October Newsletter - Neighborhood Medical Center


October Newsletter - Neighborhood Medical Center
Halloween Safety Tips
Neighborhood Medical Center
438 W. Brevard St.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Halloween is here and Neighborhood Medical Center would like everyone to
Smith-Williams Center
2295 Pasco St.
Tallahassee, FL 32310
Phone: 850.224.2409
Email: [email protected]
1. Stick to the Familiar (Try trick-or-treating in areas you are familiar
We’re on the Web!
2. Stay Visible (Take a flashlight, wear glow lights around you neck, or add
3. Look for welcome signs (Only visit homes that are well lit or have visible signs that they welcome trick-or-treaters)
no wardrobe malfunctions)
5. When in Doubt, throw it out! (If you have any doubts that something
you received while out trick-or-treating is not safe throw it away)
For More tips on how to stay safe visit www.safekids.org
What’s Happening at NMC
October 5, 2013
Health Fair @ Havana Elementary School , 10am-2pm
(705 U.S. 27, Havana, FL 32333)
October 15, 2013
FAMU University Health and Safety Day, 10am-4pm
(Hansel Tookes Sr. Recreation Center, 2101 Wahnish Way Tallahassee, FL 32307)
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
October 23, 2013
Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon, 11am-1pm
(Smith-Williams Center, 2295 Pasco St. Tallahassee, FL 32310)
Inside this issue:
Breast Cancer Awareness
NMC Spotlight
Domestic Violence
4. Practice wearing costumes before the big day (Give your trick-ortreaters an opportunity to wear their costume before they head out to ensure
What could you do in Ten Minutes??
with like where you live, the mall, or local grocery stores)
reflectors to your costume)
Neighborhood’s Health Beats
stay safe! Here are some quick tips on how to stay safe and have a Happy
Satellite Locations:
Cecil V. Butler Building
604 E. 5th Ave.
Havana, FL 32333
Phone: 850.539.9800
October 2013
Refuge House Domestic Violence Awareness Month Candle
Light Vigil and Survivor Speak-Out, 6pm-8pm
(Tom Brown Park, 501 Easterwood Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32311)
Medical Legal Partnership 3
Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among American women and
is also one of the leading causes of cancer deaths1. The best way to detect breast
cancer is with a mammogram, an X-ray of the breast, but it is also important to
keep up clinical breast exams and self breast exams. Self– breast exams should
be performed once a month and can be done in ten minutes or less. Frequent self
-breast exams allow you to become more familiar and learn what is normal in
your breast (below you will find a picture to help you with your self-breast exam).
Along with regular mammogram screenings and self breast exams there are also
a few things you can do to lower your risk of breast cancer. To lower your risk
you should:
Control your weight and exercise
Know your family history of breast cancer
Find out the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy
Limit the amount of alcohol you drink
For more information on breast cancer and to learn more about the signs and
symptoms please visit www.cdc.gov
Self-Breast Exam Diagram
Page 2
Neighborhood’s Health Beats
NMC Spotlight
Board Chair Alexis McMillian
presents Taylor Taskey with the
Volunteer Award for her dedication and community service to
Neighborhood Medical Center.
Board Chair Alexis McMillian
presents Karen Walker with the
Caring Heart Award for her heroic efforts at NMC. Walker assisted an employee who was
choking by doing the Heimlich
maneuver saving her life.
Page 3
Medical Legal Partnership Visits Havana
Board Chair Alexis McMillian
presents Darlyne Acre with
the Rising Star Award for her
dedication and the positivity
she brings to NMC. Acre is
always willing to step in and
do whatever it takes to get
the job done.
The Medical-Legal Partnership is a collaboration between the Florida State University College of Law and
Medicine. Law students partner with medical students, social work students, lawyers and physicians to examine patients’ social determinants of health. The Medical-Legal Partnership program at FSU has partnered with
Neighborhood Medical Center to provide free services to the patients. If you have a disability that is keeping
you from working, need help with your social security disability application, or need assistance with a problem
with your immigration status the Medical-Legal Partnership may be able to help you with your legal problems.
If you would like more information please contact 850.224.2469. (Photos above starting from the left: NMC
Executive Director Oretha Jones and Medical Legal Partnership students; Medical Legal Partnership students;
and Oretha Jones, Dr. Jose Rodriguez, and Wendy Adelson, Director of Medical-Legal Partnership).
Domestic Violence Awareness
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, domestic violence is the willful
intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by
an intimate partner against another2. It is estimated
that 1 in every 4 women will experience domestic
violence in her lifetime and an estimated 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an
intimate partner each year. More specifically, here
in the Big Bend area, the Refuge House responded
to 3,537 domestic violence-related hotline calls,
and 352 sexual assault calls in 20103. The Refuge
House serves all people affected by domestic violence and sexual assault across the eight counties of the Big Bend. Domestic violence and
sexual assault affect thousands of women, chil-
dren, and men in our community every year. If you or someone you know is being abused there are three important things
you should remember:
You are not alone
It is not your fault
Help is available
If you need help please contact :
24 Hour Hotline 850.681.2111
The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233
Mobile Mammograms
Tech Care X-Ray now provides mammography examinations! This great
addition to their services will allow NMC patients to have access to mammograms without having to leave the facility.