Caesarian Section After a


Caesarian Section After a
After a
A Caesarian Section (C-section) is a
surgical procedure which involves the
delivery of a baby through an incision
(cut) in the abdomen.
How you might feel afterwards:
After a C-section it is normal to feel quite sore in your lower
abdomen. The pain will lessen as time passes.
The usual healing process for a C-section is 4-6 weeks.
You may find it difficult to sit up, stand up and do other
* activities
which involve using your abdominal muscles.
You may have some bruising, minor swelling and redness.
You may have itchiness or a feeling of numbness along the incision
You may note a small amount of clear discharge from the incision (it
should not be blood or pus).
If staples have been used to close your incision, you will need to
return to the doctor to have these removed a few days after you
leave the hospital.
If stitches have been used to close your incision these will dissolve.
You will have vaginal discharge/ bleeding which will be bright red
for the first 3-4 days, a brownish to pinkish color day 4-10, and
yellowish-white color day 10-6 weeks.
You may have gas pains after a C-section.
You may experience feelings of disappointment or frustration
(especially after an unplanned C-section). It is important to discuss
these feelings with your partner, family or health care provider.
For more information, contact
Durham Health Connection Line
905-666-6241 or 1-800-841-2729
May 2009
Call your doctor if:
Your abdominal pain has not
been relieved at all despite
taking pain medication as
directed by your doctor
(e.g. excessive pain).
You have a fever
(temperature > 37.8° C or
100°F), chills or a rapid pulse.
There is redness, heat or
extreme swelling (lumps)
along the incision line.
There is yellow, green or
foul-smelling discharge
oozing from the incision.
There is blood oozing from
the incision.
There is any separation
(opening up)
along the incision line.
You have not had a bowel
movement for several days
after your C-section
or you are not passing gas.
You are experiencing nausea
and vomiting.
You have pains in your legs,
particularly if your leg is
swollen and red.
You have pain in your chest,
or shortness of breath.
You feel dizzy or faint.
You have bright red bleeding
from your vagina that
completely soaks one or more
pads in 2 hours, and does not
stop or slow with rest.
You are passing blood clots
larger than the size of a loonie.
You have foul-smelling
vaginal discharge.
You are experiencing pain/
burning when urinating,
or having difficulty passing
General Care
After a C-section:
It is important to keep the incision clean and
dry, and to leave it open to the air as much as
Discuss your need for pain medication with
your doctor.
For the first 6 weeks after delivery, you should
avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby.
You should avoid activities that involve
pushing or pulling (e.g. vacuuming).
It is fine to have a shower, but ensure that
you dry the incision well afterwards, and if
possible leave it open to the air for a little
What May Help:
Hold a pillow over your abdomen when
moving, coughing or sneezing.
Use comfort measures or relaxation
techniques during your recovery period (e.g.
deep breathing, music, dim lights).
Roll onto your side first and push up with
your arms when getting up from a lying
position, rather than using your abdominal
If you are breastfeeding your baby, you may
find it more comfortable to use the football
position or side lying position (so that the
baby is not lying across your abdomen).
Move slowly if you need to climb stairs
(avoid them if possible).
Walking and rocking in a rocking chair may
relieve gas pains. Lying on your left side may
also help relieve gas. (Do not use a straw to
drink fluids as this may increase gas).
If you are having difficulty passing a bowel
movement, ensure that you drink plenty of
fluids, try to eat fruits, vegetables and foods
high in fibre. Discuss the need for a stool
softener with your doctor.