FALL 2013 Teaching Guide
FALL 2013 Teaching Guide
FALL 2013 Teaching Guide In this guide, you will find several activities that accompany articles from the Fall 2013 issue of FFA New Horizons and are all aligned to the following: Common Core-Math and English Standards; Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources National Content Standards; LifeKnowledge Connections; and the Career Pathways. Additionally, the purpose of the first page of this guide is to showcase ways in which agriculture educators can enhance literacy and technology integration within the agricultural education classroom. TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION: CONTENT WITHIN THIS GUIDE IS ALIGNED WITH THE FOLLOWING: !"#$%%$&"#$'()*&+,-./ !""0+'-12,32'("4$$5"6&5"7632'6,"" 8(.$2'1(."90478: !""";-<(=&$>,(5+("9;=:"#$&&(13-$&. !"#6'(('"?63/>6@. SCHOLARS SAY… A compiled list of discipline-specific or academic vocabulary found throughout this issue of FFA New Horizons: geology iconic steadfast presided unified biomass energy legume renewable energy biomass energy lobbying sustainability sweatbox evoke eco-footprint accolades organic bushels methane digesters efficient biodegradable STANDARDS COVERED: L.9-10.2, L.11.12.2 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases. L.9-10.6, L.9-10.6 Acquire and use accurately a range of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases. VOCABULARY ACTIVITY: Create a word wall. A word wall is a collection of words displayed in the classroom. Check out the link below for helpful tips with implementing a word wall in the secondary classroom: http:// curriculum.org/storage/258/1334340769/ World_Walls_-_A_Support_for_Literacy_ in_Secondary_School_Classrooms.pdf AB Visit a great teacher resource site, stay up-to-date on the most current trends in educational technology and further your education as a teacher on ways to integrate technology into classroom learning. www.edudemic.com CB Explore a website that offers a plethora of information and strategies to incorporate technology into the classroom, including the following subject areas: Flipped Classroom, 1:1 Implementation, Online Learning, Interactive Whiteboards, Digital Microscopes, Digital Divide and more. www.edutopia.org LITERACY TIP: “Every school needs a rigorous whole-school literacy policy which is implemented systematically across the curriculum, and all teachers should view themselves as teachers of literacy, regardless of their subject specialism.” (Literacy Guide for Secondary Schools, 2012) Implement project-based writing in lieu of or along with tests and quizzes. Base projects on real-word scenarios for real-world audiences to solve real-world problems. Create rubrics on your own or with the help of students to direct the focus of the project while encouraging them to incorporate knowledge found in all subject areas. Use the following link for examples of project-based writing rubrics: http://wvde.state.wv.us/teach21/ writingrubrics/ COMMON CORE TIP: “With the adoption of Common Core State Standards (CCSS), it is more important than ever that teachers know how to conduct purposeful formative assessment.” (Fisher & Frey, 2012) Have an “exit ticket” strategy at the completion of every class. Pose a summarizing question then have students provide responses in varied written or verbal formats. One written example involves students answering a question on a sticky note and posting it on the door as they exit the classroom. The teacher is able to quickly assess student learning. LITERACY QUOTES: “Writing trumps reading (and listening).” We write to remember. We remember because we write. When we write or type, we are processing information. We are thinking about it, and thinking increases the likelihood of retention. (Hurt, 2012) REFERENCES: Cronsberry, J. (2004). Word walls: A support for literacy in secondary school classrooms. Retrieved from http:// curriculum.org/storage/258/1334340769/World_Walls_A_ Support_for_Literacy_in_Secondary_School_Classrooms.pdf APPENDICES: A Official Dress Compare/Contrast Activity C Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue Activity Hurt, J. (2012, January 31). 10 Brain-based learning laws that trump traditional education. [Web log comment] Retrieved from http://jeffhurtblog.com/2012/01/31/10brainbased-learning-laws-that-trump-traditional-education/ D Wordle Instructions National Literacy Trust. (2012). Literacy guide for secondary schools. Retrieved from http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/ assets/0001/4462/The_Literacy_Guide_for_Secondary_ Schools_2012-13__EXTRACT.pdf G Renewable Energy – Project E Joy of Soy F Word Cloud – Rubric H Renewable Energy – Rubric FALL 2013 Teaching Guide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his year celebrates the 80th anniversary of the iconic blue jacket that has been a long-time symbol of premier leadership, personal growth and career success. While several changes have been made to the blue corduroy over the years, as showcased in a detailed timeline, one concept remains steadfast – pride. Members both past and present relay the importance and significance of their own jacket as they provide personal accounts of FFA career experiences while wearing the blue and gold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s A%&$&/)1-&#!$556$=/*;&!#$ %/9$#,/<#$-,#!&/9$(3$ .-<<&)#8$&'0)(-9&)&9$ &'01&'#$)/!%&)$!%/,$ #&?,F(,$</!*%$&'01&'#8$ /,9$#\:/)&$<(*;&!#$-,#!&/9$ (3$)(:,9&9@$A%&$&'01&'$ /1#($9-9,"!$%/>&$!%&$&/+1&$ <&)*%&9$(,$!(<@ 8 !!" NEW HORIZONS WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG 1947 1948 A%&$3-)#!$4/!-(,/1$556$ G/,9$<&)3()'&9$/!$!%&$ ,/!-(,/1$*(,>&,!-(,@$A%&2$ ?&)&$;,(?,$/#$!%&$J'/-1F ()9&)$0/,98L$#-,*&$!%&2$ ?&)&$<:!$!(+&!%&)$!%)(:+%$ /,$/<<1-*/!-(,$<)(*&##@$$ 6$2&/)$1/!&)8$!%&$4/!-(,/1$ 556$H%():#$/,9$A/1&,!$ E)(+)/'$?&)&$/99&9$!($ !%&$*(,>&,!-(,@$7>&)$!%&$ 2&/)#8$!%&$4/!-(,/1$556$ G/,9$/,9$H%():#$?(:19$$ 0&$&/#-12$)&*(+,-./01&$02$ !%&$?%-!&$#1/*;#$/,9$#;-)!#$ -!#$'&'0&)#$?(:19$?&/)@$ A%&$4/!-(,/1$556$D:<<12$ D&)>-*&$0&+-,#$(<&)/!-(,8$ *)&/!-,+$/$#%(<$3()$ <:)*%/#-,+$(33-*-/1$$ 556$=/*;&!#$/,9$(!%&)$ '&)*%/,9-#&@$A%&$=/*;&!#$ ?&)&$'/9&$02$Y/,$Z&)!$ V/,:3/*!:)-,+[T,->&)#/1$ T,-3()'$H('</,2$-,$7%-(@ !!" NEW HORIZONS 9 • • • • • • • • iconic unified sustainability sweatbox manifestation steadfast evoke presided CAREER PATHWAY: DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: • Cluster Skills . How do FFA and other youth organizations provide “bigger than me” opportunities? / What are five ways the jacket has changed in appearance since it was first introduced in 1935? 0 Why do you think FFA has implemented changes to the jacket over the years? 1 What changes or additions would you make to the FFA jacket if given the opportunity? 2 Explain how the FFA jacket unites members from across the country. What other symbols unify members? ACTIVITY: Activity #1: Utilizing the Double Bubble Thinking Map (Appendix 1), discover the similarities and differences between Official Dress of FFA and official dress/uniforms of other great youth organizations such as Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of America, 4-H or even your home sports teams. Allow students to choose the other organization to compare/contrast and allow them to discover their answers on the Internet, by their own experiences or by inviting a representative from one of the organizations. Hold a discussion and focus on the tradition and pride of all official dress and uniforms. Activity #2: Students will summarize their reading from, “Once Blue, Forever Blue,” while creating their own ideas and borrowing some from other organizations. “Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue” (Appendix 2) will allow students to draw their ideas into a visual representation as they will select a “new look” for future FFA jackets. However, they must include the following: three concepts from past jackets that are different than today’s; three new ideas for a more futuristic jacket; three ideas they have seen on uniforms from other organizations; and three items from the current jacket that they would like to stay. Discuss their thoughts and feelings on vision and why it is necessary to be creative and share your vision with others. FFA TIP: RELATABLE BOOKS, MOVIES AND LINKS: Ag Minute: Future Farmers of America: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=2eebQUeV0wI Archives of the National FFA Organization: https:// www.youtube.com/ watch?v=E2wmqpBda1o RELATABLE ARTICLES: Official Dress: https:// www.ffa.org/FFAResources/ Chapter/Pages/OfficialDress. aspx APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Official Dress Compare/Contrast Activity Appendix 2: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue Activity The “Blue Jacket Bonanza Program” was developed to provide local FFA members, who do not have the financial means, a chance to earn their own blue jacket. Learn more: https://www.FFA.org/ FFAResources/Educators/bluejacketbonanza/Pages/default.aspx SAE TIP: If students are planning to apply for an SAE grant this year and have no financial support from home, encourage them to add “Purchase FFA Jacket” as one of their budget items and explain their need in the budget narrative. Many students who receive the grant become invested and passionate about their project, which leads them to pursue other FFA activities where a jacket is required. The SAE grant application period opens Sept. 3, 2013, and all grants must be submitted by Nov. 15, 2013. https://www.ffa.org/programs/grantsandscholarships/SAEGrants/Pages/default.aspx STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN ARTICLE, SUMMARY, DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES: Common Core-English RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.2 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says. W.9-10.2a Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts and information to make important connections and distinctions. AFNR CS.02.04.01.c Demonstrate critical and creative thinking skills while contemplating a task. CS.01.01.04.b. Use appropriate and reliable resources to complete an action or project LK Connections HS.17 How leaders influence others through vision CS.01.05.01.a. Discuss trends and issues important to the community HS.27 Using Creativity Name _________________________________ Official Dress Compare/Contrast Activity Aligned with the following standards: RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.2 CS.02.04.01.c HS. 17 HS. 27 (Appendix 1) Name ______________________________________ Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue Instructions: Create a new FFA jacket considering the information you read about the FFA jacket in “Once Blue, Forever Blue” and include the following in the new design: three concepts from past jackets that are different than today’s; three new ideas for a more futuristic jacket; three ideas seen on uniforms from other organizations; and three items from the current jacket that should remain. Aligned with the following standards: W.9-10.2a CS.02.04.01.c HS.17, HS.27 (Appendix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s ?$%#)%8#.*6C%67#,4# !C%6+5*#8*7#4,<'(%(#+'# ?<7F%=%%3#!-*>3#*7#*#4*6C# 5-<;#4,6#!46+5*'P!C%6+5*'# ;,@7>#L*'@#,4#"$%#96,=6*C7# 8%6%#7+C+-*6#",#"$%#.<"<6%# .*6C%67#,4#!C%6+5*>#).!# C%C;%67#(+(#',"#$*0%## *'#,44+5+*-#E*5F%"#<'"+-## "$%#12WX7># ?$%#%*6-+%7"#..!#E*5F%"7# $*(#7'*97#+'7"%*(#,4# D+99%673#%C;6,+(%6%(# %C;-%C7#6*"$%6#"$*'# 7%8'P,'#9*"5$#%C;-%C73# *'(#7\<*6%#9,5F%"7#+'7"%*(# ,4#6,<'(%(>#?$%#%C;-%C# *-7,#(+('M"#$*0%#"$%#%*=-%# 9%65$%(#,'#",9> WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG 1947 1948 ?$%#4+67"#)*"+,'*-#..!# Q*'(#9%64,6C%(#*"#"$%# '*"+,'*-#5,'0%'"+,'>#?$%@# 8%6%#F',8'#*7#"$%#RC*+-P ,6(%6#;*'(3T#7+'5%#"$%@# 8%6%#9<"#",=%"$%6#"$6,<=$# *'#*99-+5*"+,'#96,5%77>## !#@%*6#-*"%63#"$%#)*"+,'*-# ..!#/$,6<7#*'(#?*-%'"# O6,=6*C#8%6%#*((%(#",# "$%#5,'0%'"+,'>#G0%6#"$%# @%*673#"$%#)*"+,'*-#..!# Q*'(#*'(#/$,6<7#8,<-(## ;%#%*7+-@#6%5,='+D*;-%#;@# "$%#8$+"%#7-*5F7#*'(#7F+6"7# +"7#C%C;%67#8,<-(#8%*6># ?$%#)*"+,'*-#..!#B<99-@# B%60+5%#;%=+'7#,9%6*"+,'3# 56%*"+'=#*#7$,9#4,6# 9<65$*7+'=#,44+5+*-## ..!#E*5F%"7#*'(#,"$%6# C%65$*'(+7%>#?$%#E*5F%"7# 8%6%#C*(%#;@#Y*'#Z%6"# L*'<4*5"<6+'=[A'+0%67*-# A'+4,6C#/,C9*'@#+'#G$+,> !!" NEW HORIZONS 9 RI%""+'=#*#E*5F%"#8*7#*#;+=#(%*-#;%5*<7%#..!#C%C;%67# 6%*-#+'79+6*"+,'#4,6#"$,7%#8$,#8,6%#+"#%*6-@#,'#+'#"$%# M`X73#*'(#+"M7#7"+--#*#;+=#(%*-#",(*@>T 8,6%#"$%+6#E*5F%"7#*"#"$*"#"+C%#*7#*#',6C*-#E*5F%">#S"# ?$%#E*5F%"#8*7#4+67"#56%*"%(#;@#*'#..!#5$*9"%6#46,C# 6*'F%(#6+=$"#<9#"$%6%#8+"$#"$%#-%""%6#E*5F%"#"$*"#"$%# .6%(%6+5F",8'3#G$+,>#S'#12``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ab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ebb#@%*67f3#6%C%C;%67#8%*6+'=#$+7# E*5F%"#(<6+'=#7,C%#,4#"$%#C,7"# +'4-<%'"+*-#C,C%'"7#,4#$+7#-+4%>#H,<=-*77# 8*7#"$%#4+67"#'*"+,'*-#..!#96%7+(%'"#",#$*+-# 46,C#Z%7"#Y+6=+'+*3#*#6,-%#$%#4+--%(#+'#12ba# *'(#12b]> RS#96%7+(%(#,0%6#5,'0%'"+,'#*4"%6# Z,6-(#Z*6#SS3#*'(#"$*"#8*7#*#;%'5$C*6F# +'#C@#-+4%3T#7*@7#H,<=-*773#',8#^a>#RS#8*7# 7,#96,<(#",#8%*6#"$*"#E*5F%"#,4#@%7"%6@%*63# *'(#"$%#E*5F%"#S#8,6%#*7#'*"+,'*-#96%7+(%'"# +7#',8#+'#"$%#*65$+0%7#,4#"$%#)*"+,'*-## ..!#G6=*'+D*"+,'>T H,<=-*77#6%5*--7#8%*6+'=#$+7#E*5F%"# 8+"$#$+7#"%*C#,4#'*"+,'*-#,44+5%67# 8$%'#"$%@#C%"#c*C%7#K6*4"#,4#K6*4"# .,,(7#*'(#6%96%7%'"*"+0%7#46,C#c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a># SHARE YOUR JACKET STORY We want to know how the official FFA jacket has changed your life. Visit FFAnewhorizons. org/FFAjacket to share your jacket stories. The best ones will be printed in an upcoming issue of FFA New Horizons magazine, and all responses will be posted to the website. Former FFA member experiences are also welcome! 1973 1976 1976 ?$%#4+67"#..!#,44+5+*-#(6%77# 7"*'(*6(7#8%6%#*(,9"%(## +'#12]`>#!#C*-%#C%C;%6# 8,<-(#8%*6#*#8$+"%# ;<"",'P<9#7$+6"3#..!## ;-<%#"+%3#(*6F#7-*5F73#;-*5F# 7,5F73#;-*5F#7$,%7#*'(## *'#..!#E*5F%"#D+99%(#",# "$%#",9>#!#4%C*-%#C%C;%6# 8,<-(#8%*6#*#8$+"%#;-,<7%3# ..!#;-<%#75*643#(*6F#7F+6"3# ;-*5F#$,7%3#;-*5F#$%%-7#*'(# *'#..!#E*5F%"#D+99%(#",# "$%#",9>#.,6#4%C*-%73#(*6F# 7-*5F7#5,<-(#;%#8,6'#4,6# ,<"(,,6#*5"+0+"+%7># c,$''@#Q,8C*'#,4# !<6,6*3#L,>3#8*7#"$%#-<5F@# C%C;%6#",#6%5%+0%#"$%#"8,# C+--+,'"$#..!#E*5F%">#?$%# E*5F%"#8*7#96%7%'"%(#;@# )*"+,'*-#O6%7+(%'"#Q,;;@# ?<5F%6#(<6+'=#"$%#12]a# )*"+,'*-#..!#/,'0%'"+,'># !-*7F*#;%5,C%7#"$%#-*7"# A>B>#7"*"%#",#,;"*+'#*# )*"+,'*-#..!#5$*6"%6># B,,'#*4"%63#"$%#4+67"#!-*7F*# ..!#E*5F%"7#8%6%#*0*+-*;-%# 4,6#..!#C%C;%67#46,C# "$*"#7"*"%>#B+'5%#"$%'3## ..!#5$*9"%67#$*0%#;%%'# 5$*6"%6%(#+'#7%0%6*-#A>B># "%66+",6+%73#+'5-<(+'=# O<%6",#d+5,3#I<*C3# L+56,'%7+*#*'(#"$%## A>B>#Y+6=+'#S7-*'(7> !!" 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It takes multiple countries to make the official FFA jacket happen and to keep the cost around $50 – the price it has remained for the past 20 years, thanks to global sourcing. Here are some fast facts about the official FFA jacket: • 70,000 jackets are sold annually. • The jacket underwent restoration from 2003 to 2005 to establish a new standard of blue, restore the design and color of the emblem, improve the fit and comfort, and increase its durability. • The fabric is made of U.S. cotton. • The raw cotton is shipped to China, where it is woven and dyed. • The finished cotton is moved to two manufacturing facilities – one in Vietnam and the other in Ohio, where the jackets are cut and sewn, and emblems are attached. • Each jacket uses 1.6 yards of fabric. More than 110,000 yards of fabric are used annually. • All jackets are personalized at Universal Lettering Co. in Ohio. • 50,000 jackets are imported; 20,000 are made domestically. 2004 G0%6#"+C%3#"$%#,6+=+'*-# 5,-,6#*'(#(%"*+-#,4#"$%#..!# E*5F%"#*'(#%C;-%C7#$*(# ;%%'#*-"%6%(3#*'(#"$%# E*5F%"7#$*(#;%=<'#",#-,,F# C,6%#9<69-%#"$*'#;-<%># ..!#8,6F%(#5-,7%-@## 8+"$#4*;6+5#*'(#%C;-%C# 7<99-+%67#",#6%7",6%#"$%# ,6+=+'*-#5,-,67#",#"$%# E*5F%"#*'(#%C;-%C73#*'(# "$%#'%8#E*5F%"7#;%=*'# 7$+99+'=#+'#4*--#&XXb> WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG 2005 2007 2013 ?$%#/-%C7,'#!99*6%-# d%7%*65$#/%'"%6#*"# /-%C7,'#A'+0%67+"@#+'# B,<"$#/*6,-+'*#56%*"%(# '%8#9*""%6'7#",#96,0+(%## *#;%""%6#4+"#4,6#E*5F%"P 8%*6+'=#..!#C%C;%67># ?$+7#96,E%5"#8*7#;*7%(## ,'#5,'5%6'7#%N96%77%(## ;@#..!#C%C;%67#,0%6#"$%# @%*67>#!--#E*5F%"7#,6(%6%(# 7+'5%#&XXW#*6%#7%8'#<7+'=# "$%#'%8#9*""%6'7># ?$%#..!#L%65$*'(+7%# /%'"%6#e,'5%#F',8'#*7# "$%#..!#B<99-@#B%60+5%f# ,9%'7#+"7#(,,67#+'# S'(+*'*9,-+73#S'(>## ?$%#,44+5+*-#..!#E*5F%"## +7#7"+--#-%""%6%(#",(*@#;@# "$%#,6+=+'*-#5,C9*'@3# A'+0%67*-#J%""%6+'=#/,>## +'#G$+,3#;<"#"$%#,6(%67# *6%#"*F%'#*'(#4<-4+--%(## ;@#'*"+,'*-#..!#7"*44> ?,(*@3#C,6%#"$*'#]X3XXX# E*5F%"7#*6%#7,-(#%*5$#@%*6# *'(#8,6'#;@#..!#C%C;%67# *56,77#"$%#5,<'"6@3# 5,''%5"+'=#"$%#9*7"#*'(# 96%7%'"#,4#"$%#,6=*'+D*"+,'> !!" NEW HORIZONS 13 FALL 2013 Teaching Guide ARTICLE SUMMARY: AG 101 #$%&'()&& (*&+()& T This versatile legume can be used for food, feed, fuel and more Soybeans made their way from Asia to the United States by way of missionaries and explorers. They were widely used for livestock feed but became more popular in the 1990s as researchers discovered they improved soil health. Soybeans are now used for more than animal feed and can be found in thousands of products. Discover all the amazing things this little legume can do. #(,&+()-%./&+0.0%1&& The United States produces 32 percent of the world’s soybeans. This crop thrives in Midwestern states, including Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Indiana. Iowa is the top soybean producer, yielding 466.12 million bushels in 2011. +()&21 34%5)6$%5%7& &'()*+,)+-).+, “Soy” has become a popular, almost trending term in recent years. While this marvelous legume did not originate in the United States, it has made a major impact on agriculture and consumer sectors since its introduction. Making up =>&,%5?%/0 32 percent of the world’s production, the United States utilizes soybeans everywhere in a number of items including: crayons, cosmetics, car seats and ink. Discover what else this plant can provide in the areas of food, feed and fuel. FIND OUT WHAT SURPRISING PRODUCTS YOU ENCOUNTER EVERYDAY ARE MADE FROM SOYBEANS. 8 9 : Crayons: One acre of soybeans can make 82,368 crayons. These crayons are biodegradable and renewable. • legume • bushels • biodegradable Cosmetics: Many companies use soy in their cosmetics to reduce redness and smooth skin tone. Car seats: Ford Motor Co.’s iconic Mustang was built with soy foam seats beginning in 2007. This type of foam can also be used in coolers and footwear. ; Ink: Many companies are making the switch to soy ink for their offices. This ink is biodegradable and has fewer toxins than traditional ink. "-(<0&=>&,%5?%/0&(*&0$%& 6(5@AB1&1()-%./1&.5%& ?5<1$%A&./A&,5(?%11%A& 2/0(&1()-%./&C%.@&./A&(2@D !"#$%&'()**+',,---./"01*&%).%"2,/"0341%*/.)*2 26 VOCABULARY: !!" NEW HORIZONS WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: ! Which states does the soybean thrive within the United States? Why? " Why do many companies use soy in their cosmetics? # What is biodegradable? List other items that are biodegradable. $ Why is it important that those in agriculture continuously seek ways to make changes? Shouldn’t we just focus on the old saying, “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it”? % How can you, as a student, show your support of soy? ACTIVITY: Create a word cloud via Wordle – www.wordle.net (Appendix 3-Must have Java installed to run the program) or other methods that answers the questions listed with provided answers (Appendix 4) and have students post their work in the classroom for others to view and compare. Provide time to discuss their answers and any differences they found while gathering information. Additionally, a general rubric (Appendix 5) is provided for grading word clouds. FFA TIP: Encourage students to become involved with plant-based CDEs. Many students seem to naturally gravitate more toward animal-related events; however, there is great opportunity with plants; especially when considering job openings in the agriculture career field. https://www.ffa.org/programs/awards/cde/Pages/default.aspx SAE TIP: Have students create a plan for a plant-based SAE and submit an application for an SAE grant. Based on grant applications submitted last year, 71 percent represented the Animal Systems pathway while only 18 percent represented the Plant Systems pathway. https://www.ffa.org/programs/grantsandscholarships/SAEGrants/Pages/default.aspx STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN ARTICLE, DISCUSSION QUESTIONS, AND ACTIVITIES: Common Core-English W.9-10.7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question or solve a problem. SL.11-12.5 Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding AFNR PS.01.02.06.a. Explain the functions and components of seeds and fruit. PS.02.01.02.b. Determine the optimal air, temperature and water conditions for plant growth. CS.03.03.01.a. Research current and emerging technologies in AFNR LK Connections HS.27 Using Creativity HS.97 Identifying and Utilizing Available Resources CAREER PATHWAYS: • Career Cluster • Plant Systems RELATABLE BOOKS, MOVIES AND LINKS: Illinois Soybean FarmAmerica’s Heartland http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=3RYY8TbbkYI More advanced video: Farm Basics#738Soybean Growth Stages http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=syhhgSOkSlI Illinois Soybean Association http://www.ilsoy.org/ RELATABLE ARTICLES: “Climbing soybean prices impact feed costs” https:// www.feedsys.com/tabid/327/ EntryId/173/Climbingsoybean-prices-impactfeedcosts.aspx “New arthropod management research center to be established” http://www.labmanager. com/?articles.view/ articleNo/36893/title/ New-ArthropodManagementResearch-Center-to-beEstablished/ APPENDICES: Appendix 4: Joy of Soy Appendix 5: Word Cloud – Rubric Name ___________________________ Wordle Instructions 1. Go to www.wordle.net. 2. Click on “Create your own.” 3. Where it says “Paste in a bunch of text” type the word “soybean” at least 10 times (the more you type a word, the larger it will appear in the document). 4. Research the answers to the questions provided and type the answers in the same box used to type “soybean.” *Tip - Before clicking “go,” once all answers are typed in the box, copy and paste answers into a Word document just in case there is a glitch with the computer. If you hit the “back button” located at the top of the screen, all words will be lost. *Tip - In order to keep a two-worded answer together, use the following sign: ~ For example: soybean~meal Below is an example of a completed Wordle: Aligned with the following standards: W.9-10.7, SL.11-12.5 PS.01.02.06.a., PS.02.01.02.b., CS.03.03.01.a. HS.27, HS.97 (Appendix 3) Name _____________________ The Joy of Soy Activity 1. What are the first leaves that come out of the ground on a soybean plant? 2. Which type of root system does a soybean possess? 3. Which country do soybeans originate? 4. What are the top five soybean-producing states in the United States? 5. One acre of soybeans can make ____________________ crayons. 6. Soybeans are _________________, which means that it is capable of being decomposed by bacteria of other living organisms. 7. Name one herbicide utilized in soybean production. 8. Name one fertilizer utilized in soybean production. 9. Is a soybean considered to be a monocot or a dicot? 10. Is a soybean considered as an annual, biannual or perennial? 11. The soybean is one of the richest and cheapest sources of ____________________________. 12. The crop is planted after all dangers of _____________________ is past. 13. Soybean meal serves as a high ___________________ substitute in many food products. 14. The soybean is a ________________________________ plant, which means that each flower has male and female parts. 15. What are the large machines used to harvest soybeans? 16. List 10 items that originate from soybean oil. 17. Which type of sun exposure do soybeans grow best: full, partial or none? 18. List five words you would use to describe the soybean plant. 19. Name three other countries that have large soybean production. 20. If you could sum up the soybean plant in one word, what would it be? Aligned with the following standards: W.9-10.7, SL.11-12.5 PS.01.02.06.a., PS.02.01.02.b., CS.03.03.01.a. HS.27, HS.97 (Appendix 4) The Joy of Soy Activity – KEY 1. What are the first leaves that come out of the ground on a soybean plant? Cotyledons 2. Which type of root system does a soybean possess? Taproot 3. Which country do soybeans originate? China 4. What are the top five soybean-producing states in the United States? Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Indiana 5. One acre of soybeans can make ____________________ crayons. 82,368 6. Soybeans are _________________, which means that it is capable of being decomposed by bacteria of other living organisms. Biodegradable 7. Name one herbicide utilized in soybean production. (answers will vary) 8. Name one fertilizer utilized in soybean production. (answers will vary) 9. Is a soybean considered to be a monocot or a dicot? dicot 10. Is a soybean considered as an annual, biannual or perennial? annual 11. The soybean is one of the richest and cheapest sources of ____________________________. Protein 12. The crop is planted after all dangers of _____________________ is past. frost 13. Soybean meal serves as a high ___________________ substitute in many food products. Protein 14. The soybean is a ________________________________ plant, which means that each flower has male and female parts. Self-pollinating 15. What are the large machines used to harvest soybeans? Combines 16. List 10 items that originate from soybean oil. (answers will vary) 17. Which type of sun exposure do soybeans grow best: full, partial or none? Full 18. List five words you would use to describe the soybean plant. (answers will vary) 19. Name three other countries that have large soybean production. (answers will vary) 20. If you could sum up the soybean plant in one word, what would it be? ( answers will vary) Aligned with the following standards: W.9-10.7, SL.11-12.5 PS.01.02.06.a., PS.02.01.02.b., CS.03.03.01.a. HS.27, HS.97 (Appendix 4) AG 101 #$%&'()&& (*&+()& This versatile legume can be used for food, feed, fuel and more Soybeans made their way from Asia to the United States by way of missionaries and explorers. They were widely used for livestock feed but became more popular in the 1990s as researchers discovered they improved soil health. Soybeans are now used for more than animal feed and can be found in thousands of products. Discover all the amazing things this little legume can do. #(,&+()-%./&+0.0%1&& The United States produces 32 percent of the world’s soybeans. This crop thrives in Midwestern states, including Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Indiana. Iowa is the top soybean producer, yielding 466.12 million bushels in 2011. +()&21 34%5)6$%5%7& FIND OUT WHAT SURPRISING PRODUCTS YOU ENCOUNTER EVERYDAY ARE MADE FROM SOYBEANS. 8 9 : Crayons: One acre of soybeans can make 82,368 crayons. These crayons are biodegradable and renewable. Cosmetics: Many companies use soy in their cosmetics to reduce redness and smooth skin tone. Car seats: Ford Motor Co.’s iconic Mustang was built with soy foam seats beginning in 2007. This type of foam can also be used in coolers and footwear. ; Ink: Many companies are making the switch to soy ink for their offices. This ink is biodegradable and has fewer toxins than traditional ink. =>&,%5?%/0 "-(<0&=>&,%5?%/0&(*&0$%& 6(5@AB1&1()-%./1&.5%& ?5<1$%A&./A&,5(?%11%A& 2/0(&1()-%./&C%.@&./A&(2@D !"#$%&'()**+',,---./"01*&%).%"2,/"0341%*/.)*2 26 !!" NEW HORIZONS WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG FALL 2013 Teaching Guide CAREER SUCCESS $%&'()* $++,-,&%. Renewable energy careers create new opportunities for graduates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• • • • • • The discussion of “renewable energy” is one that won’t go away anytime soon. With the recent Renewable Portfolio Standard legislation requirement that has been imposed on several states, many are seeking ways to increase the production of renewable energy sources. As a result, students should seek opportunities to gain knowledge, understanding and preparation in pursuit of a career based on renewable energy. The sky is truly the limit for agriculture as we all work toward supplying energy from our renewable natural resources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ant to explore more careers in agriculture? Read our past Career Success articles at !!"%&;<=',>=%?@='(A-B'&&'?. 28 !!" NEW HORIZONS WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: ! Why should everyone take an interest or at least stay informed with the topic of “renewable energy?” " What are some of the most popular forms of renewable energy? Why? # Why might some people be apprehensive when discussing changes for the future of energy? $ Explain why there is expected to be such a promising future for those involved in the career field of renewable energy. %&What are some of the career opportunities available for people in the field of renewable energy? ACTIVITY: Students will work individually to research and present a renewable energy source of their choice (Appendix 6). Once students are finished researching and developing, they will present their information to the class. *Tip – If you find that several students chose the same energy source, have them work together to present the information as a group and then grade their project individually. Utilizing the rubrics (Appendix 7), determine if students are proficient in their knowledge of an alternative energy source. *Tip – Give students both rubrics at the beginning of the project. FFA TIP: Encourage students to inform other students their own age or younger about the importance of renewable energy. The PALS program has a great curriculum for teaching others about this important topic: https://www.ffa.org/FFAResources/ffalearn/pals/handbook2/Pages/The-Story-of-RenewableEnergy.aspx. Utilize resources found in the Middle School Food and Agricultural Literacy Curriculum for furthering discussion on renewable energy sources: https://www.ffa.org/FFAResources/ffalearn/midschoolfoodandagr/Pages/default.aspx SAE TIP: Look for ways to get students involved in your community through the following potential SAE placement opportunities that all can be linked to potential college or technical degrees: ethanol plant, growing switch grass, working with plant breeders for crops used in biofuels, solar power use, nutrient management specialist, using and maintaining methane generators, agricultural plant production research, windmill maintenance and use, and agricultural renewable energy engineer. Related articles that may give some more ideas are: Cow Manure, Other Homegrown Energy Powering U.S. Farms http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/09/090904-farm-energy/ U.S. Farmers Benefit from Federal Clean Energy Loans and Grants http://cleantechnica. com/2010/11/18/u-s-farmers-benefit-from-federal-clean-energy-loans-and-grants/. The relationships between agriculture and the energy sector are vital to successful alignment. In other words, we have to work together to build a win-win for both industries. renewable energy biofuels methane digesters biomass energy organic lobbying CAREER PATHWAYS: • Natural Resource Systems • Environmental Service Systems • Career Cluster RELATABLE BOOKS, MOVIES AND LINKS: Fair Oaks Farms Adventure Center-America’s Heartland http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=JJRy82i8e5Q Solar, Wind or Biomass: Who Will Be the Next Alternative Energy Star for Agriculture? (Curriculum https://www.ffa.org/ FFAResources/ffalearn/ midschoolfoodandagr/ naturalresources/Pages/ Solar,-Wind-or-BiomassWho-Will-Be-The-NextAlternative-Energy-Star-ForAgriculture.aspx RELATABLE ARTICLES: Science Daily-Renewable Energy News: http://www. sciencedaily.com/news/ earth_climate/renewable_ energy/ APPENDICES: Appendix 6: Renewable Energy – Project Appendix 7: Renewable Energy – Rubric STANDARDS ADDRESSED IN ARTICLE, DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AND ACTIVITIES: Common Core-English RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1 Cite strong textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says SL.9-10.4, SL.11-12.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely and logically AFNR CS.01.01.01.a. Work productively with a group or independently. ESS.05.01.02.a Identify alternative energy sources. ESS.05.01.02.b. Identify advantages and disadvantages to alternative energy sources LK Connections HS. 25 Applying critical thinking NRS.05.01.01.a. Identify ways in which a message regarding natural resources may be communicated to the public. HS. 123 Career Opportunities in Agriculture Name _______________________________ Word Cloud – Rubric Creativity and Presentation Language and Relevance Literacy Limited Does not display any experimentation with font or layout Basic Displays basic experimentation with font or layout. Sound Displays competent level of experimentation with font and layout. None of the words displayed are directly relevant to the topic. Very few words are directly relevant to the topic. There is no evidence of correct answers displayed. Word choice and key concepts show a limited effort to answer topic questions. Numerous grammar and spelling errors. A few words or key concepts have correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Adapted from: NSW Government-Education & Training: eAssessment Rubric Aligned with the following standards: W.9-10.7, SL.11-12.5 PS.01.02.06.a., PS.02.01.02.b., CS.03.03.01.a. HS.27, HS.97 Some of the words are directly relevant to the topic. High Displays effective experimentation with font or layout to add to the viewer’s understanding of the topic. Most of the words are directly relevant to the topic. Outstanding Displays extensive and innovative use of font and layout to further the viewer’s understanding of the topic. All of the words are directly relevant to the topic. Word choice and key concepts show a sound understanding and effort to answer topic questions. Some words or key concepts have correct grammar and spelling. Word choice and key concepts show a thorough understanding of the topic and answers to questions. Most words or key concepts have correct grammar and spelling. Word choice and key concepts show an extensive understanding and research into the answers to questions. Correct grammar and spelling is displayed in all words. (Appendix 5) Name ________________________ Renewable Energy Project Your Mission: Discover detailed information on a way that electricity can be generated by use of a renewable energy source. Procedures: ! Research various types of renewable energy sources. Consider the following as you choose one to research in more detail: o Which type of renewable energy seems the most interesting? o Is there an energy source that most people are unaware of? o Which renewable energy source is the most widely used? ! Select one renewable energy source you will research further. ! Choose a method to inform others of your selected renewable energy source (Examples: poster, PowerPoint, Prezi, collage, etc.). ! o o o o o o Include the following in the presentation: Description of the energy source. A picture of the energy source. Pros and cons of using this energy source. Energy storage methods. How does it relate specifically to the agriculture field? A summary of a current news article based on the chosen energy source. o Answer the following: How do you think this energy source will shape or continue to shape the future? o Cite the sources where information was gathered. Aligned with the following standards: RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1 SL.9-10.4, SL.11-12.4 CS.01.01.01.a., ESS.05.01.02.a, ESS.05.01.02.b., NRS.05.01.01.a. HS. 25, HS. 123 (Appendix 6) Name _____________________________ Renewable Energy-Rubric Excellent Information presented is accurate and complete. Good Information presented is mostly accurate and complete; however, one or two key elements may be missing or inaccurate. Fair The content is generally accurate, but more than two pieces of key information are clearly missing. Poor The content is lacking several key elements and/or is confusing or inaccurate. Information Sequencing Information is organized in a clear, logical way. It is easy to anticipate the type of information that might be presented next. Most information is organized in a logical way. One item of information seems out of place. Some of the information is logically sequenced, but more than one key item is out of place. No clear plan for organization of the information is apparent. Originality Presentation shows considerable originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in a unique and interesting way. Presentation shows some originality and inventiveness. The content and ideas are presented in an interesting way. Presentation shows an attempt at originality and inventiveness. Presentation is a rehash of other people’s ideas and/or graphics and shows very little attempt at original thought. Visual Product / Use of Graphics All aspects of the visual product are attractive and play a key role in conveying the information in the presentation. Some aspects of the visual product are not attractive or are not well integrated into the presentation. Many aspects of the visual product are unattractive or unrelated to the presentation. Most aspects of the visual product are unattractive or unrelated to the presentation. Spelling and Grammar No misspellings or grammatical errors. One to two misspellings, but no grammatical errors. One to two grammatical errors, but no misspellings. More than two grammatical and spelling errors. Presentation Content Adapted from: Alternative Energy Technologies Project Rubric http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OLqPC1OBzAJ:teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpages/dcurry/files/Alternative%2520Energy %2520Technologies%2520Project.doc+&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us Aligned with the following standards: RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1 SL.9-10.4, SL.11-12.4 CS.01.01.01.a., ESS.05.01.02.a, ESS.05.01.02.b., NRS.05.01.01.a. HS. 25, HS. 123 (Appendix 7) Name: _______________________________ Description: This rubric will help you put your Works Cited page in the correct format. Source: Henry, Nancy. "What Happened on My Birthday." School Library Media Activities Monthly. Volume XXIV, Number 9, May 2008, p. 14. Excellent Title of Page Works Cited title is centered at the top of the page. Good Fair Works Cited title is The page has no not centered or title. another title is used. Poor Citations are put on the last page of the paper. Alphabetical Order of Citations All citations are in alphabetical order by the first word of the citation (excluding a, an, and the). Most citations are in alphabetical order by the first letter of the citation (excluding a, an, and the). Some citations are No appearance of in alphabetical order alphabetization. by the first letter of the citation (excluding a, an, and the). Indentation of Lines All citations begin at the left margin with the following lines in a hanging indent. Most citations begin at the left margin with the following lines in a hanging indent. Citation indentation No indentation of is reversed, with the lines. first line indented and the following line at the margin. Completeness of Citations All citations have all Most citations have the required all the required elements. elements. Some citations have None of the all the required citations have all elements. the required elements. Order of Elements of the Citation All the citations have the required elements in the proper order. Most the citations have the required elements in the proper order. Some the citations have the required elements in the proper order. None of the citations have the required elements in the proper order. Punctuation All citations contain the proper punctuation. Most citations contain the proper punctuation. Some citations contain the proper punctuation. None of the citations contain the proper punctuation. Completeness All sources and pictures are cited. Most sources and pictures are cited. Some sources and pictures are cited. None of the sources and pictures are cited. Adapted from Utah Education Network http://www.uen.org/Rubric/rubric.cgi?rubric_id=17988 Aligned with the following standards: RI.9-10.1, RI.11-12.1 SL.9-10.4, SL.11-12.4 CS.01.01.01.a., ESS.05.01.02.a, ESS.05.01.02.b., NRS.05.01.01.a. HS. 25, HS. 123 (Appendix 7) CAREER SUCCESS $%&'()* $++,-,&%. Renewable energy careers create new opportunities for graduates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ant to explore more careers in agriculture? Read our past Career Success articles at !!"%&;<=',>=%?@='(A-B'&&'?. 28 !!" NEW HORIZONS WWW.FFANEWHORIZONS.ORG