ede Vacancy 2014 Veenendaal Utrecht Vacancy 2015 Amersfoort Arnhem Nijmegen Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 120 9% 100 18% 80 60 40 20 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 26% 26% 27% 31% 11% 7% 42% 2% 58% Ede and Veenendaal Industry, trade and transport Business services 9% 35% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands Overheid Overheid en overigen en overigen Non-profit Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Banken Office take-up in the Ede-Veenendaal region in 2015 was 37% down on 2014. Ede. Availability in the region dropped slightly by 2.6% toICT104,000 m², Banken Around 10,000 m² was sold or let, primarily to commercial service providers accounting for a 26% share, which is in line with the national trend. R&W while vacancy rose slightly to 22.8% of stock, whereby it should be noted that ICT the office stock in this region is, in absolute terms, very modest. High availability Industrie, Handel en Transport helped drive down rent levels by 1.4% to an average of EUR 95 per square Automotive (1,450 m²) and Invacare (1,050 m²) took up space at De Vallei in metre per year. (58%). As regards office users, trade and transport is also an important sector, 16 26% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 20% ICT Industrie, Handel en Industrie, Handel en Transport Transport Back to content Ede and Veenendaal Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Office locations 1Veenendaal-Centre 2 De Faktorij/De Vendel 3 De Batterijen 3 4 De Compagnie 5 Ede station area 2 8 4 6 De Vallei Ede 7 Edese Manen 8Ede-Centre 9Horapark Veenendaal 5 6 1 9 7 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Ede Keesomstraat Bruil Floor space Location Ede De Vallei 90 115 90 115 Edese Manen 80 115 80 115 De Vallei R&W Automotive 1,450 Invacare 1,050 Keesomstraat VOICT Services 600 Ede-Centre Crown Slim Werken 900 Horapark ITON 800 De Faktorij Veenendaal Gross initial yields in % Region East 2015 from to Region De Vallei Veenendaal De Faktorij 2014 from to 1,850 Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 to 75 115 75 115 100 120 100 125 105 Station area 85 115 80 Veenendaal-Centre 90 120 90 115 De Faktorij/De Vendel 80 115 80 110 De Batterijen 95 115 90 115 De Compagnie 80 110 80 110 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 17 Back to content Eindhoven and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Eindhoven, Helmond, Best, Son en Breugel and Veldhoven Availability Office jobs 75,700 3.6% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 314,000 m² 49,000 m² Rents* 311,000 m² (15.9%) 9.0% 2015 vs. 2014 1.3% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 113 per m²/year 13% 2015 vs. 2014 1.9% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 30 105 25 20 100 15 95 10 90 85 1,958,000 m² 12% 2015 vs. 2014 5 2008 2009 2010 2011 Eindhoven and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 0 Eindhoven Son en Breugel Veldhoven Vacancy 2014 Vacancy 2015 Best Helmond Tilburg Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 420 360 23% 240 180 37% 120 39% 60 0 21% 20% 300 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 26% 23% 16% 1% 31% 20% Eindhoven and surrounding area Industry, trade and transport Business services Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 11% 5% 33% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid Overheid en overigen en overigen Non-profit Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Banken Office take-up in the Eindhoven region amounted to 49,000 m² in 2015, a 9% Office stock in Banken Eindhoven is on the decline (1.3%) due to ICT various increase in relation to 2014. Despite a decline in numbers of office jobs, the (39%). HERE Europe rented 5,600 m² in the Kennedy Business District for transformations, while availability has followed suit, dropping by 12% to ICT 314,000 m² at year-end 2015. Expectations are that stock will continue to Industrie, Handel en Transport decline for some time to come. The annual rent for office space dropped example, while the government and industrial sectors also remained highly to EUR 113 per square metre in 2015, which reflects a drop of 1.9%. demand for office space increased, particularly in the industrial services sector prominent, with transactions including 3,350m² by the National Police in Eindhoven and 3,400 m² by ASML in Veldhoven. 18 20% ICT Industrie, Handel en Industrie, Handel en Transport Transport Back to content Eindhoven and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Eindhoven, Helmond, Best, Son en Breugel and Veldhoven Office locations Son en Breugel 1 Station area 2Centre 3Stadionkwartier 11 Best 4 Ring Helmond 12 5 Kennedy Business District 6Strijp-S 8 15 7 Poort van Metz 8Helmond-Centre 9 Park Diepenvoorde 10 Flight Forum 11 Science Park Eindhoven 0 13 12 Breeven 6 10 4 13 Eindhoven Airport 7 14 De Hurk/Croy 15 Groot Schooten 16 De Run 5 3 1 Eindhoven 14 Veldhoven 2 16 9 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Eindhoven Kennedy Business District HERE Europe Veldhoven Tendant/Purchaser Floor space 5,600 Region Location Eindhoven Centre/Stadionkwartier 2014 from to 2015 from to Boschdijktunnel National Police 3,350 100 165 100 Strijp-S Various tenants 2,650 Ring 110 135 100 130 Limburglaan Altran/ NSPYRE 2,550 Kennedy Business District 130 160 130 160 Flight Forum SPIE Nederland 2,250 Strijp-S 65 100 65 100 De Run ASML 3,400 Poort van Metz 100 135 100 130 Flight Forum/Eindhoven Airport 100 135 95 125 De Hurk/Croy 80 130 80 125 Centre 80 120 80 120 Helmond Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 7.00 10.00 6.90 10.00 Other locations 8.50 12.00 8.50 12.00 to 160 Groot Schooten 85 120 85 120 Waalre Park Diepenvoorde 110 135 110 130 Best Breeven 85 125 85 125 Son Science Park Eindhoven 90 125 90 120 80 115 80 115 Veldhoven De Run * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 19 Back to content Friesland Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Leeuwarden, Heerenveen and Drachten Availability Office jobs 36,400 1.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 94,000 m² 15,000 m² Rents* 87,000 m² (10.6%) 12% 2015 vs. 2014 2.5% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 94 per m²/year 4.2% 2015 vs. 2014 1.6% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 28 110 24 105 20 100 16 95 12 8 90 85 825,000 m² 2.1% 2015 vs. 2014 4 2008 Friesland 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 0 Heerenveen Leeuwarden Vacancy 2014 Smallingerland Vacancy 2015 Groningen Assen Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 120 7% 100 28% 80 45% 60 26% 10% 4% 7% 20 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Industry, trade and transport Business services 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office space take-up in Friesland totalled 15,000 m² in 2015, which is 12% ICT the premises into Aegon complexBanken is examining the feasibility of transforming up on the year before. With over 10,000 m², the relocation of the Aegon year. The leased office space comprises two of the seven building sections in residential space. ICT Office availability rose by 2% and currently stands at 94,000 m². Of this, Industrie, Handel en Transport 87,000 m - i.e., 10.6% - is physically vacant. Rent levels remained relatively an existing office complex near Leeuwarden Station. The current owner of the stable at EUR 94 per square metre per year. insurance company in Leeuwarden was by far the largest transaction of the 20 5% 33% Friesland 26% 9% 35% 61% 2008 20% 31% 34% 40 0 4% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Friesland Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Leeuwarden, Heerenveen and Drachten Office locations LEEUWARDEN 1 Station area 2Oostergoweg 3Tesselschadestraat Leeuwarden 4FEC-City 5 Lange Marktstraat 4 3 Heerenveen 3 5 1 DRACHTEN 1 2 2 1Centre 2 Business park 3Azeven HEERENVEEN 1 K.R. Poststraat 2 Station area 3 Abe Lenstra Boulevard Drachten 1 Large-scale transactions office space in euro per m2/year* Location Leeuwarden Station area Drachten 3 Rents for office space 2015 Town/City 2 Business park Heerenveen K. R. Poststraat Tendant/Purchaser Floor space 10,200 Aegon 1,600 Imtech Nederland B.V. Region Leeuwarden 900 AfterPay Drachten Gross initial yields in % 2015 from Heerenveen Region Location 2014 from to North Best locations 7.75 11.00 7.75 11.00 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 to Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Station area 75 110 75 Oostergoweg 75 90 75 90 Tesselschadestraat 75 105 75 105 FEC-City 75 105 75 100 Lange Marktstraat 80 115 80 110 Centre 80 110 80 110 Business park 75 115 75 110 Azeven 80 110 80 110 K.R. Poststraat 80 115 80 110 Station area 80 100 70 95 Abe Lenstra Boulevard 90 110 90 110 75 105 75 105 Sneek 110 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 21 Back to content Gooi and Eemland Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Amersfoort and Hilversum Availability Office jobs 51,450 0.3% 2014 vs. 2013 e 124 per m²/year 4.9% 2015 vs. 2014 5.4% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 2009 Gooi and Eemland Rents* 329,000 m² (22.2%) 19% 2015 vs. 2014 0.3% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 26,000 m² 2008 1,485,000 m² 12% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 361,000 m² 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Amersfoort Hilversum Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Utrecht Vacancy 2015 Almere Ede Veenendaal Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 19% 26% 26% 30% 10% 27% 30% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 31% 35% Gooi and Eemland Industry, trade and transport Business services 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office space take-up in the Gooi & Eemland region during 2015 totalled ICT in the second to involved Trivento (1,500 m²) at Calveen. Both firms operate Banken 26,000 m², which is 19% down on the preceding year, mainly due to the largest sector for transactions throughout the region, namely industrial services. ICT Availability throughout the region rose by 12% to 361,000 m² in 2015, whereas Industrie, Handel en Transport rents dropped by an average of 5.4% to EUR 124 per square metre per year. absence of large transactions in Hilversum and Amersfoort during 2015. Eviso accounted for the largest transaction in the region with the take-up of 4,750 m² in the Hilversum station area. The largest take-up in Amersfoort 22 5% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 47% 4% 7% 20% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Gooi and Eemland Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Amersfoort and Hilversum Office locations AMERSFOORT 8 1 Station area South-side 2 Station area North-side 3 Historic city centre/ 4 City ring 4 De Brand 6 5 De Berg 6Podium 2 7 7 De Hoef Hilversum 8Calveen Amersfoort 9 De Wieken 9 1 HILVERSUM 2 1 Station area 2Mediapark 3 3 1 3 Business park ArenA 5 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Floor space Hilversum Station area Eviso 4,750 Region Laapersveld Stichting Bink 1,400 Amersfoort Station area Utrechtseweg Stichting Robertshuis 950 2014 from to 2015 from to 125 150 115 145 Historic city centre/City ring 110 130 100 130 160 EDSN Nederland 1,950 De Berg 145 170 135 Calveen Trivento 1,500 De Hoef/Calveen/De Brand/De Wieken 80 130 80 130 De Brand DHL Europe Express 110 130 100 120 Amersfoort Station area South-side 900 Hilversum Station area Mediapark 145 175 130 165 Business park Arena 120 160 105 150 75 125 70 115 Boulevard 120 175 120 170 Utrechtseweg 120 180 115 175 Leusden Gross initial yields Zeist in % Region Location 2014 from to East Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 West Location 2015 from to * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 23 Back to content Groningen and Assen Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 56,050 1.5% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 180,000 m² 18,000 m² Rents* 179,000 m² (14.6%) 39% 2015 vs. 2014 0.8% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 101 per m²/year 4.2% 2015 vs. 2014 3.2% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 28 110 24 105 20 100 16 95 12 8 90 85 1,225,000 m² 3.8% 2015 vs. 2014 4 2008 2009 2010 Groningen and Assen 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Groningen Assen Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Zwolle Vacancy 2015 Leeuwarden Heerenveen Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 210 180 27% 150 120 43% 19% 30 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 31% 33% 4% 19% Groningen and Assen Industry, trade and transport Business services Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid Overheid en overigen en overigen Non-profit Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Banken Office take-up in Groningen and Assen jumped by 39% to 18,000 m² in 2015. ICT throughout theBanken region declined by 3.8% to a level of 180,000 m², while the Both Assen and Groningen saw a rise in take-up on 2014. Groningen accounted Prosecutions Department at Emmaplein; BAM Bouw & Techniek, which leased vacancy dropped to 14.6%. Despite positive market developments during the ICT preceding few years, rent levels also showed a decline in 2015. Rents have Industrie, Handel en Transport dropped slightly by 3.2% during the course of 2015 and currently average 2,700 m² in various premises at Jeverweg, and Belsimpel, which leased EUR 101 per square metre per year. for the region’s three largest transactions, namely 4,500 m² by the Public 1,850 m² in the city centre. Largely due to these transactions, availability 24 20% 4% 90 60 26% 10% 31% 10% ICT Industrie, Handel en Industrie, Handel en Transport Transport Back to content Groningen and Assen Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Office locations GRONINGEN 3 5 1Kranenburg 2Europapark 7 3 Station area/ 4 6 Verbindingskanaalzone 4 Martini Trade Park Groningen 5 Corpus den Hoorn-South 6Hunzepark Assen 7 Zernike Science Park 2 1 8 De Meeuwen 8 ASSEN 3 4 1Kloosterveen 2 1 2 Station area 5 3Peelerpark 4Borgstee 5Messchenveld Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Groningen Emmaplein Openbaar Ministerie 4,500 Region Jeverweg BAM Bouw en Techniek 2,700 Waagstraat 1,850 Martini Trade Park Jeugdbescherming Noord Martini Trade Park Seatrade Kloosterveen Stichting Vanboeijen Station area Reaal Verzekeringen Assen Floor space 2014 from to 2015 from to Groningen Kranenburg 100 125 100 120 Europapark 110 125 110 125 1,250 Station area/Verbindingskanaalzone 110 125 110 125 1,150 Martini Trade Park 85 125 95 120 1,850 Corpus den Hoorn-South 90 110 90 110 1,300 Hunzepark 90 110 90 100 Location Zernike Science Park Assen Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from North Best locations 7.75 11.00 7.75 11.00 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 to 80 100 80 100 De Meeuwen 100 120 110 120 Kloosterveen 90 100 85 95 Station area 100 110 90 100 Peelerpark 85 100 75 90 Borgstee 80 90 70 80 Messchenveld 95 100 85 95 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 25 Back to content Haarlemmermeer Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Hoofddorp, Schiphol, Nieuw-Vennep, Badhoevedorp and Lijnden Availability Office jobs 32,500 2.6% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 244,000 m² 1,428,000 m² 25% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up 32,000 m² Rents* 235,000 m² (16.4%) 89% 2015 vs. 2014 0.9% 2015 vs. 2014 e 145 per m²/year 27% 2015 vs. 2014 Office jobs index Vacancy 110 30 105 25 0.8% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 20 100 15 95 10 90 5 85 2008 2009 Haarlemmermeer 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Haarlemmer- Haarlem Amsterdam Amstelveen Diemen Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Leiden meer Vacancy 2015 The Hague Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 350 2% 300 200 42% 30% 150 1% 100 50 0 26% 10% 250 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 31% 43% 43% Haarlemmermeer Industry, trade and transport Business services 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up in the municipality of Haarlemmermeer totalled approx. ICT Availability in Haarlemmermeer dropped by 25% to 244,000 m², while office Banken 32,000 m² in 2015. Despite a growth of 89% in relation to 2014, take-up was stock in the region also contracted slightly. Rent levels nudged downward by ICT 0.8% to an average of EUR 145 per square metre per year. Industrie, Handel en Transport not exceptionally high in comparison to the preceding eight years. The largest transaction was that concluded by Samsung (6,800 m²) at Schiphol Centre, followed by SBM Offshore (2,500 m²), which also leased space at Schiphol Centre. 26 5% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 16% 13% 20% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Haarlemmermeer Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Hoofddorp, Schiphol, Nieuw-Vennep, Badhoevedorp and Lijnden Office locations Lijnden 1Hoofddorp-Centre 2Beukenhorst-East Badhoevedorp 3Beukenhorst-West 10 4Beukenhorst-South 5 De Hoek-North 6Schiphol-Centre 7Schiphol-East Schiphol 8Schiphol-Rijk 7 6 9Schiphol-South 10 Badhoevedorp Hoofddorp 1 3 4 2 5 9 8 Nieuw-Vennep Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Schiphol Centre Samsung Electronics Benelux 6,800 Region 2,500 Hoofddorp Hoofddorp Floor space Centre 2015 from to Centre SBM Offshore 85 160 90 Electronics for Imaging 1,750 Beukenhorst-East 125 175 125 170 South PeopleWare ICT Solutions 1,650 Beukenhorst-West 90 140 90 140 120 Beukenhorst East ASICS Europe 1,700 Beukenhorst-South 175 210 175 215 Beukenhorst West Global Collect Services 1,500 De Hoek-North 80 120 80 120 Seceurtronics Nederland 1,250 365 Schiphol Centre 200 365 200 East 115 165 115 165 Rijk 85 150 100 160 125 160 125 160 90 125 75 135 120 145 115 140 South Gross initial yields Badhoevedorp in % West 2014 from to South Nieuw-Vennep Markweg Region Location Lijnden Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 to * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 27 Back to content ’s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 59,200 0.1% 2014 vs. 2013 e 110 per m²/year 16% 2015 vs. 2014 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 2009 Rents* 165,000 m² (11.5%) 46% 2015 vs. 2014 1.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 14,000 m² 2008 1,436,000 m² 18% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 183,000 m² 2010 ’s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 ’s-Hertogenbosch Vacancy 2014 Tilburg Vacancy 2015 Breda Oosterhout Eindhoven Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) Take-up by user category outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 240 200 25% 160 48% 120 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Take-up Availability ’s-Hertogenbosch ’s-Hertogenbosch Tilburg Tilburg Average take-up 2008 - 2015 31% 7% ’s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg Industry, trade and transport Business services Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up in this region totalled 14,000 m² in 2015, which is 46% down on Despite the decline in the number of market movements,ICToffice availability Banken 2014. While lease renewals are not included in the take-up figures, it is ’sHertogenbosch. This implies that it will continue to occupy its existing has not increased. Availability actually dropped by 18% during the year to ICT 183,000 m². Of this, 165,000 million m² is vacant, representing 11.5% of the Industrie, Handel en Transport total stock. With the exception of Friesland, this region therefore has the lowest 25,200 m² of office space for several years to come. The largest relocation regional vacancy of office space in the Netherlands. Average rent levels in this in this region was that of Mosadex, which occupied 2,100 m² at De Brand region are under pressure, levelling out in 2015 at EUR 110 per square metre in ’sHertogenbosch. per year. nevertheless worth mentioning Essent’s lease renewal at Willemsplein in 28 20% 31% 31% 80 40 26% 13% 5% 37% 3% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content ’s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Office locations ’S-HERTOGENBOSCH 1 High Tech Parc 2Pettelaarpark Tilburg 3Paleiskwartier 6 4 De Rietvelden/De Vutter 5Brabantpoort 5 1 1 3 8 4 6Maaspoort 7 De Brand 4 8 De Herven ’s Hertogenbosch 2 TILBURG 3 1Spoorzone 5 7 2 ’t Laar 2 3 Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 4 Ringbaan West 5Katsbogten Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 Town/City in euro per m2/year* Location Floor space Mosadex 2,100 Region Paleiskwartier POSG 1,300 ‘s-Hertogenbosch De Brand De Herven Panasonic Benelux 1,100 Peperstraat Ritmeester Cigars Maaspoort Brabantpoort ‘s-Hertogenbosch De Brand Rosmalen Tendant/Purchaser Location 2014 from to 2015 from to 85 125 80 De Herven 80 125 80 125 850 De Rietvelden/De Vutter 75 100 75 100 Caris Geographic 600 High Tech Parc 70 120 70 120 Lensvent Medical 900 Pettelaarpark 100 150 100 150 Paleiskwartier 135 160 135 160 Spoorzone 95 135 95 135 Prof. Cobbenhagenlaan 110 135 110 135 Ringbanen 105 125 105 125 90 125 85 125 100 115 100 115 Tilburg Gross initial yields ‘t Laar in % Zaltbommel Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 7.00 10.00 6.90 10.00 Other locations 8.50 12.00 8.50 12.00 to Waluwe 125 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 29 Back to content Limburg Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Maastricht (incl. Airport/Beek), Heerlen, Roermond and Venlo Availability Office jobs 56,600 1.4% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 186,000 m² 5,000 m² Rents* 186,000 m² (12%) 83% 2015 vs. 2014 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 112 per m²/year 7.6% 2015 vs. 2014 1.8% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 28 110 24 105 20 100 16 95 12 8 90 85 1,552,000 m² 10% 2015 vs. 2014 4 2008 Limburg 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Maastricht incl. Airport Heerlen Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Roermond Vacancy 2015 Eindhoven Helmond Venlo Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 240 210 180 150 120 90 60 30 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 15% 30% 44% Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 20% 31% 14% 35% Industry, trade and transport Business services 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 5% 33% Limburg 26% 9% 4% 60% 2008 26% 18% 4% 11% Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken 2015 was a disappointing year for Limburg. Transactions involved no more Despite these low dynamics, office availability dropped byICT10% to 186,000 m². Banken than 5,000 m², causing take-up to be 83% lower than the level recorded in contracted 2,500 m² in Randwijck-Noord in Maastricht. Xonar and IPG also All this space is actually vacant and represents 12% of the total office ICT stock. Availability dropped in the municipalities of Maastricht and Heerlen, Industrie, Handel en Transport stabilisation was booked in Roermond, while vacancy further increased in the occupied office space at Randwijck-Noord in 2015. municipality of Venlo. Rent levels in the region are under pressure, resulting in 2014. Half of the take-up can be attributed to Ericsson Telecommunicatie that Industrie, Handel en Transport an average of EUR 112 per square metre per year, which is 1.8% down on the year before. 30 Back to content Limburg Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Maastricht (incl. Airport/Beek), Heerlen, Roermond and Venlo Office locations A73 5 MAASTRICHT 1 Centre/Station area 2Randwijck-North N280 3Ceramique Maastricht 4Geusselt 4 1 Roermond 1 5 Maastricht Airport 3 HEERLEN 2 1 Centre/Station area A73 2Avantis 3Coriopolis 0 1 km ROERMOND 1Centre E34 3 VENLO A67 2 1Centre 2Noorderpoort 3 Trade Port Venlo 1 A73 3 1 Heerlen 2 Large-scale transactions office space Rents for office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Maastricht Randwijck-North Ericsson Telecommunicatie Randwijck-North Xonar 850 Randwijck-North IPG 650 Willemstraat Levanto 500 Heerlen Floor space 2,500 Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Maastricht Centre/Station area 110 150 110 Randwijck-North 90 125 90 125 Ceramique 115 135 110 130 120 Heerlen 140 Geusselt 90 120 90 Maastricht Airport 90 130 90 130 Centre/Station area 90 125 90 120 Avantis Coriopolis 90 112 70 110 105 120 105 120 Gross initial yields Roermond Centre 95 130 95 130 in % Venlo Centre 90 125 90 120 Region South Noorderpoort Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 7.00 10.00 6.90 10.00 Other locations 8.50 12.00 8.50 12.00 100 125 100 125 Trade Port 80 100 80 100 Sittard Business park North 95 125 95 120 Weert Business park North 95 125 95 125 to * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 31 Back to content Rotterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Rotterdam, Capelle a/d IJssel, Schiedam and Drechtsteden Availability Office jobs 141,750 2.9% 2014 vs. 2013 Rents* 982,000 m² (20.4%) 117% 2015 vs. 2014 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 152,000 m² e 120 per m²/year 0.4% 2015 vs. 2014 3.4% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 2008 4,818,000 m² 2.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 1,022,000 m² 2009 2010 2011 Rotterdam and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Rotterdam Capelle a/d IJssel Vacancy 2014 Schiedam Drechtsteden Vacancy 2015 Delft The Hague Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 1,200 1,000 33% 800 30% 28% 1% 4% 37% 1% 400 200 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 34% Rotterdam and surrounding area Industry, trade and transport Business services Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 5% 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Take-up in the Rotterdam region in 2015 was the highest since 2008. Total ICT to 1,022,000 m². Availability in the Rotterdam region contracted slightly by 2% Banken take-up by office organisations was 152,000 m², more than twice as much as the National Police occupied 16,450 m². Total take-up in the municipality of Most of this available space is actually physically vacant, which implies ICT that vacancy rose by a mere 0.4% to 20.4%. Vacancy in Capelle a/d IJssel Industrie, Handel en Transport rose to 32.6% of stock, which is the highest level of all municipalities in the Rotterdam was nearly 120,000 m², which accounts for 10% of the national Netherlands. Vacancy in the Schiedam and Drechtsteden areas dropped to take-up. 20.3% and 17.9%, respectively. in 2014. The largest transaction was realised at Alexandrium/Oosterhof, where 32 20% 31% 4% 600 0 2008 26% 28% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Rotterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Rotterdam, Capelle a/d IJssel, Schiedam and Drechtsteden Office locations 7 1 Central Station 6 2Centre 3 Kop van Zuid 4 Marconiplein/Parklane Capelle a/d IJssel 5Brainpark 9 6Alexandrium/Oosterhof 1 Schiedam 7 Rotterdam Airport 2 5 4 8Zuidplein 3 9 Schieveste (Schiedam) 10 Rivium/Fascinatio 10 Rotterdam 8 Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Rotterdam Alexandrium/Oosterhof National Police Dordrecht Tendant/Purchaser Floor space 16,500 Region Rotterdam Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Central Station KPMG Meijburg 5,900 Centre 90 225 90 215 Kop van Zuid Nidera 4,500 Central Station 145 225 145 235 Centre Vastgoedbeheer/PBG 3,800 Kop van Zuid 140 215 140 215 Wieldrechtseweg Tankstorage Assets 4,200 Marconiplein/Parklane 100 130 90 115 Weizigtweg UWV 3,500 Brainpark 125 165 125 155 Alexandrium/Oosterhof 90 150 90 150 140 175 140 165 Zuidplein 85 125 80 115 Schieveste 115 140 110 135 125 Rotterdam Airport Schiedam Capelle a/d IJssel Rivium Gross initial yields in % 2015 from Dordrecht Region Location 2014 from to West Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 to 60 125 60 Barbizon Capelle Office Park 90 125 80 110 Hoofdweg 80 120 70 100 120 140 120 135 90 135 90 140 Amstelwijck Centre * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 33 Back to content Twente Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Enschede, Hengelo and Almelo Availability Office jobs 39,950 0.5% 2014 vs. 2013 e 94 per m²/year 16% 2015 vs. 2014 0% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 110 105 100 95 90 Twente Rents* 186,000 m² (19.5%) 17% 2015 vs. 2014 1.3% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy 14,000 m² 2008 955,000 m² 21% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 187,000 m² 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 The Netherlands 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 Enschede Hengelo Vacancy 2014 Vacancy 2015 Almelo Deventer Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 250 5% 200 32% 150 38% 100 26% 18% 45% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Industry, trade and transport Business services 5% 33% Twente 26% 9% 35% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up worked out 17% higher in 2015, amounting to 14,000 m². ICT The availabilityBanken of industrial space in the Twente region rose by 21% in 2015 Despite higher transaction dynamics than the preceding year, take-up the majority of office transactions were concluded in Enschede, office take-up to 187,000 m². Office availability declined primarily in Almelo (minus ICT 23,000 m²) and Enschede (minus 22,000 m²). While availability also dropped Industrie, Handel en Transport in the municipality of Hengelo (minus 6,000 m²), vacancy there remained high, was also recorded in both Almelo and Hengelo during the year. The largest at 26.7%. Despite increased take-up and declining availability, average rents transaction was that of KroeseWevers Accountants, which moved into the remained stable at EUR 94 per square metre per year. nevertheless remained approx. 10,000 m² below the long-term average. While former premises of Deloitte at B&S Park in Enschede. 34 20% 31% 7% 1% 37% 50 0 17% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Twente Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Enschede, Hengelo and Almelo Office locations 1Enschede-Centre 2 Business & Science Park 3Zuiderval 6 4Hengelo-Centre Almelo 5Westermaat (Campus/Oosterbosch) 7 6Almelo-Centre A35 7Twentepoort E30 5 A1 E30 Hengelo A1 4 2 A35 Enschede 1 3 0 4 km Rents for office space Large-scale transactions office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Enschede Business & Science Park KroeseWevers Accountants Centre Topicus Centre Mediant Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg 950 Westermaat Plasticon 900 Westermaat Stichting Carmel College 750 Station area Bureau Jeugdzorg Overijssel 650 Hengelo Almelo Floor space 3,700 950 Region Enschede Location Almelo 2015 from to Centre 75 125 75 125 Business & Science Park 75 125 75 125 100 135 100 135 70 115 70 110 Westermaat (Campus/Oosterbosch) 55 125 55 130 Zuiderval Hengelo 2014 from to Centre Centre 70 115 70 115 Twentepoort 65 115 65 115 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 to 35 Back to content Utrecht and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Utrecht, Stichtse Vecht, Nieuwegein and Houten Availability Office jobs 131,350 0.4% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 571,000 m² 98,000 m² Rents* 536,000 m² (15.1%) 4.1% 2015 vs. 2014 1.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 122 per m²/year 1.4% 2015 vs. 2014 2.7% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 35 110 30 105 25 100 20 95 15 10 90 85 3,554,000 m² 1.6% 2015 vs. 2014 5 2008 2009 2010 Utrecht and surrounding area 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 Utrecht Stichtse Vecht Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Nieuwegein Vacancy 2015 Houten Zeist Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 700 600 27% 500 16% 37% 400 28% 100 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 7% Utrecht and surrounding area Industry, trade and transport Business services 33% 11% 4% The Netherlands Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening Banken Office take-up in the Utrecht region during 2015 totalled 98,000 m², which ICT increased dynamics, Bankenvacancy in the Utrecht region and surrounding area is 4.1% up on the preceding year. Major transactions included the temporary dropped to 15.1%, which is 1.4% down on the preceding year. Availability rose ICT marginally to 571,000 m², accompanied by a slight decline in the average rent Industrie, Handel en Transport to EUR 122 per square metre per year. accommodation of Joulz (8,000 m²) at Oudenrijn, followed by the occupation of 6,100 m² at Papendorp by Chubb Fire & Security. Partly as a result of 36 5% IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations Overheid en overigen Non-profit Zakelijke Dienstverlening 26% 9% 35% 6% 26% 20% 31% 12% 9% 300 200 26% 32% Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Utrecht and surrounding area Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Utrecht, Stichtse Vecht, Nieuwegein and Houten Office locations Stichtse Vecht 15 UTRECHT 1 Station area Utrecht 9 2 Maliebaan/Old Centre 8 3Rijnsweerd 4Kanaleneiland 7 5Papendorp Utrecht 6 6 City centre Leidsche Rijn 1 7 Leidsche Rijn-North 2 3 8Overvecht 10 9 Lage Weide 10 Oudenrijn (De Meern) 5 4 NIEUWEGEIN 11 Nieuwegein-Centre 12 Merwestein 13 Plettenburg Nieuwegein 12 13 11 HOUTEN Houten 14 Molenzoom 14 STICHTSE VECHT 15 Zuilense Ring/Bisonspoor Large-scale transactions office space Rents for office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Utrecht Oudenrijn Joulz Papendorp Lage Weide Floor space 8,000 Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Chubb Fire & Security 6,100 Utrecht Station area 160 190 160 195 Volker Wessels Telecom 4,750 Rijnsweerd 120 155 115 150 Station area Propertize 2,800 Kanaleneiland 110 145 100 140 Station area The Office Operators 2,600 Lage Weide 80 125 80 125 Ravellaan Feniks Talent 2,300 Overvecht 80 135 80 135 Papendorp 135 165 130 165 Gross initial yields in % Nieuwegein Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from West Best locations 5.50 8.50 5.00 8.00 Other locations 7.00 12.00 6.75 12.00 Maliebaan 155 195 155 190 Old Centre 145 175 145 175 Oudenrijn (De Meern) 90 120 65 110 Citycentre Leidsche Rijn 150 175 140 165 120 Centre 80 115 80 Plettenburg 65 115 65 110 Merwestein 75 105 70 100 Houten Molenzoom 100 125 100 120 Maarssen Zuilense Ring/Bisonspoor 65 120 70 115 to * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 37 Back to content Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Availability Office jobs 75,650 2.8% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 360,000 m² 61,000 m² Rents* 355,000 m² (19%) 27% 2015 vs. 2014 0.8% 2015 vs. 2014 Vacancy Take-up e 91 per m²/year 8.2% 2015 vs. 2014 1.9% 2015 vs. 2014 *Incentives excluded Vacancy Office jobs index % of stock (≥ 500 m2 lfa) 2008=100 28 110 24 105 20 100 16 95 12 8 90 85 1,873,000 m² 11% 2015 vs. 2014 4 2008 2009 2010 2011 Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer 2012 2013 2014 0 Zwolle Deventer Vacancy 2014 The Netherlands Vacancy 2015 Apeldoorn Arnhem Enschede Dutch average 2015 Source: LISA Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 500 m2 lfa) outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 500 m2 lfa) 420 16% 360 300 17% 240 49% 46% 180 120 60 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 31% 7% 16% 4% 26% 33% 26% 9% 35% 19% Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Industry, trade and transport Business services 20% 5% 11% 4% The Netherlands IT Banking and insurance Public and non-profit organisations The Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer region has experienced growth in office Overheid en overigen Non-profit Overheid overigenAvailability Non-profit in the region 13,000 m² by the UWV en in Zwolle. dropped by 11% take-up with 61,000 m² of office space occupied in 2015, an increase of 27% to 360,000 m².Zakelijke Differences between the municipalities were nevertheless Dienstverlening Banken on 2014. This is the highest level achieved since 2007, and also exceeds the ICT in Deventer and evident. Vacancy in Zwolle rose slightly to 18%, while that Banken long-term average take-up. Occupation by the National Police of 9,550 m² Oosterenk in Zwolle played a significant role in this development. Government Apeldoorn declined to 23.4% and 17.8%, respectively. Particularly noteworthy ICT is the significant year-on-year drop of 4.2% recorded in Apeldoorn, which Industrie, Handel en Transport results from the withdrawal of office space from the market for transformation bodies and other non-profit organisations accounted for 49% of the market into residential units. However, these percentages remain above the national dynamics in 2014 and 2015. By comparison: the share for the whole of the average of 15.8%. At 5:1, the ratio of availability to take-up is nevertheless more Netherlands amounts to just 26%. In addition to relocations, a number of quite favourable than the national ratio. on Hanzeland and 6,700 m² by the Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta on considerable renegotiations were concluded during the year with, for example, 38 26% Zakelijke Dienstverlening Industrie, Handel en Transport Back to content Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Office locations ZWOLLE 1Hanzeland Deventer 2 Binnenstad Plus 3Voorsterpoort 4Oosterenk 1 3 DEVENTER 2 2Kloosterlanden/Hanzepark 4 Zwolle 1Centre 2 1 APELDOORN 1Apeldoorn-North 2Centre 1 3Brouwersmolen 4Malkenschoten 2 Apeldoorn 3 4 Large-scale transactions office space Rents for office space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tendant/Purchaser Zwolle Hanzeland National Police Floor space 9,550 Region Apeldoorn Location 2014 from to 2015 from to Oosterenk Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta 6,700 North 65 125 65 Hanzeland Landal Green Parks 2,850 Centre 65 125 65 125 Centre/City ring Quality Contacts 1,600 Brouwersmolen 65 125 65 120 Deventer Kloosterlanden Cimpress 3,450 Apeldoorn Wapenrustlaan Moduslink 2,540 Brouwersmolen A-vision 1,700 Deventer Zwolle Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to North Best locations 7.75 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 Best locations 7.60 10.50 7.60 10.50 Other locations 8.50 12.50 8.50 12.50 East 2015 from 11.00 7.75 to 125 Malkenschoten 70 125 70 125 Centre 70 125 70 125 Kloosterlanden/Hanzepark 50 100 40 90 Centre/City ring 60 130 60 130 Hanzeland 70 125 70 125 A28-zone 90 130 90 130 Oosterenk 40 110 40 100 * Incentives excluded. The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 11.00 39 Back to content Real estate data Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Municipality Almelo Almere Amersfoort Amstelveen Amsterdam Apeldoorn Arnhem Assen Bergen op Zoom Best Breda Capelle aan den IJssel Delft Deventer Diemen Drechtsteden Ede Eindhoven Enschede Etten-Leur Gouda Groningen Haarlemmermeer Heerenveen Heerlen Helmond Hengelo Hilversum Houten Leeuwarden Leiden Leidschendam-Voorburg Maastricht (incl. airport/Beek) Nieuwegein Nijmegen Oosterhout Rijswijk Roermond Roosendaal Rotterdam Schiedam 's-Hertogenbosch Smallingerland Son en Breugel Stichtse Vecht The Hague Tilburg Utrecht Veenendaal Veldhoven Venlo Zoetermeer Zwolle The Netherlands 40 Take-up (in m²) 1,000 10,000 12,000 9,000 278,000 15,000 14,000 3,000 2,000 0 12,000 19,000 12,000 5,000 0 14,000 7,000 44,000 10,000 0 18,000 15,000 32,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 14,000 3,000 12,000 10,000 0 5,000 5,000 21,000 0 3,000 0 3,000 120,000 6,000 10,000 2,000 0 0 81,000 4,000 90,000 3,000 4,000 0 34,000 40,000 1,206,000 Availability (in m²) 43,000 181,000 249,000 169,871 1,054,000 129,000 198,000 54,000 20,000 29,000 159,000 160,000 94,000 88,000 16,000 109,000 47,000 229,000 69,000 10,000 97,000 126,000 244,000 22,000 50,000 35,000 75,000 112,000 51,000 61,000 80,000 23,000 81,000 116,000 69,000 13,000 230,000 26,000 9,000 705,000 47,000 108,000 11,000 7,000 45,000 533,000 76,000 358,000 57,000 15,000 29,000 134,000 142,000 8,152,000 Vacancy (2015) 20% 29% 26% 26% 16% 18% 15% 18% 20% 28% 21% 33% 22% 23% 7% 18% 18% 15% 15% 13% 27% 14% 16% 18% 11% 20% 27% 18% 22% 10% 15% 12% 14% 24% 14% 10% 24% 11% 7% 19% 20% 11% 7% 8% 27% 13% 13% 12% 30% 12% 11% 21% 18% 15.8% Office stock (in m²) 216,000 583,000 855,000 643,000 6,010,000 724,000 1,107,000 298,000 104,000 104,000 740,000 493,000 420,000 376,000 213,000 601,000 253,000 1,469,000 458,000 73,000 357,000 927,000 1,428,000 118,000 446,000 172,000 281,000 630,000 237,000 600,000 532,000 189,000 601,000 495,000 498,000 133,000 958,000 251,000 121,000 3,493,000 232,000 956,000 107,000 86,000 167,000 4,055,000 480,000 2,655,000 181,000 127,000 254,000 631,000 773,000 49,533,000 Range of rents (in euro per m²/year) 65 - 115 60 - 170 80 - 160 75 - 190 75 - 425 65 - 125 85 - 170 70 - 100 70 - 125 85 - 125 70 - 145 60 - 125 95 - 130 40 - 150 80 - 140 90 - 140 75 - 125 65 - 160 75 - 135 110 - 135 65 - 125 80 - 125 75 - 365 70 - 110 70 - 120 80 - 120 55 - 130 100 - 165 100 - 120 75 - 110 100 - 225 90 - 125 90 - 140 65 - 120 75 - 145 100 - 130 50 - 125 95 - 130 75 - 125 80 - 235 110 - 135 70 - 160 75 - 110 90 - 120 70 - 125 60 - 210 85 - 135 65 - 195 80 - 115 80 - 115 80 - 125 80 - 130 40 - 130 40 - 425 Back to content General data Fact sheets office property market | January 2016 Municipality Almelo Almere Amersfoort Amstelveen Amsterdam Apeldoorn Arnhem Assen Bergen op Zoom Best Breda Capelle aan den IJssel Delft Deventer Diemen Drechtsteden Ede Eindhoven Enschede Etten-Leur Gouda Groningen Haarlemmermeer Heerenveen Heerlen Helmond Hengelo Hilversum Houten Leeuwarden Leiden Leidschendam-Voorburg Maastricht (incl. airport/Beek) Nieuwegein Nijmegen Oosterhout Rijswijk Roermond Roosendaal Rotterdam Schiedam 's-Hertogenbosch Smallingerland Son en Breugel Stichtse Vecht The Hague Tilburg Utrecht Veenendaal Veldhoven Venlo Zoetermeer Zwolle The Netherlands Inhabitants (in numbers) 72,300 196,950 152,450 87,100 821,950 158,050 152,300 67,150 66,300 28,750 181,600 66,450 101,100 98,500 26,700 269,500 111,550 223,200 158,550 42,500 71,100 200,450 144,200 50,150 87,500 89,700 81,050 87,250 48,650 107,700 121,600 73,950 138,600 61,250 170,650 53,800 48,200 57,100 76,850 624,700 76,850 150,850 55,600 16,350 63,950 514,650 211,600 334,150 63,450 44,150 100,550 124,000 123,900 16,902,150 Labour force (in % of total population) 65% 70% 66% 63% 72% 64% 69% 64% 65% 65% 66% 66% 72% 66% 68% 64% 64% 68% 68% 65% 65% 75% 66% 62% 67% 65% 64% 64% 67% 68% 72% 62% 69% 67% 70% 64% 62% 66% 65% 68% 67% 64% 63% 60% 65% 68% 69% 71% 64% 65% 65% 67% 67% 65% Private disposable household income Office stock per inhabitant (in euros) (in m²/inhabitant) 31,000 34,900 36,900 40,200 31,400 34,800 30,500 32,200 33,600 39,100 35,200 34,700 32,100 32,800 35,200 32,600 36,400 32,000 29,600 35,600 35,000 28,500 39,700 32,600 28,200 32,900 32,200 36,400 42,900 28,700 34,000 37,100 65,700 35,200 30,900 35,800 33,100 31,500 33,900 29,600 31,000 34,900 31,100 40,700 40,800 31,800 31,600 34,300 34,800 37,300 31,200 36,000 33,600 36,100 3.0 3.0 5.6 7.4 7.3 4.6 7.3 4.4 1.6 3.6 4.1 7.4 4.2 3.8 8.0 2.2 2.3 6.6 2.9 1.7 5.0 4.6 9.9 2.4 5.1 1.9 3.5 7.2 4.9 5.6 4.4 2.6 4.3 8.1 2.9 2.5 19.9 4.4 1.6 5.6 3.0 6.3 1.9 5.3 2.6 7.9 2.3 7.9 2.9 2.9 2.5 5.1 6.2 2.9 Office jobs (in numbers) 7,600 26,850 30,850 19,700 248,250 36,350 38,500 10,450 5,650 3,300 30,600 14,100 14,750 11,250 8,150 24,050 13,750 55,600 21,500 4,350 7,900 45,550 32,500 6,100 16,200 8,000 10,850 20,600 8,750 25,250 15,950 6,550 22,850 12,850 21,550 6,350 20,100 7,450 9,050 93,600 10,000 32,150 5,050 4,000 8,150 119,650 27,100 101,600 6,650 4,800 10,050 21,300 28,100 2,236,850 41 Back to content The Netherlands Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 3,093,050 1.3% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 9,684,000 m² 53,693 ha 1.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 3,191,000 m² Rents 3.6% 18% 2015 vs. 2014 1.5% 2014 vs. 2013 e 44 per m²/year 1.4% 2015 vs. 2014 0.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 54,000 110 1,400 53,000 1,200 52,000 100 1,000 51,000 800 95 50,000 600 49,000 400 105 90 48,000 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 47,000 2007 200 2008 2009 Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Availability x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2013 0 2014 % of stock (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 12,000 18 10,000 15 8,000 12 6,000 9 4,000 6 2,000 3 Take-up 2012 Annual allocation Source: LISA 2009 2011 Stock The Netherlands 0 2008 2010 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 0 The Netherlands Rotterdam Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Take-up by user category outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) Vacancy 2014 Moerdijk Tilburg Sittard-Geleen Vacancy 2015 Venlo Eindhoven Dutch average 2015 Emmen Availability by size category x 1,000 m2 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 12,000 12% 2% 17% 10,000 23% 8,000 23% 6,000 2% 39% 35% 4,000 23% 24% 2,000 The Netherlands Industry Trade Transport IT Service-sector 42 Dienstverlening Dienstverlening 0 2008 750-1,000 2009 2010 1,000-2,500 2011 2012 2,500-5,000 2013 2014 5,000-10,000 2015 >10,000 Back to content The Netherlands Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Gross initial yields Availability-Stock ratio per gemeente in %, 2015 in % Region Location North Best locations 8.85 11.50 8.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 Best locations 7.50 11.50 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 South Best locations 6.75 9.50 5.80 8.50 Veenendaal Other locations 7.70 12.00 7.50 11.00 Nieuwegein West Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Zoetermeer Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 Haarlemmermeer East 2015 from Stichtse Vecht 2014 from to to Moerdijk Wijchen Houten Amersfoort Diemen Utrecht Veldhoven Rotterdam Oldenzaal Deventer Etten-Leur Almere Roosendaal Rents for industrial space Amsterdam Venray in euro per m2/year* Ede Arnhem Region 2014 from to 2015 from to Greater Amsterdam 30 70 30 70 Rotterdam and surrounding area 36 58 37 58 The Hague and surrounding area 25 64 27 63 Utrecht and surrounding area 25 65 25 65 Haarlemmermeer 25 110 25 110 Eindhoven and surrounding area 30 55 30 55 Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area 25 55 25 50 Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer 25 50 25 50 ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk 25 50 25 50 Gooi and Eemland 15 65 15 65 Drechtsteden Twente 20 48 20 48 Son en Breugel Breda and surrounding area 25 50 20 50 Groningen and Assen 18 45 18 45 Limburg 25 50 25 50 Almere 25 60 25 60 Smallingerland Friesland 20 40 20 40 Ede and Veenendaal 30 50 30 50 Nijmegen The Hague Eindhoven Tilburg Zwolle Schiedam Waalwijk Haarlem Apeldoorn Breda Enschede 's-Hertogenbosch Duiven Zevenaar Hilversum Maastricht Hengelo Best Delft Almelo Leiden Heerenveen Venlo Rijswijk * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Sittard-Geleen Capelle aan den IJssel Helmond Large-scale transactions industrial space Assen Leidschendam-Voorburg 2015 Floor space Zeist Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Venlo Trade Port North Michael Kors 122,150 Lansingerland Venlo Trade Port North PVH Europe 90,000 Leeuwarden Roosendaal Borchwerf II Primark 86,000 Oosterhout Breda Hazeldonk A food retailer 52,000 Waddinxveen Overslagweg Lidl 50,000 Rotterdam Vijfsluizen Pacorini Metals 49,400 Tilburg Vossenberg ID Logistics 45,000 Raamsdonksveer Zalmweg Louwman 39,250 Rotterdam Distripark Botlek Pacorini Metals 36,000 Tilburg Kraaiven Dobotex 35,000 Bergen op Zoom Gouda Groningen Emmen Roermond 0% 3% 6% 9% 12% 15% 18% 21% Dutch Average 43 Back to content Almere Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 28,350 3.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 182,000 m² 496 ha 10% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 14,000 m² Rents 7.3% 76% 2015 vs. 2014 0.3% 2014 vs. 2013 e 40 per m²/year 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 500 35 105 400 28 100 300 21 95 200 14 90 100 7 85 2008 Almere 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 280 240 12% 18% 200 18% 23% 29% 3% 5% 7% 160 120 21% 80 33% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 43% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Industry Trade 23% 17% 23% 2% 39% 40 0 2% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Almere Transport Dienstverlening IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT ICT Handel Industrial spaceTransport availability during the year rose by 10% to 182,000 million m². up level in 2014. This trend did not continue into 2015, however. Take-up of This level of availability is relatively low in comparison with preceding years. industrial space in 2015 totalled 14,000 m², which is 76% lower than in 2014. When compared with demand, however, it shows that the market is indeed very Take-up also remains far short of the long-term average. During the past few slack. Availability is equal to 7.3% of the total stock in Almere, which compares years, organisations operating in the industrial, construction and trade sectors with 3.6% for the Netherlands as a whole. At EUR 40 per square metre per year, have adopted an increasingly prominent role in market dynamics. The largest the average rent remains largely unchanged. transaction in 2015 was the take-up of 2,500 m² at De Vaart industrial estate by Faily Dried Food. 44 Transport The industrial property market in Almere achieved an extremely high take- Industrie en bouw Handel Industrie en bouw Back to content Almere Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Industrial estates 1 1 De Vaart 9 2Veluwsekant 3 De Steiger 4 Hollandsekant 5Stichtsekant 6 Gooisekant/Gooise Poort 10 7Hogekant/Lagekant 8Sallandsekant 9Poldervlak 10 Markerkant Almere 8 4 7 2 6 3 5 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Almere De Vaart Faily Dried Food 2,500 Town/City Location from Markerkant IGT 2,000 Almere De Vaart 25 De Vaart Jano 1,600 Veluwsekant Hogekant/Lagekant MyFitness 1,500 De Steiger De Vaart B&S Luxe verhuur 850 Hollandsekant De Steiger Flevo Kozijnenfabriek 850 Stichtsekant Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.00 11.00 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 Best locations 6.25 8.50 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 West to 2014 2015 to from 45 25 to 40 55 40 55 30 45 30 45 35 55 35 55 40 60 40 60 Gooisekant/Gooise Poort 40 60 40 60 Hogekant/Lagekant 45 60 45 60 Sallandsekant 40 55 40 55 Poldervlak 40 60 40 60 Markerkant 40 60 40 60 45 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 45 Back to content Amsterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Amsterdam, Diemen and Amstelveen Availability Industrial jobs 148,500 2.2% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 314,000 m² 888 ha 8.5% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 132,000 m² Rents 7.1% 18% 2015 vs. 2014 4.2% 2014 vs. 2013 e 45 per m²/year 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 1.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 1,000 25 105 800 20 100 600 15 95 400 10 90 200 5 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 Amsterdam and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 600 500 14% 400 21% 9% 300 2% 20% 23% 100 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 28% 25% 39% 36% Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT 23% 24% 35% IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Industrial space take-up in Amsterdam totalled 132,000 m² in 2015, which is Handelhas been on the The availabilityTransport of industrial space in the Amsterdam region 18% down on the preceding year. It should be noted , however, that take-up decline since 2010. In 2015, availability dropped by a further 8.5% to Handel 314,000 m². High-quality availability is currently scarce. Furthermore, there is Industrie en bouw a distinct lack of large-scale industrial space available on op the market. during 2014 proved exceptionally high. In 2015 too, take-up exceeded the average annual level of 117,000 m² for the period from 2008 to 2015. The largest transaction of 14,000 m² was realised by Rivièra Maison at Westpoort. 46 23% Amsterdam and surrounding area 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 23% 17% 2% 6% 200 0 12% 18% Industrie en bouw Back to content Amsterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Amsterdam, Diemen and Amstelveen Industrial estates 1 2 1Amsterdam-North 2Westpoort A5 3Amstelveen Amsterdam 4South-East 5 Amstel Business Park 6 Business Park Osdorp 6 Diemen 5 A5 0 3 Schiphol Amstelveen Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 Town/City in euro per m2/year* Location Amsterdam Westpoort Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Rivièra Maison 14,300 Town/City Location 6,700 Amsterdam North 2014 2015 to from 35 60 35 60 to Dun Yong Foodservices Westpoort Anamet Europe 4,900 Westpoort 30 60 30 60 Westpoort Pacorini Metals 4,800 South-East 45 65 45 70 North De Vries & Van de Wiel 3,000 Amstel Business Park 45 70 45 70 Amstelveen 40 55 40 55 Diemen/Weesp 30 55 30 60 Aalsmeer/Uithoorn 35 55 35 55 Alkmaar/Heerhugowaard 30 50 30 50 Haarlem 50 10,050 Mega Storage Gross initial yields in % West from Westpoort Amstelveen Legmeerdijk Region 4 Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 to Waarderpolder 30 50 30 Mijdrecht 35 50 35 50 Zaanstad 30 50 30 50 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 47 Back to content Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Arnhem, Nijmegen, Wijchen, Duiven, Zevenaar and Overbetuwe Availability Industrial jobs 87,550 0.3% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 369,000 m² 1,382 ha 23% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 95,000 m² Rents 5.3% 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 e 41 per m²/year 1.0% 2015 vs. 2014 0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 1,400 110 42 1,200 36 1,000 100 30 800 24 95 600 18 400 12 105 90 85 200 2008 2009 2010 Arnhem Nijmegen City Region 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category 4% 12% 23% 19% 19% 3% 30% Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2014 6 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 19% 2008 2013 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2010 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2011 2012 2013 2014 33% 23% 17% 23% 2% 26% 24% 39% 23% 24% 35% Arnhem Nijmegen City Region 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Dynamics on the industrial property market in the urban region of Arnhem- Handelin Arnhem. Vijverlaan in Wijchen and Allsafe Management (6,000 m²) Transport Nijmegen resulted in a total take-up of 95,000 m² in 2015, which is practically Industrial space availability in the region during the past year rose by 23% to Handel 369,000 m². Rents remained stable at an average of EUR 41 per square metre Industrie en bouw per year. unchanged on 2014. Primary transactions involved Klingele Golfkarton (10,000 m²) at Westkanaaldijk in Nijmegen, Smit Transformatoren (7,500 m²) at 48 1.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Industrie en bouw Back to content Arnhem Nijmegen and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Arnhem, Nijmegen, Wijchen, Duiven, Zevenaar and Overbetuwe Industrial estates NIJMEGEN/WIJCHEN 1 North- and East kanaalhaven 2 Westkanaaldijk Arnhem 3 Winkelsteeg 4 Bijsterhuizen 6 5 ARNHEM 8 7 5 ’t Broek/Kleefsche Waard 6 IJsseloord II Duiven 9 10 Zevenaar 7 Rijkerswoerd 11 12 8 De Overmaat DUIVEN 9 Nieuwgraaf 10 Centerpoort-North/South 1 ZEVENAAR 2 11 Tatelaar 12 Hengelder Nijmegen 4 3 Wijchen Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Nijmegen Westkanaaldijk Klingele Golfkarton 10,000 Westkanaaldijk De Klok Logistics 4,750 Wijchen Arnhem Town/City Location Nijmegen from 2014 to from 2015 to North- and East kanaalhaven 35 45 35 50 Vijverlaan Smit Transformatoren 7,500 Westkanaaldijk 25 40 25 40 Bijsterhuizen Coops Kunststoffen 5,150 Winkelsteeg 25 35 25 40 Edisonstraat Transformer Supplies 4,050 Wijchen Bijsterhuizen 35 45 40 45 IJsseloord II Allsafe Management 6,000 Arnhem ‘t Broek/Kleefsche Waard 30 45 30 45 Kleefsche Waard TÜV Rheinland 4,400 IJsseloord II 45 55 45 50 Rijkerswoerd/De Overmaat 40 30 45 30 Duiven Nieuwgraaf/Centerpoort-North/South 30 45 30 45 Zevenaar Tatelaar 25 40 25 40 Hengelder 25 40 25 40 Kollenburg 25 40 25 40 25 45 25 40 Gross initial yields in % Elst Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.00 11.00 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 to * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 49 Back to content Breda and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Breda, Oosterhout, Moerdijk, Etten-Leur, Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal Availability Industrial jobs 105,100 1.8% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 653,000 m² 2,616 ha 8.8% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 389,000 m² Rents 5.0% 84% 2015 vs. 2014 0.7% 2014 vs. 2013 e 34 per m²/year 0.5% 2015 vs. 2014 3.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 105 2,800 70 2,400 60 2,000 100 50 1,600 40 95 1,200 30 800 20 90 85 400 2008 2009 2010 Breda and surrounding area 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 840 4% 720 600 1% 480 360 51% 240 120 0 7% 20% Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 Industry 23% 2% 23% 24% 35% Breda and surrounding area Trade Dienstverlening 50 23% 17% 39% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 12% 2% 21% 71% 2008 12% 13% Transport IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Take-up on the industrial property market in Breda and surrounding area during ICT for 71% of the industrial space let in the region. The long-term share is 51%. Transport 2015 totalled 389,000 m², a surge of 84% in comparison with 2014. Take-up has Industrial spaceTransport available for letting dropped for the secondHandel year running, not been so high since 2008. This sharp rise can be largely attributed to a number amounting to 653,000 m², which is a decline of 8.8% in relation to year-end 2014. Handel of large-scale transactions in the logistics segment of the market during the latter Increased transaction dynamics and the decline in availability have so far failed to half of the year. The largest transaction was concluded in Roosendaal, where prompt any upward movement in rents, however. What’s more, developers and Primark leased approx. 86,000 m² of logistics space. Together with Oost-Limburg, builders can realise new distribution centres at extremely sharp prices, whereby West-Brabant has in recent years developed into one of the main logistics hotspots newbuild in some cases is cheaper than standing property. Average rent moved of the Netherlands. During the preceding two years, distribution centres accounted downward slightly by 3.4% to EUR 34 per square metre per year. Industrie en bouw Industrie en bouw Back to content Breda and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Breda, Oosterhout, Moerdijk, Etten-Leur, Bergen op Zoom and Roosendaal Industrial estates 10 12 BREDA AND Oosterhout Moerdijk SURROUNDING AREA 1Emer-South/Emer-North 2Heilaar-North/IABC 3Krogten 8 11 3 4 Hazeldonk 5Hoogeind 1 6 6Steenakker 7 2 7Moleneind 5 8 Haagse Beemden Breda 9Vosdonk 10 Weststad I, II and III 11 Vijfeiken 9 Etten-Leur 4 12 Moerdijk 2 ROOSENDAAL / A17 BERGEN OP ZOOM 1 3 1 Borchwerf I E312 2 Borchwerf II A58 4 A4 3Majoppeveld-North Roosendaal 4 Majoppeveld-South 5Noordland A58 E312 5 Bergen op Zoom A4 0 2 km Large-scale transactions industrial space Rents for industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Roosendaal Borchwerf II Primark 86,000 Town/City Location Breda Hazeldonk A business enterprise 52,000 Breda Emer-South/Emer-North Emer-South Dynalogic Benelux 15,800 Tradeboulevard A business enterprise 22,000 Tradeboulevard TopGroup Etten-Leur Vosdonk Oosterhout Weststad I Zevenbergen Floor space 2014 2015 to from 25 35 20 35 Heilaar North/IABC 35 45 35 48 Krogten 25 35 20 30 13,600 Hazeldonk 25 45 25 45 A retailer 20,000 Hoogeind 35 50 35 45 A retailer 17,200 Steenakker 35 45 35 45 Moleneind 25 35 20 30 Etten-Leur Gross initial yields Oosterhout in % Moerdijk Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 6.75 9.50 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 12.00 7.50 11.00 to Roosendaal from to Haagse Beemden 25 35 25 35 Vosdonk 25 45 25 45 48 Weststad I, II and III 35 50 30 Vijfeiken 25 40 25 38 Moerdijk 30 48 30 50 Majoppeveld 25 35 25 40 Borchwerf I and II 30 48 30 48 30 45 25 43 Bergen op Zoom Noordland * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 51 Back to content The Hague and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 The Hague, Leiden, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Lansingerland, Delft, Zoetermeer and Gouda Availability Industrial jobs 137,500 1.6% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 270,000 m² 1,257 ha 13% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 122,000 m² Rents 4.3% 34% 2015 vs. 2014 1.6% 2014 vs. 2013 e 47 per m²/year 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 1.2% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 1,400 110 42 1,200 36 1,000 100 30 800 24 95 600 18 400 12 105 90 85 200 2008 2009 2010 2011 The Hague and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 6 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 420 360 12% 300 240 26% 28% 180 1% 120 19% 20% 60 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 24% 29% 23% 17% 23% 2% 28% 25% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% Industry Trade 39% 23% 24% 35% The Hague and surrounding area Transport IT Dienstverlening The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT ICT during 2015, and that the industrial property market canHandel therefore no longer be Transport 122,000 m² in 2015, which is 34% up on year-end 2014. The year’s largest considered slack. The availability of industrial space has been on the decline transaction was concluded at Kerketuinen in The Hague, where Allsafe since 2011, whereas take-up has stabilised at a reasonably high level. Management signed for 9,800 m², followed by a deal for 7,000 m² industrial 52 Transport The take-up of industrial space in the region of The Hague amounted to Industrie en bouw Handel Industrie en bouw space in Delft Noord involving HanosISPC. Damman completed the top-3 with a The tightening market situation has so far failed to prompt any rise in the rent transaction for 4,600 m² in Zoetermeer. Availability totalled approx. 270,000 m². for industrial space in the region, however. Rent levels dipped by 1.2% to an This means that availability was just double the amount of market take-up average of EUR 47 per square metre per year. Back to content The Hague and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 The Hague, Leiden, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Lansingerland, Delft, Zoetermeer and Gouda Industrial estates 1Kerketuinen/Zichtenburg 2 Business park Prisma 3Lansinghage 4Binckhorst 5 Laakhaven HS 6Ypenburg 7Forepark 8Plaspoelpolder 9Delft-North The Hague Leidschendam-Voorburg 4 5 7 Zoetermeer 6 2 1 8 3 Rijswijk 9 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser The Hague Kerketuinen/Zichtenburg Allsafe Management 9,800 Town/City Location Forepark APC Groep 4,200 The Hague Kerketuinen/Zichtenburg Waterpas Meeuwisse MBP 4,150 North Hanos-ISPC 7,000 Damman MoreStorage Delft Zoetermeer Lansinghage Lansinghage Floor space 2014 2015 to from 36 54 35 Binckhorst 30 54 30 52 Laakhaven HS 40 59 40 58 4,600 Ypenburg 50 59 50 58 3,950 Forepark 50 64 50 63 Businesspark Prisma 50 62 50 62 Zoetermeer Lansinghage 40 57 40 55 Rijswijk Plaspoelpolder 25 50 27 49 Delft North 37 55 36 54 Gouda Goudse Poort 35 55 35 54 Bleiswijk Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from West Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 to from to 53 Leiden 35 55 35 54 Leidschendam-Voorburg 37 54 36 53 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 53 Back to content Ede and Veenendaal Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 35,900 2.7% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 234,000 m² 573 ha 14% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 86,000 m² Rents 8.2% 21% 2015 vs. 2014 0.5% 2014 vs. 2013 e 38 per m²/year 1.0% 2015 vs. 2014 0.9% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 600 105 500 25 400 20 300 15 200 10 100 5 100 95 90 85 2008 2009 2010 Ede and Veenendaal 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 30 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 240 200 160 20% 120 26% 21% 2% 31% 39% 35% 40 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 41% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 Industry Trade 23% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Ede and Veenendaal Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport The industrial property market in Ede and Veenendaal showed vigorous growth (6,500 m² andTransport 5,350 m²) involving Docomar. Not only take-up, but availability of 21% during the year. Some 86,000 m² was occupied by businesses operating sectors also accounted for 26%. The largest transaction in the region involved also rose by 14%, with 234,000 m² of industrial space on offer at year-end Handel 2015. Given that stock also rose slightly (0.5%), the ratio of stock to availability Industrie en bouw remained more or less the same, although the average rent did rise by 0.9% to HEMA, which set up a 14,500 m² logistics distribution centre at Heestereng in EUR 38 per square metre per year. primarily in the trade sector (40%), while the industrial and construction Ede. Take-up in Veenendaal was largely determined by two rental transactions 54 23% 17% 2% 13% 80 0 12% 13% Handel Industrie en bouw Back to content Ede and Veenendaal Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Industrial estates 12 1 De Faktorij 2 De Batterijen 3 De Compagnie 2 4 Het Ambacht 1 5Nijverkamp Ede 6 3 6Kievitsmeent 11 7 BT A12 Veenendaal 8Heestereng 7 9 De Vallei 10 8 9 10 Frankeneng 11 Klaphek 12 Ede-North 4 5 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Ede Heestereng Hema 14,500 Frankeneng Curitas 6,450 Town/City Location Ede Kievitsmeent from 2014 2015 to from 40 45 40 45 to 45 Hardeman 4,350 Frankeneng/Klaphek 35 40 35 Docomar 6,500 Heestereng/De Vallei 35 45 35 45 Het Ambacht Docomar 5,350 BT A12 40 50 40 50 De Faktorij Heebink Transport 3,500 North Kievitsmeent Veenendaal Nijverkamp Veenendaal 30 35 30 35 De Batterijen/Compagnie/Faktorij 35 45 35 45 Het Ambacht/Nijverkamp 45 30 45 30 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.00 11.00 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 to 55 Back to content Eindhoven and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Eindhoven, Helmond, Best, Son en Breugel and Veldhoven Availability Industrial jobs 100,250 2.2% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 425,000 m² 1,591 ha 20% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 159,000 m² Rents 4.6% 131% 2015 vs. 2014 1.1% 2014 vs. 2013 e 43 per m²/year 2.1% 2015 vs. 2014 0.1% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 1,800 105 1,500 35 1,200 28 900 21 600 14 300 7 100 95 90 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 Eindhoven and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 42 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 600 500 18% 400 2% 300 200 0 18% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 25% 26% Industry 39% 23% 23% 24% 35% 37% Eindhoven and surrounding area Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport The commercial property market in Eindhoven and the surrounding area surprising thatTransport the list of the region’s largest transactions is topped by logistics experienced a remarkable upturn in 2015, achieving a total take-up of largely attributed to the trade sector’s high share of 37%, which far exceeds service providers, namely Menlo World Wide Logistics (35,000 m²) and Handel Scherpenhuizen bv (23,000m²) in Eindhoven. Industrie en bouw Along with the increased take-up, the availability of industrial space therefore the long-term share of 26%. As businesses operating in the trade and dropped to 425,000 m², which is a decline of 20% in relation to the preceding transport sectors often occupy large commercial premises, a high share in year, while the average rent remained (more or less) the same at EUR 43 per these sectors usually goes hand in hand with high take-up. It is therefore not square metre per year. 159,000 m², representing a growth of 131%. This high take-up level can be 56 23% 17% 2% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% 3% 24% 28% 100 12% 19% Handel Industrie en bouw Back to content Eindhoven and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Eindhoven, Helmond, Best, Son en Breugel and Veldhoven Industrial estates Son en Breugel 1 De Hurk 2 High Tech Campus 4 Lake Forum/Park Forum 12 9 5 Flight Forum Helmond 8 6 Eindhoven Airport 14 7 Eindhoven/ GDC (Acht) 7 8Kapelbeemd 9Breeven 10 Science Park Eindhoven 11 10 Best 3 De Run 6 15 0 11 Ekkersrijt 16 5 12 Esp 13 De Kade 15 Hoogeind/De Weijer 13 4 14 Groot Schooten 1 Eindhoven Veldhoven 16 B.Z.O.B. 3 2 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Eindhoven Eindhoven/GDC Menlo World Wide Logistics 35,000 Town/City Location from Eindhoven/GDC Scherpenhuizen bv 23,000 Eindhoven De Hurk 40 Kapelbeemd Kulicke & Soffa 7,900 Eindhoven/GDC (Acht) Eindhoven/GDC Össur Benelux 7,250 Esp De Hurk Gumax 5,700 De Kade Hoogeind/De Weijer HEM Beheer 5,850 Kapelbeemd Flight Forum/Eindhoven Airport High Tech Campus Helmond Floor space Son Gross initial yields in % 2014 2015 to from 52 40 to 45 55 45 55 40 47 40 47 35 45 35 45 38 49 38 49 40 52 40 52 40 50 40 50 52 Ekkersrijt 37 50 37 50 Science Park Eindhoven 40 50 40 50 Veldhoven De Run 32 48 32 47 Helmond B.Z.O.B. 34 50 34 50 Groot Schooten 39 45 39 45 to Hoogeind 30 45 30 45 5.80 8.50 De Weijer 34 45 34 45 7.50 11.00 Breeven 34 45 34 45 Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 6.75 9.50 Other locations 7.70 12.00 Best * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 57 Back to content Friesland Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Leeuwarden, Heerenveen and Drachten Availability Industrial jobs 43,000 1.9% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 162,000 m² 1,157 ha 7.2% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 15,000 m² Rents 2.8% 13% 2015 vs. 2014 15% 2014 vs. 2013 e 27 per m²/year 0.2% 2015 vs. 2014 0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 1,200 105 1,000 50 800 40 600 30 400 20 200 10 100 95 90 85 2008 Friesland 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 60 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 210 180 12% 150 12% 13% 120 24% 90 30 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 53% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 23% 39% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Friesland Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Industrial space take-up in Friesland totalled 15,000 m² in 2015, which is 13% Handel availability rose space. DespiteTransport higher transaction dynamics, industrial space up on 2014. Wholesalers and transport firms accounted for a large share of slightly by 7.2% to 162,000 m². This had no effect on the average rent, however, Handel which remained relatively stable at EUR 27 per square metre per year. Industrie en bouw the registered take-up. In Heerenveen, UPS leased 4,200 m² at De Kavels, and in Leeuwarden, the Kalsbeek automotive firm occupied 2,600 m² of newbuild 58 23% 17% 2% 34% 19% 2008 2% 34% 60 0 11% Industrie en bouw Back to content Friesland Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Leeuwarden, Heerenveen and Drachten Industrial estates 4 LEEUWARDEN 1 1 De Hemrik 5 3 2Newtonpark 3 Business Park Leeuwarden Leeuwarden 4Leeuwarden-West Heerenveen 3 DRACHTEN 1 4 1Harbour 2Burmania 3Azeven-South 2 4Azeven-North 2 HEERENVEEN 1 Business Park Friesland-West 2Heerenveen-South 2 3 Business Park Friesland 4 International Business park Friesland 5 De Kavels Drachten 4 1 3 Large-scale transactions industrial space Rents for industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Heerenveen Intern. Business Park Friesland UPS Netherlands Business Park Friesland Quick 4,200 Town/City Location 1,700 Leeuwarden De Hemrik from 2014 2015 to from 20 30 20 30 to Newtonpark 25 35 25 35 Autobedrijf Kalsbeek 2,600 Business Park Leeuwarden 25 35 25 35 De Hemrik Olijnsma Autoverkoop 1,000 Leeuwarden West 25 35 25 35 De Hemrik Auto Reijneker 1,000 Harbour 20 35 20 35 Burmania 25 40 25 40 Azeven-South 25 35 25 35 Azeven-North 25 35 25 35 Business Park Friesland West 20 35 20 35 Heerenveen-South 20 30 20 30 Business Park Friesland 900 Intern. Business Park Friesland Laboz Groothandel Leeuwarden De Hemrik Gross initial yields Drachten Heerenveen in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from North Best locations 8.85 11.50 8.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 to Sneek 25 35 25 35 Intern. Business park Friesland 25 35 25 35 De Kavels 20 35 20 35 De Hemmen 25 30 25 30 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 59 Back to content Gooi and Eemland Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Amersfoort and Hilversum Availability Industrial jobs 40,000 0.8% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 132,000 m² 337 ha 34% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 38,000 m² Rents 8.8% 5.6% 2015 vs. 2014 3.3% 2014 vs. 2013 e 45 per m²/year 2.7% 2015 vs. 2014 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 420 12 105 350 10 280 8 210 6 140 4 70 2 100 95 90 85 2008 2009 Gooi and Eemland 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 200 11% 160 27% 120 34% 2% 0 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 10% 11% 39% 60% 23% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Gooi and Eemland Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport The Gooi & Eemland region recorded a slight increase in industrial space take- Handel the region by occupying Transport 4,250 m² on De Hoef industrial estate in Amersfoort. up in 2015, totalling 38,000 m² , 5.6% up on the preceding year. Noteworthy is Regional availability rose by 34% to 132,000 m², resulting in a slight increase of Handel 8.8% in the availability-stock ratio. Rent levels remained practically unchanged Industrie en bouw at an average of EUR 45 per square metre per year. the relevance of the trade sector, which accounted for 60% of the total take-up in the region. The significant share cannot be attributed to one or more large transactions, however. Confed Systems accounted for the largest transaction in 60 23% 17% 2% 27% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% 18% 80 40 12% Industrie en bouw Back to content Gooi and Eemland Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Amersfoort and Hilversum Industrial estates AMERSFOORT 5 1 De Isselt 2 De Wieken/Vinkenhoef 3Vathorst 4 De Hoef 5Calveen 3 HILVERSUM 1Havenkwartier 4 1 2Kerkelanden 2 Hilversum Amersfoort 1 2 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 Town/City in euro per m2/year* Location Floor space Confed Systems 4,250 Town/City Location from De Isselt Voestalpine Polynorm 3,500 Amersfoort De Isselt 15 De Hoef S.B. Commerce 2,450 De Wieken/Vinkenhoef De Isselt Babboe Bakfietsen 2,250 Vathorst De Isselt Max Tenten 2,000 Kerkelanden Larsco 2,050 Amersfoort De Hoef Hilversum Tenant/Purchaser Hilversum 2014 2015 to from 50 15 to 45 65 45 65 50 60 50 60 50 50 De Hoef/Calveen 30 50 30 Havenkwartier 40 65 40 65 Kerkelanden 40 60 40 60 Soest 25 50 20 50 Zeist 40 60 40 60 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from East Best locations 7.50 11.50 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 West to 61 Back to content Groningen, Assen and Emmen Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 63,850 2.7% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 146,000 m² 1,678 ha 6.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 53,000 m² Rents 1.7% 166% 2015 vs. 2014 2.1% 2014 vs. 2013 e 33 per m²/year 0.1% 2015 vs. 2014 2.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 105 1,700 70 1,600 60 1,500 100 50 1,400 40 95 1,300 30 1,200 20 90 85 1,100 2008 2009 2010 Groningen, Assen and Emmen 2011 2012 2013 2014 10 1,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 210 180 12% 150 120 38% 34% 90 2% 8% 23% 60 30 0 33% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 9% 9% Industry Trade 30% 23% 39% 23% 24% 35% 14% Groningen, Assen and Emmen Transport IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport The market for industrial space in Groningen, Assen and Emmen can again look Handel driven by regional businesses rather than other companies moving into the Transport back on a favourable year. Growth in take-up more than doubled in 2015, region. The largest transactions were booked by Bulthuis Truck- en Handel Traileronderdelen that occupied 8,600 m² on Euvelgunne and the Groningen Industrie en bouw webshop formula Experty that moved into 6,300 m² at Ulgersmaweg. totalling 53,000 m², and marks the third consecutive year of rising take-up. A noteworthy aspect of the high regional take-up dynamics is that it is primarily 62 23% 17% 2% Dienstverlening ICT 2% Industrie en bouw Back to content Groningen, Assen and Emmen Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Industrial estates 3 5 GRONINGEN 4 Groningen 1Eemspoort 2Euvelgunne/ 4 Winschoterdiep 3Hoendiep 1 4Driebond 1 3 5 De Hoogte 2 Assen ASSEN 1 City business park 2Schepersmaat 3Messchenveld 4Peelerpark 2 EMMEN 1 Business park A37 Emmen 2Waanderveld 3Bargermeer 2 3 1 Large-scale transactions industrial space Rents for industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Groningen Euvelgunne Bulthuis Truck- en Traileronderdelen Floor space 8,550 Town/City Location Ulgersmaweg Experty 6,300 Groningen Eemspoort 35 to from 45 35 2015 to 45 Gemeente Groningen 5,100 Euvelgunne/Winschoterdiep 25 35 25 35 Hoendiep BigGym 3,600 Hoendiep 20 30 20 30 Ulgersmaweg Indoor Soccer Centre 3,500 Driebond 35 43 35 40 Bornholmstraat Roossien Hoogwerkertechniek 3,100 City business park 28 33 25 30 Scheepersmaat 33 38 33 38 Messchenveld 35 40 35 40 Peelerpark 33 38 33 38 Business park A37 35 40 33 38 Waanderveld 30 35 30 35 Bargermeer 18 35 18 30 in % North 2014 De Hoogte Assen Gross initial yields Region from Emmen Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 8.85 11.50 8.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 to * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 63 Back to content Haarlemmermeer Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Hoofddorp, Schiphol, Nieuw-Vennep, Lijnden, Cruquius and Badhoevedorp Availability Industrial jobs 77,450 3.3% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 249,000 m² 609 ha 15% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 40,000 m² Rents 8.2% 58% 2015 vs. 2014 6.9% 2014 vs. 2013 e 64 per m²/year 1.1% 2015 vs. 2014 1.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 700 110 14 600 12 500 100 10 400 8 95 300 6 200 4 105 90 85 100 2008 2009 Haarlemmermeer 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 2 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 250 3% 200 2% 32% 17% 13% 6% 14% 150 100 3% 50 0 12% 20% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 39% 42% Industry Trade 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Haarlemmermeer Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport The market for industrial space in Haarlemmermeer performed more poorly in Handel centres that areTransport smaller than 5,000 m² and located at Schiphol. As Schiphol does 2015 than in 2014. Take-up totalled 40,000 m², which represents a drop of 58%. 15% to 249,000 m². These market dynamics are driven by the specific demand not attract other logistics activities, there is little demand for industrial space that Handel does not meet these specific requirements. The average rent dropped 1% to Industrie en bouw EUR 64 per m² per year. Large transactions in Haarlemmermeer included SPS, for industrial space at Schiphol, where availability does not sufficiently meet user which purchased a 5,000 m² property at Schiphol-South and Nederlands Express, requirements. Air freight handlers are seeking high-quality logistics distribution which leased 4,250 m² in Nieuw-Vennep. Compared with year-end 2014, industrial space availability in the region rose by 64 23% 2% 50% 2015 23% 17% Industrie en bouw Back to content Haarlemmermeer Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Hoofddorp, Schiphol, Nieuw-Vennep, Lijnden, Cruquius and Badhoevedorp Industrial estates 12 1 De Hoek/Schiphol-West Lijnden Cruquius 2 Graan voor Visch Badhoevedorp 13 3 De President 16 4 North 5 5Schiphol-North 6Schiphol-Rijk 7Schiphol-South 4 8 Schiphol-South East Schiphol 9Spoorzicht 10 Pionier Hoofddorp 11 Nieuw-Vennep-South 7 12 ABP Lijnden 13 Cruquius-South 3 14 Schiphol Logistics Park 8 2 1 15 6 15 Schiphol-East 16 De Schuilhoeve 14 10 Nieuw-Vennep 9 11 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Schiphol South SPS 5,000 Town/City Location Rijk Edge Connect 3,800 Hoofddorp De Hoek/Schiphol-West from 2014 2015 to from 45 80 45 80 to 65 South-East ITG Global Logistics 3,100 Graan voor Visch 45 65 45 Oude Meer NNR 2,400 De President 65 75 65 75 Rijk Hoektrans 2,200 North 25 55 25 50 Nederlands Express 4,250 Schiphol-North 70 80 70 80 Schiphol-South 60 85 60 85 Schiphol-South East 75 110 70 110 Schiphol-Rijk 65 85 65 85 Schiphol Logistics Park 75 85 75 85 Schiphol-East 70 88 65 88 Nieuw-Vennep South Schiphol Gross initial yields in % Nieuw-Vennep Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from West Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 Spoorzicht 45 65 45 60 Pionier 30 45 30 45 Nieuw-Vennep-South 60 75 60 75 Lijnden Airport Business Park 65 80 65 80 Cruquius Cruquius-South 50 65 50 65 to * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 65 Back to content ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 95,250 0.8% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 487,000 m² 1,852 ha 4.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 303,000 m² Rents 5.3% 7.2% 2015 vs. 2014 4.3% 2014 vs. 2013 e 37 per m²/year 0.2% 2015 vs. 2014 0% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 2,000 50 105 1,600 40 100 1,200 30 95 800 20 90 400 10 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 38% 1% 10% Take-up Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 12% 28% 36% 2% 23% 17% 23% 2% 43% 2010 Industry 18% 39% 21% ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk Trade Transport Dienstverlening IT 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT ICT 66 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 1% 4% 2009 2014 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 2008 2013 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA 630 560 490 420 370 280 210 140 70 0 2010 Transport Industrial space take-up in 2015 is 7.2% higher than in 2014, bringing the total Dobotexop on Transport Kraaiven industrial estate. All six of the largest transactions take-up in the region to 303,000 m². With 243,000 m², Tilburg is a popular were realised in the municipality of Tilburg, with four of them involving location within the region for industrial space users and logistics service accommodation on Vossenberg industrial estate. While stock in this region is providers. Tilburg accounts for two transactions that make the top-10 of largest growing thanks to the realisation of newbuild distribution centres, availability industrial space transactions in the Netherlands. These are the housing of has nevertheless dropped by 4% to 487,000 m². This results in a very healthy ID Logistics at Vossenberg industrial estate and the 35,000 m² taken up by 1.6:1 ratio between availability and take-up. Handel Industrie en bouw Handel Industrie en bouw Back to content ’s-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg and Waalwijk Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Industrial estates ’S-HERTOGENBOSCH 3 1 De Vutter 2 De Rietvelden 1 3Maaspoort 4 De Brand 2 Tilburg 3 5 De Herven 5 TILBURG 1 1Kraaiven 5 2 2Loven 3Vossenberg ’s-Hertogenbosch 4Katsbogten 5Spoorzone 4 4 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Tilburg Vossenberg ID Logistics 45,000 Town/City Kraaiven Dobotex 35,000 Oss/Uden/Veghel Vossenberg XPO Logistics 27,200 ‘s-Hertogenbosch De Brand Spoorzone Eurofar International 22,100 De Herven Vossenberg Jardin 21,000 Vossenberg Ingram Micro 12,000 Tilburg Location 2014 2015 to from 25 50 25 50 40 48 40 48 35 45 35 45 De Rietvelden 25 40 25 40 Katsbogten 30 48 30 48 Kraaiven 25 45 25 45 Loven 25 45 25 45 Vossenberg 28 48 28 48 25 50 25 50 Waalwijk Gross initial yields from to * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from South Best locations 6.75 9.50 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 12.00 7.50 11.00 to 67 Back to content Limburg Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Venlo, Sittard-Geleen and Venray Availability Industrial jobs 66,600 0.3% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 345,000 m² 1,971 ha 4.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 359,000 m² Rents 3.5% 317% 2015 vs. 2014 0.7% 2014 vs. 2013 e 36 per m²/year 0.2% 2015 vs. 2014 3.4% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 2,000 75 105 1,800 60 100 1,600 45 95 1,400 30 90 1,200 15 85 2008 Limburg 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 1,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Stock The Netherlands 0 Annual allocation Source: LISA Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2014 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 600 3% 500 400 1% 6% 300 20% 12% 12% 2008 Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 39% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 23% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Limburg Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Limburg is characterised by a very tight market for industrial space. Take-up Handelaccounted for the a take-up of 122,500 m² on Trade Park Venlo, Michael Kors Transport in 2015 totalled 359,000 m², which is the highest ever registered in a single dynamics by logistics service providers in recent years has impacted Limburg in largest transaction in the Netherlands. This is followed by the transaction of Handel 90,000 m² by PVH Europe, which also took place in Limburg. This region Industrie en bouw accounts for 11% of the total take-up of industrial space in the Netherlands. particular, which benefits from its favourable position between the main ports As many of the transactions have been realised in newbuild and planned of Schiphol and Rotterdam on the one hand, and the European hinterland on distribution centres, availability has, despite the high take-up, grown by 4.6% the other. The seven largest transactions all involve distribution centres. With during the past year. year. Indeed, take-up exceeded availability at the end of the year. Increasing 68 23% 17% 2% 76% 100 2% 19% 54% 200 0 9% Industrie en bouw Back to content Limburg Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Venlo, Sittard-Geleen and Venray A73 Industrial estates A73 VENRAY 1 A73 A73 1Smakterheide 2Keizersveld 3 De Hulst 4 De Blakt 3 2 VENLO / MAASBREE 1 Trade Port 0 A73 A73 0 5 6 1 1 km 1 km 2 Trade Port-West A2 Maasbree 3 Trade Port-North Born A67 A67 E34 E34 2 A2 E25 E25 A73 A73 4 Geloërveld (Belfeld) Venlo 5Veegtes Sittard 6 Businesspark Siberië SITTARD-GELEEN-BORN 3 1Holtum-North 2 Business park-North © GeoMedia 2008 [7157] Tegelen © GeoMedia 2008 [7157] 3 Business city Fortuna A73 A73 0 0 4 Geleen 2 km 2 km 0 0 1 km 1 km A73 1 A73 2 Venray 3 Rents for industrial space in euro per m2/year* 4 A73 0 1 km Large-scale transactions industrial space Venray Tenant/Purchaser Floor space from 2014 Location Venray Smakterheide 33 48 Keizersveld 33 A73 De Hulst/De Blakt 30 Trade Port Venlo to from A2 2015 to 33 48 E25 45 30 45 45 30 45 35 48 35 48 Trade Port North Michael Kors 122,150 Trade Port-West and North 37 49 37 49 Trade Port North PVH Europe 90,000 Geloërveld (Belfeld) 37 43 37 43 Trade Port North DSV Logistics 33,000 Veegtes 29 38 25 38 Trade Port West Biesheuvel Techniek 14,800 Born Holtum-North 25 50 25 50 Sittard De Blakt Ceva Logistics 12,000 Smakterheide ND Logistics Netherlands 11,200 Smakterheide Vida XL 11,000 Heerlen © GeoMedia 2008 [7157] Venlo Location A67 Town/City 2015 Town/City E34 Gross initial yields in % 2015 from Maastricht Roermond Region Location 2014 from to South Best locations 6.75 9.50 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 12.00 7.50 11.00 to Business park-North 25 41 25 40 Business city Fortuna 38 45 38 45 De Koumen 29 39 25 39 De Locht/De Beitel 29 41 25 40 In de Cramer 29 41 25 40 2 km 32 48 32 48 Maastricht Airport 40 48 30 45 Roerstreek 29 41 25 40 Willem Alexander 29 39 25 39 Beatrixhaven A73 0 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 69 Back to content Rotterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Rotterdam, Rotterdam Albrandswaard, Capelle a/d IJssel, Schiedam, Spijkenisse, Barendrecht, Ridderkerk, Vlaardingen, Oud-Beijerland and Drechtsteden Availability Industrial jobs 244,650 3.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 710,000 m² 2,506 ha 8.0% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 415,000 m² Rents 5.7% 57% 2015 vs. 2014 e 48 per m²/year 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 0.3% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 2,800 110 42 2,400 36 2,000 100 30 1,600 24 95 1,200 18 800 12 105 90 85 400 2008 2009 2010 2011 Rotterdam and surrounding area 2012 2013 2014 6 0 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category 15% 1% 38% Take-up 2009 2010 Availability 2014 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 10% 2008 2013 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2010 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 2011 2012 2013 2014 24% 33% 2% 23% 17% 23% 2% 40% 20% 19% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 12% Industry Trade 39% ICT 23% 24% 35% Rotterdam and surrounding area Transport Dienstverlening IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Take-up of industrial space in the Rotterdam region in 2015 totalled 415,000 Handel Takeover has also caused a drop in availability. At year-end 2015, Transport m², the highest annual figure ever registered. Compared with 2014, take-up has 710,000 m² industrial space was available, which is 8% down on the year Handel before. Consequently, the ratio between availability and take-up is lower Industrie en bouw at 5.7%. grown by 57% and is 47% higher than the long-term average. The two largest transactions were realised by Pacorini Metals, with 49,400 m² at Galileïstraat and 36,000 m² on Distripark Botlek. 70 3.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Industrie en bouw Back to content Rotterdam and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Rotterdam, Rotterdam Albrandswaard, Capelle a/d IJssel, Schiedam, Spijkenisse, Barendrecht, Ridderkerk, Vlaardingen, Oud-Beijerland and Drechtsteden Industrial estates 7 1 Distripark Botlek 2 Distripark Maasvlakte 0 6 3Europoort 10 4 Distripark Eemhaven Capelle a/d IJssel 5Waalhavengebied 6 Northwest/Spaanse Polder Schiedam 7Hoofdweggebied 8Drechtsteden 9 9Vijfsluizen 10 ’s-Graveland Rotterdam 11 Spijkenisse 1 2 12 Nieuwe Gadering 5 3 12 4 11 8 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Rotterdam Galileïstraat Pacorini Metals 49,400 Town/City Location Distripark Botlek Pacorini Metals 36,000 Rotterdam Distripark Botlek from 2014 2015 to from 40 57 40 58 to 50 Eemhavenweg Fladderak 11,400 Distripark Maasvlakte 36 50 37 Distripark Botlek DHL 8,350 Distripark Eemhaven 48 59 49 59 Distripark Botlek Hellmann Worldwide Logistics 7,200 Waalhavengebied 42 56 42 56 Distripark Botlek Neele-Vat 6,400 Northwest/Spaanse polder 44 56 43 56 Kamera Express 6,650 Hoogvliet 50 57 50 57 Halfweg 41 52 40 52 Capelle a/d IJssel Hoofdweggebied 48 55 47 54 Schiedam Vijfsluizen 50 55 50 55 ‘s-Graveland 43 53 43 53 Barendrecht Dierenstein/Vaanpark 49 58 48 58 Ridderkerk Donkersloot Capelle a/d IJssel Hoofdweggebied Spijkenisse Gross initial yields in % Region Location 2014 from to 2015 from West Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 to 46 52 46 53 Vlaardingen 41 49 40 48 Oud-Beijerland 44 50 44 50 Drechtsteden 49 58 48 58 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 71 Back to content Twente Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Enschede, Hengelo, Almelo and Oldenzaal Availability Industrial jobs 78,700 1.1% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 369,000 m² 1,609 ha 1.2% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 116,000 m² Rents 4.6% 0.3% 2015 vs. 2014 0.1% 2014 vs. 2013 e 32 per m²/year 0.1% 2015 vs. 2014 0.3% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 2,000 35 105 1,600 28 100 1,200 21 95 800 14 90 400 7 85 2008 Twente 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 16% Take-up 2010 Availability 2013 2014 0 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 22% 17% 2009 2012 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 2008 2011 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2% 19% 2% 31% 31% 23% 17% 23% 2% 39% 23% 24% 35% 43% 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 12% 19% The Netherlands Twente Industry Trade Transport IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Dienstverlening ICT Transport The market for industrial space in Twente again experienced a good year, with Handel market, the opposite applies to the Twente region. Despite the high take-up, Transport high take-up figures. Although practically unchanged on 2014, this annual level transport and logistics accounted for only 16%, which is lower than the 19% Handel average over the past 10 years. In comparison, distribution centres account, on Industrie en bouw average, for 34% of all industrial space taken up in the Netherlands of transaction dynamics has not been registered since 2007. Take-up totalled 116,000 m², which is 0.3% up on 2014. Responsible for the largest transaction Industrie en bouw was BGTV that purchased 9,400 m² of industrial space in Hengelo. Current 72 dynamics are driven mainly by the regional industrial community. Regardless Industrial space availability dropped slightly by 1.2% to 369,000 m², while rents of the rising importance of the logistics sector for the Dutch industrial property remained stable at EUR 32 per square metre per year. Back to content Twente Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Enschede, Hengelo, Almelo and Oldenzaal Industrial estates 1Harbour 7 2Marssteden 8 3 Euregio Business park 4 Josink-Es Almelo 5Twentekanaal 9 6Westermaat 7 Business park Twente 11 8Dollegoor/Turfkade 10 A35 Oldenzaal 9 Business park Bornsestraat 12 10 Twentepoort 11 XL Business park Twente E30 A1 6 12 Hazewinkel A1 E30 Hengelo 13 13 Hanzepoort 5 Enschede A35 2 0 3 1 4 4 km Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Hengelo Twekkelerweg BGTV 9,400 Town/City Location from Westermaat Carmel 7,000 Enschede Harbour 20 Amarilstraat OCS Recreatie Groothandel 4,250 Euregio Business park Euregio Business Park Key West Bedding 8,700 Marssteden Enschede Oldenzaal Floor space The harbour Transport company 8,550 The harbour H.S.T. 6,700 Hanzepoort Fugers Foodgroup 4,100 Almelo Hengelo Gross initial yields Oldenzaal in % Region East Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 7.50 11.50 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 to 2014 2015 to from 33 20 to 20 35 20 35 30 40 30 40 Josink-Es 35 45 35 45 Business park Bornsestraat 30 38 30 38 Business park Twente 23 35 25 35 Dollegoor/Turfkade 20 32 20 32 Twentepoort 30 40 30 40 XL Business park Twente 38 48 38 48 Twentekanaal 30 40 30 40 Westermaat 35 45 35 45 Hanzepoort 30 38 30 38 Hazewinkel 25 40 25 40 33 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 73 Back to content Utrecht and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Utrecht, Stichtse Vecht, Nieuwegein and Houten Availability Industrial jobs 86,000 1.0% 2014 vs. 2013 (ha) 110 105 100 95 90 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2007 2008 2009 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) 27% 2% Take-up Availability 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% 2014 23% 17% 23% 2% 26% 17% 39% 39% 23% 24% 35% Utrecht and surrounding area Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT The Netherlands Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport In the Utrecht region, industrial space take-up during 2015 totalled 82,000 m², Handel in an availabilityavailability jumped sharply by 23% to 356,000 m², resulting Transport 49% higher than in 2014. Prominent transactions included the establishment stock ratio of 9.9%. The average rent per square metre per year also rose, Handel however, by 2.5% to EUR 43. Industrie en bouw of Active Ants (13,950 m²) on De Wiers in Nieuwegein and Telstar Laboratory Equipment with 7,750 m² on De Wetering in Utrecht. Industrial space 74 2013 12% 22% 21% 3% 23% 2010 2012 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 20% 2009 2011 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 2008 2010 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2.5% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock 2008=100 Utrecht and surrounding area e 43 per m²/year 1.9% 2015 vs. 2014 Industry-sector jobs index 2009 Rents 9.9% 49% 2015 vs. 2014 0.9% 2014 vs. 2013 Availability-Stockratio 82,000 m² 2008 719 ha 23% 2015 vs. 2014 Take-up 85 Stock 356,000 m² Industrie en bouw Back to content Utrecht and surrounding area Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Utrecht, Stichtse Vecht, Nieuwegein en Houten Industrial estates Stichtse Vecht 1 Lage Weide 2 Oudenrijn (De Meern) 3 1 3Overvecht-North 4 De Wetering 4 5 Plettenburg/De Wiers Utrecht 6Liesbosch/Laagraven 7 ’t Klooster 8Doornkade 9Rondeel 2 10 Meerpaal 6 8 Nieuwegein 5 Houten 10 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 Town/City 9 7 in euro per m2/year* Location Tenant/Purchaser Floor space Nieuwegein Plettenburg/De Wiers Active Ants 13,950 Town/City Location Plettenburg/De Wiers Vers en Fijn 4,850 Utrecht Lage Weide De Wetering Telstar laboratory equipment 7,750 Lage Weide Hapéco & Van Geelen 5,850 Utrecht Lage Weide VolkerWessels Telecom 4,750 Oudenrijn (De Meern) VideoJet Technologies Europe 3,050 Nieuwegein Houten Gross initial yields Region West Vianen Location 2014 from to 2015 from Best locations 6.50 9.00 5.80 8.50 Other locations 7.70 11.50 7.00 10.50 to 2014 2015 to from 30 65 30 Oudenrijn (De Meern) 30 50 30 55 Overvecht-North 25 50 25 50 De Wetering 40 50 40 55 Plettenburg/De Wiers 30 45 30 45 Liesbosch/Laagraven 35 50 35 50 ‘t Klooster 50 65 50 65 Doornkade 35 45 35 45 Rondeel 35 50 35 50 Meerpaal 40 55 40 60 30 45 30 45 25 40 25 50 Maarssen in % De Hagen from to 65 * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 75 Back to content Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Availability Industrial jobs 75,350 2.4% 2014 vs. 2013 Stock 373,000 m² 1,275 ha 14% 2015 vs. 2014 Availability-Stockratio Take-up 98,000 m² Rents 5.8% 43% 2015 vs. 2014 e 36 per m²/year 0.7% 2015 vs. 2014 1.6% 2015 vs. 2014 Industrial estate stock Industry-sector jobs index (ha) 2008=100 110 1,500 50 105 1,200 40 100 900 30 95 600 20 90 300 10 85 2008 2009 2010 2011 Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer 2012 2013 2014 0 2007 2008 2009 Take-up and availability Take-up by user category 2% Take-up Availability 2014 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 30% 37% 23% 17% 23% 39% 23% 24% 35% The Netherlands Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer 2015 Average take-up 2008 - 2015 2% 2% 31% 30% 2010 2013 12% 16% 20% 18% 2% 2009 2012 outer ring 2014 - 2015, inner ring 2005 - 2015 ( ≥ 750 m2 lfa) 14% 2008 2011 Annual allocation Source: IBIS, edited by DTZ Zadelhoff 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 2010 Stock The Netherlands Source: LISA x 1,000 m2 (≥ 750 m2 lfa) Industry Trade Transport Dienstverlening ICT IT Service-sector Dienstverlening ICT Transport Industrial space take-up in this region surged by 43% to 98,000 m², the highest space availableTransport on the market. Differences exist from one municipality to the next, level since 2011. With 19,500 m², the Wasco newbuild development on Ecofactorij and Deventer accounted for most of the take-up of industrial space. A slight drop however. Availability in Zwolle has stabilised, while rising sharply in Apeldoorn Handel and Deventer. This addition to availability consists mainly of dated and lowIndustrie en bouw quality property. Demand for industrial property is focused mainly on high-quality was recorded in realised rents, with the average rent 1.6% down on 2014, at (logistics) property. The resulting mismatch between availability increases the EUR 36 per square metre per year. Despite the high take-up, availability in the attractiveness of newbuild development. Availability in Deventer concerns 7.8% region expanded by 14% to 373,000 m². Never before was so much industrial of the total stock, compared with 5.5% in Zwolle and 5.1% in Apeldoorn. industrial estate in Apeldoorn is the largest user transaction of 2015. Apeldoorn 76 1.5% 2014 vs. 2013 Handel Industrie en bouw Back to content Zwolle, Apeldoorn and Deventer Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Industrial estates 3 ZWOLLE Deventer 1Marslanden 2Voorst 3Hessenpoort 4 2 4 De Vrolijkheid 1 2 Zwolle DEVENTER 3 1Bergweide 2Kloosterlanden/Hanzepark 3 De Wetering 1 APELDOORN 1Stadhoudersmolen 2 1 2Apeldoorn-North 3 De Vlijt 3 4Kaijersmolen 5Kuipersveld 6Malkenschoten 7Brouwersmolen 8Ecofactorij Apeldoorn 8 7 4 5 6 Rents for industrial space Large-scale transactions industrial space 2015 in euro per m2/year* Town/City Location Tenant/Purchaser Apeldoorn Ecofactorij Wasco 19,500 Town/City Location Europaweg Beekman Transport 10,000 Apeldoorn Stadhoudersmolen Deventer Floor space 2014 2015 to from 25 45 25 45 to 50 North MotracLinde 3,500 De Vlijt 30 50 30 Teugseweg Forest Group Nederland 6,200 Kaijersmolen 25 45 25 45 Kloosterweg Initial 4,300 Kuipersveld 30 40 25 40 De Wetering Eeko Group 3,900 Malkenschoten 30 45 30 45 Brouwersmolen 30 45 25 40 Kloosterlanden 25 45 25 40 Bergweide 25 40 25 40 De Wetering 30 40 30 45 Hessenpoort 40 50 40 50 De Vrolijkheid 30 45 30 45 Marslanden 25 45 25 45 Voorst 25 45 25 45 Deventer Gross initial yields Zwolle in % Region Location 2014 from to North Best locations 8.85 11.50 8.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 Best locations 7.50 11.50 7.00 11.00 Other locations 9.75 13.00 9.75 13.00 East from 2015 from to * The ranges indicate the most common rents. The highest and lowest rents have not been taken into account. 77 Back to content Real estate data Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Municipality Almelo Almere Amersfoort Amsterdam Apeldoorn Arnhem Assen Bergen op Zoom Best Breda Capelle aan den IJssel Delft Deventer Diemen Drechtsteden Duiven Ede Eindhoven Emmen Enschede Etten-Leur Gouda Groningen Haarlemmermeer Heerenveen Helmond Hengelo Hilversum Houten Leeuwarden Lansingerland Leiden Leidschendam-Voorburg Moerdijk Nieuwegein Nijmegen Oldenzaal Oosterhout Rijswijk Roosendaal Rotterdam Schiedam 's-Hertogenbosch Sittard-Geleen Smallingerland Son en Breugel Stichtse Vecht The Hague Tilburg Utrecht Veenendaal Veldhoven Venlo Venray Waalwijk Wijchen Zevenaar Zoetermeer Zwolle The Netherlands 78 Take-up (in m²) 22,000 14,000 32,000 125,000 53,000 31,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 122,000 8,000 12,000 34,000 3,000 86,000 4,000 43,000 130,000 0 45,000 29,000 4,000 50,000 40,000 8,000 14,000 37,000 6,000 10,000 6,000 12,000 3,000 0 77,000 23,000 22,000 12,000 47,000 9,000 108,000 239,000 15,000 49,000 24,000 1,000 6,000 2,000 49,000 212,000 47,000 43,000 8,000 295,000 40,000 11,000 30,000 2,000 33,000 12,000 3,191,000 Availability (in m²) 86,000 182,000 112,000 274,000 140,000 72,000 31,000 51,000 29,000 180,000 16,000 36,000 116,000 37,000 198,000 46,000 114,000 238,000 60,000 124,000 95,000 14,000 54,000 249,000 64,000 64,000 85,000 20,000 31,000 41,000 24,000 18,000 2,000 156,000 78,000 81,000 74,000 51,000 13,000 121,000 361,000 27,000 121,000 107,000 57,000 37,000 63,000 92,000 264,000 184,000 121,000 58,000 121,000 118,000 103,000 109,000 26,000 72,000 117,000 9,684,000 Availability (% of stock) 4% 7% 9% 7% 5% 6% 3% 2% 4% 5% 3% 4% 6% 8% 10% 4% 5% 8% 8% 2% 5% 8% 1% 2% 8% 3% 3% 4% 5% 9% 2% 2% 2% 2% 16% 8% 3% 8% 2% 3% 7% 11% 6% 5% 3% 3% 4% 21% 6% 10% 9% 9% 3% 7% 5% 14% 5% 8% 6% 3.6% Stock (in ha) 493 496 246 787 553 237 252 487 154 731 129 195 296 74 911 195 321 619 761 511 303 136 665 609 386 508 426 91 71 443 227 104 16 193 200 517 179 558 91 344 687 100 504 833 328 186 62 316 954 386 252 125 798 339 393 159 118 175 426 53,693 Range of rents (in euro per m²/year) 20 - 40 25 - 60 15 - 65 30 - 70 25 - 50 30 - 50 25 - 40 25 - 43 34 - 45 20 - 48 47 - 54 36 - 54 25 - 45 30 - 60 48 - 58 30 - 45 30 - 50 35 - 55 18 - 38 20 - 45 25 - 45 35 - 54 20 - 45 30 - 110 20 - 35 30 - 50 30 - 45 40 - 65 35 - 60 20 - 35 50 - 62 35 - 54 36 - 53 30 - 50 30 - 65 25 - 50 25 - 40 25 - 48 27 - 49 25 - 48 37 - 59 43 - 55 25 - 48 25 - 45 20 - 40 37 - 50 30 - 45 30 - 58 25 - 48 25 - 65 30 - 45 32 - 47 25 - 49 30 - 48 25 - 50 40 - 45 25 - 40 40 - 55 25 - 50 15 - 110 Back to content General data Fact sheets industrial property market | January 2016 Municipality Almelo Almere Amersfoort Amsterdam Apeldoorn Arnhem Assen Bergen op Zoom Best Breda Capelle aan den IJssel Delft Deventer Diemen Drechtsteden Duiven Ede Eindhoven Emmen Enschede Etten-Leur Gouda Groningen Haarlemmermeer Heerenveen Helmond Hengelo Hilversum Houten Leeuwarden Lansingerland Leiden Leidschendam-Voorburg Moerdijk Nieuwegein Nijmegen Oldenzaal Oosterhout Rijswijk Roosendaal Rotterdam Schiedam 's-Hertogenbosch Sittard-Geleen Smallingerland Son en Breugel Stichtse Vecht The Hague Tilburg Utrecht Veenendaal Veldhoven Venlo Venray Waalwijk Wijchen Zevenaar Zoetermeer Zwolle The Netherlands Inhabitants (in numbers) 72,300 196,950 152,450 821,950 158,050 152,300 67,150 66,300 28,750 181,600 66,450 101,100 98,500 26,700 269,500 25,550 111,550 223,200 107,800 158,550 42,500 71,100 200,450 144,200 50,150 89,700 81,050 87,250 48,650 107,700 58,100 121,600 73,950 36,800 61,250 170,650 32,100 53,800 48,200 76,850 624,700 76,850 150,850 93,750 55,600 16,350 63,950 514,650 211,600 334,150 63,450 44,150 100,550 43,200 46,700 40,900 32,250 124,000 123,900 16,902,150 Labour force (in % of total population) 65% 70% 66% 72% 64% 69% 64% 65% 65% 66% 66% 72% 66% 68% 64% 67% 64% 68% 64% 68% 65% 65% 75% 66% 62% 65% 64% 64% 67% 68% 63% 72% 62% 64% 67% 70% 62% 64% 62% 65% 68% 67% 64% 66% 63% 60% 65% 68% 69% 71% 64% 65% 65% 66% 65% 65% 63% 67% 67% 65% Private disposable household income Stock of industrial space per inhabitant 31,000 34,900 36,900 31,400 34,800 30,500 32,200 33,600 39,100 35,200 34,700 32,100 32,800 35,200 32,600 36,200 36,400 32,000 30,700 29,600 35,600 35,000 28,500 39,700 32,600 32,900 32,200 36,400 42,900 28,700 43,900 34,000 37,100 36,600 35,200 30,900 34,000 35,800 33,100 33,900 29,600 31,000 34,900 31,800 31,100 40,700 40,800 31,800 31,600 34,300 34,800 37,300 31,200 35,100 34,400 35,800 33,400 36,000 33,600 36,100 34.1 12.6 8.1 4.8 17.5 7.8 18.8 36.7 26.7 20.1 9.7 9.6 15.0 13.9 16.9 38.2 14.4 13.9 35.3 16.1 35.7 9.5 16.6 21.1 38.4 28.3 26.3 5.2 7.3 20.6 19.5 4.3 1.1 26.2 16.4 15.1 27.9 51.8 9.4 22.4 5.5 6.5 16.7 44.4 29.5 56.8 4.8 3.1 22.5 5.8 19.8 14.2 39.7 39.3 42.1 19.5 18.3 7.0 17.2 15.9 (in euros) (in m²/inhabitant) Industrial jobs (in numbers) 18,250 28,350 27,200 129,450 29,000 27,550 11,000 14,050 9,550 36,900 11,350 13,950 17,800 6,100 54,550 8,000 22,150 47,200 21,350 28,500 10,550 10,900 31,450 77,450 11,850 22,000 21,900 12,750 8,550 17,850 9,450 16,300 5,450 13,800 14,450 28,050 10,050 14,000 6,750 15,750 118,500 12,100 37,650 23,150 13,250 6,600 9,150 58,550 41,650 53,850 13,750 14,950 31,200 12,250 15,950 8,650 6,050 16,200 28,500 3,093,050 79 Back to content Definitions, sources and basis of the survey The fact sheets present a number of property indicators in the form of charts and tables. The following is a brief explanation of definitions and sources to accompany the indicators used, as well as an explanation of the basis of the survey. Index of Office jobs/Industry-sector jobs The chart entitled Index of Office jobs / Jobs in industry shows the indexed development in the number of jobs, using the year 2008 as base. The source of the data is LISA database. Take-up and availability The chart entitled Take-up and Availability shows the historical development of the take-up and availability of office or industrial space between the years 2008 and 2015. Take-up refers to office or industrial space sold and let on the ‘open market’, but excluding premises covered by sale-and-leaseback transactions and new premises built for owner-occupiers. Transactions are recorded as of the date on which agreement is reached between the parties concerned, with a lower size limit of 500 m² for office space and 750 m² for industrial space. Availability refers to premises which, at the end of each calendar year, have at least 500 m² of office space or 750 m² of industrial space (including the associated office space), for sale or letting. Available space relates solely to premises that have already been completed and those under construction, and specifically excludes developments still in the planning stage. The source of the data is DTZ Zadelhoff. Stock/Stock in use (offices) For the office property market stock refers to the total existing office space and office space under construction with a surface area of 500 m² lettable floor area or more. The office property stock figures are supplied by Bak and per 2015. Stock in use or office stock in use refers to all offices where a user is accommodated. This concerns a combination of data from Bak and DTZ Zadelhoff. 80 Industrial estate stock The chart entitled Industrial estate stock indicates both the stock of allocated industrial estate in terms of ha of land intended for industrial use, and the annual allocation of industrial estate (also in ha). Source of the data is the inventory work locations by IBIS Vacant space (offices) Vacant space refers to space on offer in completed buildings, which is not or no longer in use at the time of the survey. Vacant space is expressed as a percentage of the office stock at the end of the year. Availability-stock ratio (industrial property) The availability-stock ratio expresses the relationship between availability and stock in percentages. The stock of industrial premises (in m²) is calculated by reducing the stock of business parks by a plot ratio (permissible building area) of 50%. Gross initial yield Gross initial yield refers to the gross rental income before depreciation, amortisation and owner’s property charges, as a percentage of the total acquisition price with purchasing costs payable by the vendor. The basis for initial yields for offices and industrial spaces is a 10-year contract with solvent users. Incentives Incentives are reductions agreed between the tenant and the lessor when concluding or extending a lease. For high-quality property incentives are limited whereas incentives for property of less distinctive character may be quite significant. Rent for office and industrial space Annual price charged in euros per square metre of lettable space, excluding value added tax (VAT), service charges, fittingout undertaken for specific tenants and incentives. Population and income The reference date for the number of inhabitants in a given municipality is 1 January 2015. The population of working age is the number of persons in the 15 - 65 age bracket expressed as a percentage of the total population. These figures come from a check made on 1 January 2015 (source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Private disposable household income is expressed in thousands of euros and related to 2013 (source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS): Regional income distribution). Stock per inhabitant The stock of office space is divided by the total population. The stock of industrial space (in m²) per inhabitant is calculated by reducing the stock of business parks by a 50% plot ratio and then divided by the total population. The figures for office stock have been taken from Bak, for the stock of business parks from IBIS, Spatial Planning and the Environment’s Space DirectorateGeneral and for the population from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Basis of the survey DTZ Zadelhoff devotes a great deal of care to collecting and checking property data. Figures for take-up and availability for instance are developed by checking and supplementing data, obtained from several sources checked and completed by DTZ Zadelhoff researchers and property agents active in the region concerned. As a result of our methods we are able to provide an accurate, nationwide picture of the open markets for office and industrial property. Deviations in square metres and percentages compared with previous year are caused by rounding in thousands and corrections in the LISA external data source. Back to content For nearly 50 years DTZ Zadelhoff has been a leading commercial property adviser and has developed integrated property solutions for owners, occupants, investors and financiers. Besides property management, valuations and advice on transactions, DTZ Zadelhoff offers a wide range of specialist services. Its expertise extends to offices, retail, business or logistics space as well as healthcare-related property and investment in residential complexes or hotels. More than 200 property advisers are always right up to date on the latest market developments so they can achieve the best possible result for their clients. DTZ Zadelhoff always leads the field in new developments on the property market and uses these new insights to keep improving its service. If you want only the best, the choice is clear. Definitely. DTZ Zadelhoff. For more information, visit Or follow us on twitter @DTZZadelhoff. DTZ Zadelhoff, Amsterdam office P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Enschede office Zuiderval 74 7543 EZ Enschede Tel.: +31 53 4 300 900 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Utrecht office P.O. Box 19125 3501 DC Utrecht Franz-Lisztplantsoen 100 3533 JG Utrecht Tel.: +31 30 2 332 552 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Occupier Services P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 7 513 700 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Arnhem office P.O. Box 573 6800 AN Arnhem Meander 601 6825 ME Arnhem Tel.: +31 26 4 452 445 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Groningen office P.O. Box870 9700 AW Groningen Hereweg 95B 9721 AA Groningen Tel.: +31 50 3 141 232 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Zwolle office P.O. Box 382 8000 AJ Zwolle Burg. van Roijensingel 6 8011 CS Zwolle Tel.: +31 38 4 258 800 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Research P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Breda office P.O. Box 2216 4800 CE Breda Claudius Prinsenlaan 148 4818 CP Breda Tel.: +31 76 5 209 209 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, ’s-Hertogenbosch office P.O. Box 5065 5201 GB ’s-Hertogenbosch Statenlaan 8 – 20 5223 LA ’s-Hertogenbosch Tel.: +31 73 6 132 424 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Capital Markets P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Retail Services P.O. Box 19125 3501 DC Utrecht Franz-Lisztplantsoen 100 3533 JG Utrecht Tel.: +31 30 6 022 211 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, The Hague office P.O. Box 85617 2508 CH Den Haag Anna van Buerenplein 50a 2595 DA Den Haag Tel.: +31 70 3 550 550 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Hoofddorp office P.O. Box 2028 2130 GE Hoofddorp Scorpius 114 2132 LR Hoofddorp Tel.: +31 23 5 685 685 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Marketing & Communications P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 7 500 410 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Valuation Advisory Services P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Eindhoven office P.O. Box 973 5600 AZ Eindhoven Vestdijk 61B 5611 CA Eindhoven Tel.: +31 40 2 125 125 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Rotterdam office P.O. Box 937 3000 AX Rotterdam K.P. van der Mandelelaan 110 3062 MB Rotterdam Tel.: +31 10 4 333 555 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff, Asset Management Services P.O. Box 74030 1070 BA Amsterdam Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel.: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] DTZ Zadelhoff Property Management BV P.O. Box 19160 3501 DD Utrecht Franz-Lisztplantsoen 100 3533 JG Utrecht Tel.: +31 30 2 394 239 E-mail: [email protected] 81 Back to content The Netherlands, a national picture Fact sheets office and industrial property market | January 2016 Amsterdam, DTZ Zadelhoff v.o.f. ISBN 978 90 78197 50 8 Design: Matt Art Concept & Design, Haarlem No parts of this publication may be copied and/or reproduced without acknowledgment of the original source. While the utmost care has been taken in compiling this report, no liability can be accepted regarding the accuracy of the data quoted. This report is also available on our website DTZ Zadelhoff is a Dutch general partnership consisting of partners participating through legal entities with limited liability. Produced by: DTZ Zadelhoff, Research Parnassusweg 803 1082 LZ Amsterdam Tel: +31 20 6 644 644 E-mail: [email protected] © DTZ Zadelhoff 2016 Back to content 01-2016 83
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