2013 February - Newsletter - ACE Mentor Program of America


2013 February - Newsletter - ACE Mentor Program of America
ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Board Members
•Melissa Boulden, MacIntosh
•Lyle Frederick, Chairman, Skanska
USA Building
•Amanda Cieslak, Whiting-Turner
•Deirdre Smith, Co-Chairman,
Duffield Associates
•Philip Conroy, Bancroft
•Bob MacIntosh, Secretary,
MacIntosh Engineering
•Lisa Donlon, VanDemark & Lynch
•Lisa DeRose, Treasurer, Whisman,
Giordano & Associates, LLC
•Michael J. Chajes, University of
•Philip Conroy, Bancroft
•Frank Hagen, DASL
•Steve Lehm, VanDemark & Lynch
•Dev Sitaram, Karins and Associates
•Ted Thomson, Pennoni Associates
(Team Captain)
•Diana Eidenshink, Corporate
Support, ACE Mentor Program of
Eastern PA
•Vicky Newton, Mitchell Associates
•Geoffrey Anderson, Rodney
Robinson Landscape Architects
•Jack Mannke, E.P. Guidi
•Amanda Cieslak, Whiting-Turner
•Tim Edmondson, Whiting-Turner
•Lyle Frederick, Skanska USA
•Jason Hartman, Skanska USA
•Peter Hayes, Skanska USA Building
•Todd Huber, Whiting-Turner
•Joseph Jakubowski, Duffield
•John Johnson, Karins and
Associates (Team Captain)
•Jack Mannke, E.P. Guidi
•Vicky Newton, Mitchell Associates
•Terry Profita, Skanska USA
•Dev Sitaram, Karins and Associates
•Deirdre Smith, Co-Chairman,
Duffield Associates
•J.R. Stokes, Whiting-Turner
•Ted Thomson, Pennoni Associates
What is ACE?
ACE is a unique partnership
among industry
professionals — architects,
interior designers, landscape
architects, mechanical,
structural, electrical,
environmental and civil
engineers, construction
managers, college and
university representatives,
and other professionals
from related corporations
and professional
organizations — who work
together to attract young
people to their professions.
Industry professionals
volunteer to become
mentors to high school
students in order to
introduce them to the
professions and encourage
them to pursue studies and
careers in these fields. In
return, the industry gets a
much-needed boost of new
talent. Go to acementor.org
for more info.
More Information
For more information on
the Delaware ACE Chapter,
please visit:
•Geoff Anderson, Rodney Robinson
Landscape Architects
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Students (Hodgson Vocational Technical High School)
•Shantelle Aidoo
•Stephen Hunter
•Arman Reid
•Tyler Alexander
•Katie Kanich
•Matt Rodriguez
•Zach Amalfitano
•Mike Lafashia
•Zach Schools
•Brandon Ayers
•Adrien Mack
•John Tejeda
•Brandon Bly
•Louis Mason
•Seanice Thompson
•Mike Brereton
•Adam Parker
•Gianmarco Vasquez
•Erik Caputo
•Takeara Purnell
•Ivy Wilson
•Gabe Cox
•Jimmy Ramos
Student Profiles (Hodgson Vocational Technical High School)
Shantelle Aidoo
The reason I joined ACE was to
give me an experience in these
career areas. Also, so I can see what
the path forward is in the field of
architecture and interior design.
Zack Amalfitano
I chose to participate in the
ACE Mentoring program
because I want to pursue a
career in architecture. Being a
successful architect is my dream and one day I
would like to design my house.
Brandon Bly
Tyler Alexander
I wanted to join ACE because
I would like to design houses
for certain areas. Another
reason why I joined was
because I wanted to expand my mind on
what’s out there and to visualize a profession.
Brandon Ayers
I have chosen to do ACE
because I wanted to expand my
understanding of different types
of architecture. I also would like to
start the co-op program by the end
of the school year with one of the employers that
are volunteering with ACE now and in the future.
The reason why I chose ACE
is to learn more about it and
to do more hands-on work
outside of class. And because I
thought and think it is a fun after school activity.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Student Profiles (Hodgson Vocational Technical High School)
Michael Brereton
I am doing ACE so I can get a job
sooner in civil engineering. I am
also doing it so I can get some
experience I wouldn’t get in the
Gabe Cox
The reason I signed up to join ACE
was because I would like to have the
opportunity to be with real architects
and engineers to learn from. I think
ACE could help me in the future by
learning from everything ACE has to offer me.
Katie Kanich
I joined ACE to gain a better
understanding of how technical
drafting and design is used in
society and to learn about the
different career fields I could pursue in the future.
Adrien Mack
I joined ACE to learn from
professionals and to get a head start
on others my age who are looking to
get into this field.
Adam Parker
Erik Caputo
I joined ACE because I
wanted to have more
experience with architecture.
As a student who is planning
on going to college for
architecture, I felt like this program could help
me understand more, meet actual architects in
this field and to have the opportunity to say I
was a part of this amazing program.
Stephen Hunter
I am doing ACE because I
would like to pursue a career
in architecture and I’m hoping
ACE will help me get there.
Michael LaFashia
The reason I joined ACE was
to further my education in
the drafting career area.
Louis Mason
I joined ACE to better my
education. Also, to one day
become an architect so I
will need the most help I
can get.
The first reason is to learn more and
my other reason is to see what we will
do in real life.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Student Profiles (Hodgson Vocational Technical High School)
Takeara Purnell
Jimmy Ramos
I want to have a career
in interior design and to
continue onto college
studying architecture.
I see ACE as a doorway to really
get into drafting and design. It
gives me a little more exposure to
my field.
Arman Reid
I joined ACE because I
want to be an architect
and interior designer. I
believe that this program
will help in both of these fields and provides
ample opportunities and to work with
experienced people in those fields.
Matthew Rodriguez
I want to be part of ACE because
I wanted to go to college for
architecture and make a career out of
it. By joining ACE, I hope to learn more
about engineering and architecture.
Zach Schools
I decided to join ACE because I
thought it would look good on a
job application. Also, I wanted to
learn more about drafting.
John Tejeda
I have chosen to participate in
the ACE Mentoring program
because I want to pursue the
engineering field and I believe
ACE will help me get there. ACE provides hands
on skills that could help me in the engineering
Seanice Thompson
I joined ACE to gain skills in the
engineering field. Another reason
why I joined is because I wanted
to experience some situations
that I might face in this field.
Gianmarco Vasquez
Ivy Wilson
I joined ACE because
I want to expand my
knowledge within this
field. I would also like
to get more insight into an engineering
I joined ACE because I felt that it would
help in my shop and hopefully help
me get into college so I could pursue a
major in architecture.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Schedule of Meetings (Hodgson Vocational Technical High School)
Activity/Project Action
Hodgson Tech HS
ACE Introduction / Overview
Tower of Babel project
Lyle Frederick
Hodgson Tech HS
Structures (Bridges)
Begin bridge design
(teams of 3-5)
Melissa Bouden
Hodgson Tech HS
Bridge Contest / New Project
Construct and test bridges
University of
Site Visit University of
Identify existing site
conditions / Pace and
sketch site / Identify
potential project types
Alex Cloonan and
Kathy Comisiak
(University of
Christmas Break
Hodgson Tech HS
Main Project / Civil
Students present desired
project type / Discuss
Joe Jakubowski
(Duffield Associates)
Hodgson Tech HS
Structural and Foundation
Identify and draw
structural plan / Finish
Melissa Boulden
Hodgson Tech HS
Draw schematics / Mass
John Raftery
(Mitchell Associates)
Hodgson Tech HS
Interior Design
Interior design / Finish
Vicky Newton
(Mitchell Associates)
Skanska Prefab
Site Visit to Nemours Prefab
and MEP
Prefab shop tour
Marty Corrado
Hodgson Tech HS
Review components of
Amanda Cieslak
Hodgson Tech HS
Complete rating checklist /
key LEED credits
Joe Jakubowski
(Duffield Associates)
Hodgson Tech HS
Work Session
Work Session
Hodgson Tech HS
Practice Presentation
Practice Presentation
Final Presentations
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Students (Delcastle Technical High School)
•Jorge Campos
•Pharaoh Manson
•Jhovany Tovar
•Tyler Collins
•Jesus Moran
•Jose Vasquez
•Jon Ferro
•Juan Ortiz
•Kelsie Weeks
•Randy Garcilazo Ceja
•Alejandro Pentoja
•Trenton Whitaker
•Scott Grimes
•Dwayne Riley
•Ashley Wing
•Edgar Gutierrez
•Brandon Robinson
•Jesus Zamudio
•Kelsea Jonsen
•Jorge Santiago
•Mody Lopez
•Shaniyah Scott
Student Profiles (Delcastle Technical High School)
Tyler Collins
Jon Ferro
I decided to join ACE Mentoring
because I felt it would be a great
learning experience and it had
great opportunities. This will be
my third year in ACE and I have
learned a lot about the different fields and all
the work that actually goes into engineering.
Also ACE it has given me a broader view on what
type of engineering I would want to pursue with
continuing the field. We have really great mentors
in ACE I appreciate the fact that they take time out
of their work day to come teach us new things, I
have learned a lot. Thanks!!!
I joined ACE Mentoring because
I realized that the experience I
will gain is invaluable. This is the
only time I will be able to learn
and cooperate with professionals in my desired
career area. I’m leaning toward doing architecture
because I think it would be awesome to be able to
say “I designed that building” to whomever. Also I
enjoy the hands-on experience, as well as working
with my peers. Finally, I would like to thank all of
the ACE mentors who took their time to assist us
Edgar Gutierrez
I signed up for ACE because I am really interested in pursuing the career of civil
engineering. And with joining this program, I think that I will/have learned a lot about
the specific field I like, and about the many other ones as well. This is my second year
participating in the program, and I can honestly say that I did learn a lot during that
period. I learned about how everyone in the group is a big help with the main project.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Student Profiles (Delcastle Technical High School)
Randy Garcilazo
I signed up for the ACE
mentoring program
because I wanted to get
a better exposure of what engineering
careers are out in the working field. Being in
technical drafting has given me a good idea
of what I want to pursue after graduating
but after joining ACE, my views completely
changed. I started out thinking of studying
civil engineering but I now have more of a
liking toward construction management. If
it weren’t for the mentors taking time out
of their schedules just to come share their
experiences, I don’t think I would have been
exposed to all the careers that each mentor
is in. I don’t regret joining ACE and I would
recommend it to any student to take this
chance because opportunities like this to be
part of something is great and don’t come
very often, nor are they always available to
Kelsea Jonsen
I chose to participate in ACE Mentoring
because I know that I can greatly
benefit from this program. The
fact that we get to interact with
professionals in our future career
area is very helpful and convenient. Getting an inside
look in the everyday life of an engineer, in my case;
can truly assist me in my upcoming career choice. The
projects, hands on learning, professional assistance, and
field trips expose me to real industry practices. Being
involved in a program like ACE is an honor and I’m glad
that I’m a part of such a great organization.
Mody Lopez
The reason why I chose to be in ACE is
mostly because during my sophomore
year my shop teacher, Mr. B., was
telling our class about all the activity
and experience that the program will give you since we
weren’t that familiar with all the type of the trades in
are shop, and that there will be professional architects
mechanical engineers, interior design, etc. there to help
you understand. Also, he said during your senior year
you can get a scholarship of $1,000 for college and that
really would help me out for college.
Juan Ortiz
I joined the ACE Mentoring program because I thought it would help me learn a little
more about the stuff that I will learn about in the future like architecture. I’d like this
program to teach me how all different types of careers in the tech drafting career
area are related, and what each career does. The career type that I’d want to get is
either in mechanical design or architecture. I’d consider architecture because I like the type of work that
architects do, and I’d consider going into mechanical design because it is challenging work to do, and I
like being challenged with my designs.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Student Profiles (Delcastle Technical High School)
Pharaoh Manson
I joined ACE because I wanted to
learn more about architecture and
construction. So far ACE is meeting
my principles. ACE works for me
because not only are you learning
but you are getting some experience out there, like
when you go on field trips. What I learn in class is
translated to what I do in ACE and each Wednesday I
am there, I make the most of it. It is something about
the mentors and the activities and what we do that
makes everything so worthwhile. In ACE you have
mentors that take time out of their day, who are
willing to help you and share their knowledge with
you to make you better in the field, and they do not
get paid for it. That is amazing! I guess you can say
that ACE is the place to be.
Dwayne Riley
I signed up for ACE because I am
interested in further pursuing the
architecture career. My sophomore
year I committed to ACE in hopes
that I could better my skills. I also hoped that I could
learn from the upperclassmen. Now that I’m a senior,
I feel that I have learned a lot from my classmates
and the program itself. I also hope to contribute to
helping the underclassmen learn more about the
career area. I’ve learned a lot, specifically in the
architecture field which has helped me know for
certain that I want to pursue an architecture career.
Jesus Moran
The reason why I wanted to
do ACE is because I wanted
to learn more things about
the industry of architecture
and all of the other careers.
For next year, I’m hoping to be able to make a
good impression so I have a chance to have a
co-op job and maybe be able to add on to my
Brandon Robinson
I chose the ACE Mentoring
program to get a better
grip on architecture and
engineering. I knew that there
were lots of professionals that went through
all the schooling and were in the business a bit.
I also wanted to get more information to use
in school and in my normal day. I wanted to
get better knowledge for when I go to college
so I would be better than others. I am looking
to get a job in the engineering field.
Ashley Wing
I chose to participate in the
ACE Mentoring program
so that I could enhance my
knowledge of the field and
what it has to offer. I would
like to expand the options I have coming out
of high school. I am especially interested in
learning more about civil engineering and
what it has to offer in the future.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Student Profiles (Delcastle Technical High School)
Shaniyah Scott
I signed up for the ACE
mentoring program to gain
more knowledge about the
several different career areas
from the trade of technical
drafting. I want to become an architect and an
interior designer because I’m interested in the
design and making of homes. By joining this
program, I want to learn more about those
occupations so that I can have more of an
experience when I graduate high school and
when I enroll in college.
Jose Vasquez
I signed up for ACE because
I have decided that I want
to continue studying in the
field of engineering. The
career that I want to continue studying is civil
engineering. I joined in my junior year so that
I can also better my skills. I wanted to better
understand what it really is like being in this
field. Being in ACE has really made me realize
that I do want to continue my study in this
specific career area. Being in ACE has made
me change my decision of being an architect
to being a civil engineer.
Jhovany Tovar
I signed up for the ACE Mentoring
program to better my knowledge
and the understanding of my
shop by hoping to obtain better
experience in fields that interest
me such as architecture, civil engineering and
interior designing. Working alongside professionals
helping me to have a better understanding
toward what field would benefit me and which I
would like to pursue. Signing up junior year was
a great choice. I learned an abundant amount of
knowledge every meeting by having hands on
experience and trips to actual construction sites.
I hope to help underclassmen this year in the
program and at the same time further expand my
knowledge from the mentors.
Jesus Zamudio
This will be my third year
participating in the ACE Mentoring
program at Delcastle Technical High
School. I entered the program for the
experience and for the opportunity
to further expand my knowledge on the career and
to meet business professionals. After three years, I
have decided to stay with the program every year
because I enjoyed the experience I had participating
in the program. It is my wish to continue my last year
in the program and to further down the line study
mechanical engineering or architecture.
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ACE Mentor
Program Delaware
Newsletter | February 2013
Schedule of Meetings (Delcastle Technical High School)
Activity/Project Action
Delcastle Tech HS
ACE Introduction / Overview
Tower of Babel project
Ted Thomson, Jr.
(Pennoni Associates)
Delcastle Tech HS
Structures (Bridges)
Begin bridge design
(teams of 3-5)
Ted Thomson, Jr.
(Pennoni Associates)
Delcastle Tech HS
Delcastle Tech HS
Bridge Contest / New Project
Construct and test bridges
Deirdre Smith
(Duffield Associates)
University of
Site Visit University of
Identify existing site
conditions / Pace and
sketch site / Identify
potential project types
Alex Cloonan and
Kathy Comisiak
(University of
No Class
Christmas Break
Delcastle Tech HS
Main project / Civil and
Students present desired
project type / Discuss
Colin Kraucunas
(Duffield Associates)
Delcastle Tech HS
Identify and draw
structural plan / Finish
Bob MacIntosh
Delcastle Tech HS
Draw schematics / Mass
Scott Lester (ABHA
Tim Edmonson
(Whiting Turner) and
Jack Mannke (E.P.
Delcastle Tech HS
Review components of
Skanska Prefab
Site visit to Nemours prefab
and MEP
Prefab shop tour
Marty Corrado
(Skanska USA
Delcastle Tech HS
Interior Design
Interior design / Finish
Madeline Fucile
(Mitchell Associates)
Delcastle Tech HS
Delcastle Tech HS
Work Session
Work Session
Delcastle Tech HS
Practice Presentation
Practice presentation
Complete rating checklist / Phil Conroy (Bancroft
Key LEED credits
Final Presentations
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