Untitled - Essence
Untitled - Essence
Esscnsc The Gig Hollywood Contact: 415-641-8990 The Players: Essence, vocals, guitar; Jim Greer, guitar; Daniel Burkman, guitar; Simran Bentel, bass; Ricky Carter, drums; David Hopkins,keys. Material: Essence earned herself and her bandmates an opening spot at the Lilith Fair, and with good reason.This female fronted act exhibits enough talent and estrogen-injectedwarmth to warrant the attention. The material ranges from hiphop beats laced with silky, sexy soul, to acoustic gems with a Stones/Mazzy Star-like touch. Essence deftly combines classic instrumentswith newer technolgy, making for an interestingblend of styles. Musicianship: The players are each more than competentat their instruments.Hopkinsplayedsome excellent keys, executing some funky etfects and turning out a sweet Hammond-likesound. Carter is a very tight drummerwho plays his breaks with precision, while both guitarists,Burkmanand Simran, employ feedback nicely and solo very well. It is Essence herself, however who reallycapturesthe essenceof "Essence."At times she's emotional and contemolativelike Natalie Merchant,and at other times she soundslikeTracyThorn singingfor Massive Attack. She has remarkable control of her voice and is capable of reaching many registers. Performance: A confident entertainer, Essence is aware of her charismaand uses it to her advantage. The songs seemed to be structuredaround her vocal performance,the band fillingin the gaps with meat and nuance.Each band membergot into the set, which climaxed with The Spirit of Bruce Lee,"a song that had thern going frombassanddrumsto an almost powerpop. CheapTrick-like Summary: Essencehas shown that she haswhatit takesto play biggervenueswithher girlfriends' at Lilith,and she seems determined to becomea household nameamongcollegegirls everywnere. While,for betteror worse,some songsfelt as all too familiaras a Lisa Lopezor Natalielmbruglio song, Essence'semphasison beatsalongwithacousticguitaris a hipavenue, andmighteventually serveto makehei evenmoreinterestingthanherLilithpeers. -Dan Siwek paniment. Needless to say, their sets are always the same length leaving no room for much spontaneity.Abbe has a stronger,more polishedvoice.Michaeltalks/sings in a style reminiscentof Lou Reed. Their voices harmonizewell. Performance: All things French are explored during the Tyrants' briskset.The coupleare both playful and antagonistictoward each other and they engage in live and recordedbantering. Manyof theirtunesare prefaced by recordedintroductoryexplanations and commentarywhich slyly mock such icons as Bany White. Abbe wears dark clothesand little make-up. Blond Michael wears color and lipstick.Abbe's srow moody renderingof ArthurAlexander's"Anna"(fromthe Beatles'first album) is haunting and both the duo and the audience have fun with lheir playful version of the erotic,breast-heaving1969 hit,"Je T'aime". "Why are we speaking French?"Michael innocentlyasks Abbe.Duh, it's a Frenchsong.The audiencecracksuo. Summary: While it is unlikelythat Tyrants in Therapy will ever play stadiums,their materialis appealing to those weary of formulahits. With comedy films dominatingthe market right now, directorswould be well advisedto placeTyrantsIn Therapytunes, just as they would Randy Newman's or Jonathan Richmans'work, into the sort of projects that are in need of this type of material. -Dianne Bates TyrantsIn lherapy Canter's Hollywood Contact: TrustedBrain,818989-0574 tyrantsintherapy.com The Players: Abbe Kanter, vocals; MichaelJaye,vocals Material: Tryants in Therapy is a husband/wifeduo who sing to a DATrecording.Mikeand Abbe present an entertaining,intelligent cabaret-styleact that is as theatrical as it is musical.The 26-song set ran the gamut from the danceable "Boy" to the decadent waltz "ln the Shadow of Hitler,"to the silly, faux-country tune "Cowboy Loungel'The Tyrants' songs are smartly humorousand often cynical. "Words Like That" starts ofl as a list of dirty words which eventually includes words like "Disneyland," "George Bush," and "Caucasians." "Fuck Barbra Streisand" is, well, self-explanatory. The Tyrants"'TooTuff to Cry" was a disco hit in Latino dance clubs and music from their "Big Pink House" '|2" was used in the CharlieSheen tlick, Men at Work. Musicianship: Tyrants use competent guest musicians such as Bobby Roblesof Thee Midnighters TyrantsIn Therapy:Smail,humorduo. to ore-recordtheir musicalaccom- ous husband/ryife MUSICCONNECTIONAUGUST16. 1ggg-AUGUST29. 1999 $s':W iti&ffi;,:i:r8rb'rzo : B""drn6.isitti.:rt t;e3 For Indusrrylnb:.i6i4 345-03l I w.iormulomusic.com ..REGORD PROMOTIOil'' Mafieting & llistribution "Specialist" =€rW?K 1) Wocan0otyoua lleod Ed 0] a llslrlutllol Ilel. lab3ldli 2l We'llstaltyournowrccord dktlbfilon. 3) Ws'llg0ltou"Ahplat" & natlonal. rullonal l) Wo'llpr0m0t0 andmailotnruduct toradlo statlons andslor$. 3P3o461oC|7E57 s;EF, o --l € = H € ;" Q :F;licaE$F t ai$l[; iiaIS :-rls*[s$; E ) -3r itd 57