It was The War That Made America
It was The War That Made America
JANUARY 2006 Join us at our Information Forum Rochester Institute of Technology QUALITY PROGRAMS FOR SUCCESSFUL CAREERS Choice Wednesday, February 8 5:30-7:00 p.m. Flexibility Experience for Part-time Study Register Online Quality Reputation Results or Contact Us Part-time and Graduate Studies phone: 585-475-2229 e-mail: [email protected] RIT’s Bausch & Lomb Center (Bring the kids!) Dislocated Workers Call or e-mail us to find out about our special tuition assistance program. Spring quarter classes begin March 13 3 ������������ ������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ����������������� ����������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ����������������������������� ������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ����������������������������������� �������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������ ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ���������������� ���������������� �������������������� ���������������������� Contents Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Cover Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 In the Neighborhood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Television Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Classical 91.5/90.3 Listings . . . . . . . . . . . .24 AM 1370 Listings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 JANUARY 2006 Highlights 25% Walking the Bible My Family TV21 (CABLE 11) My Family Saturdays at 8:30 p.m., beginning January 7 Tune in for WXXI’s latest British sitcom about the Harper family. Susan works as a tour guide, Ben as a dentist, and their home life is complicated by the normal wear and tear of three children. Walking the Bible Executive Staff Norm Silverstein Susan Rogers Jeanne E. Fisher Kent Hatfield Gary Walker President & CEO Executive Vice President Vice President, Radio Vice President, Tech. & Op. Vice President, Television WXXI Board of Trustees Officers David Mack Chair Sergio Esteban Vice Chair Diana Kurty Treasurer Steven Swartout, Esq. Secretary Wednesdays, January 4, 11 and 18 at 8 p.m. Member Magazine Staff Jon Haliniak Kristin Tutino Kathalee Hodge Rhonda Austin Yasmin Jung Canfield & Tack Rochester Binding & Finishing Inc. FM91.5/90.3 January 2006 Volume XXXVI, Issue 5 Live! At the Concertgebouw Tuesdays at 8 p.m. beginning January 3 WXXI is a public non-commercial broadcasting station owned and operated by WXXI Public Broadcasting Council, a not-forprofit corporation chartered by the Board of Regents of New York State. “Station Signals” (USPS 0742-390) is published monthly at 280 State Street, Rochester, NY 14614 to promote the programs and activities of public broadcasting stations WXXI-TV, AM 1370, FM 91.5/90.3 and Reachout Radio. Periodical mailing postage paid at Rochester, N.Y. At a time when the world is searching for understanding, this miniseries accentuates the commonalities of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Part adventure, part archaeological detective work and part spiritual exploration, the programs join storyteller Bruce Feiler on his inspiring 10,000-mile odyssey as he searches for traces of the great biblical heroes. This season promises some of the greatest conductors— Mariss Jansons, Valery Gergiev, Dennis Russel Davies, Nikolaus Harnoncourt, Daniele Gatti, Roger Norrington & Yakov Kreizberg, superb guest ensembles, soloists and music that the world has to offer. AM1370 Music and the Mind Saturday, January 28 at 3 p.m. Music can soothe, arouse, amuse, irritate, and delight us. Why should mere sequences of musical sounds have such power over how we feel? And how do good musicians orchestrate that power? Reporter Eva Neuberg examines the so-called “Mozart effect” and pianist Emanuel Ax compares the joys of Mozart to the joys of procreation. This program is part of WXXI’s Magnificent Mozart Week. To learn more, turn to page 27. FREE SNEAK PREVIEW Join WXXI, Pioneer Network, Lifespan, and the Rochester Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association on January 20 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon for a screening and discussion of Almost Home, a stunningly intimate documentary that follows the stories of residents, families and workers in a Milwaukee retirement community as they struggle with the personal challenges of aging. The event is free and open to the public but seating is limited. Call Christie at (585) 271-7570 to make your reservation. Executive Editor Editor Television Listings Editor Radio Listings Editor Designer Printer Mailhouse POSTMASTER: Send changes of address information to WXXI Program Guide, Membership Department, P.O. Box 30021, Rochester, NY 14603-3021. At Your Service! Member & Audience Services WXXI Main Number Audience Response Line Copies of Local Programs Reachout Radio Educational Resources Volunteer Services Corporate Partnerships Auction/Special Events WXXI On-line (585) 258-0200 (585) 325-7500 (585) 258-0360 (585) 258-0369 (585) 258-0333 (585) 258-0278 (585) 258-0286 (585) 258-0254 (585) 258-0287 * Please note that all programs are subject to change. For up-to-date program listings, please consult your daily newspaper or log onto 5Upcoming Cover Story Changing Hearts, Changing Minds WXXI and Al Sigl Center host a week-long programming initiative to stimulate community dialogue about the perspectives of people with disabilities. Now in its fourth year, Dialogue on Disability: The Herman & Margaret Schwartz Community Series runs from Monday, January 16 through Sunday, January 22. AM 1370 kicks off the series Monday, January 16 at 12 noon with a special “1370 Connection” program followed by The World at Your Fingers at 1 p.m., a program that takes a look into the world of deafblindness in India. At 1:30 p.m., AM 1370 brings listeners Dyslexia: Identifying, Coping and Learning, host Barry Vogel talks with Dr. Sally Shaywitz, a neuroscientist and Professor of Pediatrics at Yale University and the co-director of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention. She discusses early diagnosis of dyslexia in young children, older children, and adults, and what can be done to assist people who suffer from this disability. On Tuesday, January 17 at 9 p.m., WXXI-TV 21 (cable 11) broadcasts the television premiere of The Collector of Bedford Street, an Academy Award-nominated short documentary that takes a heartwarming look at Larry Selman, a 60-year-old mentally retarded man and his unique contributions to his community. Disability issues will also be topics on WXXI-TV’s Need to Know (airing at 9 p.m. on 1/20 and again at 12 noon on 1/22), Homework Hotline (airing at 5:30 p.m. 1/17) and Assignment: the World (airing at 6 a.m. 1/19 and 1/20). 1370 Connection’s Bob Smith talks about disability issues again on Thursday, January 19 at 12 noon on AM 1370 followed by Gray Matter: Crossroads and Frontiers at 1 p.m. Gray Matter highlights three fascinating case histories, each a turning point in neuroscience that continues to advance cutting-edge developments in frontal lobe damage, epilepsy and memory, and Parkinson’s disease. The week concludes with a special 1370 Connection: Healthy Friday on Friday, January 20 at 12 noon on AM 1370 with host Elissa Orlando. Dialogue on Disabilities is made possible thanks to support from the Fred L. Emerson Foundation. Additional support provided by Bank of America, Boylan, Brown, Code, Vigdor & Wilson LLP and the Ames Amzalak Trust. To learn more, visit In The Neighborhood JANUARY 2006 TEACHER’S WORKSHOP It was a war for empire. It was a precursor to the American Revolution. It was The War That Made America with narration by Graham Greene If you’re a teacher we’d like to invite you to a premier screening of this extraordinary series, followed by a discussion with Robert L. Emerson, Executive Director of Old Fort Niagara and member of the New York State French and Indian War 250th Anniversary Commemoration Commission. Sat., Jan. 7, 2006 from 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. WXXI Studios: 280 State St., Rochester, NY 14614 Screening/Discussion/Workshop hosted by the Rochester Area Council for Social Studies and WXXI. The War That Made America is a production of WQED Multimedia, in collaboration with French and Indian War 250, in commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the French and Indian War. Funders: National Endowment for the Humanities The session is free, but seating is limited. RSVP to Shelley Figueroa at sfi[email protected] or call (585) 258-0278 by January 4, 2006. Professional Development certificates will be available. Featuring: • A lecture/discussion by Robert L. Emerson, Executive Director of Old Fort Niagara. • A “sneak peek” at the PBS documentary The War That Made America airing January 18 and January 25 from 9-11 p.m. on WXXI TV 21 (cable channel 11). • Old Fort Niagara video clips – Workshop & materials • Continental breakfast • Lunch ROCHESTER AREA COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL STUDIES 7 In The Neighborhood “Butterball turkeys... $0.19 a pound, bananas... $0.75 a pound, 12-pack of Diet Coke.... 2 for $6, Liquid Tide... $3.99,” announces Reachout Radio volunteer reader Peggy Weston Byrd during her weekly broadcast of the grocery ads, which is heard on WXXI Reachout Radio -- a closed-circuit 24-hour radio reading service for people who are print-handicapped. Byrd has been a volunteer reader at Reachout Radio for the past eight years and has been reading the grocery ads since she started. “Other than the Democrat and Chronicle, the grocery ads are the most listened to program on our air - and the one program we get the most response to,” explains Ruth Phinney, WXXI Reachout Radio Program Director. “We broadcast Peggy’s grocery ads program three times a week to give our listeners lots of chances to get the information. Many listeners record the program so they can go back and make their grocery lists. It’s a really important service to them.” A Vital Nutrient for Reachout Radio By Alexandra Touhey The popularity of the grocery ads can be attributed to Byrd’s warm and bubbly delivery. She reads the ads with a bit of commentary to keep the hour-long program interesting. “If people can use the service, are happy with it, and I get the information across,” says Byrd, “that’s the best part. That’s what keeps me coming back.” ! It’s not what you say, It’s HOW you say it Expressing your message effectively is important for promoting your business. A Corporate Partnership with WXXI can help. Become a partner today! To find out more, contact Robin Stone Assistant VP of Sales and Marketing, (585) 258-0221 • [email protected] For the last 21 years, Reachout Radio has provided a reading service for people who are print-handicapped. Eligible individuals include those with visual impairment or blindness, those who have a physical disability, which prohibits the holding of printed material, or one with a learning disability such as dyslexia. Volunteers are the true lifeblood of the service, and Byrd is one of 100 volunteer readers who provide daily readings of local and national newspapers, and special programs geared toward this unique audience. As a retired schoolteacher for the Rochester City School District, Byrd now devotes her time to volunteering for several organizations. At Reachout Radio, Byrd’s volunteer experience has taught her a great deal about radio, and she credits her success to the technicians that help her show run smoothly. She is also on the Steering Committee for her neighborhood association in Brighton, and involved in Heartbeats for Life, a group geared toward preventing heart disease. Reachout Radio is one of more than 120 radio-reading services available through the United States that are members of the International Association of Audio Information Services (IAAIS). This story was written by Alexandra Touhey, a senior at SUNY Geneseo who interned at WXXI in Creative Services. In The Neighborhood JANUARY 2006 Pictured: NewsHour’s Ray Suarez with WXXI’s Associate of the Year Dick Eisenhart. Credit:Ken A. Huth As a proud sponsor of WXXI programming for more than 15 years, we have found the experience to be a great benefit to us — not only because it brings quality clients to us but because it also allows us to give back to the community in the form of supporting public broadcasting. —Doug Hawn, President, Hawn Heating and Air Conditioning Founded in 1931 by Allen D. Hawn, Hawn Heating and Air Conditioning is a full-service provider of heating, air conditioning service and equipment. While specializing in Carrier brand furnaces and air conditioners as a factory authorized dealer, Hawn services all makes and models of residential equipment. In addition to their duct cleaning and gas fireplace division, Hawn also offers water heater replacement service. Hawn is Upstate New York’s only authorized Unico high-velocity/mini duct air conditioning dealer. They also carry Dunkirk and Weil McLain brand boilers as well as Regency and Napoleon gas fireplaces and fireplace inserts. Hawn Heating and Air Conditioning has an annual schedule on WXXI radio and has also been involved with past WXXI Auctions. Doug Hawn, President and grandson of the founder, explains their longtime partnership with WXXI: “As a proud sponsor of WXXI programming for more than 15 years, we have found the experience to be a great benefit to us -- not only because it brings quality clients to us but because it also allows us to give back to the community in the form of supporting public broadcasting. We often hear words of thanks from our clients for supporting WXXI.” Visit Hawn’s beautiful new showroom on North Winton Road (near Blossom) full of working display models of furnaces, boilers, air conditioners and indoor air quality products (high efficiency air cleaners and humidifiers). WXXI Names Dick Eisenhart “Associate” of the Year Dick Eisenhart, a supporter of WXXI for more than 30 years, was presented with the 2005 Associate of the Year Award at the Associates Society dinner held at Locust Hill Country Club on Saturday, November 12. More than 200 WXXI supporters attended the annual event with special guest speaker Ray Suarez, Washington-based senior correspondent for the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. The Associate Award, which was established in 1987, recognizes those individuals who have made significant contributions in support of the station, its broadcasts and operations. “Dick has been a very strong advocate for WXXI, a tireless champion and a trusted advisor,” said Norm Silverstein, WXXI president and CEO. “He and his wife Ginnie were also lead givers to WXXI’s 21/21 Vision Campaign for the digital future.” Mr. Eisenhart also helped WXXI launch a lecture series at The Highlands at Pittsford, bringing a variety of issues to a supportive segment of the community for lively discussion. To commemorate the 2005 Associate of the Year, a magnolia tree has been planted at Highland Park in honor of Mr. Eisenhart’s dedication to WXXI. Mr. Eisenhart’s name has also been inscribed on WXXI’s Associate of the Year plaque which includes the names of other WXXI friends including B. Thomas Golisano, George M. Ewing, Sr. and Ed Saphar. The plaque hangs outside WXXI’s studio. “WXXI is the best place to learn,” said Mr. Eisenhart. “The commercial stations give you very little in the way of programming, maybe 20 minutes in a half-hour because of the necessity to run so many commercials. We have the quality that we have on WXXI because of member support. I would urge everyone to be a supporter of WXXI!” Mr. Eisenhart spent two decades at Bausch and Lomb and then went on to run his own manufacturing representative business into the late ‘80s. His many community contributions include being Chair Emeritus of the Board of Directors at Rochester Institute of Technology, where he has been a trustee since 1972. He is also a longtime supporter of Hillside Children’s Center and a lifelong member of the Third Presbyterian Church. 9 In The Neighborhood of L to R: VP ne an Je io Rad ner Fisher, win ey n rt Cou McKenzieFM Moore and tor ec ir Music D as er u ig F a Juli And, the Really Rochester Winner is… In November, Classical 91.5/90.3 celebrated American Music Month with a week of programming devoted to the composers, conductors and performers of Rochester. From Howard Hanson and Mitch Miller, to William Warfield and Renée Fleming, WXXI celebrated the world-class talent of our city’s own musicians. To complete the celebration WXXI hosted a Really Rochester Gift Basket drawing. Courtney McKenzie-Moore from Mt. Morris was that lucky listener who won the basket, which included a pair of tickets for a ride aboard the Sam Patch Packet Boat, a pass for 10 visits to the George Eastman House, a pair of tickets for Downstairs Cabaret Theater, a $50 gift certificate for two to dine at the Crystal Barn and more. “I can’t believe I won,” she said upon being presented with the basket from Jeanne Fisher, WXXI’s vice president of radio and Julia Figueras, WXXI’s FM host and music director. “I never win anything.” McKenzie-Moore is a big classical music fan and loves Classical 91.5/90.3. When asked what she loves about Rochester she explains, “Rochester has a small town family atmosphere with a great downtown city life.” JANUARY MemberCard Plus Benefit Rochester Americans Hockey Club Anytime for 2-for-1 admission during the month, subject to availability and some restrictions apply. For details call (585) 4545335. Meet WXXI’s New Board of Trustee Officers David Mack, Chair David Mack is Senior Vice President for Corporate Relations of Lifetime Healthcare Companies, the parent company of BlueCross BlueShield health plans based in Rochester, Syracuse and Utica. Prior to being elected chair of WXXI’s board, Mr. Mack served as vice chair. Sergio Esteban, Vice Chair Sergio Esteban is President of LaBella Associates, a Top 100 Rochester firm providing architecture, environmental and engineering services. Diana Kurty, Treasurer Diana Kurty is President of Madison Consulting Group, a financial consulting company catering to both small and large organizations. Prior to her consulting work, Diana was the Vice President of Finance for Sutherland Global Services. Steven Swartout, Secretary Steven Swartout is Senior Vice President and General Counsel of the Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Company. JANUARY 2006 Television Listings JANUARY PRIMETIME AT - A - GLANCE 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:00p.m. 1 Sun. Great Performances “From Vienna: New Year’s Celebration 2 Mon. Ant. Rdshw “Roadshow’s Greatest Finds” 9:30p.m. 10:00p.m. 10:30p.m. My Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet with Baz Luhrman American Experience “Reagan” Part 2 of 2 3 Tues. NOVA “The Mummy Who Would be King” 21st Century X Planes Frontline “Is Wal-Mart Good for America” 4 Wed. Walking the Bible Part 1 of 3 Yesterday 5 Thurs. The “This Old House” Hour Thursday Mysteries “The Planman” Parts 1 and 2 of 2 6 Fri. Washington Week NOW Need to Know McLaughlin Group Independent Lens “Sheriff” 7 Sat. …Summer Wine My Family On the Up As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers 8 Sun. Nature “Life in Death Valley” 9 Mon. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” Part 1 of 3 Masterpiece Theatre “Henry VIII Part 1 Red Green WXXI at the Movies Frontline “Country Boys” Part 1 of 3 10 Tues. NOVAscienceNow Frontline “Country Boys” Part 2 of 3 11 Wed. Walking the Bible Frontline “Country Boys” Part 3 of 3 12 Thurs. The “This Old House Hour” Raising Cain 13 Fri. Washington Week NOW Need to Know McLaughlin Group 3 Feet Under: Digging… for the Geoduck 14 Sat. …Summer Wine My Family On the Up As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers 15 Sun. Nature “The Polar Bears of Churchill…” Masterpiece Theatre “King Henry VIII” Part 2 of 2 16 Mon. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” Part 2 of 3 American Experience “Eleanor Roosevelt” Red Green WXXI at the Movies 17 Tues. NOVA “Denali” The Collector of Bedford Street” 18 Wed. Walking the Bible Part 3 of 3 The War That Made America “A Country Between/Unlikely Allies” Parts 1 and 2 of 4 Frontline “Private Warriors” 19 Thurs. The “This Old House” Hour Thursday Mysteries Part 1 of 3 Jim Croce 20 Fri. Washington Week NOW Need to Know McLaughlin Group Independent Lens “Girl Trouble” 21 Sat. …Summer Wine My Family On the Up As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers 22 Sun. Nature “Oceans in Glass… Masterpiece Theatre “Bleak House” Part 1 of 6 23 Mon. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” Part 3 of 3 American Experience “John and Abigail Adams” Red Green 24 Tues. Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Cathedral Part 1 of 5 Frontline/World “Saddam’s Road to Hell” 25 Wed. National Geo. Special “The New Royals” The War that Made America “Turning the Tide/Unintended Consequences” 26 Thurs. The “This Old House Hour” Thursday Mysteries Part 2 of 3 Telling the Truth: The Best in Broadcast… 27 Fri. Washington Week NOW Need to Know McLaughlin Group Independent Lens “Maid in America” 28 Sat. …Summer Wine My Family On the Up As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers 29 Sun. Nature “Underdogs” 30 Mon. Antiques Roadshow “Houston” Part 1 of 3 Am. Experience “The Nuremberg Trial” Red Green Master. Theatre “Bleak House” Part 2 of 6 The Six Wives of Henry VIII Part 1 of 4 31. Tues. Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Canteen Spirit Cathedral Part 2 of 5 Frontline “The Meth Epidemic” PROGRAM LISTINGS SYMBOLS D))) Descriptive Video Service ➥ To Be Repeated SAP Secondary Audio Program � R Simulcast Program Program Previously Aired WXXI Production (T) HD Telecourse High Definition * Please note that all programs are subject to change. For up-to-date program listings, please log onto For a complete WXXI Digital Television schedule, visit and click on DTV Schedules. 11 MONDAY–FRIDAY DAYTIME 5:00a GED Connection (Mon.) TV411 (Tues.) Another Page (Wed.) On Common Ground (Thurs) Connect with English (Fri.) 5:30 Workplace Essential Skills (Mon.) Learn To Read (Tues.) GED Connection (Wed.) Crossroads Café (Thurs.) TBA (Fri.) 6:00 Reading Rainbow (Mon. – Wed.) S* CC Assignment: The World (Thurs-Fri). 6:15 Mathworks (Thurs. – Fri) 6:30 Between the Lions *S* CC D))) 7:00 Arthur *S* CC D))) 7:30 Postcards from Buster *S* CC D))) 8:00 Clifford the Big Red Dog *S* CC D))) 8:30 It’s a Big, Big World *S* CC D))) 9:00 Dragon Tales *S* CC D))) 9:30 Clifford’s Puppy Days *S* CC D))) 10:00 Sesame Street *S* CC D))) 11:00 Caillou *S* CC D))) 11:30 Barney & Friends *S* CC D))) Noon Teletubbies *S* CC 12:30p Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood *S* CC D))) 1:00 Boohbah *S* CC D))) State of the State Address (Jan 4) 1:30 Berenstain Bears *S* CC D))) 2:00 Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks *S* CC D))) 2:30 Between the Lions *S* CC D))) 3:00 It’s a Big, Big World *S* CC D))) 3:30 Cyberchase *S* CC D))) 4:00 Arthur *S* CC D))) 4:30 Maya and Miguel *S* CC D))) 5:00 Postcards from Buster*S* CC D))) 5:30 Homework Hotline (Mon. – Thurs.) Reading Rainbow (Mon. Jan 2 and Fri.) *S* CC 6:00 BBC World News *S* CC 6:30 Nightly Business Report CC 7:00 NewsHour with Jim Lehrer CC HD HIGHLIGHTS For a complete program schedule for WXXI-HD, WXXI-Q, WXXI-Create and WXXI-DT visit and click on the DTV Schedules button in the lower right corner of your computer screen. Below are a few HD program highlights for January. Newport Jazz Festival 2005 Airs 1/1 and 1/7 at 7 p.m. and 1/2 and 1/6 at 8 p.m. Newport Jazz Festival 2005 features highlights of performances from the world’s longest-running jazz festival. Taped August 13-14 at Newport, Rhode Island’s historic Fort Adams State Park, Newport Jazz Festival 2005 captures the sights as well as the sounds of the 51st anniversary edition of the festival. With its focus on the music, cut with scenes of the audience, food, vendors, and backstage shots, this year’s special provides a real sense of the festival atmosphere. It’s a Big Big World Airs weekdays at 8:30 a.m. beginning 1/2 It’s a Big Big World is an innovative new preschool science series that will offer parents and kids new ways to think and talk about the world. Produced in “Shadowmation,” a patented technique combining puppet animatronics with computer generated animation, the television series will feature a diverse group of animal characters brought to vibrant life in a lush jungle setting. NOVA: Decent Into the Ice Airs 1/25 at 11 a.m. In 1892 a hidden lake trapped inside a glacier on the French side of Mont Blanc suddenly burst and inundated the populated valley below in the greatest natural disaster ever recorded in the Alps. No one knows if a similar cataclysm is now imminent. NOVA ventures deep inside the glacier itself to find out and explores a uniquely beautiful and dangerous environment with a new breed of explorer known as the “glacionaut.” KENT-OLOGY 101 WXXI’s VP of Technology Operations Kent Hatfield answers digital questions. Q:Will I get ghost images on my HDTV? A:Many times signal quality is not perfect when watching regular analog television, which gives you what are called ‘ghost images’. A ghost image is when you see two of the same person next to each other, as if there is a ghost of that person next to himself. With a digital signal you will always get a perfect image as long as the TV is receiving a quality signal. This means no more fuzz, no more snow and no more ghosts. Television the way it was meant to be watched! Television Listings JANUARY 2006 SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 8:00p 2:30 4:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:30 11:00 1:00a 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly House with a History To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto (R) Great Performances “Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella” This 1957 production stars Julie Andrews, and features a cast that includes Kaye Ballard, Alice Ghostley and Edie Adams. Julie Andrews hosts. (R) Great Performances “From Vienna: The New Year’s Celebration 2006” Walter Cronkite hosts the annual New Year’s Day celebration from Vienna’s Musikverein. Guest conductor Mariss Jansons leads the Vienna Philharmonic in a selection of Strauss family waltzes and polkas, and a 250th birthday tribute to Mozart. Live from Lincoln Center “New York Philharmonic New Year’s Eve Gala Concert” The New York Philharmonic presents its annual New Year’s Eve gala with a festive program of Italian opera featuring renowned soprano Angela Gheorghiu. BBC World News When Life was Young During the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s LIFE Magazine was America’s window on the world, capturing the visual drama of humankind’s triumphs and troubles. This special features the reminiscences of four staff photographers– Loomis Dean, Wayne Miller, Jon Brenneis and Joe Munroe– who together completed nearly 1,500 assignments for LIFE. Globe Trekker “Western Canada” (R) Great Performances “From Vienna: The New Year’s Celebration 2006” (R) My Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet with Baz Luhrman Twenty non-actors from Harlesden, a predominantly Afro-Caribbean area of London, stage a production of Romeo and Juliet at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. The raw experiences of the novice actors revitalizes the ancient classic, and the enduring message of the play has strikingly unexpected resonance with the cast. WXXI at the Movies “Grand Illusion” This is director Renoir’s classic treatise on war, focusing on French prisoners during WW I. Erich Von Stroheim, Marcel Dalio, and Jean Gabin star. The Whole Child Changing Schools: A “Think Tank” Special What’s Up in Factories What’s Up in the Environment What’s Up with Technology Making Civics Real 9:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 3:30 Antiques Roadshow “Roadshow’s Greatest Finds” (R) (➥ 1/7 @ 6p and1/8 @ 1a) American Experience “Reagan” In 1989, Ronald Reagan left the White House as one of the most popular Presidents of the 20th century – and one of the most controversial. Part 2 of 2 (R) D))) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show French in Action Destinos (T) Chemistry Connections Biology of TUESDAY 3 8:00p NOVA “The Mummy Who would be King” Could a shriveled mummy that has lain neglected on a dusty shelf in a museum in Niagara Falls be none other than the remains of a long-lost Egyptian pharaoh. A trail of clues hints at how the looted mummy may have made its way here over a century ago. NOVA attempts to solve this bizarre 3,000 year-old mystery with the latest imaging and DNA techniques, unearthing compelling evidence that the mummy may be that of Rameses I the founder of Egypt’s most illustrious dynasty. (➥ 1/7 @ 4p and 1/8 @ 2a) D))) 9:00 21st Century X Planes This program chronicles the development of unmanned aviation technology, focusing on current trends and developments which may transform the nature of warfare. (R) 10:00 Frontline “Is Wal-Mart Good for America?” Frontline explores the relationship between U. S. job losses and the American consumer’s insatiable desire for bargains. Hedrick Smith examines the Wal-Mart way of doing business and asks whether a single retail giant has changed the American economy. (R) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Merrow Report 2:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 3:00 Pharmacists: Unsung Heroes 4:00 Hands On: Crafts for Kids 4:30 Great Museums “ Colorado History Museum” (R) WEDNESDAY 4 8:00p Walking the Bible “Go Forth: From Creation to Abraham” It is in Jerusalem where author Bruce Feiler begins his epic 10,000-mile journey to explore the stories of the Bible in the settings where they occurred. Along with archaeologist Avner Goren, Feiler travels to the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates– the Garden of Eden. They climb Mt. Ararat, go to the ancient ruins of Harran, and finish this part of the journey back in Jerusalem at the sacred Temple Mount. Part 1 of 3 HD D))) 13 9:00 Yesterday “Yesterday,” the first film shot in the Zulu language, stars Leleti Khumalo as Yesterday, a 30year-old mother who lives in a remote village in South Africa’s Zululand. Her life isn’t easy – there is little money, no modern conveniences and her husband is working as a miner in Johannesburg – but she takes great pride in her seven-year old daughter, Beauty. The precarious balance of her life is threatened when she is diagnosed with AIDS. Yesterday, who never had a chance to go to school, sets her sights on a single goal – to be with her daughter Beauty on her first day of school. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00a Success by 6 2:00 World of Art (T) 3:00 Fokus Deutsch 4:30 American History for Middle Schools THURSDAY 5 8:00 9:00 The “This Old House” Hour Thursday Mysteries “The Planman” John Lennox (Robbie Coltrane) is The Planman – a flamboyant, quick-witted and successful lawyer with a dark side. He is irritated by the stupidity of the criminal he defends, and believes that committing the perfect crime depends on the planning. When he is handed the perfect opportunity to prove is point, he does so, and more. Parts 1 and 2 of 2 (R) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Off air for Maintenance in Television Listings FRIDAY 6 8:00p 8:30 9:00 Washington Week (➥ 1/7 @ 1a and 3a) NOW (➥ 1/7 @ 1:30a and 3:30a) Need to Know Log onto (➥ 1/8 @ 12:30p) 9:30 McLaughlin Group 10:00 Independent Lens “Sheriff” With the help of God, guns and hundreds of blood relatives that populate his jurisdiction, Sheriff Ronald E. Hewett oversees Brunswick County, North Carolina – a rural region fraught with murder, robbery and the occasional theft of ceramic lawn ornaments. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Washington Week (R) 1:30 NOW (R) 2:00 Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria 2:30 McLaughlin Group (R) 3:00 Washington Week (R) 3:30 NOW (R) 4:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 5:00 You Must Remember This (R) 6:00 GED Connection 6:30 Chateau on the Hill SATURDAY 7 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 test Innovation a L in s e d it’ ed e g th It’s caWllorld,” aonol sciencways Ch ild in ew ig sch ig B ew pre d kids n roduced ning B a i “It’s vative n rents an orld. P e comb nimaof s pa nno he w niqu ed a an i at offer about t ed tech generat group gle h n e t t ju s rs alk en ter serie k and t ” a pat compu a dive a lush show’s s n h i e e s in ation, t r i h h e t u t lif d at , thi sw to owm onic eries fe vibrant mals an distance and r d t a a “Sh t anim ision s ght to he ani m a anches ife l t r ro v u pe pup the tele ters bro ome to hole. F full of b exity of ith l h w c w , p , tion al chara Tree is ld as a ous tree al com eming ent e r r d re anim g, Worl the wo y enorm er, the itself. T he diffe els, t s l r n n v i o a o a f e t l f e l t o c e v e s s e dles r all phor st lik ewed to r meta looks ju hen vi begins erfect fo ingly en iting w tree s, but ld Tree bitats p as seem nies wa h e leav he Wor and ha here, it nd cran . in t houses at live t nooks a covered dis tree als th lots of to be anim and ren levision ’s Te Intr odu c Sesame Street Caillou Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Hometime “High-end Home Tour” (R) This Old House Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “ Highboy” Part 1 of 2 (R) “It’s a Big Big World” airs weekdays at 8:30 a.m. & 3 p.m. beginning January 2 Television Listings 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:30 Ciao Italia “Easy Meals for Guests” Lidia’s Family Table “Trittico of Pasta” (R) Victory Garden D))) Garden Smart Visit with a Bonsai expert who takes the mystery out of this ancient craft. NEW SERIES Simply Ming “Butter Poaching Techniques” America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated “Texas Rib House” Jacques Pepin: Fast Food My Way “International Accents” (R) Second Opinion “Colon Cancer” Did you know that colon cancer can be detected early through screening? But which screening techniques work? When should you start being screened and how often should it be done? Can what you eat affect your chances of developing colon cancer? Second Opinion answers these questions and more. Rick Steves’ Europe Classics “West Turkey” NOVA “The Mummy who would be King” (R) Wild Chronicles A daring photographer seeks out close-encounters with Alaskan grizzly bears. Wolf trackers get an intimate look into the lives of Yellowstone’s top predators. Find! (R) Antiques Roadshow “Roadshow’s Greatest Finds” (R) Lawrence Welk Show “Big Bands” Last of the Summer Wine “Bushes at Dawn” Foggy and Clegg help Compo when he discovers Nora with another man and resolves to challenge his rival to a duel. My Family “The Serpent’s Tooth” Ben, a dentist, is upset when he learns that his wife and daughter have seen another dentist. NEW SERIES On the Up The staff feels threatened by the return of Ruth and Mum. Will Maggie resign her position? As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers “A Touch of Class” Basil Fawlty wants to improve the class of clientele at Fawlty Towers. A CLASSIC RETURNS Red Green BBC World News Are You Being Served? Austin City Limits “Coldplay” (R) Antiques Roadshow (R) NOVA “The Mummy who would be King” (R) D))) Nature “Ravens” (R) Faces of Culture (T) Destinos (T) Baby Animals and their Fuzzy Friends SUNDAY 8 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 JANUARY 2006 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks 10:30 11:00 11:30 Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria NEW SERIES Noon To the Contrary 12:30p Need to Know Log onto (R) 1:00 Keeping Kids Healthy “Triumph of the Spirit: Conquering Spinal Cord Injury 1:30 Second Opinion “Colon Cancer” (R) 2:00 Everyday Food “Cold Weather Favorites” NEW SEASON 2:30 Sewing with Nancy “Sew with Confidence” Part 2 of 3 3:00 Inside Albany NEW TIME 3:30 Motorweek Cadillac DTS/ Range Rover Sport 4:00 Community Rochester “Lead: The Invisible Monster” (R) Part 2 Lead poisoning is a serious threat to the community. What can landlords, homeowners and tenants do to help address the issues associated with this pervasive problem? 4:30 Community Rochester “Lead: The Invisible Monster” Part 3 5:00 This Old House (R) 5:30 This Old House (R) 6:00 BBC World News 6:30 New York Week in Review 7:00 Globe Trekker “Mexico City” (R) 8:00 Nature “Life in Death Valley” It is a visual wonderland, where imposing mountains rise almost two vertical miles above sprawling salt flats, and canyons are painted in shades of blue, pink, violet and green. This is Death Valley – one of the most inhospitable places on earth. Here, temperatures spike into the 130s, the earth cracks like broken clay, and when the hot wind blows, all anyone can taste is dust and salt. Ironically it is water that has shaped this super-arid home of true survivors. 9:00 Masterpiece Theatre “Henry VIII” Ray Winstone stars as Henry VIII, 16th century England’s cruel and colorful monarch who married six times, founded a new church and presided over a bloodbath – all in pursuit of a male heir. Part 1 of 2 (R) D))) 10:30 WXXI at the Movies “Our Daily Bread” King Vidor directed this bold, back-to-the soil drama about communal living. Karen Morley and Tom Keene star. (1934) 11:45 WXXI at the Movies “Becky Sharp” Miriam Hopkins, Frances Dee and Cedric Hardwicke star in the witty adaptation of Thackeray’s Vanity Fair. (1935) 1:00a The Whole Child 1:30 Misunderstood Minds 3:00 House of Freedom, Tower of Dreams 4:00 Making Civics Real MONDAY 9 8:00p 9:00 Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” NEW SEASON (➥ 1/14 @ 6p and 1/15 @ 1a) Frontline “Country Boys” See page 15 for descrip- 15 11:00 11:30 12:30a 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 tion. Part 1 of 3 BBC World News Charlie Rose Show Tavis Smiley French in Action Destinos (T) Biology of Homeland: Four Portraits of Native Action TUESDAY 10 8:00p NOVAscienceNOW Robert Krulwich hosts this science magazine which brings to life the hows and whys behind the headlines, providing viewers with a ringside seat for the technological revolution. HD D))) 9:00 Frontline “Country Boys” See below for description. Part 2 of 3 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Merrow Report 2:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 3:00 Iroquois 4:00 Hands on: Crafts for Kids 4:30 Great Museums “ The Delta Blues Museum” (R) WEDNESDAY 11 8:00p Walking the Bible “A Coat of Many Colors: The Israelites in Egypt” Bruce Feiler continues his journey Meet Cody Chris & They are two teenaged boys coming of age in eastern Kentucky’s Appalachian hills. In Frontline’s Country Boys filmmaker David Sutherland tracks the dramatic stories of Chris and Cody from ages 15 to 18. The three-part series shows the boys’ struggles to overcome the poverty and family dysfunction of their childhood in a quest for a brighter future and offers unexpected insights into a forgotten corner of rural America that is at once isolated and connected, a landscape dotted with roughshod trailer homes and wired with DSL. Frontline: Country Boys airs Monday, January 9 – Wednesday, January 11 at 9 p.m. Television Listings by retracing Joseph’s path to Egypt. His travels take him from Luxor to Thebes to the pyramid and sphinx of Giza to the royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings. He follows the story of Moses and his eventual confrontation with the Pharaoh. Part 2 of 3 HD D))) 9:00 Frontline “Country Boys” See below for description. Part 3 of 3 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 National Geography Bee 2005 2:00 World of Art 3:00 Fokus Deutsch 4:30 American History for Middle Schools THURSDAY 12 8:00p 9:00 11:00 11:30 12:30a 1:00 3:00 The “This Old House” Hour Raising Cain See below for description. BBC World News Charlie Rose Show Tavis Smiley Child Development (T) Peaceful Solutions FRIDAY 13 8:00p 8:30 9:00 Washington Week (➥ 1/14 @ 1a and 3a) NOW (➥ 1/14 @ 1:30a and 3:30a) Need to Know Log onto (➥ 1/15@ 12:30p) Raising Cain America’s boys are in trouble. From the public school system to the absence of strong male role models, boys face a number of obstacles. But what can be done to keep them from growing into men who are stoic, silent and explosive, more prone to anger than to empathy? Host child psychologist Michael Thompson, Ph.D., co-author of the best-selling book Raising Cain, consults with some of America’s most respected psychologists, social activists, researchers and educators to probe the issues facing young males. The documentary provides surprising new research about boys’ inner workings, dispelling a number of commonly held misconceptions and highlighting innovative programs that are bringing out the best in America’s boys. Raising Cain airs Thursday, January 12 at 9 p.m. Television Listings JANUARY 2006 9:30 10:00 McLaughlin Group (➥ 1 /14 @ 2:30a) 3 Feet Under: Digging Deep for the Geoduck Clam Jack, a Seattle resident, provides insights into the story of the King of Clams, and devotees of the geoduck sing songs and trade folklore about these huge burrowing bivalves. (R) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a The Tavis Smiley Show 1:00 Washington Week (R) 1:30 NOW (R) 2:00 Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria 2:30 McLaughlin Group (R) 3:00 Washington Week (R) 3:30 NOW (R) 4:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 5:00 Flight to Freedom 6:00 Crucible of Freedom 6:30 Out of the Fire SATURDAY 14 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 Sesame Street Caillou Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Hometime “Furnishing an Apartment” (R) This Old House Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “Highboy” Part 2 of 2 (R) Ciao Italia “Homemade Pizza” (R) Lidia’s Family Table NEW SEASON Victory Garden D))) Garden Smart Simply Ming “Preserved Lemons” America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated “Soup for Supper” (R) Jacques Pepin: Fast Food My Way “Lusciously Light” (R) Second Opinion “Skin Cancer” We all get age spots, bumps and “beauty marks” as we age, right? Second Opinion goes more than skin deep, taking a look at skin cancer. Non-melanoma skin cancer is the most common malignancy in humans, and the incidences of melanoma are rising faster than those of any other cancer. (➥ 1 /15@ 1:30p) Rick Steves’ Europe Classics “Western Turkey” NOVAscienceNOW (R) Wild Chronicles Scientists investigate the mysterious source of the deadly Eboli virus affecting a band of wild gorillas in central Africa. Find! (R) Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) Lawrence Welk Show “Time Was” Last of the Summer Wine “A Clean Sweep” When a sweep, wearing a chimney, threatens to throw himself off a bridge, Compo, Clegg and Foggy rush to help. My Family “A Pain in the Class” Janey wants a tattoo, and Michael is being bullied by a classmate. 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 Nick decides he is going to be a dot com millionaire. On the Up Tony learns that another car-hire firm is under-cutting his prices. A council of war with his staff comes up with a solution – he needs to plant a mole in the enemy camp. As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers “The Builders” Sybil has chosen a professional firm to do the alterations to the hotel. But Basil decides his friend can do a better job. Red Green Show BBC World News Are You Being Served? Austin City Limits “Blues Traveler/Café Tacuba” Blues Traveler has a unique sound highlighted by extended jams, harmonica hooks and John Popper’s distinctive voice. Café Tacuba has an international fan base through the use of innovative experimentation. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) NOVAscienceNOW (R) D))) Nature “Life in Death Valley” (R) D))) Faces of Culture (T) SUNDAY 15 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto (R) Keeping Kids Healthy “Triumph of the Spirit: A Child’s Journey Through Paralysis” Second Opinion “Skin Cancer” (R) Everyday Food “Pizza Party” Sewing with Nancy “Sew with Confidence” Part 3 of 3 Inside Albany Motorweek Mercury Milan/Lexus IS350 Community Rochester “The Troup Howell Bridge: Gateway Arches Rising in Rochester” When it is completed, the Troup Howell Bridge will be the widest three-member arch bridge in the country. Learn about the partnerships, history, community collaboration and innovative techniques that will transform one of the region’s busiest expressways into a landmark gateway. Parts1and 2 of 2 This Old House (R) This Old House (R) BBC World News New York Week in Review Globe Trekker “Egypt” (R) D))) Nature “The Polar Bears of Churchill with Ewan McGregor” Ewan McGregor heads to the remote town of Churchill in northern Canada, the polar bear capital 17 9:00 10:29 11:40 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 of the world, to get a close look at the world’s largest carnivore. (R) D))) Masterpiece Theatre “Henry VIII” (R) Part 2 of 2 D))) WXXI at the Movies “Mr. Moto’s Last Warning” Moto (Peter Lorre) battles a fine rogues’ gallery of villains as murderous saboteurs converge at the Suez Canal and do their best to get rid of the pesky sleuth. 1939 WXXI at the Movies “St. Benny the Dip” A trio of con artists disguise themselves as priests in order to evade the law. Dick Haymes, Nina Foche, Freddie Bartholomew. 1951 The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century Unless a Death Occurs A Doula Story Making Civics Real MONDAY 16 8:00p 9:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” Part 2 of 3 (➥ 1/21 @ 6p and 1/22 @ 1a) American Experience “Eleanor Roosevelt” She was the nation’s conscience, a tireless advocate for the disadvantaged, a woman who influenced American social policies for decades and who pushed through the first international charter on human rights. Eleanor Roosevelt survived a painful childhood and a difficult marriage to become one of the most admired women in America. (R) D))) BBC World News Charlie Rose Show French in Action Destinos (T) Biomes: Essential and Endangered TUESDAY 17 8:00 9:00 10:00 NOVA “Denali” Alaska’s Mt. McKinley, the highest and coldest mountain in North America, is also known by its Native-American name, Denali, “the high one.” For many years now, McKinley has claimed the lives of more climbers than any other peak. Some mountaineers die in accidents, but many die from a mysterious disease that seems to strike at extreme altitudes. A team of doctors, mountaineers and others try to solve the mystery of these deaths on Denali. D))) The Collector of Bedford Street This AcademyAward-nominated documentary follows Larry Selman, the filmmaker’s 60 year-old neighbor. Larry, who has developmental disabilities, is a community activist and fundraiser who raises thousands of dollars for charity every year while he lives at the poverty level. For more information on Dialogue on Disability, see page 5. Frontline “Private Warriors” Frontline returns to Iraq to take a hard look at private contractors who play an increasingly critical role in running U.S. military supply lines, providing armed protection and operating U.S. military basis. These “private warriors” are targeted by insurgents and, in turn, have been criticized for their Television Listings rough treatment of Iraqi civilians. This story illuminates the Pentagon’s new reliance on corporate outsourcing and raises tough questions about where they fit in the chain of command and the price we are paying for their role in the war. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 TBA 2:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 3:00 Iroquois 4:00 Hands on: Crafts for Kids 4:30 Great Museums “National D-Day Museum” (R) WEDNESDAY 18 8:00 Walking the Bible “Toward the Promised Land: Forty Years in the Desert” While crossing the Sinai Desert, Feiler discovers the secret of the tamarisk tree which produces a sweet substance called “manna.” He visits St., Catherine’s Monastery, the oldest operating church in the world, where the service is a powerful ritual, unchanged for 1,500 years. Feiler climbs Mt. Sinai and then travels to Petra in Jordan where the Israelites may have lived. Nearing the end of his journey, Feiler climbs Mt. Nebo where God showed Moses the Promised Land. HD D))) 9:00 The War that made America George Washington is a pivotal figure in the start of the French and Indian War, a conflict that pits England’s goals for empire in the New World against French interests. Washington becomes an aide to Gen. Edward Braddock, who is defeated by the French and their Indian allies. As the war moves to upstate New York, relationships among the factions grow increasingly tense, and the frontier grows more dangerous. Parts 1 and 2 of 4 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 TBA 2:00 World of Art (T) 3:00 Fokus Deutsch 4:30 Fort Niagara: The Struggle for a Continent THURSDAY 19 8:00p 9:00 The “This Old House” Hour Thursday Mysteries “Unsuitable Job for a Woman II” (R) 10:00 Jim Croce Thirty years after Jim Croce’s death, his songs continue be aired. This program features clips from Croce’s 1970s TV performances. (R) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Child Development (T) 3:00 The War that Made America JANUARY 2006 Television Listings FRIDAY 20 8:00p 8:30 9:00 Washington Week (➥ 1/21 @ 1a and 3a) NOW (➥ 1 /21 @ 1:30 and 3:30a) Need to Know Log onto (➥ 1/22 @ 12:30p) 9:30 McLaughlin Group (➥ 1 /21@ 2:30a) 10:00 Independent Lens “Girl Trouble” The stories of young women who were once part of the juvenile justice system – and are now running an organization for girls in trouble – reveal how badly the system is failing the fastest-growing prison population in America. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 Washington Week (R) 1:30 NOW (R) 2:00 Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria 2:30 McLaughlin Group (R) 3:00 Washington Week (R) 3:30 NOW (R) 4:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 5:00 A Doula Story 6:00 World of Abnormal Psychology (T) SATURDAY 21 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Sesame Street Caillou Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Hometime “Victoria Bathroom” This Old House Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “Kitchen Island”(R) Ciao Italia “Fish Antipasti” (R) Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 Lidia’s Family Table Victory Garden D))) Garden Smart Simply Ming “Smoked Salmon Mousse” America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated “Quick Pastas” (R) Jacques Pepin: Fast Food My Way “Kitchen Classics” (R) Second Opinion “Asthma” Asthma affects 14.9 million people in the U.S. and accounts for 1.5 million emergency room visit a year. Asthma related deaths have increased 50% since 1979. What is asthma and why has it reached epidemic proportions? Find the answers on Second Opinion.(➥ 1/22 @ 1:30p) Rick Steve’s Europe Classics “Istanbul” NOVA “Denali” (R) Wild Chronicles The “killer bees” of Brazil may determine the fate of an entire rain forest. National Geographic’s Crittercam dives beneath the waves with the blue whales to capture for the first time both video and sound of their underwater calls. Find! (R) Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) Lawrence Welk Show “A Pretty Girl” Last of the Summer Wine “The Mysterious C. W. Northrop” Smile falls in love with Ivy and sends her a note signed “C. W. Northrop.” My Family “Droit de Seigneur Ben” Ben fixes Janey up on a blind date which turns into near-disaster. Nick now wants to be an artist. On the Up Tony’s marriage hits another tricky patch. Tony’s mum leaves for home after having a talk with her daughter-in-law about “flouncing.” Tony meets the very attractive mother of one of his daughter’s friends. As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers “The Wedding” Basil occupies himself in a losing battle against moral turpitude. His Charles Dickens’ complex tale of young love, murder and the quest for a mystery-man’s identity unfolds in a sumptuous new six-part adaptation by celebrated screenwriter Andrew Davies. Masterpiece Theatre’s Bleak House stars Gillian Anderson, Charles Dance and other masters of Dickensian disguise. Bleak House features some of the most famous plot twists in literary history, including a case of human spontaneous combustion and an infamous inheritance dispute that is tied up for generations in the dysfunctional English courts, while lawyers consume the assets of the estate. Bleak House, an Epic Feast of Characters and Storylines Airs Sundays, January 22, 28, February 5, 12, 19, 26 at 9 p.m. 19 10:30 11:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 3:00 4:00 predicament is exacerbated by Manuel’s birthday celebrations. Red Green BBC World News Are You Being Served? Austin City Limits “Ryan Adams/Tift Meritt” Ryan Adams performs songs from his newest release, “Jacksonville City Nights.” Merritt creates music that features her intense and confessional lyrics. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) NOVA “Denali” Nature “The Polar Bears of Churchill with Ewan McGregor” Faces of Culture SUNDAY 22 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 11:00 Mid. 1:00a 2:00 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto (R) Keeping Kids Healthy “Get Your Kids to Eat Right” Second Opinion “Asthma” (R) Everyday Food “Great Chicken Dinners” Sewing with Nancy “Sew Clever Bags” Part 1 of 3 Inside Albany Motorweek Mazda MX-5 vs. Pontiac Solstice/ Chevrolet Corvette Z06 Community Rochester “University of Rochester Inaugural Symposium” (R) This Old House (R) This Old House (R) BBC World News New York Week in Review Globe Trekker “Beijing City Guide (R) Nature “Ocean in Glass: Behind the Scenes of the Monterey Bay Aquarium” Nature reveals the secrets of how the professionals keep the aquarium running. The program presents a number of fascinating features including a kelp forest, a “jelly farm,” and a pipe-cleaning pig. (➥ 1/29 @3a) HD D))) Masterpiece Theatre “Bleak House” See page 18 for description. Part 1of 6 D))) In the Life Newport Jazz Festival 2005 This year’s festival features Bela Fleck; Wynton Marsalis; jazz trio Medeski, Martin and Wood; drummer, composer T. S. Monk; the Dave Holland Quintet and saxophonist Joshua Redman. The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century Reading Rockets Television Listings 3:00 4:00 TBA TBA MONDAY 23 8:00p 9:00 Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” Part 3 of 3 American Experience “John and Abigail Adams” He was brilliant, argumentative, and sometimes irascible. She was a savvy observer of the tumultuous political scene, unafraid to speak her mind in an age when women were excluded from politics. They endured long separations and painful defeats, but John and Abigail Adams formed one of the greatest political partnerships in American history, and forged a marriage that sustained them for the whole of their lives. D))) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 French in Action 2:00 Destinos (T) 3:00 Biomes: Essential and Endangered 3:30 Misunderstood Minds TUESDAY 24 8:00p Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Presentation “Medieval Siege” This episode examines the trebuchet, a fearsome, gravity-powered catapult that flung stone missiles with great speed, accuracy and destructive power. It was the first largescale weapon, and it transformed medieval warfare. (R) (➥ 1/28 @ 4p and 1/29 @ 2a) D))) 9:00 Cathedral “Murder at Canterbury” Beneath the breathtaking beauty and engineering ingenuity of Britain’s cathedrals lie dramatic stories of riot, fire, war and even murder. Canterbury was the first Gothic cathedral built in England. Shortly after the most infamous murder of the time, that of Thomas Becket, took place here, a devastating fire destroyed the original church, and Canterbury was rebuilt as a shrine to the martyred archbishop. Part 1 of 5 10:00 Frontline/World “Saddam’s Road to Hell” Filmmaker Gwynn Roberts and a team of human rights activists set off on a journey across Iraq to find out what exactly happened to 8,000 Kurdish men and boys who went missing in the early years of Saddam’s rule. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 TBA 2:00 Teaching Multicultural Literature 3:00 Bridging World History 4:00 Hands on: Crafts for Kids 4:30 Great Museums “ The National Music Museum” (R) Television Listings JANUARY 2006 WEDNESDAY 25 8:00 National Geographic Special “The New Royals” Americans dismiss monarchy as a quaint and outdated institution, but some 28 monarchies still exist and most remain relevant to the people they rule. National Geographic travels the globe in search of the last kings and queens to learn why monarchy endures and to ponder its future. 9:00 The War That Made America “Turning the Tide/ Unintended Consequences” After three years of defeats, the tide turns and the British start to tighten the noose on the French forces. Washington is almost killed in a friendly fire incident. Then the British troops move into Canada and lay siege to the fort at Quebec. In the aftermath of British victory, tensions between England and the colonists escalate as the Stamp Act and the tax on tea are imposed. Washington once again puts on his uniform – this time to lead the Continental Army. Parts 3 and 4 of 4 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00a TBA 2:00 TBA 3:00 Fort Niagara: The Struggle for a Continent 3:30 Native American History THURSDAY 26 8:00p 9:00 The “This Old House” Hour Thursday Mysteries “An Unsuitable Job for a Woman II” Part 2 of 3 (R) 10:00 Telling the Truth: The Best in Broadcast Journalism ABC News Correspondent Michel Martin hosts the Alfred I. DuPont-Columbia University Awards. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 TBA 2:00 TBA 3:00 The War That Made America FRIDAY 27 8:00p 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 Washington Week (➥ 1/28@ 1a and 3a) NOW (➥ 1/28 @ 1:30a and 3:30a) Need to Know Log onto (➥ 1/29 @ 12:30p) McLaughlin Group (➥ 11/28 @ 2:30a) Independent Lens “Maid in America” Judith, Telma and Eva are among the thousands of Latina immigrants working as nannies and housekeepers in Los Angeles. The program reveals the challenges these women face as they leave family and friends to pursue the “American dream.” BBC World News Charlie Rose 12:30a 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 Tavis Smiley Washington Week (R) NOW (R) Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria McLaughlin Group (R) Washington Week (R) NOW (R) TBA SATURDAY 28 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 5:00 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Mid. 1:00a Sesame Street Caillou Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Hometime (R) This Old House Ask This Old House New Yankee Workshop “Carved Wooden Signs” (R) Ciao Italia “Fast Pizzas” Lidia’s Family Table Victory Garden NEW SEASON D))) Garden Smart Simply Ming “Shiso Oil” America’s Test Kitchen from Cook’s Illustrated “New Flavors for Old Grill Favorites” (R) Jacques Pepin: Fast Food My Way “Go Fish” (R) Second Opinion “Depression” (R) Rick Steve’s Europe Classics “Egypt” Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Presentation “Medieval Siege” (R) Wild Chronicles In Florida, towns struggle to maintain order when alligators are on the prowl. Crittercam travels to western Australia where it’s a race for survival between two species of sea turtle trying to out-swim hungry sharks. Find! (R) Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) Lawrence Welk Show “Salute to Sinatra” Last of the Summer Wine “A Double for Howard” Howard needs to teach his suspicious wife a lesson, so he looks for someone to be him and romance another woman. My Family “The Last Resort” Ben and Susan spend a weekend at a B&B to celebrate her turning 40– again. Nick is left in charge of his brother and sister. On the Up Despite Sam’s advice, Tony makes another date with Jane Webster. Mrs. Wembley is still match-making. As Time Goes By Fawlty Towers “Hotel Inspectors” A hotel inspector is at the hotel and Basil tries to decide which guest he is. Red Green BBC World News Are You Being Served? Austin City Limits “Widespread Panic” Widespread Panic toured the country for almost 20 years becoming one of the most popular “road warrior” bands. Antiques Roadshow “Tampa” (R) 21 2:00 3:00 4:00 Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Presentation “Medieval Siege” (R) D))) Nature “Oceans in Glass: Behind the Scenes at the Monterey Bay Aquarium” (R) D))) TBA SUNDAY 29 7:00a 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Noon 12:30p 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 1:00a 2:00 3:00 Sesame Street Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder Clifford the Big Red Dog Arthur Jakers! The Adventures of Piggley Winks Make Way for Noddy Religion & Ethics Newsweekly Foreign Exchange with Fareed Zakaria To the Contrary Need to Know Log onto (R) Keeping Kids Healthy “Bipolar Disorder in Children” Second Opinion “Depression” (R) Everyday Food “Cooking with Fruit” Sewing with Nancy “Sew Clever Bags” Part 2 of 3 Inside Albany Motorweek Detroit Auto Show Special Community Rochester “The Troup Howell Bridge: Gateway Arches Rising in Rochester” Part 1 of 2 (R) Community Rochester “Moshe Safdie: A Region’s Signature Project” (R) This Old House This Old House BBC World News New York Week in Review Globe Trekker “New Zealand” (R) Nature “Underdogs” In this reality-style program, a bearded collie, a Newfoundland and a bloodhound are selected from animal shelters and adoption centers. With the help of trainers, each dog will be taught to hone its skills as a working dog, and by the end of the film, each dog will have a new home. D))) Masterpiece Theatre “Bleak House” See page 18 for description. Part 2 of 6 D))) The Six Wives of Henry VIII This series takes a whole new look at the tumultuous personal relationships that define Henry VIII’s reign, presenting each wife’s story from her perspective. The women’s own words suggest that each of them was a knowing player in this high-stakes game, and that they were remarkably strong individuals who managed to show great dignity even when facing exile or death. (R) WXXI at the Movies “The Front Page” Adolphe Menjou and Pat O’Brien star as a battling editor and reporter. (1931) The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century Education News Parents Can Use TBA Television Listings MONDAY 30 8:00p 9:00 Antiques Roadshow “Houston” Part 1 of 3 American Experience “The Nuremberg Trial” On November 20, 1945, the 22 surviving representatives of the Nazi elite stood before an international military tribunal at the Palace of Justice in Nuremberg, charged with the systematic murder of millions of people. The ensuing trial pitted U.S. Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson against Hermann Goering, the former head of the Nazi air force. D))) 10:00 Canteen Spirit This is the story of the North Platte Canteen which opened at a railroad depot in North Platte, Nebraska. The volunteers offered food, friendship and unconditional love to the soldiers who passed through the doors. Veterans and canteen workers share their stories. D))) 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley 1:00 French in Action 2:00 Destinos (T) 3:00 Concepts in Nature TUESDAY 31 8:00p Secrets of Lost Empires, a NOVA Special Presentation “Roman Bath” Many of ancient Rome’s engineering innovations originated in one of its most important institutions– the bath. A vital site for leisure and social interaction, the public bathhouse incorporated intricate plumbing and heating systems, sophisticated vaulted ceilings and a revolutionary building material now known as concrete. NOVA sets out to recreate an authentic working Roman bath. (R) D))) 9:00 Cathedral “Redemption at Lincoln” When Lincoln’s original cathedral was destroyed by an earthquake in 1185, King Henry II believed it was a message from God, a warning to stop plundering the cathedral’s resources. In a bid to save his soul, Henry II appointed Hugh of Avalon, a French monk, as Lincoln’s bishop. This pious man created one of the most magnificent cathedrals in England, pitching the power of his faith against the tyranny of the King. Part 2 of 5 10:00 Frontline “The Meth Epidemic” Methamphetamine, which started as a fad among motorcycle gangs in the 1970s, has become big business, largely due to the efforts of two Mexican drug runners who smuggled ephedrine – which is used to make cold medicines - into California by the ton. Hundreds of illegal meth labs are now operating in the western U.S. and the effects are sweeping the nation, and meth abuse is on the rise. Frontline exposes the inherent conflict between the illegal drug trade and the legitimate cold remedy business. 11:00 BBC World News 11:30 Charlie Rose Show 12:30a Tavis Smiley JANUARY 2006 23 On the Mainstage at Geva Theatre Center By Morris Panych Directed by Mark Cuddy January 10 – February 5 A self-professed neurotic named Kemp quits his job at the bank to sit by his dying aunt’s bedside. But this is no movie of the week. With wicked humor, sly plot twists and surprising poignancy, two people find that neither one is what the other expected in this deliciously brilliant black comedy. Coming to The Nextstage Friday & Saturday January 27 - 28 @ 10:30 p.m. All tickets just $7! Geva . . . just imagine (585) 232-Geva (4382) • JANUARY 2006 FM Listings MONDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY 6:00a The Sunshine Show with Simon Pontin 7:00 SUNDAY Classical Music with John Andres The Sunshine Show with Simon Pontin 8:00 9:00 Salmagundy with Simon Pontin With Heart and Voice with Richard Gladwell 10:00 11:00 Classical Music with Julia Figueras Noon 1:00p Fascinatin’ Rhythm with Michael Lasser Classical Music with Marianne Carberry 2:00 3:00 Metropolitan Opera 4:00 Classical Music with Jack Ertle or Gerry Szymanski From the Top 6:00 8:00 Saint Paul Sunday Classical Music with Mordecai Lipshutz 5:00 7:00 Sunday Baroque Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin 9:00 Syndicated Orchestral Series (see listings for details) 10:00 Echoes (Fridays) until 12 a.m. 11:00 MID. 6:00a Classical Music from PRI A Prairie Home Companion Thistle & Shamrock Echoes Sound and Spirit Millennium of Music Pipedreams Music from the Hearts of Space Classical Music from PRI Music of the 21st Century with Chris Hickey Classical Music indicates a WXXI Production For a copy of the complete WJSL 90.3 schedule, log on to or call 585-258-0253 to request a schedule. SUNDAYS 12:00a New Year’s Eve Live from the Fitzgerald Theater with Garrison Keillor Continues 1/1 A three hour live broadcast with musical guests The Guy’s All Star Shoe Band, along with Andy Stein, Jearlyn Steele, Duke Heitger, Howard Levy, Butch Thompson, Prudence Johnson, and poet Billy Collins. 12:00p Saint Paul Sunday 1/1 James Galway, f; Phillip Moll, p 1/8 Joshua Bell, v; Frederic Chiu, p 1/15 The Brentano String Quartet 1/22 Dawn Upshaw, sop; Gil Kalish, p 3:00p New Year’s Day from Vienna 2006 1/1 The annual New Year’s broadcast from the Golden Hall of the Musikverein in Vienna of waltzes, polkas, and 3:00p 1/8 1/15 marches of the Strauss family performed by the Vienna Philharmonic under the baton of Mariss Jansons. The Global Maestro Coleridge-Taylor: Danse Nègre from African Suite (Chicago Sinfonietta) Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 20 (Derek Han, p; Philharmonia Orchestra) Holst: The Planets (Czech National Symphony Orchestra and Chorus) Matthews: Pluto, the Renewer (Czech National Symphony Orchestra and Chorus) Dvorak: Slavonic Dance No. 15 (Czech National Symphony Orchestra) Smetana: Skocna from The Bartered Bride (Czech National Symphony Orchestra) A Salute To Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. William Grant Still: Symphony No. 1, Afro-American (orig. recording of Dr. King’s I have a Dream speech; Chicago Sinfonietta) Copland: A Lincoln Portrait 25 1/22 1/29 5:00p 1/1 1/8 1/15 1/22 1/29 6:00p 8:00p (Chicago Sinfonietta; Yolanda King, narr) Parris: When All of God’s Children, Soon and Very Soon, I’m So Glad I’m Free (Chicago Sinfonietta; Apostolic Church Sanctuary Choir) Perkinson: Sinfonietta No. 2 (Chicago Sinfonietta) Garcia: Requiem Mass (Helsinki Philharmonic; Morgan State College Choir) Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3 (Royal Philharmonic) Banfield: Essay for Orchestra (Chicago Sinfonietta) Diemer: Organ Concerto (Czech National Symphony Orchestra; Marilyn Mason, org) Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6 (Czech National Symphony Orchestra) Dvorak: Slavonic Dance No. 8 (Czech National Symphony Orchestra) Glière: Russian Sailors’ Dance (Czech National Symphony Orchestra) Mozart: Ballet Music from Les Petits Riens (Chicago Sinfonietta) Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 3 (Philharmonia Orchestra; Derek Han, p), Concerto for Two Pianos (Czech National Symphony Orchestra; Paul Badura-Skoda, Joshua Cullen, p) Requiem in D (Slovakia Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus) From the Top Program TBA From Dallas, TX, featuring young musicians from around the country, including the Texas Boys Choir and the 2004 Junior Division Gold Medal Winner of the Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition. From the Harris Theater for Music and Dance in Chicago, this week’s show highlights performances by the prestigious violinist Rachel Barton Pine along with the Chicago Children’s Choir and the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra. From the Top’s special highlights episode gathers some of the favorite guest artist moments from the past couple of seasons. Audiences will hear violinist Midori joined three of young performers to play Haydn’s Gypsy Rondo, double bassist Edgar Meyer performs one of his own compositions and a mini master class conducted by one of the legends of classical music – the late great Isaac Stern, who appeared on the show in the Spring of 2001. From Jordan Hall in Boston audiences will meet a 13 year old pianist who is already a medical student, a trio from the Juilliard Pre-College Division perform a work by Astor Piazzolla, and a young tuba player from Washington. Sound & Spirit Pipedreams MONDAYS 7:00p 8:00p 1/2 1/9 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 22 Schubert: Six German Dances (for solo piano), Six German Dances (for orchestra), Symphony No. 6 (Christian Zacharias, p and cond) Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 Weill: Der Silbersee Overture, Alabama Song, Salomon Song, TangoBallade, Polly’s Song, Kanonen-Song, Denn wie man FM Listings 1/16 1/23 1/30 sich bettet, Nanna’s Song, J’attends un Navire, I’m a stranger here myself, Speak low/My ship, The Saga of Jenny (Ute Lemper, vocalist; Steven Copes, v; Christopher Brown, dbs, Andreas Delfs, harmonium, p, and cond) Husa: Serenade for Wind Quintet, Strings, Harp and Xylophone Argento: A Few Words About Checkov Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (Kimberly Barber, ms; Håken Hagegard, bar; Andreas Delfs, cond) Nyman: Prospero’s Books Suite Korngold: Violin Concerto in D Beethoven: Symphony No. 7 (Gil Shaham, v; Andreas Delfs, cond) Beethoven: Symphony No. 8, Symphony No. 9 (Nancy Moultsby, a; Carl Halvorson, t; Johann Tilli, b; Dale Warland Singers; Andreas Delfs, cond) TUESDAYS 7:00p 8:00p 1/3 1/10 1/17 1/24 1/31 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Live! At the Concertgebouw Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 3 Schubert: Symphony No. 10, Symphony No. 5 (Maria Joao Pires, p; Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra; Philippe Herreweghe, cond) Tchaikovsky: Romeo and Juliet Overture, Violin Concerto, Symphony No. 6 (Nikolaj Znaider, v; Pathetique Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra; Valery Gergiev, cond) Kox: Six One-act Plays Carter: Dialogues Prokofiev: Symphony No. 6 (Maki Namekawa, p; Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra; Dennis Russell Davies, cond) Medtner: Piano Concerto Rachmaninoff: Variations on a theme by Corelli Chopin: Etudes Godovsky: Transcriptions of Chopin Etudes (Boris Berezovsky, p) Williams: Symphony No. 3 Beethoven: Symphony No. 6 (Sybilla Rubens, s; Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra; Roger Norrington, cond) WEDNESDAYS 7:00p 8:00p 1/4 1/11 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center Bach: Brandenburg Concerto Nos. 4 and 5 (Ransom Wilson, Tara Helen O’Connor, f; Ida Kavafian, Joseph Silverstein, v; John Gibbons, hc) Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 6 (Paul Neubauer, Richard O’Neill, vla; Mark Kosower, Clancy Newman, Fred Sherry, c; Edgar Meyer, dbs; John Gibbons, hc) Berlioz: Les Nuits d’été (Jennifer Larmore, ms; Todd Phillips, Harumi Rhodes, Timothy Fain, Carmit Zori, Tai Murray, v; Paul Neubauer, Richard O’Neill, vla; Fred Sherry, Sophie Shao, c; Kurt Muroki, dbs; Tara Helen O’Connor, f; Stephen Taylor, o) Stravinsky: Renard, A Burlesque in Song and Dance (John Aler, Steven Paul Spears, t; Daniel Gross, Kevin Burdette, bs; Timothy Fain, Harumi Rhodes, v; Pau Neubauer, vla; Fred Sherry, c; Kurt Muroki, dbs; Tara Helen O’Connor, f; Stephen Taylor, o; Igor Begelman, Alan Kay, cl; Frank FM Listings 1/18 1/25 9:00p 1/4 1/11 1/18 1/25 JANUARY 2006 Morelli, bsn; William Purvis, h) Bartok: String Quartet No. 6 (Orion String Quartet) Ligeti: String Quartet No. 1 (Pacifica String Quartet) Bartok: String Quartet Nos. 3 and 4 (Orion String Quartet) The Civic Orchestra of Chicago Dvorak: The Noon Witch (Rossen Milanov, cond) Schnittke: Concerto Grosso No. 2 (Gidon Kremer, v; Kristina Blaumane, c; Andris Nelsons, cond) Schumann: Violin Concerto (Gidon Kremer, v; Andris Nelsons, cond) Brahms: Variations on a Theme by Haydn (Pinchas Zukerman, cond) Roussel: Suite No. 2 from Bacchus and Ariadne (Lorin Maazel, cond) Wood: Scenes from Comus (Stacey Tappan, s; Scott Ramsay, t; Sir Andrew Davis, cond) Haydn: Symphony No. 92 Beethoven: Symphony No. 1 (Cliff Colnot, cond) THURSDAYS 7:00p 8:00p 1/5 1/12 1/19 1/26 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin From the Salzburg Mozart Week & The Vienna Philharmonic: A Music Feast Mozart: Symphony in A, Concert Arias for Soprano and Orchestra Haydn: Symphony No. 104, London (Christine Schafer, s; Zubin Mehta, cond) Mozart: Symphony in B, Piano Concerto in C Haydn: Symphony No. 96, Miracle (Lang Lang, p; Roger Norrington, cond) Sibelius: Symphony No. 1 Brahms: Symphony No. 1, Symphony No. 4 (Mariss Jansons, cond) Mozart: Symphony in E-flat, Zaide (Diana Damrau, Zaide Michael Schade, Gomatz Matthias Goerne, Allazim Franz Hawlata, Osmin, cast; Tobias Moretti, narr; Nikolaus Harnoncourt, cond) Handel: Suite No. 1 Bach: Cantata No. 170 Corelli: Concerto Grosso Rameau: Orchestral Suite from Nais (Monica Groop, ms; Nicholas McGegan, cond) 1/20 Beethoven: Leonore Overture No. 3 Shostakovich: Violin Concerto No. 1 Prokofiev: Symphony No. 6 (Sarah Chang, v; Sir Andrew Davis, cond) 1/27 Barber: Adagio for Strings Dvorak: Cello Concerto Mussorgsky/Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition (Alisa Weilerstein, c; Peter Oundjian, cond) 10:00p Echoes with John Diliberto 1/13 SATURDAYS 11:00p 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 1:30p 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 6:00p 1/7 1/14 1/21 1/28 8:00p 1/7 1/14 FRIDAYS 7:00p 8:00p 1/6 Exploring Music with Bill McGlaughlin The Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Korngold: Der Schneeman Prelude, Serenade, and Entr’acte Liszt: The Shepherd’s Song and The Three Kings from Christus Tchaikovsky: Suite for The Nutcracker (Children’s Festival Chorus; Christine Jordanoff, dir; James Conlon, cond) Dr. King’s Message is Celebrated 1/21 1/28 Fascinatin’ Rhythm A Cottage For Two Beginning With Bland Bios In Song Java Jive The Metropolitan Opera L’elisir D’amore (Donizetti) A Mozart Celebration (From the Met Radio Archives) Die Zauberflöte (Mozart) Così Fan Tutte (Mozart)) A Prairie Home Companion Repeat broadcast TBA From the Ted Mann Theater at The University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis From the Ted Mann Theater at The University of Minnesota, in Minneapolis Live broadcast TBA Thistle & Shamrock with Fiona Ritchie Winter Heat Be prepared to mop your brow when you hear the hot instrumentals and warm, passionate singing of Kirsty MacColl, Salsa Celtica, Kila, and Natalie. Spirit of Youth Get a glimpse of the future of Celtic music from North Carolina newcomer Andrew Magill and Chicago great Liz Carroll, who described Magill’s first album as “an awesome debut.” Mairi MacInnes Meet this award-winning Gaelic singer from the Outer Hebrides who has traveled throughout North America and Europe with her blend of traditional and contemporary Gaelic song. And the Winner Is… Learn the results of the 2005 annual Scots Traditional Music Awards, featuring music from last year’s best album, songwriter, instrumentalist, live act, and more. Since 1989, the Choral Arts Society of Washington has organized and participated in an annual musical tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Tribute brings together individuals from all segments of the community to commemorate Dr. King’s ideals of non-violence, racial equality, and peace. A Tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., with the Choral Arts Society airs Monday, January 16 at 12 noon 27 FM Listings WXXI-FM Pays Tribute to Mozart! January 2006 marks the beginning of a year-long celebration of the 250th birthday of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791). Haydn once referred to Wolfgang as “the greatest composer known to me in person or by name; he has taste and, what is more, the greatest knowledge of composition” (The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music, edited by Stanley Sadie, Macmillan Press Ltd., London). Classical 91.5/90.3 kicks off the celebration on Thursday, January 5th at 8 p.m. with the first in a 13-part series A Musical Feast: from the Salzburg Mozartwoche and the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Throughout the month The Metropolitan Opera features A Mozart Celebration from the Met Archives at 1:30 p.m. on January 14th, Die Zauberflöte and Così fan Tutte on January 21 and 28. Tune in with your whole family on Sunday, January 22nd at 1 p.m. for Mozart’s Magnificent Voyage, a tale of the Dream Children and their journey back in time to Mozart’s childhood. Throughout the week, Classical 91.5/90.3 hosts will present many of the most well-known and loved of Mozart’s compositions, and you’ll have a chance to win tickets to local concerts. Listeners can join in the celebration by entering a limerick, haiku or poem as a birthday card to Mozart. Enter by e-mail at [email protected] or by mail to Magnificent Mozart on WXXI, P.O. Box 30021, Rochester, NY 14604-3021. A representation of the best entries will be read on the air throughout the week. Magnificent Mozart Week runs Sunday, January 22 through Saturday, January 28 ROCHESTER� PHILHARMONIC� ORCHESTRA CHRISTOPHER SEAMAN, Music Director JEFF TYZIK, Principal Pops Conductor THE EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY AND BAUSCH & LOMB PHILHARMONICS SERIES European� Masters Made possible in part by The Mozart Performance Fund Jan.� 12� &� 14� at� 8� p.m.� |� Pre-Concert� Chat� at� 7� p.m.� Eastman� Theatre� |� Tickets� start� at� $22 GÜNTHER HERBIG, conductor | TERRENCE WILSON, piano Gifted� pianist� Terrence� Wilson� returns� to� perform� Grieg’s beloved� Piano� Concerto.� Prominent� German� conductor� Günther Herbig� leads� your� RPO� in� Mozart’s� powerful� Symphony� No.� 3� “Linz” and Schumann’s� energetic� Symphony� No.� 3� “Rhenish.” Feelin’ Groovy: The Hits of the 60s and 70s – Grammy� Award-winning jazz� vocal� ensemble� New York Voices bring� their� tight� harmonies� and exquisite� arrangements� to� the� Eastman� Theatre� on� Jan.� 20� &� 21� at� 8� p.m. Call 454-2100, click for secure online purchases or visit any Wegmans Video Dept. RPO performances are made possible with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, a State Agency. American Airlines is the official airline of the RPO. AM Listings/NPR News MONDAY-FRIDAY 5:00a 5:30 6:00 8:00 Capital Connection 9:00 10:00 11:00 SATURDAY Legislative Gazette Morning Edition with Steve Inskeep and Renée Montagne and local host Alex Crichton 7:00 JANUARY 2006 The Diane Rehm Show 1-800-433-8850 SUNDAY Justice Talking Inside Europe On the Media Only a Game Speaking of Faith Weekend Edition with Scott Simon and local host Lee Strong Weekend Edition with Liane Hanson and local host John Andres Car Talk Wait! Wait! Don’t Tell Me! Car Talk Whad’Ya Know? Noon 1370 Connection with Bob Smith 585-263-9994 1:00p 2:00 Talk of the Nation 1-800-989-TALK 3:00 A Prairie Home Companion Marketplace Money Perspectives with Curt Smith Thistle & Shamrock 1370 Forum Mountain Stage 4:00 Living On Earth All Things Considered with Melissa Block, Michelle Norris, Robert Siegel and local host Deanna Garcia 5:00 6:00 6:30 7:00 8:00 Latino USA This American Life Marketplace Left, Right and Center Fresh Air Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson Mostly Jazz with Tom Hampson News & Notes with Ed Gordon Marian McPartland’s Piano Jazz Afropop Worldwide What’s New with Mark Grube Beale Street Caravan Riverwalk Jazz What’s New with Mark Grube Special Programming** Jazz from Lincoln Center Weekend Radio BBC World Service BBC World Service BBC World Service 9:00 1370 Connection with Bob Smith 10:00 11:00 All Things Considered All Things Considered with Jackie Lyden and Korva Coleman with Jackie Lyden and Korva Coleman MID. 5:00a **Special Programming Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays LeShow Perspectives w/ Curt Smith Car Talk This American Life The Tavis Smiley Show (airs until 1 a.m.) Morning Edition can also be heard on WRUR-FM 88.5 from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and on WJSL-FM 90.3 in Houghton from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. All Things Considered can also be heard on WRUR-FM 88.5 and on WJSL-FM 90.3 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. 29 You’ll hear from: er of the late Dr. • Yolanda King, daught talking about Jr., g Kin her Martin Lut of her father. acy leg t the non-violen Professor Dr. Zia • Princeton University ament Issues. arm for a Dis ar cle Nu on n Mia h Beaglehole on • Parenting expert Rut without resorting n ldre chi how to raise on the violence. to physical or emotional about his • Musician Steve Earle death penalty. the lish abo campaign to of ive director of the • Mel Duncan, execut in Sri Lanka. orc Nonviolent Peacef e hawk Mo son n sea During the • Oren Lyons and Joh aking ce cem Pea pea for s ian pe Ind ho an en eric wh on Am sed res exp on Earth are traditions. sides of the and resolutions for the Teenage girls from all • East talking dle New Year are made, Mid the in conflict ng ari he ur ho es at a an hop nd and spe about their fears ’s p. Cam ce from people whose life Pea r me sum work is pursuing peace sors Michael • Peace Studies Profes s Thi ys. wa t Rack on how to in differen ine rist Ch Nagler and lpe com of ium nd pe & universities. com teach peace in colleges ling moments from wit w h President • And a bonus intervie the “Peace Talks Radio in 2002. ed ord rec Jimmy Carter in 2005 offers AM Listings “The Infinite Mind” Takes an Extraordinary Look at Asperger’s Syndrome Tune in Program Pursuit Peace Series” hope and ideas for listeners about how to bring more peace into their own lives. Earth: The Peace “Seeking Peace on airs Saturday, al” Talks Radio Speci . p.m 3 at 7 ry Janua “Let’s not use the word ‘cure’ if you don’t mind… When you talk about cure you imply that we’re broken. I don’t feel broken.” So says Liane Holliday Willey, a woman who not so long ago would have been described as a “victim” of Asperger’s Syndrome. It’s been more than 60 years since the Austrian doctor Hans Asperger identified the condition that bears his name, but it has only been in the past decade or so that we have begun to understand its broader implications. Asperger’s Syndrome may be a part of the autistic spectrum, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that an “Aspie” can’t function in the world. This two-part special report on Asperger’s Syndrome offers a groundbreaking and extraordinary look at Asperger’s in children and young adults. “Asperger’s Syndrome: A Special Report from The Infinite Mind” airs Saturdays January 14 and 21 at 3 p.m. CANANDAIGUA AREA REAL ESTATE CHRIS COSTELLO, LIC. REAL ESTATE BROKER 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET, CANANDAIGUA, NY 14424 585.396.1014 PHONE / 585.396.2267 FAX JANUARY 2006 TH o c v s e i r D the W orld’s Natural W New Zealand Belize Death Valley Costa Rica Sicily Iceland Canadian Rockies Alaska S. Africa Safari Feb. 23 - March 14 March 1 - 10 March 12 - 20 March 30 - April 8 April 10 - 19 April 10 - 24 June 16 -28 June 21 - 30 July 18-27 July 27-Aug. 5 Sept 1 - 13 onders! North & South Island Extravaganza Ruins, Rainforests, and Reefs Snowy peaks to shimmering salt flats Birds, wildlife, and rainforests galore Cultural and natural history discovery Incredible natural beauty Jasper, Banff and more Denali, Kenai Fjords, Tracy Arm Africa’s great wildlife, birds, and more Nature Discoveries, Inc. (585) 586-8250 • (800) 452-4199 [email protected] SUNY Geneseo is a rich higher education resource for the Rochester area. Nearly 25 percent of the College’s 5,000 students come from the Greater Rochester area and more than 12,000 loyal alumni live and work in the region. 31 THANK YOU & HAPPY NEW YEAR TO OUR CORPORATE PARTNERS!! AEG Live AM Productions Abbey of the Genesee Accu Roll Acme Precision Screw Products Ad Council of Rochester — Lead Coalition Advanced Hearing Aid Center Advantage Federal Credit Union Senator Alesi All Occasions Catering Allendale Columbia School Alstom Signaling Foundation, Inc. American Guild of Organists American Red Cross Apropos Financial Planning Aristo Development Balconi Pontiac & GMC Bank of America Bausch & Lomb, Inc. Belhurst Castle Fred Beltz CLU Bergen Water Garden Birds Eye Foods Black Hawke Productions Bonadio Group Boylan Brown Code Vidgor & Wilson Brown & Brown Insurance Buick Dealers Association CAAP Enterprises C.S.E.A. Cabot Creamery Canadian Tulip Festival Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Paloma Capanna Carol Urtz & Associates Centre Wellington Tourism Marketing Partnership Chamberlain D’Amanda Chase Pitkin Chautauqua Institution Chubb & Son Inc. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Citizens Bank City Newspaper Clark Moving & Storage Inc. Colgate Rochester Divinity School Cook-Dahl, Inc. Remodeling Co. Corn Hill Arts Festival Corn Hill Waterfront Navigation Corning Museum of Glass Chris Costello Licensed Real Estate Craft Antique Co-op Cricket on the Hearth Crosstowne Quilting Curtiss Museum Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation Davenport-Hatch Foundation Deaf Rochester Film Festival Dolomite Products Dorschel Lexus Downstairs Cabaret Theatre ESL Investment Services Eastman Kodak Company Eastman School of Music Elizabeth Wende Breast Clinic Elora Festival Employee Relations Associates Entre Computer Services Episcopal Diocese of Rochester Equinox Symphony Orchestra Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Exhibits & More Fairport Savings Bank Faraci & Lange Ferrel’s Garage Fields Construction Finger Lakes Grassroots Festival Finger Lakes Radiation Center Flaum Management Frontier Corp. Outreach & Education Funtime Presents GEVA Gallery of Travel Garth Fagan Dance Gay Alliance of Genesee Valley Genesee Community Charter School Genesee Country Village & Museum Genesee Region Home Care Genesee Waterways Center Geneva Arts Geneva On The Lake George Eastman House Glattly Pianoforte Goforth Electric Gorfine Jewelers Greater Rochester Repertory Companies Greentree Capital Management Guidant Foundation Harbec Plastics Harris Beach LLP Harter Secrest & Emery LLP Hawn Heating & Air Conditioning High Falls Film Festival Highlands at Pittsford Home Trends Hosmer Nursery Houseparts Hunt Hurbson Business Interiors Imageout Film & Video Festival Ithaca Tompkins County Convention & Visitors Bureau JCC Centerstage Jewish Community Federation Jewish Home of Rochester KalTech Support Team Key Bank Kidney Foundation of Upstate NY Killian Schmitt Foundation Koopus & Rich Landmark Society Lexus Lifetime Assistance M&T Bank MDB Industries MacShack Mann’s Jewelers Maplewood Nursing Home Matthews & Fields Lumber McArdle Ramerman Memorial Art Gallery Messenger Post Michigan State University MCC Association, Inc. MCC Damon Center Monroe Wheelchair Morgan Stanley Museum of the Earth Mykonos Greek Cuisine National Education Association Nature Discoveries Inc. Nazareth College Nazareth College Arts Center NYS Broadcasters NYS Department of Health NYS Department of Labor NYS Energy Research Dev. Auth. NYS Lottery NYS United Teachers Nixon Peabody LLP Northfield Designer Goldsmith Notre Dame High School Oakleaf Landscape Associates Olive Tree Restaurant One Beacon Insurance One World Goods Ontario Mall Antiques Ontario Tourism Oser Press Ottawa Jazz Festival Outlandish Videos & Gifts PHA Health, Wellness & Fitness Centers Pace Window & Door Corp. Thos. R. Paddock Oriental Rug Exchange Park Avenue Festival Ralph Parks – Smith Barney Paychex The Pike Co. Pinehurst Senior Living Center Pluta Cancer Center Stephen Polizzi Ins. Agency Preferred Care Presentation Source Pride Connection Q The Medical Spa at Lindsay House Renaissance-Goodie II Shoppe Rivers Run Rnews Road Runner Business Class Senator Robach Roberts Communications Roberts Wesleyan College Rochester Area Community Foundation Rochester Broadway Theatre League RG&E The Rochester Group Rochester Hearing & Speech Center RIT Athenaeum RIT – COB/EMBA RIT – Grad. & PT Enroll. Svcs. RIT – MPD/MML Program RIT School of Film & Animation Rochester International Jazz Festival Rochester Oratorio Society Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra Rochester Teachers Association Sage Harbor at Baywinde Sage Rutty & Co. St. Jacobs Country Tourism St. John Fisher College St. Mary’s Church Salmon Creek Nursery Richard Sarkis/Michael Faucher Willard H. Scott Funeral Home Inc. Seneca Lake Wine Trail SeniorsFirst of Valley Mannor Shepard Brothers Ford Shopping Bag Advertiser William E. Simon School Sisters of Mercy Smith Opera House Snyder and Snyder Society for Chamber Music in Rochester Sonnenberg Gardens Southside Shuffle Blues & Jazz Festival SUNY College at Brockport SUNY Geneseo Eugene Stephens Stickley, Audi & Co. Store To Door Strong Health Strong Health – Cancer Center Strong Health – Highland Hospital Strong Museum Sugargrove Underground RR Convention The Summit at Brighton Tasteful Connections Catering Telesensory Corporation Time Warner Cable Transcat Inc. Tyra Associates US Airports United University Professions United Way of Greater Rochester Univ. of Buffalo Center for Arts Univ. of Roch. Sleep Disorder Center Univ. of Roch. Warner Graduate School Upstate Gardeners’ Journal Valley Cadillac Velmex The Verdi Group Verizon Wireless West WNY Jobs Wizard of Clay Women GYN & Childbirth Assoc. Woods, Oviatt, Gilman LLP The Write Book & Gift Shop Writers & Books Zaretsky & Assoc., Inc. MAILING WXXI Public Broadcasting Council 280 State Street • P.O. Box 30021 Rochester, New York 14603-3021 (585) 325 -7500 PERIODICAL begins January 9 on cable 433 or DT 21.3 and for more information, click create on what is create? Create is a new WXXI digital channel which you’ll taste imagine explore grow soon find you can’t live without. On any given day, Create food fans will feast on Jacques Pépin: Fast Food My Way, Lidia’s Italian-American Kitchen, Simply Ming and many others. Wandering souls will enjoy Rick Steves’ Europe Classics and Smart Travels — Europe with Rudy Maxa. Craft enthusiasts will learn from America Sews with Sue Hausmann and Quilt Central. Budding artists will appreciate The Best of the Joy of Painting and One Stroke Painting with Donna Dewberry. You’ll find your favorite shows — and new ones — 24 hours a day, every day. Create a new style of life starting January 9 on cable 433 or DT 21.3.
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